Will's Posts (44)

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Transcending the Introvert/Extrovert Duality

Jonesin.jpg?width=250There's a lot of talk about introverts and extroverts lately, and quite frankly, I don't believe viewing yourself as either of those things is very healthy. I think we all know the dangers of defining ourselves through the ego, and that's exactly what calling yourself an introvert or an extrovert does, it's an ego definition. It limits how you see yourself, and it limits your behavior too.

An introvert is focused upon the inner, while an extrovert is focused upon the outer. Who can say their lives are fully either of those things? The inner and the outer are constantly interacting, you bring up the inner and share it with the outer, that's self-expression. Likewise, you take what you see in the outer and integrate it into your inner world, that's how you experience life. The inner and the outer aren't really separate at all, but deeply interconnected, and the "line" between them is largely an illusion created by your mind.

We live in a materialistic, outward-focused society, and it's difficult to fit in if you don't conform to this paradigm. Spiritually-oriented people can't help but feel alienated in this type of society, because it discredits and ignores the inner world. The more empathic beings generally withdraw into themselves, and pull away from society because it offers little that really feeds the Soul.

So the introvert is more comfortable alone, and the extrovert is more comfortable around others. Let me rephrase that so the problems with seeing yourself and others based upon this dualistic paradigm is more clear. An extrovert is less comfortable being alone, and an introvert is less comfortable around others. These are both dysfunctional behaviors. You can't live your whole life alone, nor can you live your whole life surrounded by others, so if you view yourself as an introvert/extrovert, you're always going to have uncomfortable situations.

If you don't like being alone, you really need to look deep within yourself and ask why. There's a problem you have with yourself, and your own self-image is likely defined heavily based upon how others see you. Releasing those bonds will lead to greater self-confidence and help create a stronger social presence.

Humans are social beings, and avoiding interacting with other people is not healthy. Relationships are powerful things, and your own growth and development is assisted by our interactions with other people. Just like the extrovert, an introvert is usually overly concerned with how other people see them, but to avoid the issue they just limit their social interaction. There's a nasty trap there because then social skills start to atrophy, which leads to more awkwardness in social situations, which leads to even less social interaction.

If we had a society that really accepted people the way they are, introverts and extroverts would disappear, there'd just be happy people. I really see an introvert as someone who needs to work on their outer world, and an extrovert as someone who needs to work on their inner world. Then you can truly be a holistic being, and not defined by such shallow labels.


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Awareness, The Key To Awakening

eye-211610_640.jpg?width=213If you're like most people, you live almost entirely in your mind. There's a constant internal dialog going on, the mind always talking to itself. "I need to do this...", "What if that...", "Yesterday I...".  As soon as one thought is finished, another pops up. This is going on non-stop, so much so that really paying attention to all these thoughts would start to drive you nuts, so all the thinking starts getting pushed into the unconscious where it goes on automatically, habitually.

This is dangerous though, and the fact that nearly everyone else is doing it too doesn't make it any less so. Your thoughts influence enormously how you perceive your world. In new age jargon, this is the "you create your reality".  Your beliefs are the lens through which you see the world, though for most, it's more accurate to say your beliefs are your world. To let the mind ramble on unconsciously is very dangerous because it will go on absorbing, and modifying beliefs without any conscious direction from you, and these beliefs will direct your whole life.

When you're unaware of your own thoughts, you're like a leaf blowing in the wind, and it becomes very easy for people to manipulate you. The media can just repeat something over and over again, and whether or not it's true, the majority of people will start repeating it as fact. Most mainstream forms of media, advertisers and politicians have refined manipulating people into an art. They even know the emotional triggers people have that feed into unconsciousness, one of which is sex. Get people a little bit aroused, get the mind excited and it becomes easy to sneak thoughts into them. Other common triggers are things like violence, fear, or the promise of money. If someone can convince your mind that they can fulfill your desires, they can very easily control you.

When you're caught up in your own mind, it's difficult to really hear what another person is saying too. Your own thoughts take precedence in your mind, and they can very easily distract you. You go on half-listening or half-reading what another is saying and at the same time you're listening to your own thoughts. You get overloaded, too much to take in at once, and so you go on auto-pilot and you operate almost entirely unconsciously.

Unconsciousness reacts, and a reaction is always based upon the past. If you live unconsciously, you will just repeat the past over and over again. It's very easy to live that way, and it's very safe, at least by societal standards. I said it's very dangerous before because you allow yourself to be manipulated by psychopaths who exploit you for their own power and greed, all the while denying your own Soul, but by societal standards living unconsciously is very safe. There's a comfort in knowing your life is already all planned out for you. It may be deeply unfulfilling and maddeningly repetitive, but there's a feeling of security in that consistency and a deep fear of breaking out of it.

In my life, I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow, I don't even know what's going to happen this afternoon. If you truly live in the moment, if you really live consciously, all you know for certain is what's occurring in this moment, the past is just echoes, and the future is endless possibilities. In living presently, everything opens up, life moves from the known to the unknown to the Unknowable, the Ultimate. For the unconscious person, this is terrifying. When the unconscious mind is faced with the unknown, it starts jumping to all the negative possibilities. It starts focusing upon what it might lose, and in dwelling upon all these negative possibilities, the mind actually puts energy into creating them. A conscious person knows that they don't know what's going to happen, that they can't know, it's an unconscious person that believes they've got their whole life figured out.

If there's any sin, any evil, any wrong in the world, it's living unconsciously. You can blame the warmongers who control your governments, but they're only there because they can manipulate the minds of the unconscious masses. It's unconsciousness that's the root of all these problems. Unconsciousness is the greatest evil, though you've been conditioned to believe otherwise, you've been taught that consciousness, that having your own thoughts, leads to wickedness. Of course, nobody told you that so plainly, you were taught it in a much more subtle way.

Most religions teach that people are inherently evil. In fact religion has to teach this, it's survival is dependent upon that belief since if you were inherently good there'd be no need for religion, would there? Even in the absence of religion, society still operates this way, that's why you need to be taught virtues and ethics, to be taught what's right and what's wrong, and it's why society needs rules to enforce these behaviors. You never really learn to tell right from wrong with these systems of morality though, what they actually teach is how to behave mechanically, unconsciously. You're taught to listen to this external system of morals and to trust in the "authority" of the people in charge. Through this contradictory system, which is supposed to make people good, one of society's greatest evils is perpetuated, war.

People aren't inherently evil though, that's little more than an ancient myth that unfortunately still lives in the very core of our society.  Science has recently shown that it's in our base nature to be caring, compassionate and helpful. Not only that, but we naturally feel better when behaving that way. From an evolutionary standpoint, of course this is true, because helping each other out makes us stronger as a whole. Even for a materialist, it's giving love and being loved that leads to lasting happiness.

We're taught things like greed. In the madness of our capitalist society, we're even taught that greed is good. We're taught that there's not enough for everyone, and that we've got to get what's ours before someone else does. We're even taught that the richest and greediest are helping society as a whole, and through giving them more money and power, everyone prospers. I get the feeling that most people are starting to see that belief for the ridiculous lie that it is, but the selfish greed we've been taught still remains. It disguises itself through rationalizations such as making "good financial sense".

All these things work against consciousness. Consciousness is always fresh, always new, always seeing things in different ways. It's not something planned out beforehand, it's something that happens entirely in this moment. We've been taught that behaving unconsciously makes us good people though, and that truly making our own decisions, by breaking free of the rigid societal structures, we'll bring chaos upon ourselves and threaten society as a whole. It's true in a sense, consciousness is a threat to unconsciousness, but behaving consciously won't make you evil, quite the opposite, you will discover a much deeper sense of right and wrong. You will have your own compass, your own direction. People behaving this way would be an enormous benefit to society as a whole, but the people currently in power would lose all the precious illusion they've built up, so they're aggressively against true consciousness.

It's not just our governments that are corrupt, it's people's minds. That's the only place corruption really exists anyway. The most helpful thing you can do to free yourself from the current system is not to fight against it, but to look within yourself, pay close attention to everything you think and feel. Free yourself from all corruption, all unconsciousness and fear. It will not be easy at first, nor will you be finished overnight, but you will be giving yourself a priceless gift. If people were only as devoted to their own awareness as they are to their jobs, the world would already be vastly transformed for the better.

The things I'm talking about here may seem fairly mundane, not nearly as exciting as chakras and higher dimensions, but what I'm talking about here, awareness, is the key that unlocks all those things. Spiritual people are always talking about awakening, but what is awakening? Isn't it simply awareness? Isn't that what happens every morning when you wake up? You were sleeping, and now you're awake, now you're more aware. Spiritual awakening is just a heightened level of awareness, it's awareness of more than just the physical realm. You don't need a bunch of bells and whistles to get there, no need for a spiritual books, gurus, chanting, all you need is awareness.

Greater awareness of the body and mind will naturally lead to awareness of the Soul. It's the unconsciousness of the mind that distracts from the Soul in the first place, but unconsciousness cannot thrive when the being is aware. Pay close attention to everything, do not let your mind ramble unconsciously. It will likely drive you a little nuts at first, and while the manic state of the mind is not a pretty thing to watch, keep at it. Really, all you're doing is acknowledging the way your mind really is. With awareness, little by little, the mind will start to calm. Not by fighting against the mind, not by struggle, but through simple awareness. The worries and fears that thrived in unconsciousness start to shrink when exposed to the light.

I've noticed a lot of people use spirituality like some mental bubble gum. You chew on something for a while, then when it has lost its flavor you spit it out and look for something new to consume. It's a form of entertainment, some excitement and distraction from an otherwise boring life. I don't want to give you any distractions from your life though, I want you to pay very very close attention to all parts of your life, so close that it becomes impossible to ignore any part, whether ecstatic joy or extreme pain. In this you will be transformed, your feelings will become guideposts in how to live your life, not as an imitation of someone else, but as a celebration of your true self.


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How I Clear My Energetic Field & Balance The Chakras

Apo3D-130417-92501112.jpg?itok=A4oxWNXQ&width=250I want to describe the process I go through to clear stagnant energy from my subtle body and open up the chakras. This is something that has brought enormous joy into my life, peace into my heart, cleared away anxiety and depression, and also brought much greater health and energy to my physical body as well.

I've learned to not worry, and to work with life instead of struggling against it. It's also brought greater intuition, empathy and artistic talent into my life. It's been a holistic change, and I could easily write a whole article just listing the benefits alone.

Before I get into the process more, I need to do a bit of a disclaimer. This is not something to be done ritualistically. It's not meant to encourage unconscious, habitual repetition, in fact it's meant to break you out of that. This is about living life, your life, and how you do that is up to you. You are beautifully unique and this isn't about telling you the right and wrong ways to live your life. This is what has worked for me, and I'm sharing it with the intention that it may assist you as well.

Now the first step is to quiet the mind. To consciously clear the energetic body, you need to be aware of it, and that's very difficult when an overactive mind is constantly demanding attention. This is where meditation comes in, learning to let go of the mind and embrace Consciousness. Meditation is simply quieting the mind, it doesn't matter so much how you do it. I started with sitting closed-eyed, alone, in a quiet room, then gradually expanded the meditation to encompass every aspect of my life. Eventually I stopped needing a peaceful outer environment to have a peaceful inner environment, though at first, a peaceful, quiet spot was very helpful in quieting the mind.

Here's a couple tips when meditating: First, you can't force the mind to be quiet. That's using the mind to try to quiet the mind, which is only going to excite the mind more. Thinking about quieting the mind at all is just going to feed into it more. Meditation is letting go of thinking, which is an enormous paradigm shift from the thinking-based world most people live in. Don't try to silence the mind, don't fight it, don't resist at all, simply observe. Watch your thoughts, be aware of them, but don't get caught up in them. This is difficult because most people operate on the ego level where you believe yourself to be your thoughts. You become very emotionally-invested in all your thoughts, but you really don't need to worry about all that. Wouldn’t it be a relief to just let them go? Watch your thoughts, become the observer, and the more you do this, the less power they'll have over you. The mind is like a parade, let it march on by. It likely won’t happen instantly, but if you can keep watching your thoughts without losing yourself in them, then mind will start to slow down, and then the real cleansing of the energetic body can begin.

While there's similarities between the physical and energetic bodies, they're quite different as well. The feelings that come from the energy body are fundamentally different than the physical senses like sight and smell. It also doesn't help that our language is almost entirely based upon the physical realm so describing the feelings that come from the energy body is a bit of a challenge. It really has to be felt directly, understanding it intellectually isn't enough. Joy, bliss, ecstasy, child-like wonder, those are the kind of feelings that come from a healthy, free-flowing energy body. On the other hand, an unhealthy energy body can create negative emotions like fear and anxiety. Remember that these are just words, and there's a depth to the feelings that goes far beyond such simple labels. The activation of the energy body can also produce sensations such as feeling pressure, tingling, and energy rushing through you. These feelings can range from gentle and soothing, to very very intense.

The most effective way I've found to clear the energy body is to work directly with the energy itself. The mind just gets in the way, it tries to interpret, label and analyze the feelings which makes things unnecessarily complicated. What's needed is a switch from a thinking-based paradigm to a feeling-based one, which assists greatly in understanding the Higher Realms too.  This is also the difference between doing and being, doing is always done with expectations of results, while being is simply present. Presence is essential to feeling the subtle energy body within.

I bring my attention inward, not necessarily to any specific place, though the energy coming from the chakras is usually the easiest to feel, so that's a good place to start. You can also direct your attention to any place you feel muscle tension, discomfort, pleasure, tingling, really any sensation is fine. Look at it, simply feel it, and one of two things will happen. The first possibility is that it will come alive, the feeling may grow, move around, pulsate, and change. This is really what's happening within and around you in every moment, but the movements of these subtle energies only happen subconsciously for most people. These currents of energy flow up and down our bodies, from the base of the feet to the crown of the head, and in and out and through everything around us as well. When you start to tap into this realm of energy, a whole new dimension will be added to your life.

Now I mentioned something else may happen when you bring your attention inwards, something not quite as miraculous, but still equally important to be aware of. In the "past" you had traumatic experiences, and these things you still carry with you. We're taught to not deal with negative emotions fully, but to seek ways to distract ourselves from them. Through TV, computers, food, work, drugs, all these are types of addictions, ways of dealing with negative emotions by distracting ourselves. The emotions aren't cleared at all, but simply pushed into the unconscious. It's like cleaning your house by sweeping all the dirt under the rug. It's all still there, it's just unseen.

When you quiet your mind, and bring your attention inwards, this stuff can't help but come up. When you store all this negative energy in your unconscious, it's really being stored in your energy body and disrupting it's natural flow. By attempting to avoid all your negative emotions, you horde them up, and through this you become a magnet for fear, pain, and disease as well. The energy body, the physical body, and the mind all mirror each other. Imbalance in one is reflected in all the others.

So when you bring your attention inwards, and these negative emotions come up, these memories of the past come up, worries, anxiety or stress comes up, simply be aware. Don't react to them, simply be aware of them, feeling them. Don't try to fight, don't run away, just be aware. It’s only energy and when it’s seen fully for what it is, it can be transformed and released. The mind is going to want to start thinking about these things, and then your attention will shift back towards your mind instead of the more subtle feelings. The emotional baggage you carry stays with you because the original experience was never completed. You didn't want to feel the pain fully, so the emotions were pushed into the unconscious mind, where they remain.

It's good to feel these things, it creates the opportunity for true resolution and healing. That's something that can't happen when you're trying to avoid your pain. Look at the feelings directly and they will start to lose the power they had over you. Hidden in the darkness of unconsciousness, the parts of yourself you don't want to confront can seem like big scary monsters. When brought into the light of consciousness though, they don't seem so big and scary anymore. The old energies are transformed, the once stagnant energies become alive again, and the more you do this, the more you become alive again.

When you really pay attention to your energy field, another miracle starts to happen. The lines between the inner and the outer start to blur. You start to see how the inner and the outer worlds are deeply connected, and how your energy field is constantly interacting with everything around you. When this happens, you can't help but start to feel energy from other people as well.

Now when feeling energy from others, it's very easy to take on that energy yourself. Emotions are contagious, even for people totally unconscious of the fact that they're absorbing energy from other people. These emotions excite the mind, which then draws attention away from the subtle energy body, and makes the kind of healing I'm talking about here all the more difficult. For this reason, the healing of the energy body is generally done alone or with others who are at least somewhat balanced themselves. However, simply because it's easier doesn't mean that's the best way of doing it, and being able to find balance around unbalanced people is enormously beneficial.

Personally, when I'm around people who carry a lot of negative emotions, I have to keep clearing my energy and grounding. If you’re not centered, it’s very easy to start taking on other’s problems and this world is full of people who are more than willing to share their problems with you. I’m not suggesting that you don’t help people, or ignore what they’re going through, but you can do those things without making their problems your own. In fact, by not getting caught up in someone else’s emotional world, you can assist people much better in transcending their problems. Of course, whether or not that occurs is ultimately up to them, not you.

Every moment of your life is an opportunity for growth, healing and expansion. This moment, right now, is the only moment that healing actually occurs. Don’t put conditions on it, don’t push it into the “future”, just be present and aware.


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When Is Ascension Coming? - Updated

A new year, and a number of failed predictions for the previous year from various sources. I see the same patterns repeating themselves, so this message seems relevant again:

umbrella-170962_640.jpg?itok=SqiCC6o0&width=200This is something we get asked continually, "When is Ascension?", "When is First Contact?", "When is The Event?". I wonder if people have any idea how long these questions have been asked? This whole idea that a day or a series of events would come along to solve humanity's problems is ancient, it can be found in Zoroastrianism which predates Judaism. And this belief that it's all going to happen "soon", do you know how long people have believed this? It's part of the bible, so at the very least around 2,000 years, probably much longer.

For thousands of years this day has been predicted over and over and over again, and yet it hasn't come. Even today, we seem to get a new prediction of when "it" will happen at least once a week. It's a shortcut to popularity by predicting something will happen, people like that. We see the stats on our site, and we know how popular those messages are. People really want to believe this, and I wonder if they're conscious of the same patterns repeating over and over again?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

We've watched more of these predictions fail than I care to count. Even now, I know there's at least one prediction of something happening sometime this week, and another predicting something 8 days from when I write this. So easy it is to just believe someone else and wait, but is that how real change occurs? How long have people tried this for?

His disciples said to him, "When is the Kingdom going to come?"
Jesus said, "It is not by waiting for it that it will come. No one will say, 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it."
Gospel of Thomas 113

What's a better source of telling where humanity's consciousness is at? Looking at the way they actually behave, or believing a channeler? The fact that we rely upon channelers to tell us where we're at, instead of looking and seeing for ourselves, says a whole lot about where humanity's consciousness is at.

Is humanity ready? Well, ready for what exactly? I know a lot of people think ETs are going to come share advanced technology with Humanity, yet I don't believe the ETs are that dumb. You don't give a gun to a 3 year-old, and you certainly don't give something capable of far more destruction to a race of beings who demonstrate daily they're not ready for that level of responsibility. How many wars do you think are happening right now, how often do people still kill each other? The more naive might believe the world is at peace right now, or there's only a couple isolated wars. I count 43 wars that have had at least some killing since 2013, and there's around 20,000+ deaths from these in 2014 alone [Update: Now 45 wars, and a total of around 175,000 deaths in 2014]. Is this a race of beings ready for Higher Consciousness?

On the internet, we have the ability to search the whole world for news stories, and cherry-pick only what we want to hear. You can believe the people in countries like Egypt are "waking up", standing up for themselves and doing something about a corrupt government. We even reported about this on the Galactic Free Press. Now that they have a new government, do you know what it's up to? Have you heard the recent news? They're planning mass executions, how incredibly barbaric! An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I do not have much hope for the new Egyptian government when they behave just like the old one. Revolutions are often like that, ones that make substantial progress instead of just keeping people spinning in circles seem to be the rarity. I wont even get into the horrors happening now in places like South Sudan and Syria.

Is this what it looks like when humanity is ready for "ascension"? I don't believe that, collectively you would begin creating Heaven on Earth, not killing each other and poisoning the Planet. Even now when the incredible corruption of the business, banks and governments has been revealed, they still get to operate like they're "above the law". Collectively, people have reacted with apathy. They don't want to look at the ugly reality of what humans are doing, they want someone else to come fix things. So many people are waiting for an honest politician to come fix things, religious people are waiting for God to come fix things, new agers are waiting for ETs to come fix things. Meanwhile, the mess grows bigger while everyone waits for someone else to come clean it up.

This whole myth of external salvation is part of what keeps people apathetic and complacent. Every day I see it though, people claiming someone or something is coming along with the solution to all our problems. Meanwhile I don't see much lessening of our problems, at least collectively. The world's drama goes back and forth, progression happens, but so does regression.

Part of this disease is people believing it's up to a single person to fix the whole world. Often people believe that they're the "Chosen one" with the "solution". I personally know multiple people who believe they're the second coming of Jesus, the new "world teacher" or the Matreiya. It's a common delusion, and one our society actually encourages. People want someone else to come along and fix their life, to tell them exactly what to do. This is a form of ignorance, it stems from people not wanting to take personal responsibility, yet all the unauthentic religious and spiritual teachers encourage it.

You're not going to fix the world through avoiding personal responsibility. The world you have now is a result of what this collectively creates. You are responsible for the way your life is, not someone or something else, and when the majority of people really understand this, they'll start creating the world they've always wanted. They'll realize what a beautiful Planet they're already living on, and human beings will reflect that beauty instead of working to destroy it.

To some, it may seem like I don't believe in ascension, but this isn't true at all. What I don't believe is that the current behaviors of Humanity are going to get them there. There is slow progress being made, but it's not the kind of radical transformation yet that brings people to God. Collectively you're still inching forward, and when people are truly ready for Peace, they will collectively be choosing Love, not the fear that's still being spread.

I'm not even sure what exactly is meant by "ascension" for most people, it seems to me this idea seems caught up in the Christian religion. People want this day to come when all the "evil" people get what's coming to them, and the "good" people rise up to Heaven. To me, ascension is the realization that you never left Heaven, and it's the reawakening into your own Multi-Dimensional Nature. You don't need to go anywhere or wait for anything, in fact doing those will just push Heaven further away. Individually, you can choose this for yourself right now, though don't expect it to happen overnight. It's a process, and it's far more about living your own Life than expectation or beliefs.

When people are ready for ascension they will actively be creating Heaven on Earth, they wont be just believe and wait for it to come. Waiting and believing isn't really change, it's repeating the same mistakes of the past over and over again. I wonder if it has occurred to people that perhaps the ones who don't want change are the ones telling people it's coming soon and they just have to wait for it? It's a wonderful recipe for slowing real change, even politicians use it. Remember when Obama was the "change we can believe in"? And yet the U.S. government is remarkably similar to what it was before, in some aspects even worse.

I wonder if the "new age" movements are even really growing now? I know when 2012 didn't bring the changes so many were spiritual teachers and channelers were promising, a lot of people got very discouraged. I often see people getting fed up and leaving after putting so much faith in a failed prediction. These types of things seem to create division just as much as they unite people. I feel much of the "new age" movement is working to create new religions and belief systems instead of real change.

On the Galactic Free Press we learn though, we don't just try to repeat the same failed patterns again. We've switched focus recently to the kinds of messages that encourage personal transformation instead of faith in some channeler and their predictions. As a result, we've alienated many of our previous readers, I've noticed people would rather be told when the "new world" is coming instead of how they can work to create it. This speaks volumes about whether or not people are really ready for the Higher Realms.

So when is "it" coming, this miraculous thing that fixes our lives? For the people that didn't just wait for it to come, for the proactive people, the ones who understand what it really means to be a human being, Heaven already Here. There's nothing keeping you away except for what you believe in your own mind, what you hold on to yourself, what you alone are responsible for.

When will it happen collectively? So long as humanity perpetuates the current patterns they're in, it's not going to happen. They could break out of those chains tomorrow, or it could take a thousand years, I don't really know. What I do know though is that repeating the same patterns isn't working, and that the spiritual community can do a whole lot more to help things along than just waiting and believing.

His disciples said to him, "When will the rest for the dead take place, and when will the new world come?"
He said to them, "What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it."
Gospel of Thomas 51

For more of an explanation about why we get so many failed predictions, I recommend reading A Message To Those Who Read Channelings And The Channelers Themselves.


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One Size Fits None - On Spiritual & Societal Conformity

500px-Conformity_Hazard.svg.png?width=200"You have to do things my way!" I see this quite often in the spiritual community, whether it's in regards to specific practices, diets, or beliefs. There's always a few people are eager to spread a new set of commandments for being "spiritual" and are quick to condemn those who don't follow. I'm not going to tell you that you have to do things my way though, in fact, I'm going to tell you the opposite, that if you truly want to realize God, Source, Enlightenment, however you choose to conceptualize it, you have to find you own way.

Your own way, your inner beauty, your Uniqueness, your gift to Creation, your True Self, is your connection to God. You can't find God without finding Yourself, and you can't find Yourself through following someone else. A true Master can assist in this process, they can help clear away the crutch of belief systems, they can help direct your attention inwards, but ultimately it's up to you to take the step. A true Master doesn't make you reliant upon them, they help you rediscover self-reliance, self-responsibility, and self-empowerment. The phoney-baloney master will give you a list of rules, requirements, disciplines, practices, the standard religious fare, and usually things that didn't even come from the "master" themselves, they learned it from some other phoney-baloney master. Much like a disease, these beliefs systems are spread from person to person through the generations.

What I'm telling you is fundamentally different from that sort of thinking. Don't look to me to tell you what you should do or shouldn't do, and also notice the paradox in me telling you that. You want to become a Hare Krishna? While I wouldn't recommend it, if that's what you really want to do, go for it! Just be aware.  Are you really being yourself? Or are you imitating someone else?

Many of these spiritual practices do produce results, but not because of the reasons most people believe. If you repeat some chant over and over again with the intention of feeling peace, chances are you will feel peace sooner or later, at least temporarily. This isn't really because of the practice though, but because of you. Those feelings were already within you, all you did was give yourself permission to feel them, albeit in a rather complicated manner. Your own Consciousness holds incredible power, yet you give that away when you put faith into these external systems.

Awareness is what's needed most, but all your shoulds and shouldn'ts, all these preconceived notions and belief systems, work against awareness. When you already know how things are supposed to be, there's no need to pay attention to the way things actually are. If you believe some practice is going to bring you happiness, then you repeat it mechanically. Finding happiness in this life is no more complicated than breathing, but something so simple is also the most difficult thing in the world. Your mind is fixated, almost non-stop, on the things that drain your energy and take your happiness away.

You can't just simply breathe because of the hysteria of the mind. It needs constant attention, or else all the precious nothingness you've horded in there would start to disappear. Most are too proud to admit that the vast majority of their lives have been wasted on things they find no real joy in. They've been building castles made of sand, empty and trivial things. Admitting this is such an enormous blow to the ego that very few people can do it, at least not until the inevitable comes and they realize they have no choice but to let go.

A nurse started recording the regrets of those who were dying, she even wrote a book about it, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Here's the #1 regret:

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

That's the whole point of what I'm saying here, for you to live a life true to yourself. It's also the path back to lasting peace, joy, and Source. Exactly what that means is unique to you, and that's part of what makes you so amazing.

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing." - Helen Keller

We live in a world full of people who are more than willing to run your life for you. Parents, governments, bosses, teachers, spiritual gurus, spouses, while many are good intentioned, it's ultimately a form of self-denial to listen to them over your own feelings and it's also a recipe for misery. If you can't find your own direction in life, you're like a leaf blowing around in the wind, being pushed around by external forces.

You're supposed to feel obligated to serve this external system, you're supposed to be dependent upon it, yet the system that's been created has no use for individuals. It needs machine men, predictable automatons. A unique individual is a threat to the system, a unique individual can't be predicted, they can't be fit into a little box. They threaten the whole stability of the system of greed and ignorance that runs this world. It's no coincidence that unique individuals who stir things up often end up with holes in their heads. Psychiatrists even drug children now simply for being outside of the norm. Everyone is supposed to learn the same things in the exact same way, and if you don't you're "diseased". It's really the norm that's the disease, a type of madness that refuses to see its own self-destructive nature.

Society is literally self-destructive, that's no hyperbole. A bit of you has to die, or at least be suppressed, just to fit in. That's exactly why people who are dying wish they'd been true to themselves. They can finally be honest with themselves and others, the old and the dying don't have anything to lose anymore. But you, you're not allowed to be yourself, you're too weird, so you need a cookie-cutter personality if you want to avoid being mocked, judged, rejected, and perhaps even locked away.

I know according to the New Age belief systems, I'm supposed to think only positive thoughts. It's all supposed to be rainbows and butterflies, and while the Planet has plenty of that, the human world still has a ways to go. I don't believe you can just ignore away the negative, in fact, ignorance itself is a type of negative thought. I seek the roots of negativity, the roots of dualism, I want to heal the core, not gloss it over. Too much focus upon the surface without seeing what's underneath is why society has become so superficial. We need awareness, especially inner awareness, and not more denial. We need joyous self-expression without judgment.


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What Does It Mean To "Let Go"?

kids-546207_640.jpg?width=250This is perhaps the most popular of all the current spiritual platitudes, "let go". Even in mainstream society you can't avoid this advice, "Let it go" is the main musical number for a very popular movie at the moment. Despite it being a generic piece of pop culture, there actually is some very deep wisdom to letting go, but it needs a little more explanation than simply telling people to let go.

Let's go straight to a situation where letting go is the most difficult, the bond between a mother and her child. If I tell the mother to let go of the child, what does that mean? Does she just drop the baby on the floor? Does she pack up supplies for her 5 year-old and send him off to make his own way in the world? Does she become emotionally cold to her teenager? The kind of letting go I'm talking about has nothing to do with any of those situations. Letting go means releasing the expectations we have for another person, which actually leads to a deeper love, an Unconditional Love.

Desire gets in the way of Love, it can easily destroy a relationship between a parent and a child. What happens if the child doesn't live up to the expectations the parent has? It leads to conflict and resentment, the very things that interfere with love. Letting go of a child is simply allowing the child to be themselves. It means still loving them no matter what they do, without conditions, whether they become a doctor or a criminal. It means so longer judging the child based upon the parent's value system. Letting go is about releasing control, releasing our desires for another, that's what true letting go is about.

This isn't anything new either, this kind of letting go is the same as Buddhist detachment, the releasing of desire. Even the Christian Bible talks about this too: "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" This stuff has been around thousands of years, the current "let go" fad is a new spin on some very ancient advice, advice that society as a whole has yet to fully understand.

Letting go is about being present too. Let go of your expectations for the future, let go of your attachments to the past. Then all that's left is the present, and that's all there can be if you've fully let go. Because of this, letting go is about forgiveness too, releasing the wounds of the past so you can grow and find deeper Love.

Just like anything else, the whole idea of "letting go" can be twisted and abused though. It can be used as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility and trying to escape one's own life. You have to be truly honest with yourself in these situations, are you truly letting go, or are you motivated by conflicting desires? Letting go is about finding balance in the present and then finding direction in your life starting from that place of balance. It's never about running away or trying to escape, those are sure signs that real letting go hasn't happened yet.

So beyond the genericness of the expression, letting go is really good advice, so long as you understand the deeper meanings.


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Understanding the nature of illusion

8109192065?profile=originalHow can someone be free if they can't even see their own cage? Even worse, what if they believed the very thing that was keeping them caged would someday set them free?

And what is it we want freedom from? Wants, needs, and desires? Fear, pain, and suffering? Daily toil, drudgery, and boredom? Money problems, relationship problems? All our problems? Wouldn't that be nice to not have to worry about all those things?

Let us go to the core, what is the root of all these issues?

Simple, every single problem we have is a thought in our minds. A physical situation may exist, but it is the mind's reaction that makes it into a problem. Our own thinking turns it into a problem and through this we become slaves to the thoughts in our minds.

A prisoner who knows nothing other than prison would simply think that's the way life is. A prisoner who has tasted freedom will suffer far more when locked away, even though the reality of the situation would be the same for both prisoners. It's simply a difference in perception.

Because the mind can create the illusion that we aren't free, the illusion that we are dependent upon the body, mind and ego, the mind may seem very powerful. It's not powerful at all, but to a person who can only see through the filter of their mind, it's the most powerful thing in the world. The Being Within is where the power comes from, but that power is unconsciously given away by feeding into illusions.

Your Consciousness isn’t meant to be bound to any specific thought, but that’s exactly what the mind does. The mind is all the thoughts you are attached to, and these thoughts are what makes up your illusionary world. It takes a lot of energy to keep thoughts static, to hold them in place, and because of this all your attachments greatly weaken your energetic body. These problems with your energy body then manifest as disease in your physical vessel.

The mind seems like it has the solution to your problems, it seems like your problems can be solved through your mind by thinking about them. In a sense this is true, but it's because the problem was created by the mind in the first place. The mind is the master of illusions, in fact, the mind is the illusion.

All suffering, all problems, all hate, ugliness, fear and desire, the only place these things "exist" is in your mind. All the things people want to escape from, are just thoughts in the mind. When seen this way, one can see the insanity of trying to use the mind to escape these things.

The mind is the servant who tricked the Master into becoming a slave, and this was done through the ego. The ego is the mind-self, the "self" that exists solely within the confines of the mind. To the ego the mind is god, because the mind has immense control over the "reality" the ego experiences. Anything that contradicts what the mind believes is simply ignored. This is why many people believe they create their own reality, when they really just manipulating the illusionary world they're trapped within.

There's the belief that we need to go beyond the ego to find God, and that's true, but the approach most people take is flawed. They try to use the mind to escape the ego. On the surface it seems like progress is being made, but unconsciously the mind wants to keep the ego. The ego and the mind are deeply connected and the mind's power depends upon the ego's survival. Instead of really clearing out the ego, the mind just makes the ego more subtle, more clever. Complete and total surrender to Spirit is an infinitely more effective approach than using the mind to get past the ego.

The mind presents itself as the path to salvation, the path to freedom. You could call this religion. True Awakening is impossible through the mind, you don't find Reality through illusion, and the mind has no intention of actually setting you free. If that happened the mind would go back to being the servant, so the mind gives you this false path that keeps you very busy and makes everything far more difficult than it needs to be. This is the reason Enlightenment is so dang difficult for people, they seek freedom from illusion through illusion.

So many spiritual teachers will give you paths to freedom that subtly contain the teacher's own limitations. Perhaps that should be the motto of the "spiritual" mind, freedom through limitations. The new patterns may be less limiting than the old ones the person was stuck within, so to them it appears that they're becoming free, but it's still not True Freedom. You just keep getting a little closer without really taking the Leap.

One of the huge mental limitations that masquerades as a path to freedom is this idea that you have to purify your body to raise your Consciousness. Utter nonsense! It's completely backwards thinking. Not that I'm against keeping your body healthy, but the belief that it's a requirement is materialism pretending to be godly. As if your Consciousness is dependent upon your body! That belief is one of the more damning ones, yet here's all these "spiritual" teachers subtly promoting it. Raise your Consciousness, and you'll naturally bring health to your temporary physical vessel. Begin by clearing out the poisons in your mind though.

Reality simply is, very simple, natural, effortless flow, Tao. The mind makes it complicated. The waves have no conflict with the shore, yet someone's mind can come along and turn this into a problem. In trying to solve the problem with the very thing that created the problem, more problems are added. It's a vicious cycle, and exactly why the human world is in the state it's in.

You dont have to keep repeating these mistakes though. You can free yourself. The absurdity is that you're only freeing yourself from the illusion that you're not already free. See the ridiculousness of the mind! Stop taking it so seriously and you'll stop giving it so much power.


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Can There Be Spiritual Awakening Without Societal Change?


This is a very important question, can we have a spiritual awakening while society remains the same? Can we collectively change the inner without changing the outer? I ask this because I observe many people who behave as if this is the case, chasing after their own happiness and fulfillment while ignoring the issues Humanity faces as a whole. I can certainly see the appeal of doing so, places like the political world are very ugly, but ignoring them is not the answer. In fact, that kind of apathy is exactly what allowed politics to become so ugly.

To me, the answer is obvious: we need both an inner and an outer revolution. We need a revolution that erases the line between the "two". Your inner battles aren't unique to you, there are millions going through the same things. The self-destructiveness of fear, that affects every one of us, and we collectively manifest that in our wars, business and politics. You may believe it's only an elite few responsible, and while that's partially true, it's the responsibility of the masses to change things. Without the unconscious participation of the people, the systems of corruption would collapse instantly.

I see a great potential within the spiritual community to assist with this change. People like Martin Luther King and Gandhi, their connection to the Divine played a huge part in the social changes they helped to create. They took what they found Within, and shared it with everyone. They bridged the inner and the outer.

There's a need to look deeply at what it means to be "spiritual". I've shared my own feelings about that word, and I don't believe being "spiritual" necessarily makes you any closer to Spirit. Many, if not most, "spiritual" people started down that path because they weren't happy with their lives.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it often means their spiritual quest is rooted in a very negative image of the material realm. Their spirituality comes from a rejection of their "normal" lives.

Religion works this way too, for instance, Christianity teaches that the Earth is the realm of Satan. The natural world is supposed to be evil and brutish, and man is inherently sinful. Absolute rubbish, but the damage from these beliefs has been done. We've been indoctrinated with this idea that the spiritual realm is someplace else, and we get there by denying the physical. The spiritual realm and the physical realm are at odds with each other, they're supposed to be opposite and conflicting paths.

Just because someone applies the "spiritual" label to themselves doesn't mean years of this conditioning suddenly disappear. These religious beliefs have been firmly embedded in our societal values, even if you took religion away, they'd still be there. So spirituality has become largely about denial of the material, just look at meditation. For many, meditation is about blocking the material realm, blocking out the physical senses. That's why you're supposed to get into a comfortable position, in a quiet place, with eyes closed. The physical senses are viewed as distractions from inner peace. The outer is chaos, the inner is peace.

I'm telling you something completely different though, that the outer chaos is only a reflection of the inner chaos. While this is understood in spiritual theory, it's often denied in spiritual practice. Beware the practices that dull the senses, beware of practices that seek the Divine through denial of the material. In drawing a line between the inner and outer, you cut yourself in half. You have your "normal" life and your "spiritual" life, and this is the kind of spirituality that I caution people about. The kind that creates separation.

For me, meditation is something that can happen anyplace and anytime.  It's simply presence and awareness, no more complicated than that. It has no requirements, no preconditions. I cringe a little when people tell me they don't have enough time or money to really be spiritual. To connect with the Divine, you don't need time or money, all you need is Now, and you've always got Now. If you want to view the material realm as a distraction, that's exactly what it becomes, but it doesn't have to be that way.

God Is Everything, but this is impossible to experience for someone who is divided within. You may believe God Is All, it's a popular belief now, but is it truly your experience? Do you see God within everyone and everything? If not, that's okay! This is about self-healing, not self-judgment, and the key here is to erase the line between your inner and outer worlds.

Now back to the political world, I'll bet there's many who were hoping I wouldn't bring that up again, but turning a blind eye to the problems are exactly why these problems have gotten so enormous. This is all interconnected. Here in the US a portion of our honest work goes to spreading murder and terror. This is totally unacceptable and it's up to all of us to fix it. If you're a "spiritual" person, yet you ignore these things, you have no business claiming you have anything to do with Spirit. There's nothing spiritual about ignoring the plight of your brothers and sisters. The individual who ignores the collective is ultimately denying a part of themselves.

On the Galactic Free Press, we often feature political stories, things many wouldn't consider spiritual at all. Not just positive ones either, but stories of massive corruption and ignorance. This isn't to promote a negative world-view, simply a realistic one. A negative person will react negatively, promoting things like cynicism and apathy as a way of coping with this kind of news. A more proactive person though, will start looking for ways of fixing things, both inner and outer. These are the kind of people we're here for, not people who simply wait and hope for change, but the people who truly are the change.


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You Are The One (And So Is Everyone Else)


I want to be the ultimate super villain, but I don't want to fight heroes, nope that's small potatoes. I want something much bigger, I want to remove the whole hero archetype from people's minds. Now why would I want to do that, aren't heroes a good thing? Well, let's look at the big picture...

Consider this: religions and governments, two of the most oppressive societal control structures there are, promote hero worship. Same with Hollywood and the mass media, they love to promote this idea that a hero will come to fix everything for you. It's the central theme of thousands of movies, and the basic story goes all the way back to our most ancient mythology.

All these institutions that have the most to lose from people being set free, all these institutions that are restricting people's freedoms, are the ones promoting this idea that a hero is coming to save you.  Sound a little suspicious? Any day now Jesus is supposed to come back and fix all our problems, so instead of people actually focusing upon collectively fixing their problems, they wait and hope and wait and hope and wait and hope and wait... thousands of years of this behavior.

Remember when Obama was going to fix the U.S.? He was surely the hero we were waiting for, he was going to clean up the federal government and steer America in a new direction! When he was elected president, there were celebrations around the world, finally things were changing for the better! What a joke that turned out to be... the same decades-old policies continued anyway. In all but the most hopeful, Obama quickly went from being a hero to representing the very things he had promised to change. Obama did do Americans a few favors though, he helped unite the country in a mutual dislike of the federal government, and helped to prove the systematic corruption goes far beyond the left/right dualism.

Just to demonstrate exactly how screwed up our obsession with heroes can get, remember that Hitler was worshiped as a hero, at least up until World War 2. This obsession with Hitler as a heroic figure wasn't just limited to Germany either, and a few disturbed individuals still worship him as a hero. If the man widely regarded as one of history's most evil people was also one of the most popular "heroes" of the past century, what does it even mean to be a hero?

A hero has to be larger than life, and because of this, the image of the hero is never truly represents the actual person. The hero is our societal image of perfection, and often the individual's highest dream of what they could be themselves, but projected onto another person. People live vicariously through their heroes, the hero is the person they're afraid to be. The hero inspires the individual to go beyond their limits, which likely seems like a good thing to you, but it's actually part of the control structure.  Where we could learn to find inspiration within, we're taught to find it outside, which creates an unhealthy dependency on role-models and heroes. It's because most people come from a place of almost totally dysfunctional behavior, that something almost functional seems like a great thing.

The current power structure loves heroes, they aren't really a threat. When change depends upon a single person, it's easy to manipulate that person, to buy them off, to chase them away, to silence them, and when those options fail, to kill that person. Let the masses believe these people are going to bring change, it keeps them hopeful and focused upon outside solutions. When people began to idolize and worship Jesus, it just made things all the more easy for a very corrupt institution to take over and control his image.

No hero is coming to save you, though you could be the hero that saves yourself. This whole idea of an outside person coming to fix you is just laziness, it's an excuse to live in fear and suffering. Someone else is supposed to come along and lift you out of that. Well, where are they? See how the whole paradigm of heroes and saviors can be incredibly disempowering? I'm not saying all of this because I think people are weak and stupid, quite the opposite, I say it because I know people have a strength within them beyond their wildest dreams.

The most blasphemous thing you can do is live a dull, dispassionate life. God, Source, The All That Is, chose you to be Alive! HOLY SHIT! If you don't celebrate your own Life, it's like saying God made a mistake. Was God stupid for choosing you, or are you stupid if you don't choose yourself? Dumb humans create dumb gods, Brilliant Humans shine with God's own Brilliance, because there's no separation between the "two". Why continue to be the damsel in distress when you could be the hero of your own story?


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No Such Thing as a Higher Self


For the sake of understanding, I often use the term "Higher Self" since it's a concept people already know.  It's our True Self, who we are when we're completely unfettered by judgments, fears and ego. It's our connection to Source, total Freedom and boundless Joy. So why would I say there's no such things as a Higher Self?

Well the problem comes from the word "higher", it creates the idea that our real self is someplace above us. It creates this higher self/lower self duality and puts a gap between the two. If you say, "I want to get in touch with my Higher Self", who is the "I", the self that's saying that? Unconsciously, you're declaring that you are your lower self, otherwise known as the ego.

Now I'm not saying everyone who uses the term Higher Self is wrong, please don't take what I'm writing that way. Part of the problem with using a dualistic language is that it's very challenging (actually impossible) to properly describe Reality. I likely will continue to use the term Higher Self, but it's important to understand the subtle illusions contained within that concept.

The "Higher Self" is the real you, not higher, not someplace outside, but deep Within. This is why it's so important to peel back all the layers of the ego. It's our self-judgments, all of our limiting thoughts, trying to live up to other's standards, and our lack of self-Love that prevents our True Self from shining through. I guarantee the authentic you is beautiful, our beauty is in our uniqueness, it's the conformity of the ego and the self-loathing that comes along with it, that creates ugliness.

People talk about the Higher Self like it's some separate Being, but it's more you than the ego is. This is one of the major paradigm shifts that needs to occur if people are truly going to heal. It's not "the lower self and the Higher Self", it's "the mask of ego and the Self". That Divine Spark of Consciousness at the very Center of your Being is not there by mistake.

Stepping into your Self is not likely to happen all at once and then be done with, integration is usually a bit of a process. In fact most everyone has gone back and forth many times during their lives. Moments of true passion, joy, wonder, and intuitive flow happen when you're in touch with your authentic Divine Self. The key is awareness, awareness of when you're feeding into the ego, and awareness of when you're Being Your Self. I wish I could give you "5 Easy Steps To Being Yourself™", but I don't know how to be you, I only know how to be me. Self discovery and creation ultimately has to come from Within.


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An Extraterrestrial's Guide to Understanding Earthlings


This is a guide for newly arrived ET's to help catch them up on the state of affairs on our beautiful planet Earth. Note that it may be slightly insulting to any terrans reading it who are emotionally invested in the current state of their world.

Welcome to Planet Earth! This planet is home to roughly 7 billion human beings, and an enormous variety of other amazing species whom they share the planet with, though many of the other species numbers are rapidly declining. Oddly, the humans don't seem to understand they're a part of the ecosystem and they exploit the overall health of the planet for short-term conveniences. The humans, who have this amazing potential to be conscious stewards of the planet, instead treat it as some disposable resource.  They have this expression "don't bite the hand that feeds you" yet they don't seem to grasp the meaning of it.

Human beings still fight with, and even kill, each other. Many follow this dubious system of morality that says it's okay to fight and kill, so long as a government or religion condones it. They rely upon external systems of morality and these systems are manipulated by their leaders for their leaders own gain.

And how are their leaders chosen? Through something called politics which, as far as I can tell, is this special system of rhetoric specifically designed to use as many words as possible to say nothing at all. It has this amazing ability to make people who listen to it stupider, and if anyone tries to discuss politics with you, I recommend blocking your auditory senses while chanting the mantra, "la la la la la la la, can't hear you".

Be very careful of the stuff they call "food" on the planet. While you may understand food as something that provides energy, nutrients, a pleasurable sensation, and is essential for the health of the physical vessel, they actually have "food" that takes health away. Perfectly healthy food is actually processed in a way that removes the vital nutrients, and it makes people feel worse after eating it. Crazy, right?

Then there's how technology is used, one might think that they'd use new technology to improve the quality everyone's life, but that seems to rarely be the case. Usually the most cutting-edge technology is controlled by the military, the people in charge of killing other people, and they use it to find more efficient ways of killing people.  Refer to the story of what happened when they learned to split the atom for more about this.

There's these things called banks and corporations which are enormously powerful business entities motivated almost solely by greed. Within most governments in the world, these entities have more influence than the people the governments were created to represent. While people have collectively realized this and there's efforts being made to fix it, at present the problem still remains.

Then there's religion, which is largely about arguing over which ancient beliefs about God are correct and getting others to believe the same things you believe. Be careful with these, on the surface they're  all about peace, love and forgiveness, but in practice they often spread division and hatred.

Humans have this thing called television, which has this amazing potential for education and communication, but instead it's almost exclusively used by governments and major corporations to program people with behaviors that benefits those governments and corporations. Governments use it to spread fear-based propaganda which convinces people to actually work against their own self-interest. Corporations have this science of behavioral modification, called advertising, often used to make people feel inadequate in their lives and desire some product the corporation is selling.

Not the prettiest picture, is it? But humans have expressed a deep dissatisfaction in the way things currently are and an interest in changing things for the better. Obvious areas for improvement include switching back to governments that really do represent the general population, and reducing corporate influence upon the populace. These two things go hand in hand, since efforts to reduce corporate control are often directly blocked by the government, and efforts to change government for the better are aggressively fought against by the corporations.

While this was an attempt to foster understanding of the current conditions of human beings on planet Earth, I'm not sure how well I've achieved that. To understand something it has to make sense in the first place, and I can't say the human world does that. There seems to be a type of collective insanity that has gripped the human race, and while most will deny this, they prove it with their self-destructive actions. However, the human Heart still remains pure, despite the poison in their minds. They still retain an amazing capacity for Love, compassion and forgiveness, which creates the potential for all of the problems I've outlined here to change in an instant.


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This is something that absolutely must be addressed directly if the community is going to move forward. While there's a ton of wonderful, loving, evolved messages that are brought to us through channeling, there's also a whole lot of information that's very questionable, to put it nicely. I've lost count of all the failed predictions and the carrot-on-a-stick type promises of amazing things in the near future. Then there's all the "behind the scenes" information that's impossible to confirm, it has to be accepted on faith alone. Then the really odd stuff... Archangels are giving me investment advice? Pardon the French, but that just makes me say, what the fuck? I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous some of this is. Channeled messages are supposed to be super-evolved higher-consciousness information, why are they like this? Well I've got a very simple explanation that brings sense to all of this: channelers are channeling themselves.

At first glance it may seem like I'm trying to discredit channeling, but that's not my intention, I want to breathe new life into it. I don't need to discredit channeling, there's plenty of channelers who do a great job of that without any help from me. When I say that channelers are channeling themselves, I'm not discrediting channeling, in fact I'm giving credit to the channeler. That wonder transcendent message of Divine Love? That was You! You brought that through! Isn't that wonderful?

But no, most channelers aren't quite ready to merge with their Higher Selves. That's obvious, because if they did that they wouldn't need to channel anymore, they'd just speak Divine Truth directly. They still carry around this illusion of separation from the Divine, so they can't take direct responsibility for the messages. They still don't believe they can be as amazing as they really are, so they have to attribute it to someone else, some Being that they can believe is that amazing.

So if they're really channeling their Higher Self, how come we get so much incorrect information? Well, the thing is, they're not always channeling their Higher Self, they often channel their own mind. Because the channeling is largely unconscious, it's difficult for the channeler to tell exactly where the information is coming from. The mind is great at telling people what they want to hear, in fact that's essential for the mind's survival. When the channeled messages start to ramble, sound like religious prophecy, or sound like a plot from a Hollywood movie, it's usually because it's just the mind making stuff up. It's a form of wish-fulfillment. It will often sound legit, but that's because the channeler's mind is appealing to people's preconceived beliefs about how a Divine Being is supposed to speak , dear ones.

Notice that when they're talking about raising Consciousness, the channelings are often spot on and very helpful. When they're talking about earthly matters, politics and predictions for the future, channeling is very hit or miss. Sure, they're correct sometimes, but given the amount of predictions that are made, some are bound to come true purely by chance. When you keep predicting change is going to happen repeatedly for decades, you're bound to be correct eventually.

So why so many channelers who channel Archangels and Ascended Masters, and so few who claim to be channeling their Higher Self? Well that's actually not the case, there's tons of channelers who understand that they are bringing in information from their Higher Self. However, it's not the channelers that make a message popular, it's the readers, and the readers put more faith in names they recognize. It's marketing 101, and it's unfortunate that it works the exact same way in the spiritual community as it does in mainstream society. Someone who claims they're channeling Archangel Michael is going to draw more attention and more trust by default, regardless of the accuracy of the message.

It's also important to understand that much of the channeled information is not a message from some Higher Dimensional Being to the whole world, but direct advice from the channeler's Higher Self to the channeler themselves. Things the channeler needs to work on, realizations they haven't quite come to. Sometimes advice is repeated over and over again because the channeler hasn't quite integrated it yet, though often this seems to go over the head of the channeler. Often the channeled message will even say, either directly or indirectly, that the being they're channeling is Themselves. Not all channelers are ready to hear this though, so it gets filtered out.

One thing that I feel would greatly enhance the credibility of channeling is for all channelers to take direct responsibility for what they're telling people. This should go without saying, of course you're responsible for a message that you put out to the public, but there are many channelers who take no responsibility for what they're telling people. That's irresponsible, it's the very definition of irresponsible, and yet some of these people get substantial followings. I highly recommend staying far away from channelers who take no personal responsibility for their channelings, it almost always seems to end in disaster. It's happened many times that a channeler will blame their own mistakes on beings of Unconditional Love and Truth. That kind of stuff makes me want to grab these channelers and scream some not very nice stuff at them. The channeler just needs to admit they made a mistake instead of making up excuses. The fact that this happens ought to be more than enough proof that channelings often just come from the channelers own mind.

A common explanation for false information coming through a channeler is that they were being influenced by negative astral entities. The thing about these entities though is that they aren't really real. They're negative thought patterns given "life" by your own mind. If nobody fed them anymore, they'd disappear, simple as that. Of course, for someone who can't see past their own mind, they may seem very real. A channeler is supposed to be more aware than that, and supposed to be able to tell where their information is coming from. A channeler is responsible for bringing in an authentic message, if they can't, they have no business channeling, or at least they shouldn't be spreading their channelings to thousands of people and claiming it's absolute truth.

Let me finish by saying I'm not against channeling, I feel it can be very helpful in bringing in messages of Love and Oneness. It can assist you in reconnecting with your Higher Self/God. I'm just aware of the obvious pitfalls and mistakes regarding channeling that the spiritual community seems to be making over and over again. To really move forward we need people merging with their own Divine Intelligence on an individual level, not putting a few channelers and teachers up on pedestals and treating them as infallible sources of Divine Truth. That's not the new paradigm at all, it's very much the old paradigm, that sort of thing is the basis for most religions.


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What Is Spirituality?


What we need the most right now is a paradigm shift, we need new and original ways of looking at things. What's often sold to us as "new" in our society is really just repackaged forms of old ways of thinking, and this is especially true of spirituality. Now what is spirituality? There's a word that means a whole lot of things to a whole lot of different people. I've heard it defined recently as a personal relationship with God, and that is something very beautiful. I wish that was all the word meant.

There are thousands of people and groups promoting forms of spirituality that are really just the beginnings of new religions. In fact, the main difference is simply that they lack the popularity and influence of the mainstream religions. Some of these are relatively harmless, while others are run by psychotic  leaders who need others to follow them to fuel their ego's sense of importance. Especially within the "new age" circles, these groups will be all about love and oneness on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper, it's anything but love and oneness.

The old paradigm: "Here's a list of rules you need to follow to get to God."

The "new" spiritual paradigm: "Here's an updated list of rules you need to follow to get to God."

And many of these rules just follow the societal trends at the time, do this, don't do that, don't eat this, don't drink that. It's just an updated version of the old rules, it's another ten commandments. After thousands of years of this approach not working, people continue to try it! It's not a personal relationship to God, it's a personal relationship with a belief system that's supposed to get you to God. Yet nobody ever found God in a belief system, because God isn't in your mind, God is in your Soul. God Is Your Soul.

Part of the problem with the old paradigm approach is that it puts the cart before the horse. Take the idea that you always need to tell the truth if you want to get closer to God. It's not bad advice, and I certainly wouldn't encourage lying, but you're not going to reach the Divine through that belief. It would be better for you to lie, to realize what you're doing to yourself by misleading others, and to learn from that, than to simply never tell lies because you're following some spiritual teacher. If you believe that's going to get you to God, you may never tell lies to others, but you're still lying to yourself. I'm not going to give you a list of rules to try and prevent you from stumbling along the path. It's okay to make mistakes, don't beat yourself up over them, but be aware, and learn from them.

It's been said, "The best teachers show you where to look, not what to see". If I tell you what to see, what to do, what to think, then I'm making you dependent upon me. Watch out for these kinds of "teachers", it's a form of codependency. Personally, I want to tear down everything that separates you from God, especially belief systems, but that's not something I can do for you. You have to do that for yourself.

Of course, if I'm going to talk about spirituality, I have to mention the spiritual ego too. There are many for whom spirituality is just a more elitist version of religion that makes them "better" than others. The vast majority of people still live so deeply in unconsciousness that being marginally more aware than the average person can lead people to believe they're "Awake" or "Enlightened" when they're really just beginning the path to those states of Being. Hopefully, it's just a temporary phase, but sometimes a person will go their whole life believing a small jump in awareness suddenly qualifies them as an "Enlightened Master". Religions have even gotten started this way.

So what is spirituality? Well that's really up to your subjective interpretation of it, meaning that it means whatever you believe it means. To me, a personal relationship with Source is called Life, it's simply the natural state of Being. No need to apply any special labels to it. I generally don't use the term spirituality, because so much of what's considered spiritual is more about style than substance, more about appearances than what lies underneath.


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Bridging the physical realm and the Divine

There are various realms we exist in simultaneously, whether we are aware of it or not. The most obvious is the physical, also known as the material realm or 3D. This is where there's the illusion of solid objects and space between them.

Then there's the Divine Realms, where the rules of the physical realm no longer apply. There is only Oneness, Divine Love, and Endless Joy beyond imagination. This is the home of your Higher Self, Tao, Source, however you choose to label God, though it's important to say that the Divine Realm exists beyond any mental concepts. The Divine is bigger than any ideas in your mind, though that's not saying the Divine is out of reach. In fact, it's even closer to You than your own mind.

Humans have this amazing ability to be bridges between the Divine and the physical. Miracle of miracles! If people really understood what this means, they'd be slack-jawed and dumbfounded for at least a week straight. The profundity of this is incredible, it brings magic back into your life, that child-like wonder most people have lost, and so much more. This is what human bodies are built for, living separate from the Divine is a deeply unnatural state of being. That's why there's so much suffering in the world, and reconnecting with the Divine is what brings physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health back into your life. It's how you're made to Live.

So why isn't everyone a conscious bridge between the physical and the Divine? Well that brings us to the next realm people exist within, the "human world", sometimes called "real life" by people who don't understand what Life is. This is a mental/emotional world sustained by all the energy people put into it. It is the "veil" that prevents humans from seeing the Divine all around them, it's what creates the illusion of separation. It's a type of madness where people aggressively defend, and even help promote, the very thing that's responsible for their misery.

There are ones who understand how the mental world works, and manipulate it for their own gain. These ones are called the illuminati, the cabal, the global elite, they have various names. Many people try to fight against them from within the system they control, and it's had very predictable results. An illusionary world isn't going to be defeated through an illusionary world, you will become the very thing you're fighting against. Anything you fight with, you unconsciously give power to.

You cannot solve a problem using the same kind of thinking that created the problem, and this is where Transcendence comes in. Why bother struggling with the mental realm and fighting with illusion? Why not go directly to the Divine? Of course, everyone wants to know how to do this, and therein lies the problem. Transcendence is not a how, or a do, though it could be a howdy-do. Trying to figure out how to transcend the mental realm is using the mind to try to transcend the mind. See the problem?

Transcendence is the simplest thing in the world, you don't have to do anything. In fact, Transcendence comes when you let go of all your doing, all the busyness of the mind. The Divine is not someplace you get to, it's where you've always been. You let go of all your prejudices, your preconceptions, everything you believe, and simply view Reality as it is. This is why you've been told to let go, to surrender, to trust Love, and to be Present. It's funny because the way back to the Divine has never really been a secret, it's even been repeated in pop culture to the point it's become cliché. People have just been approaching it wrong, they don't want to embrace a completely new paradigm because they don't want to let go of all the "stuff" they accumulated and derive an ego-identity from. In fact, they want to add God to their pile of stuff, but that's not the way it works. He doesn't fit into the mental houses you've created, if you invite God in there, she'll get very rowdy and knock the whole place down.


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Note that I said real change, I'm not talking about switching from drinking Coke to Pepsi, changing political parties, switching religions, or changing your diet because of some article you read online. I'm talking about real changes, not superficial things, but deep, lasting changes that are a part of your growth as a human being. Things like becoming more loving, more compassionate, living with honesty, integrity and responsibility. Releasing fears and living freely and joyfully. How do we bring these kinds changes into our lives?

Superficial change is easy, the underlying patterns don't have to change, only the surface beliefs. Your identification with one limiting thought is just traded for another limiting thought. These kinds of changes occur all the time, once the novelty of one belief is worn out, it simply gets exchanged for another. Sooner or later though, the inherent emptiness of these types of changes becomes apparent. They're food for the mind, but they leave the Soul hungry.

So why is substantial change so difficult? Well, it's really not that difficult, or rather, it's as easy or as difficult as you make it for yourself. Most everyone has been taught to resist change, though it's largely unconscious. It's rare that a parent will tell a child directly that change is bad, but it is still taught through actions. Life becomes very structured, the same static patterns repeating over and over again, each day just like the last. Then the child goes to school, where repeating the same patterns is strictly enforced, then they get a job, and they get even more locked into this rigidly structured life.

You could let all of that go right now, you're perfectly free to do so. Where I live, in the United States, citizens have every right to direct their own lives, yet it rarely happens. This is because most people are simply continuing patterns that have existed since before they were born, and also because of the greatest tool for enforcing any system of conformity, fear. If you can create fear in people, they will lock themselves up in their own cage. Their own minds will impose limitations without any physical control needed. Just look at any conservative politician, their whole careers are based around resisting change, and fear is their greatest weapon.

To truly embrace change, we must release our fear of the unknown. You don't know with any certainty what's going to happen tomorrow, you can't even be sure of what's going to happen in the next minute. Isn't this true? The whole "future" is unknown, you are living a life where anything could happen, don't pretend this isn't true. Accept that you're living the unknown in this moment, and your fears of the unknown, and hence change, will start to fade.

Another thing that makes change so difficult is the fact that we have such a hard time letting go. When a person does go through a major personal evolution, it's often only after some major tragedy. The death of a loved one, a crippling injury, I'm sure you've heard stories along these lines. Often people only seek deep change after the problems in their life become unavoidable, it's being reactive instead of proactive. I've seen it many times that people only actively seek God when they're unhappy. This is making misery into a prerequisite for your own evolution, see the problem? Seeking God brings joy, but in that joy you get lazy and stop moving forward. The joy fades and unhappiness starts to creep in, then the cycle repeats itself. Be very careful of this pattern, I know I've fallen into it a few times.

If great change only comes after great difficulty for you, what's going to happen if you ask God to bring great change into your life? For some people, that's what it takes to get them to let go of what is holding them back, but it doesn't have to be that way. Not that you can avoid all the unconscious pain and emotions if you truly want to grow, but you don't have to do things in a way that amplifies them either. There's an easier way, so long as you learn to live in the moment, embrace the unknown, and always keep your heart open to the Divine. Shake things up, try new things, learn new skills, especially if you're clinging to bullshit excuses like, "I'm too old" or "It's too hard". There's so much positive change possible in every moment, and you're the only one stopping you.


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8109159879?profile=originalWhere does fear exist? Does it have any physical existence, can you hold it in your hand? Same with judgment, where does that exist? How about hatred, jealousy, all the negative emotions? Where do all these things "exist"? Are not all these things the cause of enormous pain and suffering for people? It seems understanding the nature of their existence is extremely important.

The answer is obvious, they exist in the mind, and they have no existence outside of the mind. You may see things like violence happening around you, which is an expression of anger, but violence isn't anger itself. You may see the expressions of negative emotions happening in the world, but the negative emotions themselves are only in the mind.

The mind is the source of all problems, you may believe that someone losing the use of their legs is a physical problem, but the reality is that the problem is still in the mind. There's people with physical disabilities who curse each day they're alive, and there's people with the same disabilities who have learned to live with them and are much happier because of it. Physically, it's the same situation, yet mentally it's vastly different. It's the difference between happiness and misery, simply because of a mental attitude. The way things are is the way things are, it's the mind that judges that as being a problem or not.

Since suffering only exists in the mind, it seems obvious that the mind is the source of suffering. In fact the mind is what creates all the problems, the whole idea of a "problem" is a concept within the mind. None of these things should be too difficult to accept, at least mentally, but it seems application of this knowledge is something people struggle with. I say this because most people are still trying to solve their problems using the very thing that created the problems, their mind.

How often have you heard that you can't solve a problem using the same kind of thinking that created the problem? Yet all day long, every single day, people attempt to do precisely that. That kind of unconscious creation makes life very difficult, you can easily create two more problems for every problem that is "solved". The mind is what creates the problems, it cannot transcend them.

All of the religious and spiritual systems, all of the political, economic, scientific, and psychological systems, all of those things the whole world is run with, are based upon using the mind to solve the problems the mind created. It's not going to work, yet people foolishly put their hope into such an impossibility. It inevitably results in more mental suffering, and I recommend realizing this as soon as possible. Unless people collectively come to this realization, the same patterns will continue to occur.

I have no doubt that many of the people reading this right now, probably most of the people reading this, are looking for mental understandings. That's simply the nature of the paradigm most people are living from, and it's why people have so much difficultly transcending illusion. People want to use an illusion to try and escape from an illusion. This is why so much of spirituality, especially the new age stuff, is nothing more than fantasy. If you try to use the mind to see beyond the illusion, you're just going to create more illusions.

If you cannot solve the problem of the mind with the mind, what then? Since most people live almost entirely from their minds, this seems like a paradox. We have all these spiritual practices that are supposed to solve this issue, but spiritual practices, and in fact all spiritual knowledge, is still mind-based. It may help some, but it doesn't solve the root problem. It's inherently limited because it's still part of the mind.

This is why it's often repeated to get out of the mind, and into the Heart. The Heart doesn't have judgment, so the Heart doesn't have any problems. You may believe that the Heart suffers, but it's not really the Heart that suffers, it's the mind's unfulfilled desires that create suffering. It's the mind that creates the illusion of separation, and it's the mind that mourns a perceived loss, which is really the mind feeling sorry for itself.

The mind can create the illusion of healing, in fact this is what's known as the placebo effect. Since the mind created the suffering it has enormous control over the suffering. If you really believe in your mind that something will make you feel better, chances are it will appear to end the suffering. If you don't understand that the mind is what created the suffering in the first place, this might lead you to believe the mind has enormous healing  powers. Of course, the patterns that originally created the problem are still there, and chances are the suffering will return in one form or another.

The more you get out of the mind, the closer you get to God. This is the whole point of meditation, yet this is often missed and people get all caught up in meditation techniques and systems, more mental creations. Simply Being Present is the most effective meditation, yet that's too simple for the mind. The mind needs to complicate things, as complicating reality is how the mind exists in the first place.

You don't need to get rid of the mind entirely, that will happen sooner or later anyway. The key is to stop associating your self with your mind. You awareness doesn't originate from your mind, your mind is only one subject of your awareness, one of many. The key is to understand the uses of the mind, and also its limitations. If you want to write a book, you need the mind, if you want lasting peace and happiness, do not use the mind to try to get there. It cannot, only Love can truly satisfy your Soul, trying to find peace through the mind is why there's so much conflict in the world. The mind is the source of conflict, it cannot truly understand peace, it only sees peace dualistically, as a lack of conflict. Peace is so much more than that.

Understand that you need the mind to be a part of society. Without the mind there is no society, society is one of the mind's many fabrications. I don't recommend disconnecting from the rest of humanity, so I don't recommend attempting to eradicate the mind altogether. Fighting with the mind only strengthens it anyway, as conflict itself originates from the mind.

Balance is found by not associating your self with the thoughts in your mind, by no longer attaching to them. Simply observe them and let them go, don't get caught up in them. Then you'll begin to expand your Consciousness into the more subtle feelings that are usually drowned out by the loud, unruly mind. It's through seeing beyond the mind that the Divine is found, and where real Love, fulfillment, and peace are found.


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walking-349991_640.jpg?itok=Gz3TV6Cp&width=300From the Soul's perspective, from that place of Oneness, the thought that everything is exactly as it should be is completely true. You could nitpick about the "should", as the whole concept of "should" is rooted in the mind's judgments, but since we're talking about the Soul's perspective I won't get into that yet. To the Soul, everything is divine perfection, not a single atom is out of place. Everything comes and goes at the precise moment it is "meant to".

That's the Soul's perspective, but most human beings on Earth don't operate from the Soul's perspective. They operate from the mind's perspective, which is a totally backwards way of looking at things compared to the Soul. To the mind, "everything is exactly as it should be", is never really true. If everything is as it should be, there would be no use for desire, and without the energy of desire, which is what feeds the mind, the mind would fall away.

Trying to understand things through the mind turns universal truths into spiritual platitudes. The mind takes "everything is exactly as it should be" and turns it into a belief system. Despite it never really being true for the mind, the mind can hold contradictory beliefs, which is a big part of why living from the mind inevitably results in suffering.

If your house is burning down, you don't sit down and tell yourself "everything is exactly as it should be". Instead you'd get out of the house, correct? Yet I've seen people whose lives are a mess because of their own choices use the belief that "everything is exactly as it should be" as an excuse for inaction. Like the Universe has some external plan for everyone, and your personal choices are meaningless. I guarantee that's not the Universe's plan for you, and I guarantee you are not separate from the Universe.

The Universe operates precisely as it's "supposed" to, that's what is meant by "everything is exactly as it should be". If you send out negative and fearful thoughts, you are creating those things for yourself. That's simply the way things work, and you have input into this process, either consciously or unconsciously. If you're creating unconsciously, as most people do, then you can really screw yourself up believing "everything is exactly as it should be". You are the creator of your life, you make up the "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" for yourself. If you don't like the way your life is CHANGE! Don't just sit there and believe it's the way things "should be". Creation works far better for you when you're an active participant.


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Apo3D-111205-1009.jpg?width=250You Are God, though your understanding of God my need to shift before you really understand what I mean when I say that You Are God. It's no wonder that people have such a hard time seeing God when they're looking for someone else's vision of God. In fact, good luck putting God into words in the first place, though I foolishly attempt that impossibility on a regular basis.

Something rather miraculous has happened to Humanity in the past couple hundred years. There has been increasing access to enormous amounts of knowledge. Writings that were long kept secret have been made public, and now with the advent of the internet, they're easily accessible, even from a phone. Everything from ancient mystic texts to cutting edge scientific studies is readily available, yet has all this access to such a wide array of knowledge gotten people any closer to God? Any closer to their own Divine Presence?

Part of the issue in dealing with such huge amounts of information is how do you separate fact from fiction? It's plenty of work just to read it, how do you know you're not wasting your energy on fantasies and propaganda? With all the contradictory information, it cannot all be true, and unfortunately this means people usually just go with what they want to believe. This is a very foolish thing to do if your goal is Truth. Truth is simply what Is, it very rarely fits into preconceived beliefs.

Lucky for you, you have all the knowledge you need. Divine Truths are no longer secret, but something horrible has happened to them, they've become cliché. They've been repeated until they've become mundane, dry repetition. I can say "GOD IS LOVE!" and people will agree with me, they can acknowledge that what I said is truth, but how many have the Living Experience of God Being Love in this Present Moment? Very few. This is part of why knowledge alone wont get you to God. An intellectual understanding isn't enough, in fact it's because people live in a world of intellectual understandings that the Divine seems separate from this Moment.

You have a wealth of knowledge within you already that was created to assist you in rediscovering your Divine Nature. It's been "hidden" in plain sight, it's even in popular songs on the radio. "All You Need Is Love", everyone has heard this, yet only a tiny few actually live that way. Another example of how knowledge alone isn't enough.

Most spiritual teachers, they're packed full of spiritual knowledge, filled with intellectual understandings of what you're supposed to do to find God/Truth. That's all it takes to be a spiritual teacher, it can be taught in the same way a person learns to be a doctor. You don't have to walk the walk, you just have to talk the talk, then people who don't know any better will actually pay for this spiritual knowledge. This is why there's millions of Buddhists, yet an actual Buddha is an extreme rarity.

Spiritual knowledge can help you along the journey, but knowledge alone isn't enough. You can't learn your way to God, if simply knowing something was enough, most people would already be Self-Realized. Religion would bring Enlightenment instead of ignorance. There's knowledge, then there's what you do with the knowledge, and then there's what you are Being. God is in the Being, knowledge can only follow Being, knowledge doesn't preclude Being. When you put all your focus upon knowledge, the Being is missed, you're just paying attention to your mind. This is why children are closer to God, their minds haven't been filled full of knowledge yet.

Please don't try to interpret what I'm sharing dualistically, I'm not saying knowledge is "bad". If you believe knowledge is bad, all you've done is added another belief to your mind. Knowledge is what it is, simply an interpretation that follows experience. It's an abstract thought, manipulation of experience into something that can be grasped by the mind. It's not a bad thing, but believing knowledge is the path back to God just creates chaos and confusion, as humanity demonstrates on a daily basis. You aren't going to reach the Unlimited with a limited mind.

For many that's a rather disturbing thought, since their whole approach to spirituality, their whole approach to life, is all based in the mind. It's like those old maps of the world, where the unknown parts were assumed to be filled with monsters. The mind is terrified of the unknown, the unknown is outside of the mind's realm altogether. In fact the Ultimate aspect of God/You, the Unknowable, is completely impossible to know through the mind. This is why your Being, your Heart, and those Subtle Feelings, are so much more important than knowledge if you want to rediscover God.


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Negating Negativity - The Galactic Free Press

8109153485?profile=originalSo often there's talk of eliminating negativity. Really look at that approach, it's using negative thinking to try to get rid of negativity. Then there's the idea that we just focus upon positive thoughts, which at it's core is still based upon rejecting the negative. Then there's another approach, which is to combine the positive and the negative together, which is supposed to create a whole, though all I've seen it create is confusion in people. If you try to hold two contradictory thoughts in your mind, something most people's minds are already full of, it just creates chaos.

The issue with all these approaches is that they're based upon the assumption that the positive/negative duality is something valid. Positive and negative are inventions of the mind, you're not going to transcend them using the same kind of thinking that created them. The mind tries to take all of Creation and divide it into separate categories. The mind takes the richness and freedom of Creation, the uniqueness of every single atom, and narrows it down to either one thing or another, good/bad, light/dark, positive/negative. The mind interprets everything dualistically, and that kind of incredibly limited thinking makes the unlimited wonder of Creation seem dull and boring.

It's dualistic judgment that divides things into positive and negative. If you really want to release the negative, you must transcend that paradigm altogether. It's not about combining the "two", it's about the realization that there was never any division to begin with. You must go beyond the mind, and into the inherent wisdom of the Heart, then God begins to speak to you, though you, and As You.

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As with just about everything else, people have interpreted pride into both positive and negative aspects. It's easy to see the self-destructiveness of the negative aspects of pride, especially within other people. How pride leads to arrogance, an enormous ego, and thinking you're better than others. But then there's the "positive" aspect of pride, feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments. On the surface it may seem like this sort of pride is helpful. I have achieved something, so I allow myself to feel proud of my accomplishments. This kind of thinking is encouraged by our society, it's very common.

Realize that this is just as much a recipe for misery as the negative meaning of pride. It's linking your happiness and your self-worth to your accomplishments. If you really want happiness in your life, don't put restrictions on your happiness. Don't tie your happiness to accomplishments. Life isn't always going to meet your expectations, not all you endeavors are going to be successful. If you tie your self-worth to your success, what will you do when you're not successful? Do you see the problems you set up for yourself through pride?

You've got things backwards, you think some major accomplishment or achievement is going to lead to self-worth. It's supposed to transform you into someone you can be happy with. That's part of the lie of pride. I say it's backwards because your accomplishments will be all the more grand if they begin from a place of self-worth and happiness. That's part of the "secret" to success, starting out from a solid foundation.

Pride is linked to judgment. The "positive" type of pride is associated with "positive" self-judgment, while the "negative" type of pride is associated with negative judgments of others. Judgment is always going to lead to misery and I recommend learning that lesson ASAP as it's a lesson people repeat for themselves over and over again. Don't judge yourself based upon your "successes" and "failures", use those experiences to learn and grow. Though this, even that what you believe to be a "failure" will still lead to growth. No longer will the "failures" lead you to question your own self-worth.

I believe that pride comes from a desire for self-love, it's good intentioned, but you know what they say about good intentions... Pride is self-love that's been twisted by filters of duality, it's not real Love, it's narcissism, and it's usually based upon comparing yourself to others.

God sees great value in your Being, especially because you originated from God, and you are in no way separate from God. You don't need beliefs like pride to see your inherent value, you have only to realize the truth of Love and Equality. Then you can see your own worthiness, as well as the worthiness of everyone and everything in Creation.

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