gunner's Posts (228)

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Adama of Telos

Dear john,

I Am Adama
Greetings from Telos, the City beneath your feet.
We are here, and we are honored to give you a message. We will talk about Ascension Rock, one of our favorite meeting places where many of our Council Meetings convene.
Beneath this space and beneath these boulders that you touch, lie one of our Temples where we sit and discuss the many topics of import related to Earth’s ascension and to our emergence to the surface. When you come here and sit quietly, we often pull you into our meetings, and you become one of our members representing the surface folk and your input is most valuable. It is at these times that we truly merge as One Voice representing the population of Earth –  our voice from Below, and yours from Above. It is this merging of perceptions that help us form our plans for our forthcoming trek to the surface in the very, very near future.
This will be a monumental step on our part, and one that we have envisioned and planned for a very long time – and now the time is here. What joy is in our hearts to finally be able to put our plan into action, and make our way to the surface through our tunnel entrances that have always existed but had to be camouflaged to protect our domain from intruders. For after all, this is our home, and we don’t let just anyone in. Just as you would not open your door to strangers, we don’t open our tunnel entrances to anyone unless they have been invited. Our domain is our private dwelling place, just as your house is. And you keep your doors locked, don’t you?  Well, so do we. Only you use a key to lock your door, and we use a force-field.
 We know everyone who comes to the Mountain, and recognize your identity as soon as you start your climb. The Mountain herself, The Spirit of Shasta ,  picks up your vibration and knows who you are and exactly where you are, as you walk along her paths. Nothing is hidden from her. She hears your voices and records your thoughts and registers your movement. So talk to Her, She is always eager to converse with you.
The Earth changes are happening so fast now, shaking your people into wakefulness and compelling them to open their eyes to the devastation and extinction of sea life occurring in the Oceans and loss of species and habitats on land. This is the Great Awakening you have all heard of, and it is happening NOW.
When you stand on Ascension Rock, feel our Love coming from beneath the ground. For we stand here, as you stand above us, and we will enfold you in our auras of Light and embrace you in our energy fields, and we will become merged together as One – One soul representing Earth’s diverse family.
What a blessing it is for us when you are here!  When you stand on this spot, We, in Telos, are most honored to join our Hearts with your Awakened Hearts…for in distance you are just a few feet above us, but in our heart space there is no distance between us. We become merged as One Heart.
When you stand above us, you become a Bastion of Light and your Light is magnified ten-fold as you gather together in this sacred spot. You shine as a spotlight, as our Light from below is focused into your Light from above, and it radiates out and blesses all life on the planet. This is the force of the Light when we gather together as One. So gather together as much as you can, whether in your homes or outdoors, for this exponentially increases your Light Quotient in ways you cannot imagine, and spills out and blesses all those in your locality.
Soon our people will be emerging from our homes beneath the ground, and we will greet you in your homes and embrace you in our arms, and we will be together as one family, one Beacon of Light, broadcasting our Unity out to the Universe at last. 
We in Telos, are filled with gratitude when your Presence is here; the Trees bow to you in welcome, and the Mountain herself, the Spirit of Shasta, is deeply honored when you are all standing on her ground.  What a day of celebration! 
I Am Adama ~
© Copyright Dianne Robbins
Mt. Shasta, CA  May, 2013

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St Germaine and Mira the Pleiadian

This morning (April 12, 2012) the Master St.Germain came to me. He wants to tell you a few things so here he is:

Greetings, I am St. Germain. I am here to help you. You are trying to do too much entirely on your own without the assistance of the Light Realms. This includes the Masters and the Archangels and Angels. It is important that you maintain contact with us for we are present to guide you and protect you along the ascension pathway.

Going through the ascension process can be unraveling. Everything in your outlook can shift. It can awaken you to the core of your being. The energies of this shift are new and many of you are lost about what to do. You are paving a new trail to higher consciousness and a lot of the old must be discarded. It has cluttered up your lives for long enough. It is time to clean out every room in your house and every thought and feeling that are not in accordance with the higher vibration of Love and Light. This could apply to relationships, places of employment, financial issues, old relationships that are no longer serving you, old wardrobes that no longer fit or feel like the person that you are now, health issues, whatever might be holding you back in any way.

I am the Master of Alchemy. You can call upon me to make the alchemical changes you need in your life to move forward with ease and peace. There is too much going on right now for you to ignore or avoid what is placed in front of you for divine resolution. It is a joint process. We work with you and you work with us. The ascension process is all around you, within you, and is occurring in all of creation. The Earth is not singled out as a place of change. You just happen to be in the hot spot where the Light is most needed. That is why you are being given the utmost assistance to change your consciousness.

Whatever feels like a void or without a solution will be resolved. Right now it might not be totally clear but trust me that you are still moving forward towards the desired end. All will result in peace, love, harmony and joy. The time of attachment to the old 3D world is over. This applies to everyone even if they are not choosing to evolve. This fact will make it even more uncomfortable for these souls. It could accelerate their desires to leave their incarnations so please do not be surprised to see more souls leaving.

As the Light continues to accelerate on the planet numerous gains will be made for the highest good of all. No longer will the select few be able to contain the truth and what is best for everyone. Personal gain without regard for others will become passé and that includes the need for respect and love for the Earth.

Please remember to use my Violet Flame for transmutation for whatever is dragging you down. Imagine a fire with flames of violet. Put whatever you need into this flame and let it go.

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Use the Violet Flame

Poem by Valerie Donner


Use the Violet Flame to let things go.

It is more powerful than you could know.

If there is karma

Flame it purple.

If there is anger

Put it in flame.

If you need resolution

Ask for an end to the game.

Burn the past

In the Violet Flame.

Use it often.

You have lots to gain.

St. Germain gave us this gift.

Use it frequently now

To handle all your rifts.

The Violet Flame is for transmutation.

You can use it for all of your earthly solutions.

© 2013 The Ground Crew


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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council Currently serving on the Earth Council through Valerie  Donner April 14, 2013 

Greetings, I am Mira. I welcome you into my heart and into the heart of the circle of Pleiadian love and Light enfolding the Earth. We realize that you need an extra boost of love energy from time to time. You are working hard on multiple levels. We have never seen such diligence in any previous ascensions in which we have participated. You are remarkable beings of light serving our Creator in a most dedicated manner.

We know that many of you are experiencing trials and travails in your lives. We observe your challenges for we monitor all that is occurring on the Earth plane at this time. We also work with the inner Earth for they are participating in the ascension process to. In fact, there is not a single place in all of creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now.

If you will recall the Earth is a lynch pin for ascension throughout creation. This explains why your work is so important. Even if you feel like you are at a standstill may I assure you that this is far from the truth. What is needed most are your energies, love and Light. This is what makes the ascension process work and why you are powerful beings who chose to come to the Earth to lend your support.

This process can be onerous. It is complex and your linear brains cannot fathom what is going on with the shift. Your consciousness is impacted by every thought and feeling. Monitoring your own thoughts and emotions can be a full time job. Then there is the assessment of the outcomes of your thoughts and emotions. If you do not like the results you must re-think and re-create what you are doing.

In addition to being a complex set of conditions and energies, the ascension process can be subtle yet variable. There are ebbs and flows. You may be experiencing some of these energies in your lives currently. Everyone working for the Light needs time to integrate the energies and the work they are doing as well as the work that is occurring on the Earth. This may require more quiet time than usual and rest. Water is crucial so you must make sure that you consume enough of it for it affects the consciousness.

Every new realization and awareness that you have in your life is significant. Ascension is a compilation of changing focus and energetics. The heart is the key to your new lives in the higher dimensions. Are you living from your heart in love while letting the God within direct your life or are you holding onto the old 3D reality and acting like it is still serving you?

Asking this question of how your current behavior is serving you is pivotal for your ability to maneuver through the changes. They will be amplified as this calendar year of 2013 progresses. It will take a few more years to manifest the utmost progress. Being patient and living a simplified life will carry you through. Stay in your hearts and live in unconditional love and peace as well as you can.

We can communicate with you and the Earth most effectively when you are quiet within and listening to us. We can supplement your thoughts and emotions with positive language if you will listen and let us come through.

We are always in your skies giving you a wink or directing love your way. Either way we are attentive to you and ask that you do the same. This is how we can assist you the most.

The Earth Council is busy focusing on balance and quelling the hot spots. We need your prayers directed to those places that are particularly vulnerable right now. Follow your heart and use the Light that you know how to use so well.

We are grateful to you, our ground crew, for the blessed beings that you are and all that you do for the Light.

I love you. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

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In Conclusion

The Masters, Archangels, Angels and our space family are working with us every step of the way with our ascension process. We are a cohesive cooperative group that knows what to do during these changing times.

Sometimes you can feel a little out of place. You can be curious about what is in store for you yet when you trust the Creator you will realize that it is for your highest good that you are being required to change and to re-create your lives. Trust and faith will take you a long way.

If any of you need assistance with changes in your lives with relationships, work, healing, etc., please remember that I am here to assist you in whatever way I can. We are one and in that oneness we can reveal to each other that which can be most healing. You may call me for spiritual counseling, energy healing, readings and channelings and I will be pleased to be of assistance. (925-287-8976 or

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner


©2013 The Ground Crew

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Magatha of the Inner Earth Agartha

Magatha from Agartha ~ We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality ~ Channeled by Méline Lafont

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city of Light


As channeled by Méline Lafont

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth. The time has come to again provide a short update concerning the current state of affairs pertaining to the Inner Earth as well as to the Earth. I welcome all of you with an open heart full of love and gratitude.

At present there is a profound manifestation about to happen. A few shifts are taking place on your Earth and in your reality introducing the fall of the old structures and simultaneously ushering in the actual renewal. What might not be readily known or perhaps only known by certain beloved sources is that even in the inner Earth many changes are occuring.

We had to implement a much needed change/process which will result in enormous changes on your world and in your reality. Many hearts will be able to welcome us in their world and will truly see us. A lot of work went into that project, which we agreed to honor in cooperation with the star civilizations as well as with all of you.

Nevertheless, it is a fact that only the awakened and activated hearts will actually experience our entrance into their reality because one has to vibrate and exist on the exact same frequency as ours for this to occur. This frequency is the heart frequency and the state of Being and is naturally the foundation for the new reality and the new world. It is there that we can be found and since a whole new reality is about to manifest within yourselves, you are more than ready for this.

Be aware that it is different from person to person and is always requiring a real process. This is one of the concepts on which we have worked hard and still continue to do so because we truly want everyone of our Earth brethren to succeed and to Ascend into their own world of Being.

The still dormant souls who dwell in a lower frequency will not yet be able to see or feel us, but even that is about to be rectified. We so look forward to let the real contacts become factual with the first awakened ones amongst you. Whatever appears as an image or an energy, or a phenomenon will always require some kind of adjustment or accustomance on your part but the recognition will be genuine for many. We have started!

Another important point we wish to highlight is that presently we are working on a project which will disengage a lot in the hearts of the people. We are going to bring a few projects to the front wich will assist many souls with their process of building their new world on beloved Gaia. We possess the required technology and dito knowledge to assist in the building, as for us this belongs to our past which returns now, albeit in other and better circumstances. Like no other we know where the traps are situated and we can offer our expertise to all of you. Many souls amongst you once belonged to our very same civilization in the times of Atlantis and are now back in incarnation to work together with all of us to enable this Ascension to succeed globally.

Tunnels have been prepared and cleared to enable all those willing to join us in our inner cities. Numerous cities of the Light are also being prepared for you to use according to the creations through your inner self as you create your own city and world. All this becomes available unites together into 1 global and collective world. Only one timeline is shaped and that timeline is called the ‘NOW’.

Due to the fact that the collective has to be ready for this, many shifts and changes are now taking place so that everyone gets the opportunity to evolve further in this new world. Those of you who have already attained a state that enables them to perfectly evolve further and to soar in the new frequencies and dito state of Being, will connect with us more quickly than compared to those who still cling to the old world. It all depends on yourself of course. Anyway, our worlds and our cities come together and form what will be called the new Earthly paradise. This is inevitable after what has shifted on Earth since the alignment on December 21st. 2012 and especially this spring equinox has given rise to a profound manifestation and shift of the human collective.

Everything has now to be played out and your cooperation will be decisive whether this will swiftly come to pass in YOUR reality or not. We, the Agarthans, are overjoyed to be the bearers of such great news for you in your reality. Remain centered and grounded at all times so that our energies can work together and merge into one.

I Am Magatha and I speak on behalf of the Agarthan civilization. I express my gratitude for your focus and your attending presence. In Love and Light.


 Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and https://lafontmeline.wordpress

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A Starseeds vision of future landings

My Vision for Future Landings by Ron Radhoff
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My Vision for Future Landings


I awoke several weeks ago with a distinct message. “You will be taken up aboard a Spacecraft.”

Messages that followed later explained that I and other Starseed would be taken up to a spaceship and received training to become Starseed Ambassadors. I was open to that but as it has not yet happened.

The other day I laid down to meditate. After I completed some relaxation exercises a profound vision unfolded clearly in my awakening consciousness. It was not like a dream but clear, colorful, and as if I was really experiencing what was occurring.

I was in a starship over a large open park in the country outside the city. I had the knowledge that other starseed had been given information that a starship would land at this particular park at precisely 12 noon. They were encouraged to contact all the TV media in the local area that this would occur by very friendly Star Beings from another world. While the TV stations were contacted by several persons, a couple stations decided to go out and curiously see what occurs if anything.

Our ship went out of cloak about 200 feet above the ground and landed gently on an area a group of UFO enthusiasts had made clear for us at exactly 12 noon. After a minute an opening occurred. As a trained Starseed Ambassador I was to go out first. As I stepped out I was amazed at the many thousands of people that were everywhere around us. There was a slight hill to my right that was full of curious beings. For some reason I did not know, most of the people on that hill were wearing white tops. I noticed I was wearing a white contemporary uniform with violet trim.

I raised both arms and said, “The star beings on this starship are from the Pleiadian Star System. They look much like you except many are a little taller.” I noticed my voice was greatly magnified. ”However, I am from Earth and was born in the U.S. About 40 years ago I received a gift to be able to communicate with the spiritual realm as well as the extraterrestrial realm. I call them my Starbrothers and sisters now and they have taught me so much over the years. They are such loving beings. They see themselves as no better than us except being more evolved technologically. I want to make clear they come in peace and have much love for you. Now that humanity is on a more peaceful and spiritual path and are more open minded and less fearful, they feel it is time they come openly and introduce themselves as true friends yet from afar. This is their first open landing and is an experiment to determine if this approach to make open contact to the masses will be successful. That is now up to you. I know you are anxious to see and hear from them so I shall now introduce them.

”At this time I now ask our friends from a far planet to come forth to greet you.” A tall male and female step forward from the ship’s opening. “I am proud to present to you Atara and Antera from the Pleiadian Star System.” Both are attired in white body suits with a wide collar that goes to the waist. The collar is trimmed with purple and gold. Atara speaks first.

“Greetings our friends of the Earth plane. We are so pleased to make this first open contact with you. Know that you are part of a new history that is beginning this day on Earth. Please know that your planet is one of the most beautiful in the Galaxy. It has been our greatest hope that you may understand and believe there are millions of your starbrothers and sisters that now surround your outer regions of your planet. They have come to this planet with the intension of assisting all of humanity in advancing your planet in many ways. We will share technologies with you that will clean your air and water. We also have free energy devices for all the things you require electricity for, home, commercial, and travel. These devices will make your lives much easier.

In each of our succeeding open landings we will share more of what we can offer you to help you create a New World Paradigm of love, peace, and true brotherhood. In reality, we are all one in spirit.”

Now Antera speaks. “We realize that one of your biggest blocks to a greater evolution, individually and thought your world has been that of fear. We now assure you there is no need to fear any of your space brothers and sisters. While at this time your fears are much less than in prior years, there is still some lingering fear of us who come to you in true love and peace. Some of you here have come with weapons, (pause) just in case. (She smiles and a chuckle is heard throughout the crowd) We have a request for you who have these weapons present at this gathering. Please follow our request and we guarantee no one will get hurt. Begin by spreading your feet two feet apart. Next check that your weapon is ready to fire. If there is anything hard like rock or pavement try to move to where there is none. Next I will count down from 3 to 1. and say FIRE. At that time, please fire your weapon. Please be ready now. Okay 3-2 1 fire.” Not one shot could be heard but rather a number of clicks were heard followed by a smaller number as some thought it was their weapon failed and tried again.”

Antera now said, “This demonstration was to show you that we have the ability to neutralize not only your hand weapons but also we can neutralize all weapons capable of destruction throughout this world. This includes all those of military forces and includes all nuclear devices. By doing this we feel it will enhance an effort to accomplish peace around the world, unless you want to go back to bow and arrows.” (smile)

Atara speaks. “Now I will ask you to look up and see five starships above you.” The people look up but see no ships. After a moment Atara says, “I will now give you evidence that there are indeed five star ships above you. Keep your eyes to the skies now. As I count down from three to one. Three, two, one.” At that instant each of the five ships in a sequential order give out a loud tone and with each tone there was a vivid color emitted, although the ships still could not be seen. The tone emitted from each ship composed the same series of tones as those from the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They knew that most adults have seen this movie and recognized this group of tones because it had been popular in theaters but also has shown on television for many years.

The people went wild. A few screams were initially let out by a few startled women but it was clear that the majority of people recognized the tones from the movie. People were yelling in delight. Joyously they were clapping and even some were hugging each other just like the technical crew did on the first Saturn moon launch. This experiment was a great success by the Pleiadians.

Atara speaks again. “Now you have your evidence. Although the ships could not be seen, it was clear they were there. This also demonstrated that we have the ability to be seen or not seen with our ships. When you leave after we have departed, please go out and tell all you know of what you experienced this day. Let them know we are peaceful and out of our love we hundreds of thousands of your star brothers and sisters wish to assist you in your future growth in so many ways.”

“Before we leave I wish to give you this notice. Because you responded so positively to us, another demonstration will occur next Sunday one week from today in your cities football stadium. At exactly 12 noon a group of our starships will appear over your stadium. One will land and several of our beings from the Pleiades will come forth for another message and demonstration. If our coming forth to you in love and peace at this next event is as successful as it was this day, it will become the beginning of a much greater number of our open contacts with human kind. It eventually will occur all over your world. Your experience today can be considered as a historical day.”

“Go now with our love and wishes for human kind to achieve peace all around this beautiful planet Earth.” We all reentered the ship and no one left the area until we rose slowly and merged in formation with the other five ships that now were cloaked and slowly, in formation of a V, flew out of sight of the assembly of the thousands of joyous and amazed people.


One week later the vision moves to the cities football stadium which has nearly 80,000 seats. All the local media picked up the event from the previous week as well as two national medias. At 7 AM the stadium began to fill up. By 11 AM all the stadium seats and standing room was full and the stadium had to close its entry gates for safety reasons, so the crowds began flowing out to the surrounding areas. At exactly 12 noon six ships appeared close together overhead. One of the ships descended to the center of the stadium. The other five ships stayed high enough that most of those outside the stadium could clearly see them and one ship amplified everything that was said in the stadium. When the ships appeared all the traffic in the streets and highway came to a complete stop. Not a sound could be heard from the crowd. When an opening occurred in the ship a Starseed Ambassador stepped out and greeted the crowd as I did in the first landing assuring the people that the beings from the Pleiades had come in love and peace. He followed by introducing five beings, three starbrothers and two star sisters. The three males were about seven feet tall while the two females were about 6 ft 8. It seemed I could move to any viewing point my mind chose to be.

The males wore suites as in the first landing – white with a wide collar trimmed in purple and gold and had broad shoulders and a slim waist. The women had suites of lavender with gold trim on the sleeves and around the neck and appeared proportionately petite. Their names were for the men, Thoranadis, Appolis, and Kancoda. The women were introduced as Natana and Madesha.

Thoranadis stepped forward first. “As you can see, we are not hideous looking as so many of your Hollywood films have depicted beings from other worlds. (many of the crown laughed) We are much like you but have several thousand years more of evolution in many areas. The primary evolution was when we came to a world of love and peace and harmonious living. This is what we wish for all the peoples of the Earth and, because of our love for you. We can offer you assistance to that end, as well as giving you advanced technologies to make your lives become so much easier. If human kind accepts our offer, we will come in mass with a loving friendship, but only after all of your beings turn to a completely peaceful state. The choice is yours.”

Appolis speaks next. “We have technologies to help you clean up all your waters and atmosphere. We also have free energy devises and will show you how to build and use them.

Natana steps forth with another message. “We also have new nutritious foods that will greatly enhance your healing and health. Your bad diets and attitudes have been the cause of much of your health problems.” We will show your medical people how to treat and cure with out the use of problem causing drugs.”

Madesha is next to speak. “We have for you a very effective education plan that if accepted, will teach your youth, from the age of reasoning, to develop their natural abilities and talents to mature and learn to become very valuable individuals to your societies.” And then there will be robots to do what you might consider grunt work.

Kancoda is the last to speak. “There are hundreds of thousands of beings from worlds beyond yours who have volunteered out of their love for all of you to help, and I emphasize the words HELP, the whole of human kind to co-create a whole new word paradigm to one of total peace where all the peoples are loving, harmonious and respect all life on your planet including all the creatures of nature and the eco system of the planet itself.

It appears now that the majority of your planetary beings are open to our love and friendship as you have shown by the way you have reacted positively to our two open landings. Therefore these planned landings will increase exponentially all around Planet Earth, giving us the opportunity to share our intensions of expressing our love and assistance to build a whole new world that is now beyond your imaginations. Our most humble thanks for being open and listening peacefully to our message.

Love and peace be unto you all.”

The sound system from the ship that carried the messages to the people in the stadium was also clearly heard of the thousands who gather all around the stadium for a great distance. At this point the five Pleiadians and the Starseed Ambassador reentered the ship and it rose slowly to join formation with the other five ships still hovering above. Next they formed in a single line and slowly moved away. As the people began leaving the stadium the ships returned and as they passed directly over the center of the stadium each ship emitted one of the five tones, the same tones from the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. And each ship totally glowed in a brilliant color. The last ship expressed a message that could be heard by all. “Till we meet again.”

Once again as it went last week, the people exploded with great joy and a new sense of understanding of the love and peacefulness that our Starbrothers and Sisters had for all of Humankind.

When it was all over I realized that this could be a plan to land openly in a systematic order without creating a problems or more fear for all those who came to the events were the ones who were interested in the greater truths of our Starbrothers.

As experienced in a vision by Ron Radhoff

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Ascended Master Hilarion

Good morning everyone and a happy TGIF to you all.
I feel great today. I had some major ASS for like 6 staight days but now that is gone and I feel so light .
Now, i know we create with our thoughts. Well, last night some beings, (not sure who) had me experience this. I mean I never felt anything like this in my life.
I was just flaoting somewhere above an empty field. I kept getting the feelings of creation. I knew I could make this field disappear and re-create anything I wanted.
This is so hard to explain because I just felt the reality of the illusion, if that makes sense, and it felt great. In the dream it was like instant manifestaion.
I really wish I could explain it better but the feeling OI had was so wild, so free and it was one of those aha moments where I understood the laws of creation.
Now, it was very short lived but upon waking, OMG, wow, bang zooom,( sorry but i am so hyper thinking about it) I started all my thought with creaqting our new world.
Not only thinking about it but feeling it and knowing it.
We really are on our way.
Check out this message from Hilarion as he reminds us all how improtant it is for all of us to ground the love unto Gaia.

February 17-24, 2013

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of energy in the past week and most of you are finding yourselves trying to assimilate and integrate these within your system. Many issues and emotions are coming up for review and these must be purified by spending time in silence and contemplation. At the root of all issues is the emotion of the fear of lack of love and what is needed to be summoned from within you is forgiveness, of others and most of all, yourselves. Remember that every experience that has happened in your lives was drawn to you for a reason. Every experience successfully dealt with returns to you another fragment of your personal divine power.

There is always something that is happening in the events around you that can distract you from your path of enlightenment, empowerment and ascension. It behooves each aspirant on the path to discern that which is taking place and make choice as to whether to give attention to it or not. The allowance of each outward occurrence as a part of the flow of events during these times is important. Try to do this without making judgment and it will flow through you and move on without disturbance to your energetic system.

You are in the times of transition from one state of being to another. In times of transition, there will be many challenges that need to be successfully navigated. Most of you have already done this work and you need to remind yourselves each day that what appears before you is that which you can just acknowledge and allow to flow through you as an observation rather than participation. Follow your inner guidance in all things that come before you, follow the promptings of your heart. It is this which is accurate for your path, your destiny.

Do remember, Dear Ones, that each of you is situated in the place you are at now for a reason. It is there that the Light most needs to be anchored into the Earth in order that stability of the energies flowing into the atmosphere takes place. You are conduits whether you have a conscious awareness of this role or not. The energies flow through your entire energetic field and into the core of the planet. This is a most important service that you are rendering to the Divine Plan. Work with this knowing and observe as the energies flow through and trust that all is unfolding as it should.

Take time each day to go within in a period of silence in order to check in with guidance coming through. You are the radiance of Light in your area of the world and you are honored in this work upon the inner realms. Have faith that your life is unfolding as planned by your Divine Self and that you are always loved, guided and protected. We wish to assure you that your beloved ones are also under our protection. We cannot protect them from the lessons they have chosen to experience on the Earth but we offer protection in the form of constant guidance, and safety from harm. You are loved and held in the highest esteem by your Family of Light.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

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The Awakening- James Gilliland

The Awakening, another inspring message from James Gilliland

john gunshefski <>
2:02 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Allison, Ashley, bobcindygunner, Carmine, Chris, Christine, david, dont, James, James, Jason, johnny, Justin, lisa, mike, mr, nnoce001, samantha, torres, William, yumi

The Awakening
To some there are major changes happening and it is off the scale. It is felt within, their hearts and minds are opening and the world is changing at a rapid rate. Others are seeing changes in their outer world at what seems a slower pace often not realizing what is happening within. Like a birth a whole new being is emerging from the inside out, the placenta will be discarded which is the old world no longer needed as a containment vessel. The old world order has been the containment vessel and has been very creative at containing the masses in the first three chakras. Survival, sex and power fueled by the mass media, manufactured lack, wars, idols, chemicals to dumb you down such as fluoride, aspartame, gmo foods, high sugar and corn syrup acidic processed foods and psycotronics all play a part in this.
Regardless of their clever arrogance the old world order has missed the wisdom of evolution, universal law and the fact that the Earth, all who reside upon her have a different destiny. This destiny is supported and inspired by the source itself and that destiny is to move to the next level. It is a destiny that cannot be stopped, it is happening even below the atomic level and assisted by the Source itself and the beautiful many servants of Creator/Spirit/God or what many refer to as Source or Original Cause. Humanity is awakening, the heart, the voice, the vision, the direct knowing or God connection is activating on a grand scale. There are those who are locked into the base five senses, the body, personality what they can perceive with the first three chakras, survival, sex and power. The controllers have taken Orwellian and Draconian steps to keep them there. To them very little has changed and like a frog in the pot where the water is brought to boil slowly they have no idea they are being cooked. The old world order is now that frog, it is being cooked from within by a spiritual fire. While they have been very busy cooking those they deem inferior they have failed to notice the bigger pot of which they are in which is now starting to boil. The way out is to jump out of both pots. The big question is are we going to become the fire or the frog? Another word for fire is spirit?
Are we a body and a personality or a spirit that has a body and personality? If we align with spirit would we not operate under universal law? Would we not be aware of the plan of the controllers as well as the plans of spirit? In unity consciousness what science calls the unified field everything is connected there is no separation. This means no elite, no competition, no deception only at one ness. The awareness of what is in alignment with universal law or unity consciousness and the heart, voice and direct knowing from Creator opening will bring an end to the old guard. The Earth has chosen to rise in frequency and move to the next level. All that which is upon the Earth must match the new frequency. The birth is real, it is upon us and the placenta the old world order will be discarded. Real wisdom will discard the clever attempts to stop an unstoppable process. These attempts to stop the spiritual evolution of Earth will be met with exposure and reaction what some all karma. There is nowhere to hide from this process, there is no defense, and resistance is futile. The world of the controllers is coming to a close. They at best should be interested in soul evolution and where their consciousness and actions are going to take them. The world of those in service to Creator is blooming. It is time to move into the heart, accept and own your divine heritage. We no longer have the luxury of serving the beast or to willingly participate in the control, enslavement, or any harm to humanity and the Earth. There will be no security in these roles. The plan is set, it is activated, the Source itself what some call the real God, a divine intelligence or frequency and force is here along with the beautiful many. It is time to align with and celebrate the birth of humanity and the Earth, release the past and move forward in courage in service to humanity and the Earth.Stop sweating the small stuff, accoding to your Godself it is all small stuff. Rise beyond petty bicaring, unite and create heaven on Earth. Be well,
james gilliland

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James Gilliland

Excellent message from James Gilliland of the ECETI(Enli​ghtened contact with extraterre​strial intelligen​ce) ranch

Days To Come, As Seen By The Ultradimensionals
It has come to my attention repeatedly that many officials in the agencies really do not know about the spiritually and technologically advanced off world civilizations. They do know of the regenerate low level ETs and have struck deals with them in the past but there is a great void concerning the hands off, prime directive highly evolved off worlders. What ever deals were made in the past are now null and void. Those who have interfered in the evolution or awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth are going to be dealt with. They have been given an eviction notice; which is now being enforced by pro-earth forces. Universal Law is now the prime directive. It is the Law of One some call unity consciousness. The forces of tyranny and unbridled greed at the expense of humanity and the Earth will come to an end. It is surfacing now for all to see, the players have been indentified human and non human. The noninterference program has come to an end and the spiritually and technologically advanced races have now joined forces in a program beyond the ability of most scientists to comprehend. Quantum physics has the best grasp of what is unfolding along with some of the most ancient teachings.
The simplest way to state this is it all has to do with frequency. We are all known throughout the multiverse by our frequency. Our frequency is the combined attitudes, emotions and beliefs in the world in which we live. Our consciousness has many levels or dimensions and the higher dimensions are pressing in hard upon the Earth. It is like a soul or Godself invasion. The lower vibrational frequencies such as fear, guilt, unworthiness, ignorance, separation, pain, suffering, wrong conclusions from past experiences are undergoing a major clean up. This is why the higher dimensional beings stress clean up your consciousness, release the past and focus on love, joy, bliss, service to others in order to increase your frequency. We are being aided in this process and it is also a natural evolution; which cannot be derailed or avoided despite arrogant ego driven people who think they are separate. We are being bombarded by what seems to be every level in the electromagnetic light spectrum. Cosmic, Gama, X, Ultraviolet, Infrared are all flooding into the Earth and she is absorbing them, expanding, growing. Yes I did say growing this is why all the quakes and volcanoes are going off. There are also those misusing technology amplifying areas already under great pressure as well as playing with weather modification. Just as in the days of Atlantis there are those who want to use technology for dominion and control yet look where this took them in the past. Unfortunately the destruction of Atlantis and other worlds as well could not have come about without willing participants, those who turned a blind eye to injustices and trespasses not wanting to upset their comfort zones.
This time around there are watchers, observers and those who will interact if necessary to make sure we do not repeat the past. They will not allow an all out nuclear war or technology that could end the evolutionary process. They are hoping we learn from our mistakes, rise up and chose noble virtue or impeccable integrity concerning our actions with humanity and the Earth. Thus far we have fallen far short of many of their expectations. We are now entering a time of choosing. The action/reaction principle most call Karma is being amplified. The fear, guilt, and unworthiness are no longer efficient tools to control the masses. This includes nefarious deeds such as wars for God and Country; which in truth are for power and wealth. There is one God/Creator/Spirit given many names and images by man and we are one planet. No one has an exclusive on God, nor the right to destroy and take what is not his or hers. The lying and deceptive natures of those who lust for power and wealth, those who have sold their very soul for fame, power and wealth will become naked in the light. What will also come are the consequences to these deeds. None of these beliefs or actions are frequency specific to the evolution of Earth. There will be those who choose not to heal and continue in actions that are harmful to humanity and the Earth. Their world is imploding. They actually believe they can dig elaborate holes in the Earth, stock them, allow the Earth changes and their own depopulation programs to rid the surface of over 80% of the people then emerge as kings over who is left.
How does this look to their souls, the higher dimensional beings, the awakened ones on Earth. Does this path raise their frequencies; make them compatible to the new frequencies of Earth? Of course not. Will they maintain their bodies, their kingdoms, their tyrannical unjust enslaving system? Of course not. Those who think their security resides in serving the beast will fall along with the beast. This is the simplest explanation we can give. The only real security is to live a live of service to humanity and the Earth then you are aligned with the higher intelligences and civilizations; which in the end will be undeniably victorious.
You cannot fool your soul, Great Spirit, Creator yet in arrogance there are some very clever people who think they can. What do you think their future will hold not just in this life but lives to come? How do you think their light review will go in passing this plane when they stand naked, no lawyers, no guards, no toys or castles just their deeds and how they affected others. Now do you really think the spiritually and technologically advanced being are going to sit down and have tea with regenerate humans or ETs? Share technology knowing it will be hoarded, misused? This is why so many guberment officials are not in the know, there is no purposeful good in contacting those who have not risen to the occasion. All they can do is dismiss what they cannot experience because they have no control whatsoever in the higher dimensions. Ships and their occupants that can come and go as they please, a force on high that is watching, knowing all their dirty laundry; which is now becoming a hands on process of awakening and healing humanity and the Earth.
They work with consciousness, light and energy, are extremely telepathic and can transmit information, inspiration and healing whenever and wherever they desire. Some of them have full use of creational energies. It is the destiny of humanity and the Earth to experience a grand reunion with these beings, many already have. The Earth once hijacked by negative forces of ill intent will be reset to its original destiny which is to evolve in peace and harmony to its highest state of evolution. Now you know more than the guberment knows as well as their destiny; which many fear for good reason. There is more to the story. Stay tuned and be well.
james gilliland

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Arch Angel Indriel


Archangel Indriel. “From A Pumpkin To a Coach.” By Bella Capozzi. December 19, 2012.

dulac_cinderella  This is a message I received upon waking, on the morning of the events at Sandy Hook Elementary.  Even though the content of the message is not directly connected to what happened that day -for many reasons I decided to delay posting it on Saturday, as I had planned.  I must be honest and say that since Friday I have been spending a great deal of time in reflection and meditation, and have been working on my own clearings and activations.  Up until now, I’ve never had a problem remaining detached from the craziness out there in the 3D world.  It’s been fairly easy to be a caring observer, and to focus only on sending love and prayers to the situation.  Not an overly emotional person by nature, this hasn’t been one of the issues I had to work on all that much.  Wow, has this week been a wake-up call!  I reacted in an extremely emotional and “human” way to this unspeakable tragedy.

I learned of what had happened while waiting on the car-ramp of my son’s school, in the parent pickup line.  As a former Pre-K teacher and having worked for many years as a full-time substitute teacher for grades kindergarten through 2nd, I’ve always considered the classroom an almost magical, safe, charmed sort of place.  No matter what upheavals were taking place in my own life, I always felt that when I walked into the classroom I was in the safest and most comfortable place there could posiibly be.  Yes, we were required to lock our doors and perform the mandatory lockdown drills.  But it seemed inconceivable to me that in such a sweet and colorful world we would ever need to implement them.  Despite all the violence going on out there, who could ever really want to hurt sweet, innocent little children? What would be the purpose of such a thing?  And yes, I’m the first to agree with all of you, that I have a tendency to walk around with my head in up the clouds.

One rather interesting side affect of all the work I’ve been doing to prepare for Ascension is that I’ve recently become an empath.  In many ways it’s wonderful, but when you haven’t learned (or remembered) yet how to control it and use it properly, it can be a bit of a nightmare.  I found myself empathetically connecting with the Moms, and became overcome by their grief. All I wanted to do was to reach out and help them.  I thought of the teachers, and started to absorb the resiue of fear that remained behind, even after they transitioned.  My heart broke for them.  Intermittently, while driving or cooking dinner, I started to receive flashes of imagery of what I think were the classrooms, and they would morph and change into my own former classrooms – with the scenario instead happening back there.  The fact that it happened so close to New Canaan, CT made it even harder for me to process.  This one hit home in yet another very personal way.  But now, thanks to my Team and several of my beautiful friends’ brilliant healing abilities, I’ve finally been able to detach and view things from a healthier, more 5th-dimensional perspective.  It’s nice to be feeling normal again (if there actually is such a thing, which I doubt), and to be back here writing.  This is my last message between now and Christmas, as I’ll be heading back up to Connecticut to spend the Holidays with family and working to anchor some healing energy and light for the people of this area.

As you enjoy your Holidays, please be sure to appreciate all the healthy kids in your life.  Give thanks to God for your beloved family and friends and be especially thankful for having been given the opportunity to be here on Earth at this truly incredible time.  In a couple of days the Great Shift will be upon us, and we’ll travel along with Gaia into our new, 5th-dimesional experience.  We can finally close the book on 3D Earth, giving thanks for all it taught us, while at the same time wishing it a fond farewell.  I, for one, am more than ready to see it go.   I love and treasure you all, and wish you a brilliant 21st!


You shall create what you seek, and that which you seek to create is a literate and direct expression of what resides within your heart.  You shall create whatever it is that you wholeheartedly believe you are creating.  Create beauty, things of true love, and a oneness of mind and heart and spirit.  Anything is possible, and what you think of today as miracles will quite soon become the commonplace.  Rejoice, my precious Lightholders!  You are ascending, as is your dearest Mother Earth, and you shall awaken from your deep, dark slumber to the most exquisite and beautiful reality you have ever imagined.  Gaia throws off the shackles which have bound her for so long.  Her reality becomes your reality.  Anchor yourselves now, this day, to what is the perfect, fifth-dimensional version of Gaia.  For indeed, there is more than just one.  As you wrap your golden cord around her shimmering core-crystal, take care that it is the ascending Gaia to which you adhere.

You shall begin to slowly take in the evidence of your transition.  You shall feel something click into place each time you perceive a new wonder and with each new discovery.  Like the turning of a dial, the flipping of lightswitch.  Yes, a lightswitch, for could there ever be a more apt comparison than that?  For each one of you, expect that it shall be an intensely unique and personal experience.  Accept that your lives are going to radically change, because for the most part they most certainly shall.  It is very difficult to imagine such a thing, as for many of you the new reality has not yet begun to manifest itself in the everyday workings of your day.  But it shall.  It can be no other way.  No, there is no single, magic moment when the wars shall stop and the suffering shall cease.  But as the paradigm progresses, it very rapidly shall become evident that these things are falling away and that they no longer shall be tolerated or supported by either the masses or the planet herself.

There is much repair work to be done, but know that this too shall proceed most expediently and you shall have help.  Your Galactic Brethren and we, your family of the Angelic Realms, stand poised and ready to assist.  As we are doing already, only without the hindrance of the veil of secrecy and the obstruction of the energies of third density.  Your first task shall be to step up and do the housecleaning.  Sweep away the dust, toss out the rubbish and polish the jewels.  Gaia is going from ill and decaying to rich and sumptuous.  From a pumpkin to a coach.  She is the vehicle upon which you travel the cosmos.  Your new home.  Your magnificent New Earth!

Dear Ones, this is your experience, and you cannot be passed over.  Ideas such as this one are rooted in the old Human consciousness, and it deeply moves us to see how many of you there still are who feel that this is even a remote possibility.  I caution you that by lending credence to ideas such self-sabotaging ideas as this, you cause yourself unwarranted stress.  By doing so, you are latching onto the outgoing matrix.  You are each the Master of your own destiny.  Think on it.  Faith. Intention. Love. Grace. Non-Judgement.  Trust.  Oh, I could go on and on indefinitely!  These are the only things you need to focus on, and nothing more.  Do you feel them, embody them, emanate them?  If you have answered yes, then you are ready.  Ready to take on your new life.  Bless you, Dear Ones.  And go with God.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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Adama of Telos- The Inner Earth




Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones

Questioner: Adama, you revealed that you are involved in grid work. We would like to know what grid you are working on and what is your role in the grid work.

Adama: Blessing Master Teachers, for you are all truly masters who have joined together in this Grand Experiment, for this is the first time that consciousness has been raised in this manner through the integration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies concurrently.

I am involved in an energy grid inside the planet that works together with the physical crystalline structure on the surface of the planet; these grids have to do with the planet herself. The energies from that grid go out from within, and form an etheric grid around the planet. It has to do with the vibrational raising of energy, tying in with planetary shift, even with astrology such as times when activations take place when the magnetic and other planets move into proper position to allow those shifts to happen.

This grid is also connected with the Piscean energy, and has been used to hold the Christ energies. In the past, it has been used to hold these energies of the planetary grid until such a time that they can raise up again. As they begin now to shift into the Aquarian energy and we begin to turn back towards the Great Central Sun through the raising of consciousness, it is no longer necessary for the energies to be held here. These energies are now shifting to a more Aquarian, to a more feminine vibration or feminine expression of them. This does not mean that the masculine is being lost. It means that the both polarities are being integrated. The vibration that comes out ofLemuria, especially out of Telos is in itself such a generator of energy, because of its positions within Mount Shasta, where all energies that are being showered on your planet from the galactic cores and the Milky Way are hitting the planetary grid here in Mount Shasta which is the main entry point for this planet. From here, in matter of seconds and less than a minute those energies hit in succession all other major planetary points of the grid, which are situated on mountain tops, and from there are distributed over the rest of the grid. Each grid has various entry and exit points. The exit points are the areas where that energy is disseminated to other grids and the rest of the planetary energy pathways on the planet.

The grid that has been created by the Lemurian consciousness and love is also being mirrored in each one of you. This grid is being integrated into the sacred geometries of your bodies. The intention is to set a focus for the higher energies of divine purpose. There is a division now of energies on the planet, a division between personal and global consciousness. Although both levels of consciousness are in truth one and the same, for the time being there is an individuation between the two to allow the vibrational shift in each individual through free choice. This understanding was reached by the Lemurian High Council to reinforce on a cellular level the true dimensionality of this shift, and to fuse it into the collective consciousness of the human race.

Prior to this decision, it was thought that the global shift could happen with a series of infusions of energy to the planet herself, and through the planet to you. But you are as such the cells of the body of the planet, and we understand now that you must anchor and integrate the vibrations individually to fully account for all of the unique permutations of human consciousness. The DNA matrix (or crystalline grid) will shift in a slightly different manner for each individual, and in doing so will hold the full spectrum of vibration that is needed for a true global shift. As energies then harmonize for larger and larger groups of individuals who have accomplished their individual shifts, the global shift will happen in ever increasing waves.

There is a sound that accompanies this shift. It generates from the etheric realms, but it can be heard on this plane. We call it the "singing of the soul." Harps and lutes cannot produce as beautiful a sound as this wave of love that stirs from the soul and tickles the vibration of the heart and the eardrums simultaneously. We have a 3-stringed instrument in Telos that is played by caressing the strings, rather than plucking them, between the thumb, fore and middle fingers. This vibration is a bit different, but resonates in the same spectrum as the soul songs. It is most beautiful and inspirational.

The grid changes, the DNA matrix changes that are taking place in each one of you will allow your own songs to be heard. Each of you has your own song, and we sing them in recognition. They are like the other titles and names that you have that signify who you are by vibration. We truly celebrate you as you rediscover your songs. We grace your dreams with reminders in song to help you on your path.

Questioner: And our love joins together with yours for the grace of all.

Adama: My work has to do with holding and feeding to this grid the higher fourth and fifth dimensional energy vibration that is slowly being brought up on the planet from within. We work within the planet to help the energies rise through the planet itself so that you can feel it coming up that way, and we also send it out to key points through the north and south poles and other key points. This way, it gradually creates the energetics around the planet, and also feeds down to the Earth herself.

My role is one of administrator, an organizer of energy input and releases. I am an architect of the grid. As such as the structure of the grid itself is in place, there will be further modifications made to it, as enhancements in the flow of energies, a constant work in progress.

There are many, many beings that are also working with the grid. There have been references to different grids, but they are all as such multi-dimensional layers of one huge, extensive grid work, which is all being incorporated together now.

Questioner: What is the difference between the Kryon grid and your grid?

Adama: Different energies work with different components of the setting-up of it. The Kryon grid works primarily with the magnetic energy. We work with the crystalline grid, but it is also the coming together of different groups who have worked with all these energies over a long period of time to put the different components of this grid together. The new grid has been created as a result of the participation of many, many different energies. The Elohim, many extra-terrestrials energies such as the Arcturians, the Pleadians, the Andromadians, the Venusians, etc. that have actually come from other places, and so many other energies that have come in different ways. As we are all parts of a whole, it is now being formed as one whole that will work for and with the planet.

On those grids that are being put together, there are different entry points and exit points. There are different parts that work with different areas and there are different uses that can be brought to it at times. This is ultimately creating a new energy source around the planet that will be able to harvest and to hold all these wonderful energies that are being sent here. These energies are not coming in just as boom transmissions, but energies that will continue to form and hold around the planet. It is an ongoing process.

Questioner: Are they planning to restore the planet to its original perfection or is it going to be beyond that?

Adama: It is certainly the plan, and it is hoped for that it will be much beyond what it has ever been. But there is still now a question about how the planet is going to actually evolve, because again, this is coming through the planet Herself. There are many ideas, there are many ways that we wish to work with the planet, but so much of it is conditional upon a shift of the human consciousness that can allow these things to happen. There is actually a need for a much greater shift in the feminine energy on this planet, such that you are not continuing to tear down what is hoped to be built-up again.

At this point, there is again a real question, almost like a healing crisis that happens with individuals in terms of how far can we go? It is also a matter of what you choose to do to assist this process and how you choose to live with this planet. This is what we are waiting to see before we can go further with some of the work. There is so much that is going to happen in the next ten years in terms of energies and consciousness rising. It is important to see communities come together and show their full support to the Earth.

Questioner: As far as your emergence to the surface, are you going to wait until the consciousness has shifted a great deal or are you going to come out sooner?

Adama: We are planning to come out in different ways; we have a plan. We would like so much to see humanity starting to live from the heart all the time versus of having people hold off with a wait and see attitude. Some people who hear about us rationalize this theory with their minds and what others have to say, and decide they will believe our reality when they can see us in front of them. Our eventual emergence has much to do with everyone raising his or her own level of love and light vibration. Our connections will come in many different ways. When people’s heart connection with us will be more constant, then we will be there in the physical in a more constant way.

Our emergence will start very slowly with secret meetings with small groups of those who are very opened to us, whose level of vibration is maintained at a fourth dimension awareness at all times. As more and more people open up to their own God-Self and to unconditional love, the circles of those with whom we meet will gradually expand. Also know that these meetings will not take place in a third dimensional vibration. You will certainly have to meet us half way in your love and light vibration. As the energies continue to shift on this planet, this will soon be possible for many of you drawn to this material. We have by now witnessed such great heart openings and received such a great heart-felt welcome and love from the French populations by the publishing of the first and second book, that it is giving us great hopes that within the next couple of years, we may be allowed by the galactic federation to start small clandestine physical gatherings with those who will reach the level of vibration and purity of intent to be able to be in our presence. We ask you to let go of the old 3D distorted energies and move on to the new with love and joy. This is your key. It is with great anticipation that we are waiting your greater awakening to unite with you once again.


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The Dolphin Collective

The Dolphin Collective ~ The input of the Lightcodes is now completed ~Channeled by Méline Lafont

10 Votes


Lovely Ones, we welcome you all in our energy of Love and enrichment. It truly is our pleasure to be able to accept all of you again and to share our message of Love with all. We love you all so dearly!
It has been a while since you have heard from us through this scribe but a lot has come to pass in the meantime for her and for us, just as for all of you. We have found an appropriate window of opportunity to again step forward and we are grateful for this!
Where shall we begin? A dazzling amount of things are on the verge of breaking through whilst a lot has already happened ; however, just as we have stated many times before this is just the beginning of something truly grandiose and fabulous. In the meantime you all have become accustomed beautifully to the standard measures and frequencies of the Light arriving in full swing on your Earth, particularly in your DNA and in your cells. That this process is moving up a notch is noticeable for many of you and, in spite of this fact, has become very tolerable. This can only mean that you are ready for this, for in all honesty, you are already dealing with very high frequencies of the Light that now arrive at a pace that even we, with our swiftness,  are not always able to keep up with.
Lovely ones, your integration has speedily evolved to a full willingness on your part with reference to your physical vessel as well as to your DNA and your cells. That’s why this matrix will no longer give you the same holographic appearance which you were familiar with and which you have maintained for such a long time. The activations of the Lightcodes in your Being are now being brought to the climax point and they will cause enormous shifts in so many of you and on so many Earthly levels.
From now on, expect only transformations in your physical being and evolve further by departing from this duality; allow yourself to grow into a Lightbeing as it is just that what has now started on the physical level. The changes of your blueprint will become apparent and will be activated meaning that your blueprint now has the upper hand during these shifts and will execute according to the input. This is an unstoppable process which is integrated fully in your being : all in all, it is the emergence of your true Being.
Lovely ones, this is so breathtakingly fantastic. We so enjoy the moment in which you will come to experience this as it feels truly exhilarating and it is marvellous. Enjoy the whole process as it is an extraordinary one which has never been done before, by nobody, and look how extremely easy it all unfolds in you? Our oceans are painted in those beautiful colours which you are emitting during this process. Mother Earth is plain beautiful to behold in this moment, She increasingly feels her upcoming moment of liberation and She reaps the fruits of this as do you.
Be grateful, be proud of yourselves, there’s nothing wrong with this. It serves no purpose to always consider yourselves inferior for you have a greater say in all of this than you realize. In truth, you started this process and have gotten it thus far… you did it all, our lovely ones! We did not do it, nor the Emissaries of the Light, nor the Masters, nor the Archangels, nor your Galactic Brethren,  nor countless other Beings of the Light ….We only saw to it that you got the most appropriate assistance because you asked for it. We only do what is asked of us and we respect all and everybody.
We are immensely grateful to be involved in this wonderful event and we are trying to do everything in our power to contribute our promised part. Very soon now we will make the portals of the oceans available to all of you so to enable you to travel back and forth to your beloved family after they too are again completely free to use those portals with your consent.
We will already warm up your hearts in these next few days; enjoy it and experience it all in warmth and Love. We love you immensely!
Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and as Homepage
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Ann Albers and the Angels message on the Newton Massacre
Ann Albers via
Dec 15 (2 days ago)
to me

Dear friends,
I offer this prayer for all those affected and touched by the
tragic shootings today:
May the peace of the Christ child fill the hearts of those
mourning today, and may the beautiful angels that are
now in heaven see their life's work come to fruition in as the
world joins in solidarity and an outpouring of love for those
who have experienced their loss. May their parents and loved
ones feel the bliss and presence of these dear ones that now
reside again in the very heart of God, and may they receive
comfort from a world that can easily set aside differences
when the innocent among us are lost. God bless all involved.
We love you. We pray for you. We ask that you be granted
visions and awareness of your children's precious presence
in heaven. Amen.
When tragedies such as this strike, I get an outpouring of
emails from those whose hearts are wrenched in pain.  "Why does
God allow this?" I hear so many times, and so I'm writing this
to offer the angels' perspective on an answer.
God is not the parent-figure as so many of us were taught. God is
the force of love in the universe that envisions creation and
then breathes the light of love into it, so it takes form. You,
me, those that were killed, and the ones that did the killing
were all birthed from God's love. The ones that commit such
heinous acts of violence are no less part of God's love but
rather those who have completely forgotten. It is as if the
right hand forgets that it is part of the body and seeks to
find power by killing the left - senseless, painful, and in the
end, truly only a crime against ones greater nature.
God did not have to give humanity free will.  A parent could
choose to control their child for a lifetime and therefore
protect the child from all harm, but what a greater gift to
give that child free will and allow them to grow, mature, and
see who they can become.  And so God granted us all free will.
By virtue of our incarnation on earth, there is understanding
in a soul that we will be affected not only by our own
free will but also by that of others.  However, in the heavens,
unlike in our forgetful state on earth, we know we are eternal. We
know that any "harm" is temporary because in truth our true spirit
cannot be harmed. The true spirit cannot be killed. The true spirit
cannot be made impure, negated, or lessened in any way because
our true spirit is nothing less than the love of God, much in
the way water poured into an icy mold, or a glass, no matter what
shape is still water.
So how do we take that understanding and cope with such violence
in the world? The angels say we first love ourselves and allow
ourselves our feelings.  Next we share our love with those who
are suffering - the parents, friends, teachers, other children,
etc. You pray, write, hold memorials, comfort, assist, or do
whatever you are called to do. And then, if you are willing to
become as God and the angels, you offer love to the ones who
committed the crimes by praying for the upliftment of their souls,
for in truth the most hurting ones among us create the most
unthinkable acts in an effort to dissipate their pain.
This love is not the same as the warm fuzzy human feelings that
are often called love. This is the love the angels have - an
acknowledgment and a recognition of God's light within all souls,
no matter how dim.  If you can find this light inside of yourself
even when you are in grief and pain, then you have the capacity
to pray and ask that it be amplified even in the darkest souls
among us. In this space, we choose to live as lights in the world,
rather than perpetuating its fear, hatred, and darkness.
That said, we are human. My heart and prayers go to everyone
affected by this tragic and heart wrenching event. I pray that
the pain that has existed in the world be healed and that all
hurting hearts somehow find their way back to the love from which
they came. I ask that those affected by the shootings feel God's
peace and comfort, and I pray that someday there will be
recognition on earth, that what we do unto one another, we not
only do unto God, but also to ourselves as well.
Bless you all,
I love you,

PMB #110
4757 E. Greenway Rd., #107B
Phoenix, AZ 85032

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Prayers urgently needed for the School shooting


OMG, I am really hurting right now as I read this story. My head is spinning and I dont know what to think. What would make someone do such an evil and senseless thing.
Lets all send our prayer and thoughts to all those affected by this tragedy. I dont mean to be the bearer of bad news to you all but I just wanted everyone here to send your love and healing thoughts to all involved.
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Mira the Pleiadian

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council Through Valerie Donner December 17, 2010Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.I am pleased to speak with you for there is a lot occurring now on your planet and in various locations around the Earth. The sparks of the divine are everywhere and we invite you to see them and participate in these occurrences.Right now there has been a steady stream of traffic from our crafts and others coming and going from the Earth. We are busy helping keep the Earth steady as the changes she is experiencing can create imbalances. We are available now in greater mass than ever. We are needed. We position ourselves strategically even though we are not obvious to your eyes. Those who feel energy and are sensitive can see and feel us. We welcome you to experiment. Call us to your attention telepathically and see what happens. We enjoy this very much.I know these times on the Earth are grating on your nerves. We monitor your thought waves over the massive communication forms available to us from your planet. We ask that you be open to communicating with us. We know that you are becoming increasingly sensitive. Your environments are changing. This is positive and will all be for the good of humanity.Rest assured that we all have your best interests at heart. You have our focus and attention. We are here to uplift you and want you to have pleasant experiences with us now and in the future. The time is coming when we will be free to come and go, to be seen, and to become more a part of the life on Earth. This oneness is natural and you already know that.You will begin to learn that life does not have to be an ordeal. Most of humanity is trapped in this belief so they beset themselves with too much struggle in their lives. Our way of life is free of struggle. It is simple and less complicated. We are free. We continue learning throughout our existence in loving and safe ways. We live in co-operation with each other and we share in many ways. Our days are filled with creativity and love. This is only a small portion of what you can anticipate as you rise in your consciousness.The days of trial and tribulation on the Earth will be coming to an end. At this point you will be stepping into new roles in your earthly lives that will include interaction with us and other members of the space family. We will all work to heal and reconstruct life on the Earth. We will accomplish great things together towards the oneness of life.Spiritually and emotionally you will be happier than you could have ever believed. Your bodies will become healthy so you won’t need to get sick any more. You will eat foods that are Light-filled which will exclude eating animals. The animals will appreciate this for they have given freely on the Earth for a long time for your survival. They will take on new roles too and will have a lot to teach you.Wonderful things are in store for all of us. We will keep you informed. We are with you and stand by for closer communication and our long-awaited reunion.I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
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Give Love

You know we are so lucky here to be born in this country. Some of us are not so lucky. Let us all take our collective heads out of the sand and start helping people less fortunate than us. Remember they are us and we are them and what we do for another we do for ourselves and what we fail to do for another we fail to do for ourselves. We are all one. One oh one, the only way is one. Lets all send these people our love and show them we really care and that no continental divides can divide the love we share with each other. Just write them a letter from the heart and let the love flow. You will see how easy the words will flow.
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Message from SaLuSa for 15 December 2010SaLuSa 15-December-2010There is no doubt that people within the chaos that is taking place are seeing the opportunity of change, to bring in something a lot different to what you have experienced previously. The culprits that have caused it are becoming identified, and they have little to offer to make matters more acceptable to you, More of the same is no answer as the problems are world wide, yet those who can see what is required are often lone voices amongst you. It is the people that are pressing for changes that remove the old unsatisfactory ways, and eventually souls will come forward that have the right approach and understanding.Now as always it is what you focus on that eventually manifests, and in that respect we are leading you to think ambitiously as nothing is impossible at times like now. We certainly do not want you to feel that you are doomed to everlasting chaos, as that is not the future you are destined to experience. The script has been written, and with divine authority we are here to ensure that all proceeds as planned. Where others seek or believe in another reality, that is their freewill in operation to choose as they desire. However, as the Ascension process continues to become apparent, there will be more souls that are able to allow and welcome the inevitable. It is all connected with your growing levels of consciousness, that are enabling you to see more clearly where everything is leading.If we described this present period as critical it would not be an exaggeration, but you have no need to worry as what is required to get everything on track is in place. As always we monitor all aspects of your lives, as you are a new emerging civilisation that is to actively join the Galactic Federation. Your progress will be rapid once the initial steps can be taken to introduce us into your lives. It is necessary that you take the important decision to accept us, and by and large we find that you are much more open to the idea of our presence along side of you. The end of duality is to be a wonderful occasion when all your dreams are fulfilled, and what you may have thought was impossible will come into your lives. Peace is foremost in your minds, as you now realise that for centuries you have been used as pawns in the war games that have ruined your lives. These times are now consigned to the past never to return again.As much as you will come to despise those who have led you into your current situation, please remember that duality has allowed all expressions of individual desires. It has been a period of challenge, when the dark Ones have had the same opportunities as everyone else. Long, long ago you were less conscious of your divine heritage, and were led into falsely believing in the need to honour your own groups instead of becoming at one with each other. Separation became more prevalent, and the domination and suppression of other groups was the way of life for that period. It has taken an immense toll on life and it is only in recent times as a result of World Wars, that you have awakened to the idea that there are more satisfactory ways of living together.The old ways have proved very lucrative and beneficial to the elite few who have held command over you. Now their intentions have become known their ambition to extend their rule over you has effectively been ended. As you try to pick up the pieces, you realise that they cannot be restored in accordance with the old paradigm. It no longer serves your needs, and certainly cannot provide the basis for the new one that is emerging now. The next steps forward will give you hope for the future that has been carefully planned. We know that you need to see some proof that can show the way forward, and that will come with disclosure. It will release many souls of Light who can at last safely come forward, and we shall be behind them to ensure their protection. Then you shall see a whole series of events lined up that will enable you to surge ahead towards the New Age.All of your needs are known and every provision has already been made to ensure you lifted up out of the last vestiges of duality. Power will be accorded to those who will use it wisely and in the best interests of everyone, and not the few. The acquirement of wealth will eventually be an unnecessary goal as it will be fairly spread around, and you shall not experience lack where your needs are concerned. There is and always has been sufficient for everyone to enjoy a high standard of life. You have been led to think otherwise, as you have been manipulated to satisfy the desires of the Illuminati to control every aspect of your lives. Their aim to keep you dependent on them has worked for a long time, but they are now being seen for what they really are.It is you the people who now have the power to decide your own future, and you are willing participants in the end game that is now being played out. Realise that subconsciously you have always known that there would be a successful conclusion to this cycle. It was planned eons of time ago, and because of it you have been protected from outside interference that would have led to your demise. The Earth is a beautiful planet that stands out amongst the many that surround you, and when it is restored you shall see it in its full glory. It will be fitting that you and Mother Earth will ascend together in the Light that will accompany you. You will be quite different to what you are now, having risen up to much higher levels of consciousness. It may seem you have such a short time to prepare for Ascension, but the Creator’s plan is immaculate and will carry you forward to the higher dimensions of absolute joy and happiness.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that what awaits you is almost beyond words, because you have little to compare it with. Heavenly may be appropriate but your ideas of it are probably very limited by comparison. To be truthful there is really little resemblance to what you have been experiencing on Earth. We are talking about comparing a physical existence to one which is godly, and is blazing with Love and Light. You will feel this energy all around you, and everything responds to it by giving out peaceful and gentle vibrations, so that all is in harmony.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.View Galactic Messages's Profile Subscribe
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Masters of the spirit world answer your questions

December 7th, 2010 QUESTION: Masters, I returned to London recently to help my father aged 101. He was suffering abuse from my stepmother and exhausted from cooking every night. He died probably as a result of the conflict after I brought in an adult protection officer. I became the scapegoat after his funeral. My daughter and stepmother made false allegations to the police who evicted me from the house. Does my father realize what happened now and know that I loved him or does he think it was all about money? In the end he seemed to be filled with love. Is he in a good place now? I dreamed he was shouting that he was in prison and hurling things around for attention, not knowing he had died. Is he at peace or distressed that all his money and half the house will now be passed outside the family by his embittered wife? ~Anna, AustraliaANSWER: Your father has returned to the unconditional love of Source. At home he is at peace and is “in tip-top shape,” as he says. He has no concerns whatsoever for material goods and does not take sides or have desires as to the disposition of his previous Earthly things. Since he couldn’t take the money with him, and it is of no use to him, he is merely observing what others are doing to get control of it. Who has how much, and what they did to get it, is the furthest thing from his thoughts.The dream you had was a reflection of the way you felt about the whole situation when you arrived. There was an energy of people forcing other people to do things they did not want to do. Your father was a strong individual who did not like others to tell him what to do. He wanted to be of assistance around the house and his wife was oblivious to the toll upon him.Your stepmother and her family had been there with your father in close proximity and could not always see that they were using him in his weakened condition. He had allowed the situation around the house to exist for a number of years and they were unable to see the effect it was having upon him. The adult protection people realized what was going on, but the detriment to your father was not seen by him and the whole disturbance shocked him into seeing what was happening.The reaction of your step-mother and your daughter is a result of their guilt over not recognizing the effect everything was having on your father. If they raise enough of a ruckus and blame you for being motivated by money it makes them feel better about the thoughts and actions in which they have engaged. Some of the people involved have created a sense that they are entitled to a share of the estate. Step away and don’t let their drama affect your life.Posted in Belief Systems | Comments OffDealing with painDecember 7th, 2010 QUESTION: Masters, at age 4, I was sexually molested by neighborhood boys. Until the age of 7, I would put myself to sleep with the exact concert memory of what happened. At 7, though, I turned the memory into a fantasy of being captured like a large deer or tiger. Hundreds of men would jeer me and in camp they would stuff all my orifices with food till I grew immensely fat, and then spear me. How did that strange fantasy arise in my 7-yr.-old mind? I was 39 before I knew that I had been assaulted for real. ~Margaret, USAANSWER: The human body and mind are very resilient. When trauma occurs and the consciousness is not ready to deal with all the implications, you remember it in a way that you can tolerate. With your limited understanding as a 4-year-old, you knew something was not as it should have been so you relived the incident to try and understand it. When you became 7, you understood that something very wrong had happened to you, so you morphed the incident using things you had witnessed on film and read or been told about, things that were symbolic so it could have happened to you or someone else.Many of the aspects of the 7-year-old remembrance parallel the story of Hansel and Gretel, along with information on fattening up animals for slaughter. From the beginning, because of what your attackers said, you maintained an air of guilt that you were partially the cause for your discomfort. At seven you wanted to make your memory a fairy tale in order to try to take the fear out of it. Hansel and Gretel is a dark tale about abandonment, cannibalism, and lack of control that fits the way you felt. The abuse made you feel abandoned by your protectors, consumed by the older boys, and totally without control over anything that happened.Just like belief systems taught to you in your childhood by parents, teachers, and society, scenarios you adopt for protection remain a part of your life until you unearth them and replace them with a new or more complete view of the facts. Some of these coping skills are still buried in your psyche and influence your life from time to time. Don’t let them hide. If you detect any discomfort, stop and go looking for the cause.Posted in Personal Problems | Comments OffNegative energyDecember 7th, 2010 QUESTION: Masters, my boyfriend of 8 yrs. left me. Since I still love him I want to make sure if there is a chance for me to come back with him. I was told by a fortune teller and a spiritualist that his ex-wife did witchcraft to him or sent him a bad spirit to accompany him to cause him to break up with me. Could I have your opinion? Does he need to get rid of that spirit possessing him? ~Karen, Puerto RicoANSWER: Your ex-boyfriend didn’t need to have anyone to help him accept the dark force that he carries. He is very impressed with power and he senses that negative energy is much stronger and more powerful than positive energy. That is true only when, as he has done, one rids oneself of all positive thoughts and thrives in the negative.His ex-wife does use black magic and witchcraft to influence people, but those people have to be willing participants to have the treatment stay and intensify within them. Your ex-boyfriend likes the negativity of the bad spirit that is with him. He uses the spirit to strengthen his own negativity to increase his control over others.Even before the negative spirit came on board, your boyfriend had started to change. You have changed also, but you are becoming more aware of the goodness in the world, while he seeks the evil. He is no longer the person with whom you fell in love. For the two of you to be able to have a comfortable relationship, either he would have to give up his control, or you would have to give up your goodness.As for negative spirits, they prevent you from living your own life and learning what you came to Earth to learn. The problem is that it is his choice whether or not to send the spirit packing. No one else can make that decision for him.
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Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.We know many of you have been experiencing an unprecedented level of emotional sensitivity here upon your planet earth and while this may be a challenge for many of you, take heart, it is a chance to clear out the old and make room for the new. When you cry seemingly as if a wave of sadness has passed through you, realize it is only a wave of love washing the sadness up and out. When you feel a sudden burst of upset, know that love is pushing a deeper truth to the surface. For none of your emotions are without value, and each and every one points to a greater desire for love.Your mother earth is feeling things very deeply as well dear ones. She has had a tough year in that there are wounds to her body that are not yet healed, and like you she has felt fatigued and saddened by the discord among her children. Yet still she loves, and asks that you too, choose to love. Choose to love and be kind to yourselves, no matter what is going on inside of you. Choose to love others by focusing on the fact that everyone, no matter how enlightened or unevolved is seeking love in the best way they know how to do it. Choosing love feels better. Choosing love heals hearts. Choosing love is not always a feeling of being warm and fuzzy but rather making a decision to focus on the perfection of the soul no matter what the personality is currently displaying.When you choose love you are saying, in effect, “I acknowledge the presence of God within me and all creation. This is worthy of love. This is what I choose to focus upon.” And in so doing, you become the light in a darkened world, much as the baby in the manger brought a very great light, and the lamp in the temple burned miraculously longer than expected. It is your light, and your love that heartens the world, brightens up the heavens, and creates a kinder reality upon the earth. Start with yourselves. Grant yourselves love, forgiveness, and compassion, and then spill these very same gifts out into the world.This holiday season dear ones, gift the world by acknowledging the light, the love, and the Presence of God within all.God bless you! We love you so very much.– The AngelsMessage from AnnHi All,There seems to be an odd phenomena going around. Many sensitive and caring people I know have told me that they are experiencing waves of sadness overcoming them, for seemingly no good reason. Each acknowledges some sadness within themselves, but as the angels said it seems amplified beyond reason. I have felt this too. It comes and goes in waves, and then joy returns just as quickly.When I asked the angels what was up, they said Mother Earth is sad about the fact that humanity is not getting along too well. Earlier in the year when the gulf coast was pierced and drained so quickly, the energetic field of the earth and her ecosystem was very wounded. People felt this. I witnessed more fatigue and physical issues in my clients than ever before. We used to get a lot of our physical energy from the earth. Now “Mom” is not feeling so well and we must learn to tap into the Divine for ourselves a lot more. People who aren’t used to finding their own energy are vying for it with one another in the most unevolved and unloving ways. People who do practice tapping into their own energy are experiencing intense feeling but also more rapid growth and higher states of joy.So every day when I get up I put my arms up in the air and pray this prayer: “God fill my mind, heart, body, and soul with your grace. Fill my every thought, word, and deed with your grace. Fill my home, property, neighborhood, and car with your grace. Fill my dogs, friends, and family with your grace.” And I sit and wait to feel the heat pouring through my arms and into my heart. It feels wonderful. I pray to be aligned with God’s will for my life… “God take my life, make me love it, and let me know clearly what to do and when.” These are simply prayers, but so powerful.And still, even in spite of my best intentions, and fervent prayers, some days are easier than others. My aging dogs gave me a reprieve for a few months but now their care is becoming increasingly difficult once again. I love them, so I surrender more and more each day and focus on the love, but some days I feel I can’t give them all I wish I could. And so I have to lighten up and choose to love myself as I am because I am truly doing my best.We can be so hard on ourselves, and yet God and the angels love us in a way that is so profound it is hard to comprehend unless you take the time to sit still and ask to feel it. It only takes a few moments to sit and ask for an angel hug, or to feel the touch of God in your heart, and it is like re-booting your internal hard drive.So the next time life challenges you to love yourself, stop, breathe, and ask God and the angels to help you experience their love. When you feel that it becomes almost impossible to avoid loving yourself as wellAs the angels say, Give yourself a little Presence this holiday season !Love and hugs,Annps – Many of you know and love Wayne Dyer’s work. He has not made it a secret that he currently has lukemia but is focused on healin it. A wonderful list memeber sent this video to watch and join in with if you are so inclined to send Wayne your love and
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Commander Sohin

GunnerDecember 7, 2010 pm31 9:25 am I really love the messages from Commander Sohin and all of you can give yourselves a pat on the back for helping to spread their messages to all who will listen. You all are making a difference and they see your efforts and they are very appreciative of them.Alfa Spaceship 6 December 2010 Kris-WonArduous are truly the efforts of the Light Workers who spare no effort to help spread and expand the messages that some of us communicate to you through our channels; and we would like to emphasize as well, the translators’ work so that our communiqués can be read in other languages of the planet, and the work of those who publish them on their web pages and through some other means of communication.I want you to understand how useful the work of all of you is; each of you is a valuable gear of the ‘machine’, which is moving the afflicted humanity of this planet towards a better future.Without the help and collaboration of each of you, this effort we have made to lead humanity towards the spiritual and material level that they must ascend to Now would have been in vain.Thus, we feel we are in debt to all men and women who use their available time — making space in their private life — to help the rest of humanity reach the necessary level of consciousness so that the human race is able to make the quantum leap forward to the level that is already appropriate for them, because that is the Will of the Creator and nothing and no one will stop this from happening.Nevertheless, you should be very selective with the people you send this information to. Not because you are in danger if you send this information to incredulous people–you are not in danger–know that we are protecting you just like the eyelashes protect the eyes; rather, because those people are not open to this type of information, as their minds are fixed on issues more mundane and selfish.You would have wasted your time with these people because they are not willing to believe, even if they were presented with a palpable and irrefutable proof right before them. Simply, this is not the time for them, and they will have to wait for a new cycle of evolution to achieve the step that you will be able to reach, because of your belief in a better world, the effort that you make for this to come true, and the faith you have placed in us.We have worked so much with some of those skeptical people that you cannot imagine; nevertheless, we have had to sadly give up and get used to the idea that this is not their time.But it makes us sad because we, your Guides and emissaries from space, know that those people had self-committed to participate in the evolution of humankind as part of Gaia, and in their own individual evolution as incarnated souls on this planet of redemption.Regrettably, they are not fulfilling their mission because they have allowed themselves to become entangled with the distractions of this three-dimensional worldWhat a pity of a lost incarnation in search of vain and frivolous things!On the other hand, we feel very proud of our brothers who are ‘down there’ dedicating themselves to a smaller or greater degree to spreading our messages, which are crucial to the achievement of our goals in favor of Gaia’s Ascension.Time is so precious, and the way you use it to carry out your activities is so important! Remember that time not used for doing good is lost time. And once it is squandered, there is no way to get it back nor return to it. That is why you should utilize your time well and not squander it, when it is so precious to accelerate the process of awakening the human beings of Earth.I bless you so that you carry on your mission to a successful completion, just like you proposed before incarnating in this physical body that the Mother/Father Creator God gave you to achieve this goal.Peace and LoveSource: Commander SohinChannel: Kris
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Message from SaLuSa for 6 December 2010SaLuSa 6-December-2010We and other sources work hard to prepare you for all eventualities, but even so as the changes commence the extent of them will come as a surprise to most of you. The reason is because they are so far reaching, as ultimately the whole world will be involved. If the Earth is to be cleansed then it is obvious that all areas will be covered. The most heavily polluted, and the war torn ones will be major areas of concentration. The waters of Earth will also be a top focus, and in all instances we are fully ready to put our plan into action. We shall make short work of projects that would otherwise take you many years to complete, and they will run up to and beyond the end of 2012. Our immediate concern is where your civilization will have advanced to by the time we have contact with you. Although millions of people believe and trust in us, there are nevertheless many that have taken little or no interest in the possibility that we exist. We will therefore need a great deal of cooperation from you, if we are to participate together and successfully get all projects started on time. Certain requirements such as cleansing the atmosphere have been underway for many years, as we have had to keep you as safe as possible from the dangers to your health and environment. It means that our final actions can be carried out directly by our craft over the Earth.One thing you do not have to concern yourselves about too much is raising your levels of consciousness. As time passes the amount of energies reaching the Earth are increasing exceptionally fast, and those who are attracting them will rise up to such levels. Your object should be to go along with them and let the changes be reflected in your daily living. If you intend to be one who is of Love and Light, allow it to shine forth in all you do, and by the end of next year you should be well along the path to Ascension. When the opposition and their cohorts are restrained, they will have little or no power left with which to hold up your evolution. That time is reaching a point of manifestation, and our allies are strongly involved in bringing it about. Few can go openly about their business, but will emerge once it is safe to do so. We cannot give names if only to protect them, and their best work can be performed when there is no fear of detection. Our ways are nevertheless perfectly above board, which is why once we can communicate with you we will ensure that you are kept well informed about what is happening.You are continuing to experience the fall out from the financial collapse of the banks, and it still has some distance to go. However, they will not survive as they attempt to go back to the old ways. They are proven as unworkable and festooned with corrupt and illegal practices. These must change, and the new system has been planned and approved by those overseeing your completion. Many higher Beings are involved with these changes including your beloved St.Germain, who has been at the heart of it since its inception. Indeed your evolution has been followed and accompanied by many Beings who are well known to you. At times it may appear that no one cares about you, but sometimes you create your own problems and have to find your own way out of them. Nevertheless, they are still close by and in no circumstances would they desert you. Towards the latter part of what is left of duality, some of them will appear amongst you.Wonderful times await you and very bit of effort you put in now will be well rewarded. Be aware of what is happening around you, but resist becoming emotionally involved if it is negative and due to the lack of Light, and send yours out to whoever is involved in it. Every individual can contribute in this way, and know that you have so much more power than you realize. When many of you get together with the same purposeful intent, the power becomes magnified many more times. Express that in terms of your whole civilisation, and if you so desired you could bring peace and prosperity back to Earth very quickly. Before that is likely to happen, the changes will have commenced and it will bring people’s awareness round to what is needed. Cooperation will become more commonplace and at the same time bring them together. All in all, it will make our tasks a lot easier and much more enjoyable. We want you to know that you are about to enter a time that will bring much joy and happiness. Forget the old that is about to fall away, and anticipate the future that is leading to the Golden Age.The role of the Galactic Federation has become increasingly more important, as you reach that point where the first changes are being moved into place. However as we have the ability to track anyone regardless of where they are, we are able to keep abreast of any actions that are proposed or about to happen. As far as we are allowed, we also support the Lightworkers who collectively are a driving force upon Earth. We want to see them achieve success in their chosen work, and protect them from any form of intimidation or harm. You do in any event have your Angelic protection, and you can ask them to be present with you at all times. Many an accident has been prevented by them, and what you often refer to as a lucky escape is due to their intervention. They are there for you at all times, and take great pride in what they do as a loving service for you.We know that some of you are concerned that your conception was not planned, and may view your existence as having occurred by chance. That may be so but as a soul you were quite happy to enter life on Earth, as the conditions were right for you. Not only that, you nevertheless graciously accepted your parents knowing you would experience the challenges you required to evolve. You may have already known them in a different set of circumstances, and have had a loving bond between you all. If you have had an unhappy time within your family, that is also the result of your life plan. It would do well if you looked at what lessons you have learnt, even where you have made sacrifices on behalf of others. You need never worry as to why you have chosen certain experiences. When you have completed your life plan and return to the higher dimensions, all will be revealed and you will understand the role of other souls that have entered your life. Indeed, you will again meet many of those who have played a major role in it.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see you as immensely brave souls to have taken on the often very testing challenges of being on Earth.Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
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Angels on gift giving

Message from the AngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.This year many of you are taking a look at your holiday gift giving in a slightly different light. And while some of you bemoan the economy and say, "Look what I can no longer afford. I cannot give in the ways I used to give," we see that you always have beauty, truth, light, and love to share the world and those you love. These gifts reside within you and can never be taken away. They are not dependent upon human economies, nor do they ever run dry.And so, dear ones, during this holiday season, focus upon the economy of God.As you think about giving presents to one another, think also about giving your Presence. We do not mean you have to be physically present with someone, although that is always a gift! Simple ask yourself, "How can I give of my heart, my kindness, my words, my talents, my spirit?" "What do I have, inside of me, that I can contribute to this person's life?" And certainly dear ones, if you can and if you like, you can buy each other gifts, but if you do so, do so consciously, in a way that honors what you have and what you don't, and in a way that honors the receiver as well. Do not spend beyond your means because giving in this fashion stresses you and creates a vibration that simply affirms lack. Instead, spend with what you have for the simplest gifts, given with thoughtful and conscious intent mean ever so much more than others bought just for the sake of "something to give."If you do not know what to purchase or do for someone, sit quietly, breathe, and ask your angels to inspire you. Imagine you can converse with that person's soul and ask them, "What would you like? What would touch your heart," and then wait for the first thought or idea that pops into your head. In this fashion, giving a gift becomes an act of connection, a beautiful moment of your soul touching and honoring their spirit. It is a sharing of energy, and an act of real love. And while this may take a little extra thought than just running out to buy something, it will be far more rewarding for you as well. For it is in giving that you receive, and when you give from the heart, you feel within you the true abundance that can never be taken away, nor will ever be reflected by your bank account - no matter how much or how little you have.You are all abundant beings. It is your love, your kindness, your spirit, your gifts, and your talents that are most appreciated in this world... and these are the gifts that have eternal value.So this year by all means, share your presents, but also dear ones, share your Presence with one another.God bless you! We love you so very much.-- The Angels
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