flashstorm's Posts (84)

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The Art of Love


Within Love are an infinite variety of energies, that uplift, nurture and inspire. The art of Love is virtually unknown in our civilization, but with it out of it's infinite depths we can create happiness for ourselves and others.

The ideas of aging, sickness and death are strong belief systems within this civilization. Yet through the art of Love, one can create youth well into old age, be free of sickness and death can be a celebration of the transition into a joyful future destiny.

Love is an energy like light that can be flowed through the mental, astral and physical bodies. As we do this we create in our being long life, health, vitality, youth and beauty.

As we project and give our Love to the world and others, we create a space of wonder, beauty and magic for ourselves and those we meet. To dwell in love is to be the overflowing source of divine expression. Through Love we recreate the world anew and create peace and happiness for others. To live in love is the annihilation of the ego and negativity, because the wonders and beauties of Love are so breathtaking and profound that the suffering created by negativity becomes a thing of the past for us.

With Gratitude through Love we enter that space of the fulfillment of our being and divine destiny. Perhaps it takes many a long time to get here. They must pass through negativity, the dark night of the soul. Through the shame, defeat, humiliation, dejection, pollution, corruption, perversion and destruction that negativity leads to.

Yet crossing the abyss of darkness that is within, we come to the celebration of a Love that holds all of creation in it's embrace, we become children again and there the Goddess takes us by the hand and leads us into the everlasting Bliss of Eternity.

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Love Now and Forever


And all dictators shall fall. And justice shall rule the Earth. The people of Earth shall be freed from tyranny, corporations, financial institutions and corrupt governments. We shall be free to live and love as it was meant to be. The powers of evil will bow before the divine as the light of heaven illuminates the Earth. And there shall be Peace, Love, Happiness, Abundance and Freedom for all. Suffering shall be eliminated and all shall live in happiness. The negative minds of men shall be freed from the cage of frequency and mind control. To breath the fresh, gorgeous natural energies of Gaia, distorted by despicable technology. And like a veil that is removed from humanities eyes, we shall finally witness the wonder and beauty that is all around us. We shall tune into the Great harmony, that ever concrete cities have resisted, and it shall fill us with the exquisite taste of joy unremembered.

And Love shall be celebrated above all else. The Love that sung the Universe into existence, and contains all of time and space. Hearts open to each other and to the beauty within and without. So shall the path of humanity be paved with gifts of the true knowledge and wisdom of the Universe. Happy hearts, that turn from hatred and violence, to share, care and be one. One with Gaia's song and heart, in harmony and love. Gone is the greed and exploitation, the unhappy desperation. Let love reign. Let freedom ring out.

That the deepest beautiful dreams the human heart may be revealed and conquer the tyranny that would destroy us all. Then shall minds and hearts of swaying humanity join with the dreams of Gaia. The keys shall be presented and the doors unlocked, to flow with the cosmic harmony of all things. And the stars shall gaze with curiosity at us, and we will see them for the first time. The beautiful, loving, explosively joyful beings they are. And they shall share their secrets with us and we shall know their true names and marvel at the great and wondrous civilizations within their embrace.

And through harmony we gaze into the wonder and infinite mystery that is within ourselves and the Universe. This wonderful thing, this profound magnificence. As it flows through us all religion and division will dissolve into nothingness. For all such concepts are meaningless to the freedom and Joy of Love eternal that knows no bounds or limitations. That flows from the beginning of time to the ends of eternity. Spontaneous and shining we shall sing the song of the Universe, that brought all things into being. The celebration boundless among the stars, of creation, of space, of time and of the infinite laughter within the bliss of total cosmic freedom.

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Seeing through the illusion of separation


Most people have a bank account. Our bank account is a very real and powerful representation of our identity, our individuality. Just like our passport or driving license, social security number or birth certificate. These things define our legal status as a discreet individual separate from others.

Our thoughts, feelings and body are unique to us as individuals and are the means whereby we get a sense of self. That sense of self most see as separate from others, that needs to be protected and sustained by various means.

Self interest is what drives capitalism, and it's doctrine states that acting in the best possible way for one's self is beneficial for all parties involved. This idea of self interest that benefits all is in fact the propaganda and coy self deception of those who wish to gain massive profits by exploiting others.

This idea of thinking you are separate from others, leads to the idea that the interests and needs of others are separate from your own. They may be similar, but not exactly the same. However we all have limited resources available to us. Thus from out of this comes the notion of competition, that you need to compete with others for resources, status and profit, because those things are in limited supply and it is in your best interest to have as much of them as possible.

In spite of the inherent self-deception within Capitalism, it works to create thriving innovation and industry because of the incentive of profit and the potency of self interest. Whereas Communism (the idea of sharing effort and resources) fails to inspire and appeal to the self interest of the individual.

The result of this self centered approach to life, creates numerous divisions and a stratification of society, where groups which have similar interests come together to exploit other groups with different or lesser interests, in order to gain profit.

Wars are created when the self interests of one group(nation) of people clash with that of another group(nation). As each group see another as an alien and separate entity that threatens their self interest and survival, they have no qualms in inflicting harm or destruction, because it is in their self interest to do so.

At it's heart this notion of separation sees others as objects for which there is little or no identification with, depending on how their interests coincide. The crucial point is that for the one who feels he/she is separate, they see their own self interest as superior to an other's and will rarely if ever put other's needs ahead of their own.

This idea of each of us being separate from others, and a selfishness is not human nature, it is imposed on humanity from birth, by the influence of parents and it is drummed into children at school. Thus a vast deficiency is created in the human psyche, a retardation of the natural ability of human empathy and the ability to feel what others are feeling. This programming effectively kills any awareness of compassion in the vast majority of people.

The illusion of separation, is a failure of the human being to FEEL and empathise with others. It is also the failure to perceive and recognize the interconnectedness of life all over this planet. Additionally it is a lack of awareness of the mental and emotional connections that exist throughout the whole human species. This awareness is is shut down in the individual from birth.

And so instead of a feeling, interconnected, balanced humanity that lives in harmony with each other, sharing resources and cherishing each other. You have "discreet entities" walking around who treat others like they are robots. Who are exploited, and manipulated based on their own petty self interests. Who fail to respond when others suffer, because it is not in their self interest to help those who suffer. They cannot feel others suffering, so for all intents and purposes it does not exist to them. Thus you have people passing beggars, vagrants and drug addicts on the street without a glance, such are emotionally invisible to them.

This boils down to the fact that there are deliberate mental constructs placed within the minds of humanity through "education" that define individuality, exaggerate selfishness and encourage greed. That close down the feeling centers, except to members of their own small circle who serve their own self interests and act as extensions of their egos. Within these groups those with the strongest egos dominate and as such a hierarchy is created.

Feeling is an aspect of the water element, of which the human race is woefully deficient. To truly feel is to flow through another so that you are one with them in mind and emotion. They are open to you and you are open to them, freely without condition or expectation. You are one, all they are, is all you are. All you are is all they are. This kind of thing scares the hell out of the powers that dominate the human race, since it is the utter destruction of the human ego. No secrets, no schemes, no secret bank accounts, no profiting over another. Only a Love that flows without limitation throughout each and every person in Oneness. These are the deep oceans that few dare to sail, but they lead to the highest happiness and bliss for the human race. They reveal that truly none are separate, we are all One. This is the truth that the ego desperately seeks to escape and as such creates the illusion of separation.

Yet the human race does not have to enter these awesome depths, we just have to develop empathy about 20% above the brain dead level, so that we do not take the crazy risks that lead to annihilation. But so we can feel for each other and care and love friend and stranger alike as one with each other and the planet.

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Humanity on this world is under a great curse. In fact a number of different curses placed on them due to the severe abuse of power in the past. One such curse is the monetary system, which has become a deviously corrupt, diabolically ingenious scheme of debt, that controls the labour of the masses, in order to create massive wealth for a select few. The inevitability of the power of money straddles the mind of almost every living human being on the planet. The games of economists, bankers and financial institutions at their heart boil down to one thing. The Greed of human beings and their willingness to profit at the expense of their brother. The innocent idea of money as a means of facilitating the exchange of goods, is long since gone, replaced by an ingenious scheme of insatiable greed fueled by perpetual consumerism, fed by infinite debt, paid eternally by the exploitation of the labour of billions.

Now this might work out fine for you if you happen to be lucky enough to be born in a decent country, to a decent family and have a decent education. But woe is you if you happen to be born poor and lack higher education. Don't even think about being born in a second or third world country.

The monetary system does nothing to create a happy, satisfied, healthy and wise humanity. In fact quite the opposite. It creates massive inequality, where a few benefit at the expense of the vast majority. Yet the monetary system has an important role to play. It is a mirror reflecting back the disharmony and negativity within each individual.

This civilization has created a ironclad system where it is almost impossible to survive without money. The more money you have the more power you have to control the labour of others, (Get them to do things for you and make things for you) and accumulate property. As such the accumulation of money is the driving force of almost every human being on the planet.

All of this ignores at it's central issue, the right to happiness that every human being has. Anyone who thinks money is a way to happiness is sorely mistaken. Money may solve some problems and lead to self gratification that may be enjoyable for a while. But happiness is something else. Having said that, to a starving child, having enough money to buy 3 square meals a day must be bliss, right?

True wealth is not currency, diamonds or gold. True wealth is a peace with the universe as deep as the oceans and as vast as the stars. True wealth is an eternal wellspring of happiness overflowing within you ever new in an infinite variety of feelings. True wealth is a love that embraces all of time and space, that opens the door within time to the bliss of total cosmic freedom. True wealth is mental, emotional and physical harmony and health, that no amount of money can buy. True wealth is the treasures of knowledge and wisdom of our galaxy and universe which this human civilization at this time hasn't the faintest idea.

There is more than enough abundance for everyone on this planet to live comfortably. The problem is that the powers that control the resources of the world, do so with the absolute and ruthless objective of the domination of human labour to sustain the superiority of a select few over the masses. This is a crazy development which is utterly out of balance with the planet and laws of the universe. As such humanity suffers greatly. Your bankers, economists and stock brokers are the black magicians who have humanity under a spell of slavery, determined that none shall ever know what it means to be truly free.

The monetary system is as I said, a mirror of the human heart. It is the sad truth that a vast majority of people suffer from greed, superiority, and are willing to profit at the expense of another. Everyone wants to be the master, no one want to be the servant. This is one of the reasons why many spiritual paths often stress service and humility to deal with the human ego. Yet no one has to be an other's servant, we are all equal. All we have to do is recognize that we are all the same, we are all one family. The whole of humanity. To Love each other, not to exploit one another. This monetary system is like a Great Lord of Demons challenging the very heart of humanity, chained by it's own lack of love and compassion. It is only through Love for each other that this great demon can be destroyed.

This is a tall order, for the majority of humans, who have been divided and conquered by government, corporations and financial institutions, who have convinced them that their very lives depend on perpetuating the soulless greed of this system. Yet this is the illusion of master black magicians. A trick of smoke and mirrors to distract us from the essential truth. We are not separate. We are one. You are me and I am you. What is mine is yours. We are one, we are Love. Together we can wake up, stand up and throw away this diabolical scheme that has enslaved humanity. So we become free to live as children of joy and happiness in harmony with the planet and each other.

To those who complain that this is communism or Utopian nonsense. I say that what I speak of is as far beyond those things as the stars are beyond the Earth. That unless humanity creates justice and equality for all, the human race will perish in utter extinction. Unless humanity finds it in their heart to live in harmony with the planet, the very memory of them will be wiped off the face of the Earth forever.

Everyone on Earth deserves to be blessed. It is the desire of those who have great compassion and love for the human race, that a civilization arise on Earth that is in harmony with the planet and greater universe. As such the gifts and treasures of the spiritual as well as the material universe will be lavished on such a civilization. A place where the happiness of humankind is expressed in all it's fullness, as opposed to the incessant suffering of our current civilization. A place where Love is celebrated above all else. Where the blessing of heaven is in each touch. Where the song of the cosmos is in each heart. Where the dreams and wonders of this beautiful planet, Gaia, shine like tears in our eyes.

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And Justice shall fill the Earth


In spite of the many problems of Western countries. There are places on this planet with far worse problems. Such atrocities go on everyday that defile what it means to be a human being. Those who live in first world countries are very much sheltered from this kind of stuff. Most are like spoilt privileged children who complain about their own lives, but are not aware that others are suffering starvation, rape, torture, injustice, slaughter and other heinous crimes on a massive scale. Or if they are aware, most do not care.

This is a failure of the collective conscience to deal with the deep problems that affect the whole of humanity. When rich countries profit and live in comfort at the expense and exploitation of millions of poor people in other countries, this is not the evil plan of elite world rulers to conquer the world through corporations. This is the failure of the average human being within rich countries to "give a shit" about what is happening to their brothers and sisters on the planet. It is the failure to realise that they are not some aliens who mean nothing, but are part of our family, we are one with them and what happens to them happens to us.

The unmitigated hate and malice in the hearts of all the dictators around this planet who feed off the rotting flesh of those they torture and slaughter, is a part of the human condition, that will consume the whole of humanity in one way or another, unless we learn to Love each other. The same mind exists in democratic and western countries, only it is more calculated, intelligent and conniving. It creates slaves who do not know they are slaves, it hypnotises with entertainment and propaganda. It comforts those it tortures, while sucking them dry of everything they are and have. All the while to distract them from the essential truth: We are not separate from each other, we are one people, together in Love. What is mine is yours. What happens to you, happens to me. Humanity divided is humanity destroyed.

All that is required is for most of us to come to this heart-felt realization, that we are all brothers and sisters of Love. Come to this, and the divine powers will hunt down and eliminate all the dark powers of malice across the face of the earth, that enslave and torture humanity.

Happily many millions are indeed coming to this realization. The dictators of this world will find themselves surrounded by the light. Like cockroaches who come out of their hiding they will scatter and flee and every trace of their existence will be wiped from Gaia's memory and all shall be free.

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Violent video games


I have recently watched two very interesting videos. In the first one a spiritual guru was explaining the negative karmic effects of playing violent video games. In the second, a response to the first video, an intelligent young man was explaining why he plays violent video games and giving an alternative view point.

In essence it was explained that playing violent video games has a severe negative karmic effect, because the intention of the player is to kill. In the response, the young man recognized that intention creates karma, but pointed out that violent video games do not cause the intention. That intention was already there in the mind of the person playing the game. The game is merely an outlet for violent feelings, instead of expressing those violent feelings in real life.

The young man also made the point that however spiritually correct the guru was, he lacked political intelligence, because banning violent video games infringes on the freedom of expression of individuals, and since they are not actually hurting anyone they should have the freedom to play them. He makes the additional point that parents should control what their children are allowed to play.

From my point of view I can see the merits of both sides of the argument. By playing violent video games (killing games). A person is indulging their intention in the action of killing (simulated) which is magnified by the playing. They are sending out the mental and emotional vibrations of violence and killing into the universe. This contributes to the collective negative karma of the planet and creates the personal karma for them to experience and engage in more violence in the future. It also places their vibration within lower astral emotional levels, essentially which creates the causes for suffering, limitation and unhappiness in the future.

On the other hand, everyone has the right and free will to experience what they choose to. I agree that many young men(and women) have feelings of violence and anger that they need to deal with and perhaps playing violent video games helps them in some way. Of course a lot of people will say that they don't have violent feelings they just play those games for fun. I also agree that video games do not cause people to go out and kill people like some conservatives suggest. The idea of using video games as a kind of punching bag to deal with aggression that might otherwise be expressed in real life has some merit

Anger, violence and aggression are what many people suffer with. Our civilization does not currently have the necessary social maturity to properly assist people to deal with this in an effective and positive way which results in lasting emotional healing. In other words the deep problems within the psyches of many individuals has no solution in this age of the world. So whatever works right?

Having said that, engaging and indulging in negative activity is the easy way out. To create positivity within ourselves and our world, leading to peace and happiness often takes a supreme commitment to harmony. It requires that we recognize with the eyes of an eagle, the negative aspects of our personality and use every method to get them under control. This is the path of self mastery and is in no way easy. Simply put, to find the wisdom to control and purge ourselves of violence without repressing it and engage in practices such as meditations on Love and compassion is much more difficult but leads to spectacular results which our profoundly beneficial for our evolution and for the world.

I don't think people who play violent video games should be made to feel guilty. We are all here to learn both from the negative and the positive and we have the free will to experience the full range of all that life has to offer. Thus there is no judgement in this regard, only learning. What it is hoped that we will learn is that the suffering, limitation and pollution caused by engaging in things such as violence, lust, greed, hatred etc. is in no way to be desired. That the wonders, beauty, freedom and joys that result from a commitment to Love and Harmony are very much the fulfillment of the highest happiness for the human race.

Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MAd7PXpT-A

Response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQhbMEHTCaQ


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Dare to Love

8108687489?profile=originalTo see the world as it is is a great gift. This planet is our home. It is a gorgeous planet, one of the most beautiful in the galaxy, full of wonders and rich energies. No matter what human beings do to despoil the planet, it is not at risk from them. It is human beings who are at risk from going extinct. The seriously dysfunctional activities of the human race only create suffering for themselves for the future. The divine powers that protect this planet will in no way allow humanity to destroy or damage it beyond repair. This world has existed long before humanity and has experienced far worse civilizations. It will exist long after humanity has gone, everything that is damaged will be restored for another race to enjoy. It is only the inflated human ego that imagines in it's self importance that it can destroy this world.

There is nothing wrong with this planet. The problem lies in human civilization. All the rational thinking, logic, politics, military, industry, corporations, business, financial institutions, educational facilities, science, all the achievements and triumphs, the enterprises and endevours within this civilization are worth exactly nothing and do nothing for humanity's happiness. Why? because at their heart they do not celebrate and serve the purposes and power of Love. As such human civilization is broken almost beyond repair and is scheduled for a long wait on death row to final extinction.

Not only that but even within the more positive aspects of the current civilization is no clue how to deal with the darker problems of hatred, war, poverty and injustice that exist all over the planet. The deep problems that affect our world are not the creation of a small elite who run the world and oppress the people. It is the collective failure of the human race to see what is in front of them. Essentially this is that we are all brothers and sisters bound by Love together as one. To seek profit at the expense and exploitation of another, is to cause untold damage to yourself. To harm another, is to harm yourself. To imagine yourself to be superior to another is to create within yourself a toxic pit of unhappiness and confusion. Thus the saying of Jesus. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Simple as this is, this has not sunk into to the hearts and minds in it's absolute profundity and significance.

All problems on Earth can be easily solved overnight. For this to happen a large percentage of humanity must develop real empathy, compassion and Love for each other. Through empathy and compassion we realize that what happens to another happens to ourselves. We directly feel this (most humans are currently brain dead with this regard) and we will not take the insane risks that threaten the survival of the human race.

With true Love for each other. In spite of the fact that the powers that be, financial institutions, corporations, governments etc. have divided and conquered the people. Through the power of Love we express our Love for each other in thought, emotion and deed. Free of ego and selfishness, we become the source overflowing with Love and compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters. Waiting for Ascension? Fail in this lesson and you ain't ascending anywhere.

If enough of humanity determines to serve the purposes of Love, to become love and express that love for friends and strangers alike, then we will be free to enjoy a future of Peace, Happiness and Joy beyond all measure. We will come into the inheritance of the treasures of the universe. The negative powers will have no more power over us, and we will be free to love and live in harmony with the planet and greater universe in happiness rather than suffering.

To see the world as it is, is to see what is in front of you without self deception. The realization of Love is self evident and it is there for everyone to see in some form or another. So are the lessons of selfishness, greed, conceit and superiority. Yet we cannot wait for the rest of humanity to break out in Love and freedom. The change must come from within. We must become the Love, empathy and compassion that the world so sorely needs. Happily many millions have come to this realization. To love is to dare. To pass beyond our identity, our ego, and our bank accounts into the ocean of love that surrounds us all.

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The Broken Heart

8108684898?profile=originalWhen all fails. When we are left with nothing but tears, an agony of spirit. Being torn scattered to the wind. Soul ripped apart and heart broken. Defeat, humiliation, despair, anguish and panic. Lost the light, the spark within, that no longer shines. When there is nothing left to hold onto. Caught in a riptide of sorrow, adrift in an endless abyss with only a dull terror for company. God, Jesus, Angels do not answer you, in fact you look to the heavens for some hope and...there is nothing there, no answer, no sign, no hope.

Many millions have experienced a similar dark night of the soul. When I was 16 I tried to kill myself, I did not want to go on living, for every moment was agonising emotional pain. Over 1 million people kill themselves each year. That's around 2700 every day. The bright positivity or strong will to survive and persist that so many others take for granted is alien to them. They can be surrounded by much love and yet even this is not always enough. Something is totally broken within the soul. To empathise with such a soul, is to realise that although we may think the events leading up to this state were trivial by our standards. Yet the agony that the person feels is vast and unbearable.

Stating the law of karma in these situations is not helpful in anyway. The laws of the universe are meaningless to such. The brilliance of the highest divine light has no meaning. Even the love that surrounds all, for them may as well be in another galaxy, far, far away. To look within this abyss is to see that although existence has stellar heights of supreme wonder, bliss and beauty. That there are also depths of absolute despair and horror, grave beyond all measure and reason. This is the wonder and the terror of being alive. To comprehend the scope of the profundity of what it means to exist.

The worst of all is to feel nothing at all. To be totally numb to everything. To pass beyond what it means to feel like a human being. To exist within only a dull sensation of curious detachment. "Sounds like bliss", says the soldier in the movie the thin red line, who has just been told by a veteran how he feels nothing anymore.

For such a person who experiences the terrible agony of the dark night of the soul or the person who experiences only utter numbness of life. Their immortal spirit is having an original encounter with Eternity. Their soul is ripped out of time and space and they are confronted with the vast abyss of emptiness out of which the universe was created. Such an abyss destroys all attachment and ego, all desire, craving and material concern and leaves nothing behind except the pure divine spark that was given to the soul.

This encounter is telling the immortal spirit of the individual, that their divine destiny is one of total cosmic freedom, free of any attachment to an identity, personality or ego. That they are divine, transcendent and immortal.

The Creator creates out of nothing. Out of the abyss the creator fashions the universes of spirit and matter, creates love, harmony and beauty out of emptiness. When we find our self in such a place, where there is no Love, where we are alone and separated from all. Where all attachment is gone and no one, neither gods nor men, answer our pleas for help. It is then the very defining moment of our existence and the expression of the reason for which we were created. We take upon ourselves the mantle of the creators we are meant to become. From out of the divine light that is in us and the power of our heart. We create love where there is none, we become an ocean of compassion, where there is only a desert of agony. We fill the world with the selfless blessings of a being free of ego and selfishness. Or in the words of a spirit of the sphere of mars "I am the spark of life leaping across the arc, I chart the path through darkness, so beauty and love may exist. Each moment contains an abyss, the heart forges the pathway across. My secret name is bliss, I chart the path between the stars."

Often times a person suffering from severe depression, can be surrounded by much love and care which I am sure helps. Yet no one can give that person the will to recover. Sure they may need healing and attention from both humans and angels. But in the end it is up to them whether or not they will recover. In this regard they alone have to find the inspiration and magic to heal and create a new purpose and spirit within. Often times this does happen. Sadly others go on to commit suicide. Whatever the case, it is an exercise of our own power. The power to destroy our life or the power to recreate it anew. This power we have been given by the divine, and with it there is nothing that we cannot attain. We can either snuff out our flame. Or we can choose to shine our light the brightest we can possibly be.

"You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane, comes a rainbow

Maybe the reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time you know

You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine"

Katy Perry - Firework

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Return to Eden

8108688067?profile=originalI have never liked the story of the garden of Eden. Many find it insults their intelligence. I half agree. Yet I am sure it has a deep significance within the collective unconscious. The idea that humans have fallen from the original intention of the creator is not to difficult to imagine. My personal belief is that there is a creator of the universe or creators, the distinction is irrelevant. I don't believe this creator is kind of a super projection of the human ego, which is what a lot of religions allude to when they talk about God. For me the creator exists as the highest divine principles. Omnipotent power, Omniscient Wisdom, Omnipresent Love, and Eternal Consciousness. Yet I don't think "God" actually cares whether or not we believe in it or recognize it. It does not demand our service, loyalty or Love. We have been given the gift of freewill to do and act as we please. Virtue speaks for itself and so do passions. We exist to learn, to grow and to attain complete cosmic freedom. The universe is our school room in this regard.

I must admit, I am being somewhat evasive about this. Here's the deal, anyone who tells you, you must believe in God, you must worship God, or you must do what God says, or you must love God, or God is going to punish you in some way for your sins. etc. Whoever makes these kind of statements hasn't got the faintest idea of the Divine Love and Compassion that holds all of creation in it's embrace. They may have had a genuine spiritual experience, a glimpse of the light, which they have then twisted and distorted into their own human based, ego-centric view that serves their own self righteous agenda which is full of self deception and passive/outright domination. In other words they have seen the light, and it does not compute.

Then we have the image of the Great mother, the Goddess, out of whose womb flows all things, that nurtures and sustains everything in it's embrace, whose Love is unconditional who would no more damn anyone of her children to hell for eternity, than a loving mother would boil her infant alive and feed it to the dogs. She only wants the best for her children, the best being infinite supreme everlasting happiness and bliss. She will bestow this upon all her children without exception and the universe will not end until every spirit is found and reunited in cosmic bliss to the source out of which they were created. Until then we are here to learn and experience existence in the vast scope of all that means, both positive and negative.

Whether you believe in a God, Goddess, Creator, or Creators or not, means nothing to anyone else. It is significant only to you. Your unique perspective and belief system is teaching you about the universe and creation. It is your point of view that counts. I like to share my point of view with others and can say that I have great devotion for the divine and am like the beings of the sphere of Venus "crazed with Love". Yet that is just my perspective, sharing is allowed. The problem comes when someone tries to dominate another person's point of view, instead of recognizing that they are a sovereign being with freewill and are experiencing a supremely unique perspective, that is priceless to them and to the greater unfolding of the Universe.

It is not hard to imagine that humans once lived in great peace and harmony There are very specific things that the human race must do if they wish return to peace and harmony. This is self evident and it is up to human beings whether or not they want to do this. For me the Return to Eden, is a return to innocence and purity, but an innocence that is backed by great wisdom and first hand experience rather than ignorance. In this sense the "fall" was not a curse. It was the expression of the priceless gift of freewill.

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Children of Love

8108684885?profile=originalSuffering on this world can teach us two very important lessons. The first is compassion for others. The second lesson is to learn that everything we do we do out of and for the purposes of Love. Suffering causes great trauma for human consciousness, it is clear that our human makeup was not designed to experience prolonged suffering. We are creations of Love, everything about our make up physical, mental, emotional, gives testament to the Love out of which we were formed. Our inception and nurturing are all based on Love. The beauty of the human form in all it's glory is shaped by the art of Love.

All good things and positive experiences come out of Love. The law of karma dictates that what we sow, we shall reap. In other words what we engage in through thought, emotion and action will eventually return to us and usually magnified. With all the vast suffering here on earth it is hoped that eventually humankind will learn that engaging in negative actions has severe consequences that lead to massive suffering. Thus the need to avoid engaging in negativity. We are also learning about Love. Love is incarnated into everything that exists. It is expressed through harmony. Through Love the very highest purposes of life can be fulfilled.

Romantic Love is great. A great many are obsessed with it. Unfortunately due to social programming, romantic love has become a distorted concept for some, who imagine that another person can complete them or provide them with happiness. Such intense expectations cause dramatic emotional upheavals in the lives of many. This is due to the unrealistic expectations that we have of flawed human beings. Humans are capable of immense Love, yet they imagine that all their love relies on and is concentrated on one human being. So when they are inevitably let down, it is like a cosmic disaster. Love that is based on attachment, conditions, and unrealistic expectations is not worthy of the name Love. True Love is always free, not bound and fixed by obsession and attachment. For those who are complete in themselves and love each other freely and without attachment. They are never parted, their love flows through each other no matter where they are, and when relationships end there is a celebration for all that has gone before.

Love is everywhere and in everything. It is all around us and sustains our existence and our universe. It is unconditional and embraces all. When it comes to the purposes of Love for humanity, the scope is vast. From the inception of the race, to final enlightenment. During that time a lot of lessons are to be learned. Yet for me all lessons converge into one, and that is : "Everything you do, do out of Love".

It should become plain to all who have ever suffered that we are not children of suffering, it is not what we are meant to be.Through love we fulfill our divine destiny and create happiness for ourselves and others. The vision is of a world where happiness, not suffering, is the norm. This can only be accomplished through the power of Love. The price for such a world is to refrain from mindlessly engaging in negativity.

This is a tall order, given the habits that human beings have developed over many thousands of years. Yet the alternative is very terrible. However there are many in our world who are tired of the consequences of engaging in hatred, wars, greed etc. and greatly desire a world of Love, peace and happiness for all. These people are making very serious attempts to provide the option of a better future for humanity. There does not have to be an Armageddon. We can choose to create a world where peace reigns.

Those who see this future world of love, peace and happiness know that it is worth whatever it takes to bring it into reality and that the alternative should be avoided at all cost. We have time now to bring this intention into view. No matter how dire the situation is here on Earth, if enough people create this intention out of their heart and concentrate on bringing it into reality, we can have the blessing of heaven on Earth. The entire divine world is waiting with baited breath for humanity to make their choice, for it is we humans who have the power to change our fate. By our mental, emotional and physical actions we subscribe to the future we wish to see. All Earth's children must choose, for they have been given the gift of freewill by the divine. As the divine goddess of Love whispers into the ears of the sleeping children. She says choose Love. The blessings and joys of the future are boundless and untold. Dare to trust in the power of the heart over the power of guns and hatred. Open your heart and embrace the human family that all may heal. For we are all one. We are all children of Love.

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North Korea





I would like to request a short meditation for North Korea. In terms of getting what you want out of life you can either make requests to some deity in the form of prayers, or you can take upon your shoulders the mantle of a creator and create whatever it is you want. Depending on how strong your conviction, faith and ability to visualise, you can create some very positive results. Many people have written books, given seminars and coined phrases that relate to "creating your reality". Much of it based around the idea that using techniques such as visualization, positive thinking and affirmations, you can create wealth, love, happiness etc. for yourself.

This is all well and good, yet the focus of these techniques is usually self centered. i.e. it is assumed that you use these methods to create for yourself, not others. What I am after here is using the technique of visualization, faith and emotional conviction in a compassionate way to help the nation of North Korea.

The meditation:

Visualise Kim Jong Il as dissolving into nothingness.
You see the concentration camps closed in North Korea closed.
North and South Korea are peacefully reunited.

The army of the North disbanded.

The people of North Korea have enough food to eat instead of starving.
The people have jobs and are content.
There is freedom and happiness.
There is a fair and just judicial system in place.
There is medical attention available for all.
There is peace and safety for all.

The state of North Korea is like a curse on the whole of humanity. If things are not transformed positively there, then the rest of the world will lose their freedoms. That the rest of the world has stood by and done nothing to help their dear suffering brothers and sisters in North Korea and other such nations, is a damning indictment of the failure of the collective conscience. As such if we continue to stand by and do nothing. the fate of North Korea will become the fate of the world.

Through the power of love may we transform ourselves and the world.

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Svadhisthana, Centre of Bliss

8108683668?profile=originalOut of all the chakras, the sacral chakra is perhaps the most fundamental to basic human desire after survival. Everyone wants to be happy right? and sex is a basic need. Looking for pleasure, peace, relaxation, bliss, personal love?. These are all the domain of the second chakra. When the energy here becomes distorted, there is an obsession with sexual and erotic experiences, devoid of love, just pure gratification. That can be fun in the beginning, but become addicted to this kind of behaviour and you become jaded or like a sexual vampire. When this chakra is weak or in negative state you are in a constant state of unhappiness and lack of well being where no matter what you do, you can't feel good.

For those yogi's who draw up the kundalini to this chakra, they sit in their caves immersed in the most exquisite bliss, that satisfies their wildest desires beyond their dreams or imagination. With this kind of bliss why should they move an inch to do anything in the world, they are beyond all human need or want.

Suffice to say, looking after this chakra, keeping it positive and balanced, has immense rewards. Sexual fulfillment, happiness and bliss, should be companions to every person on their journey here on Earth. No one should be without it. This chakra also determines our emotional and sensual relationships with others. So the energy of others and our emotional attachments can either positively or adversely affect the energy of this centre. Spending time clearing and balancing this centre can have a dramatic effect on our emotional well being and happiness. A healthy sacral chakra will attract positive emotional relationships into our lives.

Of course each chakra is important and needs to be balanced for holistic spiritual development. Yet to have an endless well of ever flowing happiness within us that is reflected in our relationships and emotions is one of the greatest treasures a human being can have. Svadhisthana is the key to this treasure. Take good care of her.

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Cosmic Love Celebration

8108687476?profile=originalI see the most beautiful beings in gorgeous settings on far flung worlds dancing to the songs of the stars, their hands waving in the perfumed air, under the glowing sky of the stars full of nebulous colour.A great cosmic party celebrating the wonder and beauty of the universe dancing and melting into Love, Love, Love. Endlessly, no time, only Bliss. For it is love which opens the treasures of eternity. In their eyes is the light of a billion stars and you see in them that shining glow of the pure joy of being one with the universe. Individuals, yet their minds and souls are one with all things throughout the universe.

Even now I am there within those places who are in harmony with the universe. Who have received boundless rewards for being in harmony and I am struck by the beauty of the vistas, the smell of the air the colours in the sky, radiant and lush, shining pure wonder. and the glowing faces of those beautiful beings there who have learned the secret bliss of eternity within time. And they call to us here on this planet from the place where their hearts join with us. They say join us in our celebration. Leave off the woe and suffering of your past and embrace the divine magnificence. Break down all barriers through love and flow, flow, flow into one another, and all things to experience the harmony of all things. Embrace each other and laugh, see each other for the first time. You are the divine meeting itself. The joys, adventures and treasures of the universe are without end. For the heart that loves, nothing is denied. To live, to learn, to share the infinite abundance of creation and to become the creators you were born to be.

Gaia the jewelled beauty of your solar system, she has all the keys all the resources to the abundance of the universe. In her are the secret treasures of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. To be in harmony with her is to enter the complete fulfillment of the purpose for which the human race was created. Through Love this magic unfolds, a jewel of such splendour and beauty joined with her children dancing, waving, flowing, shining. As One in Cosmic harmony and divine bliss.

Join the celebration.
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Opalescent Meditation



My intention here is to give a meditation that integrates some very positive elements of spirituality. Any complete spiritual practice however will also deal with the negative aspects of the spiritual. In other words we all have negative characteristics, it is vital that we know what this negativity is, become aware of it and gain mastery and control over it. This is a process of dealing with the shadow and is part of the edict: Know thyself. This is a lifelong practice and requires that we are very honest with ourselves and our faults. Having said that developing positive intention and increasing the positivity that we have has a dramatic effect on our experiences and our feelings. Put another way it is the way to "feel good".

The above image embodies the energies that are wished to create in oneself during this meditation. It can be used as a visual aid. I've tried to keep the meditation as simple and short as possible so it's easy and quick to do. You can spend as much or as little time on each section of the meditation as you wish. Don't worry if you can't feel anything with the different parts. The mental action and intention of doing it has a powerful effect.

The meditation:

A sphere of white light surrounds your aura. (such as in the picture).

Youraura is full of pinkish white light, all negativity is cleared out of your aura and it is filled with this colour (If you don't like pink use the color that you associate with love.) This is the color of love filling your aura and dispensing all negative energy

Each chakra in your body is clear, vibrant and balanced in it's correct color.

Your body is full of health, vitality and beauty. Take time to imagine this.

Concentrate on your heart chakra, a beautiful green color at the centre of your chest.

You are full of love and you send that love to all beings in the world. Your love entering each heart of every soul on earth.

You are full of compassion and you send your compassion to every living being.

You send love and forgiveness to every being who has wronged you in any way and release them to the universe.

You send Peace and Happiness to all on Earth. Imagine the peace and happiness filling the whole world.

You send gratitude to the divine, the universe or any deity you adore, for all the blessings you have in your life.

Now the color in your aura glows with opalescent beauty and light.



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Christianity and Beyond

Like many people I grew up in a fundamental Christian household and was forced to go to Church from a very young age. Ideas like Sin, Hell, Redemption and Salvation were firmly ingrained in my psyche. I went through the whole guilt trip and never questioned any of it. The theme of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the mankind, the only source of divinity and God in the form of man was firmly placed into my belief system. All other religions were of the devil, the bible is the only word of God and the only way to heaven was through Jesus Christ. Reject him and you go to hell forever, so they said.


In my 20s something started to pull me away from Christianity, it was a dissatisfaction with the bible, which to me appeared to have missing parts, bad information and behaviour on the part of "God" that I considered to be ridiculous. I somehow knew there was "more than this". In fact so much more. I studied books that disproved the existence of Jesus, claimed the Crucifixion never occurred, talked about the pagan mythologies on which Christmas and Christianity was based and the many "Christ like" figures in the past before Jesus. Also I looked at the astrological interpretation of the bible. This was a process of deprogramming and I convinced myself at some point that Jesus Christ never existed(although later I realized that he did indeed exist).


Then began the stage of my studying the eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism and many things about those religions appealed to me, and I knew were true. For example reincarnation and karma. I realised there were deep truths in other religions that Christianity did not even hint at. After this I entered into the mysteries and a vast spiritual universe opened up to me, full of wonder and splendour. The profound mysteries of the spiritual world were presented to me in all their glory. It was something I never imagined existed and went far beyond Christianity and everything else I had heard of in all religions. The inner knowledge I had that there was "more than this", was upgraded to "so profoundly infinitely more than this.". At this point I was ready to see the value and usefulness of Christianity.


Christianity is like being on a beach and having a small part of the beach cordoned off. In the area that is cordoned off a few paces out into the sea are some men standing in the water their heads just above the water. These are the Church fathers. They say to you: "this is as far as you are allowed into the sea, go any further and you will drown. Stay in this area and you will survive.". The true reality of spirituality is like the rest of the vast ocean in comparison. Not only that ocean but all the oceans on the planet. To sail those seas requires that you pass beyond the boundaries that are within religion, culture, history and society. For they are outside of those things and their vast depths would dissolve such attachments into nothingness.


The Church fathers have a point. If you are to venture out into the vast oceans of the spiritual worlds you might drown. The test of Christianity is that if you cannot enter the spiritual worlds with purity of spirit and a divine will then you need a saviour who can do all the work for you. Otherwise they assume you will be destroyed by the monsters that lurk out there in the depths.


What they miss is that the divine has given the gift of itself to all human beings to realise and attain the highest divinity, to become creators as it is a creator, without limitations and to open the door to all the infinite treasures and wonders of the universe. It is the nature of our spirit to express our divinity, and that divinity cannot be contained by any religion any more than a bottle can contain infinity.


The mystery of the Christ is wonderful. Jesus does exist and he is a wonderful being. Yet humans once worshipped the Sun as all powerful, and from their perspective it was. Then they found out that there are billions upon billions of suns throughout the vast reaches of the cosmos, suns far greater than our own, far brighter. Our sun was just one star among billions. So it is with the Christ. May all become aware of the infinite variety and wonder of the Universe. May the human race mature to inherit the treasures in the heart of the divine.


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The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty

The Highest divinity is Unconditional Love, Supreme Bliss, Pure Enlightenment, Perfect Purity, Highest Love, All wisdom, All knowing, All power, Everywhere and Eternal. It is the creator of all things and Loves everything and everyone unconditionally. It is everywhere, everywhen and in all things. It is both outside time and space and within time and space. Every human being has as part of their immortal soul an expression of this highest divinity which is personal and unique to each person.

The Divine Feminine expresses the feminine aspects of this highest divinity. It is the Great mother, who holds all things in her womb and nurtures and sustains everything in existence. She is the extension of Unconditional Love and Compassion to all beings. Out of her womb flows all things and all life. My own personal symbol of this is the Buddhist Goddess Prajnaparamita, mother of the Buddhas.

The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty, also known as the Star Goddess and the Goddess of Venus is an expression of the divine feminine in the aspect of a daughter. Within her are the most beautiful, uplifting and fulfilling expressions of emotional life. She holds all the treasures, ecstasies, joys and blisses of the Universe in her being. She is happiness and love overflowing. She is lasting peace and the awe and wonder of the profound mystery of life and existence. She is health and vitality that is ever new in each moment, fresh and youthful. She is sexual delight and profound empathy. She is an infinite array of beautiful feelings that flow through the emotions and bring absolute satisfaction. She is the nurturer who blesses all her children with endless adventure of love. Her counterpart is the warrior of mars, the perfection of self mastery. Her domain the planet Venus.

The path of Love is perhaps the most wonderful path to perfect enlightenment. The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty wishes to bless planet Earth at this time with her treasures. There is currently no religion or spiritual movement on Earth that expresses even 1% of her being. Although she is ever present here on earth, most are not open to receive her blessings, due to dysfunctional thought forms getting in the way.

If only humans would turn away from hatred, violence, greed, jealousy, deviousness, domination, anger, ego, attachment, selfishness and such and embrace love, peace, innocence, compassion, kindness, sharing, equality, tolerance and goodwill to all, then the treasures of her heart would incarnate here on Earth. Her love is unconditional but the treasures she holds can only be shared with those who have passed beyond the negativity within them and have resolved to embrace Love. The password is love, but not the word love, but love expressed through the heart and soul of the individual.

It is true we are ascending and this process of ascension allows the higher energies expressed by the star goddess to enter conscious awareness. More will begin to feel her influence and experience her abundance, as we shift into higher frequencies. In fact this is happening right now.

The goddess is not a human gender, she contains and emanates the masculine qualities as well as the feminine. She can appear as either male or female, yet she emphasises the universal feminine qualities. She is complete, not one side of the equation. This is quite an important point. In truth she is not just some spiritual being who is somewhere out there on Venus, but is part of our divine soul. She is part of us, is in us and is waiting for us to mature to reveal the untold wonder hidden within her bliss.

That heaven may appear on Earth, and all may join in the celebration, harmony and oneness of a Universe on fire with love and beauty.

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Dream Spiral

I have never felt anything like the love I feel today. The memories return. Of ancient civilizations that were here on this planet millions of years ago, far advanced beyond our own. Of the galactic worlds and their great celebration among the stars. The great civilization inside our planet that longs to see the liberation of mankind. The love for us here as seen through the eyes of Venus, dearest of hearts, beautiful in soul, invincible in mind. The future beings that come back in time to prevent a war that will end the human species. A journey to the center of life where all is revealed. The mystery, the beauty, the struggle, the pain. All our hopes and fears for the future. The tears of the arch-angels. The evil that surrounds humanity. The struggle that pulls the soul between the light and the dark.

We walk this path, this road of suffering, yet there is hidden in the depths of the night of the soul, the shining beauty that is Life. Being alive and witnessing this story, the grand unfolding of a cosmic adventure, here on this jewel of the stars. It is a great gift of awe and wonder. Something amazing is happening and we are coming to the climax of the story of planet Earth. Here the divine and the mortal collide in scintillating union. Love. Love the illumination of the heart within an eternal bliss. As we cross the abyss of blackest night. Let us return to those glorious days. The time when our hearts joined together with the song of the cosmos, when the light of the stars shined in our eyes. When we were one with the universe and each other.

I see through the veil, millions of years pass as the struggle of humanity unfolds. Through deepest sorrow and harrowing pain. As the evil saw the beauty in the human heart and resolved to destroy it at all cost. The looming and rising power that would engulf, tear apart and scatter to the wind that innocence, joy and happiness. Our birthright stolen by the power that none could name. For misguided men called it out of the void within their soul to overthrow the invincible power of the divine light.

Brothers and Sisters all are we, scattered across the cosmos. A family yearning to be one. One suffers and all suffer. We are joined to those great starfaring worlds. Remembrance comes to us now as we pass the threshold into the defining moment of human transformation. The path towards liberation is before us, yet that beast, the great dragon, the king of demons will confront us to examine the light in our eyes, the love in our hearts. May the illumination of the divine shine in us with it's infinite power and dissolve this greatest of malice.

Rising now to this future. The dream in the depths of our heart, we face the most significant time in human history. May the Love we find within guide us in it's omniscient wisdom across the abyss, safely to the beautiful light. Shine within, the spark of life, leaping across the arc. Charting the path through darkness to the fulfillment of our highest destiny. That Joy will fill the Earth, that peace and happiness will prevail. That the song of the cosmos will unite each heart in oneness and melt into the Infinite Love that is the source of all things and our eternal home.
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Something wonderful is happening

Take a moment to sit quietly.

The energies that are coming through now are full of love and healing. Let go of all fear and trust in the plan of love and light for this planet as it flows out of the heart of divine love. Something wonderful is happening. Tune into the higher energies by opening your heart and allowing the healing and love to flow through you. Connect with the divine at your heart. Even in the most densest of places, these energies are coming through now to uplift. We are witnessing the upliftment to heaven.

The deep wounds and scars of the past will be healed and forgotten. As we enter the renewing energy of the everlasting light. The omniscient wisdom of the eternal will solve all problems and create a future from out of the treasure chest of it's ineffable power. We will heal. Yet not only heal, but everything we have experienced will seem like a small price to pay for the joy we will enter. The darkness, suffering and evil we will remember as a great gift for our learning, growth and wisdom. To prevent it from ever happening again and to prevent heaven worlds from falling to the lower realms.

We rode the wave and fell to the abyss to create love where there was only sorrow, ignite our light and lift these beautiful souls up to heaven. Within the darkness of the abyss we hear the remembrance of Venus and the star worlds of bliss and joy, that in the end love will triumph over all. Now the illumination of our deepest hopes and our highest dreams has come to it's fruition.

From here we return to glory. We have witnessed the greatest adventure of this galactic epoch. Now our brothers and sisters come to us from the stars and we meet them midway up. The work has been well done. The triumph will be like the light of a million suns that will shine throughout this galaxy and tell the story of the power of love within the darkest of evils. Remembered always on all galactic worlds, ever remembered. Forever triumphed.

There is no greater place to be in the galaxy, but here and now. Tune in to the love and ride the wave back home. The scenery along the way will be awesome. This adventure, this story, there will never be another like it, and we were there. As we come to the realization of the divine plan unfolding within it, the soul shines brighter as the divine shares with us it's infinite wonder.

Now the healing comes. The higher vibrations come. Tune in. Open your heart. Trust. You will know what to do when the time is right. Ignore the doom-mongers. The shift has begun. Welcome home.
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Many feelings arise in me when I think about ascension. People have different opinions about it, and that is as it should be for ascension when it comes down to it is infact a personal thing, even though it involves group consciousness.

The conventional view is that "we" are in the 3rd dimension and we are going to, or need to ascend to the 5th dimension which is a place of unity consciousness where Unconditional Love is the focal point and where there is no duality. Fear and such lower vibrations cannot exist in this dimension and if you happen to be in the 5th dimension and experience these, you would immediately fall to the lower dimensions. It is a place of Pure bliss, happiness and freedom where those who occupy it, inhabit androgenous bodies of light and are unified with their twin flame. This is the domain of our higher self and the favourite place of choice for our multidimensional consciousness.

Those who exist in the 3rd dimension are bound by laws and limitations that restrict their freedom. We are as it were in a school where the main lesson is that of cause and effect. That what we seek to do and create has consequences and these consequences are reflected back at us in the form of the circumstances we find ourselves bound to. So 3D has a very important purpose for trillions of forms of consciousness. It is a learning ground and a very important place for many beings. For many it is right and good that a place in the 3D dimension exist for them so they can learn and evolve their consciousness. This includes many human beings. The problem is many get stuck here (for eons).

On the planet Venus, the group consciousness that inhabited the 3D dimension of that planet, eventually ascended to the mid-higher astral plane(4th dimension). There is on Venus and most other planets of our solar system, vast and thriving civilizations of different dispositions that exist as real and solid (to them) in the 4th dimension. Many things about them resemble us and our way of doing things, e.g. our duality consciousness. However they have far greater freedom than us. Many of the star worlds as we relate to them, exist on this plane of existence and it is a natural evolution of human expression. In other words many of the things we are attached to and take for granted find expression on that plane of existence. Most of the UFOs and visitors come from this plane of existence, and they are closer to us, feel related to us and in some ways responsible for us. They wish for our group consciousness to ascend to the fourth dimension, so that we can join them as equals. Yet there are others in the 4th dimension who wish for us to remain in 3D bound and restricted. In my experience many confuse the higher 4th dimension with the 5th dimension.

The quality of consciousness that will ascend to the 5th dimension must be centered in Unconditional Love, and be free of all fear, attachment and negative vibration. It must be free of ego and embody the oneness of all things. If you can create this in your consciousness even temporarily, with a little skill you can visit the 5th dimension at any time. Yet if your consciousness has not matured enough to exist in this state of Unconditional Love then you will not experience 5D. The whole notion of ascension is for me primarily a personal experience. Yet that personal experience at the same time is trans-personal. For everyone you see and are connected to are a reflection of yourself. They are one with you. If you ascend, the world will ascend with you. In other words YOU are the ONE.

The nature of many here on Earth is to lift the vibration of the group consciousness up to a higher level, another dimension. So as you ascend you take others with you. I often speak of bringing heaven down to Earth. In ascension the object is to lift Earth up to heaven, but the effect is the same. Though it is really consciousness which is moving, ah not moving really, tuning. This is not something that happens outside of you, that others do for you. If your consciousness is not suited to higher dimensions it will not go there. You will continue to project a 3D world.

Having said that it is clear the energies of Ascension are everywhere, many higher beings of light and love are telepathically teaching Unconditional Love and Oneness. For those who can tune into these energies, so they effect deep and meaningful change in their consciousness, the 5th dimension awaits.

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Heart to Heart as One

When we can share love Heart to Heart as One with each other then all strife and wars will end. We have the power as human beings to join together with another soul and feel all they feel and give love. We can do this with anything that exists. To join with others who may not be close to us, or even half way around the world and to share feelings of love freely and without fear.

When much of humanity can do this we will be free of sorrow. When women learn the feminine mysteries and through the abilities hard wired into their gender, project themselves into the minds of evil men and dissolve all that negativity and cruelty and bring them back to the circle of Love, all wars will end on Earth. All boundaries dissolve, we unite as one race, where the dark secrets in the mind of humanity flees from the light that encircles it. All knowledge and experience shared freely and drawn upon. No more bank accounts. No more exploitation. No more hurting another.

Can humans dare to be One? Can they dare to be free of all boundaries and share all feelings and thoughts as One? To Love is to dare. To dare to venture out into the vast Ocean beyond the boundaries that separate us and to share freely all we are and all we have. Never separate always united, Soul to Soul. I am you and you are me. There is nothing we cannot accomplish when joined in Love. When we do this angels and light beings will appear in the light of day and share their Love and wisdom with us. When we do this, the inner planes will open and heaven will be on Earth.

The Oceans of Earth as symbolising the Water element represent Omnipresent Love. Love is in everything and everyone. Through Love we can join with anything that exists and become one with it, experiencing all it feels and thinks. We can bless and heal through this ability. Women are much better than men when practising this(oh men can still do it, it just comes easier to women). Imagine you are within someone you love. You feel all they feel, you know all they know. You offer blessing and love from within that person and give happiness, peace and joy. You can do this with animals or anything. Eventually when you get very good at it, you will actually feel your consciousness within the object of your love, without using your imagination. For intruth all consciousness is one and is everywhere. Putting off your ego, you practise the art of Omnipresence. You realise you are in everything and everyone an Ocean of bliss that Loves without end.
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