Mario Andreas's Posts (14)

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Collection I

And so the lord Isaiah went forth and came fifth.

The world is one almighty stage, shame it has so many curtains.

The thing I love most about God is he's big enough to admit when he's made a mistake.

And then Moses stood upon the rock of the shore and held up the staff, with an almighty voice cried for the tenth time you will see the power of the "????".... do you know what bollocks, how many bloody miracles do I have to perform before you lot realise the lord is working through me. No I'll tell you what you can all bloody swim here Joshua you take over I'm off , god you think they would of got it after the seven plagues.

‎'Mario' yes Lord, why have none of my children honoured my word... I think lord its because your not hip, what do you mean brother, "that's exactly what I'm talking about, you just cant go around any longer calling people brother and sister it just don't wash. 'Bruv' OR 'Siss is ok, oh I see, and what of my parables, well you could have re spoken them with a bit of humour, give me an example then bruv, god your a quick learner well I am the lord (example) like the bottomless pit, yea errmm why not "the more you big it the more you dig it" ok I'll remember that Mario thanks for being the one to test the water, don't worry lord I’m sure they'll love you, because this world is already a laugh a minute, what do you mean do you like punch and Judy yes why' well your going to love politics anyway take care bruv.

Why did Moses take the ferry… because it was the Lords day off.

When in our journeys does one no longer need climb any more mountain, when one no longer looks down upon that's when.

Lord when I looked up and saw you standing at the edge of the mountain, with your hands cupped it started to rain, funny it wasn't raining where i was standing.

All students become teachers, even though all teachers are still students.

Do the leaves of a tree dishonor all the others that they do not flourish upon the same branch ? No of course not, then why do we.

Living in this world is like making out with a prostitute, you get fucked and then on top of that you got to pay for it.

So the Lord God called upon three of his angels to be sent forth upon the earth in the time of Hercules to do battle with the Devil, on their returning the Lord saw a toad a lion and a ram standing before him. The toad and the lion looked at each other in astonishment, how did he make it back as a ram, and the lord replied, toad as a beautiful butterfly you was a gift but also a curse. Longing to be kissed so I gave you your wish, you will know your true love soon enough, for the one whom gives loves true kiss and makes you into a golden eagle is the one for you. Tiger you was not so quick to damn others with your wisdom and this is why as my most honoured captain you have no stripes and are now my golden lion. And as for you cheeky little ram, the tree of life for as a dog not only did you acknowledge me but you had even come to acknowledge every tree, and the lion, toad and the lord did laugh, and ram whom was still oblivious had made them laugh just that bit more.

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‎'Mario' yes Lord, why have none of my children honoured my word... I think lord its because your not hip, what do you mean brother, "that's exactly what I'm talking about, you just cant go around any longer calling people brother and sister it just don't wash. 'Bruv' OR 'Siss is ok, oh I see, and what of my parables, well you could have re spoken them with a bit of humour, give me an example then bruv, god your a quick learner well I am the lord (example) like the bottomless pit, yea errmm why not "the more you big it the more you dig it" ok I'll remember that mario thanks for being the one to test the water, don't worry lord i'm sure they'll love you, because this world is already a laugh a minute, what do you mean do you like punch and Judy yes why' well your going to love politics anyway take care bruv.

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Sananda and the promise

For those amongst you whom feel know how to heal, and to see how can one be made free when your roots are like that of a tree, to free your hearts is to free your souls, for the kingdoms, of knickers you are of Camelot, and see more than you feel, The glory of the elephants you are a holy being and have a golden heart, and the kingdom of ram what are you other than that which I am. The lord Sananda has not kingdoms nor does he want, and only that with every step that we leave not a print but an impression in his heart.

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Holy Jokes Batman

God asked himself one fine day, I mean lets face it all days in heaven are fine, I need to send forth my name sake but not so obvious, what shall one do, mmmm God sighed. A little angel looked up and asked could you not go forth as a dog, oh I see and reverse my name what a clever little angel you are. Would you go on my behalf, and on your returning shall honour you with half yes thank you father, what is asked of me go to earth and fetch for me a bone dig deep dig far and wide. So the dog went forth sniffing and digging every where upon the earth, and when the dog had returned god said well done to thee, for even every tree had come to acknowledge me. For where did you find my bone within, ah how simple things are, now do run along and play with your other half well I did say I would give you half.

The lord Bacchus after a long life on the drink passes back to the after life, and a almighty voice calls, have you trodden the wine press of the lord, and tasted of his cup, and Bacchus replies, sorry father I know your voice is mighty but could you say it a bit more quietly "sorry".

Why did Moses take the ferry, because it was the Lords day off. 

Living in this world is like making out with a prostitute, you get fucked and then on top of that you got to pay for it.

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Apocalyptic Overload

Apocalyptic Overload Deciphering symbols the coming of time, living on the edge screaming out for a sign. Post apocalyptic overload, cataclysmic cynics encrypting code. Prophets profit, nothing can stop it. The coming of man, turn of an age, one thing for certain life’s no stage. An encore for every curtain man reaping from the same page. Shuffling forward and moving back, shades of grey fade to black. No way out and every way in, leviathan labyrinth we’re all living in. Mental maze, man waiting for the end of day’s. The rich man creaming sitting at the top, The poor man screaming telling him to stop. Black attire breathing fire, forms of control keeping a hold. Living in a world where we’re all doing time, you might as well do the crime. Lava rock his children living in a prison block, bust out break out pick the lock. Learn from the master, worlds a disaster, Taken from arms of love and affection, but its your brothers in the hood offering you protection. Arms race human race mans just giving chase, everything laid to waste. Even a metropolis has a sub terrain, for the chosen few travel in a sky train. Palm injected Micro chip technology, the powers that be proclaim themselves a prodigy. And to those whom denied the changes, live amongst the rubble like strangers. The only chip I have is the one on my shoulder, just bring on Armageddon and lets start over. Cyber cop vocoder screaming drop, some kid from out of town, gets himself shot. Computer activation, abomination our own creation, laser precise, circuits of steel cold as ice. Laser scanning lenses, scanning my senses, scoping, and I’m hoping they don’t get past my defences. The beginning of the end has just begun, scavenging the land with a loaded gun. Only the strong do survive, so do what you got to do just to stay alive. The future we’ve made wasn’t meant to last, time is moving forward , but we’re still living in the past. Life is like a game of chess, just look around it’s a fucking mess. Your children are lost, and the system counting up the cost, A false economy for the law abiding, but its not there laws I confide in. The reaper reaping on demand Taking from his fathers lands. The time of death, can you feel his cold breath. have you ever seen a look so grim his cup full to the brim, for when the devil laughs he frown’s. for they say he wears one of many crowns. And for all the spoils and not glory, the twist in this tale is no happy ending to this story. The land were living in is no longer fair, and those at the top no longer care. The children of the revolution, and time of revelation, What do you expect when you go against the laws of creation. For what of life, where’s the quality, out breaks and crime for the lack of equality.

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