Nebadonian's Posts (26)

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The Mother's Last Will and Testament
By S33 and Mother Earth thru Hazel
Apr 21, 2010 - 7:20:39 AM

Chanelled Message S333 21/04 The Mother's Last Will and Testament

Dear All

S333 paid me a visit after lunch today. I must say that he made a most royal entrance. His energy was very special. I cried my eyes out at this message as I was briefly made to experience the Mother's astounding love for us all.

Love to you all




The Mother's Last Will and Testament

Time is spent dear ones. The mother's bowels are ready to implode and your soil shall resound with the tremors of her death as she prepares for her parting.

The intermittent period of calm and apparent silence cannot sustain much longer. She is ready for that climatic union with the Father, her Creator, longing again to be held and nurtured back to health in the safety of His loving healing hands. She is going to be allowed to have her way for she has been faithful to the Creator, but more so undeniably loyal to man. She weeps for you her children for her strength wanes and she cannot hold out any longer. Yet she still worries about you.

Have you spared a thought for her this day? Have you expressed your thanks and love towards her for her magnanimity? She lies prostrate at the feet of the Father asking to be lifted up again. She moans in pain and is now terminally ill. She wants to be put out of her misery and is asking the Father to exercise divine euthanasia. Yet she cries for you her children not knowing what would become of you. The Father assures her that He will sustain you and this provides the solace she needs in these her dying moments.

Yes she is soon ready to go. Her spirit is being prepared to bid the final farewell. Line up dear ones; pay to her your last respects for at the very least she deserves this. Should you stand in silence, you would hear her wrenching sorrow and feel the tide of her suffering wash against your immortal soul.

As she prepares to leave this dimension she has asked the Father to read to you her last will and testament.

"My beloved children, how I have loved you for aeons. As you came and as you left I sustained you, knowing that many of you would travail my soil again and that we would meet in another time as you entered another experience for the growth of your soul. I have found such joy in providing for you. I delighted in your company when you were joyous and shed tears with you when unhappiness clutched at your bosoms. I held you in the crook of my arms and gently nurtured you when you were imbalanced, helping you to reclaim your equilibrium and spunk. I have tried to shield you from the wiles of the dark through the constancy of my light, bestowed by the grace of our Father. Little ones of mine, I apologise, for I no longer have the strength to hold you up. My strength has been sapped with the effort of defending myself against the wiles of the dark. They have depleted me through the constant assault of corruption and nefarious practices. They have sucked the life force from my body and my very skin has shrivelled for want of the food of life.

My shield has been attacked on so many levels that I can barely protect myself, far more you. The dark creations, for aeons have infected the cells of my body with cancerous substance that now I am diminished to the point of no return, without the Father's loving intervention. I ask you my beloved children to hold my hands during these last hours and pray with me, that I may have a smooth transition from this dimension into the next, where I will be restored, uplifted and healed. Do not let go my children for I desire that you too will accompany me into light and life where we can enjoy breaths of liberation and come into spiritual maturity. I bequest to you, the memories of my vibrant days when we would sojourn with joy and laughter, free of all mal intent and discontent; the days when our spirits soared like the eagles, supreme and free to live up to what and who we were created to be. Yes my children remember these days for I go to prepare myself that you may join me again that we may reclaim our birthright.

I am close to grasping the hands of peace. For too long I have been trampled upon, rejected and abused. My love has been spurned and I have felt the tremors of your darkened ways cascade the gentleness of my being. No more! No more! No more! I must leave you but for a while. The Father will hoard for me those of you who will rejoin me when I am discharged from my time of cleansing and renewal.

Do not cry my little ones for we will not be parted long. I have loved you from the moment the Father placed you in my arms and I will love you eternally. I too cry at this parting, but it is necessary. Please understand that I am not deserting you but just leaving for a while that I may return with strength to strengthen you and sustain you in the world to come, where we shall work together in love and harmony to restore balance as the Father wills.

Good bye my little ones, for the angels call me home for a while. I too need their loving care"

These are the words of your Mother dear ones. This child who takes this message cries as she does so for she could feel the love of Gaia flowing over her and understands the depth of the mothers' compassion and tireless love.

I ask that you will meditate on the mother's words. Empathise with her feelings and take a look into yourselves and see that which you must change so that in the new world, the mother reborn will never have to suffer and die as she must now.

To you dark ones who have infested this jewel planet with your torrid and licentious practices, I say to you that celestials winds are about to stampede on your parade. The battle cry has sounded. Legions of angels are on their way to take hold of Mother Gaia. Without her you cannot sustain. Find your light at these last moments we ask, for you are soon to lose your very base. You have already been dethroned from your darkened heights. No more shall the mother ingest your poison. You will be made to swallow the bitter pill of your own evil and choke on your very bile. This is your point of no return, we suggest that you surrender.

I am S333 who comes through this mortal being to bring this most urgent message and decree.


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©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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Dear Brothers & Sisters

There is a lot of misinformation out there and with the extremely fast approaching date for Stasis, it will be really beneficial for ones soul to know the real truth about our universe, our planet, our father creator and why we are here on this planet.

Please research, read the Urantia Book, there is even an online Urantia encyclopedia with nice graphics It is not easy to absorb and process all the knowledge at once, but it will give you the much needed base to start discerning the garbage messages from the real ones. Please , please for your soul sake, for the love that we have for out father creator, for the sake of ALL, read and educate yourself with the truth of our universe, it is the only way to put an end to the manipulation caused on purpose by the misinformation and lies.

Time is running out, there is not 2012, the alignment will happen on 2011 not on 2012 but by that time we will be already on Stasis, only those returning to Earth to rebuild the new civilization from the ground up will know this, the others that will be sent out to other planets to continue their spiritual development won't have recollection of this life time at the conscious level but will do it at the subconscious level.

We only have days left and our father is counting on us to hold our light, be centered and be ready for the real service in the difficult days ahead of us while we go through the pre-Stasis period of cleansing and revelations that have just started, as all of us can see around us, Gaia has just started her cleansing process to give birth to the new Earth on a higher frequency and things will happen quickly, so be prepared spiritually that is why is so important to know the truth.

Your brother Nebadonian

Please feel free to Re-post this entire post on all the spiritual networks that you belong to, be creative, send it to family and friends that are awaken but don't know the truth, don't worry so much for the ones not awaken yet that is not up to us right now, we are so called lightworkers must move our behinds and do the right thing.


Siraya Speaks on Earth's Unique Place in the Universe
By Jess Anthony
Apr 20, 2010 - 8:01:49 PM


There is a message that is ready for me to receive, it seems. Speak clearly to me and identify yourself for posting purposes. I am curious about comments from Siraya/Surea, but I will be pleased to accept what comes.

Jess , this is Siraya. It makes no difference how you spell the name; both are approximations of what is given me. There are things I will to tell you, but tomorrow is a better time for your concentration. We will resume this then. I wish to speak of the relationships in the universe and how Earth's ascension scenario is a unique manifestation.

Goodbye for now.


Ok, let's start. I'm speaking to you as the representative of the Creator Source, to use that phrase. My work is as the voice for his ideas in what you call the superuniverse of Orvonton. I am the expression of the Creator's intent and observations in this configuration of the Trinity. My words are his words, as a rule, although I am capable of voicing my own observations and guidance. I am the conduit for his energy to be expressed in this seventh universal manifestation.

I say all this to you to clarify my position as spokesman, although my gender is more balanced and neutral than your word indicates. I link him to the various Michaels that have formed universes within this superuniverse. Your Christ Michael Aton, as you call him, is the creator of Nebadon, of which your Earth is a small but very significant part. Your Michael argued the merits of his concept of creation before the hierarchy overseeing the growth of Orvonton, and he was granted permission to proceed. I spoke the words for the Creator Source giving him Divine approval.

Part of this concept was the creation of Earth as a proving ground to train new Michaels. No more descending sons will be created to function as they were envisioned, and your Christ Michael Aton persuaded his overseers to allow him to develop a planet where ascending sons could begin training to assume that role sometime in the distant future. This was to be done by giving them free will to make their own choices in a situation purposefully separated from most divine guidance. This experience, with only a minimal point of contact, would prepare them for any sort of contingency they might face. They would already have solved the problem, in effect, by acting as a co-creator.

The lessons of this experiment have been learned through an existence that has been much more demanding than was ever imagined at the outset. The Lucifer rebellion and the subsequent quarantine took separation and its possibilities to an unprecedented but logical level. Ultimately, being disconnected from God would make you think you were God with the ability to create your own existence. This was an illusion, but it created the upheaval you are aware of. It was allowed to play out its life cycle, however horrendous it may seem. Once it was set in motion, it couldn't be stopped short of uncreation of the universe it was connected to. It was allowed to wind down to a manageable level of turmoil, although always with the presumption it would be reclaimed and put back on the course it had been destined for.

The worst betrayers of the truth of Christ Michael Aton's universe have been placed on Earth to work through their sequences of choices in the hope they would return to a life of ascendency. Many others have incarnated with them to be guides and examples, as they too have opted to struggle with the sense of separation from divine truth. This interaction has culminated in the spiritual stalemate that you have been experiencing the last few years. Although fewer have returned than Christ Michael Aton hoped, he has salvaged a large enough percentage to persuade him to rethink the closure that seemed inevitable.

The end is inevitable because of the changing universe that Earth is part of. There is an immense clockwork of galactic interactions that trigger changes and reactions that are all part of the grand design of growth and ascendency that was built into Nebadon's creation. To continue as part of its universal cog, Earth and its surroundings must change in sync with all the other parts. A natural process of growth and change would have resulted in Earth refashioning itself by geophysical changes and a reversal of polar direction. This would have removed any elements that were blocking the planet's shift, including anything living or created that was an obstacle to this change.

Typically a planet would refashion itself with no regard for the existence that had developed on its surface. This was the fate that was expected for Earth. The frequency of its natural vibration had slowed to such a low level that it seemed counterproductive for those who had incarnated here to help awaken a spiritual awareness to persuade the misguided inhabitants to change.

Because Earth was Christ Michael Aton's seventh bestowal planet, and because his incarnation here earned him the right to be truly considered the sovereign of Nebadon and final authority in determining its development, he decided to attempt its ascension without the chaos that normally would ensue. Plans were drawn up to evacuate those who had reconnected with Christ Michael's vision of what the next phase of the planet's existence would be.

This plan was reconsidered with the wave of victims and the out swelling of support that that sprung up as a result of the 9/11 attack. For the first time, a sufficient portion of Earth's mass consciousness was unified and focused with healing compassion on a higher level of spiritual understanding. This unity of awareness convinced Christ Michael Aton that the previous plan for Earth's ascension could be modified to account for those inhabitants that looked for a higher purpose and resolution. The plan became one of allowing man to ascend on Earth along with the planet. This concept meant a drastic re-thinking of the process to allow man to reach a level of awareness sufficient for his physical incarnation to be able to adapt to the higher frequency of energy that would be necessary to allow Earth to be renewed.

The last ten years have been a series of preparations and disappointments as the entrenched resistance on Earth proved more difficult to deal with than expected. Ultimatums have been ignored and the number of inhabitants waking up has been less than hoped. Earth has graciously held off a little longer to allow man to catch up. This has reached a point in the cosmic synchronization where delay is impossible for Earth and man.

Christ Michael Aton has begun the series of events that will lead to closure of this phase of Earth's existence. No resistance is forth coming to geophysical changes, and they may occur as they are necessary. Man has chosen either to stay and work for the planet's ascension, or leave and continue elsewhere. Evidence of this sequence of events is becoming impossible to hide.

Look for the collapse of civilization as you know it and be prepared for upheavals on Earth that are unprecedented in known history. Many will leave and much of the Earth's surface will be changed. This is the necessary closure that is required to shift the direction and frequency of your existence.

Know that the events you will experience have a universal purpose, and that you who are staying here have chosen to take part in this unique development. You will be guided and supported by your galactic family. You will be protected and relocated when necessary. You will be taught and be made aware of your history. You will see your place and recognize your purpose within the cycle of ascendency you are part of.

This is my explanation and my comfort in these last days.

Siraya, Voice of Creator Source in Orvonton

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©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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Please read the following messages, it is up to you at the end to make what ever you feel like it of it, I do my part by posting the truth here.

With Love for All & GOD BLESS YOU ALL


Your brother Nebadonian.

Telepathic Messages : VinceLast Updated: Mar 12, 2010 - 7:37:03 AM

Our New World Order
By S333 thru Vince
Mar 12, 2010 - 7:30:56 AM

S333 - Our New World Order

Hello Dear Ones,

Soon will come the time described in some way as the ‘End of Times'. But of course that is not what it really is, and a better description would be the ‘Beginning of Times'.

It will be the age of new civilisations, on Earth and other planets. Earth is a seed planet, and your present civilisation was sown there some time ago, and what you see around you is the end result of your hard work over many thousands of years. Disappointing, isn't it?

Pick your highest rating TV shows where you live, and decide if you think that is the very pinnacle of many thousands of years work? Then focus on the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, and all the other military killing sprees; is that what you have aspired to?

Have you healed the sick, fed the hungry, ended poverty? No you haven't; so what is there to be proud of? Not very much really, for the results are disappointing to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Even in the area of the great religions of your world, people are worshipping false idols, and their leaders are laughing all the way to the bank.

What then of the charitable work carried out on your planet? The situation is pretty dismal here as well, with the majority of people's free-will donations ending up in the organizers bank accounts. There are many small scale projects which are of high spiritual ideals, but all of the big ones have a fraudulent aspect to some degree. I'm not going to name them here, as the list is so very long that we'd be preparing this text for weeks. Let us just say, "We know who you are".

So, the crop of Humans who have reached the spiritual level required to become inhabitants of an upgraded, remodelled and ascended Earth; is quite small when compared to the present global population, and that is a pity. It has not been a waste of time, although we wished the elevated ones had been greater in number. We just have to be thankful for the numbers we have, as that will allow us to go forward with establishing our New World Order.

Now, do NOT confuse our New World Order with the pathetic and evil creation of the Dark Elite, for they are not connected to the Source of All That Is. Their scheme is to rob you of all of your resources, both material and spiritual; so that you will be further enslaved by them.

Our New World Order is based on Spiritual Principles and Divine Law, and is being created under a Divine Decree. Anyone who does not qualify to inhabit the Ascended Earth; will go to alternative planets to carry on further development aimed toward s further soul growth. Others have chosen further options according to their beliefs and /or their past activities.

This will leave Earth as a much upgraded Seed Planet, and the jewel in the crown, where our New World Order will be built. It will take time to build this Spiritual Society, and a great deal of hard work over many centuries; but it will be free of the lies, greed, corruption and downright evil on Earth at present.

Soon the people of Earth will see how they have been lied to, robbed and ill-treated by the Dark Ones; and they won't like it. Many of you will find that the truth is very far from the fictional construct of your present reality, and will wonder how it could have been made like that, right under your noses. Well, you looked the other way, Dear Ones.

Only hard work will build a Spiritual society, and many of your people wanted an easy life. So the Dark Ones gave you an easy life, where you left the big thinking to them, and over time they took your reality away from you and gave you a Distorted Reality, where only they stood to benefit. Over the millennia they refined the process, because they took a long term view, where humanity only took the view of their own lifetime. Even now the Darkness is looking many hundreds of years ahead, and it is only as a result of this Divine Decree, that you will be free of this false reality.

The time is here and now; the wheels and cogs are turning away behind the scenes, and then very soon my Dear Ones, nothing will ever be the same again.

And so it is................

This is a message from David S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy received and transcribed by Vince.

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Last Message of This Type
By Ataelle thru Rubens
Mar 13, 2010 - 5:51:51 PM

Candace: I have chatting with Esu off and on for days about the issues with Jupiter. It was pulled back behind the sun last year as you all know, and it is now out to far to just pop it back. We can't reverse the situation, as is being reported here for awhile now, the game is set in place. The energies from Jupiter, plus other energies are intensifying the situation in many ways, besides weather and earthquakes. There is likely to one or more volcanoes going off too. And my land contacts on the east coast say that Washington is quite a mess.

There is another piece I will post also from somebody else about impending gloom, as they call it on other forums. We have often said, that ye ones who read here must be the Rocks for others, and so it is, remember that, you are a ROCK for those around you! Be calm as best you can, and offering that at some point the suffering will end, with stasis. YOu probably can't explain, just say God will help out when it gets too bad perhaps???? Trust in God, however people believe. If you are in an area where craft may descend to lift people, be supportive and encouraging.

I am posting the French version, which Rubens translated to English in this piece and linking to the French section also. With our new update, we can post in more than one area!


Last Message of This Type

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Start of the message: 16:13

Rubens: I am ready to take notes. Anyone would like to pass a message?

Ataelle : Yes, I would like to address those with ears to hear.

Rubens: Do you speak English ?

Ataelle : Of course, I do speak English but, I would like to talk to you in French.

Rubens: All right, tell me, who are you ?

Ataelle : I am Ataelle beloved, your guide.

Rubens: Have we communicated before ?

Ataelle : No, not consciously.

Rubens: All right. I will ask questions later.

Ataelle : All right. Let us begin

I am communicating with you today, to tell that nothing could alter the divine plan. Everything is already in motion and remains very little time, a few hours, before you, earthlings, could witness the already announced events manifesting with force. We give you those messages as often so you would be able to remain balanced when the events unfold violently. Of course, it all depends but, you the earthlings won't be able to help but see them subjectively.

Rubens: Could you speak about what happens to Candace's site server.

Ataelle : We won't be able to tell you much except that it was a useless act from the thugs. They are becoming increasingly uncomfortable due to the intensity of the energies invading your planet, which was mentioned by the Creator of your local Universe. We, the celestial hierarchies, do our best to diminish the pain of our brothers and sisters but, what must take place can no longer be stopped. We want you to know that we love you deeply.

Please, we urge you, one more time, to center yourselves as much as possible because you will not easily be able to stay calm relative to the coming events. Already many changes within your planet have begun and shortly, the resulting effects will be felt on the surface. As we are giving you this message, you are witnessing the violent wind that ravages your area, a harbinger of things to come. We know that you dislike our reference to time, but we guarantee you, we are currently talking about time as you humans perceive it.

Ask your close-ones to meditate as much as possible so they can somehow be prepared.

We urge you to listen to us attentively because what is about to take place on your planet is completely new for most of the inhabitants; that is the reason why we insist on repeating ourselves, through different channelers.

Nebadonia : Our beloved son, this is the last message of this kind that you will receive under those circumstances.

Beloved, that was Nebadonia, your dearest mother.

So long.

Rubens : Thank you Beloved Mother.

End of the message : 16 :37

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The days ahead will be fraught with uncertainty
By Belbin thru Hazel
Mar 13, 2010 - 6:10:11 PM

Dear brothers and sisters, one of my angels put me on notice yesterday that he wanted to send a message so I just channelled this. 13/03/2010

Blessed be in love and purest light.

Who is here?

It is I my beautiful child -Belbin.

Are you sure? Yes.

Do you come in the light-Yes indeed.

What is your message?


The days ahead will be fraught at times with uncertainty as you watch the calmness turn into storms. You must know that this is a natural precursor of the great event that the celestial realms have been preparing for, for many many years as you say in your world.

There will be catastrophic events that will take many lives and leave fear and consternation in its wake. You who serve the real truth already know what to expect. There are so many dear ones that continue to live in ignorance and will see these events as a punishment and the ending of the world. There is no real way that you will be able to prove to them the reason for all the occurrences so you will have to do your best to allay their fears. There will be mayhem and disbelief so be prepared to be lashed out at. None of this will stop the inevitable. I suggest that calmness be the essence in these moments.

It is easy to hear what is coming but harder to live in the moments of the experience so you must all prepare yourselves to remain in balance and harmony with your inner being. Feed yourselves with the gentle touch now and that will relieve your subconscious anxieties.

The majestic moment that you have all been waiting for looms. The earth continues to grumble and soon she will spew. Her boundaries will be severely demarcated in places.

To give you comfort over the coming days I want to paint a picture for you of your dawning world. Visualise the lushness of nature sprouting without fear of poison being seeped into her veins that she may mature in natural beauty. See the barks of every tree resonate the energy of life instead of the dullness that pollution has marred it with for aeons. See the freedom that will abound and the leisurely growth of all creation bathed in the suns of the new age.

Feel the warmth of goodness and cleanliness breathe against your faces and the subtle tunes of nature align with your new vibrations. Feel the love which permeates all things and binds them in the beauty of oneness. Feel the freedom from the chains of darkness and revel in your true being as liberated children of the light. The bones of fear will be replaced by the flesh of knowing that only light shall frame your new experience.

Soon there will be no obstacles to your progress.

For every day that is left meditate on this scene and know that this will be your new reality. Children of the light, we in the angelic realm welcome you into our fold for many of you are angels dear ones. You are about to march home. Revel in the constancy of God's will for His will is always done.

I leave you children with angelic light that you may be sustained.

I am Belbin

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©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

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Esu Says Prepare for Changes

Esu Says Prepare for Changes
By Jess Anthony
Mar 10, 2010 - 9:38:53 PM


Esu, we have spoken about a new message on preparation. What should we expect and how should be best prepare? What sequence of events can you project reasonably? I am curious about the mystery schools you mentioned, but perhaps that is premature to describe. Speak this evening for those questioning.

This is Esu. It is good to speak again.

You ask about the sort of preparations that should be made. This is a topic with many answers that address many sorts of people on Earth. Those who have an awareness of changes to come will prepare in one way, and those who have turned against any guidance will find they are facing an unexpected prospect. Some also are fence straddlers, to use that expression, who are waiting for the best opportunity as they see it. They think they can go either way, but they will be surprised when their indecision becomes their decision when other options are withdrawn. The future of this planet and its inhabitants has been determined, and all human decisions must either agree or disagree with the determination.

To speak of the timetable is to begin to categorize decision making. Christ Michael Aton prefers to let events reach their peak on Earth in the context of a galactic timetable that is ongoing. Man's efforts to counteract this stream of galactic events are pointless and will be futile. Geophysical changes are happening on Earth despite the platitudes and assurances of calm the government officials broadcast. People numbed to possibilities and eventualities are easily manipulated. Manipulated populace will work and sacrifice for those manipulating them without any recognition this is happening to them. This servitude will provide a work force and resources for the benefit of only a few.

The level of manipulation is so extensive that it seems impossible for man now to break out of the straightjacket he has been placed in without help. We have debated on the best way for this to occur for the last five of your years. Our assistance has always been contingent on man's willingness to recognize his situation and ask for help. The numbers of those becoming aware has increased each year, but there has never been sufficient to act on their own as a revolutionary force and overthrow the controls. Part of the seduction has been a perceived need for comfort along with a lack of any true power to make decisions on the nature of their existence. Man has been taught that comfort and satisfaction is the status quo provided by those shaping his existence. He has forgotten that he creates his existence and that he has the power to change it. Those controlling the nature of his existence are only doing so because man has allowed this to happen. Man has given up his control and opted not to maintain an ongoing dialogue with Christ Michael and his spiritual guides.

This perception is changing as third dimensional existence on Earth has moved into a higher frequency of energy input. Man's perceptions are shifting their focus to take into account the broader universal truth of Christ Michael's vision of Earth as a seed planet. The time is now for this to move into its next phase of evolution. Unfortunately, the changes that are beginning on Earth are understood and embraced by only a percentage of its current inhabitants.

Most will not see the necessity of vast geophysical realignments and cultural changes. This group will either continue their current experience elsewhere, or opt out of the process completely. It is always the individual's choice, although alternative possibilities are restrictive and final, in some cases. The geophysical upheavals and unpredictable weather scenarios will allow many to leave their existence here. This is not a punishment, but an inevitable evolution that must occur on Earth. Man's choices have determined his ability to grow with Earth.

Those opting to stay will be protected and taught how to adapt to the new environment that will be created. The scenario for this to occur will be approximately as outlined in earlier discussions of preparing for stasis and the changes that will occur during this period. The new event will be the introduction of a visible Jupiter to begin a period of revelations and emotional turmoil. This evidence will cause many of the straddlers to make a decision.

The time is now to look for the new Jupiter. The second sun will begin appearing in the sky around the time of the other sun's appearance. The small burning orb will be seen in tandem with the larger, more vivid sun your solar system revolves around. This sun now seems brighter because it is sending out waves of increasingly powerful energy. The hydrogen gas that has provided its light traditionally is becoming the more atomically stable helium, with greater intensity of energy it can release.

The plans that have been developed call for a definitive sighting of Jupiter first, followed by commentary that speaks of its origin and source and the reason it is necessary to speed up the changes on Earth. The outline of Christ Michael's intentions for this planet will be introduced, as well as clear explanations of the many reasons they have not been achieved thus far. The broadcasts of this information will be coordinated from aboard ship, not on Earth, although assistance and links to the global system of broadcasting will be utilized to maintain the continuity of the sections.

Once man begins to see the depth of the depravity he has been living in, he will, in larger numbers, begin to make changes. Self reliance and personal responsibility will begin to be a consistent mode of thinking, rather than a belief that someone else is controlling the situation and making all the decisions. As his expectations for existence become harder and harder to satisfy, man will begin to fall back on basic necessities. He will realize that personal preservation is more important than external acquisitions.

The timetable of events you wonder about is inevitably in flux, determined by natural reactions that are uncertain. Earthquakes can be anticipated, but not completely predicted. We have the ability to work within the limited timeframe that is available and provide assistance where it is needed. We expect certain stress points to give way with the increase of energy that Jupiter will provide, but the sequence of occurrences is unknown.

You should be prepared for great changes to begin. The outline I will give you is tentative, based on a variety of factors such as man's reactions, the Earth's response to increased pressure, and the state of the magnetosphere. Jupiter's visibility and recognition will trigger a public questioning that will allow us to begin to provide answers. This will be accompanied by a collapse of criminal public institutions and an end to economic manipulation. Evidence of theft and global fraud will be presented openly. This disclosure will be the prelude to an extended period of stasis to allow a galactic intervention to moderate the necessary changes without a typical period of destruction and starting again. Plans for coordinating this phase have been worked out, and Earth's inhabitants will continue in the locations and dimensional levels they have chosen. The decimation of population that has been talked about is the result of conscious selection by the inhabitants, not as the outcome of some kind of punishment. The ascension of Earth requires certain parameters, and the inhabitants here now with the ability to choose have chosen whether they wish to stay or relocate. Compassion and support for the decision are appropriate.

I will speak to you again when more definite actions are required. At present, prepare yourselves individually to be balanced and open to the enormous new energy and ideas that are surrounding you.

Esu, through Jess this evening.

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S333 - Choose your Future - Light or Dark?

Well my Friends, Christ Michael has spoken, and you would be wise to pay heed to his words.

Your Planet and your very reality is about to change in the biggest way you could struggle to imagine, and you still have time to consider all of your options, before the point of no return. This applies to every one of you living on Earth, whether you are of the Light; of the Dark; or caught somewhere between the two.

The Dark Ones have the huge challenge of deciding whether they will defect and join with those of the Light, and the increasing evidence which will be there for all to see in the coming days, should help them make up their minds. But do it quickly my Dear Ones, for once the window of opportunity opens, it will not be for long.

To those caught between the Dark and the Light, what's your problem, step across the line into the Light, it's your only salvation? The Dark Ones can offer you nothing but lies and turmoil; darkness and evil; and as you will see increasingly in the coming days, what little of their dark power remains, it is fast becoming a spent force.

My friends of the Light, will you not walk upon the path of Lightness and Love; Peace and Glory? But first, there will be much work to do. When stasis is over and you are placed where you have chosen to be, there is much work to do, for we must build on our success a reality of the Light in which to grow Spiritually, now that the Darkness has been cast away; after so much of the negative energy has been spent, on so much unrewarding toil, by those fools who sought to introduce their ‘New World Order' based on Evil and Greed'.

Now is the time to make your plans, to tell those around you how much you love them, and to obtain the maximum enjoyment from all the positive aspects of life. Live every day as if it was your last day, but in saying that I do not mean there should be a party of substance and sexual abuse, with loud music. I mean just extract every ounce of the essence of happiness and joy from every positive action that you are involved with, for once the changes to your reality take place; it will be your last days that you will remember the most.

For those people who want to know when these changes are happening, according to your calendar I say be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, but Herculaneum was destroyed in a very short time. In modern times there has been nothing of the magnitude required for the coming changes to take place, that has happened, and so you have no conception of what is involved.

It is already happening; Earthquakes and Tsunamis have happened and there will be more to come; and freak weather events too. Then there will be your new second sun appearing in your skies, and I don't quite know how your TV and Newspapers run by the Dark Ones will explain that away. Once you've seen that, you'll know there's no going back.

Think not in terms of days or weeks, but just know that your second sun is confirmation of this ‘Something Big' event and that your lives will change forever. Then you can decide for yourselves how good or bad you wish your future to be. Light is Good; Dark is Bad. That is the crux of the matter for everyone; chose your own future; but do it quickly, is my advice.

And so it is.....................

This is a telepathic message from David S333 of the Spiritual Hierarchy, received and transcribed by Vince on 2nd March 2010

Original Link :

Spanish translation will follow soon...

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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Things are Getting HOT!

Christ Michael and Candace

February 28, 2010

Dearly beloveds, it is time for another update. I have purposely awaited the setting up of Vince into his teaching mission and for Leonette to play her role. Candace chuckles on this because, this time she is the one to chime in after the fact, instead of leading with new work. We felt this would be useful in making this final attempt to connect with some of the dark brothers, this change.

Now there have been ground crew distributing printed messages of Vince to known dark brothers who could become of the light and are mostly trapped by the financial situations they are in and need help out. We have had some ‘turn in their badges" so to speak, and hopefully others will follow suit.

This message will also be printed and delivered in hopes of more following the lead of those that have already done so. To these ones yet to come, it is imperative that you walk away and you have my word that you and family will be protected from the thugs, so you have not that fear now.

Understand that the normal people on this planet have an absolute right to hear the truth. You will find yourselves, in fact, heroes for your leaving the ranks and this will greatly assist us.

Your world is falling apart and that is becoming obvious. You have but a rather short time to defect to the light, which is service to others. Most of you are simply "stuck" which is what you have informed your guardians, and your guardians WILL arrange your safety, if you but take my hand. This right now, for you to do so, will hugely relieve you of your karma acquired by your choices in this particular life. Brothers, it is not about the big house, the big salary, it is about SERVICE to mankind. If you take my hand, do you realize that even a cottage without a floor would be a mansion?

Now, we aren't moving you to a cottage without a floor, but depending upon who you are, you will either have protection similar to what Candace and other ground crew members have, or if that is not enough based on the situation in which you are currently locked into, you will be altogether removed to one of our areas underground, complete with your loved ones, and there you can spill your beans in complete safety without any worry whatsoever.

In this scenario, do not worry about those that will miss you outside your immediate families, and do not worry about the reactions of your families finding themselves underground. There are counselors to assist them. The people of this world must have truth. Now we could take over the airways and just do it, we do have the truth, but dear ones, that would cause a fear reaction and it is also important for man of earth to solve his problems. Thus this protection will allow man of earth to hear the truth from those who have LIVED that truth. I know most of you are NOT happy about your entrapment, and this offer is thus especially for you, as you have told your guides you want out of your circumstances, but you also know your family is at great risk and you would not put them to that risk. That is WHY this offer protects your family members and close friends.

Some of your close friends are also entrapped and when they see you have safely left with your family, they will do the same. You, who are ensouled have the ability to let your guides, even if you don't believe in them, know your stance and as soon as you do so, your protection will start.

Regardless the truth will be told dear ones, but if you do not take this offer, you will not be reducing your karmic debt, that is simply the law. Since you can inform your guides, there is also NO risk of having to make a phone call. Today, this very Sunday, many of you are going to receive this notice, and if not today, tomorrow on Monday.

You see dear ones, Jupiter IS coming out for her unveiling. The thugs, some of them, are still ignoring this, and for them, it will be too late. And it will be too late for you also. When it becomes easily visible, in perhaps 10 days or so, maybe a bit longer, as I said "easily" meaning OBVIOUS, then your timing is nearly up. For at that time this offer is only good for approximately 48 hours. If you are having difficulty "believing" this offer, you will believe it then; we hope at any rate.

It is better to do it now however, but I do understand your fear of doing it now, because you have heard some nasty material about the underground areas. However, we took them over and have been cleaning them up since spring 2005, and preventing that which you fear. We have removed all of the reptilians, which I did previously report, so they are no risk to you.

The underground living conditions are in fact very nice and you will have every comfort. Your new 9-5 jobs will be that of telling the truth, ON CAMERA, for our presentations in the near future to the world.

Our Presentations, you ask? Yes, via our ground crew who will be carefully guarded so the telecasts can be given without interference, but it is those on the ground who must give these, because of trust built before the people.

Now, back to Jupiter, your new mini sun of a year ago, last February. It has grown a bit brighter over the year, benefiting from the energies given it, and it's a little larger, but not a lot, but VERY bright and you will not mistake it. You have many amateurs on the ground with their backyard scopes eagerly awaiting it's appearance from behind the sun, and this time, they will not be seeing a hologram, nor any of the old appearance before we made it into a sun. In other words it's going to look like a sun.

Understand dear readers, it is very far away yet, as just today, the 28th of February, it is in what you call opposition. This is about 9 AU's and this time, I will let your readers figure out what that figure is. (Candace: hint: one AU is the distance from the sun to earth.)

Now, long ago Esu put out that in 7 days after this, the appearance of the white light, depending on the source which tampered with the information, that it would be all over. Some of the PJ material was tampered with, and you are not going to experience 7 years of hell. You are going to experience stasis, just as we have said on our timing, which is very likely going to be well past 7 days after the white light in the east appears.

We are going to have the news before we go into stasis, and we are going to have some demonstration of the fact that star fleet is here, after the basic truth is told regards your money systems, 911, and other black operative stories. So the timing depends on the news.

I decided several months ago, to go ahead and pull the solar system further into the photon belt. We have kept you at the edges where the density of photons is less. And we are increasing our energy beams around the earth. Basically two types, gamma rays, which change DNA and more photons and various colored light energies that will put pressure on the inhabitants.

We have raised the actual vibration of the planet again. Well, we do this all the time and it slips back to barely 4d, but during this intensive energy increase, the vibrations of GAIA and her matter, atmosphere etc, will be increased "artificially" to about 2.433. This is going to cause during the next couple weeks, some really intense "pressure" on the dark, and on everybody. There is going to be people anticipating something coming and some will be fearful and others in joy.

Candace: For new readers, this is a 2nd Density planet, with the potential of 9.999999 dimensions of vibratory rate. It remains 2nd density, always, because it is an evolutionary planet, but dimensions are levels of vibration within a density, whic reflect the consciousness of the people on the orb. We posted that at one point earth dropped below 2nd dimension with the world wars. 3rd dimension is simply the 3rd level vibration within 2nd density on this planet. And each dimension can be expressed in decimals, regards the vibration. The Density refers to the vibrational structure of matter, and the dimension refers to the consciousness of the inhabitants.

We can use 2 for Density, and then which ever number of dimensional vibration after it, expressed as a decimal for our world. So if when we were right at the beginning of 3rd dimensional vibration, we would state that as 2.3. The statement above of 2.433 means we will be in 4th dimension of second density, about 1/3 of the way between the beginning of 4d, and 5d. When the planet ascends to 5th dimension, this is expressed as 2.5. If one lived on a 3rd density mansion world, then it is expressed as 3.5, say, if one is on the 5th mansion world. 3.1 means the first mansion world. We are currently barely 2.4, barely in 4th dimension of 2nd Density.

The mansion worlds spoken of in the UB are 3rd DENSITY orbs. Suns, moons, and empty planets are 1st Density worlds. WHen a world is implanted with life, it becomes a 2nd Density world, have then many possible levels of dimensions on it. Our sun Jupiter, because it is a sun now, is 1st density, 5th dimension. Our big sun is also 1st Density, 6th dimension, so expressed as 1.6.

The higher in the architectural realms you go, the higher the Density number of the various orbs and then each has it's particular vibrational dimension, which means level of consciousness with the density. Paradise, the center of the Creation and home of the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit, is 13th Density. Hope this helps!

Christ Michael: While we did increase some energies the middle of February, what is coming is greatly increased. Now to those gamma rays. Those moving up will benefit, as this will further remodeling their DNA so they can be lifted, those ones that will be traveling elsewhere, just prior to entry into stasis. In general these ones will thus not enter stasis, but find themselves aboard ship. There will be many landings about the planet, and these ones picked up in levitation beams.

In order that there is NO fear of this process, we must have exposed our purpose on TV which must of course be done after the exposure of the thug activities, otherwise there will be too much distrust and some folks aren't going to stand in the evacuation beams.

Now, basically we are going to evacuate the planet for the changes. However, those staying with the planet will still be going into stasis because we do not wish for these ones to know too much, to have an experience aboard ship or underground. These ones must return bewildered and as they were of course and for their soul growth, get busy and participate. They would not even wish to do this if they lived a comfortable life on ship for the extended time of stasis.

The planet will be put into the stasis before the magnetic reversal starts, and for those new readers, all life will be put into stasis at this time, to protect it from the damaging incoming solar rays while the magnetic field is down and of course during the extensive earth changes to follow.

Now, as you have been informed by THOTH thru Leonette months ago, during the time the planet is motionless during that period, all that does not serve, leaves, and it leaves dear ones, because "gravity" which you misunderstand, is paused at this time. It is not gravity as you understand it, but more the centrifugal force. Gravity is the pressure of cold space upon the planet. But it does not press you to the planet, otherwise you would be pancakes.

What happens is that something sort of akin to centrifugal force, again, your language and knowledge is not correct, so I must simply use the best available, ceases to exist, and that is what holds you on the planet. During this time, all that does not serve, disintegrates and flies off into space essentially.

And this will include, those disintegrating, the robots, and all the dark thugs that are not going to continue on this planet, or continue anywhere. Now their dark electrons that are misprogrammed will be collected , so as to not have contamination again of the planet, and these become part of souls someplace else to cleanse. Adding small particles of dark entities to the soul enables earlier thinking and problem solving.

This is a rather standard procedure, and these dark soul fragments go to other low 3 d planetary souls to assist them. It is the nature of God, as covered with Vince, that is love, and developing souls are altogether, so full of love, they run from darkness instead of confronting it, and growing. Many of you here on earth thus received similarly in the past and thus you "clear" up other's karma as it becomes your own, in this manner. You reprogram these electrons. Electrons cannot be uncreated, they can only be reprogrammed. Some of you lightworkers agreed to take on a heavy portion in fact, for this very purpose.

So when do we go into stasis? As above when the news is done and there have been some very obvious arrests. Jupiter can stay visible for well longer than the 7 days that is on some religious material. The original teaching, is there are 7 days left once the white light in the east appears, and this is a common teaching on all dark planets when there is going to be a reversal and a cleansing. It gives people 7 last days to change their minds. It is a fearful time for most.

This white light 7 days before an evacuation, for a pole reversal, whatever the case may be for a planet, is not always a nice new sun. Many times here right on your own planet, it has been experienced. It is customarily a very large ship, accompanied of course by many shuttle craft for evacuations. The people of this planet at this time, are so full of mis knowledge, and fear, they are not likely to step aboard the craft. And of course, in this scenario with the coming ascension of the entire solar system and your planet, my planet, in fact, turning the outer gas planets into suns, as has been explained before, is part of the process, and so your "white light" will indeed be your new sun.

And some folks engaged in religion are going to remember this from their teachings. Some are going to have soul memories and we are pretty sure, the news is going to suddenly be more correct for this reason. As above, those entities in fear about walking away with their families, we assume you will very suddenly be changing of your minds.

So an estimate, again, only an estimate, but perhaps a month, after Jupiter appears. And Candace is going to place a link in this, because dear ones, it's about time and this little sun is on SOHO exactly as I promised, when the time was "right." Candace likes to call it "pulling rank" so yes, indeed that happened and there was resistance. Do understand, that if needed we can cause some delay in the show. So what about the hologram? Well beloveds, why not just wait and see? Candace isn't about to announce Jupiter is indeed coming out until she sees it with her bare eyes, so I suggest you all be looking yourselves, and awaiting until she sees it unaided with her eyes.

Perhaps most of you will notice on the same day as she.

Now to our regular readers, this huge increase the next two weeks of energies is going to cause a lot of you various discomforts. And you are being heavily worked on at night to get your bodies up to snuff. Some of you will be stepping into those beams yourself and do so if offered.

You are having this increase in quakes, because of the energies from the last 2 weeks. Man must see and understand if you live where it is "dangerous" and you are to remain in body, for whatever reason, you will be lifted out or guided to a safe place, so please, if you are being guided, LISTEN.

If you awaken say at night, and you live in an earthquake zone and you have this sense of something impending, follow your guidance and if your family member won't listen, you go anyway, you can always come back if you are "wrong."

Some of you who read at AbundantHope are not staying with the planet, and have likely chosen to go to the new planet and serve there, and this must be in body, which is why if a craft arrives to take you, step into the beam, don't wonder if you should. If you didn't need to step into the beam, if you do this in "error", we can simply return you!

Had there been a large tsunami from the Chile quaking, as an example, for those of you living in Pacific Islands, craft even now would be taking people aboard, so bodies are not lost. But heed all warnings of this type and get to high ground.

I cannot say exactly where the coming quakes are going to be or what time. This is all dependant on the mother and where the energies cause plate movement. It is possible that California is going to get hit hard, so if you live there, be in preparation. And if LA goes into the sea, as we have said could happen, this is going to be "allowed" meaning I am not ordering stasis just for that reason. But KNOW that all who are supposed to continue on this planet, or another planet, or for duties aboard ship, will be removed before any waves hit or out of harms way with a large fracture.

Now to the teaching by Thoth recently with Leonette. There is mentioned the percentage of body change needed to be preferably at 75%, and this is mostly accomplished except in the late comers, and during this next two weeks, this is going to be harder on them than you, so be patient and loving. All beings are likely to be uncomfortable and this increasing energy will cause some folks to just check out. There will be an increase in deaths and we shall await and see if the media is honest or not. Some who will check out are making their first migration to the mansion worlds also. You cannot enter the mansion worlds in this body type on earth, so checking out is necessary. To whom this happens mostly depends on their current health and fear level.

You have had quite a bit of checking out already around the world but it's not been covered. We of course did interfere as much as possible with the swine flu, with team members entering known storage areas and decontaminating the deadly viruses in it, so the thugs depopulation effort was not successful and dear ones, this is a topic that is going to be covered during the public material.

We cannot say when the broadcasts will start and these are around just telling as much truth as possible and there is the planned coverage of those already arrested and to be arrested. We take this one-day at a time. There are huge teams in place behind the scenes and I won't say where behind the scenes.

We do not know how long stasis will last. Longer than the earlier estimate of 2 years because of the axis change we are going to allow. That is why there will essentially be evacuation of the planet of life NOT going into stasis.

Crafts will be constantly cleaning up the air as volcanoes erupt, to maintain plant life, but animal life will not be compatible with earth during the early months. Once the volcanism has stopped, and as oxygen is adequate, animals will be awakened from the stasis. That is the wild animals in general. Domestic animals such as those in zoos, feed lots and the like, where human care is needed will be removed elsewhere and not allowed to suffer. Or in some cases, like the massive animals farms for chickens, and cows, these animals will just be immediately relieved of life so they do not suffer. Do not at this time worry about the pets, for there are plans in that arena also. This will be carried out in all arena's with as little suffering as possible.

Now, this is enough to digest for this day. I will likely be updating, or Esu updating more frequently in the coming days and weeks. The biggest purpose of this piece is for our darkened or entrapped brothers who need the material who will have it hand delivered to them. Namaste beloveds, we are in the final times. Rest as you need to recover from your body work during the night and be kind no matter how bad you feel to others who are not in comfort from the increases energies.

Candace: Well, after I was finished taking this, I rested and spent some time on the internet to change my mood before I returned to correct the piece. Well, we have some decided evidence today that the energies coming from the sun are being increased. Take a look at what I found on Stereo.

Now if the above links should change, and they sometimes do, just note the times, then go here and then select the size images you wish to see on COR 2 and pick from the list.

Also SOHO LASCO 2 is very interesting today, which you can navigate to on

Now, the biggy on Jupiter. For at last 2 years now, SOHO has been using the same little round ball image to represent both Jupiter and Venus on the Lasco c2 and c3 images. Well, a few days ago, that changed. Shortly before the little ball used currently for Jupiter, entered in the range of view on Lasco c2 (red image), it changed on Lasco c3 to a bright different configuration.

Here are links for size 512 and 1024 for Lasco c2. These update throughout the day, so bookmark them.

Now in a few days, the images should be on Lasco c3 again, as Jupiter is currently behind the occulting disk of c3. When the images return to Lasco c3, then it won't show on Lasco c2 anymore.

Now, you will notice on the larger 1024 size images, that Jupiter is not perfectly round. Well, it was NOT perfectly round a year ago either. You can check that here, which makes this also more convincing. In fact this current Jupiter image has RAYS which the old ball they used did not.

AND, as above, I am not announcing this is actually Jupiter until I see it with mine own eyes! And that could be in a week or so, just depending on how well it shines thru the corona, or how far away from the sun, it has to be to perceive it. Now they way it works normally, is that Jupiter when I re appears in our skies each year, has to rise before the sun to be visible and I assume that occurs again, so if any of you wish to watch, you must go out before sunrise. You can wait several more days before bothering. I will likely update a bit on the front site. The advantage, if this is truly Jupiter and I am fairly sure it is, and should star fleet pull it back or delay it's coming out, that should also show on the Lasco images.

Here is a link from the 20th, showing the little round ball that was previously used to represent both Jupiter and Venus. ( 1024 size) (512 size)

These are examples After the switch from the round ball icon. (512 size) (1024 size)

I think it was the 26th, the Lasco c3 image had something strange on it, which caused me to do some checking, there was a funny ½ moon shape just before the image went behind the occulting disk. I have been climbing the walls since in excitement. Because I think the new images are actually our new sun! CM says yes, but again, when I see it with my everyday eyes, that is when I too will completely know. I don't think the NASA folks would play this game, and this new image of most likely the REAL Jupiter, has rays like a sun, and these change some from image to image, not the same fixed shape as the old ball. Enjoy!

Original Link:

Spanish translation will follow soon." width=1>

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

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- Multiple Shape Shifters In The Atlantic, Andes, Carib, Philippines Initial HitsBy Michael MandevilleJan 27, 2010 - 1:28:51 PMÂ Multiple Shape Shifters In The Atlantic, Andes, Carib, Philippines Initial HitsWiithin this past two hours the shifting surge has begun, within hours we will see the beginning of the fit hitting the shanÂCandace: also check USGS, usually more quakes are there than the above site, but the above site is nice to observe quake activity over time.Pretty much, motion is spreading from the Atlantic, both North And South with the greatest motion to the west which is NOW generating immense crustal tides through the Americas, still rising through the 30th, to assist the subduction of the Pacific.Substantial increase of activity on the Carib Plate, both seismic and volcanic, can be expected with 100% certainty. All the usual and recent sites are in play for this.Activity likely to rise along all western coastal zones of the Americas.Deep interior quakes also likely to increase in fequency and magnitude during the next 30 days.More probable than not, two Class 7+ quakes will strike during the next 14 days....somewhere.A Mega Quake Class 8+ is also likely to be in the offing. Location specific is not possible from orbitals. Tectonic pattern recognition still to crude to localize. Look to "critter" alerts for specific zones. Somewhere, cellular automata are now in full stress overload tilt mode, thus signalling a major "disturbance in the force". Find them if you want to know more.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reservedDetailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here
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ESU HABLA SOBRE LOS CAMBIOS DEL PLANETA TIERRA Y LA RESPONSABILIDAD DEL HOMBRECANALIZADO por: JESS ANTHONYENERO 24 2010 – 3:38:42PM1-20-10ESU, Creo que ya es tiempo de hagas más comentarios de tu parte. Están pasando muchas cosas que Al parecer van a cerrar ciertos aspectos en el área política y financiera en la que el mundo se encuentra atascado. Te pido hagas comentarios acerca de ese tópico como también comentes sobre la situación actual del planeta, acerca de su condición física en este momento y que debemos esperar. Por favor habla sobre Júpiter si puedes y que podría pasar en ese aspecto. Por favor habla sobre como los que tenemos ciertas perspectivas claras podemos interactuar con la sociedad. Guíanos en preparación para lo que ha de venir.Jess, es tiempo de hablar de nuevo. Muchas cosas están sucediendo. Muchas le han pasado al propio planeta Tierra desde la última vez que hablamos formalmente. La estructura física del planeta se esta moviendo hacia una nueva configuración, esto conlleva a un incremento en la actividades sísmicas inesperadas como resultado. Generalmente todas esas ocurrencias son el resultado de causas naturales. El movimiento de las placas continentales que están causando los terremotos es consecuencia de energías tanto internas como externas. La inestabilidad de la coraza interna del planeta esta influenciada por la debilitación del campo magnético del planeta (Magnetosphere) y del desplazamiento lateral de los ejes históricos del planeta. Los polos se están moviendo rápidamente y el alineamiento natural del planeta de la que muchos de sus habitantes dependen esta fuera de balance.Esta inestabilidad se agrava con el incremento de energías provenientes del Cinturón de fotones debido a la posición actual del planeta con respecto a este, también por la exposición que el planeta esta teniendo a las energías de luminosas de Júpiter mientras este sale lentamente de su posición actual detrás del Sol. La cantidad de exposición que el planeta esta teniendo de estos nuevos rayos esta siendo cuidadosamente monitoreado por los observadores galácticos quienes están midiendo la reacción que esta teniendo el planeta a estas nuevas energías. Mucho muy rápidamente podría ser desastroso para el anticipado progreso del hombre hacia la ascensión en conjunto con el planeta Tierra. El efecto de mucha exposición causaría muchos mas cambios de los que el hombre pudiera asimilar.La agitación geográfica que ocurrió en Haití fue un ejemplo del tipo de movimiento de tierra que deben de esperar en gran número a medida que se intensifiquen las energías provenientes del Cinturón de Fotones. Esta forma de energía trae consigo información codificada con esta frecuencia. La Tierra y sus elementos vibran a un nivel estructural diferente y a medida que los fotones rodean al planeta las vibraciones se incrementan. La energía contenida en los fotones es lo que ustedes llaman ondas de luz. La energía proveniente de Júpiter es una nueva fuente de energía que entrara en juego a medida que el planeta es removido de atrás del sol.La luz de Júpiter será vista por ustedes como si fuera un sol radiante a gran distancia, adicional a su Sol normal. Esto sucederá por que Júpiter tendrá ya la capacidad de generar ondas de energía por si mismo. La posición de Júpiter ha sido cuidadosamente monitoreada desde el año pasado cuando se inicio el encendido del planeta para evitar que fuese expuesto a la tierra prematuramente. Debido a la precariedad de la estructura geofísica del planeta Tierra fue necesario ubicar a Júpiter detrás del Sol para bloquear la fuerza de sus rayos reforzados. La manipulación de la posición del Júpiter se mantuvo en secreto por que se decidió que no era el momento preciso para mostrar la transformación. La ilusión fue lograda gracias a la imagen de un holograma proyectado desde una nave espacial estacionada en el lugar original de Júpiter. Las imágenes tomadas de Júpiter recientemente no son más que una proyección holográfica. El globo original fue movido detrás del Sol para escudar la fuerza de su energía.1-24-10Quiero hablar un poco más acerca de los terremotos. Van a ver con mucha probabilidad más terremotos de alta intensidad. El desastre mas pendiente es el de la costa de California, inclusive la falla de Nueva Madrid es impredecible y no se puede depender de esa falla. Otros terremotos ocurrirán probablemente en lugares que están recibiendo choques o replicas. Esto incluye al Caribe y a los países alrededor del aro del Pacifico. Esto no es noticia nueva, ya que los que han estado observando las actividades sísmicas desde hace tiempo saben que los terremotos de mayor intensidad están peligrosamente cerca de manifestarse. Estoy diciendo que es muy probable de que ocurran. Haití esta de nuevo recibiendo temblores y Yellowstone es tangente a la situación de California.Habrá mas advertencias para hacer mejores preparaciones de las que hubo en Haití. Los científicos sabían que las placas se estaban moviendo y predijeron daños por terremoto a tiempo. Estas noticias no fueron del agrado del gobierno de USA, su idea fue de usar las noticias sobre la destrucción de un país para distraer a la gente de las noticias sobre los delitos financieros que podían salir a la luz pública. Busque las discrepancias. Usen el Internet para buscar información y así evitar los medios masivos y confíen mas en la información encontrada allí, pero tengan cuidado y siempre verifiquen la información.Siempre verifiquen que la infamación sea valida, Nosotros te lo podemos decir si nos preguntas.Revueltas políticas deben de esperarse tan bien, El caos financiero esta tan extendido que ya no hay ninguna solución otra de que caiga completamente la economía y solo comenzando de nuevo se puede “arreglar”. No hay manera de desarraigar una red financiera tan bien establecida. La dependencia del dollar esta siendo rechazada. La deuda global es astronómica y no hay suficiente dinero disponible para pagarla. Imprimir trillones no salvara un sistema que no tiene como respaldar con reservas su moneda de curso legal.El trabajo de la Oficina Internacional de Control y Tesorería (OITC en Ingles) esta ayudando a romper algunos de estos enredos financieros, pero es mandatario que el sistema de operaciones no le da a la organización mucha asistencia para romper con los sistemas operacionales que causaron el problema en primera parte. Tiene que interactuar con otros gobiernos que controlan una porción de sus depósitos como otro estado soberano. Los protocolos legales deben de ser observados por OITC inclusive en situaciones donde los gobiernos no lo han hecho.El enfoque del público en los pagos de “acuerdos, paquetes” y accesos a las cuentas es una perdida de tiempo. No hay dinero en las cuentas originales para re-pagar los susodichos préstamos. Los documentos legales usados para establecer estos acuerdos financieros remueven cualquier reclamo que los donantes puedan hacer sobre su dinero en el futuro. Los reclamantes les dieron su dinero a los representantes y revocaron cualquier derecho sobre ese dinero con su firma. En ninguno de los acuerdos legales que todavía existen se indica ninguna obligación por parte del programa de devolver ninguna cantidad de dinero. Esas cuentas desde que las robaron han estado a la orden de los que siguen tratando de mantener su existencia como ahora.Será mas fácil y practico para los beneficiarios que invirtieron en esas cuentas, revisar sus documentos detenidamente y poner su atención en que se remueva el sistema que los engaño.La ingenuidad del público en general hizo que estructuraran el programa de manera que no se pudieran hacer averiguaciones significativas. Los que apoyan la teoría de conspiración están en lo correcto cuando señalan acerca de una salud pobre y de la malnutrición del público en general, una educación decadente, enseñanzas religiosas sin sentido y distracciones creadas por la cobertura de los medios de comunicación audiovisuales para minimizar el nivel de entendimiento y el interés del público en general. Todas estas situaciones han sido cuidadosamente manipuladas para hacer que los habitantes del planeta Tierra no puedan ni objetar ni estar al tanto de que hay un problema, Estas distracciones han sido creadas para mantener a la población mundial ciegos y sin capacidad de pensamiento ante los problemas reales.Cristo Miguel Aton (Christ Michael Aton) siempre tuvo la visión de que el planeta Tierra fuese un laboratorio experimental, como lo ha sido, las almas deberían examinar problemas complejos y determinar el desarrollo de la creación. A este salón de clases se le había exigido aprender a diferenciar de lo negativo y a disociarlo de la verdad universal por miles de años. Experimentando ha sido la única manera como la mayoría de las almas han sido capaces de mantener el progreso y crecimiento en ascensión como Cristo Miguel imagino que lo harían por el. Cada alma es una extensión de Cristo Miguel Aton, el creador y cada alma fue creada con la finalidad de que necesitaran reconectarse con el de alguna manera.Como el planeta Tierra fue creado como una prisión para la mayoría de las creaciones más resistentes del universo, la mayoría de las almas asumieron al venir aquí que luego se les otorgaría un perdón debido a la magnitud de las acciones de los rebeldes. Las primeras encarnaciones no fueron tocadas en su mayoría por la confusión que trajeron las encarnaciones mas recientes y que estaban en contra de la visión de Cristo Miguel.La llegada a al planeta de este grupo de almas determino que las acciones para tomar el control de la oposición era de atraer almas que encarnaran en dimensiones bajas donde se olvidarían de su conexión con el creador Cristo Miguel. La chispa de Cristo Miguel sigue viva y lista para se reconocida y aceptada por aquellas almas que lo olvidaron al reencarnar en esta dimensión, la 3ra dimensión. A todas estas guías espirituales les y intuición aleatoria le fueron dadas a estas almas para ayudarlas a reencontrar el camino de vuelta al creador.El estado de las almas ha sido gradualmente despertado hacia un nivel mas alto de espiritualidad y en esto momentos un grupo de los habitantes del planeta Tierra han logrado reestablecer el contacto con Cristo Miguel y sus creaciones de dimensiones superiores. Este grupo esta trabajando de varias maneras para ayudar al resto de los habitantes del planeta a retomar el contacto con el creador y a estar concientes de cual es el papel que cada alma tiene en el Universo. Este despertar esta ocurriendo en medio de una gran batalla para evitar que este despertar suceda y que la gran mayoría de las almas regresen a su estado de conciencia original. Aquellos que se oponen a este despertar reconocen que no tiene sentido en seguir haciendo lo que hacen para evitar el despertar colectivo, pero ellos han estado condicionados por tanto tiempo a ese tipo de comportamiento que ahora no pueden parar. Aquellos que han despertado están experimentando esta batalla de una manera aun más completa y es mas duro para ellos que aquellos que no han despertado y siguen ciegos a lo que esta ocurriendo. Los niveles de frustración y desencanto nunca habían estado tan altos.El hombre esta experimentando este doloroso despertar por el papel que tomo al encarnar en estos tiempos. Dolores emocionales y des-confort físico son parte de las experiencias de aprendizaje en estos momentos. Las enseñanzas que YO les doy ahora son de tomar el control de las situaciones y de encontrar las maneras de resolver los problemas en sus vidas. Miedo y inseguridades son memorias retenidas de vidas pasadas y otras experiencias y no deben de determinar en estos momentos que deben hacer como individuos. Escojan el camino que normalmente tomarían si no tuvieran miedo o inseguridad. Examinen sus recuerdos sin apego pasional y visualicen nuevas maneras de afrontar las situaciones. Usen sus propias habilidades para abrirse el camino hacia un nuevo nivel de balance y satisfacción.Este crecimiento personal debería de estar ocurriendo ahora mismo mientras el planeta Tierra esta re-creando su nueva encarnación en 5ta dimensión. Ustedes deberían estar creciendo espiritualmente mientras los alrededores están cambiando. Muchas cosas alrededor de ustedes son una extensión de su propia personalidad y se mantendrán conectadas a ustedes si realmente lo necesitan. Examines lo que es y siéntanse libre de dejar ir lo no necesitan.El tiempo esta llegando cuando el planeta Tierra necesitara continuar su ascensión y requerirá substancialmente mucha mas energía galáctica, energía que el hombre actualmente no es capaz de asimilar. El proceso de “STASIS” que se ha mencionado anteriormente ocurrirá entonces para pausar momentáneamente la existencia del hombre sobre el planeta Tierra a un solo nivel de energía mientras el medio ambiente y sus alrededores hacen los ajusten necesarios. Stasis no es suspensión animada en el sentido de que el hombre no estará dormido, el proceso se basa en interrumpir la energía de movimiento del hombre al punto de que no interactué con las frecuencias de cambio que están a su alrededor y que vibraran muchísimo mas rápido. No habrá percepción de tiempo ni de cambio alguno por que el hombre no estará interactuando con estas frecuencias de cambio del planeta Tierra. Es como círculos de energía moviéndose alrededor de ellos mismos pero sin interactuar por que se mueven a velocidades diferentes o sea vibran a un nivel dimensional más alto que las del hombre. Cuando el medio ambiente sea seguro para el hombre, este saldrá de la pausa y comenzara a interactuar de nuevo y no sentirá que paso o perdió tiempo alguno o sea no tendrá sentido de interrupción. Pero las evidencias de los cambios físicos estarán ahora allí para que el hombre las asimile, sin embargo el hombre tendrá que reconciliar todo esto teniendo en cuenta de que no perdió tiempo alguno. Este será el punto donde las enseñanzas y un nuevo entendimiento comenzaran.Pienso que ya es suficiente por hoy, Miren hacia el cielo por las señales de que la Tierra esta lista para comenzar si próxima fase. Su medio ambiente debe de cambiar para que su cuerpo celestial sea renovado.Esu Emmanuel Sananda Kumara________________________________________All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reservedDetailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here
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Esu Speaks on Earth Changes and Man's ResponsibilitiesBy Jess AnthonyJan 24, 2010 - 3:38:42 PM1-20-10Esu, I believe it is time to ask for more comments. Much is happening that seems to be bringing some closure to aspects of the financial and political quagmire the world is stuck in. I ask for comments about that, as well as comments on the Earth's physical condition and what we should expect. Speak on Jupiter if you will, and project what can happen there. Speak on how we who have some perspective can better interact with society. Guide us in preparing for what is sure to come.Jess, it is time to talk again. Many things are occurring. Much has happened to the Earth itself since last we spoke formally. The physical structure of the planet is moving into a new configuration, and an increase in unexpected activity is the result. Generally all of these occurrences are the result of natural causes. The crustal movement of the continental plates causing the earthquakes is being triggered by both inner and outer energy forces. The instability of the inner core is a reflection of the lessening influence of the weakening magnetosphere and a lateral displacement of historical magnetic axes. The poles are moving quickly, and the Earth's natural alignments that so much of its society depends on are out of balance.This instability is coupled with increased energy input coming from the Earth's current position inside the photon belt, as well as from the ever brighter exposure the Earth is experiencing as Jupiter emerges slowly from behind the sun. The amount of exposure to these new rays is carefully monitored by the galactic overseers who are gauging Earth's reaction to the extra energy. Too much too soon could be disastrous to the anticipated forward progression of man's ascension in conjunction with the Earth's. The effect of too much exposure would cause more change than man could assimilate.The geographical upheaval that occurred in Haiti was one example of the type of Earth movement you can expect in greater numbers as the input of photon energy increases. This form of energy carries additional information encoded within its frequency. Earth and its elements vibrate at a different level of structural energy as the photon energy surrounding it increases. Photon energy is carried in what you term light waves. The energy coming from Jupiter is a new source that is coming into play as the planet is moved from behind the sun.This light from Jupiter will seem to you as if there were a distant sun shining in addition to your regular sun. This is because the planet now has the means to generate energy waves on its own. The position of Jupiter has been carefully monitored since the ignition last year in order to prevent a premature exposure to Earth. The precarious nature of Earth's geophysical structure has necessitated keeping the planet positioned behind your system's sun to block the force of its strengthened rays. This manipulating of the planet's position has necessarily been kept secret because it was decided the time was not right to show this transformation. The diversion took the form of a hologram that was projected from a space ship positioned at the location Jupiter typically would be located. The images taken of the planet are, in fact images of the projection of the planet. The real orb had been moved behind the sun to shield its energy force.1-24-10I want to speak more on the earthquakes. There will most likely be several more that are of high magnitude. The most pending disaster is the California coastline, although your own New Madrid fault line is undependable. Other will probably take place in locations that are already receiving shocks. This includes the Caribbean and the Pacific Rim countries. This is not news; those watching earthquake formation have long said these quakes are dangerously near. I'm saying that their happening is almost probable. Haiti is once again experiencing rumbles, and Yellowstone is tangential to the California situation.There will be enough warning to make better preparations than occurred in Haiti. Scientists knew the plates were moving and predicted earthquake damage pretty early on. This news didn't fit in with your government's idea to use the devastated county as a distraction to prevent people from hearing news of financial wrongdoings that might become public. Look for discrepancies. Use the Internet information to bypass the mainstream media, and rely on the details posted there. Be careful what you accept, however. Always check to see if the report is valid. We can tell you this easily, if you ask us.Political turmoil is to be expected, as well. The financial chaos is so widespread that no solution beyond a crash and new beginning can "fix" it. There are no means to uproot so well entrenched a financial network. The dependence on American dollars is being rejected. The global debt is astronomical and there is not enough money available to pay it. Printing trillions more will not save a system that has no hard currency reserve to back up its legal tender.The work of the Office of the International Treasury Control (OITC) is helping to break up some of this financial log jam, but its mandated system of operations does not give the organization much assistance in breaking away from the operational system that caused its problems in the first place. It must interact with other governments that control a portion of its deposits as another sovereign state. Legal protocols must be observed on OITC's part even in situations where the other government has not done so.The public's focus on settlement payments and packets of access to accounts is a red herring. There is no money left in the original accounts to pay back any of the so called loans. The legal paper work used to establish these financial agreements further removed any claim the donors would have on their money at any future date. Claimants gave the representatives their money and signed away any right to it. None of the legal agreements that are still extant indicate any obligation for the program to pay any of the money back. The accounts have long since been robbed at the orders of those trying to maintain their existence as it is now. It would be more practical for the recipients to examine their paper work more closely and turn their attentions to removing the system that has tricked them.The naivete of the general public has been purposefully structured to prevent any significant inquiry. The conspiracy theorists are correct in arguing that poor public health and nutrition, abysmal public education standards, mindless religious teachings, and distracting media coverage have all been created to lower the level of discernment and intellectual interest in the general public as a whole. All of these streams of social welfare have been manipulated to produce a global group of Earth inhabitants that can neither object nor be aware there is a problem. The distractions placed before them keep them blind and mindless.Christ Michael Aton has always envisioned the Earth as a testing place and an experimental laboratory, as it were, to allow souls to examine complex issues that determine the development of creation. This classroom has been asked to learn from negative examples and dissociation from Universal truth for many thousands of years. Experiential instruction has been the only means most souls have been able to maintain the progress in growth and ascension that Christ Michael has imagined they would be able to do for him. Each soul is an extension of Christ Michael and each is created with the need to reconnect in some way.Since Earth was made a prison planet for many of this Universe's most resistant creations, the most protected form souls could assume in coming here later would be one of general forgetfulness of the extent of the rebels' actions. Earlier incarnations were largely untainted by the confusion brought by later incarnations of those most against the vision of Christ Michael. The arrival on Earth of this group of souls determined to take control in opposition necessitated inhabitants be incarnated in lower dimensions of forgetfulness. The spark of Christ Michael remained ready to be recognized, but direct guidance was given over to outside suggestion and random intuition.This state of being has gradually awakened to higher levels spiritual consciousness, and at this time a group of inhabitants has reestablished their direct contact with Christ Michael and his higher dimensional creations. This group is working in various ways to return the inhabitants of Earth's awareness to a fuller vision of its true place and role in its Universe. This awakening is occurring in the midst of a tremendous battle to prevent this from happening. Those battling recognize the futility of what they are continuing to do against Christ Michael, but they have become so conditioned to this behavior they are unable to stop. Those who have awakened are experiencing this battle even more fully that the others who remain blind to what are occurring. The levels of frustration and disenchantment have never been higher.Man is experiencing this painful awakening because that is the role he has taken on at this time. Emotional pain and physical discomfort are still part of the experiential lesions going on. The teaching I give now is to take control of these situations and find ways to resolve the issues in your own lives. Fears and insecurities are holdover memories from earlier experiences. They do not determine what you do now as individuals. Only you choose what you will do. Examine your memories dispassionately and envision new ways to encounter these situations. Use your own abilities to chart a path to a new level of balance and satisfaction.This personal growth should be happening now while the Earth is recreating her embodiment. You should be growing spiritually while your surroundings are changing. Many things around you are extensions of your personality, and they will remain connected to you if you truly need them. Examine what this is, and feel free to let go what is not.The time is coming when the change Earth needs to continue to ascend will require substantially more galactic energy than man is at present capable of assimilating. The state spoken of as stasis will occur to pause man's existence at one energy level while his environment makes the changes it needs to make at another. This is not suspended animation in the sense that man is sleeping; this is interrupting his energy movement at one point while the energy that surrounds him speeds up. There is no awareness of time or physical change because man is not interacting with the frequency of what is happening on Earth. It is like circles of energy moving around each other at different speeds but not connecting. When the environment is safe for man to resume interacting, he will, and will have no sense of an interruption. The physical evidence will be there to require an assimilation, however, and man will have to reconcile this with his own sense of no time being lost. This will be the point where teaching and a new understanding will begin.I think this is sufficient for today. Look to the heavens for signs that Earth is ready to begin her next phase. Her environment also must change in order for her body to be renewed.Esu Inmanuel Sananda Kumara--------------------------------------------------------------------------------All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reservedDetailed explanation of AbundnatHope's Copyright's are found here
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YE ARE MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD, DEAL WITH ITBy THOTH thru LeonetteOct 1, 2009, 18:4227th September, 2009YE ARE MEN AND WOMEN OF GODDEAL WITH IT!You have been pondering the question of Power and Authority. You have been thinking whether it is right or wrong to mete out justice as you see it. You have been asking the question whether it is always just to ‘turn the other cheek’.Let me remind you of the situation as it exists in your perceived reality. You live in a world that is surrounded by a Matrix. A Matrix that has conditioned your behaviors to conform to those ‘values’ if you can call them conform to ‘so-called values’ that continue to keep you enslaved to a programming that is NOT of benefit to you.Do not confuse your ‘true value’, the values that are embedded in your ‘true consciousness’ with the ‘values’ that have been programmed into your mental consciousness in this enslaved world. That programming is designed to keep you ‘as is’, to keep you as ‘useless eaters’, ‘useless consumers, ‘powerless fodder’ to be used by those who keep you under lock and key.Where you came from, is NOT a slave society. Where you came from, the energies that permeate such places are of Love, respect, Compassion and selflessness.Do not therefore think that what you ‘know as your truth’ is likely to be bestowed on those who either Do Not remember such or who Do Not Care about such.What exists here are slave conditions, nothing more, nothing less. Some of you may have the role of holding and reflecting those lofty energies that you have brought from your distant realms. Most do this at great price to themselves as the conditions for maintaining such radiance in this world is but an anti-thesis to such lofty values. Alternately, there are those who are here to destroy the programming of this world that keeps others in darkness of who and what they truly are!You struggle with the concept of fighting for liberation and by extension committing ‘ultimate sins’. You worry about how that entangles you in a dance with Karma. Karma has been mis-represented as an act of programming by your controllers. Verily I say to you Karma is merely the natural response akin to ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’. Your karma for ‘inaction’ against atrocities of any kind is a continuance and heightening of such atrocities.Think of it like this. If you have a child that is enamored with playing with ‘fire’, you know as a parent that you have to be very alert and sometimes very demonstrative if you have to protect that child and others from the dangers of misuse of ‘fire’. Sometimes you have to let the child’s fingers ‘feel the heat’ so that they understand that the ‘fire’ can be extremely painful and harmful. It’s called ‘tough love’ and while you may recoil at what I am saying because in the worlds you come from, this is unnatural. You must remember that this world is a matrix-engendered slave society. However it is where you currently inhabit as part of your mission and as such it is your school to understand how to not only raise the vibrations amongst the people by BE-ING the aspect of WHO YOU ARE which is based upon WHERE YOU CAME FROM but also how to administrate such BE-INGNESS in tough conditions which are NOT conducive to such BE-INGNESS.You are literally walking a tightrope here; you are on the ‘straight and narrow’.You want to be GODLY but I say that your interpretation of GOD is colored by program designs of your matrix handlers.Do you really think they want you to rise up against them??Why do you think, from time immemorial they have efforted these machinations to keep you from knowing your true selves. Machinations that include what you believe are your definition of what GOD should be!In order to know yourself you have to learn to stand up! You have to stand up in your BE-INGNESS. You do have Power and Authority; however you do suffer from Dimensional Amnesia.Do you really believe that at ALL times you must ‘turn the other cheek?’ Do you realize that this phrase is one that has kept you from truly knowing yourself?Let me explain further.POWER AND AUTHORITYPower equates with STRENGTH.Authority equates with RESPONSIBILITY.You are here to learn how to GROW your POWER. You are here to learn how to use your POWER wisely.How will you learn such if you continually run from situations that require you to be decisive in the use of your power and authority? How will you learn to be discerning in your use of such if you are afraid to make a mistake …if you are afraid of your version of Karma?To grow into the God version of yourself you must be able to handle power and authority.How do you handle power and authority and not abuse such? It is simple. When you walk in power and authority, you also walk in HUMILITY. To do otherwise is to give rise to what you see on your planet… ABUSE, MIS-USE, DIS-RESPECT and general CONTEMPT for life.When you share power and authority with HUMILITY, you allow yourself time and space to discern, to gather information as you try from your limited capacity to make the best decisions in the given circumstances.If it is your intention to become like GOD or GODLIKE (no pun intended) you need to become accustomed to weighing decision making options in HUMILITY and actioning consequential responsibilities. The more you exercise these options, the more you learn about yourself; the more you learn about yourself, the stronger you grow. When you know yourself, you are on the path to knowing your true power, your true authority and from where and WHOM such attributes are derived.Now let us say you are dealing with someone who is in denial of the ‘true self’….. is ignorant of the laws of the UNIVERSE…..does not care to understand…..such and such a person poses a threat to YOU and I address YOU as THE ONE in amnesia of your abilities and therefore is unable to neutralize a threatening situation utilizing ‘fully online and activated’ mental abilities…yes YOU… would you allow this person to harm you whether by word or deed. Would you always walk away! Remember inaction is very much karmic and I say this repeatedly because Karma has been used as a dogma to keep you frightened, wasted and sheepish!In other words if you say that you are a GOD-BEING in amnesia trying to find your way HOME then you have to climb your way out of sheepishness and start asserting yourself. You won’t come into your true knowingness by ‘OM-ing away your life” The universes were ACTIONED into BE-ING and you are children of the Universe…therefore how could you be any different.While walking away is an action, it is one that is guaranteed to ensure that you will continually face whatever seeks to torment you…you are only guaranteed an opportunity ‘to live to fight another day’.I will tell you that those who continually choose to ‘walk away’ will always have nagging eventful situations cropping up with ever increasing intensity until they CHOOSE to be decisive in dealing with them . You will be forced to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. You will be forced to ACT in accordance with your BE-ING and you always know when you are ready to ACT in accordance with your BE-ING. How do you know?? How do you know when to STAND UP instead of walking away?? Your SOLAR PLEXUS will revolt.You will say “I can’t STOMACH this any longer.”When your SOLAR PLEXUS is activated as described, you have now entered unto the path to finding your GOD SELF. Prior to that…you are just ‘gaming’ the system, you are just at the stage where you are not sure of yourself and everything else and, as such, it is still too much of a bother to test your handling of Power and Authority with a view of learning to improve in applying HUMILITY and GOD CONSCIOUSNESS.To choose to ‘walk away’ is your GOD GIVEN RIGHT.To STAND UP and ACT in GOD CONSCIOUSNESS is your GOD RIGHT.I speak to this discourse with PASSION as I have had at many times to be the ‘Diplomat’ of sorts. My form of “Diplomacy” is NOT what you call diplomacy on your planet. From my BE-INGNESS, I am required to make decisions taking ALL into account. At ALL times these decisions are of COMPASSION when ALL circumstances are ‘weighted’.At times decisions have to be swift and decisive to ensure that the DIVINE ACCORDS are allowed without impeditions.Remember just because one has Power and Authority does not make one a GOD BEING. Misuse and abuse of these attributes will make one the opposite of GOD. That is why you are here to learn to use Power and Authority under these ‘testing’ conditions. Applied with Divine Responsibility and weighted in Divine Accords using your power and authority in your everyday lives, will help you to become the GOD BE-INGS that you are intending.Think upon that!Thank You Thoth.
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Esu Comments on the Conclave and Earth Changes

Esu Comments on the Conclave and Earth ChangesBy Jess AnthonySep 13, 2009, 20:209-12-09Esu, I would like to have some additional insight and explanation. Will you speak about the crystal activation notion? It seems it might have been a necessary action to help realign Earth’s energy frequency. Is such a grid sequence at play? I also ask about the conclave and who was participating. I am fascinated by Candace’s description. Where do we stand in terms of collapse and stasis? It seems close but uncertain. How are events on Earth playing into the changing energy? They seem to be breaking up too.Jess, it’s good to talk to you again. Yes, much is happening. Much has been decided and determined. The conclave was a discussion of where things stand in terms of where the universe stands in relation to Orvonton. The concept that Christ Michael is exploring is unique, and the hierarchy of larger galactic groups and orders is carefully observing the outcome of his experiment. It is working surprising well in their estimation. They were cognizant of the potential of his idea, but they are fascinated to see it working itself out in terms of physicality and ascending evolution. The notion of duality and antagonism becoming balanced and unified is new and exciting to see.This has happened because the spirits that have incarnated on Earth over the centuries have played a collaborative role in shaping this transformation. It is still not completed, but the shift towards greater light and unity has begun in the lives of those that will continue to complete this transformation.Others will be leaving this planetary scenario, their roles completed here. They served as obstacles and problems to be overcome. Their pathway called for that role and they provided that force of resistance that others needed to overcome in their pathways.Earth is a living progression, just as each of you are working out your own pathway for personal growth. The changes that must come are outcomes of the choices Earth has made previously to allow her inhabitants to explore their systems of interaction. Their choices involved her physical nature, and she has allowed herself to be damaged for an object lesson to others. It is now time for Earth to begin to heal. The lessons learned through damage and destruction by manmade forces are at an end. The slate is about to be wiped clean, as it were.I can speak more about the conclave. The participants, as Candace indicated, were “bigwigs” from Orvonton and the surrounding major universe systems that interact with the direction Earth and its solar system is pursuing. The great universe of Orvonton is interrelated in all its vast components, and all must be considered whenever a major shift or change is initiated. This involves consultants and coordinators who speak on the potential for growth and interaction the changes suggest.Many representatives from the governing council of Orvonton were there, including Lord Siraya, whom you have spoken to on several occasions. His input was in terms of rethinking that which will occur as a result of the shift in feelings and sensations that will come with a raised frequency of energy activation. Man’s perceptions and awareness will be reoriented, and this will affect the way he interacts with each other and with his plane of existence on Earth. This energy shift will have an impact much beyond the perimeters of your limited solar system. Universes within universes will readjust and Orvonton will change over the course of time, as you consider it. Evolution is continual and ascension is a part of it.I’ll speak briefly about the crystal activation you spoke of. There is not such a formal plan at work as envisioned by some messengers and lightworkers. The concept is good and useful in terms of energy activation through the crystal deposits that are strewn through Earth, but the time frame involved with the collapse of the magnetosphere and the upcoming stasis period precludes any projected schedule of future activations. The sequence is perfectly workable if the time is available to carry it out, but I fear it will not be followed through as anticipated. This is not to say that the crystal deposits won’t be activated in the stasis period. They are prime agents for the energy vortexes that are necessary to enliven the Earth’s energy circuits.The 9-9-9 ceremonies were good as a focus of spiritual attention and additional awareness of the need to connect with Earth’s resources in a symbiotic way. Man’s attention was drawn to this interconnection through such festivals. This is good.The conclave did decide to let the Earth’s magnetosphere follow its own process of collapse without much artificial propping up. It seems time now for this to happen. Time wise, this is still geared to the seasonal cycle of the US. This is not to slight the other parts of the globe, but to provide the most workable cushion for the lightworkers to fall back when the country’s governmental and financial structure fall apart. And they will. This seems almost on the verge of happening. This again is an example of a projected potential, rather than an actual prediction. No one can say what events will transpire in trying to reach a closure of the events put in motion earlier. Signs seem full of potential, however.My suggestion to you is to continue with what you are doing in your work and in your preparation. I don’t see the need for many more messages to be transcribed. We will give a specific update through Candace when there is the need for one, in terms of general awareness of what is to occur. You should remain balanced and aware of changes occurring. Try to be non-judgmental; only observe what is presented and release any anger or fear that the observation man occasion in your thinking.Esu
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The Broken BowlBy Esu, Adama, and EveAug 5, 2009, 15:19THE BROKEN BOWLAlthough eating out of a cracked bowleating can still be funand abouthandling the battle scars of disappointmentEsu through Evewith a short comment by AdamaI have „styled“ this a bit, as I took outsome comments which were just „too“ private. Eve4th August 2009Where eagles fly the world of earth and skyThere's a place where eagles flyThere you'll find my heart and soul carried on the windAnd in you I believe, so the time I spent waitingIs a moment passing, not a minute moreAll the years that passed never changed my mindWhat will be for us, will be in timeAll the dreams we have, one day will come trueWhere eagles fly, I will wait for youHere I'll pass the nightWith many battles left to fightI'll see the sun rise once againOn a distant shoreLoneliness will fade awayTime will stop until the dayYou return into my armsTo hold me like beforeAll the years that passed never changed my mindWhat will be for us, will be in timeAll the dreams we haveOne day will come trueWhere eagles fly, I will wait for youBetween the world of earth and skyThere's a place where eagles flyThere you'll find my heart and soul carried on the windAnd in you I believe, now and foreverWhere eagles fly, I will wait for youEve:All of us who are warriors of light who are here in a human body now, are from now to then facing the fact that our human body outfit makes us open for emotional injuries at risk of getting scars. We may well be aware of our universal heritage, origin and identity, but this does not prevent emotions of pain and to be hurt. These are the rules of the game. Sometimes we think we are „over“ hurtful things, and then there comes a trigger out of the blue just to prove that there is still an open wound, or at least a battle scar reminding us of uncomfortable events. We might think we are well underway, sailing our course on the ocean of life, heading for the shores of what we came to do – and suddenly the wind turns and we have to start beating about. In June last year I had to face such a situation – and I adressed Esu, hoping for a look into his „toolbox“.Esu, what's up with the world / energy and what's up with me? I'm again facing a wave of hurtful energy regarding this special affair and I whish to get rid of it. I whish to be in peace with the situation, but I simply do not succeed. Even a song in the radio can trigger the pain, and all is back again … rage, hatred, full scale. So deep. Will this wound ever heal and how can I support this?Welcome, Eve. As long as you prevent all to heal, no way. 3D is difficult. A broken bowl, glued together again, will never again be like a new one, you will always see the crack. Seeing this line will always remind you on the occasion where the bowl was broken.Now, the good news is: You can fill in a fine salad and enjoy eating, and you will forget about the broken line, until the bowl gets empty again. My advice for you is to keep your bowl filled always and never let it become void.Esu, I've been nearly starving down here, during the past years, as I have been missing my cosmic family that much. I have been very much searching to fill in substitutes. How will you explain somebody starving not to eat all which is in the bowl ?You should know, Eve, that it's possible to drink Cha (green tea used in Japanese Tea Ceremonies) out of an empty cup, by visualizing that the cup is filled. You are very much able to disciplinize your mind. I know – and this is common among light workers – that the patterns of never receiving enough to feel nourishd from the material world are deeply cemented in your cells. I already told you that you compare the 3D issues with the holy cosmic relationships. This does not work in general, as there are no common denominators. You are on a dense material world and the working conditions are everything else than perfect. There is many theories you keep working with, but nearly none which really clears the scars. It does not serve too much to have expectations exceeding the potentials of a material world.Eve, it won't help you – and I repeat myself – to tease yourself by trying to get into these harmful things again and again with the expectation that they would not be harmful anymore if you just investigated the correct ceremonies, and a sufficient quantum of energy. This is what I meant when I said „you prevent healing“. On a material world the broken line will remain – equal if you put some color over it or fill it with food. You have to learn that eating can be fun, even out of a glued bowl with a crack. When you hear the hurtful song, turn it off. Turn your radio off and step out of the hurtful frequency. Think about something of beauty, put up a smile, remember your mission. Put another song on your CD-player. Remember to think positive, remember „the Secret“. Forgive awarely and go on. And remember the universal level, on which your soul is whole.How the VIPs deal with emotionsIn November 2008 the question arose to me how Esu /CM & Co do deal with emotions.Esu, you are in a body again, and this would mean that you deal with emotions. I would think, that it is likewise with CM. What's going on with you when you are observing the things happening on this planet?See, I remained in the higher realms watching earth folks to go from one incarnation to another. Very often I have asked myself how CM and me could have allowed so many dear souls go down into this sphere and remain there, facing situations which seemed even worse than the crucifixion 2000 years ago. Harming and crucifying all you dear ones they crucified even CM and me again and again. I've had many sessions with CM, when I was really devastated by seeing what density did to all our dear hearts. And also CM was very concerned, and he still is, as he did not really expect all to turn out like it did. We know how many psychic deaths you have been dying beside the natural deaths of your bodies. We have seen the many scars on your hearts and the terrible longing to be home again. We often took your energetic bodies up to feed them with love as they were so terribly hurt.It was like a wonder to see you folks standing up again and again like the phoenix out of the ashes, with your mighty will to heal all of this. CM watched you and sat there silently, sometimes missing the words, he changed the name of the ship he is on into Phoenix and if you ask me if a creator son is able to have tears in his eyes, I tell you: Yes, he can have. He calls you the jewels of his universe. What you did down on the planet added to his decision to come here himself – in a body again – with his „sleeves up at work“, to help clearing the mess, out of his outstanding love for his creation. He is whishing to reward his brave stewards who so couraged went into the density. And at the end, finally, you will find out that everything was arranged perfectly, working out fine, for the sake and the greatest good of all.That even although you contributed to creating harmful situations for yourselves you will move beyond these situations, which make you graduated ones on a terrain in Nebadon which is the most difficult one to handle.The day you succeed implementing a society of light and life will be the day where your scars will be really healed and past, but the experience will remain to assist you for further missions. The experience will always remain an imprint to your personality.About the battle scars of Esu and Nada9th July 2009Esu, I would like to hear more about how it felt for you as a master to be in this 3D world in the mission with CM. Have you felt that superior, that the shadows of anger, rage and sadness and the like could not really touch you? Have you always been this HU-man or have you also been a simple man? Did you receive scars and does this experience still interact with your present being?Welcome, dear Eve, I see that you just tapped into the time 2000 years ago, and you prefer asking me rather than stepping into your own stored memories. So be it, (smiles).Eve:Well, you and Nada (and CM of course) came here as masters well educated, but did you not also have certain challenges when you felt your being human collided with your higher mission? I mean, in a certain way „Jesus“ did as well co-create his reality as we are doing now.Esu: Right. CM was subject to the free will, and this would have enabled him to decide not to be crucified, he could have easily gone elsewhere to continue his teaching. Nobody forced him to remain. And this decision was everything else than easy for him. As he underwent the same doubts and fears as every other human being on this planet. Of course his decision interacted with the people close to him, therefore my personality as Esu had no choice at all, due to our agreement before the incarnation. All of us were following the agenda to fulfill our celestial mission, and the emotions and hardships were quite a challenge for us. It was not easy for us, even although we came as masters. I had my moments of rage, of anger, of fear and also of sadness and of feeling overwhelmed.Eve: So, Lady Nada / Mary Magdalen had the role of a woman seeing the love of her life become ridiculed, tortured and crucified, remaining in the world as a pregnant widow who was forced to raise her child alone in a foreign country. Maybe she felt that you went elsewhere to build up another existence without her. You won't tell me that she always stayed in balance on the level of a „higher view“? I cannot imagine that this did not leave scars with could she make her living with these scars?Esu: Well, dear heart, she was a well educated person with a high rank in the order of the great goddess, but in spite of this I guess she had no choice than making her living with these scars. And all these scars were of minor importance compared with her mission of being the living holy grail of the female energy.I had to make my living with the scars of not having her physical at my side. Everyone of us was whole in the self, but we were missing each other. However, we both were aware of our mission and would not have whished to endanger the success.Nada's human experience around the crucifixion did place a very strong imprint to the stock of her memory. Her feelings and emotions in regard of my physical loss in her life were mighty, so mighty that they did rightaway overlay the awareness of the mission. She allows me to tell you that she nearly lost her voice, she cried until her voice was hoarse and her vocal chords felt like ropes. She was very much „man“ in this situation and she felt very much hurt in her gentle soul. When raising our daughter alone, she had friends around her, but these friends did not balance the loss of her mate. She dedicated her further life to the mission of teaching but to the emotions of a loving woman it always seemed like a compromise.Looking back later upon her incarnation she became aware how all was worth it, especially the honor to be a representative of Nebadonia to CM on this last mission before becoming sovereign of his universe. But all in all – this experience has resulted in her being even more straight than ever. This incarnation forced her to be strong in the outside, she thickened the walls around her heart and closed some doors, as these walls were attacked and fired upon, while inside – at least sometimes – the water was rising from her tears of missing me – in which she felt like drowning. All in all she learned how to glue a broken bowl and to live with the visible cracks.When I was then going on living in a different country – I tell you here and now – that no day passed without me sending her my thoughts of deep love. I often visited her in my etheric body and we were enjoying wonderous moments, nurturing the promise that we would have another very long and happy mission on this planet in the correction time leading into the days of light and life.4th August 2009Esu: Yes, she is a warrior of light, and she is carrying her battle scars of the material world, and the fact that she will again live together with me on this material world as my official consort will mean real and sustainable healing to the scars.We have made our plans in common and her wide and precious heart has well understood why things had to be carried out exactly in the way they were carried out – and not otherwise. After all is said and done, all of us will be stronger and more experienced than ever. I beg you to behold this well. No more harm shall be done to my beloved groundcrew. CM will not intentionally sacrifice a single one of you. Be in peace, and don't loose your smile! Hugs straight from my heart, Esu.Also Adama placed a short comment on that topic later:Sometimes the emotions of a human being on a material world seem to overlay the divine order. To overcome this by own efforts just with spiritual guidance is an act of true mastership. Always remember that your personal problems on a material world weigh just little, compared with the higher order you agreed to act out. Many of you do this, at cost of their personal comfort. You are aware that it has to be that way and you accept that. For this you are honoured at the highest. And most surely, this experience has an impact on all of the following incarnations, even if you cannot remember the details any more which let to the ability to stand in for the truth without compromise, at full risk in a material existence. With some people the scars still hurt that much that some of their uncompromising actions have the touch of being cruel, while the soul is in danger to drown in tears behind the walls of defence. Many of us masters dwelling now in the higher realms would most probably not do any better than you, if we had to change roles. Always heart to heart, Adama.Thank you so much, Esu and Adama. Your words deeply touch my heart. You have always been there with me, without me knowing. Please accept my deepest gratitude. EAGLES FLY:You've taken our land,We've died at your hand,You've taken our homes away.But while we still live,Our spirit will give,The strength for the fight to stay.For here we belong!Our spirit is strong!It soars like a song in the sky...Defeat we'll deny,Our spirit won't die,It flies where the eagles fly!
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Get Out of Our Way!!!!!!

Get Out of Our Way!!!!!!By Esu, Christ MichaelAug 4, 2009, 15:20Get Out of Our Way!!!!Esu & Christ Michael, thru CandaceAugust 4, 2009Esu: Beloveds, this is not a message for you, it’s for the black ops brothers and sisters.There is a plan aboard to put Mr. Clinton back in office, and it shall not be. You are not going to install the dictatorship, we are not going to allow it. Yes, this current president is NOT a citizen, and yes the American people WILL be allowed to see this. But you are NOT to murder this clone you have placed into office and take over this country. There will be dire consequences if you move on further down this path. I Am Esu, commander of Earth forces at this time. Some of you know me well. Have a Good Day.Christ Michael: There is this day a motivating of joint earth and star fleet forces. This is under the capable direction of General Radetsky. We are ON the ground and taking care of some major issues ole buddies, and we mean business. Stop immediately of your plans. NOW! The Big Cheese of Nebadon.
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This Channeling was channeled by Angel LoveLight, Guardian Of Light in the night from 21th on 22th July.When this was channeled more Lightbeings/Ascended Masters from Light were sending out the message together, some speak of we some speak of I.At the end of the channeling all names came who were present and were sending out the message.Also a vision of one of those came and will be draw today or tomorrow and will be uploaded as soon as it is finished.CHANNELING:Dear Beloved Angels on earth,For you are the true angels on this planet today.Clean air is breathing more and more.Clean air in the way of awarness of in energies and your own imbodied formed DNA structures.You have all emerged each moment more and more in the ONEness of man-kind as making all sub-groups more ONE.After this period of time from emerging energies into ONEness, finding your unique ways in co-creationship.You will be heading towards ONEness for a Sub-group of smaller Sub-groups emerged in ONEness untill you reached the ZERO-point again.When this stage of evolution is finished you have reached the 9th gate of the Third Dimension.So you all can swift into the Second Base of movement towards Fifth dimension (It felt if it was going backwards, like the merkaba, if we were in 3rd base going to 2nd to 1th etc, but I guess this will be explained another time)The Portals are more open then it ever was.The time has now come that you are able to experience our presence for all of you, but One Big notice will be given.WE DO NOT COME IN UFO'S.WE DO NOT COME IN IMBODIED FORMS.We come in peace but we come in LIGHT ENERGY FORMS.This means the Third Eye need to Re-Connect to the Life Source and the Human imbodied DNA structure again.This has been closed off for many ages now, but as the Lunar eclips started on may 23th/24th was a preparing for the event that you are in now and has been in movement of the evolution on your great planet earth.We have here the information that is even to understand and been heard by many of you.Do not be alarmed if you think you haven't been receiving this information as it has been so clear that you might not have been noticing or even have been aware, so you could have paid attention or could allow this in.But do not worry my dear Beloved Ones.The Seeds are been planted and is for you each moment when you ALLOW yourself to be consiousnessly found.It is now more easier for you to connect with your true spirit, your Higher-Consiousness, Your Higher-Self.Do not forget YOU are part of the Bigger Picture.You are part of the WHOLE, THE UNIVERSE and like the heart sending out signals to other parts of this whole.You all are that part, you are all also that other parts.Sending and receiving always connected.Like above, Like beneith.The Human body is still a prison for many of you, but when you have been emerged to the greatest ONEness it become easier to your Higher-Self.When you are ONE with your TRUE SELF, The Higher-Self, You connect your system to the ONEness-LEVEL.The Source of all energies.The purest of all kind.When this happens your DNA structure will change, your CELLS won't have the need for limits anymore.Limits, Conditions were needed for the 3D world to exist to experience our consiousness of our divine plan.The Only thing is to remember the Divine Plan.Let the experiences come.Let it flow within and around you.Embrace them all.Let go of what was then.Live in the moment.Experience your own energy.Experience your thoughts.Experience your emotions, even fear.Those were your own unique guides on your way to ascension.So you see what I was telling you earlier. ALLOWING.ALLOW yourself to move forward.ALLOW yourself to listen to your innervoice, who is guiding you all the way.ALL LIGHTBEINGS ARE WITHIN and around this Inner-Voice.Your own GUIDEANCE SYSTEM WITHIN as it is connected to the SOURCE of the DIVINE PLAN, Of ALL, OF GOD so to speak in the Language of the Human-race.Those who are not affraid to follow their own inner-voice even how crazy it would sounds, are the TRUE MASTERS. Those are the Ones who have been connected to their Higher-Purpose of Life.Be not be fooled by those around you who are telling you different.Only you know the truth from the insideLet this be the words you needed to hear to call out to your Inner-Voice.To stop latching on and holding yourself back and to keep moving into the Divine Plan.Listen again to that Voice it is telling you, that YOU are the SOLUTION.YOU are the TRUE CREATOR.YOU are the KNOWLEDGEYou are having the ANSWER.STEP INTO THAT BEAUTIFUL LIGHT THAT IS YOU!!!For I leave you with these last few words.YOU ARE THAT GREATMore will come later as dearest Angel LoveLight want to move towards bed to get some rest, but I am glad she finally made this step, and loving that she does.LOVESaint Hilarion,Joshua,MichaëlAdamus Saint GermainKuthumiAnd Higher-Consiousness, Higher-Self of Angel LoveLightThis was channeled in the midnight and the message came flued and fast.Hope this can give some insights or such...LOVE ALWAYS UNCONDITIONALLY,Angel LoveLight,Guardian Of Light
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