J'Tariah En Ra El's Posts (50)

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Be the Love and Light by beginning Your Mission 
today! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
Our Project: Eagle Family welcomes YOU with open 
starship hatches! We love you UNCONDITIONALLY! 





Lord Ashtar 

Until October 5th

For 15 plus Minutes or More Every Day

Greetings, Ashtar back with you again at this auspicious time in Earth’s history! As the Equinox energies continue to come forth, your new Crystalline Consciousness Grid begins to take form. So you are being asked to now focus on clearing and paving the way for its overlay and integration with the mass-consciousness grid. 

Now, as I told you last week, this new Grid is a 5th dimensional construct, so does that mean that all earth humanity will suddenly become fifth-dimensional in their thinking processes? No – we don’t wish to fry your circuits. The time frame for integrating a fifth-dimensional consciousness will vary from person to person, depending on how awakened they are already. 

You will not suddenly wake up one morning and be in total fifth dimensional consciousness, but you may very well begin shortly to notice changes within not only yourself but others, also. You may have increased powers of what you term ‘intuition’; you might also begin to ‘see’ with a higher-dimension sight, or ‘hear’ with your inner-hearing. Everyone will be unique in how they integrate with this new Grid – but ALL, my friends, will come to be affected by it in one way or another. 

So let us begin. For your next meditation – and this will be for TWO of your weeks – we are asking you to join us in laying that Golden Pathway of Love on which your new Crystalline Consciousness Grid will flow. First do a Protocal of 1) Grounding; 2) Centering, and 3) Intending your energies to join us!

Daily focus upon this powerful ****5D - 9D Grid Fully Activated Rapid Ascension Post-Equinox Meditation**** now and every day FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS.

So, for the entire fifteen minutes of this meditation you are to send the energy of Love, through your intention, to the existing mass-consciousness grid, preparing it for the overlay. 

The new Crystalline Consciousness Grid will not be immediately anchored into the mass-consciousness grid but will, instead, be gradually lowered or melded into it over a short period of time. But for now, you are being asked to simply pave the way for it to…hmmm…let us say ‘hover’ over the existing grid. We will go about the actual anchoring in later meditations, but for now focus on visualizing a Golden Pathway of Love going into your mass-consciousness grid. Do not intend to connect to the grid, simply send to it. [Disconnect from the Mass Consciousness Grid daily.] 

So, we of the HIGHER REALMS will be focusing our energies with yours, and I will be back in two weeks with a new focus for your attention. In the meantime, stay in the Love that your are and that surrounds you; stay grounded to your Mother Earth; and become the silent witness to world events, not entangling your energy with the fears and anxieties of the masses. We love you dearly. I am Ashtar.

Be the Love and Light by beginning Your Mission 
today! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
Our Project: Eagle Family welcomes YOU with open 
starship hatches! We love you UNCONDITIONALLY! 








Be the Love and Light by beginning Your Mission 
today! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
Our Project: Eagle Family welcomes YOU with open 
starship hatches! We love you UNCONDITIONALLY! 




Be the Love and Light by beginning Your Mission 
today! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 
Our Project: Eagle Family welcomes YOU with open 
starship hatches! We love you UNCONDITIONALLY! 






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URGENT! THE LIONS' GATES (8 Stargates) are Continuing to DILATE & OPENING THROUGH AUGUST 17TH. (1 + 7 = 8) AND WILL STAY OPEN AFTER THE 17TH. These Portal Gates are Star Systems and Galaxies which are CHOOSING YOU Through YOUR Actions.


Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation -- NOW through AUGUST SEVENTEENTH!


The Church of Sananda's Eagles, with Project: Eagle 
Triad welcomes YOU with open starcraft hatches! 
Begin your Ground Crew Mission Today by 
writing to janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com 

Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation
Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

To Begin TODAY


And to Continue Every Day, for Fourteen Days, for At Least 15 Minutes Per Day

Until the 17th of August!

Greetings, Ashtar here. Well, well, it seems lions are playing a big part in your news this week, does it not? And now you are coming upon what you term the Lion’s Gate portal. Those energies have already started to arrive and will continue to anchor past the actual 8:8:8 date. Therefore, we are asking the Eagles to engage in this meditation for a period of two weeks.

The portal opening is a very important one, as are all; however, it is a precursor to an extraordinary event that will occur during your next month of September, and I will go into more detail about that at a later date. However, it is our request that you now help us pave the way for such occurrence.

The energies coming through the Lion’s Gate portal are more triggers for codes that are embedded in your new Crystalline Matrix and will be radiated out to all of Earth and her many lifeforms. And as we have told you previously, these encodements will take some time to fully anchor, so your job is to help that anchoring proceed with Grace by paving the way with Love.

Begin with the Protocal of GROUNDING, CENTERING, AND FOCUSING your meditations to join with those of Project: Eagle Triad. It DOES NOT matter what time you do your meditations.

For the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love, through your intent, into Earth’s Crystalline Matrix.

For the next five minutes you are to send Love to the heart of every man, woman and child upon Gaia.

For the last five minutes you are to send Love to the Earth Gaia herself.

Your Crystalline Matrix is overlaying your old 3D matrix, and the Energy of Love will provide that element of Grace as this new Matrix anchors into your DNA.

There are many positive changes already taking place and many, many more to come. Be of good cheer, my brothers and sisters, for the time is rapidly approaching when the mass consciousness of Earth, in its current state, will be but a distant memory as you march into your New Earth!

I AM Ashtar, ever at your service. Salut!

The Church of Sananda's Eagles, with Project: Eagle 
Triad welcomes YOU with open starcraft hatches! 
Begin your Ground Crew Mission Today by 
writing to janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com



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FOCUS YOUR LOVE, STARSEEDS! Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation by Lord Ashtar -- For 14 Days -- 8/3 to 8/17



The Church of Sananda's Eagles, with Project: Eagle 
Triad welcomes YOU with open starcraft hatches! 

Begin your Ground Crew Mission Today by  
writing to janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com 



Stargate Crystalline Matrix Portal 888 Transmutation Meditation

Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
To Begin Monday, August 3, 2015
Every Day, for Fourteen Days, for At Least 15 Minutes Per Day
Greetings, Ashtar here.  Well, well, it seems lions are playing a big part in your news this week, does it not?  And now you are coming upon what you term the Lion’s Gate portal. Those energies have already started to arrive and will continue to anchor past the actual 8:8:8 date.  Therefore, we are asking the Eagles to engage in this meditation for a period of two weeks.

The portal opening is a very important one, as are all; however, it is a precursor to an extraordinary event that will occur during your next month of September, and I will go into more detail about that at a later date. However, it is our request that you now help us pave the way for such occurrence.

The energies coming through the Lion’s Gate portal are more triggers for codes that are embedded in your new Crystalline Matrix and will be radiated out to all of Earth and her many lifeforms. And as we have told you previously, these encodements will take some time to fully anchor, so your job is to help that anchoring proceed with Grace by paving the way with Love.

Begin with the Protocal of GROUNDING, CENTERING, AND FOCUSING your meditations to join with those of Project: Eagle Triad. It DOES NOT matter what time you do your meditations. 

For the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love, through your intent, into Earth’s Crystalline Matrix.

For the next five minutes you are to send Love to the heart of every man, woman and child upon Gaia.

For the last five minutes you are to send Love to the Earth Gaia herself.

Your Crystalline Matrix is overlaying your old 3D matrix, and the Energy of Love will provide that element of Grace as this new Matrix anchors into your DNA.

There are many positive changes already taking place and many, many more to come. Be of good cheer, my brothers and sisters, for the time is rapidly approaching when the mass consciousness of Earth, in its current state, will be but a distant memory as you march into your New Earth!

I AM Ashtar, ever at your service.  Salut! 



The Church of Sananda's Eagles, with Project: Eagle 
Triad welcomes YOU with open starcraft hatches! 

Begin your Ground Crew Mission Today by  
writing to janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com 


To begin your Mission, contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com today! 

..."The Ground Crew Project needs to ramp up. WE HAVE WORK TO DO NOW!  If we can get enough Beings of Light working on the same project together, their energies WILL connect around this planet, and their energies WILL QUICKLY SAFELY ASCEND this planet." … From Ashtar's 'Call to Arms' 

...One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth, and it was to be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. Project: Eagle Triad was set up by Ashtar as a means for us to work with the Earth grids, aligning them and helping to change the mass consciousness of the planet. In other words, bringing more Light to mankind. This 5th-dimensional grid, as well as the others that have since been established, will assist in ushering in the higher frequencies for the cleansing of Mother Earth as well as transmuting the negative energies of fear, etc., from the mass consciousness grid. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond. 

This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations / visualizations each day, which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general.

These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new one. As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays. 

All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart. 

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email janisel@sanandaseagles.com

Read more…

Time Space Continuum Space Craft 777 Lightworker Grid Meditation by Ashtar + The Domino Effect by Sananda (Galactic Ascension) + The Gathering of Souls (Who is in Your Soul Group? What are Soul Fragments?)


Visit us at www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com, and please 
join our Starseed Walk-In Galactic Contactee Lightworker family! 
We welcome you with open starship hatches! Begin your MISSION 
today by making contact --- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 

Time Space Continuum Space Craft 777 Lightworker Grid Meditation

Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad and Sananda's Eagles
To Begin Monday, July 20, 2015
Meditation EVERY DAY, For At Least 15 Minutes Per Day (or More)

Ashtar here.  We are going to change our focus to another grid for your next meditation, although the mass-consciousness grid will continue to be our main objective over the next moon cycles.
Much is happening and much more will occur. Everything is being stirred, you might say, so that the cream rises to the top.  And it is that cream that you are being asked to focus on in your next meditation, that cream being the Lightworker Grid. 
Your media gives you only what they want you to know; that which keeps you in fear, making you easy to control. Those days are gone, my friends, and your freedom is nigh. The Light quotient on Earth is rising rapidly, although your media plays only the ‘doom and gloom’ happenings, we can tell you that from our higher perspective we see the Light expanding rapidly. 

And the brighter the Lightworker Grid shines, the more hearts are awakened and joined to that Grid.  The brighter it is, the more people are magnetically drawn to and joined to it. And it goes without saying that the more who are a part of this Grid, the quicker critical mass is obtained. So let us begin.
Please go through your Protocol before beginning the meditation. And then, please go into what you term your ‘happy place’, for there is where the Love, the Optimism, and the Levity lie, all Qualities and Attributes of the Creator which are what raise your vibration and make you shine so brightly.
1 .
For the first five minutes, we ask that you state your intent to connect to the Christ Consciousness Grid that surrounds your planet, and to then let that Grid rise you up into a higher frequency.

For the next five minutes, the Eagles are asked to send Light/Love into the Lightworker Grid of Earth, seeing this group as One Beacon, perhaps shining a spotlight into this Grid and visualizing it expanding across the surface and becoming brighter and brighter.

For the last five minutes, we ask you to send Light/Love to your Earth Mother, for she will soon be releasing more dense energies and making another leap in her evolution.

This, the focus on the Lightworker Grid, is only the beginning in a series of meditations you will be asked to do over the next two moon cycles, each building upon the previous one EXPONENTIALLY. But as we have previously told you, it is the Lightworkers of this planet that we are depending on to be the Beacons of Light, the Wayshowers, to others. 

And so it will be.  I AM Ashtar, traveling with you on this Divine journey!  Salut!


Visit us at www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com, and please 
join our Starseed Walk-In Galactic Contactee Lightworker family! 
We welcome you with open starship hatches! Begin your MISSION 
today by making contact --- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 

"The Domino Effect"
Lord Sananda
channeled through Rev. Deb of Project: Eagle Triad 

This is the lesson that you shall have concerning planetary, galactic, universal, All That Is ascension. Technically, each and every one of you, individually, are that first domino of a whole table full of dominos that bump into each other until all of the Grand Design is effected. However, for some of you, we shall make it simpler. Each and every one of you are the one individual drop of rain that lands in the middle of a calm ocean, that sends out minute little ripples that get bigger and bigger, and bigger and bigger, until eventually there's a tidal wave caused by that one drop of rain. I know I'm over-exaggerating here, but I think you get the picture. <grin>

Now, as you know, someone wonderful came in and taught you a little bit about the parts of personal ascension that some of you may or may not have thought of before. And those are things that you can do to assist yourself up that ladder. Once so many of you reach the top of your ladder, does that mean that the planet herself ascends? Ahhh… this is a trick question. Each and every one of you affect this planet before you're even halfway up your ladder, you do not have to reach the top to affect this planet. Well, once you reach a certain point on your ladders, the planet feels the pull. And when she feels the pull, the rest of those living upon her, whether they be animal, vegetable, mineral, whatever, they feel the pull, too. We have discussed this at quite some length before. However, we are now here to warn you, too. There comes a time, when you're climbing up your ladder and you're pulling the planet right along with you, that you're pulling something else along… something else that comes along with all of those that feel the pull of the planet, coming behind you, or with you. And what that is, is those that perceive 'evil' as something of great power, as something of Divine Providence, or as something they consider themselves to be. And since they're being taken along for the ride, sometimes you shall encounter this. It does not necessarily mean that you shall encounter evil incarnate face to face. It just means that you will feel the pull of the energy pulling you back, because there are many that have that energy within them. Your job, your mission, is to carry on and to do the best that you can to continue onward and upward up that ladder even though you feel that pull. The higher you get up that ladder, the stronger you feel the pull.

Let's consider it as we would consider your basic physics, your basic science. You're fighting the pull of gravity. Many of you consider the fact that this will make your trip up the ladder easier once you reach that certain point, when in actuality it pulls on you harder. I hate to fall upon your clichés here, but no one ever promised you that it would be easy… we just said it would be worthwhile. We said that it would be beneficial once it is complete. We have not played word games with you, we have done everything in our ability to warn you that there are times that you will feel that pull and there are times that you will be weary of the climb. Those are the times that we do our best to come in and make you laugh, or give you a distraction, or sometimes even just hug you at night while you're asleep… give you that little 'boost' of extra love and care. The best direction that we can give you concerning this is, with each step that you take up that ladder, you get closer and closer to the power of the Love of the All That Is. So keep looking up, keep your focus point up. If you look back down to see what it is that's dragging on you, you lose momentum, you lose the sight of your goal that you are striving so hard for. With each and every step you take, if you keep your eyes up, if you keep the focus of your mission up, if you keep your heart up, it will not be easier but you will have less doubt which, in the long run, makes it easier on your personally. For many of you have doubt, which is one of those things that is drawing you back down.

With each step that you take up that ladder, you're pulling more and more on the energy of this planet and those that reside upon her. But are you the only ones? We have spoken of your soul's song, we have spoken of your split-aparts, and we have spoken of soul fragments. Each and every one of you has fragments, counterparts, split-aparts, that are doing essentially the same thing on different levels. Some, very few though, on lower levels than you're at. Many on much higher levels than you're at. And their energy, as they move onward and upward on their ladder, assists you in pulling you up your ladder. You're magnetized to those pieces and parts. You're magnetized to the energy of the Creator. You're magnetized by the true physics of all Creation, and that true physics being, the higher you get, the lighter you become… the lighter you become, the more Light that emanates from you.

You keep your step light, you keep your heart light, you keep your sight light, and you aim for the Light. And, as I have said before, every once in awhile you'll find a ledge and you might step off your ladder and take a breather for awhile. And when you look down to assist those that are coming up behind you or along side you, you do not look down for what it is that you have bypassed, the lessons you have already learned. You look for the Light that is getting brighter and brighter as it comes up the ladder also. You encourage that Light, you tell IT to look up, you tell it to keep getting there, that you're there and they can be, too. Do not look for the dark, look for the Light within the dark. Encourage it. Pat it on the back. Allow your Light to shine a wee bit brighter so that it might see your Light ahead through the dark that it is surrounded by. Allow yourself to be that beacon that the Creator uses to add more Light to Itself. For you never know, as you are looking up your ladder, and you see that Light, it's just another beacon in between you and where it is that you are heading. And if you pass a ledge and you see someone taking a break on the ledge, and you feel refreshed and do not necessarily feel that it is time for you to take a break, shine your Light for them. For those that stop and take that break on the ledge are the ones that are being the beacons that call others on up their ladders. Do you understand this?

Once all of you reach that one ledge of YOUR ladders, and this planet is finally able to reach that ledge on HER ladder, and all those creatures upon her reach that ledge on THEIR ladder, then you shall be the forerunners that begin climbing your ladder again. And it starts all over again. However, there is something most wondrous that happens when all of you reach that ledge. When you reach that ledge, your Lights become very bright and it sends out a Call. And that Call awakens all of those others that have not even begun their flight up from many other different places in your solar system. You see, there's the ripple, there's the domino for the next level. You begin pulling them, and then they, in turn, are where you began. They're just waking up, they're just getting started. And then, as you begin your next level, and after some time goes by, and the entire galaxy reaches the level that you had just left when it woke them up, you will then be pushed to your next level. And as you being at that next level, it will push and wake up even another galaxy, and another, and another, until soon you're entire universe is affected by this push and pull effect. Now I could, but I have been asked not to, tell you how many systems in your universe are above or below you, for that makes no bit of difference. Each and every one of you is all doing the same job. You're assisting each other, whether you're the one that's pulling them awake, or they are the ones that have pulled you awake. And then once your entire universe reaches a specific level, it begins being either pushed or pulled by other universes. And the one that is pulling and magnetizing each and every universe, each and every solar system, each and every planet, each and every Being, is the Creator… calling back unto Himself all those that went out to educate Him, to teach, to learn, to share, to assist.

Some of you, at this point in time, may be saying that this sounds like an exhausting affair. It is. Very exhausting. Ahhh… but well worth it. Very well worth it. For those of you that have come here to assist this planet, some of you will reach the top of your ladder much quicker than others, and then you shall go home. And when you go home, your home is doing the exact same thing. Technically, you will each be doing it all over again. It's just that the vast majority of you are from places that have far outreached the more mundane levels that you've had to deal with here and now in this reality. But the experiences that you have here and now in this reality, are the experiences that you can take home with you, that will give you and your reality just a bit more of a push in going to the 'real' Home… the end of the puzzle, the last domino. The last domino being the full picture, or the full ocean, however you wish to look at it.

This one, when she teaches her Kabbalah, uses the ancient term of Light as being: you get closer to the emanation of God. This is true. I myself much prefer to say that you keep getting closer and closer to the Light that gets brighter and brighter. The brighter it gets, the closer you are. And, at times, you shall reach a point to where that Light is so bright that you will feel that you cannot even take it, for it is SO bright. But you know that it is Home, and you keep on and you keep on, and then you are consumed by the brightest Light of All. And many of you may feel that when you become incorporated back into the Creator that you lose 'who you are'. As far as a body, as far as a soul, you become incorporated back into the One. However, it is a One of great Knowledge, a One of great Experience, and the way that that Knowledge and that Experience is incorporated into the One is so vast and incomprehensible that it is hard to explain to you how. So you may trust or not trust, you may believe or not believe, it makes no difference to me. However, you will still know your 'self', and you will still know your Creator… each and every part and parcel of your Creator. You will know the ones that you have met before in past lives, and you will still carry the soul memory of each and every step up those ladders that you took, and all of those different part and parcels that you met along the way.

I guess the best way I could explain it to you is this: Every drop of blood that flows through your body, and you know the name of every drop of that blood; and you know the experience that every drop of that blood has had, each path that it's coursed through your body; each and every different drop of blood that it has met and interacted with along the way; and if you have had a cut, you know the names of each drop of blood that left your body through that cut; if you've had a transfusion, you know the names of each drop of blood that came through that bag into your body, and you've named each of those pieces and parts and parcels, and you know where they came from and you know the course that they took to get there. That is just a small example of how you can compare it. Hopefully if shall help you comprehend part of what it is that each and every one of you are aiming for.

If you have a problem along the way, you feel that pull down the ladder or you look off that ledge and you do not see Lights coming towards you, you just see darkness enveloping the Lights, please look up. Ask your heart… just as if you were a drop of blood… ask your heart, the Creator, the 'mover', to make your path Lighter… to shine the Light on you brighter from above to make it easier for not only YOU to see, but every other drop of blood coming up the ladder behind you, so that they shall see, too. Does this make sense? You understand this?

We have had such a glorious communion with each and every one of you, whether you allowed us to or not… consciously, that is. For your soul saw the Light whether you've chosen to see it or not. And we have shined our Lights for you, and we have given you much to ponder. We have given you much to look forward to and much to laugh about. These lessons are almost done… for awhile. We will have one more lesson that shall come through, and when that lesson comes through, we shall rejoice. And we hope YOU shall rejoice, because once that lesson comes through, technically, you will have much that you can be thankful for… or shall I say 'more' thankful for… than you did before you started these lessons. For you see, if nothing else, hopefully we have been able to prove to you that we are here with you. We are not going away. We are not here to harm you, we are here to assist. We are here to shine our Lights for you to be able to see through the dark. Please, above all else, just remember: the dark is nothing more than YOU not being able to see the Light at that particular point. As your wonderful scriptures say, almost at the very beginning, that the Lord thy God separated the Light from the Dark. Did you ever wonder which there was 'first'? Did God make Dark, or did God make Light? The answer is simple. God made both… and that is what you are to keep in mind.

I will not be asking any questions this week. I've asked a few 'small' ones before now. <grin> But we do wish for you to gather together in the classes and discuss this, for some of you will probably come up with your own questions, and that is OK. For you see, that is where we are leading you… hopefully… to that 'last lesson'… hopefully. And then, if you wish to, you might find it to be quite fun and entertaining to begin all over again and see how far you have advanced in your own heart and in your own mind as compared to where you were in the very beginning of these lessons.

Visit us at www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com, and please 
join our Starseed Walk-In Galactic Contactee Lightworker family! 
We welcome you with open starship hatches! Begin your MISSION 
today by making contact --- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 

"The Gathering of Souls" 
Lord Sananda 
channeled through Rev. Deb of Project: Eagle Triad

Technically, this lesson is on soul groups, however, we shall throw in a little bit of information concerning soul connections, soul counterparts, twin souls, twin flames, karmic souls… need I say more? 

Alright, we shall begin with MY soul group… or what I 'claim' as my soul group. Technically, I wasn't involved, but they came in together 'because' of me, so that is why I can claim them as my soul group. Do I have you confused yet? Now, the soul group that decided to come in to be there 'for' and 'with' me totaled just under one thousand people… a thousand different souls that decided to come in as a group to assist me with the job that I had come in to do. Technically, their contracts stipulated that they were here to assist me, to protect me, to learn, and then to carry forth after I left. That was the original soul contract. They also realized, before coming in, that there was a possibility that, being within human bodies and having human emotions, their stint here might possibly carry through over the course of a multitude of generations. And they all agreed to this. For you see, the 'right' scenario… if things went without one hitch… would be just as they are today. If there would have been no problems, if things hadn't happened appropriately, their soul's stint on this planet and in this dimension would have been the course of one lifetime. What it means to 'carry through' my work after I left was to carry through my work for many generations to come. The impetus that it took, to have the right circumstances happen at the right time to allow the fragmentation for that soul group to take place, took much energy… a culmination of energy that has been seen very few times in the history of this planet. 

They could only agree to come in to families that were going to be located approximately within certain areas that I would refer to as 'my domain'. It would have been pushing the limits just a wee bit too much to have them all born into bodies in Bethlehem, or to have them all born into bodies in Jerusalem, or to have them all born into bodies within Judea itself. Therefore, there was an approximated plan of some of the other places that I would travel to before the ministry actually began. So some of these souls popped in there, to just be a part of the experience from a different point of view than being actually there during the ministry. For you see, the energy that brought me here, and the energy that I carried through during that ministry, I came in with. When I was placed inside that babe, I had all the energy that I would need for the rest of that delegated mission. 

There are many things that have never been written about or, if they have been written about, they have been destroyed or have just been put aside as 'impossible'. For you see, I was a 'rare' child, I was a 'spectacular' child, I was an 'unusual' child. <laughter> For instance… why did I go into carpentry? Well, technically, at that point in time in the history of this planet, it was unheard of for a son to NOT go into the business of the father. However, it also helped that I could drive pegs without the use of a hammer or mallet. <grin> But that is another story. We're going to stick with the soul groups. 

I knew that I was going to have a 'group'… that I'd find some here and some there, and some would be tighter than most… of these individuals that were here to assist me. It was not uncommon to be traveling from one point to another and have a stranger walk up and address me, as a child, saying, "Master, I am here for you". It was kind of hard on parents and siblings to be a part of this once they came in under the veils. But you see, even though I agreed to come into that body, I had no veils… maybe one or two, but they were of no consequence. And here I am, born into a family with a multitude of veils, that in their limited education, thoughts, and thought-patterns, had a very hard time understanding why every wounded animal came to OUR doorstep, why I could walk into a garden in the dead season and new life would appear, why total strangers could walk up and, when meeting one child of many, and on a consistent basis, these strangers would pick that same one child out of the many and call that child 'Master'. It was easier on the parents, for they had been gifted with visions. However, after awhile, visions do fade, the feelings of the visions tend to fade. It did assist in the fact that both of my parents at that time had received intense spiritual training in their earlier years. Both, at separate times of their life, had been cloistered such as what you refer to as priests and nuns in your time. They, too, had been cloistered during specific parts of their life for some of their most intense training. So even though at times they may not understand it, they had a deeper knowledge to not 'deny' just because the knowledge did not make sense. Now, the siblings were all younger and did not have such training, but had very patient parents that did not mind the repetition of, "Don't worry about it, he is special. You, too, are special, just in a different way". 

Many of those of that soul group that I made contact with at some time or another, I knew when they, also, were children, and I played with many of them in various places. Many of you today think that we didn't get around much in those days. But you see, many of us did not mind walking, and it was not uncommon for someone to just begin walking, get lost in their thoughts and, when they come to, be in a different town. And then they figured, "God led my feet. There must be something here for me"… and allow whatever needed to happen, happen. Well, as you may know, when I was just fresh in this body that I was placed into, my parents were forced to flee from their home and, thus, the grand adventure began. By the time they were able to come back home, it was seven children later. We made quite the caravan! <laughter> Oh… and the people that followed… you do not hear of those stories too much, either. We had many that insisted on following us because they felt that pull of that soul group and knew that, if they followed that child, they would find the rest of their soul group members. And, if they were able, they followed. When we traveled, we did not travel lightly! We had many in attendance. Due to the veils that the soul group came in with, some of them were able to recognize the energy of each other and some were not. But you see, it mattered not, for I was the glue. They all knew that they had come for me, therefore, it did not matter if they recognized each other. Some did, some didn't. By the time my ministry was over and done, I had touched base… and actually touched the physical being of… about nine hundred out of the thousand. Due to circumstances changing, due to freewill choice decisions, some of them I was just not able to come into contact with. But you see, it matters not, for when you are talking a 'soul group' of that size, whatever most feel, the rest will feel. Do you understand that? 


JANISEL: Is that an average size soul group or was it really large? 

SANANDA: It would be really hard to average a soul-group size because many come in for a variety of different reasons. Some are much larger. I can tell you that the largest soul group that this planet has seen so far was just over six million, and they are still coming back, until it is time for their soul group mission to end. 

GUEST: What did they come for? 

SANANDA: They came in to die together, to be a sacrifice. And they did. Even though they all did not die at the exact moment, the exact day, or even the same year, they all died because of the same hand. And that is what counted. 

Now, my particular soul group… once it became acquainted with itself in this life… was able to assist each other, as well as assisting me with the job that was meant to be done. What you do not know from your sacred texts is the fact that the reason that some of the names changed [Simon to Peter, Saul to Paul, etc.] was because the energy that they resonated with, from the name that they were given in this lifetime, actually prevented them from recognizing their soul-group members. So once they were given a name that was more conducive to the work within the soul group, they were then able to resonate and recognize each other. Did none of you ever… Forgive me, there are some that have not read those texts. But how many ever questioned the fact that I changed so many names? Do you really think I had a bad memory and could not remember a name, and therefore just named them something new to fit my need? Names carry a vibration, and sometimes that vibration needs to change so that you become more open to the vibration of your work. 

This soul group and I did a lot of work in a very short time. And, therefore, when it came time for me to 'depart', it was very traumatic. It was very intense energy. It was a love so Divine that, once the glue that held it together left, not only did each of those independent souls fragment, but the soul group that had been so painstakingly put together once it was here, fragmented. But you see, that was their 'job'. That was their mission. Each one of them, each one of those souls, each one of those Beings, had amped the energies of that mission so intensely that every cell of their Being… of the body and the soul… was infused with the Word of God and that feeling of Love. Therefore, when each of those souls fragmented, and all of those new little babies were born, each one of those new babies was gifted with a piece of that energy. Then more babies came, and more babies came, and more babies came, and the next thing you know, there are six and a half billion babies! <laughter> And, out of those numbers, only a handful of them now have those fragments [from my soul group]. And, yes, those fragments have been seeking each other again. And once they find each other, they are magnetized to each other, and they decide which one they wish to stay with. For you see, even that is part of the contract. These fragments, once they come together, make a mutual agreement as to which body they will reside in once they have come together. And, then, when you get down to what you were referring to as the 'root' [original] souls, that soul will decide which body contract it wishes to reside with… not which one carries the most 'pieces'. For those of you that were not here for this conversation, I just answered one of the questions that came about in the bringing about of this lesson. 

All those fragments from that approximately one thousand Beings in that soul group, are now coming together. From that point in time, approximately two thousand years ago, to this point in time, they have been all over the face of this planet, spreading that pure Word of God and infusing the carriers of their fragments with a perfect Love. And they are being magnetized to each other because it is time for them to become One again… those one thousand individual Beings. Did you get that? I love playing with numbers, you realize. But there's going to come a time when each one of those one thousand Beings that fragmented at that time is all going to find themselves in the same place at the same time. And I cannot say what the impetus of that will be. But I can tell you it will be something magnificent to behold because that pure Word of God will all be back together again. And that pure Divine Love that each of them felt will all be back in the same place at the same time, even though they were not all together when they fragmented, they all still fragmented. 

JANISEL: Can you elaborate on how many fragments each one fragmented into? 

SANANDA: Well, it just depended on the depth of the feeling and the connection at the time. Those that were there at the moment of my 'original' departure fragmented into tens of thousands of pieces. Those that were thousands of miles away may have only fragmented into hundreds of pieces. The root souls carried on through to the death of each of those Beings. But you see, one of the things that happened during that fragmentation process is, those soul fragments went out and immediately attached on to those nearby. For example, we know for a fact of some of those that were there at that time, yes? So let us say that my brother John walked away that day carrying a piece, at least one piece, of all the others. All those that were close in that period of time, in that location, carried with them the fragments as they walked away… millions of fragments. And as they began walking, one of these fragments might see someone that looked appealing, go to them and share a soul song, and decide to stay. They come together and they disperse, finding new homes to begin fulfilling their contract… which was to spread to the four winds, so that one day they might come back together. 

The day that John died, in this lifetime that I'm referring to, he was still carrying pieces of at least 400 others that were in that soul group with him. For you see, he had a great ministry and, even though he fragmented, he was gifted by the fragments of the rest of his soul group, to give him the 'push' and energetics that he would need to do the intense ministry that he carried forth with. So those that wrote the Gospels, and those that spent time in intense ministries… whether you have been allowed to read their writings or not… are the ones that carried the largest amount of fragments until they died, too. And then their root… the root soul that kept these fragments to them… split. And the split was to cause the fragments that had grown so used to being with that individual, to spread out. It was the sign for them to spread out. These are the root souls, these 'splits'. Some of them only split into two, only had two root souls, for that's all it took. Some of them split into three and some four. A part of that soul would continue splitting off until each of those fragments left. So, therefore, can I tell you how many 'Mary's' there are? Can I tell you how many root-Mary's there are? Can I tell you how many Magdalene's there are, or how many root-Magdalene's there are? You bet! Will I? No. Because it's all redundant now, anyway. That was then, this is now. 

Do you remember when we first began these ascension lessons, we discussed that 'NOW' is the time when all are beginning to come back together, to go back into the All That Is? That is a true part of that test. That is a true sign of the times. For I can tell you now, there are LESS individuals, today, carrying those soul fragments than there have been since a week after my original departure. Do you understand that concept? Within a week of that day of the soul fragmentation, those soul fragments began reaching out and attaching themselves to other beings. Within thirty years, they were global. So now they are back down to being in very few. 

Now… where does 'soul aspects' come in at this point in time? I can tell you. <grin> While talking to you (guest), Miriam, from that time, has come to the forefront. You carry a part of Miriam. Your face changes to look as Miriam looked. You do not have a conscious knowledge of the fact that Miriam has come to the forefront and changed you. She is showing herself to me. You [J] have had a revolving door going on, for you carry quite a few… Thomas being the largest that you carry. But the others, too, wish to show themselves to me. Since I am speaking of them, it is re-magnetizing the energy that they originally came in with, to find me. 

GUEST: So… they draw themselves to you? 


GUEST: So if we see someone, and we see their faces changing, that's what the soul aspect is magnetizing to? 


GUEST: The soul that they're speaking to? 

SANANDA: Yes. But you see, it doesn't have to be the soul group that was MINE, it can be one of many soul groups that you have taken into your Being. 

JANISEL: Why have I had a revolving door? 

SANANDA: Well, besides Thomas, you carry with you the fragments of at least twenty others that were there in that original soul group. And each one of them wishes to take a peak out at me and see… "Is this the time?" Sometimes they remain in the background, and then they feel that pull of that original energy, and they peek out. And I hear the whisper, "Is it time?" And my soul, underneath the machinery, whispers back, "Not yet… but very, very soon." 

When you are sitting and talking to someone, and their countenance changes, their facial features change, their bodies change, that is an 'aspect' of a soul from some other time or place, that they carry within their soul, that is showing itself to a part of your soul that was there at that same time and place. And the more profound the changes, the deeper the connection. Now, does this make sense? 

GUEST: Can I assume that if I see that happen that I've probably had past lives with that person? 

SANANDA: Not particularly with that person, but at least with some of the fragments that they carry. If the change is profound… probably the person. If it's a little instantaneous flicker of a few seconds or so… probably just a fragment that remembered a fragment within you from that past lifetime. You see, so many of you get so wrapped up in the thought and the concept of "I am just one soul that has lived lifetime after lifetime." Well, I apologize beforehand… I am correcting you. You are many souls within you. 

GUEST: Are there any 'pure' souls here now? 

SANANDA: Hmmm… without 'attachments'? No. That are just 'carriers' for the attachments? Yes. Do you wish that explained more? 

Some souls have come in from… shall we say, 'elsewhere'… to be here for a job. And if they have never been here before, they need teachers that HAVE lived here before, to teach them the ins and outs of planet earth, or the ins and outs of the third dimension, or the ins and outs of 'living blind'. So that pure soul will come in and contract to carry fragments in exchange for those fragments teaching them how to survive here. 

Now, I wish to mention several other soul groups so that you might have a deeper understanding of some of the soul groups that come in together. We have, for instance, what you refer to as your Quartet [consisting of J, D, M and K]… the four souls that came in together to do something FUN. Has it not occurred to you yet, that if this one has never had past lives here before, how did you contact her? 

GUEST: Through the Internet? <grin> 

SANANDA: [laughter] Well, I can tell you, even though this one had not had a lifetime here on this planet before, long before she walked into this body on top of this rock, she assisted from above the rock… for quite some time. She kept 'close tabs'. You might call it 'the Galactic Recruitment Center' where you met. You [M] and this one [D] came in together. When the call went out, you both volunteered. You [J] and the other [K] had come in from two entirely different places, but you met at the Recruitment Center. You had a lot in common, and you decided, "Wouldn't it be fun if we did this?" Well, over the course of many lifetimes, you would come back together and solidify details of what it is that you wished to do, and became 'fast friends'… family. So now you have come in for this one lifetime to do this one thing [the Quartet]. 

Then, you have the largest soul group that I told you about before, that came in as a sacrifice to teach the societies of this world that they were not working and that something needed to be changed. And even though that large soul group is not given credit for what it is that they wrought upon this world, they are still here, many of whom are still alive in the original bodies that they came into. Many have agreed to stay alive until the culmination. So, by the time they leave as a soul group, some will be very ancient in the original bodies, and some will be brand-new born babes… on perhaps the third or fourth incarnation since the original contract. 

There are soul groups that come in to experience a point in time of history. They see something is about ready to happen, and they think, "This would be a good time. This looks like fun!" So, they contract with each other, and jump into the arena and experience. At another point in time, what you call the destruction of Atlantis, approximately two million contracted to leave at the same time. However, there was also a contract for the little over a million of them that left and evacuated. So it involved more than just one contract. You cannot ask me to pick the 'average' size, for they are so diverse… depending on who and what. 

Now, it's time for me to ask some questions. 

Have you ever met someone for whom you felt immediate recognition, immediate attraction, immediate love? 

Of course, you have. Each of you has. You just came together with a member of your soul group. 

Have you ever sat and had a discussion with someone where, all of a sudden, you find you're astonished because they do not look like themselves any longer? Perhaps you've even been treated to the slide show where, during the course of a two-hour conversation, you see thirty different Beings in front of you. 

If your answer to this is 'yes', do you feel that you can allow your brain the opportunity to realize that you were sharing soul aspects with each other, and that YOU changed just as many times as they did? For if they have thirty different ones that pop up for you, you can rest assured that you had thirty pop up for them. 

Now… what does this have to do with ascension? That is simple. Each time a soul group comes to completion, they leave together. And is that not ascension… no matter which form of ascension they choose to take? MY group is coming very close to being complete, and being in the same place at the same time. And this is such a spectacular group of bearers of energy, that we're all eagerly awaiting to see what it is that will happen when they all get together in the same place at the same time. 

OK… that's the class. <grin> We shall leave it on a 'question'. <grin>

Visit us at www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com, and please 
join our Starseed Walk-In Galactic Contactee Lightworker family!
We welcome you with open starship hatches! Begin your MISSION
today by making contact --- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com

Read more…

FOCUS AND ACT IN LOVE, LIGHTWORKERS! Earth Healing Meditation Ritual by Ashtar! (Alone and With Friends) + The Angel and The Alien + The Grids + THIRD-EYE STIMULATING GRAPHICAL CONTENT



It is time right now to begin your Ground Crew Mission. Make contact: janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com -- We of Sananda's Eagles and **Project: Eagle Triad** Love YOU and we welcome you with open starship hatches! Join our family of Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Contactees, Galactics, Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbow Warriors! 



By Ashtar 
channeled through Janisel of Sanandas Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 
Please try to do this ritual once on your own and once with friends this month! 
Thank you in advance for sending this to your friends!

Instructions Prior to the Meditation: 

Ashtar: Candles may be lighted as a symbol of the Light you are creating and connecting with. 

Drink a full glass of water before the meditation starts to ensure the flow of the electrical energies throughout the body. The water acts as an electrical conduit for these energies. 

Chocolate is very grounding. After the meditation, you might consider eating some kind of chocolate so as to ground the high spiritual energies which will have been generated during the meditation. 

All of us from the space brotherhood, as well as the Masters and Light Beings from every corner of the Cosmos, will be joining with you, blending our energies of Love and Healing with yours. 

The Meditation 

Picture in the center of your gathering a column of Golden White Light coming from Heaven to Earth. 

Now picture a beam of this same Light coming from the Heart Center of everyone here and connecting to the central column. All are now connected to each other. 

As you are joined in this way, direct your group consciousness to transport itself to the Christ Consciousness Grid surrounding the Earth... 

And there you will find not only our group... but millions upon millions of others who have come together with the One intent... of healing our Earth Mother and all our Brothers and Sisters living here at this time. 

Holding hands in a circle atop the Grid, begin by picturing your beautiful planet surrounded by the Grid which, together, you have created during your meditations. 

See its Divine Matrix of Golden-White Light, filled with the combination of the swirling Violet and Silver Rays. 

As we are all now surrounded within the brilliant Golden-White Light of the Grid, picture a fine, soft rain of this same Golden Light gently falling to earth, penetrating through all layers of the Earth's crust... down to the very core of Mother Earth's Heart. 

Now see this Golden core, this Heart of the Mother, enlarging, glowing brighter and brighter until this Light reaches the surface of the planet... 

And beyond... into the atmosphere...and back to the Grid itself. In this way, you have established a "loop", connecting the essence of Gaia to the Grid. 

Continue to hold this visualization... the feeling of Unity among your brothers and sisters... 

...the gently falling Golden-White rain upon the Earth, 

...the brillance and expansion of the Mother's heart core ... 

...the return and attachment to the Grid of this auric field you have created. 

Do this in Love. Feel the all-encompassing Love. 

Experience the connection with the energies from the Grid until your spiritual body returns on its own. 



THE ANGEL AND THE ALIEN: Introduction of Project: Eagle Triad 

First, the two Earth-based Commanders of the Trinity… 

Janisel Amen-Ra Kumara Sh-Ar'-Na Rohs 

Stories abound of people who "awakened" literally overnight..."downloaded" with information as to Who they are, their "origins", "mission", spiritual name, etc. My own awakening was not so easy. I am what many refer to as a "starseed", which explains my lifelong fascination with the night sky and the countless stars to which I felt a "connection". I am also a double walk-in, having undergone a soul-transfer in 1976 and then another one in 1992. 

I always felt "different", like I didn't really belong here. There was always that impatience I felt at little things... like the "time" it took to drive from one place to another. I somehow knew there was a faster way (with wings perhaps?). Oh, how I longed to fly! Somewhere deep inside me I could remember the exhilaration of soaring, diving, or just "instantaneously" arriving at a destination by mere "thought". My remembrance of Who I am didn't start until my friend Eric Klein came out with The Crystal Stair. I hadn't 'consciously' heard of the Ashtar Command up until that point, but by the time I reached page three, I was crying uncontrollably.... and did so for two days as I read the entire book non-stop. Yes! Yes! Yes! Ashtar, Sananda, the Plan for Ascension! It rang all my bells, pushed all my buttons, and the memories started flooding back. I was, at long last, remembering "Home". 

It was shortly after this that I awoke one morning realizing that I had just been onboard one of the Lightships, and Commander Soltec has confirmed to me that I was indeed one of the Ashtar Command who had been 'seeded' on Earth to help anchor the Light. Then and there I made the commitment in my Heart to follow my chosen path. After doing so, things began to move very quickly. I suddenly found myself going to and from the ships nightly, attending what they termed "Night Training". This consisted of such "re-fresher" courses as working with DNA, creating standing waves, hooking and unhooking merkaba, as well as interdimensional navigation. No wonder I was so tired each morning! It was at this time I was asked to be the List Moderator for the Ashtar Command List (email forum) on Spiritweb. This, in turn, led to my association with a wonderful channel and friend in Australia named Soltec (whose Higher Self is the Cmdr. Soltec with the A.C.). 

On June 17, 1997 I was taken to the etheric realms to St. Germain's Violet Flame Room for my Spiritual Ascension Ceremony and the transmutation of all my remaining karma. I was fully conscious during the ceremony and would love to relay to others exactly what transpired, but the human language cannot express the joy, bliss and grandeur of such an event. But there is no need to... for each will experience it in their own time. 


Awakening brings about many "choices" that have to be made... and not always easy ones if you try to adhere to following Spirit. I now find myself in Cottonwood, Arizona as part of Project: Eagle Triad and Sananda's Eagles. I have had to walk out (for a change!) on my entire 3D life as I knew it... family, friends, home, pets, etc. It was hard. It is still hard, but it is time to "walk the talk"... and to this end I am fully committed. 

Blessings, In Oneness 



My name is Debbie Wright. I met my first husband at the age of 19, had my only child, a daughter at the age of 20. I left her father in Texas three days after her first birthday and moved to Utah. While living in Salt Lake City, I met, moved in with, and later married my second husband. We separated in July of 1986. My neighbor was into metaphysics. She was the first person to introduce me to the teachings of people like Ernest Holmes and Edgar Cayce. 

While on my first trip into a New Age bookstore, I was gifted a book on the Kabbalah by a total stranger. I had learned of the Kabbalah about five years before that while attending Jewish Conversion Classes. (I didn't convert) .... So after being given this book, I started studying the Kabbalah. The first time I intentionally worked the Tree of Life, I chose to run the Tree in a period of six months. Believe me when I tell you that to do this completely changes your life! 

Six months later I didn't have a job, I had lost everything that my daughter and I owned, I lost two of our three dogs and three cats, was broke and found myself sitting on the floor of a new apartment with no furniture, no food in the fridge, a phone and my computer. 

Anyway, I'm sitting on the floor praying to God. I explained to God that I felt that my initial awakening was complete, that I was ready to get on with what it was I was to be doing.... You see, I turned it all over. 

Within the hour my daughter called me and told me that her new friend's mother wanted to meet me. She had heard from Angel, my daughter, that I was into Astrology. She was also into Astrology and wanted to talk. She was inviting us to dinner. I must admit that when Angel told me that we were being taken to the biggest smorgasbord in Salt Lake City, I made sure that I took along my biggest purse, just in case I had a chance to bring something home for later. 

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were lead to a long table with twelve people already seated. A woman came up to me and told me that her name was Donna Long – she was Chrissy's mother. She also told me that this was like a business dinner, and that if I could just be patient, we would be able to talk later. I sat at the end of the long table, eating my food and watching all of the other people sitting at the table. I remember wondering why all of these people were paying such close attention to the elderly woman sitting at the head of the table. I also noticed that the people sitting with me at the table were from various places. Since I was sitting a straight shot down the table from the older woman, I would look up occasionally and find her looking at me funny. When she would catch my eye, she would shake her head, frown a little and look away. 

It seems that all of the people sitting there also went to Donna's house [including Debbie] after dinner. By the time Donna arrived, I was sitting in the living room watching these people as they sat on the floor in a circle rubbing each other's shoulders and backs. They had asked me if I wanted to join in, but I declined. Donna told me that I could wait in the dining room while she said goodbye to all of her guests. I sat in the dining room talking to Gene [her husband] for about two hours while Donna did what she had to do. During that time Gene asked me if I believed in what all these people believed in. I asked what that was. His answer was something to effect of: "Oh, you know, flying saucers and that kind of thing." So I told him that I believed in UFO's and aliens. He kind of grunted and excused himself and went off downstairs. 

When all the people had left, Donna came into the dining room,,, and let out a big sigh. So, me being the shy person that I am (HA!), proceeded to ask her: "Who are all of those people?" "Why were they hanging on every word that her mother said, and who exactly was her mother; was she famous or something?" Her mother's name was Thelma Terrell. She had gone through a "walk-in" experience and became "Tuella". She channeled the Ashtar Command and wrote books about those channelings. Tuella had a vast following worldwide and these were some of the people that were a part of spreading her channeled messages. Now, I HAD heard of the Ashtar Command, in fact, I had heard that term just four months before for the first time. I remembered getting what I called "God Bumps" when I heard the name. I recalled that the person that told me about the Command had also told me that a woman brought through their messages.... So I asked Donna what books her mother had written, thinking that I may have read one of them and not known. Donna cited a list of book titles, none of which rang any bells for me. 

She asked if I would like to see the office. We went downstairs and into a room that had shelves from the ceiling to half-down the wall on two of the long walls with books covering the shelves. There were two desks and a long table. Donna took a book off of one of the shelves and handed it to me. When I looked at the cover of the book I got dizzy and fell back. Luckily, I landed in a chair. I don't know what I looked like to her, but I was crying so bad that it took a few minutes for me to realize that she had pulled up a chair and was sitting in front of me. She asked me why I was crying. I told her that the cover of the book was my dream. I explained that I had a recurring dream about once a month for as long as I could remember. In fact, it was a dream that had gotten me kicked out of Sunday School. 

It was the cover of Project: World Evacuation. The picture showed a ship in the sky, a beam coming out of the bottom of it, people floating up into the bottom of the ship, and one person on a rooftop flying up into the craft without assistance from the beam. I told Donna that I was that person on the roof, but in my dream I was standing on a sidewalk with other people, and all I had to do was lift my arms out to my sides and I would fly up into the craft from an opening in the side of the ship. I told Donna that I had a job inside of the ship. When the people would come in from the beam, they would enter a room filled with what looks to be shower stalls. They would enter into a stall and there their bodies would be made perfect, and when they came out I would give them a garment to wear. After this was done, I would then go up to the top of the craft in an open area, where I could stand at a railing and watch what was going on down on the surface of the planet. I was never allowed to remember what I saw, but I was allowed to remember that there were beings there walking through the crowd of people watching, and they would comfort them saying things like: "Do not worry; they will not suffer long" or "This was the choice that they made", and I even remember hearing the word Karma for the first time through this dream. 

I told Donna that I had always told the preachers that this dream was showing me the Second Coming of Christ. I would also tell them that the ships would come in from the West with the setting Sun. This would cause a ruckus, because the Bible said that it would not be from the West. But they could never get me to change my mind.... 





The following is an explanation of the grids that have been established by Ashtar's Trinity and those participating in Project: Eagle Triad, a.k.a. the Trinity Project, under the direction of Ashtar and Sananda. 

One of the first tasks Ashtar asked us to do, after he brought us together as Ashtar's Trinity, was to create and anchor three grids from our headquarters in Sedona, Arizona. Two of these grids were more 'personal', i.e., one surrounding the Ashtar Command office, and the second one surrounding Sedona and the nearby area. The third was a planetary grid that is now part of the Trinity Project. On the appointed days, and at the appointed location, with Ashtar and others in attendance, we began the establishing and anchoring of these grids which became the basis for the work ahead. 

The First Grid 

This grid would cover all of the Sedona area including the underground Lemurian City. According to the instructions we were given, it would initially be set into the ground under the center of the house as an 'egg' that we would need to hatch and expand, moving out horizontally from the center. As we got into position, we could feel the energy getting stronger and much more powerful. This 'egg' was first infused with the Violet Ray, which caused it to begin glowing. Next, it was infused with the Electric Blue Ray that caused it to begin to hum and vibrate. Lastly, we infused the egg with Golden Christ Light Energy, at which point the egg was glowing and vibrating. We then activated the egg, and out of it came a fine mesh grid that extended 25 miles in diameter, as was our intent. The energy went out in wave after wave, continuing to increase in vibrational frequency and Light, getting stronger with each wave that the egg produced. Once the grid was firmly in place, what had been the egg was now a Star, shining in Golden Light. 

The Second Grid 

We, along with many higher-dimensional Beings, gathered again in the center of the house for the creation of the second grid. We had, once again, been guided to utilize the same crystal egg that we had used in the first grid, with each of us holding the egg crystal as we infused the actual egg. The egg this time, however, was planted in the middle of the star that was made manifest during the creation of the first grid. It was then infused with the Violet Ray, the Electric Blue Ray, and the Golden Christ Light Ray. Once the egg had been infused, we activated it, which caused the grid to expand vertically. We could feel the waves of energy almost like a tornado, going upward and downward. The intensity of the energy was even higher than the first time, however, we had adapted to the higher waves of energy and this time is did not hit us as hard. 

The third grid was to be placed on the 18th of May, and it will be spherical in nature. Once this grid is in place, the entire area will be fully within the grid. When that is complete, we shall be placing the fourth grid, which will be for the Earth. For this grid, we were instructed to use Tachyon balls that are designed to assist the planet in remembering the original Blueprint. 

The Third Grid 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the anchoring of this grid was delayed for one week. This third grid that we were asked to implement, unlike the first two, was designed as a 'planetary' grid, surrounding the entire Earth. To establish this grid, we were directed in the planting of a certain number of crystals in a certain circular pattern surrounding the Ashtar's Trinity office on the outside of the building. We were also told that the Lemurians were adding all of their energy with ours in the creation of this grid. 

It was explained to us that there would be three waves that would be created through the crystals. The first would be spinning in a counter-clockwise manner, sitting just above and around the dwelling. The second one would spin in a clockwise manner from the center of the house, and the third one would be just above the ground and would spin in a counter-clockwise direction. Once all three were activated, we set the spin ratio of each wave to 13-20-33. At this point, the grid shot up, down, and out, covering the entire planet. The colors of this grid are like a rainbow and it is assisting the planet with her birthing process. 

The Lemurians informed us that the planting of this grid was extremely powerful and very successful, which was a nice validation of what we ourselves were feeling. We were also told that, once this grid was in place, other grids would be able to be established that would assist in bringing about the full cleansing of the planet, assisting Earth and the people more fully with the Ascension process. 

During a visit from Ashtar the next week, we were told that there was some work that needed to be done on the grid surrounding the Sedona area, i.e., doubling it in size and reinforcing it with the Golden-White Light. To do so, we, along with Ashtar, took our positions seated on the floor in a triangle formation. This was the exact place where the original grid had been anchored. Having come together with unity of purpose and intent, we proceeded to make the requested changes to the grids. 

New Grids 

Since that time in 1999, Ashtar and Sananda have asked those participating in Project: Eagle Triad to establish many other planetary grids that will aid in the ultimate cleansing and ascension of Earth and her inhabitants. The following is a partial list of those grids: 

The Eagle Grid, consisting of all members working within the Trinity Project. 

The Lightworker Grid, consisting of all that are termed 'Lightworkers'. 

The Eagle/Earth Grid, which connects each Eagle to the Heart of our Mother Earth. 

The Crystal Grid, which runs between all the specially-charged water crystals that were planted within the Earth, the large elestial crystal in Sedona that is anchoring this grid, and the father and brother crystals to it that are located at the North Pole and South Pole of our planet. 

The Clean Air Crystal Grid, running between all the Clean Air Crystals and the large crystals located in Sedona and the North and South Poles. 

The Crystal/Eagle Grid connects the Eagles of Project: Eagle Triad with all the various water and clean air crystals which have been placed within the Earth or in the oceans, etc., and ALSO those Eagles who are drinking one of the crystal-charged waters. 

The Solar/Eagle Grid connects all Eagles to the core of our Sun. 

The Diamond Heart Core Grid that connects the Hearts/Minds of the Eagles to the Hearts/Minds of all other humans upon Earth, and then proceeding into the mass consciousness grid that surrounds the planet. 

There are also other 'minor' grids we are working with during our Trinity Project meditations. More will be added as they are established.


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Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation by Ashtar + A Message from SOURCE for All + Grace, the Blue Light


Starseed Peaceful Earth Now Meditation

Lord Ashtar 

To Begin Monday, April 20, 2015

channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad 
Every Day, For At Least 15 (fifteen) minutes per day



Greetings, Starseeds who are Lightworkers, Indigos, Angelics, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, and Peaceful Rainbow Warriors! Ashtar back with you again. We ask those of you that are feeling discouraged by your last meditation to be not concerned if you feel you did not connect with your Soul Self. It is an ongoing process and one that is not completed in only one attempt. Therefore, you are asked to continue in, shall we say, practicing in strengthening this grid to your Soul. It will come, trust me. 

For your coming week we are asking you to again focus on another aspect of Love, which is the ATTRIBUTE OF PEACE. Also, during this week you celebrate what you’ve term Earth Day, and we will ask you to address that, also. 

To begin the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to connect to the Christ Consciousness grid and then to send the Energy of Love to every human on the planet, with the intention that the ATTRIBUTE OF PEACE be anchored within every heart. 

For the next five minutes you are asked to then change your focus to the Animal Kingdom of Earth and send this same ATTRIBUTE OF PEACE to their hearts. 

Lastly, you are asked to connect and ground to your Earth Mother, sending her the Energy of Love and of Gratitude for hosting you on this wonderful ASCENSION journey you are on. 

That’s it for this week. I am Ashtar, sending you my love and gratitude for a job well done. Salut!



Begin you Ground Crew mission today, by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We would love for you to join our family and we welcome you with open starcraft hatches! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com    


A Message from SOURCE for All 
by SOURCE (Creator, the Great I AM) 
channeled through Janisel of Sanandas Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

Your ascension is your own internal process. What is going on in your world right now is in illusion, remember? Forget everything and everyone in this illusion. Concentrate only on your own Heart Center and coming Home to me. That is all that is truly important now. Stay in touch with Me. I will guide you all the way, and I will not let you face more than you can endure. My love is always with you, and that is all you really need to sustain you. Let the past fall behind. It's over. Move on into communion with me.

Stay in the NOW and know that in that NOW moment you are Home. It has been nothing more than a "bad dream".... but you are awake now and it is time to begin stepping into the Dawn of a New Day. You are surrounded by many who are waiting to begin a new and marvelous work with you. Let it begin now. Remember.... you are creating in every moment, so do not dwell in the past and create only more heartache for yourself. 

Create only in this moment what you would like to manifest in the next moment. As you now truly understand, manifestation is taking place very rapidly, so choose carefully what you desire to create.... be it abilities, a pure and forgiving Heart, , or a deeper attunement to your true Home....whatever. You will bring into your life that which you truly desire. I am closer than your very breath, I hear every beat of your heart, and I am leading you steadily in My Love to heights you have not yet dared to dream. You are my precious child in whom I am well pleased. Open your arms to me and I shall fulfill your every need. Go through each day knowing I walk beside you, behind you, in front of you. You are in me... I in you. We cannot be apart for we are One and I will never fail you. Tend only to the mission at hand, allowing all in the world of illusion to pass by you, holding nothing back from it, eyes firmly fixed on your goal, and your feet on the path. 

Begin you Ground Crew mission today, by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We would love for you to join our family and we welcome you with open starcraft hatches! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 

by Grace (the Blue Light Associated with the Sword of Michael)
channeled through Janisel of Sanandas Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

Blessed Children of All That Is, I am overjoyed to be able to bring to you your new meditation. By way of introduction, I AM Grace, the one so often spoken of in word and song… Amazing Grace and, now, Divine Grace. I, Grace, am the Blue Light associated with the Sword of Michael. I, Grace, am the Truth which issues forth from the mouth of Michael. I, Grace, am the Light of Protection which surrounds you at your request. It is the Creator's pleasure and Divine Will that I come to you at this time. Yes, I have always been, but the time has now come for the total knowledge and magnificence of Grace to be made known in your world. 

For it is through Grace that the Divine Plan is coming to fruition, it is through Grace that joy shall fill the hearts of man, it is through Grace that your Earth shall be healed and ascended, for your Creator does not wish for the suffering and sorrow upon your world to continue. He is, therefore, out of His great love for His Creation, sending Abounding Grace, Abundant Grace, to overfill and overshadow all sentient lifeforms on this planet. 

For eons Mankind has inhabited this planet, co-existing with and being supported by another sentient Being, Earth. The planet and the peoples have descended into a density never before known in Creation. The Creator, in Her <grin> Infinite Wisdom and Love, has deemed this descent to be at its end. It is time to put an end to this Game and begin the journey back to Source. This shall not be an arduous journey, for I, Grace, shall abound. 

As one of your songs, I believe, says, Grace shall lead you Home. And, as is the Creator's good pleasure, Grace shall also heal the Earth and lead her to her rightful inheritance. Your brother Ashtar has already spoken to you of the 'cocooning' of your planet for the purpose of her healing. It is I, Grace, who shall be this cocoon. And it is I, Grace, who through the Creator's love for His Creation, shall bring forth this healing. Ah, but does this mean, Beloved Children, that all your efforts are to cease? Nay… but your efforts shall now produce more fruit, through Grace, and bring a joy to your heart that you have never before known. And your efforts, too, shall assist me in the task which is before me… which brings us to the subject of your next meditation. 

It is through the Creator's Love that this Divine Dispensation of Grace is to spread throughout your world, encompassing every life form and bringing joy to the hearts of every man, woman and child. As a means for this foundation to begin, we shall be dispersing this Grace through the grids which surround your planet. 

This 'Grid of Grace', as we shall term it, which you have now constructed, shall provide the framework for our healing work that is to come and for the 'Blanket of Grace' which the Creator shall so graciously spread upon the Table for the coming Feast. 

It has been my great joy to connect with you in this way. Our work together has only just begun, for as One you shall not only receive but also spread my Divine Energies of Grace throughout, and to, your world. Hear me, Beloved Children. There is no condemnation, no judgment, no karma. There is only the Unconditional Love of the Creator for His Creation. Invoke me, Children of Light, into your life and I shall come, bringing with me the Grace which is the Creator's Plan for his Creation. My Peace and my Joy I leave with you. 

Begin you Ground Crew mission today, by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We would love for you to join our family and we welcome you with open starcraft hatches! Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com 

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ENERGIZE! FEEL THE SOURCE! 11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation by Lord Ashtar to do 20 Minutes Per Day + Purpose and Mission + Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address 


11:11 Energizing Electromagnetic Meditation 
Lord Ashtar with Lord Sananda 
channelled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles 
To Begin Monday, March 30, 2015 
Every Day, at Least TWENTY 20 Minutes Per Day 

Greetings! Ashtar here. Lord Sananda and I would like to say a few words to this group, and Lightworkers, Starseeds, Braid-Ins regarding your last meditation. And by a few words I mean exactly three: Job well done! Remnants of the energies are, of course, still flowing to you and now it’s just a matter of integrating them, which will take some time. And that ‘time’ will be quickened if you will remember to send Love to your Self, as many times as possible throughout your day. 

For your next assignment, we are asking the Eagles, Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Braid-Ins to turn YOUR FOCUS to some of the more impacted earth grids. And we are adding a fourth segment for this week. 

First, do Your Protocal before this daily meditation: Ground, Center, and Intend For 

For the first five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Water Kingdom of your planet. That will include all oceans, rivers, streams, lakes and, of course, the water within your own physical vessel. 

For the next five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Animal Kingdom of Gaia. 

For the third five-minute segment you are asked to send Love to the electromagnetic grid surrounding Earth. 

And for the last five minutes you are asked to send the Energy of Love to your sun. 

So, that’s it for this week. We send you our love and thanks for your diligence. I am Ashtar. Out. 



Purpose and Mission 
(Project: Eagle Triad, of Sananda's Eagles) 
www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com ;

I came into this world with a very specific purpose. 
I came to fulfill a Mission. 
I came to love life and realize the truth about me. 
I came to contribute to the salvation of this world. 

The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as was explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show the correlation and Oneness of these two Realities. 

Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth. 

One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay a new grid around the Earth which would be anchored here in Sedona, Arizona. This has been accomplished. This new grid, as well as others that have since been established through Project: Eagle Triad, are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the channeling, publishing, and teaching of Ascension Lessons and Master's Classes from Sananda. 

This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in "vibrational" frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her. 

Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way. 

Love and Blessings, in Oneness, 
Janisel and RevDeb 



Excerpts From Ashtar's *State of the Planet* Address 
channeled through RevDeb of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

If you cannot do your mission to the fullest, that is your choice, that is part of your contract. You have a choice to decide yea or nay. If you deem it necessary to be out working a job, to make money, to keep a roof over your head, to feed your children, to clothe yourself, to pay your veterinarian bills, to your teeth fixed, to pay your insurance, to drive your cars, to fly your planes, to do all of this OTHER stuff that you need to have money for, that is your choice. However, each mission has an 'out-clause'. You can carry on from this day forward doing whatever you need feel to do to support yourself, but you see… my brother Sananda referred to it as 'tithing', I call it fair-energy exchange… no matter what you call it, you CAN assist those that ARE living their mission. You can help finance THEM. You can give them a place to work 'from'. You can carry forth from this day and you can continue learning yourself, you can continue sharing yourself, but if you feel that you have to go out and work to do that, then that is, I believe you call it, eight hours a day, that someone else is doing your work for you… your mission work. Pay them their salary. Now, does that make sense? You can call it tithing, you can call it charity, you can call it fair-energy exchange, I could care less what you call it. But if you are not doing your work, someone is doing it for you. And if you wish to share with the energies that they receive from doing this work for you, you'd better pay for it, don't you think? Now, please bear in mind. As I explained before, this is not just for those sitting in this room… this is for ALL of those out there that shall be reading this, for this is going to be sent out immediately, if not sooner. You have time to get the job done, but you'd better get started. If you have limitations, that you feel you can only work in a certain atmosphere, then work in your certain atmosphere. But if you claim that you do not have that atmosphere to work in right now… who's to fault? Go out and find it. Find a new one. For all you need…EVERYTHING that you need… you have. It's right here [heart] inside each and every one of you. 


Alright, now, here come another one of those wonderful questions. How many of you are teachers? Ohhh… let's let the ego mull over this one. Shall I sing a tune while we wait? How many of you are students? If you cannot identify that each and every person that you cross paths with is your teacher, then it's time to go back to the drawing board. For everyone on this planet, even the 100% humans, are teachers. Ohhh… so where are the students? If everyone is a teacher, where are the students? Where can they be? Exactly. For what it is going to take to get this job done is for each and every one of you sitting in this room or reading this on your computer in a couple of days carry approximately 1000th of a percent of what you need know. Ohhh… that isn't what you wanted to hear, is it? I guess that that means that you need to start grouping together? Because if you're only using 7-1/2% of your brain, my oh my, where are you going to put all that other information? Because so many of you feel that you've gone through so much… you've taken so many classes, you've gone to so many conferences, you've listened to so many seminars, you've read SO many of the books, you MUST know it all, or at least a great deal of it. How on this planet could you POSSIBLY contain more information than that? You not supposed to. You may call it the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome, you may call it critical-mass, you mass call it mass consciousness, whatever it is that you wish to call it. It's all telling you the same story. In order for you to 'get it', you MUST COME TOGETHER! IN GROUPS! Group-mind. It's called synchronicity. You have been told this for years now, have you not? The more you get together, the more you come together, the more you share with each other, the more that comes. The more that comes, the more you know. The more you know, the wiser the group gets… not the individual. 

There is not a one of you that calls yourself a Lightworker that's here for YOURSELF! Let me repeat this. There is not a one of you that is here for yourself. You have come here for the planet, you have come here for the peoples of the planet. You are not here for personal gain, you are not here for personal recognition. You are here to do a job. You're here to, hopefully, save the life of a planet… a Being that has desperately to cry out for SOMEONE to hear her! Here's another one of those wonderful questions. When was the last time any of you talked to her, listened for her, told her that you love HER? How many of you want to hear someone say, 'I love you'? Don't you think that planet needs to HEAR that? Don't you think this planet needs to FEEL that? Out of the 6-1/2 billion humanoid lifeforms that live upon this planet, she cannot hear ANY. And she is to the point now where you will have to come together in large groups and scream as loudly as you can, 'I LOVE YOU', in order for her to hear you. 


Unity. Unification. The joining of forces. The common ally to get the job done. They will know each other when they see each other… but they have to SEE each other. And they will all be attempting to do the exact same thing… to bring Unity. For that is their job, that is their mission… whether they like it or not. But you see, it is passed that time. Who would have thought that one little old lady [Tuella] would pass on, and that energy would be thrust into the winds? All of the unity, the feeling of family, would disappear? Now, instead of having One Family, we have thousands. And if we have thousands of these little families, and they all now came back together as One Family, oh! would that not be a formidable force! It seems that the humans hold in their minds the magical, mystical number of 144,000. Well, if this one family were to all get together, it would be closer to 144 million. Do you realize this? I'm removing a veil a little bit at a time. 

It's called 'dedication', it's called setting your sights to the job to be done… and the rest of it be damned. For if you set your sights for the job to be done, ahhh… your soul sings that magical, mystical song that calls in all of the forces for you to have exactly what you need to have. 


There is SO much that I wish to come in and share with you, and there is so much that I am not allowed to share. But you see, if this planet is to heal, do you honestly think she can do it with life on her? She has to go into a cocoon state. Do you realize this? Yes, you will see Heaven on Earth… you will just 'take a vacation' first. Some of you will not be able to tolerate the vacation, so you, too, will go into hibernation. And one morning, you shall wake up, and you will find a whole New Earth. And you will wonder, "Hmmm… how did this happen? I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention." You have been told that the evacuation is not going to take place. Believe it…LOL… if you wish. And you shall wake up one morning and go, "Hmmm… I haven't been very observant lately." Do you understand? Why would she still be in orbit in this galaxy if she were not needed? And if you don't know what 'she' I'm talking about, do a little bit of research, OK? We shall have a fun time… for those of you that choose to remain awake. And that shall also be the time that some of you choose not to come back… because the party is really happening onboard. And when it's an etheric party, why come back to the mundane? But that's not going to happen today, it's not going to happen tomorrow. You can almost be guaranteed that it shall happen in most of your lifetime. It just depends on how busy you get, doesn't it? How many hibernation chambers do you really think we have? We would MUCH prefer to have the BIG party. The more that can enjoy the ride instead of sleep through the ride, the better. And that is your job. And, yes, there has been times that information has been given that this is not going to happen. However, please come to the understanding that this has been in flux for quite some time. Things have changed. The count is in. The statistician has now given the report. Do you want to fly while you're wide awake, and enjoy the scenery… or do you want to sleep through it? That's your choice. For only those that are dedicated, and those that assist, are the ones that will have the most fun on the trip. We have quite the celebration awaiting. 


I have one more question to ask you. And this is another one of those questions to not answer verbally. Here is the question: If I were to tell you that, in order to save humanity… to do your job… you would have to wake up tomorrow without sight, without hearing, or without speech, would you DO that? If it was a choice, WOULD YOU DO THAT? If I told you that you could leave tomorrow, without doing another thing, and humanity would be devastated because of that… would you do that? Would you leave? If I told you that on the morrow, when you woke up, you would leave… you would go Home… you could come onboard and live onboard ship with us, but the planet would be destroyed because of that… would you do that? These are the final questions that I'm going to ask you because it's time for you to make these decisions. Please bear in mind, I'm not telling you that you're going to wake up tomorrow and be taken onboard ship, but these are the choices that you have to make… because if you do not get busy, you might as well leave. The time for what you refer to as 'personal sacrifice' is done. Your 'self' is not important, but you CAN be thankful for one very important thing… not being asked to hang on a cross in humiliation and pain. Now, you might think that's a vile thing for me to bring up now, but you see, that was the price of ascension 2000 years ago. So what do you think the price is now? That is said out of love, that is said to wake you up. For the Lightworkers that are going to be working are awake. Now it's time to wake up to clarity, to know a little bit more about what it is that you are to be doing. Do you understand? If you cannot go forth and do the jobs, that's fine, because some of you did nothing more than contract to help support those that do. Do you understand? Support financially, support emotionally, support mentally… whatever. You will know. For we have many of you for many jobs, and some of you manifest more easily than others. And if that is your talent, then who do you think is supposed to benefit from that? That is your job… to help those that ARE doing the grunt work. And you can be highly thankful that you're not one in the trenches, yes? 


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Violet Flame Earth Clean-Up Meditation -- Lord Ashtar -- Now, Today for the Next Week, at Least 15 Minutes Per Day




Violet Flame Earth Clean-Up Meditation

Lord Ashtar

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

To Begin Monday, November 3, 2014

Every Day for 7 Days, at least 15 Minutes Per Day



Greetings, this is Ashtar. Most of the meditations YOU LIGHTWORKERS are asked to participate in are focused on Balancing and Healing the planetary grids. For your next task, however, you are being asked to do a bit of cleaning, so to speak. So lets get right to it.


For the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to call upon the Violet Flame from the body of the Earth. Then, through your intent, you are to send that Flame to what you term the lower astral planes or regions of the planet. You may visualize this in whatever manner is comfortable to you.


For the next five minutes you are to then send the Energy of Love into that same space/frequency.


For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love to your Mother Earth.


OK, my brothers and sisters, pick up those "brooms and mops" [meditative tools] and let's get to cleaning!


I am Ashtar, out. 


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ASCENSION IS NOW! Lunar Eclipse Portal Meditation -- by Archangel Michael, Gods Messenger of Truth, Power and Grace -- In Chinese, Korean, Arabic, and Igbo


Lunar Eclipse Portal Meditation -- Archangel Michael
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles -- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com
To Begin Monday, October 6 through October 13th, every day for at least 15 minutes per day


Good day! I AM Archangel Michael, Gods Messenger of Truth, Power and Grace. You have before you in your coming week yet another potent event by way of a lunar eclipse. And as all eclipses do, it brings a plethora of energies to your planet which have need of being anchored into sentient life. 

[First -- do your Protocal by grounding, centering, and intending your meditation's energies to join those of Sananda's Eagles.]

For the first five minutes of this meditation you are asked to, first, state your intention to connect with the moon energies of this lunar eclipse, which are in actuality more triggers to unlock your new Codes, and then sending the energy of Love back to your moon. 

For the next five minutes you are to send these moon energies, on a wave of Love, to the Hearts of all humans on your planet. 

For the final five minutes you are to send the energy of Love to your Earth, the Body of Gaia, strengthening her resolve for her next big leap in her ascension. 

Be of good cheer, my friends, for you are dearly loved and protected.  I AM Michael. 



急!月食门户冥想 - 天使长米迦勒,真理,权力和恩典的神使者


通过Sananda的老鹰牧师Janisel渠道 - janisel(((上)))sanandaseagles.com





[首 - 通过接地,定心,并打算禅定的力量加入这些Sananda的老鹰做你Protocal。]






긴급! 월식 포털 명상 - 대천사 마이클, 진실, 능력과 은혜의 하나님의 메신저

대천사 마이클

사 난다의 이글스 목사 Janisel을 통해 표출 - sanandaseagles.com ((())에서) janisel

하루에 15 분 이상, 10 월 13 일을 통해 매일 10월 6일 (월요일)을 시작하려면



좋은 하루! 나는 대천사 마이클, 진실, 능력과 은혜의 하나님의 메신저입니다. 당신은 다음 주 월식의 방법으로 또 다른 강력한 이벤트 전에 있습니다. 모든 일식처럼, 그것은 지각 인생에 고정되고 있어야 할 행성에 에너지의 과다를 제공합니다.

[제 - 접지를 중심으로하고, 사 난다의 독수리들에 가입하기 위해 명상의 에너지를 의도하여 Protocal을한다.]

당신이 묻는이 명상의 첫 번째 오분를 들어, 첫째, 새로운 코드의 잠금을 해제 한 다음에 다시 사랑의 에너지를 전송하기 위해 실제로 더 트리거에이 월식의 달 에너지와 연결하는 당신의 의도를 명시 당신의 달입니다.

다음 5 분 동안 당신은 당신의 행성에 모든 인간의 마음에 사랑의 물결에,이 달의 에너지를 보낼 수 있습니다.

마지막 5 분 동안 당신은 그녀의 승천 그녀의 다음 큰 도약을 위해 그녀의 결심을 강화하여 지구, 가이아의 몸에 사랑의 에너지를 보내는 것 등이있을 수 있습니다.

당신이 사랑스러운 사랑하고 보호를 위해, 좋은 치어 리더, 내 친구의합니다. 마이클입니다.


عاجل! خسوف القمر البوابة التأمل - رئيس الملائكة ميخائيل، رسول الآلهة الحقيقة، والسلطة، وغريس

رئيس الملائكة ميخائيل

توجيهها من خلال القس Janisel النسور Sananda ل- janisel (((في))) sanandaseagles.com

لتبدأ الاثنين 6 أكتوبر من خلال أكتوبر 13th، كل يوم لمدة 15 دقيقة على الأقل في اليوم الواحد



يوم جيد! أنا رئيس الملائكة ميخائيل، رسول الآلهة الحقيقة، والسلطة، وغريس. أمامكم في الاسبوع المقبل الحدث الخاص بك حتى الآن قويا آخر عن طريق خسوف القمر. وكما تفعل كل الكسوف، فهو يجمع مجموعة كبيرة من الطاقات إلى كوكب الخاص بك والتي تحتاج من أن ترسو في الحياة الحية.

[أولا - قيام بروتوكال عن طريق التأريض، وتتمحور، وتنوي طاقات التأمل الخاص بك للانضمام الى تلك النسور Sananda ل.]

لالدقائق الخمس الاولى من هذا التأمل يطلب منك، أولا، تذكر نيتك للتواصل مع الطاقات القمر هذا خسوف القمر، والتي هي في واقع الأمر أكثر من المسببات لفتح رموز جديدة الخاص بك، ومن ثم إرسال طاقة الحب إلى القمر الخاص بك.

في الدقائق الخمس القادمة كنت لإرسال هذه الطاقات القمر، على موجة من الحب، وإلى قلوب جميع البشر على كوكب الخاص بك.

لالدقائق الخمس الاخيرة كنت لإرسال طاقة الحب إلى الأرض الخاص بك، جسد غايا، وتقوية عزيمتها لبلدها المقبلة قفزة كبيرة في صعود لها.

ثقوا، يا أصدقائي، وأحب غاليا لأنك وحمايتها. أنا مايكل.



Ngwa ngwa! Ọnwa eklips Portal Ntụgharị uche - Onyeisi Ndị Mmụọ Ozi Michael, Chi ozi nke Eziokwu, Ike na Grace
Onyeisi Ndị Mmụọ Ozi Michael
channeled site Mkpu Janisel nke Sananda si Ntrukpom - janisel (((na))) sanandaseagles.com
Iji Malite Monday, October 6 site October 13, kwa ụbọchị n'ihi na ọ dịkarịa ala, minit 15 kwa ụbọchị
Ehihie ọma! ABỤ M Onyeisi Ndị Mmụọ Ozi Michael, Chi ozi nke Eziokwu, Ike na Grace. Ị nwere tupu gị abịa izu ma ọzọ nke nwere ike omume na nke a ọnwa eklips. Na dị ka niile chi ahụ jiri eme, ọ na-eweta a plethora nke Ume gị na mbara ala nke dị mkpa nke na-akwụsịtụ n'ime sentient ndụ.
[Mbụ --eme gị Protocal site grounding, N'ịgbakwasị, na n'obi gị na-atụgharị uche si Ume isonyere ndị Sananda si Ntrukpom.]
N'ihi na nke mbụ nkeji ise nke a na-atụgharị uche na ị na-jụrụ, mbụ, kọdọhọ gị n'obi jikọọ na ọnwa Ume nke a ọnwa eklips, nke bụ n'ezie karịa triggers ka Ị kpọghee ekwt ọhụrụ gị Koodu, na mgbe ahụ na-eziga ike nke Ịhụnanya laghachi gị ọnwa.
N'ihi na ndị ọzọ nkeji ise na ị bụ iziga ndị a ọnwa Ume, na-efegharị efegharị nke Ịhụnanya, na Obi niile ụmụ mmadụ na gị na mbara ala.
N'ihi na ndị ikpeazụ nkeji ise na ị bụ izipụ ume nke Ịhụnanya gị Ụwa, na Isi nke Gaia, ike mkpebi ya maka ya ọzọ nnukwu itu ukwu ya ọdọk.
Nwee obi ụtọ, ndị enyi m, n'ihi na ị na-hụrụ n'anya nke ukwuu ma na-echebe. ABỤ M Michael.   


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Love Infusion Meditation by Lord Sananda
channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
Every Day for the Next 7 Days, 15 Minutes Per Day



Begin Your Mission Today for Creator by contacting janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com

Greetings, my Beautiful and Bright Eagles, Starseeds and Lightworkers! It is I, Sananda, and I bring you an infusion of Love! The Beatles said it best, did they not? All You Need is Love. And how true that is, for Love is the answer to everything. We realize many of you have felt challenged over your past couple of weeks, with the opening of yet another stargate, and now you have your full moon energies which bring even more energetics to you and the beloved Earth. So I bring you the next meditation that you/we might infuse not only the planet and mankind with Love but also all of Earths other Kingdoms. And this shall be a bit of a different meditation this week.

Before you begin, do your Protocal: Ground, Center, and Intend your energies to join those of Project: Eagle Triad.

For the first half of this meditation you are asked to focus on the God Grid. Pull it tightly around you and feel the Presence of the Creator as It surrounds and fills your Being. As you ground yourselves into this Grid, you are asked to feel the various Qualities and Attributes, such as, of course, the Love, but also the Peace, the Brotherhood and the Unity Consciousness that it contains.

Now, you are asked to simply sit and visualize the Earth and all life thereon as the Perfect Embodiment of this higher Qualities and Attributes. In other words, visualize your Ideal of the Perfect World.

For the last half of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love, which will contain your visualizations, to the Earth and all Life upon her. This Energy/thought-form will penetrate all of your planetary grids, all hearts, and all Consciousness.

As my brother Ashtar has said to you many times, we are partners in this ascension process and, although we of the higher dimensions cannot create your Perfect World for you, we can amplify your efforts. So we ask you, our co-creators, to call upon us before beginning your meditation, that we might indeed amplify and enlarge your endeavors.

I AM Sananda, surrounding and filling you with my Love. Shalom!



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Heart-Healing Love Meditation by Sananda in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Dutch


Heart-Healing Love Meditation
Lord Sananda

To Begin TODAY, EVERY DAY, at least 15 Minutes Per Day

channeled by Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

I bring Greetings to my divine Eagles and LIGHTWORKERS! It is I, Sananda, delighted as always to be the one chosen to bring you your next meditation.

As you know, things are continuing to move and shake and slip and slide in your world, and each of these events have a profound impact on the human hearts of planet Earth.  Hearts open, hearts grieve and mourn, hearts cry out in pain, confusion and despair. Hearts break.  Yet hearts also heal.  Not necessarily with time, as is your saying, but with instead the application of Love.  And that will be our focus for the coming week.

Although my brother Ashtar tells me it is redundant for me to do so, I choose to remind each of you to follow the protocol that has been established for these meditations. Your Light shines so much more brightly when focused in unity consciousness before sending the energies.  (Ground, Center, and Intend Your Energies to Be Sent Up with those in Sananda's Eagles!)

Having said that, let’s begin with the meditation, shall we?

For the first portion of this meditation (five minutes) you are asked to help heal these broken hearts by sending, through your intent, the Energy of Love to the heart of every man, woman and child upon Gaia.

For the next portion, we are asking you to devote your focus to sending the Energy of Love to what brings up so much of the fear and heartache in humans, and that is the mental aspect, the mental body. So, through your intent, please send Love to the Mental Bodies of all humans on Earth. The heart knows, at the Soul Level, that everything that happens is for the expansion of itself; it is the Mental Body that revels in the dramas of the day and manufactures all sorts of fears. So let’s put an end to that, shall we?

For the last portion of this meditation you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the heart of your Mother Earth. No, she is not in fear, but she is in need of knowing her children love her and are committed to her as she pushes even further into her New Reality.  And, of course, we urge you to also receive back from her the Love she holds for each of you and all upon and within her body.

I AM Sananda, well pleased with my Eagles and LIGHTWORKERS!  Good day.

Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!



主圣纳达星期一开始, 2014年4月7日为14天,至少每天15分钟

我 把问候我的神圣的老鹰和光之工作者!这是我,圣纳达,高兴一如既往是一个选择给你带来你的下一个冥想。如你所知,事情正在继续移动和震动和滑和幻灯片在你 的世界,并且每个事件对人类的心灵行星地球产生深远的影响。心打开,心中忧伤和悲哀,哭的心在痛苦,困惑和绝望。心打破。然而,心中也愈合。不一定有时 间,因为是你的说法,但不是爱情的应用。而这将是我们关注的焦点为即将到来的一周。



在 接下来的部分,我们要求你把你的焦点在发送爱的能量是什么带来了如此多的人的恐惧和心痛,那就是精神方面,精神体。因此,通过你的意图,请送爱到地球上所 有人类的心理机构。的心脏知道,在灵魂层面,即所发生的一切是为自身的扩张;它是精神体的陶醉在当天的戏剧和制造各种担忧。因此,让我们杜绝了,好吗?



Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!



主サナンダは、少なくとも15ミニッツ日給、 14日間、 2014年4月7日(月曜日)を開始するには

私 は神のイーグルスとライトワーカーへの挨拶をもたらす!それはあなたの次の瞑想をもたらすために選ばれた1であることがいつものように喜んで、私、サナン ダ、です。ご存知のように、物事が移動し、振ると滑って、あなたの世界にスライドし続けており、これらの各イベントは、地球の人間の心に大きな影響を持っ ている。心は心が悲しみと心が痛み、混乱と絶望で叫び、嘆き、開く。心が壊れる。まだ心も癒す。必ずしも時間とともに、あなたの諺にあるように、その代わ りに愛の適用。そして、それは来週のために我々の焦点になります。

この瞑想( 5分)の最初の部分のために、あなたはガイアの際にすべての男性、女性と子どもの心に、あなたの意図によって、愛のエネルギーを送信することにより、これらの壊れた心を癒すように求められます。

次 の部分のために、我々は、ヒトでの恐怖と心痛のあまりをもたらすものに愛のエネルギーを送ることにあなたの焦点を捧げるするように求めている、それは精神 的な側面、精神体である。だから、あなたの意図によって、地球上のすべての人間の精神のボディに愛を送ってください。心は起こるすべてが自分自身の拡張の ためのものであることを、魂のレベルでは、知っている;それが一日のドラマに凝ると不安のすべての種類を製造してメンタル体である。だから我々 、のはそれに終止符を打つものとしましょう?

こ の瞑想の最後の部分のために、あなたはあなたの母なる地球の中心に愛のエネルギーを送るように要求されます。いいえ、彼女は恐怖ではありませんが、彼女は 彼女の子供が彼女を愛し、彼女は彼女の新しい現実にさらにプッシュとして彼女にコミットしているかを知る必要としている。そして、もちろん、我々はあなた がまた戻って彼女から、彼女が依存して彼女の体の中に、あなたとすべてのそれぞれに保持している愛を受けるように促す。


Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!


주님 난다 는 적어도 15 분 당 일 , 14 일 에 2014년 4월 7일 (월요일) 을 시작하려면

나 는 나의 신성한 이글스 와 의 일꾼 으로 인사말 을 가져 ! 그것은 당신에게 당신의 다음 명상 을 가지고 선택하나가 항상 기뻐 I, 난다 이다. 당신도 알다시피 , 일이 이동하고 흔들 미끄러 당신의 세계 에있는 슬라이드 를 계속 하고 있으며, 이 사건 각 지구의 인간의 마음 에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 마음 은 마음 이 슬퍼 하고 마음 의 고통 , 혼란과 절망 에 울고 , 슬퍼 , 엽니 다. 마음을 휴식. 그러나 마음 도 치유 . 반드시 시간 , 당신의 말 그대로 , 대신에 사랑 의 응용 프로그램입니다. 그리고 그 다음 주 에 우리의 초점이 될 것입니다 .

내 동생 아쉬 나를 그렇게 하는 것이 중복 나에게 이야기 하지만, 나는이 명상 을 위해 설립 된 프로토콜을 수행 할 각 을 생각 나게하는 선택합니다. 에너지를 전송하기 전에 화합의 의식 에 초점을 때 빛은 훨씬 더 밝게 빛난다. (접지 , 센터 및 몰두 의도 가 난다 의 이글스 에서 그 와 함께 보낼 수 ! )

, 우리 의 이명상 으로 시작 해야 할 것이라고 말했다 가 있습니까?

이 명상 (5 분 ) 의 첫 번째 부분에 대한 당신 은 가이아 에 따라 모든 남자 , 여자와 아이 의 마음 에 , 당신의 의도 를 통해 사랑 의 에너지 를 전송하여 이 깨진 마음을 치유 하는 데 도움 주시기 바랍니다.

다 음 부분 을 위해, 우리는 인간의 두려움과 비탄 의 많은 부분 을 가져다 무엇 에 사랑 의 에너지 를 전송 에 초점 을 헌신 하도록 요청 하고, 그 정신적 인 면 ,정신적 인 기관이다. 따라서, 당신의 의도 를 통해 , 지구상의 모든 인간 의 정신 몸 에 사랑 을 보내 주시기 바랍니다. 마음이 일어나는 모든 일 이 그 자체의 확장을위한 것이 , 영혼의 수준에서 알고 ; 하루 중드라마 에 매우 기뻐 과 두려움 의 모든 종류 를 제조하는 정신 신체 입니다 . 그래서 우리는 , 이제 그 에게 말 을 넣어 볼까 ?

이 명상의 마지막 부분 을 위해 당신 은 당신의 어머니 대지 의 심장에 사랑 의 에너지 를 보내 주시기 바랍니다. 아니, 그녀는 두려워 하지 않습니다 , ​​하지만 그녀는 그녀의 아이들 이 그녀를 사랑하고 그녀가 그녀의 새로운 현실 에 더욱 밀어 그녀의 최선을 다하고 있습니다 알 필요가 있습니다. 그리고 물론, 우리는 당신이 또한 그녀의 에서 그녀 에 그녀의 몸 안에 당신 의 모든 각각 보유하고사랑 을받을 촉구한다.

내 이글스 와 의 일꾼 과 함께 기뻐 난다 , AM ! 안녕하세요.

Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!


Сердце - Исцеление любовью Медитация на Сананды

Сердце - Исцеление любовью Медитация
Господь Сананда чего начать Понедельник, 7 апреля 2014 в течение 14 дней , по крайней мере 15 минут в день

Я приношу Привет моих божественных орлов и Работники Света ! Это я, Сананда , рад, как всегда быть тем, кто выбрал , чтобы принести Вам ваш следующий медитацию . Как вы знаете, вещи продолжая двигаться и встряхните и скольжения и слайд в вашем мире, и каждое из этих событий оказывают глубокое воздействие на
человеческие сердца планеты Земля. Сердца открыть , сердца горевать и сетовать, сердца плакать от боли , растерянности и отчаяния. Сердца сломать . Но сердца и исцелять . Не обязательно со временем , как ваша поговорка , но с вместо применение Любви. И это будет в центре нашего внимания в течение ближайшей недели .

Хотя мой брат Аштар говорит мне, что является избыточным для меня сделать
так , я выбираю , чтобы напомнить каждому из вас , чтобы следовать
протоколу , который был создан для этих медитаций . Ваш Свет сияет так много ярче , когда сосредоточены в единстве сознания перед отправкой энергии . (Первый , центр, и намерены свои силы для отправки в ногу с тем, в орлов Сананды в ! )

Сказав это, давайте начнем с медитации , не так ли?

Для первой части этой медитации ( пять минут) вас просят помочь
залечить эти разбитые сердца , отправив через своих намерениях , Энергию Любви в сердце каждого мужчины, женщины и ребенка по Gaia.

Для следующей порции , мы просим вас , чтобы посвятить свое внимание к
отправке Энергию Любви к тому, что приносит так много страха и душевной
боли у людей , и это ментальный аспект , ментальное тело . Так , через своих намерениях , пожалуйста, отправьте Любовь к психическим органов всех людей на Земле . Сердце знает , на уровне души , что все происходящее является для расширения себе ; это ментальное тело , что упивается драмы дня и производит все виды страхов. Так что давайте положить конец , что , не так ли?

Для последней части этой медитации вас просят отправить Энергию Любви в сердце вашей Матери-Земли. Нет, она не в страхе , но она нуждается в зная ее дети любят ее и стремятся к ней, когда она толкает еще дальше в своей новой реальности . И, конечно , мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам также получить обратно от нее любви, которую она держит для каждого из вас и все это на и в
пределах ее тела.

I AM Sananda , доволен моими орлов и Работники Света ! Добрый день.

Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!


Hart - Healing Liefde Meditatie door Sananda

Hart - Healing Liefde Meditatie
Lord Sananda Tot maandag 7 april, 2014 Begin voor 14 dagen , ten minste 15 minuten per dag

Ik breng Groeten aan mijn goddelijke Eagles en Lichtwerkers ! Het is ik , Sananda , blij als altijd aan de ene gekozen om u uw volgende meditatie brengen . Zoals u weet , zijn dingen blijven bewegen en te schudden en slippen en
glijden in jullie wereld , en elk van deze gebeurtenissen hebben een
grote invloed op het menselijk hart van de planeet Aarde . Harten te openen , harten treuren en rouwen , harten schreeuwen van de pijn , verwarring en wanhoop . Harten breken. Toch harten ook genezen . Niet per se met de tijd , zoals je zegt , maar in plaats van de toepassing van de Liefde. En dat zal onze focus voor de komende week .

Hoewel mijn broer Ashtar vertelt me ​​het is overbodig voor mij om dit te doen , kies ik voor ieder van jullie herinneren aan het protocol dat is
vastgesteld voor deze meditaties volgen . Uw Licht schijnt zo veel feller toen gericht op eenheidsbewustzijn voor het verzenden van de energieën . ( Ground, Center en Van plan je energieën te worden verzonden Up met die in Sananda 's Eagles! )

Dat gezegd hebbende , laten we beginnen met de meditatie , zullen we?

Voor het eerste gedeelte van deze meditatie ( vijf minuten ) wordt u
gevraagd om te helpen genezen deze gebroken harten door het sturen ,
door je intentie , de energie van liefde in het hart van elke man, vrouw en kind op Gaia .

Voor het volgende deel , vragen wij u om uw aandacht te besteden aan het
verzenden van de Energie van Liefde aan wat brengt zo veel van de angst
en verdriet bij de mens , en dat is het mentale aspect , het mentale
lichaam . Dus , door je intentie , stuur Liefde aan de Mental lichamen van alle mensen op Aarde . Het hart kent , op zielsniveau , dat alles wat gebeurt is voor de uitbreiding van zichzelf ; Het is het mentale lichaam die zwelgt in de drama's van de dag en produceert allerlei angsten . Dus laten we een einde maken aan dat , zullen we?

Voor het laatste deel van deze meditatie wordt u gevraagd om de energie van
liefde te sturen naar het hart van uw Moeder Aarde . Nee , ze is niet bang , maar ze heeft behoefte aan het kennen van haar
kinderen van haar houdt en zich inzetten voor haar als ze duwt nog
verder in haar nieuwe werkelijkheid . En, natuurlijk , raden wij u aan ook terug van haar ontvangen de
Liefde houdt ze voor ieder van jullie en al op en in haar lichaam .

IK BEN Sananda , zeer tevreden met mijn Eagles en Lichtwerkers ! Goedendag.

Ready to Begin Your Mission for Yourself, Gaia, the Universe, and Creator? Write to janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com! We of Sananda's Eagles (and Project: Eagle Triad) would love for YOU to join our Lightworker / Starseed / Galactic Family. We welcome you with open starship hatches!

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Letting Your Light Shine
channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

This one that I speak through today read something   that was sent to her recently that I would like to expand on just a bit. What   was read by this one was the words to one of your religious hymns which says,   "This little Light of mine, I'm going to let it shine". Many have   taken this to mean that through their 'words' or 'deeds' they will show forth   to others the Love and the Light that is God. While this is certainly so, I   would like to broaden your concept of what 'letting your Light shine' can and   does encompass. For there are many who feel awkwardness in speaking to others   of so-called 'spiritual' matters, and therefore feel that a portion of their   Light is being 'hid under a barrel', so to speak. Others are frail of body,   or otherwise disabled from 'doing unto others' through deeds of loving kindness,   and they, too, sometimes feel as if they are unable to spread their Light to  these others.

I tell you, my friends, there is more than one   was to skin a cat… or so I have heard many of you say. Each of you knows   of the Light that is within you. You know of the chakras and the beautiful emanations   from God which connect with you at these points. They shine round about you,   and in you, and you know them as part of your aura, your Soul. Whether one is   capable of 'speaking' or 'doing good deeds' for others or not, as a means of   'letting their Light shine', the Light that you are and that surrounds you can   ALWAYS be directed outward to other people, places or events through your conscious   intent to do so. And, truly, your own Light will shine brighter as you do this.

There is a need, of course, to do what I term   'spiritual maintenance' on your lower bodies in order to insure your Light be   as bright and far-reaching as it can be. By this, I am referring to such exercises   or practices which keep your chakras open and properly functioning, your emotional   and mental bodies in balance, and your vibrations as high as possible through   such mediums as music, prayer/meditation and, very importantly, laughter. For   all of this, indeed, strengthens and brightens the Light within your total Being.

Therefore, I have come to encourage you to purposefully   begin this type of practice. As you go about your day, and certain ones or certain   circumstances come to your mind, mentally or verbally state your intent to send   them your Light. See you own Light expanding outward, encompassing and embracing   that one or that event. In this way you are truly 'letting your Light shine'   forth to others, bringing love, harmony and healing.
I AM Sananda, extending to you my own Energies,   and embracing each one of you in Love and in Light.



We of  Sananda's Eagles hope you join our loving LIGHTWORKER / STARSEED family. We  welcome you with open starship hatches! To begin your ground crew Mission,  contact janisel (((at)))sanandaseagles.com

New Earth Meditation
channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

As you quiet your mind and your physical body,   breathe deeply, and go to that space within your own heart… that space   of quiet and calm, that inner chamber where True Love does abide.

As you rest within the silence, free yourself   from the thoughts of your daily activities and turn within to communion with   Me.

I want you to go with me to the Christ Consciousness   Grid, from where we shall look down upon the New Earth which is being prepared for you.

In your mind's eye, I want you to see the Earth in a new, glorious and HEALED condition… the condition originally set forth   in the Divine Blueprint established in the beginning by the Source.

The air is clean, the water is pure, teeming with abundant and healthy marine life.

The colors of the foliage and fauna are vibrant, shimmering with the richness of perfection.

No longer does mankind dwell in the illusion of polarity. There is no longer dark vs. light, good vs. evil, male vs. female,   one religion vs. another religion. All has been made Whole. All is now One.

Visualize the inhabitants of this beautiful Earth living in harmony, acknowledging the Christ in each one they meet, realizing that each is but a part of the One.

All countries live in a state of brotherhood, peace and global cooperation. No longer does nation rise against nation. All   weapons of mass destruction have been eliminated. The swords have been beat into plowshares.

See and feel, from your own heart, the love that is expressed one to another, as the Holy Child goes about the Father's business.

No longer is there poverty among you.

No one fears the abuse of another, or the hatred hiding within another's heart.

There is true sharing among all the brothers and sisters… eliminating any concerns of lack or impoverishment.

Greed has left the hearts of the people and they freely offer their alms to the One in gratitude. This is the day the lion shall lay down with the lamb.

No longer does man live in ignorance of the higher Celestial Realms.

Without fear, he welcomes and communes with his   brothers and sisters from other dimensions, other star systems, and other universes, knowing that all have come forth from the Source of Creation.

Peace, joy and true love shall reign in every  heart. All has been made new. All has become One.

For this is the NEW EARTH… and the NEW HEAVEN.

And so shall it be.



We of  Sananda's Eagles hope you join our loving LIGHTWORKER / STARSEED family. We  welcome you with open starship hatches! To begin your ground crew Mission,  contact janisel (((at)))sanandaseagles.com


This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day,   which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who   are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations,   and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These   meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient   for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation   each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are   given a new one. As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays.

All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each   trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through   their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate   grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with   each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart.

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk'   and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and   mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com  


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!Ascension Alert! Divine Feminine Healing Meditation by Archangel Michael -- In English, Chinese and Icelandic
Archangel Michael
To Begin Today, for the Next Week, for at least 15 minutes per day
channeled by Janisel -- janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com


Greetings! I AM Archangel Michael, God’s Messenger of Truth and Grace and, for this week, Archangel of the Harvest.Your world will be, for the next week or so, continuing to receive the Full Moon Energies of your current month, so we are going to harvest an aspect of those energies.

All of the higher-dimensional energies you receive from both your sun and your moon are, indeed, the Energies of Love, however, that Love has many, many aspects to it. And the aspect you are being asked to focus on during your coming week is the Divine Feminine Aspect of Love, for your world is in need of these Energies to help balance the heavy masculine energies that have been so dominant on Earth for far too long. This is in no way meant to negate or replace the masculine energy on Earth, rather to bring more of a balance between the masculine and the feminine energetics. And that is one of the aspects that this full moon brings to you, the Divine Feminine to Balance and Heal.

[Do your protocal first: Before you do this meditation, ground and center, and ask for your energies to be sent with those in Project: Eagle Triad]

For the first five minutes of your next meditation YOU are asked to intend a connection to your moon and call to you the energies of the Divine Feminine, perhaps visualizing them as bathing you in a soft silvery moonlight.

For the next five minutes YOU are asked to anchor those energies into your heart and then send them to the Earth, perhaps visualizing this same silvery Light encircling the planet, cocooning her and permeating all Life upon and within her.

My brother Ashtar asks that for the last five minutes of this meditation that YOU send, through your intention to do so, the energy of Love to the tectonic plates of Earth. Your Mother Earth continues to shake and spew, blow and snow as she continues to break loose the shackles that can no longer hold her.

You, my brothers and sisters, are on a forward march! Let nothing stand in your way! You are almost Home, as is Earth, and what a joyous occasion it shall be when you arrive! I AM Archangel Michael.


We of Sananda's Eagles hope you join our loving LIGHTWORKER / STARSEED family. We welcome you with open starship hatches! To begin your groundcrew Mission, contact janisel (((at)))sanandaseagles.com

通过Janisel- janisel sanandaseagles.com







We of Sananda's Eagles hope you join our loving LIGHTWORKER / STARSEED family. We welcome you with open starship hatches! To begin your groundcrew Mission, contact janisel (((at)))sanandaseagles.com

! Ascension Alert! Divine Feminine Healing Meditation eftir Arkhangelsk Michael
Archangel Michael
Að byrja í dag , fyrir næstu viku , í að minnsta kosti 15 mínútur á dag
beint af Janisel - janisel ( ( á ) ) sanandaseagles.com

Kveðjur! I AM Arkhangelsk Michael , Messenger Guðs sannleika og náðar og , í þessari viku , Arkhangelsk í Harvest.Your veröld vilja vera, fyrir næstu viku eða svo , heldur áfram að fá fullt tungl orku núverandi mánuð þinni , þannig að við erum að fara að uppskera þetta liður í þeim orku.

Allar hærri vídda orku sem þú færð frá bæði sólinni og tunglið þitt er reyndar orku of Love , þó að ástin hefur marga , marga þætti til þess. Og þáttur sem þú ert að vera beðin um að leggja áherslu á í næstu viku er the Divine Feminine Aspect of Love , fyrir heimur þinn er í þörf fyrir þessa orku til að hjálpa jafnvægi þungur karlmannlegur orku sem hafa verið svo ríkjandi á jörðinni fyrir allt of lengi . Þetta er á engan hátt ætlað að negate eða skipta um karlkyn orku á jörðinni , heldur til að koma meira af jafnvægi milli karlkyns og kvenleg Energetics . Og þessi er einn af þeim þáttum sem þetta fullt tungl færir þér , hinn guðdómlega kvenkyni að jafnvægi og lækna.

Fyrstu fimm mínútur af næstu hugleiðsluna þína Eagles eru beðnir að ætla tengingu við tunglið þitt og hringja í þig orku hinnar guðdómlegu kvenkyni, kannski visualizing þá sem baða þig í mjúkum silfurgljáandi tunglsljósi .

Til næstu fimm mínútum sem þú ert beðin um að binda þær orku inn í hjarta þitt og þá senda þá til jarðar , kannski visualizing þessa sömu silfurgljáandi ljós umlykur reikistjarna, cocooning hana og litaði allt líf á og innan hennar .

Bróðir minn Ashtar biður að fyrir síðustu fimm mínútur af þessari hugleiðslu sem þú sendir í gegnum ætlun þín að gera það , orku of Love að tectonic plötum jarðar . Móðir Jörð heldur áfram að hrista og spew , blása og snjór eins og hún heldur áfram að kastast fjötrum sem geta ekki lengur haldið henni.

Þú , bræður mínir og systur , eru á framvirkum mars! Láta ekkert standa í vegi þínum ! Þú ert næstum Home, sem er Jörð , og það er glaður tilefni skal það vera þegar þú kemur ! I AM Arkhangelsk Michael .

We of Sananda's Eagles hope you join our loving LIGHTWORKER / STARSEED family. We welcome you with open starship hatches! To begin your groundcrew Mission, contact janisel (((at)))sanandaseagles.com

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Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad -- janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com


Greetings!  Let’s begin, shall we?  For  the next meditation YOU are being asked to switch things around just a  bit, although it still addresses the energies that you are receiving from your sun...in abundance, I might add...as well as your upcoming moon energies.

Before you do this intention meditation for 15 minutes or more each day, perform the protocol (Ground and center, attach to the Great Central Sun, and ask that your intentional energies be connected to the intentions of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad)

As  you know, your sun is still quite active, still attempting to balance itself, so  for the first five minutes, you are asked to send the energy of Love to not the  sun, itself, but to the ‘space’ between the Earth and her sun.

You  are asked to then turn your focus, for the next five minutes, to the  mass-consciousness grid surrounding your planet, and sending and filling it with  the Energy of Love. There is still much fear within this grid, so you are  reminded to ‘intend’ your disconnection from it at the end of this  segment.

For  the last portion of this meditation the Eagles are again being asked to send the  Energy of Love to all men, women and children upon the surface of Gaia,  visualizing their hearts opening, being filled with Trust and Faith and, in  turn, radiating those Divine Qualities out to everyone they encounter and in all  words that they speak. 

That’s it for this week.  I AM Ashtar, working side by side with  you, as together we pave the Way to Earth’s new Golden Age. And so it is! 



Are you ready to be in SERVICE to the Creator, the Universe/s, the solar system and the planet? Begin your ground crew mission today by contacting Janisel at janisel@sanandaseagles.com



You  are most likely a Starseed, Galactic, Wanderer, Walk-In or Traveler if...
    1. You are often lost in daydreams of E.T.s, UFOs, other worlds, space travel and  utopian societies. Your family thinks you are "a bit odd," without knowing quite why.


    2. You always feel like your parents are not your true parents, that your real family is far away and hidden. Perhaps you think things around you are somehow "not  the way they should be," which conflicts with your life somewhere "far away."  These beliefs have caused you a great deal of pain and sorrow. You feel "out  of place."


    3. You've had one or more vivid UFO experiences (in a dream or during waking hours) which has dramatically changed your life: these experiences have helped to resolve doubts, have inspired confidence and hope, and give your present life meaning and greater purpose. Like a spiritual wake-up call, these events changed your life.


    4. You are genuinely kind, gentle harmless, peaceful, and non-aggressive (not just sometimes, but almost always). You are not much interested in money and possessions, so if  "someone must do without," it is usually you - such is your habitual self-sacrifice. Acts of human cruelty, violence and perpetual global warfare seem really strange (shall we say, alien?). You just can't figure out all this greed, anger, rage and competition.


    5. You have a hard time recognizing evil and trickery: some people call you naïve (and they're right!). When you do perceive genuine negativity in your midst, you recoil in horror and may feel shocked that "some people really do things like that."  In a subtle way, you actually feel confused. You sense having known a world free of such disharmony.


    6. The essence of your life is serving others (be they family, friends, or in a profession),  and you cherish great ideals, which may also be somewhat innocent and naïve (in worldly terms). But you sincerely and deeply hope to improve the world. A lot of disappointment and frustration comes when such hopes and dreams don't materialize in the perceived world you live in.


    7. You completely embrace a detached temperament, with a measured approach to life. Human passion and red hot desire seem strange: you are baffled. Crazed irrational behavior is truly foreign to your natural way. You always analyze experiences, and so people say you're always in your head - but you are actually in your heart! 


    8. You easily get lost in science fiction, medieval epic fantasy (like The Hobbit) and visionary art. Given a choice, you'd much prefer to live in your dreams of fiction than in the present. Sometimes you consider your Earth life boring and meaningless, and wish you could go to a perfect, exciting world. Such dreams have been with you a long time.


    9. You have an insatiable interest in UFOs, life on other worlds or previous Earth civilizations such as Atlantis or Lemuria. Sometimes you feel like you've really been there, and may even go back someday. There may be quite a few of such books on your bookshelves.  (Actually, this question is a give-away, since only Starseeds, Galactics, Wanderers, and Walk-ins have profound, undying curiosity about worlds beyond - and for good reason!)


    10. You have a strong interest in mystic spirituality (East or West), both theory and  practice, with a deep sense that you used to have greater powers and somehow  lost them. You may feel it's unnecessary to discipline yourself since "you've already been there," but somehow forgot what you used to know. People may doubt your resolve, but you know it's not that simple.


    11. You have become a conscious channel for E.T.s or some other non-Earth source - and  you realize that the purpose of your life is to help others grow and evolve. (Most likely, you're no longer sleeping, Wanderer!)


    12. You  feel, and perhaps all your life have felt tremendous alienation and a sense of never quite fitting in. Maybe you hope to be like others, try your best to be "normal," or imagine yourself like everyone else - but the  bottom line is that you simply feel different and always have. There is a very real fear of never finding a place in this world.

If you resonate with quite a few of these, yes, you are far away from home...but not for long....



11:11----------11:11----------11:11----------11:11----------11:11----------11:11Are you ready to be in SERVICE to the Creator, the Universe/s, the solar system and the planet? Begin your ground crew mission today by contacting Janisel at janisel@sanandaseagles.com




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SUN / EARTH / WATERS *GALACTIC LOVE MEDITATION* from ASHTAR for the NEXT 7 DAYS, at least 15 MINUTES PER DAY -- In English, Chinese, Korean, and Russian



We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have 15 minutes per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System, and Galaxy? Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/


channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad
To Begin Today for the Next *SEVEN* Days, 15 Minutes or More Per Day

Ashtar -- "As was said during my last communication to you: You, as well as the planet, are continuing to receive very strong ***cleansing*** energies -- originating in the Great Central Sun -- and manifesting through solar activity. You are also continuing  to receive encoded downloads of energy from Earth’s new Crystalline Grid. Even by our standards, this is a enormous  amount of higher dimensional energy that you are receiving, so there is, indeed, much to be done that will help the integration of these energies in a graceful and balanced way. And that means focusing very attentively on some of the more affected grids!"

Ashtar -- "There is still A LOT of cleansing coming our way!  Here is what I want us to focus on in the coming week."

 Ashtar -- "Perform the steps within your protocol directive before beginning. [See Protocol Directions Below]
1) Enter your HEART space to connect to the Energy of Love and the GOD/SOURCE Grid, 
2) Ground to the Planet, and
3) Intend for your Energies to Join with Sananda's Eagles."

Now, Send the Energy of Love to:

1)  Our Sun for at least 5 minutes per day.

2)  The Earth Gaia for at least 5 minutes per day

3)  The Waters upon the Earth Gaia, for at least 5 minutes per day.



Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com


So…as to the protocol before beginning your meditations, we ask the following of you:
1)  Take the time to enter your heart space and center yourself in the Love that resides there, then, through your intention to do so, connect to the God Grid.*
* The Source/God Grid:  It is a Grid established by your conscious acknowledgment that ‘Something BIG’ is coming. You can’t quite describe it or put your finger on ‘what’ that ‘something’ is but you feel it throughout every cell of your Being.  That ‘something’, that Energy, that you feel to be coming is, my friends, quite simply ‘Creator’ or ‘God’, however you wish to express it. And so it is this Source Grid or God Grid to which you are connected, and it is your conscious connection to this grid that helps ease the integration of its Energies into the mass consciousness of Earth humanity.
2)  Next, you are to consciously and intentionally ground to the planet. You may use whatever intent or visualization most comfortable to you, whether roots growing from your physical body into the earth, or a cord attached between you and the heart of the planet, or any other visualization you prefer, just as long as you’re grounded into the Earth’s energies.
3)  We are going to be doing these meditations/visualizations as a Unified Group. Therefore, we are asking you to state your ‘intent’ to join with the energies of the Sananda's Eagles. This is working well within the Prayer Group of this church, so we are asking it be utilized within this group as well.  You are asked to state the following intent before beginning your meditation:  “I intend my energies merge AT MIDNIGHT THIS DAY with the energies of all other Eagles doing this meditation.”  You do NOT have to actually DO the meditation ‘at midnight’…simply state your ‘intent’ as given and the energies of all of you shall merge together as one unified force.




我们在中国,意大利语,荷兰语,德语,葡萄牙语,法语,英语和西班牙语传达给我们全球的银河系列。你每天15分钟,以促进这一行星的扬升,太阳系,银河系和?http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/">如果是这样,接触janisel ( ( (在) ) ) sanandaseagles.com - http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/


太阳/地球/水域银河系爱冥想 未来7天,至少15分钟,每天 通过项目的Janisel渠道:鹰黑社会 要为下一个* SEVEN *天, 15分钟或更长时间每日从今天开始 last communication to you: You, as well as the planet, are continuing to receive very strong ***cleansing*** energies, originating in the Great Central Sun, and manifesting through solar activity."">阿斯塔 - “作为我最后的沟通,你是在说:你,还有这个星球上,正在继续接受非常强的洁面*** ***能量,原产于大中枢太阳,并通过太阳活动体现。您还继续接收编码下载能量来自地球的新水晶格栅,即使以我们的标准是,你正在接受高维能量巨大量,所以,的确,有很多工作要做,这将有助于整合 graceful and balanced way. And that means focusing very attentively on some of the more affected grids!""">这些能量在一个优雅和平衡的方式,这意味着专注很专心于一些较受影响电网的! “   阿斯塔 - “ !还有清洁了很多来我们的方式这是我想我们能够专注于在未来一周。 ” 开始之前“执行你的协议指令中的步骤。 [见协议路线下文] 1 )输入你的心的空间连接到爱的能量和GOD /来源方格, 2 )地面至地球,和3 )打算为您的精力来加入与圣纳达的老鹰。 “ 发送爱的能量到:   1 。我们的太阳,每天至少5分钟。 2。地球每天至少5分钟 3 。我们星球上的水,每天至少5分钟。
Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers!"">邀请所有亲爱的光之工作者, Starseeds ,萨满,水晶,靛蓝,步行插件,编织宏和星流浪汉!我们计划鹰黑社会的日子(阿斯塔的三位一体)的欢迎你张开飞船舱口。接触janisel (((在))) sanandaseagles.com

协议冥想     所以......以你开始冥想前的协议,我们问你的情况如下:   1 。需要进入你的心脏的空间和中心自己的驻留有爱的时候,那么,通过你打算这样做,连接到神网格。 * *源/神网格:这是你有意识的承认, “事大”即将建立一个网格。 Being."">你不能完全描述它,或把你的手指上的'什么'那'东西'不过是你整个存在的每一个细胞感觉到它。这'东西' ,即能源,你觉得要来临的是,我的朋友们,很简单的'造物主'或'上帝',但是你要表达出来。因此,这是这个源网格或网格神向你所连接的,它是你对这个网格意识的连接,有助于缓解其能源融入地球人类的质量意识。   2。 you are to consciously and intentionally ground to the planet."">接下来,你是有意识地和故意地行星。你可以使用任何意图或可视化最舒适的你,是否越来越多根从你的身体入地,或连接您和地球的心脏,或者你愿意,只要你将你的任何其他可视化之间的线接地到地球的能量。   3 。我们会做这些冥想/可视化作为一个统一的集团。因此,我们要求你说出你的'意图'加入与他人的能量。这是工作好这个教会的祷告集团内,所以我们要求它在该组中被用作很好。你被要求开始你的冥想前,声明如下意图: “我打算我能合并在午夜这一天与所有其他老鹰做这个冥想的能量。 ”你不用等到真正做冥想'午夜' ......只是 and the energies of all of you shall merge together as one unified force."">说出你的“意图”作为给定的和大家的能量应为一个统一的力量融合在一起。


다음 7 일 동안 아쉬 에서 SUN / 지구 / WATERS GALACTIC LOVE 명상 , 하루 15 분 이상


우리는 중국, 이탈리아 , 네덜란드어, 독일어, 포르투갈어, 프랑스어, 영어, 스페인어로 글로벌 은하의 가족에게 전달합니다. 당신은 이 행성 의 상승 , 태양 광 시스템 , 갤럭시 에 기여 하기 위해 하루에 15 분 있나요? http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/">그렇다면, 연락처 janisel ((( ) ) 에서 ) sanandaseagles.com - http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/

SUN / 지구 / WATERS 은하의 사랑 명상 하루에 다음 7 일 , 15 분 이상 프로젝트 의 Janisel 을 통해 표출 : 이글 인조 다음 * 세븐 데이즈 , 15 분 또는 하루에 오늘 시작하려면 아쉬 가 - " 당신에게 내 마지막 통신 중에 말했다 으로 : 당신 뿐만 아니라 행성이 매우 강한 *** 클렌징 을 수신 하는 것을 계속하고 있습니다 *** 에너지,위대한 중앙 태양의 기원 , 그리고 태양 활동 을 통해 명시 . 또한 심지어 우리 의 기준으로 이 당신이 받고있는 높은 차원의 에너지의 엄청난 양의 , 그래서 통합 을 도움이 될 것입니다 할 일들 , 실제로 있다. 지구의 새로운 결정 그리드 에서 에너지의 인코딩 다운로드 를받을 계속하고있다 이우아하고 균형 잡힌 방식으로 에너지 . 그리고 그것은 더 많은 영향을받는 그리드 의 일부를 매우 주의 깊게 초점을 의미합니다! "   아쉬 - " 우리의 방법 을 오는 클렌징 많이 남아 있다 가 여기에 우리가 다음 주 에 초점을 맞출 것입니다. " " 사랑 의 에너지 및 신 / SOURCE 그리드 ,플래닛 2 ) 접지 에 연결하는 당신의 마음 의 공간 을 입력하십시오) 1 [ 다음 프로토콜 약도 보기] 를 . 시작하기 전에 프로토콜 지시어 내에서 단계를 수행 , 3) 에 대한 계획이있는 사 난다 의 이글스 에 가입 하는 에너지 . " : 사랑 의 에너지 보내기   1. 하루에 적어도 5 분 동안 우리의 일 . 2. 하루에 적어도 5 분 동안어스 3 . 하루에 적어도 5 분 동안 우리의 행성에서워터스 .


ALL 사랑하는 일꾼 , Starseeds , 무당 , 크리스탈, 인디고 , 워크 기능 , 브레이드 기능 및 스타 원더러스 초대 ! 프로젝트 이글 인조 ( 아쉬 의 삼위 일체 ) 의 우리는 열려있는 우주선 해치 와 함께 당신 을 환영합니다. 연락처 janisel ((( ) ) 에서 ) sanandaseagles.com


명상 을위한 프로토콜     그래서 ... 당신의 명상 을 시작하기 전에 프로토콜 로 , 우리는 당신 의 다음 질문 :   1. 당신의 마음 의 공간을 입력하고 거기에 있는사랑 에 자신을 중심으로 하는 시간을 가지고 , 다음 , 그렇게 할 의도 를 통해 ,하나님 그리드 에 연결합니다. * *소스 / 하나님 그리드 : 그것은 ' BIG 뭔가 '가 오는 것을 의식적인 승인 에 의해 설립 된 그리드 입니다 . 당신은 확실히 그것을 설명하거나 ' 뭔가 ' 는 것을 ' 무엇 ' 에 손가락을 넣어 하지만 당신은 당신의 존재의 모든 세포 를 통해 느낄 수 없습니다. friends, quite simply 'Creator' or 'God', however you wish to express it."">당신이 앞으로 할 느끼는 에너지 이라고 그 ' 뭔가 ' , 내 친구 , 아주 간단하게 ' 크리에이터 '또는 ' 하나님 ' , 그러나 당신이 그것을 표현 하고 싶습니다. 그리고 그것은 이 소스 그리드 하나님 그리드 장치를 연결 하는 것입니다 , 그리고 그것은 지구 인류의 대중 의식 에 그 에너지의 통합 을 완화 하는 데 도움 이 그리드 에 대한 의식적인 연결입니다.   2. planet."">다음으로, 당신은 의식적 의도적으로 지구 에 접지 합니다. 당신은 어떤 의도 나 당신에게 가장 편안한 시각화를 사용할 수있다 뿌리가 땅 에 실제 몸 에서 성장 , 또는 여부 와 행성의 심장 , 또는 당신은 그냥 당신이 있어 같이 선호하는 다른 시각화 사이에 부착 된 코드 지구의 에너지 에 접지 .   3 . 우리는 통합 그룹 으로 이러한 명상 / 시각화 일을 할 것입니다. 따라서 , 우리는 다른 사람의 에너지 와 결합 하는 당신의 ' 의도 '를 명시 할 것을 요구하고있다 . 이것은이 교회의 기도 그룹 내에서 잘 작동 , 그래서 우리는 뿐만 아니라 이 그룹 내에서 활용 될 를 요청하고 있습니다. 당신 은 당신의 명상 을 시작하기 전에 다음과 같은 목적 을 진술 하라는 메시지가 : "나는 나의 에너지 는 이 명상 을하고 다른 모든 이글스 의 에너지 와 함께 이 날 자정에 병합 하려고합니다. " 당신은 단순히 ... ' 자정 ' 실제로 명상 을 할 필요가 없습니다 주어 여러분의 에너지 가 하나의 통합 된 힘으로 함께 병합 하여야한다 로 ' 의도 ' 상태 .




ВС / ЗЕМЛЯ / ВОДЫ ГАЛАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ МЕДИТАЦИЯ от Аштар для следующих 7 дней , по крайней мере 15 минут в день


Мы общаемся с нашей глобальной галактической семьи на китайском языке , итальянский, голландский , немецкий, португальский , французский, английский и испанский. У вас есть 15 минут в день , чтобы внести свой вклад в Вознесения этой Планете , Солнечной системы и Галактики ? http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/">Если это так, контакт janisel ( ( ( в ))) sanandaseagles.com - http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/ -------------------------------------------

ВС / ЗЕМЛЯ / ВОДЫ ГАЛАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ МЕДИТАЦИЯ Следующие 7 дней , по крайней мере, 15 минут в день направляется через Janisel Проекта : Орел Триада С чего начать сегодня в течение следующих * Seven * Дней , 15 минут или больше в день Аштар - " Как было сказано во время моего последнего общения для Вас: Вы , а также планета , продолжаем получать очень сильный *** очищение *** энергии , происходящих в Великого Центрального Солнца , и проявляется через солнечной активности . вы также продолжаем получать закодированные скачивали энергии из Земли новой кристаллической Решетки . Даже по нашим меркам это огромное количество высших измерений энергии , которое вы получаете , таким образом, есть , действительно, многое еще предстоит сделать , что поможет интеграции эти энергии в изящной и сбалансированным образом . и это означает, что фокусировка очень внимательно на некоторые из наиболее пострадавших сетей ! "   Аштар - " Существует еще много чисток ближайшие наш путь Вот , что я хочу , чтобы мы сосредоточились на на следующей неделе . " " Выполните действия в рамках директивы вашего протокола перед началом. [ См. протокол инструкциям ниже ] 1) войти в ваше сердце места для подключения к энергии любви и грид БОГ / источник , 2 ) земли до планеты , и 3) Предназначены для вашего энергии присоединиться к орлы Сананды в ". Отправить Энергию Любви к :   1 . Наше Солнце , по крайней мере 5 минут в день. 2 . Земля , по крайней мере 5 минут в день 3 . Воды на нашей планете , по крайней мере, 5 минут в день.

Приглашает всех Возлюбленные Работники Света , Звездные дети , шаманов , кристаллы, Индиго , ходить Ins, Braid Ins и звезды Уондерерс ! Мы из проекта Eagle Триады ( Тринити Аштара ) приветствовать вас с распростертыми звездолетов люков . Связаться janisel ( ( ( в ))) sanandaseagles.com


ПРОТОКОЛ ДЛЯ медитаций     Итак ... как с протоколом перед началом ваши размышления , мы просим следующее из вас :   1 . Потратьте время, чтобы войти в ваше сердце пространство и сосредоточить себя в любви , которая находится там, то , через намерении сделать это , подключиться к Богу Grid. * *Источник / Бог Сетка : Это Сетка устанавливается вашего сознательного признания того, что « что-то большое », который подходит . Вы не можете достаточно описать его или положить палец на "что" , что "нечто" является , но вы чувствуете, что в течение каждой клетке вашего Бытия. Это "нечто" , что энергии , что вы чувствуете , приходит это , друзья мои , попросту говоря " Создатель " или "Бог" , однако вы хотите выразить. И так это Источник Сетка или Бог Сетка , к которому вы подключены , и это ваш сознательный подключение к этой сетке , которая помогает облегчить интеграцию его энергии в массовое сознание человечества Земли .   2 . Далее, вы сознательно и намеренно землю на планету . comfortable to you, whether roots growing from your physical body into the earth, or a cord attached between you and the heart of the planet, or any other visualization you prefer, just as long as you're"'>Вы можете использовать любое намерение или визуализацию наиболее удобную для вас , будь то корни растут из вашего физического тела в землю , илишнур прилагается между вами и сердце планеты , или любой другой визуализации вы предпочитаете, столь же долго, как вы обоснованы в энергиях Земли.   3 . Мы собираемся делать эти медитации / визуализации как Единая группа . Поэтому мы просим вас заявить ваше " намерение ", чтобы присоединиться с энергиями других. Это работает хорошо в молитвенной группы этой церкви , поэтому мы просим его быть использованы в этой группе , а также. actually DO the meditation 'at midnight'…simply"">Вы просили, чтобы сформулировать следующее намерение перед началом медитацию : "Я намерен мои энергии сливаются НА ПОЛУНОЧИ этот день с энергиями всех других орлов , делающих эту медитацию . " Вы не должны на самом деле делать медитацию " в полночь " ... просто укажите ваши ' намерение ' , как указано , а энергии все вы должны объединить вместе, как единую силу .
Read more…

We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have 15 minutes per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System, and Galaxy? If so, contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com -- http://www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com/




channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad
To Begin Today for the Next 21 Days, 15 Minutes or More Per Day

You, as well as the planet, are continuing to receive very strong energies, originating in the Great Central Sun, and manifesting through solar activity.You are also continuing to receive encoded downloads of energy from Earth’s new Crystalline Grid.Even by our standards this is a enormous amount of higher dimensional energy that you are receiving, so there is, indeed, much to be done that will help the integration of these energies in a more graceful and balanced way.And that means focusing very attentively on some of the more affected grids.Therefore, for each week you are asked to focus on only one grid for the entire fifteen minutes of the meditation.

For your coming week you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the mass-consciousness grid of Earth’s humanity, visualizing the energy of Fear being replaced by this Energy of Love.And we again remind you to consciously disconnect from this grid at the end of the fifteen minutes.

For the next week you are asked to send the Energy of Love to the Heart of every man, woman and child upon your planet, visualizing this Love as it plants the seeds of Faith, Trust, and Peace within their hearts.

For the last week you are to connect to your Mother Earth. There are many and various ways of doing this, so please proceed in the way you find most suitable to you.And for the entire fifteen minutes of this meditation you are to simply communicate with her, talk to her, encourage her, and remembering to also listen for her communication with you, as well. She continues, of course, to cleanse certain energies from her cellular memory, and as she does so, she is in need of your continual support, which she knows she has.
Continue on, my brothers and sisters, for a Great Day is coming and you’ve got a front row seat! Be Love, Be Peace, and Be in Trust. I AM Ashtar, sending you my love.



Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Contact janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com




This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new one.

All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart.

Read more…

THE RIDDLE OF LIGHT AND DARK:  Colors and Musical Tones Create 28 Universes, plus Ascension / Completion! Also, LION'S GATE HIGHER-DIMENSIONAL PORTAL - In Chinese and English
We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, German,  Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have 15 minutes or more per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System, and Galaxy? If so, contact  janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com -- www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com
By Sananda
channeled through Deb Wright of Project: Eagle Triad


All right…I have been given permission by SOURCE to tell you a story.  May I tell you a story? Is everyone listening?

Once upon a time, before humans came into Being, there was Light…lots and lots of Light.  For, in the Beginning, let there be Light.  And that’s all there was, was all different shades of Light.  And in this Light, you could dance.  And the Purple Light would dance with the Pink Light, and the Pink Light would dance with the Red Light, and the Red Light would dance with the Blue Light, and the Blue Light would dance with the Yellow Light, and so on, to where all Light danced, and it danced for the Glory of Light.  Then things changed.  Sound came in.  Sound sounded different when Purple danced with Pink, as opposed to when Purple danced with Blue.  Blue sounded different when it danced with Yellow as to when it danced with Green.  So all the colors decided to see, in their dance, how much Sound could change.  And they found that there were  many Tones to be had, and in the Tones that were had, the dance either became quicker or slower because the Tone, itself, determined how quickly the dance was or how slowly the dance came.  

So all Purple Light decided to shatter.  All Blue Light decided to shatter.  All Red Light decided to shatter.  And they decided to make up as many Tones as possible.  And when they shattered, they magnetized two opposing Colors, because they wanted the dance to be fast and joyous.  And this brought about the first 'PHYSICAL UNIVERSE.' 

The Dance of Light discovered that not all of the combinations could fit in that first physical universe so they left it, and they danced again.  This time they dancedslower, thinking, “Well, if fast dancing will not hold us all, slow dancing will surely hold us all”.  Thus was created the second physical universe.  It still could not hold them all, so they would take off and try another dance.  Sometimes it would be fast and then slow, sometimes it may not even move at all.  And for each combination of Light and Sound making a Dance, thus, a new universe was born…until there were 14 universes, and these 14 universes felt that they were the perfect Dance of Color and Sound. 

And then Darkness came into Being.  And the Darkness threw shadows upon the Light, and the Darkness caused the Tones to change.  And each of those universes broke in half.  There was to be one containing all Light, and one containing all Dark.  There is no differentiation between Light and Dark.  Why?  Because they make ‘depth’ when they come together.  Therefore, there are times where you can figure out if you are a Light Universe or a Dark Universe.  And the perfection that you strive for is the depth to find your sister Universe, to come back together. 

You have what every one of you have been asking for…the answer is contained within that riddle, because the only answer to all questions is ‘Completion’.  And that is why you are here.  Some of you Tone fast, some of you Tone slow, some of you Dance Light, and some of you Dance Dark.  Some of you are Purple and Yellow, some of you are Purple and Green.  And you all have combinations that will bring about your completion.  Sometimes Purple and Yellow dance very well with Purple and Green, all you have to do is decide if you’re Purple and Yellow ‘Light’, or Purple and Green ‘Dark’.  Because, in order to have the ‘depth’ you must have the Opposition.  

Ahhh…the story is never over, it shall go on and on and on...  Find your Color, find your Shade, find your Tone…and you shall be Complete.  All answers will be laid bare before you.  All you must know is, Darkness is still Light, and Light is still Dark.  Purple is Purple, whether it’s Purple/Yellow, Purple/Green, Purple/Blue, Purple/Pink, Purple/Orange, Purple/ Polka dots.  It’s still Purple.  The only thing you need to realize is, to be ‘completed’ Purple, of ANY shade, you must have Purple Light and Purple Dark.  And if you’re Purple/Yellow, you must have Purple/Yellow Light and Purple/Yellow Dark.  The Opposition brings Completion…in all things, in ALL things. 

You take your heart, you cut it in half…you have Opposition.  You take your brain and cut it in half, you have Opposition.  The perfection within the human body is bringing the Opposition into a Whole, a whole heart, a whole brain, a right and a left together.  The Light and the Dark together.  And together it is still Light, just as one side of your brain is still ‘left’.  It’s still Dark, just as the right side is still ‘right’.  But it’s a left and a right of a Whole.  The Light and the Dark of the Whole.  Follow the Tone.  The Tone will lead you to your Completion.  You were taught the Tones
[in all dimensions] of one Dance…one Dance. 

If there are 28 universes…28 universes…each universe has a multitude of Tones, and they are all variations of each other.  And only when you follow theTones can you find the Completions.  This planet has its own Tone.  This sun has its own Tone.  The Central Sun of this universe has its own Tone.  Each galactic part of this universe has its own Tone.  And they are all variations of each other.  If you can identify the Tone of your sun, you can be warm in the middle of a glacier because the Tone of that sun will bring you warmth.

If you know the tone of Pluto, you can be cool in the Sahara Desert.  All you need do is say/sing the Tone.  The universe is made up of Tone and Light.  Those are the only two Keys you need for anything…anything.  Your Soul gives you Tones all the time.  You’ve heard them.  That Tone is for a reason.  Your Soul is saying, “Here it is, here’s the Tone…pay attention.  This is what you need”.  But you must acknowledge and you must remember.  For the Language of Light is Pure Tone. 

Wah-So…[tone and color, meaning:] ”Creator of all things”.  Two Tones make one word.  Understand?  You have been given the basis of the Language of Light [in the Unity Consciousness classes]; see what you can make.  You have been given the Key.  All any linguist needs is a Key, and that you have been given.  Learn to speak Light, and all Light will obey you.  That is your gift from me on this day! <grin>  [the tone of G is sounding on the wind-chimes outside]
Start your Ground Crew Mission NOW by contacting  janisel(((at)))sanandaseagles.com -- www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com

Lord Ashtar (channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad)


Greetings, my brother and sisters, it is I, Ashtar, with you once again to bring you what might be considered an extention of the meditations you have been doing... For there has now been a Pathway of Love spread throughout the Earthly kingdoms in preparation for the energies that are to come through the stargate opening beginning in mid-week and continuing on for several days after that. Due to the great importance of this meditation we are asking YOU PRESENT AND FUTURE EAGLES to do it for two of your weeks, rather than the one week that is our normal practice.

The opening of this stargate, which you call the Lion's Gate, is allowing the entry of the New Earth templates and the codes that they carry. These will be encoded into the new Crystalline Grid and then dispersed
from there into the grids connecting all kingdoms on your planet, and we are asking the Eagles to be the conduits of Love for these energies to flow out through the Pathways of Love that you have just co-created in your last meditations. Before beginning, you are reminded to perform your protocol alignments (GROUND, CENTER, AND ATTACH TO SANANDA'S EAGLES), and then proceed thusly:

You are asked to state your intent to connect in consciousness to the Crystalline Grid now surrounding and interpenetrating your planet. Then you are to state your intent to be connected to the stargate energies. It is not necessary that you visualize `location' of origin for these energies; simply state your intent to align and connect to the energies coming through it, and it will be so. Please spend the first five minutes of this meditation allowing these energies to align within your heart space and integrate within the Crystalline Grid.

For the second five minutes you are asked to send these energies, surrounded by the energy of Love, to the Human Grid on your planet.

For the third five minutes you are asked to focus on sending these energies to the other non-human beings on Earth; all the kingdoms of land animals, plants, and marine life.

And we are asking an additional five minutes onto this meditation, in which you then send these energies to the heart of your Mother Earth.

These, my brothers and sisters, are the energies and templates to bring about all the changes you have so longed for: a perfected physicality and changes in your DNA which will restore the Original Plan for Earth and  all her inhabitants. And so it is. I AM Ashtar.




我们传达给我们全球的银河系列在中国,德语,葡萄牙语,法语,英语和西班牙语。你有15分钟或更长时间,每天贡献的这个星球,太阳系,银河升天?如果所以,接触janisel的(((上)))sanandaseagles.com  -  www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com




曾 几何时,在人类出现之前形成的,有光灯......很多很多。因为,在开始的时候,让我们有轻。而这一切,是所有不同的光。有鉴于此,你会跳舞。紫光会跳 舞的粉红光,粉红光会跳舞红灯,红灯会跳舞的蓝色光,蓝色光与黄色光会跳舞,等等,到了那里所有轻跳舞,跳舞光的荣耀。然后,事情改变了。声音进来的声音 响起不同的紫粉红跳舞的时候,而不是紫跳舞时与蓝。蓝响起不同的,当它与黄色,绿色跳舞的时候跳舞。因此,所有的颜色决定去看看,他们的舞蹈中,有多少声 音可能会改变。他们发现有很多色调,并有音,舞蹈变得更快或更慢,因为确定的色调,本身如何快速的舞蹈或舞蹈来慢慢。


光 之舞发现,并非所有的组合可能适合,所以他们离开了,第一个物理宇宙中,他们又跳舞。这一次,他们dancedslower,想着,“好吧,如果快的舞蹈 将不再持有我们所有,慢舞一定会容纳我们所有。”因此,创建第二个物理宇宙。它仍然无法容纳所有这些,所以他们会脱下,并尝试另一种舞蹈。有时,这将是快 和慢的话,有时甚至有可能不会在所有移动。而对于光线和声音,使舞蹈的每一种组合,因此,一个新的宇宙诞生了......直到有14个宇宙,这14个宇宙 觉得他们是完美的舞蹈,色彩和声音。

然 后黑暗走进。黑暗投下了阴影光后,造成的黑暗色调改变。这些宇宙爆发了一半。有是一个包含所有的灯,和一个包含了所有黑暗。有没有在光明与黑暗之间的分 化。为什么呢?当他们走到了一起,因为他们“深度”。因此,有次在那里你可以计算出,如果你是一个宇宙光或黑暗的宇宙。和完善,争取找到你妹妹宇宙的深 度,一起回来。

你 有什么你们每个人都被要求...答案是包含在这个谜团,因为所有问题的唯一答案是“完成”。这就是你为什么在这里。你们中的一些音快,你们中的一些音慢, 你们中的一些舞步轻盈,你们中的一些舞蹈黑暗。你们中的一些人是紫色和黄色的,有些人是紫色和绿色。你都有组合,将带给你的完成。有时是紫色和黄色的舞蹈 非常好,紫色和绿色的,所有你必须​​做的决定,如果你是紫色和黄色的“光”,或紫色和绿色'黑暗'。因为,为了有“深度”,你必须有反对党。

啊...... 故事是从来没有过的,应当和...找到你的颜色,找到你的阴影,找到你的音...你应完整。所有的答案将被戳穿你的面前。你必须知道的是,黑暗依然清淡, 仍是黑暗和轻。紫色是紫色的,无论是紫/黄,紫色/绿色,紫色/蓝色,紫色/粉红色,紫色/橙色,紫色/圆点。它仍然是紫色的。唯一你需要认识到的是,' 完成'紫色,任何树荫,你必须有紫光,紫暗。而如果你是,你必须有紫/黄紫/黄灯和紫/黄暗。反对党将完成......所有的东西,所有的东西。


如 果宇宙有28 ... 28宇宙...每个宇宙都有众多的音调,他们都是对方的变化。只有当你遵循theTones,你能找到完成。这个星球上有它自己的音。这个太阳有它自己的 色调。中央太阳这个宇宙有其自己的音调。每个星系的一部分,这个宇宙有其自己的音调。他们都是对方的变化。如果你能确定你的太阳的色调,可以是温暖的色 调,太阳在中间的一个冰川,因为会带给你温暖。

如 果你知道冥王星的语气,你就可以在撒哈拉大沙漠凉爽。所有你需要做的是说/唱音。宇宙是由音频和轻。这些是仅有的两个键,你需要什么...什么。你的灵 魂,让你音所有的时间。你听说过他们。那口气是有原因的。你的灵魂说,“这里,这里的音...注意。这就是你所需要的。“但你必须承认,你一定要记住。光 之语是纯音。

华 那么... [色调和色彩,意思是:“万物的创造者”。两种音色的一个字。明白了吗?你已经拿到团结意识类]光[语言的基础,看看有什么可以做的。你已经拿到钥匙。任 何语言学家所有需要的是一个关键,这说明您已获得。学习说话轻,所有光线会服从你。这是我在这一天你的礼物! <grin> [G的语气听起来风编钟外]

现在开始你的地勤人员的使命通过接触janisel(((上)))sanandaseagles.com  -  www.ashtarstrinity.sanandaseagles.com


问 候,我的兄弟姐妹,这是我阿西塔,与你再次给你带来什么,可以看作是一个延伸的冥想,你一直在做...对于现在已经有准备的能量是通过星际之门开在周中开 始,并持续了好几天之后,整个尘世王国爱蔓延的途径。由于我们都在问你现在和未来的老鹰做到这一点对你的两个星期,而不是​​一个星期,是我们一贯的做法 冥想重视。

这 个星际之门的开放,你叫狮门,让新地球的模板和代码,他们携带入境的。这些将被编码成新的结晶格,然后从那里分散到电网连接你的这个星球上所有的王国,而 我们要求的老鹰是为爱而这些能量的管道流出,通过爱的途径,你有只是你最后的冥想中共同创造。在开始之前,你提醒执行协议路线(地面中心,并附加萨南达 EAGLES),然后继续正是如此:

意 识结晶电网现在围绕你的星球和互连接,系统会要求您说出你的意图。然后你说出你的意图被连接到星际之门的能量。这是没有必要的,你可视化'位置'这些能量 来源,只需说出你的意图对齐,并通过它来连接到的能量,它会如此。请让这些能量对准你的心脏空间内整合结晶电网内度过的第一个五分钟的冥想。




这些,我的兄弟姐妹们,你如此渴望的所有更改:完美的肉体和你的DNA的变化,这将恢复原计划对地球和她所有的居民带来的能量和模板。因此,这是。 I AM阿西塔。

Read more…

GOLDEN LOVE PATHWAY MEDITATION -Now through June 10th, 2013 - Ashtar



We communicate with our galactic global family in Chinese, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English! Write janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com today to join our global galactic family! We love you!

Lord Ashtar
channeled through Janisel of Project: Eagle Triad
To Begin NOW through June 10th, 2013

Greetings! Ashtar here once again. You have received quite a download of energy during the past two weeks of your timing, have you not? And, of course, these energies will continue; but with the help of our groundcrew these energies can be integrated much easier by the Earth as well as mankind. For as we've stated many, many times…Love creates the Golden Pathway that brings with it the energy of Grace, allowing the integration to proceed in a more smooth manner.

Now, let's talk about the weather, shall we? The weather is something all of you seem to speak of when not knowing what else to say. But we are going to speak of the weather as to how it pertains to the ascension processes of the Earth herself. And there is much going on with your weather, is there not? Some areas are dealing with flooding while others areas suffer from lack of rain; other areas are being pummeled by heavy winds that you call hurricanes or typhoons, and still other areas are erupting into flames. All of these, my brothers and sisters, are but the Earth's way of releasing denser energies from her surface. Some energies are simply blown away, others are washed away, some are shaken off through the process of earthquakes, and still others are burned off. And although some of her methods cause discomfort or inconvenience to those dwelling on her surface, none of them…none…are meant as a punishment to mankind. They are simply removing energies…many from millennia ago…that your Earth Mother is choosing to release as she continues her ascension processes.

Before your meditation, get grounded and centered, and follow our protocal by connecting to the Project: Eagle Triad family and to all lightworkers.

During this meditation the (present and future) Eagles and YOU are being asked to send the energy of Love to three ascension specific areas.

SEND THE ENERGY OF LOVE to those places on the planet that are undergoing these releases through one of the methods we have spoken of. You do not have to know an exact geographical area; simply state your intent that the energy of Love goes to the areas where this cleansing is taking place. That will be for the first five minutes of this meditation.

For the second five minutes of the meditation you are SEND THE ENERGY OF LOVE through the Human Grid, to the heart of every man, woman and child. The sometimes extreme changes going on with the weather has created some fear in the hearts of many, and it is the energy of Love that brings Healing and displaces this fear energy.


For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then turn your focus to the Earth herself, and SEND THE ENERGY OF LOVE -- the balm of Love -- as well as YOUR GRATITUDE [to the Earth]. And forget not to stay grounded to the body of the Earth; for where she goes, you shall surely follow.

My love to all of you. I AM Ashtar.



~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~We communicate with our galactic global family in Chinese, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English! Can you spare a mere 15 minutes per day to send out intentions to light up the grids for the ASCENSION of MOTHER EARTH GAIA, and all of her inhabitants? Inviting ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers! We of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcome you with open starship hatches. Write janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com today to join our global galactic family! We love you!~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~-^~



Read more…

ASHTAR "TIME TO GET SERIOUS" --- In Chinese and English --- Being a Light Bearer, Focusing, Joining With Others To Light Up the Grids
Becoming an Eagle Soaring Above With Masters, the Command, and the Spiritual Hierarchy --- 阿斯塔时候认真“---以中文和英文---作为一个承载轻,对焦,加入与他人照亮了电网,成为雄鹰翱翔以上的大师,命令,和精神层次  


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We send our global family meditations in CHINESE, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English!
We warmly invite ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers to join your light to ours!  We of Project Eagle Triad welcome you with open starship hatches.
Can you contribute a mere 15 minutes per day to send out channeled intentions to the grids, the Universe, and to our solar system? Then please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com

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我们送全球家庭冥想的中文,荷兰语,法语,葡萄牙语,西班牙语,英语! 我们热忱邀请所有亲爱的工作者,Starseeds,巫师,水晶,靛蓝,步行插件,编织文件和明星流浪汉我们加入你的光芒!鹰三合会项目,我们欢迎您的开放式飞船舱口。你能贡献仅15分钟,每天送出引导意图改造,宇宙和我们的太阳系?然后请联系janisel(@sanandaseagles.com

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By Ashtar
channeled by Rev Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

My Dearest Friends.... I come to assure you that things are as they should be. There are great amounts of energy bombarding your earth at this time and everything is being greatly accelerated. NOW is the time for 'focus'. You who are the bridges between Heaven and Earth are the 'hands and feet' of the Command, so to speak. It is through you that much of our work is done. As I said, much has been accelerated and -- although we wish you to remain in a state of joy and lightheartedness -- it is now time to put your 'work' in its proper perspective and concentrate on the mission at hand [Ascension of the Planet NOW].

We are working very diligently to gather the lightworking [present and future] Eagles together in order to prepare the general population for what is to come. This means that each and every one of YOU are needed at this time to make a commitment in your own heart as to what role you will play in this. In other words, it is time to get serious. We are not asking you to give your lives over to the Ashtar Command exclusively, for you each have many missions and sub-missions that you are here to accomplish. What we are asking, however, is that for those of you who feel your connection to us to band together, so to speak, in order to establish and implement certain 'activities' towards the goals which have been set before us.

You lightworking [present and future] Eagles have shown that you can do this numerous times, such as in the planting of crystals and the activation of the grids. This was and is an excellent example of the Unity we wish for you to achieve, and our heartfelt thanks go to all of you who have participated in this project. Rest assured there will be other projects we will ask you to work on. For the time being, we are asking you to continue in this Unity, and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

Do not let yourselves become 'bogged down' in the mundane affairs of your day-to-day activities. We wish for those of you who are aligned with the Command and its work to interact with each other in manifesting this bond of Unity. You are held within the gentle hand of All That Is and encircled with the energy of Unconditional Love of such depths that your present consciousness can not truly comprehend its magnitude.

We of the Command and the Spiritual Hierarchy are working most diligently to help you and all mankind reach its full potential. As a 'return energy exchange', we ask each of you to now search your hearts and decide what it is that you are capable and willing to do in partnership with us. For you see, we are truly in a partnership in which each and every one must play their part.

NOW is the time to begin. NOW is the time to decide your focus. NOW is the time to dedicate yourselves to the work at hand. We need your hands, we need your feet, we need your voice, we ask your commitment. To paraphrase the words of The Most Radiant One, spoken so long ago, "it is time to be about the Father's business".

There is no longer the luxury of time to be spent in petty pursuits, bickering, judgment, or anger. Your time, which we have worked towards for eons, is at hand. Know that, even though you may not see us in your skies, we are most definitely close to you, and send you our deepest blessings and love.

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通过阿斯塔 由牧师的萨南达的老鹰Janisel
我最亲爱的朋友....我来向你保证,事情是因为他们应该是。有数额巨大的能量轰击地球在这个时候,一切都被大大加快。现在是时候了'重点'。谁是天堂和地球之间的桥梁是“手脚”命令,可以这么说。它是通过我们的工作做。正如我所说,很多已经加快, - 虽然我们希望你留在快乐和无忧无虑的状态 - 现在是时候把你的'工作'在适当的角度,专注于手头的任务[升天现在地球。
我们正在非常努力地收集现在和未来的lightworking []老鹰为了准备是什么来的一般人群一起。这意味着,每一个都需要在这个时候,在你自己的心,你将扮演什么样的角色,在此作出承诺。换句话说,它是时候认真起来。我们不要求你给你的生活阿什塔尔命令专门为你们每个人都有,你在这里完成的许多任务和子任务。我们都在问什么,但是,对于那些你觉得你的连接到我们联合起来,可以这么说,为了实现这些目标已摆在我们面前的'活动',以树立和落实。

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We send our global family meditations in CHINESE, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English!We warmly invite ALL Beloved Lightworkers, Starseeds, Shamans, Crystals, Indigos, Walk-Ins, Braid Ins and Star Wanderers to join your light to ours!  We of Project Eagle Triad welcome you with open starship hatches. Can you contribute a mere 15 minutes per day to send out channeled intentions to the grids, the Universe, and to our solar system? Then please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles.com~~~   ---   ~~~   ---   ~~~   ---   ~~~   ---    ~~~   ---   ~~~   ---

我们送全球家庭冥想的中文,荷兰语,法语,葡萄牙语,西班牙语,英语! 我们热忱邀请所有亲爱的工作者,Starseeds,巫师,水晶,靛蓝,步行插件,编织文件和明星流浪汉我们加入你的光芒!鹰三合会项目,我们欢迎您的开放式飞船舱口。你能贡献仅15分钟,每天送出引导意图改造,宇宙和我们的太阳系?然后请联系janisel(@sanandaseagles.com

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