Thomas Putman / Jah-nah'ri's Posts (37)

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ENTER THE DIVINE TWIN RAY REUNIONSA message from Sananda ~ Channeled by Lisa J. SmithMany of us have journeyed long and far to reconnect with that one complete half of who we are. For the experience of duality, we split in two separate spheres of Light, and now it is time to once again complete the divine union between our male and female God-self.As all beings are created from the source substance, we are all a part of Mother/Father God. In the grand oneness of source there is creation upon creation of sparks of light. You, my friends, are one of these sparks. Each particle of the vast Light we know as God is one part male and one part female. The truth is always as simple as that.There are many sequences of patterns and families of Spirit moving through Creation. However, the fact remains that all are part of a positive/negative polarity. For the inception of duality we began to move through the universal core as a team of Light Beings. Together in vast consciousness we blended our light for the building of the house we live in. We start this explanation from the Great Central Sun in this universe, for Creation moves way past this level, and we shall have a great time together rejoining with every facet of our being.A time came when the energy you know as Self formed into a vehicle of expression, and with wonder you came to a certain life form, praising the two of you as one. To move down through the Galactic streams, many came through an Archangel or other Grand Being of Life. Many of you understand this being to be your father. And, yes, they gave birth to your essence into the Galactic realms, while some were birthed through the Solar level of Light.All are children of the one. Some of us simply birthed through an energetic life stream and agreed to step down in vibration. A Twin Ray coupling, pulling from the One Source of all, created others. The duality took all on earth through the Solar level eventually. Until this time, all were experiencing together, and aware that we were one being of a male/female nature, working with the forces of creation and birthing many new ideas.All are part of the grand entity we know as Mother/Father God. The bliss and the ecstasy of two hearts joined as one is beyond any human concept.At the Galactic levels, we started with ease and grace the separation process through several dimensions. This ensured there would be no harm to our Light Vehicles. For most of us, the memory of disconnecting is still painful at a deep cellular level. This will become part of the clearing process if one is brave enough to commit to this relationship on all levels again.Earth is the pivot point for the entire universe for the end of duality. We are at a blessed time when the Twin Ray couplings can start the slow process of reunion. Your Twin Ray is the ultimate experience of your God-Self in every facet. It is Who you are, and for this we are extremely grateful. At this time the Twin Ray reunions are happening on a massive scale.If you feel your one half is not here, you are correct, dear ones. To blend heaven and earth, we are in different dimensions. However, as the earth party moves up and attains the Christ vehicle, the upper dimensional party can commune at a certain dimension. Whatever dimension is up to you and your Twin Ray. No Ascended Master will step into a lower than high Fifth Dimensional field of Light, for two reasons, one being the safety of both parties, and the other being that the earth party has got to do their inner work to ascend. The upper dimensional being cannot do it for you.What Is the Difference Betweena Soul Mate, Twin Flame, orDivine Complement?I will give you the step-by-step process one has to integrate and clear before becoming one again with themselves. This also coinciding with achieving the male/female balance within. This balance, along with other work, must be completed before union can take place. While going through the reconnection, there will be much inner work accomplished. It takes trust, faith and a strong determination to become One again.Now, one might ask why all this when we are supposedly androgynous beings. The term ''androgynous'' applies to the balance of the male/female within, and eventually of the complete balance with your Twin Ray, where one is a complete extension of the other and vice versa. Creation is always a blending of energies on many levels. It is also time we slowly begin to fuse into the Earth's consciousness the Story of Man and Woman. One cannot be without the other; it simply is not done.The Seven-Step Earth Pyramid of male/female relationships is as follows:Twin RayTwin FlamesTwin SoulsTwin MatesDivine ExpressionSoul MatesDivine ComplementWe will start with Step Seven.A Divine Complement is someone who shows you the exact mirror of where you are living. This person could be anyone at any given time the Higher Self sends to mirror your exact image. Often times it reflects our negative vibrations, while other times you are blessed with seeing the beauty that is you.A complement could come in and out of one's life, or stay around for a while completing many lessons for both parties involved. This would be a very good reason why marriages on Earth shift all the time. People change with age and move on. Many times this does not happen together, and so two partners end up going their separate ways and rightly so in this kind of environment.Remember, relationships on Earth are in preparation for moving you to a higher level of being.A Soul Mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many turns, and at the perfect time a Soul Mate will enter to teach you in a strong way about yourself. Many would like to think they are married with a Soul Mate, but truly not as many as would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting, and one that will most likely alter your life. This could be positive or negative, depending on where you stand in Self.Also, a Soul Mate in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one travels in several lifetimes together. Your Soul Family is quite large, and for purposes of learning at times you may work or set up a connection with a Soul Mate from another Soul Family. So in that instance they would be your Soul Mate.Also, a Soul Mate could be the exact gender or opposite, depending on what you came to experience. Oftentimes, a romantic relationship is not in the life plan, because everything at this level is about clearing up with Self. We have spent some lives in dear Soul Mate relationships, while others are meant for the Soul's study and advancement.A Divine Expression, in short, is one that comes in and makes a large impression on one's life. If one is not moving in the exact direction intended, a Divine Expression would move in to bring out the deepest inner angst and leave you pondering the facts of life. This is good, as the intention of a Divine Expression is exactly that. It will feel not quite pleasant in a lot of instances. But to open a blind eye, Spirit will take on many forms to assist.At this time many beings are experiencing a Divine Expression simply to move them forward. They are actually a gift from your guidance and one to take heed so the truth can face you head on. So many try to make something work that is not in the cards for their enlightenment, and this is where trust comes in. If you feel strong about a being at this time, you will want to consider that your Twin Ray is hanging around, and this is actually what you are feeling.A Twin Mate is part of a group of beings you are connected to for Earth, Solar and Galactic work. A Twin Mate is someone not usually linked to romantic liaisons, as these souls are a connection of a like-minded unit of servers. All are connected to at least 144 Twin Mates. In the paradigm of creation, the numerical value of 144 makes for the perfection of manifestation, as it works on a higher frequency of energy. In the Galactic Core, all Twin Mates were set up together. Some are here on Earth, and some are in the Galaxy doing other work. When we say we are one and the same it is because units of congregated Light do not separate themselves from one another. We are indeed together, for many reasons, throughout our experiences. This connection will continue until we complete this cycle of creation into the birth of the new Millenium. Here we will advance and the units move and work with different wavelengths of light.So, together in the birthing, we re-evaluate and shift energetically our streams of Light depending on where everyone resides in consciousness. Some of your Twin Mates are not waking up as yet, but we hope all do, as time will soon run out for the opportunity at hand. As you connect hearts with many beings, several will stand out, and the recognition of a Twin Mate will show itself.A Twin Soul is a very like vibrational frequency. Each individual has twelve Twin Souls. They are part of the Twin Mate grouping, however these twelve are extremely close to your earthwork. Some of you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the twelve Ascended Masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ Light.A very few of you are Twin Souls to the twelve Masters that are on your line-up awaiting your arrival. This is for instructing purposes, as you are a teacher of magnitude and your energy is linked to this consciousness of Light. There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings. The ratio of male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light.A Twin Flame is a being you have worked extremely closely with from the Galaxy on down into a third dimensional life form. This was set up long ago and you have kept the same Twin Flames for eons. There are seven Twin Flames you are connected to. Besides the Twin Ray, this will be your closest bond to an entity. Whichever level of light one is at, you will have the ability to reconnect with the Mighty Seven. It will assist to further your own enlightenment. These are integrated before reaching the level of the Twin Ray.Needless to say that many Twin Flame relationships are of great remembrance and love to all. They are also both genders. For instance, this channel has three female, and four male Twin Flames. Three twin flames are on earth; four are in the upper dimensions.There is a special bond between Twin Flames, and you will forever be connected at the heart, as one does not ever forget the special love a Twin Flame will share. It moves beyond human sexuality and into the purity of devotion for working together through these cycles. You have been through much, and after the Twin Ray split, the first relationship one enters into is with a Twin Flame. At the level we split, there was not yet time to learn jealousy, we just created and experienced in the love of our Source. We knew there would come a time when reunion would once again join our beloved one's heart forever.I can honestly tell you there are sad memories from this parting of two hearts which all will clear before moving into the divine embrace of a Twin Ray.The Twin Ray is the ultimate. There is no need to look further for source as this is experienced with one another. The joy at this time as we have prepared long for this event is overwhelming even for the many Ascended Masters awaiting this reunion. You are the same Godspark that came from the loving embrace of Mother/Father God. It is quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one other half of ourselves.There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the wait. For those who refuse to accept, you only prolong your advancement, as many ascensions are tied into the reunification with the Twin Ray. After working to reconnect and taking the time every day and night to complete the energy work necessary, your Twin Ray is then known as the Consort. Both of your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title, as together you have both conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.Each person will have a unique situation, and therefore all Twin Ray couplings will occur differently, as there is closure necessary from many experiences learned by both parties. In addition to ascending, the Twin Ray merge will take a daily conscious effort. So many of you feel that deep inner knowing, but have not been able to express this as the earth consciousness has not allowed for divine relationships in a long time.There have been some instances when you have traveled together on earth. Some Twin Rays of earth partners are on a Galactic Star; or perhaps your Twin Ray is a universal being. The last scenario is the rarest. Also, some of you will electromagnetically connect with the perfect mate here already on earth. This would be a Soul Mate, Twin Flame, or Twin Soul.Some Twin Rays in the upper dimensions are not ready to reconnect. This comes only by the approval of one's Higher Self. So many different situations, yet each one is perfect for the individual. Whichever level you intend to reconnect with, there will be shifts in your life, and Spirit will not give you what you cannot handle. For instance, if one is happily married on Earth, you can commit to a Twin Ray at an energetic level while working here. This for the time being is perfect. No Twin Ray will interrupt a harmonious environment. This being only wants the highest and best and is willing to wait for Divine time.There are many classes that will educate on this subject. I would encourage one to take advantage of the gift and learn about this wondrous Twin Ray information.There are many Masters who have contacted and been in the reconnective process for over a year now [1999], I being one of these Masters. We are learning first-hand, as this is quite an event, and together we are creating the most effective way to make this happen. Because there has been so much preparation, all are ready to move. Finally, at this time, many are willing to accept the information as truly we are all as one.To find out more on the subject, trust your intuition and meditate about the process. Ask if you are one to make the merging of the dimensions happen with your Twin Ray. If you have been feeling emotional and that old familiar energy is around you, this could be your Twin Ray coming in from the higher realms attempting to contact you. Won't you sit and allow this energy to come through.In the Christ Light and Love,I AMSananda
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Glossary of Some Important TermsThe Holy OnesAngels: Divine messengers of Mother/Father God. Immortal Beings of Light, or Divine Spirit. Entrusted to orchestrate the means by which Divine Plan will be carried out.Archangels: Highest ranking Beings of Light in Angelic Realms. In charge of the many tasks needed to carry out Divine Plan of Mother/Father God.Ascended Master: Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During Earth time, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit and body into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation. This Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karma and was able to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Masters now serve on Holy Councils that assist humanity with its present Ascension process.Council of the Nine: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light of Sacred Creation. One of the Chief Councils of Lord Siraya. In this galaxy, the sacred Blue Lodge is housed in the Sirius-B star system.Creation: Infinite and continuous work of Mother/Father God. Consists of two aspects: Physical Creation (the human realm) and Spiritual Creation (the infinite dimensional realms of Spirit). Unfolds according to Divine Plan.Deva Kingdom: Physical Elementals who aid Angelic Realms and Councils of Elohim in formulating and maintaining many elements that make up Physical Creation.Divine Plan: Holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the many Creations are carried out.Elohim: Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. Take sacred spiritual energies given by Angelic Realms and help Angels to formulate and maintain Physical Creation, according to Divine Plan.Jesus Christ: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came to teach humanity about workings of Love and its corollary — power of forgiveness. Showed how to use his teachings to ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God.Lord Buddha: Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came here to teach humanity about workings of Compassion and how to use it to break constant cycle of Karma and thereby ascend. One of the great prototypes for full consciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionate Mother/Father God.Lord Kuwaya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of overseeing primary energies of Creation that are needed to carry out Divine Plan. Supervises, along with Lord Siraya, unfolding of Divine Plan.Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned by Mother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which is sixth of ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan.Lord Michael: Magnificent Being of Light and major Archangel. Duty is to inform the many Archangels how best to carry out Mother/Father God's divine Plan.Lord Siraya: Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of sacred Lineage and Councils of Heaven, that carry out Divine Plan. All Divine minions of Heaven follow his holy pronouncements.Mother/Father God: Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists of three immortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — Lord Siraya and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God's purpose is to unfold Creation according to Divine Plan.Spiritual Hierarchy: Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven. Consists of the Angelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the many Orders of the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils of the Time Lords.Time Lords: Great Beings of Light whose orders are represented by many Divine Councils. In charge of Time, which, along with Light, is one of the two elements that compose Creation.The Ascension ProcessAkashic Records: Life records of all souls that have spent lifetime in Physical Creation. Records document in great detail each event that occurred during all moments of every lifetime.Ascension: Process whereby individual integrates physical body with spiritual (soul) and astral bodies, and which permits him to become fully conscious.Astral Body: Non-physical body. Also refers to means whereby soul is attached to physical body. Usually travels to lower realms of Astral Plane (higher physical dimensions) during sleep or dream states.Aura: Electromagnetic field that surrounds body and is given off by Life energies that vivify body.Chakra: Life energy centers of body. Bodies of limited conscious beings contain seven major centers or chakras. In fully conscious beings, there are about thirteen such major life energy centers located in and above physical body.Full Consciousness: State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untapped mental and spiritual capabilities: possession of light body and full range of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis: capacity to instantly manifest what is physically desired: and full rapport with spiritual and other higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated with higher dimensions as Ascended Master. Another term for fully conscious Galactic Human.Galactic Human: Fully conscious human being. Also called physical Angel, with full recall of its akashic records and true life purpose.Karma: Result of interactions with other sentient beings. Principal means whereby each lifetime is judged. Creates cycles that determine nature of one's next lifetime. In the coming age, divine grace will break karmic cycle.Light Worker: Enlightened Earth dweller who works with Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms to bring message of Ascension and new Age of Light to general public. Can be either an enlightened Earth soul (one who has been caught in karma cycle of many Earth lifetimes) or a star seed.Merkaba: Another name for one's Light Body. Part of full consciousness, when spiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. Allows self to shrink to baseball size and to travel anywhere, instantly.Ritual: Usually specific set of procedures done on regular basis, with defined purpose or goal. Prime example of sacred ritual is group's or individual's use of meditation or vision quest to achieve divine purpose, e.g., to heal Earth or to better self.Spirit: Soul or non-corporeal part of every living thing. Also refers to Beings of Light that assist in alleviating the daily struggles of human existence.Thought Form: Entity created by one's own thought, or by the thought of another individual or group. Capable of affecting health or behavior of unsuspecting (or unprotected) person.The Galactic FederationAction Team: Special Galactic Federation crews trained to complete specific task as quickly and as efficiently as possible.Divine Intervention: Sacred God-granted mass landing operation of the Galactic Federation and the Angelic Realms. Being done through divine grace to return God's WILL to planet Earth, and to give the gift of full consciousness to Mother Earth's children.Evacuation Scenario: Special operation that is precursor to mass landing operation. Will be used to quickly evacuate Earth-dwellers who live in regions exposed to catastrophes created by the coming Earth changes. Specially-created Galactic Federation action teams will successfully carry out this procedure.Fluid Management: Primary organizing axiom of the Galactic Federation. Such full conscious organizations are non-hierarchical and goal-oriented. Rely mainly on talents, leadership and accord of its members.Galactic Federation: Light union created over four million years ago by various stellar civilizations in this galaxy. Divine purpose: to act as Physical Angels needed to carry out divine fate prophesied long ago for Milky Way Galaxy.Governing Council: Main ruling body of a planet, solar system or star league. Governed by the principles of fluid management. At present, over 200,000 such organizations are members of the Galactic Federation.Liaison Team: Special team whose major purpose is to relay precious communications between groups and to enable different groups to work more efficiently and more harmoniously together.Light Chambers: Specially-modified devices that will be used to accelerate procedures needed to turn a "star seed" into fully conscious Galactic Human in matter of minutes. Located aboard star ships in Galactic Federation's mass landing fleet. Will be used a few hours before the mass evacuations and/or the actual mass landing occurs.Main Federation Council: Principle governing body of the Galactic Federation. Located in the Vega star system. Works on the principle of one vote per member-star system or star league.Mass Landings: Operation by the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy. Designed to peaceably land important elements of the Galactic Federation and the Angelic Realms upon Mother Earth. Such elements as counselors, special liaison and action teams will assist birth of new galactic society and coming of full consciousness to Earth's human population.Science and Exploration Teams: Main Galactic Federation space fleets designed to explore this galaxy. Specific mission is to encounter and continually investigate less-advanced planetary civilizations in this galaxy. When they find a stellar society that meets Galactic Federation's criteria,, they embark upon first contact mission that will lead this stellar civilization into full membership in the Galactic Federation.Subterranean Holographic Environment: Special underground facilities, based on advanced light technology, that will closely resemble and vastly improve upon humans' present living environment. Fully capable of handling and surviving any type of natural Earth catastrophe. Will become permanent residences after mass landings are completed.Some Galactic TermsDimensions: Distinct event sites, infinite in number and defined by the particular number of planes of consciousness or spiritual Light and Time that they contain. E.g., the fourth dimension is marked by a non-sequential and instantaneous time frame that loops past, present and future together. In the fourth dimension, consciousness is more complete than in the third, and exists in a less dense corporeal form. (Here is where the true astral plane begins.)Force Field: Most often a wall of electromagnetic energy, concentrated by use of electromagnets or similar natural objects that are aligned in special circuit pattern.Hologram: In present Earth technology, film negative formed from interdiction of coherent monochromatic light, as from laser. When film negative is again exposed to laser, it will exhibit special 3-D-like properties. If torn or damaged, uniquely able to recreate complete image from any portion of film negative. In advanced technologies, can be projected on to any other medium besides picture film. Can be used to create enormous illusions formed from coherent force fields of light.Photon Belt: Huge torroid or "belt" of inter-dimensional Light that passes through this part of Milky Way galaxy in 26,000-year cycle. Last encountered at beginning of 1997. Fortunately, Earth was put into special hole in it that was drilled by a coherent bow wave of gamma particles from a nova that was first observed by astronomers in 1987.Planetary or Solar Hologram: Special inter-dimensional hologram composed of polarized light field. Used to surround planet or sun and preserve it from possibly dangerous situation. Since 1972, solar hologram has been used to prevent Earth's sun from prematurely undergoing final stages of massive stellar explosion or nova.Star Gates: Places where spiritual or Light energies of two or more dimensions impinge. May be used to go from one dimension to another and back again. Also employed to move spiritual energies that maintain Creation from one dimension to another. So named because most often found in or near star system.Some Earth TermsAtlantis: Island continent and third Earth galactic colony. Located in mid-Atlantic Ocean, was slightly larger than present continent of Australia. In last stages, was site of many heinous genetic experiments that led to our acquisition of limited consciousness. Fortunately sunk by its own miscalculations some 12,000 years ago.Earth Changes: Catastrophic restructuring of Earth's surface that will return it to its original pristine state. Will prepare planet for graduation into full consciousness. Since Earth's human population could not otherwise survive, the Galactic Federation is committed to an evacuation scenario and a mass landing to help an awakening humanity through this most difficult time.Earth's Firmament: Future element of Earth's atmosphere is series of two major global ice sheets. First is located 15,000 to 18,000 feet up, and second is 35,000 feet above Earth's surface. Open at the poles. Major insulator against harmful radiation that could lower life force energies of biosphere. When they are in place, Biosphere's life force energies are at maximum.End Times: Prophesied time when present planetary civilization will end and new "golden age" will become reality. Many now believe that end of present millennium is so-called "end times".Hybornea: First human galactic colony founded some 2,000,000 years ago. Located in region of modern-day Arctic Ocean, was about the size of present continent of Antarctica. Completely destroyed some 1,000,000 years ago, as part of general attack on this solar system that also laid waste galactic human colonies on Mars and Venus.Inner Earth Civilization: Remnant world-wide underground Lemurian society that survives to this day and resides in special cavern worlds located throughout our globe. This civilization of galactic humans will reunite with present surface civilization after mass landings, and return to full consciousness by all of Earth's human inhabitants.Lemuria: Second human galactic colony founded on this planet some 900,000 years ago. As large as present continent of Asia, was located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Destroyed some 25,000 years ago by vicious attack from continent of Atlantis.
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The alchemy of self-transformationFOR CENTURIES, alchemists have sought to change base metals intogold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolicof a higher and more noble alchemy -- the alchemy of self-transformation.SELF-TRANSFORMATION was the goal of the most spiritual of alchemists.They sought a way to change the lead of negative human energy intothe gold of divine energy, and some of them achieved this by usingthe violet flame. But first, let's explore what the violet flame is,what it does and how it works.The violet flame (also called the violet fire) is a unique spiritualenergy that can help you in all areas of your life. It can healemotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help youto grow spiritually, or just make life easier. The flame is theessence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages haveglimpsed a "spiritual spectrum" behind the physical spectrum. Radiantcolors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from abrilliant, "inner" divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passingthrough a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splitsinto seven colors, or "rays" - each of which has specific divinequalities. The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, whichhas the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.The color violet has long been associated with spirituality. Havingthe highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the pointof transition to the next octave of light. To the ancients, thistranscendental color was a spiritual rather than a physicalphenomenon. Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how touse the violet flame, but it was only released to the public earlierthis century by an Ascended Master called Saint Germain.Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual beings who once walked theearth like you and me. They balanced their karma (paid their debts tolife) and fulfilled their reason for being. They then ascended, orreunited with God. You probably already know the names of a fewAscended Masters - Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna.What the Violet Flame DoesEver wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes?While you can't go back in time, the violet flame has the power toerase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of ourpast mistakes. Transmutation means to change - to alter in form,appearance or nature.The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy,darkness into light, "fate" into opportunity. The flame also erasesthe resultant "bad karma" of our mistakes. Our past actions - bothgood and bad - do come back to us. This is the law of karma. Thisimpersonal cosmic law decrees that whatever we do comes full circleto our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comesaround. In general, most people must pay their debt to life,or "balance" their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helpingothers, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or bypassing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But itneed not be so with the violet flame!The violet flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karmabefore it comes back to us. On the physical level, the violet flamecan help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes usvulnerable to illness and disease. But the real cause of disease isoften rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states.Today, we are discovering more and more about how our thoughts andemotions can affect our health. Research has shown that hatred andother negative thoughts and feelings actually create excess amountsof acid in the body that it cannot assimilate. These negativethoughts and feelings often originate in emotional and psychologicalproblems, which the violet flame can help to resolve. The scars ofold hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when thehealing balm of the violet flame is applied.How the Violet Flame WorksThe violet flame works by changing "vibrations". In physics,vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which somethingmoves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can beunderstood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around thenucleus of the atom.The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level. Atomsare mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and theelectrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. Whenthe atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with thisnegativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin toresonate more with negativity, and less with light - we have a lowervibration, and become less spiritual.The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simplysurround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Becausethere is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster andfaster, thereby raising your vibration. When you have a highervibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body.Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when thisspiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flamefrees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium,propelling you into a more spiritual state of being.The Alchemist's DreamThe violet flame is a tool of self-transformation. Physicalexperiments in alchemy whereby base metals are transformed into goldare symbolic of what the violet flame does. In medieval times,alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold, using heatto separate the "subtle" from the "gross".While there have always been alchemists who sought to create wealthby transmuting base metals, this process of transmutation is symbolicof a higher and more noble alchemy - the alchemy of self-transformation. Alchemists of the Spirit did not seek physicalwealth, but spiritual wealth. They sought to transform themselvesinto more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise andcompassionate.The violet flame has the capacity to bring about this transformationby transmuting negative elements within ourselves. It has the uniqueability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatredinto love.Alchemists of all ages have sought the mystical philosophers' stone.Early alchemists pored over minutely ciphered texts in search of thisstone. For them, it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery ofthis "stone" which symbolized the transmutation of the lower animalnature into the highest and divine. The coveted philosophers' stone -"the stone which is no stone" - was not physical, but spiritual, andcreated out of fire.Some alchemists did discover the secret of the violet flame.According to Neoplatonist alchemists, the philosophers' stone was aself-transforming fire that would lead their souls upward, by drawingup to the Spirit all qualities which dragged downward and opposed thespiritual essences. In the process, the "hard and refractorymaterials" in their bodies would be transmuted into a rare and moreluminous material. In this sacred experiment, they said the alchemistwould become "like the gods", pursuing "the gold of the wise and notthe vulgar metal".Transmutation, then, was not just a process which turned base metalsinto gold, but a spiritual process which raised the soul into a stateof unity with the Divine.How to Use the Violet FlameThe violet flame is practical and easy to use. Find a place where youwon't be disturbed, and sit comfortably in a straight chair with yourspine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on thefloor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.The violet flame is invoked through "decreeing" - a unique form ofspoken prayer utilizing visualization and meditation.One of the simplest decrees to the violet flame is:"I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!"Take a few, slow deep breaths and center in your heart. Start outslowly, giving the decree with love, devotion and feeling. Repeat thedecree three or nine times to begin with; you can gradually increasethis to 36, 72 or even 144 repetitions. Repeating the decreestrengthens its power and draws down more light. Once you arefamiliar with the decree, you can close your eyes while giving it andconcentrate on visualizing the violet flame. See yourself before alarge bonfire, about nine feet high and six feet wide. Color itviolet in your imagination, and see the flames pulsating andundulating in endless shades of violet with gradations of purple andpink. Then see yourself stepping into the flame, so the violet flameis where you physically are. See your body as transparent, with theflames curling up from beneath your feet, passing through and aroundyour body, clear up over your head.Often the words of a violet flame decree invoke ideas for otherviolet flame visualizations - decreeing is meant to be fun so becreative and use your imagination! To those who have developed theirspiritual sight, the violet flame appears as a physical violet fire.You may also be able to "see" the violet flame at work with yourinner eye, by concentrating on the spiritual center between youreyebrows. You can also use the violet flame to help family andfriends. Just visualize the violet flame around them while you givethe decree, and add a prayer before you start.The violet flame can also help others that you might not be aware of.After you have finished decreeing, you can ask:"In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that this violet flame bemultiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are inneed. I thank you and accept it done according to the will of God."Even a few minutes of violet flame will produce results, butpersistence is needed to penetrate age-old habits you would like tochange. You can start out with just a few minutes of violet flame inthe morning to help you through the day, and you can add the violetflame to whatever prayers or meditations you currently practice.You can use the violet flame and experience the healing,transformation and spiritual upliftment that alchemists of the Spirithave sought for centuries. But if you want the violet flame to helpyou, you have to work with it. Try it for yourself!Decrees to the violet flameI AM the violet flameI AM the violet flame In action in me nowI AM the violet flame To Light alone I bowI AM the violet flame In mighty cosmic powerI AM the light of God Shining every hourI AM the violet flame Blazing like a sunI AM God's sacred power Freeing every oneRadiant spiral violet flameRadiant spiral violet flame, Descend, now blaze through meRadiant spiral violet flame, Set free, set free, set freeRadiant violet flame, O come, Expand and blaze thy light through meRadiant violet flame, O come, Reveal God's power for all to seeRadiant violet flame, O come, Awake the earth and set it freeRadiance of the violet flame, Expand and blaze through meRadiance of the violet flame, Expand for all to seeRadiance of the violet flame, Establish Mercy's outpost hereRadiance of the violet flame, Come, transmute now all fearViolet Flame IsBreath of God inside each cell I AM the violet flamePulsing out the cosmic time I AM the violet flameEnergizing mind and heart I AM the violet flameSustaining God's creation now I AM the violet flameWith all love, With all love, With all love Shimmering in a crystalcave I AM the violet flameSearching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flameConsuming cause and core of fear I AM the violet flameRevealing now the inner name I AM the violet flameWith all peace, With all peace, With all peace Flashing like alightning bolt I AM the violet flameStretching through the galaxies I AM the violet flameConnecting soul and Spirit now I AM the violet flameRaising you to cosmic heights I AM the violet flameWith all power, With all power, With all powerViolet flame decree for healing the EarthO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe earth and all thereonThe earth and all thereonThe earth and all thereonO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe plants and all God's creaturesThe plants and all God's creaturesThe plants and all God's creaturesO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe air, the sea, the landThe air, the sea, the landThe air, the sea, the land
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Other Signs of 2012? Our Shifting ConsciousnessBy Stephen ThomsonWe reincarnate in a time when there is just the right mixture of energy and events for the advancement our soul. As we approach 2012, many of us are responding to the call of Spirit in ways that are unprecedented. We now have the information and the tools, to enable us to step out of the time-tested, proven, and comfortable ways we have been walking our life paths. It's show time kids! Steve's article makes it clear that taking up our positions on the front lines will require us to leave the past behind.There is and will continue to be a tremendous amount of interest and speculation about the year 2012. As the date nears, more information becomes known. [For example, Drunvalo has spent much of the last few years with indigenous peoples all over the world, who are revealing to him their long-held prophesy about the significance of this date.] There is great optimism that 2012 will bring about a sea of change in the energy and consciousness on our planet. How this will manifest, the ways in which our world will change, will be revealed as we come closer to the date. On a personal level, individuals continue to strive for complete understanding of the importance of the time. What will 2012 mean for us as personally? How will our lives be changed?For each of us, the content of our soul journey is revealed in the events of our everyday lives. We are the total of all the days we have lived, all the breaths we have taken. Therefore, whatever is coming for each of us in 2012 has already begun. It is happening now and will continue to go on. Our personal growth, as well as the advancement of all of humankind, happens in small increments. Often the increments of change and the progress we make are at a rate that is barely perceptible. Yet who we are and who we are becoming become almost seamless in relationship to our advancing states of consciousness.We reincarnate in a time when there is just the right mixture of energy and events for the advancement our soul. Life calls for us to expand and grow, moving within the framework of our life karma. With that, even the simplest daily activity is a part of the journey into the deeper places of the soul and expansion of our spiritual consciousness. Save for some catastrophic event, it is often difficult to discern the impact of the shifts in our lives. What is happening in our journey is far greater than a single date or event.What many of us are sensing with the approach of 2012 is a soul call from deep within us. We now have the information and the tools, unprecedented in the written history of humankind, to enable us to step out of the time-tested, proven, and comfortable ways we have been walking our life paths. In this age, we can reach beyond our limitations in an almost super-human way. We can take a major leap forward overcoming previous blockages either self-created or a product of the world in which we live. Spiritual practices like meditation can bring our consciousness into harmony with our soul voice and life-purpose. Along the way, as we purify our bodies, we come into alignment with the energy of the universe in which we live. When this happens, we no longer have to contend with or simply react to the swings in ever-changing universal energy. Rather, we can choose to live a life in contact with the all-knowing source of creation.In my personal world and among my client base, there has been a marked change in what people are experiencing and reporting during this past year. There is a sense that the veils between the seen and unseen world are diminishing. Indeed for some, they have completely disappeared. At a party recently, a guest shared with me how she now has daily contact with who she believes to be one of the cosmic masters. No longer needing to hold a respectful or fearful distance in response to the guiding, teaching presence, she now calls the Master by a familiar and informal name. She went on to describe the Master as appearing dressed in casual contemporary clothing while they dialog about mundane life events as well as all the matters of higher spiritual learning and consciousness.In my circle, the most common theme is a feeling of completion. So many people are talking to me about putting the past behind them. They are no longer interested in dwelling in the wounds of yesterday's life experiences. That's everything from failed loving relationships to the challenges of biological family life. People want to be free to express their inner essences, the ones that seem to have spoken the longest yet received the least amount of attention.This is where people are now, at the doorway to the next step in their journeys and along their spiritual paths. Yet, with all this clarity and understanding, no one seems to be able to take the first step in actualizing the urges coming from deep within. Perhaps this is what 2012 will bring: the force from within each of us to take the next steps.This month, take a step back for an objective view of your life at this time. Use your journal, talk to a friend or meditate on these questions:What do I feel is finished in my life?What do I feel is shifting in my life?What is my soul telling me I need to do as the next step on my path?
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The Spirit of Ma’at - Vol 1 No. 9AncientEgyptianSexualAnkhingby DrunvaloSex, and specifically the orgasm, is more that just something that feels good and allows procreation. There are many other functions, such as the release of dysfunctional energy within the body, which can help to keep one from becoming diseased. There is the function that opens the higher chakras, and under the right conditions allows a person to begin the process of enlightenment. And further, if two people, lovers, practice sacred sex, the entire experience can lead them together into higher consciousness and into worlds beyond this plane.In relationships, a simple sexual principle, as taught by the ancient Egyptians, can change the energy level within your body and help to bring strength and vitality into your bodies and your relationship.The full subject in detail of Egyptian Tantra is incredibly complex, and cannot be completed in an article of this scope. But we can speak of the heart of the matter - the human ankhing experience as practiced by the ancient Egyptians.And so, adapted for our readers from The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume II, I offer this insight to assist two lovers - or even yourself, alone - to begin to find the higher path. This practice will not directly show you the true path. But it will increase your life-force energy, making you stronger, more alive, and more conscious. And perhaps - if you believe the Ancient Egyptians - it may lead you into eternal life.-DrunvaloEgyptian Sexual Energy and the OrgasmIt was believed in ancient Egypt that the orgasm was the key to eternal life, and that it was intimately connected with the chakra system. A chakra is an energy vortex connected to the entire human energy field, and the Universal Heart Chakra is the fifth of thirteen chakras. (There is also a system of eight chakras; in that system, the heart chakra is number four.) The Egyptian system held that the orgasm was intimately connected to this fifth, or Universal Heart Chakra.First, we will explain the connection to eternal life.Most people in the world are ignorant about what happens to their sexual energy after they have an orgasm. Usually, the energy moves up the spine and out the top of the head directly into the eighth or thirteenth chakra (same chakra, different system). In a few rare cases, the sexual energy is released down the spine into the hidden center below the feet, the point opposite the one above the head. In either case, the sexual energy - the concentrated life-force energy called prana in Hinduism - is dissipated and lost. It is similar to discharging a battery into a ground wire. It is no longer in the battery and so it is gone forever. This is what all the world's Tantric systems that I am aware of believe, that orgasm brings one a little closer to death because a person loses his or her life-force energy in the orgasm and is made weaker. But the Egyptians found long ago that it does not have to be this way.It is for this reason that the Hindu and Tibetan Tantra systems ask the male to avoid ejaculating. Instead, they speak of these tiny invisible tubes where, when a student learns to control the orgasm and the flow of their sexual energy, the sperm migrates up to the higher centers.Both of these systems, and also the Chinese Taoist Tantra system, are all primarily concerned with the sexual energy flow, sometimes referred to as ''sexual currents.'' They are primarily concerned with what happens as the sexual energy is moved before the orgasm, but they all have entirely different views of this energy compared to the Egyptians.The Egyptians believed that orgasm is healthy and necessary, including the release of sperm in males, but that the sexual energy currents must be controlled in a deeply esoteric procedure that is unlike any other system. They believed that if this energy is controlled, the human orgasm becomes a source of infinite pranic energy that is not lost. They believe that the entire Mer-Ka-Ba or lightbody (the field of energy surrounding and interpenetrating the body) benefits from this sexual release. They even believe that under the right conditions the orgasm will directly lead to eternal life, and that the ankh is the key.What is the ankh, and what has the ankh to do with sexual energy? It is complicated to explain, but we will simplify. First the ankh itself is a shape that looks like the figure at right.In order to see and understand what took thousands of years for the Egyptians to grasp, we will begin with the fifth, Universal Heart Chakra. This lower heart chakra, the chakra of Unconditional Universal Love, is the first place where the energy completes itself. Each chakra has a ''direction'' associated with it, as the life-force energy rotates its way up the body in a pattern similar to the DNA molecule. In the lower heart chakra, the fifth place of a thirteen chakra system, the energy is facing the same direction as it began, and thus the circle is complete.In the three views above, you can see how the rotation of energy either around the body, as in (a), around a circle, as in (b), or in a sine wave, as in (c), all complete themselves in five steps.The fifth or heart chakra is the first chakra that completes itself and has the energies of both front-to-back and left-to-right. If you could see these energies - and the Egyptians could - from above the head, as in (a), they would appear as this symbol. It needs to be understood that these are actual energy lines around the body coming from the fifth chakra.If you were to see these energies from the front view of a human, they would appear like this. In the center of the cross there is a hidden energy line coming straight off the page and also moving in the opposite direction away from the reader.Notice that both of the above examples are Christian symbols that come from the heart chakra. However, if you could see the same energies from the side of a human being, they would appear different than you would expect. There is another energy-flow ''tube'' there (in Chinese medicine it's called a ''meridian'') that the Egyptians discovered long ago. It looks like (c), below.I find it very interesting that the Christians must have understood what we are talking about here, for on the robes of many Christian priests, at certain times of the year that are usually associated with resurrection, you will see the following symbol.This symbol shows all three views - the top, front, and side simultaneously. I believe the Christians omitted the complete loop of the ankh so that they would not directly show a connection with the old Egyptian religion, since they were breaking away from that tradition. But it is obvious that they knew.Now that you know that this ankh energy conduit is located in the human energy field and where, you will be able to understand the reason for the Egyptians' sexual conduct, which we are about to explain.First let me explain something about the ankh before I speak about its relationship to sexual energy. When I toured the museums in Egypt, I personally observed over 200 Egyptian rods.These rods (pictured at right) were mostly made of wood, although other materials were sometimes used. They had a tuning fork on the bottom end, and the top end had four different types of devices that could be attached. One of these devices was in the shape of the ankh. What we found is that if you put the ankh on the top of the rod, which is like the human spine, the vibration from the tuning fork lasts a great deal longer. The energy seems to wrap around back into the rod along the curve of the ankh, moving downward as it returns, thereby sustaining the energy.I was in Holland a couple of years ago, and there some people had made some rods out of copper with a high-quality tuning fork at the bottom and a threaded end at the top, so that different end pieces could be screwed on. I experimented with this rod. Using it without a top piece, I struck the tuning fork and timed how long it would vibrate. Then I screwed on the ankh and struck the tuning fork again. With the ankh on top, the rod vibrated almost three times longer. If you apply this idea to the human spine, you can see why the energy of the orgasm enhances the entire human system and the energy wraps itself back around and back into the human meridians.This is the key to why the Egyptians performed the particular sexual practices we are about to explain. They found that if they had an orgasm and let it go out the top or bottom of the spine, the sexual energy was lost. But if the sexual energy was guided by consciousness to move into the ankh conduit, it would come back into the spine and continue to resonate and vibrate. The life-force energy was not lost. In actual experience, it seems to increase the energy. One does not feel depleted after sex, but rather recharged.You can talk about it all day, but if you try it one time, you will understand. However, it is not easy to do in one test. For the first few times, the sexual energy will often shoot past the point of the fifth chakra and continue on up and out of the body. So it takes practice. Once it is learned, I doubt seriously if you would ever have an orgasm any other way. It's too powerful and feels too good. Once your body remembers this experience, it is not likely to revert back to the old way.Instructions for the Egyptian OrgasmHere is exactly how to achiever the ankhing associated with the human orgasm. Whatever you do sexually before the orgasm is completely up to you. I am not here to judge you - and definitely the Egyptians would not, since they believe in knowing all sixty-four sexual modes before you enter the King's Chamber to ascend to the next level of consciousness. This is their idea, but it is important to know that it is not necessary. You can reach the next level of consciousness without knowing this information. However, from their point of view, the idea of ankhing is of paramount importance in achieving eternal life. You will have to decide for yourself if it is something you wish to practice.1. The moment you feel the sexual energy about to rise up your spine, take a very deep breath, filling your lungs about 9/10th full, then hold your breath.2. Allow the sexual energy of the orgasm to come up your spine. But at the moment it reaches the fifth chakra (located just a couple of finger-widths above the sternum), with your willpower you must turn the flow of sexual energy 90 degrees out the back of the body. It will then automatically continue inside the ankh tube. It will slowly turn until it passes exactly through the eighth (or thirteenth) chakra, one hand-length above the head at 90 degrees to the vertical. It will then continue to curve around until it returns to the fifth chakra, where it began, only this time in the front of the body.Even if you don't understand what was just said, it will happen automatically if you get it started out the back of the body at the fifth chakra, and it will automatically come back around to the front of the body and reconnect at the fifth chakra. You just have to make it turn 90 degrees so that it begins.3. It will often slow down as it approaches its point of origin, the fifth chakra. If you can see the energy, it comes to a sharp point. When it approaches the fifth chakra from the front of the body, there is sometimes a tremendous jolt as it reconnects with this chakra again. All this takes place while you are holding your first breath.4. The instant the sexual energy reconnects with its source, the fifth chakra, take in the full breath. You had filled your lungs only 9/10th full, so now you fill your lungs as completely as you can.5. Now exhale very, very slowly. The sexual energy will continue on around the ankh channel as long as you are exhaling. When you reach the bottom of this breath, you will continue to breathe very deeply, but a change happens here.6. It is here that, if you know the Lightbody work of the Mer-Ka-Ba, you would begin to breathe from the two poles using Mer-Ka-Ba breathing. But if you are like most people and don't know this work, then continue to breathe deeply until you feel the relaxation begin to spread throughout your body. Then relax your breath to your normal rate. Feel every cell becoming rejuvenated by this life-force energy. Let this energy reach down into the deepest physical levels of your body structure even past the cellular level. Feel how this beautiful energy surrounds your very being and brings health to your body, mind and heart.7. Once the relaxation begins, slow your breath down to a normal shallow breathing.8. If possible, allow yourself to completely relax or even sleep for a while afterward.If you practice this for even one week, I believe you will more than understand. If you practice it continually, it will begin to give health and strength to your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. It will give great strength and power to your Lightbody, as well.If for any reason this practice does not feel right, stop and return to normal. It just is not time.It was this discovery of the secret tube that fostered the Ancient Egyptians' belief that eternal life was intimately connected to this particular energy-flow. It is this ankhing of their sexual energy through this tube, in an extremely deliberate procedure, that I have been taught to emulate.
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Letters From The Indigo ChildrenSpirit of Ma'at December 2008 www.spiritofmaat.comWe sent out a questionnaire in early November asking any and all Indigo Children to share what they are thinking and feeling. The responses came in from all over the world and all we have to say is that these kids understand instinctively the things that many of us have spent over 30 years going to workshops trying to figure out. You will be blown away by their honesty and inner strength. Our thanks go out to all the beautiful spirits who took the time to clue us in. May this piece inspire all of you to listen to the children!How do you see the future unfolding?Well there is a difficult question. If there really was such a thing as a "future" I see it as needs to. The only thing that I see as being a detriment to the whole are-we-gonna-survive-this thing is that people are looking for some kind of 'savior' to touch them on the forehead and say, "see there I've made it all better for you now you can worry about something else because I just saved the world." The 'future' lies within us. We are our own saviors and the sooner we figure that out the sooner we get to the good stuff.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?No question, heal ourselves and heal the planet.If you could change the world, how would you change it?With my mind.How do you feel about the educational system?Seems like I am, not always but most of the time, rewarded for being a parrot and regurgitating information. When I ask questions or do something creative I am penalized.What is important to you?Self-awareness/actualization.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships seem to be looked at as a survival tool. Procreation and financial support are not what relationships are about. Giving and receiving whether you’re in love, family, or friends is what will make any relationship work. As soon as that balance is broken (too much giving and no receiving or the other way around) people get hurt. Then again, nothing really needs to change because everyone is in exactly the relationship they need to be in for good of for ill. We get what we need and that is as plain as it gets.What is the older generation missing?Respect, admiration, appreciation, gratitude...Final thoughts?When I look at the world I see distraction everywhere - distraction from knowing who and what we are. This distraction comes from everything from the war to television to spiritual expos. Everyone has the "latest and greatest" thing and we want to see what that is. When I sit back and think about how much time we waste thinking about loosing weight or when are the troops going to pull out or what young blond haired celebrity died this week I get the feeling like something is purposefully distracting me from what really is important. Why is that? Why does it seem that society wants me to fail? I realize now that a lot of other indigos have tried to fight the system, and usually to their detriment, and what I now know is that we can't fight the system. Fighting the system will only give us more 'system'. We have to pull ourselves out of the system and change it by changing ourselves. Indigos are called system breakers but I think this how we are meant to hack the matrix. I feel that more Indigos are going to morph from what you have known them to be into a much more potent force once we get the idea of fighting out of our vocabulary.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The future I would like to see is a more honest (honest with ourselves about who we are and what we are genuinely thinking, feeling and experiencing ) accepting ( of others and their honest experiences ) , basically a world about personal experience and sharing. A world less concerned with who has the biggest house or nicest cars, greenest grass or winning wars. Acceptance of others authentic experiences and processes, and support while we live ours. As far as seeing this unfolding - I see people in general - changing focus to a more internalized focus. Paying more attention to themselves and what they are feeling. Out of this practice when done with HONESTY, comes the experience required to live the lifestyle and practice the perspective above mentioned. Its not what you are doing but how you are doing it and where your attention lies while you do so. I don’t know the future, this is just what I would like to see.Care about yourself. Not the you that you think you SHOULD BE, but rather - YOUR true SELF!!Explore yourself, without judgment, with honest eyes. Listen to your heart and what it has to say. Interact with nature and other people from this perspective; I think great healing can come from this practice.Maybe our education system needs to teach people to learn through experience, rather than books. I don’t mean, that books or reading them is bad. Although I think children need to be told, that what is important while you read and learn is that you listen to your experiences while you do so. The experience you are having during school, religious gatherings, hanging out with friends and family. That is where real learning comes from. Book knowledge helps you translate those experiences in to words and share, and to hear another persons experience and understand their words. But that doesn’t change the fact that experience is what is important to your learning, not your communicative mechanism. Books, events, and interactions, these all provide experiences. Be attentive, be honest, be real. A simple thing - people need to learn to use their mind and heart. We all have them, teach us how to use those in school ) put the focus on what’s real.Moments are important to me. Sharing those moments with people makes them all the more beautiful. So I suppose I am interested in doing things that create special moments between 2 or more beings, and the personal experiences that come out of those moments.I see relationships in the current mentality, as generic power struggles. I see dis-honesty between people. I see people afraid of rejection - afraid to have an experience out of fear of being judged. I see people judging others, making assumptions about others based on incomplete data, or hear-say.I think people need to accept that they are their own personal experience here and that others are their own as well, and know that its okay. In fact that it is beautiful. So many expressions and when people are really, really honest with themselves I believe it all fits together harmoniously and so effortlessly. People need to interact with others, from their truest expression of self. That is what needs to happen now - without fear, and without judgment. BE YOU!! The real you!!! And have that be reciprocated. That is what needs to happen with relationships.The older generation is too concerned with being right, to be honest with themselves. Lighten up, have some new experiences and have fun. Bathe in the Beauty that you are bringing in to this world through your own personal vehicle. Be your true self, its okay, and safe to do so. If its not safe to do so - who cares!!! It's the only way worth living.All in all, what I am trying to express is that it doesn’t matter what I say or what the next person says so much. What is important is what you, the reader, are experiencing. Put your attention there, with honest open eyes, without judgment. In my opinion that is the only place to find enlightenment. Not in what you are doing or who you are talking to, but how you are doing so, and where your attention is, and how HONEST you are willing to be toward and about yourself. It can be scary, but I believe in you!!!!Thanks for hearing me,Eric do you see the future unfolding?It mostly depends on us. But now the body of human perception is so spread that it has narrow links between its separate parts, which leads to the inaccurate perception of world and us as human. We expose ourselves to stress of being human, and tend to over-specialize in our knowledge or over-rely on technology. This process is developing exponentially, and in the nearest future we have to see the bigger isolation of people from each other. However the spiritual work started will bring its fruits in molding the new people, less stresses, less isolated. Its springs get a prop are here in the world already. Lets help them being properly rooted.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?1. Heal ourselves2. Understand our close inseparable relation to the planet3. Find balance between technology and nature in our lives (minds)4. Take responsibility for our actions5. Realize the pain we bring by our actions to the world our children will live inTo heal is to bring more live. It can be done out of love, or from better realization of the death we propagate to ourselves.Love humanity and pray for it.And bring more consequences of its actions to its consciousness.If you could change the world, how would you change it?If I could change the world I would do the same I'm doing now. Cause I CAN change the world, and I do it with every breath. I bring love to this planet with its inhabitants to the extent I can (and try to grow in this, as there's a huge pass to take). I speak with people of what they are doing, just asking questions, and letting them answer or at least think about them.How do you feel about the educational system?It differs around the globe. But mostly is inadequate to the speed of life children are exposed to. It's of reactive nature and being established in the past teaches how to survive/prosper in the past. It doesn't prepare for the unknown. It acts as if all facts were found by the time it was created. It needs to prepare new humans for the new unknown worlds, languages, creatures. Educational system needs more consolidated body of basic principles. Rather than isolated branches of human knowledge.What is important to you?Consciousness. Of humanity and me as its part. We human live our lives of choices. We do a lot of them. But how many of them we do realize? Would we harm our planet if we knew we could do this harm. We have to grow. And live through more parts of our constituents. We can easily do this if we do this together.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Again – unity and consciousness. Isolation makes any relationships imperfect. We have to face our century old fears.What is the older generation missing?It's missing faith in itself. Missing feeling of the world changing. Missing love towards enimies and fears, which would let them love those enemies and overcome those fears. It's too focused on its personal survival and well-being. It's too isolated.Blessed be your loving hearts!Anton------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi,I am Jeroen 35M from Belgium. (July 23rd 1972)You can consider me as a high sensitive, indigo/crystal being. (others call it that way, I just try to live, create and understand my life)I am a ( recently) Reiki master, visionary, self-expressing, self-healing person, very much into nature, metaphysical, creative, musical, and healing stuff.Here are my answers/impressions to you questions:How do you see the future unfolding?We can only see the future trough our intentions and beliefs. To me it is way more important to accept and allow our intentions to come to us into life. Until now we have created a lot what we don't want.Trying to change this will only make the endless circle go on and on, by trying to change it, thus recreating what we don't want. By allowing and releasing INSIDE ourselves everything first, we release ourselves of our karma (past and future) and the self image that doesn't serve us any more.This will release tremendous energies in and around all of us, that will liberate us to make newer and more truthful, source-connected heart- felt intentions that will get us somewhere.By daring to live in the now, take responsibility by accepting and releasing what we don't want, and realize it, because we have created it ourselves. And let our plans, dreams, intentions and visions come to us by trust and confidence. We have created them for a good reason, and if we doubt that, we need to simply ask for more information, to allow ourselves to see and realize the bigger picture, the bigger plan, and also what our role in this is.In short: release the past and the future. And to me: realizing is allowing, is letting go of any judgment.Sometimes the only way out of a problem is to simply accept that it is there. John Lennon: let it be.By judging something, we prove to ourselves and others we believe in that energy, and we condemn ourselves to live in that energy. The only way out is to release/accept it and let things be and evolve itself. This needs to be trained. But you can do this 24/7 in every occasion. Our own very lives will guide us individually what we need to experience.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Heal our selves; we are our own doctors, gurus, leaders, politicians, in every way. The more we realize this, the more we become a breathing living example to others in action to change what needs to be changed.Most leaders need and use others to convince themselves. Most leaders and priests act different than what they preach.How do we heal the planet?By accepting the fact that she heals us. That she heals herself, and she invites us to do the same.How do we reconnect? In and through nature - she is our mother, our playground, our healing pharmacy, our living and breathing example of self renewing and transforming source of life, in constant redefining and creating balance (a consciousness of at least 4 billions years old)Not only by studying IN nature, we need to be aware that we are part of it, and most of all dependent on it. We are dependent on ourselves. Our lack of respect to nature is a blatant sign that we lack self respect and more: self awareness. How do we solve this? - by asking within for answers.Science is only one way to look at nature, we are not objective, or separated from nature - without nature we simply would not have a body. Religion is the same. To me religion and science are the same, they base themselves on belief systems (assuming something is true) as being separated from god/the goddess. We are part of our own creation.Without accepting this we separate ourselves from our own source of life. Reconnecting is the answer and the key.Science and religion are not the enemy. But they are not gurus either.If you could change the world, how would you change it?By accepting/releasing what I cannot change in and outside myself ( blaming others and confiding in others), and find the source of everything more and more inside myself (in EVERY way). You cannot change creation if you are not aware of the source of things. You can kick in the air as long as you want, it won’t change a thing, except adding to the chaos. You CAN however, change your point of view, and how you think and feel about things INSIDE yourself. No need of priests and out of source. We have guides for a reason, and the healing starts inside your self. (Alpha and Omega)I am the creator of my own suffering/judgment.I can change the world by realizing/manifesting changing myself in and around myself.If it helps for me personally to go to Africa, then so be it, if it not me, then I better look within and get to the source of my own spiritual, mental, emotional, idealistic poverty/sickness /dis- ease within.The western world defines itself as a developed rich country, but spiritually and emotionally and mentally this is way worse than a 3rd world country. We have work to do, right here!Personally I feel my work is here, were I am and where I am guided to.There is a wonderful article in a crystal and indigo children and adult website, that talks about this: do you feel about the educational system?I have a degree in being an art teacher for high school kids.I just stumbled into this education, but until now refused to teach because I felt that I was not ready, not strong enough, not radiant enough or not a good example of who I AM. (And I judged the system too much)I LOVE to teach, but in a personal, same level, preferably one on one, in an up close, human way.I did some art teaching experiments on a personal level for a maximum 4 persons.It is all about sharing, about consciousness, about BEING an example, way more than in what you say, or think it should be.I am a hands on person, and if a school system didn't serve my needs, I said, “screw it, I'm going to do it myself”That way, I taught myself to play piano intuitively, express my feelings,I have been thinking so much about how to draw and paint, make mandalas, dream catchers, platonic solids, small architecture projects, and my latest is teaching myself ( metaphysical and symbolical) silver and goldsmithing, and setting stones myself.Since I was a kid the reason I allowed myself to learn and discover things by myself was:“I cannot do this now, but while doing, trying it out, one day I will succeed”To me the biggest mistake in educational systems, Is the “ex-cathedrae” method.In other words: the teacher/preacher is the boss and everybody listens (I know best, and you shut up)The teacher must realize that he/she needs to be thought him/herself. The students are teachers too.It is all about conversation and sharing.Plus: the school systems are a sign of how society works, what society believes in.Are schools a preparation and training for what is needed in the system, preparing youth for a systems, or is it all about consciousness growth, making people aware of themselves and help them to grow self respect and self reliance and allow them to discover themselves?· Is a school “system” a way of discovering your uniqueness and what you do best, or is it merely a way to survival, make money, or define which step you fit in to the pyramid?· We are not just batteries needing to be prepared for a matrix; we are breathing and living consciousness.· Jerry Brown from Sunriver, Oregon has a plan for this, (to redefine society) and can explain way more than I can.He agreed to the universe to live completely on guidance, and If you want to know more, he wrote a book,” the power of doing nothing” and I'll connect you to him if you want to.What is important to you?To realize myself to my full potential and share it with the world, by being and radiating, who I AM.To live from the heart, in balance with my mind. From the heart, means also and maybe most importantly: connect and realize my own source and connection to the world.Evolution as the main life goal becomes more and more important, rather than a goal outside myself.The way, the path itself becomes more present.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?We connect to others through ourselves, there is no other way.The clearer I connect with my own source, the clearer my connection and mirror/radiance to others will be. The love I feel is meant for me in the first place. How it comes out, that is me and how others perceive me. In this way I empower myself and others, and am actually able to take responsibility towards myself and others.We need to redefine our relationship towards our-selves. What works for us and what does not work anymore for ourselves and towards others.Find creative ways to grow and evolve out of co- dependency towards co- creating.In the most literal sense of the word, in order to do this we must discover ourselves (reconnect with our self more consciously, but also with and through others, through the mirror of ourselves in others discover what we are through the mirror of what we are not)What is the older generation missing?Nothing - except maybe lack of love or lack of self awareness. They did their best, (or their worst) and we must do our best not to judge them.If we do not agree with something, we have to go deeper inside ourselves, and find the source or what's hidden behind that judgment, fear or anger. There is always a solution, because there is always source energy behind it, being: love that is hidden, that is still occult. They are our teachers, the ones that have gone before us and laid the path – the path our foundations are based on.They are not gurus, and we are not meant to just swallow what they teach us, but in their actions, in who they ARE (a part of source energy), they can help us re-define ourselves. We will be elders too one day, and the next generations will learn from our mistakes, our experiments, our lack of self awareness and self love.It is not a blaming game; life expands and evolves and destroys and regenerates into infinity.Accepting that all that is life is not perfect might be a good start, and it starts and ends with ourselves.Let's not make the same ancient old mistake: they did it wrong, and we do it right. In that vision, we re-create misery and suffering into eternity (rebellion is another proof of believing the same thing.) Let's not base our lives on the mistakes of others, and thus re create it in another form. If there is one thing to change, it is that. We are all one, and some have gone before us and some will come after us. It is as simple as that.Let's do a new thing: believe in life, in love, oneness, let's clean up our lives, our inner lives, let's forget the past and the future, release and accept it as a fact (let it be) and go on. This way we might be worthy of living on a planet in a 5th dimension.What do you personally want to share with the world?That I am here, that I am (still) alive, that it is possible as a human angel to live, breathe, love, and co-create. That being highly sensitive is doable. That it is worth to live, that there is a lot to share, to grow, to heal.That in a way we are tremendously powerful beings, able to create and destroy - that life is real. That living can be more than an addiction, that there is SO much love and light that really wants to come out and to be shared with the world AND myself. That there is more to every breathing and living soul in the world, that we are all angels in 6 billion different ways. Simply said: “we can do it”.What is your unique talent and how do want it to fit into your life and share with the world?Of all the questions I rattled on like crazy, this one stuns me, confronts me, and dares me to REALLY go within:I am a teacher in all facts of life - towards myself in the first place - creatively, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, metaphysically.I listen to myself; I listen to the illusion and duality in and around me, and dare to go deeper, to go to the source of things. I want to be able to find the 3rd way as I call it, the way of the Self.I am a transformer, to unveil what is hidden, occult, “yet-to-be-brought-into-light” I want it applied to myself, to be my own example. In that way I can test and prove to myself and the world, it is for real.I am my own angel/healer. I have my own library of experiences.My talent is like a rainbow, a scale of different means, and ways.If my heart is into something, it will guide me to be able to do the impossible.The uniqueness about me is that, I am.I do have websites though, where I can show examples of what I do:Old one) to the art page for photos)And recently, just started and still messing with it until I get something AdrianHow do you see the future unfolding?This only saving solution will come from the kids. I hope the new coming ice age will not kill them as the program for chemtrails and such is a mass murdering application.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Fire all government employee, retrain them and hire back the one working for us and that's it. If you could change the world, how would you change it? See above.How do you feel about the educational system?see above again.What is important to you?The energy and the kids in the future.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Fire them, that all.What is the older generation missing?The fact that they "vote" and there sin produce this mass criminal activity and no way to stop it, yet.Show my answers to Drunvalo. We may have a solution and I can help, I think.Adrian-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your continued efforts to seek out the Truth in our daily lives, sharing what you believe to be helpful for those around you. None of us is smarter than us All. Regarding one of your questions below, to pose to our Youth, I'd like to share from my own thoughts something that might be of use: I recommend we all consider that there is an entity alive whom we can call the Living God. To use the generic gender of Male, I say let's pursue our ability to understand that "he"may not only exist, but also that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. There is an interesting verse in the Christian bible that mentions the healing of our land - the context involves the demeanor of our daily thoughts, and extending even to the effective repair of the land we live in:'If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.' – 2 Chronicles 7:14This offers critical implications regarding our inner thoughts, a system of values with which we can align ourselves, and the Mind of a Living God who can evaluate the hearts humanity en masse.I hope this email finds you well and enjoy the West!Dave Parham - Web and IT SupportRaleigh NC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings Maat,As the mother of two Indigo children and one Crystal child, 16,13 and 8, they have been my greatest teachers. I have also had the gift of working with families with Indigo children and currently work with the online magazine Children of the New Earth Magazine as well as Cosmikids in creating a new publication just for children that is due to launch in 2008, this magazine will allow children an avenue to share, discover and inspire their natural gifts.How do you see the future unfolding?I am very excited and optimistic about our future, the Universe is vibrating at light speed to accommodate the energies coming in and more parents are tuning into that energy of these children.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Wow, this is a huge topic! First and foremost is bringing awareness to people that children might actually have the answers, society has made it so that children some how are viewed less than, adults must be the authority on all matters, not so! When adults began to recognize each child as a radiant source of light, a being of true wisdom, the healing will began! of course this thought process will scare the heck out of most adults, it is a must and eventually inevitable in the process ofhealing the planet.In that many children have as you know been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD/Autism and what they have found is a diet change, a primarily vegetarian/vegan diet, no surprise as this will help heal the planet in enormous ways by maintaining a diet that is not animal based allows the child to tune into a positive nature force, which Indigo/Crystal children adapt to very easily and without hesitation.Which brings me to the nature/environment aspect - we as a whole will want to give gratitude for each insect, plant, human being, know that everything is life, everything carries and resonates energy, everything! This too comes very easy to these children, it is the parents who sometimes find the challenge, when Sarah says "Dad let's put the environmentally friendly light bulbs" does Dad do it? Perhaps, but sometimes not, so number one listening to the child, two actually doing it. Nature is our greatest teacher as well and we will want to listen to nature’s lessons, it has cried out to us in so many ways, through the beaching of dolphins, whales, to the chimps in the rain-forest and their habitats, to the very fact that there is now a label "Global Warming" which I believe is reversible. In our thought processes, as well as the way we listen to children, to the way we buy/consume, to the way we listen to nature. I wrote a children's story for Children of the New Earth on "GlobalWarming" in the reverse, please go to click under Author Archives, click to my name, click the story "Global Warming" enjoy!If you could change the world, how would you change it?Wow again! I think it starts right from the get go as they say,1. That you are Goddess/God, and that this union of man and woman, woman/woman, man/man is a sacred union and in that we are magnificent beings of transformational light that can create the infinite!2. That each child is heard before conception, and is listened to before, during and after birth. If each union were to tap into that energy of listening to their unborn before conception, they would hear very clearly the message of when to conceive, what will nurture their soul, through food, exercise, sound, everything will revel itself while listening to the child. Thus a child is not born out of a one night of passion but rather conceived in the divine timing for you and the child - "Spiritual Parenting"3. That the children share with us the most grandest of gifts, they have come to share their knowledge - let us be still in quietness and listen!4. Feed ourselves and our children spiritual food, "manna" mind, body and spirit... choosing organic, or plant a few/large portion - yourself. Share spiritual practices such as breath, yoga, reiki, homeopathy in your life. Many think these are new practices, but actually they are quite ancient. This new paradigm welcomes this with open arms.How do you feel about the educational system?This one always strikes a bell in me. My oldest was the one who introduced home schooling to me in third grade. After I took her out, I felt like I could not do it, then in fourth grade she cried for me to take her out and home school. She said "school is squashing my spirit!" We have been home schooling ever since - actually we Unschool, for those of you who are not familiar with-this form ofeducation, which indeed it is and is recognized as a form of education, simply put the child learns what they want to-learn, when they want to learn it - ok I can hear some of you now, I share with you the following article I wrote. and as Fred Alan Wolf says at the end of "What the Bleep" Ponder that for a while!Unschooling/Life Learning/Self Directed Learning’Is it possible to allow your child to be a self-taught learner? YES! – In every sense of the word.How is it though that society has some how assumed the role of knowing what is best for our children. How did we allow schools and society to decide and dictate what children should learn? Where many adults feel they have the answers and children are some how meant to be taught in aclassroom setting being told what to learn, how to learn, and where to learn.Sitting in a classroom for six to seven hours daily where recess time is equivalent to less than 30 minutes, lunch is less than 20 minutes - surely this is not what children need or want. It is true not all schools are of this nature but many are and many are returning to traditional modalities, uniforms, excessive homework, memorization of 50 spelling words per week, the list seems to be never ending, we want children to succeed but with these messages are we saying to childrenexceed?If the child is not at grade level for any required subject they are often labeled slow and if they exceed they are labeled gifted, let’s think a minute, so Sarah is not reading at the third grade level, but she excels in the arts, music and other areas of interest, but still labeled slow? Now Adam on the other hand is punching out calculus and reading beyond grade level, but yet does not share an artist talent nor, does he play an instrument, but yet he is labeled gifted? All in relevance to exceeding in academics and as to what society has labeled success.I have often characterized the school system as being one huge printing machine, it is like a human copier, we put the child in school expect him/her to learn everything at the same time, same pace, same setting and viola we have another human being who has passed grade three, just like everyone else.Just as you would on your copier at home, printing an image of a picture, if you print 30 pictures of the same image, chances are you will get the same image, but each with a slightly different edge tothem, some clearer, some not as clear, the school system clearly wants each image to be the same; they want everyone who is at a certain grade level to be at that level in all areas and subject matter. Not going to happen!So many of the new/now generation of children can not and will not tolerate this type of schooling, we see evidence of this already, labels of ADD/ADHD are astounding, labeled slow learner, acting out, causes trouble in the classroom, not to mention the physical effects on the body of these precious souls, there is an influx of more colds, not from being with kids at school but rather stress induced from pressure to do, creating more frustration, thus acting it out on themselves or society.Today’s children need alternative ways of learning and experiencing their world of learning, where they are the teachers and guardians of their education, wherever, whenever and however that plays out for them, and we as adults can nurture, guide, and embrace the idea of Sarah wanting dreams of being the next Georgia O’Keeffe, buy her paints, beeswax crayons, a canvas, or better yet if you dare, let her have one wall in the house where she can draw anytime with markers and colored pencils, (if you move you can always paint over it) So what is Self-directed learning, Life learning, Unschooling, there are many names given to this type of education and how does it work? John Holt ( was the forerunner for this type of schooling, in his book “What Do I Do On Monday? He wrote “We can see that learning is no difference between living and learning, that living is learning, that it is impossible, and misleading, and harmful to think of them as separate. We say to children, “you come to school to learn. “We say educators our job is to teach children to learn, but the children have been learning, all the time, for all of their lives before they met us. What is more, they are very likely to be much better at learning than most of us who plan to teach them something.”Unschoolers learn from everyday living, life is their curriculum. If their interest lies in airplanes then by all means let them fly with it, take them to tour an airport, see if they have field trips for kids to get into the plane and check out the cockpit, check with a small airport and see if they would let you take a test flight.If their interest is in gardening, then we plant, we go to nurseries, we visit local organic gardeners in the area, learn about sustainable living, if it’s history then they search and research, read, explore,experience, we visit museums, we might even fly to that area of history that interest them. but all of this is done, when they want and how they want. How will they learn to read? They will1. Because it is innate in us all to want to learn,2. Because we are surrounded by words,3. Because it is natural. And4. Because you’re having fun, cut out words to create a story, have themwrite a story, don’t worry about the spelling you can always go backand correct it, and they will learn it, read to them, this incorporatesspelling too, the possibilities are endless.How will they learn Math? Lot’s of ways to incorporate math, go to the store and weigh those apples, measure how long your arm is, plant a garden and figure out the square footage you will need, the money it will cost you?How will they learn to handle money if they don’t learn so called proper arithmetic? Money is fascinating to all of us and children learn early on that money holds value, so they will often count, divide, add, subtract, any money put in front of them, try it! Let them help with the checkbook this is a good one. (Our eight year old loves to help my husband with the checkbook, really!) It’s ndless.What about socialization? Everyday we go out into the world and interact, whether it is with a cashier at the store, our neighbors, involvement in community service, and there are groups for Unschoolers.This planet is abundant with people everywhere, and again it is natural for all of us to learn whether it’s reading, math or communicating. Will they really learn everything they need to know? Well I guess that depends on who you ask, and what is it that they really need to know, according to who and what?If you ask most in society or the school system you probably will hear “no,” if you ask a Mother who has been being this type of a guardian, then you will hear, “most definitely,” if you ask the child, which I did and I got this answer, “I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me how smart I am.”When and if you decide to take on this type of learning know that all in all it is our future generation of children who will make a difference in our world and you were there to guide them.There is a whole wide world out there just waiting for you and your kids to explore, enjoy the infinite possibilities of learning through the natural wonders of the universe.What does education often do? It makes a straight - cut ditch of a free meandering brook.— Henry David ThoreauResources:www.holtgws.comwww.sandradodd.comwww.marygriffith.comwww.johntaylorgotto.comwww.gracellewellyn.comWhat is important to you?Life, Peace, Love, Environment, Families, Thought Consciousness.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I think what I shared before that woman and men alike need to see themselves as Goddess/Gods and to treasure themselves for the light they are, thus when the union becomes one, there is less chance for separation, which I must share, my goddess was long after I was married, but have been with the same god since the beginning for over 20 years. And in those 20 years these are the gifts/gems that have made the ripple in the stream a little easier.Listen/Share:Listen and Share from the depths of your soul, share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other for yourself, your partner and the Universe. Carl Rodgers said “If you cannot be open to your feelings, you cannot be open to actualization” What is actualization? Abraham Maslow gave this definition “Self actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately, of what the organism is.” In other words it is the inborn/natural growth already in us and/or any being/living thing. So it is inborn in us to listen to each other from the depths of our soul and to grow and share with each other so that we may each come to the place of actualization. This is one of the greatest senses of peace to our self and others, to listen and share.Live in the Now:Don’t go back and regurgitate old harbored feelings of the past whether they’re from your past or your partners or of those together, live for today, create each new day by living in the now. Heal those areas that call you to heal and move on into the light of each other. Because in reality all we really have is "Now" and how precious it is.Be Creative:Each of you has many gifts, talents to share with each other and the world, do so in that quiet time of solitude whether it’s painting, writing, running, sailing, whatever it is that is creative for you.There are times as well that you may want to create together such as remodeling a part of your home/apartment in which one will paint, while the other inlays tile, or landscape a front yard together, the process is endless in it’s desire to create. You may even find that you create something for each other. However and whatever it is you do create, create, create! When you do this you are creating with the divine source, the Creator.Create ways to express peace together by exchanging peace with one another, let the other know that you see them as peace when they are engaged in simple acts of kindness, holding the door open for another, picking up trash, or maybe they made your favorite meal or dessert, all of those are peace acts that seen through the eyes of each other is creation.Play:This most of all is one that we as big kids have left for the daring! When’s the last time you walked through the store skipping? Or stood out in the middle of a rainstorm and danced? Laughed out loud together just for the glory of hearing each other’s laugh? Or even played a game together? Play is an essential part of togetherness, just because your 50 doesn’t mean you stop playing, it means you play even better than before! So play, the laughing and playing will generate new creative stirrings in your heart. “I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.” — Leo BuscagliaPrayer and Meditation:Prayer is the greatest of all tools that when done together the power of prayer becomes unlimited source. It doesn’t need to be complex, a silent prayer for each other. The vibration of this type of prayer resonates and encompasses the Universe.Make Time:Make time to share your divinity as a union. Smile at each other in the morning, leave love letters, either hand written or e-mail. Call and chat for five minutes or leave a message at work or home, ask your partner to go on a date to dinner. Make time to create peace and union, many survive the first few years of marriage but 10, 20, 30 years or more is ever vague these days, we can change that. When we make time for what we love we create passion, encompassed love and harmony within self and others. Make the time!Make Love:Sounds simple; it is, but does it become an act or become a sacred spiral of union? Sacred love making is not sex, it is all of the above, it is listening, sharing, being present, creating whether through new ways of learning to pleasure or creating a safe sacred place to be together, it is playful, a time to laugh and be silly or giddy, it is a time for sensual, sensuous and erotic, it is a place of peace in which each of you come together as one in a fire that ignites the soul, where hearts are connected for only you to see, it is where the goddess and God meet in their enchanted castle, as if from a old time renaissance play, making wishes come true and dreams shared into the midnight moon.So what needs to change? Creating a space of sacred union!What is the older generation missing?I don't know if they're missing anything it may be just that it's all new, and some of the new ways of thought can be scary to people, they don't want to change, change is inevitable. But not all of what the older generation says is all negative either, perhaps if we create together we can look at some of the older generation and share our gratitude for the many gifts they have shared with us, here are a few. Quilting, baking, knitting, listening to radio shows, listening to music on the radio, gardening, canning preserves, comparing how big a sunflower is against your hand, smelling a garden of fresh roses and sweet peas growing, playing cards, board games, playing outside, hide ngo seek, going barefoot, singing in the rain, sit and watch a rainbow, blow bubbles, making mud pies, collecting rocks and marvel at their colors, watching old movies, holding hands, lying down on a lush newly mowed grass on a spring day, looking up at puffy clouds to create ducks, fish and angels, watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon, watching a spider that has spun it’s web outside your window, the sound of the ocean, building sandcastles, singing your favorite song outloud, learning to play an instrument, building with blocks, hula hoops, visiting grandma and grandpa, the sparkle in grandma’s eye when you give her a hug, watching birds, making lemonade, making ice cream (crank style), making clay, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, riding bikes, drawing murals, painting, coloring, puzzles, reading together, telling stories, helping out a neighbor, going to work with your parent.In Gratitude for this opportunity, may the blessings continue to unfold its beauty to us all!Peace and Love,Kathy Parra
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Hello, and many blessings!I am seeing the vibrational patterns on this Earth rise in all areas and rapidly. Often it is startling and sometimes very upsetting to people when they are forced to alter their perceptions of what is normal or even possible in this life.To heal the planet we must realize our deep connection to her. With our thoughts and actions coming from the heart and upper chakras we allow her to evolve into greater forms of expression.The world is changing at each moment and you must first be the change you wish to see. I would though have people release from the first three chakras as much as possible and let go of ideas of separateness. This is where desire and suffering stems from, illusions of self from others, and the perception of differences often form a negative mindset.There are many wonderful teachers but even they are held back in what they are doing. You cannot suppress the creativity and spirituality of children. They must embrace these things and focus upon what they are called to do. In this they may act as channelers of divine energy and in that heal others and the Earth. Teachings must delve more deeply into the abstract as they will find it to be quite visible and changing.Important to me is my ever growing connection to Source. This connection is reached through my interactions with others as a teacher and listener. The veils of dimensions are thinning rapidly as we rise up the chakras in our thoughts and movements. It is important to me to keep evolving in this and be active in my practice and expression.Relationships need to evolve together, helping the lesser faculties and strengths of each person. There must be a common interest of aim and a silent communication of energy. This is easy with some as many lives have kept you coming back together. But there must not be competition. How foolish - competing against yourself in another form. It must be effortless, but that is not to say easy. As men rise they develop more feminine traits and as women do so, more masculine. This is the dance of Siva Shakti. This is the lila. It is a middle way. At the end pure spirit - Bliss! Sat chit anandaOm mani padme humShanti peace namasteWhere bliss begins everything else ends.Justin Marxindigobliss@mac.comRETURN TO SOURCE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howdy,I was a first wave born in March of 1982 and have been a 'walk-in' since August of 2004. I'm very glad someone is finally asking us what we think. Good call, 5th Root Race. Pretty sure it’s been stewing inside of us for a while now and you might get similar stories from a lot of us.How do you see the future unfolding?I see multiple realities unfolding due to various collective manifestations. There will be multiple outcomes. This IS the House of Many Mansions and it's called that for a reason. The future is chosen on an individual level, like everything we have been experiencing here in the physical, but it will be a paradigm shift for all. Depending on the collective paradigm most will choose, the reality comes to be. That is the glory and complexity of the Creator.There will be a pole shift, it will be subjective. There will be wars for many. There will be 'catastrophe' for most, but in a metaphorical, dramatic sense. People will bear witness to spiritual signs and many will experience the extraterrestrial presence. People will ascend and others will see. Many in power will attempt to suppress this in sometimes extreme ways. Those who work in the dark will get what they ask for, but that reality will eventually be far, far away and closed off. For most, there will be an event of some kind and probably about 50 years afterwards to make a collective decision. That's not to say that the interim wont be full of more dramatic events. It will not be easy and will be a very 'karmically' influenced period. Masks and gloves will be off, so hopefully most will choose peace early on.I believe most of mankind will progress and embody its gifts. In the end, I am not worried at all and am grateful for everything that is happening. This is the way it happens, and it won’t be the first time. We are all responsible for the 'fall' and this is our at-one-ment.It's like a beautiful, tragic (and at times actually quite humorous) choreographed movement that every person on earth is a part of and it is all very amazing to witness. We all are alive at this time for a reason - it's been our choice all along. We are ascending.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Visualize collective consciousness as an enormous, blue liquid sphere, and each movement from each individual region creates ripples that affect everything around it. The greater the movement, the larger the wave-forms. Each individual region is of different colors and it becomes more apparent when there is movement, and the ripples and waves carry the color of that movement with the signature of the source outwards until it has dissipated and merged with all of consciousness.Purify from within, and then outwards to everyone you come across. It behaves like a wave and cleanses everything. Listen to your inner voice. It’s the real you. Stop being a slave to your ego. Own it. Treat everyone with compassion. Open your heart. Reconnect with Spirit.Unless you are a truly evil person, there's nothing wrong with you. You are the way you are because you're supposed to be. Stop fighting who you Are. While you are constantly changing like ALL creation is, pick the good parts and refine them.Stop being a slave to money. Bounty is great and all, but you are furthering your own moral and spiritual demise by being selfish and indulging in unnecessary luxuries when your brothers and sisters are suffering around you.LISTEN TO THE YOUTH. ASK MORE QUESTIONS. REALIZE THAT WE WILL BE THE LEADERS SOONER THAN YOU THINK. One huge problem with the 5th Root Race is its stubbornness to hold on to its own ideals and power. We are the future and the future is now. Show more respect than just talking about us. We have a lot to say and we are very powerful and insightful.We are infinitely compassionate and unconditionally loving. The world needs to hear our voices and take heed. The powers that be here on Earth need to allow us to set the change we need to set right now.If you could change the world, how would you change it?One moment at a time - One interaction at a time. Each set of eyes that meet mine, each soul recognition. Every human being on earth must do the same to inspire collective change.How do you feel about the educational system?Public education does not serve much to the Indigo's, especially the males. It greatly hinders our progression. It attempts to teach many things we don’t need to know. Education needs to be experiential.Classroom learning is flawed. University Systems are flawed. The ones in charge have flawed ideologies. I believe my generation will change this, and I have hope for future generations.Oh yeah, and most schools teach lies. That needs to stop, too. Children are malleable in their purity and godliness. The system needs to stop taking advantage of them. They will preside over us someday.What is important to you?The advancement of the Adamic Race for the betterment of The Creator's glory and progression.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I could probably write a book about what's wrong with relationships - they are based on flawed, obsolete ideals and values that have been forced upon us by previous generations. That’s why our relationships are so rocky, outside of the influences of media manipulation etc.The relationship paradigm needs to change. Soul unions must be recognized and encouraged. The Divine Feminine must stop being raped on a daily basis. She should be loved, caressed and integrated with.Two people create universes together. This should not be taken lightly. Pagan marriages need to stop - like, yesterday. Marriage must evolve into a new institution. The current institution is rotting and crumbling apart. It's all very messy.The media must dramatically change. I'm sure anyone who reads Spirit of Ma'at for it's messages can probably agree for reasons I don't need to state.The word Love must not be misused. It is God.What is the older generation missing?The ability to realize the battle for their own Ego does not end, it REFINES. Keep working on it, people. This battle is not over until you let us in, and then it will still be refining afterwards forever and ever. Even fully enlightened individuals have places to go eventually. Up and up and up. Divine arpeggiations constantly raising octaves into infinity.The older generation is also missing its inner child. They need to let go of their fears and go with the natural flow of things. They need to be proud of these new, multi-talented children who are emerging and making their marks. They need to build educational systems that adhere to this.The Feminine is coming back with a force and they need to embrace it. The older generation is missing compassion.Your educational, social, religious and governmental institutions (and esoteric orders/fraternities/lodges) need change as well. A whole lot of change. Many in power fear us. You must not. We know how to bring the change you seek that will benefit everyone at the same time. All you need to do is ask.Open your hearts and listen to us. We Love you all and want everyone to ascend. The older generation must pass the torch so we can help.God bless,Andrew Sanchez---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello!My name is Jill Green and I am 24 years old. My mother, Becky Leahey, receives your magazine and asked me to fill this out. Enjoy!How do you see the future unfolding?I see our world becoming more sensitive and understanding. I believe that for a long time people were taught to stand on their own and be "strong". I think that we are going to look for the help of others in the future and count on those around us more. We are going to work more as a team to accomplish tasks in our lives.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?I think that we can heal the planet by changing our perception of people. Our egos tend to believe that our society is the strongest, the best but I think that everyone has a lot to offer. We see others as threats, as not doing things the way we are and assume it is wrong. I think if we change our judgments and begin to recognize the good that people bring we will begin to heal.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would change our perceptions. I would want to make it easier to concentrate on the good, instead of the bad. We tend to get caught up in the negative that we do not even see the good all around us. I would want to make a change in people so that all the energy we focus on just trying to be happy would go to other things because we'd already be happy as a society.How do you feel about the educational system?I feel the educational system could use a lot of change. Firstly, we place so much emphasis on teachers and how important they are that I believe the system is becoming corrupt. Many people pursue education because of the recognition we give to such a job title. After a teacher is tenured, they are not even required to continue their education and become up to date with teaching styles. Also, I believe our education does not prepare children for the real world. Paying bills, managing money, cooking, keeping a house, etc are all things that everyone needs to do. The educational system does not teach these things. Money management especially is such an issue these days and there is no emphasis on teaching children the importance of financial responsibility.What is important to you?Family is important to me - the concept of family, the feeling of being surrounded by family, the unconditional love that comes from family.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I see relationships as crucial, as a necessity to live life. The relationships in my life keep me grounded and sane. I can get so caught up in my own head and life and just speaking to someone close to me can get me out of that and make me realize the things I should be thankful for. I think a change I need to make is not being so codependent. I tend to rely on certain relationships rather than have them there as a tool to help me. I often find myself needing people more than just wanting them in my life.What is the older generation missing?It’s hard for me to think of something specific that one generation is missing over another. I think as a people in general we are missing compassion and warmth for those around us. We tend to get so caught up in our own lives, not realizing the people that we affect. I think we all need to learn to view others as perfect, just like ourselves.Thank you!Jill :)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Julia, 15How do you see the future unfolding?I see the future unfolding before me each day...but what i see is not encouraging. My generation (1992), and the ones that surround us by a few years each are all in grave danger of being completely clueless...with exceptions of course...The world has of late been going through some extreme economical and population problems. People, being people seem happy to ignore the alarming signs of global warming and over-populating. With this love for the saying "ignorance is bliss"... things look pretty darn bleak. I see a future where without drastic action...the world will collapse in upon itself from over-work...and all of us (hopefully in this last hour) will be moaning and bitching and saying what fools we were not to listen to all the good eco-friendly hippies (non-negative term folks – it’s a good thing to be a hippie) out there telling us to turn off the water when shaving - silly us.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?The regular things...recycle when we can, turn off lights when you go out of a room, support your local farmers and locally owned businesses, that includes eating organic foods (watch 'Super-Size Me' for more details)...go solar!!! hybrid cars (electric only please, alt. fuels are OK, but not the best for the earth)...plant a tree for every occasion!!...did i mention recycle? All in all, there are oodles of things we can do for this planet. I’m proud to say that i haven't been to a fast-food joint (chain only, I’ve been to some awesome mom and pop ones, but they are just so awesome!) all i can say to people is that watching TV may be all you do all day...but you could still at least have solar panels.If you could change the world, how would you change it?Bush, you are such a tool! *cough*sorry. Had to get that out..*whew*..Well...lotsa shtuff..i would cancel finals. Put a FREE milkshake maker in the cafeteria at school...naw! Just joshin' much stuff to say. Well. Here are a few...i would correct over-population (dunno how. but i would!!), world hunger, our govt (US), how people think about each other and the many things!! O-O; blows my mind *pop*How do you feel about the educational system?It’s very militant...dunno, I really would love it if we spent less of the (that we don't have) on the educational system and not on nuclear missiles. I’ve been in the public system all my life and I respect even the worst, hellish teacher I’ve ever had cause I know they are being paid squat pretty much...even if they should never have had the chance to even LOOK at an impressionable kid. whatever...the state of the system is pretty sad-ass-poor...ALL SCHOOLS SHOULD HAVE SOLAR PANELS!!!!!What is important to you?My computer, my cats, my family (yes, my parents included..), my friends, my books, my world (mental, physical, and astral)How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?i really...have amazing relationships w/ both my friends..well..tis the labor of love...(they want to go for a day on the town...I’d rather be sitting in my nest....reading or on the comp...) how lame am i?! lol (that's laugh out loud for anyone who doesn't know..) basically...I go day-by-day...loving, changing the people around me, changing myself, god knows...I’m a true saint! Not. Anyways...if I really went into detail about what needs changing in every relationship… I’ve had romantic(non-existent as of yet), friendship, parent-ship, acquaintances...that would make for a VERY long paragraph.What is the older generation missing?Old is a state of mind...but besides that...usually a purpose to aim for. That’s why some complain so much. The kids are out of the house...your pet just kicked the bucket...what else is there to focus on? Bingo? Solitaire (as in VERY COMPLETELY SOLITARY?!?)?..I rest my case. That’s just the biggest one I notice - but other than what they are lacking, the world could do quite well for itself if all of us just listened to ONE small piece of advice they give us (not all of them are senile ya know...)Hope this made you laugh as well as think (i like to make people laugh, it’s fun!!) 3 cats will rule the world some day...hopefully before we are finished destroying it.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HiThis is the answer of my 14 year-old indigo daughter, Talia.I see the future in 2 different parts: I see a bright and lovely future for those who deserve and a standing empty world for those who don't believe in them selves. We can heal the planet by working and giving her energy and love, and by protecting her and ourselves, her children.Hmmm..if I could change the world, I would make it.....let me think a while :) I would make it a healthy fairy (mother earth),with lots and lots of trees and amazing flowers, and lots of birds and cute little animals, to be her friend and us, the human race, her children.I think that the educational system is empty. I mean in schools we don't learn anything important about mother earth, or something about life. Only math and silly things. It is sad because we get far from ourselves and from our nature.For me it is important to receive love from my close friends and from my mother and to give love to my mother :))Relationships... a relationship must be strong. It doesn't matter if is an engaged relationship or a friendship relationship. There must be trust, love, and confidenceThe older generation missed nothing. The new generation is much more complicated. We start to lose our nature and our identity. It’s very weird and sometimes, it’s sad.yuguang chi---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?The future is not unfolding. We are walking into it according to a self-imposed timeline. We are collectively choosing our experiences. Everything is perfect.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?There is no need to heal, but to adopt an attitude that does not recognize or accept what we now perceive as problems. Our planet is already perfect, glorious, luminous, pulsing with radiant cosmic energy. That some of us choose to tune in the lower vibrations makes it possible for us to experience fear, pain, desolation and desperation.If you could change the world, how would you change it?Stop thinking/ believing that it needs to be changed. Right now, the universe provides. It is not for us to question it. We have to do nothing but begin by focusing on the fact that all is in divine perfect order.How do you feel about the educational system?It has nothing to do with spiritual growth. Its purpose now is to maintain a population which thrives on competition and the polarization of poverty and wealth, to the benefit of the corporate machine.What is important to you?LoveHow do you see relationships? What needs to change there?All relationships give us the opportunity to experience interactions with our selves. Eventually we will realize that we are all ONE.What is the older generation missing?Nothing but awareness. The ignorance of reality limits their experience. But there is actually no separation between us and them. We are all one.Everything is exactly as it should be. Every moment is perfect. All truths will be revealed to those who choose to see. The future is the now is the past. We are all ONE. The one is all there is. We are experiencing what we have intended to experience. Are we done yet? Wake up.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Kirsty:How do you see the future unfolding?Who can say?What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Other than the obvious, don't litter, don't pollute, stop war etc... I think if we learn to follow our hearts we can't go wrong.I also think that it would be a really neat idea to teach the animals the MerKaBa meditation, so they can teach it to other animals. Hopefully the 100th monkey effect will happen. I think this is something powerful that could rapidly awaken mother earth. Like the days of the ancients when even the trees were conscious.If you could change the world, how would you change it?First I would eliminate misogyny. The attempted genocide of the woman kind has been going on for hundreds of years and is still going on to this day. This must stop immediately!!! This is not something we can wait patiently for societies around the world to understand. This must stop no ifs ands or buts about it. I would also ban abuse towards children... and everyone for that matter. The rights of all living beings must be respected by all. I would also do away with the prison system. The state of prisons in the world is unspeakably terrifying, and only making the problems worse. Of course we can't have dangerous people running around hurting people, but I think if the amount of money poured into the prison system was moved to the mental health system. (and by mental health system I mean actual compassion and healing with education behind it not pill popping) people who simply don't have proper social skills or don't feel they have any other abilities other than violence and drug dealing can learn a new way to live and to heal emotionally. Then be released back into society. Obviously there are people who are so dangerous that if released they will hurt someone again. But even those people most especially need psychological help. 80% of the people in prisons shouldn't be there. Only a small hand full should really be kept out of society, and those people should be helped. Granted it's hard to love some of those people, especially when they've hurt you or someone else. But if we can admit that taking away someone’s freedom is a punishment and do away with solitary confinement and the hole, and beatings and the removing of human rights, and learn mercy and forgiveness, we can begin the healing process. There are also South American prisons where half the time they don't have food and are summarily executed by guards.If people are being punished for abuse and murder then why the hell should anyone think that it's OK for the government to abuse or murder people. The dark ages still exists in prisons and in genocide against women. This must stop NOW! It cannot be ignored.How do you feel about the educational system?Well if you think spitting out mindless automatons is good then keep it coming. However, there have been some advancements in the educational system lately. More research is being done into teaching children with ADD, more individual attention is being given to students and teachers are beginning to understand that everyone learns differently. However more reform needs to be made and more freedom and creativity needs to be allowed. Students need to be listened to and understood. Their feelings need to be validated and the chaos of growing up needs to be taken into account in every situation. Everyone needs to stop trying to control children. Even if it's to protect them. Listen to them. Yes smoking and drugs are not good for you, but it's much better to tell the truth about it than to over exaggerate it. This only turns it into forbidden fruit. Like when you are 3 and your mom tells you not to touch the ring on the stove. What is the first thing you do... you touch it and burn yourself. We are all here to experience. Let your kids try smoking or weed and let them make their own decision about it. The key is the truth, tell your kids the truth and give them the education they need to make an informed decision. Teach them with truth not fear.I do feel that down the line though, that the entire educational system will need to be scrapped. People's minds are opening more and more and soon the stifling environment of the typical classroom will be too much to bear - and I bet we'll have more and more drop outs. Kids need to learn at an early age that life doesn't have to be difficult and boring and mind numbing. Where you do what you do because you think you have to. School should teach people to follow their hearts first and foremost while educating them. Because soon everyone will automatically access information through he Akashic memory records and won't need the typical school.What is important to you?Truth, compassion, love, knowledge, wisdom. Without truth everything else is just filler. It doesn't mean anything if there's no truth.Without compassion and love, life loses all meaning. Without knowledge we don't know who we are. Without wisdom we haven't learned a thing.I believe that the validation of feelings is sooo unbelievably important. I believe that following your heart is the natural way to be. It's home and it’s who we really are. And I believe that conquering fear with compassion is one of the most amazing gifts I've found in myself.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I'm not really sure what this question means. There are so many types of relationships. Family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships, relationships between students and teachers, humans and animals, humans, animals and the earth. Humans and the moon. Animals and the moon. I couldn't begin to tell you about relationships or how they should change or if they should change. All I know is we are all one, we are all connected. It's such a small sentence but with overwhelming meaning.What is the older generation missing?It all depends on which culture they are from. Many from the older generation are wonderful people with open hearts and full of wisdom. But in general I think that the older generation comes from the working generation, the status quo, rules, order, "that’s just the way things are" - fear based. All of that needs to go out the window. We don't need any of that. We never did. Chuck that way of thinking out the window. As much as I love my dad, he went to work from the crack of dawn to the end of the day 5 days a week every week my whole life. He's not in his dream job, not following his heart, but he did it because he loves me. He did it to put food on the table and a roof over my head, and I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices he and my mother have made for me. But it simply doesn't have to be that way - he just didn't know that because he's never been shown any other way to live. We can follow our hearts and have wonderful lives full of love and joy, while still feeding our children and having a roof over our heads.Fear mongering and hate also have to go. We don't need war. We don't need fear.Something I've noticed about our spiritual elders is what seems to me to be elitism. All rules in spirituality need to go out the window. They are not necessary and never were, and are only holding people back. And most importantly Spiritual teachers need to understand, really understand that everyone is awakening. Everyone! Not just the well adjusted, happy go lucky, smiling granola hippy people. Street kids are awakening, drug addicts, criminals, Joe blow in some office building somewhere, Jane in a salon. Many of these people do not understand the old way things are being taught. They misunderstand and take things the wrong way. You need to understand that some of these people are mentally ill. The information being taught is for everyone, not just the well adjusted and mentally healthy. Many of these people are dealing with abuse, fear, loneliness, confusion, and you are expecting them to understand Christ consciousness when their own mother didn't even love them. When their boyfriend or girlfriend cheats on them or abuses them. Many of these people have no support group or anyone who cares about them. And what I don't get, is that there seems to be so many spiritual teachers from the older generation that have come so far that they forgot where they came from. They don't get that other people just don't get it. That doesn't mean you back off until they've come to a place where they're "ready” - because they may very well be ready. Just not ready if they're going to learn it the way you’re going to teach it. If you change your way of teaching you may find that they are ready, because it actually makes sense to them. There is a large feeling of separating because of it. Even though we are all one, some people feel separated because the people teaching don't really seem to care about them as an individual. They love them in a Christ consciousness sort of way. But the person really needs individual love.I do think that there are people in every group that help others move up. The universe has a way of reaching everyone. But I do think that is something missing from the older generation, that I personally think needs to change. Or they can just chill and let us do it - either way.There really is so much more I could say about so many other things but I think I will end it at that for now.Thank you for listening.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?A number of years ago I had a dream that was more than a dream in which I was talking to kids in their teenage years as a man of 40 or 50 years. I was telling them how it was "back in the day" which would be current time and the last 20 years of my life. Their world was so different that they couldn't even conceive of what I was telling them, as the ideas and precepts by which man chooses to live his life in the time we live now will not be present in the consciousness of people 20 years from now. This doesn't answer the question of the future unfolding as I am not able to see those things in detail. All I know is that the sadness in which I spent many of my young years from a sense "of things not being right" will not be a possibility for humanity in the future of my lifetime.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Be selfless.If you could change the world, how would you change it?Starting with me and the divisions and sufferings and selfishness that my own ego creates.How do you feel about the educational system?I feel that on the whole it serves as a mechanism to control the flow of humanity into economic markets - meaning that it serves the purposes of the business world and although many teachers may care on an individual basis for the children they look after, the system itself is set up not to serve the child's best interest or interests.What is important to you?Loving God (i.e. everybody)How do you see relationships?As an opportunity to learn about yourself and an opportunity to learn to love, unconditionally.What needs to change there?More unconditional love would be a good place to start. More whole-hearted forgiveness. More softly spoken words.What is the older generation missing?The point(!) A memory of who they really are. That the highest of the high lives within them.A message I would like to share is in the form of music. There is a poem by a woman saint named Rabia that was translated to English by Daniel Ladinsky in a book called "love poems from God." The poem is called 'Jealous of a Pond.' If you go to a website you should be able to find a song by that title and listen to it.If people are looking for a highly effective and practical solution to the problems of this world (starting with them selves) seek the practical and EXPERIENTIAL wisdom of Vipassana meditation. www.dhamma.orgIf you are looking to see the heart of God, go to Hamimpour, India.If you are tired and seek rest and wish to be held in the sweet love of God's grace go to the Meher Baba spiritual retreat center in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, U.S.And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom"Gandalf the Grey------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?The present, the past and the future are one. The 'unfolding' concept is merely an illusion.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Heal yourself/oneself and everyone ... and the planet will be healed. Stop arming/hurting/slandering others or be angry at them for irrelevant things ... and the planet will be healed. Heal your emotions. Every living form suffers the actions of others, upon this plane of existence. Love EVERYONE and, start caring for one another as if everyone were your own child.Stop pumping the oil, it is the blood of the planet. Energy is unlimited, just tap into the right kind of energy. We live in an electromagnetic field. Electricity is everywhere and it is free.Respect and love ALL animals, they have a function to accomplish in the natural balance of Earth. Protect the trees and all plants you possibly can.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would not change the world; the world does not need to be changed. Nature is beautiful. It is the limited/restricted way mankind sees/imagines/creates the world that should change. Yet, truly, only by changing oneself, the world would change and, this is happening now.By being more positive, more creative, no so destructive, by not wanting to take by force, ruse or deception, by knowing that everything positive is truly possible, by understanding that everything is ALIVE, that all matter is alive and has a role to play in the natural balance of life and that it deserves your respect, by expanding your inner understanding of the world, the world may be shaped by this newly expanded understanding, since understanding is the change itself. Everyone is responsible in the shaping of the world. Everyone has a part in it. Love is the key and, you need to find it, to live it, to see it in all others around you and, in all life around.How do you feel about the educational system?The experience is inadequate, useless, destructive, non-creative, coercive, limited, etc. because it is made to indoctrinate rather than truly educate. It is made to suppress creativity which is the source of resolving the present problems. To educate is to ask questions BEFORE giving the answers. Otherwise you keep spreading the mistakes without the possibility of ever correcting them. You see, in order for students to be able to tap into the inner self for true information, it is important to keep students away from indoctrination and yet, to be able to answer them when they request specific data.What is important to you?LIFE and TRUTH and LOVE and Friendship, and Peace.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships are exchanges at different levels of communication and, INTEGRITY should be present in ALL aspects of relationship. It is time that people stop lying constantly for every trivial thing, to one another as well as to themselves. Also, no one should be forced or coerced into anything by another or by an authority and this is a very basic rule. Personal responsibility IS the rule in an evolved society. Every thought can be heard, so no one can lie without the others being aware of it. Individuals need to understand that when facing another, most of the non-indigo will perceive in the other their own selves and limitations rather than the person they are facing.This rule applies also for what they do not see or perceive; for the non-indigos cannot see in another what they do not have in themselves. This is because the non-indigos are unaware of that which they do not have. The non-indigo cannot perceive the truth or the inner gifts of the person they are facing. The indigos and crystals can.What is the older generation missing?The older generation is missing the knowing of the truth that by your thoughts, you create, for everything exists first in oneself. Some people are still creating/diverting endless chaos onto this world. Yet creation is not limited at one's own life but it encompasses all life encountered, the life of other human beings around us as well as all other life-forms. Your thoughts are your responsibilities. You have been pouring them carelessly upon this/your/our world. The present world of calamity, poverty, illnesses, conflicts, war and limitations has been created so by everyone who says that these things are none of their business.Can you control your thoughts? Can you stop hurting /harming/judging others in your thoughts? These are real questions. They are questions that you need to answer for the wellbeing of all life and the Creation, including yours. Stop fighting between nations, whether militarily, whether psychologically. If you cannot stop the canons, at least you can stop the bullying or the mocking against nations or groups.Start caring. Mankind is but ONE consciousness. You ARE what you do by your actions and by your thoughts.How do you see the future unfolding?IF EVERYBODY WILL DO THEIR VERY BEST IN EVERY MOMENT, THEN THERE WILL NEVER BE A PROBLEM IN THE FUTURE. IF YESTERDAY WE DID OUR UTMOST AND LIVED TOTALLY IN THE HERE AND NOW, AND IF WE DO THE SAME TODAY, THEN THE FUTURE SURELY WILL BE THE OPTIMUM. SO WHY WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE?! JUST LIVE IN THE HERE AND NOW, IN AN OPTIMAL STATE, CLEAN, THE TUBES FUNCTIONING, THE MERKABA ACTIVATED AND WELL PROGRAMMED, ALL SENSES FUNCTIONING, THE VITAL ENERGY FLOWING THROUGH THE BODY, HAVING THE HEAD CLEAN AND EMPTY. WHAT ELSE DO WE WANT?! IN THE MEANTIME WE CAN VISUALIZE A WORLD WHERE THE PRESSURE ON THE TOPS OF THE MOUNTAINS RELAXES SO THAT THE TECTONIC PLATES CAN RAISE, VISUALIZE THE BOTTOM OF THE SEAS DEEPER SO THAT THERE IS AMPLE SPACE FOR ALL THE WATERS THAT ARE ADDED TO THE SEAS BECAUSE OF THE MELTING ICE CAPS ON THE POLES. IN THAT WAY THERE IS NO PROBLEM AT ALL AND WE ALL CAN GO WITH THE FLOW AND WITH THE ALTERATING FREQUENCIES.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?HEAL OURSELVES, CLEAN OURSELVES ON ALL LEVELS AND HAVE CLEAN THOUGHTS, IDEAS, AND PROJECTIONS.If you could change the world, how would you change it?JESUS SAYS THAT WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS. I AM SURE THAT THIS IS TRUE. IF WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO HAVE OTHER THOUGHTS THEN WE CAN CREATE ANOTHER WORLD. IF EVERYBODY IS PREOCCUPIED WITH 2012 THEY DON´T LIVE IN THE HERE AND NOW AND MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE ANOTHER WORLD, A WORLD WHICH EXCITES US. COPYING ALL THESE FATAL INFORMATIONS (BY CHANNELINGS ETC) ARE VERY BAD FOR THE WORLD. THEY DON´T SERVE ANYONE. SO, MY PROPOSAL IS THAT WE ALL CREATE A NEW SCENARIO, A SCENARIO WHICH MAKES US HAPPY, WHICH GIVES US A CHANCE TO GROW FURTHER. I ALSO DON´T AGREE WITH DRUNVALO´S NEGATIVE VIEWS OF THE WORLD. PLEASE, LET US HAVE ANOTHER PICTURE OF THE WORLD WE WANT TO CREATE!!!!How do you feel about the educational system?AS BAD AS POSSIBLE. WE SHOULD JUST ASK THE CHILDREN WHAT THEY WANT TO LEARN AND GIVE THEM WHAT THEY NEED.What is important to you?THAT EVERY PERSON IS AS ORIGINAL AS POSSIBLE AND SHEDS ALL ARTIFICIAL ASPECTS IMPOSED BY PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND SOCIETY.How do you see relationships?I HAVE NOT HAD A RELATIONSHIP FOR 15 YEARS. SO I CAN´T GIVE THERE A GOOD OPINION. YES I KNOW THAT ONE PERSON ALONE CAN HAVE THE LIFE ENERGY FLOWS GO THROUGH ONESELF BY ONE OF THE 5 CHANNELS OR THROUGH COMBINATIONS OF CHANNELS WHICH CAUSES EACH TIME ANOTHER EFFECT. I HAVE BECOME AN EXPERT IN IT. I KNOW THAT WE DON´T NEED THE OTHER PERSON TO HAVE THE ENERGY FLOWS RUN OPTIMALLY, TO CHANGE THESE ENERGIES FROM VITAL ENERGY INTO CREATIVE ENERGY ETC. I AM CONVINCED THAT BEING WITH ANOTHER PERSON EACH ONE CAN HELP THE OTHER TO ENHANCE THE ENERGIES.What needs to change there?NO IDEA.What is the older generation missing?PERHAPS AN OPEN MIND, CLEANING OLD RUBBISH, HOPE, HAPPINESS, WISHES TO START SOMETHING NEW.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear everyone at Spirit of Ma’at,Thank you for your upcoming December issue. I like the idea!! It obliquely touches a point I have been pondering for quite some time:How to combine the important things (relationships, care for nature, live according to the old knowledge) in the modern day world?I am not a child in age: I am 35 years old. I feel young at heart though! I enormously enjoy playing and discovering, and have done so all my life. I am a mother of two young children: a daughter of 3 and a son of 1 ½ years old. They help me keep on playing and discovering and be amazed at the world’s treasures. Next to this they are quite a challenge in how to make the aforementioned combination. How can I teach them about the right-brain side (and the balance) when the 'whole world' currently seems quite the opposite?Looking to both the older generation (my parents) and my current generation I feel that contact with the Divine has been lost. The older generation wanted to be more free, wanted to have and develop their own opinions (instead of following the so-called authorities) and in doing so also lost contact with the Divine. Church is an institution, mostly looked at as ‘those robbers’. Sometimes Church (and the Divine) is considered to be “I have grown bigger than that, I have developed further”.Their children (people in my generation) are mostly raised as ‘individuals’. This in contrast to cultures where as a child you are pointed to the family relationship (“give your sister a helping hand” or “do you wish to share it with your nephew?”). In the Dutch culture it is: “give John a helping hand”. John, the individual, and oh yes, he happens to be your brother.When I started working when I was 18, I found that the school I attended did not really prepare me for work. Yes, I did manage (well, luckily), but I was lacking skills on the one hand in career planning and in my personal life as well.For career planning I would have greatly appreciated in high school to have had more information about different kinds of jobs. What does any one person know about how many kinds of jobs there are? Just the ones you see your parents, family, and friends doing. But what about finding out about the job that really suits YOU and your interests and your heart? Sometimes this may be clear from an early age on, but I found many people just ‘ending up’ in a job situation. “It just happened this way”, as if there was no conscious choosing.In personal life I find my schools lacking in creating harmony, meeting problems or conflicts in a satisfying way (for all parties concerned). The things one needs to learn are all about ‘facts’ - which in my eye are mostly theories anyway, that are bound to be challenged and changed after the next couple of researches. But what about relationships? What about making a difference? What about focusing on the small things, which actually are the big things?I do not yet know about the current school situation. Our children are too young to go to school. I know there are many, many different styles to choose from, and I know that most of them -in this materially based world- are still bound by money. We chose a small school, for when our oldest will be 4 next May, so that our children would not disappear in the crowds on the school yard and that they would know who the other children are, calling them by name. This school aims at teaching children respect: for themselves, for others, for nature, for things as well. Their goal is to have the older children mix with the younger children: in monthly plays and drama activities, etc. We think this may be a good start for our children.To shortly answer your questions, based on my 35-year-old-mom-view:How do you see the future unfolding - I am glad that every day more people realize that money is not everything, that the real treasures lie in happiness and contentment. I feel sure we are approaching the 100th monkey!What do you think we can do to heal the planet - Teach children in school to love and respect the earth, be aware of what is done (but not necessarily with the ‘horror stories’ about death, extinction, etc), learn about wasting goods is one part. The other part is healing the planet to respect the other’s being, the other’s color, religion, nose, everything.If you could change the world, how would you change it - Change the money point of view to the essential point of view (love, respect, etc) Starting with each and everyone self, going through the schools to reach the children. I remember that because of a project at school I started separate glass collection in our home when I was 8 or 10!! So this must work… ;-)Next to that I feel that people in the right places should start using the right kinds of words. For instance: in the Netherlands there a website where you can get information about what to do when there is a crisis. This website is called: This links to the 'original' website called 'denkvooruit' (think ahead). This is a much better name, but the government 'advertises' the website with the words. This installs uncertainty, makes crisis normal instead of something abnormal, or worse: gives a sense of fear. If the people in the right places start using harmonious words instead of fear-based words, it would make a big difference, I am sure.How do you feel about the educational system - Too much left-brained, and too fact-oriented. Also way too much under pressure of the available (government) funds, that seem to turn schools into profit organizations.What is important to you - How can I combine my values about the essential (love, the Divine, Nature, respect, the right-brain experiences) in the current money-oriented world; having these values have the upper hand and still be part of the current world, trying to make a difference by living my life based on these values? (Can you still follow??? :-)How do you see relationships? What needs to change there? - The important thing to change in our Western culture is to have the elderly be full human beings again. They are the ones with experience, with history, with stories, with a whole lifetime filled with successes or mistakes. They are the ones who can make us grow even further. Let’s not put them in elderly homes and treat them as retarded crazy people who have no intelligence. People of all ages should mix: the old teach the young, and the young teach the old.The other thing I already mentioned is that in my point of view the education should change from ‘individual’ to more expressing the relationships that are involved. The goal is to create a sense of 'us' instead of 'them'What is the older generation missing - us... They miss us and we miss them (see previous question). Next to that, I think that both the previous and current (35 years) generation miss the contact with the Divine.Thank you for your kind attention in reading this letter. Good luck with the December issue. I’m looking forward to it.Kindest regards,Carin WenninkUden, the Netherlands-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?I don't think I really know what's going to happen, but I do know that its happening fast and that I'm ready for it !!!What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Healing ourselves, connecting to our true sense of power and balancing humanity's relationship with the resource called money!! I could add many things but a large part of it is rooted in the economic system's dividing powers and its ‘waste for profits’ mentality.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would put leaders with integrity in positions of power. The media would be true lighthouses of information in order to raise the consciousness of humanity.How do you feel about the educational system?I feel that the educational system is too much about creating highly controllable left brain prisoners with no true sense of self or power.What is important to you?I guess I can put it down to being heart centeredHow do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I think relationships are less difficult when the profound dynamics of it are known to all parties. The better is the relationship with yourself, the better your relationships are going to be.Shaun Ferguson,27 years old, from Caraquet New-Brunswick------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers in-line – from KenHow do you see the future unfolding?I see a great quantum leap in consciousness IF the population can keep growing. We are at a crossroads on planet earth, as the species consciousness of humanity approaches critical mass. The only question is, will the dominant members of our species change? Or will it be the same old stuff: scarcity, conflict and war?What do you think we can do to heal the planet?The planet doesn't need to be healed. That is a great myth perpetrated by those who project humanity's problems onto the earth itself. The planet earth is strong and vital and will continue no matter what we do. What needs to be healed is the species consciousness of humanity, which, like a powerful magnet, affects the species consciousness of other species, and the planetary grids.If you could change the world, how would you change it?By raising the consciousness of humanity through spiritual education. That is what I do in my work ( do you feel about the educational system?The educational system is set up to produce worker drones and socialize them into the Matrix. Drunvalo is well aware of this.What is important to you?If enough people understand that they are immortal, divine spiritual beings temporarily associated with a physical body, the consciousness of humanity will change. I believe that if enough people understood this fundamental fact, we could create a heaven on earth. Right now the struggle is between those who believe in the "Man is Meat" theory and those who understand the Truth.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships come from mutual respect and the understanding of each person's divine, spiritual nature. All successful relationships stem from this fundamental truth.What is the older generation missing?This is a false question, designed to create dichotomy and resistance in the reader's mind. It is unworthy of the Spirit of M'aat. It is on a vibrational level with George Bush's statement that we must "fight for freedom." The false dichotomy between the older generation and the younger generation does not exist. It has been created by those who believe in the "Man is Meat" theory! We are all spirits having a temporary physical experience. It is vital that spiritually enlightened persons understand this, if we are to raise the consciousness of mankind.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some responses from our 26-year-old son, Richard:How do you see the future unfolding?Increasing cooperation between large groups of people, and meeting environmental challenges with simple technologies.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Become educated and pressure our political representatives to take much stronger action and to more carefully consider every decision and every vote in terms of its environmental ramifications. To act ourselves - to make them vote for stronger environmental action, because it has been proven that our economy can support that kind of innovation.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I just wish people would think of each other more, and see people as close to themselves no matter where they are or what they look like, or who they are.How do you feel about the educational system?Kids are better off in expensive private schools, like it or not.What is important to you?Maintaining a sense of the infinite.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Most people's relationships are still too vertical. Most relationships, even under the most extreme circumstances, should be considered horizontal.What is the older generation missing?The constant re-evolution of the present moment.Other general commentary:If it is, it is that everything is essentially one dimensional. Everything is connected. Everything is one thing.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello there, My name is Steven S. Wingard and I'm a positive Indigo match. I was born in 1973 and it was always very difficult for me to fit in with others. I was always very popular but only hung out with typically one person that could somewhat understand the way I felt about life. I also had a hyperactivity issue "so they say" and was put on Ritalin from the second grade up thru the eighth grade. I have always had a connection with others that most again did not understand. It’s like I can feel what others are feeling but they could not feel me. As I got older I met a family who introduced me to personal growth and self development classes and I got really close to this family. This was at the age of 22. Since then I've learned about being Indigo and have been learning things like NLP and understand Quantum Physics to a large degree from movies like What "The Bleep Do We Know" and "The Secret". I can't even tell you how many people I have informed these movies to and insisted that they pick them up and take it in. I have also been Life Coaching to a small degree but am excited to do more. I am pursuing my practitioner’s certification in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line therapy as to make an impact towards the way most people are processing things mentally. I do not believe in coincidence and have always had a drive inside to help people understand what is going on in the world and that it is up to us to keep the world in sustainment. I am trying to sell three very good patents as to build a number of "non-profit, X-Treme Sports Youth Camps" where I would have the ability to work with our youth with these concepts of saving the world with the way we think. I would be honored to be a part of what ever it is you-all are doing. I came up with my "YOUTH CAMP" idea in 2004 and just moved two months ago to Spirit Lake, ID where I met the person that referred me to you and where my first "Camp” will be. You can contact me by E-mail or by phone if you would like at 208-651-2433. I am going to do what I can to bring this world back together, because I have been blessed with the ability to do so. My greatest gratitude goes out to you and your cause. Sincerely, Steven S Wingard, AKA SWG :)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Staff:We live in Argentina, a very beautiful country where many people are awakening.Every day I learn from my 5 children aged 36, 33,31, 24 and 22 and my 3 grandchildren aged 4,3 years and 2 months, I believe they are the best teachers!!My daughter Melanie, 24 years old is convinced she will change the world together with her group of friends, I asked her the questions you sent:How do you see the future unfolding?I imagine a world full of free human beings, a place where every one can express themselves in any way, with no limitations.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Heal ourselves first, then help those immediately close to us, afterwards help others waken this up, so that they can help others heal themselves...If you could change the world, how would you change it?I get organized; I plan strategies, with friends, friends who also want to change the world. It is possible to change it. I just have to believe in it.How do you feel about the educational system?It is a disaster...but disasters are necessary so that old ways of doing things finally that new ideas can rise up!What is important to you?People, my family, my friends, my self, doing things with others, for others is important. Having fun is important, laughing is important, trying and failing is important. making mistakes is important. Living is importantHow do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Communication, we do not communicate enough with those we love. we are not sincere, we are afraid, that makes us feel lonely, sad...we need to jump over fears and just say it!What is the older generation missing?HopeLove from my heart to yoursDiana Huisman------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU FOR THE INVITATIONMy name is Anwar, I’m Mexican and I’m 34 years old. (Born on 1973) I heard about the indigo kids many years ago, from the Kryon books. It sounded fantastic, yet very "unknown to me "as with so much of the new information that arrives these days, my expectations rose, and with it, acurtain kept me away from acknowledging and recognizing my own symptoms.2 years ago, life situations and some people (including my mother) "shout" at me that I'm an indigo kid. That’s something I can’t prove, nor do I intend to - however "accepting the tag" made me feel LOVED, understood, accepted, and part of a major group.What characteristics of my self do I consider "Indigo"1. my profound need to establish "naturally" intimate profound, honest, relationships.2. It hurt me to be so conscious about the unbalanced state of the world and to feel lost on which path to take to change things.3. a profound "conviction-knowingness" that I had a life purpose. (once again, feeling desperate since the age of 5 for not receiving any "feedback" about "making it happen"4. love is always lubricating and inviting me to "think twice", to reconsider, and keep absolutely open to accept higher truths.I think the list may keep going, but I know this invitation is not "for me to be acknowledged" but for me to contribute to the family.And since I have finally started to love my self enough to open out loud my own human truth, I should get to answer some of your proposed questions. However, In order for you to understand my opinions, I will share and high light some of my life experience.I was born into a middle high class family in Mexico City, educated into the "western culture" fully until the age of 18 when I exploded and decided to leave "the system" (college and my family), and set of to discover the world by myself. Before that, I was known for being a mature, verysensitive kid, who never seemed to get on well with traditional, conservative living. (Including toys!) In that time, I started practicing yoga and meditating "lightly" which pushed me to dig further into "who I am" and what I want. Turning 19 I dropped my lifestyle as a waiter in Cancun, and kept traveling through Guatemala and Southern Mexico, which gave me a window to connect to mother earth and "tribal thinking".Yet, I was VERY far from knowing exactly "what works and what doesn’t" It is not that I know it completely today, but at least I’m an adult now, and by that I mean I’m fully responsible (able to respond) for my own breath, word, and walk.After quitting my career in mechanical engineering, I lived in other countries and back-packed world wide. Today, and from 7 seven years back I’m a permaculture designer, who is starting to leave aside "the fear and pain" of having the deep need to make a better world. Many attempts have proved to me that "promoting ecology" doesn’t create consciousness, it only "invades" other minds with a new software, that while it is less destructive than neoliberalism, it is still a dualistic, negative, dependant approach to "balancing the world"For many years I lived anxiously, depressed and underpowered by thinking the "2012" was for real, and we had so much to do to save the human race. Today more than ever, I’m sure the "2012" is happening, however, I feel lovingly confident that life is perfect- and that focusing on creating a new world, the one of my dreams, the one that makes me feel love everywhere and anytime, comes from within naturally. I feel very happy to discover that every day, more and more people are just feeling that "hollow" inside that IS WHAT CREATES CONCIOUSNESS.I’m sure we are part of a bigger plan, I’m sure our "free will (arrogant and ignorant)" is kept underparameters we can’t control nor change in this hardcore 3D jail of duality- (unless fully enlightened - and that’s what makes me feel safe!) It’s like knowing there are very few probabilities a human will be so unconscious to dare to "push the red button" and dynamite the planet.Every day I judge things less. It hurts me less to watch the invasion of Wall Marts all over the world. and the destruction of the tropical forest I live in.I’m convinced, I no longer have to ask people to plant or respect trees. Now I’m just fully open to help anyone who approaches me asking for help. I continue working building eco houses andtechnologies designed with sacred geometry, loving what I do, and putting aside my ego of feeling like a hero, a Pointed arrow that is here to show humanity a more balanced and pristine life style.I’m certain that I don’t hold the truth, that there is no world to be saved, but only a global consciousness awakening, and acting effortlessly through millions of humans inviting us intuitively to respond and co-create our true dreams out of love. I think that’s the whole point.The education system apart from Steiner schools, (and so few other lights) absolutely stinks - as much as our world politics and economic system.Hence I can only propose to generate lots of human touch, dance and singing. Lots of it - enough to disappear the feeling of loneliness, all kinds of sexual morbidity, and of course, the need for violence to understand each other.We have vibrating within all the paradise we want to create in this world, but we are so far away and so afraid to discover that simple truth, that we make our path quite difficult.(I talk for myself! jejeje)I’m still a favorite client of Bach flower remedies, yoga, Indians sweat lodge, and so on, to keep my self aware, awake, and balanced. But all this is part of my TRANSITION which is amajor word, (that sounds better than crisis). that will lead us to live sustainably-spiritually.Love is just happening for those of us who live with a gap inside that pushes us every moment to allow it to be filled with some nourishment, peace, and gratitude for this perfect chaos and exquisite time of maximum duality and transformation.I believe older generations are having a harder time changing (without generalizing of course) due to the stronger doses of morality and the "progress pill" that trapped them into the system.They need to change their lifestyles, slowing down, break free from consumerism and all their socially distractive money addictions. Most of us who have been educated into the capitalismor "universitarian" system, like and need this high energy consuming life style that provides us with comforts and pleasure at a very expensive and destructive price. I don’t see anything wrong about working to make lots of money, as long as we don’t exploit our selves and others to make it happen. On the same hand, people will only change that attitude when they feel the intimate window to enquiry and create or allow new truths. Very often, we get forced by tragedies to open up. I like to think we have now many possibilities to avoid all that pain, and to make a soft change into higher realities.5 or 10 years ago I wasn’t, but now, in 2007, only 5 years away from the expected "solar maxima"I feel confident there will be enough of us "awakening" to create radical solutions to the majorproblems that may arise. I say this, because the speed on which new healing techniques and technologies are emerging is huge, and while global warming may not be completely what Al Gore thinks, the new awareness created and the commercial acceptance or fashion that is becoming "the new age" its having a major impact.Finally, I shall say, I never expected the change would have to do with INTEGRATION rather thandisintegration, It seems to me very wild thinking to accept how many radically different life styles are happening at the same time in this world now. And that apparently wont be "good guys and bad guys" winners and losers, but just the profound consciousness to sustain a huge diversity of human cultures in harmony and peace.I leave this letter open to fit all the miracles and” unimaginable" realities we are yet to experience.WITH ALL MY LOVEON THIS ON GOING CONTRIBUTION.ANWAR-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Pick up trash, don't throw around trash like the world is a garbage can.If you could change the world, how would you change it?Make it so bullies weren't mean.How do you feel about the educational system?I don't necessarily like the rules, but I go along with them, because I sort of like school and my teacher is a yelling teacher. I also don't like that I can't go blasting into my last year's teacher's room and make her my teacher forever. I love Mrs. R.G.What is important to you?It's important that kids aren't mean to me on the playground and that I have friends in school. It's important that people aren't scraping bark off trees because it's hurting the earth or at least that tree. We should take care of the earth and the water.What is the older generation missing?To be a lot more open to me sleeping in your bed with you and Gary. Sometimes they make mistakes about how to treat kids. Like when my uncle pretends to throw me overboard, even though I know he wouldn't.I love how you're asking us what we see as the world and I love being in magazines because singers are in them like my very favorite stars Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Zac Efron.From Iris-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?The future will turn into what the people of the world change it into, whether it's good or bad now, it won't be then because this is the future we're talking about and with more and more people becoming spiritually aware and with people finding out who we are the Indigo children and crystal children, love will soon be spreading throughout the world. We’re already changing and morphing our ideas into reality.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?The planet is screaming at us to help us heal it and mother nature has sent tsunamis and bad weather because she's crying and is upset because she has set out this wonderful land for us to live on and people out there are not aware of this and are not seeing it the way we do. The best we can do is spread our words of knowledge and show people the logical reasons that will help them too by recycling etc.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would change the world by making all the material possessions we own eco-friendly.How do you feel about the educational system?I am in my last year of school now and have never liked the way the systems work its not that I don't like school its just that the rules contradict themselves and they're not aware of us the indigo and crystals they don't treat us fairly there is too much focus on putting children with 'behavioral problems, ADD and ADHD' in learning support and all the read this, copy that, write that etc. We should have more focus on practical learning by actually getting up and doing it.What is important to you?My friends are important to me my music to keep me going and knowing that I'm not the only one in this world because somewhere out there is someone who needs more help than me so making this world a better place would be very important to me. Wanting everyone to know that we’re here for them and love them.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships is something that to me is important if you know the other person I'm only young but have experienced a lot more into the adult world than people think and if you love someone you should let them know and not be afraid which is a mistake I have made.What needs to change is people who are going into a relationship with an Indigo should know about them as they are like a different breed when it comes to love. Work relationships are the same as we work differently we are a lot more hands on and need to know how everything works.What is the older generation missing?They would be missing out on knowing what they are actually here for if they didn't know who they were which could cause an aching hole in their heart and soul.I only found out just over a year ago who I was and everything has made so much more sense to me now I know who I am, they're missing out on the fun, freedom and joy of the real life our life if they don't just let go of their worries for once and have fun seeing the world as a beautiful creation.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hallo dear spirits of truth!As I received a request to participate in the children's item of December, I have an essay for you:Experience of a Dutch Nanny a la Mary Poppins.A good question for a child is: how do you want your parents, teachers or nanny behave towards you? The following essay is more about 'attitude and intention' than about 'how to manage a child?'I don't think we should have to KNOW how to manage children... to BE with them is enough... and see what happens!In the presence of small children, 2 and 3 years old, I find their observance of body sensations and nearness very acute and awake. As I learn to know a little boy in the house of his parents, once a week on Thursday, a changing of diaper is an example of such nearness. The little boy on the table sees me bending over his body, feeling my hands on his bare skin and I sense a searching look and awareness of touch. This soul, looking out of the little boy's eyes, is ageless! And we are on equal grounds! I acknowledge his feelings and tell him that he doesn't know me very well. He's been in the hospital several times because of fever-seizures and had to endure all kind of things being done to his body. Of course it's not every child being so sensitive, but they have a clear sense of comfort zone.Like the little 3 year old girl, listening to a story and looking at pictures, coming closer and closer as the story unfolds. The first days I spent with her, when I put my arm around her she just pushed it away. She has to feel comfortable first to allow me to do that, isn't that endearing?And as I pushed her aside while running to the phone, she burst into tears, sobbing ' you don't have to push me, I don't want you to do that to me!' Of course she is right: why, in heaven's name should I hurry to pick up the phone? I took her in my arms and apologized to her, telling her that I understand her and that I won't do it again. She felt I was sincere. It is amazing how well children do understand you, acknowledging and apologizing! I recommend it very much.As we have 11 hours in a day, the children and I, there is no hurry at all. We have our schedule of washing, shopping, sleeping and mealtimes, but playtime is the biggest part of it, me being on eye level with the child on the floor. This also makes a huge difference: being on eye level with a child. Not only is the child more relaxed and spontaneous, but for myself it is easier to be in tune with the child, because their body language works very well.I think there is no need of a spectacular or new approach to children in general, indigo or whatever color the child has. As long as I can share this quality of 'timelessness' with children, which is natural for them. They are completely absorbed by whatever they're doing and yet capable of change into another 'game' with an enormous flexibility: I just have to follow, with ease and sometimes a firm hand when the pizza threatens to be glued to the ceiling.I think, as a kind of Mary Poppins Nanny, that as a child feels itself being loved unconditionally, miracles can happen… Thanks for sharing!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What can I do to make the things going better?That's the question that we all have to ask to ourselves.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?I help people to heal themselves through movement, breathing, and chant. I put a lot of energy in my life to make people understand that it is an everyday work.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I can only change myself and my behavior. The world is changing constantly. We are going to be surprised by the earth. Changes in our levels are small but if everybody or a lot... it will probably make the difference.Examples of what I've already thought: No more agriculture, non "aux élevages d'animaux", purify the oxygen: this point will take books and books to talk about it. But I think that anyway, we (humans) are changing already.Maybe in the future, with the big change of the Earth, we’re gonna be able to breath some other elements, eat differently. I have my own perception of the change.How do you feel about the educational system?I'm living in Brussels... Bad, Bad, Bad. But I don't think it's very different in the states.I'm depressed anytime that I'm watching the TV news. I want to scream or to cry?! I don't know what's best. I'm not watching TV anymore. Education is not the word we have to use now for school, but "formatting" of people or "lobotomization" of children. The goal of schools is to make you conform to the system. They don't realize yet that everybody has a potential, and we have to help it grow for the good of everyone.What is important to you?ResurrectionHow do you see relationships? What needs to change there?It's all hormonal! When we are young we NEED sex and it's more powerful than us. We are victims of cells' program, of procreation. After it depends: if you’re fixed in you and on your growth and it's easier to live even if you have somebody around you but with the same level of consciousness. Or, if you think that a love affair is the most important, then it depends on the alchemy of the two persons. It's the most difficult question to answer: there are so many differences between people and at the same time, we all want to be a little bit supported and loved. For me people have to work on themselves first !Expecting less from the other. Compassion and less egoism.What is the older generation missing?Nothing!? It's only evolutionBest regards,XanthippeSorry for my poor Englishwww.xanthippe.infoThe web site is not yet in English. I’ll try my best to translate it very soon.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?There are so many disasters that continue to happen around the world, it’s hard to say the future will be amazing. However, I like to see the brighter side and hope that, even if the worst happens, something good will have to come of it. It would be great to raise a family and hope they have a better life than I did growing up...will it happen? I hope so!What do you think we can do to heal the planet?The really think we need to start saving energy. Start going "green"! Use power saving light bulbs, solar screens to charge your cell phones/ ipod / computers. Cars and taxies are switching over from gas to hybrid. I think if everyone did the smallest bit to help it would make a huge difference.If you could change the world, how would you change it?There are so many, but I guess the one thing would be to have no more bias in the world. Everyone’s outlook on life would be much different.How do you feel about the educational system?I've seen two different sides. There are children who go through the system, who are smart and everything works out great for them. On the other hand , there are children who get pushed through and overlooked. I've seen kids who don't care about their school work, do not study, do not do their work as told and somehow end up passing. I think the younger generation has this care free attitude and act as if they are in their 20's when they are really in grade school.What is important to you?My loved ones - I wouldn't be where I am without them.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships can be very deceiving. It's hard to let people in when you have no idea what their intentions are. It’s tricky - both parties have to give to receive. Trust is a huge issue...if you don't have that you have nothing. People need to be more honest...that’s what needs to change.What is the older generation missing?I really do not know. I think the older generation had to grow up to fast. Enjoying life is key...if you’re moving around all the time and never relax you'll miss everything.Neal AmundsenEaston, PennsylvanniaAge: 16-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you see the future unfolding?I see much destruction in the years to come, but before spring arrives there must first be winter. The same principle applies to humanity's fate. Only by witnessing the mass death and destruction in the coming years will the people of Earth wake up as a whole.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?By sending it love, gratitude, and most importantly respect. Another key factor is becoming balanced thinkers for the thought is a powerful thing and it alone shapes the Universe and all of existence thereafter.If you could change the world, how would you change it?You ask me 'If'? You must realize that there is no 'If', because we are all changing the world either positively or negatively through our thoughts and actions each and every day. However, if you were to ask me "How I'm going to change the world" then I would answer... by simply being the change I seek in the world as Ghandi once said.How do you feel about the educational system?In our current condition, it is sadly the best we can do. It would be so much greater if only we knew what true education is.What is important to you?Helping others, and the search for truth.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships are a wonderful opportunity for growth and understanding.What is the older generation missing?It is not what they are missing, but what they are not providing the new generations with.If you had one wish, what would it be?If I could have one wish, it would be for humanity to see all of the world as it truly is - breaking the bonds of ignorance, however the average human mind is not evolved enough to recognize and untangle themselves from the mass web of a sleeping sub-conscious for the vastness and complexity is beyond what one could imagine and think possible.Picture a perfect world where peace exists on all levels of life, where one can pursue what makes them truly happy, where one gains a true education through the combination of science and religion that I call spirituality, where everything is kept simple, where everything you need is taken care of for you through technology, where there are no misinterpretations, where conflict, power, greed, frustration, poverty, destruction, materialism, competition, hate, anger, and especially fear are non-existent. Now...return back to our world and look upon it without prejudice and look where our problems began and continue, and most importantly ask yourself, ”Why?"Maybe now you can begin to understand how illogical this world is. You probably think peace is impossible to achieve and that destruction is imminent, but this itself is only a control set to disable you from acting and being the change you seek in the world.Blessings of the day Diane.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am delighted that Ma'at has resumed new writings. They are a joy!Four of my six children who identify themselves as indigo or crystal children responded to my request that they complete your survey. Here’s what they said...A magazine I read is doing an issue on Indigo/Crystal Children and asked a written interview with such children. If you don't mind answering these questions & sending this back to me I'll send them on. Thanks my little loves! Peace, Mom#1How do you see the future unfolding?We will all evolve into higher beings in the next couple years but it will happen little by little sowe wont know its happening until its happened.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Stop cutting down trees, make paper out of recycled clothes, don't litter and if you see a piece of garbage on the ground pick it up and throw it away even if it is not yours, don't leave water running.If you could change the world, how would you change it? No more war, no more government, no more money, treat others with kindness even if you don't like them, get people to quit cutting down trees and pick up trash if you see it and you don't have to go out looking for trash unless you want, but if you just see some lying around then pick it up.How do you feel about the educational system? I think we should just get taught to read and write but not to write in any particular way – in a way that people understand but in any form of writing we want where grammar doesn't matter. And we should get to learn math but only simplemath like plus and minus, those are the only things we need to know and everything else we can teach ourselves.What is important to you?Living life, being with my family and my friends - just being me.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships are good, good relationships with friends and family are good because if you have a problem they can help you feel better and relationships with someone you like or love can make you feel loved and happy and it’s better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.What is the older generation missing?FreedomWhat more do you wish to share?Everyone should just be peaceful with each other#2How do you see the future unfolding?I see peace and prosperity, though some suffering in-between. Though the suffering will be harsh, it will be short. The longest I can see it happening is one year at the most.After will come the peace and love we have been promised so long ago. The lords of light will come and bring us into the fourth dimension and beyond. Our race will never die out, and will live forever, full of peace, love and happiness.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?To heal the planet, we must live. If we are not happy, we are not truly living. We must live our lives with as much joy as possible and contribute that love and happiness to the grid, where it will be used to rejuvenate our race and our world.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would let everyone feel happy and joyous, doing whatever they want with their time. Doing that would help us grow beyond our negative thoughts and become one with the amazing universe around us.How do you feel about the educational system?I think it should go a little differently. I feel that people should learn about what interests them, not what others think they need to learn. I believe that at a young age (such as 6-16 years old) people should be introduced to many different subjects. this way, they can get a feel for a lot of subjects and listen long enough so that they can find out the ones their interested in and go on to pursue those activities.What is important to you?Knowledge. Knowledge of life, the universe, how it works, everything.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I think that relationships should be built on equality and partnership. People should be working together to work to create a shining new world of love and life.What is the older generation missing?Not much, really - just the ability to accept new knowledge and adapt to a new state of mind.What more do you wish to share?I think that I have said everything I've had to, but if it's really needed, I'll give an ending statement.If you're really bent on gaining good fortune, just do things that make you happy! If you make yourself happy most of the time, then more good things will happen to you.#3How do you see the future unfolding?I see light and good fortune in our future, and the lives of new beings and old - unknown beings along with us will all live in harmony together.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?We can heal the planet by stopping the government from treating everything as an item that you can buy or sell, and by treating everyone and everything with respect and love.If you could change the world, how would you change it?If I could change the world, I would remove borders, countries, and governments so we could live with the rest of the world in harmony.How do you feel about the educational system?I feel the educational system is a trap to make kids into adults trying to live the American dream - the house, the wife, the car, the kids - It's all a trap so the government can control the human race.What is important to you?Life, Love, People, Fun, Excitement, Happiness, Relationships with the world, and the ability to do what you love to do.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I think relationships are extremely important to everything and everyone because they hold balance and keep everyone together.What is the older generation missing?Awareness. Nothing else.What more do you wish to share?Everyone. This is the most important thing I have said yet. To everyone who's stuck in the rat race, living the American dream, and are not aware yet of what you can do, "WAKE UP AND DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO!!!"#4How do you see the future unfolding?I see the future unfolding like a movie, the wealthy and wicked hold all the power but in the end one bright light shall shine in the darkest hour. December 31st 2012 marks the end of the Mayan Calendar, the calendar that we used to create our 365 day year. The book and movie, "The Secret" tell us that here in the 3rd Dimension our thoughts are forms of energy and they work with our own energy to attract things into our lives. When we move through this time we will shift into the fourth and fifth dimensions and so on. Now not much is known about this high level of consciousness except that our thoughts manifest physically. When we reach the bridge of the 3rd and 4th dimensions we will all be given a choice, not as a race but each and everyone of us individually. Those choosing to live in fear will manifest fear and live their lives in the same cycle they've attracted to them so far, while those living in love, compassion, understanding and unity shall evolve with the planet, together. (P.S. The planet and the Human race are going to evolve, there is no apocalypse.)What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Break down all barriers and borders and just accept everyone and everything for who and what they are and just live in peace. It's not as hard of an idea as the military wants you to believe. All you do to achieve piece is create an absence of jealousy, fear, hatred, even competition. Only then shall this world truly realize peace.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would loosen the iron grip the corporate system holds on our planet. They control our government from behind the scenes and they have been doing this ever since the 1920s. The corporate system treats every planetary resource as a commodity and that alone is destroying the planet, ourhome.How do you feel about the educational system?I feel like school only exists in this day and age to perpetuate our economy. Your grades in school are dependant entirely on how much your teachers like you and how well you obey without question. When you question the answers and begin to ask your own questions you stand outin the crowd and your teachers look down on you - and I just ask this - why? Once upon a time I believed school was for learning just as I once believed the motto: "Protect and Serve." But it's not. It's about getting a job and living your entire life paying our own government to live on planet earth, our home. We shouldn't allow this to happen. Neither should we separate ourselves through stereotypes because the most unintelligent form of thinking is believing such a simple lie aseverything is just physical and everything and everyone is disconnected and there's no higher meaning to our existence or even existence itself.What is important to you?Living and experiencing life to the fullest extent possible if not further.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Seeing past small differences like what god people worship and what kind of food people like to eat, or what kind of clothes they like to wear, or having a different view about something because remember if we had no differences we would all be the same, driving the same cars, going to the same job, going to the same school, wearing the same clothes, eating the same food, seeing the world as just black and white instead of how it truly is - now wouldn't that make life boring? So tellme why do such differences lead to so much death and confusion? The idea that these small things make us different, or seeing other people as inferior, or us as superior, is really just an illusion. Very many people see the world the way science teaches us, that everything is separate and disconnected and that's that. But just imagine every particle of not just this world, or galaxy, or even universe, but all of reality as just one, unified wave of energy. Even this computer you're staring at right now was made by man but the material used to create the computer and even the computer itself is part of reality and the same energy as everything, atoms. When we think about Christianity, God, and science even we always see the universe as having an end and a beginning but think of it like this: what if all of existence has always been, still is, and forever shall be? Almost sounds like science's and the church's explanation of energy and God, don't you agree?What is the older generation missing?Awareness.What more do you wish to share?I would like to say something to all those of this generation and the last generation living in an endless cycle of bloodshed and greed, if not just purely blind ignorance of the cycle: "Wake Up!"Peace,Lora"The purpose of life is not to fight against evil and misfortune; it is to unveil magnificence."– Alan Cohen------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello,I don't think that the older generation is missing anything. I was born in 1951 and was as a child, very close with the angels and the Master Jesus-Christ. My son born in 1972 is a sensitive, lovely soul, more and more people are awakening. It has nothing to do with age. With friendly greetingsAngelique------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello everyone,My friend Ron LaPlace forwarded these questions for indigo children. I e-mailed them to my nieces and nephews, and have forwarded their interesting, unexpected, and unedited responses to you.Aaron Cato, age 8How do you see the future unfolding?When I grow up there will be a huge ugly slug that can eat the whole world. And a giant and the world is like a gumball.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Give the planet water and don’t trash the place. And then you get fish for the planet and then plant plants on the planet.If you could change the world, how would you change it?The Indians would live in cheese houses with plants in them. That would change the world!How do you feel about the educational system?Sad, mad, and glad.What is important to you?Me, my life, and my family. My dogs, my cats, my home, and my food.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?They are important. If someone fainted and forgot everything that would destroy the relationship. We need more pictures.What is the older generation missing?They need to play more! There’s too much mad – we need more fun.Dakota Cato, age 10How do you see the future unfolding?Trying to make everything better. Some people are trying to make it better for human beings.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Stop using so much pollution and oil. Stop using so much wood.If you could change the world, how would you change it?I would change it for the better so that nature could flourish.How do you feel about the educational system?I think they should change it. The grading system should be changed to reflect real student.What is important to you?Lots of things. Mostly Christianity – like God.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?Relationships are good. Nothing needs to change except abusive ones.What is the older generation missing?They need to enjoy their childhood more. Lighten up!Kyra Cato, age 14How do you see the future unfolding?I think it will be a very lovely future with polluted skies; the only form of education is a television in the spare bedroom, wars between countries (Iraq won’t even exist then, it will have been blown to pieces by its own citizens) who can’t let go of their pride long enough to reach a compromise and half the worlds population will live on a computer (or a faster, more convenient form of gaming).What do you think we can do to heal the planet?Die. Seriously, this world’s never going to be perfect or heal unless everything on it dies. There’s always going to be imperfections, or people who could care less about anyone else, that will hurt this Earth.If you could change the world, how would you change it?Get rid of the people in power, tear down all civilizations on this planet and let everyone struggle to survive. If that happened eventually we would learn that we can’t survive without working together and would set aside our petty differences.How do you feel about the educational system?The same as everything else- Careless and focusing on the wrong thingsWhat is important to you?God and my family - everything else will be lost to the wind someday.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?I see families splitting up, brothers and sisters fighting, people screaming at each other and items being thrown. If you can’t see what needs to change there than you’re as blind as they are.What is the older generation missing?The same thing the new generation is missing, love and common sense.Love and light,Glory Cato----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pat Broyles in Cozumel214-763-3212www.caribesunset.comHow do you see the future unfolding?The gaps become bigger between those who live in unconsciousness and those who are aware. First ones will use all their power to get those who don’t follow them. But the power of the aware ones will become stronger and their energy will grow too. I don’t know the end.What do you think we can do to heal the planet?We have to heal ourselves first and let the inner light shine. But that’s not all. We have to transform this light into action, so that it can grow. Like it is written in the bible: You are the light of the world. (…) In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Mt. 5 14-16)If you could change the world, how would you change it?I try to think in global dimensions and act in my personal dimension. Every seed I sow grows into something very bigger. I try to see the bigger part in my small actions and act for the whole.How do you feel about the educational system?I’m sad to see what is happening there. Often children are forced to become small, which means that they have to fit into a scheme that is wrong for them. There are also too many pupils in one class, the topics in school are not what they really need and they are taught in an inappropriate way. There are some better examples, where the pupils can organize their studies themselves, but that’s only one part.What is important to you?Times to become quiet, time to be in nature, spending time with my parents’ dog, meeting people who meet my needs, laughing, reading, yoga.How do you see relationships? What needs to change there?There is too much violence within our relationships and it influences every part. No matter if it is about communication, making love or education. What we have to learn is to take time, to go slowly and to be in the present. One specific example: Learn the way to communicate that Marshall B. Rosenberg teaches (but change the name of it).What is the older generation missing?Being part of a family. They are isolated and outsourced by society. It’s hard to become whole in such surroundings.Mara MusbergerSpirit of Ma'at ezineDecember
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Crystal Work: Placement

Good Morning!Crystal Work: PlacementThe mere fact that crystals are placed in an environment suggests tothe subconscious mind that healing, on some subliminal level, hasalready begun. When crystals are placed in a room, they willautomatically charge that area with energy.They will also absorb and ionize that energy in the area which isnegative. The clearing, focusing, radiating beauty aspects of acrystal, work regardless if someone is aware of these traits or not.These are the amazing elements of a crystal's power. To disperse thisenergy outward is one of its true gifts. It is even more astonishingwhen we are aware of it!Choosing a place for your crystals can be done by using yourinstincts, placing them in your meditation room, alter or sacredspace, or placing them in a room that you can benefit from theirmetaphysical properties.The placement of stones in a crystal grid or formation is another wayto gain the benefits. Placement of stones on or around the body ina "web or pattern" called the "laying of stones" works with the auricand Chakra centers in order to rebalance our current situation.Enjoy discovering the many ways you can utilize your gemstones!Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac for healingmind, body, spirit
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Thomas Jefferson — 200 Years Laterby Bill ColemanJohn Kennedy once said to a assembled group of scholars in the White House: "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House — with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."The quotes below could prove his point… because it is quite clear that Thomas Jefferson's words have come to pass.When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.Thomas JeffersonThe democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.Thomas JeffersonIt is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.Thomas JeffersonI predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.Thomas JeffersonMy reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.Thomas JeffersonNo free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.Thomas JeffersonThe strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.Thomas JeffersonThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.Thomas JeffersonVery Interesting Quote:In light of the present financial crisis, it's interesting to read what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered'.More quotes can be found at:
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Going Divine in 2009!By Phoenix Rising StarThree men. Drawn together by the use of a sacred symbol and vibration. Living their passion and joy. Changing the consciousness of the planet, one frequency at a time. Meet Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Courtney Milne, and Scott Huckabay. Warriors and artists, fulfilling their quest for wholeness.You are invited to join LIVE H2O on June 19-21, 2009, The Concert for the Living Water. "Bringing together the brightest minds, warmest hearts, most advanced science, and uplifting spirituality, the "LOVE Water Experiment," is a musical prayer celebrated by millions of people worldwide on Sunday, June 21, 2009. The event will marry the "Universal Solvent" — Water, with the "Universal Language" — music, to baptize humanity bioenergeticaly with the "Universal Healer" — LOVE." (see purpose is to save the planet, secure world peace, celebrate free energy, promote natural healing, and honor the living water for sustainability and conscious evolution. In other words, change the planet and our selves through the frequency of LOVE.Three days featuring world experts, artists, and elders sharing the intention of healing our water within as we heal the water on the planet through the music, prayer, acts of toning, and the vibration of love.Happening through online connections everywhere, and at nine main venues internationally including Los Angeles, Vancouver, Hawaii, Toronto, Egypt, Uganda, London, and more to be announced, LIVE H2O is unprecedented in scope. (See: goals include 144,000 online vocalists, an additional 1 million in global prayer, an 81 minute love chant that resonates water everywhere with the frequency of love (528hz), and celebrities and recording artists lending their hearts and fame to honor Water."It is already complete in the ethers. We're just going through the motions in the physical realm," said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Executive Producer of Live H2O, and author of numerous books on health and healing."We are healing this planet, creating a paradigm shift in a way the 'cryptocracy' can't ignore or destroy. They will have to get on board this peace train or be destroyed. This is after all, the Divine Plan. The Spiritual Renaissance is the Achilles heel of the Illuminati. Something I've prayed for since my mother's death due to a vaccine administered unconsciously by a 'medical diety'."Dr. Horowitz wasn't always a rebel toward the perceived sources of power and conventional medicine. A graduate of Tufts and Harvard, with a string of advanced degrees behind his name, he really believed in medicine and its ability to help heal the sick."Why else would I have persuaded people to accept vaccines?" he said, his voice choking on the emotion of regret, self-condemnation, and suffering.When his mother died of a vaccine, it provided him with the opportunity to investigate modern medicine more completely. And what he found so horrified him, he knew it was his life mission to change the medical world from one of deceit and illness-causing agents, administered under the guise of "healthcare," to a whole co-creative universe of integrity and wellness.The author of LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, DNA Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, Healing Celebrations, Healing Codes For The Biological Apocalypse, Death in the Air, and Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola (which the New York Times refused to review), Dr. Horowitz began exposing his findings.Although his views have not all been well received, Dr. Horowitz was invited to speak at an AIDS convention in Africa, where he ironically experienced a very dark night of his soul.Conspiring with the middle management of his hotel where he was speaking, they printed thousands of flyers about AIDS. Each flyer indicated that AIDS was a man-made virus and that there was a cure. The supplement OxySilver ( boosts mega-immunity without vaccination toxicity. It zaps bacteria, viruses, and fungi and frees the immune system to help speed self-healing. Thousands of flyers were printed as an educational tool and in preparation for the main event.The hour came and hotel people were stationed at all the doors with their stacks of flyers to hand out. Moments before the doors were opened, a swarm of security 'officials' confiscated every one of the flyers.His heart broken, Dr. Horowitz retreated to this room.He railed at God, saying "Why in the world would you put me here to serve, and then take away the very opportunity to do so?"And he heard the answer."Because it isn't about only one illness. It's about all of them. And how to make a difference by healing all of them. . . . Study da Vinci," he heard a voice say. "Your 'Perfect Circle of Sound" is the circle in The Vitruvian Man."So Horowitz feverishly researched his next book, Love the REAL da Vinci Code, He studied the original musical scale Solfeggio frequencies. These are the foundation for ancient music, he learned. The "sweetest song/tones ever sung.'After writing Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, world leading sound healing expert Jonathan Goldman contacted him, asking him about there being nine frequencies."Of course!" Horowitz got it instantly. "There must be nine. Nine is the number of completion!"His research, study, and meditation had led him to the understanding of the power of the frequencies, in particular the 528Hz frequency, the LOVE tone of the universe.The center frequency of the nine Solfeggio frequencies, 528 resonates with the heart. Light greenish-yellow in color, it is the frequency of miracles and DNA repair, a frequency fundamental to Pi, PHI and the Fibonacci series.Collaborating with Dr. Emoto and examining water crystals with the understanding that love and gratitude have a powerful impact on water molecule appearance, Horowitz then considered broadcasting 528Hz musically, through the world's oceans, with Love and Thanks.A major problem he discovered is that modern musical instruments are all tuned to the frequency of 440Hz. Since of the early part of last century, that's just the way it was.Whether that was done to hide or mask the vibration of love and humanity's spirituality, or by 'accident' is really irrelevant. What matters is, can this frequency be changed and can musicians now play at the frequency of 528?Horowitz searched a long time before he found Scott Huckabay, an acoustical guitarist who was not only willing to experiment with music in this frequency, but has brought it forward in an empowering and life changing way-for himself and for the planet. (See March's Issue of Spirit of Ma'at for Scott's story).After teaming up with Huckabay to form Tetrahedron Records ( Horowitz was moved to create a world-wide event designed to heal and spiritually uplift the planet.Combining his and Emoto's work with water, understanding that the planet is 80% water, and our bodies are at least 70%, Horowitz's envisioned toning the frequency of love and miracles into water worldwide to engage civilization in a global baptism. Since we now know water operates consciously, responding rapidly to prayer to become purer, LIVE H2O may help purify polluted water. And since we are made of mostly water, our bodies will also resonate in harmony with the Living Water vibrating with LOVE and purification. Healings are expected.To do this with as many voices as possible, Horowitz is utilizing the energies of specific world places called "energy vortexing," plus raising and donating money for the Internet broadcasting technology needed for people unable to travel. Jonathan Goldman and friends have donated on-line chanting and toning rooms to accommodate people of every religion and culture. (If you want to add your voice and heart-felt loving intent to this healing project, Jonathan Goldman invites you to visit the three-day LIVE H2O solstice eventthere are a few rules:No drugs.No egos or self-interest.No death threats. (Oh yes, Horowitz has had those too!)You only need one thing to participate. LOVE from your heart with prayerful intention to bless humanity and ecology.Oh, and where does Courtney Milne appear?As one of Canada's most innovative artists, his career collection of more than 650,000 photographs includes some of the world's most stunning landscapes. The author and photographer of twelve books including The Sacred Earth, a compilation of spectacular sacred places on our planet. Courtney has experimented in his own unique and phenomenal way with the 528 Love and Thanks symbol, called the Water Resonator. (See his websites and for a sneak peek of the content of the March issue of Spirit of Maat.)Please check out and see if you feel called to join us in love and thanks, June 19-21, 2009, wherever you are, in whatever way you can.Because you can.In love and gratitude,Phoenix Rising StarIf you are interested in attending a live venue and/or assisting with one, please contact the coordinator for that particular event here: particular, local bands tuned to the 528 frequency are needed to share heart opening songs. Meditation leaders and healers of all kinds are requested to share their skills.View our YouTube Videos at me at for comments or ideas
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Setting Sacred Space: The Timelessness of TraditionBy CC TreadwayCreating sacred space is one of those things that all lightworkers and healers should know about. I had excellent training at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, but that program deemphasizes lineage and tradition to create a clean slate for people all backgrounds to come in and learn. Therefore, during that time, I was not yet connected to the ancient tradition of things like calling in the seven directions. Before each healing session, I would set my intention, call in my guides, angelic protection and get to healing. This worked OK, but after traveling with Drunvalo from country to country and tribe to tribe, I began to notice that traditional ceremonial format was very powerful and very effortless. I started to scratch my head, "Why was doing these simple things so effective?"During our final ceremony with Drunvalo in Easter Island last February, we made a medicine wheel. It wasn't a very big medicine wheel, although it was a very big ceremony. We were turning on the Christ Grid. (To read about it go to The Grid is on: Journey to Easter Island and Moorea) Drunvalo said, "Mother Earth will recognize us and know we are here as soon as we make the medicine wheel. The medicine wheel has been used by the indigenous forever!" I thought that was pretty cool, although it wasn't the time for more questions since we were about to save the world….again!The ceremony went off without a hitch, which was amazing after going through the two weeks that lead up to it. No matter what happened before, and what would happen after, during the ceremony we were protected.When I got home I decided to give it a whirl. I began to make medicine wheels in my apartment during my personal ritual and calling in the directions before a day of healing work. What a difference!!! I had the support of the elements and energies of Earth as well as the energies of the Universe and Guides. I also had the support of my ancestors and the animal kingdom. My energy levels rose and I felt recognized by Creator in my healing. It was so easy, I could feel that thousands of years of performing this simple act had embedded the ritual into the fabric of the Universe. I had to know more.We spend most of our time out of sacred space. Even if we live a very sacred lifestyle, sacred space is something all together different. In sacred space miracles can happen easily and effortlessly. This is because the energy changes, and we leave the realm of linear time and step into the Infinite. Creator is close and cause and effect gives way to immediacy.I really wanted to see even more clearly, what happens when we call in the directions. So I turned on my 3rd eye and took a peek. As I called in each direction I saw a force field of energy come and form an energetic barrier on each side of me. I stood in the center, as the circle was cast, and was shown that I was standing in the place of no time. You could almost think of it as the universe moves like a hurricane, then all the sudden, at your command, you create a sphere of space that is completely still, unaffected by this movement, almost like Moses parting the Red Sea, and almost like being the eye of the storm. You are standing as the center, you are the center of the universe; out of time, out of harms way and in a controlled environment. You are at once totally still and moving much faster than the eye could see. You become undetectable. Even Verizon Wireless couldn't find you there. It's invite only, so only those beings that you invoke can enter. It's a pretty cool place to be.When you do spirit work, your chakras open wide, your auric field expands to perceive dimensions beyond the 3D, and you become accessible to those dimensions as well. Which way would you rather open: In a controlled, safe and sacred environment or without any protection? Literally it's like everyone on the streets of New York City running up to you grabbing your arm or asking something of you. I've personally experienced that and can tell you it's not as fun as it sounds. I hear you lovey-dovey types saying, "I want to open anywhere any time," and I say, "Good for you, have your own experience." I'm just sharing what I have learned.Imagine how much more powerful and immediate your healing work is when supported by the forces of nature, with no distractions from the outside world. The whole universe lines up for you and your intention. This process should not be taken lightly, but respected for the power it offers.I call upon the South, West, North, East, Below, Above and the Center in a clockwise manner to create my circle. I call upon my ancestors, guides, Higher Self, angels, elementals, power animals, and all my relations on Earth. Each direction has its purpose, its personality, its element and its gift. Rather than tell you exactly how to do it, I encourage you to attend ceremonies and receive it live. The process varies from tradition to tradition and finding what resonates for you makes it real. Indigenous peoples of all races have used this so don't think because you are not Native American that you don't have the right to access it. The Celts practice it as well as Pagans and Wiccans.When you have finished your ceremony or healing work, you need to release the directions in a counter clockwise manner and close sacred space. This is because the sacred space needs your intention to maintain its integrity. If you just leave the space hanging after you are done, then it can get energetically messy. Over time it will probably correct itself, but there is the danger of opening up energetic holes. Also, you need to let your guests go home. One might call it disrespectful that you never officially let them out!I continually find through my own experience that the methods used for thousands of years by our indigenous peoples have real merit in their present day application. These methods have been kept secret for a long time, but as we reclaim them, their wisdom is effortlessly revealed to us, welcoming us home to our power, our connectedness and our truth.Copywrite 2009 CC Treadway. All rights reserved.
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Be the Spiritual Master of Your LifeBy Stephen Thomson"…what one feels, but cannot describe nor talk about, is realization" — Rajarsi JanakanandaFor the last several years, I have been leading workshops, retreats and international trips to sacred places. There have been so many opportunities to share what I have learned with others, as well as having the first-hand opportunity to experience their own personal journeys. Over the years, it seemed the same issues were arising within the groups. The phrasing of questions about the spiritual path and way to proceed may have been articulated differently, but in essence remained the same. In part I heard people talking about interpretation of what they were learning and how to process what was happening. There was also the question of how to move ever shifting, ever changing belief, into reality. After all, we want to live our spiritual path from a place of knowing and first-hand knowledge, rather than from what someone else was saying or doing. In other words, we want to become masters. Not of everything, but certainly the master of the things we know and believe and apply it in our lives. This desire brings us to realization of the God of our truth, under whose guidance our lives are lived and measured.Each of us is looking for the right combination of techniques, teachings and practices to support our advancing state of spiritual consciousness. After all, we live in the age of communication, supported by technology, when information is more accessible than in any other time in recorded history. It stands to reason that the information we desire, the steps we need to take and answers we search for should be easily within our reach. And they are, but herein lay the problem. Easy access to all the different paths can create a feeling of being scattered in our single most important life purpose, the search for the Divine. Each of us, in our own personal way, need to sort through all the different flavors of paths. Our goal is to develop our own approach that will ultimately lead us to the freedom of first-hand knowing and personal growth.There is so much written these days, which supports our advancing states of consciousness. Yet, many of the simple formulas of the day do not always include all the information we need. The missing pieces and results we seek come only with time and living a conscious path, integrating all we have learned and experiencing it with every breath. We have become a land of people who are extremely well educated and knowledgeable in the area of spirit. Our spiritual legacy, like that of our entire Universe, is about advancing over long periods of time, as exemplified in the span of a lifetime. Long-term advancement comes from volition, the unerring, unwavering and an unstopping desire to progress.There have been common threads in the journeys of the people I have met along the way. These stepping stones make up a practical approach that has brought lasting change and advancement on their path. These steps require persistence, accompanied with a large dose of bravery. In some cases this meant that in order to move forward some kinds of sacrifice had to be made in order to move on. That takes a lot of guts. To give up all the things that create safety in our lives — friends, family or a home, are in some cases required. In the end, whatever action was taken was necessary in order to live a more simplified life, allowing more time and space for spiritual advancement.Here are just a few of the common threads on the path, I have observed along the way. I can promise nothing new in the points below. They are after all the basics to all spiritual philosophies. The value here lies with the opportunity to review these important keys to the doorway of our unfolding journey and soul.What is My PathAlong the way, I have been asked by many people, "What is my path?" Much of our confusion in this regard comes from the fact that we live in an era when more is the key word. Furthermore, we believe having or doing more will relate to a faster progress on the path to becoming the spiritual person we aspire to be. Our path is what is in front of us today. So many people think it is other, as in other places, other people or other things. Our path is reflected in every aspect of our being, from the place we live, to the work we do and includes the people we love. It is in these parts of our lives that we will find the essence of our journey. Karma has brought us to this life and we will breathe our last breath when our work on Earth is done. In between are the days filled with interesting experiences and a whole range of emotional ups and downs. If we can learn to be objective, take a step back and review was is happening to us in the moment, we will begin to see the unfolding of the Divine plan for our lives. Our work is clearly laid out before us. To ask, "what is my path," is probably not a true representation of what we are asking. What we are probably talking about is something else, like our ability to be comfortable in our skin and expressing our desire for life to be easier or understanding the path and made clear for us.Taking Time for OurselvesAbove all other demands in life, the people I met cherished and disciplined themselves to make time to be alone. Time spent in meditation, yoga, writing in their journal or just being quiet, is one of the most cherished acts for the mystical journey into self. This time allows for reflection on how things are going in life. In our quiet time, the opportunity also exists to make sure we are maintaining steadfast focus on our personal goals. Separating ourselves from the demands of everyday life and others can be one of the single most difficult hurdles we face in life. Making time for ourselves is an act of bravery. The bravery comes from a willingness to be alone and take a serious look at ourselves. Taking back our power from others by refusing to be ruled by a concern for how we will appear to others. Or what they will think of us. That we may be seen as odd or peculiar takes a lot of guts. And although technology has simplified our world, it has placed more demands on our privacy and intruded on our personal space. Finding time to be quiet and alone for example, has become increasingly challenging for even to beginner geek. The cell phone facilitates easy access to one another, no matter where we are in the world. Emails and text messages take up precious minutes in each day. Many of us are left wondering what we did with our day. If we count up the techno minutes, we will quickly see where our time was spent.TrustingFirst of all, we need to learn to trust ourselves and what's inside our heart and soul. This is the key to all the doors in our advancement that lay before us. When we look around at our lives and the people in it, we can remember so many examples of the times we went down the wrong road, in stark contrast to the direction we received from within. The proof of who we are rests in the way we have lived our lives in relation to our ideals and the impulses from our soul. Our lives may not reflect the Divine nature we know is at the core of our very breath. Instead, we break our own trust when we are not acting in accordance with our higher-self. Furthermore, as we continue our journey and make progress through our practices, the gap between the material and spiritual parts of our being widen and seemingly become more polarized. It's as if two very distinct people populate the same body. This can become another factor in finding it harder to trust ourselves. To start to become aware of the importance of this contradiction within us, ultimately leads to an understanding that it's not about the Divine or the Universe or the laws of nature we don't trust, it is ourselves. The more defined the two parts of our nature becomes, the less in control we can feel. In time, with awareness, we can come to a place when were listen to the soul voice within, the spiritual pacemaker within each of us. In this place we truly experience the peace we desire and a strong, loving trust for ourselves.Living in Our HeartLiving in our heart is another common thread. To begin living a life in love asks us to unlearn just about every emotional and personal skill so that we can move forward on our path. To walk each day from our heart is an active process and not a mindset. If we are willing to move through life in this way, we will begin to trust ourselves and no longer feel threatened or have a need to defend ourselves in the face of everyday life. To live in our heart means we feel the connection of being one with everyone and everything. No longer separate or apart, we begin to see the Divine spark everywhere. A sense of isolation dissipates along with any need to be critical about those around us. In short, all the mental noise about whether we are living our path in a right or wrong way is gone. All that remains is peace, love and harmony in our lives. To be with others in love means we no longer being focused on others differences or our own. All thoughts of difference, distance or separation between others and us becomes inconsequential when we are living in our heart. This step took me a long time to get. I finally figured it out last year in Peru. I started to visualize myself with all my thoughts being rooted in my heart center. I walked around and thought from my heart, not my head. All the noise in my head disappeared. If I met someone, I moved my consciousness to my heart center and observed how different I felt and how different everyone else seemed to me. I was able to enjoy all the parts of others I met, without feeling apart or separate from another or myself.Divine OrderThere are really only a few karmic conditions we are working through in our lives. These are the core three or four issues that will appear time and again. They usually appear early in our life and continue to be the subject of each succeeding day. Depending on how we view these core and fundamental parts of our being, we can feel a whole range of emotions from ego gratification and satisfaction, to feeling discouraged and defeated. There is a way to respond to the repeating themes of our lives and sidetrack the need to give up our peace to the accompanying roller coaster ride of emotions. We can do this by rededicating ourselves to our path each day, remembering our spiritual principals and actively working with our practices. Another idea is to think about our lives as an upward spiral. The mental picture of a symbol with upward movement creates a sense of progression. We like to feel as though we are making progress. Using this symbol can create an antidote for the times we may find ourselves discouraged by what feels like very familiar territory time and again. In these moments, the key is to stop and ask ourselves how our responses are different in the same set of circumstances. The proof of our advancement is most often seen by our responses to everyday life. This is a sure fire way to witness the long-lasting change within our soul we all working toward through our persistent spiritual efforts. Remember, we are always in the right place and living under the right conditions for our soul growth. Everything in every moment is in Divine order.No DramaThere was also the issue of drama. We seem to be conditioned to the amount of drama in our lives, equaling a life worth living. Like our current President, applying a no drama rule to life brings a tremendous amount of freedom and time to each day. The freedom comes from no longer being embroiled in emotionally charged situations, most of which we have no control over. By affirming in our own lives the intention to no longer participate sets comic law into action. No longer will we be drawn to create chaos in our lives or participate in those of others. To become centered within ourselves, balanced and harmonious requires us to be discriminating in where we go and how we spend our time. In the end the question remains. How much of our hard-earned peace are we willing to give up for other peoples dramas?Simplify, Simplify, SimplifyGetting rid of things is very important. This includes material possessions, ways of thinking and acting and in some rare cases people in our lives. Think of it this way. As a part of our journey, we want our lives to change and we want to move forward. How can we do this with closets filled with old clothes we no longer wear (couldn't get into if we wanted to), or any number of other items of memorabilia that keeps us frozen in the past. It is contradictory to store away possessions that hold a memory or create a high emotional charge for us. There are lots of ways of riding ourselves of our stuff. The easiest is to rent a dumpster and go at our junk for a time each day until the air fills clear. No matter in what way we choose to simplify, our hearts will feel lighter.
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Feeling the Optimum ChoiceUsing the Expanded Sensory State and "Choice Fields"By Sarah BiermannThis technique is a fabulous way to guide your actions and decisions guided by your Greater Self's feeling sense.Note: Your Greater Self works with sensory information and images, so keep your focus on what you feel, both with your physical senses and the subtle knowing sense. This is that general sense you get when you think about people who you know well. If you are not sure what this is, try thinking about several different people and notice that you have a feeling about each one that is beyond the physical descriptions or stories you share. You get a feeling about the totality of "who they are". This is a feeling sense in it's original, un-interpreted state, not yet subjected to correction or analysis with the logical mind.If any images pop into mind, you can use them too. Don't try to figure out what the images mean, it doesn't matter and it takes you back to your logical mind.I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to develop this expanded feeling sense. This is the way that your Greater Self, your God Self functions. This is the pathway from limited Human thinking to expanded God Self knowing.Going Into the Expanded Sensory StateBegin by taking a series of deep, relaxing breaths.1) Imagine the breath coming in through the top of your head and moving through your body and out your feet. As it goes through let it take all the tension, stress, thoughts and worries out of your body and into the earth. Repeat until you feel a shift in your body.2) Imagine the breath coming up from the center of the earth, through your feet and out the top of you head. This breath enlivens all the cells in your body. It creates a fountain over your head that flows down the outside of your body, soothing and relaxing. Do several of these breaths.3) Now breathe in through your head and feet at the same time. These energized breaths meet at your center, combine and expand out like a bubble, filling your body and your being, and continue expanding out. Keep breathing and expanding. Imagine the cells of your body are being separated slightly as the breath flows between them. Go smaller so the breath is flowing between your molecules, then atoms, and finally your photons (particles of light). Imagine your body becoming more fluid and malleable. Keep your focus on your senses. Feel your body and stay aware of you breathing.Once you are in this expanded sensory state you can create morphic fields* of potential future situations. Imagine something that you would like to create. We'll use work as an example. Imagine how that work would feel. Do not try to imagine what the work is, where it is or how you will achieve it, stay with how your optimum work feels. Notice how your body feels when you create this state of your optimum work as if it is already accomplished. You have succeeded. Feel gratitude for the Universe in supporting your desire.Now expand that feeling out. Breathe in the truth of your Soul or God Self, energize the feeling and expand it out to fill the world. Imagine it as a beautiful wave, which is what it is. This is how you create synchronicity. Your wave goes out and people and things that match that wave come into your path. This is how you create synchronistic experiences.Regular practice makes this stronger. You can also link this feeling to a physical item like a stone or a picture. The link reminds you to access this state and create your wave and it also facilitates the process.As you are presented with options in life (we'll continue with the example of work), check if they match the feeling of the optimum work, or not. Here's how you do this.Start by going into the Expanded Sensory State (above). Once you are there stand up somewhere where there is at least a few feet in front of you.1) Place your attention to the situation about which you need to make a choice. Stay with the feelings only! Think about choice A and imagine that in front of you there is a morphic field which contains what it feels like if you make that choice. You can set up the choice fields to different times. For instance, you could have choice A in one week, and in one month and in six months etc. Sometimes a choice can feel good at first, but the long term potential is not so good.. Trust that you know how to do this.2) Step (physically) into the Choice Field, take a breath and notice how that choice feels in your body. Don't analyze what it means or even try to put names to the feelings, simply feel.3) Repeat with choice B. Create the field, step into it, breathe and feel.4) Ask your Greater Self if there is another choice that you may not now know about that could be even better and more expansive for you. Step into that field and notice how that feels.5) Which choice feels best to you? Which choice matches the feeling of the optimum work? Perhaps one feels even better than what you created in the beginning.You can use this process for anything, work, relationships, health etc. You don't need to know why one choice is better than another. That is Old Energy mental thinking. In the New Energy you feel, trust those feelings and act on them. When possibilities present themselves to you, use this process to feel if that choice feels like what you desire to create. Then take action. Register for the class, apply for the job or attend that event (whatever it is). Stay aware and watch for more possibilities that present themselves.*A morphic field is a field of energy and information that underlies the form and behavior of morphic units**. Morphic fields contain a kind of cumulative memory and tend to become increasingly habitual.**A morphic unit is a unit of form or organization, such as an atom, molecule, crystal, cell, plant, animal, pattern of instinctive behavior, social group, element of culture, ecosystem, planet, planetary system, or galaxy.
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Opening to ReceiveBy Sarah BiermannReceiving is one of the words that is used a lot in metaphysical circles, especially in relationship to "being willing to receive" money.Let's look at the definition.Receive: From Latin recipere, meaning "regain, take back"It's a combination of the prefix re- which had two meanings "again" and "back to the original place", + -cipere, which is a form of capere "to take" (see capable).To receive means to take again and to take back to the original place.The underlying energy of receiving is that you are taking back something that was yours to begin with. You are going back to the original place (or state of being). What is the original place?It's Unity and Oneness with Creator.How cool is that?Cycles of CreationOnce upon a time, all that is was united within Creator. This oneness contained infinite possibilities yet none of them were manifest. And then creation began as the One divided into parts. And those parts split into smaller parts. Creator fragmented its energies, separating, forgetting, and lowering frequencies. Osiris/Ahrazu calls this the Outbreath of Creator. Life continued to divide down to the level of an individual Being that we call the Higher Self or Oversoul. There are many places in the universe that are inhabited by beings like this. They cannot die and so know themselves to be infinite.The Infinite Beings then fragmented themselves into individual Souls, which entered into incarnation. Within each incarnation are even more separate parts, including the mind and body, and even smaller aspects like the inner child, inner man, inner woman, rebel and critic. We have also created aspects for different roles in our lives like child, student, lover, spouse, parent, teacher, etc.For eons of time these parts have existed mostly unconsciously. The average man in the Middle Ages was not consciously aware of his different aspects within that single life, much less having memories of past lives or between life experiences.Now we are in an Inbreath period, when it is the will of Creator to draw the fragmented energies back together. It is a time of remembering, uniting and raising our frequencies. We are receiving (taking back to the original place of oneness) the energies and consciousnesses that were scattered and forgotten.The consciousness of most humans for most of our history was radically different than who we are now. We imagine that our ancestors had the same awareness and understanding that we do, but they didn't. For thousands of years people lived in a reality that was dominated by simple survival. When you don't know if you will survive the next winter, there's not much time or energy to be spared for contemplation or introspection. Our ancestors believed (and many people still do) that evil was a Being that ran around trying to tempt them into trouble. Evil was something that is outside of the self. If you think about it, our psychological concept of good and bad being within every person has only existed for a few generations. Man's awareness of self has shifted radically in just the last 100 years. And this process has only just begun.Getting back to receiving…One thing I have noticed is that metaphysically speaking, we think of receiving as being a passive experience. The feminine energy is described as being receptive and passive while the masculine energy is described as being active. In my long quest to become a "receiver" (not the radio kind) it seems to me that it takes intention and even effort to receive. I have had to stay conscious and aware enough to catch myself before I follow my usual pattern of not receiving.One time my neighbor (a man) said to me, "You look really nice today," and I heard myself respond, "Gee, what must I usually look like?" I did not receive his compliment. The poor guy got embarrassed, tried to find some response that didn't get him into more trouble and got away from me as fast as possible.What happened here?An emotion that is suppressed doesn't go away, it stays in storage. Imagine a glass of water. The glass is you and the water is suppressed and stored emotions. The compliment from my neighbor was like a gemstone. He dropped the gem (compliment) into my glass and the stored emotion (shame) splashed out. And the poor guy got all wet!This is a natural process that happens automatically. Your system is designed that way in order to clear the suppressed emotions. This is what happens when you don't make the effort to stop it. So, to receive the compliment you must actively control the process. This doesn't mean that you stuff the emotion back down again. Instead, you consciously feel it, knowing it's just old stuff on its way out. When my neighbor said that I looked nice I would feel the shame come up, take a breath, let it go and respond, "Thank you".That is a small example of what happens on a much larger scale. Most of us have a large repository of suppressed emotions and experiences, from this and previous lives. To receive love and acceptance requires that we empty out our glass of hurt and rejection. Most of what is in storage is unconscious. You are not aware that it is there. To have real intimacy sounds great, intellectually, we all want that, but when the opportunity arrives it can be terrifying. You don't know what it is, but you can feel that something "really bad" will happen.The "really bad" thing that happens is that you will feel all the intense emotions as they come out. The reason they are in storage is that you didn't want to have them in the first place. This is the "shadow", your shadow emotions. (You do not suppress happiness or the other "good" emotions.) The shadow emotions include hopelessness, helplessness, anger, fear, shame, guilt and powerlessness and despair.In order to fully receive, you must be willing to feel the "really bad" emotions as well as the good ones. Every shadow energy that you reject creates a limitation in what you can receive, in love, intimacy and money. Remember the Inbreath Cycle? Now is the time to receive all those energies that you have not been conscious of or have suppressed. Yes, you get to remember the powerful and glorious Creator Being that you really are. You get to remember the amazingly wonderful things that you have created and done. You also get to remember the amazingly horrible things that you have created and done.The Give and Take OverlayAnother reason we have difficulty receiving is a major implant or program called the Give and Take Overlay. This is the balance sheet we keep of how much we have given compared to how much we have received. You want to make sure that you haven't received too much because that leaves you with a debt. Then when that person asks you for something, you feel like you can't say "no". After all, you owe them, right?The whole "give and take" overlay is a major part of the energy stealing that goes on here. When functioning within this overlay (and it's big) every time you give to someone, there is the assumption that now they owe you. This system of "give and take" plays out very strongly in sexual relationships. There are a multitude of usually unspoken rules (often unconscious as well) about what you are supposed to do when the other person does something. Below are a few of the better-known rules.- If a man buys a woman dinner, she now "owes" him sex.- If a woman flirts with a man then she owes him sex (or she is a "prick tease").- If two people have sex, after that they are supposed to talk on the phone regularly.- If one person performs oral sex then the other person should do it back.The "give and take" scenario happens on a more subtle level as well, at the level of energy. Let's look at the pattern of a typical Old Energy relationship. At the beginning of a relationship people generally flow energy to each other. Since part of this overlay makes us believe that there is limited energy available, when someone is generously flowing us energy it feels good, really good. This part is called "falling in love".Later on something happens and one person slows down the flow, unconsciously of course. The other notices this, also unconsciously, and he also slows down the flow. This is the beginning of a downward cycle that doesn't feel good and ends with each person trying to take energy from the other. "You took from me and now you owe me," is the unconscious belief. This mostly ends badly, as I'm sure you have experienced.Simultaneous GiftingTake a moment to imagine you have given someone a gift, perhaps you have offered to drive her kids home from school, or to help with something more significant, like to drive her to her chemotherapy appointment. Or maybe it was a physical gift, like a blouse that you are sure she will love. Your intentions are pure, you would love to have your gift received. But, the recipient says, "No, thanks, you don't have to do that." Or doesn't like your gift. Do you remember how that felt? Didn't it feel really bad? Think of how many times someone offered you a gift and you refused it. Now you know how that person felt.Now let's look at the opposite experience. (I'm sure you've had it.) You gave someone a special gift and that person absolutely loved it and received it fully. Do you remember how good that felt to have your gift received in that way? At that moment were you thinking that now the other person owed you a really great gift in return? Or was your "gift" the amazing pleasure you received when the other person could and did receive from you?Of course, the most amazing experience you can have is to offer the gift of YOU and have it received fully. How amazing!Simultaneous Gifting is one of the fabulous possibilities that are now becoming available to us. Can you imagine a world where the old "give and take" program was gone and we got to live in the expansive, joyous experience of Simultaneous Gifting?Clearing the Limitations to Receiving.Now is the time to clear your deepest fears and your limitations to receiving. Since you must be able to receive to have abundance, your deepest fear might be financial ruin. Since you must be able to receive to have intimate relationships and great sex, your deepest fear might be the loss of a lover or that you will never have these experiences at all. Since you must be able to receive to live as your GREATER SELF / MASTER, your deepest fear might be not knowing that part, or loosing your life.You might be experiencing all three!Here are some suggestions to help you to clear those fears and limitations:With every thought, emotion and even physical symptoms, ask, "Is this mine?" You are way more psychic than you even realize. I have found that on average between 75% to 95% of the thoughts and feeling that people experience on a daily basis are not theirs! Just asking the question will start to release the outside energies. Use the Golden Mesh frequently. You can use my free guided process Using the Golden Mesh.When an emotion comes up, let it flow, feel it fully. It is on it way out. Instead of saying "Oh no, not this again", say, "Thank God, here it comes up and out for good!" Whatever it is, feel the emotion fully. A lot of people believe that you should not have negative feelings because you don't want to create more of that in your reality. But pushing the emotion back down doesn't make it go away. Whether you are conscious of it or not, the emotion is still there. Remember, your system is always working to clear the suppressed emotions. If you don't let it out consciously, then you will create a scenario that will bring it up for you.You can actively bring up the limitations (old patterns and implants) by asking this question, "What am I unwilling to receive that if I were willing would result in my being fabulously abundant (or in an intimate, sexy relationship or feeling and being my Greater Self in this reality) now?" You don't need to understand what comes up, simply feel it. Then breathe and Mesh it out or toss it into the "Un-create Wormhole" or whatever works for you. Keep asking these questions and clearing what comes up. Trust that you can clear or un-create those patterns of energy in an instant.Imagine scenarios in which you are receiving on a grand scale. You could receive compliments, money, sex, intimacy, respect, adoration, joy, your Greater Self, etc. Enjoy how it feels and expand that out at least as big as our Solar System. If anything comes up that would prevent you from having that experience, simply notice it, feel it, breathe and let it go. Stay really aware. If all you are getting is that you would be very happy to receive all that, then you are not accessing the limitations. You do have some beliefs that if you were able to receive those things something undesirable would happen. If you didn't, you would have them already!And remember to take some time to feel gratitude for what you do have. And for who you are. You may not be perfect, but that is not what is required. You are lovable and completely deserving just as you are
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Energies of 2009 By Sarah Biermann

Energies of 2009By Sarah BiermannThe Universal Number for year 2009 is the Master Number 11/2 (2+0+0+9=11, 1+1= 2). It's the first 11-year to occur since 1910! That means that most people alive today have never experienced this event!Any time a Master Number is prominent, energies are intensified. 2009 promises to be momentous, not just each individual, but for everyone in the world who lives by the modern calendar.11 is the number of the Vision, Visionary or Spiritual Messenger. The number 1 by itself represents leadership and intuition, so the number 11 is two 1's - it is a partnership of leadership and drive that is unlike any other. 11 carries a very intuitive and spiritually charged energy. This is a year to act on your intuition and wisdom, and to step into (or more into) a leadership position. 2009 is being powered by visionary & humanitarian principles of change. Change for the greater good of all.Astrologically, the Number (11) is associated with the Planet Uranus, known as "The Great Awakener". It's the sudden flash of light that exposes the things that have been hidden and kept secret. We've certainly been seeing a lot of that in the world. In your individual life this light exposes those parts of your self that you have suppressed, your personal shadow energies. These judged and rejected energies need to be received back with love.By the way the word light adds up to 11!L I G H T3+9+7+8+2 = 29 (2+9 = 11)And change:C H A N G E3+8+1+5+7+5=29 (2+9 = 11)Another by the way, 29/11/2 is President Elect Barack Obama's Destiny/Life Path Number (numbers of birthday added up). He was born on 8/4/1961. 8+4+1+9+6+1=29. How cool is that!All numbers have a higher expression and a lower expression. The higher expression of 11 is intuition, vision, spiritual communication, rapid or sudden transformation, insight, humanitarianism and balanced leadership. The lower expression of 11 is overwhelm, fear and phobias and rebellion. The challenge this year is to trust and have faith in your self. View everything from the higher vantage point of your Greater Self. It is going to be extra important to maintain contact with people who remind us of our true nature and help us stay in the higher expression of our selves.Throughout 2009 we will continue to have influence of the Uranus/Saturn opposition that charged up the energy on Election Day in the US. The last time this aspect occurred was in the 60's, and you know what happened then! I certainly do as I was living near Berkeley during that time.This is a year of choice between the old energy/rules of Saturn and the new energy/vision of Uranus. These oppositions will continue through the summer of 2010. It's a major theme for our time.Saturn in Virgo affects our guts and digestive systems. Uranus in Pisces amps up the nervous energy in and around us, affecting our endocrine balance and sleep patterns. So many people, myself included have had disrupted sleep and unusual digestion. As the nerves get stimulated you can go into fear, which affects the bowels. Once again, it's so important to stay out of the fear based mentality and connect with people who understand the new energy and can help you to sustain your higher vantage point.Another important aspect for 2009 is that Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, vision and the search for truth is in electric Aquarius, which is associated with Uranus. Jupiter will stay in this placement throughout the year until the middle of January, 2010. Aquarius energy is about compassion, uniqueness, innovation, far out and futuristic thinking and inventions, and collaboration. So Jupiter's placement in Aquarius expands the mysteries of innovative, unique, avant-garde, revolutionary experiences designed to maximize the evolution of consciousness.And Obama has Jupiter in Aquarius in his natal chart too.The themes for 2009 are to express your unique self, expand your vision and expect the unexpected. Another important theme this year and for the future is community. As I said before, it's really important for us to connect with our spiritual families, those people who support our expanded vision and remind us of our true nature as a Spiritual Being having a human experience. Western culture has valued self-sufficiency above all else. This has created an environment of competition and isolation. And many Lightworkers have had difficulty receiving, preferring to give. This has left many people in a difficult situation financially. This is changing now, it must. Reach out, take a chance and and join with like minded people to support each other.
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The Earth-Keeper ChroniclesFebruary 2009 : EKC Issue : 27 - AA Metatron ChannelThe Cosmic Trigger of March 2009'The Return of the Firmament of the Dove'Archangel Metatron via James TyberonnGreetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all.I sense each of you as you read these words in your present moment. Feel my energy embrace you in grace and love ! I know you Dear Ones, each of you, by name.Now we speak this moment on a topic of great interest, that which may be termed the Return of the Dove. Masters, the Coming of the Dove is the return to the Magno-Crystalline Firmament as a requisite consummation of the Ascension.The dawning of the return is occurring on the March 20th Equinox in 2009, in which long dormant magnetic codes will be reactivated in specific generation points on the earth. Indeed, this equinox will initiate an incredibly intense energy for 21 days in fervid momentum through the post equinox full moon on April 9th. Dear Ones, all of you will discernibly feel the piercing frequency generated. It will be the most powerful and fervent magnetic waves released on the planet since the fall of the Firmament in the antediluvian age during an era in which the earth's magnetic field was exponentially stronger than in current times. This release will be triggered by a download of cosmic crystalline energies received specific in pyramidal transmitting complexes in order to reseed and activate these ancient magnetic codes across the length and breadth of the planet.The Firmament of the DoveWe have spoken to you previously about the rebirth of the new Planetary Firmament. This will externalize as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequencial arches that will encircle the earth as it did aeons ago. One of these is Electro-Magnetic in Nature, and the other Crystalline.These will revolve above the 144 double-penta dodecahedron of the 144 Grid. In highly technical terms, which we realize will be meaningless to many, the firmament will perform the function of transducing supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric step-down to interface the grid, thus enabling full circuitry integration of the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified Field from Tula, the Great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the firmament will transform powerful celestial energy waves into a benevolent form that can be more easily received on the earthplane.So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is an enormous transformer and surge protector ! It is what will make the 144-Grid truly crystalline. In kind you may consider, in similar analogy, that the 144-Grid is your planets new server program, called Windows 2012, enabling a vast array of new programs for humanity and the Earth!Now, the initial phase of the new Firmament will begin with downloads through specific portals of crystalline adamantine light or Akash. These activating downloads will be received primarily through the major Phi Pyramidal octahedron energies and structures across the planet. This will in turn activate a magnanimous fountaining of these ancient magnetic codes within key sites, some of which have not been heretofore recognized.Indeed these energies once synergistically combined and harmonically attuned over the few next years with the crystalline activation will be the fabric of the New Earth, and will benefit the planet in serendipitous ways, embellishing the planetary grid- portals to the splendor of the crystalline frequency.Pyramidal Receival and DistributionAmong the receiving points of the March 20-April 9 Cosmic Light Triggers are :The Pyramids of GizaThe Moody Gardens Pyramid Complex of Galveston, TexasThe Louvre Pyramid in Paris, FranceChitzen Itza in the YucatanThe Summum Pyramid in Salt Lake CityThe Meru Phi Temples of Thailand, Cambodia and IndonesiaThe Brihadishwara and Airateswara Temples in IndiaThe Red Pyramid at Dashur.Receival will also occur in certain powerpoints and natural pyramidal mountains emitting the octahedronal phi such as the Walsh Pyramid in Australia, Mt Edith Cavell in Canada, and the Materhorn in the Alps. These will also receive the crystalline magnetic trigger. The targeted magnetic codes that will awaken have been reticent on the planet since the initial days of Mu, Rama, Ignacious and Atlantis, aeons ago.The primary receiving points are Giza and Moody Gardens, both aligned and harmonically attuned tri-pyramidal phi complexes. It is in fact the trinity aspects of combining three pyramids within these two complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens that uniquely equips them to be the primary receival units. These will in turn distribute the energies to the other complexes through harmonic oscillation. Pyramids are indeed master receivers and transmitters. When they are triangulated, as they were in Atlantis and Rama, they are infinitely more vibrant and capable.Ancient Contract of the Earth-Keeper GuildMany of you will be drawn intuitively to participate in this as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise kept. Especially those of you with lifetimes in the Guild of Earth-Keepers and the Guild of 777, which includes segments of the Templars, Druids, Olmecs, Indigenous Shaman, Mayans, Hopi, Essenes, Egyptian, Atlantean Enochians, Thothians and the Atla-Ra. In these lifetimes the Guilds worked to raise the frequencies of terrestrial electromagnetic energies in the form of leylines, earthen grids, vortex-portal systems and sacred geometric temples after these conscious energies were transferred into the Earth from the 'break-up' firmament.The Antediluvian Firmament of Pre-Duality EarthNow, we have told you that the original firmament was also composed of two elliptical energy fields around the earth. Yet the two bands differed in frequency and composition from arcs of the new firmament being formed. The ancient firmament had one arc that was electrical in nature the other magnetic. One emanated the energy of crystalline platinum, the other of crystalline gold. The two created a synergetic crystalline field within zero point energy that permeated the earth and allowed for ontological, fully aware, consciousness in a unified, (non-polar) multidimensional state before the planet became a world of duality.When duality was chosen, the firmament fell by design, and was replaced by a planetary grid. Your ancient text refer to this as the 'Fall of Man', we prefer to say that the Earth became a unique school at this time for soul growth amid those souls who chose the linear expansion experience of humanity within the grid system.The firmament served in a unique capacity that not only fine tuned Cosmic and Crystalline Light, but sustained all life in a manner similar to sun. The elliptical arches of the firmament brought in a polished visible flashing aspect of Adamantine Essence (Akash) that often appeared as glittering etheric particulate, that enabled consciousness to fully transform resonate divine thought into instant manifestation. It was how beings entering the pre-duality earth manifested physical and semi-physical bodies. It appeared in the skies as two elliptical arches that glowed at night in iridescent colors similar to what you call the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. The elliptical bands intersected and swirled and revolved in a gyroscopic manner around the planet. The width and omnipotent frequency of the elliptical bands vacillated and created an audible tone with the creative light vibration of OMM. It danced in the sky often forming and emitting kaleidoscopic eddies that appeared as a luminous angelic-white doves spiraling in brief flight across the heavens. A sense of protection and empowered well-being radiated the planet.The 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012The new 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012 will entail a combined electo-magnetic band in a single unit, and will be synergistically paired with an arc of crystalline frequency. It will indeed sustain mankind and enable a quickening of thought manifestation for those capable of raising the MerKiVic energies to the highest level, the level of the 24-point star. And Dear Ones remember as you work to raise the MerKaBa into the MerKiVa, that these are Metatronic geometric templates, necessary for you to rise into higher dimension. They are in zero field, devoid of gender format, neither feminine nor masculine, but of the Divine Integrity of your non-polar, integral soul! Approach their formation as such, in pure balance!The Awakening of the Dove - Magnetic FountainsThere are 14 primary sacred code points that will cascade the awakened coded magnetics into the grid for the initial phase of the magno-electric band of the new firmament. These are:1) Mull, Scotland2) Chan Chan, Peru3) Humac, Brazil4) Nagasaki, Japan5) Huace, Spain6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mtns)7) Bethlehem, Israel8) Yellowstone, Wyoming-USA9) Kilamanjaro, Tanzania10) Iceland11) Kona, Hawaii12) Mt Cook, New Zealand13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia14) Sri LankaThese areas will spiral energies that will cover the planet and rise to the ionosphere. This release will be an extraordinary form of refined magnetic energy, uniquely capable of harmonizing in synergistic utility with Crystalline Energies.Gestation of the Crystalline ArcThe Crystalline Energies will in kind be initially activated in gestation for the second band of the new firmament between the trigger dates of the September Equinox of 2010 and the 10-10-10. This then is the second stage of the gestation of the new dual-arc firmament. Yet the Firmament of the Dove will not complete itself until all the Master Atlantean Crystals are empowered and the 144 Grid is in full function on December 21, 2012. Indeed as we have stated the firmament will require just under two years after the Ascension to obtain full power and harmonic function with the grid. It will go into 50% power in March of 2013, and achieve full power in September of 2014.The March 09 Cosmic-TriggerSo the March 09 trigger is a predestined revitalization of sacred encoded technology. The Atlantean Masters knew of the code and utilized it in their technology. The unique electo-magnetic field from which this energy springs was understood by the Atla-Ra, Druids, Mayan and certain other guilds including the inner chambers of the Templars. It is the same source employed in leylines, dragon lines, vortexes and earthen grids. Yet only a small sect of savants and secret societies knew how to tap into it. As such it has remained largely dormant for millennia upon millennia.The opening triggered by the 09 March Equinox will be the first 'full-throttle' opening of this energy since the Atlantean era. It affords numerous benefits and benevolent secondary-effects beyond the primary cause of transferring the sacred magno-concentrate to the firmament. Among these is a greater awakening of the magnetic helix strands of the 12- strand human DNA and a key unification effect on the collective mind of humanity. All life on Earth, all energy on earth in every kingdom will be affected, indeed it is a multidimensional Global Event.The Intergalactic ForefathersDuring the 21 days, the magnetic shield around the planet will be somewhat weakened in a rebooting effect. During this time there will be literally thousands of ships from the Intergalactic Command of Ashtar and the Intergalactic -Brotherhood of benevolent Masters brought to the periphery of the planet to provide stability and protection and oversee the transition while this phase of 'open portals' occurs. In fact these Star Ancestors are your extra terrestrial origin, and all of you co exist within them. As such they always helping your seed planet, but in this planned scenario, they will be present in vastly greater mass.The two elliptical bands will take their initial paired form, after the completion of the 144 Grid on the 12-12-12. They will not rotate in full capacity until 2014.Galveston Island - Head of the DoveThe most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate these points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. This unique trinity pyramid complex is in a direct alignment to Giza, and correlates to magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in-situ within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to one another. We will speak more on this later.The New EarthThe world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot issue as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did yesterday (in linear terms). All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.Yet the heralded Ascension it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary consciousness.It is Jacobs ladder, and Dear ones, when you are on a ladder, you are ascending, descending or standing still. It is one of the three you see. It is always so.MerKiVic Expansion into Collective MindWhile on this journey mankind can experience the multidimensional aspect of the Unified Field within the Crystalline Vibration and be able thru MerKaBic and MerKiVic geometric expression to revisit many of their co-existing articulations within multidimensionality and parallel. And at each of these junctures another layer and aspect of awareness is realized. As such mankind is given the opportunity to rise above duality and integrate and retrieve the fragments and unite the full soul into the Seat of Power of Divine SELF within the eternal NOW. This is the MerKiVic expansion into collective Mind. This will be a focal role of the 12-strand DNA unification that can begin in MerKiVic state within the activation of the 2009 March Equinox.Many many of you are now drawn into this awareness, driven by the flames of inner desire for Universal Truth. This is why your present spiritual communities are especially teeming with healers, channelers, teachers, facilitators, Grid workers, Earth-Keepers and Light Practitioners of every kind. Because those who have opened and sought diligently the burning call of Divine Spirit into their lives cannot help but glow in its glorious flame, and expand to share it with others.Sacred Sites as Tuning ForksThe Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites , phi complexes and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific purpose are the distribution mechanisms of the higher energy required to upshift the resonant frequency of your planet. They are tuning forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause. The exude the energy of 'home', of well-being, and those of you who enter into them in spiritual intent recognize this immediately. Accordingly one cannot help but want to be within them and absorb the pattern emitted within such areas in order to grow into and share the expansion of perfection. Those who dedicate themselves to this tuning can expereince a nearness to Source that they feel is less available to them elsewhere. But the truth is that these fine-tuned energies are osmotic frequential schools, and once absorbed, once matriculated, the energy is retained within the established individuals MerKiVa.Many areas on the planet have then already ascended, via portal-lattices that may be called the stairways to heaven, and other areas require a bit more work.Specific areas that are a bit more dense now require more work to clear, and as a tertiary effect of the March Cosmic trigger and harmonic magnetic code awakening, the portals referenced in the Homecoming of the Metaphorical Dove, will bring in the lighter energy for that specific purpose. You see global frequencial balance must be attained. Each of you Earth-Keepers play a role in this. Indeed you become portable resonators.Lightening Dense EnergyThe Moody Gardens Pyramid complex of Galveston is one such area. Among this powerful complexes myriad utility, is its correlation to serve in lightening an area of 'energetic density', the area of Houston, Texas. Houston is in many aspects the corporate 'Energy Capital of the World', if one considers that your planet is driven by the hydrocarbons of oil and gas. Most of your Global Oil Companies are located or represented in this area. But let us be clear, it is not your use of hydrocarbons as a power source, per sei, that is the principal polluter of the energies of which we speak, rather it is the greed and manipulation of distributing them.Indeed there are far better sources of energy available, but Dear Ones, the Earth, the sentience of the planet, does not release any resources unwillingly. We tell you the same dense aspect requiring clearing exist in Wall Street (New York) and many of the corporate centers around many of your global major cities, It is not the business or industries themselves, not the day to day workers, but rather the greedy tactics of the profit plans.It is not to imply that equitable returns on investment are not just, indeed abundance exchange is appropriate in the new paradigm, but the distribution and exchange must be befittingly balanced in the new energy, for the desired perfection. That is why your economies are rebooting. As such specific new -missioned portals are forming around the planet to lighten these energies in tandem with the rebooting. Many existing portals are taking on new roles, and many new ones, such as Moody Garden Pyramids in Galveston, Texas are essentially reforming over the past decade. Others similar cleansing unit portals are emerging in major industrial and corporate cities across the planet.Anchoring the DoveNow in 2005 the channel with the Beloved Ronna Herman, conducted a ceremony within the Moody Gardens Pyramids to bring in the Golden Spiral. This was especially important, and all involved had a special role in this activity, an ancient contract was being completed. But we will tell you that other ceremonies had occurred previously, and the 2005 event has sparked many others to recognize the importance of these geometric Crystalline Light Temples.The Philanthropists who funded, originated and completed the project were extremely advanced souls. On an intuitive level, they understood the greater purpose of this complex. Shortly after completion, the ancient crystal skull Max, who is indeed of Arcturian construct, was taken into the complex for ceremonial attunement and anchoring of intent, by Joanne Parks, the caretaker of this potent crytsal skull at the request of the most advanced of the founders. There was indeed great purpose in this event. It was a homecoming, in effect. We tell you that an entourage of Arcturians joined them, and are involved in the refinement of the energies along with those of Sirius A and B. It is why Master Dolphins are inside the Blue Pyramid, the Aquarium unit. It is why the location is located on the beach front of the Gulf of Mexico but was undamaged by the recent ( and future) Hurricanes.Pyramids themselves are extremely powerful sacred geometric engines that by their nature and construct penetrate, receive and culminate higher dimensional forces. They are celestial transmitters of the supreme Gestalt that you think of as GOD.This very description of deity may not be understood by some of you, but nevertheless, you should not try to objectify the energy of ALL THAT IS. God is an omnipotent energy, the sum of all consciousness, and whose whole is far far more than the sum of its parts. Your ancients have always known that 'ALL THAT IS', can be accessed in stepped down format on the Earthplane through specific matrixes of geometric focus. Your 144-Crystalline Grid is one of these and your MerKiVa is another. The two are intricately magnetically interconnected. The grid is the living conscious MerKiVah of the collective Earth, of which mankind is an intimate part.The Three Pyramid AlignmentNow the three Pyramid complex on Galveston Island was indeed built in a strategic alignment, and for philanthropical and frequencial purpose. One unit is an aquarium housing Master Dolphins, another is a bio rainforest with a geological cave containing massive clusters of quartz crystal, and the third is an academic museum pyramid, glassed in copper tone.Appropriately constructed and spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or disavowed by your mainstream academia. And while the intent for which they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser energies to culminate or expand within them. Yet when approached with appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores and transmits data similar to quartz. According to how they are aligned both terrestrially and celestially they can create electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time. Both weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic ratios within and around them.Ancient Atlantean PyramidNow, approximately 5 miles from the area of Galveston Island, an ancient ceremonial Pyramid complex existed in a coastal region, now submerged and covered in the sedimentary silt and slime of the ages below Gulf waters. The Crystal Skull now called Max was among the 13 skulls located within it. The Moody Gardens Pyramids has taken on the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complexThe Moody Garden Pyramids are now fully harmonically attuned to the energies of the Giza complex and to a potent degree to the Yucatan Pyramids. We tell you that Pyramidal Temples exist in timelessness and co exists in parallel dimension within the timeless void. This is why the Pyramids at Giza can never be accurately aged because once constructed they surmount linear time and the nature of their energetic geometries supra-impose in parallel and emit etheric doubles in multi -dimensional timelessness. The paradox is that once built, they always existed. It is in fact this aspect and locale that inspired the philanthropical reconstruction of pyramids in this precise location for the Restitution of the Sanctuary and Sanctity of the Dove.The Coming of the Dove offers an energy portal and dimensional expansion to you that can offer a richer more rewarding sojourn with infinite ways in which to ascend Jacobs Ladder. The pre-Ascension brings a quickening and crucible that activates the expansion of TRUTH and the fire of AGNI within and without, and in so doing will allow you to choose a reality rather than have one chosen for you.Participation and Process of the March Cosmic TriggerIndeed this is a Cosmic Trigger in March and April is monumental event for the family of man, and it is a family of which we speak, one of which you are all a part. You can participate in this event, if you are so compelled, (and many of you are) by meditative visualization of all humanity connected in love.Form the star tetrahedron of the 8-pointed star around you, and begin toning the OMM. Practice the infinity breath and convert the 8-pointed star to the 12-pointed star of the MerKiVa.If you are in Western Hemisphere, focus on the Moody Gardens Pyramid complex in Texas. If you are in the Eastern Hemisphere, direct your energy to the Tri-Pyramids of Giza.For those of you in the Americas, picture the Blue Pyramid (of Sirius A) in Galveston as receiving the initial energy. In the Eastern hemisphere, visualize the Kings Pyramid in Giza as receiving the initial spiral of energy. Then visualize all 3 pyramids in each complex circulating the energies, and see the Giza complex harmonically connected in a golden line to the Moody Garden Pyramids complex and vice-versa.Once connected visualize these two connecting to every pyramidal complex forementioned across the globe. See all receiving the golden spiraling energy download and glowing in great intense light, covering the planet .Then place the Earth in an enormous Octahedron, as you see in your minds eye the Cosmic Trigger of Celestial Crystalline Light flow through the Pyramidal Phi Complexes and Octahedronal power points. Feel the upsurge flow of the awakening coded electro-magnetics of the earth rise through your own physical forms and chakric systems. Absorb the energies and beam them to all around you.Next, focus on the 14 sacred code-magnetic springs fountaining energy into the heavens. Then flow the upward flow of these energies to the 144-Grid encapsulating the Earth. Visualize a golden Arch, a glowing Elliptical Band forming around the planet and grid. See it as gold in color, then tone the Omm amid a sense of joy and love.As you tone, visualize the Platinum Ray of the Crystalline Field flowing the soft nurturing energy of the Divine Feminine through the Golden Arc and swirling around it to form the crystalline band.Practice this as often as you can during the 21 Days of the Dove.And we tell you in humor and light that while these Golden Arches are not for fast-food, billions will be served!ClosingIn truth your Cosmos, your macro and micro reality is Metatronically formulated in the Unified Field . And Dear Ones, know this energy is within and without EVERYTHING, including and especially YOU!!!It is the energy you call God, it is All That Is, All That Was and All That Will Be. It is acutely aware of each bird that falls and each flower that blooms in verdant fields and arid desert. So never doubt this TRUTH : Creator God knows each of you by name.You are a powerful divine spiritual being, an intricate and vital spark of the 'All That Is'.It is time to remember. It is the Return of the Dove. In closing we ask you to focus on joy, and be the change you desire.The Ascension is occurring, one heart, one mind at a time. And Dear Ones, it is on course. Do not doubt it.You ARE Beloved! I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths.And so it is.==========================This channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at
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Aluna Joy, the Star Elders, and Andean Masters of Light"You who have the light, what are you doing with it?"~ Paul ClaudelThe Star Elders said that 2008 would be the year that we finally make the shift of the ages . . . a whole four years earlier than expected. This vision was realized! You have come and completely passed a cosmic crossroad. This was a turning point that was prophesized by the ancients. Your destiny's path has risen to a new level. It is at this point in time that humanity has gone beyond what your collective has ever dreamed. Your dream is no longer somewhere over the rainbow. You have finally begun the journey to the pot of gold you have been searching for. This is a place where light workers and those with unique gifts will begin to find home. You are arriving at safe a place where you will feel honored, respected and supported for your unique gifts. The world is waiting for you! Are you ready to serve?This change has come to you because you asked for it. You have chosen the path of light. Tragedy will be replaced with miracles, separation will be replaced with unity, prejudice will be replaced by community. The new cycle of time that you have entered supports profound healing. You have entered a cycle of time that supports the dawn of global community. You will now come together in a sense of joy and service, instead of being triggered into action by tragedy. You are leaving a collective consciousness that was driven by the mind, the ego and fear. You are now entering a collective consciousness that is empowered by the heart, by love and truth. Trying to manifest, powered by past ways, will not be supported anymore. Force will not be supported anymore . . . only true authentic power will succeed. You are finally moving away from darkness and toward the light, toward unity and toward a sense of the oneness that makes the Earth feel much smaller, and your community much larger.2009 offers us the promised land . . . a sacred space in which we can at last fully reveal our true authentic selves. It is the year that we have the opportunity to begin our sacred service in the Light with great support. We will begin the extraordinary task of fully healing ourselves, our community and our planet. You will find you have a renewed enthusiasm for taking care of your body. You will find it is easier to eat a healthier diet, exercise, meditate, etc….Now that the doors have been flung wide open for you to be your authentic self, and to share your unique gifts, this new territory arrives with that bit of apprehension. You might think now that your dream has arrived, and that it is too good to be true. You are uneasy to trust it, because you are afraid you might lose it. You have been programmed to wait for the other shoe to drop when good things happen. You are worried that your dream will not manifest or that you might fail.Your duty now for the greater good is to squelch these feelings. You must know that what you have worked so long and hard for is now laid out in front of you. This is the golden door that so many have waited for so long. Now it is time to be courageous, and walk through this golden door, and know that you and all of humanity deserve the dream to be realized. After all . . . you dreamed this into being. There is nothing to fear, because this new consciousness has divine protection surrounding it. It is your job to not let the dream fade, but to flourish."This is the time of awakening to the inner father and the inner mother. Without this we will receive no high initiation; instead we get initiated into darkness. That's because any investigation or revolution without God leads, not to freedom, but to more slavery." Willaru Huayta, QUECHAU NATION, PERU"The first factor in the revolution of consciousness is the mystic death of the ego - the death of negative thinking and negative personalities. We must purify the soul of the inner enemies. Every time a defect manifests - envy, gluttony, anger, lust… send that impulse to the heart. Ask 'Do I really need to invoke this?' And then honor the heart." -- Willaru Huayta, QUECHAU NATION, PERUThis is the new territory where our impeccability, truth, love, peace, harmony, and profound sense of unity and sense of community will be supported. This will begin manifesting around us in profound ways. We are living bridges between all the cultures of the Earth. We are the unification of all the religions. We are the harmony between all social, economic, and spiritual classes. We are the ones that shift the negative projections of the collective consciousness into a positive reality. We are the ones that have held firm to the dreams and visions of a different future; a future based upon love and planetary brother & sisterhood. That future is beginning to manifest right before our eyes, right now. We are the ones that choose to counter balance, and shift once and for all, the fear-based prophecies running amok throughout the unconsciousness of so many people. We are the ones that rewrite history. It is funny when you think about it this way . . . We are the ones we have been waiting for. The world has been waiting for us, and we have arrived. We are our own ancestors returned. Are you ready to serve with the light within you? The Andean Masters say we are!Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in."Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."- GandhiServe others, not with the feeling that they are others, but with the attitude of worship that you reserve for God. One single act of service offered to the God you visualize in another is worth all the years of yearning for God.Sathya Sai BabaHeal yourself - your physical and spiritual bodies. Regenerate yourself with light, and then help those who have poverty of the soul. Return to the inner spirit, which we have abandoned while looking elsewhere for happiness."Willaru Huayta, QUECHUA NATION, PERUAnd the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin"'How does one become a butterfly?' she asked pensively. `You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."Trina PaulusWalk as if you know where you're going.Cathie Black"Again and again some people in the crowd wake up. They have no ground in the crowd. And they emerge according to much broader laws . They carry strange customs with them And demand room for bold gesture . The future peak ruthlessly through them".Rilke, 1899May I be a protector to those without protection. A leader for those who journey And a boat, a bridge, a passage For those desiring the further shore. May I be the doctor and the medicine and may I be the nurse. For all sick beings in the world Until everyone is healed.*Aurhor Unknown
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