Cornwall, NY
October 20
About Yourself
Ivy Rose Ground crew here with her High Quantum Self Ambassador Starseed Cmdr. Anahaya Astara Amael ( AAA) aka "The Love Queen of the Stars" here on Earth-Gaia Mission since Lemuria- Mission Operation: H2E I AM Heart Commander with my Twin Flame Z on the Divine Mothership. We are here to bring HUmanity into The Age of LOVE.
Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration
My Mother, My Father my COURAGE and STRENGTH of MIND who watches over me with my beloved Aunt and many beautiful friends and family who have transitioned. My Grandmother who also gave me my STRENGTH of MIND, and all my Divine Feminine Ancestors:Mary Magdalene, Isis, Eve, my Higher Self, My I Am Angelic Self, My beloved husband and cousin to Z my 13D Twin Flame who Commands the Mothership and our fleets of future and The Lemurian Polynesian Star Mothers and Grandmothers who guide me since inception, my Twin Soul cat ARI Feline King of his Planet, My Grandfather, Cmdr. Anton of the GFL~ONELOVE. My Daily Love for DIVINE MOTHER SOPHIA who keep me faced on Path towards my Mission for Her-I am upheld by HER as I also uphold Her for the ALL she is and We ARE made of and come from- HER Cosmic Womb of ALL that UNIFIES us ALL in our LOVE UNIVERSEđź’– AAA/Ivy Rose aka "The Love Queen of the Stars"