Wes Annac's Posts (176)

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031.jpg?w=290&h=218&width=290Written by Wes Annac


Continued from Part 2


Connecting with Your Emotions


Allow yourself to connect with your emotional side, for in doing so you will connect with your heart routinely. Emotions are beautiful, but too many people have been programmed to think emotions and feelings don’t matter and that only cold, logical or egotistical ways of Living can be employed. Our emotions are gateways to our heart chakra, and our heart chakra is among the strongest of gateways to the higher realms we can open up for ourselves.


As such, getting in touch with your emotions is important to opening the heart chakra. Some of you may find an opening of the third eye acting in accordance with that of the heart chakra, and you will begin to find metaphysical perspectives and ideas emanating from within, some of which you may gravitate toward and really explore. Getting in touch with your emotional side is one of the biggest ways you can begin your inner-exploration and of course, beginning that exploration is important to realizing your personal infinity.


Welcome and allow new perspectives in, even if they seem initially to be outside of the paradigm of understanding you previously accepted. This is another area where balance is essential, as you do not want to fall out of balance and become a conduit for extreme beliefs that may not be in alignment with the new paradigm. Of course, everyone’s perspective is welcomed, but we are all welcomed to express our beliefs in a balanced manner as well.


Accessing one’s emotions will lead to a greater realization of the heart, and opening the heart will in turn lead to a realization of deeper and more powerful emotions. Finding a greater depth of emotion will as well help us begin to see our infinity, as we will begin to know and recognize aspects of ourselves who we would have previously thought did not exist.


Accessing Other Realms of Existence


As we begin to find and open our heart chakras, many of us will also find an access to etheric realms beyond our third dimensional perceptions. For some of us, these realms may open up via our dreams and specifically, via lucid dreaming, which can be utilized for potent astral travel. Others may begin to open up to astral travels within their imagination as they recognize that what we’ve perceived as imagination has long been an actual ability to access and interact with the astral realms we hold and Create within.


Imagine yourself, right now, in a big, open field. It is summertime in the evening, and the calm breeze flowing through hits your face in just the right way, offering gentle and cool refreshment. Imagine you are standing in front of a hammock, which is strung onto two trees that are a few away from each other.


One of the trees is growing large, red apples while the other one features beautiful and colorful leaves. Imagine as you take an apple from the first tree and bite into it. How does it taste?


For so very long, authors have written stories that both captured and got us to use our imaginations, and when we read our favorite novels we are Creating what we read in an inner-space that is entirely our own, which we paint with the story we read. Reading is such a great thing, because it allows us to utilize our powers of Creation and really feel what we’re absorbing.


We can actively work within the realms of our imagination to do so many things, and we can utilize lucid dreaming to do just as much. We have a full and uninhibited access to realms beyond the understanding of the physical humanity, but we’ve been led to believe that things like dreams and our imagination are not real or are only products of our minds when in fact, they are very real links to very real inner-held realms of consciousness.


Synchronizing the Opened Mind & Heart


Opening the heart and really finding that solidified connection, along with working to open the third eye and finding a perfect synchronization between the utilization of the two, will see us very easily able to interact with our inner-realms in a clear manner. Working to open the third eye after having built a strong connection to and opening of the heart will solidify such a connection in very strong ways.


Finding the balance between the two and allowing the heart to act as a receiver of higher dimensional or metaphysical impressions or energies will see you able to utilize your opening third eyes to interpret everything the heart is receiving. Without opening up the heart, the opening third eye can be susceptible to receiving impressions from aspects of one’s own mind or thought-form entities who will masquerade as a specific entity or energy, while opening the heart will see the influence of ego subdued and will see one able to receive clear and pure higher dimensional impressions.


There will be a perfect relationship between the two chakras, and Mastering that balance will see us excel and flourish along the path of realizing our infinity. Our telepathic abilities will be heightened when interpreting everything we receive through both mind and heart, and we will continue to strengthen a connection with metaphysical realms.


Learning Lessons & Opening Chakras


After garnering an opening of and connection with both the mind and heart chakras, it will of course be important to work toward opening our other chakras, as they are important in the areas of expression they each represent. While I’m not going to offer specific advice for opening each chakra, I will say that we will receive specific lessons in relation to opening every chakra and those lessons will of course, be related to which avenues of expression each chakra represents.


You may be given specific lessons about speaking in public related to the opening of your throat chakra. Perhaps you will be led to begin eating healthier as a part of opening the sacral chakra. I could go on and on with examples, but you can make your journeys easier by letting your guides and those aspects of your higher self know which specific chakras you wish to focus on opening, after opening the third eye and heart.


You can use your thoughts and emotions to communicate with such souls, and they will be able to work with the impressions you give them to manifest certain situations in your Lives that you will then be able to know are playing-out so you can learn a crucial lesson related to opening the chakra you affirmed your commitment to opening. It will be quite a journey to open up each chakra, but this is the ongoing journey of realizing our infinity and while there is much required, after opening our third eyes and hearts the journey will begin to become much easier.


Opening up to a Reality of Energy


As we awaken more and more, many of us will become increasingly aware of the energetic components of our reality. We will begin to see that everything around us is energy, including us and our emotions. We will begin to understand the fluidity and changeability of our realities, and many of us will become open to the idea of energy work and the understanding of our ability to act as energetic alchemists.


Consider the very idea of emotion being a changeable energy that does not have to hold you prisoner to it. Consider the idea that the very reality you find around you is not solidified, and can rather be worked with to produce circumstances in your Life that work for you and suit the reality you wish to Live in.


Many people will begin to open up to these very ideas upon focusing on and working to open their chakras, and the understandings of not only the various metaphysical realms that lay beyond our perception, but also the energetic nature of our reality will lead us onward to the full realization and understanding of our infinity.


An increasing understanding of energy work and the realms beyond our conscious perception will breed in many people, the aforementioned understanding of their abilities as energetic alchemists as well as of their roles as Lightworkers.


What is a Lightworker?


The word “Lightworker” has been thrown around and used a lot within the New Age community, and I would like to give my personal definition of a Lightworker, which may or may not match yours. I define a Lightworker as any conscious or awakening soul, on this world or any other, who have begun to recognize their role and are working accordingly on anchoring and bringing forth higher and purer energies and the resulting expansion in perception and awareness.


You needn’t wonder if you are a Lightworker or not, as it is not some exclusionary club; if you are attracted to the very idea, than you may very well be a developing Lightworker, growing into your role and becoming open to concepts that will drive the work you may find yourself doing in the future. In the future, we all will have recognized our roles and will be working to bring forth and establish a new paradigm and for many of us, our roles have included being Lightworkers.


It’s been said before that there are a thousand different ways we can perform Lightwork, and becoming open to the very idea of energy work and your quite-strong ability to perform it will see you ever-closer to your realization of your nature as an infinite being.


Lightwork will help the entire planet to find the lightening vibrations of the higher realms which, of course, will permeate our world and help us all to realize our infinity. Opening up to Lightwork will help us individually as well, and each bit of interaction we have with higher dimensional energies or planes of reality will garner more perspective and understanding in us.


Some Lightworkers literally work with the higher dimensional or emotional energy they’ve opened up to the reality of, and some work with this energy on refined etheric planes that they have also opened up to. Some will anchor the purest and most intense of these energies unto the core of our Earth, so that the Earth’s soul can direct it toward areas of its surface that desperately need our healing.


Some Lightworker bless their food and drink, and impart refined higher dimensional energies that will restore health in what they are blessing if health is lost.


Channeling – Subtle & Direct


Some Lightworkers channel higher dimensional wisdom and inspiration through themselves in a subtle manner, by writing out the inspiration and Light they feel in a song, an article or a poem. Some are artists who choose to act, paint or grow beautiful plants that they impart their natural Light and growing higher dimensional perspective unto.


Others channel the energies and encoded impressions of the higher realms and of various facets of the higher realms through themselves very directly, and doing so is working with and decoding energy to find and absorb a specific encoded aspect of such energy. Channeling is a potent form of Lightwork, and there are different ways one can choose to channel if they find themselves interested in the idea of doing so.


Some will open up to or choose only to communicate with their higher self or an aspect of their higher self.


Who is Our Higher Self?


For those of you who don’t know what or who our higher self is; as we are working to discover in this series, we are infinite beings whose consciousness extends far beyond our physical body and senses. We exist in various other realms even right now, and in the higher dimensions wherein time is not a factor and we have evolved, we exist harmoniously, helping to guide lower dimensional “Godsparks” of our consciousness who are working to reach a higher dimensional perspective and attain a realization of infinity.


Our higher self is us, existing in a different state of consciousness and extending his/her energies and assistance down to us, just as the sun gives light, information and sustenance to the dear flowers. There are aspects of our higher self who we could call our “future selves” existing in less pure states of consciousness than that of our higher self, who exist in such states of consciousness in a partial effort to help us evolve as well.


While the “average” person reading this may find all of this talk of timeless realities and higher/future selves a tad strange, upon realizing how distorted and illusory this physical reality truly is we will come to find that nothing is what we’ve been led to believe it is. The good news is that the planes of existence lying beyond our perspective are harmonious and wonderful to exist in.


Concluded in Part 4 on Monday.

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182.jpg?w=278&h=209&width=278Written by Wes Annac


Continued from Part 1


Keeping a Positive Perspective When Becoming Aware


If you choose to become open to the actions of the cabals and the control that’s been enforced under the noses of humanity yet, right out in the open, you are encouraged to first work on developing a spiritual understanding of everything that happens on this world. Upon doing so, you can avoid a potential lasting negative perspective based on all that the cabals have done and have wished to do.


Finding out about the purposeful orchestration of the September 11th attacks as well as the initiating of natural disasters by way of advanced frequency-based weather warfare technology and a plethora of other things on the part of billionaires with influence, power and ability could put one in a state of fear or apprehension that the control such people have been allotted will be taken to extreme extents.


However, an understanding of the reality of the situation and the fact that everything they’ve done was in preparation for a cycle of evolution that they wished to see us unprepared for but that we have actually been well prepared for, will garner an understanding that our very awakening and our radiating of positivity will see the cabals unable to do anything anymore.


They Want You to Feed Fear


They want for us to be in fear of them and the plans that have not been and will not be allotted. They want us to fear the latest street drug they’ve Created; the latest engineered disease they will attempt to have spread; the latest funds they have stolen that were meant to be given to humanity; they want us to be in fear and apprehension about all of those things and plenty more, because we feed them and their astral employers when feeling any form of lower energy.


Poverty, famine, hunger, war – those are all things that feed negativity and suffering on a mass level on our planet, and we can answer to the very energies that have driven and allowed for such things to go on by first finding and fashioning an inner-connection so that we can raise our personal levels of positivity and feed very needed energies into the collective consciousness, and then by raising awareness of everything western society has kept us in a state of distraction about.


Humanity is encouraged to turn off the TV, quit worrying about which celebrity isn’t wearing the makeup we’ve been programmed to believe is important, and begin to see that too much of our planet is suffering. Too many people in too many countries do not get food or clean running water, and in the United States we take our clean water and muck it up by turning it into sugary, syrupy soda. Not to mention the fact that even in the United States, clean water that can be drank out of the tap seems to be a thing of the past.


Again – upon finding a positive and whole perspective in every moment, we can raise awareness of such things in a manner that makes allowance for the recognition of humanity’s infinite ability and power as spiritual beings. We can allow our perspectives not to be muddied by the knowledge we will gain of the actions of the cabals, and we can work toward opening our hearts and finding personal wholeness and sovereignty.


Opening the Chakras to Realize Infinity


It will be important for us to begin opening our chakras and finding a clear line of access to our inner states of perception if we wish to realize our infinity fully. Some of you reading this may be familiar with chakras, and they are essentially inner gates of access to our inner-perceptions and the bounties such perceptions offer. So many people who have found an influence on our world and spread truth and Light have in many cases, been acting as conduits for a greater truth and Light to come forth.


Here is some information about the chakras we all hold within, taken from Mind Body Green. (1)


“The 7 Chakras are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through.


(…) It’s important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.


Here’s our quick summary of the 7 Chakras:


1. Root Chakra – Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location: Base of spine in tailbone area. Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. More on Root Chakra healing


2. Sacral Chakra – Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. More on Sacral Chakra healing


3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. More on Solar Plexus Chakra healing


4. Heart Chakra – Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart. Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. More on Heart Chakra healing


5. Throat Chakra – Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. More on Throat Chakra healing


6. Third Eye Chakra – Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. More on Third Eye Chakra healing


7. Crown Chakra – The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. More on Crown Chakra healing


It’s been said before that we have even more chakras that serve as links to our inner-perception of realms beyond the perspective of the third dimension, and when the bulk of our DNA that has been referred to as “junk” is brought online, we will find an open access to every chakra that we don’t even know we possess within.


For now, we will focus on a couple of specific chakras in relation to finding your personal infinity.


What isn’t mentioned in the above reference is that the third eye chakra also breeds telepathy/psychic abilities in everybody who finds themselves able to open it through inner-searching and dedication. We all have these abilities within, and making the true effort to grow toward them and unlock them so that we can collectively enjoy and express our infinity will see us able to do just that.


Opening the Heart & Then the Mind


When I first heard about the third eye chakra, I was very excited to work toward opening it. I wanted to access the telepathic and energy-channeling abilities that opening our third eyes will see us able to do, and I was at first disheartened to find out the very advice I am about to give you all, which is that we should first work toward opening the heart chakra before we can fully reap the benefits of an opened third eye.


This is because our heart is actually an essential interpreter and channeler of energy, and upon opening the heart we will be able to channel higher dimensional energy of all different kinds and structures. The phrase “opening the heart” may sound a bit cliché to some, but it is meant in the very real sense of opening the emotional center of ourselves, which serves as a very potent gate to our inner-realms and to the personal infinity accessing such realms gives us.


So how can we access the heart chakra and begin feeling the flow of higher dimensional Love energy as it comes through us?


Well, the heart is represented as an emotional center for a reason. Obviously the physical heart does not play a strong role in influencing emotion, but the heart has always been looked toward as a representation of Love and this is because our heart chakra and the positive emotions we can find and access will open us up exponentially.


Kindness is the Way to Opening the Heart


Practice kindness toward those around you. Practice positivity in your everyday Life, as you’ll find yourself able to be positive and express what you will begin to feel within, in a myriad of ways. Recognize the Golden Rule for the truth it speaks, and treat others with Love, empathy and respect. Learn to understand and respect the plights of others, while finding and retaining a balanced center that won’t see you tipped overboard empathically.


When practicing this, you may be met with lessons of empathy and the theme of many of such lessons will be not to allow yourself to be martyred or not to extend yourself out too far in the name of serving others, and to recognize the balanced and measured yet still necessary service-to-self. Allow yourself to care about and help others, for doing so will help to open your heart and foster a connection to all that is positive and good, but to retain positivity we must show ourselves such positivity every now and then and if this means not helping someone one time out of ten; that is ok.


If the entire collective of humanity could practice fostering positivity and expressing such positivity toward all around them, we would very easily be able to come together and the differences we once argued so astutely over will be seen as hollow and unimportant in the grand scheme of Life.


Continued in Part 3 tomorrow.


(Footnote will be given at end of series)

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010.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253Written by Wes Annac


I would like now to explore some of the ways we can develop into the multidimensional souls we have always been, and realize our infinity.


As aspects of the One Infinite Creator, we have always naturally possessed within, the abilities and expanded perspectives so many people are just beginning to open up to and find for themselves. We can tap into the infinite array of abilities we have always possessed and here, I would like to offer my perspective on how we can work toward attaining our personal infinity; while recognizing that mine is one perspective out of everyone’s.


You are encouraged to share yours as well.


Power Gone Unrealized


For the most part, humanity has not realized the enormous power we hold. The power that we hold within has been forgotten and in some cases, suppressed as we were kept feeding a limited and finite way of Living and being. As such, it is important for us to discover our hidden-away abilities now, so that we can further work toward recognizing the harmony that is meant to be established between every nation, every race and every individual soul.


By now, it’s been said quite a bit that our collective will benefit immensely from every individual soul on this world finding and attaining a personal happiness, wholeness and a realization of their infinite abilities and their interconnected nature with every person around them. The power we will have as a collective cannot be overstated; if for no other reason, than because of our already-strong power as individual, sovereign souls.


In many cases, we have been kept in a perpetual state of unawareness to the realities and planes of perception that lay just beyond our physical reality waiting to be explored via an inner-connection with them, as well as to the continual acts of injustice taking place on this world every day which, for the most part, are orchestrated and funded by entities who have assumed the positions of power on our world that they are in because of the very unawareness caused by the blinders that have been put over the eyes, minds and hearts of humanity.


The few with influence and increasingly-dissolving power have been able to continually manifest injustice, and the unaware collective have unknowingly fed the acts of injustice taking place every day by remaining unaware to them and employing the resulting complacency. Opening up to our inner-perceptions is the most important thing we can do, for ourselves and for our world, because we will find personal revelations and assistance with our Lives as we realize more and more that we are infinite, spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.


The Orchestration of Reality & Creating Something Better


Along with an inner-awareness and garnering of personal happiness and peace, we will become increasingly aware of the, for lack of a better term, puppet show being played out on the world stage in an effort to keep us distracted and unaware. We will begin to notice so many aspects of western and progressive society that seem quite designed to keep humans in the states of limitation and distraction that form a barrier around our inner-perceptions and our very ability to see or feel anything beyond what the physical senses can perceive.


We may find personal motivation to help change the condition this world is in, and our eyes will be opened fully to the pollution being fed every day on this Earth which is of course, bad for the environment, for the collective consciousness and for the planet who we will begin to realize has and is its own sentient spirit.


Upon fashioning the inner connection we are going to explore in this writing, you will find multitudes of other reasons why doing so will be and was beneficial for you and for the entirety of humanity. You will find a clear and pure perspective and everything that’s been written or channeled by another in the way of the ongoing spiritual evolution of humanity will be accessible and understood as the vast library of inner-held energy and information that it is.


You will discover humanity’s interconnected nature and the fact that we are being fed troths of pure encoded energy from realms beyond our conscious understanding, in accordance with the physical and spiritual evolution of humanity currently underway.


You will access and be able to decode this energy, and some of you may even find a known Angelic soul fashioning a connection with you as a result of your ability to communicate with them and in general, because of your access to the higher realms. If any of you out there reading this have fashioned any type of reliance on channeled messages or the spiritually-inspired writings being given as of late, you will be able to soften that connection when you discover that it’s completely attainable within.


We will discuss that subject a bit more later. For now, I would like to get into some of the initial things we can do to begin discovering and accessing our infinity and the abilities that come with such an access.


Realizing the Presence of the Divine


One of the first steps we can take to realize and access our infinity is to see that the Divine is all around us, at all times. We have been kept distracted from the Divine and as such, some people may feel as if it will be difficult to access or feel a connection with the Divine once opening up to such a connection, and this is simply not so. It’s been said before that it takes little more than an acknowledgment of the Divine and the fact that it is all around us, for us to begin fashioning a real connection that will reap us enormous benefits.


Meditation is, of course, a good way to open up to the Divine and the deeper states of consciousness the Divine offers. Upon clearing one’s mind and finding a calm, relaxed state of mind, one will make way for the heart to come through and express the bounties that deeper states of consciousness have to offer humanity. In meditation, one is able to find realizations and epiphanies about circumstances in their Lives, which flow through gracefully and lead one to an “aha!” moment.


For me, meditation these days is little more than an attunement to naturally purer and deeper states of consciousness. The very air around me vibrates and reverberates with pure, colored energy when meditating and the vibrations alone in these deeper states of consciousness are enough to want to find them in every moment. We find a deeper perspective resulting from our ability not to silence mind, but to allow it to express itself in a detached manner and in a manner that sees all of mind’s thoughts flow through and leave just as quickly as they came.


The Influence of Mind


The only reason mind is able to maintain a prevalent influence in some who have difficulty meditating is because of the mental and sometimes, emotional attachment to the thoughts mind is giving out. Upon finding an ability to let those thoughts flow through without attaching oneself to them, one will begin to find an opened connection with the heart and the deeper states of consciousness and awareness that result.


Meditation is one thing that will help us feel and realize the Divinity of every moment. An understanding that we are Living a finite existence and that our natural growth and evolution will lead us onward to purer realms wherein suffering or negativity of any sort are not experienced, will see us find a greater appreciation for this reality we’re Living in as well.


Perhaps some of you reading this are here because you were attracted to the idea of finding your personal infinity and breeding a greater and more enjoyable Life experience as a result.


Well, an important step toward doing so is realizing that right now, in this very moment, everything is perfect and Divine. This statement may not resonate with some of you who continue to experience difficulty and hardship, but it is hoped to help each one of you to see-through the negativity and density which I do indeed experience in my Life just as you do. I am simply beginning to see it from a different perspective.


I speak of a perspective of understanding that negativity and density of any kind are fading aspects of an illusory reality that has been established on this planet for much, much less time than the Divine has been present here. The Divine has waited patiently for us to tap into it and access and feel what it has to offer us and as we are able to do so in much easier ways than we would be led to believe, the impetus in those who seek should be strong and the resulting rewards should be well worth the overall journey.


We are all naturally spiritual beings who have imposed limitations upon ourselves and allowed those limitations to become doctrines for what a physical experience of Life is supposed to be, and the natural spirituality we hold within and our natural ability to draw-upon the energies of the Divine have been fashioned into limiting dogmas and religious beliefs.


Religion: Spiritual Control


Religion at its very core is meant to provide an esoteric or metaphysical understanding of how we were Created, why we are here and what our purpose and mission is while on this Earth.


In many cases, our ability to access the spirituality we all possess within has been taken from us and people in our past who had a naturally strong connection with their inner-realms and attempted to uplift humanity and help us all find the awareness and the states of consciousness they had found, were worshiped and made out to be souls of special importance when they really only had a connection with the Creator that is accessible by us all.


Religion has bred control of the masses and the very thoughts, feelings and actions of the masses, and the men behind the curtains of various religions have been able to orchestrate such control the way they have because of humanity’s natural quest to seek an understanding of this reality and the way this reality works, that is beyond the physical understanding or anything that can be explained away physically.


What we haven’t been taught is that we can access and fashion a connection to the Divine realms so many religious prophets have themselves been able to feel and access, and we don’t need anybody accept ourselves guiding our inner-travels and our quest for spiritual and physical understanding.


As I will say later on, every one of you reading this is a sovereign, powerful individual and you don’t need me to tell you that. You don’t need this writing to know that you are the conscious Creator of the surroundings you find around you, or that your connection to realms beyond humanity’s understanding is both real and strong.


We are kept feeding a false and fading paradigm when subscribing to controlling religious beliefs and doctrines, and if we can all find and fashion the inner-connection that will continue to be discussed and mentioned as much as it has been, we will see our individual strength and power and be able to rightly put an end to attempts to control our Lives via a manipulation of humanity’s quest to re-find the realms of consciousness we once existed in blissfully.


Upon realizing that the Divine is all around us and seeing that our ability to access the Divine has been shelved as we were kept feeding dogmas rigid beliefs that are not in alignment with the higher dimensional experiences so many people are having, we can then begin our real and undistorted search for external and internal enlightenment.


Merging Internal & External Harmony


We can begin to utilize the deeper states of consciousness meditation will provide along with the aforementioned understanding that the Divine is all around us, and begin to seek ways to make our outer-reality reflect the brimming happiness and personal wholeness an open connection to our inner realms will begin to offer.


Personally, I choose to at least attempt to see nearly everything that plays out in my Life in a positive manner. Beyond that, I have recognized the mission I have been offered and do what I can to help uplift this Earth and its collective out of the density and negativity that has remained the rule of the day for far too long, and I use much of my energy delightfully contributing to the ongoing spiritual revolution.


I also choose to get out in nature and recognize the beauty and Divinity of the outer reality around me. I am beginning to find and recognize beauty and Divinity in every aspect of this land and I am realizing that it and the sentient Earth it exists on are more conscious and spiritual than I.


For some, searching externally includes becoming aware of the tyranny, injustice and control that has been enforced on this world by the few with influence and money while for others, it includes absorbing written spiritual material or listening to uplifting music in an effort to feel the higher vibrations of their outer reality, which are based in our inner-realities.


For some of you who are well along your paths, the internal and external searches could have long merged as you are finding your very experience of your inner-realms growing and beginning to permeate the experience of your outer. Those of you who are just beginning to traverse your path will find this is so as you continue to grow and learn, and find harmoniously-pure states of consciousness that you will begin to be able to integrate into your everyday experience of Life.


Continued in Part 2 tomorrow.

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360-small.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Building Unity, Motivating the Public and the Original Intentions of Some Religions


-Channeled through Wes Annac-


The lightening vibrations you are beginning to find within yourselves are signaling the way for true and real change to be brought forth on the surface of your increasingly-evolving planet. You are rising up from the realms of the third and fourth dimensions to the fifth, and from the fifth dimension your evolution onward will see you learn so very much about the multidimensional nature of existence upon this world.


What we mean is that upon accessing and traversing the unlimited perspectives the higher dimensions have to offer, many of you will see that you have indeed already traversed many of the higher realms you are looking toward from the third and fourth dimensions.


You are truly multidimensional beings, and we wish for you to know this. You have a perspective that is much stronger than the majority of souls on your world would know or accept, and you are able to tap into and feel a flow of energies that is so strong, that your ability as Gods and Creator entities who can work with any given higher dimensional energy simply cannot be expressed enough.


A theme of many channeled communications has been the power humanity as a collective and as individuals hold within.


As so many of you are beginning to commune with Gaia, you are becoming aware of the work that needs to be done to mitigate and cleanse the pollution still being manifested and fed on Her surface. Along with a developing understanding of your latent multidimensional nature, the awareness you are garnering for yourselves is stronger than could have ever been hoped or anticipated.


The change you’re beginning to bring forth is unprecedented, and the unity that you are all inspiring has been simply wonderful to watch build. This unity continues to build in every moment and as always, we remind you dear souls that there is much you can do in any given moment to further build upon the foundation of strength and momentum that has already been laid, for you all to begin coming together and doing the work so many of you know you are here to do.


We can see and feel that your expanding minds and hearts are making way for the awareness of the higher realms that will see you initiating yourselves into your beautiful Galactic society, and the fifth dimensional realms of your dearest Earth are simply brimming as they await your realization of them within you.


There is much work being done upon the surface of your fifth dimensional New Earth and much of this work is indeed energetic in nature, as the pollution and density that’s been fed on the third dimensional Gaia for so long are themselves forms of energy that can be worked with and transmuted, as well as transcended. You will come to find that everything in your reality is energy and can be worked with, shaped or molded in any specific ways you dear souls find prudent to do so.


As we have discussed, we as well as your Galactic brethren and a plethora of other souls will indeed be with you in the time ahead to teach you about the basic components and fundamentals of energy work, and to teach you how you can used advanced higher dimensional technology coupled with your own natural abilities, to transmute the bulk of pollution and density that remains to be transmuted.


Yes, we can feel that so many of you view your Earth and think that the job is undoable, but the various aspects of your society that you feel are unworkable are actually much easier to work with than you would realize.


In many cases, your belief in your inability to solve some of the most difficult problems facing your world stems from an assumption that you are finite beings who cannot act past the standard measures you normally do. This is simply not so, and another revelation you will all begin to open up to within is that you truly are infinite beings and nothing can stop you from achieving your goals, no matter what they are.


A single person on your world could find the individual momentum and strength to rebuild your world. How would they do this, you may be asking us?


They would first fine that strong and supreme connection and flow of Source energy and the resulting inspiration, and they would in turn motivate all those around them. Even the souls with the hardest of hearts and perspectives would and will, in time, absorb the messages and inspiration they and all of you have to offer.


Yes, they and you will meet resistance; it is a natural happening that is tied in with your own karma and your ability to see what you’re doing for the Earth in a clear light, but the resistance met when attempting to rebuild a world should be no reason not to begin the most important of such work. Indeed, there is no reason humanity should remain complacent and continue to allow the surface of your world to suffer, but we can feel with the strong and pure awakenings taking place in the minds and hearts of each of you that this will not be a problem.


We know and can feel this because of the rising awareness that is garnering a fresh and new perspective in so many of you who have previously felt flattened. Whilst some of you continue to feel this way, we must stress that all you are working for is propelling you exponentially toward the future you’ve long been wishing for. This future is, of course, yours to bring and attract to yourselves and we hope to be able to offer our continual writings and updates to support you dear souls and help you to see that the higher realms and the perspective and energies of the higher realms have never left you alone and are with you even in this moment.


Far beyond the ceasing of this communication and even the next communication we will give at another time, we are still with you and still offering our energies and perspectives for you dear souls to tap into which, for the most part, so many of you are now beginning to do with the grace and ease of the Creator.


Upon retreating to bed at night and waking up in the morning, many of you are beginning to notice the flow of energies and impressions coming to you that your minds do not (quite) decode in the manner that they do if channeling but rather, simply receive as they are.


For the most part, these impressions are being sent by aspects of your higher selves who wish to give you personal assistance along your developing ascension processes, but we will at times attach our specific energies and the resulting impressions to such in-flowing energies because again, we have much to share with you dear souls and we are honored to be able to share it.


We are honored to speak with you and detail our communications in the manner we have been able to, because the Lighted energies so many of you are able to feel encourage and motivate us to continue speaking with you. We are grateful to each one of you who continues to absorb our communications and while ours is only one perspective out of quite a lot, we still feel we are able to offer something genuine and helpful for humanity.


We would like to speak further on the rebuilding of your world and on humanity taking the reigns as you will be, so that you can work upon your increasingly-evolving third dimensional surface to help it reflect the ascended Eden you’re increasingly growing toward as a planet. Each of you can get active in working with representations of your fifth dimensional realty, and by this we do not mean that you have to find yourselves inhabiting such reality or attempt make astral travels there for indeed, you do not have to.


Your greater Creator Light, even if you cannot yet feel or access it within, is so strong and powerful that in some cases, you need only make vocal or mental affirmations for such power to be expressed and aimed at whatever you are affirming.


For example, if you wish to perform Lightwork upon the surface of your fifth dimensional Earth as so many of you are beginning to open up to your ability to do, you can make a personal affirmation that your blessing and healing energies be sent to such realms, or you can affirm that such energies be sent to aspects of your world that you know are no longer in resonation with the sovereign future that you the sovereign humanity is heading into.


Everything you see on your world that you know will only continue to hurt Her and hold you all back can be blessed and healed and while the collective vibrations are indeed needed to make the grand change you all wish to, which is why we mentioned the individual soul Creating widespread change by motivating the collective; while this is so, your individual power can still move mountains and what you are able to do as a single individual far surpasses what you would expect.


Perhaps some of you have noticed another common theme of our communications, which is that there is much underlying your conscious perspective and ability that you would not perhaps expect to find or realize within yourselves.


One of such things is the strength of your individual ability, as we have detailed above. We will continue to remind you that you are much, much stronger beings than you would expect for yourselves to be and we will say as well that every soul, be them “higher” or “lower” dimensional, is an aspect of our supreme Creator and is endowed with the natural strength and Light that the Creator has wished for us all to realize we have and can feel within.


You have been given this Light because you are an aspect of the Creator. You are the Creator, experiencing a lower dimensional form and we are the Creator as well, who is helping a lower dimensional aspect of our Selves to reach the infinite planes of consciousness and understanding that we, like many others, were also helped to reach by other civilizations and higher dimensional souls who are now much farther along their growth than they were when they originally helped us.


You will find that service-to-others based behavior drives the higher dimensional experience and the assistance that is given, and you will find as well that it actually aides one along one’s natural growth back to the full, undistorted realms of our Mother/Father Source.


Every soul within every position in the Spiritual Hierarchy are here to serve you, humankind, and to serve a plethora of other lower dimensional worlds and civilizations who are just beginning to see the Light and find the resulting purer states of consciousness and stronger states of awareness. We are playing our roles specifically for you on Earth at present, and our focus has indeed been zoomed-in to the Earth whilst we are stationed within Her realms helping to increase the purity of energies Creating and sustaining your reality.


We would like for you dear souls to know that you are increasingly beginning to be put in charge of handling and accessing your inner-reserves of Light energy.


These reserves of Light can be accessed through the chakras, and all of you are being pumped continually with the purest Light that can possibly be mustered up and held just beyond the fore of your conscious perception. You are beginning to be given full access to and responsibility of this inner-Light, as well as the increasingly-pure energy you’re being given which, again, Creates and sustains your realities.


Humanity will find an ease in working with energy because you are natural energy-disseminators and Lightworkers. The act of continually purifying the energy sustaining your realities will be explained in ever-more depth than it has been in our previous communications, as there is so very much for you to learn in the way of energy work and your ability to access and feel different types and varying purities of energy within yourselves.


It has been discussed to the helm that you are akin to radio receivers, attuning to different frequencies and picking up different channels based on those frequencies.


A temple experiencing and continually feeding lower emotions or heart sets will remain attuned to lower frequencies and broadcasts. Souls who begin to see the importance of taking care of their cherished temples will find themselves able to pick up on less distorted frequencies and while for some of you, your receivers are only set to certain aspects of the higher realms or of your higher selves, your ability to pick up on frequencies is as infinite as the souls you can contact when doing so.


You are attuning now to the higher realms and with this attunement comes a rising awareness and a natural understanding of the peace and harmony meant to pervade every aspect of your realities. You see that the way the old paradigm has churned on is no longer working for you, and you begin working to spread the awareness and the natural Creator Light you hold within.


Your very perspective opens and expands and rather than being “changed” per se, it is opened up and you are able to meet with purer and more refined aspects of your Selves and again, also with us and a plethora of other higher dimensional souls who will share the gifts we have with you.


These gifts come in the form of our impressions and the communications encoded unto them, and you are all absorbing our energy as you read this communication and feeling a specific flow of such energies that is unique to you. You are indeed attuning to our energies when reading and absorbing this communication on your internet, and this is why we mentioned above that we are able to be with you even when you are not absorbing our material.


This brings us back to your natural ability to attune to any given higher dimensional energy you wish to, and after absorbing this communication some of you may find our energies and impressions lingering around you. If you wish to connect with us fully, than you can tap into that connection and feel the resulting communications that can indeed be brought forth.


Indeed, there are plenty of souls on your world who feel they would not benefit from our communications or any channeled communications, and this is ok for all are on their own path and should be respected and Loved regardless of the specifics of their beliefs.


It will be absolutely crucial for you to come together and unite based on what you have in common, as your Creator Light when expressed in a collective fashion is far more powerful than you would be led to believe. If you could have the energetic perspectives we do, you would see the strength of your collective power and we anticipate humanity being quite surprised when realizing just how much of your Earth is and has always been in your hands.


Truly, you have always been in charge of your Earth and the experiences that play out on your Earth; it is simply that you’ve been led to accept and believe in limitation and you have been taught that you are not able to maintain a strong a pure connection to realm that you’ve been taught do not exist.


One of the biggest distortions that has been fed by humanity which has held you back enormously, is that your physical reality is the only plane of existence and that any realms beyond your physical must be products of fantasy or a wish on the part of the souls experiencing them to feel something greater than your third dimensional reality.


In many cases, that very desire to feel and understand a reality purer than the one you already exist in is what breeds a discovery of the higher realms, and you dear souls have proven this endlessly with your continual quests and searches for the knowledge and energies the higher realms have to offer.


So many time periods on your world have seen an attempted control of man and the beliefs that humankind possesses as a collective body, and the false and distorted religions that attempt to control the thoughts and feelings of many souls on your world today were, in many cases, once based upon real and pure ideals and truths that the messengers acted as conduits for the higher realms to bring forth.


Plenty of religions have started with real, Lighted intentions and real, Lighted truth and throughout the generations, souls with pervading and controlling interests have muddied the ideologies and belief systems surrounding such religions and introduced controlling dogmas and other means of control that did not promote free expression or an understanding of the higher realms and the basic guiding principles to find a higher dimensional experience, and were rather, based only in a desire to control the masses who would follow such religions and the belief systems they represent.


Now, a greater understanding of spirituality is breaking through on a massive, widespread level and every time period of your history has proven that the endless quests for the higher realms will always garner the intended results. Souls with a naturally evolving perspective will always step forth to offer what they are feeling and beginning to discover in themselves, for the entire collective of souls around them to benefit from and find a growth and a greater awareness and understanding as a result of.


This is because upon finding an ascended perspective and upon beginning to find enlightenment within oneself, the desire to serve others and help as many souls as possible feel what the evolving soul is feeling breeds an active service toward every soul of the lower realms.


We are communicating with you and stationing ourselves within the higher realms of your Earth whilst we deliver your reality-Creating energies, out of a strong Love for the collective of humanity and out of a natural drive to assist you and as well, to find advancement along our own dimensional growth based in part on the service to others we perform whilst stationed in the purer echelons of Gaia.


We feel such a strong Love and understanding for each of you dear souls and while we had originally anticipated ourselves able to incarnate unto the surface of Earth as so many of you have heroically done and spread the truth and Light we felt we would have been able to re-access and benefit from; we are happy with the position we are in and we are equally happy to be able to garner a deeper and more profound understanding of energy work and of the nature of funneling energies down to Create and sustain lower dimensional realities.


To us, one of the most interesting things about your reality is the density of it.


We are utterly fascinated with the way your realities vibrate and move. The vibrations making up your reality move in such a dense and slow manner, and the established concept of time in your physical reality has bound you to certain expectations and entire modes of Living your Lives, as have plenty of other aspects of your average, everyday Lives.


The souls whom many of you perceive as unawakened and trapped in an illusion are still subject to a third dimensional reality that they have not yet realized they can fully transmute and begin to find a purer experience after having transmuted.


So many souls are still bound by the concrete concept of linear time; of physical matter that can only go unchanged; of a Life and experience that they have no ability to work with and turn into something better.


The hope of the higher realms at present is for the Lighted energies and the resulting perspectives and increased spiritual and cognitive perceptions so many of you dear awakening Lightworkers and Light Holders are beginning to garner and find in yourselves, to make way for a gradual and rising collective understanding of their ability to not only change their realities and the dense experience they find around them, but to Create the experience they have always wished for and to find an ease, freedom and abundance in their Lives that is simply unparalleled.


We speak, of course, of the new paradigm you are entering as a planet and specifically, we speak of the lightening collective vibrations helping to make way for the natural understandings that will garner your collective finding of awareness and the resulting ascension. Yes, your ascension is still on a full course to initiating you all into the pure fifth dimensional realms Gaia is now welcoming each of you to begin dipping your perceptual toes into, and we wish you to know as well that you have a full ability to access and work with any ascended landscape you wish to.


Your very knowledge and awareness of the infinite etheric landscapes you hold within and can Create upon is increasing in this moment and as you begin to practice your astral travels and use the inner tools you’re being given to mold and work with the energy in such realities that will see you Creating even the astral experiences you desire; you will continually draw yourselves toward the energies of the unlimited realities you’re Creating from and you will strengthen your already strong connection with the higher realms which, especially at this point, can never be broken.


You can never lose your connection with our Creator, nor the energies making up your higher dimensional experience.


The most difficult of lower dimensional experiences have tested you whilst you made your ways through the Earth and the many experiences this wonderful planet has had to offer you, and you have still proven yourselves able to come out strong and radiate the natural Creator Light you can all feel and access, out to every aspect of your collective as you help Gaia to help Her surface reflect the vibrations She joyously exists within.


Gaia has spoken to you all previously during our communications, and we wish to relay a message from Her that absolutely everything is in order and the experience She’s personally being subjected to is nothing but pure and harmonious. She Loves each of her children and she wants you to know this, and she wants each of you to focus on rekindling the flame of your hearts so that you can better find and maintain a strong telepathic and feeling-based connection with Her.


She asks as well for you all to get out and enjoy the beautiful brimming nature She has to offer, as those of you on one side of the planet will find an early and bountiful spring that will bring you warm weather, good tidings and fruitful spiritual energy that Gaia Herself is seeing reach the surface of Her beautiful structure.


Gaia personally has been overseeing much of the energy we give down to you, and She has always examined every last bit of energy expressed through and on Her planetary structure. She has guided us along our mission of increasing the purity of energies sustaining your reality with each time these energies are sent down for you dear souls to absorb, as Gaia personally has had much experience with energy work in the past and has performed a plethora of blessings and Lighted rituals in Her past experiences.


We as well have learned much about the nature of energy work and this is knowledge we wish to impart unto you dear souls; if of course, you wish to hear about it. We feel that you will wish to in the time ahead and we can already feel and appreciate the willingness in so many of you to begin learning about such things in any ways that you can, in this continual transition phase before the real work to clean and repair Gaia is underway.


You will continue to be reminded that your work is just beginning and to those of you who feel as if you cannot get active in exposing and working to change the way your world has functioned for so very long, we say that you possess so much more power within than you would be led to believe and this cannot be expressed enough, and we wish to continue to express it until it is fully realized and understood.


This is so with a plethora of issues because as you dear souls will realize, much of what you are learning comes in the form of continual lessons that revolve around the same general concept that we and your guides wish for you to begin to grasp and understand.


One of the things we wish for you dear souls to know and that we will continue to repeat, is that the darkness being fed on your world at present can no longer last and is itself being fed into a nearly-instant transmuter that is clearing it at its very core and in doing so, beginning to change the collective energies and frames of perception at their very core.


Miracles are not only possible; they are happening all of the time and those of you who see what has been done and continues to be done upon the surface of your Earth as well as those of you with the bleakest perspectives concerning humanity and humanity’s willingness to repair your world, will feel as if a miracle has descended down and bestowed itself unto your collective when you witness the entirety of such collective showing just as much interest as you in geopolitical matters and spiritual understandings as well.


This will be a product of the rising awareness and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you to stand strong in the pure Creator Light you can now contain yourselves within and find a pure redemption and higher dimensional rehabilitation if you feel you need to.


The Earth experience can harden even some of the most Lighted souls and it is ok to admit when the Earth experience is weighing heavily on you, and it is even better to find and feel that aforementioned access to your inner realms and use it to bring forth and restore to yourselves, your happiness. Every soul deserves to feel and Live abundant, free and happy at this time, and the future in which you will all be doing so is being pulled toward you at present with a might and ferocity that is seeing the looked-toward outcomes assured.


Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.




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Channeling and Strengthening Connections

Written by Wes Annac

As a channel, I’m beginning to be able to see how I personally receive the impressions I’m being given from the higher realms. With any one thing said that’s funneled-through an Earthly scribe, there are a plethora of ways the scribe can receive the message and the mind, while having its influence subdued, does help to interpret and translate the impressions into the scribe’s native language.

When we receive any impression, the natural instrument and translator that is our mind will find as many phrases or words as possible it is familiar with, to communicate what the souls delivering the message wish to bring forth. It is so interesting to notice the dynamic between an influentially-subdued mind and an open and receptive heart when bringing through a channeled communication.

Thinking about the manner in which the higher dimensional sources speaking to humanity come through, I find the entire process very interesting.

For the most part, I find myself away from any physical perception of the reality around me, and I simply sit and Be while another comes through and offers their impressions and advice. I can feel everything being said in a shallow sense, but I don’t quite have a comprehension of what’s being communicated through me and I’m unable to remember what’s said in a communication even right after I’m done channeling it.

At times, I have felt myself in entirely different astral locations while a communication was being brought forth. I remember that happening all of the time when I used to give readings, and it’s been happening more and more as of late.

As the sources delivering their communications to humanity have begun to speak to, we are constantly receiving energies and encoded impressions from those very sources and from our higher selves, which we can begin to decode and interpret. For some, this connection is fashioned into a commitment to delivering higher dimensional communications through themselves. For others, this connection remains more personal and is used for assistance along their personal Life paths.

I’ve begun to find an easy and clear access to the higher realms and to nearly any soul who wishes to communicate, in nearly every moment. While the beginning of the year was powerful enough on its own, the subtle and not so subtle effects of the ongoing descent of the higher realms unto our surface are certainly making themselves known.

Again; I’ve been able to establish what seems to be a very clear connection to the souls coming through me in every moment, and I’ve been able to receive specific assistance from them that has helped enormously along my path.

I’m getting the increasing feeling that each of us will begin to tap into and discover a real and lasting connection with our inner-realms that could come in the form of personal introductions to our guides and the facets of our higher selves assisting us. As we continue to open up and discover so much about ourselves that we’ve been taught to believe is illusory, we will discover that the very reality we’ve believe was real and fixed for so long is actually the illusion.

As I have, we will find our faith tested and the sheer lower dimensionality of this experience could weigh us down as it always has, but we are discovering an existence that is so much better and purer than what we’re going through currently and in so many of us, the desire has been bred to bring this future forth in any ways possible.

If my personal perspective can remain positive in every moment beyond the surfacing of negativity needing to be transmuted, I know that I can thrive in this time even more than I already feel I’ve been able to. You can too, but the flattened, negative perspectives that tend to latch onto us at times will teach us we can’t.

Our egos will try to make us think we cannot attain happiness in any given moment, but an opened heart will introduce us to so much Love and so many pure and uplifted feelings and emotions, that we will see this illusory reality for what it truly is.

More and more I’ve been receiving subtle yet noticeable impressions of places I can slightly remember myself inhabiting during past experiences. Higher dimensional places that I can barely recognize as I receive impressions of them are coming through to remind me they exist, and as I continue to discover the sheer beauty of this land around me, I am discovering as well that there are many places around here I carry strong memories of, for reasons I have not yet figured out.

In a sense, everything is opening up at present and each of us can find our expansively-opened hearts at this time and again, thrive from that connection. Of course, the drive to work work work away helping to anchor the higher realms we’re all beginning to feel is stronger than ever for me personally, and I’m finding myself wishing to be able to give or do more every day to strengthen this movement more than it has already been strengthened.

I’ve been given the idea of offering slightly-shorter messages at times for the benefit and ease of you readers, and for my own benefit and ease as well. Doing so will strengthen my personal ability to produce communications a bit more often than usual, and there is no sense keeping myself or any of you winded working upon or reading staggeringly-long messages that are intended to uplift and assist.

Of course, I still feel that drive to give as much as possible and cannot speak to how committed I will be to shortening the communications, but I’m sure that a tad less information couldn’t hurt. This connection that has strengthened so much is inviting a daily access to energies and information that are just dazzling, and my desire is to share as much by and through me as possible for anybody who resonates with it to hopefully benefit from.

So, this is where I am at this moment. Temptation to feed negativity or play-into difficulty or depletion are as strong as they ever were, but I’m finding myself able to realize when their influence is attempting to permeate my perspective and I’ve been able to learn from each lesson I undergo. Growth and awareness is being facilitated on a massive level right now and while we may experience or feed difficulty at present, we will come to find that experiencing and feeding the higher realms is much easier.

Wes Annac – Speaking from a place of growing understanding



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059small.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253-Channeled through Wes Annac-


Various stages of enlightenment follow when a soul begins to awaken and find the growth that is planned out for them to experience during their incarnation and experiences in the lower realms. You all experience various forms of enlightenment that come in various stages and for many of you, the lessons you learn are preludes to lessons that are quite similar, but are lessons which you learn in much more intense manners later on in your growth.


What we mean by this is that many of you are learning the same few lessons over and over again, in more intense ways each time and in ways that will garner you a deeper understanding of the situation and every situation that plays out in your Lives that revolve around it or has to do with it in any way.


Everything you experience in your Lives paves the way for a deeper and greater understanding, and the realizations that can be brought forth by experiencing specific things along your planned growth will garner in you, an understanding of the lessons you have set out for yourselves to undergo and transmute the energies behind.


You will find that many of the lessons you plan out for yourselves partially involve feeding an action or mindset that has been fed by the collective exponentially in the past and in your current moment, and your learning of lessons in that specific avenue will serve to transmute the collective dense energies and vibrations behind the particular matter you would be working through and transmuting.


You have all set out specific lessons to undergo and experience as you continued along a lower dimensional growth that is now increasingly paving way for the higher dimensional perspectives and understanding to be brought forth from within, where it has naturally always resided.


The individual lessons of retaining a clam and balanced center and accepting and respecting the perspectives and opinions of those around you even if they are not particularly your own, are paving the way for a collective understanding that is so very important to be garnered in each one of you, if you wish to unite and repair your world in the ways the plan is calling for.


You will all be working to help repair the condition your world is in, and your getting together and beginning to form groups centered around the restoration of your planet and the establishment of the new paradigm is highly recommended right now.


Everything you do in this moment will set the stage for the already built-upon foundation of higher dimensional understanding and realization to be brought forth within the collective. As so many of you know at this point, everything you do is aimed at assisting the collective and helping every soul on your world to find the higher states of consciousness and the accompanying prosperity that all truly deserve.


Every soul deserves the personal sovereignty, freedom and abundance that should be denied to nobody and when garnering a higher dimensional perspective and understanding, you will see that money and currency specifically is indeed a natural energy that can be worked with and attracted to oneself.


To attract the energy of abundance to oneself, one must first look at how one visualizes the very energy of currency. How do you personally see money, dearest souls?


Do you see it as a tool to get by, to continue Living, or do you see it for what it truly is – a potential energy of unity that can be expressed within your collective consciousness?


As you find yourselves able to get together and establish a new way of Living and being, a new financial system and an entirely-reworked way of exchanging the abundance all will rightfully be given will naturally be garnered, and we and your Galactic brethren will be with you to help you establish such ways of being but for the most part, apart from what has already been done and planned in regards to the planetary finances, you dear souls will be deciding just how the temporary new financial system and every other important worldly matter of concern will be established.


This is because there will be no more souls who desire to control or establish your world in a certain way. We ask you all to realize and see what is to be done on your world, as the rebuilding and repairing of it and your society will be up to you and while we know and can feel that you dear souls can absolutely do it and will do it easily, we wish for you to realize that you will truly be in charge of establishing new ways to Live by and your jobs will be anything but small.


Indeed, you will have the largest jobs that have ever been asked of any individual or collective and while you will enjoy every last bit of the jobs you will perform as you will all fulfill a specific aspect of the collective puzzle you are all a part of, the job is still big and is still there to be done and we wish to ask you not to remain idle.


Indeed, many of you are already standing up to the oppression that has attempted to establish a set way of Living that you did not and do not resonate with, and we will always applaud the efforts each of you as again, what you are doing is paving the way for the widespread change so many of you have worked with so much of yourselves to see established.


We would like for you to imagine a planet truly reflecting the actions and will of its citizens.


Your planet has, of course, reflected the vibrations of density and darkness as well as those of separation that humanity has expressed and fed for centuries, but the true will of the people; of every soul who sees the need to change the condition your world is in and of every soul who is willing to begin working with all of themselves and with everyone around them to actually begin the building of your new paradigm, is a powerful thing indeed and you are all going to see and realize the true power you possess as a collective and as individuals, and this realization will be felt in your collective vibrations.


What we mean by this is that upon viewing the world you have Created after the bulk of the work has been done and you find yourselves able to get a clear vantage point of the good you have done, you will see that what you’ve Created is nothing like the paradigm you currently exist in as you absorb this communication. You will see that what you’ve built is nothing short of a heavenly utopia that has been Created not just by your efforts and actions, but by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that have been fed into the collective conscious and unconscious of humanity.


The planetary vibrations continue in their lightening and refinement process and as so many sources have spoken to, this process will begin to be reflected in such vibrations and the actions and intents you express in any moment will strongly determine the reflections you are given, in your personal Lives and on the world stage.


So many of you are so very geared toward rebuilding your world and feeding positivity and harmony into the collective vibrations and while it’s understandable that you will experience difficulty whilst on the Earth, the feeding of negativity in each one of you can be stopped easily if the lightened perspectives that can truly be felt, can be allowed in.


The beauty of sadness has been spoken of before, and we wish you to know that sadness does not have to be a lower dimensional or dense energy. Indeed, we do not experience sadness in the higher realms as you dear souls do, but we do experience a very strong form of empathy that is bred out of our compassion and Love for every soul who is a part of our One Infinite Creator.


We experience joy ourselves when you feel joy, and we feel for you when you feel the pain, fear or sadness that are for the most part, aspects of the dimension and vibrations you exist in.


Whilst experiencing the lower vibrations, you will feel the lower emotions and tendencies that drive a lower dimensional experience and what is unique about your experience now is that you are finding the higher realms from within the lower ones, and what you have previously fed and accepted as normal is now being looked at from a perspective of understanding all that could potentially hold you back or distort the natural Light so many of you are finding within.


You can find and feel the Light now and so many of you have made your supremely-strong efforts to do so, and as your year 2013 progresses many of you will find the strides along your Life paths that will see you truly ready to integrate massively-pure amounts of higher dimensional Logos energy unto yourselves and unto the collective vibrations.


As always, dear souls, what you do and feel on the inside is done and felt on the outside because again, you are feeding into the collective consciousness.


You always have been and always will be, and in the higher realms you will find that everything that could possibly be thought of, felt or expressed is instantly known by all. Nothing can be hidden and if one would attempt to do so, they would simply be unable as every soul is aligned energetically as individual and collective facets of our Creator.


We so enjoy this harmony and this collective consciousness that is expressed and felt all throughout every ascended realm and echelon of our Creator’s magnificent structure, and we dearly wish for each of you to be able to feel this as well which is why we have been working with so much of ourselves to help your planet ascend.


While some souls may not quite see it as possible or reasonable from their vantage points, an aspect of assisting your world for us has indeed been to issue our communications to humanity, through any scribe or conduit who can become open to our presence and the validity and reality of our decision to communicate to and through humanity at this time.


Indeed, souls have channeled all throughout your Earthly history and those who are doing so now are simply picking up on latent abilities that each of you have always had, to access hidden away parts of yourselves as well as the energies of individual ascended souls and entire collectives who are sending our frequencies and energies down to the Earth for any soul to pick up on. Specifically, we meet with many of our scribes upon etheric planes that are the results of a merging between our realms and those of the Earth.


We extend our frequencies down to certain extents as we broadcast them to open instruments and conduits, and we issue our communications which are encrypted and encoded in the energies we send out to each scribe who picks upon us.


For example, our scribe is currently picking up on the overall energies of our entire collective; not just our impressions or communications. The impressions and encoded communications come within and are results of the energy being absorbed and if one absorbs or feels lower or denser energy than that of the entity they would be bringing through, they can know that they are communicating with a being of a denser consciousness and not the soul whom they would wish to connect with.


If one holds a certain predetermined opinion or belief at the time of channeling and their mind and ego are not property turned away-from as the primary source of influence and communication, than a thought form or entity who represents and mirrors that belief can be present, who is masked as the being they would pretend to be.


However, if in a potent state of open-heartedness and if realizing the ease in releasing mind or ego as the primary interpreter when channeling or performing any other tasks that involve subconscious energy work, one will be able to bring through long, pure and flowing communications from a myriad of souls and collectives who wish so very dearly for all of humanity to be able to pick up on our frequencies and our energy.


So many of you are picking up on our energies already at present and we could not encourage more, the collective awakening to us and to the higher realms in general that is occurring. All of you are finding an easy access to our energies and to so many other higher dimensional energies, and the lower entities whom have had their day in the sun as well as the cabals who have served under them can no longer last or be prevalent on your world, lest they wish to be transmuted and enlisted to assist in the ascension of your Earth, as so many souls are now jumping ship and doing.


We mean this for the cabals and the lower astral entities who are realizing that the time for the Light to become the primary influence upon your world has come.


So many souls who have been a part of dark forces and efforts are now realizing that a true fulfillment and happiness can come from serving the Light rather than serving the fading energies and souls representing the old paradigm, and souls whom you would not expect who were previously apart of the cabals and were even known as key cabal figures are in the process of changing over to the side of the Light and helping assist your planet rather than hold you all back, and this has in part resulted from the containment efforts of the cabal heads that has been ongoing.


Beyond the methods in which the cabal heads have begun to have their perspectives shifted toward those of the Light, souls you would not expect will step to the forefront and offer the perspectives they have garnered and the assistance they could’ve offered if they had not been working actively against humanity.


When this happens, the forgiveness lesson that you as a collective are meant to undergo will be pushed to the forefront of your collective perspective, and you will be tasked with hearing about all that the cabals have done and with forgiving them for such actions, rather than resorting to violence or any other energies of the old paradigm.


Indeed dear souls, the cabals will not be “burned at the stake” or suffer any other type of fate, as we anticipate the collective of humanity coming together and offering forgiveness to the souls who have thought themselves able to control your world when events playing out at present and the energies driving them are showing such souls that they were not correct in this avenue.


Violence, rage and contempt will only feed the paradigm the cabals have wished you to remain entrapped within and while many of them do indeed have karmic lessons and plentiful lower dimensional Lives they will have to undergo, your forgiveness will assist in not only their soul growth exponentially but in yours as well.


This is because, again, the lesson of forgiveness will be an important one for the collective to undergo, as you have remained separated from each other and the energies and mindsets of vengeance have driven a further wedge between so many of you, and forgiveness will mend such separation and the negativity it has caused. Forgiveness and Love for every soul on your world, no matter the extent of the role they have played, will be essential and this is why we ask you dear souls to realize that every soul who is a part of your collective, is just that.


You cannot function if divided, and this is why your sheer realization of your unity is so very important. Division and separation have proven only to hold your collective back, and it is so wonderful to see the lightening of the hearts of each one of you and the resulting realization of your unity and the need for your collective to come together in the strong manner you now are.


While for some it would seem as if events manifesting on your world only continue to reflect darkness and density, we say that much like the belief that nothing is happening spiritually or in an ascension-related manner at this time; nothing could be farther from the truth and this truth will indeed be realized and felt by each of you. Nothing could be farther from the truth because of the nature to which the lightening energies are settling upon and making themselves known within, your collective consciousness.


We ask, as many others have, for you all to gear your vibrations completely toward positivity and toward the harmonious new future you wish to see come about, for we can feel your vibrations and the accompanying wish for you to be able to see and notice a real and concrete change or a sign of such change.


What you are beginning to be able to feel and access within will far exceed any expectations you have.


While many of you are awaiting disclosure, a new financial system and a plethora of other things to happen in your physical reality that will reflect the strides humanity and the Lightworker collective are beginning to make, we say that those prevalent inner-feelings and higher dimensional emotions and heart sets you can now access will introduce you to ascended perspectives, ways of being and inner-held landscapes that you can access and feel the higher vibrations from.


This access is crucial for you each to gain, because with it comes the validations and the inner-proof that you have been looking for. If you look at your history, both recent and ancient, you will see that there have indeed been souls in every time period who found an unhindered access to their inner-realms and to the streaming energies of our Creator.


Such souls have taken to enlightening others around them, and the message of the higher realms has been spread in nearly every time period in your history. Some of you may be wondering why the truths of the higher realms have still not broken through or been fully realized in the collective consciousness in the manners we have been discussing and with this, we return to the discussion of the truths and concepts of the higher realms finally beginning to pervade the collective consciousness of your world in strong and real ways that every soul on Earth will find an enlightened perception of.


This is not to say that the core and solidified beliefs of those around you will change as the perspectives gradually become lighter; rather, the negativity, hatred and separation that has been expressed and that so many of you see the clear need to put an end to, will gradually and at times, rapidly lighten as you all find the unity and harmony between each other and within yourselves that you know to drive your unfolding higher dimensional experience.


At the beginning of your New Year and after the 21st of December, plenty of sources in the higher realms expressed that there is much positivity and many loosened, refined vibrations awaiting you and awaiting your realization of their presence within you, and this is because we could and can see the rising level of energy on your planet and the beneficial effect they are having; not just upon you dear Lightworkers and incarnate starseeds, but upon the entirety of your collective.


This change will indeed become apparent and will be reflected within your outer reality, and the increased public outrage over world events that would have previously held no significance in the minds and hearts of the unawakened public are now being seen in a clear and understanding light, and your world is realizing that they can no longer turn a blind eye to the injustice occurring on your world in every single moment.


Within the overall “New Age” movement, in a select few souls the hope has been bred that we Ascended Masters, the Galactics or another assisting source would be able to make all of the problems of the Earth disappear, and while we will be and are here with you to offer our lightened energies for you to absorb and as well, to offer assistance and guidance along your paths; we are playing the role of encouragers at present and while doing so we are also seeing to a plethora of other matters related to the long looked-toward disclosures and giving of abundance to your world.


While we do not wish to promote a mindset of looking toward us or any other facet of the Light Forces except yourselves as saviors or sole bringers of abundance to your world, we have indeed been working with much of ourselves on securing funds that will first be going out to poorer countries who are experiencing lack and difficulty in much more intense manners than the souls of the more developed countries.


There are very few countries on your world that are not influenced by the cabals in some way, but the will of our Divine Creator as expressed through us and every other facet of the Light Forces is seeing to it that events in your outer reality are able to perfectly reflect the inner vibrations you’re being given.


Everything that manifests on your world has an energetic counterpart to it’s very manifestation, and as we work on delivering abundance to your world and to areas of your world who need it the most, we ask you all to aim your blessings and Lighted energies toward every country and area of your world that you know to be experiencing hunger, poverty and a plethora of other unacceptable Living conditions.


Universal Law is meant to protect these souls, but the freewill of the collective of humanity has allowed you to turn your heads away from a very large percentage of your Earth collective, and the souls who are a part of this percentage have been forced into poverty at the hands of a greedy few who’ve served to gain, financially and energetically, from the poverty and destruction.


We have long stepped into the picture and offered our energies and efforts toward delivering the abundance to these countries that they truly deserve, and you dearest Lightworkers can aide tremendously in our efforts by yourselves radiating your Lighted vibrations and attaching a specific energy of abundance to them, while sending them to areas of your world rife with poverty and difficulty.


You can truly aide us so very much by doing this, and we ask you to do so with Love in our One Heart and with an understanding of your understanding of the need for poverty and widespread difficulty to come to an end on your world.


This is a very strong aspect of the new paradigm and new way of Living and being so many of you wish to initiate for yourselves at this time, is it not? As always, we will continue to be with you to offer the guidance and support that we are meant to offer you at this time.


While you are indeed meant to open up to your inner realms and discover the flowing energies and communications from the higher realms, absorbing our communications is not entirely necessary for your personal growth and inner development but finding and fashioning that ever-important inner connection with us will see you given much assistance along your paths and especially, with difficulties and pains that arise in your Lives and teach you to view everything occurring through a negative or “flattened” lense.


The victim mentality has been employed in many souls and as we make our final impressions for this communication and express joy and appreciation to each of you who are absorbing it, we remind you that the fading mentalities and mechanisms driving your equally-fading lower dimensional experience are small stage props in a grand play that you are running and experiencing in every moment.


What will happen next in this glorious chapter of your Earthly Lives, dearest souls? Only you can decide this, and only you will.


Go in peace, dear souls –we will speak with you again with the same Love in our hearts that we always wish to offer. You will begin feeling such Love in much stronger ways yourselves, and anchoring and radiating the vibrations we wish to have imparted upon our communications and upon each of you absorbing them.


Thank you to the Ascended Masters.




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Feeling the Results of Motivated Faith - 2/20/13

416-small.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253Written by Wes Annac


I’m being led to give a quick update as while I do find myself a tad tired at the moment, the energies of the night are swirling around me and inviting a lightened and opened perspective that make me want to share how I am feeling . Personally, I’m feeling in this moment that the higher dimensional energies are unlocking truly unlimited and positive perspectives in us and that the unwavering faith of many of us is already beginning to pay off.


Please, take some time for yourself to detach from the third dimensional drama and maelstrom to feel these wonderful energies if you haven’t yet.


You’re strongly advised to allow these energies to come through and help you feel positive and happy, even when situations in your Life do not call for it. While we have been and will continue to be experiencing difficulty along our paths that will attempt to take us away from our natural center, these very energies so many of us are finding within help us to see that everything we’re working toward is real and worth the difficulty.


Personally, I haven’t had very many real crises of faith and the ones I’ve had have been answered-to as I was shown that in many cases, it was my own inner-held and unsurfaced doubt of the higher realms and everything happening at present that garnered a strong wish for proof and validation. I’m so secure in my knowing and feeling that this is all real that truly nothing can take me away from my focus and goal, and with that realization comes an easier and more enjoyable experience of Life.


We will begin to learn not to expect so much out of our Lives; not because we aren’t meant to enjoy them, but because our Lives and the situation we find ourselves in at this very moment is already perfect. Yes, parts of ourselves will attempt to arise and convince us that we are not exactly where we need to be in any given moment, for our soul growth and that of the collective, and this is because our ego thrives on the fear that we are not in the right place in any given moment.


Ego loves for us to feel insecure in our beliefs, for in feeling so we tend to feel insecure with ourselves. No matter the specifics of your beliefs, as long as you can find and maintain a connection to your inner realms and to an understanding of how your fellow man is supposed to be treated, you will be well along your path to realizing greater states of consciousness.


While we are Creating change in every moment, we are also coming along for the ride and based on how things are happening at this point, it seems that this ride will be interesting indeed. While tiresome, this experience continues to prove interesting and amazing and personally, I remain as excited as ever to see where events lead us on the world stage.


From what we’re being told and from what many of us are discovering within, as long as we can find and retain positivity within ourselves we will be able to soar through these challenging times. I choose to remain positive no matter what transpires, and at the end of a long or difficult day I lay my head to rest with the satisfaction that at the very least, I did what I could that day to anchor the new paradigm.


Some days I will have done more than other days, and this may be true for you as well but as long as we retain positivity and remain dedicated to the mission many of us have recognized we are on, we won’t have any major problems. Quite the opposite; we will find our experiences becoming easier and easier and the frustration and general angst some of us tend to feel that has always been temporary, will fade away and leave us for good.


Wes Annac – Happily growing, learning and evolving




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059small.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253Written by Wes Annac


For those of you who follow channeled messages, I would strongly advise listening to what the bulk of channels are saying currently. We’re being told by so many different sources that the hardest of the work we’ve set out for ourselves to do has been done, and we now face a world needing repair that we the sovereign humanity will, of course, be repairing.


I wanted to give a bit of a personal update given my longer-than-usual absense, and I should say that I, like many of you possibly, am in the midst of a difficult cleansing process that tends to take up a lot of my energy. I’m also recognizing the expanded facets of my role and what they require of me, and being led to spend most of my time in department stores yesterday so that I could transmute the collective dense energy in each store (which make no mistake, certainly takes its toll) has garnered a temporary depletion.


I also experienced a rather unsettling event on the night of Valentine’s Day (or Nova Earth Day) that manifested in the form of being stopped by a police officer as I was walking to the back door of my house at about 10 PM. The “peace officer” who was in a car with three or four others, one with a dog, grabbed me as if he was going to apprehend me for having done nothing, simply asked me a few questions about a perp in the area they were pursuing (while still holding my arm), and left.


The whole event was rather strange, and it along with a few other purely-bizzare things that have happened which are apparently results of the continually-intensifying energies, have garnered a drained and partially-confused feeling in me. (I personally possess the opinion that the cops didn’t know what they we’re doing – they “apprehended” our neighbor after that! The phrase “bumbling” comes to mind…)


I’m learning that while negativity is fading at this time, it’s keeping it’s grip and coming to and through us very, very easily if we allow it to. It can be hard for some of us not to feel negative when circumstances in our Lives seem to call for it, but the most prominent of channels who seem to agree on events playing-out at present are also encouraging us to keep to our positivity and resolve, even when things happening don’t seem to allow for or reward it.


I’m learning as well that sometimes, we are just going to experience strange or even unsettling things, some of which could continue to effect us and drain us of our positivity until we recognize a forming vasana and rightly put an end to its influence over us. Upon concluding and posting this personal update I will be taking the day for reflection, noticing the fact that very strange happenings as well as incredibly-positive happenings have played-out before me this past week.


I’m finding it much easier to return to a positive and Loving center. Things that would otherwise affect me strongly are not bothering me as much, most of the time. I know that if I were to meditate right now and really put my focus into feeling some blissful states of consciousness, I could be able to. So generally, things are positive and it is our ego who will always attempt to convince us otherwise.


Currently, I’m also in the midst of another writing project that could possibly turn out to be a doozy. I am working away as well at a couple of messages to eventually have posted, and I don’t want you dear readers to take my absense these past couple of days as a sign that depletion and difficulty is “getting to me” or anything of the sort. It’s all a part of the process and I can feel it will all have been highly worth the new paradigm we will have established.


I’ll ask you all to try to remain centered and positive in the face of, well, the Earth experience. Trust me – negativity, while fading, can be turned up to extreme extents if we allow it to be, while the positivity we have always been meant to find and feel will also intensify with each bit of our attention and focus we give it.


Wes Annac – Happily-exhausted while preparing for the next phases of the mission.




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Nova-Earth-298721.jpg?width=259Written by Wes Annac


The day that’s been looked toward as Nova Earth Day, the day that One Billion will Rise and a few other things has turned out to be quite harmonious for me. It was also Valentine’s Day, so I thought it prudent to spend some time with my dear fiancé and our child. We ended up traveling to a familiar and favorite spot on the Mississippi river, near my hometown and near a canal that leads to two bridges.


I had discovered this place at around the beginning of winter 2012 and long ago (and not so long ago) I can remember having dreams about it and feeling myself in an area that was very similar and representative of this place. I personally feel these were prophetic dreams (which I’m finding myself increasingly able to pick up on) letting me know that I was soon to find a beautiful place out in nature that is secluded enough to be peaceful, yet vast enough to explore.


While my fiancé flew a kite with my child, I did just that. I walked all the way down past the large rocks that sit on this particular part of the river, and found an opening to walk down that led to a tucked-away little paradise. How could I best describe this place?


There were two levels of land that one could jump down to, and on the first level sat a fallen tree to sit on and view the beautiful river from. It was very muddy and slippery, but one could also jump down to the second level and sit on either a rock or yet another fallen tree and be closer to the sounds and whooshes of the river. Needless to say, it was much windier and colder on the lower level but it was still so wonderful to be there.


I used to think that there was no beautiful or awe-inspiring nature in this area, as I once thought that everything here was boring and far away from the rest of progressive society. What I hadn’t realized is that this area and plenty of others all across this world just like it contain some of the most beautiful and blissful nature and the most harmonious of vibrations that one can access, and I’m just beginning to discover all the places around here that give forth those very vibrations.


By making the effort to seek, to explore and discover new things, in many cases stepping out of my ordained comfort zone to do so – I have found the most wonderful of rewards and I have rekindled a relationship with the area around me and with the sentient and strong Gaia we both exist on.


My personal spirituality and ability to pick up on clear and pure vibrations has strengthened since discovering all of the places around here that I didn’t even know existed, and I owe the clarity and purity in which I am able to Live my Life to my personal quest for knowledge, answers and most important of all, anything and everything that will breed or feed the Love within that we can all feel and faintly remember.


This sentiment obviously parallels with our inner-travels. Some of us could be more comfortable sitting on the proverbial beach of our inner discovery, waiting to get in the water for fears that it is too cold or the experience will be too overwhelming. Perhaps some of us rely slightly on written or channeled sources to splash the water in our face a bit and prepare us for our dive into the water – but we are now asked to faithfully and, if we can, willingly, take that dive and discover everything that every opened up soul on our world and in realms far beyond the physical, have themselves discovered.


Even if we are wary about taking that dive and relying solely on our inner-realms and the experiences we can begin to have when tapping into such realms, from personal experience I can say that we will reap wonderful rewards for our efforts; if for no other reason, than for the large burden of density that can be lifted from one’s shoulders when they realize that with their own personal strength and power on their side, their experience of Life becomes much easier and indeed, more enjoyable.


However you find yourself a part of the general awakening occurring at present, you are tasked with fashioning the inner-connection that will see each of us whole beings who are able to express our infinity and power in a widespread and strong manner. It’s been spoken-to before that we must individually awaken if we have any chance of collectively coming together and establishing the new paradigm. So, what are we waiting for?


We will see upon unlocking and fashioning that strong inner-connection to our personal realms, that negativity and any form negativity comes in is a fading aspect of an illusory reality that we are helping bring to an end with our very garnering of personal enlightenment. We will see that we are all awakening souls, and the level of harmony and unity we will feel with our fellow humans who will themselves have found similar perspectives as us will grow enormously.


We are taking the first big steps now. We have been building ourselves up and laying a foundation of Light and awareness that we will now see evolve into a collective rebuilding of this world. The more we get active in raising awareness and the more we seek within to find that personal inner-wholeness and harmony that sees us able to rely on ourselves and our inner-realms for both the establishment of a new paradigm and our personal ascension, the more we will anchor the higher realms we have naturally come to this Earth from, to play the roles we are playing now.


Personally, I’m excited to see where our collective awareness and the resulting actions lead us.


One of the most exciting things about this time we’re in is that so many large groups are motivated to finally push forth and have real change enacted, and absolutely nothing can stop our momentum. Sure, we are a diverse overall collective with different beliefs and opinions about the things pertaining to our New Age, but if we allow ourselves to bicker and fight about those differences than we will only be feeding the old paradigm and obviously, we are done with that paradigm and we’re ready to see it off!


Harmony and acceptance of others will be crucial and again, a personal garnering of inner-wholeness and peace will see us each able to accept each other easily and with open arms. Our collective unity can only grow from here on out, and I’m more than jubilant to begin the next phase of the missions of each of us.


Oh yes, one last note before saying my goodbyes – during my happy quest to get as close to the shoreline of the river as I could, I was given a wonderful little sighting of a cloudy-orb type of ship. It slowly floated across the sky for a few minutes, enjoying my enjoyment of its presence and the interesting thing about this sighting was that, like many others, I had telepathically asked to receive a sighting before it happened.


In my honest opinion, this is just the beginning of everything!


Wes Annac – Energetically-inspired on Nova Earth Day.




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we-are-not-alone-11.jpg?w=326&h=299&width=217Picture: Thanks to Konstantinos


Wes Annac: Hello and salutations on this energetic night, dear friends.


The Pleiadian High Council: Greetings to you, and to all who will be absorbing this message at a later time. We are so happy to be able to be with you souls in this format and assist along your processes.


Wes: Many thanks, dear friends. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of clouds that look an awful lot like ships. Having been able to see your ships at night, I’m wondering if what I’m seeing is genuinely you or if I am allowing my discernment to fall by the wayside a bit.


PHC: You are seeing us in many forms dearest Wesley, some of which you truly would not expect. Yes, as we have discussed before our ships are able to cloak themselves and appear as clouds and even planes. There are a plethora of ways we are stationed in your skies and needless to say, when the collective vibrations and mindsets concerning us are lightened a bit and humanity finds a greater acceptance of us, our technology and the assistance we wish to give, we will be able to be with you all and make ourselves and the wonders our craft are able to perform, known.


Wes: Thank you, dear friends. So have I been seeing your ships cloaked as clouds?


PHC: You have seen us on many occasions dearest Wesley, yes. We have been before you in a great many ways; again, some of which you would not expect.


Wes: I see. So is there a discernible difference between your ships cloaked as clouds and regular clouds?


PHC: There are slight differences, but we must maintain a cloudlike image for the very purpose of remaining cloaked. At times we will decrease the extent to which our craft look like clouds, if we wish to make a personal appearance of sorts. For you dearest Wesley and many others, we have allowed ourselves to be momentarily “exposed” by minimizing certain cloaking features aboard our craft.


Wes: Ah, I see. So is there anything I should look for?


PHC: Look for the bulbous clouds; the ones that “stick out” the most and the ones that really seem as if there is a special or unique energy to them. Do not ignore the promptings or impressions your heart is giving you, as your intuition carries the understanding of the signals and messages we will give you within, if we plan to make ourselves known to you.


Seek within, dearest souls, for the promptings that what you are witnessing may be out of the ordinary or may not be an aspect of your natural, outward realities as while we are temporarily shielding ourselves to look like an average cloud, airplane or anything else you would expect to see in your ordinary Lives; our very presence and the very energies you’re beginning to feel within should suggest that things on your world are not what they have seemed.


Wes: Many thanks for the explanation, dear friends. I’m wondering now if you have any advice for anybody who would wish to connect with you.


PHC: We will be happy to offer our advice, and we should preface it by saying that our presence and assistance is here for each one of you to tap into, but we are only a few out of a myriad of collectives and beings whom you can contact and communicate with, the most important of which being your higher selves.


We encourage every soul who wishes to connect with us to first find and feel an open connection to the heart, which is indeed more important to first open than the third eye. It is so very important for the heart to be opened for when opening up your hearts, you will learn to access and feel so much more than our energies or the energies of ascended beings in general. You will feel and open up to your own supreme connection with Source and with your higher selves.


Upon finding a connection with your higher selves, you will be offered energetic perspectives and the perspectives of fragments of your Selves who are helping you personally to ascend. For those of you who feel as if a strong and solid telepathic connection with us is prudent and necessary for your personal growth, we would like to offer a few tips as well.


An important tip is to affirm that only beings of the purest intention and consciousness be with you, because there are still the few influential negative beings who pretend to be us and masquerade under the labels we have given you dear souls to recognize us as, and spread misinformation and energies that you know are not in alignment with the energies you have long began to recognize and feel from (higher dimensional) communications.


It is important for the souls who wish to connect with us to seek and feel as much positivity in any given moment as possible, while allowing their needed surfacings to continue as well which can include letting negativity in, in a manner that surfaces and transmutes the very influence of such negativity as you grow and learn further along your paths.


There are so very many souls simply waiting beyond the fore of your conscious perception for you all to access our energies and begin to communicate with us, and even the idea of communication with us being sewn into the minds and hearts of so many awakening souls who latch onto such an idea will attract our vibrations toward every one of you who wish to find such a connection with us.


Every soul who has absorbed our communications and wished to communicate with us personally have attracted us to themselves, providing their vibrations are not too low and the vibrations of each of you have been sufficiently high for us to be able to connect with you; it is simply that you have allowed yourselves to feel as if a connection with us is difficult or unattainable when in fact, connecting and chatting with us is easier than ever as your minds and hearts continue to expand exponentially.


This would be the next step for you dear souls to find a connection with us – finding and transcending the aspects of mind and ego that would teach you that a connection with us cannot be attained. We are with each one of you always and our vibrations can be felt in any given moment, and an opened heart will see you easily able to find a connection with us and to know that you have found that connection.


Trust the intuitive and the telepathic guidance, as well as the outward synchronicities you will begin to be given as you open up increasingly to the very idea of being able to maintain a constant telepathic and feeling-based connection with us. The more you open yourselves up to the very idea of contacting us, the more we will be able to come through you as you realize your infinite and unlimited nature as spiritual beings undergoing a human experience.


Wes: Thank you for that wonderful explanation, dear friends. It is much appreciated.


PHC: Thank you for your calm and patience in allowing us to speak, dear Wesley.


Wes: It is truly my honor. I guess my next question would be similar to one I’ve already posed. Upon finding and maintaining that inner-connection, is there anything we could use to specifically identify you and your energies?


PHC: One of the ways in which we specifically will come to you dear souls and let you know it is us coming to you is the label(s) we will send down, that your openness and connection to your intuitive side will aid you in being able to attune to and receive. For example, dearest Wesley; we first came to you under a general label that you would be able to recognize and accept. We came to you with the general label representing the overall Galactic Organization we are a part of, and as you opened up more we were able to bring a more specific label through to let you know who we are.


The Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians use similar procedures as us to let their respective scribes and the Earthly souls who become open to them, know that it is them and not an aspect of the higher self of the soul attuning to their energies and finding a communication with them.


As the dearest Hathors have told you before, there is much work done in the realms beyond your conscious perception to help you better understand and be able to absorb the information you are being given from channeled sources; one aspect of that information being the label we represent ourselves as. You can also feel specific energies that are unique to us, and each race of the Galactic Federation is represented with our own specific energy as well as our own specific label, while still recognizing the interconnected and united nature of each one of us.


Wes: What about your energy will we specifically be able to feel?


PHC: The specifics of our energy will, in many cases, be attached to the label we represent ourselves as. For instance; when you wish to communicate with us you will request our specific label and the energies behind it.


If you wish to communicate with another individual or collective, you will request their specific energies (partially) in the thought-form of their specific label. Your heart will connect with their and our energies while working with the general label and the request such label is attached to that is put forth, and as we are awaiting a connection with any soul who becomes open to our energies, we happily await the connection to be established so that we can begin communicating.


In essence, you will recognize our specific energies by our labels and as well by the perspectives that we give. Some of us ascended souls have energetic perspectives, while others have perspectives of commenting on contemporary matters occurring on your world at present. In many cases, the unique beliefs of each scribe can help determine the ascended being (and their energy) one connects with.


Wes: I see. So we are attracted to ascended souls of a similar energy and perspective?


PHC: Like attracts like, dear Wesley and while you are able to connect with an unlimited amount of souls with a diverse and wide range of perspectives, the souls you connect with can in many cases be ascended souls with perspectives similar to yours but of course, this is not the only reason you would be connected with them.


Sharing similarities in beliefs on a mental level is not a sole determiner of connection, but many of you are indeed attracted to ascended souls of a similar perspective and in many cases, this is because you are aligned on an energetic and spiritual level with the ascended souls you are connecting with.


Even while not being aspects of your higher self, many of you dear souls can connect with ascended beings who are very close to you and who have been helping you along your growth, which has been ongoing for generations and Lifetimes. You are of course close with every soul in the higher realms, but we speak of souls you have surrounded yourselves with before making your ways to the Earth, but who were not directly a part of your “soul family” of aspects of your overall higher self.


Wes: I understand friends, thank you. Recently I have been able to connect with two souls who tell me they are a part of your High Council and Council of Nine. Are these souls genuinely with you and if so, may I communicate with them?


PHC: These souls are indeed a part of our Councils, and have simply been waiting to chat with you, dearest Wesley. Shall we put them on the line?


Wes: On the line? I so enjoy your sense of humor! Yes, you may put them on.


Shima/Sherma: With Loving and warm greetings, I am Shima of the Pleiadian High Council and the Pleiadian Council of Nine. With me as well are our Councils, as well as my dearest counterpart, Sherma.


Wes: Hello to you Shima, and thank you for communicating with me at this time.


Shima/Sherma: Our connection has been rekindled for a reason! You and so many others will begin to find a very clear and steady access to the energies and communications of each one of us who truly have been waiting to find a clear line of connection to humanity and to your energies.


Your collective vibrations had previously become rife with the separation and hatred that you all know will only hold you back, and our communications and the very reason we attempt to contact any Earth soul who will become open to us revolves around helping those very collective energies begin to become transmuted and expressed as the pure Source energies all of Creation are truly meant to feel.


Wes: Wonderful! Now, I recently found a connection with you and received a very clear label of your name. Shortly after, I received a very intense and blatant image of an almost Swedish-looking Pleiadian female with short, blond hair. From what I understand and have received, this soul is known as Sherma?


Shima/Sherma: Indeed, this soul is my twin flame and again, is speaking with you all now in the form of our melded-together energies.


Wes: So you both are speaking with me right now?


Sherma/Shima: Indeed dearest souls, and this is now Sherma who has stepped to the forefront of the collective energies to be able to chat with you. My energies have long been a part of the communications coming through you, dearest Wesley, as have Shima’s and a plethora of other Pleiadian souls who you have indeed reconnected with numerous times in your dreamscape, but who you are just beginning to remember and re-realize exist.


Wes: I see. Thank you so much Sherma! Would you like to comment further on the nature to which you’ll be contacting opened-up humans? Because, again, you appeared before me very brazenly and the whole experience was intensely wonderful.


Sherma/Shima: We are able to make personal contacts within the minds and hearts of any soul who begins to become open to our energies, but we must still be careful not to overwhelm because we have so very much to show you and we want you dear souls to feel comfortable with our presence all around you and within.


Even still, matters on your world must begin to pick and we are helping to initiate this pick-up by beginning to make personal contacts with members of our Ground Crew who again, can become open to receiving impressions of our presence around them without feeling overwhelmed or as if what they are experiencing is too much.


Dearest souls, there is so much beauty and intense higher dimensional joy and wonder for you to experience, and we Pleiadians are with you to help you find and feel this in yourselves again. We have been and are very close with the Earth and as such, we have a perspective of seeing Gaia’s true beauty; a beauty that goes unnoticed and unrecognized by too many Earth humans at present. We are here for you and with you, to help you realize Gaia’s outer beauty and your inner beauty as vastly powerful and Lighted spiritual beings.


Wes: You are so poetic, Sherma, and your words flow through with such grace. Thank you so much.


Sherma/Shima: You are able to receive my impressions and those of SanJAsKa, Shima and Mariara because you are close with us in spirit, dearest Wesley. We are very close to you and to many other Ground Crew members who are stationed on your Earth, and you can all begin to open up to a plethora of different souls who are happy to extend their warmth and greetings to each one of you, as well as to give you general guidance and advice along your ascension paths.


Wes: Do you and Shima have any specific advice for us all?


Sherma/Shima: What you should remember Wesley, is that it is not solely I or Shima speaking to you. We are speaking with the melded-together energies of each of our Councils, including our General Council and with that in mind, we would absolutely Love to offer you dear souls some advice and guidance.


We see much of humanity still caught up in the old ways of being and doing, and this goes as well for many dear Lightworkers who find yourselves struggling at times as you perceive yourselves as grappling with an outdated way of being, of Living.


This is so dearest souls, and we want you to know that as the higher realms and the very concepts and mindsets that drive them are as well here with you in stronger ways than ever before, you can truly put an end to your feeding of every aspect of the old paradigm as it and the mechanisms that drive it will continue to attempt to re-shift your focus and perspective back to it when so many of you are clearly ready to embrace a new way.


We speak of a way that recognizes the One Heart and the sovereignty of humanity which of course, is ordained by our Creator and can never be permanently taken away.


Beyond recognizing and putting an end to any feeding of the old paradigm that even the Lightworker public finds themselves contributing to, it is important as well for you dear souls not to let yourselves constantly search for answers or validations.


At times, the best searching can be done within the heart space and from a calm and clear mind. Yes, there is so very much indeed for you dear souls to learn, know and feel but for now, it is important to let yourselves attune to your new realities and to do this, you must let your temples and minds clear out for a small time so that the influence of the chattering mind does not overwhelm one and keep one from finding a clear, higher dimensional experience.


Outer stimulants and things that have worked for humanity for a long time are indeed a part of the old paradigm, and those of you who have used Earthly things to form a bridge between the new and old world are in many cases, still sitting on that bridge as you continue to employ the use of external things.


On one side of this bridge, you see the old world churning on as usual with the same old energies and collective frames of perception. On the other side you see a beautiful, brimming pre-Galactic landscape and you see as well that you are able to work upon this landscape and radiate its vibrations throughout yourselves.


So, this is what we would offer in the area of finding a further higher dimensional experience. Simply sit and Be, and know that your New Earth is here and you now have the full ability to access it without any outer Earthly things helping you to do so. Your inner realms are called “inner realms” for a reason, dearest souls, and they can only be attained within.


Wes: Wow! Thank you so much Shima and Sherma, that explanation was perfect. I would like to bring the focus back to Shima specifically for a moment, and I do know that you are speaking to me collectively. When I received impressions of you Shima, you seemed to be an older man with white hair and a white beard and yet, we’ve heard that age is not as much of a factor in your realms. Care to comment?


Shima/Sherma: Age is indeed not as much of a factor when inhabiting a fifth dimensional Crystalline body, but age is still necessary in a body and when this body becomes too used-up for me personally, I will either take to a different fifth dimensional body or return to the spirit energy we all truly are within.


Also, dearest soul – you were seeing a representation of me so that my very presence would not overwhelm you too much and yes, I am more of an “elder” soul than many others whom you have spoken to recently but I should let you know that my hair is not white or even grey; it is shining and colored with the pure energy of Source and since you would not quite yet be able to perceive of me with the rainbow vibrations continually flowing all around me and expressing themselves through me, I chose an appearance that would best sit with you and that best communicates my features and what I look like.


Wes: Well thanks, dear friend. I’m happy to get that out of the way. I quite enjoyed speaking with both of you and before wrapping this up, I’ll turn the temple over to the rest of the High Council to speak uninterrupted for a while.


PHC: You have our full appreciation always, dearest soul. We see that much of humanity is still following along the same lines and tracks you have long set out for yourselves to follow and we see as well, the few strong Lighted souls who are breaking the matrix and finding a genuine awakening that is teaching them that the daily current of Life as experienced on your world today has held a great many Earth souls back.


Humanity has allowed yourselves to be held back by accepting the limitations that were bestowed upon you and by accepting that you were finite beings who could not collectively come together and make the change you know to be necessary to have enacted at this time.


We see many souls in many countries that have been put down, beginning to recognize their power as a collective body and beginning to stand up to the interests whom would only keep them down for personal profit and gain. We see you, the sovereign collective of humanity, beginning to rise up and proclaim your independence in some areas of your world while in others, complacency and uncaring still cloud and fog the minds and hearts of many souls.


Humanity has been kept distracted in the considerably-more progressive areas of your world, from realizing the change that needs to be enacted and the positivity that is essential to be spread if you dear souls wish to move into the future so many of you have looked and worked toward for so very long.


We do not wish for your future to seem bleak or anything of the sort as indeed, it is not.


You are all beginning to find personal and individual awakenings and while it will take some time for the awakenings of others to become apparent, the awakenings occurring in bold and blatant ways are working on the perspectives of the souls experiencing them and the need to find inner-peace and wholeness is being joined by a realization of the need to repair your world and restore Her to Her pristine fifth dimensional condition.


Unawareness will no longer breed complacency or uncaring and in fact, the unawareness itself that has spread and been aided by sheer collective distraction will find its very influence and feedings come to an end, as well every last bit of darkness and density that has held you back exponentially up until this point.


Oh yes, you all have so much good to look forward to – so much advanced technology to receive and learn how to build easily yourselves; so much restoration and repair to do to dearest Gaia and with every bit of it, we will be by your side. We will not be directing your ventures and missions, but helping you learn to use the advanced technology that will help you with your restoration work and will as well, help teach you to do the tasks our technology does ourselves without having to utilize it.


Our technology is indeed a luxury, and we have learned to do much of what it does. We simply use them for fun as indeed, you will find that fun is one of the strongest pervading aspects of the higher realms.


We Love you all so very much, and that simply cannot be overstated. The personal contacts many souls have had with us throughout your history will begin to pick up as your Military Industrial Complex finds less of an ease in targeting our ships, and the ships we have cloaked in your skies that are helping neutralize missiles and other weapons of mass warfare will be with you as well, as you realize that such things exist.


We certainly do exist and while our existence and presence around your world has been suppressed, this has not stopped us from contacting you or you from realizing a connection with us. As you all know by this point, it can simply be no other way.


Wes: Thank you so much to the Pleiadian High Council, to SanJAsKa for being their conduit, and to Shima and Sherma – two new Pleiadian friends whom I’m overjoyed to connect with.


PHC: Thank you, dearest Wesley, for offering your temple up as a Divine instrument for the higher realms and we souls of the higher realms to come forth.


Wes: Again, you know that it is my honor, dear friends.




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Where the Responsibility Truly Lies

416-small.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


Most people think great God will come from the sky

Take away everything, and make everybody feel high

But if you know what life is worth

You would look for yours on earth

And now you see the light

You stand up for your right” –Bob Marley


I’ve recently hit a strong and profound point of realization that I am still learning from as I face the same dense Earth I have always known, while feeling a strong inner-change. That very inner-change led me to this realization and as with many realizations and lessons we will learn, I already knew it; but not as strongly as I now do.


It’s beginning to fully sink in that we are tasked with the job of repairing this Earth. Along with this, we are tasked with seeing to it that our everyday Lives are balanced and easy, and that we are finding the personal inner-harmony and fulfillment that will see us thriving in these times. This epiphany is so strong for me because, upon realizing it, I see that in many cases I have looked toward sources other than myself to deliver happiness and abundance to me.


I’ve expected the very real Earth Allies; the Galactics; the people secretly working to dismantle the elites and bring abundance to this world to make Life better for me and for the entire planet, and I’m starting to realize that those souls can only do so much from the positions they are in. They can only do so much to help an Earth that we have allowed to fall into the condition it’s in and in a similar vein, our guides and aspects of our higher selves can only do so much to help us find the personal happiness that we all require.


Beyond the assistance we’re being given there will be no force, other than you, establishing this new paradigm. While some may see that as a bit of a blunt statement or perhaps even cold, I find great joy in reaching that realization. I find a pure joy in seeing that I’ve been allotted to be a part of the actual and real rebuilding of a world that we all know cannot continue to function the way it has been.


Sure, I could be intimidated – the job is very big and there is an even bigger collective to help see the Light who, for the most part, still seem stuck in their old ways. But the very idea of establishing a new paradigm; of standing up to tyranny and oppression; of finding a greater spirituality and understanding of the realms beyond our conscious perspective and being able to share that Universal knowledge with others – it honestly sounds like a dream come true.


To say it will be difficult is an understatement. But it is not impossible. If there is one thing we’ve learned at this point as an awakening humanity, it’s that nothing is impossible. At the same time, we cannot get anything done if we continue to remain complacent or we continue to assume another source will deliver our new world to us, as I once did.


I see now that the Galactic, Angelic and enlightened-human sources helping us to ascend and build a new paradigm are doing just that – helping. How many times have they told us this and still, I and plenty of others have looked toward them for answers to the problems facing our world because of their perspective.


I’ve allowed myself to wish for an outside intervention when we’ve been told over and over that the Galactics cannot intervene in bold ways for a myriad of reasons; one of which being that we have Created the mess our planet is in and we are now tasked with working ourselves to clean it up.


I am, of course, of the belief that we will be receiving valuable assistance from our Galactic and Angelic brethren when the planetary vibrations are more in alignment with the purer ones they exist in, but it is our job to see to it that the planet is able to host all kinds of Loving and benevolent higher dimensional beings and to do so, we must first mitigate and transmute the density that’s still manifested on this world in every moment.


So many people throughout our history have understood that it is we who must address the issues facing our world and do something about them.


I feel blessed to be able to play the role I am at this time; to spread and disseminate news and spiritual commentary while getting to communicate with enlightened entities with so much knowledge and energy to share. I recognize that I’ve grown into the position I have for a reason, and am now working from my corner of the world on anchoring and spreading as much Light and truth as possible.


For me, this comes in the form of channeling Galactic and Angelic beings. Your role may have nothing to do with channeling, or you may not even find channeling credible. That’s ok; for we all have our own piece of the puzzle to fill and as I’ve said before, one of the most important aspects of coming together will be to recognize our differences and rather than fight each other over them, celebrate them.


Beyond this, it’s clear that we have long been tasked with utilizing that natural God-given energy we all possess within to really begin getting to work and putting the pedal to the metal. We have all come to this place with our own measure of Creator Light, and nobody will force us to use such energy for good but at the same time, stalemates in our growth and progress will not be rewarded!


The very idea underlying the Law of Attraction is that what we put out, we will receive. What we reap for ourselves, we will sew. So why not get active in expressing your personal version of Light and truth to anybody who cares to hear or feel it? You’ll find that your perspective is essential; regardless of the degree of exposure or acceptance it is given. No matter what happens, you are crucial and if we can all begin to realize this, we can individually and collectively get active and further bring forth our new world.


For some, talk of establishing a new world or a new paradigm may be beginning to sound repetitive or cliché. Get used to it, because there is much more talk and organization to come as humanity is just beginning to find the widespread Light and inspiration that a few throughout our history have been able to tap into. Again; I’m personally realizing more and more in every moment that my situation and that of the collective is nobody’s responsibility but my own and as such, I’m feeling the strong impetus to take action.


No benevolent cosmic forces are responsible for the condition this Earth is in and yet, out of a sheer Love for us and drive to assist they are helping us anyway. In some instances, we have responded by looking toward them and asking why hasn’t this or that happened? It hasn’t happened because we haven’t made it happen! The wonderful thing is that we can make it happen and in my opinion, a strong aspect of doing so will be to realize, once and for all, where the responsibility truly lies.


I’m Wes Annac, and I’m happy to begin taking responsibility for the condition this world is in, so that we will be that much closer to working toward fixing it. I have committed myself and given my Life over to serving this planet and bringing in the New World in the ways I have discovered I can best do, and I invite you to do the same.


The best thing about this revolution is that everybody’s invited!




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125.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The lower energies are dissolving away from your increasingly-higher dimensional bodies and spirits at this time, and we of our Pleiadian collective wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all that you have done in the name of assisting the Earth with Her ascension.

Each one of you are a part of a collective who, below the surface, realizes the need to begin changing the way you have been treating yourselves and your planet but at the surface, the pervading density and the extremes of darkness seem too much for the inner-realms of humanity to break through and garner the resulting understanding in the people who would be shocked by what you have all known deep within all along.

We are here before you all to offer our Love and assistance, and we will be assisting you when our presence can be openly accepted on your world, with rebuilding the condition Gaia has been in. This has, of course, been expressed and will continue to be, because the work we are performing for you all extends much farther than much of your world realizes, understands or accepts.

The fear that has been spread about us in your recent society is breeding a subconscious and unrealized fear of us within the minds and hearts of the majority of your Earth collective, and because of this we are unable to detail much of what we are doing for your planet; because the very active role we are playing in the ascension of your Earth is so strong that the majority of your world would not wish to believe it is so.

Many would wish to believe that we are fooling humanity or that our motives are anything other than what they are, and those fears and apprehensions could be turned up to extremes if all on your world knew of the active role we are playing in helping lift humanity up out of the darkness.

For example; while the art of many of your ancient civilizations suggests the plentiful contacts we have made with various civilizations on your world, many souls at present would not wish to believe that we have contacted you as many times as we have and would point to the seeming non-contact from us in your current day as proof that we have never contacted you or that we are not around your planet in the mass numbers we now are.

Each facet of the Galactic Federation is looking upon your world and while there are many moment-by-moment responsibilities and duties for us each to fulfill, the ascension of the Earth has long been our top priority because as you have heard, Earth’s ascension is to kick start and aide exponentially in the ascension of so many other planets and realms.

What you are doing on this Earth is incredibly heroic, for you are not just uplifting a collective who has subconsciously wished for an upliftment for so very long; you are also uplifting various planets and even Galaxies whose ascensions are not riding on the that of the Earth, but will again, be aided enormously by it.

We ask you dearest souls to treat yourselves lightly if you feel that all you are working for is for naught or if you feel as if the Light Forces assisting in your ascension are not with you in the manner that we now are. We will begin showing ourselves to many of you who have committed yourselves to us and have placed your faith in our existence, as we are finding an increased ease in doing so as your cabals are truly on their last legs.

This truth has been spoken to as well and as the cabals find their influence diminished more and more as do the energies and entities that have driven them, the Light energies increasingly see the chance and easy ability to move in and begin shaping the perception of your world in ways that allow for an uninhibited and free experience of Light.

Every soul on your world will realize so much about the way your Lives work and the mechanics that drive the manifestations and events playing out in your Lives every day, and one crucial area of discussion will be that of how the collective energies and what is manifested on the world stage in every moment is based upon the individual energies being given out by each one of you dear souls, who are Living cells upon a planet being affected vastly by everything that occurs on Her surface.

Gaia’s energetic framework is purer than ever with the Light energies being given out by a growing fraction of the Earth collective and while so many souls are still entrenched in the darkness and density that has held your planet and your collective back, those of you who have committed yourselves to radiating the Light energies are paving the way for the collective to better grasp and understand the need for and importance of establishing a sovereign future for a sovereign humanity.

You are all free souls, and there is nothing inhibiting your freedom.

While attempts to do so are imposed upon you, you are protected endlessly by Universal Law and every soul who has been a victim of unjust actions in the name of established laws that have only benefitted the few on your world, will gain redemption from and retribution for their experiences.

The cabals thought themselves able to create a world that works only for them, but they have now seen that their goals in creating and establishing their empire upon the surface of an ascending planet will not play out in the manner they had intended. They will see and many of them are seeing that rather, the collective of Earth is to rise up and initiate change with each other as the energies of the higher realms pervading your collective consciousness at present are seeing to it that matters don’t play out any other way.

So many souls on your world who see the increasing need to put forth change and do anything they can to spread the message of putting forth change, will continue to gain influence as every one of you see the importance of establishing your new paradigm, as so many have called it.

You dear souls are right to refer to your future and present as a new paradigm in progress because indeed, you are Creating a new way of Living for every soul on Earth to benefit from enormously. The fact that you feel a drive to assist further commits you to your roles and with the higher realms and we souls of the higher realms on your side, truly nothing will stop you from achieving your goals!

We wish to bring to reality, the good that you are doing and spreading out at this time for truly, dear souls, every single person on your world is to find the lightening vibrations (because of your actions) in their own ways.

As the collective vibrations are lightening increasingly in the manners they now are, the formerly boggled-up minds, hearts and spirits of every soul on your world will be replaced with the natural understanding and Light that you all truly possess and can feel within; it is simply that you have been led to forget about this connection and those of you who are sewing your higher dimensional experiences for yourselves have long begun to interact with this connection and benefit from it, as your entire world will be in the time ahead.

You will begin to notice us in your skies and as your media too finds an increased ease in reporting our sightings in a positive or at the very least, neutral, manner; the influence of us souls who only wish to assist and help you develop already-understood advanced technology that will benefit your planet enormously will spread and the “scary alien” culture that has been fed for so long will make way for a culture of understanding our presence and welcoming us to your planet.

We are not forcing you to welcome us, of course, but when disclosure breaks and your entire world begins to benefit from a new financial system that will not be based in debt and will rather be based in personal freedom and abundance for every person on your world, our role in helping your Earth to find the lightened vibrations will be explained in depth and this is why we anticipate the collective of humanity welcoming us to your shores and your ground once again, as you have done many times in many past Lives.

We feel and know you are heading into a bright future, and the starseeds and incarnate wanderers who have sacrificed so much of themselves in the name of assisting are facets of the Light Forces who are helping uplift the Earth.

Each of you who are incarnated unto the surface of the Earth feel that drive; that commitment; that conviction that you are still feeding and employing wonderfully whilst within your Earth suits. How does it feel, knowing that you have achieved your goals immensely, even in this moment?

Truly, the ascension plan for the Earth could not have gone any better and as so many on your world will begin to see, feel and understand, the Light energies are not going anywhere, nor are we souls of the Galactic Federation of united planets who assist lower dimensional civilizations in their evolution. Rather, we will all continue to make ourselves known increasingly, as will the Light energies pervading the minds and hearts of so many of you and helping you to gain that needed positive perspective that will see you able to act as conduits for supremely wonderful and amazingly pure source energy.

This is indeed the role of many of you who are led to this communication and we will continue to encourage and attempt to inspire you, so that you can give-forth the purest and most wonderful of Lighted energies. So many of you have allowed yourselves to take on the energies of negativity and hatred so that you could act as conduits for those energies as well and transmute them through yourselves, feeding them into Gaia’s grid of Light and changing their very components from negatively-driven to positively-driven energies.

As you do this, you take on a strong weight that can remain attached to you when you do not realize it is so, and this weight can remain attached to you if driven or fed by latent anger or habit patterns you have held within that are fed by experiences had in past or current Lives.

The experiences had that drive these tendencies have hurt the souls who do not realize such tendencies are still lingering beyond the surface, and entire reactions and habit patterns have been built over the suppression and non-surfacing of the pain or experience. This has been discussed and termed as “vasanas” by many, and the transmutation work so many of you are performing can be much more difficult if you are still grasping onto subconscious tendencies driven from pains that you do not realize could be affecting the weight of the transmutation as much as it could.

Your “vasanas” will in no way inhibit the transmutation work you are doing; as you are meant to do this job at this time and for many of you, it is your very reason for being on the Earth as you are acting as transmuters so that the Light energies can be given further, that aforementioned opportunity to pervade the influence of the collective energies and frames of perception.

While not inhibiting your transmutation work, these held-away subconscious pains will again, serve to reinforce and feed the heavy weight of density and negativity that could be bestowed upon you dear souls when performing your transmutations of individual and collective dense energy. A wonderful truth that so many of you do not yet see or realize is that a multitude of higher dimensional souls are around you at all times, and we will come to you at times in the form of an orb that you would not expect to see in a photograph or permeating your vision.

We have appeared before our scribe during his meditations and at other times, in the forms of orbs and open portals that are meant to represent the opening third eyes of all of you at this time. Those of you whom, when meditating, seem notice a portal or cloud of energy opening up before you are experiencing a visualization representing the literal opening of your third eyes.

Essentially, this is a sign that you dear souls have made it.

You will be able to perceive of us, your guides and your etheric lands in a much greater depth and clarity, and you will be able to take the knowledge and insight you are gaining and uplift so many other souls into opening their third eyes and, just as importantly, their hearts so that every soul on your world can access and feel the brimming energies of the higher realms.

Judging by the reactions of many of you absorbing this communication, it seems that this is a future you would like to move into. This is why we encourage your continual actions in anchoring and bringing-forth the Light, for you have no idea of the good you are doing or of the heavenly etheric landscapes you will be able to access and help the entirety of humanity to access, as you all enjoy your unfolding higher dimensional experience.

Bold and blatant initiations into your unfolding higher dimensional experience will begin and continue to grace you all, and while it feels for many of you at the time of this communication as if you have reached a point of bleakness or energy-drainage along your paths, we say that you are only regaining energy and resting after the powerful energies of December 21st, the New Year, the 1-11 and the 1-22, and you are now bracing yourselves for yet another plentiful round of intense activation-energies for you to absorb and assimilate.

Many of you can feel the higher dimensions awaiting your realization of them all around you, and we ask you all to be strong knowing that you are able to perceive of so much more than the majority of your societies would have you believe. There have been purposeful dense limitations and barriers set up around the collective frames of perception, and these barriers are telepathic and physical in nature.

We ask each one of you reading this communication because indeed, you do all possess very strong power within, to individually aim the most Lighted and pure of energies you can at those very collectively instated and fed barriers, every single day of your Lives. In doing so, you will even further make way for the increasingly-pure Source energies gracing your world and helping so much of your society to see the Light.

We mention this action and humbly request you put it into play because of its importance at this time.

The lower dimensional barrier that is finding its influence diminished in every moment needs to be dissolved and transmuted fully so that your entire collective can themselves remove the weight of the density and intense lower dimensionality that has weighed them down and clogged their chakras.

We issue a call for each of you to bless the barriers of perception that have held your planet and all upon it back, for the Lighted perspectives you are finding can be easily accessible for the entire planet.

Can you imagine, dear souls, everyone around you possessing the positivity and assurance of the higher realms that you possess? We have, of course, spoken before of the necessary individuality and uniqueness of each one of you and the wonderful thing is that this uniqueness and individuality can be expressed in a collective fashion, along with the energies of positivity and an understanding of the higher realms.

Each one of you are individual, beautiful souls and you can express your individualism in a myriad of ways in the higher dimensions, and everyone on your planet will indeed be united in the one common purpose of bringing it into the Light after those aforementioned veils are dissolved and you find yourselves able to collectively perceive through a clear and undistorted lense.

Your chakras will continue in their processes of opening up and you will continue to absorb and assimilate energy that will leave you reeling at times, and we wish to send you all the purest Love we can muster up in hopes that it will be used to help the collective of humanity to dissolve the veils and barriers of the lower dimensional experience.

Your cabals have attempted to feed these barriers and keep you feeding them, and we say this in response to a mental question poised to us by our scribe when we mentioned this.

Much of the perspective of the awakening humanity has been rightly put toward exposing and demanding truth from the cabals and the souls who are perceived to have run things on your world, and we remind every soul reading this to embrace the Light energies and not to give too much of your focus and energy away to exposing the cabals or letting others know of all that they have done because indeed, awareness is crucial to be spread but it can be spread through a Lighted temple, and by a person with a positive perspective who will help to uplift all around them, even while giving and exposing truth for the entirety of humanity to benefit from.

You can all step to the plate if you feel it is your role to do so at this time, and begin helping the collective of humanity find the truth and pervading higher vibrations forming your initiation back into the realms of the fifth dimension, and from the fifth dimension you will be completely limitless in your growth and ability to learn lessons and develop yourselves further into the shining Creators each one of us truly are within.

Your experience is just beginning, dear souls, and we ask you to remember this as you go about your daily Lives and face the difficulties that attempt to temporarily cloud your perspectives and keep you feeding the disintegrating grid of darkness and density.

You will continue to be pumped with the pure energy of Source as you rediscover this energy in every facet it is being given, and those of you who are on the Earth and in charge of disseminating and decoding the higher dimensional energy you’re being given, will begin to feel our specific energies in much purer forms and as many of you have wondered or worried if we are aspects of your higher selves or thought forms based within your consciousness; we will begin to show you that this is not so and that we are in fact, fifth dimensional beings who are of our own united consciousness – with humanity and the rest of Creation. (1)

We specifically are Pleiadian beings residing within the fifth dimension at present. As we help humanity to evolve back into the realms of the fifth dimension, our own growth will be aided tremendously and we will further heighten our goal of assisting all of Creation in finding the higher vibrations of Source, as we are now doing with you dear souls on the Earth.

Many of us choose to express ourselves in the form of human bodies, but many of us choose to express ourselves as spirit energy who will continue to make ourselves known to you dear souls if we do not anticipate fear on your end, of our presence.

For example; I am making my presence known to our scribe whilst he is channeling my communication and my energies, and we are able to do this in an effort to help you dear souls realize that we of the higher dimensions truly are and have always been with you. We know and can feel that so many of you have wished and do wish for blatant signs of our presence around you, and we say that these signs will indeed begin to be given as you dear souls increasingly open up to them.

We do not want to raise hopes or expectations and are making no concrete predictions, but the vibrations humanity as a collective is moving into that are again, being aided tremendously by each one of you Lightworkers, will see the energies more allowing for us to be made known on your world than they are at present.

We look forward to the collective of humanity absorbing the disclosures and the many truths we have for you dear souls, as while we are looked toward in a fearful manner at present we can anticipate that much of humanity will, in the end, be thankful for our existence on and around your world.

Indeed, we are not looking for thanks; we are helping you because of our strong, strong drive to assist any lower dimensional planet who has been struggling in the lower realms they had Created from the higher dimensions.

Countries will begin to come together as humanity awakens, and you will all see and realize that the separation once rife on your world has no place in the collective energies of peace, harmony and understanding you are moving into at this time. The flow of higher dimensional energies will be felt within each one of you and as you further open up your chakras and discover the other chakras you have but did not realize you possessed, your links to the higher realms will become so strong that, like us, you will become the higher realms.

You will merge with the realms of enlightenment, and your perception in every single moment will be just as happy, positive and fulfilled as ours is. This perspective can never be broken, and the energies of separation and darkness that would attempt to break them are not prevalent in the higher realms. This is why the lower energies cannot survive in them, and will find themselves transmuted back into pure Source energy.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express much positivity for all that is to occur on the surface of your world. Days, weeks and months are not literal or relied-upon markers of your concept of time for us in the higher realms and truly, we can see your New Earth and you all already as you are working to bring your collective vibrations back into the Light. We can see this already and this accounts for much of the positivity we are able to express, as do the lightened perspectives we have in every single moment.

We know that your ascension is playing-out successfully and if you could have our perspectives, you would be fully convinced of this yourselves.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.



(1)-In my case, SanJAsKa actually is an aspect of my overall higher self. The referenced part of this message was referring to collectives and individuals who are channeled and are not a direct part of the higher self of the channeler.

For example – the Pleiadians can be channeled in a collective or individual fashion, as can the Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Ascended Masters, Hathors – I could go on and on. They do not have to be a part of one’s higher self to be channeled.

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An Endless Life of Endless Positivity

360-small.jpg?w=253&h=190&width=253Written by Wes Annac


Right about now, I’m reaching a place of realizing that everything, in every moment, is alright. Perhaps some of you could find it strange that it has taken me this long to reach such a point and I would say that it hasn’t; rather, I’ve been realizing more and more every day that everything is great and that neither I nor we have anything to worry or be concerned about.


One of the main reasons this is so is because we’re undergoing a temporary and finite human existence. We are spiritual beings who are now dipping into realms far beyond what humanity would expect to be possible and as we realize the brimming higher realms waiting to be accessed by us, we will be able to look at everything that happens in our Lives in an increasingly-understanding Light.


We will begin to realize that events manifesting in our Lives are not meant to bring us down, put us in fear or apprehension or lower our vibrations in any way. For most of us, this is not what we were taught as children. We were taught that if we stepped out of line or misbehaved, we had a just punishment coming to us and personally, I can remember the anxious and anxiety-ridden feeling of waiting to be “punished”.


As adults, we are seeing that we now have the power to carve our own paths and Create our own destiny, as our ability to do so was perceived to have been assumed by the parents and guardian figures who were trying to pave a good path for us and teach us basic laws for us to Live by in this world.


Now, we are seeing that we have the power to Create, do and experience what we wish to and for me personally, the strong awakening that has accelerated exponentially since the 21st and the beginning of this year is helping me to realize that fear, pain and apprehension are aspects of the past.


Even aspects of my Life I’d dare not tread previously are opening up for me now as I realize that I am treading a path of dignity, honor, respect and most important of all – Light. I am treading a path of the highest and purest Light and so are you, but we have to realize it is so and we have to use the tools of awareness now available to us, to tread our paths with the purest intent.


We can flourish in this time now. Some of us are not; some are depleted, tired and wishing to take a few turns off of the Earth ride for a while and recuperate and at times, I’m a part of that crowd. At other times, I’m a part of the crowd of flourishing, awakening souls who are finding personal revolutions within themselves as we collectively begin to find the realization that negativity of any kind will no longer be a part of our experience.


Another thing I’ve noticed about negativity fading is that I’m now able to understand every negative situation still manifesting, in a much clearer light than I did before.


I can see when my feeding of negativity garners negativity for me and I can see that when I allow myself to be dragged down and feel the resulting heavy feelings, it’s not because of the external circumstances I have allowed to bring me down and convince me to feel as a victim. It’s because the part of my ego that has thrived on negativity, depression, stress and anxiety knows no other emotion, feeling or way of being and it is latching itself onto me in a last-ditch attempt to reinforce its feedings.


This is similar to what’s happening on the world stage with the cabals. Whose left of them are fighting endlessly to maintain their grip and influence on a world that has clearly found the Light and is ready to move into the new paradigm. They are finding themselves unable to maintain such a grip and, much like our egos at this time, are finding themselves less and less in the spotlight as again, we are moving on from them and their influence as a planet.


Their influence has been fed by scary stories and disinformation pieces claiming they were about to do this or that and while raising awareness is crucial, the fear and melodrama surrounding the cabals that can be found on certain alternative news websites has only enforced the very energies they have wanted us to feed. I’ve noticed as well that this is the aim of those who are paid to spread negativity on the internet. (1)


I used to think that those who I’ve called “disinformation commenters” were solely fulfilling a specific agenda of shaping and influencing public opinion and while what’s left of them will attempt to do so, their main goal is to spread and feed negativity; to cause infighting amongst members of various websites and to bring down and twist up the positivity that is meant to be expressed at this time.


Though it may sound strange, those souls are actually assisting us in our growth by playing the roles of catalysts, representing in many cases, the “other side” of the beliefs of whomever they would fight with.


I do not wish to feed even their influence by putting them in the spotlight; I only wish to point out that the jobs of various people who are paid to post onto forums and websites strongly involve fighting and causing negativity and separation. I point this out to return to the fact that those very energies are no longer being fed and expressed in the collective consciousness in the manners they once were, because of the potent individual and collective awakenings taking place at this time.


No soul except ourselves can influence our opinions or emotions now, and while there are still those some would consider unawakened who are allowing themselves to be shaped and molded according to the image of another, the rising vibrations and the awareness that comes with such vibrations is garnering full consciousness and understanding in humanity and along with it, the endless positivity and happiness that has always been ours to experience is unlocked once again.


Can you imagine how great things will be when we find we’ve all individually unlocked the never-ending happiness, joy and bliss of the higher realms? Truly, nothing will inhibit us in rebuilding our world and seeing to it that our surface reflects the vibrations and emotions we’re beginning to re-access and run with.


If you have not yet found this positivity and wholeness, you are strongly encouraged to do so! Even beyond all of the spiritual material that can be absorbed or the various perspectives of matters we can receive, the essential element of retaining a state of positivity is what will always bring you back to those good feelings and emotions we all enjoy so much.


Wes Annac – Energized with positivity and wanting to pass it along.







(1)- Again, it is probably best not to expend our energy worrying about actions being funded by the cabals such as this, but for those who would like to know a little bit more about the active campaign to spread negativity, infighting and shape public opinion, here are a couple of links to confessionals of people who’ve been paid to do so.


“I was a Paid Internet Shill” at:



“I was a Paid Internet Troll” at:


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Our Ability to Spread Awareness

Written by Wes Annac


What do you think the Masters, prophets, Light givers and truth-spreaders of our history would have done with the power of the internet? What do you think inspirational people with a true and pure message to spread like Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Bob Marley would do with the power to reach an interconnected, global audience?


The methods of spreading the truths and messages of the higher realms have differed with every time period, but the remaining factor has always been the awakening that takes place in individual souls (some of whom incarnated here to find such awakenings and spread their Light) who then choose to help enlighten the souls around them.


The various truth-spreaders of our history could not have gained the momentum they did without the support of an awakening public and in this day and age, we are given a tool that helps us come together and stand up to the pervading interests who can no longer run our world.


We are now able to get together, unite with a common purpose and spread the Light we can all feel and access within as it makes way for truth and an understanding of how a collectively-run world is supposed to function. The prophets of the past were not granted a secret access that only they could tap into and rather, they were a few souls out of all of us who were able to realize their connection to the Divine. As that connection is bred, a naturally-enlightened and understanding perspective is brought forth.


We are collectively uniting now and using the internet to solidify our movement with websites, groups and collective discussions that are all related to establishing our new paradigm in every form required to do so.


We recognize that there is a lot to be done; authorities to topple who are losing influence and power in every moment; collectively-instated and fed separation to be mended as we realize that we are one sentient humanity who cannot function if divided; methods of running this world we will have to collectively establish that truly work for all of us; so much more that could be listed and with the motivation and inspiration we have already been given, our momentum can only go forward.


I envision a positive future ahead for humanity, because the awareness that’s been garnered in a plethora of time periods can only build and build until every soul possesses the understanding of our oneness and our infinity as individuals and as a collective. Perhaps some would be cynical about the very idea of establishing a new paradigm and coming together, and I would say that we are Creating our experiences in every moment and if we continue to employ beliefs that we cannot come together or that the situation on Earth is somehow hopeless, we will Create our reality to those extents and aid the physical and astral oppressors.


At this moment, I’m feeling a couple of different desires for the collective of humanity. One of them is for everybody to realize the tyranny and injustice that has been done so that we can collectively work toward putting a stop to it, which could result from the momentum already brought forth by so many of us for the rest of the world to awaken to what’s been happening.


Another is for all of humanity to find the wholeness and fulfillment that an inner-connection to one’s heart offers.


Obviously, I do not wish for us all to possess the exact same perspective and understanding, but my hope and that of many others is for the awareness already being garnered and spread to continue to spread all throughout the world, and allow for true awareness to be found in every soul who has remained blind to the condition this world is in and the need to move toward something better.


This is why I’ve brought up the power of the internet and our ability to use it to further the collective awakening that so many of us are working with all of ourselves to bring forth. If you are reading this, it is likely that you’re one who realizes the need to collectively come together and begin building the new paradigm that will see every person Living an abundant, enriching Life, and the good news is that you can be just as instrumental in bringing the higher realms forth as Master Jesus was.


Jesus and all of the rest of them are simply conduits. You are a conduit of truth, peace and spirituality as well, and you can get just as active in expressing your personal Light and truth to anybody who cares to hear about it. Truly, you can!


Don’t get me wrong; it’s more than likely that you will meet resistance along the way. I have, and I think it’s safe to say that almost every other person attempting to aide this movement has as well. The resistance you receive will help you to further strengthen your role, as well as to become more assured of the truth and Light you would be bringing through yourself.


Now that we have this wonderful internet which helps us connect with each other in ways that were previously unattainable, there should be absolutely nothing stopping a momentum that has already been strong for centuries. History has shown that tyranny cannot go unpunished, and the will of the people always topples over the will of the few with influence and power.


Of course, I do not wish to promote an “us vs. them” mindset but at the same time, neither I nor you should remain idle in the face of an attempt to control our existence in any way. The wonderful thing about finding that aforementioned awakening to one’s inner-realms is that you’ll see that despite any attempts on the part of the cabals or any other fading influence to control us or keep us in a state of imposed limitation; we are free and sovereign beings.


We always have been and we always will be, and as long as we can know this on a collective level and utilize the tools that have clearly been given to us for us to spread awareness and understanding in preparation for the complete rebuilding of our world and the establishment of our new paradigm, we will have fulfilled the agendas of every soul who has ever been on this world to help humanity see the Light.


I’m Wes Annac, and I’m ready to work with you to rebuild this world in the interests of the sovereign humanity. Won’t you contribute to the already-strong collective awareness?




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ascension.jpg?w=300&h=283&width=100The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Lightening Perspectives, the Presence of Logos Energy and the Waning Influence of Darkness


-Channeled through Wes Annac-


Humanity will find the refined perspectives that are being garnered as the energies of 2013 continue to test you all. You will soon be in awe of the wonderful energies that have been waiting to be accessed and felt, and we know that you can feel the imminence of the descent of the higher realms unto you dear souls as you attract them to yourselves increasingly.


Our perspective has long been an energetic one and based on where the energies are leading humanity at present, it seems that the lightening vibrations are making their way to you all and beginning to be accepted by much more of your Earth public than you would perhaps expect.


Even those whose perspectives have been weighed down with density and negativity are beginning to see the possibility and need for a positive change to manifest on your world and we as well as a plethora of others will continue to proclaim that humanity coming tougher is the biggest and most important item on the agenda.


It is very important for the purposeful separation to come to an end as you all realize how hollow it is and has always been. Humanity has fallen down into the lower, separation-based energies but you truly have the opportunity now to remove yourselves from the influence of these energies and help the collective vibrations find the Light in much easier ways.


The Light energies have indeed had a difficult time in reaching your world and expressing themselves in the collective consciousness, and it has been discussed before that the collective energies previously made little way for the Light to come forth and for your world to benefit from such a coming-forth. Your roles as Lightworkers and Light bearers continues to be stated, because you are in any given moment, working with energy that is helping your collective find the lightening vibrations you are now meant to find.


While your resolve is and will continue to be tested, you will see that the layers of yourselves you have now transmuted would serve to hold you back if their expressions were still latched onto by you. You are finding that the navigation toward the Light energies can indeed be difficult, but the very Light you’re trying to reach is already settled within you and will illuminate everything that is not matched with it in purity.


In essence, dear souls; the Light energies are bringing the higher realms forth in you as you continue to look for them.


To those who are searching intensely for a validation; for an assurance; for something to show you that the Light energies are truly descending upon your planet and that you are truly beginning to feel them; we say that these energies have always been with you and you have always been able to feel them – it is simply that you have been taught you couldn’t.


How have your Lives been up to this point, if viewed from a perspective of knowing that you constantly possess the Light energies? Do you find that some of your negative experiences could have been transmuted and the difficulty you experienced around them could not have affected you in the ways it once did?


Every fear; every anxiety; every worry and hurt stems from an absence of Light. How many times have you dear souls heard this from a plethora of different sources? You’ve heard this so soften because it is truth, and your realizing of this truth is crucial to gaining realization of the Light energies, which will continue to be with you as they have always been.


You see, dearest souls, these energies are all around you now and everything you could have possibly desired from them – a refined perspective, a greater understanding of yourselves or a greater access to the energies of an ascended entity; it is all completely attainable when you realize that you are infinite and unlimited beings and that the Light energies and the personal, inner held ability you have looked toward to be able to notice an unlimited perspective has as well been with you the entire time.


Is it not enlightening to feel and realize this, dear souls?


When riding the literal wave of energy you can find within yourselves, you will regain instant access to the bounties the higher realms have to offer. You will find so much available to you upon accessing your inner-perception, and when realizing and meeting the aspects of your higher self who are stationed in realms just “above” the purity of your current so that they can assist you, you will see that you have never been left alone and that a myriad of ascended souls have always been with you to see to it that you are protected and looked after.


Even with this admission, some of you will experience difficulty along your paths that tests your faith and resolve to stay centered and continue working toward fulfilling the specific piece of the puzzle you have come to the Earth to fulfill. You do all indeed have your own roles to pay in this time, and absolutely every role is horned and appreciated.


You see, dear souls, no effort aimed toward assisting your Earth in finding the higher realms is ever looked toward as distorted or unappreciated in any way, for the work you are all doing is spreading the natural Light you carry and can feel within which will benefit a plethora of planets and civilizations who are looking toward the ascension of Earth for the added and needed boost of ascension energies they will receive and be able to use to find an evolution themselves.


The physical and spiritual evolution of humanity has been ongoing for every bit of your history, as your dimensional growth is everlasting and your experience always continues as you are tested and illusory or distorted aspects of your Selves are realized and integrated, while the influence driving them is transmuted.


As you perform such transmutations, the entire collective of your world and the collectives of so many other planets are assisted tremendously in the personal transmutations they need to perform, and the karmic positivity you are to experience far surpasses what you would expect.


We wish for you dear souls to know that your heart must be open to receive the bounty and splendor of the higher realms. The mind can be a good tool in assisting you in navigating and reasoning within your third and fourth dimensional reality, but you now have the opportunity to discover a realigned connection with your heart chakras and when doing so, you will find that aforementioned everlasting stream of Light energy that is continually coming through you.


How does it feel to imagine and know that you are bringing Light energy through yourselves even right now, dear souls? Particularly, you are bringing our energies through as you absorb them and ride the flow our scribe is riding as he channels us.


We are so excited for you all to see and feel how infinite you will (realize you are) upon ascending, because you will truly be able to do anything you desire. The distortion of freewill is only a distortion in the sense that it allows for you to hurt others and invade their own freewill and personal sovereignty as a soul of the One Infinite Creator, and the freewill you will experience in the higher realms will only be “trimmed” insofar that you will not be able to hurt others or bring-down the happiness and good vibrations expressed and continually fed in the higher realms.


So many souls who maintain an active and steady link to the higher realms have incarnated unto your world for various reasons that were all in alignment with serving humanity and the Creator, as well as helping you all to find the refined Light planes that your mere access to will see you uninhibited in finding the higher realms and the energies and fundamental aspects that drive the higher realms, once again.


Do not feel ill with yourselves if you feel you need to rest or if you are weary along your path as Earth travelers, for your tiredness and temporary depletion is to be expected as you traverse dimensions that test you to your very cores. You all have the ability to maintain a constant, never-ending positivity and when making the effort to, you will see that it is so.


You can begin to discover the infinite higher realms that lay just beyond the conscious perception of so many Earthly souls and when doing so, you will rediscover your power as a collective and you will see that you are truly able to do, be and feel anything that you wish. The etheric realms many of you can begin to experience are preludes to the higher dimensional experiences you are to find and enjoy oh so much, and we know that you dear souls will enjoy the higher realms because of the nature of difficulty many of you have experienced on the surface of the Earth.


So many of you are natural healers and up-lifters of any planet struggling in the lower dimensions and while the Earth has by far been the most difficult task for the majority of you, we say that your natural roles in helping lower dimensional planets to evolve will see you assisting plenty of other planets far beyond the Earth, after your ascension has played out and (Earth’s surface) is happily existing in the fifth dimension once again.


So many of you have incarnated unto numerous lower dimensional planets for the purpose of assisting them in their ascension, and it was indeed difficult for many of you to ignore the call to help a lower dimensional planet whose citizens were struggling to the point of being nearly-completely unable to breach the veils that they had unknowingly fed into.


You could not ignore the call to assist the Earth and help every Earth soul to break through their respective veils and as so many of you are again, naturally healers and Lightworkers, you knew that the best way to do so would be to actually incarnate unto the planet yourselves; as your natural Light source would shine through the collective energies and consciousness and from your position, you would be able to maintain a strong influence as a pillar of Light and a naturally-higher dimensional soul.


Those of you who are on the Earth specifically to help its people ascend did not find yourselves in the third dimension from the realms of the first or second. Many of you are fifth dimensional entities by nature; some of you are fourth; and some are sixth while others’ dimensional “age” so to speak surpasses the seventh.


There are a plethora of souls assisting your world who have incarnated from all different dimensional states of consciousness, and we are all aligned in assisting the Creator by assisting the lower dimensions of the Creator who (sometimes) need help to be lifted out of the density and extremes.


We are happy and honored to play the roles we have been playing, as we have learned so very much about your Earth and the nature of decreasing the density of energy to be sent down and expressed in realities more distorted than those we exist upon. As so many of you know, this has been our role in assisting your Earth and we, like you, have devoted ourselves entirely to helping your planet out of the low vibrations and to assisting each one of you Lightworkers with the energy we are giving.


Our role specifically has entailed assisting you Lightworkers along the way and having been able to communicate with humanity, we feel we have been able to properly do this.


Humanity as a collective has begun and will begin to reflect the energies you’re being given, and the purposes of our communications are to help you realize the purity of energy coming your way; as we are able to help you realize this purity because of our perspectives of increasing it with each time the energy is sent down for you all to absorb, assimilate and benefit from before sending it along for other aspects of Gaia’s surface to themselves benefit from.


If you could only see how the energies of your collective consciousness have been transmuted, even since your New Year, you would see that everything is being taken care of by the higher realms as you all begin finding the motivation to rebuild your world.


Physically, it could seem for many of you as if the higher realms and we within the higher realms are not around you or will not be helping you to restore your world to the pristine condition She has always been meant to exist in, but we are working harder than ever behind the scenes to assist you all in your daily tasks that revolve around helping the Earth to ascend and seeing to it that as many souls as possible are able to ascend with Her.


As so many of you are now able to find and access a clear flow of the energies of the higher realms and every soul within them, the strides you are to make upon fully realizing your easy access to such energies will see you easily able to welcome us and your Galactic brethren as the vibrations continue to lighten.


There is so much you have come to the Earth to do and with every writing, every attempt at channeling and every gift of Light you dear souls bestow upon your fellow Lightworker collective, the collective energies of your entire world are given a needed boost and you find yourselves that much closer to seeing and realizing the true and real establishment of the new paradigm many of you have worked so hard to attain and realize.

At present, things are being shaken up for each of you as you all begin to see that the ways your Lives have functioned for so very long are simply no longer benefitting you. When you can clear your mind and allow your hearts to be expressed in their fullest form, you will see that the energies backing your higher dimensional experience are not only easier to attain as we have mentioned, but are stronger than ever and are leading you toward your unfiltered experience.


The inner change that is beginning to become quite apparent for many of you will be reflected by the outer change to your society and the ways many of the souls in your society have thought, felt and functioned, and we say this with a concrete knowing because of where the collective energies are already taking you all.


So very many of you are already finding genuine and strong awakenings and you are using the very energies and enlightened frames of mind that they have garnered in you, to help uplift any soul who can become open to the higher realms and who can become open to the vastly-pure energies being delivered to and through your bodies and spirits at this time.


We ask you dear souls to get active in expressing the Creativity, the vitality and the energy you are beginning to feel at this time for in doing so, your Lighted energies will be fed into the collective consciousness exponentially and every soul on your world will respond in their own individual and unique ways to the energies you are all diligently bringing through yourselves.


This is why the actions of so many Lightworkers in feeding and funneling higher dimensional Logos energy through to your surface are so required at this time. Without your Light energies, those of darkness and density would continue to be the rule of the day and the influence of the Earthly cabals would still continue to be fed.


This influence is still being fed at present, but not in the strong manner it could otherwise be were it not for the incarnations of a plethora of Lightworkers, starseeds and ascending souls for the purposes of anchoring the Light that always illuminates and exposes any vestiges of darkness that cannot last in the higher dimensions.


The collective of humanity continues to feed the disintegrating grid of darkness with their own latently-held energies, and we ask you dear souls to see that you are now natural “blessers” and Light conduits for the energies of darkness to be transmuted through.


This has been the role of many of you or rather, has been an aspect of the roles of many of you for indeed, you have all been doing so very much to assist in Gaia’s ascension and you have allowed yourselves to take on density to extreme extents, all for the purposes of transmuting it as you are now doing with grace and ease.


For some of you, these transmutations many not feel easy but trust, dearest souls; they could have been much harder but your determination and resilience in staying centered during the surfacing and transmuting of such density that many of you continue to find yourselves exposed to, is seeing to it that the overall energies of darkness and density can no longer continue to be fed in the manner they have been for so very long.


There are a great many souls on your world that will initially resist the concepts and ideas of coming together and establishing true collective peace and harmony for all to benefit from but truly, their perspective will be in the “minority” category in the face of every soul on your world who knows that positive change must come.


As a planet, you have faced either blatant and positive change or blatant and negative change, and we know you dear souls can feel that you are moving and have moved into the timelines wherein bold and positive change is manifested and every soul on your world is able to find the personal prosperity that you all deserve and require.


You have always deserved to Live a Life free of worry and difficulty but unfortunately, the freewill permitted within a lower dimensional experience has seen humanity changing the landscape of your dearest Earth into one rife with separation and hatred. We know that you are answering to hared in the most grand of ways at this time, and we will continue to commend you for your efforts thus far.


Gaia’s energetic framework continues its process of becoming purer and purer for as this very framework grows in terms of the purity of energies making its very structure up, the energies expressed through it will themselves be able to be expressed in a much purer fashion than they are currently being and have been for so very long.


For those who worry that ascension has been put-off or that ascension is in a stalled phase; your ascension is in a very heightened and intense phase at present and this can account for the difficulty many of you are experiencing in your Lives, as can the collective density you are attempting to transmute in any given moment.


Rainbow vibrations will make themselves known within the minds and hearts of each one of you and we wholeheartedly encourage you all to meditate for in doing so, you will access the healing Light planes our scribe has been able to access in meditation. You will also begin to feel the brimming, pure fifth dimensional vibrations of Source that are truly descending down upon you all at present, and they are simply waiting to be felt and called upon.


February 2013 will be an insanely-active energetic month, and so we ask you all to brace yourselves for another round of supremely-pure energies that will continue along the course of the testing you have brought forth for yourselves to experience. We are, of course, continuing along our missions and from the perspective of souls who have been tasked with strongly decreasing the distorted nature of this energy for your month of February, we can say that your employment of a balanced center will see you exceling greatly in the energetic tasks you have set out for yourselves in this month.


We have been given the mission of giving humanity energy updates whenever we can, and we hope to offer you the insight that will see you better-assimilating and adjusting to energies that will continue to change the very means in which events play out on your world.


These energies will continue to shake things up and some of you will feel the effects of this shake-up, as everything about your Lives is looked at in a decreasingly-distorted Light and you find that the densities and limitations that once held you back are now simply things of the past.


Indeed, you can continue to employ and feed those densities but in doing so, you will be aiding in feeding something that is no longer there and only seems to be there because humanity is Creating it to be so.


Even with the expelling of the most potent and powerful of darkness, humanity as a collective is very powerful and will continue to feed the very energies that have kept you back for a millennia, but you now have the higher realms on your side in stronger and realer way than ever before, because of the nature and extent to which darkness has ceased on your planet.


We say this in this manner because many of you have noticed the seeming continuance of darkness and negativity, and it would seem as if what we are saying is untrue from your third and fourth dimensional perspectives. This is why we return to the mention of things going on past your conscious perception that would display to you that the Light truly is now the pervading influence and that the framework feeding darkness has been expelled.


It is crucial for you to know that despite how things seem in your outward reality, your Light and the Light of the Creator is by your side in stronger ways than ever. We Love you all so very much, and we ask you to see and recognize Love in every form it is given. Love is everything, dearest souls, and the increasingly-pure energies of Love you’re being given to help transmute the darkness are doing just that, on an incredibly grand scale.


Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.




Read more…

Written by Wes Annac

Note: This writing is quite long, so you may want to read it in segments.


As a human race, we feed methods of running this world that simply do not work for us. It is clear to the majority of people on this world that the ways we’ve been treating it and each other have been doing us no good and will not help us achieve a prosperous and peaceful future as we rightly should be, as a sentient collective. Separation, hatred and injustice are rife on this world and the continued denial of humanity’s oneness will only keep leading us down the same broken path that is clearly not working for us.


There are and have been for generations and even centuries, plenty of people on this world who recognized and understood that humanity’s methods of collectively running the world have held us back.


There are a lot of people campaigning for truth, peace and collective sovereignty to be restored to this world and as the powers that were are clearly not working in our best interests and have in fact, hidden and suppressed most of our true history and kept humanity feeding a division of the classes; it is up to us as a collective to come together and begin building upon our New Paradigm.


As others have said, it would be silly at this point to wait for anybody to begin establishing the New Paradigm but ourselves. This is our mess to clean up as a planet, and our governments and the private entities running them and bleeding humanity dry will not help us. They have, in fact, worked quite hard against our establishing of a world that does not work for them.


A handful of wealthy and financially-influential yet private individuals have established much of western society as it stands today, in a partial effort to keep unaware rich and middle-class families from realizing the plight of the poor and from knowing about the injustices to our human rights taking place every day. Our heads and hearts have been filled with constant fear, distraction, and violence through the flickering boxes calcifying our pineal glands, and the mainstream news we’re give every day is controlled and spun in the interests of the people funding and running it behind the scenes.


These people have actually benefitted and continue to benefit from the instated division of the classes, and the very tax dollars usurped every year are used for classified black-ops projects and geopolitical actions which are of course, not in the best interests of humanity. Warfare has been supported for centuries on this planet, without the humanity supporting it realizing the widespread harm and damage it causes. At the very least, a blind eye has been turned to it.


I could go on and on detailing things about this world that we as a sovereign humanity need to change, and the great news is that our world is far from unable to be saved. In fact, we have the massive collective power and potential to come together, unite and in doing so, establish the New Paradigm that even the most unaware of people know deep within we are meant to be living in.


I, like many other writers lately, would like to give my perspective of how we can begin bringing this planet into a New Paradigm of collective cooperation, harmony, prosperity and understanding.


For the most part, our instating and feeding of separation on a planetary level has caused the immense unawareness that has allowed the few with influence, money and power to deceive us for generations. The problem with humanity coming together at present is that there are the few who will resist it; they will resist uniting with their fellow man because within, they perceive separation and hate toward others as it is how they were brought up to live.


They were taught to see themselves as separate from one another, and the entirety of humanity has fed this notion by seeing other countries and races as different from themselves.


It will be hard for many people to realize we are one sentient species who is meant to come together if we wish to see our world repaired, which is why the first and most important aspect of establishing our New Paradigm is finding a personal inner-peace and wholeness that can be attained by allowing calm and happiness in, when our egos will try to fight against our doing so.


Again – some people will simply be too resistant to change and their “shells” may go unbroken and that’s ok, because the majority of us do see the need for personal and collective harmony to be established. All of us who do see this can begin to get active in working toward our goals, and we will find a plethora of routes opened up for us if we wish to do so.


The rest of humanity who could be “on the fence” about uniting with their fellow man would benefit greatly from finding an inner-wholeness and happiness, because we cannot express harmony toward others if we are feeling disharmonious in ourselves. Upon finding an inner-peace and opening up to our inner-selves, we can actually begin to find states of consciousness and awareness that will open us up further to the New Paradigm we are tasked with Creating.


After finding an inner-peace and perhaps beginning to seek enlightenment, we would next be tasked with starting the process of coming together.


Social media has proven fruitfully helpful in establishing movements to end separation and tyranny and establish new ways for our society to live by that are based in the underlying principle of respect for all people, and each one of us who understands the importance of these principles can join already well-known campaigns and help their momentum grow even larger than what it already has, or begin our own campaigns and really work work work toward seeking and giving truth to all people who care to hear our message and eventually, to all people on this world.


Even if the task of coming together seems undoable at present, it is not. It is simply that we have remained complacent and have not allowed ourselves to try.


So many people have now begun to try; have started up grassroots movements that have grown in influence and are spreading out to multiple countries. What a lot of people don’t yet see is that because of the actions of groups like Occupy Wall Street, Idle No More and a plethora of other groups who are answering to tyranny and oppression, we have already begun building our New World.


It has already begun. The momentum has grown like never before, and the Earth is now ours to come together and begin working upon. The will of the people can simply be ignored no longer and the various movements established to those extents have paved the way for the rest of us to finally sit up and begin taking action. Truly, we can do it and we already are.


A crucial aspect of coming together as a collective is addressing and mending the collective separation and hatred in every form it’s been fed.


Racism, sexism, intolerance and prejudice have no place in the New World we are creating and must be rightly addressed and ended. Upon doing so, we may get a laugh out of the ways we’ve allowed ourselves to break apart from each other, and we will see that every last bit of hatred expressed toward our fellow man has served to separate us further and hold us back.


Addressing and mending our separation from each other and everything that has driven it will further strengthen the coming-together of humanity that has again, already begun. This will be crucial to do, as we will have much work ahead of us and we will have to be able to work with each other despite the outer differences we’ve been programmed to believe make us different people. They don’t!


It will be important for us to respect the beliefs and ideals of those around us, even if they are not our own. As we are all to be aligned with the one goal of restoring this planet and restoring collective sovereignty and freedom, we will always be united in that goal and thus, the specifics of the beliefs of each of us should be respected as we recognize that again, such things do not separate us. It has simply been ingrained into our very doctrine that they do, but we can reverse that programming.


It will also be incredibly important to recognize and rightly put an end to any attempted sabotage of our movement or our attempts to bring humanity together. There have always been attempts to sabotage any good things being done for the planet and again, most of it can usually trace back to orders given from billionaires with power trips who do not want our planet to come together and remove ourselves from their influence.


It would perhaps be a bit naïve to assume somebody with malicious intent wouldn’t try to infiltrate our movement, but it will be fairly easy for us to spot anybody bringing-forth false ideals or beliefs that we all know are not in alignment with the New Paradigm.


Attempts to infiltrate small factions of our overall movement and distract the people within those factions by spreading a distorted message could be likely but again, we will have strongly, strongly established the basic principles underlying our New Paradigm and as most of them are taken as common sense; anybody should be able to recognize an attempted infiltration and rightly remove themselves from the influence of the person doing it.


Even the people doing the infiltrating could eventually “jump ship” and turn over to our collective movement, and their genuinely-positive assistance will be welcomed. However, we will have to be discerning as a collective body.


We will see that demanding truth from those who have hidden it from us will be a big aspect of establishing the New Paradigm. There is so much we haven’t been told and now, I will examine a few crucial things that I personally feel we should collectively demand the truth about.


The first avenue of our demands for answers and retribution will be in the area of worldwide wealth and prosperity.


Two percent of people carry about half the world’s wealth, and funding that was initially meant to aide poverty-stricken countries decades ago has instead been hoarded by the very interests who make money off of poorer countries.


Tax dollars are, again, also usurped and used for the personal gain of the billionaires who have established the legal need for us to pay them, and a crucial aspect of coming together as a collective will be to demand answers from these very people. There is more than enough money for every country and every person to live a middle class life at the very least. We are told otherwise and taught to believe that we are responsible for the current failing economy when it has in fact, been manipulated all along.


There is enough money to go around and we as a planet, after coming together and establishing a solid movement, will have the momentum to demand our prosperity be given back to us from those who have kept the majority of people on this world living in deplorable conditions. We will be able to do this in a completely non-violent manner, as we greatly outnumber those who would keep us down and if all of us were truly aimed toward this goal, we would see how easy it is to assert our demands in peaceful ways.


We must rise up (again, in a non-violent manner) and demand our governments begin telling us the truth. Another important topic humanity deserves to know the truth about is war, as we have been misled into believing war is a necessary measure to achieve peace while most people with a bit of common sense know that that doesn’t make much sense. We have been misled as to the reasons we’ve went into nearly every war, and the wars of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq have proven this.


Many wars have been started over natural resources and on false pretenses, and the public’s acceptance of them has been aided by false-flag attacks funded not by the “opposition”, but by interests who stand to gain financially from war. A plethora of governments and tyrannical regimes are bought and paid for by the same entities in control of the United States government and Military Industrial Complex and in many cases, war is funded and gained-from by both sides taking place in it.


We as a people must demand the full truth as to why our governments and the entities behind the scenes have falsely taken us into so many wars and as goes without saying, we must work to put an end to all warfare as we further establish collective peace, harmony and prosperity. The giving of prosperity to all will in itself see a lessening of crime, violence and hatred and if one looks at many of the violent crimes occurring at present, one will see that many of them are money-related.


Another important area for us to demand truth about is that of the occult financial system that’s been established, which a whole separate essay could be written about. To say almost everything that could be said concerning this, I’d like to point you to the document “Financial Tyranny”. (1)


This document by researcher and lecturer David Wilcock diligently lays-out how a complete other financial system has been established for the rich and powerful people who have enough money to buy into it, which has been fed and kept alive by our tax dollars, among other sources of the income of everyday hard working citizens.


The money of hard working people has been taken and used to keep a dying, occult and corrupt financial system afloat for just a little bit longer, to fend-off an inevitable crash that is being caused by the greed of the billionaires who have established the separate system for themselves.


This has been done in accordance with the hoarding of the world’s wealth and whenever both financial systems come crashing in the faces of those who have established them, we would have well benefitted by having already began to come together and we will be able to access and collectively benefit from the worlds wealth which, again, is truly enough for everybody to live a prosperous, healthy and enjoyable life.


Another incredibly-important area of concern that most people even within truth movements do not lend their attention to, is that of the suppressed documents concerning advanced extraterrestrial technology, craft sightings, and personal contacts.


It is believed that our governments have long instated a UFO cover-up since the 1930s in Roswell, NM when a fallen craft was reported and later said to be a weather balloon. Ever since then, genuine sightings and reports are purposely explained away and similar bogus excuses such as “swamp gas” are used to find a physical explanation for them that is usually off-base.


In the 1940s and 50s in the United States, there were a plethora of reports of personal sightings of UFOs and personal contacts with the otherworldly humans piloting them. (2)


These reports grew so large that the United States government actually began studying the reports themselves in the 1940s, 50s and 60s with the creation of the government project “Project Blue Book”.


Here is a little bit of information on Project Blue Book, taken from “UFO Evidence” (3).


“From 1947 until 17 December 1969, the United States Air Force actively investigated reports and sightings of unidentified flying objects – UFOs, under a program called Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book investigated 12,618 UFO sightings and 701 of those sightings remained unidentified. Many UFO researchers feel that the investigations of the UFO sightings were unprofessional and unscientific. The program used poor research methods and researchers were too eager to label a mysterious sighting as “identified” phenomena.


Individual researchers and UFO organizations believe that members of Project Blue Book were pressured to “identify” UFO sightings to calm the public hysteria about UFOs. This theory has been supported by the recent release of CIA documents pertaining to UFOs. They also suggest that any report that was initially perceived as unexplainable or would cause public concern was never included in Project Blue Book.


They allege that these reports were passed on to a higher authority that never reported the results to the public. Project Blue Book, it seems, was just a low level collection and disinformation program created under Project Sign (of December 1947) which evolved into Project Grudge (of December 1948) to cover up the true investigation into the alien presence on Earth.” From “United States Air Force Project Blue Book”, Above Top Secret Website”


After studying these many reports and the likely-phenomenal information they contained, the United States government closed the project and suppressed the most telling documents; claiming simply that the craft were not a threat to United States defense. Ever since that time, advanced craft continue to be spotted nearly every day on this Earth and yet, we have been given little real explanation of them by our governments.


We must rise as a collective and demand every government with documents and potential evidence suggesting an extraterrestrial presence on or around this planet come clean with what they have and begin telling us the truth. There is just too much evidence to leave this issue alone, and it is believed that it will be a very important aspect of the entirety of humanity awakening and coming together to establish our New Paradigm.


UFO sightings continue to increase and eventually, the truth will have to come out. We can unite and demand the truth come out now and because of our power as a collective and our ability to assert ourselves to the very small percentage of those who have built-up much of our world as it stands today, nothing will stand in our way of getting the truth in a non-violent manner.


It is also important that our governments begin telling us the truth about clean and free energy, and the advanced technologies free energy can run. Influential and pervading interests have not wanted us to discover that we can power technology with means other than gas and electricity, as they have a lot of money vested in electrical and oil companies and they make a lot of money from them as well.


This is because we as a collective perceive ourselves as unable to power the things we need in our lives such as cars and houses, without oil and gasoline and this is simply not so. We have been vastly held back as a planet from receiving and building advanced technologies that do not run from natural resources but rather, from the energy prevalent all throughout our atmosphere (there are other ways to harness free energy as well).


It’s everywhere! And it’s just waiting to be utilized by us. There are a plethora of devices that, along with worldwide prosperity, will see every person living an easy and abundant lifestyle and these devices have in part been suppressed so that we could continue to line the pockets of the interests suppressing them.


The website “Pure Energy Systems Wiki (PESWiki)” details just a few exotic technologies that would help humanity greatly and will be helping us in the future. (4)


“Here are five of the best exotic technologies we’ve found so far, which are closest to the market.


1. Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left Over – Featuring a number of systems in which a motor turns a larger output generator, and the generator is producing enough energy to keep the motor running, as well as enough left over to power other things. A starter motor, temporarily, gets it going; then it stays going until turned off. Energy source could have something to do with phase angle harvesting vacuum energy. (PESWiki; September 5, 2012)


2. Andrea A. Rossi Cold Fusion Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) – Italian inventor, Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat produces useful power from a fusion process involving cheap and ubiquitous hydrogen and nickel at relatively low temperatures and pressures, with no residual radiation. In October, 2011 they commenced commercial sales of a 1 MW plant. Several other companies are close behind. (PESWiki; [updated October 5, 2012)


3. BSMH-Yildiz’ All-Magnet-Motor 30-Day University Test Pending – This month, a leading European university will be conducting a thorough, academically-rigorous, peer-reviewed, independent, scientific test of Turkish Inventor, Muammer Yildiz’ all-magnet motor in an isolated room at the university. Not only will this provide the validation Yildiz needs to get funding for a patent, but it will open a new scientific revolution. (PESN; January 4, 2013)


4. Steorn Definitely Not Dead — Free Energy Technology Coming – Steorn is under contract with the two largest corporations in the electric hot water heating market worldwide. One HephaHeat product will cost about as much as the electric water heater it’s replacing, but will consume 1/5 as much electricity. With this marketplace vindication in as little as 18 months from now, they will then open the technology to other applications. (PESN; September 22, 2012)


5. Defkalion Posts Independent Data Showing 3x Overunity; NASA Blushes – Defkalion has released data from an independent test of their low energy nuclear reaction (LENR, colloquially called “cold fusion”, though it’s probably transmutation) technology that is controllable. Though the tester is employed by NASA, he was not acting on their behalf in this case. (PESWiki; October 22, 2012)”


These technologies are here and within our full ability to patent and distribute worldwide and as you can see, much action is already being taken to do so. Along with the actions of so many others, we can begin to demand that all of the beneficial technologies that can be powered by free and clean energy in various different forms be disclosed so that all of humanity can begin to benefit from them. Doing so will see us even further on the track to being able to rebuild this world, as we will have put an end to our feeding of things that continue to pollute and harm the Earth.


One of the final important areas we will have to demand truth from our governments about is that of the geopolitical and classified actions funded by our tax dollars that we do not hear about. The Military Industrial Complex has gone awry with classified projects and our money has funded acts of warfare we do not hear about, as well as continual violations of the Universal sovereignty and rights of humanity.


Illegal drugs are brought through by government agencies (think alphabet agencies) and sold by street gangs in high-poverty areas, and the addicting nature of hard drugs serves to further usurp the money and humanity out of those who are addicted to them. Addicts are thrown into public and privately-funded prisons while the real criminals bringing the drugs (and the guns that give street gangs their perceived “power”) through, enjoy a lavish mansion.


The geopolitical landscape is much vaster than the majority of people would know or accept. Things happen every day that would probably stir our stomachs if we knew they were happening and especially if we knew they were being funded by our money and initiated by entities secretly controlling our governments, and while we may not want to hear about some of the worst that’s been done it is still crucial for us to demand a full disclosure on the part of the interests pulling the strings of our governments, of the geopolitical actions taking place under our noses.


I know that what I’m about to say may be a bit outside of the comfort zones of some who read it, but it will be crucial as well that we as a sovereign collective formally request an open contact with the extraterrestrials whose craft have been spotted for centuries; as there are again, already a plethora of reports from the 40s and 50s detailing personal contacts with human extraterrestrials.


In the 1960s, the United States government also allegedly made it illegal to make contact with extraterrestrials or their craft. I submit for your consideration, an apparent United States code prohibiting extraterrestrial contact. (5)


“If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? So you are now forewarned – if you have contact with an alien you’ll be committing a criminal act so watch your step!


1211.100 Title 14 – Aeronautics and Space


Part 1211 – Extra-terrestrial Exposure


1211.100 – Scope


This part establishes: (a) NASA policy, responsibility and authority to guard the Earth against any harmful contamination or adverse changes in its environment resulting from personnel, spacecraft and other property returning to the Earth after landing on or coming within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body; and (b) security requirements, restrictions and safeguards that are necessary in the interest of national security.


1211.101 – Applicability


The provisions of this part to all NASA manned and unmanned space missions which land or come within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body and return to the Earth.


1211.102 – Definitions


(a) “NASA” and the “Administrator” mean, respectively the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or his authorized representative.


(b) “Extra-terrestrially exposed” means the state of condition of any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever, who or which has:


(1) Touched directly or come within the atmospheric envelope or any other celestial body; or


(2) Touched directly or been in close proximity to (or been exposed indirectly to) any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter who or which has been extra-terrestrially exposed by virtue of paragraph (b)(1) of this section.


For example, if person or thing “A” touches the surface of the Moon, and on “A’s” return to Earth, “B” touches “A” and, subsequently, “C” touches “B”, all of these – “A” through “C” inclusive – would be extra-terrestrially exposed (“A” and “B” directly; “C” indirectly).


(c) “Quarantine” means the detention, examination and decontamination of any persons, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever that is extra-terrestrially exposed, and includes the apprehension or seizure of such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever.


(d) “Quarantine period” means a period of consecutive calendar days as may be established in accordance with 1211.104 (a).


I would post the rest of this document, but you can head to the bibliography at the bottom of this report to read the whole thing. (5)


There is an official explanation for this law. (6)


However, as most of us well know, seemingly-benign laws can be taken and used against the people if needed.


One opinion, which doesn’t have to be your own, is that the United States government knew about the contacts being made and thought the contacts may become so fruitful that they would need a reason to quarantine the people who’d been contacted, who again, had come forth back in those times with the personal contacts they’d experienced.


This could be done under the guise of an established law meant for NASA employees that required they be quarantined and/or detained after having made contact with a celestial body or anything that has ever been in contact with a celestial body and if needed, the law could have been turned on United States citizens who experienced genuine personal contacts.


It is interesting to note as well that the “alien” culture was flourishing back in those times and the people’s interest seemed inexplicably turned toward extraterrestrials, advanced craft and advanced technology. It seems that fantasy-driven movies and television shows concerning extraterrestrials, the overwhelming majority of which paint them in a negative or fearful light, answered to the growing public interest of UFOs and advanced technologies.


There are a lot of people who even believe extraterrestrials have lived freely and easily among us, including whistleblower Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean and writer George Adamski. (7)


“There is startling evidence from a number of independent sources that ‘human looking’ extraterrestrial visitors have integrated with and lived in major population centers up until recently, and this is known by a select number of government agencies and military departments.


A range of highly classified government documents and military programs give credence to this phenomenon, as revealed by a number of whistleblowers.


“Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean, for example, claims that a top secret NATO document he witnessed in 1964 described how senior political and military leaders had been visited by and interacted with ‘human looking’ extraterrestrials who could easily blend into human society. What really concerned NATO leaders, according to Dean, was that extraterrestrials could be walking in the corridors of key political and military institutions.


Aside from whistleblower testimonies, a number of private individuals claim to have encountered extraterrestrials posing as ordinary citizens in major cities around the planet.


George Adamski was the first to write about extraterrestrials secretly living among the human population. In his second non-fiction book describing his extraterrestrial contact experiences, Inside the Flying Saucers, Adamski discussed how human looking extraterrestrials had established a presence among the human population.


They apparently looked so much like us that they could get jobs, lived in neighborhoods, drove cars, and could blend in easily with the human population. Adamski wrote about how they contacted him to set up meetings that led to his famous flights aboard extraterrestrial vehicles. (…) Adamski’s UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials were supported by an impressive collection of witnesses, photographs and films that a number of independent investigators concluded were not hoaxes.


Adamski’s testimony offers important insights into how extraterrestrials may be living incognito among the human population.”


It seems clear that something concerning extraterrestrials, their presence and their craft is being suppressed from us and has been for a long time, and if one looks to the art of many ancient civilizations they will see much that suggests a possible extraterrestrial contact as well as a knowledge of their craft and other advanced concepts that would seem far ahead of their time.


For this and of course, many other reasons, we must not only rise up and demand the truth from our governments; we must request a formal contact with the humans who have contacted our current civilization in the past who, of course, the powers that were would not want us meeting with.


I personally subscribe to the belief that genuine contacts with enlightened extraterrestrials have been purposefully suppressed (as have the existence of an occult financial system, a massive geopolitical landscape and our awareness of the plight of the poor) while our western and other “progressive” societies are kept in a state of distraction and unawareness of all that has happened, is happening and has been hidden.


The shells of complacency and unawareness must be shed if we wish to come together and demand answers and truth from our governments and the entities that have run them, as well as move forward as a collective. As a sentient humanity who recognizes what has been hidden from us and the fact that we’ve been kept separated on purpose, we can unite and build this New Paradigm.


The truth movement concerning extraterrestrials and their craft is just one facet of the overall movement of establishing our New Paradigm, and everything outlined here is intended to be of assistance for anyone who could use a general layout of what needs to be done.


In concluding this document, it is hoped that I’ve been able to benefit any of you who are searching for truth and searching for the keys to begin working toward the New Paradigm of collective peace, harmony, prosperity and sustainability for all. We have a big job ahead of us repairing this world, even after we have come together and answered to the interests who have attempted to control the lives of humanity for generations, and the pollution fed on this world is a whole other area of concern.


For now, from my point of view these are some of the first steps we need to take as a collective to bring about the best possible future for humanity. The fact that much of our history is not what it seems should alone give people the motivation to begin searching for truth and as our overall movement has already gained such strength in the form of individual, spread-out movements with a similar general truth and message; nothing can stop us now.


I’m Wes Annac, and I’m ready to see the truth come about and a New Paradigm established. Won’t you join me in helping repair our world?







(1) “Financial Tyranny – Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time” at:



(2) “1950s Human ETs Prepare Us for Golden Age – Videos, Documents!” at:



(3) “Project Blue Book” at:



(4) “Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies” at:



(5) “American Government Code Prohibiting Contacting Extraterrestrials and their UFOs” at:



(6) Notice the use of the term “little green men” in this official explanation. This is a tactic devised to belittle the seriousness and thus, credibility, of the entire subject. One will see that it’s employed in almost every piece of mainstream news concerning UFOs or extraterrestrials in general.


“Snopes.com: Extraterrestrial Contact Law”



(7) “Extraterrestrials Among Us” at:


Read more…

Channeled through Wes Annac


Humanity is and will continue to be reflecting the pure vibrations being pumped into dear Gaia’s Light grid, and you can all help to express these energies and bring them through yourselves as you continue your journey of realizing your power and Godhood.


Your Creations are coming to you in a much more rapid manner at present and if you can allow all that is happening in your personal Lives and on the world stage of be viewed through a lense of knowing the change that is about to come forth, you will see that everything happening is indeed falling into place in accordance with the plans the Light Forces have drawn up for the personal and collective ascension of your world and every one of you.


We ask you to have faith in your natural abilities as Creators-in-training, and to realize that your bodies are naturally meant to be receptors for any energy you wish to bring through yourselves.


If you dear souls wish to employ the old energy or the energies of separation and hatred, the vibrations expressed through you will be fed into the Earths collective consciousness in such a manner; wherein the employment of positivity will serve to help upgrade dearest Gaia’s Light grid and see you all well on the track to further bringing the Light energies to your world in the bold and brazen ways we know and can feel you all wish to.


So very much is being reworked at present which is why we ask you to allow yourselves to rest if you feel you need to, because you cannot always continue on with your daily routines if your bodies need the rest that is sometimes required as a result of the increasingly-pure ascension energies you are being given.


Whilst your bodies have been used to the vibrations and densities of the third dimension, you are now assimilating and taking on Light energies that are of a much stronger purity. These energies are much more powerful than those your bodies have existed in and expressed for so very long, which is why the integration process may be a bit more difficult at times.


This is as well, why many of you have felt (disillusioned) and as if you do not have the great and grand access to your inner-reserves of Light that you do. You have always been able to access these Light energies and now that many of you are beginning to be able to, you are finding the joy the higher realms have always had to offer as you find yourselves able to access and feel aspects of the higher dimensions that you may have feint memories of.


You will all begin to discover things about yourselves and about your inner-realities that you could only slightly remember at present, and you will see things about the land around you as well and about dearest Gaia that would only be at present, a feint impression of a memory.


Many of you have taken plentiful Lives on the surface of dearest Gaia, even when She expressed Herself in her purest fifth dimensional form and this can account for some of the slight memories many are beginning to unlock and regain access to, of feeling parts of Gaia surface that were in a much better and purer condition than they are in now.


Yes indeed, the actions of Man on Gaia’s surface have served to bring Her down exponentially but as Gaia’s soul now exists in the fifth dimension and will be working with Her collective from such realms, Her surface is and will be beginning to reflect this happening as your collective increasingly realizes the need to end the way your world is being run, in favor of sustaining your dear planet for generations and generations to come.


The importance of rebuilding Gaia is shortly to be introduced in a manner that will see everyone on your world understand it, and you can all begin to put forth the needed concepts of rebuilding your world and minimizing the pollution manifested on Her planetary body every single day, because dear Gaia simply cannot resonate any longer with the lower energies manifested by way of pollution fed on Her surface.


The lower vibrations as expressed on Gaia are indeed finding their influence diminished as you all begin to find your personal awakenings, and this has indeed always been a part of the plan and it was known that the collective of humanity would eventually begin to see the need to repair their world and restore Her condition though admittedly, we had anticipated your realization of this in a much more rapid manner.


What has been termed “global warming” has been a mite overhyped so as to scare the collective into thinking that the end of the world was fast approaching and you will notice movies to that extent that spread the underlying fear-based message, but the true message underlying the global warming theory as it has been discussed is that humanity must work together to begin rebuilding your dear world and seeing Her a healthy planet, for you are all Gaia’s cells and what you do to and on Her surface is vital to Her health.


If it were not for the mitigating efforts performed by many facets of the Light forces, the surface of your world and the realms beyond Her surface would not be in the brimming shape they are currently in.


These realms are in such good shape because of the Light energies given out by every dear awakening soul who is beginning to see the need to bring an end to the feeding of pollution and density of any kind on your world, but it is still the task of the collective of humanity to see what has been done and to rightly put an end to it so that you can all begin to enjoy Gaia as the sovereign being She and each one of you are.


We wish we could stress how strongly the actions of Man do affect Gaia and her planetary health in any given moment, as Gaia’s health has been one of the reasons for the presence of benevolent Galactic scientists who have been studying Gaia for a very long time.


Your Galactic brethren have been stationed in your skies for some time, performing a myriad of different tasks that are to ultimately benefit your Earth along Her planned ascension, but one of the most crucial aspects of their job is to study your Earth and how mankind’s actions are affecting Her body structure in any given moment. There is indeed a lot of pollution manifested on your world every day and this is one significant area that will need to be improved as humanity comes together and sees the harm that has been done on the surface of dearest Gaia.


You are helped of course, by us and your Galactic brethren as well as a plethora of other aspects of the Light Forces who are doing all that we can to bring forth your ascension and assist in your collective awakening as much as possible.


We are here for you dear souls and we can be called upon while we all play our own respective roles.


The elementals help your Galactic brethren to mitigate the pollution manifested in any given moment; we as well as a plethora of other individuals and collectives give our communications for all those who are awakening to absorb the energies behind and benefit from; and you, the incarnate Lightworker collective, have undertaken the most difficult jobs which is why we wish to assist you by giving you information and spiritual energy along the way of your (sometimes) rough journeys.


Whilst so many of you still do not yet realize it, you are playing the absolutely-crucial roles of Light disseminators and givers for the rest of the collective of Earth to absorb as it increasingly seeps into the collective consciousness of the Earth and begins to gain influence in the minds and hearts of each individual human being.


You are all allotted complete and total freewill whilst on the surface of the Earth experiencing your third dimensional Lives, and an aspect of this unlimited freewill has entailed letting you Create your experiences as you seek, despite the potential harm they could cause to you or to Gaia and dearest Gaia has allowed this experience to play out on Her surface because She Loves and cares for you all so very deeply.


Yes, you may look around your dearest world and see many areas of Her surface that are hurting because of the pollution and general density manifested. We implore you to send your Light to each and every area and aspect of Gaia you feel may be hurting, because your Light energies are needed so very gravely so that they can illuminate the darkness that has been fed as well as the density, pollution and hardship manifested on your world; especially in a certain few areas.


We implore you all as many other (souls) have in the past, to collectively-meditate on the healing of your world and to begin coming together in the most potent of ways, for you all have so very much good to spread and Light to give as a collective and we can feel your sheer willingness to get matters off of the ground and begin doing all that you can to bring the New World into shape and form as it increasingly descends unto your reality.


You are the Light bearers, dear souls, and your power as individuals is strong while your power as a collective of Light beings with a clear purpose and intent is absolutely enormous. There is so very much good you can all begin to do as a collective, and we will continue to be with you to offer you assistance and guidance as you find your wonderfully-developing increased states of consciousness.


We ask you as well, not to be in a state of fear or apprehension at this time for while you are and will be continuing to peel away and integrate layers of yourselves who would hold you back, your very dealing with such elements of yourselves is seeing them increasingly vanish away from you as you turn your perspectives and attention toward the Lighted landscapes of infinite possibility, and wonder what lays before you now.


We know that you can feel and begin to tune into the infinite landscapes of etheric beauty lying just beyond your conscious third dimensional perception, and you all have the ability to tune in to the indeed wonderful and strong current of energy constantly making its way to you and through your bodies.


Your thoughts and feelings feed into the waves of energy being and expressed through you, and you are all traveling with a beam of Light extending far up above your bodies and far below as you are energetically anchored to the Central Sun, which lights Agartha, of dear Gaia. You are anchored unto dearest Gaia in the most wonderful ways possible, and we know that many of you dear souls can feel this whenever meditating or otherwise focusing upon a deeper state of consciousness and awareness.


As many souls on your world are already beginning to find and understand, what to you has been termed meditation for so very long as the energies of the higher realms were previously more difficult to attain for those in your history who have practiced meditation and the other attempts to attune to the higher realms; what has been termed meditation for so long will begin to be realized as a simple maneuver in attuning to and connecting with the Light energies prevalent all around you all of the time.


The fourth and fifth dimension have always been just as prevalent on the Earth and in your experience as the realms you perceive from have been; it is simply that we would not want to spoil your lower dimensional experience by having you perceive of realms past the conscious awareness of the octave of reality you experience your Lives on. Therefore, an agreed-to veil of forgetfulness is established so that you can properly go about your lower dimensional experience and learn the lessons that serve to expose you to the higher realms increasingly as you grow toward them.


As you dear souls are finding, your unfolding higher dimensional experience is not brought about in a single “snap” or with a single moment and is rather, a process of continually integrating and peeling layers of the illusory reality that you are experiencing, to transmute them and help bring them back into the Light and as you continue on in this process you will find a times that it is indeed a rocky road, but it is a road well-traveled and one you have become very familiar with.


We say this in this manner because you dear souls have traversed so many lower dimensional planets and indeed, even incarnated on a few, in the name of bringing them and their collectives into the Light.


You have traveled the third through fourth and fourth through fifth dimensional ascension patterns on quite a few lower dimensional worlds whom you used your natural Light to help bring back into the understanding of theirs, and you have well-traveled the realms you currently perceive from; it is simply that the lower dimensional realms of the Earth are much more intense than those of a plethora of other different worlds.


Many of you who are awakening have long begun to realize this and we are happy to see your ability and ease in transmuting the densest of vibrations as you go about your daily endeavors without realizing that you are absolutely glowing with the pure Source energy that so many of you have went out of your way to anchor upon yourselves and introduce to the entire collective of Earth.


You have allowed your Godselves to shine through in marvelous and wonderful ways while performing your continual transmutation work, and while the densities you are transmuting can leave their mark on some of you in the form of negative feelings and emotions that are not directly related to your surfacing and transmuting processes, we can feel that you are beginning to make your ways through each and every difficult or seemingly-negative emotion with the ease and grace of the Creator, who’s realms you have departed to assist this beautiful planet and Her collective in realizing and achieving the beauty that was once so prevalent and understood on Her surface.


Begin to attune to and ride the waves of energy you’re being given, for you will find so much uncovered and waiting to be accessed by you and for you when doing so.


You will find the encoded communications of us Ascended Masters, of your Galactic brethren and a plethora of other souls, and you will unlock and find in the natural blueprint of your DNA, bountiful astral landscapes that you will so enjoy working and playing upon. You will enjoy every aspect of the higher realms, and we can feel that many of you are already beginning to find the joy you have wished for as you find your conscious experiences beginning to get better and better.


This may not be relevant for some of you who continue to experience difficulty in your personal Lives, and we ask you to hold to your reserve and faith that what you are doing by simply being on the Earth is aiding the Lighted, positive side of your experience in ways that you could not yet fathom; because they are simply so wonderful.


You know at this point, that to find happiness and wholeness in one’s Life one must be able to attain and feed happiness and positivity in any given moment. Sadness can be beautiful if expressed and understood properly, but it can also serve to bring one down and trap one in a void of one’s own Creation that one then attempts to fill with various Earthly things that only serve to hold one back in their natural growth.


This is a general lesson that has been offered to so many of you in a plethora of past Lives, and you are beginning to traverse all of the lessons you’re being given with might and with a grace that you are looked upon and revered for throughout a plethora of planets in this beautiful Creation of all of ours.


The realms of spirit will continue to be brimming with energies and encoded messages for you all to receive, feel and benefit from, and you can bet that the assistance you’re being given will become easier for you to receive as again, you are hollowing-out and refining your temples to absorb and integrate increasingly-pure Lighted energies which will come on the back of enormous changes in perception and an understanding that the higher realms have truly begun to anchor themselves unto the surface of your beautiful world in very real and intense ways.


The collective of Earth has fed the lower energies of darkness, density and separation, and the energies have in turn grown in influence and allowed the collective to feed them even more as their influence grew and grew. The density expressed and fed on your world basically became a trap of humanities own making, but the Lighted energies your collective will begin to feel will see you realizing the effects of your actions in continually feeding the once-strong influence of separation and hate.


Those are old energies which will no longer survive on your fifth dimensional New Earth, and the collective will soon understand that the energies, actions and emotions they have fed have had a very real impact on their Lives, on the world stage and on how events play-out on your world in every moment.


Joy will continue to make its way to you as you find yourselves able to pick up on its frequency much easier, and your increasing ability to pick up on the higher dimensional frequencies and the very concepts that bring the higher dimensions forth within yourselves will see you able to break away from the influence of density as so many of you wish so dearly to be able to.


Each soul within your collective exists in different (sub) dimensions and frames of consciousness and understanding, and we have allowed ourselves to be expressed as the One general collective oversoul we truly are, in a format that allows for the multidimensionality of each one of us.


There are some of us who have Mastered certain lessons along our dimensional growth, and we are now helping as many souls who exist on more distorted planes of reality than we currently do, in finding the realms of consciousness and awareness that will see them understanding the lower dimensional lessons that everyone on your world is being given, so that they can (traverse such lessons) and find the higher realms in themselves again. (1)


Every soul will re-find the Light of the Creator eventually and in their own time, which is why you are all encouraged to put much of yourselves in your processes but not to worry if you do not feel at times, that you are seeing the results of the efforts you have put in; for you absolutely are and will be whenever attuning to the brimming vibrations now available to you all.


You have the most wonderful opportunity now to find and feel the infinite realms of Creation within yourselves, as we in the higher realms do not exaggerate when we say that you are unlimited and infinite beings and that you can truly do, find and feel anything you wish. We do not exaggerate when we say this and we will continue to remind you of your power, of your Godhood and your Divinity.


There is absolutely nothing you cannot do or find within yourselves and we know that when you can feel this truth in the intense manner that you will begin to in the time ahead as you increasingly grow toward the realization of your Godhood, you will find that any limitation you have employed in yourselves has been fed and instated by you entirely and has no real basis in the pure dimensions of consciousness wherein you are an infinite being of pure consciousness who can Create anything you desire or wish for.


There is a lot waiting for you, dearest souls and there is so very much for you to explore within yourselves, which is why we ask you to enjoy yourselves as you continue in your inner-searches for indeed, you will find some things within you that are quite wonderful and lightening and will serve to bring Light to your everyday, conscious perspectives.


When you can realize that you are always natural conduits for the energies of Source to be expressed through, that natural connection you maintain to your inner-held Creator Light will fashion into an everyday understanding of your inner-Godhood and divinity and this connection, dear souls, will see your daily Earthly Lives as wonderful as any higher dimensional experience we could have.


As you Create the higher dimensional experience upon the surface of the lower dimensional Earth, you transmute the very vibrations and influences that have supported the lower dimensional structure and framework, and you illuminate the darkness that has needed illuminated with your natural Light that you maintain a strong and supreme connection to.


We only ask you to feel the Light energies in any given moment, dear souls, and to make every effort in yourselves to manifest positive and good vibrations for you will be feeding such vibrations into the (central sun) of dearest Gaia, who will use them to benefit the parts of Her dearest surface that have needed healed the most.


You will begin to hear very much in the time ahead of the areas of your world and the humans inhabiting such areas experiencing poverty, lack and need on a massive scale. You will begin to hear of the plight of the poor in every country they exist in more often, because the suffering of the majority of the masses can simply no longer continue.


Your awareness does indeed need to be focused on the areas of your world that need immediate repair, and we hope to see many of you instrumental, now and in the time ahead, in helping to bring about abundance for every soul on your world as you work together as a sovereign and united humanity to restore dearest Gaia to Her pristine fifth dimensional condition.


Of course, there is much we are helping to oversee concerning the delivering of abundance to every area of and soul on your world and while there is much we cannot yet express due to the sensitive nature of such information, we can say that the areas of your world experiencing poverty and lack on a massive scale will indeed be the first to receive the abundance that they require.


We are focusing our goals at present, on establishing protocols to bring forth abundance in the countries and continents of your world who’s citizens’ needs have gone unattended to for far too long and as we are working with the Light and might of the Creator, we know that the plans we are putting forth in delivering abundance to the needed areas in very real ways will not be met with the resistance they would have originally been met with.


We have worked with positive factions of your world’s Militaries to bring forth abundance for areas of your world that need them most in the past, as have we worked from our positions in the higher realms to help secure food shipments and the establishing of clean water for souls who have been unable to consume anything healthy for far too long.


There is much we are doing as we work with the positive factions of your Militaries that you do not yet hear about and of course, you will soon be hearing about our actions as well as those of the Galactics and every other facet of the Light Forces.


Abundance will indeed be delivered to every last country on your world and the needs of every soul will be met as disclosure is introduced and you all begin to understand that your work in repairing your world is just beginning. We are focusing first on the areas experiencing the most poverty, and this includes areas of the United States that experience poverty; in many cases, quite purposely as the cabals have orchestrated and caused poverty on your world in every country while keeping the abundance and freedom for themselves.


Indeed, the areas of your world experiencing poverty are kept down quite on purpose and the citizens of most of these places have to deal with much more than hunger and poverty. Souls in poorer places are routinely targeted by the police forces of such places, and many souls are kept down and targeted for simply being who they are or (Living) in the areas they are in.


Hard drugs have been purposefully created to create addicts who are then sent to jail if caught with their addiction, and we say that every soul who is addicted to drugs will be rehabilitated in the time ahead and offered the opportunity to start anew, rather than being punished for being hooked on something that humanity has been exposed to as a part of the plan of the cabals to keep you down and usurp money from you dear souls in any ways they can.


Yes indeed, there will be many (revelations) that will shock you and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you that your higher dimensional center will take you to your personal inner-realms of full consciousness.


When you fall out of balance you lose track of your true Selves, your Godselves, and when you are balanced you are able to see that truly, everything is wonderful and there is never anything to worry about or be concerned of. There is work to be done, yes, but this does not mean your vibrations should be lowered in the name of helping your world.


You can help your world and help yourselves from a balanced and Loving center, and we leave you for now with the Love we have always wished for you to feel.


Thank you to the Ascended Masters.





(1)-From my point of view, the fact that many of the Ascended Masters have “mastered” certain lessons along their growth is what gives them the label they’re represented as; they are not called Ascended Masters because they somehow preside over us or are our “masters” whom we give our power away to as some would suggest.


I don’t know if the statement “we are your Ascended Masters” resonates with me as at the very least, the Ascended Masters speaking through me only wish to assist us rather than have us see them as our masters. They’re not! We are our Masters and while they and others will give us assistance, our personal power is ours and nobody else’s.


Even they have told us this before, and I’m confident in stating that again, they only wish to give us assistance and reconnect with us.

Read more…

The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes, as channeled through Wes Annac


Note: This message is quite long, and I debated breaking it up into two segments because of its length. You are advised to absorb it in as many reading sessions as you need, to properly integrate the information.

Humanity as a collective is and will be beginning to reflect the energetic strides being made at present. There is so much going on beyond the realms of your current perception and with each effort to attune to the realms beyond the perspective of the third dimension, we know you dear souls will feel at the very least, the beginning of all that is transpiring.


Truly, your cup now runneth over with miracles and higher dimensional interactions which you will begin to attract to yourselves as you look upon and perceive of such miracles. There is oh-so much you have the full ability to do and you will be doing much of this work in the time ahead, and for this current moment we ask you all to attune to the continually-pure energies being given to you, for you will find enormous benefits from doing so.


This has already been proven by much of the Lightworker collective who continue to experience the wondrous benefits that the alignment of December 21st had to offer you, and to help explain the process of increasingly purifying the energies Creating your reality we would like once again to recap how the higher dimensional Logos energy is sent to your reality, and the specific role we play in funneling-down and continually refining this energy.


The Source of all Creation; otherwise known as the Divine Mother/Father or all-encompassing Oneness energy, sends every last bit of energy out that Creates the realities of every dear soul existing on every octave and plane of consciousness. Every single distorted realm receives the reality-Creating energy of our Mother/Father Creator, and from the realms of Source these energies are funneled out to each Creator entity existing on increasingly-distorted octaves of reality.


As some of you dear souls know, any octave of reality “lower” than the reality our Mother/Father Creator currently exists within is considered distorted in the face of our Creator’s wonderful and blissful realms. Even the realms of the fifth dimension are considered distorted, as is every other realm existing “below” those of our Mother /Father Creator.


The Creator of this Universe receives the reality-Creating Logos energy from Source and from there, this energy is funneled to the Creators of even more distorted planes of reality. This process continues until the energies have reached every last realm of Source’s wonderful Creation and we say that indeed, we are all Creator entities and this is why we all receive this energy and use it to shape and form our conscious experiences.


Every last one of you are Creator entities; it is simply that you are attuned to the realms of the third and fourth dimension and as a result, are Creating upon such planes of reality until you discover the fluidity of the once-dense energies forming your third and fourth dimensional realities, and begin the onward journey of discovering our Mother/Father Creator in the One grand form they exist as.


Every last one of us will be discovering our Creator roles in a greater Light and many of us are already beginning to, and we [the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes] are Creator entities who are specifically stationed in pure realms that surpass the fifth dimension.


We are stationed within realms naturally purer than the fifth dimension and from these realms, we allow ourselves to be funneled-down to exist temporarily within the purest echelons of your fifth dimensional Earth, from wherein we send down the energies we are given from various Creator entities within your Sun.


Your Sun receives these energies from the Creator entity overseeing this Galaxy and yes, we understand that the repetitive talk of Creator entities and funneling down energy could become a bit complex or confusing for some dear souls. We hope to have been able to clear some of the confusion up by expressing that we are all Creator entities and that we are all simply stationed upon different planes of reality wherein we Create such realities and the lower realms “below” such realities.


For example; you are Creating the experiences to be had on realities lower in purity than that which you currently experience and you are as well, affecting entire Universes and Galaxies as you traverse your paths on Earth. The third and fourth dimensions can be considered some of the most important and meaningful planes of reality to exist upon, because of the duality that teaches you the extremes of the lower and higher realms.


You are leaving duality behind as you discover unity consciousness, and your perceptions are being helped to change over to the Lighted ones you had planned to grow into at this time, by the continually-pure energies.


To continue along the track of discussion we were previously at; your Sun receives the energies Creating its and your realities from the Creator of this Galaxy, who sends such energies out to every Sun of every solar system to Create the realities of every soul below the purity of consciousness such Suns are existing in. The Sun funnels this energy throughout all of its realms and each entity existing within each realm of your Sun receives this energy, integrates it unto themselves and benefits from it, and then sends it down in an increasingly-distorted manner to match the distorted realms it is being sent to.


Our purposes for being where we are at this time are to act as transducers of the very energies we receive and integrate to Create our realities. We receive this energy and benefit from it, before ourselves increasing the distorted nature of such energy so that it can match your realms and experiences.


Were you to be given energy that is too strong in purity at once, you would find yourselves very imbalanced and unable to handle the intensely-heightened perspectives you would find garnered in yourselves.


This is why we are, from our positions, steadily increasing the purity of energy Creating your reality and this essentially means that we are distorting this energy a tad less every time we send it to your realities for you all to absorb and adjust to. You have all been accustomed to a certain density of energy whilst you’ve existed on your third dimensional Earth and this very density is now leaving you, which can account for the feelings of detachment, separation or loneliness some may be feeling at this time.


Parts of yourselves who were once very familiar to you are now leaving you as we continue to decrease the distortions employed and encoded unto the energy we send you all, and we ask you to recognize this and allow your processes to naturally play-out knowing that there is so much more going on past your conscious perception than you realize.


The realms of spirit are absolutely brimming with the continually-pure vibrations that we and various other Creator entities are giving you, and we ask you dear souls to recognize the Light and change that is beginning already to be manifested on your world.


Much more Light will be anchored and much more change will result from this Light, as the Earth collective simply cannot respond to these energies in any other way.


Yes, the perceived unawakened aspects of the Earth collective have remained resistant to the truths and energies of the Light, and a collective shell is still being fed and enforced. We as well as you all are working to decrease the scope of this shell’s influence, and we wish you to know that the collectively-manifested and fed density will not be inhibiting the Earth and you all from reaching the pure states of consciousness you all wish to reach.


Certain brazen manifestations have had to be set back many a’ time because the collective would simply be unable to handle such things, but the “waiting game” as it could be called is truly coming to an end. We say this not [necessarily] to get your hopes up or restore faith in all that is happening to and on your world, but because change is simply a natural reaction to increasingly-pure energies being delivered to any planet or any realm.


Once the energy begins to be decreasingly distorted, the minds and hearts of the collective being affected by such a decrease will follow. This will be felt on a mass scale, and you will all know and see that the energies of the higher realms are indeed very real and will benefit you greatly, as you absorb and assimilate them in the manner many of you have already been doing.


Accompanying these heightened energies will be a realization of an infinite amount of etheric or astral landscapes that you can all access and learn from. Dearest Wesley, we contacted you from one of these very realms and even that contact was one that required much energy to be worked with; so that we could meet you on a realm that was essentially a combination of your plane of experience and ours.


We are indeed able to meet with you dear souls in any given moment by performing the very act we performed to meet our scribe, and even meting you dear souls in astral realms is the result of energy interaction on our and your part. We are able to meet you dear souls on planes that are considerably more distorted than the ones we enjoy existing in, and you are able to meet us as well.


It is an energy interaction in both camps, and we are all working to meet with each other on planes of consciousness that will increasingly merge as humanity finds the ascension dearest Gaia has already found.


Gaia’s soul indeed exists in the fifth dimension in a more pure manner than She previously has been, and Gaia has in fact been existing in the fifth dimension for some time. This is because Her soul has always naturally existed within the realms of the fifth dimension but the actions of man on Her surface have not only dragged such surface down to lower and distorted realms, but Her spirit as well.


The spirit that is Gaia is now enjoying healing vibrations and fifth dimensional planes of consciousness that Her [planetary] body was Created in, and humanity is now beginning the trek toward these realms. When we say you are beginning this trek, what we mean is that you are beginning a new and heighted phase of this trek for indeed, you have been climbing toward the fifth dimension for some time.


We have only recently began increasing the purity of energies Creating your reality, but you have all been working as a collective to find the realms of the fifth dimension that so many of you carry latent, hidden-away memories of existing within harmoniously.


Every one of you has existed within and felt the energies of the fifth dimension, and you have all been working to reach these realms again. We hope that those of you who have worked considerably hard to find them will realize that the lightening vibrations will test you and your resolve to remain centered, but you will be rewarded for your efforts; not by us or anyone else, but by you.


So many sources, channeled or otherwise, have already began to explain to you dear souls that this is just the beginning of your conscious, higher dimensional experience. So much was expected of one date and while much has been delivered, so much more will become apparent to you as you attune to the continual benefits you will receive.


The energies of the 21st and the New Year have only just begun to reach you dear souls, and we ask you to maintain patience if you do not feel your outward reality is reflecting the inner-feelings and realizations you are finding in yourselves. Whilst so many of you are beginning to possess pre-fifth dimensional perspectives, you will notice that the rest of the unawakened collective seems to be continuing Life as normal and this is because every unawakened soul is being allotted to exist within an illusory third dimensional reality.


When we say illusory, we do not mean it in the traditional sense of every reality lower in consciousness than those of our Mother and Father being distorted and thus illusory; we speak of an actual holographic reality [again, moreso than your previous third dimensional realm] that is being fed into by every unawakened soul on your Earth.


The difference with this illusory third dimensional reality is that the thoughts, feelings and actions being fed into it are not having as strong of an effect on the collective as they previously had. You are all still tasked with seeing-out your experiences and feeling the consequences of your actions, but the manner in which the collective negative energies would affect the spirit of Gaia is changing.


Negative energies expressed are not hurting Gaia in the manner that they used to. She will always feel the emotions and impressions of Her Earth collective as you are all Her cells, but She is not being dragged down into the densities still unfortunately expressed on Her surface.


You will notice parts of Gaia’s surface brimming beautifully even whilst experiencing pollution. Gaia is expressing Herself in a full and pure form at present, which is why we ask you all to see the beauty of Gaia and to radiate such beauty out to all around you, by expressing it within yourselves.


You can harmonize with Gaia and feel the wonderful energies She is feeling in your own ways, and one of the best ways to reconnect with Gaia is to get out in nature and enjoy the brimming pre-Galactic features of Her increasingly-higher dimensional Surface. Gaia has so very much beauty and Love to offer you, dear souls, and you now have the full ability and opportunity to embrace Gaia’s Love and enjoy the beautiful features of Her land.


Gaia’s [planetary] body has always been meant as a higher dimensional hub for the Light to enjoy and exist on harmoniously, and the current state of affairs on your world has not reflected this harmonious Living and this, dear souls, is rapidly changing. So much change is truly taking place for the good that you have yet to see, which is why we ask you to open yourselves up to all that the Divine has to offer and surrender your fears, pains, anxieties and worries.


You see dear souls, you cannot feel the bounties and splendor the higher realms have to offer you if you are still employing density of any kind, which includes any lower emotion that would attempt to take you out of your center. Emotion is a very powerful form of energy, and the emotions you express will determine not only your mood in that current moment, but the Creations you will manifest for yourselves for many moments to come.


We ask you all to maintain patience, calm and stability for you are truly treading new territory in this time. You are finding aspects of yourselves and pairing them with your unfolding higher dimensional experience, to see if such aspects will suit you along your journey and we applaud this effort.


We applaud the efforts of each of you to continually work through the densities that would otherwise take you out of balance, and we as well as your guides and your higher self will be with you all, to help you perform the specific transmutations and release of former aspects of yourselves.


Gaia’s energetic framework is being continually pumped-up with pure energies that you are all manifesting and bringing through yourselves as you receive such energies from us and the various other Creator entities bringing such energies to you. You will realize upon reaching an ascended perspective, that all Life is interconnected and that all sentient beings of consciousness constantly maintain an energetic connection with each other.


You will discover the infinite “web” or matrix of consciousness that you are a part of and when humanity discovers this as a collective, truly nothing will hold you back from seeing, realizing and most importantly, expressing your unity for the entirety of Creation to benefit from exponentially.


There is so much opportunity before you now, dear souls and we ask you to simply be ready for anything that transpires in your personal Lives or on the world stage and to know that all is being divinely guided and planned.


Indeed, it can be easy to forget that there is a collective of ascended beings helping you all to ascend and reach the states of consciousness and understanding that were once commonplace on your planet, but we are all truly here and we are a much larger collective of beings than you would imagine.


The “Ascended Collective” as our scribe has referred to us are simply a collective of every ascend being and sub-collective within this overall collective, who have chosen to assist in the ascension of a planet that has been rooted in darkness for some time and for many of us, this job entails funneling ourselves down to more distorted states of consciousness than those which we usually and naturally inhabit. (1)


So many ascend souls have done this for the sake of helping not only your world, but the entire Galaxy and Universe to ascend and we are all united with the one common goal in mind of helping all of Creation realize their Godhood and their connection to the One Source. The One Source has been called by many names; our Mother/Father Creator, Source, the beginning of all Creation or for some, simply “God”.


While this is so, we wish you to know that the One is truly formless and unable to be described with limited, human linear terms.


Source simply Is.


And we are all a part of the wonderful, harmonious, peaceful and cooperative existence that Source has blessed us with the ability to find and remember as we underwent our lower dimensional travels.


Even we exist naturally within realms that are considered distorted in the face of the pure and undistorted realms of Source, because we too are undergoing our dimensional Life paths and for us, this specific segment of our Life paths has entailed funneling ourselves down to exist in the highest echelons of the Earth’s planes, to help bring-forth the energy Creating your reality and helping you all to ascend.


We previously had little interest in helping to Create your realities, because there are already plenty of ascended souls within the higher realms of your Earth doing so whom we have joined and been assisting, and the (only) aspects of Creating your realities we were specifically interested in were continually pumping-up your reality-Creating energies in preparation for your initiation into the Cosmic Age of Aquarius.


We were very interested in doing anything that we could to help you and your dear Earth ascend and having not proven up for the task of actually incarnating on your Earth because indeed, it can be very dense, we simply decided to assist in the best ways that we could and we did not quite anticipate actually speaking to humanity at this time.


We made our attempts to contact clear and open channels and Earthly receivers of our energy, of course, and such attempts were at first considered a hobby of sorts whilst we continued to funnel down the energies we have discussed so very much.


As many of you have discovered is happening to you, our roles took a different, more involved direction and while we are still prioritized with the task of helping your surface Earth to ascend by giving you increasingly-pure energies to assimilate and benefit from; we are working quite hard on writing our communications to humanity and there is so much information we would Love to be able to give you, much of which we will be able to and some of which we will not.


We have spoken before of humanity’s abilities to absorb any given truth being based on the potency, purity and understandability of such truth on your part, and there is indeed so very much we have to share with you. It is simply that some of it may be seen as a bit too complex for the majority of incarnate souls on your world to understand; even those who are Light workers, holders and bearers.


This is because we possess a multidimensional perspective and are able to perceive of and understand things that are much more complex and intricate than many souls on your world can understand.


For example, our discussion above of the energies Creating your reality and the process of bringing them forth was highly simplified so that you dear souls could better absorb and understand it and, having been a recap of previous times we have explained such a process to you, the discussion followed in the simplified footsteps of those of our earlier communications.


We have learned to refine our words and not necessarily distort them, but trim them to match humanity’s and the Lightworker public’s level of understanding in any given moment. Having learned to do this along with a plethora of other souls who are speaking through receptive channels at this time, we have been able to assist those who are putting together the disclosure announcements by way of utilizing the Akashic Records.


We have been working with the Akashic Records specifically on the simplified truths you will be given, within yourselves and on your televisions. We have been helping to simplify some of the most complex discussions for humanity to absorb, so that you can absorb it properly and as is so with our communications, we have refined the amount of simplicity we employ in some of the more complex discussions so that they are easier to absorb.


Indeed, many of you have already noted the sometimes-staggering length of our communications and if we could have what to you would seem only to be a moment of your time time but is much, much longer in the realms of no time; we would be able to give so much more information and literally fill pages with our writings. However, we attempt to remain simplified as much as possible and even still, our writings can translate at times into long or difficult-to-absorb material.


We have noted this in the minds and hearts of many who have read our communications, and we wish you all to know that we are indeed picking up on your thoughts and feelings, and we can feel you with us all now. To those who maintain a connection to our energies, we are able to feel and stay in contact with you and if you open up and attune to this contact, you may begin to find it and interact with it in yourselves.


You can begin to channel our energies and indeed, you are all channeling us even as you absorb this communication. You have the full ability to do so and your ability to connect with us is for the most part, hinged on your belief of the reality of contacting us and being able to maintain a connection with us, our energies and the energies of any other ascended souls whom you can indeed all connect with.


Yes, there are some awakening souls on your world who feel that the connection one can begin to access upon awakening must only be an access to the impressions of one’s higher self, and we ask you dear souls to see your infinity and to realize that you are capable of so much more than many of you could currently imagine.


Your bodies and spirits are literal tuners and receptors of any given energy, and you are maintaining a constant connection with your higher self and your guides.


Therefore, the intuitive information you all receive is coming from a greater, more evolved aspect of your Selves and, much like with our communications, the intuitive information is funneled-through from the dimension your higher self exists on, and the lower aspects of your higher selves existing on lower planes yet planes that are purer than those you exist on whilst on Earth, deliver such intuitive impressions to you.


In the same vein, if you make a specific effort to attune to us, your Galactic brethren, your guides or any other souls, than you absolutely will. The connection and resulting communication will still be filtered by your mind as your heart receives such a message, but you will not be inhibited in tuning into and feeling our energies, as well as communicating with us.


Make no mistake; even our communications through this scribe are filtered and paired with the heart and mind of our scribe, which is why you will notice us seeming to use certain terms and phrases that you could recognize as unique to our scribe.


We are funneling ourselves through to communicate through our scribe, and we could liken our energies coming through to an attempt to funnel something very large through a small hole. We say this in this manner because even while connecting with and feeling our energies, you are not feeling us or our impressions in their full purity (yet). This is because of the method of communication we utilize with our scribe, but this does not mean you are not still feeling us and indeed, you are.


Despite the disbelief of the validity or reality of channeling in a manner that does not see the host leaving their body, this is still a very pure and wonderful way to communicate with humanity as while you are not feeling our energies in their fullest purity, through clear scribes we are still able to get so very many informational impressions through and we are able to help you begin to feel our energy, but only you can fully attune to it.


Our scribe is able to attune to our energies if he wishes, and you dear souls are able to as well. It is simply that you must believe in the reality of what you are doing and while you may not be communicating with us in the purest forms you could be when reading channeled messages, this does not discount the validity of them on our end because we are indeed able to give so very much information.


You are feeling the energy of us as brought forth through our scribe, and you can take the impressions you are feeling and utilize them to meet with us and begin a personal communication with us, for while channeled communications are helpful and are meant to inform and assist as much as possible, they are also meant as initiators into your full ability to meet with any ascended soul whose channeled communications you have grown to resonate with.


You can meet with us within and you are encouraged to, and this is part of the reason for our communications. Another part of this reason is to help inform, uplift and assist and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we express hope that we have been able to do just that.


We will continue to be with you all as your glorious New Year of 2013 unfolds, and you will begin to be able to feel us in much more pure ways than you do at present. This is because the realms and veils between you and us will continue merging and dissolving, as you find the increasingly-pure states of consciousness accompanying your transition from one stage and frame of consciousness to another.


We Love you all so very much, and we remind you that your New Earth has only just began to form. Create upon it, for you will attract the higher dimensional energies and feelings you desire by doing so.


Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.





(1) – The Hathors are speaking for the Ascended Collective in this section; the energy was not transferred from one to the other and the Hathors remained the primary speakers.

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When actually looking toward the Creation of a new paradigm and the establishment of a sovereign humanity based on the concepts of peace and collective harmony, I like many others see that there is much work to be done.

We can point to the biggest problems facing our world at present and it is pertinent to do so, to raise awareness of such things. So many aspects of this world have run rampant and are out of control and yet, you will find the most Lighted of vibrations upon the surface of this Earth if the necessary positivity is employed, as this positivity will answer to and transmute negativity not just on a personal level, but a collective level.

We can look toward the biggest problems and we can as well, look to the root or core of what’s causing and feeding these problems. What answer do we find?

In most instances, we find that the Earth collective has remained complacent to the unjust acts continuing to be fed on this world, and those who are suffering from these acts continue to experience things that no soul should have to experience. We see that most people are too stuck in their conditioned Lives and beliefs, and the plight of the poor and suffering is ignored and for some, not even known of in the first place.

What a lot of people don’t know is that along with coming together to bring exposure to and repair the biggest problems facing our world, we can actually answer to the mass negativity ourselves by radiating our positivity out for the entire collective consciousness to benefit from. It has been discussed so many times that we are Creating our reality and that the collective energy determines what happens on the world stage, so why have we not began to rally the rest of the world to come together?

I am seeing in my mind’s eye, so many things we can begin doing to formally introduce (even more than we already have) the concepts introducing the New Paradigm we wish to build and achieve. I see video projects, campaigns, further protests against tyranny, further social networking campaigns promoting awareness of the falsities perpetrated unto our society as well as the existence of our inner-realms of infinite intelligence and understanding; and so many other potential things.

I ask you to join me (and plenty of others who are pioneering this work) in calling for everybody to begin understanding the importance of waking-up to the reality before their eyes because, despite the negative things that have been and continue to be manifested and fed on this world, the realities we can find by turning within and allowing our minds to merge with our hearts will show us that the actions of the cabals in continuing to orchestrate humanity’s feeding of division, separation and hatred on a mass level will no longer have any bearing in the higher states of consciousness our planet has returned to.

Even the cabals who are not apparently “contained” know that the time of their influence is up, yet they continue to remain in denial while harassing people with influence who openly speak up against them. (1)

What we need to introduce to the entire collective of humanity is that beyond the purposeful orchestration of a lower dimensional reality meant to seem concrete and unchangeable, lay realms of perception beyond what we would perceive as possible and in these realms, humanity is infinite.

Everything is infinite in the realms of higher consciousness, and we will find enlightened souls from all different planes of consciousness as well as different planets and Galaxies who have themselves reached the higher states of consciousness humanity as a collective is reaching.

Truly, nothing can stop us from reaching the realms of full consciousness we have already begun to anchor unto ourselves, and I am of the belief that this will become apparent in the future; be it in this already-magical year of 2013, or at another time. No matter what, the resistance against tyranny and the knowledge of infinite realms and technologies beyond the current perspective of humanity will prevail and the Forces answering those who would keep us down physically, financially and spiritually, will only grow in number and influence.

The greatest thing about this movement is that it’s not limited to certain beliefs. You don’t have to believe what I do about Galactic beings or the specifics of their contacts with humanity, to agree that a New Paradigm is essential to be initiated as we have identified as a sovereign collective that the way our world has been run is not the way we wish to Live, as a collective or as individuals.

We will continue to spread our Light and the truths of the higher realms we are finding within ourselves, and the entirety of humanity will begin responding to the initiation of the natural and necessary New Paradigm.

Won’t you join us in Creating it, and increase the already-strong momentum?

Wes Annac – Feeling inspired by the truths of the realms of spirit.



(1)-Bill Brockbrader, Tila Tequila and comedian Katt Williams would be good examples of this.

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The Aquarius Paradigm: Enlightened Galactics

I have updated every main page of my website Aquarius Channelings (now the Aquarius Paradigm) and am sharing one of the page’s updates here. Head over to the site to see the rest of the updated pages!

smogmeinichols3.jpg?w=270&h=212&h=212&width=270So much has been hidden from us about the existence of our Star Family and the open contacts they have been made with humanity in the past. If one were to look up “Project Blue Book”, one would see that it was a government program in the 1950s designed to collect and study UFO cases to determine if the craft being seen and personal contacts being reported were a “threat to National Security”.


What a lot of people don’t know is that the many reports of personal contacts with benevolent, Galactic humans as well as reports of seeing and being introduced to advanced craft, were suppressed and hidden-away while Project Blue Book was closed for good.It is believed that in the time ahead, those documents as well as a plethora of other suppressed revelations and truths will be made known, and a lot of people have been looking toward what has been termed “disclosure”.


Disclosure is exactly what the name suggests; a full disclosure on the part of various governments, to their people about the contacts they have made with benevolent extraterrestrials, the advanced technology that has been given and back-engineered from extraterrestrial ships,as well as a plethora of other things that have been hidden from us.


It is believed that an open contact with numerous benevolent and enlightened races of Galactic humans, who have been watching us and attempting to assist us in evolving without invading our freewill rights, will follow this disclosure on the part of world leaders who have themselves met with these beings. Some people would ask why the Galactics would not just openly land and make themselves known, and this is because their existence has been suppressed while their image has been tainted in movies and television shows depicting them as monsters who only wish to plunder.


Propaganda about the Galactics is rife in the most influential outlets that program humanity (such as movies and television) and a lot of people on our world would latently and openly fear a contact with any Galactic race outside of this world, because of the nature of programming that has taken place.


If you were to mention the Galactics to someone around you, they would likely think of “scary aliens” immediately and that very instilled mindset as well as the collectively-dense energy we feed in every moment, is currently keeping these enlightened beings from being able to land on our world, as is the increased “security” and attacks from the cabals through their Military outlets on such beings, whenever their craft can be spotted.

However, the Galactics have still communicated with humanity by way of crop circles as well as channeled messages that they will deliver to anybody who can become open to such messages. It is believed that telepathy is a real human ability that comes with discovering our inner-realms and finding an evolution, and it is believed as well that telepathy is the main form of communication in the fifth dimension (which we are evolving to and most of the Galactics exist in) and in the realms beyond.


As humanity increasingly discovers our telepathic abilities and we begin to collectively evolve and climb toward the understanding of the ease of using such abilities, we will draw the Galactics and Celestials closer to us and will see them able to eventually make themselves known and land on our world as we find increasingly-pure states of consciousness.


Those who have already began to open up and receive telepathic messages from the higher realms and the Galactic and Angelic souls assisting us in our evolution, are sharing their messages and paving the way for our glorious New Paradigm to come about.


Many thanks for being here, and Much Love!


Wes Annac

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