Michael Marlowe's Posts (3)

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Walking Side-By-SIde - The Voice

8108868894?profile=originalYou can tell a lot about someone based on how they walk. Imagine for a moment that a string is attached at your waist, to a person with whom you regularly exchange energy. What is the sensation when he walks far ahead of you, past the limit of the string and pulls? What is the sensation if she suddenly stops and plants her feet firmly on the ground, while you keep walking? Suppose in another situation he comes up behind you and gives you a shove? Of course, the energy of a relationship can be more complicated – someone wishes to control; another person seeks to lead; in another form, someone wishes to be led. Or someone tries to fulfill a want or shape someone to meet his needs. 

Consider a different way of being. What is the sensation walking along side of someone, in balance and in contact? The most natural way is for two people to walk is side-by-side. So how does a person walk along side another person?

1) The beginning movement is to hold the inten­tion to do no harm and the only way to do no harm is be in-learning – to greet the other person with curiosity and openness. Remember that this is a very active state, not passive. Consider the situation when someone holds the energy of “I know what is best for you,” or “I want to help you with my solution.” Energetically, if someone is greeting the world in-knowing, there is very little difference between these two intentions and the actions which flow from them. Help is often given in-knowing.

2) You walk along side someone by listening. The space of walking along side someone is always full of genuine listening.

3) Another quality present, when someone is walking along side another, is “being-with.” There is no simple word for this energetic quality. It is a quality, which is expressed when someone has no agenda. This is an active state of “cutting the strings” in the relationship. It is a movement towards service, appreciation and respect.


Picture a current relationship – notice and sense are there any pattern(s) to how you walk with this person? The focus of the picture is on you, not the other person – on how you are choosing to walk. Are you behind this person; in front of this person; beside this person; are you below this person? How close or far are you away? If there is a “disturbance” in the relationship, what would you change, if you were to walk side-by-side?

This practice is also important to do with children. Do not teach them to be behind you or beneath you. The nature of a child is to be in-learning and to be connected, walking along side of you.

It would be easy to say, “Oh, I walk side-by-side most of the time.” So pause for a moment – this would mean that you are a good listener, that you are hold judgment and evaluation very lightly, that you see the best in others, because you see their eyes. It means you recognize their gifts and encourage them to express their gifts and that you genuinely smile at them often.

If you were to do nothing else other than this practice, much is to be learned.

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8108864877?profile=originalIf hold all the different communities across the planet, large and small, you will immediately notice that they do not shine. Little light emanates from them because they do not nourish. The fastest way for a community to share its light is to be of service to children and women. Communities shine when the voices of women and children come forward.

When you bring children’s voices forward everything softens, for this too is a key to the advancement of humankind. When women’s voices come forward new forms appear that support – collaboration, healing, nourishment and flourishing. Today, as named leaders, women offer a different invitation to community that is sorely needed.

Men too are important, however they have their chance for millennia now and have chose to use their voices in others ways – as they lead communities, villages, cities, religions, governments, countries, businesses.

Men do not resist, be graceful – recognize that other qualities are needed in your communities. If you want a better life for your children, and their children, and their children – seven generations. Women are ready to lead in this manner. This is the millennia of women’s voices. Try these ideas roll them over in your mind.

Now everyone has work to do, men in particular. You need a new system of work and family. This is central to activating the key of community. The current forms of leadership of your communities, challenge women. They are faced with the choice – behave as men to be successful or neglect their children. These are not healthy or pleasant choices. Erase the lines that define how leaders must lead.

Open the gates, tear down the fences, build playgrounds for the children. Invite women to walk forward as leaders with babes in arms, holding hands with children – their own children and others children. Support them to transform the inner sanctums of power and authority. As these changes unfold, men surround yourself with women advisors, who share your goals and yet offer entirely different invitations to community membership. Be touched by their counsel.

The planet needs natural forms of collaboration across communities. Women will be the bridges and the children will walk across the bridges to meet the children of other communities, for they are all brothers and sisters.

Today everything is fragmented. Men are separated from their children. In many places in the world women are barred from using their voices, in many other communities their voices are not invited. Children are places in schools, where no one hears their voices or beautiful songs.Grandmothers are no longer sought for their wisdom and leadership. These are just a few examples.

So what can you do?

  • Wake up – seriously consider these new ideas. Notice the imbalance and absence of women’s voices
  • Actively invite women’s voices forward
  • Women develop your voice. Discover what you want to say, seek no permission. Keep a journal and most important sit in women’s circles, with other women and try out your voice.

The creation of healthy communities that offer spaces for everyone to be nourished and to flourish is the third key to the Advancement of Humankind. 


This is a channeling from the Voice. For more information on the being called the Voice please visit http://www.17messages.com. For past weekly channelings from the Voice see http://blog.17messages.com

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8108864476?profile=originalThere are great myths rampant across the communities and nations of the planet.  They create a haze or fog that obscures the true nature of human relationships and prevent communities from evolving into nourishing havens for all people.

These myths have been here for millennia now and they actually shape the nature of communities and their rules. The myths whisper you are separate not connected, you are the center of the universe and ruler of the planet, everything is subservient to you. They whisper men are better than women or tell you to focus on acquiring and owning, for this determines who you really are. They whisper worth is determined by how attractive you are and to place all your energy on finding a mate someone to adore you – for you cannot be close and connected to more than one person. Finally the myths whisper you are innocent and not responsible for all the great harms across the planet and tell you that time rules all – it is the true nature of movement, flow is an illusion.

There are nine jewels of human relationship brilliantly reflecting your true nature. We call them jewels because of the space inside, as they are capable of multiple facets and expressions. Consider these well.

Jewel 1: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships are bold, warm, clear, flows of energy being exchanged. Pay attention to the flows in your relationships what qualities do they express? Are they warm? Are they bold? Are they clear? Most flows are restricted in some manner.

Jewel 2: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is nourishment. Everyone is nourished. Consider how well do you nourish others? What is your theory about what nourishes people?

Jewel 3: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is being in-learning together. This means to base the foundation of your relationships on being learning partners. Frequently in today’s world being a learning partner means that you are helping others to develop their voice and discover their gifts, for this has not occurred in childhood.

Jewel 4: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is healing. Healing is a natural part of growth. Walking in your lives there are many emotional, scrapes, bruises, and wounds. Left unattended they are buried, restrictions form and limit people in how they form relationships. This causes all forms of narrowing.

Jewel 5: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to speak from the heart and speak the truth. Human voice is wonderfully clear in its expression whether through art, words, or music. Everyone listens when you speak your truth and talk from the heart. 

So if this seems too long or too much to remember or absorb – simply start with Jewel 2 – Nourishment and Jewel 3 – being Learning Partners. These two alone will start a transformation in all your relationships.

Jewel 7: Fundamental to the nature of being human is to be of service. This is a profound state of being. There is a deep appreciation for the opportunity to be of service, to grow one’s soul and spirit. Here there is movement without attachment to outcome or to receipt of gratitude.

Jewel 8: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to experience a profound connection among and across all living beings and systems. This stretches far beyond relationships with other human beings and expands to all living forms, which share the earth today – to the planet itself, to sprit which exists beyond the body. To experience all of this, you are also connected to yourself.

Jewel 9: Fundamental to the nature of human relationships is to share gifts. Each person has a gift to share that nourishes, lights, heals, helps, delights, renews. Have you discovered your gift? 

I understand these jewels may seem like meer lists to some, a dictation of key points of learning or something that seems beyond. This is why it is important to ponder these, to reflect on them and to understand them in concert with the great myths. The myths have long distracted you over the millennia diverting you from your true nature.


This is a channeling from the Voice by Michael Marlowe.  Information about the being called the Voice can be founded at http://www.17messages.com  Past weekly channelings can be found at http://blog.17messages.com

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