Karma's Helper's Posts (1073)

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Arcturian Group - May 30, 2011



The Arcturian Group - May 30, 2011


Greetings dear ones.  We are here once again to tell you of the great light we see flowing ever more powerfully from your earth.  You are doing a fine job of adding light to the darkness of the old energy.  It may seem as if there is nothing being changed, as if the world is instead growing worse because of all the chaos you see, but we can assure you that the chaos is a part of the cleansing and clearing process. 

It is  time for the many to re-evaluate their priorities and move forward.  Everyone is being given the opportunity at this time to change;  to change rigid ways of seeing and being and doing, and in the process release themselves from the old beliefs that have held them in bondage to "this is the way we have always done it, so this is  how things must be done".   

Many of those who have lost everything are now experiencing  a void.  Having lost everything that they depended upon to  define themselves and their lives they now find themselves floating in a space of "no-thing-ness"- a psychological void . The human mind has a difficult time computing within this void because it works with what it knows.  You call it shock and it is; the shock of suddenly finding that everything you held as the definition of who you are  has suddenly disappeared or changed.  Those who take advantage of these experiences to grow and evolve will be richly rewarded by a leap into deeper and truer states of consciousness.  Those who simply hold to the old and and place all their effort in to  recreating their lives exactly  as they have always been, will find that this doesn't work quite as they hoped.  One cannot go back, these are not physical experiences, but spiritual ones.  You are graduating as individuals and as  groups.  Events may seem harsh, but it is the only way that many can learn to change their thinking and their belief systems. All is on track.  Send white light to those dear ones suffering the shock of losing so much for the Light contains within it all the colors and energies of healing and change as needed for each individual.  


We continue to say that you are doing a fine job in spite of how it may seem, and add that you will soon see us making an appearance.  Time is drawing short for  disclosure of the many Galactic Groups  ready  to help earth ascend physically as well as spiritually.  Many of you  already see and know of us, but there are also many who will respond with great denial and fear.  If you can gently help those who do not believe in us, to have at least  an idea that there may be benevolent beings from other planets, this will plant a seed within them  and when disclosure happens, they will not go into as much fear. The darker elements are still working to cause fear among you with regard to the presence of those from other planets. 

We say to you dear ones, that you will soon see more earth changes, which are a necessary part of Gaia's ascension process.  She is trying to release  pressures in areas that need to  flow more easily with the sacred energies she is bringing in.  

There are many new energies flowing into earth at this time;  high frequency energies resonating with  light and love, energies that have not been able to express on earth before this time because of earth's density.  These new energies are helping to awaken even the most un-evolved states of consciousness by virtue of their highly resonating light frequencies.  As energy  surrounds the individual, it dissolves and  lifts those denser energies present within the individual's energy field by virtue of the nature of Light to illumine.  New ideas and information are now coming to many and are not  simply from the individuals themselves as they believe, but are coming from the higher realms on these new currents of light energy. These new frequencies were heretofore unable to enter in to the heavy three dimensional energy.  Most  cannot see these things we speak of, but  can feel them, so be open and aware that the Light is now manifesting as new ideas and new ways of living in the world. This is evolution dear ones, and the more light entering, the more higher and better ways are able to manifest.  Keep the way  open  for more to come, for Grace is infinite.  That is what we are seeing. 

Honor the seemingly radical changes within your own thinking; be open and do not dismiss them as nothing.  Many are so afraid to let go of what they have been taught and believed from childhood, and yet now find themselves being guided to open up to deeper, different, and a totally new awareness.  This is evolution dear ones. Evolution is not something that happened eons ago and is  finished; you are just beginning.  It has taken mankind this long to get to where it can move into the higher frequencies already available to many on other planets.  We cannot emphasize enough the importance of  letting go of all concepts and beliefs that are old and stale and no longer resonate with you regardless of any judgements or criticisms you may receive from those around you still stuck in those same rigid belief systems. 

This is one of the purposes of these dramatic weather patterns; these events serve to  remove rigidity  and  act to force open an entry to the new.  By new we do not mean everything different from the old ways; families, friends, pets, and the individual choices one enjoys,  but we do mean new in terms of experiencing these things from a level of truth and awareness.  Higher ways of seeing, knowing, and believing are based upon a realization of the Oneness of all life which then manifests as unconditional love  and compassion.  Rigidity, doctrine, structure, and their accompanying rules  are no part of the Divine; these things are man's interpretation of truth based on unevolved concepts and beliefs about  truth.

All that is real flows with a loving energy and the gentle movement of peace,  love, and light.  Everything carries a frequency, everything is energy. In the higher realms music, color, sounds, all  vibrate with  flowing peaceful and beautiful energy.   So much that comes under the heading of music on earth  is harsh and not uplifting.  The energy of anything can flow in the high frequencies of light and love (which is nearer to Source energy), or descend to the  lower, slower, and heavier, which is the story of  earth and mankind in their journey toward enlightenment.  You as a people, are now again moving upward after being in very heavy, dense energy.

You are doing a fine job even if it does not seem to be that way.  Once an individual chooses to spiritually evolve,  the "train leaves the station".   All of mankind is feeling  the new, even though some respond more easily than others.  All of you reading this have chosen to be on earth at this powerful time and  even if you do not realize it, are moving toward the goal.  Never be afraid of any appearances  for the truth is that nothing can ever separate you from your own Divine Selfhood whether on earth or off.  Rest in that.

We are the Arcturian Group.
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Hello everyone.....  :)


I AM smiling today.....  why?.....here's why:


( Remeber... we've ALL been told to watch for "signs" of REAL progress during and after the G8 Summit Meeting )


It seems as though the ENTIRE US WAR MACHINE is soon to be under NEW MANAGEMENT......go figure!....lol....I LOVE IT!!!!


Read for yourself:


Dempsey Named Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

  • Obama named Army General Martin Dempsey chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his top military adviser.

Dempsey, a veteran of the war in Iraq who helped Iraqi troops in their security takeover, would replace Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, whose term ends Sept. 30. Dempsey must be confirmed by the Senate.

“I expect him to push all our forces to be ready for the military of tomorrow,” Obama said in making the announcement in the White House Rose Garden on Memorial Day. “We will provide whatever it takes to achieve our objectives in the current fight,” he added.

The shift in top military positions come as Obama seeks to end the U.S. military role in Iraq, begin a drawdown in Afghanistan and find ways to cut $400 billion from the Defense Department’s budget over the next 12 years.

The president also announced the appointment of Admiral James A. Winnefeld as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Army Gen. Ray Odierno is the new Army chief of staff, succeeding Dempsey. Odierno is best known as the chief military officer and architect of the U.S. troop surge in Iraq and putting into effect the counterinsurgency strategy.

Obama was joined at the White House by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Tom Donilon, his national security adviser.

To contact the reporter on this story: Roger Runningen in Washington at rrunningen@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net







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What is a Lightworker? Are YOU a Lightworker?




   The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understanding & consciousness has evolved…..as we have evolved.

Today it is understood that Lightworkers are people at the leading edge of transforming human consciousness. They themselves are ‘waking up’, experiencing expanded consciousness & a reconnection to the infinite intelligence accessible to all via our inner knowing. In the process of their own development Lightworkers are influencing others & catalysing their awakening, even without consciously trying to do so simply due their increasingly clear, light & positive vibrational output. A defining quality of Lightworkers however is their conscious awareness, this is where their true power lies.

Eventually we will reach a time where all people could be categorised as a Lightworker because the future potential of humanity is one where most people most of the time are awakened & are conscious, connected, aware, energetically masterful & compassionate. Lightworkers are not any better than anyone else, they are just going first & holding the door open for the next wave.


You cannot train to be a Lightworker but you can learn to recognise your innate Lightworker traits. You can learn how to look after yourself as you go through the neurological, physical, emotional & energetic transformations involved in your emergence as a Lightworker. You can study to develop your innate gifts & abilities & equip yourself with the tools to help you serve others.

You did in fact choose to be a Lightworker in the space between lives, before you were born. It is a great honour to be given the chance to come in & experience human life, there are millions of souls who want to be here who don’t get in! So to be here & to be doing the work of the Lightworker at this time of great shifts is a hugely powerful & joyful responsibility, one not to be taken lightly but one to be celebrated & enjoyed at any given opportunity! As a Lightworker you were born with an energy matrix & blueprint carrying your potential as a Lightworker, just as the caterpillar comes into the world carrying the blueprint to at some point transform & become a butterfly.


There are many Lightworkers who having gone through the main chaos of their awakening several years ago are now grounding their work & setting up businesses & organisations to serve others as they break awake. The next wave of awakening is taking place as demonstrated clearly to me in the vast numbers of emerging Lightworkers I have been helping over the years as a healer & coach. The next phase of emergence has begun & the numbers will be greater this time, Lightworkers who are now awake & aware will be called to support those experiencing the signs & symptoms of awakening, they will also be called to start actively creating the new world.

Lightworkers tend to be highly sensitive & intuitive, drawn to the healing arts or creative pursuits. Whatever they do, at some point they will feel called to do something more meaningful & possibly spiritual or soulful with their lives, something to help others or change things in the world that just don’t feel right.

There are many labels & categories that describe people that may be Lightworkers , some of which you may have heard before. For example: ’Starseeds’, ‘Indigos’, ‘Magentas’, ‘Crystal/Rainbow/Diamond Children’, ‘Earth Angels’ etc. Not all of these will be Lightworkers necessarily & not all Lightworkers would fit into these categories. Each group is playing a unique role in the evolution of human consciousness, no one group is any better than the other.

Lightworkers are here in vastly growing numbers on Earth to continue the much earlier work of the select handful of awake souls from thousands of years ago we may once have called ‘Masters’, those we based religions around. Then came the Starseeds who are now the teachers & mentors for the current generation of Lightworkers ready to serve & help those Lightworkers who are just now struggling with the early signs & symptoms of awakening. Hence the idea of waves, each one impacting & helping the next & each wave growing in number until every human holds the qualities of a Lightworker & we have an entirely new human consciousness here on Earth.


As an emerging Lightworker you may feel afraid of being different, of being judged, misunderstood or criticised. Depending on your earlier life trials (common to Lightworkers) you may be lacking in self-esteem at having never fitted in or having been bullied earlier in life for seeming strange. It is important to believe in yourself, to learn to accept who you are & for your own health & well-being start daring to speak your truth.

Some keys steps to feeling empowered as a Lightworker are:

  • Recognise & lovingly accept yourself as a Lightworker. Learn about what it means to be one.
  • Learn self-care & a daily practice of healing & nourishing yourself.
  • Release & forgive your past & yourself for the times you hid your light & your truth & didn’t speak up.
  • Find your ‘resonant family’ or soul group of fellow Lightworkers.
  • Learn Energy Skills for ‘energy hygiene’, grounding, boundaries & Source connection.
  • Get a mentor & use creative tools to energise your soul purpose & joyful work.
  • Embrace being different!

Why try to hide when you were born to SHINE!

Contact me if you have any questions. I am an expert in energy skills for emerging Lightworkers & conscious living & have been thorugh my own very dramatic spiritual awakening process so let me know if I can help. I recently created ‘E-Video Readings’ especially to empower Lightworkers  as part of my own path of service, see my website for info ♥

Love & blessings,

Kimberley x


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Galactic Federation of Light

What is The Galactic Federation of Light?



Tuesday, 08 June 2010 08:52 Dennis Whitney

This is one of those topics that I find myself discussing in one way or another, in many articles, blog posts, and radio interviews. But it’s always in bits and pieces, and I’m starting to think, some real context is needed here. A real foundation for who this organization is, now that more and more people are hearing the term ‘GFL’ or Galactic Federation of Light’. So yes, it is definitely time to explore just who ‘they’ are, whether they exist, and why they haven’t stepped in yet, as our planet falls into gross disrepair.

So first, a little back-story of how they came to be. Then, I’ll share my thoughts, my interpretation, and even a few pics. That, along with other supporting documentation and videos for you to do your own further research, and conclude whether or not this all resonates with you. As in, is this YOUR truth? That’s all that matters. But I always recommend listening to ALL you can, and allowing your higher self (or super-consciousness) to filter what works, and what doesn’t for you.

The Federation’s History:

The Galactic Federation of Light, or simply, the Federation of Light, became what it was, about 4 ½ million years ago. There was what could rightfully be described as a Great Galactic Battle, between member councils of each of the galaxies in the multi-verse. So if we picture an array of star systems or galaxies on a piece of paper, there would be a representing faction or council for each of those galaxies. Here in the Milky Way, our ‘town hall’ if you will, is located in the Sirius Star System, known as the Dogstar Sirius (A). This would be the ‘hub’ that oversees the Milky Way Galaxy, and of course earth, as we are part of that system.

So, using this as a visual, we have all of these galaxies and their representatives laid across a flat piece of paper. Each of those galaxies and their members have motherships to patrol their galaxy, or territory. Within those motherships are several different types of recon and scout-type vehicles used for a variety of purposes. More on that later.

So now, we’re not just talking one sheet of paper, which represents the universe, we are talking 6, 7, maybe 8 sheets of paper (stacked an inch apart), each with THEIR own assortment of galaxies, in THEIR own universe! Combined, this is known as the multi-verse. Each, being accessible through portals, wormholes, or rising frequencies. And by their very definition, they become a reality of other dimensions.

Now imagine all of these galaxies, their ships, their councils, all deciding to do battle from dimension to dimension, through technology and altering their vibrations. Just as they do now to cloak themselves. Many interests, little in the way of spiritual awareness, and now we have us a WAR of WARS! Can it really get any bigger than this?

So, each faction starts competing for real estate, power, resources, ideology, and whatever else they can control, as this is nothing less than a free for all. But it is in this moment, and this war, that four of them decide, “This isn’t right. This is not the way it’s supposed to be!” Kind of like today’s politics, no? Republicans and Democrats nastily embattling each other, while an independent organization splinters away from the fray, for the higher good of all. Or in their case, the multi-verse. These four became what can be considered as the Libertarians of the multi-verse! Those four who formed their OWN group included: The Pleiadiens, the Sirians, the Lyrans, and the Andromedans. And they organized to fulfill divine prophecy on the Milky Way Galaxy and earth, sending tons of light and love to our respective ‘constituents’, or galaxies. This, being paramount in the evolution and rising consciousness of all involved.

Why is the Earth So Special?

That core group of (4), is now over 200,000 strong! Many others, it seems, have quite literally ‘seen the light’, and have wisely joined the winning team! This now greatly increases the number of forces that have a POSITIVE, vested interest in this galaxy, and more particularly and personally for us, the earth.
We on earth, are very special in many ways. And the multi-verse understands this. We are of the greatest assortment of life creation ANYWHERE, and of the greatest beauty in the universe, though life obviously flourishes endlessly amongst the Cosmos. We are ‘ God Source’s Petri Dish’. For this reason, we are worth the effort, and worth saving. And we will be at the very heart of the Big Show, come 2012, during the coming Galactic Alignment. All of this, the GFL knows all too well.

An easier way to look at the command structure of the 200,000 member galaxies, is to imagine a corporation.  The entire Galactic Federation of Light is a corporation. That corporation has field offices (galaxies), which then have a management structure (each mothership and crew) assigned to raise the vibration and consciousness of the chosen planetary societies. And earth is a very real priority!

So this effort of raising the consciousness and vibration of the earth and its beings, helps with the coming Ascension into the 5D, in 2012, where we will be most perfectly aligned to the sun during this time!

A Portal to Sirius, Through the Sun!

And THIS is where it gets interesting, as the the sun is apparently a PORTAL to the Sirius Star System (Which has also allowed them quick and direct access to this planet for all of these years), and our ‘home base’ to this galaxy! So are we about to be perfectly aligned, physically and vibrationally to our most protective star system in Sirius, to maybe propel ourselves through a dimensional elevator? Maybe!

But to outline a few more important facts about the Federation. The band of 200,000 is, as mentioned, the Galactic Federation of Light. But each galaxy (like a sports team), has its own identifying name. Ours, based on Sirius(A), is known specifically as the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or the ‘Sirian Federation Council’). But they are only one player assisting us, of the total 200,000+ other participating galaxies. So we focus on just the Galactic Federation of Light as whole. It’s a team effort, to be sure..

What Type of Beings are They?

The GFL is comprised of roughly 40% humanoid (Kind of look like us), and 60% various other sentient beings, of assorted appearance. These may not look like us at all, maybe even a bit frightening at first. But as sentient beings, they understand to some degree, their place in the cosmic scheme of things. They understand that there is a creator, and that they are not just clueless, spontaneous creations of the universe.

These are also spiritually-enlightened, angelic light beings, incarnated into physical form, to interact and assist us throughout this endeavor. So of the group, most Contactees will be familiar with visitations and messages from the original 4: the Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans and Pleiadiens. They are our closest allies and protectors in all of this, as the team leaders of the total Federation.

When Will They Intervene?

Seems they just may, as now it’s all reaching such a crescendo. All other 2012 theories aside, there seems to be a clear message of ‘quarantine’ upon the earth until that time. The GFL has a law on the books, or what is known as The Prime Directive, not to interfere with the human race, unless a catastrophe strikes, or something (such as a nuke being launched) poses a threat to their world. And it WILL affect their world, as our nuclear detonations in the 40s seemed to rip the fabric of time and space, back in the 40s. No more of that, they say! But after 2012, all bets are off. And the free for all begins again in earnest!

It is because of the current Dark entities now ruling upon the earth, and within our government, that are stealing and plundering all they can, as they rape the earth of its resources and currency, destroy our environment, control our food supply through genetic modification, and also, by producing pharmaceuticals not in our health’s interest, but to attain further power and profit, that an ‘intervention’ of sorts may now be in the works. This is all very real stuff, and none of it has eluded the Federation, or their plans to deal with it! The idea being, these Light Workers will not allow the insanity now under way on this planet, to go even one step further than is intended. THAT, my Star Ones, is very comforting to me.

For these reasons, we are now finding ourselves to be at the center of another battle of Good vs. Evil. You don’t have to go to the Bible for this. The tension is there. The darkness that surrounds us, and has infiltrated this planet is pretty blatant. And the appearance and presence of larger and more numerous craft in our skies, suggests that the pieces are very much in place. But will they intervene in time, if that is them in our skies above, watching over us?

Well, the time for the conscious evolution of humanity is at hand. We are the Federation’s ‘personal project’. We are their ‘babies’, if you will. So they have continued to help us share the truth of their existence by offering clear sightings of their presence, without instilling fear amongst those that have been deceived of this reality since the days of Roswell and before. They are not here to frighten us. They are here to help us raise our vibrations, and to even escort us off the planet when things might look their worst here. And possibly, while we have such a dimensional ‘travel opportunity’ during our alignment with the sun.

What Must Humanity Do to Ascend?

We must raise our vibrations through positive thought, through caring and assisting our fellow man and teaching them of this reality, and through light and vibration, as is now streaming our way via ET assistance, meditating on our connection to Source, and through intensifying, solar activity. Be sure to read my recent post, “Feeling Strange Lately? The Ascension May Have Begun!” for more on the signs, that we may have very well begun our progression into the 5th dimension!

And finally, we begin to even see how the greatest secrets of our time, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Sphinx, and the excavation going on under the Giza plateau, are all beginning to bubble to the surface! Here is a nice connection to Sirius, the pyramids, and the beings now assisting us (With photographic evidence, in my opinion):

Known as the sacred Blue Lodge of Sirius, it’s is defended by the race of the ‘Lion people’ who are the settlers on Sirius (A) star system. This is the race of people who descended upon Earth to create and activate the Great Pyramid of Egypt and oversaw the design and architecture of all pyramids on Earth.

Ready for this? Here is a picture of one of these beings, as taken by a Japanese Master, staying at the James Gilliland ECETI ranch in Washington State, May 2010.

They were headed by the Atlantean and Egyptian High Priest from Venus – ‘Thoth’, and by the High Priestess ‘Seshat’ who is a descendant of the ‘Feline Beings’, a race also from Sirius (A). The Lion Beings live in the ‘non-physical’ reality that transcends time and space; whereas the Feline Beings are of the physical dimension and live even amongst the human race on Earth. Whilst the Lion Beings were the architect or the blueprint designers of the pyramids, the actual builders were the Feline Beings who physically constructed the Great Pyramid. This is the multi-dimensional perspective of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

What I take from the photo above, is evidence at some level, that corroborates the information being shared by Contactees and channelers. This is clearly a being of some sort. A mutual agreement HAD to be made for this being to lower its vibration enough to be photographed. That suggests communication and a bit of a relationship between the Master and the being. So concluding that this being is of Andromedan descent, as stated by James Gilliland and the Japanese Master, is no longer a stretch. Those points then support the origin and existence of the Galactic Federation of Light upon this planet, whether or not we are aware of the work they are doing.

So, to end this summary of the Galactic Federation of Light, we must again address the issue on everyone’s mind. If they are here to help us, and have the technology to help us, why are they not doing it? What are they doing about the Gulf?

Well, there are messages regarding this subject, from some very trusted channelers of various members of the Galactic Federation of Light. And I will post some of them below. But the short answer is, the Prime Directive. They are NOT to intervene, until given the green light to do so, as first agreed upon by the council. It is a very tough love approach, to teach mankind the lessons of their folly. If they were to swoop in on every disaster, no matter how dire, we would likely repeat our selfish and careless ways again, knowing the beings would be here to save us. This would teach us nothing, and would impede our progress as a species. The same can be applied to the reasons we are not given all the secrets behind the beautiful imagery of the crop circles. Humanity must OWN the knowledge, and not just be given the knowledge, if that knowledge is to last, and be passed to future generations.

Ascension and Evacuation

We are all upon this planet, to live a 3D, somewhat restrictive, lower density existence, and to learn the lessons of being human. So until there is a threat of nuclear annihilation, they will not step in. Nukes hold a special amendment in the Prime Directive, as its detonation (such as in the 40’s at Alamogordo and White Sands, NM), will, like I mentioned, literally rip the fabric of time and space on a quantum level. This would no longer be the ‘careless and dumb’ humans’ problem. It is affecting ‘the others’ in a very BIG way, as in, the other races and civilizations in other dimensions. This is why they are known to disarm missile silos when there is a threat. This is why they never left our skies, once they realized what we had, and that we would use it. This is why we are ‘contained’ and carefully monitored in space. Such weapons are not the way of an advanced, spiritually evolved species. Which is why, all beings upon this planet will NOT ascend. Only those who have learned to co-exist peacefully with other beings, who see the bigger picture, and live a life of service to others, rather than service to self. And, who know how to live in harmony with the earth, rather than contributing and accelerating its destruction. Those are the humans that will move forward, and are ready for Contact, and life in a greater galactic neighborhood.

So right now, we are beginning to feel the effects of human transformation as has never been before! Our bodies are now attuning to the higher frequencies that will be necessary, to lift and survive in the higher dimensions. We are receiving these ‘lifts’ in vibration through solar activity, through our positive emotions, and also through ET assistance.

This is not a free ride, but we are doing well in all of this. The ships that evacuate the personnel off of this planet, need to be sure you are ready for life on a ‘light ship’ and the frequency it holds. They are essentially, offering to meet us half way. We need to work on ourselves during this opportune moment in history. THEN, they will do the rest.

First to be picked up, will be the children, then the Starseeds. Those that have incarnated in this lifetime with many ET attributes and knowledge, to assist in these incredible times, before returning to their home planets, where they existed before life on earth.

And now, there is the evidence. There are many ships in our skies. Thousands, maybe millions, of which only some of those we can now see, due to their vibrations, keeping them in a slightly higher dimension. They will appear en masse, when the exact moment is right. And when humanity is ready for their arrival. Read those channeled excerpts below.

Can We See Any of the Craft Now?

Yes! There is now a very large golden craft, visible on the horizon, from just about any place in the world you now live. And I want you to look for this tonight. This is not Venus, as has been to quickly labeled for some time now. I have been watching it for several years, and it does move. It can become as bright as a golden bulb, and it also does not move in conjunction with the rest of the constellation. It is a ship. There are many of them now. Watch for them.

I myself, seem to have a very personal relationship with the craft near me, as it will actually appear at the exact moment I go outside and begin discussing the subject, such as during a radio interview. It will stay very low above the trees, in my direct line of sight during the whole program. One show went for 2.5 hours. It stayed for 2.5 hours. When I hung up, it dimmed, and rose into the heavens! This, four times in a row, during these shows. And it’s not just me. They know what we are thinking and discussing, and they will be here when the time is right!

As a final, personal note, I had a discussion with my own guides. Again, see if this resonates as your Truth as well. They told me that the craft was in fact of Sirian descent. It was present for the coming ‘evacuation’ and that many, many of us would be taken off planet during the time of greatest unrest. And that this particular ship was 4 miles across (a city-size), and 600 miles up in the atmosphere. It had a crew of 76 manning it. Interesting.

You’ll find in the snippets below, describing a very similar description of the larger motherships. These ships will also house ‘football field-sized ships, which will actually be the ones to pick us up, and bring us to the mothership, which can hold millions. And there are smaller scout-type craft as well, such as small discs that continue to monitor our planet and finish other tasks. These are sometimes remote controlled and unmanned.

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation





    Selamat Balik! We return! The process of transforming your world moves forward at its own divine pace. Meanwhile, the Ascended Masters intend to take this opportunity to expand on what they have labeled "conscious governance." The next part of your journey in consciousness requires you to explore some new concepts about how your societies are to be organized. This new worldview would benefit from looking at how Inner Earth and other such societies naturally bring about order to their lives. This involves what we call "the four basic Societal Laws." The Divine gave these to us as we emerged from limited into full consciousness while still on Vega some six million years ago, and these laws have been an inspiration to us ever since. Every human society, as it approaches its full potential, is given these four sacred guidelines, and the time is coming for your Earth-bound societies to be so blessed. We have asked your Agarthan cousins to prepare a comprehensive overview of these four laws and their earthly history, so that you can more easily understand their significance to you.

     Galactic societies tend to organize themselves on two levels: the first is centered on the individual and her or his immediate community. The second level is an intricate system of highly specialized clans. The individual and the intertwined local community are paramount, and function as a large parenting and educational network, providing each person with the wisdom and training to carry out their clan-oriented life skills. Each recognizes their unique talents and is confident of being able to communicate their creative perspective via a fluid process to solve the clan's and the community's current problems. This type of confidence is built into a special parenting process so that individuals develop a strong sense of who they are and how best to fulfill their life contracts. They are encouraged daily to contribute their unique genius to the general welfare, thus creating a natural flow that becomes the basis for fluid management. More on this subject is to follow later.

      Blessings, dear Ones! We come today to continue our discussion with you on the essentials of conscious governance. The crucial word here is consciousness. As humans grow in consciousness, we become more aware of the spiritual nature of physicality. We see that all things are grounded in Spirit and notice the way all things are uniquely connected to one another. We observe that a special pattern set forth by Heaven governs the way life works. This web of life is complex, and to fathom its inner meanings seems at first to be beyond one's reach. However, your growing consciousness soon provides the answers you seek. This enlightenment comes from a major shift in your physical Beingness, unifying your female and male components and enabling you to look at the physical in new ways and to grasp easily its multifarious connections to Spirit. You can then feel that your spiritual essence is one with the physical. All things at this point are possible, and divine service becomes your greatest joy!

      In this state, you easily perceive the shortcomings of government as it is practiced here. You long for something that can express what you now know. This ardor is felt by all as enlightenment encompasses us. The point here is that the increase in global consciousness has reached the requisite plateau where such fundamental reforms are possible! This is what excites the majority of those individuals and groups what we daily deal with regarding the setting-up of new forms of governance. Consciousness opens the doors to new ways of looking at, proposing, and agreeing upon how to deal with society's problems. Consciousness, as enlightenment, adds abundance and a creative joy to the mix, unlocking possibilities that were previously hidden from you. So now a new way to inject these ideas into your milieu becomes essential and we suggest you look deeply into where this rise in consciousness is leading you. The path is heading toward the four sacred societal laws that reflect the needs and desires of your coming full consciousness.

      In fact, these four laws are just beginning to manifest on your world. We watch you using your growing power to demand people-oriented government, and indeed, the sudden uprisings throughout the Middle East are an external manifestation of these efforts. Everywhere, the public is putting a premium on freedom, and is forcing out regimes that fail to heed the call of their citizens. Unlike the popular revolts in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, these uprisings are part of a growing global momentum that is ultimately to bring a host of new governments into power. These temporary rulers are to announce publicly the vast reforms just recently agreed to by a special conference in Europe. These announcements are to redress world debt by the use of debt forgiveness, set up a new global hard currency, and bring peace to your world. This will be topped by full disclosure, that above you lies a vast fleet of benign Beings.

      The coming disclosure about your space family will be immediately followed by the introduction of several new communication technologies, one of which will be a small, hand-held device with direct, global visual and verbal access to anyone anywhere, without the use of wires, cables, or satellites. It will have a videophone and a holographic computer, and will use zero-point technology. This means that everyone will be in contact with a device that radiates life-enhancing energy, as opposed to your present devices which harm your life force. To make travel easier, a teleportation device will be made available to you by the first contact fleet, which will use the fleet's technology to move you swiftly to your destination and then back home again. These are only two examples out of many new types and applications of technology which are to be introduced to you.

      Disclosure comes when the present illuminoid-controlled governments are legally replaced by the actions of our Earth allies. The time for this reform is close. We daily converse with our Agarthan cousins as well as the Ascended Masters on these vital matters as the time draws near for our joint divine intervention. This intervention is predicated on the fact that your shift to full consciousness can no longer be delayed. The dark is still determined to convert you into its slaves, but this, as we have said many times before, is not to be permitted by Heaven. Our fleet came here to complete a mission, and this shift in consciousness for Gaia and you is now to be manifested by us. This is a solemn declaration that we make. The evil on this world needs to be abolished and it needs to be done now!

      Today, more has been revealed. The time to transform the very dark nature of your world has arrived. Our ships are in position to provide a beneficent galactic alternative to the plans the dark has for you. With the approval of Heaven, we are ready to lead the Light to divine victory! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com

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SaLuSa, May 25, 2011



zon.jpg SaLuSa, May 25, 2011

There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak secrets when they feel it is in their interests, but that is sometimes purely for the purpose of preparing you in advance for one of their false flag attacks. Needless to say, they also as a matter of course spread disinformation to confuse those who seek the truth. Trust your intuition as by now you should be aware of their tactics, and if you are well informed you will have a good idea of what should be set aside. Currently the scene is set for Disclosure to come out, and our allies are ready to push for the first ideal opportunity to go ahead. So after all of the waiting the event that will “launch the boat” of revelations about us, is set to sail. Much is already known about us, but for the majority of people our story will cause much astonishment and disbelief. However, the truth must come out and cannot be held back any longer, the secrecy and denial about us has gone on for far too long. The more that is known about us, the easier it will be to obtain a general acceptance of our presence. We can then organize the many changes that must take place without further delay.

The energies continue to reach you from many sources outside of Earth, and they are helping both you and Mother Earth to rise up much quicker than ever before. Always the object of whatever happens is to focus you upon Ascension, and ensure that the preparations are in line with your needs. In that respect we are more than happy, as in spite of the delaying tactics of the dark Ones everything is on course for completion as planned. The Light is in control and allows matters to find their own pathway forward, but always with the end time in mind. Our activities are directed towards achieving success without the necessity to enter into any form of confrontation with the dark Ones. By our standards and with our far advanced technologies it is unnecessary. We can be firm and use our divine authority when the occasion calls for it. So please accept that no matter what scenario is presented to you, we are fully aware of what is happening and in control.

Your civilization continues to see how ineffective the efforts are that have been made to prevent Earth changes. The cleansing cannot be stopped as it is vitally necessary, but as we have informed you on many occasions we are allowed to lessen the affects upon you. In recent times we have been active where the Gulf Oil spill was concerned, and also the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The only souls to leave as a result of any such events, will have arranged it as part of their life plan. We know that idea seems almost unbelievable, but the transition is quick and any fear experienced at the time is removed as soon as they arrive in Nirvana. Death is not as many envisage and you are quickly reunited with your loved ones.

So what should you be doing as you anticipate and await the inevitable changes. We would suggest you try to keep your mind on the coming benefits and certainly focus on Ascension. There will be distractions for a time, but when we appear before you, your attention will be directed towards positive changes and you will be able to participate in some ways. Those of you with knowledge about us will be able to assist others in coming to terms with what is happening. Indeed, there is no reason why you should not do that now, as we value your help and therefore encourage you to be open about matters. Even although there is a time coming when we will speak to the masses, that personal touch will mean so much more. It is helpful if all people begin to keep an open mind about what they hear or see, and do not jump to conclusions. There are still those who have strong beliefs that do not allow for our presence, and will refuse to believe in our reasons for coming to you. It will clearly take time to soften their approach, and create acceptable answers that will help them feel at ease about us.

You will no doubt understand why your freewill choice is so carefully honored. Even God does not force Gods will upon you, but there are laws that are applied should it cause harm to others, or interfere with their freewill. Yet as you evolve and set your sights on returning to the higher dimensions, you learn that there comes a stage where you gladly accept the Will of God. It becomes the most natural and desirable advancement, as you become a Being of Light. However, your present concern is to take the golden opportunity that beckons to leave duality for good. It is but a small step upward in the context of time as you understand it, but a vastly important experience that will bring benefit to many souls in the future. Here you are today so near to a quantum leap forward, that you have been preparing for since you commenced the long journey from out of the darkness. It is perhaps as well that you do not remember the details of every life experienced since that time. All that matters now are your immediate efforts to hold your focus upon Ascension, as it is going to change you beyond your expectations.

We of the Galactic Federation are helping you close the gap between what you are now, and will be when you acquire full consciousness. The sooner we can invite you to join us as equal partners, the quicker we can move onto the next journey that will take us into other Galaxies and Universes. They seem to be never ending, as there is no end to creation as we see it. Can you imagine the numberless opportunities that lie before you, as there is certainly no limit to the adventures that you can take? Life is everywhere around you at different stages of evolution, and it is our role to serve others who like you are now are making their way through the different dimensions. It is exciting and rewarding and in no way imposed upon you. We are after all not the only organization that exists at our level. Yet we are of a size that you would find unimaginable, comprising many millions of personnel. Yes, they are all ascended Beings and would not otherwise be allowed to join us.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I am pleased to note that the Light is increasing on Earth. It augurs well for your final steps towards Ascension, and is your assurance that it will be reached as planned. We love you, and your great intent to complete your time on Earth with the victory over the dark Ones.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Just a thought....or a mental mind "burp".....whatever.....but.....if we truley are comming to a point of unified consciousness.....which i believe IS happening.....the coincidences now are far too common....then, would keeping "secrets" kinda become silly.....i ask this only because it seems that it is slowly but surely becoming apparent as to wtf is going on.....no?.....




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Highlights of Obama’s schedule in Europe


Saturday, May 21, 2011 | 7:53 a.m.

Highlights of President Barack Obama's schedule during his trip to Europe. He departs Washington late Sunday:


Obama arrives in Ireland for meetings with the Irish president and prime minister. He visits the village of Moneygall, the ancestral homeland of his great-great-great grandfather. Obama speaks at an evening rally at Dublin's College Green about the ties between the U.S. and Ireland.



Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrive Tuesday in London for a state visit. The Obamas have lunch with Queen Elizabeth II, the president lays a wreath at Westminster Abbey and in the evening the Obamas attend a banquet hosted by the queen at Buckingham Palace.



Obama meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron and holds a news conference. Obama delivers a major speech to Parliament at the Palace of Westminster.

Mrs. Obama brings girls from the North London's Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School on a visit the University of Oxford to promote the importance of education. She visited the North London school in 2009.

The Obamas host a dinner for the queen at the residence of the U.S. ambassador to Britain.



Obama attends the Group of Eight summit meeting in Deauville, France. Leaders focus on how the world's top economies can help countries in the Middle East and North Africa that are going through democratic transitions, most notably Tunisia and Egypt.

Obama meets with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.



Obama attends closing sessions of the G-8 summit and holds meetings with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan before traveling to Warsaw, Poland.

Obama has dinner with leaders of several Central and Eastern European countries.



Obama meets with Poland's president, Bronislaw Komorowski, and has lunch with the prime minister, Donald Tusk, followed by a news conference with Tusk. Obama also visits some cultural sites before returning to Washington.



...that makes up all the money on this planet.... or.... all the power....  so.... what do you believe "they" are discussing?...  I can assure you....  it's NOT what's on the menu above.






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Commander Adama’s First Contact Now Update For 5/23/11


Commander Adama's First Contact Now Update For 5/23/11


I first would like to send out my prayers to the people of Joplin, Missouri, whose town was devastated by one of the most powerful tornadoes in U.S. history by killing over 100 people. I send out loving and healing energy to you all!

It is very apparent that the weather patterns all over the world have been way above normal than anything ever witnessed in history. Massive earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and severe weather seem to be the norm in our current limited conscious reality. This is all due to the planet preparing herself to become fully conscious and enter a higher dimensional way of living. The Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command, and all other benevolent beings are trying to limit how it affects the surface physically. This is why their collective effort and recent haste in orchestrating a First Contact event has been so important within the last couple of years.

According to the Mayan Calendar, we are close to entering the last phase of its energy cycles that evolves consciousness to a certain point. The last stepping stone is the universal cycle, which will align our consciousness to that of the universe. With this happening, many third dimensional ideas, philosophies and ideologies, societal, economic, governmental, and personal systems will start to fail. But not fail in the sense of total destruction, but to fail in a way where you can see the flaws and untruthfulness of the current reality, and will learn and take steps to correct it. We are being infused with fifth dimensional energy, and with that energy flowing through us, it will align us with the truths of the universe. It is part of becoming a fully conscious being. We will become one with everything.

The Galactic Federation of Light has been recently working extra hard and diligently on orchestrating a First Contact event on our planet. The Spiritual Hierarchy recently has given them the authority to set the plans of this mission into motion as they see fit. Most will ask, "Well what are they waiting for? Tell them to come down now!" But it is very important for humanity to know that First Contact is not a savior mission and the Galactic Federation of Light are not Gods. This mission is solely being allowed to happen to help assist us in our transition to becoming fully conscious galactic humans, to learn the truth about who we truly are and our place in the galaxy and universe, and to reunite with our space brothers and sisters. In a world of third dimensional duality in which we currently live in, it is extremely important to learn as much as possible for the souls growth and evolution, and the path that will exemplify that conclusion the best is the path that will be taken. This is what has been decreed by our Spiritual Hierarchy and is written into the very fabrics of what I call the creational evolutionary matrix in which we currently reside in. This does not mean that First Contact is not close to happening. On the contrary, massive strides have taken place that have brung this event close to reality for us. First Contact is close to happening, and when the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar ends, we enter the cusp of when First Contact will happen.

In another mission, the Galactic Federation of Light has been uncloaking their ships in both the day and night time to make it known to more that ETs are real and here to help. Making humanity comfortable with the sight of ET ships is the reason for the boost in ET ship sightings around the world, and they will become more numerous as we progress towards the near future.
I have been getting contacted by many beings of our galaxy and universe over the last week, and have been asked to attend various meetings on some of the motherships in our solar system. I will be attending via my light body, and should have plenty of new information after. Many other representatives and channelers on our planet of the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command, and other benevolent beings of our galaxy and universe have also been asked to attend. We have been told that it is time for starseeds and lightworkers on the planet to start educating others about what is to come. That is one of the reasons we all decided to incarnate on this planet afterall.

I have been asked by my ET contacts to write several messages this week regarding certain topics. Explaining who exactly is the Galactic Federation of Light is one of these importances, and that will be the basis of my next message which will be available within the next day or two.

For those interested in First Contact and would like to be a part of this spiritual awakening movement, then please goto our website to find out more at:


We are linked to facebook, youtube, twitter, and we have our own yahoo group. All can be found on the website.

Together, we can change the world by educating the world! Become a part of this global spiritual awakening movement!

Love and Light,

Commander Adama
-Representative of the Galactic Federation of Light-

Are You Ready For An ET First Contact Event? If so then feel free to sign our
petition. We have over 1100 signatures so far.


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Hhhhhmmm....  could be just me ( doubt it ), but i find "this" to be rather "strange"...  check out the latest on CNN....  it's just a silly little "Poll" that they would like answers to...  but wait until you see the last question.......  Hhhhmmmm?......should "we"?.....  should "we" ( Ashtar ) answer this?....   It's a little tempting to say the least...   see for yourself:


Quiz: Who designed the first pyramid?

How much do you know about the world?

This week, test your knowledge with questions such as:

- Where was the IMF conceived?

- What does "Nakba" mean?

- What firm did the UAE hire to create a private army?

- Who designed the first pyramid in Egypt?

If you've got great ideas for future quiz questions, let us know through Twitter or Facebook.

Post by: CNN Editors




Oh.... and one more thing....  NASA it seems has a sense of humor.  Wanna know the name of the very last Shuttle to go into Space before they are retired from service?


Atlantis.....  I AM not kidding.






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BEND, Ore. -- Three white bison calves were born Mother's Day weekend, and Monday, NewsChannel 21 got a first-hand look at the rare and majestic animals.


These are reportedly the first white bison ever born in the state, and join a herd of 14 others who live in a private ranch outside of Bend.

White bison symbolize peace and prayer in certain Native American cultures -- and the birth of three at once was an extraordinary event at the nonprofit, Sacred World Peace Alliance.

"There are some prophecies that say if the buffalo come to the western shores, world peace will begin," said the president of SWPA, Cynthia Hart-Button. "And we're seeing changes. It's a sign of change to the world."

Hart-Button added that according to history, the chances of a white buffalo being born is one in 10 million.

She said having 14 in one herd is like hitting the jackpot for the Sacred World Peace Alliance.

The initial herd of 11 white buffalo moved up from Arizona last August, when the owner of the herd's dying wish was that they move to greener pastures.

"We may have one, we may have two, but three? It means you guys have good grass in Oregon," said Hart-Button. "Good roots and good organic land here."

These newly born white bison are not albino -- those have pink noses and eyes, while these rare creatures have brown noses and blue eyes.

Hart-Button said the calves were born big and strong -- a good sign.

"We've never had one quite this white before," she said.

Hart-Button said they hope to start breeding with ranchers who own brown buffalo some day, but are not quite there yet. Right now, the herd is in its fourth generation, and are DNA-tested to prove they are American bison.





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Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,


During the past week a shift in mass consciousness occurred and you will be seeing evidence of this in the coming days. Many of you have been creating Pillars of Light and in fact, you ARE Pillars of Light and this activity is adding to the collective field of Humanity and the atmosphere of the Earth. All of these are very positive changes and it is now going to become a little easier to hold and anchor the Light because there will be so many more of you who are engaged in this activity.


Within each of you there has been a feeling of increasing lightness of Being which is having the effect of a greater sense of well-being and peacefulness and this will have a most beneficial effect as you go about your daily lives. Most of you are now feeling the increasing presence of your Higher Self within your crown chakra and this is most noticeable when you are involved in your spiritual disciplines as very noticeable vibrations in that area. You will begin to notice a greater response from your Higher Self in your mundane activities and do not be too surprised to discover yourselves carrying on a telepathic conversation at the oddest times.


When this occurs, it is an indication of greater activity in your multi-dimensional selves. You will find yourselves involved in taking part in a reverie in which you are partaking of various adventures in your “imagination”. This is active involvement occurring on the higher levels and dimensions. You are all active on other levels during your sleep times but now you will start to notice this occurring during your normal daily routines. Life is becoming a greater adventure and the only limits are those that you set upon yourselves. Dare to dream big and create these lovely scenarios in your everyday lives. Create and feel wonderful changes taking place for you and your loved ones and in the World around you.


Whatever you, the conscious Creators, create now within your own lives is added to the whole collective consciousness and many will Awaken because of this. Your Light and activity for the Light is creating greater openness in the minds of an ever greater mass of Humanity. Always intend that what you create be for the Highest Good of all and of course, for your own Highest Good. Your God sanctioned Guides and Ascension Team work diligently with you as you go about your daily affairs. A request from you first thing in the morning upon awakening to ask them for every assistance as you go about your day will help set the tone for the rest of that day.


Be observant to what still comes up from within you and continue to just observe and release rather than get involved in the emotional charge of it. It can become easier the more you become aware that you have this ability. This is Mastery of your Selves in action. This is alchemy being consciously practiced. Soon you will be observing that you are now creating wonderful situations and occurrences in your lives rather than having to release more surprises from the depths of your inner Being. Life will feel much easier the more you practice this.


We are ever with you, Beloved Ones. We work as One now. You have Legions at your side each and every day and night. You never walk alone. Our Love is always with you.


Until next week….


I AM Hilarion


©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com


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2011 May 21
by Steve Beckow



In 2004 Michael Salla wrote up up Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1954 meeting with extraterrestrials in Exopolitics Magazine. It’s so long that I’ve divided it into two parts.

We think of Ike as a benevolent man and leader of the free world’s forces in World War II.

But many of us may not know that he is also alleged to have caused the death of perhaps 1.7 million German soldiers, whom he reportedly detained without food, water, medicine, or sanitation and starved to death after WWII ended. (1) There may have been another side to Ike.

It gives me no pleasure to report those allegations because I was always an admirer of Ike’s growing up, but they exist nonetheless and are part of our history which we may not in the future be able to turn aside from. I will be happy if they are eventually proven baseless, but I’m not sure that will happen.

In any case, here he is making contact with civilizations with whom the U.S. later negotiated  treaties which saw technology traded for abductions. Murkiness is wrapped in secrecy in this story.


(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Losses; http://www.rense.com/general46/germ.htm; http://www.rense.com/general88/eisen.htm; http://library.flawlesslogic.com/ike.htm. This view has been questioned by Gunter Bischof and Stephen Ambrose in Eisenhower and the German POWs: Facts against Falsehood.

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials:
The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?

Research Study #8

Revised Febuary 12, 2004, first published January 28, 2004,


© Michael E. Salla, PhD


On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting. When he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist. The dentist later appeared at a function that evening and presented as the ‘dentist’ who had treated Eisenhower.

The missing night and morning has subsequently fueled rumors that Eisenhower was using the alleged dentist visit as a cover story for an extraordinary event. The event is possibly the most significant that any American President could have conducted: an alleged ‘First Contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base (previously Muroc Airfield), and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed. This astonishing First Contact event, if it occurred, will experience its 50th anniversary on February 20-21, 2004. 

This paper explores the evidence that the First Contact meeting had occurred with extraterrestrials with a distinctive ‘Nordic’ appearance, the likelihood of an agreement having been spurned with this ‘Nordic race’, the start of a series of meetings that led to a treaty eventually being signed with a different extraterrestrial race dubbed the ‘Greys’, and the motivations of the different extraterrestrial races involved in these treaty discussions. The paper will further examine why these events were kept secret for so long, the significance of the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s meeting with extraterrestrials, and whether an official disclosure announcement is likely in the near future.

Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?

Testimonies Supporting Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials

There are a number of other sources alleging an extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air force base that corresponded to a formal First Contact event. These sources are based on testimonies of ‘whistleblowers’ that witnessed documents or learned from their ‘insider contacts’ of such a meeting. These testimonies describe what appears to be two separate sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups who met either with President Eisenhower and/or with Eisenhower administration officials over a short period of time.

The first of these meetings, the actual ‘First Contact’ event, did not lead to an agreement and the extraterrestrials were effectively spurned. The second of these meetings did lead to an agreement, and this has been apparently become the basis of subsequent secret interactions with extraterrestrial races involved in the ‘treaty’ that was signed. There is some discrepancy in the sequence of meetings and where they were held, but all agree that a ‘First Contact’ meeting involving President Eisenhower did occur, and that one of these meetings occurred with his February 1954 visit to Edwards Air force base.

The first version of Eisenhower’s meeting is described by one of the most ‘controversial’ whistleblowers to ever have come forward into the public arena to describe an extraterrestrial presence. William Cooper served on the Naval Intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet between 1970-73, and had access to classified documents that he had to review in order to fulfill his briefing duties. He describes the background and nature of the ‘First contact’ with extraterrestrials as follows:

In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be Spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the Equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens. In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government.

This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth’s natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. [10]

The significant point about Cooper’s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and instead was focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.

Confirmation that the First Contact meeting involved extraterrestrials who were effectively spurned for taking what might be considered a principled stand on technology assistance and nuclear weapons comes from the son of a former Navy Commander who claimed that his father had been present at the First Contact event on February 20-21, 1954. According to Charles L. Suggs, a retired Sgt from the US Marine Corps, his father Charles L. Suggs, (1909-1987) was a former Commander with the US Navy who attended the meeting at Edwards Air force base with Eisenhower. [11] Sgt Suggs recounted his father’s experiences from the meeting in a 1991 interview with a prominent UFO researcher:

Charlie’s father, Navy Commander Charles Suggs accompanied Pres. Ike along with others on Feb. 20th. They met and spoke with 2 white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and colorless lips. The spokesman stood a number of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any closer. A second nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip. According to Charlie, there were B-58 Hustlers on the field even though the first one did not fly officially till 1956. These visitors said they came from another solar system. They posed detailed questions about our
nuclear testing. [12]

Another ‘whistleblower’ who confirms that First Contact involved an extraterrestrial race being spurned for their principled stand on technology transfer is the son of the famous creator of the Lear Jet, William Lear. John Lear is a former Lockheed L-1011 Captain who flew over 150 test aircraft and held 18 world speed records, and during the late 1960′s, 1970′s and early 1980′s was a contract pilot for the CIA. Lear developed a close relationship with CIA Director (DCI) William Colby who was in charge of covert operations in Vietnam before becoming DCI. According to Lear there had indeed been a warning from another race prior to an agreement being eventually signed, and he claimed they visited Muroc/Edward and the following occurred:

In 1954, President Eisenhower met with a representative of another alien species at Muroc Test Center, which is now called Edwards Airforce Base. This alien suggested that they could help us get rid of the Greys but Eisenhower turned down their offer because they offered no technology. [13]

Cooper’s and Lear’s idea of more than one extraterrestrial race interacting with the Eisenhower administration is supported by other whistleblowers such as former Master Sergeant Robert Dean who like Cooper, had access to top secret documents while working in the intelligence division for the Supreme Commander of a major US military command. In Dean’s 27 year distinguished military career, he served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe where he witnessed these documents while serving under the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe. Dean claimed:

The group at the time, there were just four that they knew of for certain and the Greys were one of those groups. There was a group that looked exactly like we do. There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them, there had been abductions, there had been contacts… Two other groups, there was a very large group, I say large, they were 6-8 maybe sometimes 9 feet tall and they were humanoid, but they were very pale, very white, didn’t have any hair on their bodies at all. And then there was another group that had sort of a reptilian quality to them. We had encountered them, military people and police officers all over the world have run into these guys. They had vertical pupils in their eyes and their skin seemed to have a quality very much like what you find on the stomach of a lizard. So those were the four they knew of in 1964. [14]

There is some discrepancy in the testimonials as to which Air force base the spurned extraterrestrials met with President Eisenhower and/or Eisenhower administration officials. Cooper claims this occurred at Homestead Air force base in Florida, and not Edwards. [15] On the other hand Lear and Suggs suggest it occurred at Edwards. In his letter, Gerald Light pointed to intense disagreement amongst Eisenhower officials in responding to the extraterrestrials at the Edwards AFB meeting.

Such intense disagreement may predictably have occurred if national security officials were responding to an extraterrestrial request to abandon the pursuit of weapons technologies. Given the intensity of the Cold War, the national security officials present may well have decided it was more prudent to seek better terms before agreeing to the extraterrestrials request. Light’s testimony implies that the meeting at Edwards did not result in an agreement, but instead resulted in intense disagreement between Eishenhower officials. Consequently, I will conclude that the Lear and Suggs version is more accurate, and that the ‘First Contact’ meeting occurred at Edwards Air force base in February 20-21, 1954.

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Mikos: Message from the Center of the Earth

2011 May 21
by Steve Beckow

From the Center of the Earth



We are sitting in the huge golden reception and meeting hall in Agartha in the center of the Earth. This is a place where many star nations meet to get to know each other and to exchange information. Here the 5th dimension has existed for thousands of years.

Now Mikos is amongst us who wants to talk to us.

Greetings to my readers and to all of you who have been connected to us for quite some time now.

The way you are used to living on the surface of the Earth is now changing dramatically. And there is nothing to halt this rapid progress as it had occurred often in the past. This process is gaining momentum every day and thus brings you closer to your full awareness and complete consciousness.

What you have experienced during these past years, weeks and even days is losing its importance. Within yourselves you feel the joy and anticipation of something new, something unknown. This feeling of joy will change your life radically and it will determine it in times to come.Inner-Earth.jpg

Your near future will be characterized by a completely different color and another musical tone. This will lead you to the heights of Yourself.

You might have realized that many of you are radiating a great joy which had been unknown to you during these years of the ascension process. This expression of joy is an important driving mechanism helping you to fulfill your wishes. Especially now, since dimensions are melting into each other.

The 5th dimension is bringing its golden light in the density of the 3rd dimension until it has soaked everything. This also means that manifesting will become much easier and you will be physically able to see this occurring before your eyes. Joy is a most important aspect of the new life you’ll be leading in the 5th dimension. 

We are constantly residing in the energy of joy since we don’t know problems or sorrow like the ones you are creating for yourselves on the surface time and again.

Imagine a life without worries? How does that feel?

A life where your mind doesn’t constantly dwell in your past and conjure up old stories based on logic which will then cause the old film to replay again. These times are over.

You will be present in the now and stay there continuously. Many of you are about to forget what you have experienced these past years. This is wonderful because it means you have made spiritual progress, so to speak. It leads to your light becoming brighter and brighter and expressing your true Self more fully. When these dark clouds of the 3rd dimension will have been disappeared you will have released it all.

We are watching with great joy as this happens each day for you and in the world around you. Then you will be able to see the miracles surrounding you and you will reach a point where you will be able to understand and realize that they have been there all the time.

Then the fog of the 3rd dimension will have lifted and you will be radiating your own Divinity out into the whole universe.

Stay in joy and stay centered.

Your light family from the center of the Earth,


March 5, 2010 through Samara-Heidi Stadler ©

(translation: Ina Martina Klein)


Heidi Stadler
F – 04120 La Palud sur Verdon

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The Buddha walks again.... May17, 2011


Four Noble Truths...



  Buddhism teaches Four Noble Truths:  that the world is full of suffering;  that the suffering is caused by human desires;  that suffering stops when desires are renounced;  and that the Eightfold Path is the way to achieve this.  The Eightfold Path consists of eight principles of behavior that make up the road to enlightenment;  right understanding;  right resolve;  right speech;  right action;  right livelihood;  right effort, right mindfulness;  and right meditation.




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Uriel's Message -- Why Are You Being?


Your 'being' is the concentration of your energy in a single moment of time and space. Within each moment you express your energy, intention, history, karma, emotions, beliefs, thoughts and actions. These are the 'what' of your being and you are either fully aware and conscious of each moment of expression or disconnected, unconscious and unaware of how much control you exert over your reality. The important question in every moment is 'why' and to question yourself is to be able to engage the ego in ways that compel it to expand its vision.

Without asking 'why', you allow the ego to stay rooted in the past, where it is comfortable and familiar. These questions begin with why you are here, why you are doing these things and why you are at this energetic place in this moment. As soon as you ask 'why' you begin the process of creating new outcomes and potentials for your reality. Without this conscious intervention you repeat the past and what you have always known. Remember that the basic elements of life are provided for you, your role in your reality is to expand your consciousness and ascend into higher dimensions of being.

Asking 'why' also brings up a great deal of fear, because the answer to the question will lead you to new paradigms that you must then create. When your present reality is questioned you are aware of all areas that are not fulfilling or do not serve your needs and you must step out of them, into new avenues of potential that are unknown and without precedent. Asking 'why' allows you to create new vibrations. Then you must determine whether you are willing to expand your vision for your reality and be prepared to acknowledge your own fears, for they are visible to you when you can question yourself, your intention, your motivations and find the courage to enable transformation to become possible. When you ask 'why' you indicate to yourself that you are ready for transformation to occur in that moment.

Do you have the courage to become a higher aspect of that which you know is possible beyond what you see in this moment? Ask why you are being, in this moment, this expression, this energy, these emotions and have created this experience. Your life is an unfolding process of expanding your vision of yourself and of the world. This is possible when you are willing to question yourselves on every level and be open to a new vision for your reality. The world can know peace when all of humanity questions polarity. Each one can know love when all of humanity questions fear. And heaven can exist when all of humanity desires to move beyond the material world and open the door to co-creation with Spirit

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IMF chief arrested in alleged sex assault

NEW YORK — The head of the International Monetary Fund was charged early Sunday in connection with the alleged sexual assault of a housekeeper at a Manhattan hotel Saturday, a New York police spokesman said.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, 62, who had been removed from a Paris-bound flight in New York minutes before takeoff Saturday, was questioned by the New York Police Department’s special victims office and arrested at 2:15 a.m. Sunday on charges of criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment, a spokesman said.


Strauss-Kahn’s attorney, Benjamin Brafman, said Sunday his client has denied all charges and would plead not guilty.

The allegations create immediate uncertainty for the Washington-based IMF, which has been playing an important role in stabilizing the global economy amid the financial crisis.

An IMF spokesman said the organization would have no comment on the case. “The IMF remains fully functioning,” she said.

The arrest also promises to stir up politics in France, where Strauss-Kahn is widely thought to be considering challenging French President Nicolas Sarkozy in next year’s election. Polls have indicated that he would have a good chance of defeating Sarkozy.

“He won’t be able to be a candidate for the Socialist Party presidential primary,” Jacques Attali, a fellow Socialist leader, told French reporters.

Sarkozy’s government spokesman, Francois Baroin, said Strauss-Kahn should benefit from the innocent-until-proven-guilty principle and called on political figures and commentators to use caution in dealing with his case.

Socialist Party leader Martine Aubry, acknowledged, meanwhile, that news of Strauss-Kahn’s arrest had arrived in Paris “like a thunderbolt” during the night, throwing Socialist militants into disarray. But like Baroin, she urged the country to withhold judgment until the situation in New York becomes clearer.

Housekeeper details alleged attack

The alleged sexual assault occurred around 1 p.m., police told the Associated Press.

The housekeeper told authorities she entered Strauss-Kahn’s suite at the luxury Sofitel hotel not far from Manhattan’s Times Square at about 1 p.m., and that he attacked her. She told police she was planning to clean the spacious $3,000-a-night suite, which she thought was empty, according to the AP.

Strauss-Kahn emerged from the bathroom naked, chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom, where he began to sexually assault her, the woman told police, according to the AP. She said she fought him off, but he then dragged her into the bathroom, according to the account.

The woman was able to break free again, escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened, and they called police, authorities said. Strauss-Kahn bolted the hotel room, leaving behind his cell phone, police told the AP.

The NYPD learned Strauss-Kahn was on a plane bound for France and asked officers with the Port Authority of New York to board the plane and remove him.

At 4:40 p.m., about 10 minutes before Air France Flight 23 was to take off Saturday, officers with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey removed Strauss-Kahn, authorities said. They did not handcuff him. They then turned him over to the police.



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With respect to Mr. Nidle's latest message dated May 10, 2011, there is reference to a geographical area fo concern...and area to "watch"......" The Pacific Basin "  (see below )


"...The First Contact mission has been concentrating on Mother Earth. We have been monitoring, especially, the ever-increasing number of seaquakes in the southern Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. These quakes are beginning to alter the traditional ab- and subduction patterns of the South Pacific, Central Indian, and mid-Atlantic Ocean plates. This most certainly portends that major quakes are to happen shortly either near Asia or in the North Pacific Basin. A series of deep resonances of a specific type are echoing through these regions. We are working with several interested parties to scale down what now promise to be truly colossal shakes and some massive long-traveling tsunamis. These phenomena are merely Gaia's warning that all of you need to wake up and become conscious of the dawning of a new era......."






Where you at?......I'm in Vancouver, sheilded by Vancouver Island, however, water levels all along the "Rim" should be monitored..... they will rise.......





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May 2011 Monthly Message

The Way of the Truth

Each lifetime is a search for truth and connection, of re-establishing ourselves within the energy of our divine aspects where we are powerful, loved, secure, supported, and happy. We try to create all of these things as the truth of our lives and it takes many lifetimes before we realize that there is a fundamental truth we have always known but have never accepted, that we already have everything we seek and we already are everything we hope to become. The truth we seek is always in front of us but we cannot see it for a number of reasons, most importantly because we look for the truth in places where we will never find it. And when we stop looking for the truth it appears before us.

There are many levels of truth, just as there are many levels of energy. The truth we want to know is that we are powerful, blessed and loved, so we begin our journey of healing to release everything that blocks us from embodying it. We look for this truth in every situation not realizing that the material world will reflect whatever energy we inject into it because it doesn’t contain its own truth and will never be more to us than we already think and believe we are. The people in our soul groups have no truth for us other than what they know as their truth because each person lives within their own vibration of what they know as the truth, based on what they have experienced in and of the world.

The foundation of truth that we seek cannot be found in the world because it doesn’t exist unless we create it. The material world will always reflect the truth of the individual and collective energy that creates it and without the application of a higher truth, based in spirit, is incapable of giving us more than what we want and being more than we think we are capable of. If we want to know the truth, we must create it because we are the source of our own truth. What is true for each of us becomes our truth and part of the world’s truth. In simpler terms, the truth that we are worthy of love, success and joy already exists in spirit and manifests in the material world when it is the truth that we totally believe about ourselves. The truth that we do not deserve love, success and joy also becomes true because we believe it and it won’t change until we change our aspect of truth.

When we try to impose our truth on someone else, or make them responsible for making our truth ‘true’, we are on the path of unfulfilled expectations. When we want love, for example, we tell ourselves that we deserve love, and we do. But when we take this truth “I deserve love” and then look to others to make it true, “I deserve love from you” we are doing two things, approaching our desire for truth from the point of doubt (if we know that we deserve love we don’t need anyone’s validation) and we are making the fulfillment of our truth someone else’s responsibility. Everyone has their own version of truth and if our version is in conflict with theirs or demands something from them that they do not want to or cannot give, then they will respond to the conflict and block us from finding the fulfillment of our truth with them.

There are two ways to approach truth, from the point of knowing or the point of doubt. When we are at the point of knowing we don’t need anyone to validate our truth. We know it’s true and that our truth is being fulfilled in each moment, even if we don’t always see the results right away. But when we have doubt, we create a truth that reflects our doubts and then everything in our life strives to make it true. We think that the world is our biggest enemy and works against us, doesn’t allow for the fulfillment of our dreams and puts challenges and blocks in our way at every turn. But the world doesn’t do anything but make our truth, and all of the energy we have behind it, true. The energy of the world is non-judgmental so whatever we say is true, it just replies with a powerful ‘yes’.

When we approach the truth from the answer, which always begins with I AM, we see it reflected everywhere. But when we approach it from the question, AM I? we see that reflected everywhere as well. And this is how we have our truth validated or challenged, depending on whether we see ourselves as the question or the answer. If we approach the world with the question, the world’s answer simply reflects our question. If we approach the world with the answer, the world then shifts its energy so it becomes our answer. And there is a greater difference, as saying “I AM” sets our intention for manifestation. “AM I?” asks for permission, which we will not get because we do not need it.

Knowing expands energy while doubting contracts it and energy can never become more than our intention for it. That is why approaching the path of truth as a question will never yield the answer that validates us and ensures us that we can become or manifest that truth. A question will never become more than the question. The answer, however, because it sets the foundation for the truth we want to become our reality, will create the validation we want. The challenge for us is to have the courage to know the answer before we receive the validation – we must know that we are the highest truth before the world will validate the truth for us.

Can we do that? Can we know, without doubt, that we are already everything we want to be and that by knowing we will receive the answers we want? It is what we must do if our journey for truth will result in expansion instead of contraction and we are become the highest expression of our I AM potential and live in our own version of heaven on earth, knowing that we are co-creators, masters of our life path and divine expressions of Creator on earth.

Article Copyright © 2004-2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.. All rights reserved.


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