Kim Luyten's Posts (3)

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Gathering of the Four Corners Protective Shield Meditation

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Offbeat  (tags: meditation ) 
910006124_60x60.jpg Kim - 4 minutes ago - 
when: vrijdag 25 februari · 20:00 - 23:00 where: Global 8:00p.m. Eastern Time
Kim Luyten(14)
Friday February 25, 2011, 9:59 am
I believe the time is drawing closer than we have ever imagined, it was tuesday morning while riding on the train I saw a sign, there were patches of snow that covered the sides where the train passes by and standing there right on the snow was a black/white wolf staring at me as if it was trying to tell me something and then in an instant it vanished right before my eyes. Throughout the day I was thinking on what this meant and inside of me came the feeling of the time has come, it is here. 

Then wednesday I was taking a walk in the beautiful night and I always look up at the stars but this time, there was something about the formation of the stars that stopped me. You see it was 4 stars spread out into the four corners, which took me back to the vision I saw of the wolf, the four stars symbolizing Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. There is a great concentration of energy there and no matter what happens this area must be protected. 

I did further research on The Hopi Prophecy which you can read below these 4 states and it dives in more into what they believe has happened and will happen. 

I would like to do a meditation to safely protect this area, the meditation would be a bit different we would be gathering and forming a protective circle/shield around these 4 states the more people we have of course the better the outcome. 

The Hopi Prophecy 

The circle with the 4 (o's) and cross within (above), symbolizes the Four Corners Region (where Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet - a very high energy vortex). The circle represents no end - the infinite Great Spirit. The Indians believe we are the 5th World of Man. When the 4th World was destroyed (this destruction was foretold), those Indians who had listened were guided to places of safety, underground. After the 5th World was created, they assembled at Four Corners and were instructed to spread out in the four directions (north - south - east - west). Four (4) also represents the four elements in nature: fire, water, air and earth; and the four color races of man. 

In the Hopi Prophecy, it spoke of a white man who would come to them and help transform the entire continent into a spiritual paradise. He would be recognized because he would carry the fragment of stone which would complete their Holy Stone, filled with Indian writing characters. The Holy Stone had been preserved for thousands of years. Thus, when the white settlers came to the American continent, remembering their prophecy, they were openly welcomed. The Indians shared all they had. But, in return, all the White Man did was to take. The Indians noticed that their White Brothers had brought a cross. However, it was not enclosed by the circle of the Great Spirit, showing the White Man had lost his way. 

The Indians believe that at the beginning of the 5th World, when man was told to disburse throughout the planet, from Four Corners, the White Race was one of the original races that went East. Upon their return to our continent, they had become confused and forgotten the ways of the Great Spirit. Further the prophecy continued, either the White Man would bring peace and harmony or attempt to totally destroy the Indian's way of life and take all his possessions and the land. If the latter occured, (which is clearly the case today) there would come a time when the Indian people would appear to be almost non-existent. Yet, one day, they would rise out of nowhere, as the white race is falling due to their own ignorance and destruction, to lead a spiritual revolution, so all people on this continent would become attuned to the Great Spirit. To hold fast to the traditional ways even if it seemed that everything was against them. To protect Four Corners at all cost, because there is great power under the land that if it is allowed to escape, great destruction would result. Today, the Indians are going through the test to hold onto their traditional ways and protect the land. The White Man's society is trying to swallow the Indians up. Many of their people, especially the young, are falling prey to the White Man's ways. 

Their prophecy also talks about creation of atomic bombs as catastrophes of great heat, equal to the heat of a sun. It also warns about tampering with the moon (violating its nature by removing rocks, soil from moon) 

(Related to the Big Mountain issue:) It is their duty/responsibility to their family, animals and all of nature, to keep this land protected and in harmony. Everything in nature has a power in it. Water represents purification of human beings. All spiritual people should unite on a spiritual path. To save this land is a mission assigned by the Great Spirit. 

One of the prophecies - All Indians and Non-Indians would one day (now) begin to understand a great problem facing all people. Someday a white brother who went away to record things will return to this land and bring spiritual life to the continent. When White Brother returns, Hopi must keep their spiritual ways so they can show others how to live the right way. Very important job. Elders know ancient knowledge, which also will be shared at the right time with all. Based on prophecy, Indians welcomed the white man. White man destroyed privledge. Indians gave hospitality and whites took everything. Indians do not lie - Whites tricked Indians with lies. By prophecy - Four Corners will be area of confrontation between White and Red. Indians will be pushed into Four Corners. Great Spirit told Hopi - Four Corners is the backbone of the United States. Hopi must hold land till Human Beings live in harmony. The power under the land would be used for destruction. (There would be a) Terrible punishment if give up Four Corners. (Hopi Elders also know about the prophecies of earth changes and Space Brothers
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For the awakened souls: We are off into another new year, keep in mind that the ascension process is now closer than ever, and it is now at this time and place where we must group as one to shed light on to the darker areas of the world, do not allow yourself to be dumbed down by governments, do not allow your mind to become fearful. This is a time where we must spread out our wings spreading out all light around the world with one goal in mind. To unmask government officials for whom they truly are...

We need 1000 people of the light, to meditate with us and join us on this evening to focus on ONLY "unmasking government officials"

Why 1000, it has been proven that 1000 people are needed to meditate on one specific task in order to create a change the more the better.

So please join us on this very special day of unmasking and put an end to it once and for all....


This event will be 1 hour from 6-7p.m. this sunday 30 januari 2011 Eastern time if you have crystals please lay them around you... 

Everyone please when meditating only concentrate on the topic discussed do not let yourself be distracted by concentrating on other topic...this is an event to unmask....


  • Pale Shade OfWhite Spider Web of Power: visualize everyone joined together and a web extending out from our main object or person, that is the focal point of the event. A single beam of light is imagined for each paticipant, and then pictured as extending out from the focal point to each person's forehead and onto the object. To end this method cease the visual and this will disconnect the participants from the focal point....
  • Pale Shade OfWhite To raise a sphere of power, place your hands in front of you, 6 inches apart palms facing, and begin to move back and forth very slowly. Sensing the pressure and warmth. Once your sphere has been established Pass a mental sigil onto it or project a thought form thereby giving the sphere its purpose. Mentally visualize the sphere entering the object that you wish to charge. To increase the energy use your concentration and imagination. See a glowing force of power, do not allow hands to touch, once accomplished put hands around object feeling their energy fields and projecting your visualzation onto it....

Please do the following exercises before the event date so that your chakras will become more opened than they currently are...


♥ starts in 2.15 hours♥
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A Sincere Plea For This Nation And The World

A Sincere Plea For This Nation And The World

door Darryl Robbins op maandag 20 december 2010 om 0:10

Even the casual observer will admit that our Nation, the United States of America is in trouble. Our politicians have spent us to near financial collapse with a Socialist, nanny state, cradle-to grave mindset. The same politicians have enacted laws that have stripped this Nation of any sense of national morality. While abortion mills slaughter the unborn, now numbering in the multiplied millions, we have also re-defined a God ordained institution to suit our own perverted concept of what marriage really is. In spite of the fact, that the people of this Nation have voted overwhelmingly, time and again, that marriage is rightly defined and understood as being between one man and one woman, ungodly judges deem it otherwise and have forced the perverted notion upon us that homosexual/lesbian marriages must be accepted as the norm. At the same time, any un-acceptance of this perversion, if expressed vocally or in printed form, is now labeled as "hate speech".

In addition, because of judicial activism, any public display or promotion of anything resembling Christian thought or principle is now rejected and held in disdain under threat of arrest, fines, or both.

This present generation and it's multifaceted understanding of their "rights" has unwittingly placed our politicians in the position of wrongly attempting to be all things to all men in order to build and keep their voting/power base intact. Thus, a true reflection, and in glaring display for all to see, the politicians motivation of pure selfishness toward satisfying their lust for, and clutching at continuous positions of power. The whole concept of individual "rights" that also demand responsible behavior has been completely lost by the wayside.

That, dear friends is the state of this Nation in capsule packaging. We are in free-fall, financially and morally, and are forced by law, by the decrees of a corrupt judicial system to be subject to more taxes and regulation of virtually every area of our lives, all-the-while being forced to accept and behave toward murder of innocents and the sexual perversions of people gone mad as being alright. That, dear ones, is nothing short of Tyranny. Those who continually demand their "rights", regardless of what they see their rights as being have all but placed us in the unenviable state of Anarchy and Lawlessness.

Many good freedom loving Americans are angered, and, at the same time discouraged by what they are seeing transpire in this Nation they love and cherish........and rightly so. But........Is there a response, an alternative, that goes beyond anger and total bewilderment ? I think there is. It should not be overlooked or abandoned without trying.

Since the ungodly, the lost, and the carnal man after the flesh, is, for the most part, incapable of praying for themselves, spiritual men and women must bear the load of Intercessory Prayer........praying for and on behalf of others who are either incapable or unwilling to pray for themselves.

The Apostle Paul put it this way; "I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.  (1st Timothy 2:1-4)

I see this as the most likely solution to this present hour, not only for this nation, but for the World as a whole. The nations and governments of the world are in chaos just as we are. Not only is united, widespread Intersession the most likely solution...............At this point, it may be the only solution.

If we do not do it now, When shall we do it ? If we, as a people of God don't do it, Then Who will ?

I would love to see this shared and re-posted far and wide. If you are prodded in you heart by the Spirit of God to do so, Please, Please follow through................And then, Begin Praying !



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