Wes Annac's Posts (176)

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8108836252?profile=original-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Along your way of working to awaken the collective of humanity, you’ve met and will meet certain obstacles and things that seem to stand in your way of sufficiently anchoring the Light and spreading the truth you’ve have come to the Earth to anchor and spread.

It’s important to remember that absolutely everything happens for a very Divine and ordained reason, and even the seeming-difficulty many of you have experienced doesn’t have to bring you down or impede your progress in the manners it has at times.

Every one of you is a strong, Divine Godspark of an infinite being of full consciousness and as such, no temporary Earthy pains or difficulties will ever stop you from shining your Light onto every last aspect of your personal and collective experience that you’re ready to help heal and cleanse.

The cleansing of inner-tendencies and ways of being and Living in the collective of humanity will reflect the outer, widespread change you are to make to your physical environment.

Dearest Gaia has seen pollution manifested tenfold on Her surface, which has been largely brought-about because of the immense distraction from such things humanity is subjected to. There are many changes for Gaia to make to Her physical surface so that it can properly match the vibrations you will soon exist in and no, dearest souls, we do not refer to catastrophic Earth changes when we say this.

Necessary, Mitigated “Earth Changes”

There are very real and necessary changes for Gaia to make to Her physical form that will involve moving certain parts of Her surface around, but any potential needed changes will be brought about in a peaceful, gradual manner and the collective of humanity will be informed before such things would take place.

There will be no widespread physical changes that abruptly take people away from the areas they’ve Lived and grown comfortable in. Again; Gaia will indeed be making changes but what you experience will be much more in the way of the Divine and less in the way of the destructive, catastrophic energies.

When the free energy-based technology that was widely utilized by many of your ancient civilizations and in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria are disclosed and given to all, the pollution that’s been fed will truly cease to be and widespread prosperity, abundance and ease of Living will rapidly begin making their way to all of your civilizations.

We don’t encourage looking toward anyone other than yourselves to bring your future about and to that extent, you have indeed worked very hard as a collective body to bring about many of the changes and (expose) the truths that you know and can feel within.

We do, however, wish to inform you of the assistance we’re to be giving (and have given); for it is grand assistance indeed.

We’ve been giving you assistance throughout every aspect of your Earthly journeys and specifically, our efforts were stepped-up in what was only a moment ago in our non-concept of time, but what for you was nearly a century ago; when dearest Gaia made the call for as many beings of pure intent as possible to make their ways toward Her surface to help awaken Her collective.

Gaia’s Clarion Call

When the first atom bomb was created and exploded, a very devastating effect resulted in a plethora of realms beyond your third dimensional surface. Gaia made the clarion call for any soul in the higher echelons of existence who wanted to help pull Her out of the lower rungs of the third dimension and lower, to do just that.

Every one of you who find yourselves awakening and who know and can latently feel within that you’re on the Earth as a part of a sacred and designated mission, responded to this call and made your way to the surface of the Earth; many of you incarnating and taking full Life cycles upon dearest Gaia’s surface.

You did indeed train in plenty of higher realms for the lower-dimensional experience you were to have and for the Life cycles you were to incarnate under, because we don’t exaggerate when we say that the Earth experience is difficult and will test a soul of the higher dimensions to their very core.

The collective of humanity, who’ve been on your planet for far longer than any amount of time that would see the immense density keeping them down exponentially, have grown used to the extremes of the Earthly experience. However, many of you who made your way to the Earth from the higher realms found difficulty in even taking-on the feeling that is an immense collective weight and density, being bestowed unto you as you made your incarnations on the Earth.

The dear children of humanity who’ve come from the higher dimensions have been spoken of previously, and a large part of the mission of these dear children is to do what many of you grown Lightworkers are doing, in anchoring an incredible amount of pure Light unto the surface and collective consciousness of the Earth.

Crystal Children & Our Introduction

This has been the mission of children who’ve incarnated as far back as your eighties and nineties, and every child who’s grown to be conditioned by the Earth experience is still a crystal child at their core, with lines and ties to the higher dimensions that most of the adults around them do not possess.

The crystal children who’ve been conditioned by the Earth experience will be activated for their greater mission in due time and even while being conditioned and not consciously understanding of what they’re doing, they’re still anchoring much Light unto the surface of the Earth; again, just as you dear souls are doing.

You will be introduced to our collective in the time ahead, and the many Pleiadian souls who’ve been around your Earth for quite a while will be happily excited to introduce ourselves to you and to let you know of the assistance we’ve been providing.

We will continue to reaffirm that the assistance we’ve given has been grand indeed and even despite this assistance, the personal responsibility that’s meant to be taken by the collective of humanity, which is being taken up by the awakening collective, has always been known to be picked-up on by a plethora of awakening Earthly souls.

When this personal responsibility is taken, the entire collective will unite and build the Galactic society you’ve worked so very hard toward.

We’ve always known and felt that with the mass activations taking place upon your world, which you are still kept largely unaware of, a magnificent revolution of individual sparks uniting and growing-into fully-conscious beings just cannot be stopped.

Your Evolution Never Stops

Your evolution can never cease, because you’ve always been meant to evolve and grow back into the realms of our omnipotent Creator.

You’ve always been meant to re-find the impressions of we souls existing in the higher realms, and you’ve always been meant to reconnect with your sacred Godspark and to understand that at your core, you are the Creator of the reality you find around you.

You’ll forever be guided onward from this point, toward understanding the realms of blissful and harmonious full consciousness. We ask you to see how bright your future truly is from this point, dear souls, as even from the very beginning when you first garnered an interest in ascension, you were assured to ascend.

We’ve always wished for those of you who are actively interested in ascension yet worry that you somehow will not make it, to know that you’re assured to ascend into the higher dimensions because of your sheer interest in ascension.

We speak in a very energetic sense; as your interest in ascension, which is bred out of your natural subconscious desire to understand our Creator in the greatest ways possible, attaches a multitude of the ascension-energies being delivered in every moment in increasing purity right toward you. You have responded to these energies quite favorably.

Awakening into Greater Understandings

Dear scribe, just a few years ago in your concept of time, you had garnered an interest in ascension yet were still largely focused on the outer-aspects of your reality you were ready to see change.

Since then, you’ve been initiated into a greater understanding that you’re fully responsible for the reality you find around you and that, when taking responsibility and working to change your reality into something that suits the experiences you know you deserve to have, you can truly do anything.

Every one of you can Create your realities to the extent of perfect and blissful existence in every moment; it is simply that humanity’s existed in a limited reality wherein you were taught you had to work and “earn your keep”.

Indeed, work is required to find the abundance we can feel so many of you wish to find, but it’s not work in the sense of serving another all of your Lives so that you can get by.

The work we speak of is much more metaphysical in nature, and is derived from one’s understanding of the Law of Attraction and the fact that you can Create and manifest anything for yourselves that you truly need rather than simply want, if the sheer intent is put-in and paired with the understanding that what you’re doing is very, very real.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express that the purest of glittered and colored vibrations are to make their way to you, and that you can attract an ever-increasing purity and quantity of these vibrations to yourselves in every moment.

Nurture the connection to us and the higher realms growing within you, because every one of you is the most skilled of channelers.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.




Contributing Editor: The Golden Age of Gaia

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Humanity's Liberation Requires Impetus

hey-you-get-to-work.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


I give this writing as a part of my continuing effort to help build and contribute to humanity’s spiritual revolution.

We work toward nothing less than the complete and full liberation of humanity.

We seek to spread the very idea of spiritual and physical liberation, and we seek to spread the joyful truths of the brimming higher dimensions we’ve each come from.

We seek to help uplift the minds and hearts of the people, and to help others see the need to arise and begin working together to build a society that works for every human being. We seek to help those who’ve already started and built-upon real movements for change and truth, and to unite with everyone around us as a tsunami of Love hits this planet.

We seek to organize ourselves into a coherent collective body, who understands the great responsibilities involved both in purging our world from the darkness that’s run rampant, and in running our world after such darkness has been purged.

To this extent, every last one of us must galvanize and come together.

In my previous writing, I suggested getting into groups to build and spread a coherent message, and I don’t intend to abandon that rhetoric anytime soon. This is because our level of activity and interest in building our New Earth and purging our world of the evil rampant within many of the power structures in place, will determine the amount of work we get done.

The level of interest we show in repairing our world and helping break the carefully-instated illusion, so that those around us can rediscover who they really are and where they have really come from, will naturally determine what gets done. Truly, no outside force aims to intervene in our affairs any more than our collective freewill measures will allot.

This is ultimately a good thing, and it serves as a catalyst for our collective growth.

Think about it: does anything less than every one of us galvanizing and bringing about real and solid change ourselves, rather than waiting around for glorious changes to come without our involvement in them, make sense for a spiritual revolution driven by humanity?

If we’re to enjoy the fruits of a built-upon Galactic society in the fifth dimension, than we must first put-in the work required to get to that point. We must recognize where evil still runs rampant in our society, and actively stand-up to the forces perpetrating such evil; no matter the power they’ve assumed themselves to have.

In my opinion, one of the biggest principles of the new paradigm we’re entering and building will be that of hard work. I don’t speak of the kind of work that sees one slaving away at a job or task that ultimately doesn’t matter, but I certainly speak of the kind of driven, inspired and enjoyable work that builds societies and turns individual awakenings into collective revolutions.

When I say “let’s get to work” I request for each of us to tap-into that unprecedented motivation to build-upon our new paradigm and to stand up to the forces of injustice, in every form they’ve come about.

If kept apart, we can individually do great things but if we unite with the knowledge and inspiration every one of us possesses within, we’ll be unstoppable and the paradigm we wish to build will fall into place gloriously (again – as long as we put the work in).

There are still some first steps to be taken but overall, we’ve done quite a good job up to this point.

We’ve awakened; gotten together and utilized the internet and social media to raise awareness of the truth of our existence, as well as the manufactured societies that have been created in an effort to distract us from the realms of spirit.

We’ve reconnected with the beings actively assisting us in our ordained evolution, and we’ve worked to spread the message of Source, as given through various hosts and conduits.

Truly, what we’ve already accomplished has been enormous and because of this, I’m more than confident in our ability to directly, collectively uproot the cabals from their positions of power and influence.

I’m more than confident in our ability to take the reins from the one percent of people on this world who’ve been running things, and I know we can build the brimming Galactic society we’ve fantasized so much about and worked so hard toward.

If you’re ever in doubt of our massive collective ability – just remember the enormity of what we’ve already built.

Wes Annac – Working to galvanize the awakening masses. It’s time to build what we’re all ready to establish!



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Astral Travels: Blessing Stress

funny-stress-poster1.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we’re going to bless representations of the frustrating, stressful energy passed around various people on this Earth. Stress and frustration arise nearly every day for the majority of people and in my opinion, the very energy of stress drains us and keeps us feeding the lower states of consciousness the Earth is known for.

Our aim on this Earth is to transmute the energy of the lower dimensions in the various forms it has come about and this week, we’ll work as well to bless representations of people affected by stress every day.

A few weeks ago, we worked with the Hathors on manifesting different landscapes and locations at once, and viewing such locations via portals or “windows” we visualized. We’re going to utilize that visualization this week as we work to bless stress in the various forms it has come about.

To begin for this week, we’re going to visualize ourselves existing in the realm of our dear friend the tree. Recent subscribers should know that we’ve traveled to the realms of our tree friend quite fruitfully in the past, and the serene landscape we travel to that boasts our dear tree is every bit as harmonious as it is real.

Our perceptions of the astral realms are growing in every moment and as such, we’ll find ourselves able to perceive of the greater depth and beauty of these realms as we work from them more and more.

Visualize and attune to the great depth and purity of this heavenly field of nature surrounding our tree friend. Visualize and see the forest-border beyond the wide open field we’re floating in, and visualize a large, exuberant tree with many branches extending out. Feel the harmonious vibrations emanating from this dear tree and from every aspect of this land, and attempt to feel your own flowing vibrations.

We exist with the rest of the sentient consciousness in this realm and as such, our personal and collective vibrations will emanate-out along with everyone else’s.

Walk or float up to the dear tree before us. Attempt to communicate with it; thank it for its sacred presence here in the astral realms of this Earth. Commune with it; perhaps float up and sit on one of its branches. The Love flowing from our tree friend is unprecedented and pure, and the blissful moment that is our communion with this tree can last forever if we allow it to.

Time as we experience it is not a factor in this realm and as such, you can spend as much “time” as you’d like with our tree friend before we move on.


After enjoying the presence of our tree friend and taking-in the immensely-beautiful landscape around you (as well as creating specific things to notice about this land) we’re going to manifest the “portals” we previously accessed when working with the Hathors.

With our entire group of subscribers standing/floating near our tree friend, visualize as four “windows” of sorts seem to come into view out of thin air. We’re viewing literal portals to various different places and specifically, we’re going to witness representations of stressful, frustrating and frazzling situations.

Look into and visualize the first “window”.

Watch as it begins to form into a scene of a very busy 24-hr diner and specifically, of a waitress in that diner. She’s on a twelve-hour shift, her feet are hurting and she’s simply ready to go home. She can’t do that yet, however, because she’s serving half of the very-busy diner and is running left and right just to satisfy everyone’s orders.

She’s frustrated and upset at the situation. She’s tired and ready to go home and sleep-off the enormity of her shift, only to awake and do it all over again. She’s angry at the cooks for messing up one table’s order, and the people at the table are equally angry at and conceited with her.

Attempt to feel the energy of this overworked soul. She exists in a very heavy, weighed-down vibration, and is constantly going and moving in an effort to survive. She’s temporarily lost the feeling of calm, as her hectic Life is rushed and busy and her resulting happiness and satisfaction with Life is small.

Now, look into the second “window”.

Watch as the picture forms into a college lecture room, and zooms-in on one particular student. This young man is listening intently to the lecture being given and, at the same time, studying frantically for the test he’s going to take. The test seems important to his entire future, and he’s very stressed out and scared over the prospect of failing it.

Take a deeper look into the Life of this soul. He’s nearly-addicted to coffee and caffeine, having constantly used them to stay up late at night and cram (study frantically) for various tests and assignments. Feel the nervousness and tension in this soul, and feel his overwhelming desire to pass college and get a good job.

Calm, peace and happiness factor little into this soul’s existence, as he’s kept continually worried about the next exam or the next test of his mental ability to remember physical things. He’s seldom able to “cut loose” or relax in any way, and his existence seems to be based solely around stress and fear of failure.

We will now peek into the third “window”.

In this window, we see a frustrated and angry driver yelling at cars around him on the highway for not going quick enough. This person has an appointment to make, and is very frustrated and upset about the situation. Impatience breeds stress and frustration for this soul, and the anger he expresses toward others on the road serves as an outlet for such frustration.

Overall, he’s an angry individual who’s unhappy with the circumstances surrounding his existence but rather than surfacing that unhappiness, he seeks to take it out on others and express impatience and anger in everyday situations – such as driving on the road.

This soul has become lost in the frustration he seeks to express to others, and that very frustration has kept him from realizing the Divinity of his existence and the prevalent joy and happiness of this moment of Now.

In the fourth “window” we see each scene and each person all-in-one, and we see an all-encompassing lower energy making its way through each of them. We see and feel this energy for what it is; pure lower dimensionality that seeks to express itself through as many Earthly conduits as possible.

Visualize this energy, and ask yourself just what it looks like. Visualize its specific colors, and see the manner in which it works its way throughout every last frustrated and stressed-out person we just witnessed. Actually see the energy pouring through our frustrated waitress, our frazzled college student and our impatient driver.

See that in many instances, this energy largely causes the stress and frustration these souls find themselves immersed in.

This energy makes its way through as many people as possible and for the most part, the degree to which it’s let-in determines the potency of its effect. The people we have just witnessed no nothing beyond letting this energy in and as we watch it affect each of them simultaneously, we will ready ourselves to perform our blessings.

Affirm that the purest of Christed energy begin coming up through your astral body, and visualize the resulting flow. See and feel the beautiful, colored vibrations of spirit as they begin flowing up your astral spine, and visualize the marvelous cloud of collective blessing energy each of us subscribers is building.

What does this blessing energy look like as it comes up from within you? What specific colors are being radiated out? We can affirm that specific colors be added to the energy we give out, as we are the conduits for such energy to come forth.

When our collective cloud of energy is big enough, we can visualize it “hitting” and merging with all four of the windows we’ve been viewing the dear, frazzled souls through. As our energy begins flowing into their realities, watch as the once-murky and dark energy that was encompassing each of our frazzled souls begins changing into a much lighter, purer energy.

The colors return to the auras of each of these people, and the stress that’d ruled over them has subsided for the time being. Each of them finds themselves reaching personal strides in regards to healing their anger and overall, their moods have lightened.

As always, our blessing energies are intended to go toward the souls being represented, and the aim of this week’s exercise has been for us to bless every person on this Earth still immersed in stress and frustration.

We’ve long heard of the illusory nature of those very emotions, and they anchor an energy unto us that’s meant to feed the lower realms we’re ready to grow away from. Continue spending time in this realm if you wish, as there are an infinite amount of blessings and energetic tasks you can perform while here.

There are so many souls on this world needing blessed and now that we’ve tapped-in to and re-found our natural ability to do so, it’s time for us to “get to work” in any and every way possible.

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

Image source: http://cache.blippitt.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/funny-stress-poster1.jpg

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wes_sunsky.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

You are learning to sharpen your focus as your perceptions begin to broaden quite exponentially, and along your magnificent Earthly journeys you’ve experienced the difficulty that we’ve long wished to assist you with in any and every moment.

We wish for you to understand that what you experience at present is very carefully planned-out and coordinated, because your ability to understand that your Lives are running along a Divine script and that everything is truly okay in every moment, despite the nature of difficulty you experience, determines the amount of satisfaction you are to gain from your experience on the Earth.

It will aid you greatly to understand that joy, harmony and bliss are meant to be the prevalent energies and emotions experienced and felt in every moment.

You are learning to tap-into increasing levels of joy as you pick-up on and radiate the ever-purer frequencies being delivered from the higher realms, and the time of humanity being unable to understand the realms beyond your conscious understanding has come to a close.

Pioneering Ascension

You are helping to lead the way in experiencing the physical ascension process yourselves before the rest of your collective catches up. Many of you have come to the Earth from the higher realms of consciousness wherein you saw the suffering that was taking place and being fed in every moment, and simply had to lend a helping hand and offer as much of yourselves as possible to the ascension of dearest Earth.

You have largely helped to achieve such ascension, and your aim has been to balance-out the collective energies as you work to introduce your collective to the realms beyond their conscious understanding and to we souls existing in these realms.

We have indeed taken actions ourselves in making our presence on and around your dear planet known to your ancient and recent civilizations, and our aim has always been to help initiate you into the pure states of consciousness that have been required to be reached each time we’ve made our contacts.

We ask you to nurture the growing happiness many of you find within yourselves, for it’s not going anywhere and rather, it’s to grow and grow until the lower emotions that previously held precedent over it are simply things of the past.

You are doing so very much in the way of transmutation of the old energies and the prevalent established feelings that a plethora of Earthly souls have been feeding for a millennia, and this work is not always the easiest to perform.

This is why we will forever be with every one of you, if you feel you require the assistance of we or of your guides along the way of performing your collective and individual transmutations.

Congratulations are in Order

The dense energy being put-out by humanity has not been fully dissolved and transmuted; though the actions of the Lightworker public in taking-on such density full-force and working to transmute it as much as you possibly can, have been quite noble indeed. You have been looked upon by a plethora of souls in the higher dimensions for the wonderful and honorable work you are doing.

We do not wish to inflate the egos of any dear Lightworkers when we congratulate you for the work you’ve been doing but truly, you do deserve congratulations. If you could see how unbalanced the playing field’s been and how needed your actions are as a result, than you would understand fully why we choose to give you such praise.

Indeed, your very missions have included coming to the Earth and spreading your natural Light whilst standing up for the rights of humanity and proclaiming your sovereignty from tyranny in every form it’s come about, and it’s truly been a joy to watch every one of you anchor the Light in the various parts of your world, in the most exponential of ways.

Every one of you are where you are on your Earth for a very specific and needed reason, and some of you awakening souls who look around may notice that there are little-to-no fellow awakening souls in the areas you find yourselves in.

We’d say it’s quite on purpose that (some of) you find yourselves alone what you believe, in the specific areas many of you have instated yourselves into, but we of course would Love to see awakenings take place in the minds and hearts of every soul in every area of your dear Earth.

However, the incarnation of each of you, even unto places where you feel isolated or lonely in what you feel and know; this has been quite a purposeful move on your end so that you could anchor the Light in your area of the world, when few others are doing so.

Situated Conduits of Light & the Divinity of Now

The majority of humanity has been kept conditioned and unaware for far too long and thus, souls are needed in various parts of your world to be situated and to anchor the Light they possess and feel within. Every one of you who has taken-on this mission perform a great act indeed for the ascension of the Earth.

When you can unlock the understanding of the higher dimensions and learn to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of our Creator, any worry or concern related to your ascension process will fly out the door and you’ll find yourselves understanding that everything, in every moment, is not only okay but is truly Divine.

This moment of Now is Divine, dearest souls. Feel this moment; appreciate it and thank our Creator for it, for it is everlasting and eternal.

Harmony is meant to be found and gained in the entirety of your collective and before this can be done, personal harmony and peace must be found in the minds and hearts of every Earth soul. This seems like a large feat indeed, but the rising energy levels will strongly help your collective to awaken en-masse to realities that are so much more different and indeed, more harmonious, than what you currently experience.

We’ve long explained that you dear Lightworkers are to be acting as healers and calmers in the time ahead, and we bring this up to expand-upon the discussion of just what you are going to be doing.

Healing the Effects of Propaganda

A plethora of Earthly souls, when greeted with the initial disclosure announcements, will have a very hard time absorbing the truths of our existence and will likely take to anger as a result of the orchestrations that have taken place in your reality.

Deep down, plenty of souls on your Earth are vastly afraid of a perceived outside source from another world, making ourselves blatantly known to you.

This is because of the propaganda and fear that’s been drilled into much of humanity. We ask for you all to see the very real effects that movies, television shows and other forms of media have upon your minds and hearts, for they’re much vaster than you’ve been led to believe.

The lower frequencies being emitted from various televisions and move screens, paired with propaganda that displays us in a less-than-favorable light, have conditioned a plethora of souls on your world to be fearful of our presence and of any presence that’s deemed too far outside of the perception of humanity.

This spell of illusion and fear will simply have to be broken; though we must take care with doing so, which is why we will rely on many of you dear souls to help calm fear and quell chaos in the time ahead. In doing so, you will find yourselves inundated with the most joyful of feelings and indeed, these feelings will arrive on the back of the realization that you’ve truly made it.

(Disclosure) will have hit by this time we speak of, and while many of you will initially be too busy playing your roles as calmers to take-in and understand the implications of what will have happened; it will hit you dear souls and when it does, you will simply be exuberant.

We note the difficulty that’s been waiting for our presence to be made known, and we can only request you dear souls continue to be as active as possible in disclosing our presence; because doing so is so very important to our full disclosure and to the planet-wide recognition of our existence and our wish to assist you along your collective evolution.

Glimpsing the Spiritual Realms

The impressions you’re finding from the higher realms are only to pick-up and expand in quantity and purity. Already, so many dear Earthly souls are discovering and understanding your fruitful links with Source, and with a plethora of souls in these higher realms we’re blessed to speak with you from.

Souls who’ve glimpsed the other side of your existence and have come back with fantastic stories detailing how closely your evolution is being watched, were given a glimpse into our realms and into the multitudes of beings who are looking after humanity and assisting you in an evolution that, for the most part, your collective has been led away from understanding or even believing in.

Souls on your world who believe in no benevolent Creator; no realms of spirit; no understanding that happiness and joy are derived from the higher realms of existence; these souls will have to be reeducated to the fact that there truly are brimming other reams beyond your conscious understanding, and that physicality isn’t the only reality there is.

Indeed, the physical paradigm will be broken in plenty of souls when the revelations of our existence come to the forefront of your collective consciousness.

With the continual stalling on the part of the cabals and the continual attempts to impede progress related to disclosure, we’ve seen the importance of stepping-up and disclosing our existence ourselves.  To that extent, we await the collective energy levels to reach the necessary states wherein we will know that overreactions on the part of the unawakened humanity will not affect Life on your planet in a negative manner.

When every dear soul on your planet can find the Light and the understanding that there’s never anything to be in concern over, the difficulty and lower-dimensionality experienced and fed on your surface will be things of the past, and we’ll have no concern for any overreaction to our presence.

Shining your Healing and Blessing Energies

It’s important for you dear souls to remember that your outer-realities are always reflective of your inner.

What you see and notice about your outer-realities that seems to be directly out-of-resonation with the realms of full consciousness you’ve both come from and are growing toward, you can understand that you’re actually witnessing aspects of your Selves that are exposing themselves to you for the purpose of having your Light and healing shown unto them.

Shining your Lighted, blessing and healing energies upon everything around you and refraining from judgment or bias when doing so, is the best form of service you can provide for the Earthly public.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express that the Love and joy so many of you find growing within you as you find yourselves able to expand upon the feelings they bring up, will continue to grow as much as your perceptions of the unlimited metaphysical realities before you are.

You’re coming to rediscover the higher dimensions, and in doing so you anchor them unto the Earth with the grace of our Creator. We Love you all so very much, and we ask you to remain steadfast in the face of an Earthly experience that will test you and, in the same moment, help you to find and feel the purest of Earthly Love.

Find and expand-upon this Love, for it is leading you ever-onward to the brimming realms of full consciousness.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.



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8108836252?profile=original-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Every lesson you’re being given is ultimately designed to help you find the emotions, heart sets and understanding of the higher realms, and we ask you to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of the Creator; which many of you are beginning to find yourselves able to do with increased ease.

This is because the pure energies delivering your ascension, which you are absorbing and assimilating unto yourselves with fervor yet grace, are settling upon your perspective and helping you to understand and see the Divinity of every single moment of the infinite and glorious Now.

The Now and the energy of the Now are being increasingly understood by a plethora of awakening souls, and the mental desire to fight, rebel or spark argument is derived from a desire not to experience the infinite calm of the moment of Now.

Ego will fight very hard against your establishing of spirituality and understanding, as the lower, mental mind has thrived in the unawareness that has temporarily shielded your minds and hearts.

As you are finding an easy line of connection to the higher realms per your growing-into the states of consciousness you’ve long been destined to find, the mental need to fight or rebel is waning and as such, your ego perceives itself to be in its death throes.

The egotistical aspects of mind are indeed fading away, but your mind will forever be your ally and assistant. The mind is meant to work with the heart, and you can work with your minds from your heart-center on manifesting events in your personal Lives you would like to be able to experience.

Manifesting Necessities

We do not speak of egotistical desires, as to feed an egotistical desire is only to feed the very disintegrating lower-mind that would hold you back forever if allotted. We trust you dear souls are beginning to see when the lower-mind is attempting to take over, as you can now rightly put an end to any type of negative influence it would have over you.

You’ll find that mind is a great ally in the time ahead as we’ve said above, as again, mind can be very helpful when working from a balanced position and when working with the heart to manifest.

Abundance is indeed a necessity, but we don’t intend to say that having a lot of money or material possessions is required for your growth as a soul or for your survival in the lower dimensions. (1)

Indeed they are not, and allowing oneself to fall too deep into the throes of ego and materiality actually serves to halt one’s soul-growth quite exponentially.

You are always growing and learning and your growth as a soul cannot be fully halted, but materiality and feeding the ego can serve to bring your soul growth to a near-grinding halt, and has done so for many Earthly souls who don’t yet understand that there’s something beyond wealth, materiality and possessions.

Consumerism has only encouraged materiality and egoism, and this is why the awakenings taking place in the minds and hearts of humanity are more important than ever. It is time for humanity to learn that there are fruitful, infinite realms just beyond your conscious perspective waiting to be tapped-in to and felt.

Shining Light onto Secrecy & Connecting with us

The awakening you find taking place within you is only to increase in intensity and as such, the lessons you learn and the growth you experience will be planned-out in increasingly-intense ways, that will attempt to break open the paradigm of personally-held secrecy and suppression that’s run rampant.

We do not speak of the secrecy and lies that have been perpetrated on the world stage and rather, we speak of the secrets and emotions kept locked-away within each individual human soul who’s in desperate need of surfacing and release.

It’s time for your ordained Light to be shone onto every last aspect of your existence that has been previously covered-up, as the Light energies leading you ever-onward toward the higher dimensions are ready to uncover all that is not in resonation with their purity.

We ask you to make your attempts to feel the energies of we Masters speaking before you, for we are truly here for every one of you to tap-in to our energies and bring forth fruitful communications and guidance as a result.

We’ve always been with every one of you and while souls steeped in various religions feel themselves unworthy of a solid and constant connection with us, we’re truly here, with and for every one of you and we’ve long been waiting for you to tap-into this realization and bring-forth a resulting contact with us.

We have always been here for every one of you and when this can be understood, the loneliness and detachment from the Divine that so many souls have felt will itself be understood as illusory and unnecessary.

We say that loneliness and feelings of abandonment are unnecessary, because the Love of our Creator can be felt and accessed within the minds and hearts of each one of you. We hold the impressions and energies of our Creator in everything that we do and in every interaction we are blessed with having.

Calming the Public

We are imbuing massive amounts of our Creator’s omnipotent energy unto this communication, and unto every communication we give to various scribes and channelers who are picking up our impressions and utilizing them for the benefit of the entire collective.

Every Earthly soul is awakening to the reality of the existence of realms beyond your understanding, and the energies of we souls are being picked-up on more and more as the very idea of communicating with us and finding a very real and steady link to our energies begins to be accepted by more souls.

People on your world who have previously assumed themselves to be finite human beings will come to find the understanding of their personal Divinity, but when greeted with a plethora of revelations that will make your heads spin and will open your minds and hearts to truths that many souls had previously been blocked away from; we can anticipate the collective energy levels taking quite a dive for a moment.

Others have spoken of the potential difficulty that could be garnered for a very small period of time, when the initial revelations begin to surface that may upset the general public the most.

Like others have, we will remind you that you are on the Earth to act as a beacon of calm and Light for every person who may be initially angry and indeed, even furious over the clear orchestration that has been the establishment of your society as you see it today.

The souls who have been purposely held-back by the cabals in the interests of greed and sacrifice, and who experience vast poverty as a result, are to be given abundance before it is delivered to the considerably-more prosperous areas of your dear world.

If souls in the United States and other developed countries could truly feel the starvation and lack being enforced in too many areas of your world, they would want to do everything they can to help the souls who have been forced into such positions.

Blessing Poverty-Stricken Souls

We will reiterate that every soul is where they are for a specific and ordained reason, but the suffering that’s been enforced is ready to come to an end and the exponentially-negative and damaging vibrations that have been manifested are ready to be healed, rather than continuing to be fed.

We ask every one of you to send your purest of blessing and Lighted energies toward the souls in the areas of your world experiencing such poverty and difficulty, as the cabals have wanted to put every soul who is not directly in their families, into the positions of extreme lack and difficulty that souls in various underdeveloped and “third world” countries have long been ready to rid themselves of.

Your experience of reality has been conditioned in so many ways, and distraction has been used to keep souls in developed countries unaware of the plight of those experiencing massive difficulty and poverty.

We are confident that every one of you reading this can break through the shells of distraction and complacency that would otherwise serve to have monumental effects upon you, as your attunement to the Light energies and your garnering of awareness and compassion are essential if you wish to assist your collective with moving into the sovereign future we can feel you are so very ready to move into.

Many of you are on the Earth to act as way showers; as bridgers for the new world to come about.

Channeling in Various Different Ways

You exist on the Earth, anchoring as much higher-dimensional energy as you possibly can in the midst of your everyday experience. Souls all throughout your world have taken to various different means of channeling the energy of the higher realms unto and through themselves for your entire collective to benefit from.

Some souls actively channel various different ascended beings whom are waiting for our energies and communications to be picked-up on, and some use music or other forms of expression or art to channel vastly-pure energies and vibrations through themselves, for others around them to benefit from.

Every one of you play specific and needed roles in the ascension of the Earth, and to say that everything you’re doing is necessary is a vast understatement.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express that you’ll find the Mastery we’re known for as you discover that your ability to Master every lesson you are given is actually much stronger than you’ve allowed yourselves to believe.

Illusory limitation will no longer keep you shackled to the realms of the unconscious and as always, we are guiding you ever-onward into perceptions that you have not felt in quite a while but that nonetheless, will feel so very familiar.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.



(1)-Upon reading over this section of the message, I asked the Ascended Masters if they could provide a bit more clarification on the necessity of abundance. This was their response:

“When we refer to the necessity of abundance, we speak of the personal, spiritual abundance and sovereignty that every soul deserves and requires along their path of understanding their innate godhood and spiritual ability. Outward abundance, manifested in one’s physical reality in the form of enough funds to survive in their everyday Lives, comes as a result of the garnering of enlightenment and personal, spiritual abundance.”

So it seems that, just as they said, they weren’t speaking of financial abundance in the referenced section but rather, spiritual abundance and sovereignty.

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Astral Travels: Blessing the 9-to-5

Image-6.jpgThe following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

(Note: This week’s exercise is longer than usual. Be forewarned!)

This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth to bless representations of the people on our world stuck in the daily trudge of 9-to-5 living.

What I mean is that we are going to bless the unawakened souls who are stuck within the confines of a daily job which, in many cases, keeps them from being able to awaken as they are stuck in a fashioned and conditioned environment for most of their time.

The aim of this exercise is certainly not to discourage having a physical job that requires one to be in an office or a similar place, for as long as the old third dimensional paradigm is still being enforced than an inflow of this little illusory thing we call money is still more than necessary and as such, even plenty of awakened souls are forced to trudge on with 3D jobs while also working toward Earth’s Golden Age.

Those of you reading this who continue to face a physical job every day could benefit from this exercise and the blessing we are to perform, and during this exercise we are going to absorb the mannerisms and tendencies of the employees we are to bless. Overall, we will get a glimpse into how feeding the third dimensional paradigm sees one naturally resonating with the environment they find themselves in during most of their experience.

We are going to observe representations of unawakened souls who sometimes-happily exist in the confines of an office nearly every day of their Lives and when our observations are complete, we will then bless these souls in hopes that our blessings will reach every soul on this world who maintains an active unawareness of the true reality of their existence.

To begin our exercise for this week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth in a different way than we previously have. We are going to visualize stargate travel as our means of reaching the New Earth this week, and the very-large group of fellow New Earth travelers who are always with us in this realm will be waiting for us as we make our travels.

Take a few deep breaths or get into a light meditation if you would like (it’s always recommended) before visualizing yourselves floating in a beautiful, colorful field similar to that of our dear tree friend, which is boasting with flowers and happy, ascended animals. Feel the exuberant and brimming nature of this land, and visualize the potent, pure vibrations swirling all around you in the form of the quite-visible energetic “air”.

Visualize yourselves floating in front of a very large stargate, with swirling blue-violet energy encompassing it and moving all around it. This stargate is similar to what has been seen in science-fiction movies, and one can notice and see the beautiful, spherical portal of energy encompassed within it.

There is intense blue and violet-colored energy swirling around the outside of this stargate and encompassing it, while in the center our separate spherical portal (which has various different intense colors swirling all around in it) is excitedly awaiting our entrance. The violet energy encompassing the stargate is forming a background of sorts for the colors and energies of the center-portal, and both energies/colors can be noticed in the center of the stargate.

As you enjoy the colors of the swirling portal with me and your fellow subscribers performing this exercise, notice as a scene or landscape of sorts appears in the center. The violet-swirling energy is still prevalent all around the stargate, but the multicolored energy that was the center-portal has given way to this beautiful landscape.

The “scene” we are viewing is of a landscape very similar to where we are already at.

The only difference is that along with the wondrously-intense higher dimensional colors and energies swirling all around the land, we are viewing a large stage and a very-large crowd of excited and exuberant higher dimensional beings who are eager to greet us to their landscape when we make our way to them.

Really observe this scene we are seeing via the stargate, and visualize specific features of this land or of the infinite amount of higher dimensional souls actively observing us and awaiting our presence. After doing so and upon continuing to meditatively “focus” on the landscape, visualize and feel as you, I and everyone else begins to be drawn closer to the landscape, and into the stargate.

The scene seems to expand and boast more detailed features (which I will leave up to you to visualize and Create) that we can recognize and enjoy as we enter through the stargate. Actually going through the stargate may feel a bit different for each of you but personally; I saw and felt the scene expand and get bigger and at some point, I felt myself in a beautiful “in between” land with intense blackness accompanied by beautiful, swirling colored energies.

I felt myself observing the scene as I entered into and began to emerge from this beautiful, black yet colored portal-existence and eventually, I felt myself come all the way through and emerge with the rest of our group of subscribers. As we all emerge through the stargate, notice that the large crowd of fellow New Earth travelers begins to cheer.

They are cheering more happily and excitedly than could be expressed, as it is quite a big deal to them when any individual Earthly soul is able to visualize or otherwise find themselves actually on our New Earth; whether such Earthly soul is here to bless visualized representations, explore and see what is descending down unto our physical reality, or anything else.

They are quite happy and excited for the presence of a large group of astral-physical Earth humans, and are certainly expressing their excitement in what is the largest display of applause we can visualize. Cheering, “clapping” and even whistling can be visualized and heard as our fellow New Earth travelers express every last bit of their gratitude for our presence and mission here.

Eventually, the celebrating clams and we are all left to exist in the wonderfully-advanced vibrations of our New Earth.

Visualize the numerous features of this land; allow yourselves to Create the most wonderful and unexpected higher dimensional marvels to behold, and hold the focus of this moment with the rest of our New Earth travelers before we move on to the reason we are in this glorious and blissful realm.

With you and every fellow subscriber standing/floating on the stage looking out at the crowd, notice as a large and broken down-looking city begins to become visible off in the distance. Longtime subscribers will recognize this city as the one we have worked in fruitfully during previous exercises, and we are going to travel to this, what is a representation and nothing more, of an Earthly city plagued with lower dimensionality in various forms.

This type of environment would obviously not exist on our New Earth, but representations are being used by our New Earth travelers and by every soul who finds themselves here with the intent of performing Lightwork, to funnel the blessing energies manifested for the representations on to the actual, physical things they represent that are in need of blessing and transmutation.

Just as we floated into the stargate to make our way to the New Earth, our entire group of subscribers followed by our New Earth travelers are going to begin arising and floating toward this city as we notice it off in the distance. You may find yourselves in the city by traveling there instantly, or by flying/floating high up in the air with the rest of our very-large group.

We are all floating nearly like a flock of birds toward this city we are planning to bless and as we get closer and closer, notice the broken-down elements of this city that are feeding the lower vibrations exponentially. Feel various things about this city; notice, for example, that there are liquor stores and bars on nearly every corner and yet, no libraries.

There are plenty more things that can be felt and observed about this city but specifically, we are going to travel to an office in this city where souls who know no other lifestyle than to work away are doing just that, rather than looking beyond their broken-down city to the fifth dimensional utopia waiting just away from their perception.

As we make our way to the building of the office we are to visualize, notice that while being in a broken-down city, it is in okay condition. It harbors a business type of environment, but one can feel the spiritually-dead vibrations being emanated from every office in it. One can feel the sheer starvation of anything of the higher dimensions in favor of the same old physicality and lower dimensionality and yet, as we will see, the souls we are blessing are in fact quite comfortable where they are.

Visualize as our group of subscribers specifically (not the entirety of the New Earth travelers with us) floats up to a window in the dead center of the very-tall building, and enters the office via the closed window by quite literally materializing through it. We are astral spirits in this higher dimensional land, and we might as well utilize the benefits!

Our group of subscribers now exists in and is feeling the vibrations of this spiritually-starved office we have materialized into.

Notice the various people sitting in their various cubicles and work spaces. Feel the energies; the vibrations being emitted from them and visualize/Create specific things about this office environment. As we look at each individual soul, notice that little portals emerge from within them that they cannot see which, just like our stargate portal, display a scene of sorts for us to view.

With each individual person in this office, the scene shows something different. We are being shown little scenes that display “facts” about the individual people and how they go about their existence, and notice that each person holds different mannerisms that keep them ensnared in the lower dimensional environment they’ve grown used to.

One of the souls is reliant on alcohol; not in a physically-addicted way, but in an emotionally-dependent way that sees them needing it just to get through the day. Likewise, another soul in this office is quite severely addicted to caffeine and needs it just to be able to go about their day.

Another soul is dependent upon office gossip and other related gossip to get through the day, and thrives on drama and taking in or witnessing conflict.

Another soul in this office relies on judgment of others to get through their day. The people they are forced to see and deal with every day are given their own judgments in the mind of this soul, and they thrive on the feeling they get from judgment over another.

Envision specific habits and tendencies in the rest of the souls in this office, which are displayed in various ways through the little portals that have emerged in front of them. The main quality we can notice in every one of these souls is that despite their existence in a place nearly-completely devoid of spirit, they are actually comfortable where they are.

Even the soul dependent upon alcohol is happy to be where they are; as even though they do not enjoy many facets of what they do every day, they are still happy to hold down a job and keep that ever-important flow of money going. Every soul here is comfortable where they are, and our blessings are certainly not intended to uproot any unawakened soul who is happy with the perceptions they exist in and the “working away” lifestyle they lead.

Rather, we are giving our blessing and Lighted energies to these souls because quite frankly – they deserve them for the continual existence they have led in offices and at jobs. Even if one is comfortable there, to do so is a valiant thing and every person on this world who maintains a “9-to-5” is truly a trooper.

With that, we will begin our blessings.

As we view every one of these souls and get a last peek and the environment they exist in, begin to affirm your personal Light come up through you; through your spine as it flows gently out of every one of your chakras.

Our higher dimensional astral bodies carry many more chakras than our current physical bodies and as such, we can affirm and feel as Light begins pouring out of our astral bodies from each and every chakra they possess. We’re becoming quite literal portals or conduits for the purest and most Lighted of blessing energy to come through, and I ask you to visualize and feel every facet of your astral body swimming in pure Light.

We are each doing this individually and in doing so, we are adding an immense amount of pure blessing energy to the already-large collective cloud of energy we have built during this exercise. Hold the focus of this moment, and continue to add as much and as pure blessing energy from within you as you possibly can.

Whenever you are ready, we are going to visualize as our cloud of energy washes over and permeates every aspect of this office and the souls who work in it.

Visualize and see as this office is washed and cleansed with a tidal wave of collective blessing energy, and notice then as the environment returns to features similar to what they already were, with slight improvements.

The office is improved slightly in terms of its spiritually-allowing environment, and the souls who were quite hooked on their various things are slightly less immersed in them than they were before and are convening together. Generally, they are happier.

Why was the change so small with such large and pure blessing energy? Because that is the nature of change in our physical reality (which is being represented) and while our previous blessings have not garnered such results; it’s good to get every view of how these energies steadily affect our physical reality rather than immediately witnessing the after-effects.

When pure and needed energies are given to the physical Earth, such energies have to move through our physical concept of linear time rather than making an instant effect as they otherwise would. Our blessing energy is certainly to heal this situation and the very real situations and people it is representing; it is simply that it will take a bit longer and the energies will steadily work their way around the environment and the people we have blessed.

So will it be with these blessings affecting our physical Earth and for now, you are always and forever encouraged to stick around these lands and Create/bless specific things or representations. I always try to end our astral exercises each week with something snappy or inspirational but to be honest, the power each one of you have expressed and worked with this week is inspiration enough. You’ve inspired me!

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LWVWrvTyl98/UWIw7DijjHI/AAAAAAAAcKI/RcvVSTBYfHM/s1600/Image-6.jpg

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Revolution.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


During a communication I was blessed to have with the Pleiadians recently (I’ll admit I channel quite a lot) they discussed a subject that I’d like to explore a bit here. It’s a subject I believe to be immensely-important to our evolution as a species and specifically, to our standing up to the forces of darkness and Creating a society more in the interests of every sovereign human being.

The subject they discussed was peaceful, spiritual revolution.

I’ve already begun to discuss this subject with my previous writing on it, though the term I used was “humanity’s spiritual uprising”. As both terms essentially describe the same thing, I’d like to take a look at the very idea of rising up as an awakened collective body and asserting ourselves to the current power structures in place.

The term “revolution” is quite powerful.

If one looks at how plenty of revolutions have been started in our past, one sees that, in many cases, war has been involved, be it war derived from the people standing up to their oppressors, or from the oppressors inciting false revolutions in an effort to gain more control over the people when encouraging revolution.

Any ideas of a bloody or violent revolution are vastly out of alignment with the paradigm I personally feel we’re entering into, and I can imagine most of you reading this would agree. Keeping that in mind, now’s a better time than ever to stand up to the forces that have infiltrated our governments, militaries and plenty of other institutions, to proclaim our sovereignty from their perceived “rein”.

I speak of the Powers that Were: the cabals; whatever one wishes to call the individuals who’ve worked to keep humanity stuck in states of unawareness and resulting subservience.

I speak of those who’ve kept the average person stuck in a system of perpetual debt, and who’ve covered-up and hidden the overwhelming majority of our history. I speak of those who’ve kept humanity in the industrial age by suppressing advanced technologies that will lead us into an era of collective peace, cooperation and harmony.

I speak of those who’ve orchestrated mass pandemics and natural disasters; all to distract humanity from what they’ve been doing and to keep devastation fed on a widespread level. I speak of those who are responsible for keeping clean food and water from starving and thirsty people, and who’ve vastly polluted the food and water most of us consume.

It’s time for these individuals to know that their perceived reign on this world has come to and end and that we the people, rather than a celestial force or entity, will be the ones to uproot them from their positions of power.

It’s time for us to collectively arise and proclaim our sovereignty from tyranny in the most peaceful yet assertive ways possible, and our strength in numbers is much more powerful than we would be led to believe.

I’m of the opinion that if every last one of us stands together as a strong, collective body, then we won’t need violence to assert ourselves and we’ll be able to work out the clear message we wish to spread and aptly work to spread it.

We can end starvation on a massive level on this planet.

We can stop the brutal treatment of women and children in so many countries.

We can put a stop to the suppression of abundance and clean food and water in so many countries whose citizens, in many cases, also have to deal with tyrannical rulers and despots who brutally control them.

We can put an end to the reign of tyrannical leaders who’ve been put into “figurehead” positions (yet powerful positions nonetheless) in an effort to control the public and to distract us from who’ve really been running things.

There are so many things we can do in this very moment and, indeed, we can all do them in peaceful yet incredibly-assertive ways. Imagine every last awakening human being “taking to the streets” as it were; utilizing peaceful protest or any other means to let the current power structures in place know that we’re ready for a real change.

In my opinion, the most important aspect of our peaceful revolution will be for every last one of us to begin forming into groups, to discuss the various ways we’ll spread the clear message we’ll neatly formulate.

When every last one of us can form into individual groups with a clear message to spread and then merge those groups – we’ll create a very powerful collective network of awakening people who are ready for true yet peaceful revolution. The work is here to be done and personally, I’m happy to be on this Earth to do it; but I can’t do it alone.

Every last one of you reading this must work with as much of yourselves as possible, in any ways you can, on humanity’s spiritual revolution.

Upon getting into groups and working out the template for our revolution, we can perhaps unite with other protest groups working for the betterment and advancement of humanity in their own ways.

With every last one of us actively involved in the restoration of the Earth and in purging the cabals’ influence and “reign”, we will move mountains and bring about the strongest and most positive changes this world has ever seen.

Beyond the work needing to be done in our outward reality to spark a peaceful revolution and bring about real change, we must see to it that we’re in alignment with the qualities of the New Earth we’re ultimately working toward.

If we wish to build and be a part of a new paradigm, it’s important for us to actively monitor our actions and to see when they’re out of alignment with how we want our society to function.

It’s been said that any expected outward change must first come from within, and if we’re going to build upon the greatest spiritual revolution humanity has ever seen, than it’s important for our own actions to resonate with what we wish to build.

This is one reason I personally don’t resonate with the idea of a violent revolution, as mentioned above.

Warfare, even if it’s against the people who’ve oppressed us, will only feed the gruesome and low vibrations we’re ready to move away from. If we wish to ignite revolution, we must recognize our strength in numbers and we must see as well that what we feed, individually or collectively, determines the experience we’ll have.

It’s long been said that our thoughts, actions and emotions are registered onto a collective grid of energy that helps determine what happens on the world stage. Recognizing this, we can make sure our thoughts and actions are in alignment with the peace and Love so many of us want to see grow.

Ultimately, we’re working to see the higher dimensions anchored unto this Earth as we subsequently grow toward them. When we can closely monitor every action, thought and emotion we give out and actively work to be in alignment with the Divine qualities in every moment, the collective vibrations will benefit immensely.

Nurturing and feeling peace within will naturally see its influence grow because we’ll be tasked with helping the collective understand the importance of peace and every other Divine quality we wish to see everybody cultivate.

While many religions on our world have enforced dogma and attempted to control humanity in so many ways, what we’ll establish will teach liberation and sovereignty for every person. The only “rules” we may live by are those that should be taken as a given in our society and overall, one of the biggest things humanity will benefit from changing is the amount of respect and Love we show for our fellow man.

As the revolution we’ll ignite won’t be based in dogma or in making a person act a certain way, our aim won’t be to attempt to enforce peace and cooperation. If humanity doesn’t want to come together and cultivate peace amongst each other, than there’s little we’ll be able to do but as we’ve heard, the influence of peace and Love is growing.

That means every person on this Earth is learning to let the very idea of peace in, and to start practicing it in their lives. Peace is, of course, a simple aspect of the overall Divinity we wish to express in every moment and with our non-forceful yet educative efforts, every aspect of the Divine existence we wish to re-find will be understood by everyone.

It is for this reason we’ll have to worry little about having to “enforce” the basic ways to live and treat those around us. The consciousness of our collective is growing as the Light being beamed our way continues to increase in purity and as such, every person will find an individual cultivation of peace and so much more.

Despite that the rising energy levels will help humanity awaken to the importance of employing peace, harmony and cooperation, it’s important for us to remain as active as ever in spreading the message of peace and in attempting to ignite peaceful revolution in the most assertive ways we possibly can.

I’ll continue to do my part by writing out the inspiration I’ll only continue to feel, but it’s essential for every last one of you to get together and expand upon every last aspect of what I and others have written concerning our spiritual revolution.

There are innumerable facets of the initiating of this revolution for us to actively focus on and discuss and again; the fruitful work is here to be done and is ready to see our eagerness to do it, grow.

Wes Annac – Rubbing two sticks together to spark the flame of revolution



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wes_birdintree.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-


Note: It’s my twentieth birthday today (May 27). I give this message from the Pleiadians with exuberant happiness and Love. :) 

The awakening of the collective of humanity is proceeding quite marvelously, though we know that it does not seem to be so from the point of view of those of you who continue to struggle. We ask you to stand strong in your efforts, dear souls, for the Divine is much closer than you would readily believe and we are, in fact, with every one of you right now.

We feel such a strong Love for the awakening collective of humanity and indeed, for all of Creation.

We feel the strongest Love and desire to assist you along your personal and collective evolution processes because truly, what you are doing is unprecedented. You are allowing a planet whose surface has been brimming with negativity for far too long to find the Light and find ascension as a result, and your efforts up to this point have been more than needed.

This is because every single Earth soul is feeding their thoughts and emotions into a grid of energy, which has been discussed before. You are feeding your thoughts and feelings into the collective consciousness, and what you manifest comes as a result of those thoughts and feelings.

This is why we encourage positivity and Love in all endeavors because truly, those emotions and energies will not steer you wrong.

Peek Into the Unknown

Souls on your world throughout a plethora of ages have taken to mental means of understanding Life and the Universe around you, and this has proven an ultimately-fruitless way to look at your Lives for truly, everything around you is brimming with the purest of spirituality; even when it doesn’t seem to be so.

Yes, your lower realms will boast continual physicality that seems to be quite unchangeable at times, but a simple meditative peek into the unknown will help remind you that Divinity and spirituality are present everywhere and that all one needs to do is honestly search for such things to find them.

Those on your world who refuse to believe in the existence of spirit or realms beyond your conscious perception will find their increased understanding of these realms in their own perfect timing; it is simply that the density and physicality of the Earth experience have fogged the minds and hearts of too many Earth souls who feel as if the reality they experience is the only one in existence.

We ask for you to see how untrue such an idea truly is in the face of the vast planets, galaxies and Universes that lay beyond this one. Indeed, it would make little sense for an entire Creation to be envisioned up only to have one small, blue planet in the corner of the Cosmos be the only one hosting Life and conscious experiences.

The purpose of Creation is for you to experience yourselves as the Creator in a more distorted form than you had originally existed in, and your return to full consciousness will herald your complete and uninhibited understanding that you are God, in every single form God has come about.

Source Created the Lower Realms to Experience

This is because the Creator; Source; God; whatever you wish to call the entity who Created and continues to sustain (all of) our conscious experiences until we grow back into the understanding that we are such Creator; this soul has formed lower, dense realms from His/Her own omnipotent structure, for fragmented aspects of His/Her ultimate Being to experience, play around in and eventually grow away from.

You have certainly had your fair share of play on the Earth, but we again note the level of trouble and difficulty experienced by many of you who simply wish to feel and remember what it is like to exist in the realms of full consciousness.

You are gaining small yet potent glimpses into the higher realms with each bit of intent and effort you make to seek them and as has been said, your connection to Creation; the Source of all that is, is perfectly instantaneous. You need only make a request that the Creator be with you and quite instantly, you will find yourselves in the vicinity of the Creator’s energies.

Indeed, in so many senses we all already feel and exist as a part of the Creator’s energies, but we know that many of you dear Earthly souls would like even more of a glimpse into the energies making up your conscious experience of reality and leading you ever onward toward purer dimensions of consciousness.

Cleansing and Healing Orchestrated Pollution

We are constantly in your skies, helping to mitigate and in some cases, neutralize altogether, the pollution that is continually manifested and fed on your dearest Earth.

The cabals have quite purposely taken to harming Gaia by way of polluting Her ground, skies, waterways and atmosphere and as such, we take to stationing ourselves in dearest Gaia’s sky so that we can send out formulas and energies that help in the mitigation of the negative affects the massive pollution being fed would otherwise have.

In so many areas of your world the cabals have established refineries, mills and other things that are intended to produce commodities and foods on your Earth, but that pollute Her surface and atmosphere drastically.

We ask for the collective of humanity to begin getting as active as you possibly can in raising awareness of the massive pollution that is being fed, because as a collective you can truly get so much more accomplished than you would readily believe.

Your collective power is quite strong indeed, which is why you have been kept separated for so very long.

When it is understood that no man is different from another and that all are Loved equally by a Creator who doesn’t judge or send any souls to any hellish landscape if they do not follow a strict set of rules or dogmas, humanity will unite with the grace and ease of our Creator. We excitedly await such a time when you can fully come together and express yourselves as facets of an infinite oversoul of consciousness.

Merging with your Twin Flame & True, Unconditional Love

As humanity comes together and finds an unprecedented collective growth and learning, your Oneness will become increasingly clear and some of you who are particularly close may eventually find yourselves merging as you discover your ability to do so.

What we mean is that you are all comprised of the same spiritual energy, and many of you who feel very close with each other at present may eventually choose to merge back into a fragmented aspect of the One oversoul that you truly are, which is made up of both (or more) individual souls who wish to rejoin together.

Many twin flames have incarnated on your world and physically separated despite the fact that at a spiritual level, they are aligned and united. Pure Love Creates and sustains your realities and when we use the term Love, we do not use it in the hollow sense many on the Earth have been accustomed to.

Rather; we speak of true, pure unconditional Love, which is sent out to every facet of our Creator’s inexplicably-large Creation. Every single Godspark on your dear Earth and far beyond can begin to unlock and understand the true, full and awesome power of the energy that is Love.

This energy helps to sustain and keep your conscious experience of reality in place and as you evolve and find purer dimensions of consciousness, perception and understanding, you will see that the energies formulating each experience on each octave of consciousness you are to undergo remain the prevalent force helping you to Create the realties you will exist in upon evolving.

So many aspects of your current experience will fade away or be transmuted altogether as you grow into greater perceptions, but the energy that is Love will only come to be understood more and more as the ultimate, infallible energy that it is.

Your Infallibility & the “Barriers of Negativity”

Being comprised of this energy, you too are infallible and you can affirm this to be so in every moment.

You have had to deal with very real barriers that would and will attempt to get you to feed the strongest of negativity, separation and hatred, but we trust that you dear souls can recognize when a clear malevolent influence is attempting to take control over your emotions and rightly work to transmute the aspects of those barriers attempting to hold negativity in place.

Psychic attacks are indeed real, but we do not want for you dear souls to fear any type of malevolent entity coming through and “attacking” you. Rather; psychic attacks will come in the form of being sent discordant energies and impressions, and negative or low emotions are usually attached to such discord as the entity sending them attempts to get the soul receiving them to feed such negativity.


If an attempted psychic attack comes your way, there is truly nothing to fear as you can call upon dear Archangels Michael, Raphael or any one of us to help you with the full and clear (stopping) of such attacks. Your and our blessing energies will go to the entity attempting to send them to you.

The cabal-heads specifically (who have been behind many of such attacks) have had their day in the sun, and currently experience pure forms of containment that we are indeed stepping-up, until their influence has dwindled down to nothing in terms of what they are able to do or achieve.

Intensification of Containment & Humanity’s Responsibility

Your society as it is today has been quite fabricated and planned-out, and the cabal heads who have played very large parts in the engineering of your society have, for quite a while, attempted various different schemes and attacks against the collective of humanity which, little did they know when planning them, were not to ever be brought about because they are not in alignment with what humanity is intended to experience via your ordained freewill contracts.

We speak of these souls existing in a holographic reality wherein they think or assume they are pulling a massive, malevolent deed off, only to find that the events they planned so rigorously have not happened at all.

This is one of the strongest aspects of the containment the cabal heads are experiencing at this time and along with this, they are fruitfully contacted in their dream state and are being worked with so that the malevolence that’s closed off their hearts for so long can no longer have the effects or cause the massive suffering and hardship it has.

We do not want for discussions of containment, disclosure or anything else to soften humanity’s personal drive to enact change on your world as while we are assisting you with so many facets of your evolution and this truth simply cannot be overstated; we can only work within the perimeters we are allotted and we must allow your experiences to largely play-out as you Create them.

We can help to neutralize the cabal heads and the dastardly deeds they would attempt to perpetrate upon the Earth, and we can help clean up your environment so that the playing field is fair and humanity does not experience a grand catastrophe as a result of the cabal’s actions or the general unawareness as to the massive pollution being fed on your world but beyond all of this, we must look toward you the awakening humanity to bring-forth exposure and peace for your entire collective to feel, radiate and benefit from.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we again ask every one of you to get as active as you possibly can in restoring the Earth and working to expose to the entire collective, everything about your planet that isn’t in alignment with the freedom and sovereignly every soul deserves to feel and understand.

We will be and have been with you in your inner-realms and so very soon, we will be able to be with you on the ground. Then, the real celebrations can begin.

Thank you to SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council.



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wes_waterfall.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your conscious experience as you go about it is sustained upon a frequency of reality. The specific octave of consciousness you exist upon breeds an equally-specific type of experience, and as you rise in consciousness you find the density around you growing lighter and lighter.

You will find yourselves beginning to weigh less as you go about your physical ascension processes, and one of the initial symptoms you will notice when your perceptions are kicked into a noticeably high gear will be the seeming weightlessness of your form. Your experiences will brim much more with joy and synchronicities than they do even currently and in general, you will find your moods very easy to lighten.

You will find yourselves sparkling with exuberant, Divine energy and you will attach an energy to yourselves that is recognizable in a plethora of pregnant women who seem to be “glowing” when taking in a new Life and a new soul which, in your most recent decades, will have (likely) come from the higher realms to help the Earth find Her ascension and to help Her collective awaken in time for such an ascension.

In regards to this, the entire collective of humanity is finding an increasingly pure understanding and perspective and while it does not yet seem to be so, we ask you to trust that the inner-workings of the Divine are awakening a plethora of souls who would have otherwise chosen to remain asleep.

Preparing to Feel the Effects of Ascension

The assistance you are all offering is largely helping to initiate the widespread, collective awakening taking place, and we attempt to explain some of the initial ascension-related symptoms you will feel when the purest of energies and perceptions begin to descend down in a partial effort to prepare you for such feelings.

While we do not feel you will be overwhelmed by the time they come about, we simply wish to see you ready and will give as much assistance and guidance along the way of doing so as we possibly can, for our Love for you is so very strong and pure.

We are helping to prepare you to understand the brimming realms of full consciousness you have been working toward for so very long, as every bit of understanding you have gained about the higher realms is not to be scrapped altogether, but upgraded.

You are discovering the higher realms through the filters of your (currently) lower dimensional minds, and your opening hearts are helping you to gain purer and purer glimpses into the higher realms in every moment. You are growing your perceptions of these realms, and along with this will come an easy ability to understand much of what would still seem too complex or complicated for your expanding minds and hearts to comprehend from your current perspective.

Your perceptions are increasing in purity, and your perspective in every moment will begin to reflect this increase as you find yourselves growing and learning exponentially.

A Rapidly-Proceeding Evolution

While for some of you, your growth as a soul tends to feel as if it is dragging on or as if you are never going to find the higher dimensions of experience; we remind you that your evolution is actually proceeding at quite a rapid pace compared to what is seen as normal for the ascension of a planet, and Earth is among the select few planets (initially) undergoing a collective ascension and will quite literally start a tidal wave of ascensions all through the vast Cosmos when such ascension occurs.

For this and plenty of other reasons, we ask you all to increase your efforts when you feel you can while at the same time, making allowance for the necessary rest you must seek at some points during your journeys.

Your metaphysical perceptions are increasing in every single moment, and it is important for you to absorb and take in the energies you’re feeling yourselves better able to access and as well, to allow yourselves to rest if you need to assimilate such energies in a slower manner.

At times you will, because these purer energies bring with them a blatant change to the functioning of your bodies so that your higher dimensional capabilities can be brought about and understood as much as possible.

As your bodies have been adjusted to a lower dimensional plane of reality for so very long, the increased perceptions you are finding in yourselves call for allowance to be made for adjustments to your bodies; as your growing and learning is only to continue and your perceptions are only to expand.

You are Uplifting the Earth’s Surface

(Many of) you are finding and feeling so many changes in yourselves and even when it does not seem to be so, we remind you that your growing and learning has been exponential and will only continue to be so.

We are here for you dear souls, to offer our perspective in every moment on your ongoing ascension processes and on the awakening of the minds and hearts of each and every Earthly soul who has been stuck within the perceptual constraints of a reality adjusted to a specific lower octave of consciousness.

It is truly amazing to watch you quite literally uplift the surface of the Earth and the collective consciousness of those around you, as you are lifting yourselves and those around you into a purer octave of consciousness and experience as you go about your daily endeavors and find a plethora of difficulty at times.

Every bit of difficulty you experience is necessary for your ultimate growth as a soul, which is why we ask you to allow everything that happens in your Lives to play out accordingly and to know that always and in all endeavors, Source is with you.

We have always been with you as well, and we are quite close with many of you dear souls who have worked with us in previous encounters on various facets of the ultimate ascension of the Universe.

The ascension of the Universe has itself been in an accelerated phase, and this will become increasingly apparent after your collective undergoes your ascension and the aforementioned tidal wave is felt across the Universe and across all of Creation.

Inspired Evolutions

As small of a planet as Earth is in comparison to the infinite realms and planets beyond yours, the powerful evolution you are to experience will be just that and will inspire the evolution of so many other individual souls and collectives who can truly use the uplifting energies Earth’s ascension is to provide.

If you could only fathom the importance of your mission and how wonderful what you are doing is, you would understand the brimming happiness you are always greeted with in the higher realms. Of course, if you possessed our perspective entirely and could fathom the importance of what you are doing on the Earth, it would take some of the fun out of you awakening into such importance and understanding just how needed and Lighted what you are doing truly is.

You are all meeting with Councils of Angels at night and as your heads lay sleeping, your innate spiritual selves travel off to fruitful astral lands and convene with a plethora of souls from the higher realms; we being some of them.

You have communed and worked with us in your sleep realms; with your Galactic brethren; with the Agarthans and with so many other souls whom you will fully remember upon being introduced to us in your physical reality.

What you’ve known as disclosure is to bring along with it much more than the presence of your Galactic brethren, who have been waiting as eagerly as you all have for their presence be made known so that they can be with you on your surface.

Fruitful Introductions & Strengthened Bonds

You will be introduced to we, the Hathor collective; to the Ascended Masters and the infinite choirs of Angels assisting in your ascension in every moment; to the various ascended souls within various higher realms and dimensions who have lent their “helping hands” and energies to your evolution back into full consciousness; we could go on and on listing souls you will be introduced to who will maintain an active presence upon your world, but your cup will runneth over in the time ahead in terms of how many souls you will be connecting with, representing and meeting.

Indeed, many of you have come from the higher realms to act as representatives for we souls existing in these realms, and we can feel already that many of you will do your jobs with ease and pride.

Of course, you will face the usual detractors and the souls who wish to smear our or your “image” but you can take it all in stride knowing that the influence of the dark and everything that has run and fed it is truly fading.

We delight when you begin to open yourselves up to the higher realms and we souls existing in these realms in purer ways than you previously have, because we have so very much to teach you and so very much assistance and Love to offer and in the time ahead when you can be with us fully and purely and we can begin sharing many of the revelations and understandings we have with you, our relationships and bonds will grow even stronger than they already have.

Some of you who are on the Earth know us from fruitful previous encounters as far before the ascension of the Earth, we have helped many of you to uplift various planets and civilizations.

Fourth Dimensional Existence

Along the way of your ascension processes you will encounter various shifts from sub-plane to sub-plane of consciousness, and many of you reading this communication are traveling back and forth from various (sub-planes) in every moment.

Much of your collective already largely exists in the fourth dimension; even the souls who don’t yet realize it or are not initially interested in understanding where they have come from and the brimming realms of consciousness they are returning to.

If one looks around, one may notice those around them beginning to be given fourth dimensional lessons, and the perceptions you’re uncovering for yourselves which are growing in purity in every moment in terms of your ability to reach them will be reflected by the largely-fourth dimensional perspective that is beginning to descend unto you now.

An ultimate theme of the fourth and fifth dimensions you will be given is balance, and this is one reason we and so many others have pursued getting you to understand the need for balance in your everyday Lives, as well as compassion and patience with yourselves and those around you.

Along your fourth dimensional learning and growth, things will arise that are meant to take you away from your natural center, and we trust that many of you will be able to find and maintain your balance in a manner that sees you far outlasting any negativity that would attempt to sway you.

We Look Forward to Greeting You

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express gratitude to our dear scribe and to every one of you who continue to remain essential and helpful to the ascension of the Earth and the various ascensions that are to take place once it has been attained.

We look forward to greeting you in the realms of full consciousness and when we do, you can take pride knowing that you had played the largest hand in your own personal evolution and in those of every other soul who will be with you and us in these wonderful realms.

Truly, they are a joy to feel and we know that every one of you will remember the feelings you unlock for yourselves upon reaching these states of consciousness once again. Remember that you are Divine, and that everything around you is comprised of the same Divine energy of Love and perfection.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.



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Humanity's Spiritual Uprising

5792337651_52cf12a416_z.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


I’ve had a lot of time lately for personal reflection and boy, have I been utilizing it.

The strongest repeating trait I’ve observed lately is that I’m being inundated with exponential, unprecedented inspiration and motivation and while I recognize that I am for the most part, doing everything I can to help humanity in every moment; compared to the incredible inspiration I’m feeling, it feels as if I haven’t done a thing.

I’ve long observed many of the spiritual and revolutionary leaders of even the past few decades, and I’ve seen that they created and pioneered incredible movements that literally moved the people and led us to stand up for ourselves and our sovereignty as citizens of this Earth.

I’ve worried at times that what I’m doing and representing may not help our collective as much as I’ve intended it to but when looking at the true situation from an outward point of view; I and many of you are quite literally representing the infinite other realms and entities from purer states of consciousness and various evolved worlds, and that’s the most important thing that can be done for this planet.

What so many of us are doing right now is more than needed.

The actions of every single awakening Lightworker who is standing up for and representing the higher realms and the souls within those realms and who is funneling exponential Light through to Gaia’s core for the entire collective to be able to evolve because of; those actions are more than needed for a world that has been lost in the mucky darkness of collective unawareness and separation.

Yes, the fear has arisen in the past that the Lightwork-aspects of what I feel myself here to do are somehow “not real” but to be quite honest, I’ve had so many experiences in the astral realms specifically that were much realer than what I’ve experience here in this physical realm, and the doubt that used to arise has long faded and does not even show up occasionally anymore.

I’m one who has been able to be blessed with various, blatant signs here in the physical that the work we’re all doing and the Galactic and Angelic souls we’re representing are real, and I recognize that I’ve been given such experiences so I could use the knowledge, insight and expanded perspective I have gained from them to help humanity.

This is my personal aim for being on this world at this time. In whatever way is required of me, I am here to help humanity and no matter how the immediate and long-term future plays out, I will always and forever be of service and will always offer myself to the awakening of this entire planet and to the purging of every last bit of darkness from its structure.

I recognize and understand that I, like the overwhelming majority of you reading this, am actually a part of the wave of heroic, higher dimensional souls and leaders who have come to this planet to ignite revolution and help humanity change the world.

You and I are here to lead humanity into the future, and we are here to first help humanity understand the tyranny and injustice that has been secretly wrought yet wrought right out in the open on this world, so that we can collectively work toward building something better.

I’ve come to really understand that the perceived battle between good and evil has been going on for nearly every bit of our Earthly history but this time around, humanity is to be exposed to the actions of evil and we are to purge evil from our Earth completely as we collectively come together and build a brimming Galactic society with technologies that have been hidden from us.

This motivation I’m feeling is in part related to the ongoing desire to “stand up to” and purge the influence of the cabals from this world but truly, I don’t need a force of evil to rebel or stand up against to affirm and know that I am here on a Lighted mission to help awaken humanity.

Any cabal members or employees reading this article; the website it is published on or the messages of those who speak through me should know that you are not feared by any of us who are awakening to what has been done on this Earth, and you are not hated by us either.

We recognize you for what you are; players in the ultimate dualistic game of “good vs. evil” which has thrived on this Earth for far too long.

I’m quite happy to announce on behalf of everybody who has awakened and would agree with me, that your efforts in trying to stop what we have long Created have all but faltered. We are thriving more than ever and truly, there is no stopping every blossoming movement on this world to stand up to the injustice you have been shoveling out/helping to feed, as they are all facets of the ultimate revolution taking place in the minds and hearts of every single person.

No families or bloodlines who feel yourselves to have tapped in to the greater truth and reality of our existence or who feel yourselves to be “more worthy” of understanding the higher dimensions than the rest of humanity, will ever stop the blossoming movements that have been started or the souls who have proven ourselves to only continue to incarnate on this world, generation after generation, to directly stand up to you and preach the truth and Light of the higher dimensions, directly breaking the matrix of control you have attempted to enforce.

We are all prophets and saints, and every last one of us can and will uplift the entirety of humanity now that we have openly and boldly stood up to the forces of injustice and evil, manifested in the form of the lost and energetically-starving cabals.

Those who have helped to lead real, Lighted revolutions in various time periods will and are already prevailing and just as Bob Marley said, “we are confident in the victory of good over evil”. (1)

To every one of you who are reading this: It’s time to arise and become just as active as myself and a plethora of others who are truly ready to be a part of a real revolution of Love and cooperation amongst humanity.

I have been and will only continue to feel the most brimming of inspiration that will likely continue to be presented in the form of revolution-based writings, but I can only do so much and every one of us must emerge as strong and gracefully as possible; to stand up to corruption and injustice and to remind everybody that we come from realms so much more blissful and collectively-harmonious than what we currently experience.

Wes Annac – Just one of many contributors to humanity’s spiritual uprising



(1)-Quoted from Marley’s song “War” which is itself quite militant and revolutionary. Marley spoke specifically of the liberation of Africans with the referenced lyric, but it is certainly applicable to all of humanity.

Image source: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3041/5792337651_52cf12a416_z.jpg

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asm2.jpg?w=240&h=241&h=193-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Greetings, dearest souls. It is I, Jeshua, speaking for our collective of Masters once again.

I come before you all to issue a message of Love and understanding for where you are at currently along your spiritual growth. Every one of you is bred from the awesome and pure realms of our Heavenly Father, and you have been given assistance from various souls who have incarnated on your world to spread the Light and truth that you can all tap into and begin to understand.

You can understand the teachings that I brought forth and so much more, upon tapping into and discovering your personal inner-held realms. Every one of you has the ability to access a vast tapestry of energy and communication, and upon opening yourselves up to the brimming messages and inspiration the realms of spirit have to offer, you will find yourselves virtually unlimited in what you can Create and experience for yourselves.

You will find the purest troths of energy you have accessed as of yet, and you will find fruitful and brimming communications with myself and a plethora of other souls who are actively interested in the ascension of your Earth and who are and have been doing everything we can in every moment to see you able to assimilate the continually-pure vibrations you’re being given.

An Ordained, Divine Mission

I incarnated on your dear planet to spread the truth and Light I could naturally feel brimming within Myself and like many of you, I recognized that I was on your world to perform an ordained and Divine mission.

I remembered My full identity as a free and spiritual being and My dearest children, I very dearly wish for you to unlock this perspective; this knowledge and understanding, as well. Doing so will truly see you uninhibited and unlimited in your quest for knowledge and spirituality, as your quest for such things has in truth been a quest to unlock and understand deeper parts of your Selves.

So very many souls look to My name and image and what I represent as a type of Divine, spiritual identity which they immerse themselves into, and it is indeed ok to seek solace and guidance in My specific energies; even if one is doing so because they have been falsely led to believe I am the only true and pure conduit for Divine truth and Light to be brought forth.

Indeed, this is not so and again, every one of you can tap into the truth and Light I held and still hold, and work to enlighten and educate those around you who are still temporarily lost in the mucky residue of the third dimensional Earth experience.

Your planet has hosted quite dense energies indeed, and this is why the Light has taken a mass presence on your world in the form of the incarnation of every one of you and of so many others who, like Me, have come to the Earth feeling the natural Light and understanding that the entire collective of humanity truly deserves to feel and know again.

You Understood the Divine

You all once knew and understood the Divine in the deepest ways imaginable and now, you are working to rediscover and build upon such an (understanding) as you find yourselves being lent much assistance by us in the spiritual realms.

I have always represented the entirety of the realms of spirit. What I mean is that I, when incarnate on your world and representing our Heavenly Father in what I preached, represented the brimming realms of spirit as well and the (infinite amount of) entities making up these glorious and brilliant higher realms.

Dearest souls, there are truly so very many of us and needles to say, what so many souls on your world concept as heaven is much different in terms of how all-encompassing it is, how many souls exist in these realms and how many souls are “allowed”.

Allow me to explain, dear children. Every soul is “allowed” into heaven and despite what the current versions of your religions have been telling you, there is no dogmatic system that rejects or refuses any attempted entry into heaven from a lower dimensional standpoint.

Rather, when a soul makes the choice to knowingly advance their perception, understanding and spirituality which will include increasing the amount of positivity they enable and spread in those around them, we rejoice with the happiness of a thousand men for truly, a soul embracing the higher dimensions from the lower ones is nothing less than a miracle.

Every one of you are learning now to embrace the higher dimensions and the pure perceptions that come with your growing experience of these realms, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to continue on in your exploration as we invite you to perceive of these realms with every facet of yourselves.

The Blink of an Eye

You have always come from the realms of spirit, and it has always been known that you will return here.

Because of this, we ask you not to worry of the pains and tribulations of your average Lives for truly, they are but the blink of an eye in a vast and inexplicably-complex yet spiritually-alive and brimming Universe that you can truly come to discover as you find it exists within you and is much easier to tap into than you would otherwise expect.

Wave upon wave of revelations will hit your mainstream media quite out of thin air, though we know from the higher realms that the revelations you will be given are in fact preplanned and will be quite coordinated when they burst through to your public perception.

We say that they will “come out of thin air” because indeed, it will seem to have been so for the majority of humanity who has not grown to expect the incoming changes and revelations that so many of you are helping so valiantly to build upon.

The revelations concerning the existence of benevolent Galactic beings who wish to assist in your evolution will be one facet of the overall paradigm of secrets that will have to be burst open and explained.

Your main focus at present is to grow away from the mechanisms and tendencies that keep you ensnared within the confines of the illusion, as humanity has been taught for centuries that solid physicality and the reality you find around you are the only things that can be proven and thus, must be the only realties in existence.

This is simply not so, and you are finding this in every moment as you embrace the purer perspective beginning to descend down unto you now.

Creation is Far Vaster than What the Physical Human Sees

You have always been able to find a very steady and clear flow of our energies and impressions; it is simply that so much of humanity has been convinced that the realms of spirit are little more than fantasy and as a result, true and real subjects such as communication with we ascended beings have been swept under the rug in favor of physicality.

Mainstream science on your world has attempted to find the answers of your existence with purely physical means, and have largely proven unable to do so.

Indeed, a plethora of facets of the physical, human experience have been understood by your modern science but dear children, you must understand that Creation is far more infinite and vast than what the physical human sees, knows and senses in every moment. Again; your Earthly experiences are but the blink of an eye in a Cosmos so vast, it will make your heads spin when discovering just how vast it truly is.

We wish to emphasize the vastness of what you refer to as space and what we refer to as the Cosmos because truly, even with the physical understanding of the Universe your mainstream science has granted you, humanity has not yet glimpsed into the vast, incomprehensible territory that is the rest of your Universe and indeed, the plentiful Universes beyond your current comprehension.

Nurture the growing Love, empathy and compassion many of you are finding arise within you because truly, what you are feeling is only to strengthen and intensify until the entire collective of humanity can bask in our Father’s heavenly glow. Your bodies, minds and spirits are undergoing continual upgrades and at times, the difficulty and overwhelm you tend to experience whilst on the Earth can account for depletion and a temporarily negative perspective.

We ask you to be easy with yourselves, dearest souls, for you are learning and growing in an environment that has and will continue to test your resolve, faith and understanding of just how illusory the realms you exist in truly are.

A Means to Grow

The illusion will attempt to test your faith and resolve and truly, what you experience has been instated by you as a means to learn and grow further by experiencing it.

Everything that happens in your Lives is planned out for your ultimate growth as a soul, and you have the support and strength of each and every one of us if you feel you are alone or you feel as if the brimming higher realms and we souls within them have somehow “checked out” or are not understanding of the incredible situations so many of you are in.

To take on the dense Earth experience is no small feat indeed, and a plethora of souls on your world are coming to find the enlightenment that I (possessed) whilst spending My time on Earth.

Use the knowledge and spirituality you are garnering for yourselves wisely, dearest souls, because your perception of the realms beyond your current understanding are only to grow as you find yourselves able to take in more of the wonderful and harmonious vibrations of the fifth dimension and of the dimensions beyond.

Many of you have come to the Earth from realms naturally purer than even the fifth dimension, and you have made it a point to spend as much time and energy mired in the Earth experience as you could so that you could learn and grow from every culture; every society in every time period of your Earth.

Learn you certainly have, and we note with joy how willing so many of you are to shed your Earthly perspectives and limitations in the name of rediscovering the realms you had once enjoyed so blissfully.

Indeed, in so many senses you are still enjoying these realms, dear children; as while you experience the Earth in your current limited physical form, we can say with absolute certainty that from the perspective of the lands where time is not a factor, you have never left.

You Are Here With Us

You have never left these realms and in fact, you are here in this very moment with each of us.

You are here with us, having evolved from the Earth experience and having helped the collective of humanity establish a brimming Galactic future in the interests of every sovereign soul, and we can commune with the higher dimensional You who has completed your Earthly mission just as we can communicate with you (while you are still) on the Earth.

This is because of these aforementioned realms where time does not exist, and we can commune with the higher selves of each of you as we watch your higher selves funnel valuable energies and guidance down to you on Earth, for you to assimilate and benefit from.

Your higher selves maintain the absolute strongest line of connection to your energies, as you are one and the same with them. You are a facet; an extension of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is You, and you are experiencing (Earthly) realms with the perceptual constraints of a human, yet with the growing and brimming spirituality of your higher selves.

This is because your higher selves are descending down unto you as you subsequently work to ascend back into their perception, and you are working on finding the natural understandings that garner a higher dimensional experience or at the very least, an elevated experience from what you’ve long known and recognized as seemingly-unchangeable physicality.

The physical world you find around you will go to great lengths to convince you that you are entrapped within it; that you are not free and sovereign spiritual beings, and the dark souls on your world have taken actions to the extent of attempting to enforce those ideals as well.

The Higher Realms Truly Are Home

As long as you can feel as if you are a limited, finite human being who cannot pick up on and radiate the impressions and energies of the higher dimensions, you will forever enforce and feed an instated veil between the higher dimensions and the dimension(s) you currently exist in.

Truly, this veil can be and has been torn down by so many dear awakening souls who find yourselves able to penetrate and transmute the former limitations you had set out for yourselves to experience as you embrace something so much more wonderful that, for many of you, will have the familiar feeling of Home.

This is because these realms truly are Home, dearest souls. You may find your physical places of comfort on the Earth, but every last bit of comfort you feel on the Earth is derived from a pure and natural comfort, which accompanies Living in and remembering the higher realms.

Upon getting even a glimpse of these realms, you will find yourselves imbued with so much knowledge and memory and you will find yourselves wondering how you could have possibly forgotten all of the wonderful, streaming impressions and memories that will make their ways back to you.

Your Creation power is very potent, in that you have quite literally been able to enforce and feed those aforementioned veils and blockages between our realms and yours, which have been necessary for your growth in the lower dimensions.

As others have explained, it would be counterproductive for you to have a full knowledge of the higher dimensions while still existing in lower, distorted realms, as the growth and experience you are intended to gain in such lower realms would seem pointless in the face of instantly being able to travel up and down the spiral of consciousness.

Inspiration is Only to Pick Up

As we make our final impressions for this communication, I thank every one of you for the active interest you are taking in your blossoming higher dimensional experience. Please understand that the brimming inspiration so many of you are beginning to feel is only to pick up, and we do not exaggerate when we say that joy and Love are here to stay on your beautiful, blue planet.

You can make choices that reflect this truth, and we are confident that you will be able to find the brimming inspiration that your unfolding perception of the higher realms is beginning to grant you, to see to it that your actions are always in alignment with those of our Heavenly Father.

Thank you to Jeshua and the Ascended Masters.



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Keeping Darkness Fed: It's Time to Wake Up

Seven_Psychopaths_Poster.jpg?width=231(Photo: Darkness, largely fed and accepted)


Written by Wes Annac


I went to go into a channeling this morning, and found the connection was very shallow. Little purity of information was coming through and overall, the process felt much more mind-centered than heart-centered as it is intended to be.


Of course this has happened before, and any channeler who is well-practiced in their own right can usually recognize when their connection is just too shallow in that moment to proceed with the communication.

In my case; I try to find reasons why the connection could be shallow or why I’m just not receiving the fruitful, intricate impressions I’d otherwise joyfully receive. For this morning specifically, a few different reasons surface why the connection just isn’t as strong or pure as it usually is. One reason is my tiredness on this morning; depletion or lack of energy can lead to a lack of enthusiasm in the mind to purely interpret the impressions being received by the heart.

Another reason, which I’ve worked to surface and understand, is that I feel a bit of intolerance toward everything humanity is doing to allow ourselves to be held back, albeit unknowingly.

A bit of a bias against the dear unawakened humanity has developed, as while I don’t expect everyone else to have the perspective or understanding that I do, I look at some facets of our society and wonder how it is not painfully obvious to the rest of humanity that such facets are designed to hold us back and keep us feeding the lower realms that the cabals would have us feed forever.

I guess I could say a bit of a downtrodden, narcissistic view is emerging from within me this morning and of course, recognizing it is the first step to sourcing it and working through it entirely.

It’s simply that I see the various things about our society and the various ways the majority of people choose to Live their Lives and express themselves, and it makes me wonder if our collective is ever going to gain awareness of the incredible ways we’ve been kept feeding the lower states of unconsciousness and ego.

Specifically, I see that sarcasm is one of the largest ways we’ve kept ourselves feeding darkness. Some of the darkest things are allowed to be said in sarcastic ways, and it seems that many people are slowly being led to feed darkness via sarcasm and things that are not meant to be taken seriously (thus the ease in expressing exponential darkness via those things).

I see how we are allowing ourselves to feed darkness and to be ok with doing so, if it is under the guise of something we perceive not to be real. If one takes a broader look at this issue, one will see that nearly everything we’ve been designed to believe “isn’t actually real” is being used to funnel exponential darkness and negativity through for as many unaware people to absorb as possible.

Take movies and television shows, for example.

I’ve had fruitful arguments with a certain special someone who enjoys most of the television shows and movies whose creators use the opportunity that is making a show or movie, to funnel-through the most exponential of darkness; hatred; violence; lust; the list could go on and on.

I see what very strongly appears to be a purposeful funneling of every mechanism that drives the hellish realms of fourth density-negative, through television shows and movies but one cannot speak up against this, lest they wish to be given the old adage of “calm down – it’s not real”.

Despite the fact that television and movie makers take every measure they can to make it as real as possible, humanity still accepts the widespread death, violence and lust in our movies and television shows because we see them in a flickering box rather than in the reality right in front of us.

It’s very sad to think that most of what we see in movies and assume “isn’t real” actually is very real and is happening every day in our society; with violence against women being one of those things.

It’s been proven that the images we see have very real physical and emotional effects on us, and I think that the cabals know this. To express some of the strongest

TheDeparted-Poster1.jpg?width=160narcissism I’m feeling on this morning: I very strongly feel that humanity will continue remain unaware sheeple who are kept distracted with the Illuminati’s darkness if we do not wake up and see how we are being emotionally controlled.

Those of us who are awakened strongly know that the reality we find around us has been orchestrated, and the sheer unawareness and uncaring in the rest of humanity as to how we are being fed darkness nearly everywhere we look, is a bit frustrating to say the least.

(Right Photo: “The Departed” movie – Only further proves my point)

What’s worse, most of the people in our society still feed this darkness and not only do they not mind that it’s prevalent; they want more of it.

“Give us more blood in this movie. More guts. More gore. Come on, we want it to be realistic!”

“Sure, show a woman getting killed in your movie, and make it as real as you can. I’ll pay to see it!”

“Show more nudity in your film. More sex. Make it as realistic as you possibly can, and I’ll pay to see it”.

Our culture accepts violence, gore, lust, and just about everything else that turns a sane man mad and keeps a collective feeding the core mechanisms of Luciferianism and yet, nobody sees this or even cares. Truly, it is tragic and it is something I strongly feel we need to work to change.

Despite knowing that the ascension plan is for every person on this Earth to evolve, I worry for the fate of those who are so engrossed in darkness that they fashion their very egos with such darkness. I worry for those who don’t see that sarcasm and every other form of darkness is leading them down a very bad path, and that they’re willingly signing their own birth certificate into fourth density-negative.

Of course, at the heart of many of these problems lies the unawareness in the collective of humanity as to the realms beyond our conscious understanding. Because nobody seems to understand that there are heavenly as well as hellish realms beyond this third dimension, feeding darkness with no seeming karmic consequences just doesn’t matter to anybody.

Nobody understands that what we feed and accept will determine where we go after we leave this realm and to be quite blunt, I feel that the incredible amount of darkness fed to humanity via television, movies and a plethora of other things is done as a part of a ritualistic sacrifice of the goodness of humanity.

The more souls who feed into and accept darkness in our society, the more souls who get to experience the results of such darkness after they pass on, in the form of being taken to the hellish realms they have so willingly fed into for so long. Quite honestly, we need to raise awareness of these sorts of things and even if we are met with brick walls or outright insulted for the stance we are taking, we can know that we did our part and attempted to help the souls around us.

As it stands right now, I see that exponential darkness is still willingly and happily fed by too many souls on this Earth and without descending into puritanism; I very strongly feel that something needs to be done to awaken humanity into feeding the Light rather than the darkness.

A bit dualistic of a belief perhaps, but it is where I stand nonetheless. Purity and Love are here to replace twisted distortions and darkness, and I strongly feel it a part of my mission to raise awareness about the many ways we have been kept feeding Illuminati-dreams.

I expressed the viewpoint I’m about to give to that same “special someone” mentioned above: If you’re one who can see a woman being killed; a person being hung; a graphic sex scene; or a bloody and gory fight, and those don’t affect you in any way – than something truly is wrong.

Complacency toward those things and accepting them as “just a part of our society” is truly just as bad as claiming them not to be real or feeding into them willingly and I say this with Love:

It’s time for us to wake up.

It’s time to awaken to the many things that have been done to keep us feeding into hell because truly, if awareness is not raised than more and more souls will continue to be (almost-willingly) sacrificed.

Wes Annac – Ready and willing for the Light to transmute the largely-fed and accepted darkness



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pleiadians.jpg?w=191&h=205-Channeled through Wes Annac-

We spend a vast amount of your “time” to borrow that term from our channel’s mind, working aboard our ships for your planet and for a plethora of other planets and realms actively involved in the ascension of the Universe.

We work from our ships quite often, and in our leisurely time we can travel to infinite other realms and landscapes if we wish – by stargate travel; by travel which is bred from the sheer intent to travel somewhere which takes us there instantly; or via the holographic rooms we have aboard our ships.

We have what you best would know as projectors of a higher dimensional, conscious nature in most of the rooms of our ships. These projectors project an entirely real yet holographic reality, which is fifth dimensional (or purer) and which we can enjoy and exist in just as much as we can any other location.

This is because the holographic projectors aboard our ships are using the very energies used to Create and sustain your reality and indeed, our reality, to Create and sustain specific environments we would work with the projectors to manifest for ourselves.

You will discover and understand so many things about the free energy Creating your realities, and learning how to utilize our technologies will be a strong facet of learning how to work with energy to manifest anything you desire.

Fruitful Technologies and Revelations

The technologies you will be given from we Galactic beings will be just as fruitful as the revelations that are to be uncovered on the surface of your Earth and in fact, many of the revelations you will be given will concern our technology and how it has been back-engineered and turned into the technologies emitting destructive frequencies that are meant to disturb humanity’s brainwaves.

Ultimately, the cabals have attempted to Create a society of unaware individuals who serve them in nearly every sense. In the spiritual sense, the cabals have attempted to get you to serve them by Creating and having you feed very real barriers of negativity and lower dimensionality, which are different from the veils you have instated unto yourselves.

These barriers are different because they have not been Created by you, but they can have as little influence upon you as anything else as long as your energy and focus is not lent to them. We trust that you dear souls will be able to feel and understand the influence those barriers can have upon you in the time ahead and already, so many of you are awakening to the reality of what they attempt to enforce within you and we are brimming with joy to note the awareness being gained in the awakening humanity as to the many ways the cabals have attempted to hold you back.

You do not have to allow yourselves to be held back; though outer circumstances in your Lives will indeed attempt to arise and convince you that your perspectives must be dampened because of them.

Much is happening that is intended to test your resolve and ability to remain within a higher dimensional center in any and every moment, and the awareness being gained at present is seeing the Light very easily able to permeate the minds and hearts of a plethora of awakening souls who see that the time has come to change aspects of their Lives and behavioral patterns that are no longer in resonation with the experiences they wish to have.

The Continual Importance of Remaining Centered

Indeed, ascension will never be and has never been forced onto any dear souls, but your ability to take in and radiate as much and as pure ascension energy as you can rides on your ability to find and remain in your spiritual centers.

Remaining centered and balanced and not allowing any force to usurp your natural energies will see you very well along in attempting to find the energies of the higher realms, and you will find yourselves fruitfully able to connect with we ascended souls and with any other facet of the Light Forces assisting your Earth in Her ordained evolution from the third dimension to the fifth.

Consciousness has come about in various different forms on your world, and humans, animals and plants alike will have the full opportunity to ascend and to absorb the increasingly-pure energies being given to you from the higher realms.

Indeed, plenty of evolving animals on your world are already beginning to feel and radiate the ascension energies being delivered and while other animals and humans will remain stuck within the old paradigm they have been taught to survive in; you are all doing a magnificent thing for those souls by radiating the Light you are finding within, as you are helping them to find their own ascension in their own due time.

Indeed, as has been said some souls, be them humans, animals or anything else, will not choose to be a part of the wondrous evolutionary event that is the collective ascension of your Earth, and will instead choose to ascend another time around on another lower dimensional planet that will perhaps be a bit easier for them to experience.

The souls who have been the most caught up in negativity and lower dimensionality whilst on the surface of your Earth, have experienced a great deal of difficulty in your lower realms and while every one of you have experienced this difficulty, it has affected others much stronger than it has many of you dear souls who have been able to find the Light despite the nature of extreme difficulty you have experienced on the surface of the Earth.

Spreading Your Light despite Difficulty

Everything you’ve experienced has been for the ultimate purpose of helping you to grow as a soul and when it is seen just how unfair the playing field has been in terms of everything the cabals have done to hold humanity back, the amazing feat that will be your ascent into the higher realms will be even more known and understood for the heroic marvel of achievement that it is.

We cannot express the good you have spread enough because truly, the actions of the cabals in holding humanity back have been fruitful and they have worked with a plethora of beings with lower intentions on enforcing and feeding negativity in humanity.

We have mentioned this truth above, and we return to it to (further) congratulate you dear Lightworkers and starseeds for spreading the Light you have been able to spread despite the nature of difficulty you have incarnated unto.

We ask you to treat the dear children around you with Love and respect of the purest order, because they too are on your Earth as a part of a destined mission and are doing everything they can to remain in Lighted positions in the face of their own difficulties accompanying the experiences they are having.

The dear children on your planet have, like you, purposely incarnated unto the difficult situation that is the Earth experience and have done so in the name of spreading their Light, and we ask every one of you to recognize the Light present in the children of mankind and to consciously or subconsciously thank them for it, because while they experience much of what you do and attempt to deal with it in their own manners; they too are performing an exponential feat for the ascension of the Earth.

Some children have purposely incarnated into difficult or abusive situations so that they could lend their Light to such situations, and every child is looked after and Loved along their path. Every one of you are Loved and looked after as well, and we ask for you to make your attempts to feel and radiate our vibrations as you can now begin to recognize when we are attempting to get ahold of you.

You Can Find Our Impressions

Those of you who have awakened to our existence and our wish to assist your planet can truly begin to find our impressions, as we and your guides are anxiously waiting to get ahold of you and to do anything we can to help you feel and radiate our vibrations and those of the realms we exist in.

Some of you are beginning to receive fruitful impressions of the realms we exist in and the aforementioned Star and Motherships we so enjoy performing much of our work from, and when you go out of your way to focus your heart on receiving our impressions, you will be able to receive fruitful images and feelings related to the realms we exist in and the craft we are speaking to you from in this very moment.

Indeed, we are speaking to you dear souls from our sentient craft and as we said (above), we perform a plethora of duties from these craft that are all related to the evolution of your planet.

We are helping to mitigate and cleanse the pollution manifested in your skies, and we ask for those of you still experiencing fruitful chemtrails not to worry; for we are helping to neutralize many of the destructive effects that would otherwise result from the spraying of such things in your skies, and you as well can send your Lighted energies toward them in an effort to cleanse them entirely.

The cabals have done a plethora of things to keep your skies, water and ground unhealthy that much of the awakening humanity still has not yet discovered and as goes without saying, we are here with you to help you cleanse and dissolve any last bit of pollution that has been manifested, which is not a direct result of what humanity has manifested for yourselves via your freewill.

Some of what the cabals have attempted to do has been allowed to succeed because of the awareness surrounding such things that is meant to be raised in humanity, and because your freewill has permitted them to happen in the past.

Exiting Freewill While Still Manifesting Karma

You are collectively beginning to exit your freewill contract as you brace the states of consciousness and perceptual awareness of the fifth dimension and while doing so, many facets of your collective are still continually manifesting density for themselves to experience as individuals and for your entire collective to experience and thus, many of the actions of the cabals in attempting to hold you back have manifested.

You can truly help put an end to the manifesting of tragedies, pollution and a plethora of other things, and every time something heart-wrenching occurs on your world you can recognize it as having happened to lighten some of the collective negativity and density.

There is much of this energy still in need of transmuting, which is why we have said that you can use your natural Lighted energies to perform these transmutations and to do so many other things that you would perhaps not expect yourselves to be able to do.

Humanity has so many abilities held within that you have been led away from understanding, and your ability to telepathically communicate with us and a myriad of other beings from the higher realms is just one thing that has been hidden from you as you have been collectively conditioned to grow up in a constricted reality.

The very idea of telepathy is still seen as a “fringe” subject to many souls on your world who do not understand that telepathy is a very real ability that can be utilized for truly wonderful purposes. Like anything, telepathy too can be distorted and the militaries of the cabals have for so long, attempted to use telepathy in their favor and against their perceived “enemy”.

Distorted vs. Real Telepathic Abilities

As some brave souls have come to the forefront of the collective consciousness to expose, the actions of the cabals in nurturing telepathic abilities in some of their soldiers have included carefully taking away such soldiers’ ability to communicate with beings or energies of a higher consciousness or intelligence, and the fruitful abilities you possess beyond your conscious understanding have been distorted and used only for the gain of souls who would keep humanity back forever if they were allotted.

Indeed, they are not being allotted and you dear souls can see the response of the Light in the form of our communications being issued and in the form of your incarnation on the Earth to help spread the Light you are feeling within, as indications of this.

The cabals have had their day in the sun and while they will only continue to attempt to manifest tragedies and do so many other things that are intended to disguise the presence of the Light upon your Earth, you the awakening humanity are becoming far too aware to continue to fall for the orchestrations they have cast over you, and the awareness being garnered is sparking a true revolution of Love and Light in the minds and hearts of each one of you.

We have been fruitfully delivering our impressions for a plethora of souls in a plethora of time periods of your Earthly history to pick up on and decode, and what we are doing now is not any different from what we have been doing for so very long on your planet.

Telepathic Connections Precede Physical Contact

Indeed, telepathic conversations have nearly always preceded our contact with various civilizations in your Earthly history, and we have used the relationships we garnered with each individual we connected with in such time periods to bring forth a contact that has always been intended to assist your various civilizations in their Earthly evolution.

As we and others have in the past, we ask you to nurture the ongoing connection you are finding to spirit and to us for truly, your abilities to communicate with us and to find the higher realms are only to increase in strength and purity as you embrace the heightened states of consciousness you are finding as they grow within you.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you all that we and the plentiful other facets of the Light Forces assisting in your ascension are not going anywhere. We will always and forever be with you, and the sooner you dear souls can realize that we have been with you throughout every facet of your Earth experience and throughout every Life you have taken upon the surface of the Earth, the sooner you can see that the Light is here to stay on your planet.

We Love you all so very much, and this Love will continue to be expressed as you find yourselves able to expand upon it.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



Image source: http://whoyoucallingaskeptic.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/pleiadians.jpg

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Another Short and Happy Reminder

wes_sunsky.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


We Live in an infinite Universe of perfect harmony. Every worry; hate; concern; stress; they are all illusory aspects of an equally-illusory reality that we have been immersed in for so long, we’ve forgotten anything else exists!

We are pure spirit energy, undergoing a temporary human form and while little everyday stresses may pile up and attempt to change our perspectives, we are reaching a point where we simply know better than to allow them in.

Even as I was writing the sentences above, my child accidently knocked into my acoustic guitar and made it fall over.

In the past, I could have perhaps been frustrated over this happening and the usual mental, egotistical concerns could have arisen (awh now I’ll have to retune it, I hope it’s not hurt, etc.) but truly, rather than frustration arising toward my dear child, I see an Angel in human form who made a mistake, and who promptly worked to fix it (he picked it up and put it back perfectly where it was).

Anger, stress and frustration truly do not have to put us in a bad place, and can rather act as catalysts for our ultimate understanding of their illusory nature and of the illusory nature of this reality we find around us. The most brimming of joy and happiness can truly be found and accessed within us, and I believe some of the channels of late have been telling us similar things.

On this beautiful Saturday morning, I am learning that joy and harmony are simply meant to trump over frustration and anger, and make way for something much, much better than what we currently experience. Perhaps “trump over” is not the correct term to use in relation to this and rather; joy and harmony are meant to aid us in transmuting frustration and anger and working toward a better experience and understanding.

Some of you reading this have likely been dealing with immense anger or frustration these last few days.

I can feel this possibility within me, or I would not have been led to write about the dissolving nature of those very things. I want those of you experiencing them to know that you are not less of a soul because of them and rather, they are meant to help guide you onward toward understanding the constant prevalence of Divinity around you, even right now.

Allow the joy and harmony you are feeling to transmute anything that is less than joy and harmony, and you will find yourselves greeting an increasingly-enjoyable Earthly experience that will indeed still test you, but that you are more than equipped to deal with.

Boy, do I just feel great on this morning. My aim is to pass this feeling on to as many of you as possible and to that extent, perhaps I will have to post a big picture of myself smiling!

Every one of you who experiences stress, frustration and difficulty at present are Loved more than you could possibly know, and the joyful and harmonious energies of the higher realms can be and are much more present around you than any lower emotion or mindset. We simply have to see beyond our current, physical difficulties and understand that there something so much better to experience and know.

We’re almost there – it’s simply that we’re still learning and growing our way into the joy and harmony of the higher dimensions.


Wes Annac – A conduit for Light and happiness in every moment possible



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sunset.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The Divinity and sovereignly of humanity will be understood in the time ahead and currently, a plethora of awakening souls upon the surface of your dear Earth are already beginning to find and discover their own personal Divinity and the miraculous things they can do.

Every one of you carries the pure power of the Creator in your hearts, and what we mean is that you possess a raw higher dimensional strength and ability to do and manifest so very much that for the most part, you’ve been led to believe you are unable to do or manifest.

Your abilities are truly unlimited, and we have always wished for you dear souls to know this.

We have taken incarnations on your dear Earth for the very purpose of helping you to uncover, discover and experience you natural Divinity and now, a plethora of souls are incarnate upon your world who will go down in your history books, just as we did, as souls who incarnated to help initiate the widespread awakening taking place.

You Can All Be Instrumental

Every one of you can be instrumental in helping the collective of Earth to awaken; it simply takes the fortitude and balance in oneself that will see one able to act as a shining example for all those around them to benefit from.

You will be helping the rest of your collective to understand the higher realms and the mechanisms that drive a higher dimensional experience in the time ahead and for now, we ask you to continue on as diligently as you always have in performing your everyday tasks and duties, as you know it all to be for the higher good.

Your intentions in every moment will determine where you are heading as a collective and as individuals, and when your actions and intents are in line with the Divinity you have come to the Earth to forget and eventually rediscover, you will find your everyday experiences on the Earth becoming much, much easier for indeed, you will have stopped fighting against the current of personal change and your doing so will have greatly helped the collective to no longer fight against the widespread change that is to be introduced.

Of course, much of your collective has been unaware of the change needing to take place in your society, and this very unawareness and complacency has stopped a positive future from being able to be enacted until now.

We Were With You in Atlantis

There have been incarnate Masters in nearly every time period of your Earthly history, and we were all with you in the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. They were wonderful times indeed, as the Earth was able to host not just the presence of a myriad of Galactic and Angelic beings who came to Live in the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria with you, but we Masters as well.

We and so many others were with every one of you who experienced Atlantis, and those of you who didn’t have come to the Earth as a (partial) result of the unfortunate destruction that took place in the final days of Atlantis and Lemuria.

As many of you dear souls know, the souls that were the Lemurians have went underground to the fruitful ascended realms of your Inner-Earth, and have been watching and assisting you along your planned evolution ever since the demise of the two colonies.

You can make your attempts to communicate with the Lemurian souls whom many of you knew in the previous encounters you had with them during those times, as these souls are brimming with excitement to be able to speak with humanity again and we, like you, are just as excited for your reunion to take place.

So very much has been done in an attempt to get you to forget about your sacred past and the sacred future you are heading into, and the unconsciousness of humanity will be permanently broken when the revelations begin to surface concerning the existence of your Galactic brethren; concerning our existence and a plethora of other things that are to make many souls’ heads spin.

Prepare for the Revelations

As we have in the past and as others have, we ask even you dear awakening souls to prepare yourselves for the revelations that will be forthcoming because truly, so very much has happened that you haven’t been told and we highly anticipate humanity being able to understand just what has been wrought unto you in the time ahead.

You have grown up in purposely hollow and conditioned societies that have been meant to take your awareness away from anything of the higher dimensions, as you have been led to believe that your physical reality is the only existence there is and this paradigm is to be more than broken in a plethora of Earth souls, when faced with the initial disclosure announcements.

We ask you to continue to remain diligent in spreading and bringing truth to the forefront of the collective perception and as has been said in the past, your work is only beginning.

We mean this for the world stage and for the personal paths of each one of you. The ascension energies leading you onward toward the purer states of consciousness of the higher realms are only to continue increasing in purity and intensity, and the resulting difficulty you experience in your Lives can be turned up if you do not allow (your Earth experience) to simply Be rather than fighting against it.

Fighting against the current of change has proven pointless for the cabal heads who increasingly see that a clear, blatant and positive change is unavoidable, and many of you are as well beginning to see that the current of change cannot be ignored and that aligning oneself with this change and remaining in a neutral place will help you exponentially along a process that can test you and bring you far, far away from your necessary center if you allow it to.

Logos Links All Souls

You have so very much to learn about yourselves and about the world around you, and one of the initial revelations you will be given concerning your planet will be the network of energy, which we have been labeling Love or Logos, that exists all around your planet and that every soul is interlinked within.

You are united with every facet of consciousness around you, and we are not simply delivering pretty words when we say this, dear souls.

Quite the opposite – when we say such things we are attempting to activate a knowledge; a memory and understanding within your hearts, which will itself help to spark a full awakening and enlightenment to the fact that you are interlinked with every conscious being around you.

Consciousness is not limited to humans, animals or plants, dear souls. Consciousness is truly everything, and the very conscious energy of Love makes up your entire reality.

Humanity has defined spirituality on your world for so very long as an embrace of something different from the physical paradigm of existence but truly, everything is spirit. Indeed, to claim one to be spirit is quite a given in the higher realms, and this is (meant to be) so with every facet of consciousness around you as well.

Every being around you, be them inanimate or not, is experiencing consciousness and the resulting spirituality because dear souls, consciousness is spirituality.

The sooner humanity can realize that your very consciousness and your very perception of the reality around you naturally breeds a spirituality that is unparalleled, the sooner a plethora of souls can turn away from looking toward external or physical sources to bring them happiness or fulfillment.

Meeting Purer Perceptions

Truly, your cup runneth over with blatant spiritual energy that you can absorb and feel in yourselves, and when a soul initially becomes open to the reality and existence of this wonderful and harmonious energy, a process begins that entails them meeting their own perceptions of this energy and of their own latent spirituality, in purer and bolder ways.

Indeed, some of you may look back and discover that you were indeed interested in the same concepts and belief systems just a few years ago in your fading concept of time and since then, your perceptions of such things have grown sharper and purer and this is because many of you have for quite a while, been well along your processes of realizing and understanding the Divinity that is truly all around you in every moment.

This Divinity is here to stay and it is ready to be recognized by the awakening humanity, and we trust that you dear souls will be able to recognize and pick up on your own latent Divinity in any moment you feel as if the higher realms or we souls within the higher realms have somehow abandoned you or are not with you.

Indeed, we are always with you and we have wanted you to know this during your times of despair or loneliness.

Loneliness is a fading aspect of the illusory reality around you, as to be separated from anything is to be separated from oneself; from one’s eternal, Godly essence. You are always connected with the higher realms and with a plethora of higher dimensional souls accompanying these realms and specifically, you can always connect with your higher selves and with our Mother/Father Creator if you feel you are in need of assistance or Love.

Infinite Options in the Spiritual Hierarchy

You can also connect with the myriad of other souls in the higher realms, some of whom have taken the “God” positions and some of whom have taken the “Galactic” positions (and others), which there are indeed differences between.

Let us explain, dear souls. Upon evolving into a certain higher dimensional perspective, a soul can choose to play the role of a “God” in the Spiritual Hierarchy, which entails Creating more distorted realms for souls experiencing their growth in such realms to undergo and come out of as shining Divine souls themselves, and many Gods have in fact inhabited the planets and the lower realms they helped to Create.

Souls who grow into the fifth dimension from their various lower dimensional planets have a plethora of different options after doing so; from joining the Galactic Federation or other similar Organizations, to excelling further along their evolution in a different manner (and so very much more).

Your options are truly unlimited once reaching the higher dimensions, and you will find your opportunity for soul growth just as unlimited.

You are Loved, Supported and Consistently Guided

The growth of the soul has taken place at varying speeds for each one of you, but every one of you are learning to tap into the natural God-given abilities you have always possessed within and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask you to allow the ascended perspectives you are beginning to find to settle upon you; especially if you feel as if events in your personal Lives are not moving along fast enough or again, if you feel you have been left alone.

Truly, you are never left alone and we have always wished for you to know this.

You are Loved, supported and consistently guided by we in the higher realms, and your sacred evolution is proceeding at a greater pace than could have ever been expected. The more interest you show in your personal ascension processes, the more progress you will make upon them and as we temporarily exit this line of communication, we remind you that you are more powerful than many of you have given yourselves credit for.

Understand and feel this, dear souls, for it will become more than apparent very soon.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.



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astr.jpgWritten by Wes Annac


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes to bless the lower astral planes of the Earth.

As I’ve said before and as they’ve said, the Hathors who speak through me are higher dimensional beings existing in the higher or “solar” astral planes of the Earth. They have come to the Earth to assist in its ascension and from the realms they’re stationed in, have been funneling down the energy that Creates and sustains our realities and, I would imagine, have been performing a myriad of other tasks (such as delivering channeled communications).

The Hathors have given us so much knowledge surrounding the astral planes, energy work, etc. and when I received the idea to have us quite literally bless the lower astral planes of the Earth, the Hathors seemed like the perfect souls to have lead such a blessing. We’ve been blessing representations of lower dimensional or polluting things nearly every week and now, we are going to meet lower dimensionality right at its source and use the ordained blessing abilities we all possess within.

To begin our exercise, we are going to meet the Hathors in the realms of our dear friend the tree, as we have in the past. Recent subscribers should know that we have been traveling to and visualizing an astral location that has taken the form of a big, beautiful springtime field, with the focal point being a wonderful and strong tree that we have blessed and performed Lighted rituals around.

We have also met the Hathors in this area, and I will offer a general visualization for all of us to find ourselves in this blissful and harmonious realm of our dear friend the tree.

Visualize and imagine the most beautiful wide open field around you.

Visualize, see and feel the sun shining down, and notice that it is not to hot or too cold in this land. Everything simply Is, and perfection and harmony pervade every aspect of this area. Visualize and really feel every last blade of grass; every flower; every tree beyond our dear tree friend; every beautiful cloud in the sunny sky; really feel and visualize all of these things and if you wish to, visualize and Create specific things about this land.

Perhaps you see some animals harmoniously grazing on some astral grass, which is instantly replaced as the spirit of the grass continues to Create astral temples to exist in. Perhaps you notice or Create wonderful, higher dimensional marvels that even I could not describe to you. Perhaps you see different colored or even multicolored astral birds flying around the sky of this wonderful place.

The main thing that’s important to feel in this land is the higher dimensionality; the sheer joy and harmony emanating off of every facet of consciousness. Perhaps, as we have before, you can even notice shimmering, colored vibrations in what would ordinarily be the formless air. Perhaps you can notice the beautiful vibrations flowing and emanating all around and if you can, than you are developing your astral senses quite wonderfully indeed.

I’m being told that the Hathors are going to appear before us in a different way than they have up to this point. Before, they appeared to us via colored portals that we visualized opening up in the sky but this week, per the discussion of bringing the formless into the formed I’ve been having on the blog, the Hathors are going to quite literally fade into our view and perception from their realms.

Again; the Hathors exist in the higher refined planes of the Earth wherein they receive energy from the realms of our sun and pass such energy on down to us and before, they have traveled from their realms in an envisioned portal that they used to find a very real astral contact with us.

As we are sharpening our perceptions and finding ourselves able to Create and experience in newer and different ways, the Hathors will be appearing before us in a way that recognizes our sharpened abilities and that will help us to understand how easy it is to travel from one realm to another.

I would like for us all to stand facing our dear friend the tree. Visualize and imagine the fellow astral travelers and subscribers around you and if you want, you can visualize us all forming a circle around the tree or you can have us in a straight line facing the tree. It truly doesn’t matter how we are all standing/floating as in a moment, we will be in the vicinity of the Hathors.

Visualize and begin to see that on two sides of our dear tree friend, three beings each fade into our perception. On the left side of the tree, we see three tall yet transparent beings fading into this reality and emanating the purest of Love and bliss from out within themselves. On the right side, three equally tall and transparent beings are fading into our perception and as all six of these beings appear, notice the strong energy of Love being emanated and shared between them.

A literal network of Loving energy is flowing all around these beings, and they are passing such energy on to us for us to feel, assimilate and benefit from.

See the Hathors before us. Feel their presence and if you wish, thank them for their gracious actions in helping us perform the blessing we are about to perform.

After spending some time doing this, begin to notice as a large cauldron shimmers into view in front of our dear tree friend. I’m being told that this cauldron will be holding energies that represent the lower astral planes we will be blessing, as neither I nor the Hathors have any desire to have us actually travel to those lower realms to perform our blessings.

There is a very dense, darkened energy coming from this cauldron and notice that, by nature, the aforementioned Love emanating from the Hathors is already starting to work its way over to the cauldron and perform its own blessing. What we are really performing is transmutation, though we will be affirming our specific blessing energies be added to the overall mix and it seems that as a natural reaction to lower or dense energies, the Love coming from the Hathors has already begun getting to work.

Beyond visualizing and feeling the Hathors’ Love already beginning to bless and transmute the lower energies in the cauldron, perhaps float up to the cauldron, which is acting as a portal to the lower astral realms, and get a glimpse of the darkened, dense energy swirling all around. Get a glimpse and a real understanding of just what this energy is and why our blessings are so important for it.

Feel and understand that this energy has remained the prevalent force on Earth for far too long and after getting your glimpses, we are going to perform our collective and individual blessing.

With every one of us in a large group (a group the dear Hathors are in with us) begin to affirm and manifest your own personal blessing and healing energies. Recent subscribers should know that our ability to bless is instantaneous, and we need only the thought to bless along with an accompanying visualization for our very real blessing and transmuting energies to have an equally-real effect on what we are blessing.

Affirm, visualize and feel the sacred Logos energy coming up through your spine and out through the chakra above your head. Visualize the structure and color of this energy, and affirm further that your personal, strong blessings be added to the collective energy-cloud we are manifesting, as we have so much in the past. Perhaps add specific colors to your personal blessing energy; to increase your perceptions of it and to increase its strength as a result.

Spend as much time as you feel you need affirming and adding your sacred healing energies to our collective cloud and when you are ready, visualize the cloud of energy we have all manifested moving into the cauldron and mingling with the dense representations of the lower astral realms.

Watch as this energy swirls around the cauldron and mixes in with the lower energies. I’m going to attempt to describe what happens next to the best of my ability – watch now as a very powerful, colorful and Lighted ray of energy shines out from within the cauldron, all the way up to the astral sky. The entirety of the cauldron is now boasting a strong and pure ray of higher dimensional energy that is climbing in a sense, all the way up to the sky of this land.

I’m being told our cauldron/portal is sending our blessing energies to the lower astral realms wherein such energies are to settle upon those realms and in future weeks, we will perform more and differently-oriented blessings of the lower astral planes so that we can bless them from different vantage points and angles.

What we have done this week has likely helped to deliver a plethora of pure energy to the lower planes, but I get the feeling that we are not done blessing them and that we will have fruitful work in doing so, in future weeks. For now, simply visualize and enjoy our dear cauldron and the strongly-pure and thick ray of energy coming out from within it and greeting our astral sky and if you wish, perhaps convene with the Hathors some more (or even practice channeling them!)

It’s good for us to know that what we are doing is truly making a difference and I, being blessed to lead these travels each week, can only affirm that we are indeed having very real effects on the lower and dense energy prevalent in the world around us. We are Lightworkers, tried and true, and it’s my hope for us to prove this increasingly with each week that passes.

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.

Image source: http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/library/astral_travel/images/astr.jpg

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wes-annac-walk-in.jpg-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Continuing to show dedication to your ongoing spiritual path will see you well on your way, now and in the time ahead. You are growing into purer aspects of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is you, and along this process you will encounter some discomfort along the way that we hope to be able to assist you with in any moment.

To those extents, we work far beyond issuing our communications for the collective of humanity to absorb and hopefully benefit from. We are working from a myriad of different positions on the ascension of your Earth and on the awakening of each and every dear Earth soul who is still stuck in the limitations of the third dimension.

These limitations have, of course, been necessary for your growth as a soul and while people on your world with negative intents and agendas have been trying to keep them fed and enforced on a collective level, your collective is now more than ready to grow out of them and this will become apparent as the demand and drive to realize change and release truth is strengthened upon your evolving planet exponentially.

More Will Become Open

Every one of you is feeding your thoughts and emotions into a grid of collective energy, and the energies given out by the bulk of humanity are taken and used to determine what is to manifest next on the world stage. This has indeed been said and repeated nearly endlessly, and we repeat this for those who are just beginning to tune into our communications and absorb them.

The awakening of the Earth is gaining strength in every moment, and along with this is coming the increased understanding in each and every Earthly soul of the illusion that has been cast over their eyes, minds and hearts.

More souls upon your dear Earth will begin to become open to the messages and inspiration spirit has been giving you all and when it is understood that those on your world who seemed to have been opened up the most or have tapped into a greater truth or understanding about your existence have dipped into something that is easily accessible to all, prophets and saints will number in the billions on your dear planet.

Every soul throughout your history who has been opened up and who has helped to lead so many dear souls on your planet into standing up for their rights and proclaiming their freedom and sovereignty, has in many cases come to the Earth to fulfill a specific mission of awakening the Earth public.

These souls have found and tapped-in to a pure troth of understanding that can truly be accessed and known by every soul on your world and again; when this (is known) you can expect the entire Earth public to be quite awakened and knowledgeable about every facet of your existence as spiritual beings.

You Have Always Been of Spirit

You have always been comprised of the infinite and infallible energy of spirit; it is simply that you have taken on dense physical human bodies in an effort to experience the lower dimensions of consciousness you had Created from the higher realms you existed in, and the purpose of the incarnation of many of you beyond awakening the Earth public has been to experience the Earth yourselves and gain a glimpse of understanding of what that experience is like.

Gain a glimpse you have, and we can indeed say that you have gained much more than a simple glimpse into the mechanics of the Earth experience.

Every one of you have been exposed to the lower dimensions of the Earth in quite bold and intense ways, and have for the most part, come out of your experience unscathed as you have proven to be able to open up to the higher realms and the impressions of we souls existing in these realms, despite the extreme nature to which density has been the rule of the day on the planet you exist on.

The surface of the Earth has been reflecting the density and negativity put out by humanity, but below the Earth’s surface lay ascended realms that you will be introduced to. Indeed, there are ascended realms within your Earth and we consult with the millions of ascended beings accompanying those realms, quite routinely.

We are all interconnected and united as facets of an ultimate grand oversoul of consciousness and again, you are all aspects of this consciousness as well and those who have opened up to their abilities to channel specific beings and collectives have indeed opened up to specific parts of themselves; as we are all One in the eyes of Source.

We All Originate from Source

We have all come from the same Loving Creator who has allowed us to experience the lower realms wherein illusory separation from our Creator is prevalent, and while we specifically do not exist in (your lower) realms, we are as close to them as we can be so that we can help each one of you along your Earthly experience.

Like many of you, we have come from dimensions naturally purer than those we currently exist in. We have allowed ourselves to funnel our consciousness down and exist in more distorted realms that we have previously grown away from, in an effort to assist the Earth and the Universe in the ongoing evolution occurring.

Every one of you can be and have been instrumental in accelerating the collective evolution of the Earth, and you have numerous guides surrounding you in every moment and helping you along your specific Life paths. While your missions have revolved around experiencing the Earth and bringing Light to Her surface, you have gained much more of an understanding than you could have comprehended from the higher realms, about the lower dimensional experience and everything that drives such an experience.

We note that you have begun to see the manner in which the lower dimensions thrive.

You have begun to learn that your actions in the lower dimensions, while not being controlled in the sense of violating your freewill, will always garner a reaction for you to experience. You are learning and understanding that the concrete, physical reality around you does not have to be so concrete and physical, and that you can actually shift and change events in your Lives to reflect the existence you wish to be Living.

Shaking-Off Accumulated Density

We urge those of you who are in the midst of enacting spiritual disciplines to allow such disciplines to be enacted, because the need for them could not be stronger and your garnering of enlightenment is to be aided more than you could possibly know when every last bit of Earthly residue still fed during your Earth experience is fully realized for what it is, and transmuted as a result.

We are confident in your ability to shake-off every last bit of accumulated density you’ve garnered as a result of your Earth experience, and while dense energies are accumulating in every moment that need transmuted and released, the bulk of the dense energy you have held within is, for the most part, now being realized and transmuted as you continue along your Life paths and continue to find great strides and revelations concerning your personal existence.

We are able to make such general predictions about the Life paths of each of you, because humanity as a collective is moving along a similar collective Life plan. Of course, your ascension experience is unique and individual to you, but there are certain elements of your collective experience that are easily predictable because, while separation has reigned on your world for so very long, you all have much more in common than many on your world think.

You are meant to be running your world in a collective fashion and in one that generates freedom for every soul involved, and this is why much of humanity has been put into positions of serving the souls who would preside over you forever if the widespread awakening that is taking place were not coming about on your world.

Darkness is No Longer the Prevalent Influence

The dark forces have been working overtime to see their influence become the prevalent established influence on your world as it once was, and while a plethora of souls on your world are still feeding the states of density and unconsciousness and the resulting actions that keep you collectively held back from the pure realms you are growing toward, the impetus that has been shown in much of the awakening community to enact change in their personal Lives that reflect the new paradigm you wish to enter is seeing the collective vibrations Lighten sufficiently as you continue along your valiant missions.

Each one of you are learning and growing your way through the lessons you have set out for yourselves to learn, and we ask for you not to forget the active and steady line you possess to the higher realms whenever an absence of Light leads you to feeling that darkness and density are prevalent all around you.

Indeed they are not; it is simply that they will convince you they are as the illusion tests your ability to remain in your ever-important higher dimensional center. Humanity will collectively find this center we speak of and for you dear souls, this will come about in the form of being able to act respectful and Loving toward one another as you learn to treat each other as you wish to be treated.

The Golden Rule is a very real and established Law to Live by, dearest souls, and when your entire collective can feel and understand the need for you to treat each other with Love and respect, the peace and balance that will be attained will help navigate you into your brimming Galactic future.

You are growing into your future increasingly as many of you work to help lighten the collective vibrations and awaken the public, and we ask you to ease into the roles you are finding develop for yourselves.

Your Focus is Required

Your focus is required for each of the tasks that are now set out before you, and we and so many others will always cheer you on from the sidelines and do anything we can in every moment to help you find the higher dimensional clarity and willingness to assist in the Earth’s ascension, that you have come to the Earth with.

You were all so very excited to make your ways to the Earth and yes, we are indeed aware that we have repeated this truth. We repeat it because we want as many of you as possible to know and understand the brimming excitement you possessed before making your ways to the Earth, because despite the difficulty you knew you were to experience, you also knew that you would be able to do what you are now doing.

While many in the higher realms did not initially agree that you would be able to awaken and find the higher realms upon the surface of the Earth in the exponential manner that you now have; you have been able to far surpass our expectations and in doing so, you have helped enormously to Create and build upon a revolution of Love and Light that is flooding your planet and helping influence the minds and hearts of so many dear souls who are being activated for their greater missions at this time.

Even when you feel as if you are faltering along your Life paths or as if the events piling up around you seem to be too much, you are and will forever be a brimming higher dimensional entity of pure Source energy and no temporary mishaps or difficulty can take that from you.

Upon realizing and fully understanding your nature as spiritual beings, your entire perception of the existence around you will begin to change. For many of you, this change has come about in a gradual manner indeed and for most of you, your growth has been ongoing throughout the thousands of Lives you have taken upon the surface of the Earth.

Traveling Through the Ascension Portal with Faith

Some of you have been able to breeze through your evolution in a very rapid manner, and every one of you are experiencing your Life paths in a very intensified and sped-up phase as you collectively prepare to enter the ascension portal, after finding out so very many things about your reality that will unravel the illusion and help awaken so many dear lost souls upon the surface of your world.

The ascension portal has remained open for as many souls as possible to begin to enter, and while many of you have had your foot in this portal for some time now, we ask you to take a “leap of faith” as you would call it, and jump on into these realms to see what they have to offer.

Faith does not have to be based in naivety, and faith can in fact be quite helpful for one along their path of discovering brimming realms existing just beyond their perception. Faith has helped a great many souls to navigate through their Earth experience and when finding out the true nature of existence, faith helps one quite largely to be guided onward toward purer dimensions of consciousness and experience.

We ask for you to imagine, attempt to feel and radiate the vibrations accompanying a true fifth dimensional experience. While it may be difficult for some of you to imagine such an experience because you don’t yet remember what it is like to be in (the realms of) the fifth dimension, a simple request to feel their brimming vibrations will help you to gain an inkling of what they feel like.

Download after download of continually-pure energy leading you onward to the fifth dimension will continue to be made known, which is why we ask you to make your attempts to connect to this energy as routinely as possible and to feel and radiate it, for your power when doing so is great indeed.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we note with brimming delight the massive, widespread awakening taking place and we issue our thanks to each of you who have diligently performed your roles in helping anchor the Light unto the surface of the lower dimensional Earth.

Our missions are certainly not done yet, but we have made it so very far and together, we will only continue to help a plethora of lower dimensional planets to evolve, far after the ascension of the Earth has taken place.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.



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We Have Never Been Alone

Lift-Your-Spirit-Final-293x300.pngListening to Stephen Cook’s Lift Your Spirit radio show, I get a true and real sense of how interconnected every one of us are in terms of what we are feeling, experiencing and learning. The stories and lessons that were shared by fellow awakening souls seemed to almost-exactly mirror what I have been feeling and undergoing, and it’s truly amazing to see that I am not alone in any way during my journey on Earth.

I am one who tends to remain silent about my beliefs and how I feel to those around me, and I don’t tend to hold many discussions with fellow awakening souls over the internet or in person.

The exchanges I do have usually prove fruitful and helpful for me personally, but it can be easy to forget that in this very moment, there are millions of other awakening souls just like me who are learning, growing and experiencing the lessons that help initiate us into higher states of consciousness and awareness.

I would say that our ultimate goal is to collectively reach those states of consciousness again and to an extent, that belief is correct but in another sense, we are here to collectively anchor the higher realms unto our Earth as we simultaneously work to sharpen and broaden our personal and collective understanding of exactly what makes up and drives our conscious experience of reality.


We are united in that we are discovering, along with the brimming realms of full consciousness, a perspective and an understanding that sets us apart from the rest of the people on this world who search for the great answers in their own physical ways and with their own trusted methods.

We have dared to reach far beyond the limitations of perception and understanding that the modern physical world would have us act under and in doing so, we are not only discovering, but building upon the network of collective energy we share not just amongst each other, but amongst the entirety of the collective of Earth and far beyond.

We are discovering our Oneness with each other and with the reality around us and as such, are gradually yet rapidly growing into purer states of consciousness and understanding and oh, are we being tested along the way.

Listening to the stories of some of the callers on Stephen Cook’s show reinforced the understanding in myself that, just as was said by one of the callers, we are simply going to experience difficulty along the way of learning and growing away from the Earth experience, as it is a result of the lower dimensional reality we currently exist in.

To assume or think our experience won’t be tough at times is not quite realistic given what we have all experienced and learned up to this point, but the wonderful thing is that we don’t have to experience the difficulty alone. Perhaps being able to understand this will be, for me and perhaps many of you, something that helps me to break out of my personal shell in the largest sense imaginable.

I am now seeing through a clearer lense that truly, we have each other to help get through this experience when times get tough.

Along with remaining inexpressive of my beliefs to those close to me, I see that in many cases, I will hide myself away from the world or even from fellow awakening friends if I just don’t feel the “umph” in that moment to lend my energies to a discussion or interaction. I see now that to do so can often be more hurtful than helpful for me personally and that sometimes, interaction and communication can do wonders for a person; especially someone who is awakening.

Understanding this, it becomes much harder to do something that would have otherwise been quite easy: feel alone when times get tough. It has been easy, up until this point, to allow loneliness and other forms of victimhood to arise within me, but I am learning that loneliness and assumed victimhood are tools that keep the illusion sustained via instated unhappiness.

During this – yet another important, testing and ultimately helpful day along my Earth experience, I find my perspective broadening in unprecedented ways and I have the callers of Lift Your Spirit to thank for it. Truly, we have never been alone!

Wes Annac – A fellow friend and awakening soul



Image source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/lift-your-spirit-shifting-sharing-returning/

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pleiadians1.jpg?w=184&h=300&h=210Wes Annac: Hello on this day, dear friends. Per the discussion we were beginning to have as I drifted off into peaceful meditation, I would like to know about scripted nature of our reality as it plays out currently.

The Pleiadian High Council: With Love, we will be happy to provide our perspective on this matter for you and all absorbing this communication. As we were beginning to discuss with you, your reality plays out in a scripted manner, yet in one that is being Created and determined by you in each and every moment.

Dearest Wesley, we trust you remember the “choose your own adventure” stories you read as a child. Correct? (1)

Wes: Indeed I do, dear friends.

A Scripted yet Fluid Reality

PHC: Your existence on this Earth is much like the format those stories were given in.

What we mean is that you experience a fluid reality that is entirely of your own Creation, and you are pulling potential reality-threads toward yourselves to manifest or discard based on your thoughts and emotions in every moment. You are Creating your realities based on such thoughts and at the same time, the events you experience as a result of your actions have been scripted and planned out ahead of time, by you and by subconscious aspects of your Selves who are helping to coordinate the events that play out in your Lives.

It is so interesting to watch the Earthly experience play out from our point of view, as you are learning so many lessons and undergoing so many self-Created tribulations that you can solve when allowing and working with the higher dimensional perspective beginning to descend down unto your planet at present.

You are absorbing Light that is continually-pure in structure and as you are also Creating your Earthly experience in every moment based on what you are giving out, we trust that many of you will be able to find an easier maneuvering around and Creation of your Lives as the Light energies continue to permeate your minds and spirits.

Embracing Peace & Utilizing Motivation

Wes: Many thanks for your answer, dear friends. At this very moment, while I feel I could ask you a plethora of questions I am also feeling a deep sense of calm descending down upon me. I’ve felt an interesting mix of driven and calming energies lately, and I’m wondering if the calm and peace I’m feeling is temporary or not.

PHC: Well, dearest soul, you know that peace will always be permanent.

Nurture the peace you find within yourself at this time, dear scribe, as you and every other dear soul will indeed finding it grow in influence as you find yourselves embracing  it more and more. It will be much easier to understand and embrace peace when the collective energy levels have sufficiently lightened and your entire collective has been informed of the existence of higher dimensions beyond the sphere of your conscious understanding.

While peace is and will forever be a permanent aspect of your experience, the depletion you feel accompanying it is as temporary as the fading lower dimensional experience you’re feeling it in.

Your bodies are undergoing very rapid and intense changes from carbon-based to crystalline, and it is important to rest when you feel the need to and as well, to work away when you feel the drive to do as much as you can to anchor the higher realms you are looking for.

Do not ever think you are not doing enough to spread Light and truth, dearest souls, for your actions up to this point have been needed indeed and the good you have already done has earned you the right to take the time required to adjust to the increasing levels of energy you’re finding in yourselves.

Temporary Depletion Signals Increased Energy Levels

As strange is it may seem, increased energy levels in your bodies can indeed account for temporary depletion, as your bodies are assimilating these energy levels while they are being increased in every moment. The energies Creating and sustaining your realities that are coming through you are being continually purified, and it can be draining on your dear bodies and spirits to do so much even when you feel as if you are doing so very little.

It is indeed ok to feel depleted, as it is a necessary facet of the lower dimensional experience and of evolving from such experience, but we must stress that this depletion has always been and will always be temporary.

What feels to be depletion now will soon be replaced with the most wondrous of pumped-up energy, vigor and vitality that you will not expect to have found, and we say this to each one of you despite your current age. You are finding and feeling states of consciousness in yourselves wherein age is not a factor, and the youthfulness we know so many of you wish to feel again will indeed be found as you foster your growing connection to the higher realms.

This is in part why we will appear to be so young when making ourselves known on your world; because we do not experience aging and at the same time, we experience no depletion or draining of our natural Source energy as it is constantly replenished and the very concept of being or feeling drained is not prevalent in our minds, hearts or temples.

Wes: Thank you very much for your answer, dear friends. It’s good to know that peace will rein forever and that the accompanying depletion I’m feeling is only temporary.

Now, as I mentioned above, accompanying the temporary depletion has been one of the strongest drives I’ve ever felt to help bring change about on this world. I see that this drive has been felt for decades on this world, but I feel more ready than ever to contribute as much of myself as possible to the Earth’s restoration. Do you have any comments on this seeming, sudden “emergence”?

PHC: You are finding the higher dimensions, dearest Wesley!

Confronting the Forces of Oppression from Without and Within

You and all those around you who have been feeling and tapping into the increased motivation to see change enacted on your world are responding to your increasingly-pure ascension energies quite favorably and just as you mentioned, the impetus to bring forth change has been felt in plenty of awakening Earth souls who have, in nearly every time period, seen and felt the need to introduce and be a part of something that is based more in the interests of the people and less in the interests of souls who only wish to keep you in states of mental and spiritual limitation.


A natural response to your ascension energies has always been to stand up to tyranny and oppression, as your outer-world truly is reflective of your inner and the stands you are taking against the forces of tyranny and oppression in your outer world are mirroring the facing of personal and inner-held “demons” so to speak, that have been accumulated during past Lives and bottled up for you to eventually confront.

Dearest souls, the time to confront your own personal issues as well as the forces of corruption that have ruled your planet for far too long has now come. We know that you can feel this, and you have the support of the higher realms by your side at all times and in all endeavors.

The cabals thought themselves able to suppress and outsmart the “hippie” generation who did indeed help to introduce many of the concepts of the higher realms, while faltering in other avenues of their experience. The cabals thought themselves to have been able to suppress (the influence of) these souls with the introduction of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s eras but truly, the message of the higher realms has never been stifled and has always proven to grow and grow in influence until the entire planet is awakened.

A Call to Expand upon One’s Personal Drive

This drive; this motivation that is being felt in so many of you is meant to be taken and expanded on as exponentially as you possibly can. We make now, a call to each of you dear souls who have been feeling the increased drive in yourselves to enact change across your beautiful blue world: it is time for your sacred work to begin, and it is time to expect miracles to manifest in your personal Lives and in your outward realities as well.

Expect, at times, the surfacing of things that may break your hearts temporarily.

We mean this for the world stage and for the personal Lives of those of you still undergoing the necessary surfacing and releasing required so that you can be in resonation with the higher realms you are growing toward. But beyond the difficulty you will experience will lay the utopian realms you have worked so hard to re-find after having descended from such realms to experience the Earth.

You have all taken on the lower dimensional Earth experience for a plethora of different reasons, and many of you are on the Earth to spread the truth and Light you have long begun to feel within.

So many souls from the higher realms incarnated during your sixties era in a plethora of different countries and while again, some souls of that generation did indeed falter in their efforts and allowed their spirituality and higher dimensional understanding to be usurped by way of drugs, addictions and unhealthy sexual habits; a plethora of souls have advanced since that time and have fully developed their understanding of the higher dimensions and of the energy that increased dramatically in purity in such time, allowing a plethora of souls from the higher realms to suddenly be activated for their missions.

Your Efforts Have Not Been in Vain

So many of these souls are still on your planet in this very moment, and many of them are reading this communication. Stand strong in your efforts, dear souls, for the movement you were a part of has never faltered and is growing to its strongest point of influence. Understand and know that your efforts for generations have not been in vain, and that what you are doing is Lighted and needed.

Wes: Very interesting dear friends, thank you. I have to say that I’m ready to expand upon what has already been done, and I think the majority of the people reading this could say the same.

PHC: Indeed dearest soul, and while the cabals have tried to pacify the souls born of recent generations by way of brainwave-dimming low frequency technology and a plethora of other means, the influence of the Light has and will prove ultimately successful in helping to awaken a populace that has been controlled and their understanding of Life and the Universe around them, distorted quite purposely.

The cabals do not want you dear souls to gain awareness because they do not want you to awaken to their actions and misdeeds, nor do they want you to understand the dimensions beyond your conscious understanding that they themselves only have a slight grasp on.

These souls think themselves to have a grand understanding of the higher realms because they have exposed themselves and their descendants to the lower realms of fourth density-negative but truly, their distorted understandings of how to reach the higher realms have only seen them feeding pure service-to-self-based acts of maliciousness and greed.

Lending Your Healing Energy

We encourage each of you to lend your positive and healing energy to these souls to an extent, for every soul, no matter how lost they have become on their path, deserves that healing energy and deserves the continual opportunity to rekindle the flame of Love that has been so lost in the cabals.

The awakening humanity is no longer being controlled by the cabals, but it’s important for you as well to rekindle the flame of Love and to pair it with the awareness you are finding in yourselves so that you can offer the cabals forgiveness and Love in the time ahead, in hopes that they too will eventually be able to find their evolution.

Of course, in due time they and every soul within every realm of Creation will find their ultimate evolution to the realms of full consciousness, but the cabal heads specifically, even while undergoing containment and a softening of their hearts, do still have karma to experience for the actions they have committed.

Indeed, this karma will not come about in the form of the awakening public shouting “off with their heads!” because truly, that will not help your collective to work past the states of consciousness feeding vengeance, separation and hatred as such things have only fed the influence of darkness on your world for centuries.

However, these souls have monumentally oppressed, hurt and killed fellow souls in the name of money-making, sacrificing and greed and as such, have manifested exponential karma for themselves to experience. We do not say this from a point of judgment as again, we possess a perspective of understanding that every soul will find their evolution in due time and we understand as well that karma is a non-judgmental energy that simply gives back to you what you put out.

Karma, the Golden Rule, and the Law of Attraction

Wes: I’d like to discuss the Law of Karma just a bit more before wrapping this up, as I’ve noticed that in essence it parallels the Golden Rule and the Law of Attraction in that what we put out, we are given back.

PHC: Indeed dear soul, and the three concepts and Laws you have mentioned above are human terms to describe the same mechanism set up in your reality.

An essential aspect of your freewill experiment has been for you to experience most everything you Create for yourselves or for others to experience, and while you are acting under a Law of Grace that sees you experiencing only a portion of the negativity that has been manifested in an effort to salvage the positive aspects of your experience; being given what you put out has been a crucial aspect of your experience so that you could ultimately learn and grow away from the lower dimensions.

As you find the higher realms increasingly, you undergo lessons that see you purging the old limitations, thoughts and feelings that once held you in bondage to the lower dimensions you have been experiencing them in. You begin to understand things about your experience from different, more evolved perspectives and eventually, you begin acting less in alignment with mental or lower-emotional will and more in alignment with the Divine Will of the ultimate being of consciousness and Oneness that is you.

In essence, you develop into a purer and more evolved form of your Self and that process requires experiencing almost everything you put out for yourselves to experience. The most important lessons you are all undergoing at this time are being given to you because they are necessary for your ultimate growth away from the lower realms, and because you have set out for yourselves to experience such things by way of your actions in your outward reality.

Undergoing Necessary Learning and Growth

Your existence and the reality around you are evolving along with you and as such, the outward reality you find around you is itself ready to be purged of the old negativity and dross and is pushing more than ever for you to experience the lessons within it that will see it and you able to grow back into the purely magnificent states of consciousness we know you are all so ready to find and feel again.

Your outward realities too are aspects of your ultimate Selves, and this is one reason you are given events to manifest in your outward realities that garner inner-growth and understanding for you. You will increasingly begin to understand that your outer and inner realities are one and in due time, humanity will come to find the understanding of the Oneness you all possess between each other.

Wes: Understood, dear friends! With so much Love and appreciation, I’m going to go ahead and let you wrap this up while the energies are still strong.

PHC: With Love and appreciation, dearest Wesley.

We will again ask you to nurture the ongoing understandings and realizations about your Selves and the reality around you that you are beginning to find, as we can feel that every one of you are reaching enormous strides along your growth as you greet increasingly-challenging lessons for you to undergo and experience, and your Lives are absolutely never stalled, even if you think that they are.

What we mean is that you are constantly experiencing; constantly Living; breathing; growing; learning; in every moment you are doing all of these things and dear souls, it is just brilliant to watch and behold.

You are learning and growing and finding so many advanced understandings that for the most part, you would likely not expect yourselves to have found even a few short years ago.

Momentum Has Only Grown – Keep the Faith

Decades have passed since the emerging of the hippie movement and of every other movement that garnered widespread focus and attention on the rebuilding of the Earth and on recognizing just what about it is not in resonation with what you all wish to collectively build and experience, and the momentum to solidify and strengthen this movement has only continued to grow as more and more souls have joined in and offered themselves to the restoration of your dear planet.

You have long grown to understand many of the personally-held etheric realms so many of you are finding within yourselves, and we recommend utilizing the astral connection you are forging as you will be able to meet with departed Loved ones in your personal astral realms, and will even be able to communicate with we souls of the higher realms.

Indeed, along with continually sending our impressions down and attempting to communicate with every aware and unaware soul on your dear planet, we are also making fruitful astral contacts with you dear souls in your sleep realms and in your personally-held etheric realms, and you can begin to attune to these contacts, as well as the streaming impressions we are sending you in every moment and the increasingly-pure energies they are attached to.

Indeed, a plethora of different souls in the higher realms attach their impressions to the overall energies that are sent down for humanity to absorb and decode, and you will find a wide variety of contact with each one of us individually and with our various collective Organizations. You have done so very much to attract our vibrations back to the surface of your ascending planet, and you are Loved and respected endlessly for the wiggle-room you have helped the higher realms to be able to find on the surface of your world.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we ask those of you with little or depleted faith to keep on keeping on and if you feel you need to, take some time away from anything and everything that will put you in a state of worry, confusion, stress or anxiety.

Everything occurring in your Lives at present is necessary for your ultimate spiritual growth and when allowing yourselves to look at matters from a zoomed-out point of view, you will see that absolutely everything has happened for a needed and ultimately-beneficial reason.

Wes: Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



(1)-“Choose your own adventure” stories are basically what the title implies – a book one can read that is, for the most part, already planned-out in terms of what is going to happen and how the story will generally go. However, a feature accompanies these stories that lets you choose how they are going to play out; based on an action in the story you choose to take.

For example – a story would say something along the lines of “you walk up to a turtle laying on a rock. Go to page twelve if you want to pick up the turtle, or go to page sixteen if you want to walk past it and continue on.” If you went to page twelve, a new aspect of the story would unfold involving the turtle. If not, the story would play-out very differently as you walked along past it.

Whatever you chose took the story in a whole different direction, and it is a pretty good metaphor for how our Lives are generally planned, yet allowances are made for what we are going to Create and do.

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The Formless Creator, Experiencing Itself

th?id=H.4767006668883330&pid=1.7Written by Wes Annac


After channeling some information from the Hathors about sacred geometry, a subject I admittedly know little about, as well as reading some of the channeled messages posted today (April 29) I’m finding myself growing into a greater realization of how the infinite and formless has devolved so to speak, down into the finite and formed.

I don’t mean to use the term “devolved” in a negative way as indeed, we have come from the realms of intelligent infinity (to borrow that phrase from the dear collective of RA) to experience an orchestrated illusion we were to temporarily believe was reality.

It’s been said for a long time that we are the Creator, experiencing ourselves in a more distorted form for the purpose of knowing ourselves in a greater way and while that’s a good sentiment, it is also a much realer and deeper truth than I have ever fathomed during this short Life on Earth, until right now.

For me, this intense understanding and realization has been brought about because of the aforementioned messages I read and received on this day, and because of an increasing experience of existing in and as the formless; in and as the infinite nothingness (yet allness) of our pure, undistorted realms of experience.

I’m realizing in a greater fashion that I, from the realms of intelligent infinity, sought to understand myself in greater ways by venturing beyond the allness (yet nothingness) and Creating and sustaining an illusory hologram for myself to play around in and experience the various aspects of my infinite and grand oversoul in.

I’m recognizing that I did not just Create one lone realm for myself to experience the hologram I had Created within; I Created multiple, nearly-infinite dimensions, Universes, Galaxies, Planets, trees, humans, animals, etc. for myself to experience as much of this illusory hologram as I possibly could.

Again; this all seems nice and believable on paper but truly, and I mean truly, feeling and understanding it with all of oneself is a profound experience indeed, and still has me reeling.

I recognize that I fell quite deep into the hologram I was experiencing myself within. The illusions I had entered and cast over myself seemed to become reality, and I quite literally lost myself within the hologram I had Created. It then became necessary for greater facets of myself who had underwent similar experiences, to lend their intervention in certain instances (such as this Earth experience) and instate themselves as “spiritual guides”.

I recognize that these guides, no matter who they are – Hilarion; Jeshua; El Morya; SaLuSa the Sirian; Mira the Pleiadian; they are all aspects of the ultimate oversoul of consciousness that is Me.

The guides and the souls existing in higher states of consciousness helping us to evolve are us, in a more evolved form. This is not to say that they are aspects of our mind or of our higher selves but in a much greater, more zoomed-out sense, they are facets of the same infinite and formless being who sought to know itself that I AM and that we are.

Shortly after the 21st of December last year, I can remember having an intense and amazing experience of being encompassed within what I called at the time, “the all-encompassing Oneness energy” or something to that extent.

I wrote about this experience after it happened, and I can remember having an access to the energies and impressions of every single Galactic race; every Ascended Master; every Angel; every Universal Creator; an infinite and vast array of feeling-based knowledge and connection was bestowed unto me and while that initial experience was fleeting and didn’t last, I find myself now able to access it nearly-instantaneously when merging with the allness that is my ultimate being.

The actual connection to the infinite; to the formless; to the nothingness and the allness; it is instantaneous and can be felt even right now. Go ahead – close your eyes for a moment.

Beyond the colored and glittered vibrations some of you may see, what lies ahead of your vision? Nothingness. Pure, blissful infinite existence that seeks no name; no label or identity. It simply is and yet, as I mentioned above, some of you will notice the beautiful glittered vibrations swimming around your perspective. Titillating, are they not?

Even beyond the infinite blissfulness that can be accessed instantaneously, those vibrations and the energies swirling around you seem pretty worth exploring. And so, some of you may choose to go into meditation and expand upon those vibrations, just to see what they can Create for you; what you can experience having tapped into them.

In doing so, you will have just brought the formless into form. Do you see how simple it is?

Every one of us, as a single and infinite Creator, noticed those beautiful vibrations swimming around in the realms of intelligent infinity, and that’s when we first emitted a mental impression which told us, “hmm, those might be worth exploring”.

And so, we Created. And Created. And Created. We manifested multiple outlets for our Self to separate into and eventually reunite once it is understood by every facet of We the Creator that we are One oversoul. We enjoyed our experiences, yet we Created and experienced illusory emotions and feelings that were quite literally the opposite of the calm, formless realms we had originated from.

We manifested separation; discord; disharmony and pure hate, and we Created and brought forth an array of negative emotional energy that we convinced ourselves was real and at present, a plethora of people on our world do not know many other emotions or feelings beyond anger or stress. They’ve been convinced that those things are reality when in truth, only infinite, identity-less Allness exists.

Even truth itself is an aspect of what we perceive to be reality or not, and I’m learning that everything is reality, as reality is consciousness-based and driven and of course, everything is consciousness.

As usual, I have some more inner-searching to do surrounding this subject or perhaps, I really don’t have any more searching to do as in this very moment, the biggest truths and mysteries of our existence all seem so obvious and for the first time in, well, I would imagine a very long time, I actually feel like I have it all figured out.

“But how could that be?” The mind screams-forth to me. “How can a physical human incarnate in the physical third dimension have figured out all of the secrets without traversing all of the higher realms required to reach such a perspective?”

I guess the answer is that I’m only a physical, evolving human in this reality. In another, I’m an oversoul-extension of the man writing this, who is helping him and the planet Earth to evolve. I could go on and on with examples but in the realms that really count, which I’m finding myself able to access quite easily, I am the formless Creator who seeks nothing other than the peace and solitude of my personal infinity and wholeness.

Ah, does this feel great. Worries and concerns fade and seem so miniscule in the face of this ultimately-greater understanding and the resulting feelings it garners. I’m going to take some time now to bask in this realization, and I hope you are all reaching something similar in this truly-wondrous time we’re blessed to exist in.

Wes Annac – The “identity” of whom needs no explanation



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