Drome's Discussions (220)

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Planetary Symbols

Planetary Symbols

Although we can learn something about the astrological meaning of the planets from their physical position in the solar system, the planetary symbols themselves are also extremely revealing. It is important to get to know these symbo

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A silent forest...

Monsanto, a U.S. chemical giant, leaves already for decades a trail of destruction and death nature of the world behind, trying to acquire monopoly on all living things. The disastrous consequences are clear.

What is not widely known is that Monsant

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Free Energy

Note: I'll translate this later into english




ontwikkelingen op het gebied van vrije energie
Zondag, 20 maart 2011 16:07
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logo1.pngOp woensdag 2 maart jongstleden is de aftrap geweest van de eerste presentatie omtrent vrije energie, gepresenteerd

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Super Full Moon

March 16, 2011: Mark your calendar. On March 19th, a full Moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It's a super "perigee moon"--the biggest in almost 20 years.

"The last full Moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 199

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Andromeda Nebulae collapsed?

In my never ending quest for more information about Andromeda, I came across the following:


(170.1) 15:4.7 Not all spiral nebulae are engaged in sun making. Some have retained control of many of their segregated stellar offspring, and their spiral ap

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