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Photo: AA Michael ~ We Are Doing Everything We Can To Get Your Attention ~ 25 January, 2013 Synchronicities, feathers, coins, and signs of all kinds abound at this time. We are doing everything we can to get your attention. We are here and we are working with you in every way we are able. If you are open to the possibility, ask and you will receive all the signs you need that we are indeed with you.There is much, much more to reality than you know or even imagine. You have spent over a hundred years searching for the ‘missing link’. Did they but know it, it is at last beginning to be acknowledged by your scientists. Consciousness is that link. Consciousness is everywhere. Energy is everything. At its core, matter is no more solid than thought is. All is love.How much is understood now that was totally foreign to the thinking of mankind so recently. Of course in many places only the very few think of these things at all. But that is changing, as well. In your quiet inner moments, dwell on these things, dearest ones. More than things to pass through your mind, what do they mean? Could it be that nothing separates you from any other thing? Could it be that nothing really separates you from me? Could you possibly know what I want you to know before you read these pages? Is there a level at which we are indeed all One?What would that mean in the context of daily life? All are equal? Indeed, dear ones. All are worthy? All are loved? All are precious? No one and nothing is less than? Most of all you, in your being, are precious, worthy, and loved beyond measure.You are exactly as you need to be at this moment. It may take some time for you to allow this become your true belief and feeling, but we assure you that it must be and will be your truth at some point. Claim it now, it has never been untrue, even when you have felt so.All of the pain, all of the suffering, exist because you have allowed the belief of your being less than, of being undeserving, of being unloved and unworthy to live in your hearts. It is time now for you to awaken from that nightmare.Ask! Allow! Listen! Learn to love yourself as the son or daughter of the One. There are those of you who will feel these words deeply. We tell you that from the moment you realize this, we will walk with you and hold your hand as you find your way out of the dream. Your Creator has no interest whatsoever in seeing you suffer and never has had. You are deeply loved.Good day, beloveds. We will speak again shortly.

December 6, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

By Suzanne Lie,

Second Transmission to Earth / The Arcturians  –  12-5-14

Our Dear Ones,

We the Arcturians welcome you back for the remainder of our transmission. We left off our transmission by explaining that the consciousness contained within the 3D Matrix of your physical form is intimately intertwined with the consciousness within the 3D Matrix of Earth.

Thus, your personal 3D Matrix is grounded into and melded with the planetary 3D Matrix. Thus, as you allow the inflow of higher frequencies of light into your 3D Matrix, it is instantly shared with the 3D Matrix of Gaia’s planetary body. Gaia then amplified that light and sends it back to you.

This form of mutual reception occurs as the back and forth flow of the timeless higher frequencies of light escalating to transmute both planetary and personal matrixes. In this manner, the time-bound holograms of personal and planetary form allow the outflow of their time-bound expressions into the timeless world of antimatter.

Simultaneously, antimatter projects its inflow of formless light into the matrixes of the physical Earth. In this fashion, your consciousness, and eventually your form, will phase in and out of differing dimensions. You can ‘lock’ your consciousness into the dimension of your choice by sending the bonding force of unconditional love into that dimension of reality.

While you are bonded to that dimension via your unconditional love, that particular expression of your Multidimensional SELF will be highlighted as ‘your experience.’ You unlock your consciousness by taking the ‘key’ of unconditional love out of the ‘lock.’ Your higher expressions of SELF resonate beyond time. Thus, when you re-enter your 3D life, you can do so a second before you left.

Furthermore, you do not actually leave. You are expanding your physical consciousness into the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Thus, you are NOT leaving; you are bi-locating. This bi-location is normal to your higher dimensional expressions of SELF because resonating beyond time allows you to maintain the conscious awareness of more than one reality at the ‘same time.’

Once you completely link your multidimensional mind with your third dimensional brain, you will be able to expand your conscious awareness into multiple expressions of your SELF within the ONE of the NOW. When you first awaken to your multidimensionality you may only be able to contain one other expression of your SELF while you are also wearing your physical form.

Your physical form can ‘burn out’ like a dry leaf in a fire from the higher frequencies of your SELF. Hence, until you activate at least your inner lightbody, your kundalini, it will be difficult to hold the true ‘fire’ of your SELF in your physical form.

Conversely, your multidimensional mind is not limited to your form and has a filter so that only the frequencies that your physical form can tolerate will actually be downloaded into your 3D matrix. This one-way flow of the quantum expression of your SELF is continuously interfaced between your multidimensional mind and our third dimensional brain.

Your physical consciousness and body can only access this multidimensional information via your multidimensional consciousness. Many of you are experiencing immense changes in your body as it adapts to its higher dimensional expression of Lightbody.

Your Lightbody is continuously housed within the kundalini force within your core, and within your multidimensional mind. From these locations, your multidimensional lightbody is slowly seeping into your earth vessel to gradually and safely transmute your 3D matrix into higher frequencies of resonance.

Remember that transmutation does not add or subtract any elements of your form. That process is known astransformation in which new elements are added to create the shift. Within the process of transmutation nothing is added or subtracted. Instead, every cell and atom is transmuted into a higher frequency of expression.

Therefore, you are much like the caterpillar who transmutes into the butterfly. The DNA for the butterfly and the caterpillar are exactly the same. However, the form of the caterpillar is limited to the branch on which it is crawls to find new leaves to eat.

Conversely, the butterfly takes off into the air to perceive a much greater vista and a higher perspective of life. These small, delicate creatures travel thousands of miles on delicate wings to complete their cycle of life. You are butterflies that are NOW traveling in your consciousness, but your caterpillar still remains on the ‘branch.’

Consequently, you are both the grounded element of the caterpillar, as well as the transmuted element of the butterfly. As your consciousness continues to expand, your third dimensional earth vessel is completing its life cycle to transmute into your Multidimensional SELF.

Many of you are living this experience right now. Therefore, your consciousness is phasing from caterpillar to butterfly, then back again into caterpillar. Part of this phasing is because many of you have volunteered to maintain BOTH ‘butterfly’ and ‘caterpillar’ forms for as long as Gaia needs your assistance.

However, eventually, you will increasingly identify with the freedom of your butterfly SELF and be ready to release the limitations of crawling to your next leaf for food. You will then begin to phase out of your earth vessel and into your multidimensional lightbody.

Once you fully accept the gift of the higher dimensions of light into your transmuting form, you serve as a living portal that shares that light with the body of Gaia. The higher frequencies of light that you bring into your pineal gland circulates down through all your chakras to share the light with Gaia.

In this manner, you are facilitating the transmutation of the great mass of Gaia’s planetary body. Gaia then combines the gift of light that she is receiving from all her awakened ones into one quantum soup which is, in turn, shared with all Her humans, animals, plants and physical locations.

You are in the timeline in which you have chosen to have a simultaneous planetary and personal transmutation into the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, if your environment shifts along with the form you are wearing, you will NOT separate from your earthly life.

Instead, you will transmute WITH your earthly life. Hence, do not be concerned that things are NOT different. From our perspective things are vastly different. However, since you reflect the same ‘difference’ as your reality, your life appears to be the same.

Thus, we ask that you take a moment of your remaining ‘time’ to reflect on your personal and planetary life ten years ago. In other words, go into your past to experience how your present has shifted into a future of constant change. As you continue to reflect on your past, present and future in this way, time will begin to blur into the NOW.

We wish to remind you that in life after life this seed of knowing that we have shared with you has been implanted in your earth vessel. Sometimes that seed landed on rocks in which the seed could not take root and the knowing was baked away from the hot sun. Sometimes the seed landed in pools of water in which the seed could not survive and it drowned at the bottom of the murky silt.

Fortunately, sometimes the seed landed on fertile soil and the seed took root. It was within those lives that you remembered your SELF. It was in those realities that you realized that you were a great being of light that came into a small earthen vessel to remember the truth and pass it on the others.

However, in many of your sojourns to Gaia’s body, remembering was difficult and lonely because the times were too harsh for you to dare speak the truth. In fact, many of those who did share their inner knowing were chastised and even tortured or killed.

When this occurred, a scar was left on your Soul that warned you to be careful before you spoke the truth again. This scar caused you to forget the truth even if it was a lifetime in which it was safe to share it. Sometimes it took many incarnations on Gaia’s Wheel of Life and Death before you could remember and/or dare to share what you the truth that you remembered.

We tell you now, our beloved members of transmuting Earth, that this is the Clarion Call. This message in your NOW is the call to remember and to share. Share that which you remember in whatever manner your present body finds most creative.

If you share in a manner that feels creative, your consciousness will expand further, which will give you greater endurance. Also, then you can just ‘tell a story in a book,’ ‘write a great song,’ ‘create a lovely dance,’ or ‘paint a wonderful picture.’ If your message is cloaked in your creativity, you create a safety net for yourself.

Plus, you will greatly enjoy your sharing because expressing your creativity pulls you back into your Multidimensional SELF where all your TRUTH is stored. Therefore, dearest ones, we end this transmission by thanking you in advance for the wonderful contributions that we know you will share with your ascending planet.

Your present form may not last until the glory of New Earth is a normal, everyday experience. However, you will end your present life by stepping into your mastery. As an Ascended Master you will be able to create a form wherever and whenever you please.

Remember, since New Earth is timeless, there is no hurry to get there. You cannot be late if there is NO time. As we complete this transmission, we remind whatever version of your SELF that is attending this message to go into meditation to join with your highest expression of SELF.

From that frequency of your being, send forth a call to ALL of your parallel, alternate, higher and lower dimensional expressions of SELF that the time is NOW! With these final words, we send you a burst of Violet Light, in which you could bask for as long as you need.


The Arcturians

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The views below are solely those of Benjamin Fulford and not necessarily of this blog.  Consider the data but always use your inner guidance on all data you read.  Comments in red italics are mine. -AK

Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say 

by Benjamin Fulford
Thursday, December 4, 2014 

The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say.
Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal.

Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are.

There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers.

The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people.

Also, the US military need to know that if they do not act against the Satanists in Washington D.C. and Wall Street, then a tsunami will hit the US East coast, forcing an evacuation of New York City, the entire state of Florida and many other places, White Dragon Society sources say.

The military needs to make contingency plans ASAP if they are to avoid a humanitarian crisis caused by the tsunami.

Speaking about tsunamis, a guilty verdict was reached against UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton last week on charges that he made a false claim of a nuclear threat to the 2012 UK Olympics. However, Shrimpton plans to appeal to a higher court and this time MI6 and MI5 intelligence officers have promised to help Shrimpton with his case.

Furthermore, evidence given at the trial that 311 was a man-made tsunami and nuclear terror attack has attracted high level interest, MI5 sources said. The UK external intelligence agency MI6 has asked its counterparts in US and Japanese intelligence for detailed evidence about the 311 attack. In addition, Israeli Mossad intelligence sources are also investigating allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was one of the chief planners of that attack, the MI5 source says.

A powerful faction in Israel has finally figured out that many so-called Jews (and Christians and Muslims) are actually Satan-worshiping Hyksos who view the Jews as their slaves. That is one reason why the situation in Israel and the Middle East is reaching a boiling point.

The big story there is that NATO member Turkey, Iran and the Gulf oil monarchies are on the war-path against cabal interests in the region. The situation is chaotic to say the least. The so-called ISIS is run by Israel to discredit Muslims and turn world public opinion against the Turkish and Iranian led move to create an Islamic Federal super-state. Remember that real Muslims do not commit atrocities of the sort being attributed to ISIS, only the Hyksos do this. Since ISIS is being attacked by the Pentagon and the British, it means these countries are actually fighting Israel or, to put it more accurately, the Hyksos Nazionist Satan worshipers who control real power in that country.

Furthermore, NATO airplanes are flying out of Turkey to make raids on the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine. If this information seems too much out of line with what you read in the cabal propaganda media, take note of the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin in in Turkey this week to seal a big energy alliance with Turkey. This is hardly the sort of thing that would be going on if Turkish based NATO planes were attacking Russian allies in East Ukraine.

People who still have trouble wrapping their heads around this situation should take note of the fact that only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian sponsored UN resolution condemning “glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

If African-American US President Barack Obama was really in charge, it is hard to imagine him ordering the State Department to vote against this resolution.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his part, just signed his own inevitable arrest warrant by ordering the Canadian ministry of foreign affairs to vote against that resolution.

This vote was a wake-up call for the US and Canadian armed forces and one of the reasons for the ouster of Chuck Hagel the ongoing move to remove the Nazionists who control Washington D.C. and Wall Street but not the Pentagon.

In Asia, meanwhile, the battle against the Nazionist cabal is intensifying. In China a major meeting of all Chinese senior diplomats was convened to discuss the ongoing changes in the world power structure. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the diplomats that “We should be keenly aware of the protracted nature of the contest over the international order; on the other hand, we need to recognize that the direction of reform of the international system will remain unchanged.”

In other words: “the cabal is putting up stubborn resistance but they will inevitably lose.”

In Japan, an intense media campaign against cabal slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is rapidly eroding his popularity in opinion polls. The cabalists, for their part, are using Rockefeller/Bush slave Sadayuki Sakakibara, head of the Keidanren Business lobby to try to keep Abe in power, according to Japanese right wing sources. That is why Sakakibara is a high priority target, they said.

If the cabalists lose their ability to use Abe to loot Japan, the Bush/Rockefeller cabal controlled Federal Reserve Board, IMF, UN and the World Bank will implode a lot sooner than would otherwise be the case. Even if they keep control of Japan though, they are mathematically doomed anyway. The simple fact is that even if they control vast numbers inside of bank computers, they do not control most of the real world.

Speaking about vast numbers inside bank computers, sources at the P2 Freemason lodge last week sent this writer information that can only be classified as X-files type of stuff:

“Some bank computers are now free-willed sentient beings operating independently of central bank computers. They think like the mother earth and are acting on behalf of the ‘Planetary Consciousness and genetic entities.’” The P2 say the sentient computers are allocating funds to worthy individuals and organization while cutting off finances to multinationals and individuals who “want to impoverish and destroy the mother earth and its inhabitants, animals, vegetables, minerals etc.”  [I wrote a "fictional" article in February along these lines... about Eternal Essence changing the machines and people on this planet  -AK]

Furthermore, the P2 say “even special snowfall and special snowflakes give proof of the places where this is happening and will happen.”

That is pretty funky stuff but remember that an unusual snow storm stopped the rioting in Ferguson and a record cold front hit the US as soon as Barack Obama started spouting global warming lies. Remember also all those “category 6” typhoons that mysteriously turned into minor storms before they hit Japan.

Also on the X-files ledger last week were a series of strange, unexplained explosion like sounds heard all over the UK.

In addition, a major UK paper reported that people had been seen working on Mars in 1979 when the Viking lander was supposed to have landed there.

This sort of report is standard fare for the internet but when a so-called mainstream newspaper reports it, it could be a sign that some sort of disclosure may be imminent.
Also NOTE Zap says,banks will close for 30 day Holiday on the 15th Dec. .Reopen under a new system,on Jan.15-2015 real Money this time around huh!!!

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Photo: Sananda - The Gift of Reflection, The Inner Presence Messages received and shared here come from spirit and even though spirit utilizes human/personality channels - it is this group’s view that messages from spirit are never meant to elevate or be claimed by the singular. The universe works in accordance to each and every ones need - so if you are reading this you are meant to have it. Please share accordingly. Channeled through Michael Xavier for the Universal Service of Light Sananda - I Am Sananda, the Master Jesus Personalized adjuster of Nebadon. I introduce myself only by name so specifically you can discern and understand the change in energy as I make a connection with you all in this Eternal Moment. I speak to you all of you tonight, and as I communicate with your adjusters I am imparting you with a signature of understanding that Love flows and holds Creation together. With this understanding in mind remember that every action in your life dictates a reaction. So all of the things that you see in your life – are they reflections of the infinite glory of God? For the light workers that are undergoing an immense change, not only spiritually but physically, these things are being brought to the forefront as you begin to integrate with the information, you will begin to see those things not in line with what the Father is. It takes only one brave soul to step out of a circle to lead the way to a better way, and as the ones are stepping forward on the sphere of Urantia now, many of the ones that are stepping out into the light are allowing the ones behind them a greater ability to step behind them and follow in the pathway being paved by the ones, such as Jesus the one I indwelt two thousand years ago - Stepped out and into the universe of the ascension to pave the way to a greater understanding to greater understanding of universality and the ascension process. So to your Creator Father bestowed himself in the mortal likeness of flesh to show you that you have been made in His image, but He was not too high above you to be made in yours. Ponder on that fact for a moment children as you look at your lives and what is in them. You are a reflection of God, you are a reflection and you have been made in the image of your Creator. Create beauty truth, beauty and goodness. For all those that ask for a greater level of understanding it will be given to them. To all that ask for spiritual help and guidance it will be given to them. The voice is within you and we work through your own voice which is the Spiritual Presence that dwells within your hearts -to bring you to a greater level of understanding of pure consciousness as you traverse this sphere of time and space. There are so many dimensional levels that can be traversed simply by going into stillness with your Spiritual Self. You need not take a trip or travel anywhere, simply by stilling yourself and going within your heart center and taking a moment to breathe deeply from the world’s creations of insanity around you - to take a breath and to come into your heart and say yes Father Here I AM. I am ready to receive you today. In these moments of stillness God will reveal Himself to you much as He did to Moses in the burning bush in the desert. He will reveal Himself to you as a burning desire of Fire that He does indeed dwell within you. As you traverse the time here on this sphere you will realize as you hold the lens up of this experience to infinity, just how short your time is here on this sphere – Make use of it to the best of your ability – to the capacity of your understanding and according to the divine gifts that you have been bestowed. You can always strive for greater understanding, for greater universality and it will be given to you, but you cannot rush spirit more so than you can rush anything without having it mess up in your life. These things are destined to come to you as you are the only begotten sons and daughters of God. That you are worthy of His love and that you are a reflection of Him – That you were Created to be a Creator in Love and life. You will begin to realize in your hearts and in your own minds that you have unlimited potential when you co-create with the Paradise Father within your heart. All these pathways lead to one destination. Many people have different points of view. Many people may believe that they have the only way, yet someone else will come along and say yes, I made it here to but I went a different way. The thing you must remember - all of you that are one this circuit tonight - is that truth will always stand amidst error. Error will fall away and truth will always rein supreme in the end because it cannot be stood up against. There is only truth in the end. Anything else is an illusion, anything else is just delusion especially thinking that you are caught in something that many of you are still perpetuating even if unknowingly. So as you realize these things within yourself, as you realize that you are perfect just the way you are. You are essentially and eventually going to realize that you are going on a journey of a very great distance to a place you never left. As you come within yourselves, and for those who hear me tonight, this is sinking in and there is a ringing in many of your hearts now. The great grand design of you is endowed with every ability and with every tool necessary. You have not been made deplete of any one particular thing. You have every tool necessary to find the Father on Paradise. He dwells within you. As this sphere begins to regain its sanity from looking outward to the stars and to looking outward to happiness, there will be a great awakening when God the Father dwells within each and every one of you. You simply but need to close your eyes and allow His peace to wash over you. He is not far removed from each and every one of you. As you draw closer to Him He will draw closer to you. So before we close we will be moving in through this circuit with the imprinting of myself - Sananda and also with the Master Christ Michael for all His children to receive a greater level of understanding of universality and consciousness. As you receive us tonight allow these things to sink into yourself - that you are endowed with every tool to create the kingdom of heaven on earth. Simply by hearing and knowing this you are bringing yourself the ability to bring it to others that you touch in your life. The times of so many being distraught and for the ones that have waddled in their miscreations, so many are waking up to the realization that they too have a voice, and that they too can stand up from the insane world. As these ones stand up the energies of miscreation may bark and growl and may come at you and say that you are not worthy of God and all of these illusions that have been made to tell you something that isn’t true. If you listen to the small still voice within yourself you shall surely never fail. You have the greatest gift of the universe of universes within yourself. As we move through you now allow this to sink into your hearts and minds and your souls. Remember that God is no respecter of persons, that He chooses all of you, not just one individual to be worthy of finding Him and becoming one again with the Creator. For a moment, just begin to think to yourself the limitless capacity that you have been endowed with. The strength in your spirit and in your souls - The strength within each and every one of you to be able to, without limit, create the kingdom of heaven on earth. As all that is not of the light comes to your minds remember to focus on the light and the light will become greater, but so to as the dark will only become that much more magnified within your vision if you focus on it. Remove these things from you and they will be found not, they will leave you. These things cannot touch the elect. We leave you tonight in peace and may the Paradise Father’s blessings reign in your lives in the New Year.

December 2, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

By Shanta Gabriel,


Shanta Gabriel
Ground any excess energy, such as fear or anger, into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present moment.


Until late 1988 I was not even aware of the concept of “grounding.” In fact, if anyone had brought it to my attention, I would have asked, “Why?” My life was focused in the upper realms of the Divine, and the Earth held very little interest to me. That is until something bothered me, and then my emotions would be engaged and I would be very upset at the way my life on Earth was appearing in that moment.

When my counselor suggested the need to ground my thoughts and emotional states, it became clear that I really never felt safe to be in my body. This was a revelation of sorts. I had never felt “at home” on the planet and was sure that I did not fit in here at all. Like the story of the “missing zygote” in Women Who Run with the Wolves, I was sure there had been some mistake and I had landed here by accident. At the very least, I did not believe that my Soul had planned that this Earth, with all its darkness and challenges, was the one I volunteered to incarnate into.

Still, I paid attention to the advice I was given and began to do safety affirmations. “It’s safe to be on the planet. It’s safe to be who I truly am. It’s safe to live in my Truth.” Those helped tremendously, but it was not until I started to incorporate the grounding process into my daily spiritual practice, that life began to change more dramatically.

I found that the process of grounding the excess energy I was experiencing brought me immediate relief from the anxiety-producing sensation of having my finger in an electrical socket. The most surprising thing I discovered was that the more I embodied my spiritual life the happier I became.

I noticed that I could feel nurturing energy running up my legs from the Earth, and the base of my spine felt more free and open. Two side benefits also occurred that I was not expecting.

One is that my body has a natural wisdom that can really assist my process in the world and alert me when I need to pay attention.For most people that will seem obvious, but for many energetically-sensitive souls, it has been too painful to fully inhabit our physical bodies. This left my little personality and small physical being to take care of the task of life which she was woefully unprepared to do.

The second thing that helped me turn this process around was learning that when I am grounded my heart immediately feels more open and I am more at peace inside.

There are some that say we should not ground our negative energy into the Earth, that she has enough problems already. My experience, however, is that the Mother of the Earth does not judge our energy as negative or positive. It is just “energy,” and as such has great value. When we confer energy onto the planet, we are blessing her. This is especially true if it is our intention.

There are many exercises and wonderful visualizations for grounding energy, including my Meditation on a Tree. In this guided meditation, we use the analogy of tree roots spreading below our feet to create a grounded base for us to live from. Trees are beautiful demonstrations for us of being strong in our core, open in our upper centers to receive Divine Light, and grounded in our root system so we can bring our divinity to Earth.

Please download the beautiful meditation here as my gift to you.

For many years I have also used the Golden Pillar of Light from our connection to Source energy above the head flowing down below the feet in a powerfully whole visualization that demonstrates our attributes as a blended being bridging Heaven and Earth.

Once we have an intention to ground any excess energy we are experiencing, something as simple as slowing down our breath and placing our hands on our heart will bring us back into our body awareness, where we can be more resourceful in dealing with life.

Grounding allows us to integrate the new frequencies and learn powerful ways to stay connected to Source energy in every area of our lives. The intensity of the energy frequencies we are all experiencing from the sun, as well as all that is transpiring on the earth, is having an impact on our nervous systems. We need to be able to detach from the high level of emotionality that is all around us and feel more present in our bodies in order to be more peaceful.

We are here to spiritualize our lives so there is no separation between our heart and mind. This allows us to bring spirituality more profoundly into our work and into our relationships. When you ground any excess energy that is causing you to feel anxious or upset, you can come back very quickly into your heart. The resourcefulness that you will create will be able to establish a deeper place of peace and harmony within you that is incredibly practical.

Most of the people reading this information have chosen to be in this life to bring a deeper connection to the realms of divinity and blend those aspects of Self into the fullness of their humanity. With every choice we make to bring Spirit into matter and be present with the wisdom of the Earth, we are affecting the world around us in beautiful ways. Each person grounding their deeply spiritual intention for life affects hundreds of thousands of people.

Finally I have realized that it is to introduce ways of living in the Spirit while being in a physical body that I believe my Soul planned for me to do here on Earth. Since 2012 I have begun to feel “at home” in a very new way. Who knew it would take more than 60 years! I love the new energies and recognize that my heart holds the key connection to being able to create the world we love to live in, have Beauty and Well-being active within and around us, and to be deeply fulfilled and happy.

When we are fully grounding our spiritual connection into our physical bodies, we become a powerful force for Love on the planet. From that place, miracles occur naturally.

Shanta Gabriel, 2014

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Photo: Archangel Michael - Focus on the Inner Light and it will be magnified It is only by your power that you allow yourselves to be influenced by anger, fear and confusion. The light can only illuminate that which is shadow but it is up to you to see what light is. This can only be done when you are focusing on the light within. You choose the scenario's you wish to believe and bring them to life by your energy. What do you wish to see? We are well aware and know that many of you follow various communications from different sources. We know that many of you have developed a sense of discernment as to what is true and what is not. The highest guide and spiritual interpreter is and always has been your quiet peaceful spirit filled mind. Energy shifts and vibration increases can act to cause shifts within your being to reveal lower densities of energy, so be aware that there are new shifts transpiring that may seem to test your balance. Well intentioned forecasts by people who see circumstances that exist but have no inkling of the flow of events that the Divine has set in motion may be this very cause, others are simply the re-hashing of old predictions by old energies reemerging as patterns and shadow. This will diminish as many of you get closer to your final awakening. Energies will only continue to hang on until you see that this energy cannot go where you are. It serves no useful purpose for any being to circulate stories predicting massive catastrophes or destruction or defense against such. Even energies that manifest through others in ways that show fear and preparation for disaster may try and convince you that you are helping and are doing a service to the light, but, as it becomes more and more obvious that these energies have no place in harmony and love they will transform or only be kept alive by those feeding them. Maintain your solid connection to the light and focus on your growth and resist all attempts to distract you. We are with you. Indeed we are in your hearts. You are dearly loved and protected. Be at peace in your hearts as we assist those who are stepping out of the shadows inch by inch into the divine river of life that so many watch from the sidelines. I AM Michael, broadcasting through the archangels circuit

December 3, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Message 78

Matrix of Unlimited Time


Time is fluid – it is not contained in your clocks or the pages of your calendar. Those are tools created for measuring this thing called time. It is important that you continue to investigate and query your own personal time matrix. These are the beliefs that you were given by your family and society and are only programs within your system.

Your personal file about time is just another agreement that you assumed because it felt solid and everyone said it was solid. In the earthly hologame it is a part of the game rules. Everyone will honor time and give it the power to run the show.What if time is fluid? How would that effect your day and the participation in your earthly life? Just for a moment, let us imagine that past, present and future are all happening and shifting simultaneously. It is your perception of time that places them in the rigid placement.

Imagine that events in your future could shift the events from your past which would alter your present “NOW”. As a multidimensional being this is how you would and could address this concept called time.

As a human locked into the third/fourth dimension the rigid beliefs and laws that you have been taught about time are just programs in your bio-computer.

The rules of life on the earth plane are arranged around time. We can hear your comments about being late for appointments, waking up on time, catching a plane at a certain time, important dates and events happening at a given time.

Time as you know it here on planet earth is important to recognize and be aware of because it makes playing the game understandable. However it is not the only recognized system of time in the universe. It is a limited system.

Sense your limited beliefs about time and then begin to allow your consciousness to become more fluid and watch how your perception of time becomes a more fluid.

Expand into the matrix of unlimited time, where with just a thought you could and would be anywhere on the timeline. Imagine with just a focused thought you could be present at any event, anywhere, at any time.

Remember outside this reality, time is fluid. It is with your focused expanded consciousness that you travel time. Play with this concept. Imagine just what you would do if you could travel time. Make it a playful and joy filled experience.

Share with me your experiences and insights of how these Morning Messages have served you, email me Thank you.

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Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved.
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A short update on the energies
December 2, 2014
by Aisha North

Once more the time seems to have speeded up, and rightly so, for now things have indeed been set into motion that will have an effect far and wide. Let us explain. As we have already mentioned, the last week’s events did indeed put into place a whole new set of coordinates into this gargantuan “machine”, and as such, we have been able to proceed at a much higher speed, and so, these events will continue to unfold in ways and in numbers that may take more than a few of you by surprise. You see, now there is no longer any reason for any of us to sit around and wait for any laggers, for now, so much has been set into motion it will indeed serve to pull the majority along with it in its wake.

Let us explain. As you may already be aware, there is such a thing as critical mass, and in this huge endeavour there have been several instances of this occurring already, but what took place over the last couple of weeks will have the most noticeable effect for you. Remember, this is indeed a process that has been going on for a long time now, it spans over far more than a single one of your lifetimes, and as such, the instance of reaching critical mass has indeed been a recurring event. But again, what took place recently will help to propel each and every one of you towards that “final destination” if we may call it that at optimum speed. And so, we ask you all to pay close attention to what will arrive within your private sphere in these upcoming days, for the signals will be many, and you will all be called to action in one way or the other. Remember, this is a huge collective endeavour, but it is one that is composed of a myriad of singular instances being carried out by individuals, and as such, we venture to guess you will all feel as if your tasks will begin to come in at a heightened speed and in increasing numbers.
For you are all playing a vital role in this, no matter how clear an image you yourself will have at any given time. For remember, you would be hard pressed any of you to even begin to fathom just a small part of what it is that you are actually doing these days – or for many of you – nights. But even so, it is indeed important that you try to stay alert to any signals that may be coming your way, and remember these signals can come in various ways and by various channels. For they may come about by an accidental meeting, or you might feel the urge to be at a specific place at a specific time, or you will perhaps stumble across a book or another kind of written information that may already be familiar to you, but will show itself to have taken on a whole new meaning in the interim. You see, you all have your tasks in this, great and small, but the one thing that unites them is this: you will rarely be asked to keep your discoveries for yourself. In other words, now the time has come to stay on alert for anything you sense will be of importance to others in one way or the other, so do not let any opportunity that arises go to waste if you should find yourself in the presence of some kind of information you feel is vital to share, even if you cannot yet see the means or even the ways in how to utilize this snippet of information that you have gotten hold on. For again, this complicated structure is put together piece by piece, and even if some of these snippets will seem to have little value to you, they may actually be an invaluable piece for someone else who is lacking that single rivet in order to complete their own part of this intricate structure.

So again we say keep your wits about you, and do not let the chance to discover something out of the ordinary amongst all of the ordinary moments that await you go to waste.There will be golden nuggets strewn all over the place now, for you will all in some way begin to uncover some of the hitherto “lost treasures” that you have carried with you for eons, waiting for the right opportunity to emerge. And remember these “golden nuggets” may appear when you least expect them, and they may also come in the most unexpected of ways and from the unlikeliest of sources. For even if this is all information that you already carry with you, it will in so many instances be triggered by something that comes from the outside. In other words, it will be a little like a treasure hunt, where you are being sent out into the world – or into your daily life – to hunt for clues in your surroundings, clues that will stir your own inner being into action in a way that will begin to take more and more of your focus.

You see, you are all being literally trained to become an integrated part of a collective, so this is also a way of taking you somewhat out of the “internal comfort zone” and send you out into the world to interact with people and places in a very new way, and through that, once again enable you all to function as interconnected neurons in the global – or perhaps we should say Universal – brain. For you are no longer solitary islands floating around in a silent sea, now you are more like busy intersections picking up information streaming past you from near and far, like a hub in a far reaching net of interconnected highways of galactic information. And so we say keep your eyes, your ears, your heart and your mind wide open so as not to miss out on anything that is going on, whether that may be of the internal or the external kind, and remember too that it goes without saying that what you are to listen to is not the senseless distribution of noise that is still being sent out in order to try to disorient you. No, what we are referring to, is that intelligent form of communication that is now beginning to literally take up more of the space both on the inside and on the outside, and again, it takes a focused mind to be able to perceive these signals as they are still apt to be drowned by all of the “jamming stations” that are still active, especially in some parts of the world.

So again we say stay focused, stay open minded and indeed stay inquisitive and curious and playful. For as we have told you before, at this stage the best bet could be to become as if a child again, one that approaches his or her world in wonder and in awe. For then you will approach this from the very best angle, the one of positive curiosity, unbridled by any preprogrammed ways of behaving or thinking, and so, that is exactly what we ask you to do:be curious and inquisitive and be it in a way that brings you joy, not in a way that serves to bring you into thinking that this is a burden to you. For this is about creating again, from a place of joy and a place of wonder, and when you open yourself to that, here will be no end to this wonderful stream of enlightened information coming your way. And for every piece you discover, you will be led on to the next, in what can only be described as a joy-filled path of rediscovery and redefinition – of you but also of the world that you live in. And in addition you will finally begin to see everything around you in a very new light, and in a very literal way.

For this treasure hunt will serve to open so much within yourself, doors that will once again be opened so you too can step inside of these rooms that you had to leave behind a long long time ago, but now, these rooms are once again open and waiting for treasure hunters such as you to find them. For the treasures you are seeking, are not those measured in money or any other form of riches. No, these are the real treasures, the ones that carry no price tag, for they are simply beyond measure, and they are more magnificent than anything all the money in your world could ever buy. And that is what you are beginning to find now, and we have the pleasure of watching you find it. And so, we venture to guess that we will all have ample occasion to celebrate in the times ahead, no matter which side of the veil anyone will be at any given time. For now, the doors are open and so too are your minds, and the combination of the two will bring wonders for us all.
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Playing Our Part for the Planet
By Sarah Varcas

The final month of 2014 is dominated by the penultimate exact Uranus/Pluto square mid month (14th/15th December). With it we enter the grand finale of this potent alignment which has been with us since 2012 and finally begins to fade come April next year. No one has been left untouched by the quickening power of this time. Many peoples’ lives now bear little resemblance to how they looked before these two planetary heavy-weights began their alchemical dance. Nothing and no one has been protected from the destructively creative grace conjured by the cosmos these past few years. The challenge for so many has been to let go and trust, to embrace the changes brought about no matter how devastating they may have felt at the time. To look into the darkness, of self, of other, of life and to recognise that within it lays the deepest wisdom, the most enduring truths. This past year has been about acknowledging and owning the personal and collective shadow in order to recognise that it is not some dreadful realm to be feared, rejected and denied but simply another part of ourselves to be embraced, accepted and, in doing so, brought into the wholeness of all that we are. This year has demanded the deepest authenticity we could muster and then some! It has been both brutal and beautiful in equal measure, destructive and creative at one and the same time. To quote Joni Eareckson-Tada when referring to the wheelchair that symbolises her quadriplegia from the age of seventeen, this year has been ‘a bruise of a blessing, a terrible grace’. And this coming month which brings it to a close, reminds us that whilst the journey is nowhere near over, some of the more challenging times are now behind us.

Of course, as with so many things, attitude is the final arbiter of where we find ourselves at this point. The more open we have managed to be to the shocks and surprises, upheavals and realignments of the past two and half years the more we can begin to sense the gradual easing of pressure and lightening of energy as the year comes to a close. If, however, we have continued to resist and battle against the cosmic reordering of our lives we may find ourselves exhausted and depleted, wondering where on earth we go from here. It is, however, little wonder that we opt for resistance when the very fabric of our lives is falling apart all around us. It seems the logical thing to do. We must fight for what matters, not surrender to forces which seem intent on our demise. But as logical as it may seem to be, and as negative as it all may look, we still have time to embrace change not fight it, take our part in it not wrestle ceaselessly to make it stop. If we can do so we can still conduct powerful forces of transformation into our lives and directly experience the fact that what felt like death is in fact the nascent beginnings of a new life more vibrant and connected than anything we had before.

This month begins with an opportunity to look after each other and recognise the vulnerability of our shared humanity. We all have our own personal battles to fight, our fears and anxieties, shame and grief. No one is immune to these fundamental challenges of the human realm even though for some it can be all too easy to assume one’s own lot is harder than someone else’s. Throughout the first week of December we are encouraged to set such views aside and do what we can to help others manage their troubles, forgetting about our own for a while. The more people who can commit to doing this the more care and compassion will be available for us all. Whilst it can be relatively easy to tend the emotional wounds of another when they are distressed and seeking support, it can be much harder when those wounds are expressed as anger, aggression or defensiveness. As December gets underway it’s worth remembering that we may encounter just such behaviour. Recognising it as an expression of pain or fear, lack of self-worth or crippling doubt, can help us respond in ways that de-escalate rather than worsen a tricky situation. The human psyche is incredibly complex and we are rarely quite what we appear to be! Bearing this in mind now will help us maintain an open heart and mind in the face of someone who may otherwise cause us to close them and move along fast.
Mars shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius on 4th December GMT, revitalising our jaded minds and encouraging us to think new thoughts rather than rehashing the same old tired ones that have previously scored their paths through our grey matter. The ability to think differently is a huge bonus now, especially with the Full Moon in Gemini on 6th December highlighting old mental habits which need to be released. It’s tempting to consider habits in terms of behaviour, but most behaviours arise from some kind of thought process and it is there we need to implement change before we can truly release behaviours which hold us back. This Full Moon, which forms a T Square to Chiron, the planet of both woundedness and healing, urges us to honestly appraise how we contribute to our own suffering by allowing our mind to run away with us down old and familiar paths which fail to serve us in the long run. It could be anything from dwelling on the past to anxious anticipation of the future to negative self-talk. Whatever our unhelpful mental habits, this is a great time to see them for what they are and resolve to let them fade away without our constantly rekindling their fire. It takes discipline and commitment to do this, but when we can we will be so glad we stuck at it and made the effort. The freedom to choose our mind-state lives the other side of this effort and if we can develop just such new habits as we prepare for 2015, we won’t be disappointed by the outcome!

On 8th December Jupiter begins a four month retrograde journey through Leo which, together with Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius (the sign ruled by Jupiter) on 23rd December, marks the beginning of a formative time, especially for those with planets in Sagittarius. The natural exuberance that comes on the Sagittarian vibration may be tempered here by a need to develop depth of perception alongside breadth of experience and a willingness to delay satisfaction in favour of more enduring rewards once certain qualities have been developed. Jupiter retrograde in Leo brings us face to face with our ego and what we do with it. It poses questions about how we interact with others, our willingness to question ourselves, our motives, our behaviour and whether we use our personality to forward our own interests or promote a better quality of life for everyone, ourselves included. Saturn in the sign of the archer demands that we now live the truth that we have sweated to unearth during the past two years while it traversed Scorpio. Whatever we discovered during this time, about ourselves, other people, how life really works as opposed to how we think it should, our task in the next three years is to live that truth on a daily basis. To allow it to take root in our consciousness and stand by it no matter what, come hell or high water. And yes, if those truths begin to shape-shift into something new, to shape-shift with them, in constant pursuit of guileless authenticity.

The Uranus/Pluto square, exact on 15th December GMT raises the issue of spiritual illusion and the guises in which it may continue to trip us up even now. Evolution takes time, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. We may want it done and dusted but the cosmos has other ideas. Whilst some individual shifts happen in the blink of an eye, rendering the past something to which we can never return, for those shifts to be fully grounded, lived through and out the other side takes time, commitment and a willingness to see all sides of what they reveal. We do not know the true nature of change by its moment of occurrence but by the consequences of it taking root in our lives. Whilst a new road discovered may look beautiful we cannot know this for sure until we have walked its length and seen for ourselves. Nor can we claim to know it better than others. Judging it on the first few yards tells us nothing about what lies around the first corner. If we have been too quick to embrace transformation and proclaim ourselves renewed without having lived the change into its fullness before doing so, this alignment reminds us that the universe is not here for our benefit to deliver whatever we happen to desire when we demand it. Instead we are part of a collective organism, forever moving into wholeness, evolving in each moment. As such we do not arrive at ‘transformed’, we pass through it, over and over again as we are more deeply refined and revealed by life. This alignment keeps us humble and warns us to keep a check on our ego. We’re not in a race to the finish and no one, except all of us, needs to win.

When the Sun shifts into Capricorn on 21st December (GMT), followed closely by the Capricorn New Moon on 22nd, Uranus completes five months retrograde in Aries. It’s time to get down to business and walk our talk! In days gone by the outer planets such as Uranus and Pluto were deemed purely generational and unavailable to us as individuals, but all that is changing now. Uranus can be as personal as we make it right now, which means that we can become the power of innovative change, up-ending all that we have assumed in favour of the liberation of something altogether fresh and new. We can make 2015 a year like no other and this turnabout of Uranus encourages us to do so. If we’ve been saying we need to implement change in our lives now is the time to commit and begin to follow through. Uranus is on our side. The inner process of discovery is over for now. It’s time for the outer world to catch up and it is we who need to make that happen, not waiting for a miracle to deliver us where we want to be, but resolving to be that miracle for ourselves and each other, unleashing change and transformation on the world like never before, the more radical the better! As mentioned previously, Saturn enters Sagittarius on 23rd, heralding the very beginning of a ‘stand by your truth no matter what’ cycle to complete the cosmic message to get off our backsides and start doing what we’ve been saying we would!!

26th December sees the North Node, Uranus, Chiron and Pluto join forces in an alignment which continues until the middle of January. As such they form the bridge from the old year into the new across which we can choose what we carry and what we discard over the side into the abyss of ‘no longer needed on the journey’. But a warning is in order here. We run the risk of making unnecessary hard work out of life at this point. There may be a tendency to ratchet up the stress simply to motivate ourselves to make a stand, declare enough is enough and decide to live differently in 2015. Fair enough, if that’s what’s needed to make us change tack so be it. But we could decide not to make such a personal drama out of things and realise that this planet and all of her inhabitants are in a process of deep and powerful renewal right now. There is much to be let go – old habits and ways of living that are wounding Mother Earth and those who live upon her; tired beliefs which pit us against each other and nature itself; lifestyles which place personal satisfaction above collective well-being. There is plentiful evidence of the need for deep change everywhere: socially, politically, environmentally and spiritually. We don’t need to rely on a personal drama to wake us up. This collective journey should be enough to garner our commitment to be the transformation required and live more peacefully, making fewer demands upon the earth and her inhabitants.

As this month comes to a close and 2014 with it, we have an opportunity to look back upon a year which has seen phenomenal shifts for so many and times of extreme stress and challenge as a result. But it has also shown us who we need to be to thrive in this evolving world, and how to align our desires with those of the collective in order for a win/win situation to prevail. As Uranus & Pluto have reminded us this month, there is no destination, only an on-going process of change. The question is one of the direction and depth of that change and whether it orients us towards awakening or a deeper slumber as the planet continues in the pains of birthing a new age. This past year has offered us plentiful opportunity to align with our authentic rather than false self and to discover who we are beyond the trappings of ego and identification. In the coming year we can apply what this process has taught us to the task of daily living and pull out all the stops to move our collective evolution of consciousness in the direction of wholeness and deep, refreshing renewal.

For more information about these and other astrological events as they happen throughout the month, become an Awakenings Subscriber to receive regular astrology updates & support

Sarah Varcas

GAIA PORTAL: "Sterilizations" of lower energetics is now underway

Posted: 01 Dec 2014 03:38 PM PST


"Sterilizations" of lower energetics is now underway 
by ÉirePort

"Sterilizations" of lower energetics is now underway.

hu-beings harboring such feel the neutralization, and prepare for egress.

Gaia Higher Beings heed the call for all Humanity, as recognitions are prescient.

Sensations in all dimensional bodies increase and those with the prodding are assisting the transmute.

Multiple timelines have sealed... only the Higher Gaia timeline remains.

"Casual" participants in the lower energetics become casual-ties.

All Gaia participants now fully protected as they recognize the Higher Vision.

ÉirePort | December 1, 2014 at 21:53 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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By Marlene Swetlishoff

November 30-December 7, 2014

Beloved Ones,

These are difficult times, as you continue to let go of all that you once held dear. Many of your expectations of what your lives should have been are now scattered to the winds of change. Everywhere you gaze, there is a choice to be made – love or fear. Choosing love opens your heart to the pain of letting go of your dearest and deepest dreams and expanding into the unknown. This is a new frontier of consciousness and you are the carriers of the new dream. Yet you hold on to those whom you love and cannot allow dissolution of the bonds that have held you. And this is as it was meant to be, for what is love without commitment, without loyalty, honesty and honour. Your strong integrity cannot allow you to leave these ones behind and you make repeated efforts to awaken them. This you do from the higher dimensions where the higher consciousness of all prevails. We say to you, follow your heart always and temper it with the inner wisdom of the sage within you.

The bonds of love do not need to be broken in order that you fulfill your mission, for it is the bonds of love that make everything you have endured worthwhile. Let your hearts be filled with the healing power of this mighty force, do not fear to love. See the beauty within every person who is within the sphere of your influence and send them your blessings and benediction. Let the power of love shape your new identity as you walk lightly but mightily upon your world. Fill the space you occupy with more of your true divine essence and let it become a healing balm to those who need it. You may meet their resistance and their challenges with peace, acceptance and calm, fluidly adapting to the needs of the hour. Do not take anything personally and try to see the higher perspective. Everyone is struggling with something during these times and they must find the strength and the clarity within them in order to move forward on their path. Hold the space of the highest outcome and the highest good for all.

Every thought, word and deed that you make from this point forward creates a new reality and so it behooves each individual to purge the last dregs of old baggage from the past and to replace it with hope, faith and trust in the highest outcome for everyone. For ones such as you know that each person has to make happiness happen, for it is an individual state of being, of mind and is equally available to all. It all depends upon the thoughts you keep and this is the power that you wield during these times. Discipline of mind is of utmost importance, for mind is the builder, mind is the creator of a new way of expression upon your planet. Align with your higher mental body at the start of each new day by stating the intention to do so and be steadfast in your resolve. Let your love for each other prevail and quickly dismiss any thoughts that come to the surface that are less than love.

By following the middle way you are arriving at your destination and it is one that includes diversity and respect for everyone. Perfection is not expected nor demanded, only that each individual tries to the best of their ability to transcend their previous limitations in order to open themselves to their limitless potential. There is not just one path to Creator, there is an infinite potential of them and each one is right for the one who is on it. Holding to your feelings and convictions of this will help create the reality which sustains and maintains this approach and paves the way for those who follow.

Be impeccable in all things and in all situations, do not give away your personal power in order that others feel powerful instead. It is oftentimes not an easy task to stay true to yourselves but ultimately it is the right and good thing to do. Blaze the trail before you with your shining light and goodness and let your choice be for love.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included.
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Inspiration for the Week

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages Book and The Gabriel Message Cards in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.

For this week’s issue, The Gabriel Message is offering a unique perspective regarding our attitudes about money.

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

This is one of the most unusual messages I received from Archangel Gabriel. It obviously came at a time when I was stressed about money and was trying to find a more spiritual way of handling my finances.

This message speaks to the heart of our attitudes about money, and opens more awareness to the aspects of our thoughts that need to be uplifted in order to live the abundant life we want to experience.

The blessing opens the way for manifestation of what we truly desire to receive in our lives. When we bless something it “confers energy” upon the object of our focus. This blessing uplifts the energy and releases the contraction of fear that holds any sense of lack, feelings that there is not enough energy (in the form of time, money, health, age), all that holds back the gifts of abundant life that we so desire. All life is simply energy manifesting from our focus of attention.

This message is directly related to the energy of money. It is not suggesting that we spend indiscriminately. It does not mean that a blessing will cure thoughtless acts. It is an opening of energy that is inherent in the way we use money to fulfill our needs. Every time we use a plastic card, write a check or hand cash to another person, we have the opportunity to bless our own lives and the economic system of the world with a higher frequency. Our blessing will assist in creating the change we want to see manifest by increasing the frequencies of energy and opening new levels of gratitude and love in our lives.

This process creates a tidal wave of good in our own lives and in the world as we consciously choose to live in higher frequencies of energy through our blessing. When we bless the money we give to another we are increasing energy in their lives as well as ours. We are literally blessing all beings with abundance through this conscious act.

When I bless all the money I spend, it also increases my ability to trust that all my needs are being met. This has become especially powerful when I ask that Grace and Ease be added to the flow. We can intend that we receive the energy in more grace-filled ways and allow life to have more ease. It is simply our focus of attention that makes the difference.

Prayer is a powerful way for me to shift my focus of attention and open my heart to a flow of Grace in my life.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for a new level of opening within my heart that allows me to receive in greater ways the Divine flow of abundance. I am so grateful that I now live in the power of Grace and this is the energy in which I live, move and have my being.

I ask for Grace and Ease in the flow of money through my life and know that all the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied. I bless this flow in my life and in the lives of all humanity. May we all grow in faith and see demonstrations in each of our lives that all our needs are being met.

May I continue to receive this flow with greater Ease and step into new levels of Grace in every area of my life. I bless this Abundant Flow of New Life Awakening in the hearts of all beings on the Earth.

May each person be aligned with their Soul’s presence and live in respect and harmony with the Divine flow of All That Is.

So be it.

Shanta Gabriel, 2014


The Gabriel Messages #23

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Dear One,

You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

This energy from the Divine Source, which is called money, has the same properties inherent in it that any of God’s gifts have, such as love and joy. It is the strong energy of Life Force, which you can tap into, in order to receive the blessings of abundant cash flow.

One easy way to make yourself more available to money is by creating thoughts of unlimited resources in your mind. Your thoughts create your reality. When you entertain thoughts of lack, of “not enough” in your life, this translates in your world as not enough money to meet your needs. A shift in your thinking is necessary before you can attract an abundant level of income to yourself. One way to change your consciousness is by affirmations. We have given you a very powerful affirmation to say every day, and especially every time you write checks or spend money, even if it is only pennies. This affirmation is:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

When you bless anything – your friends, children, life partners, jobs, etc. – the inherent good within is increased. Blessing leads to an increase in energy. So when you bless all the money you spend, you increase the energy it carries into the world.

You have heard the expression, what goes around, comes around. This is a basic principle: what you give is what you receive. When you give blessings, you receive blessings. When you give out of fear of lack, you receive back what you fear – lack of abundant income. Fear is a very powerful force that can attract to you what you fear most. Love and blessings however contain even more power and can bring to you that which is blessed with love. Remember that God is the source of your supply and there are no shortages.  This inexhaustible resource of Spirit is equal to every need you may have.

Many people come to the Ocean of Abundance with only a teaspoon when they could bring a bucket or a much larger vessel. You can consciously choose to expand your ability to receive and to enlarge your own container. One way to do this is through prayers of gratitude and blessings for what you already have and for what you will receive. These prayers will help to lift your consciousness and bring you to a place where you can affirm the truth that you are one with abundant life and with the abundant flow of money and prosperity in the world. Blessing all the money you give is another way to do this.

God’s abundance exists everywhere, and you can move into the stream of consciousness that allows you to have all your needs met, when you develop the attitude of gratitude, blessing, and affirming the divine truth of abundance within all things. So begin now to bless that which you have and bless those you love.  Lift yourself up so you can begin to see that which is good in your life. And remember your message from the Angels today:

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.

Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel



Living Life in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and gratitudeDear Ones,

It is nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. marking the official beginning of the holiday season. Know that in this unique time of the year there is an awakening in you of the spirit of Gratitude. It is the true essence of Thanksgiving. When you can immerse yourself in the flow of pure Gratitude, it catalyzes new abundance in every area of your life. Gratitude can provide a new containment field for your heart to open into. It is a true gift for yourself when you live in Gratitude. The power of giving thanks can help to lift you above the appearance of disharmony so that a new life emerges within you opening doors to amazing possibilities you never imagined.

Your deepest dreams are being awakened now and your heart is being offered an opportunity to create manifestation of your deepest Soul’s longings. When you open to these desires that have the potential to fulfill you in massive ways, an energy begins to work in you that you have never experienced. It is like the unlocking of the gateway to a new dimension with thanksgiving as the key.

The creation of new attitudes of thanksgiving in your life attracts new streams of light-filled energy to bless all that is honored in this way. When a blessing of thanksgiving is made in any moment, it confers light-filled Divine energy upon the person who sends it, as well as the situation being blessed. In challenging times it may seem difficult to find something to feel grateful for. In spite of this difficulty, one way to create a positive change in your life is to give thanks for what you have now. You can even give thanks in advance for what you want to create. This allows a shift in your perceptions so that you begin to attract new beneficial energy into your life.

Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your consciousness. When you live your life in thanksgiving, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and well-being.

When you find nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive so your soul will evolve. It is a gift to be in a human body and your body is a miraculous instrument. Consider the fact that you have a heart within you that needs no conscious assistance on your part to continue beating. Remember that you don’t have to tell your digestive system to do its work.

All of these body parts are functioning in a wondrous Divine plan of perfection. When you turn your attention to these systems within your body, when you begin to give thanks for the incredible processes that continue 24 hours a day within you, they will function at a higher level. Your focus of attention with gratitude and blessings will bring more light and strength into your vital organs. For extra energy, consider filling these organs with a healing color such as pink or green, which brightens them with Divine Light. For fun you can then imagine a smile on a body part such as your liver or your heart. This will not only bless your organs, it will lighten your mind.

Gratitude is the Attitude that will take you into your Heart. Consider the idea that your thoughts are like prayers reaching out into the Universal flow of life. When you use your thoughts consciously, they become prayers that shift your perspective so you can see a greater picture of what is actually going on in your life. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of spiritual energy into every situation. This force can create miraculous change for good in your life. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but prayers of thanksgiving can help create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so.

It is vitally important for your future to nurture compassion for yourself, the mistakes you made as you were learning about life, and forgiveness for the person you were in the past. Be grateful for all that you have learned and all that you are. This act is a good beginning for a peace filled and happy future. You can open new doors for tomorrow with your grateful thoughts today.

No matter how it feels, you are never alone. You are here on earth to remember your connection to the Spiritual Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the challenges life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring you more creative solutions. There is one place where you can always go to feel the power of Divine Love, and that is in your heart. Gratitude is the attitude that will take you into your heart. It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of giving thanks opens a door in your heart to allow Divine Love in.

Sometimes it seems as though prayer is difficult or there may be negative associations with organized religion from childhood. Perhaps some suggestions for prayers of thanksgiving can be useful. Here are some possibilities for prayers that may help you to lift your thoughts and connect your heart to the essence of Gratitude. You can choose one or more that resonate with you and use them as a spiritual practice for the day. Masters suggest 21 days of a practice to create a new habit within your brain.

Thanksgiving Prayers

Divine Presence,

I AM grateful for the Beauty and Power of the living Earth that sustains all life and blesses all who are fortunate to live in this beautiful world. I give thanks that all beings are awakening to these gifts.

Thank you for this day. Help me to see the blessings in my life, and learn the lessons given to me to learn. Show me what I need to know in order to grow into a more kind and loving human being, and take care of my responsibilities with Grace and Ease. Help me to share the gifts you have given me in a way that adds more value to the world.

Thank you for helping me move with great Clarity and Certainty. Thank you for inspiring my heart centered action in every area of my life.

I AM grateful for physical, mental and emotional Health and Well-Being. I recognize Wellness as my most empowered attribute and it blesses every area of my life.

Thank you for abundant demonstrations in my bank account and the financial ability to save, spend and support others. I AM grateful that my work fulfills me on all levels.

Thank you for my mind that is inspired and creative. Thank you for helping me to be open to new ideas that can bring good into my life. Thank you for my amazing body that is strong and flexible, and for the organs within it that are functioning with perfection. Bless each cell and fiber of my being so that it is filled with your Divine Light.

Thank you for the forgiveness growing in my heart and the compassion within me for the person I am right now. Help me to also have compassion and understanding for others as they walk their own path in life.

I AM thankful for the new awakenings of Love and Abundance all over the world in the hearts of each person embodied at this time. Thank you for helping me to live my life in Harmony and Well Being, and to be a radiant light for Divine Love in the world.

For these and all my blessings, I say, “Thank You God.”

May this time of Thanksgiving fill your heart with a new awakening to the Loving Presence within all things and bless every area of your life with pure Gratitude.

So be it. Be it so. Amen.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: November 20, 2014

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Views below are those of Benjamin Fulford.   -AK

Note from Benjamin Fulford… “The global elite are not a monolith”
Posted on 2014/11/23

Source:  RMN

Hi Shahji,

The global elite are not a monolith. They had a big split in 2000 between two big factions. One was the Nazionist (Nazi/Zionist) group that wanted to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to “save the environment,” and create a race of supermen (themselves) to rule over the sheeple. The other group, let us call them the Warmists, wanted to use fraudulent global warming as an excuse to create a global tax and world government and use part of the tax to preserve forests and nature.

The Warmists lost to the murder threats of the Nazionists in 2000 when George W. Bush was fraudulently elected.

Then an Asian secret society, having eavesdropped a Bohemian Grove Nazionist meeting, learned about the plans to kill the 90% and decided to try to stop them. They eventually managed to convince the Warmist faction to work with them. Some of them thought that adjusting current institutions like the IMF, World Bank etc. would be enough. However, the Nazionists refused to even share any power hence the need to work together to overthrow them. That is why a financial war, assassinations, use of earthquake weapons etc. have been going on for some years now.

The old generation families like the Rockefellers will have to step aside and allow a totally new paradigm for this planet to emerge. Some of them meant well but the state of the planet tells us they need to stand down now and allow a new age or new era (but not a New World Order) to begin.

The fact is we all share this fragile planet, breathe the same air and use the same water so there are some things we all need to do together if we are to build a better, happier future for humanity and all living creatures.

Heavenletter #5114 Imagine a Great Being Unaware of His Greatness

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 03:40 AM PST


Heavenletter #5114 Imagine a Great Being Unaware of His Greatness 
November 25, 2014 

God said: 

In Oneness, We are. We are never separated, and you are never alone. In ignorance, however, so fraught with fear and other sundries, you may feel and think you are alone on Planet Earth, as if stranded here on a deserted island. Here youare, a Great Being unaware of your Greatness. 

This sense of loneliness applies to the Big Timers and the two-bit Timers. It applies to those seen as the Highest in the Land and to those who are seen as the Lowest of the Low. This applies to those people you have difficulty seeing as even human because of their disparate views of the world and their actions in it. There are those whose perceived light may be dim, yet they are still made of light. Somehow, beloveds, understanding or believing this or not, it is for you to shine your Lighted Love on all. 

Those who seem so apart from you may well need your love the most of all. If you do not like their deeds or thoughts, then show them your good deeds and thoughts. 

What does it cost you to love even the unlovable? 

Perhaps you can consider perceived bad guys as wild beasts who have lived in a jungle all their lives and do not know what domestication is. Perhaps you were born in a settled place where you did not see a need to act so roughly and without feeling. 

Do you blame a tiger for being a ferocious tiger ready to bite you any more than you blame a playful puppy for running up to you? Yet even playful puppies have been mercilessly trained to fight. 

If you say that dogs don’t have the kind of choice that human beings have, you are right. You are right to a point. At the same time, you cannot know the why’s and wherefore’s of someone who seems unaware of the rights and feelings of others. 

Nor do I say that you are to cozy up to someone who seems dangerous. Read dangerous as heartless, insensitive, unthinking and so on. Nor are you to be heartless and so forth even to those who apparently are. 

Feel sorry for someone? No, I don’t mean that. Just understand that another’s frame of reference is different from yours. The possibility exists that you are luckier. The possibility exists that they fulfill a different purpose from yours that, nevertheless, has a legitimate function in the world. 

From the human level, the point is you do not know the intricate workings of life in the world and people’s destinies and their choices. 

What if the world were humane? What if you are humane and not at all an overlord of others or a snob in your heart? 

I am not suggesting that you spend a whole lot of time and thought on this. Just for a moment, have a regard for all those, from all appearances, who seem to be less than you -- you who stand in richness of heart and in the royalty and plushness of the world. 

It’s possible to consider that every human being is unaware of something. Unaware is unaware. You can call it deficient. You can call it deficient in sanity. You can call it cruelty or inability to feel, or blindness or any of the words you may use and, so, you emanate a disregard for a seeming other. 

I ask you to withdraw these words from your heart and your vocabulary. I wonder, then, if you could truly love and not just try to, could there be anyone left to oppose your love? Could there be? 

You might respond that I, God, love without effort, yet I am disdained in some quarters. And, yes, you are correct. I love without effort. 

And this is how you come into service for Me, with an open heart and awareness of peace on Earth and good will to all. If you must give service from a distance, then, that is fine too. 

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Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. 

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™

Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts

Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™ 



Posted: 25 Nov 2014 08:51 PM PST

Today again my friends at BRAVE Mandala will explain the journey you'll take with the Chak-dala  above...

Todays Mandala is about Coherence. This quote was part of the inspiration for it:

"The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inner psychic pollution: millions of unconscious individuals not taking responsibility for their inner space.”

Eckhart Tolle 

    2. Todays CHAK-dala is about Coherence. Being whole, undivided. Bringing all our disparate and desperate thoughts into alignment with our soul. Integrity.

The world outside and the world inside move toward mirroring each-other. It is far easier to change the world inside. Fighting the outside world is like putting makeup on the mirror. 

The disparate things happening in our macro communities come from the fragmented thoughts and feelings of us, the people in those communities. 

Until we can unify all of our own thoughts and energies we are powerless to create in the world, we are at its whim. And once we unify our energies the world is at ours.

BRAVEmandala....audacious visuals of infinite love & strength redefined...BRAVEmandala
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The Allies of Humanity By Marshall Vian Summers

Second Briefing“The Challenge to Human Freedom”

Humanity is approaching a very dangerous and very important time in its collective development. You are on the verge of emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. You will be encountering other races of beings who are coming to your world seeking to protect their interests and to discover what opportunities may lie ahead. They are not angels or angelic beings. They are not spiritual entities. They are beings who are coming to your world for resources, for alliances and to gain an advantage in an emerging world. They are not evil. They are not holy. In that, they are also much like you. They are simply driven by their needs, their associations, their beliefs and their collective goals.

 This is a very great time for humanity, but humanity is not prepared. From our vantage point, we can see this on a larger scale. We do not involve ourselves with the daily lives of individuals in the world. We do not attempt to persuade governments or to lay claim to certain parts of the world or to certain resources that exist there. Instead, we observe, and we wish to report what we observe, for this is our mission in being here.

       The Unseen Ones have told us that there are many people today who feel a strange discomfort, a sense of vague urgency, a feeling that something is going to happen and that something must be done. Perhaps there is nothing within their daily sphere of experience that justifies these deeper feelings, that verifies the importance of these feelings, or that gives substance to their expression. We can understand this because we have been through similar things ourselves in our own histories. We represent several races joined together in our small alliance to support the emergence of Knowledge and Wisdom in the universe, particularly with races that are on the threshold of emerging into the Greater Community. These emerging races are particularly vulnerable to foreign influence and manipulation. They are particularly vulnerable to misunderstanding their situation and understandably so, for how could they comprehend the meaning and the complexity of life within the Greater Community? That is why we wish to play our small part in preparing and in educating humanity.

 In our first discourse, we gave a broad description of the visitors’ involvement in four areas. The first area is the influence on important people in positions of power in governments and at the head of religious institutions. The second area of influence is on people who have a spiritual inclination and who wish to open themselves to the greater powers that exist in the universe. The third area of involvement is the visitors’ building of establishments in the world in strategic locations, near population centers, where their influence on the Mental Environment can be exercised. And lastly, we spoke of their program of interbreeding with humanity, a program which has been underway for quite some time.

     We understand how troubling this news may be and perhaps how disappointing it may be to many people who had high hopes and expectations that visitors from beyond would bring blessings and great benefit to humanity. It is natural perhaps to assume and to expect these things, but the Greater Community into which humanity is emerging is a difficult and competitive environment, particularly in areas in the universe where many different races compete with each other and interact for trade and commerce. Your world exists in such an area. This may seem incredible to you because it has always seemed that you lived in isolation, alone within the vast emptiness of space. But really you live in an inhabited part of the universe where trade and commerce have been established and where traditions, interactions and associations are all longstanding. And to your benefit, you live in a beautiful world—a world of great biological diversity, a splendid place in contrast to the starkness of so many other worlds.

      However, this also gives your situation great urgency and poses a genuine risk, for you possess what many others want for themselves. They do not seek to destroy you but to gain your allegiance and your alliance so that your existence in the world and your activities here can be for their benefit. You are emerging into a mature and complicated set of circumstances. Here you cannot be like little children and believe and hope for the blessings of all whom you may encounter. You must become wise and discerning, as we, through our difficult histories, have had to become wise and discerning. Now humanity will have to learn about the ways of the Greater Community, about the intricacies of interaction between races, about the complexities of trade and about the subtle manipulations of associations and alliances that are established between worlds. It is a difficult but important time for humanity, a time of great promise if true preparation can be undertaken.

  In this, our second discourse, we would like to speak in greater detail about the intervention into human affairs by various groups of visitors, what this may mean for you and what this will require. We come not to incite fear but to provoke a sense of responsibility, to engender a greater awareness and to encourage preparation for the life that you are entering into, a greater life but a life with greater problems and challenges as well.

    We have been sent here through the spiritual power and presence of the Unseen Ones. Perhaps you will think of them in a friendly way as angels, but in the Greater Community their role is greater and their involvement and their alliances are deep and penetrating. Their spiritual power is here to bless sentient beings in all worlds and in all places and to promote the development of the deeper Knowledge and Wisdom that will make possible the peaceful emergence of relations, both between worlds and within worlds. We are here on their behalf. They have asked us to come. And they have given us much of the information that we have, information that we could not collect ourselves. From them we have learned a great deal about your nature. We have learned a great deal about your abilities, your strengths, your weaknesses and your great vulnerability. We can comprehend these things because the worlds that we have come from have passed through this great threshold of emergence into the Greater Community. We have learned much, and we have suffered much from our own mistakes, mistakes that we hope humanity will avoid.

     We come then not only with our own experience, but with a deeper awareness and a deeper sense of purpose that has been given to us by the Unseen Ones. We observe your world from a location nearby, and we monitor the communications of those who are visiting you. We know who they are. We know where they come from and why they are here. We do not compete with them, for we are not here to exploit the world. We consider ourselves to be the Allies of Humanity, and we hope in time that you will consider us to be such, for such we are. And though we cannot prove this, we hope to demonstrate this through our words and through the wisdom of our counsel. We hope to prepare you for what lies ahead. We come in our mission with a sense of urgency, for humanity is way behind in its preparation for the Greater Community. Many earlier attempts decades ago to make contact with human beings and to prepare human beings for their future proved to be unsuccessful. Only a few people could be reached, and as we have been told, many of these contacts were misconstrued and were used by others for different purposes.

        Therefore, we have been sent in the place of those who came before us to offer help to humanity. We work together in our united cause. We do not represent a great military power but more a secret and holy alliance. We do not want to see the kind of affairs that exist in the Greater Community perpetrated here within your world. We do not want to see humanity lose its freedom and its self-determination. These are real risks. Because of this, we encourage you to consider our words deeply, without fear, if that is possible, and with the kind of conviction and determination that we know resides in all human hearts.

    Today and tomorrow and the day after, great activity is underway and will be underway to establish a network of influence over the human race by those who are visiting the world for their own purposes. They feel that they are coming here to save the world from humanity. Some even believe they are here to save humanity from itself. They feel that they are in the right and do not consider that their actions are inappropriate or unethical. According to their ethics, they are doing what is considered to be reasonable and important. However, for all freedom-loving beings, such an approach cannot be justified.

     We observe the visitors’ activities, which are growing. Every year, there are more of them here. They are coming from afar. They are bringing supplies. They are deepening their engagement and involvement. They are establishing stations of communication in many places in your solar system. They are observing all of your initial forays into space, and they will counter and destroy anything that they feel will interfere with their activities. They are seeking to establish control not only of your world but of the area around your world. This is because there are competing forces here. Each represents the alliance of several races.

Now let us address the last of the four areas that we spoke of in our first discourse. This has to do with the visitors interbreeding with the human species. Let us give you a bit of history first. Many thousands of years ago, in your time, several races came to interbreed with humanity to give humanity a greater intelligence and adaptability. This led to the rather sudden emergence of what we understand is called “Modern Man.” This has given you dominance and power in your world. This occurred long ago.

   However, the interbreeding program that is occurring now is not the same at all. It is being undertaken by a different set of beings and by different alliances. Through interbreeding, they are seeking to establish a human being who will be part of their association yet who can survive within your world and who can have a natural affinity with the world. Your visitors cannot live on the surface of your world. They must either seek shelter underground, which they are doing, or they must live aboard their own craft, which they often keep hidden in large bodies of water. They want to interbreed with humanity to protect their interests here, which are primarily the resources of your world. They want to have human allegiance assured, and so for several generations they have been involved in an interbreeding program, which within the last twenty years has become quite extensive.

     Their purpose is twofold. First, as we have mentioned, the visitors want to create a human-like being who can live within your world but who will be bonded to them and who will have a greater set of sensitivities and abilities. The second purpose of this program is to influence all those that they encounter and to encourage people to assist them in their undertaking. The visitors want and need human assistance. This furthers their program in all respects. They consider you valuable. However, they do not consider you to be their peers or their equals. Useful, that is how you are perceived. So, in all whom they will encounter, in all whom they will take, the visitors will seek to engender this sense of their superiority, their value and the worth and the significance of their endeavors in the world. The visitors will tell all whom they contact that they are here for the good, and they will assure those that they have captured that they need not fear. And with those who seem particularly receptive, they will attempt to establish alliances—a shared sense of purpose, even a shared sense of identity and family, of heritage and destiny.

In their program, the visitors have studied human physiology and psychology very extensively, and they will take advantage of what people want, particularly those things that people want but have not been able to gain for themselves, such as peace and order, beauty and tranquility. These will be offered and some people will believe. Others will simply be used as is needed.

  Here it is necessary to understand that the visitors believe that this is entirely appropriate in order to preserve the world. They feel that they are doing humanity a great service, and so they are wholehearted in their persuasions. Unfortunately, this demonstrates a great truth about the Greater Community—that true Wisdom and true Knowledge are as rare in the universe as they must seem within your world. It is natural for you to hope and to expect that other races have outgrown deviousness, selfish pursuits, competition and conflict. But, alas, this is not the case. Greater technology does not raise the mental and spiritual strength of individuals.

      Today there are many people who are being taken against their will repeatedly. Because humanity is very superstitious and seeks to deny things that it cannot understand, this unfortunate activity is being carried on with considerable success. Even now, there are hybrid individuals, part-human, part-alien, walking in your world. There are not many of them, but their numbers will grow in the future. Perhaps you will meet one some day. They will look the same as you but be different. You will think they are human beings, but something essential will seem to be missing in them, something that is valued within your world. It is possible to be able to discern and to identify these individuals, but in order to do so, you would have to become skilled in the Mental Environment and learn what Knowledge and Wisdom mean in the Greater Community.

      We feel that learning this is of the utmost importance, for we see all that is happening in your world from our vantage point, and the Unseen Ones counsel us regarding things we cannot see or have access to. We understand these events, for they have happened countless times in the Greater Community, as influence and persuasion are cast upon races that are either too weak or too vulnerable to respond effectively.

       We hope and we trust that none of you who may hear this message will think that these intrusions into human life are beneficial. Those who are being affected will be influenced to think that these encounters are beneficial, both for themselves and for the world. People’s spiritual aspirations, their desire for peace and harmony, family and inclusion will all be addressed by the visitors. These things that represent something so special about the human family are, without Wisdom and preparation, a sign of your great vulnerability. Only those individuals who are strong with Knowledge and Wisdom could see the deception behind these persuasions. Only they are in a position to see the deception that is being perpetrated upon the human family. Only they can protect their minds against the influence that is being cast in the Mental Environment in so many places in the world today. Only they will see and know.

      Our words will not be enough. Men and women must learn to see and to know. We can only encourage this. Our coming here to your world has occurred in accordance with the presentation of the teaching in Greater Community Spirituality, for the preparation is here now and that is why we can be a source of encouragement. If the preparation were not here, we would know that our admonitions and our encouragement would not be adequate and would not be successful. The Creator and the Unseen Ones want to prepare humanity for the Greater Community. In fact, this is the most important need of humanity at this time.

Therefore, we encourage you not to believe that the taking of human beings and their children and their families has any benefit for humanity at all. We must emphasize this. Your freedom is precious. Your individual freedom and your freedom as a race are precious. It has taken us so long to regain our freedom. We do not want to see you lose yours.

   The interbreeding program that is occurring in the world will continue. The only way that it can be stopped is by people gaining this greater awareness and sense of inner authority. Only this will bring these intrusions to an end. Only this will uncover the deception behind them. It is hard for us to imagine how awful this must be for your people, for those men and women, for those little ones, who are undergoing this treatment, this re-education, this pacification. To our values, this seems abhorrent, and yet we know that these things occur in the Greater Community and have occurred since before memory.

   Perhaps our words will generate more and more questions. This is healthy and this is natural, but we cannot answer all of your questions. You must find the means to gain the answers for yourselves. But you cannot do this without a preparation, and you cannot do this without an orientation. At this time, humanity as a whole, we understand, cannot differentiate between a Greater Community demonstration and a spiritual manifestation. This is truly a difficult situation because your visitors can project images, they can speak to people through the Mental Environment and their voices can be received and expressed through people. They can cast this kind of influence because humanity does not yet have this kind of skill or discernment.

      Humanity is not united. It is broken apart. It is in contention with itself. This makes you extremely vulnerable to outside interference and manipulation. It is understood by your visitors that your spiritual desires and inclinations make you particularly vulnerable and particularly good subjects for their use. How difficult it is to gain true objectivity regarding these things. Even where we have come from, it has been a great challenge. But for those who wish to remain free and to exercise self-determination in the Greater Community, they must develop these skills, and they must preserve their own resources in order to avoid being required to seek them from others. If your world loses its self-sufficiency, it will lose much of its freedom. If you must go beyond your world to seek the resources you need to live, then you will lose much of your power to others. Because the resources of your world are rapidly diminishing, this is a grave concern for those of us who watch from afar. It is also of concern to your visitors, for they want to prevent the destruction of your environment, not for you but for them.

      The interbreeding program has only one purpose, and that is to enable the visitors to establish a presence and a commanding influence within the world. Do not think that the visitors are lacking something that they need from you other than your resources. Do not think that they need your humanity. They only want your humanity to assure themselves of their position in the world. Do not be flattered. Do not indulge yourself in such thoughts. They are unwarranted. If you can learn to see the situation clearly as it really is, you will see and you will know these things for yourself. You will understand why we are here and why humanity needs allies in a Greater Community of intelligent life. And you will see the importance of learning greater Knowledge and Wisdom and of learning Greater Community Spirituality.

     Because you are emerging into an environment where these things become vital for success, for freedom, for happiness and for strength, you will need greater Knowledge and Wisdom in order to establish yourselves as an independent race in the Greater Community. However, your independence is being lost with each passing day. And you may not see the loss of your freedom, though perhaps you may feel it in some way. How could you see it? You cannot go outside your world and witness the events that surround it. You do not have access to the political and commercial involvements of the alien forces operating in the world today to understand their complexity, their ethics or their values.

   Never think that any race in the universe that travels for commerce is spiritually advanced. Those who seek commerce seek advantage. Those who travel from world to world, those who are resource explorers, those who seek to plant their own flags are not what you would consider to be spiritually advanced. We do not consider them to be spiritually advanced. There is worldly power, and there is spiritual power. You can understand the difference between these things, and now it is necessary to see this difference within a larger environment.

      We come, then, with a sense of commitment and strong encouragement for you to maintain your freedom, to become strong and discerning and not to give into persuasions or promises of peace, power and inclusion from those you do not know. And do not let yourself be comforted into thinking that all will turn out well for humanity or even for you personally, for this is not Wisdom. For the Wise in any place must learn to see the reality of life around them and learn to negotiate this life in a beneficial way.

     Therefore, receive our encouragement. We shall speak again concerning these matters and illustrate the importance of gaining discernment and discretion. And we shall speak more about the involvement of your visitors in the world in areas that are very important for you to understand. We hope that you can receive our words.

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November 23, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel


November 24-30, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As you move into the waves of change, energetically speaking, you are learning how to navigate and create end results and outcomes with more rapidity than ever before. This requires some contemplation within each of you in order for you to see and understand yourselves as creators of everything that takes place in your world. These times are glorious opportunities to bring into manifestation that which you have striven to accomplish in your individual and collective lives. This requires the letting go of limitations that have been holding you back from moving forward. Know that there are many of you who work together on the other dimensional planes of existence in order to bring about changes to your physical planet and within your personal worlds.

All that is in place requires your participation in order to manifest it upon the Earth. Your diligence is requested from this point on. We understand that so many of you have been feeling the effects of the increased energies and that it is difficult to rise above them and we stress the importance of maintaining your focus whilst coming into balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine polarities. Many strands of personal destiny are coming into fruition and many are in completion. Look around you and see who it is who is still with you and know that these ones are able to work in unity with you in the increased energies. Their role in your lives is important or they would not still be with you.

It is time to view these individuals and their contribution to your personal growth with gratitude, even though they have most likely afforded you the most challenging situations to work through. It is not easy to take on these roles as challenger so that your soul purpose and growth can be initiated. These ones have also chosen you to be a catalyst in their own growth and paradigm shifting and so you have offered each other the opportunities to look within your hearts at those areas in need of development that need to be brought out into the light of truth so that the appropriate changes can be initiated. There is much growth taking place within each of you at an accelerated rate and what was true yesterday may not be true today so it is important that you refrain from judgments from the past and try to look at each other with renewed eyes, the eyes of innocence, trust and love.

Be there for each other through thick and thin, for the ways before you require trusted companions who will walk with you no matter what dramas play out in the world within you and around you. Many former paradigms are being shifted by ones such as you, who have been willing to take on the task of transmuting these with Christ love and Christ mind. This requires the understanding that the roles you are each playing are necessary in the greater unfoldment of change in the world. You are all moving into a time of greater transparency in all your interactions with each other. There can be no deception taking place between individuals as these will be quickly brought to the light of exposure. This is because the energies that now permeate the atmosphere and which you are all assimilating, no longer support duplicity in any form and all will be held to the light of truth.

In order to move into the higher dimensions in comfort and safety, all upon the planet must cleanse their hearts and souls of all that remains of the lower dimensional thoughts, feelings, motives and behaviors. The higher qualities of love, respect and nobility of soul must be expressed and felt between all individuals. The divine spark of light that is within each soul upon the planet has been ignited and there will be many amazing transformations taking place in every facet of life upon the Earth. Begin to observe these transformations in the people and situations around you. Those who have been distant will now draw closer to you as they seek the light of love that you hold and which you are. Many soul families are uniting and coming together to increase the strength of all. It is a time of profound awakenings and realizations.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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Glimpses of Oneness Posted: 23 Nov 2014

This journey we are collectively taking does not begin at a starting gate and cross a finish line as if in a race. It is more a meandering...

Yes we are born here and one day will die, yet we do not know the length of this momentary life. If in fullness you embrace each now, you will catch a glimpse of eternity. In a perpetual dream state, there are some fleeting images and others that seem to regenerate tirelessly.

We are not built to “hurry this along” or “get there first”. We are, instead, here to absorb every nuance available; to accumulate a knowing of creation. Like sponges, with absorption there is a fullness. What spills out then is our knowing and the cycle begins anew. Saturated with awareness as creator sponges, we continue to allow for this knowing. Thus, excess creative drops are dispersed.

Still ours, yet “separate” from us. These sponge drops of creation can be observed now, as the absorption continues. Each piece complete unto itself, as well as part of the whole. There is a point, a moment, a realization that comes - “We are One”.

Glimpses of Oneness seep into our sponge self unbidden. This knowing cannot be called forth as it was never apart from you, just hidden. Once realized, desire emerges. It is the ultimate in satisfaction; complete awareness rests there. It waits for your discovery of itself. Patiently, joyfully and eternally this knowing is the very essence of creation – Your Eternal Essence.

Like memories of your first love, you hold these glimpses of Oneness deeply, fondly, and longingly. Found once, your existence can no longer be disputed. You are both weaver and cloth, weaving your thread into the fabric of creation with every now.

This human thread is held in the hands of Master Weavers. With skill and a willingness to take risks, true artistry emerges now. Self realizations simultaneously erupt universally and creation itself realizes its truth. We are unlimited.

We are the Ones we've been waiting for.

Join the next Love Quest here.
You tube link here.
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November 20, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

thanks to


By Sharon Cheney, November 2014,

Many people are feeling the transition into the fourth dimension lately. They sense something is different but have difficulty to define it.

For some, their regular source of income may be changing while others feel blocked and don’t understand what is happening to them. We can go through this transition with ease when we understand that this is the golden age that we have all been awaiting for since December 2012.

The planet and all its inhabitants are now fully anchored into fourth dimension. The planetary grid that has allowed this to happen has been in place since 2008.

If you are wondering what the future will be like, the answer is that the consciousness of all humans, animal and plant life will change. 

Humans will realize the presence of the Creator (who is an intelligent being) from childhood and will feel an allegiance to Him (Graham: Sharon speaks of Mother Father God below). People will have increased sensitivity in all areas of their lives.

Psychic abilities like telekinesis (moving things with your mind), levitation, telepathy (reading people’s thoughts), tele-transportation (transporting yourself with your mind) and lucid dreaming (actively creating what you desire in your dreams) will become common place. 

There will be mass sightings of UFO’s and visitation by positive minded ET’s when we are fully anchored into the fourth dimension. We will discover that energy medicine can completely heal our bodies so the pharmaceuticals we now use will become obsolete.

Each dimension brings new experiences. Time will feel expanded. Social life will be more community orientated. As our consciousness increases, we will begin to see with new eyes, which will allow us to experience oneness based on the truth that all life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent.

Once this occurs, we will feel the connection to all living beings rather than feeling separate from them. 

This dimensional shift is really the golden age we have been all waiting for. Imagine a world where love, peace and harmony are all that exists. In order to receive the full blessings of Mother Father God, we must live in love. Many expected the golden Age to start in December 2012. At that time, many new grand cycles began but we did not see or feel any actual changes occur.

Now almost two years later, we are feeling this shift and seeing changes take place in our personal lives as well as globally. All we need to do is sit back and allow this change to manifest as we really have no other alternative.

Earth is moving forward with or without us. Failure to change will result in our remaining in the third dimensional reality, with which we are all familiar.  

Many people fear or dislike change, but this is the change we have all been waiting for. This change can be as easy as becoming aware of your thoughts and having more spiritually uplifting positive thoughts.

Seeing the best in every person instead of seeing only their faults or blaming them for whatever has occurred. Even if you can only manage this fifty-one percent of the time, it will help.

Too often we go through life on auto pilot thinking and responding in way we always have without ever considering what other choices are available to us.

What is most important in order to go through this transition with ease is to love ourselves and others at all the times, so that we can create peace, harmony and perfection in our lives and on this planet.

I know this is a tall order especially when we feel angry, hurt or afraid. Negative feelings and stress are really meant to be beneficial to our growth. Stress gives us the impetus to adapt our responses to difficult situations and seek the love that resides within any stressful situation.

As we change, our reality shifts and we begin to see things differently. We choose to love and accept everyone including ourselves as they are, because it makes us feel good to do so. We choose to respond with love and compassion instead of [with] anger, fear or hurt because we see the positive results it brings.

When we do this our vibration and consciousness rises. Positive loving thoughts also affect our DNA, allowing us to live longer healthier lives. 

We must realize that fear only manifests more fear. We often bring fears forward from one lifetime to another until they are no longer beneficial to our learning. When we master our fears, we become stronger, wiser, more intelligent and loving.

We come to understand our fears were only there for our learning. When we realize that, we become true spiritual adults. Fear and other negative feelings are experiences that can change the state of our consciousness.

Anything that makes us feel anything but pure love, such as anger, fear or hurt, makes us quest for love.

This means that any time we are faced with difficult situations or relationships, we must look for the love in that person or situation. Each relationship and situation is only a mirror reflecting back aspects of ourselves of which we may be unaware or unwilling to acknowledge.

By being able to find love in any difficult situation or person, we are able to find the love within ourselves. The more we love ourselves, the easier it is to see the love within others. I recommend you try thinking positively and being loving towards everyone for a week just to see how good it makes you feel.

We must transcend hope and fear in order to live in the now. Hope suggests we believe our future will be better than our present, while fear suggests we are living from our past experiences.

We are being challenged to accept what is in our NOW and to trust that everything will be okay, even if it does not look the way we expected or are experiencing changes in our lives that are not of our own making.  So it is best to accept what is in your life with love instead of disappointment or fear, and look for the silver lining in your experiences.

Negativity and fear cause imbalances which must then be brought into balance. This has been the reason for all the earth changes we have been experiencing for the past number of years, which have come in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis’, pole shifts, unusual weather patterns and climate changes.

I am sure we all want to do our part in helping the planet come into balance, especially when all we need to do is think positively and be more loving.

Some people are waiting to be rescued by ETs, but this will not occur because ETs are not allowed to interfere. We have all that we need within us.  We have been controlled by fear that we have been exposed to through TV shows, news, video games and movies. We must choose love over fear. All we need to do is be loving, trust in ourselves, maintain our own inner balance and don’t’ sweat the small stuff. 

Stay heart centered instead of going into fear mode. Avoid activities that cause fear like listening to the news (which is mostly bad) and keep your life simple. Acknowledge the good people and things you have in your life instead of focusing on what you don’t have. We must realize that the planet is moving forward with or without us. We can’t personally do anything that will affect its evolution. Our choices will only affect our personal lives.

There is a purging process taking place on this planet now that is unprecedented. Anything that conflicts with love and perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is why we continue to see conflicts between countries, exposure of financial corruption and corporate greed and a lack of concern for humanity.

This is the opposite of what our future will look like. We can all contribute to creating positive change by letting our voices be heard, rather than sitting back and feeling helpless and hopeless about the current state of affairs. People have the power to bring about change, which will occur with a shift in consciousness at the grass-roots level.

We do not need to fix the world. All we need to do is create a new one, which we can easily do by being more loving and holding a vision of what we want the future to look like. We can pray for those in power to make decisions that will better the lives of all rather than just themselves.

We can hold the vision of government that comprehends the oneness and interconnection of all life and is willing to treat all life with the reverence it deserves.

Click here to view Sharon’s website and articles:


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Self-contained Higher Beings enter all of Gaia consciousness at this time
by ÉirePort

Self-contained Higher Beings enter all of Gaia consciousness at this time.

Far-reaching connections form readily with all ready to ascend to the next level.

Far-reaching elements of these portend rapid change.

Flashbacks contribute only as needed for consciousness ascension.

Forgone efforts now release.

Flashes of Higher Gaia are visible to all.

LANDA GLOBAL ~ GCR/RV/Currencies Update ~ 11-18-14


November 18, 2014

The completion of all the requisite agreements, treaties, sign-offs and other functions of the Global Reset have been completed, and the advent of the new TRN (Treasury Reserve Note) is scheduled to be implemented on November 20, 2014.

We have been apprised that the schedule of the GCR (Global Currency Reset) after the official announcement of the TRN is measured in days if not hours.

After the GCR, the official historic bond redemptions will be announced. At this time, all six official channels for this official redemption period are on standby and completing the required loading of funds to the redemption accounts before the announcement. It is anticipated that this will occur in the next week.

It is also anticipated that the RV (Revaluation) of the dinar, dong and other currencies will follow the GCR more or less in parallel.

The process will complete well before the Christmas holiday season, and all currencies will become Basel III compliant.

This global event has been decades in the making, and the royal families and other sovereigns in concert with the Chinese Family have finally “broken through” the various obstacles placed before them in the implementation of the Global Reset. All institutions, agencies, and regulatory authorities are nowon standby to support the transition.

Landa Project fundings will begin by end of this month as first funds to accounts are underway now. It is estimated that it will take about one week to set the infrastructure in place after clearance of first funds.

Further information will be posted as it arrives and is confirmed.

Thank You










Hi Susan,

I sure could use some good news and I am sure many others could as well.

I hope this delayed Poofness update has that in store for us.

Kind regards,



People are taking Zap out of context because they think he is saying some of the things he is only quoting.

Zap needs to keep his dialogue in caps and reduce the caps of others so that he is not inadvertently misrepresenting himself to others. Otherwise, he will get blamed for others reports and conjectures.

Yes, it takes time, but that is what is required to protect his reputation.



Good morning Susan.  Perhaps it is too late for me to post this, but I’m hoping that Zap may be able to address this to some degree.  I’ve begun reading this and it’s very enlightening, to say the least.  How is it that this evil, for lack of a better word, can be dealt with today, as it seems to have been going on since day one almost??  I think many of us are waking up to such a thing, but still, so many many people are completely, and totally brainwashed and completely and totally where these “being” need them to be.  Seemingly the majority of people, especially in this country, are completely “conned”.  I don’t see anything happening to awaken all these people, short of a miracle!!!???  Anything that Zap may have to say about this article?



Hi all,

Wondering if you send a report out today if you had any info regarding the G 20 meetings which reports are saying personal deposits would no longer be classified as savings perhaps in conjunction with the hopefully imminent reset.  Does this have the r/v and perhaps the P programs in mind for their control?

Thank you,










November 17, 2014
Copyright ZAP 2014


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The following is solely the opinions of Benjamin Fulford. There's some interesting data regarding the Hyksos people, but I have no idea if its true or the reliability of Benjamin's source of that information.   
Others (including Ben) have said the cabal were Sabbateans (builders of Petra in Jordan) and Khazars (also known as Ashkenazi Jews) from Eastern Europe, Georgia and the Black Sea area.  There does seem to be a link with spice and silk trade routes with these banking and ruling families. 
Some in Ireland claim the Hebrew and Iranian people have Irish roots.  It could be the case with the Jewish people that those that have led them are genetically different than the masses they rule (that is also true in America) and Ben implies that.  
As always use your higher discernment in all posts, even mine.  Nobody has the complete picture.  Consider the data if it resonates as truth to you.   Ben's site is apparently down. Comments in red italics are mine... -AK

by Benjamin Fulford
November 17, 2014

The G20 meeting that just ended in Australia was a total defeat for the cabal and its agenda, multiple sources say. The cabal tried to use the Ukraine as an excuse to start war against Russia as a way to rebuild Western economies and keep itself in power. However, instead, the French, British and Germans abandoned the cabal controlled Americans and joined with the vast majority of the planet to support a BRICS led initiative for a new Marshall plan for the planet, the sources say. The attempts to inflame the sentiment for war using the Ukraine and ISIS went nowhere with most world leaders.

The BRICS and APEC summits week ended up focusing on stopping tax evasion by multinational corporations and increasing resources for fighting poverty and ending environmental destruction.
Furthermore, the US military has been in a state of shock and demoralization after a top of the line Aegis class US warship was turned into a crippled sitting duck in the Black Sea earlier this year, according to French and other reports.

As a Russian general explained “the more complicated an electronic system is, the easier it is to interfere with it.” The obvious implication here is that much of the US military’s highly computerized military equipment can all be electronically scrambled, making it no more dangerous than refrigerators. It is as if that Arthur C. Clarke 1951 science fiction story “Superiority,” about an army that lost because of its reliance on untested high tech equipment, has come true. That story used to be mandatory reading for US military officers.
In any case, the Russians and others are saying that when the Russian navy stationed a fleet near the G20 meeting in Australia the Americans were too scared to send their own fleet to respond.
Not only that but detailed evidence was presented to world leaders showing the Malaysian Airlines flight 370/17 incidents were nuclear blackmail carried out by the Bush and Cohen crime families of Florida, P2 Freemason lodge and pentagon sources say. The Pentagon has reacted to these revelations by carrying yet another restructuring of its nuclear forces in order to stop any more Bush/Cohen nuclear terror.

According to the P2 Lodge, the United States is now run by seven crime families. Of these families, it is the Bush and Cohen families that are now standing between the people of the world and freedom, the P2 lodge sources say.  
[...just a quick note.. the P2 is not exactly an unbiased observer and their connection to the dark side of the Vatican and the Vatican Bank (IOR) is well known.  There are 13 banking families, there are some that are trying to make things better, especially the younger generation within some of those families.  
Our data indicates the "Texas Camp" has largely been defanged and some of its leaders are rumored be dead... perhaps even as long as 12 months ago.  The puppet leaders in Canada, Japan, US, and Australia are quite active right now and still carrying out the agenda of the cabal which may or may not be originating with the Texas Camp. Time will tell where they are taking their orders from. It will all become transparent.  Its interesting to note Ben is now affiliating the Bush camp with Cohen - so perhaps that gives us a clue.  
Often in the cabal there is front man and the power behind the front man, same holds true of entire countries, there's the muscle - THE USA, and the financial power behind it CHINA.  Two seeming opposite and contradictory peoples intimately linked through finance via the Dragon Families - the front man and the power behind the front man template is quite common on this planet.  -AK]

The Bush/Cohen hardline faction in the cabal has now been reduced to a few slaves like Prime Minister Abe of JapanAbbott of Australian and, to this writers’ deep regret, Harper of Canada.

Abe returned to Japan only to find a mutiny against him inside the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties, according to Japanese right wing sources. The anti-Abe faction has been leaking news of a planned general election in December while Abe himself has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening, they say. The ruling coalition is split between two large factions and the pro-Abe faction is losing support fast.

The latest economic numbers showing that Japan’s economy shrank at an annualized 1.6% in the July to September quarter. This means Japan is officially in recession and Abenomics has been a failure. In fact, Abenomics has been nothing more than wholescale looting of Japan’s pensions and other financial assets aimed at supporting the cabal in the US. If Abe is removed, then it is game over for the Bush/Cohen Nazionist faction.

That is why there is expected to be heavy duty infighting in Japan over the coming weeks.

It is also interesting to note that a senior Mossad official was sent to Tokyo last week to meet with a White Dragon Society representative. This official has been completely out of contact since the March 11th, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan. It was immediately after this terror attack that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu phoned Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to demand that Japan hand over all of its holding in US Treasuries. If he did not, Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Kan duly handed the Treasury certificates over and I guess the cabal thought they had emerged victorious.

They were wrong. The Mossad agent was told that Netanyahu and the other individuals responsible for that attack would face criminal prosecution. He was also told that there was going to be no pogrom, but that the highly brainwashed section of the Jewish population would have to be re-educated based on actual historical fact.

The fact is that Hebrew and Yiddish are Germanic languages from central Europe, not Middle-Eastern languages. The only people in the ancient Middle East who spoke an Indo-European language were the Hyksos who worshiped a goat faced being with a forked tail.  That is the image we now associate with Satan. The people of Judea whose story the Torah tells spoke Aramaic.

The Hyksos invaded and ruled Egypt for a while and when they were kicked out they took a bunch of Egyptian slaves with them. [Was Moses a Hyksos? That seems to be the implication.  This has implications for Judaism and Islam and by extension Christianity through the Torah. -AK]  The implication here of course is that for millennia, Jews have been unwitting slaves of a Satan worshipping ancient Hyksos cult. The Mossad agent was told that once the Jews learned this, they would finally be freed from millennia of slavery.

The Mossad agent also asked why US President Barack Obama was so anti-Israel. He was told Obama was just a spokesperson for the US military. It was explained to him that the US military was angry about such things as 911 and the USS Liberty incident.

The Hyksos/Satanist factions are now being purged both in England and from the Vatican according to multiple sources. Pope Francis has removed thousands of pedophile priests from the Vatican, cleaned up the Vatican bank and otherwise ended their influence on that organization. [Are you sure about that? The Jesuit links to the P2 are legendary... -AK]

In England, stories that used to be on the far fringe of so-called “conspiracy theory” are now appearing in newspapers and even in the BBC. The stories talk about a pedophile ring filled with high ranking political, military and other figures killing and raping young boys.

Scotland Yard is investigating and mass arrests are expected, MI5 officials say.

When the same sorts of incidents are prosecuted inside the United States and the rest of the EU, then the horror perpetrated by these cultists will finally come to an end.

On a final note, this writer was offered first class tickets to go to the UK and testify in the Michael Shrimpton trial about nuclear terror threats to the 2012 London Olympics. However, I was warned in a phone call from London that the trial might be trap set by Tony Blair and other Bush minions in the UK.  [Or they just didn't want him to testify and used fear to scare him off... Not uncommon. Fear is a cheap weapon and doesn't cost them much. -AK]
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November 17, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

November 16-23, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Each of you is going through a process of self evaluation and re-evaluation. You are looking at all the patterns such as addiction and noting which ones need to be replaced with something that is more conducive to the path that you are on. In all things, it is a matter of balance, not necessarily the need to give up something that you enjoy indulging occasionally, just becoming aware that you have the detachment necessary to walk away when it is time. The energy downloads are bringing up areas that you might not necessarily have wanted to look at objectively to this point. Love is the answer in these instances, the understanding and compassion for one’s underlying needs that want to be acknowledged and met. The concepts of right and wrong, judgement and criticism, blame and shame – these are all human perceptions that have been assimilated into your thought processes from the time you came into this world as an innocent and wide open child, ready to experience all the wonders of life on this planet in all of its many variations.

The prospect of giving up those things that stand in the way of full integration with your higher aspects is daunting. This is where end point visualization on that which you wish to experience is most helpful for you and this can be done many times each day. It will help you to remember your higher purpose as you continue to progress in the mastering of the elements that comprise the human experience.  As you work upon the refinement of duality, let it not become so weighty that you lose your perspective. Make time and take the time, for frequent breaks from your dedicated efforts. When you do this you come back refreshed, revitalized and regenerated, filled with renewed enthusiasm and passion for your projects and goals. The fire within you that aspires to greatness of spirit and creation burns brightly once again and moves you forward on your noble quest in the search for higher meaning in life.

Enjoy the benefits of all that you’ve created and relish it. You know that you can create more and you’ve learned how to give and are now learning to receive and keep the flow of energy moving through your life. Appreciate all that you have manifested into your life and seek to be in balance with all of it. Celebrate life and all the infinite potential that each new day brings to you, on all the wonders that you are given. You have everything you need to be happy and fulfilled and there is always more than one option available to you in moving forward. You simply need to look from a different angle and perspective to discover new possibilities for your life. As you open your mind and heart, you’ll see the unlimited potential that resides within you.

The next step on your journey is the surrendering of your human will to the divine will in a greater heart opening. Trust all that is unfolding even as you experience all the emotional and physical occurrences that take place. Allow the universe to nurture and support you and feel its loving energy to flow through and embrace you. Observe your mind and the words that you say about yourself. Make it your objective to become your own greatest ally and friend. Be as kind and forgiving of yourself as you are of others who are also going through their own initiatory experiences. As one who is here on Earth to give assistance to others, loving yourself with compassion and nurturance is one of the greatest soul lessons on the journey of physical incarnation. If you do not have your own needs met then it is most difficult to give of yourself in service to others.

As you release all that no longer serves and nurture yourselves, you are creating the space for your inner abilities, gifts and power to awaken within you. Feel into these as you become aware of them and begin to experiment in the utilization of them. Allow your inner light and goodness to shine as your inner treasures and gifts of spirit come into your awareness. The energy downloads are assisting with this process of uncovering what lies within you. It is important to stay grounded and clear. Keep your daily life as simple and uncluttered as possible and give yourselves quiet time.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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The manuscript of survival – part 430
November 17, 2014 
by Aisha North

For now, what has been set into motion can no longer be negated, and as such, all of the consequent reactions will come about from a positive energetic charge, even if some of the outcome of it may be labelled as negative by those still set on maintaining status quo.

Let us elaborate. You see, this whole chain of events that is now in the middle of being activated is one that will have far reaching consequences, and as we have already informed you, the rippling effect from what is taking place on this little planet of yours is far greater than you at your current level perhaps can even begin to understand. And when we say current level, we simply refer to your ability to fully tap into your very own reservoir of inherent knowledge. In other words, we are not calling you incapable in any way, simply reminding you that things will become clearer to you at a pace that will make it possible for you to literally digest it. For when we refer to mankind’s choice to truly take the required quantum leap that is absolutely necessary for this whole operation to come about, it is also implied that this quantum leap will come about in such a way, it will serve its intended purpose, namely to shift the entire region into a frequency that will be beneficial to all that inhabits it. And so, everything needs to come about at the exact right time frame and in the stipulated sequence so that all the chips may fall in their designated directions.

Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but again, it is simply to allow you to better take in the underlying message in this message. For as we have already repeated repeatedly, what this contains is something that far surpasses the mere wording of it, and as such, we need at times to make these rather circuitous routes in order to better help you to get the gist of the message. And the gist of this message is simply this: you are no longer where you used to be, and neither is this planet that you live upon. And the same goes for your immediate surroundings. For you have already changed the very fabric of the Universe to such a degree, nothing can ever be the same again. And remember, these changes come about in a way that will be hard to define from a human’sstandpoint, but it will be very easily identified when you look upon it from our point of view. For we can see that the very basics that your world has been build upon has already been changed, and so, the algorithms are indeed brand new. On the outside, it may not look like much, merely a few scattered numerals that have shifted ever so slightly over a period of a few days, but what these slight changes will in effect do, is to set off a cascade of rippling effects that will tear away all of the old and restricting cocooning material that you have been swaddled in, almost like the ancient peoples used to do to safeguard their deceased.


In other words, the ripples will spread out from these minuscule gashes in that old fabric, the fabric that was woven with so much care in order for you to strain and struggle against it until the day you finally opened your eyes and opened your hearts and realized, that the only way to end the struggle is simply to surrender to the powers that you carry within you, the ones that have been there all along, waiting for you to rediscover their presence at the very core of your being. And then, this process of unraveling the old illusion in order to fully set free not just you, but the whole and glorious truth of who ALL of you are began to come alive in such a way, there is no way now anyone can stop this old cocoon from dissolving completely.

But again, when something dissolves, it inevitably leaves a gaping hole in someone’s armour, as in the walls that so many of your fellow men are still busy keeping intact. For not all are ready to face the reality after living lifetime after lifetime enshrouded in a wall of make believe, and so, to them, there will be much anguish, pain and indeed anger erupting within. For with this new clarity also comes a new insight, and that is that you are no longer beholden onto others to make your life a good life. But with this realization also comes another realization, namely that you can no longer blame your misfortunes on anyone else either. And for some, that realization will perhaps to them be perceived as the heaviest burden to bear. For with freedom also comes responsibility, and this is not as easy to embrace as the idea of freedom. For freedom means that you are once again aware of creating your own lives, and so, there is no longer any outside source that can or will be blamed for any perceived “misfortunes” that may befall you along the way.

We know that this will not be news to many of you, for you have stepped into this truth a long time ago, but again, we want to remind you that you are not yet amongst the majority on this planet, and so, what you have seen as the dawning of the New, they will simply see as the disintegration of all that they have staked their very existence upon, and so, they will rebel in any way they can, and the range with which they will display their dissent will vary, from anger to sadness, from fear to downright terror.

But again, this will simply be the final nail in the coffin of the old, if we may use such blunt words to describe the shift that is taking place now. For remember, you have already pushed the buttons that activated this whole operation by your willingness to fully embrace your inner light, and so, what comes around now will be a change that will affect all, and it will do so because you as a collective have come to a place where a decision was needed, and the decision was to say a resounding YES to the New. And so, the wheels of change will roll faster and faster now, and as such, more and more of your every day actions will be governed by this new light that is imbuing every sentient being on this planet.

And yes, enough of you have already chosen to open your hearts to this light, and this in itself is more than enough to set the wheels rolling. Andso, what took only a small number of the population of this planet to make come into being, will give every single one of the souls currently inhabiting this little sphere the same chance to take part in the process of recreating your world. And so, the call has gone out, the call to join in on this magnificent make over, a make over that far surpasses anything ever accomplished anywhere else in All of creation. And make no mistake, you do have a lot of things that needs to be rectified before this whole project is over, but again, there will be no lack of willing hands nor of inquisitive minds that will join forces with you, the true vanguards. For as we have told you again and again, you already possess everything you need in order to fulfill every single dream you might carry within of the paradise you so long for. There is no lack of skills, nor of manpower, nor of resources, and as you have finally allowed yourselves to re-enter the ancient halls of knowledge that has been kept safely hidden away until you as a collective were once again ready to enter them, there is no longer anything nor anyone standing in your way for this whole thing to become a success beyond compare.

And so we say again know that all is well, and take every single eruption of fear, anger or hatred as clear signals of the advent of the New World. For you have felt it already, and now, it will begin to seep into the consciousness of every single individual on this planet. For some, it will be such a welcome sight, they will instantaneously know just what to do in order to fully embrace the New. While for others, the very idea will still provoke their old gut instinct to safeguard the very last piece of “security” they can cling on to, namely the very idea itself that change must be avoided at all cost. And so, they will dig in their heels and protest in any way they can. But we can confidently predict that the latter will be the minority this time, for remember, on a higher level, it has been a decision that was made with an overwhelming majority, and the answer you gave back when the question was raised, was simply this: “yes, now, we are finally ready to step away from the old and fully embrace the totality of our being and to re-enter the prosperous sea of love that we for so long have turned our backs to.” For you as a collective are more than ready to take to these shimmering waters yet again, and it is you, the forerunners, who have been given the wonderful task of being the first ones to take the plunge.

And so once again we thank you all on behalf of All of creation. You have chosen well, and you have already set your actions behind your words, and the actions that have already been accomplished by what may seem to be only a small handful of individuals scattered all over your wold, will have a far reaching and wondrous effect on All. And for that, we can only once more extend our greatest gratitude, and we would also like to add that from now on, the pace of this ripping apart will continue to escalate at such a pace, it may at times literally take your breath away. But for you, we know the breathlessness will come out of pure and simple joy and the knowledge that what will come apart now, will do so in order to make it all come together again in a way that will bring joy into the hearts of ALL.

GAIA PORTAL: Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package…

Posted: 17 Nov 2014 02:53 AM PST


Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package…

by ÉirePort

Star systems align for reception of final Cosmic wave package prior to establishment of New Earth alignment protocols.

Pulses of New Energies continues in phases designed for hu-manity acceptance, and Hue-manity upliftment.

Star patterns change to align with individual Gaia BEing requirements.

In accordance with Unity Law, sacreds unveil as needed and requested.

Attunement to Higher Self and Higher Mind are requested at this moment.

ÉirePort | November 17, 2014 at 08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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Once more we would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the way that you continue to embrace these ever evolving and rapidly unfolding sequences of events that were initiated during the week of gatherings that took place a short while ago in Crete. Again, this was indeed something that involved a much, much larger number of participants than those collected under the same roof or even in that specific geographic location. For not only was that crowd more than outnumbered not just by all of the otherworldly beings that came together in that same space at that same time period, for in addition, a whole host of souls took part in what can only be described not just as a global but also as a truly cosmic affair. For in this, we can in no way overstate the importance of what took place during that one week period of staged events, for it was indeed something that had far reaching repercussions not only geographically but also time wise.
You see, as you entered that time period here on this planet, you also entered what we can only describe as a pocket, or perhaps bubble would be a better word for it, of linear and non-linear sequences of time, all coming together for the very first time in such a way, what was undertaking during one of them, affected also those more free flowing ones. So what took place during that week of coordinated events did not simply affect life in your timeline, it also managed to literally jump over into other and far less linear concepts of time than the one you are all currently experiencing. Let us explain. You see, during this period, the sea of time can be likened to a frothy foam, one where individual bubbles of cosmic time are thrown together, seemingly haphazardly, but with a carefully orchestrated plan behind all of it. And so, as you went about putting into action those seemingly small and unconnected pieces of the puzzle that you as individuals were given to carry out during that same time frame, what you did had a far reaching effect, one that literally crossed over into so many other sequences of hitherto unconnected timelines. And so, as one spark may jump from one cable to the next without any parts of them having any direct contact at all, what you set into motion in your timeline affected so many other timelines as well, setting off a veritable firestorm of interconnected events that in turn served to sever that hold the Old world had not only on you, but also on your forebears and indeed your children’s children’s children in an ever widening ripple of time sequences.

So again we can only say thank you – not just for your willingness to step forth when asked to do so, but also for your tenacity. For this was not a one-off thing that was concluded as that week was concluded. No, this is to all intents and purposes an open spiral that will continue to unfold and evolve as your timeline continues to roll out, and every day you add another layer of intricately wedded pieces to this spiral, making it ever wider so that it in turn can encompass ever larger swathes not just of humanity, but of All of creation.
Again, we know that our words will be met by hesitance and perhaps even incredulity, but let us just remind you of this simple fact: everything you do now is connected to everything else that was shaken into motion as you set forth to set yourself free. And as you finally managed to open that hitherto closed door that stood between you and the New, you created such a huge surge of energetic realignments that it can only be likened to the most complex of what you describe as the “domino-effect” but in this, more pieces were set into motion than any record breaking event that you yourselves may have witnessed on your TV-screens or anywhere else. For what was previously unconnected has now become connected in a very new way, and for some of you, the results from all of this coming together has already become more than obvious. For now, you are truly multi-dimensional and multi-faceted beings, capable of travelling at a speed that far surpasses the speed of light and capable of feats that would seem to be more than impossible just a few short weeks ago. For as you decided to step across that divide that separated you from the new beginnings that you have hankered so for, not just during this lifetime, you also ignited so many of the underlying layers that are contained within your own merkaba of light, you each became like a veritable troupe of time acrobats, all contained within that single bubble of existence that carries your signature.
We know that this will be more than a little bewildering for most of you, but let us simply say that as you became ONE by stepping into the New, you also split into a myriad of parts that individually will continue to carry out the work that was set into motion by that one single YES you gave not only to yourself but to All of creation. You see, you are indeed more than just the forerunners, you can also be likened to the special forces, beings capable of carrying out a wide range of tasks that crosses over any and all borders of abilities, and unlike the rest of creation, you can do so while currently being housed within the confines of that seemingly frail human body. Not only that, your ability to split into a myriad different compounds at the blink of an eye can only be explained by diving into the field of fractals, and yes, we do mean that in a very literal way. And so, we do think that a large number of you are already beginning to understand in what direction we are trying to direct your focus. For even if many of you still will struggle just trying to take in the magnitude of what has taken place energetically over the last two weeks, we know that there are some amongst you who have already started to literally tap into this never ceasing source of numerical information that you can now access and that is housed just within your own energetic field. For as that door to the New was opened and you gave yourself permission to access it, you also gave yourself permission to access the totality of your being. And as you did just that, it began to not only unfold, but to multiply in a way that can be likened to the sequence of a fractal equation. In others words, your field of influence and your field of intercommunication started to come alive in such a way, it will actually continue to unfurl itself in ALL dimensions, and before you get lost in this billowing sail of seemingly impenetrable information that we share with you now, know that you are more than capable of not only accessing, but also in controlling this formidable source of information. For you are old hands at this, remember, you were chosen for this very task because you are the true experts in this combination of linear and sequential computations that in turn gives birth to a very fluid movement of energies, one that is capable of penetrating every single barrier of time that has ever existed.
Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but the significance of what we are sharing with you is simply this: you have accessed your “mainframe” to use a word that will perhaps help to explain the force field we speak of, and through accessing this, you will be able to re-compute the underlying algorithms that control the timelines in your area in such a way, you will be able to literally figure out how to reset them all in such a way, the past, present and future will become one single fluid sphere of interconnected information. And when that system is fully set, you will no longer have to contend with any of the old programming that still clogs up some of that interstellar space that you inhabit. In other words, you are not only Masters of Love, you are also Masters of Time, in ways that will be hard to fathom in that single dimensional layer of your being, but that will start to seep into the other and far more advanced layers of your consciousness at an ever faster rate. And when this begins to permeate your being more and more, even those human parts of you will begin to truly take this into the equation. Again, we like to play around with the words, not to add to the confusion but simply to allow the deeper parts of your consciousness to begin to fall into place so that it in turn can begin to focus more on the tasks ahead. For they are indeed many, and they are in their very nature so complex, you have little or no ability to truly to understand them at your current level of capacity. But as we have already told you, the motion that was set into motion just a short while ago will continue to increase not only in speed but also in magnitude, and so, what was incomprehensible just a short while ago will begin to be not just understandable, but also doable in every sense of the word.
For you have come to the stage where what you do will literally help to change not just your world, but so much more of this vast interconnected fabric that constitutes All of creation, and in that sense, you are indeed Masters of the Universe. And before you begin to think that these words carry within them some rather ominous echoes from the past, let us simply remind you that when we say Masters, we allude to the fact that you are at heart nothing but light, and through your many sojourns here on planet Earth, you have finally stepped into your true roles as Masters of Love, and it is through this capacity that you now can begin that last and most impressive part of your assignment: to recreate the fabric of the universe through your willingness to let this newly acquired expertise of love permeate ALL that you come into contact with, and through that, setting off the vibrations that will bring everything else into tune.
It may sound like a task too large to fulfill for anyone, let alone a group of human beings recently arriving within their own self-created space of harmonics, yet, it is nothing less than what you are about to embark upon, and there is no one in All of creation that have any doubts at all as to your abilities to succeed at this. For in this, nothing has been left to chance so we will simply remind you of this: what is to come has already come to pass, but in order for it to truly become, you must take all the necessary steps that have been set up for it to come into being. And for that, we could not have picked anyone better suited than that glorious group of souls that have come together on this little sphere of light that you call Earth, but that the rest of us simply refer to as genesis 2:0.

Blossom Goodchild - November 8, 2014

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 09:34 AM PST


Blossom Goodchild - November 8, 2014

I was just taking some time to tune in for today’s session, when out of nowhere, the song ‘Consider Yourself’, from the musical ‘Oliver’, came into my mind. The chorus ran through my head and I smiled …

'Consider yourself ... at home; Consider yourself ... one of the family. We’ve taken to you ... so strong, its clear, we’re ... going to get along. Consider yourself ... our mate. We don’t want to have fuss, for after some consideration we can state, consider yourself ... one of us! 
I realise that was sent through from you ... and thought you may like to use this as today’s topic? Good morning, by the way!

And to you we state … Good morning, also. We are happy that you allowed the freedom of mind to bring forth these words of song. For indeed, we are family. You are One of us … We are One of you.

Here lies a topic that would warrant consideration … in considering yourselves to be considered as One of us.

Do you mean from the point of view that we are all One? You know, all that we have been talking about?

From a certain angle, yes. Yet, have any of you ever considered … and we know some of you have … that you have chosen to come down into the physical Earthly form to assist and experience ‘Life’ as it is ‘down there’ … yet, you chose to do so from having being counselled from one of ‘our homes’. I.e., one of our ships?

Well, that doesn’t seem too drastic a leap of understanding. I would imagine many have, as many I hear from, KNOW they are from elsewhere … different planets, stars systems etc. Can I ask? Do those of The Federation who reside on Light ships … also have a ‘planetary’ abode? Or, is their home purely based on board, so to speak?

Each One has a planetary home should they desire. Yet, we do not think in terms of ‘time’ spent away … for this differs from your explanation of time. We can be away from home for long, long adjustments … Yet, when needed, ‘our souls’ can return in a Nano second … in order to recoup and replenish and rebuild in Energy … to continue on, aboard the ships. This is not necessary for all.

What we would like you to understand, is that when we are speaking of The Federation … we are speaking in terms of a vast Family of Light. This incorporates many Galaxies and Universes. Can you consider how huge that is?

Nope! Not really, to be honest.
When you consider your planet and all those living upon it ... humans, mammals, insects plants etc. … all living within the same plane and yet, all with such different methods of ‘living’ to suit Each One. I.e. Cultural, geographical base, etc. You would find it difficult to express how it was for ALL to live … for each functions differently ... according to their needs. In the same way … those not of Earth have many, many different cultures and residences to suit THEIR desires.
Tell me, here we are on Earth, many awaiting for ‘Our merging’ … meaning … acceptance of those from elsewhere and allowing that to become common place for the betterment of All. Are WE the only planet awaiting your arrival in a more open fashion, or do other planets share the same dilemma? Are there Beings on other planets that perhaps think ‘THEY’ are the only ones in existence etc?

No. It is common knowledge on all planets that ‘others’ have form elsewhere.

Do they accept Beings from other places readily, or are some a little apprehensive … or even ‘protective’ of where THEY reside?

Again, many answers can be given and we would say that each scenario that you could possibly think of … would be a case … a situation … somewhere ‘out there’.

Why is it then, that our tiny little planet has such trouble in coming to terms with ‘others’ not from Earth? What is the big hold up? Why all this secrecy?

For one suggestion, we would say that ‘LIFE’ is developing as it should and we are preparing for this as you know.

Yet, were you not going to give it a whirl six years ago … and it had to be aborted? If you were ready to ‘try’ it then … why is it taking so long to ‘retry’?

Because, we are determined that when these ‘showings’ take place … that all is in alignment and that THIS TIME … NOTHING would interfere.

Our GRAND PRESENTATION that was suitable in the year of 2008 has been reconsidered and there is much that we have understood from reactions and non-reactions ... as to what did and what did not occur.

I believe in these past six years, many, many more have ‘joined the force!’ Many more KNOW now, that there is ‘something other than us’ and are so ready to greet it. We KNOW also, that we ‘down here’, have raised the vibration in LOVE to a Higher degree and we shall remain here and continue to do so. Yet, there are many, many who FEEL that outside assistance would not go amiss. They FEEL that the ‘state of affairs’ upon this planet has gone way too far off track, and as we are ‘part of the same family’ … it would be greatly appreciated if you would just start letting those who don’t know of you … KNOW of you! You have the ‘know how’ to do it in a way that would not bring any fear … yet, allow people to know where you come from … LOVE. You know me, I’m never going to give up on this little puppy, because it was YOU that got me on to all this in the first place.

And we thank you for never giving up.

It’s so difficult to stay on track. We started off talking about some of us coming from your ships.

Indeed this is so … to come to Earth as part of the Divine plan … in the KNOWING that WE WILL ALL UNITE DURING YOUR LIFETIME UPON THE EARTH PLANE. 

Yet many, I imagine have already been and gone again?

If it was arranged in this way ... for that particular soul.

I guess it doesn’t matter, apparently nothing does! Yet, in OUR TRUTH as ONE BIG FAMILY … can you honestly say that in my life time … this GLORIOUS EVENT shall occur?

Should all go according to the Divine plan …

Yet, if it is Divine … surely it WILL?


Then …?

Because, there is STILL FREE WILL Blossom. Free will is an integral part of the Divine plan.

Yet, if WE are making The Game up as we go along … and ‘the dice’ are ‘our choices’ … why haven’t you shown us yet, in a bigger fashion, that you are ‘walking down this path alongside us’, when so many of us CHOOSE this to happen?

Are we not speaking with you now and telling you so?

Oh chaps! You know what I mean.

We FEEL what you mean. Yet, do you not also FEEL … that you KNOW better than this?


In that … WE ARE WITH YOU.

And for those of you that KNOW your mission … you KNOW that you shall continue forth … expanding IN/AS/THROUGH/LOVE until such time … when that which YOU KNOW will take place … DOES. 


Would you say that it is governments and those ‘above’ governments that stop your procedure, more than the fact, that many would ‘pop their clogs’ on the spot, because their Beings were unprepared?

Without question, there is undermining of who we are … on a very large scale … to prevent us from having a ‘picnic out’. This, as you KNOW … is Highly involved … and the very reason of ‘our abortion’ in your year of 2008. There is great fear among the ranks of those who do not understand who they are …


Without question or doubt.

Then why … just indulge me a minute, my friends … can’t you just do something in our skies to give us a leg up? As I have said so many times before … folk down here are tired. Yes, we came here as the strongest of the strong … (and by the way, I am wonderfully fine right now. ) Yet, many are not. Their hearts and mine … again ask you to consider a ‘Federation spectaculaire!’ Our Earth sure is in need of the UMPH! Anyone will tell you that. Maybe that wasn’t part of the plan before we came … yet, now we are where we are … we are asking for a change to that agreement. ( ? ) Come on guys … get your glad rags on … it’s party time!

Blossom … in response to that, we desire to say … that contrary to what many think/believe … these remarks of yours are not thrown into the waste paper bin. They are put Highly on the agenda of consideration.
I am laughing, as you know, when I say … ‘Maybe there are a few ‘oldies’ on the board of directors, that need to retire and be replaced with some new, Highly evolved, Federation Youngsters, with new ideas to suit the needs of the troops on the ground.

Maybe so. [AK note: 

Ah dear! You have to laugh. Maybe, I am just making this all up. Maybe, you are just a figment of my imagination?

Yet, without your imagination, we would not be able to correspond with you at all. So … imagine on, Blossom. We … FOR One, AS One of part of your vast family … are grateful that you do so.

The thing is … I think about this often … sometimes, I wonder if we (You and I) are actually making a difference. Other times, I KNOW we are. Either way … deep in my soul … I KNOW that I came here to do this … it’s an agreement I made. I can change my mind any time I want … yet, at this stage I have no intention of doing so.

We are in joy to hear that.

I am always in joy to partake in these conversations. Onwards and upwards … Oh, that’s right … there is no onwards and upwards … Eh … Here’s to ever moving energy! I LOVE YOU! Thank you. Bye for now.

* The Federation Of Light speak of LOVE.

Website: Blossom Goodchild 
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found here.
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Foto: Message From Archangel Michael – Keys To Participating In The New Reality March 2, 2013 Learn to listen more deeply. Stillness and light are very compatible. In your quieter moments, as turn your attention to listening, you attract more light. The more you listen, the more facile you become with hearing your own innate wisdom SOUND throughout your being. This will appear to you as clarity and insight, as vision and knowing. The perspectives of your Soul, and your Higher Self are vast and more love-filled generally then your human based perspectives. The more you spend time listening to yourself in an aligned, relaxed way, the more these higher perspectives can inform your sense of purpose, mission, path, choices and decisions. It is important for you to realize you have many different ways of making decisions. And that decisions are different than choices, and both are different then preferences. A choice is the act of choosing among options and you may choose differently at another time. Decisions eliminate all other options, commit your energy and behavior to what you’ve decided where preferences are things you like more then others. You make choices based on your preferences. Decisions too can be based on preferences, but they also tend to be based on your values or beliefs. In all of this you are expressing yourself and in each of these kinds of creative acts you summon energetic support from beyond this sphere. Invite higher frequency energy into your life. The alignment you create by being in accord with the higher frequency aspects of your being, summons an expansive and nourishing energy into your life and fuels your creation with the momentum of the Cosmos. When you create from these higher perspectives, your preferences are inclined toward choices and decisions that are in harmony with Divine Will, or the Unified Field. These harmonics, in turn amplify your creative acts. All of life is extended by these kinds of collaborative, resonant focus. To take fullest advantage of your Higher Self and then through your Higher Self, your Soul’s Presence in this life, you must give permission and draw these energetics more and more into your field of being. You have grown and are growing in your capacity to carry light and this will continue as your focus in form unfolds. Allow yourself to fuel this process with the conscious companionship and elevation provided by inviting and giving permission for your Higher Self to join you. You may do this simply by calling upon your Higher Self. Just turning your attention in this way, draws you into a communion of light with your Higher Self and then you can continue to summon your Higher Self asking it to come closer, to come deep into your energy and your body, to merge with you, to flow into all your cells, to entrain your energy field with its energy and light. The more you do this the more you prepare to merge with your Soul Presence. Your connection with your Soul Presence is made possible through your Higher Self. There is a frequency hierarchy within your continuum of being. Beginning to work with this consciously is of great benefit to your life. You notice when you do this that you feel more peaceful, more whole, more confident, more clear, and your life becomes more available to grace. Re-orient to the true source of personal power. The ability to listen to yourself and hear your inner wisdom and know it’s guidance is the source of self-confidence and real personal power. The power of life is love. Power comes from love — from being connected to your own self and from allowing yourself to open to the love available in every moment and every kind of life experience there is. Many of you have issues with ideas of power. Realize that things you think are “bad” or “evil” are mirrors of where you are still entangled in the illusion of duality; the idea that one thing is better then another and the construct of duality. To be empowered feels more comfortable to you then the idea of being powerful. Ask yourself why. These words are not actually different. They simply have different associations from your prior experiences and the beliefs and paradigms of the old reality. Release the idea of protection. I wish now to speak about something very important to me, the idea of protection. Many of you associate my presence with protection. This is something I would like to revise so that I may more clearly participate with you in your life. My intent is to support you and to be available to you as together we move toward the fullest expression of the divine plan. This guides all my activities and all my focus. It is, the standard for my focus and my attention. To increasingly access the power of love in your life, each of you will learn to shift from ideas of protection to ideas of the truth of energetic standards. Standards are the true way that you create what you typically think of as protection. The problem with the idea of protection is that it takes you out of alignment and also feeds fear. To access the fullness of love from within this beautiful life on Earth, you must be in alignment with yourself and be open. This means you will gradually find ways to “let your guard down.” In human life many of you develop resistance to love because the focus instead, is on shielding yourself from potential pain in relationships because of fear. This idea of protection is a construct within the illusion that prevents you from knowing the fullness of love! It does not serve you. It also does not keep these things from happening–as many of you have noticed. Understand protection is essentially an extension of your energy based on fear. Of course it is wise not to drive your car into a tree. {Smile.} Caring for your body by working the the nature of life and making good decisions to perpetuate your life is simply wise. But caring for yourself is not the same thing as being protective. Being protective in essence is being “on the defensive” and being on the defensive means “steeling yourself” or even being aggressive. Being protective, or wanting protection take you out of alignment. This does not empower you, or your joy! Decide to learn to open so you may discover the abundace of love on Earth. This may seem obvious, but often when you are not feeling love it does not occur to you to open up more fully. In fact, you tend to constrict your energy which pinches you off even more! In order to feel the love that is available in each and every moment, you have to open yourself perceptually and energetically to the fuller spectrum of energy you are capable of assimilating. There is an abundance of love everywhere in your world, but many of you do not feel this, or not consistently as you would like to experience love. There is electromagnetic energy available from the Earth, there is energy in the food you eat and the air you breathe. There is energy in sunlight, and there is Cosmic Energy available directly through your crown chakra and through all your chakras. The more open you are, the more relaxed you are, the more you are able to access the full spectrum of energy available to be assimilated. All of this energy is love! Much of your focus along this path of awakening has been working with the healing frequencies transmitted to Earth, summoned by your collective desire to awaken. You have used these energies brilliantly, learning to ride the cycles of upliftment and to more and more confidently take place in your own healing with presence, patience and love. Now in the New Reality you are gradually becoming aware of the more subtle energies present and as you do, these energies actually are drawing you into higher frequency expression. They are energetically triggering you as an invitation to soften your “guard” so that you may open more fully to all that is presenting in your world. To notice these energies and to allow yourself to stay open may take practice. Many of you are very sensitive and as such have developed strong methods of keeping energy away from you that you felt (or shall I say “feared”) might impeded your joy. Of course, you are wise to want to feel joyful, it is simply that pinching off yourself energetically also tends to result in amplified fear and resistance, less availability to feel love, which then creates more fear, and also impedes the full spectrum of love-energy available to you … you can see how this can become a downward trending energy cycle. Replace ideas of protection: learn to set standards to your liking. Many of you are noticing the differences in life. You are feeling more at home. You are noticing your own awareness of unity is more prevalent. You are drawn toward experiences of love and upliftment. Your lives have changed. You have left much behind and this has been hard, but you are gradually learning that you can come indeed out and play! That is part of orienting to the new energies — realizing that it may indeed be YOUR time. To discover that it is indeed your time, you have to soften up these guards you have created so you can let more love in. It’s important for you to know that you can do this safely and still have standards to create your experience. Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. This bears repeating {Smile!} Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. The way you relate to yourself sets the standards for how you are willing to have any others relate to you. All experiences mirror your standards, so use the experiences in your life to discover your standards and then revise them if needed. Once you begin to use standards to create your experiences, along with decisions and choices, you can then entirely release the guard(s)! Then the abundance of life can be more fully received and if you make room to perceive and notice, experienced. Keys to participating in the New Reality. These are the very subtle ways of mastery that will give you the greatest benefit at this time. These are the milestones to understand and master, the Keys if you will to participation in the New Reality. The New Reality is an inner game. You intuitively know this, but now you must apply yourself to learn to live fully this way, as a sovereign expression, an extension into physical form, of your own Divine Being. Learn to listen to yourself. Invite higher frequency versions of your energy to elevate your perspective. Use choice and decisions to create based on your preferences. Use standards as guidelines for what you are willing to experience. Use the mirror of reality to see your standards, and as a feedback loop as you revise them to your liking. Let yourself be a beginner. It’s simple and clear to live this way. But it’s very different then how many of you lived for most of your lives. Which means these are new habits, new ways of being that must be patiently, devotedly created to become natural and for you to confidently utilize them as your process, your way of being. Love yourself enough to be a beginner. To relate to the New Reality as truly new! To innocently and joyfully, learn the ways of the New Reality, with no shame that you do not already know them, and with appreciation for the fundamental design of your world, so that the ability to see clearly and make changes is so beautifully made possible. You have summoned a new version of Earth into being. Now you must meet that with a new version of YOU. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael. Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Views below are solely those of Benjamin Fulford and not necessarily those of this blog.  Consider all data but use your internal discernment as many conflicting agendas are now in play on this planet.  -AK

Signs of cabal defeat are now obvious but, expect one last big push for war
by Benjamin Fulford
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The signs of cabal defeat are now proliferating to an extent that can no longer be hidden from any but the most deeply brainwashed people in the West. The most obvious sign is the APEC meeting winding up today in China. There three of the world’s largest oil producers, Canada, Russia and Qatar signed new deals to trade oil in Yuan. This makes it a mathematical certainty the petrodollar is finished. Russia also announced it was de-pegging the Ruble from the petrodollar.

In England, meanwhile, multiple senior politicians are working towards creating government currency to replace the 300 year old Rothschild fiat currency regime, according to MI5 sources. On November 20th, for the first time in 170 years, the British Parliament will discuss this issue. This is link to a paper on the subject that has been distributed to all British MPs:

The Japanese government is also seriously contemplating doing exactly the same thing. This means that all Japanese government debt will be written off in one fell swoop.

There are also indications the corporate government in the United States has gone into full crisis mode. For example, when this writer tried to access the official Russian Ria Novosti news site from his computer and his tablet device, he was redirected to an obvious disinformation site called “Sputnik News.” This came after the Russian government news site put out reports that American mercenaries were shelling the crash site of Malaysian airlines flight 17. This can only be described as an attempt by the American fascist regime to prevent the Europeans from finding out it was their supposed US allies who shot the passenger plane down.

The other sign that something big is going down with the US regime is the fact the Pentagon has warned its troops to not go out with Russian or Chinese women. This is a sort of measure taken in war time to prevent military secrets from leaking out. Finally, CNN has shut down its Russian operations, again the sort of thing that happens in war time.

The Russians, for their part, have started a major push to seize the remaining ethnically Russian districts in the Ukraine as well as the gas fields in the Sea of Azov.

The US corporate government is in no position to win any war against Russia and China at this point in time because neither its NATO allies nor Japan are going to go along with such a suicidal and world-destroying plan.

The more likely outcome will be the overthrow of the US corporate government and the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.

Another reason for cabal panic is a criminal trial that started on November 10th in London, England where evidence will be presented that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a terrorist attack. The trial is being held to determine whether UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton gave false warnings about a nuclear terror threat to the 2012 London Olympics. Here is a link to a Daily Mail article about the trial.

The defendant has lined up multiple witnesses to bolster his claim that the nuclear terror threat was real and that Japan had already experienced a nuclear terror attack. This writer is scheduled to be one of the witnesses at the trial.

The trial is important because it will bring lots of information that has appeared online under the forensic scrutiny of a criminal court. If the evidence is good, it will then lead to criminal charges eventually being filed against the perpetrators of 311. The Japanese and North Koreans involved in the attack have been offered, and have accepted, amnesty in exchange for providing information about 311.

The trial is expected to be a fair one because there are proliferating signs the UK is freeing itself of cabal influence. The ongoing investigation into a high level pedophile ring there is the clearest evidence of this. British newspapers are now reporting, for example, that Sir Peter Hayman, former Deputy Head of MI6 British foreign intelligence was a pedophile rapist. Investigators into the pedophilia network are particularly interested in cases where pedophilia was used to blackmail politicians and influence government policy.

The other indication is that the British and European dominated Financial Stability Board, an international financial regulator, has come up with regulations to make sure taxpayers never again have to bailout “too big to fail” financial institutions like happened after the Lehman shock of 2008. This is clearly aimed at the big US banking institutions that own the Federal Reserve Board and looted US taxpayers in 2008.  [... they are going to use the the money of the collateral holders which they have publically stated, but that is not the stockholders, its YOU and YOUR money... as you are the collateral... these are politely called "bail-ins" but its confiscation of private wealth... -AK]

Japan is also showing signs of being ready to make a decisive break with the cabal. On November 10th, for example, this writer spent much of the day in a Rupert Murdoch owned TV studio with a group of panelists who were allowed to openly discuss previously taboo subjects. This writer talked about how ebola was a US cabal bio-weapon, that Malaysian Air flight 370 and flight 17 shot down in the Ukraine were the same plane and that ISIS was a creation of Mossad and US intelligence. Other panelists made similar claims. One of them, blogger Richard Koshimizu, talked about a homosexual blackmail network involving senior Japanese politicians.

It remains to be seen how much of this will appear when the show is broadcast after editing but the fact that Murdoch is recording such shows is a sign at least one corporate media oligarch is interested in the truth.

Japan is expected to hold another general election in December that could lead to fundamental regime change, multiple government sources here say. There will be a big fight behind the scenes between the old guard behind Abe and the Japan revolutionary faction over the coming days to decide this issue.

Abe has been damaged in Japan after he was forced promise to stop provoking China and to eat humble pie in in order to get a token meeting with Chinese strongman Xi Jinping.

In North Korea, the US agencies recently secretly helped keep Kim Jong Un in power and prevented the take-over of that country by a Chinese led faction, according to pentagon sources. That is why North Korea released its last two American prisoners.

The Pentagon forces in Asia know that it is the Japanese and Chinese who are paying their bills these days. That is why they have an interest in acting as a peace-keeper in the region.
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Divine Union by Russian Artist Vladimir Kush

HALLS OF AMENTI PORTAL – Sirian High Council
channeled by Annamerkaba
November 10, 2014

Gaia’s entrance into the photonic belt of light, has brought the advancement of mankinds civilization. And as such, interdisciplinary motions from the intergalactic committee, to take action in finding the resolution to common issues of representation of human beings who dwell on GAIA, and their entrance into the Halls of Amenti has been put into effect. Their entrance into the Halls of Amenti.

For within the informational encodings, and within the books of life, lay the key to the portal of eternal bliss, lays a key to the portal of eternal bliss and understanding thereof. For the discoveries under the Egyptian Pharaos of eons past, have indeed sparked interest from those who are in control of such dwellings on Gaia, has indeed sparked such interest from the governing body of mankind, and the unearthing which have indeed taken place is yet to find its outlet into the mainstream media of your world.

For the informational decree which has indeed been uncovered carries an awe inspiring and shocking information that shall propel humanity into a stratosphere of recognition and respect, respect and awe of their neighboring planets. Recognition, respect and awe of their neighboring planets.

For the portal into another universe from which humanity can indeed travel into another dimension has been uncovered, the portal of magnificent proportions has indeed been recognized and uncovered by those who hold the sacred keys to the universe.

And as such, the portal has indeed been guarded. Nevertheless , such portal shall remain closed until a moment in time when the rightful key holders of such informational decrees, the ones and only ones that have been preordained to occupy the sacred space of the creator, shall come forth and release the hidden informational decrees held within.

For only the chosen few who hold the true knowledge of the creator shall walk toward the portal and unleash its mighty power for all of humanity. And so until such moment in time, that it will indeed be plausible to take such action the portal shall remain a mystery to those who have found it.

Much of your scientific world shall step foot next to the portal of no return, and yet there will only be a select few, a handful of those who are indeed reading this message, that shall walk confidently into the portal and release the hidden energetic awareness to all of humanity.

For indeed there are those of you holding the keys to the portal of knowledge, bliss, abundance and health, the portal that shall open into another universe. And once unleashed, the informational decree from within the depths of time and space shall engulf all of humanity, restoring the peace and harmony and balance within their hearts, bringing a peaceful resolution to the major horrific experiences of your world into balance. Into the true essence of love and light, into the true understanding of that which is.

And so, in divine right timing the key holders of said portal shall be called upon to step forward and allow the communication from the divine to bathe you in eternal knowledge of such mission at hand. 

Let it be known that you shall be tested, and only once you pass the ring past not, shall you be granted access to said portal and knowledge by the highest council of your being.

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
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