David Claros Paredes's Posts (472)

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In chemical copulation, in the Metaphysical coitus during the Sahaja Maithuna, maximum erotic sensation is experienced in five minutes.


Dynamic magnetic flames, billowing sea of ​​red and purple gas, terribly divine, surround the couple during the sexual trance.


Tremendous moment is that when the male current wants to join with the female current.


With the magnetic creative pause is stablish sexual harmonic and coordinated rhythms between man and woman.


Such a pause contains within itself two basic factors:


a) Intelligent and voluntarily period of time stablished between intercourse and intercourse.


b) Prolonged Joy of metaphysical coitus, without orgasm, spasm and without loss of seminal liquor.


For the exchange of magnetic forces is profound, edifying and essentially dignifying it is urgent that the most important centers of the body make contact in a harmonious and peaceful way.


The clitoris, which is wedged between two small lips of the vulva is the most sensitive point of the female body.


Any illuminated clairvoyant can perceive the magnetic centrifugal forces that initiate their march from the clitoris.

It is then, the clitoris, the magnetic centrifugal point which provides the aura of woman of suitable currents of energy.


However, we must study all this not partially but totally; it would be absurd to assume that the clitoris, which is located at the exit of the vagina separate it by the conducting channel of the urethra is the only carrier and generator of superior sensation for females.


We must think and understand also that the uterus and isolated interior parts of the vagina can be bearers and generators of maximum sexual sensation.


It is unquestionable that the cavernous tissue and terminal corpuscles are on the clitoris.


Without such tissues and corpuscles physiological feminine fitness and the ability to achieve maximum sexual sensation would be excluded.


Upon contact with the man, the clitoris provided with erection cavernosa enters the same as the male phallus, flaming up to par.


At that extraordinary moment when the corpora cavernosa also swell in the region of the lips of the vulva, the entrance to the vagina is coated with a kind of spongy padding that surrounds the male phallus wonderfully.


The more you now wets the entrance of the vagina by the glandular secretion, the greater the possibility of taking the fine magnetic capacitors there are located, to an electrical affinity with the phallus, in the organization of human body tension represents so to speak, the primary energy emitter, to exchange an alternating-current physical psychic.


The wise Waldemar says: "Do not forget; our body will invariably be the more complete the more developed and under conscious control the sympathetic nervous system is found."


"When man and woman, with the minimum of movement, that is to say, just those that are necessary for the maintenance and prolonged contact, make sexual union also a psychic union, only then the opportunity to be sought they are electrically charged brain-spinal ganglion that are linked to the pineal gland, sovereign of the body, and in addition also the Solar Plexus (Plexus coeliacus) with numerous plexus radiators for the liver, intestine, kidney and spleen."


The abominable sexual spasm is certainly a short circuit that comes to offload us frightfully; so we must always avoid it.


"The marvelous force of OD is specified find in the various organs in varying quality; so, the best and most fruitful creative magnetic exchange is based on the following revolutionary procedure: the side of the heart of man rests on the right side of the female, joining his left hand with her right and contacting his right foot to the left of the woman".

"The sexual organs can then dedicate to a task that too often are stolen, that is to serve at the physical principle of assimilation and purification of matter, primarily by acting on the plexus below the diaphragm (ventral sympathetic nervous part) which is absolutely necessary as a basis for the development of more refined sensation."


The Metaphysics Copulation, with all its erotic refinement, places us in a privileged position, by which we have wonderful forces that allow us to reduce to cosmic dust each one of those tenebrous entities which personify our psychological defects.





Sometimes it is urgent to repeat certain phrases when it comes to understanding. It's not over emphasize what we said in chapter thirteen: I refer to alcohol.


No need to discuss at length about the effects of alcohol. The same Arabic name (same as the Algol star, depicting the head of Medusa, cut by Perseus) simply means the Demon...


And that is actually a demon or evil spirit when it takes possession of man, it is obvious and easily demonstrated by its effects, ranging from drunkenness to delirium tremens and the madness, stating in offspring in the form of paralysis and other hereditary defects.


Unquestionably, being a product of disintegration, which also originates in our body, among which are eliminated through the skin, it has a scattering, solvent and destructive vibrational trend, drying our tissues and destroying nerve cells, which gradually are replaced by kind of cartilage.


It is manifestly clear that alcohol tends to eliminate the ability to think independently and fatally stimulates fantasy, and judge serenely and shockingly weakens the ethical sense and individual liberty.


The dictators of all time, tyrants, not ignore that it is easier to govern and enslave a nation of drinkers than a village of abstainers.


It is also known that in drunkenness state can one accept any suggestion and enforce acts against decorum and moral sense. It is too notorious the influence of alcohol on crime, so that there is need to insist on it.


Alcohol, horrendous, climb the cliff and falls into the abyss of perdition; is the malignant substance characterized in intimate form to the "Infernal Worlds", where only are heard bleats, howls, whistles, neighs, squeaks, moos, squawks, meows, barks, hisses, snorts.


The abominable Algol turns incessantly within the vicious circle of time.

Forever tempting insinuates itself everywhere, seems to have the gift of ubiquity; as soon he smiles in the cup of gold or silver under the gilded ceiling of the lavish palace, as does the hairy bard sing in the horrible tavern.


The Algol evil is sometimes very fine and diplomatic: See him there among the bright shining dangerously in the glass of fine baccarat, the loved woman he offers you!


And the poet say that when in the soft and perfumed mahogany bed, the loved drunk of wine undressing intended the Guardian Angel a moment came out...


We're all going to end, we all have our name in the fatal amphora, never drink, I say, damn liquor because if you drink it soon will miss the road.


Sabina wine very strong in small cups you will drink with me today, although Greek amphora was the package that I sealed myself exclaims Satan from the bottom of the abyss...


In his black depths each demon fulfills his task, picking in the vineyards until the afternoon sun; and, as God calls you when the cheerful dinner when drinking fermented wine arrives.


 Muse in his household, will give you the votes peasants and their libations of wine vines and smiles Algol, perfidious Medusa, enjoying his victim.


Fasts, mortifications, silicon, asks the anchorite or penitent at the dawn laughing and then all ends suck between the storm and the orgy when the sun goes tired in the west ...


What time does not wear? And they were lower than the rough grandparents our dear parents; worse than they are us; and withered decadence between liquor and tragedy follow us a vicious offspring.


"How different offspring, -of how another family! -,

Punic blood that stains in the seas of Sicily,

Which to Piros and Antiochus of a single set prostrates,

And the formidable Hannibal until the end because he braves ".

"Virile breed of rustic soldiers, taught

To remove the clods with the mattock Sabellic,

Though guys obedient to a severe mother,

That his command were carrying, in the last hour ".


"From day huge logs cut for home,

When loose weary oxen yokes,

The sun sinks into the shadows eddies night,

And resting the farmstead rests friend ".


Today everything has gone; this poor humanity full of so much bitterness has degenerated with the abominable vice of alcohol. And who are those fools who intend to negotiate with Satan? Hark! friends: with the sinister demon Algol is not possible to make compromises, arrangements, shenanigans, of any kind. Alcohol is very treacherous and sooner or later gives us the backstabbing.


Many people of THELEMA (Will) drink only one glass another daily, wonderful scam, right?


Arrangement? ¿Cronyism? Cake? Inexperienced people of life; certainly speaking to them in Socratic language we could say that not only ignore but also ignore that they ignore.


The atoms of the secret enemy similar to microscopic fractions of glass, with the passing of time and among so very subtle and disguised drunkenness, embedding go inside living cells of the human organism ...


So well they are known by the divine and human that the demon Algol takes over the human body very slyly and slowly, until finally any given day plunges us into the abyss of drunkenness and madness.


Gnostic students listen well; at the light of the sun or moon, day or night, with the demon Algol must be radical! Any composure, transaction, diplomacy or negotiation with that evil spirit is doomed to failure sooner or later.


Remember devotees of the secret path that the fatal axis of the painful wheel of Samsara is moistened with alcohol.


It is written with words of fire in the Book of all Mysteries with alcohol demons resuscitate, Selves already dead, those abominable brutal and animalistic creatures that personify our psychological errors.


Since the liquor is related to the Tattwa Vayu (the air element), drinking it we fall like the inverted pentalfa, head down and legs up in the abyss of destruction and dreadful cries. (See Chapter 13).


The bottomless pit from which smoke rises like a great furnace, reeks of alcohol.


That woman of Revelation of St. John dressed in scarlet, and decked with gold, precious stones and pearls and having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication drinks alcohol; that is the Great Whore whose number is 666.


Unlucky religious guide, priest, mystic or prophet who make the mistake of getting drunk with abominable alcohol! ...


It's okay to work for the salvation of Souls, teach the Doctrine of the Lord, more truly, I say it's not fair to throw rotten eggs against those who follow you.


Priests, anchorites, mystics, missionaries who love you teach the people, why do you scandalized them?

Know ye not that to scandalize to people equals to disrespect them to throwing tomatoes and rotten eggs? ...


When are you going to understand this? ...

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The experience of daily life has come to prove conclusively that excessive excitation light and sound regrettably dulls the wonderful organs of sight and hearing. The wise law of the concomitants allows us to infer logically that the continuous exchange of mood rays, depletes both soul and body.


Man as a microcosm requires, walking according to all those living rhythms of infinite space that sustain the Universe firm in its march.


Like the stars in the firmament come and go within their orbits without hindering each other and therefore having their proportional luminosities, so husband and wife should proceed to unite sexually periodically.


Even if it were impossible for certain spouses have separate bedrooms, there is an infallible remedy for avoiding magnetic repletion, and since it would be very serious silence that, we give the formula: "It cohabits once or twice a week and try not to interrupt the flowing vital electricity carefully avoiding the abominable spasm."


From Hutten, are these verses:


"It is Biweekly duty

that beam toward women,

that neither you nor me hurts,

and one hundred four year awards. "


Write Zoroaster to his devoteds: Man must cohabit with the woman every nine days; for this woman to do the Lord nine times every morning the question: "Tell me, my master, what I do today. Your will is law. "


The wise legislator Solon awarded to women the right to be covered by the man three times in the course of four weeks.

The men who have gone beyond the age of fifty are advised to obey simply the Creative Magnetic Pause that Nature establishes in their physiology of Eros.


These people even want to practice Sexual Magic should know bide his time; it would be absurd to violate sexual organs or perform copulation with a deficient erection.


In no way should worry the elderly; It is ostensible that Nature also establishes in them their "plus" and sexual "minus", their periods of activity and rest.


Magnetic creative pause also solves the somewhat deficient development of the genitals and the chakras or sympathetic plexus supplied by them.


The wise Waldemar says:


"In the preparatory period energy of the mass potency are waste, and the consequence is that by frequent repetition of such extravagance, an empty interior and growing discontent occurs".


"The magnetic pause is necessary for the replacement of intake."


"Often, however, goes a participant so far as to interpret this pause as deficiency in love and conjugal desire, then forcing his partner, in morbid vanity, to show their willing deference with new displays of arousal."


"Forcibly has repeatedly give clear Sensual Fire flames; the other would have no other choice, then, but escape into mimic representation of no more excitable or experimental sensations. As a result, it will increase the psychic diversion, until thickened so repulsion and despair, which are no longer avoidable vehement disputes. "


"Shame and hatred of those affected increases, which leads to psychic disturbance and thus conversion of marriage into a curse. The culprit here is called ignorance and non-use of Magnetic Creative Pause ".


Magnetic exchange in sexual intercourse is manifested especially positive when husband and wife unite with the evident purpose of not exceeding the sexual climax, that is, not reaching orgasm.


Then they have both husband and wife, of electric forces, sexual, prodigious, with which they can reduce to ashes all the psychic aggregates which together constitute what is called Ego, I, Myself, itself.




In the case of projections of Eidolon and supra-sensitive travel outside the physical body, we have much to say.


In moments when I write these pages come to my extraordinary events, wonderful memory.


Reviewing old chronicles of my long existence, with the tenacity of a monk in his cell, Eliphas Levi arises.


One night, out of the dense form, I walked everywhere invoking the soul of the deceased who in life was called Abbe Luis Alfonso Constans (Eliphas Levi).


Obviously I found him sitting at an old desk in the august hall of an ancient palace.


Politely he rose from his armchair to respectfully attend to my salutations.


"I come to ask you a great service, I said I want you to give me a key to exit in Astral Body instantly whenever I need it."


"Gladly, he replied the abbe, but first I want you to bring me tomorrow the next lesson: what is the most monstrous thing that exists on earth?".


- "Give me the key now please"...


-"Do not! You bring me the lesson and will gladly give you the key."


The problem that the Abbe had raised me was turned into a real puzzle, because there are so many monstrous things that exist in the world, which frankly was no solution.


I walked through the streets of the city observing, trying to discover the most monstrous and when I thought I had found, then arose something worse; suddenly a ray of light illuminated my understanding.


Ah!,I said, I see. The most monstrous must be in accordance with the Law of Analogies of Opposites, the antipode of the greatest...


Well!, but what it is the greatest thing that exists on the sorrowful face of this afflicted world?


Then came to my translucent the Mountain of Skulls, bitter Golgotha ​​and the great Kabir Jesus dying on a cross for love of all suffering humanity...


Then I said: "Love is the greatest thing that exists on earth! Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! now I've discovered the secret: hatred is the antithesis of the greatest ".


It is clearly the solution of the complex problem; It is now undoubted that I should get back in touch with Eliphas Levi.


Projecting again the Eidolon again was for me a matter of routine, it is clear that I was born with that precious faculty.

If sought a special key, did not so much for my insignificant worthless person, but by many others who crave the unfolding conscious and positive.


Travelling with the Eidolon or Double Magic far from the physical body, I walked by several European countries seeking to Abbe; but it appeared nowhere.


Unusually suddenly I felt a telepathic call, and entered in a luxurious mansion; there was the Abbe but...


Oh! Surprise! Wonder! What is this? Eliphas converted into a child and placed between his crib. A truly unusual case, right?


Very softly with deep veneration I approached the baby saying:


"Master I bring the lesson; the most monstrous thing that exists on earth is hate. Now I want you to keep what you promised me, give me the key "...


But to my astonishment, that boy kept quiet while I despaired without comprehending that "Silence is the eloquence of Wisdom".


Once in a while desperate I took it between my arms, imploring, but all in vain, the creature seemed the Sphinx of Silence.


How long would this? I do not know! In eternity there is no time, and the past and the future join in an eternal now.


Finally, I feeling disappointed, let the boy from his crib and that went out from very sad from that decrepit manor.


Gone are the days, months and years and I continued to feel defrauded; I felt as if the Abbe had not kept his word so solemnly pledged; more an ordinary day he came to me the light. Then I remembered that phrase from the Kabir Jesus: "Let the children come unto me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


Ah! I understand, I told myself. It is urgent and indispensable reconquer childhood in mind and heart. "Until not you are like children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."


That return, that come back to the original starting point, is not possible without first having died in Himself; The Essence, the Consciousness is unfortunately bottled up into all those psychic aggregates that its tenebrous set constitute the Ego.


Only by annihilating such left and dark aggregates can the Essence awaken in a state of primeval innocence.


When all subconscious elements have been reduced to cosmic dust, the Essence is liberated. Then we reconquer lost childhood.


Novalis says: "Consciousness is the very essence of man in complete transformation, Being Primitivo Celeste".


It is manifestly clear that when awakened consciousness, the problem of splitting voluntary ceases to exist.


After I had thoroughly understood all these processes of the human psyche, the Abbe in the higher worlds brought me delivering the second part of the royal key.


Certainly this was a series of mantric sounds with which one can consciously and positively carry out the projection of Eidolon. For the benefit of our Gnostic students should establish didactically intelligent succession of these magic sounds.


a) A long and delicate whistle similar to a bird.


b) Intonation "A" (AAAAA) vowel lengthening the sound with the note "D" of the musical scale.( adding the R before the A)


c) Singing the "R" making it resonate with the musical note B, the child's voice imitating acutely, something like the sharp sound of a grinder or too fine and subtle engine (rrrrrrr).


d) Sound the "S" in a very delicate way as a delicate like a sweet and gentle whistle (sssssss).


Clarification: "a" is a real and effective whistle. Point "d" is just like a whistle...



Lie down gnostic student dead man's position: supine (face up).


Open up the toes as fans touching by the heels. Arms along the body; all the physical vehicle well relaxed. Lulled into deep meditation devotee often sing the magic sounds.




These mantras are closely related to the Elemental Department of Birds and is ostensible that the latter effectively assist the devotee by helping in the work of splitting.


Each bird is the physical body of an elemental and they always assist the neophyte provided upright conduct.


If the aspirant longs assistance Elemental Department of Birds, must learn to love them. Those who commit the crime of locking the creatures of Heaven in abominable cages, will never receive that help.


Nourish the birds of the sky, turn on liberator of these creatures, open the doors of their prisons and you will be assisted by them.


When I first experienced with the royal key, after intoning the mantras, I felt floaty and light as if something had penetrated into the Eidolon.


Obviously I not waited for lifted me out of bed; I myself left the bed; I got up voluntarily and walked slowly left home; the innocent elementals of the friendly birds tucked into my Astral Body helped me in the split.




We have discussed in this chapter the two fundamental aspects of the royal key.


Full and absolute development of these two parts of the big key, will allow us the split or astral projection at will in conscious and positive form.


Those truly yearn to become experimenters of the great realities in the higher worlds, must develop within themselves the two aspects of the big key.


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                                                                           TATTWIC  POWERS



For the good of the Great Cause I will now transcribe in this chapter two extraordinary accounts of Sri Swami Sivananda:


                                                                              yogi Bhusunda


"Yogi Bhusunda among yogis is considered as an Chiranjeevi. He was a Master in the science of Pranayama. It is said that this Yogi constructed in the western part of Kalpa vriksha, located on top of Mahamera, a huge den where he lived. "


"This Yogi was Trikala Jnani and could be in Samadhi for a long time. He had obtained the supreme Santi and Jnana and in this state enjoyed the happiness of his own Being always as a Chiranjivi ".


"He had full knowledge of the five Dharanas and had given evidence of mastery over the five elements through the practice of concentration."


"It is said that when the twelve Adytyas burned the world with its shining rays, he could through his Apas Dharana reach the Akasha, and when the fierce gale blow to blow up the rocks into pieces, he will stay in the Akasha by means of Agni Dharana. Moreover, when the world along with the Mahamera sinking into the water, he will float through the Vayu Dharana.



So far this wonderful story of Swami Sivananda. It is obvious that the yogi Bhusunda had to practice intensively the Ritual PANCATATTWA.

Let us now look carefully the second story of the Guru-Deva Sivananda




"Milarepa was one of those souls who are deeply impressed by understanding the transient nature of worldly existence and the suffering and misery in which beings are immersed."


"It seemed that existence, from this point of view, it was like a huge bonfire where living creatures were consumed."


"Faced with such disconcerting pain he felt in his heart that he was unable to perceive some of the celestial happiness enjoyed by Brahma and Indra in heaven, but much less still felt earthly joys and delights of the profane world."


"Moreover, He felt himself deeply captivated by the vision of immaculate purity and chaste beatitude described in the state of perfect freedom and attainable Omniscience in Nirvana, to the point that he could not waste his life in search of something a long time he had discarded dedicated, with full faith, depth of mind and heart and filled the Pervading Love and sympathy of all creatures ".


"Having obtained transcendental knowledge in the control of the ethereal and spiritual nature of the mind, he was able to give demonstrations of it, and to that end could fly through the sky, walk and relax in the air."


"He was able also to produce flames and bring forth water from his body, becoming the object desires, demonstrations were able to convince the disbelievers and render them religious paths."


"Milarepa was perfect in the practice of the four states of meditation, and through them could project his subtle body to the point of being present presiding yogic councils in twenty different places, in which assemblies of Gods and Angels celebrated, equal to clouds of spiritual communion."


"He was able to dominate Gods and Elementals placing to his immediate command in the performance of their duties."


"Perfect Adept of supernatural Tattwics Powers, had the grace to go through and visit innumerable sacred paradises and heavens of the Buddhas, which by virtue of its Omni-absorbing acts and never surpassed devotion, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas governing these sacred places he was favored allowing to express about the Dharma, sanctifying his return by the vision of those celestial worlds and stay in such dwellings. "





Far away from here, this my beloved Mexican homeland, traveling in other ways, I was carried away by the winds of fate to that ancient South American city in pre-Columbian times Bacatá be called, in typical Chibcha language. Bohemian and taciturn city with Creole mentality of the nineteenth century city; smoky town in the deep valley...


Wonderful city in which a certain poet said: "City Tour Bacatá in the rain like a carousel uneven; the neurasthenic city that covers its hours with scarves of cloud."


Then had started the First World War ... What times, my God! What times! Better now to exclaim with Ruben Dario: "Youth, divine treasure, you are going to not return, when I wanted to mourn not cry and sometimes I cry without wanting".


How much sorrow I still feel remembering so many friends now already dead! The years have passed...


That was the time of Bohemian toast and Julio Florez; years they were fashionable Lope de Vega and Gutierrez de Cetina.

So who he wanted to boast of intelligent recited between drinks that sonnet of Lope de Vega, which literally says:


"A sonnet Violante sends to me,

in my life I have been in such a predicament,

fourteen verses say it's sonnet,

mocking taunt go three ahead.


I thought not find consonant

and I'm in the middle of another quartet,

But if I see myself in the first triplet,

There is nothing in the quartets that terrify me.


For the first triplet I'm going,

and even I presume that went right foot,

I end with this verse because I'm giving.


Already on the second and even suspect,

I am the thirteen verses finishing,

Declare if you are fourteen and it is done. "


It is clear that in that creole environment that sleepless  bards concluded this kind of declamations shouts of admiration and bursts of applause.


Those were the days of the "toast of bohemian" years when knights were played even life for any lady down the street pass through...


Someone introduced me to a friend of sparkling intellectuality much given to metaphysical studies: Roberto was his name and his last name if I shut up do with the obvious intention not to hurt feelings.


Illustrious scion of a representative of the Department before the National Chamber of that country.


With the glass of fine baccarat in his right hand, drunk with wine and passion, declaiming that bard of tangled hair that protruded everywhere to intellectuals, in shops, pubs and cafes.


It certainly was something to admire in the young man's prodigious erudition possessed; as soon he commented Juan Montalvo and his seven treatises as he recited the triumphal march of Ruben Dario...


However, there were more or less long pauses in his stormy life; sometimes he locked himself seemed to repent and long hours day after day in the national library.


Often I advised him to abandon forever the abominable vice of alcohol, more than anything served my advice eventually returned the young man to their old ways.


It happened that an ordinary night while my physical body lay asleep in the bed, I had a very interesting astral experience: with eyes of dread saw myself before an horrendous precipice facing the sea, and looking into the abysmal darkness I observed small light vessels sails approaching the cliffs.


Marine shouts and noise of anchors and oars allowed me to verify that those small crafts had reached the gloomy shore.


And I saw lost souls, left, creepy, frightening people, disembarking threatening...


Vain shadows ascending to the summit where Roberto and I were!


He terrified the young man threw himself headlong into the deep abyss falling like the inverted pentalpha and finally disappearing into the stormy waters.


I cannot deny that I did the same, but instead of sinking between those waters of the Ponto, I floated deliciously whilst in space smiled me a star.


It is clear that this astral experience impressed me vividly; I knew the future that awaited him my friend.


Years passed and I continued my journey along the path of life, I walked away from that smoky Bohemian city...


Much later, beyond time and distance, traveling along the coast of the Caribbean Sea, I arrived at the port of Rio del Hacha, now the capital of the Guajira Peninsula. Sandy tropical village streets at the sea’s shore; hospitable and charitable people face sunburned...


I could never forget those guajiras Indian dressed in such beautiful tunics screaming everywhere: Carua! Carua! Carua "! (carbon).


"Piracá! Piracá! Piracá! "(Come here) ladies exclaimed from the door of every house in order to buy the necessary fuel.


"Haita Maya" (I love you) says the Indian when he seduces India. "Ai Macai pupura" answers her as saying: days come and go days.


There are unusual cases in life, tremendous surprises; one of them was for me the encounter with the bard knew that before in the city of Bacatá.


Declaiming that came to me in the street, drunk with wine ... as always ... and highs in the most dreadful misery.


It is clear that this luminary of intellect had degenerated shockingly with the vice of alcohol.


Vain were all my efforts to get him out of vice; He walked every day from bad to worse.


New Year was approaching; drums resounded everywhere inviting people to parties, dances that were held in many houses, the orgy.

Certain days when sitting under the shade of a tree in deep meditation, I had to leave my ecstatic state upon hearing the voice of the poet...


Roberto had arrived barefoot, gaunt face and body semi-naked; my friend was now a beggar; the ego of alcohol had become him a beggar.


Staring at me and extending his right hand said:


- "Give me alms."


- "What do you want alms?"


- "To raise the money to allow me to buy a bottle of rum."


-"I'm sorry friend; Believe me I would never cooperate for vice. You leave the path of perdition. "


Once said these words that shadow withdrew silent and morose.


Night came New Year; that Bard of disheveled hair wallowed like pigs in the mud drinking and begging from orgy to orgy ... completely losing his mind under the disgusting effects of alcohol, he got into a brawl; something told and told, and it is clear that they gave tremendous thrashing.


After the police intervened with the sound purpose of ending the thrashing and as is obvious in all these cases the bard went to jail.


The epilogue to this tragedy whose author was naturally the I

(ego) of alcohol is really macabre and creepy as that poet was hanged; They say those who saw what the next day found him hanging by the neck in the same bars of the cell.


The funeral parlor were magnificent and many people attended the cemetery to bid farewell to the bard.


After all this, very sorry I had to continue my journey, away from that seaport.


Later, I decided to investigate directly the disembodied friend in the astral world.


This kind of metaphysical experiments can be performed by projecting the Magic Double EIDOLON or Double Magic about which spoke a lot Paracelsus.


To leave the dense form certainly did not cost me any work; the experiment was wonderful.


Floating with the EIDOLON in the astral atmosphere of planet Earth, I entered through the gigantic doors of a large building. I stood at the foot of the bleachers leading to the upper floors; I could verify a fork of the steps as he approached the base.


I cried with a loud voice pronouncing the name of the deceased!  then I waited patiently for the results ...


The latter certainly not left waiting long; I was surprised by a large crowd of people who descended precipitously either side of the derivative staircase. All that crowd arrived near to me and surrounded me: "Roberto, my friend! Why do you kill yourself? "


I knew that all these people were Roberto, but not someone address was not found a responsible subject, an individual...


I had before me a pluralized Ego, a bunch of devils, my friend disembodied not enjoy a permanent center of Conscience:


Concluded the experiment when that legion of Selves retired derived ascending the staircase.

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"Resounded kettledrums and shouts erupted in the crowd. But the Tetrarch dominated all the noise with his voice:


Aha! Aha! Yours will be Capernaum! And the plain of Tiberias! Half of my kingdom!


Then she suddenly dropped to the ground and swung her heels in the air and several meters ahead on hands, like a large beetle.


Then she jumped to his feet and looked intently now to Herod. She had painted carmine lips and black eyebrows, and her eyes flashed with dangerous glare, gushing on her forehead glistening droplets.


Intently they watched Herod and Salome each other, until from the gallery Herodias fingers snapping.


Salome then smiled showing her white and firm teeth and whispered like a modest and shy maiden.


"I want ... in a source the head of... (She had forgotten the name); and smiled again, clearly said, The head of John! "


She found herself perhaps somewhat angry with the beloved, and did beheaded; more when he contemplated the beloved head on the plate, she cried and went mad and died of erotic delirium ".


Horrifying intimate battle in the psyche of Salome; the Ego of despite in its abominable decadence dragging others Selves.


Nauseating triumph of the homicidal devil ... horror ... horror.


Herod feared the crowd because they regarded John as a prophet. In Chapter XI of Matthew's Gospel he speaks of John the Baptist as a true Jina, a Celestial Man, a Demigod, superior to the prophets, as Jesus himself says of him:


"Verily I say he is much more than a prophet, because that is who it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, that goes before you go clearing and rigging the way.


Among men born of women, there not rose a greater than him, although he is less than lower in the kingdom of Heaven and  you would want to  receive him, know that he is Elijah who tells us must come ... He who has ears to hear, let him hear. "


These words of the great Kabir Jesus link the two great Hebrew characters into one.


John the Baptist beheaded by the lustful Salome, was indeed the vivid reincarnation of Elijah, the prophet of the Most High.


At that time the Nazarenes were known as Baptists, Sabeans and Christians of Saint John; the error of such people was in the absurd belief that the Kabir Jesus was not the Son of God, but simply a prophet who wanted to follow John.


Origins (Vol. II, page 150) observes that "there are some who say that John the Baptist that he was the Anointed One (Christus)".


"When the conceptions of the Gnostics, who saw in Jesus the Logos and the anointed, began to gain ground, the primitive Christians separated from the Nazarenes, who accused unjustly to the Hierophant Jesus of perverting the doctrines of John and change to another Baptism in the Jordan." (Codex Nazarenus, II p. 109).


Salome naked, intoxicated with wine and passion, with the innocent head of John the Baptist in his erotic arms, dancing before the King Herodias, made her shiver the lands of Tiberias, Jerusalem, Galilee and Capernaum ...

But we, we should not be scandalized much, Salome lies very hidden in the background of many women ... you know ... And that no man presume to perfect because in each is hiding a Herod.


Killing is obviously the most destructive and most corrupt act known on planet Earth.


It is written in the book of all mysteries that not only kill with knives, firearms, hanging or poison, there are many that kill with a contemptuous look, with an ironic smile or with a shout of laugher; with a letter or with ingratitude and calumny.


Truly I say the world is full of uxoricides, matricides, parricide, fratricide, etc., etc., etc.


You need to love much and wisely copulate with the beloved if we really want to reduce to cosmic dust the murderous devil, by the omnipotent spear of Eros.




Among the incessant crackle of the Omnipresent, Omnipenetrating, and Omnimerciful Cosmic Fohat, also arise naturally frightening fleshly temptations and unspeakable in the manner of the great Gnostic Patriarch St. Augustine, who had visions on the cross of a delicious naked woman.


It is written in the book of splendors with burning fire characters: "Real knowledge and wise identification with all the infinite possibilities of sex, is not to mean for the wise a fall in the world of instincts and illusions, but precisely such familiarization and profound knowledge must lead to the intimate self-realization."


The initiate, that in sexuality intelligently seeks the extraordinary potency of the eternal principle and creator, and passes from the domination of passivity to the domination of the activity, a well understood action that dominates the sexual energies...


This knowledgeable, obviously it is in a position to awake consciousness through the death of the animal Ego.


In the field of practical life we ​​could verify to satiety that those who depart from the sexual question to live the superior life of the heart qualifying as taboo anything that might have erotic flavor, sooner or later come to experience suddenly and so unexpected boredom and despair.


Then it is manifestly clear the result in of the lowest Selves submerged that previously seemed dormant and as dead suddenly become active and all such spiritual bliss so hard-won becomes infernal scruple.


That sublime hope of rest in the divine then thrown suddenly looks like and what shone as eternal harmony turns into the abyss of a vain chimera.


For this reason, the man who wants to achieve genuine liberation must never be lulled into a false sense of security. It is urgent to learn to live dangerously from instant to instant, from moment to moment.


The true direct, mystical, transcendental knowledge will certainly be impossible as long as inner conflicts are taken.


We need to grab the devil by the horns; it is essential to steal the torch of fire to Typhon Baphomet, the goat of Mendez.

"The Viparithakarani esoteric teaches how the yogi slowly rises the semen, by concentration, so that men and women can achieve Vajroli".


"Explicit manner is designated as" holy "the woman in the sexual act; she must be in a position to equally transform the fire of her sexual power and allow its lead to higher centers of the body. "


Pushing up the semen in the body, ie, making it flow back inwards and upwards instead of spilling, reversing drops profane and profaners intended to the woman's uterus, becomes active the ethereal flame of semen, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers through which we can and must reduce to dust the animal Ego.


In the ANANGARANGA of KAYANAMALLA we have found the following Tantric asana type.



The man plant knees and leans over the woman lying on his back. There are ten varieties of this position, which is generally preferred.


a) The man places on his shoulders legs of woman lying on her back, and cohabits while leaning toward her.


b) The woman lies on her back, the man stands between his legs and raises these so they touch your chest, and cohabit with women.


c) A woman leg remains extended on the carpet or bed, and the other is in the act on the man's head; is a particularly stimulating position of erotic sensation.


d) The Kama-Rad position: located between the legs of the woman, the man widens his hands as much as possible her arms.


e) During the sexual act, the woman both legs upward until the man's chest, who is placed between her thighs. It is one of the preferred positions by connoisseurs of the art of loving.


f) The man kneels before the woman lying on her back, then shoves his hands down her back, and raises it to him, so that women can in turn attract him with his arms bound to his neck.


g) The man is between the hips and pillow woman's head, so that the body of this stands in an arc. He knelt on a cushion, performs the act, whose highly appreciated way experience the greatest enjoyment both participants.


h) While the woman lies on her back, cross her legs and feet slightly raised; stance strongly stokes the fire of love

i) The woman lying on the bed or carpet placed one leg over the shoulder of partner taking the other extended.


j) The man rises after the introduction of the member, the legs of the woman lying on her back, and pressed her hips tightly.


In the VIPARITAKARANI it is said: "This practice is the most excellent, the cause of liberation for the yogi; this practice brings health to the Yogi and grants perfection."


"The Vira-Sadhaka or Heruka considers the Universe itself as the place of liberation, he knows how to live wisely; with the sight landed in the infinite Truth, is above fear and censorship by the evidence of Saham (I am she, that is the potency, undoubtedly penetrated by her) free of any link to Samsara, master of his senses, proceeding to PANCATATTWA RITUAL".


"This word designates the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth are reputed as the various principles of the manifestation of SHAKTI (KUNDALINI). In the five are contain the Cosmic potency and Vira-Sadhaka has to perform the task of reviving the primal nature of those elements as an act of potency in order to advance to the Firstborn of Creation, to own Shiva ".


A clearly highlights quite clearly pinpoint the intrinsic necessity of a stepped to the transcendental principles of universal life promotion. Such advancement must have by basic the organic nature of the subject.


With respect to the organic subject, ether is closely related to women or sex trade (MAITHUNA), the air with wine (MADYA), fire with flesh (MANSA), water with the fish (MATSYA) and land with cereals (MUDRA).


So by the intelligent enjoyment of the five "M" (woman, wine, meat, fish and cereals), is invoke the potency (Shakti) of the elements it, updating itself here and now.


The Pancatattwa enables Shakti-Puja (ie the gnostic cult of the Divine Mother Kundalini Shakti).


The wonderful flashes of MAHA-KUNDALINI are contained in all the properties of the five elements of Nature. We urgently need to turn those flashes into flames within ourselves.


By ritual Pancatattwa is unquestionable that the hidden inner divinity even when is not placed within the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, consciously extends its intimate energy with the evident purpose of helping the Essence in the process of awakening...


We clearly know that the five elements are various forms of one potency and, therefore, they are seeking to attract the inner life of the Intimate Being to attach to the outer life, the immanent with the transcendent to thereby be recognized here and now the Being.


We need to learn to live intensely from moment to moment in the world of the five elements.


Karma-Yoga, the path of the straight line, it has by base the Law of Balance.


How we could exercise sovereign mastery the power over the Akashic Tattva excluding Sahaja Maithuna (Sexual Magic)?


They say Indian traditions that Rama Krishna did sit Saradalevi on the throne of the Divine Mother within the temple and began, the pair sang the hymn to Devi Kundalini with the ancestral ritual ceremony that culminates in the famous Shorashi Puja, worship of the woman. Hes and hers during the Maithuna arrived at Samadhi ... So you get ply all power over the Akashic Tattva...


It is written with words of fire in the book of the splendors that the power of the SOLAR LOGOS is not in the brain or the heart or any other organ of the body, but only in the sexual organs, the phallus and in Uterus.


In no way could we develop in our inner constitution the Akashic powers if make the mistake to fornicate or hate the sex or commit adultery. "All sin will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit (sex) ..."

(must be understand that fornication is the lost of the Christ in Substance that is contained in the Seed, this means that is not necessarily to be bound by marriages ties marriage does not give you the license to spill out the Semen: that is the water of life that man and woman both carry on their living constitution, as well the sin forgiveness of all sins but against the Holy Spirit must be understood that the Holy Spirit is  the giver of life the Third Logos since that the first Logos is the Father and the Son the Second Logos and that statement of forgiveness comes from the Holy book )


Once, finding myself outside the physical body, I asked my Divine Mother Kundalini the following question: Is it possible that there in the physical world there is someone who can self-realization without Sexual Magic? The answer was terrible, awful. "Impossible my son, that's not possible." I was very impressed and touched in the depths of the soul...


And what shall we say about the Vayu Tattwa, air element? What is your relationship with the fruit of the vine? It is obvious that no drunkard could acquire the wonderful powers of Vayu Tattwa ... It is manifestly clear that the pure and without ferment of any kind is used successfully in the Ritual of PancaTattwa...


How does or how we could acquire the miraculous powers of the Tattwa Tejas igneous if we make the mistake of giving carnivores elements? Unfortunately human crowds or become radical vegetarians or become almost cannibalistic.


And what would we say about the Apas Tattva and its formidable powers? It is obvious that in fish the secret that allows us to control storms and walk on water is; unfortunately the people or hate seafood or abuse them.


How could we conquer the powers of Tattva Prithvi, the earth element, if we hate cereals, vegetables and plants or if we abuse of these foods?


From this it follows that all elements, both the earth and the flesh, are in essence absolutely pure. When the Vira enjoys pleasure without a personal dye mixture, it is revealed in sex the original cause of the Cosmos, the world of phenomena, the world of Maya.


Currents tattwa found in the Cosmos in line with the structure of forces and produce the evolution and devolution of the Universe, are manifested as a boundary of creation and the firstborn of Nature, so that an immense power rises and transforms the will of the Vira, who henceforth burns in the grill of Maha-Kundalini.


The wise writer Waldemar reads in one of his works:


"Prana, the sixth fundamental force not only effective in men, but is the vital principle of every being existing in the Universe."


"Prana is what is called the breath of God and resulting in organisms vital manifestations. For the enjoyment of the five elements of Ritual Pancatattwa are invigorated as it powers to flash in the sixth principle in the constitution of beings, that is in the Lingam-Sarira, the Ethereal Body. "


"If you know give due attention to the true nature of the will awakened by this flash, to capture it with conscious awareness and not just imaginatively but holding it with all the Intimate Being, a transport of transcendental order is made".


Unquestionably, the sparkle of wine, woman, meat, etc., after rotating the chakras of the vital body, come to update the superior forces of the Soul: Atman-Buddhi-Manas.


"In order that the dark mass of Tamas (latent power) is exceeded in its chaotic and inert state, they should be brought special moments of ecstatic emotion: the individual comes out of it somehow, and resources of wine and the act sexual play a decisive role here."


This exit out of it is, in the sense itself properly understood, one entering the force of the elements.


Tattwas currents found in the Cosmos are obviously subordinate to SHAKTI, to the POTENCY. Updated the power of the five elements in the living depths of the soul, it is clear that we become masters of the Tattvas. Then we can, if we want, to immortalize the physical body, pass through fire without getting burned, walk on water, calm or unleash storms, float in the air, unleash hurricanes, through any rock or mountain from side to side without receive the least harm, uttering words that numb or enchant venomous snakes, etc., etc., etc.


Om! Obedient to the Goddess, who resembles a snake asleep on the Swayambbulingam and wonderfully ornate, enjoys the beloved and other raptures. She is captivated by the wine and radiates like millions of rays. She will be awakened by air and fire, by the mantras Yam and Dram and by the mantra Hum (during sexual magic).


In the pronunciation of the mantra KRIM a great imagination must be used. It is necessary to infuse energy and transform it into magical force.


Such mantra is not only used in Sexual Magic, is ostensible that it forms part of the whole living Ritual Pancatattwa.


The Gnostic Vira when drinking wine or eating meat or fish or cereals, pronounces the mantra Krim (mentally) and intensifies your imagination so that the whole universe seems be filled by the Blessed Mother Goddess of the World.

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With the Sahaja Maithuna (Sexual Magic) as practiced in schools of White Tantrism, the potency of the will be infinitely multiplied by unleashing and omnipotent update of subtle nervous currents.


 The delicious paroxysm of sexual union is not only a reflection of Tamas, according to Tantra; we need to inquire, investigate.


In the paroxysm of delight we should discover directly the cosmic and creative synthesis of Shiva (the Holy Spirit) and Shakti (his Divine Spouse Kundalini).


While the common and ordinary intellectual animal is overcome fatally by the abominable concupiscence and kidnapped by the passionate affection, in a word, suffering in the enjoyment for the vile consummation of pleasure, the esoteric Gnostic in ecstasy during intercourse, penetrates victorious in the region of the Monads in the splendid world of Tattva Anupadaka.


The before grade to that world of Anupadaka is the extraordinary principle of the potency that is in the domain of space, time and causality, and is called Akasha Tattwa. (The abode of Atman-Buddhi-Manas).

It is written with golden words in the book of all splendors that sexual paroxysm is Proto-Tatwico.


The game of extraordinary vibrations begins during the Maithuna with the Tattva of Gold, PRITVI, the magnificent ether of the perfumed earth keeping exact match with our physical body.


Continues the harp, delight vibrations, making shake the Water of Universal Life APAS, the Ens Seminis.


The breath (Vayu) ostensibly alters and in the subtle atmosphere of the world resounds the lyre of Orpheus.


Sacred Flame TEJAS lights in the mysterious candlestick of the spine.


Now ... Oh Gods!, the knight (SUPERIOR MANAS) and his Lady (BUDDHI) ardently embrace in the region of pure Akasha shuddering with the Sexual Paroxysm.


But it is manifestly clear that Akasha is only a bridge of wonders and prodigies between PRITVI Tattwas (Earth) and ANUPADAKA (the World of Splendors).


The Sexual Paroxysm crosses the bridge of joy and enters the world of AZILUTH, the ANUPADAKA region, the abode of Shiva and Shakti, then He and She shine gloriously drunk with love.


Listen to me women: Shakti must be lived regally during intercourse as Maya-Shakti (Female-Eva-Goddess) can be achieved only thus successfully the consubstantiation of Love in the psycho-physiological realism of your nature.

The gnostic male during the Sahaja-Maithuna (Sexual Magic), must personify Shiva (the Holy Spirit) and feel flooded with this marvelous strength from the Third Logos.


Kalyanamalla refers repeatedly to "compliance with the code of love is much more difficult than the profane imagines."


"The preliminary enjoyments are already complicated; it has to be employed in the art exactly according to the precepts, to revive the passion of women in the same way that a fire is kindled, and her Yoni turn softer, elastic and ideal becomes the loving act."


"The Anangaranga attaches great importance to both components of the couple let not enter any cool, tedium, or satiety in their common life, in their relations by consummating their love with devotion and dedication.


The shape of the sexual act, ie, the position in the same, is called Asana ".


To knowledge of some readers of a certain age, we transcribe in this chapter the position called tiryak.


"The tiryak position has three subdivisions, in which the woman always lies side."


a) "Man stands along with the woman, takes one of her legs and places it on her waist. Only with the fully developed woman can fully satisfy this position, which should be omitted with a young ".


b) "Man and woman they lie on their side, she must not move at all."


c) "Lying on his side penetrates the man between the hips of women, so that the thigh is found beneath him, while the other rests on his waist."


It is convenient to invoke KAMADEVA during the Sahaja Maithuna in the "Forge of Cyclops".


"KAMADEVA: Hindu God of Love Literally its name means God of Desire, and passes by son of Heaven and Illusion.".


"RATI, tenderness, is his wife, and VASANTA(the flowering season) his companion, who constantly carries his quiver with flowers on the tips of arrows".


"KAMADEVA had a visible figure, more like annoyed the Lord of Creation, Hara, in their practices, he reduced it to ashes with a glance; the Gods resuscitated, dripping nectar in them, and since then is called the disembodied.

He is represented riding on a parrot, his bow being sugar cane and bees same rope being formed.


The earthly couple Adam-Eve through Sahaja Maithuna (Sexual Magic), finds its correspondence to more human and more pure in the high divine couple Shiva-Shakti couple.


Homer has verified a description of the delicate and magical pair of loving embrace of the divine couple.


"Below them the germinating earth produced florid verdure, Lotuses, juicy clovers and hyacinths and saffron than tight, turgid and tender rose from the ground, and they lay there and crawled up the twinkling and golden clouds and the sparkling dew fell to the Earth".


Drunk by the wine of Love, wearing precious in the robes of the transcendent spirituality and crowned with flowers of bliss, we must seize the tremendous vibration of TATTWA ANUPADAKA during Sexual Paroxysm to supplicate the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers, delete of our lower nature the psychological defect that we have thoroughly understood in all regions of the subconscious.


This is how we die from moment to moment, from instant to instant; Only death brings forth the new( If seed does not die the plant does not born )



The wise Waldemar reads: "A contemporary of Brognoli, the Coleti priest, tells of a woman from his parish who came to him with her husband.


She was devout and good manners, but for ten years was beset by a certain spirit that day and night he suggested dishonest, and even when he slept not proceeded with her as an incubus, so it was not in any way a dream which she suffered.


More failed to obtain compliance, she remained unshakable. Thus, the exorcist had only to pronounce the "Praeceptum Leviticum" against the devil and on she was free of him.


In this case, says Waldemar, we see that when consciousness of one obsessed to the point has been imagined as a subterfuge the violation by the devil, or nearly a takeover against his will, can overcome the state through the process of expulsion the lascivious spirit by moral forces not yet tyrannized.


But if the incubus (the lascivious I), the lustful image created by the fantasy itself states unopposed to the end, the individual himself become incubus runs, split into two beings, a self-copulation. In this case the obsession generally ends in total insanity.


So he tried Grognoli in spring 1643 release in vain to an incubus to a girl of twenty years.


I went with her confessor he says to his home. Just we had entered it, the devil, who was devoted to his task, slipped. Then I spoke to the girl and she told me chapter and verse what made the devil with her.


From her story I soon realized that although she denied it, she had, however, an indirect conformity to the devil. Because when she noticed his approach by the dilation and live tingling of the affected parts, not seeking refuge in prayer and invoking God and the Holy Virgin in aid, nor the Guardian Angel, but was running into her room and tended in bed, so that malign could run his most comfortable and pleasantly task.


When I tried to wake her, in conclusion, a firm trust in God to free himself, he remained indifferent and without echo, I noticing a resistance rather, as if not want to be released.


I left, therefore, not without having given some prescriptions to their parents about discipline and control of his daughter's body by fasting and ablutions.


More not only were well visited women, says wise Waldemar. Brognoli was conducted in Bergamo to a young merchant of about twenty years old, who had to be pure emaciated skeleton, because he was tormented by a subcube.


For several months, as he lay in his bed, he had appeared to him the devil in the form of an extraordinarily beautiful girl he loved.


By shouting watching that figure, she had urged him to shut up, assuring him that it was indeed the same girl, and because his mother beat her, had run away from home, going to her lover.


He knew that this was not his Theresa but a goblin; however, after some discussion and some hugs, he took with her to bed.


Then said the figure, indeed, was not the girl, but a demon who loved him, one of his Selves hell and therefore joined him day and night.


This lasted for several months, until God delivered him through Brognoli, and he did penance for their sins. "


Through this unusual story is completely glaring and manifest the self- copulation with an ego-devil who had taken the form of the beloved woman.


It is unquestionable that the young man of ardent imagination and frightful lust had unconsciously used the ideo-plastic faculty to give subtle form to his beloved.


Thus came into existence a subcube I, a demon passionate with long hair and short ideas.


Obviously within that feminine Devil was bottled a good part of their consciousness.


Paracelsus says about it in his book "De origine morborum invisibilium Lit. III":


"Incubus and Subcubes have formed from the sperm of those who perform the imaginative unnatural act of masturbation (in thoughts or desires).


And because only comes from the imagination, not a genuine sperm (material) but a corrupt salt.


Only semen coming from an organ indicated by Nature for its development can germinate in the body.


When sperm does not come from appropriate matter (nutrient substrate), it will not produce anything good, but will generate something useless.


For this Incubus and Subcubes which originate from corrupt semen are harmful and useless as the natural order of things.


These germs formed in the imagination are born Heress Amore, which means a kind of love in which a man image a woman, or vice versa for copulation with the created imagine, in the sphere of his mind.


From this act comes the evacuation of an ethereal useless, unable to generate a creature, but in a situation of bringing larvae into existence.


Such imagination is the mother of an exuberant shamelessness which, pursued, can take impotent man and sterile a woman, as in the frequent practice of such a sick imagination lose a lot of true creative energy”.


Selves-larvae of lasciviousness are real thinking autonomous entities within which is bottled up a good percentage of Consciousness.


The Larvae about which speaks Paracelsus are nothing other than those cultivated forms of thought that owe their strength and existence solely to the  denatured imagination.

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The wise author of the book "Specimen of British Writers," Barnett, presents an extraordinary case of witchcraft:


"Fifty years ago he lived in a village in the county of Summerset an old woman who was generally regarded as a witch. His body was dry, and bent with age, walked with crutches. His voice was cavernous, mysterious but mock solemnity; from her eyes a piercing glare rested on who left him silent horror.


Suddenly a healthy young man, about twenty-one, from the same locality, was assaulted by a so persistent nightmare, that his health was affected and within three to four months, remained weak, pale and thin with all the symptoms of a life that she was running out.


Neither he nor any of his people doubted the cause and after holding council took the decision to wait him awake the witch.


So, the next night, at about half past eleven, caught a hold your peace and stealthy steps on the stairs.


Once he had reached the chilling being to the room, went at the foot of the bed, went up to her and slowly crawled toward the boy.


He left to do until she reached her knees, then grabbed her with both hands through his hair, having her subject with convulsive force, calling the pair to his mother, who slept in an adjoining room, so bring light.


While the mother was looking for her, they fought the boy and the unknown dark being, rolling both furiously on the floor until the first glimpse of the stairs, she pulled away with supernatural strength of the young and disappeared in a flash of sight.


The mother found her son standing, still panting from the effort and tufts of hair in both hands.


When I related the phenomenon, says Barnett- I asked curiously of where he got the hair. To which he replied: "I was clumsy in failing to hold her because it would have better demonstrated the identity of the person".


But in the turmoil of my feelings I did it fall to the ground, and the witch who owned the hair, he was careful not to appear more in my sight, or otherwise come bothering me at night, because he had taken a good spanking .


It is rare, added that while he grabbed and struggled with her, although I knew who was to be her breathing and her whole body seemed a lusty girl.


The man to whom this happened is still alive; He told me the episode more than once and therefore I can certify the authenticity of fact, think whatever you want about the cause. "


Commenting on the case wise Waldemar says: "This story contains two points of a lot of weight. First, the young man knew that his nightmare was because the witch who lived in the town, and also knew this witch, of his fleeting encounters happened during the day and of night in their astral visits.


Second, the witch bent with age and supported by crutches transformed after several months, during which he was weakening and wasting away, in the image of a lusty girl. Where it is to be found the cause of this apparent rejuvenation of old? To answer this question, saying Waldemar continues, we must have before it the mechanism of the Eidolon, the double. "


If the aura that surrounds and clog beings also represents an accurate reflection of your body, so that they are correspondingly contained exactly its flaws and weaknesses, the "double body" presents, so to speak, an increased evidence, which, for example, it is often manifested in serious injuries, so that they can feel pain in a limb amputated several years ago, and certainly as intense as if there was even the same.


This double invulnerable integrity is based on the creative principle that the form given by Nature, the congenital of Being, is contained in a kind of first germ.


In this, as in the acorn, it is contained the entire tree structure, is being hidden in his image.

Through many false actions and wanderings, it is reflected in the course of life the astral vibratory tissue that connects with the primitive body.


With respect to the primitive bodies would like to point out even the professor Hans Spemann, University of Edinburgh, obtained in 1955 the Nobel Prize for medicine and psychology, because verification in transcendental studies that in the early stages of embryonic development is an active sculptor of life, a chemical ideo-plastic that forms the protoplasm according to a predetermined image.


Based on these studies Spemann, Professor Oscar E. Schotte, of Yale University, he was able to verify, through his experiments with salamanders that the sculptor of life does not disappear in any way, as Spemann had course after the embryonic development time, but continues throughout the life of the individual.


A small piece of tissue from the accustomed wound of man, could, according to Prof. Schotte, to engraft and living and virgin land, entirely rebuilt identically whole body of the wounded man in question. Perhaps the experiments in the laboratories of homunculi lead someday to reinforce virtually unsuspected extent the theories of Professor Schotte ".


It is obvious that the abominable harpy of this story, by some unknown modus operandi for the common people, could suck or vampirize the vitality of the young to transplant her own "primitive body"; only then can scientifically explain the unusual rejuvenation of the body of the old woman.


It is unquestionable that the "Ideo-plastic Chemical" impregnated by the vitality of the young man, was able to reconstruct the valetudinarian body of the elderly.


While the life of the young man ran out dreadfully, the fatal old of left dark covens, regained his old youth.



Many of these abysmal harpies, caught in fragrant, have been captured with other procedures.


Some ancient traditions say: "If we put on the floor steel scissors open cross-shaped and if we water black mustard around this metallic instrument, any witch can be caught."


It is astonishing that some illustrious occultists ignore that these witches can elude the law of universal gravity!


Although it seems unlikely the news we emphasize the idea that this is possible getting into the physical body into the fourth dimension.

It is not in any way strange that these harpies stuck with her physical body within the unknown dimension can levitate and travel within seconds to anywhere in the world.


It is clear that they have secret formulas to escape the three-dimensional world of Euclid.


In strictly occult terms we may well qualify these sinister creatures as black Jinas.


The human organism certainly offers amazing possibilities. Remember dear readers to the execrable Celaeno and his filthy harpies, monsters with head and neck woman. Horrible big birds of the Strophade islands that are in the Ionian Sea.


Provide with huge claws, always have in the face the pale of hunger. Terrible furies that with their contact corrupt everything they touch and that before were beautiful maidens.


The main captain of these abominations is in Salamanca, Spain. There is the famous Castle of Klingsor (the hall of witchcraft), sanctuary of darkness opportunely cited by Richard Wagner in his Parsifal.


Bless my soul and Holy Mary! ... If people knew all this, seek the Castle of Klingsor by all those old streets of Salamanca...


But, well they are known by the divine and human that the Castle of the Black Grail is in the land of "Jinas" in the unknown dimension.


Tuesdays and Saturdays at midnight there those witch meet with their drones to celebrate their orgies.


When a harpy of these has been caught, good spanking or flogging has been given, since the poor people yet they not return good for evil...


We need to be understanding and instead of stalling in the mud of infamy, outdo such harpies through love, to get into the problem with courage and admonish with wisdom.


"Do not judge, for not being judged". "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and the measure you use, it will be measured".


"And why thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but do not notice the beam that is in thine own eye?"


"Or how do you say to your brother: let me take the speck out of your eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye?"


"Hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. "


"He who is without sin cast the first stone"...


Incredibly good to know that many honorable and even religious people carry inside the I of witchcraft.


In other words we will say, honest and sincere people who in their present existence know nothing about occultism, esotericism, etc., lead however in the I of witchcraft. It is obvious that such I usually travel through time and distance to cause harm to others.


Any fleeting interest in witchcraft in some past life could have created such.


This means that there are many people in the world who unknowingly unconsciously practice sorcery.


Truly I tell you, there are many devotees of the path also carry within themselves the ego of sorcery.


We will conclude this chapter by saying: every human being, even if it is in the path of the razor's edge, is more or less black while has not eliminated the pluralized Ego.

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Psychological aggregates


Because in the defunct Age of Pisces the Catholic Church limited too much the moral life of the people through multiple prohibitions, it cannot produce astonishment that precisely Satan as a living incarnation of the most bestial appetites, occupy specially the fantasy of those that contained in the free treatment with human species they believe force to a designated virtuous life.


Still according to the analogy of opposites, was required of the sub-consciousness, had it in the daily life, the more intensively the more or less action demanded the instinctual energy or of impulse, eventually repressed.


This tremendous desire for action increased knew such sexual libido, which in many places has reached the abominable carnal trade with the evil.


The wise Waldemar reads as follows; "In Hessimont were visited nuns (as has Wyer, the doctor chamber o Clewe) by a Demon at night rushed like a whirlwind of air in the bedroom and suddenly calm, played the zither so wonderfully that nuns were tempted to dance.


Then he jumped in figure of dog to bed of one of them on whom fell hence suspicions that had called the evil one "(Miraculously not occurred to religious put the case in the hands of the Inquisition).

It is unquestionable that the demon transformed in dog burning like, was a lustful I after play the zither was lost in the body of his mistress lying in the bed.


Poor nun of ancestral sexual passions perforce repressed how much had to suffer!


It is amazing the sexual power of that unfortunate recluse! instead of create demons in the monastery, he could have removed with the spear of Eros to Submerged Beasts, if he had followed the path of the Perfect Matrimony.


The chamber doctor Wyer then describes a case that shows the Eros-mania of the nuns of Nazareth, in Cologne.


"These nuns had been assaulted for years by all kinds of pests Devil, when in 1564 it came between them a particularly gruesome scene. They were thrown to the ground, in the same position as in the carnal act, keeping his eyes closed during the time that they remained ". (Closed eyes indicate here irrefutably sex with the devil self-intercourse, as it is intercourse with the lustful I projected outside for the sub-consciousness).


"A girl of fourteen, says Wyer-, who was being held in the cloister was the one who gave the first indication.


Often he had experienced in his bed rare phenomena, being discovered by their chuckles, and although she strove to drive away the goblin with her consecrated stole, he came every night.


He was willing to sleep with her a sister, to help her defend, but poor panicked when she heard the noise of the struggle.


Finally, she became completely possessed and pitifully attacked by spasms.


When she was in attack, it looked as if it had gotten deprived of sight, and even though he had traces of being in her right mind and with good looking, strange and uncertain words pronounced bordering on despair.


I investigated this phenomenon as a doctor in the cloister, the May 25, 1565, in the presence of the noble and discreet HH. Constantine Von Lyskerken, honorable adviser and the teacher of John Alternau, former dean of Clewe.


Also present were the teacher John Eshst, remarkable medical doctor, and finally my son Henry, also a doctor in pharmacology and philosophy.


I read this time terrible letters that she had written to her lover, but none of us doubted for a moment that they were written by the possessed in their attacks.


Was realized the idea that the origin was in some young people playing ball in the vicinity engaged in loving relationships with some nuns, after climbing the walls to enjoy their lovers.


Discovered was the fact and the road was closed. But then the devil, the juggler, tricked the fantasy of the poor nuns by taking the figure of his friend (becoming a new I lust) and made represent the horrible comedy, in the eyes of everyone.


I sent letters to the convent, which unraveled the whole issue and prescribing appropriate remedies and Christians, so that the same could settle the unfortunate affair "...


The "Devil Conjurer" is not here but exacerbated concrete sexual potency, that from the moment that no longer occupies no more on trade with youth, took the figure of the friend in fantasy and so vividly by the way, appreciable reality of the act was precisely perhaps of the isolation, even more intensive forms with respect to the other desired sex; so plastically forms seduced into eye unleashed instinct, that to explain them had to pay the piper just the Devil.

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Brognoli very instructively clarifies to what extent can the strength of formation of Selves-Devils, can say either ideo-plastic, that is sexual representation aroused by the sexual organ.


"Having been arrested in 1664 in Venice, came to me the vicar general of a bishop of the continent, to ask my advice on the following case":


In a nunnery there was much given to voluntary fasting and abstinence. Apart from them, it was their pleasure reading secular books dealing with transformations, such as those made by Circe and other delightful, either by ancient deities who became beings in animals, birds, snakes and spirits.


One night it appeared the figure of an extraordinarily beautiful young man, and as she looked astonished, said:


Fear not, my dear sister! Are you not that nun who like fasting on any action? And you have not given them wholeheartedly?


For you must know that I am the Angel called Fasting and I come to you to thank you and correspond with equal love to yours.


Before I was a king's son; but as in my youth, where you also find yourself, I loved and I also gave entirely to fasting, my father became very angry, scolding.


But I, ignoring his warnings, kept doing my will until he, full of anger, expelled me from the palace. But the gods I worshiped flunked such repudiation, and welcomed me, I turned into Angel, and giving me the name of fasting, I also granted the power to take the form of a young, where you see me, and the gift of never grow old.


I am also gifted with such mobility, which can move unspeakably short time from one to another part of the world, coming and going invisible, but showing me they love me.

And so, when they had said the gods have destined me all your love, I come to you to express my thanks, and to stay with you and serve you in all according to your taste.


For this reason I have made today the great journey; let me then, sleep in your bed tonight, if you please. Fear not my company because I am a friend of chastity and modesty.


The nun, extremely pleased and seduced by this speech, admitted the angel in his bed. The first night everything was fine; he did not move. But the second began to hug her and kiss her in gratitude and love, not separated from it day or night, admonishing to that did not have the secret never to her confessor or anyone.


He served it with the greatest zeal and diligence and followed her everywhere. Finally, in 1664, when the set date of the Jubilee, the nun was assaulted by repentance and discovered all his confessor, who advised him to expose the matter in confession also the vicar general of the diocese, so that it provides it suitable to release the evil one. So that came to me for advice. "


It is obvious that the Lewd Spirit Fasting was I so vividly projected by the nun, who certainly seemed to be a different person.


Such Ego obvious is that it had to gestate in the underbelly of the religious before the unusual projection.


The "magic eye belly" charged with sexual substance is a tremendous intermediary plastic.


There take shape all repressed sexual urges; all unfulfilled desires.





Says Dr. Rouband, the following: "As soon as the penis enters the vestibulum, slashing the glands penis in the clitoris found in the entrance the channel of the sex, and by their position and the angle that form can give in and flex. After this first excitation both sensitive centers, the glans penis on the edges of both slides vulvae; the collum and the corpus penis will be wrapped by the projecting parts of the vulva, being on the contrary the gland penis most advanced in contact with the fine and delicate surface of the vaginal mucosa, which is elastic to the erectile tissue found between individual membranes.


This elasticity, which allows to adapt the vagina at the Penis volume even increases the turgidity and thus clitoral sensitivity, while driving

 him and the vulva the blood that was expelled from the vessels of the vaginal walls.

Moreover, the turgidity and sensitivity of the glans penis are enhanced by comprehensive action of the vaginal tissue, which becomes increasingly turgid, and both vulvas in the lobby.


In addition, clitoris is pressed down by the front portion of the compressor muscle and find the dorsal surface of the glans and of the  corpus penis, it rubs with them and rubs, so that each movement influences the coupling of both sexes and, finally, adding the voluptuous sensations (the of God Eros) lead to that high degree of orgasm, which on the one hand cause ejaculation and the other receiving the seminal liquor split into the opening of the cervix.


When is thinking in the temperament influence the constitution a series of other circumstances, both special and currents that have on sexual faculty, one is convinced that there is not nearly settled the question of the difference, of the sensation of pleasure between both sexes, even if that question, wrapped between all the various conditions, is insoluble; this is so true which present difficult to wanting to draw a complete picture of the general manifestations in coitus, but in one  person the feeling of pleasure translates only a barely perceptible vibration, the other reaches the highest point of the exaltation, both moral and physical.


In between are countless transitions; acceleration of blood circulation, live palpitations of the arteries; venous blood, which is retained in the vessels by muscle concentration increases the overall body temperature, and that stagnation of venous blood, so even more pronounced has its action in the brain, by the contraction of muscles neck and backward tilt of the head, causing a momentary cerebral congestion, during which lose some reason and all intellectual faculties.


Eyes, reddened by the conjunctiva injection, become fixed and of uncertain look, or as in the case of most of the time, they close convulsively to evade the contact with the light. (This is something that is entirely checked).


Breathing, which in some are wheezy and breathy, is interrupted in others by the spasmodic contraction of the larynx, and the air retained for some time, finally seeks a path to the outside mixed with disjointed and incomprehensible words.


As I mentioned, congested nerve centers produce only confused impulses.


The movement and sensation show indescribable disorder; members are convulsions, sometimes cramps, move in all directions or contract and numb like iron bars; clenched jaws to grind his teeth, and some people go so far in their erotic delirium, completely forgetting the couple, they bite in these spasms of pleasure in the shoulder to make it bleed. "


This frenzied state, this epilepsy and this delirium of Eros, last customarily only briefly, but long enough to completely exhaust the body's energy on the intellectual animal who does not know Sexual Magic and for whom such hyperarousal has concluded with a more or less abundant loss of sperm, while women on very strongly that there may be participated in the sexual act, only suffers a passing lassitude which is much smaller than men's, and that allows her to recover faster to repeat intercourse ".


"Triste est omne animnal post coitus, praeter mulierem gallamque" said Galen, essentially axiom is true as regards the male sex.


In love, nothing certainly care about the pain or joy, but only that which is called Love...


While free love binds, disunity kills him, because Eros is what really binds.


Love lights with Love as the Fire with Fire ... But where did the first flame comes out? In you jumping under the Rod of Pain ... you know.


Then ... Oh Gods! ... When the hidden fire blazing out, the inside and outside are one thing, and all the barriers fall made ashes.


Love begins with a flash of sympathy, it is substantiated with Endearment and synthesized in adoration.


A perfect marriage is the union of two beings, one who loves more and the other who loves better...


Love is the best affordable religion. To love? How beautiful is love! Only the simple and pure Souls know how to love. Love is nourished with love. Revive the flame of the Spirit with the force of Eros.


"Since the bond of the sexes be equivalent to a creative act, which adheres to the power and splendor of the first day. Luther called the sexual organs the "bonestissiamae et prasteantissimae" partis corporis. It was sin where the most useful and honest members became the most shameful ".


Mohammed said: "Coitus is an act even pleasing to religion, provided it is done with the invocation of Allah and the own woman for reproduction" (or better for Sexual Transmutation).


The Quran says: "Go, take to wife a maiden to you cuddle and caress you; do not pass to the coitus without having before exited by the fondling."


The Prophet emphasizes thus: "Your wives are for you a farmland. Go to it as you please, but do before some act of devotion. Fear God and do not forget that one day you will have to find in his presence. "


The author of El-Ktah, (written extraordinarily appreciated by the Arabs),not enough of glorification of coitus; this is for him "the most magnificent hymn of praise and sacred, the noblest longing of man and his companion after the original unit and the paradisiacal delights".

The famous theologian often emphasizes the sublime and divine character of the carnal act; more takes a decisive stand against profane and vulgar natures that satisfy only his animal voluptuousness.


"These, he says, have not understood nor seen that Love is the Fiat Lux of the "Book of Moses” the divine mandate, the Law for all continents, seas, worlds and spaces."


And in its further explanations, the author of El-Ktah reveals the Early Esoteric Science, "that in the bottom the physical union of man and woman is a supernatural act a paradisiacal reminiscence the most beautiful of all the hymns the praise supernatural act, for the creature directed to the Creator, the Alpha and Omega of all creation."


Sheikh Nefrani puts into the mouth of a wise saying: "The woman is like a fruit whose aroma is aspire first when taken by hand. If it is not heated for example by hand grass basilisk, its aroma is not seen. Amber dismisses its fragrance only when heated. And you know this well. So it is with women: When you want to go to lovemaking, you must first warm the heart of her with all preparations for the art of love, kisses, hugs and small bites. If you neglect this, you will not be bring any full enjoyment, and all the charms of the lovers will be hidden for you. "


In a very wise treatise on Chinese medicine I read the following: "Taoism has other influences in medicine, as evidenced by reading a compilation of Taoist treatises the Sing-Ming-Kuei-Chen, 1622 approximately.


“Three regions are distinguished in the human body. The superior or cephalic region is the origin of the spirits that inhabit the body.


The pillow of Jade (Yu Chen) is in the lower back of the head. The so-called bone pillow is the occiput (Chen-Ku).


The palace of Ni-Huan (term derived from the Sanskrit word Nirvana), is in the brain, also called sea of ​​the bone marrow (Suei-Hai); It is the origin of seminal substances.


The middle region is the backbone, considered not as a functional shaft but as a conduit connecting the cavities brain with the genitals  centers; It ends at a point called the celestial column (Tien Chu) located behind the neck at the point where the hairs are born. Do not confuse this point with acupuncture same name.


The lower region comprises the cinnabar field (Tun Tien), which will be discussed later, it settles the genital activity represented by the two kidneys: Fire of the Tiger (Yang) on ​​the left and the fire of the Dragon (Ying) on the right.


Sexual union is symbolized by a couple; a young man leads a white tiger and a young woman riding on the green dragon; Lead (masculine element) and mercury (feminine element) are to be mixed; as they are attached, young people cast their essence into a bronze cauldron, the symbol of sexual activity. But the genital fluids, particularly the sperm (Tsing), are not eliminate and lost, but can return to the brain through the spine, thanks to which the lifetime recovers. "


The basis of these Taoist sexual practices is coitus reservatus, in which the sperm that came down from the brain to the prostatic region (but which has not been ejaculated) returns to its origin; It is what is called to return the substance (Huan-Tsing).


Whatever it be the objections formulated against the reality of this return, is no less true that the Taoists understood the cerebral dominion over the elemental instincts, which maintains the degree of reproductive genesic excitation below the threshold of ejaculation; They gave the sexual act a new style and a distinct purpose to fertilization.


The VIPARITAKARANI esoteric teaches scientifically how the yogi Hindustan instead of ejaculating semen does rise slowly by concentration, so that man and woman united sexually can eliminate the animal Ego.


The ancient Greeks knew very precisely the essential relationship between death and sex; they represented in Eros the "Genius of Death", holding in hand, the God, a torch angled downward, as bringer of death.


Being the most profound and primitive force in all men the sexual one, it is considered by the Tantras as the cosmogonic Eros, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers.


Far from violating our Innermost Essence in the sense of brutal lust, either numb organically by a spasm that only lasts a few seconds, the practitioner takes on against the power of your particular Divine Mother Kundalini, to merge with her in a unity and eliminate this or that I, that is, this or that psychological defect previously understood thoroughly.


Only with death brings forth the new. This is how Eros with his torch tilted downward, reduce to cosmic dust all those psychic aggregates which together constitute the self.


The mantra or magic word which symbolizes all the work of Sexual Magic is KRIM.


In this mantra should be used great imagination, which works directly on Eros, this in turn acting on Imagination, insufflating energy and transforming it into magical force.


To contact the mobile universal power, the practitioner perceives diverse images, more especially it reveals his Divine Adorable Mother with the sacred spear in her right hand, fighting furiously against that I-Devil personifies this or that psychological error that we yearn destroy.


The practitioner singing his mantra KRIM then set his imagination, his translucent in the Fire Element so that he feels himself like burning flame, as unic flame, as a terrible fire that incinerates the I-Devil that characterizes the psychological defect that we want annihilate.

The extreme sensitivity of the sexual organs always announces the proximity of spasm; then we must withdraw in time to avoid the ejaculation of semen.


Work is to be continued after the man lying on the floor in supine (face up) and the woman in his bed ... supplicate to the Divine Mother Kundalini, request outputs of sincere heart with simple sentences, remove  to eliminate with the spear of Eros, with Sexual Force, the Ego who personifies the error that we really understood and long for reducing to cosmic dust.


Bless finally the water contained in a clean crystal glass of glass and drink all giving thanks to the Divine Mother.


All this ritual of PANCATATWA frees the hero from every sin; no sinister can resist him; is subordinate terrestrial and supra-terrestrial powers and walk through the land with awakened consciousness.


Feared by all the demons, lives as Lord of Salvation in complete blessedness; escapes the Law of rebirth because through long and terrible work of Sexual Magic, has used the formidable electrical power of Eros, not for animal satisfaction brutal kind, but to reduce to dust the pluralized Ego.

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It is glaring the existence of a extraordinary plastic intermediary in that intellectual homunculus mistakenly called man. I want to emphatically refer to the Solar Plexus, emotional center wisely placed by nature in the navel region.


Unquestionably, this magnificent ascendancy of the tri-brained or tri-centered biped is entirely saturated with sexual essence of our creative organs.


It has been told that the "Magic Eye" belly is often stimulated by the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 rising from the sex organs.


It is therefore an unbreakable axiom of Hermetic Philosophy which in the belly region there is a powerful sexual energy accumulator.


Through the Sexual agent any representation can take shape in the magnetic field in the Solar Plexus.


The representative Ideoplastic constitutes the content of the underbelly.


In no way exaggerating when we emphasize the basic idea that in the belly are gestate the plural Ego emerging into existence later. Such psychological, ideoplastic entities, in any way come into existence without the Sexual Agent.


Each I is therefore a living psychological representation that emerges from the womb; the personal Ego is a sum of Selves.


The intellectual animal is certainly a machine controlled by different Selves.


Some Selves represent anger with all its facets others the greed, lust those, etc.


Those are the "Red Devils" cited by the "Book of the Dead" of ancient Egypt.


In the name of truth it is essential to say that the only thing worth within us is the Essence; unfortunately this in itself is scattered here and there and everywhere, bottled up within each of the different Selves.


The "Prestidigitator Devil" takes shape in sexual potency; some very strong Selves usually produce many amazing physical phenomena.


Waldemar relates a case of a possession of a girl of 15 years old and then after the exorcism of, as we know much about many cases like nowadays not necessary to relate it here:


 It is clear that the sadistic demon who tormented the poor girl, was beyond all doubt, the Devil Conjurer, a strong maiden devil that took shape in the sexual potency of herself, that's all.


The flow of ideo-plastic sexual exteriorization, manifested especially during the years of puberty, usually is really tremendous, then is when we create terrible psychological aggregates (Selves) capable of producing sensational phenomena.


The rage of not being able to love or the fact of feeling cheated by someone, is beyond doubt the real hell and brings those dreadful sexual fluidic emanations capable of becoming the Juggler Devil.






The esoteric Christic Spear of the Holy Grail and the pagan Antler of the magical pacts, displayed by Wotan, is the same blessed lance held as holy by all peoples since ancient times.


It is indeed, having a phallic and symbolic character of virile sexual power, either because it is the archaic weapon of combat that at the dawn of life could imagine the man, is certain that the Roman pole was, as is known, something like the Scales of Justice, presiding over all legal transactions of the right primitive citizen of the ancient Rome or of the spear (Kyries), and especially to the nuptials, including the right to citizenship enjoyed, certainly very precious.


Roman matrons who were under the protection of the blessed Goddess Juno, were called wisely CURUTIS (Cauretes or Kyrias, and here VALKYRIES), because of Cures or tower, city of the Sabines, founded by Middle Fidio Himella, their ineffable Gods. And so the leaders and other men of the Roman Curia who distinguished themselves as heroes in the war, used to prize them with a small iron spear, called HASTAPURA, a name that certainly remember the city HASTINAPURA, divine symbol of the Celestial Jerusalem .


It is clear and plain that the trunks or tables of the Law, where the prophet Moses wisely write by the mandate of Jehovah the Ten Commandments, are not in reality but a double Runic lance , on whose phallic meaning exists much documentation.


It's not over emphasize the transcendental idea that there are two commandments more in the mosaic esotericism.


I want to refer to the commandments eleven and twelve, closely related to the Arcana XI and XII of the Kabala.


The first of these, or the eleventh, has its classic expression in the Sanskrit Dharman Chara: "Do your duty."


Remember brother/sister reader that you have a duty to seek the narrow, narrow and difficult path that leads to light.


The Arcane XI of the Tarot enlightens this duty: the wonderful force that can dominate and hold the lions of adversity is essentially spiritual. For this reason it is represented by a beautiful woman without apparent effort he opens with its delicious hands the terrible jaws of Leo, the frightening puma, the furious lion.


With the eleventh is related and intertwines the twelfth commandment of God's law, illustrated by the Arcane XII: "MAKE YOUR LIGHT SHINE".


For light, which is the Essence bottled within the ego, can really shine and glow, it must be released and this is only possible through the Buddhist Annihilation, dissolving the Ego.


We need to die from instant to instant, from moment to moment, only with the death of the Ego new comes.


Just as life is a process of gradual and ever more complete externalization or extroversion, also the death of the ego is a process of gradual internalization in which the individual consciousness, the Essence, slowly strips away their useless clothes, like Ishtar in her symbolic descent, until she was completely naked in itself before the Great Reality of free life in its movement.


The spear, the sex, the phallus, also plays great role in numerous oriental legends as marvelous instrument of salvation and liberation, which wisely brandished by the longing Soul, allows it to reduce to cosmic dust all those cavernous entities in their sinful whole constitute the "myself".


In the sacred land of the Vedas, Shiva the Third Logos ( The sexual energy) has been analyzed deeply in their creative and destructive aspects...


It is blatant, clear and visible, that the subjective sexual aspects.., fatally crystallizing in those multiple entities whose total sum is that the Egyptians called Seth (Ego).


It is manifest the normal generative power of our sexual endocrine glands.


It is transcendental objective the creator power of Lord Shiva when works by creating the Wedding Dress of the Soul, the TO SOMA HELIAKON, the Body of Gold of the Solar Man.


The Sexual energy is highly explosive and marvelous. Truly I tell you who knows how to use the weapon of Eros (the spear, the sex), can reduce to cosmic dust the pluralized Ego.


Prayer is talking with God and one must learn to pray during intercourse; in those moments of supreme bliss ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened...

Who puts heart in supplication and begs his Divine Mother Kundalini who wields the weapon of Eros, you get the best results, because it will help then destroying the ego.


But I say that this is a long process, patient and very delicate. It is unquestionable that the hunter who wants to hunt ten hares at the same time, there is no hunting, and who wants to eliminate all psychological defects simultaneously, does not eliminate any.


Within each of us there are thousands of defects and all of them have many roots and facets that are hidden among the various subconscious recesses of the mind.


Each one of those psychological defects has animalistic form; within such submerged creatures is bottled the Essence, Consciousness.


Previous condition to any elimination is complete understanding of the defect to be eliminated.


Beg if you are sure you to have understood and retire intercourse without ejaculating semen.


By transcendental synthesis of very long hard work, we would say: you must first release the Essence so the light shine on us; then merge it with "ATMAN" (the Being), to free the mind; later give it to the "Ancient of Days" (the Father who is in secret, the Monad) to become Resurrected Masters, Perfects. And finally definitely absorb in ISHUARA, the Logos, first emanation of the Supreme PARABRAHMAN (the great Ocean of the Universal Spirit of Life).


Now we conclude this chapter with the following story. It has long, when I still had not reduced the Ego to cosmic dust, made a formidable magic invocation.


I called a great Master of the White brotherhood saying, "Come! Come! Come! Prophet of RA HOOR KHU. Come to me! He wants to fulfill it! He wants to fulfill it! He wants to fulfill it ! AUM ... AUM ... AUM ..." (intoning the last word properly opening the mouth with the" A "rounding it with the" U "and enclosing it with" M ").


It is worth clarifying that the atmosphere was saturated with infinite harmony, charged with "OD"...


The result of the invocation was immediate and great prophet came to me.


The Kabir assumed a formidable symbolic figure who could see, hear, touch and feel throughout the presence of my Cosmic Being.


The Venerable seemed divided into two halves: From the waist up shone gloriously; his forehead was high as the unconquered walls of the heavenly Jerusalem; his hair as white wool falling on their backs immaculate; his nose straight like a God, his deep, penetrating eyes; his beautiful beard as the Ancient of Days, his hands as gold rings set with the beryl; his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh...

But in the lower part of his body, from the waist down, I saw something unusual; horrifying bestial forms, personifying errors, Demons-Reds, Ego-Devils, within which is bottled the Consciousness.


"I have called to ask for enlightenment." Such was my prayer! It is obvious that in his presentation was the answer.


The ancient put his right hand on my head and said, "Call me whenever you need me and I will give enlightenment ... then blessed me and left!.


With infinite joy I understood everything; eliminating only those animalistic creatures with the spear that we carry inside between which sleeps Consciousness, advents to us enlightenment.

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Three factors determine the physical, moral and mental quality of our seed, when we learn to think, to breathe and select foods. The stallion worth by the seed that produces, the quality of grains depends on the seed used by the farmer and to improve our own work we must improve our seed. If the farmer only uses a seed for ex. to plant coffee trees and the like, if it is used artificial insemination to prevent millions of seeds are lost, much more so us through alchemical transmutation learn the Divine fertilization consisting output a single spermatozoa for fertilization when the woman is ready to be fertilized are the three passed and counting days from the arrival of the period to have fourteen days that fourteen days with the next two are working for fertilization in a woman normal period for abnormal touch them first look normal and then ask the Blessed Mother, with her ​​husband, be granted a child who may be male or female.


Allows the Lord Jehovah who is the head of Reproduction, that a strong and vigorous spermatozoa escape to establish fertilization without losing the millions wasted by fornicator giving life to his Satan with the excess.


The education of these children of the Light is very sacred. The male in permanent infatuation of his female surrounds of pampering and attention later when she announces that she is pregnant, must be removed bodily from her, that is cannot practice the Arcanum because the womb of his wife is gestating a human and you cannot gestate while two kinds of very different personalities such as: a human and a divine embryo, that is the man who takes the path of Scientific chastity, to start the angelic or deva road. Throughout gestation the Gnostic will make life pleasant to his wife, the fact of not using sexual union raises them to the category of boyfriends, keeps them in permanent trance of love, fortifying the will, must use the amorous magic of bachelor which it is personal to each. At birth the child   born with no pain because is son of light, a blessed.


The pair continues with the same magic of single to a time not less than 40 days after the child is born.


As the education of these children begins from the amours are maintained during pregnancy and following at birth taking care the mother not to read newspapers, not paying attention to gossip, conjecture or outside fables only bring you pain.


If when we lose one of the millions of spermatozoa, what does not happen with millions we reserve to give us Light and Wisdom ourselves? This is the same for males and females, the woman holds her Creative Force as the male.




Chapter 1



Magic is according to Novalis "the art of consciously influencing the interior world"


It is written with burning coals in the extraordinary book of life that the ardent love between male and female work magically. Hermes Trismegistus the three times great God Ibis of Thoth, said in his Emerald Tablet: "I give you love in which is contained all the Summum of Wisdom."


We all have some electrical and magnetic forces in us, and we exercise like a magnet an attraction force and repulsion ... Between lovers that is especially powerful magnetic force, and action goes a long way.


Sexual Magic (Sahaja Maithuna) between husband and wife, is based on the polar properties which certainly have their potential element in sex.

They are not hormones or vitamins patent that is needed for life, but genuine feelings you and I, and therefore the exchange of the choicest emotional, erotic faculties between man and woman.


The medieval asceticism of the defunct Age of Pisces rejected sex as taboo or sin calling.


The new revolutionary asceticism of Aquarius is based on sex; it is clear that the key to all power is in the mysteries of the Lingam-Yoni.

From the Intelligent mix of sexual anxiety with the spiritual enthusiasm arises as if by magic the Magical Consciousness.


A wise author said: "Sexual Magic leads to the unity of the Soul and sensuality, that is the enlivened sexuality: sexuality loses the character of the suspect and despised only abides secretly with some declared embarrassment; on the contrary, it is in the service of a wonderful joy of living, penetrated by him and raised a component of the affirmation of existence that ensures balance blissfully free personality ".


We need to evade urgency of daily current Shady ordinary vulgar coupling and get into the luminous sphere of magnetic equilibrium of "rediscovering the other" find in you the Path of the Razor 's Edge, the Secret Path leading to the final liberation.


"Only when we know and we use the laws of magnetism between bodies and souls, will not be as fleeting images and meaningless, mists that vanish in the light, all the words on Love, Sex and Sexuality".


Ostensibly the tremendous difficulty of the study of Sexual Magic is. Not easy to want to show as "learnable and visible" the Sexual Yoga, the Maithuna with its government of the most delicate nervous currents and the multiple infra-conscious and unconscious subconscious influences on mood.


Let us be clear and unambiguous; this topic of SEX-YOGA is a matter of direct Experimentation intimate, too personal.


Renounce animal lust in altar of Spirituality is essential in Sexual Magic, if we truly want to find Ariadne's Thread of the rise, the Golden Bramante that must lead us from darkness to light, from death to immortality.


A great philosopher whose name does not mention said: "If the authentic procreative forces, psychic and spiritual, are situated at the bottom of our consciousness, we find precisely the SYMPATHICUS, with its radiating network of sensitive mesh nodes, the mediator and conductor inner reality, which not only influences the organs of the Soul but also governs, directs and controls the most important centers within the body; guide, equally mysteriously, the wonder of conception until birth of the new being, as well as the phenomena of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, generating glands, etc.


Instead, to all sensitivity and spirituality, to rhythmical life, try him as an authentic Spiritus Creator of the body, and by the direction of the molecular current and the crystallization of cosmic rays, balance in the rhythm of the Universe to all psychic and physical elements subordinate to him.


This NERVUS SYMPATHICUS, is actually also an NERVUS IDEOPLÁSTICUS, it must be understood as a mediator between our unconscious instinctual life and the moderation of the living image printed on our Spirit since eternities; It is the great means balancer which can pacify and reconcile the perpetual polarity dawns and twilights at the Sun of the Soul, the manifestations of Black and White, Love and Hate, God and Devil, exaltation and Decay ".


The Divine Androgyny from the first human race, Adam Kadmon, spread only by the power of will and magic imagination united in vibrant harmony.


The ancient sages of Kabbalah affirmed that such volitional and imaginative power was lost by the fall into sin, so that the human being was cast out of Eden.


This magnificent synthetic conception of the Hebraic Kabbalah is a tremendous base - truth; thus, it is precisely the function of Sexual Magic restore within ourselves that Divine Original Unit of the Heavenly Androgynous.


A certain sage said emphatically that: "Sexual Magic corporately transfiguring work  and seeks perfect accent to the sexual in the Soul. So for they are capable of Sexual Magic only beings who try to overcome the dualistic dilemma between the world of mind and the senses, those equipped with the intimate "candle", are absolutely free from any kind of hypocrisy, sanctimony, negation and devaluation of the life".



Episode 2


I want to emphasize the basic idea that we should formulate thus: "Big fascinating of lubricity and indecency belong rather to the Casanova type that the famous Don Juan Tenorio".


If the wily guy Don Juan reflects all his amorous adventures in malignant egocentric mirror of his refined fantasy with the abominable intention to demean women, desecrating despicably, of raping her and defame perversely by only passionate intercourse without repetition in the "push to sin" is incontrovertible a special form of male hatred of the female.


By law of contrasts, Casanova type predominates libidinous desire of sexual fascination based exclusively on natural and sentimental instinctive impulses. Unfortunately this kind of subjects are insatiable, and suffer and cause suffering.

The Casanova type is a "master deceiver" of women; It seems to have the gift of ubiquity, as is seen everywhere, here, there and everywhere; It is like the sailor in every port has a girlfriend; often he promises and vows eternal love...


In contrast of the sexual sadism refined of the Don Juan type, we discovered in the Casanova type the rational homunculus who wants to drown in beds of pleasure unbearable tedium of their existence type.


Another variety, fortunately rare of fascinator of women, should designate devil type.


One of the most genuine representatives of this sinister type was undoubtedly the monk Gregory Rasputin: Strange ascetic passionate about the afterlife; kind of rustic hypnotist in religious habit.


Clearly highlights with complete clarity that the despotic magic strength of the "sacred devil" Rasputin was due exclusively to his tremendous sexual potency.


The czar and czarina knelt before him; they thought they saw on that fatal monk a living saint.


Clearly Rasputin found the mood of eager czars, very willing thanks to the French magician Papus (Dr. Encause), GP of the sovereigns.


Waldemar says, "most instructive are the diplomatic memoirs of former French ambassador in St. Petersburg, Mauricio Palaeologus, published by the Deux Mondes des Revues.


The Ambassador describes an invocation of spirits made ​​by the French occultist conspicuous Papus (Dr. Encause), and indeed, according to the express wish of the Czars. The cause of this session were the revolutionary disturbances of 1905. Papus was to ward off the revolt through a great exorcism in the presence of the Tsar, the Tsarina and the assistant captain Mandryka.


Paléologue, as guarantor of Papus, who had friendly relations, reports:


"Through intense concentration of his will and an extraordinary increase of its fluid dynamics, the magician managed to evoke the shadow of the very pious Czar Alexander III: indubitable signs proved the presence of the invisible spirit"



"Despite the anguish that oppressed his heart, Nicholas II asked his father anyway whether to react or not against the liberal current that threatened to sweep Russia. The ghost said, must be removed, regardless, the incipient revolution. Another day it will sprout again and will be more violent the harder is the current repression. Does not matter! Courage, my son! No resignations fight! "

Waldemar, sage, says: "The Czar, as notorious believer in spirits, must therefore pay great interest to a man who, like Rasputin, was preceded by great fame as a miraculous healer"


"The peasant monk also came from the category, so widespread in Russia at the time, called magicians of village, having a vital magnetism so extraordinary because of its unusual sexual potency, which had the effect of a primitive force barging in circles of Peters-bourgeois nobility, partly already degenerated.,."


"One of his first feat in the court was magnetically treat the heir to the throne, suffering from hemophilia, managing to contain his bleeding, which doctors had failed."


The Wise Waldemar continues saying: "From that moment trembled before him grand dukes, ministers and the whole clique of nobility, because the fact that he had in his hands the life of the Zarevich earned him the unlimited confidence of the Czar and Czarina. And this confidence was able to use to their advantage very thoroughly; He ruled at will to the Czars, and therefore Russia ".


"By constantly increasing his power, a group of adversaries of high rank and position, headed by Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Pavlovitsch were decided to remove the importunate miraculous monk."


"And so, at a dinner at the palace of that prince, they were served the monk invited poisoned delicacies and drink with potassium cyanide in such strong dose that would have been enough to kill twenty men or more in seconds. But Rasputin ate and drank with increasing appetite; the poison did not seem to fill any effect on him. "


"The conspirators were worried, but they kept encouraging to the hated to eat, and to drink more. Neither of those; the poison had no power either on the miraculous monk; on the contrary, increasingly it seemed more at ease the damn. "


"Accordingly, the conspirators agreed that Yusupov killed him with a pistol. Shot the prince, collapsing face down on the floor Rasputin, and the conspirators gave him for dead."


"Yusupov, who was hit in the chest the monk started to turn the face of the fallen, but to his horror, Rasputin gave him a shove, he stood up and heavy footsteps tried to escape the room. Then he conjured Purischkjewitsch made ​​four shots against the monk, who turned back to collapse, stood up again, now being beaten with sticks and kicked by the furious Purischkjewitsch, until it seemed definitely topped. But the vitality of Rasputin was such that still showed signs of life when the conspirators put his stout body into a bag, which tied, then throwing him off a bridge between the floes of the Neva ".


This was the tragic end of a man who could have thoroughly self-realitation.

Unfortunately , the monk Gregory Rasputin failed to wisely use the formidable sexual potency that endowed him the Nature and fell to the lowest level of sensuality.


One night I decided to investigate in direct form to the disembodied Rasputin.


Since I know thoroughly all the psychic functions of the Eidolon (Astral Body of the authentic Man), it was not difficult to make a Magical unfolding.


Dress it, with that sidereal body that spoke a lot about it Felipe Teofastro Bombasto of Honheneim (Aureola Paracelsus), I left my physical body to move freely in the Fifth Dimension of Nature, in the Astral World.


What I saw with spatial sense (with the Eye of Horus) it was terrible that I had to enter into a hideous tavern where barrels of wine only looked for among which slid here, there and everywhere, a multitude of horrifying creatures in the likeness of men.


I was looking for Rasputin, the sacred devil, wanted to talk to that strange monk before whom trembled so many princes, counts, dukes and marquises of the Russian nobility: but behold , instead of an I saw many Selves and they were the same Ego of the monk Gregory Rasputin.


I had it before my spiritual sight, throughout the presence of my Cosmic Being, a lot of devils; a pluralized I within which there was only one worthy element; I refer to the Essence.


Not finding as a responsible subject, I addressed to one of those abominable grotesque creatures that passed near me: "Behold the place where you came to give, Rasputin. This was the result of your disordered life and many orgies and vices. "


"You are mistaken, Samael , " answered the monstrous figure, as defending or justifying their sensual life, and then added, "to you makes you lack the Line of Intuition".


"You cannot fool me Rasputin" were my last words; then I retired from that dark cavern located in the Limbus, in the Orcus of the classics, in the lobby of the Submerged Mineral Kingdom.


If Rasputin had not done in life so many works of charity, at this time would be involutioning in time within the submerged worlds, under the crust of the Earth, the Abode of Pluto.


It has been many years and I continue meditating: humans do not yet have an Authentic Individuality; the only thing that continues after death is a bunch of devils.


How awful! Selves-Devils ... each of our psychological defects is represented by some of those abominable Dantesque creatures...

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1 Hits heavily in your temple, oh ARHAT!


2- Rejoice, my brother, rejoice, you have already reached the goal of the Heart.


3- And they already paid to a specialist who awoke your fourth snake through supreme efforts wisely had led your snake to those sacred heart centers.


4- All work must be paid and already paid to your specialist, the great service to have led your snake wisely from the coccyx to these ineffable heart chambers.


5- Only selfless service, chastity and holiness, lead us to the ineffable summits.


6- You saw, my brother, what it is the great service.


7- I know many good and virtuous spiritualist brothers who strive for perfection.


8- I know many brothers fighting the unspeakable to correct its defects and purified, but they forget the others ... They feel lonely and struggling for spiritual self-improvement and for his moral self-aggrandizement, but they forget that have brothers and sisters and that we are all children of the same Mother.


9. Their spirituality is selfish spirituality and as you do not serve anyone, not sacrifice for anyone, nor are fighting for one's spirituality, the Masters do not owe them anything, and therefore should not pay anything, because nothing is owed.


10- All INITIATION is a payment you have to make the man, but if nothing is owed to the man, nothing is given, and therefore, even shout and cry asking for INITIATION, first you go gray...


11- It has opened the majestic sacred temple doors of the sacred heart.


12. In! My brother to the great cathedral of the soul, to celebrate the feast of the ARHAT.


13. In! My brother, in the heart temple to receive the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries.


14- Wear your best clothes ... The temple is celebrating because the mind and heart and joined by fire.


15- Some ineffable beauties dance in front of you, with the sacred dance of the RUNES.


16- Your mind hangs on a log! Is Christified! And it is now detached from his cross to celebrate the holiday.


17. Your mind is now a living Christ. Your mind shines with the sacred power of fire.


18- Ineffable music resounds in the divine spheres...


19. Within the sacred chamber of your heart, the fire of the ARHAT shines.


20- Now you bring Christ into your heart and the White Dove of the Holy Spirit has formed its abode in your heart temple.


21- Some ineffable Angels carry the long tail of your coat... Beauties dance with the dance of the Runes...


22- The King of the World sitting on his throne, awaits you, my brothe...


23-SANAT KUMARA ceremony dressed hands you the sacred symbol of Mercury.


24- You are an Imperator of the mind, are an ARHAT of thought.


25- Now your mind is burning scorching between these Universal crackling flames.


26. Now your mind shines between the IGNEOUS ROSE of the UNIVERSE.


27- You have freed from the illusion of separateness. You are THAT ... THAT ... THAT ...


28. You live in every heart, you see through all eyes, you hear through all ears, because you're THAT ... THAT ... THAT ...


29. Now you can exclaim: I AM ATMAN! the INEFFABLE.


30- I am who I am, who has always been, and always will be.


31- All the starry infinite is my body ... The entire Universe is my personality and so I express with strength and power through my ARHAT...


32- I weep in the child, singing in the bird, I flourish in my pomegranates...


33. Now you must understand my brother, the personality within the impersonality...


34. Now you must understand, my brother, that the illusion of separateness is heresy and that the selfish personality of those who only want to be them and nothing else, is the worst of heresies.


35- When I, AUN WEOR, stated that we must have a strong and powerful I, and a robust and powerful personality, I do not mean selfish personality, nor the animal self ... I mean only the DIVINE-SELF, and our giant personality formed by all beings of the Infinite ...


36- ATMAN thunder and lightning in all the infinite spaces and manifests with power through his ARHAT.


37- ATMAN the Ineffable, has no weaknesses, is expressed with power and majesty through his prophets.


38- Our BEING is UNIVERSAL and all bodies of all living beings, are the bodies of our inner and divine Self.


39. As we have spoken of a strong and powerful personality, many have not understood what is the personality within the impersonality, and have fallen into the horrible heresy of separateness.


40- Do not be guided, my brethren, by the selfish personality of our mental body, or by the animal intellect.


41- Ye must listen only to the INTIMATE that resides in the heart, you must learn to hear the voice of silence...


42- When we speak of a Universal BEING, did not fall into the absurdity of Annie Besant to forget the individuality of the INTIMATE.


43. We recognize the individuality within the Unit of life, and although we know that the drop sinks into the ocean, we also know that the ocean sinks into the drop.


44. ATMAN is one that is expressed as many; The fiery sea of ​​life free in its movement has many flames...


45- But all flames form a whole sea of ​​burning fire ... the World of the Mist of Fire...


46- The INTIMATE is individual and universal at the same time...


47- "I am the flame that burns in every human heart, as burns in each grain and in the core of every star."


48- I am the tree, the rock, the bird, man, light, bread and wine.






1- In the human heart there are seven divine centers, and as the INITIATE is coming to each of the Great INITIATION of Major Mysteries, is penetrating into each of these cardiac centers.


2- In each of the seven Great Initiations of Major Mysteries, the Initiate has access to each of these centers.


3- In the first Initiation of Major Mysteries, the Initiate has the right to enter the first center. With the second, enters the second, with the third in the third, the fourth in the fourth, the fifth in the fifth, the sixth in the sixth, and the seventh in the seventh.


4- A mount of immaculate whiteness with a figure of a pyramid is presented to you. Get in my brother in this sacred chamber where shines the image of the crucified; and before you had penetrated into this center, but now are entering it for the fourth time in a very high way.


5- Always go through the same centers in ever higher form, following the curve of cosmic evolution.


6 Now enters my brother, in the second center and receive your gifts and your parties.


7- Enter the third center, and spin your fiery sphere hanging rope ... Get my brother, music and parties.


8- Enter now, oh! ARHAT, IMPERATOR of the cosmic mind, in your fourth center.


9. This fourth center corresponds to the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries.


10- You are before the dawn of life, my brother ... you were a primitive wild Indian from the virgin forests of Arcadia ... you worshiped the rising sun, and not used the reasoning ... Only you guide yourself wisely by voice of the Instinct ...


11- At the end of the day, my brother, after Christified your mind, you will find yourself in the end is just the beginning, plus the experience of the cycle.


12- You convinced that you could not know more than God?


13. The reason is a crime of lese majeste against God.


14- With your poor reasoning you believed that you could know more than the Creator ... and you were wrong, my brother...


15- Now you gone, my brother, to the positive pole of instinct, because the end is always the same at first, but the experience of the cycle.


16- Have returned to the realm of intuition.


17- And you convinced, my brother, the uselessness of reasoning.


18. Only the path of straight action, ruled by the voice of silence, can take us to the ineffable heights of Nirvana.


19. Instead of reasoning, and destroying the mental body with the battle of antithesis, it is best to work hard for the benefit of mankind.


20- When the reasoning assail you, defeat them with the whip of willpower.


21- When the struggle of antithetical concepts wants split your mind, you throw them out with the whip of the will, and devoted yourself to your trades, not to leave space to the uselessness of reasoning.


22- To the lords of Karma only thing that matters are thy works.


23- The lords of Karma are not interested in your reasoning processes.


24- The process of conceptual choice, the depressing process of option, causing serious damage to the mental body.


25- When the damage crystallizes in the physical brain, are brain diseases, intellectual manias, alcoholism, neurasthenia and madness.


26- You cannot know more than God, my brother, because they serve foe nothing your reasoning, throws out from the temple of your mind to all the merchants, with the terrible whip of willpower.


27- Christified your mind, good disciple, transmutes water into wine, and open your doors to your inner God, that He will teach you divine wisdom, and so eat the bread of wisdom, without the useless reasoning that They destroy the mental body.


28. On the mental plane there are hospitals and clinics where there are currently detained thousands of mentally ill bodies, through the painful process of reasoning.


29. In those hospitals in the world of Mind, are hospitalized the mental bodies of many Initiates who have destroyed their minds with the reasoning process.


30- The mind must flow silently and integrally without the depressing process of reasoning.


31- What is important is the path of right action, what is important is intuitive action.


32. Intuitive action is just action, is thinking right, is feeling right, is divine transmutation, is action of fullness, is full activity, it is fair activity, is holiness expressed, is working fully, it is wisdom in action, active love .


33- Humanity of aquarium will be the intuitive humanity.


34- You seen, oh!, IMPERATOR many beings began the day with you.


35. Millions of human beings began to climb the spiral mountain of life, but most of them rolled into the abyss, and became demons ...


36- Only a handful of beings you got to the top of the mountain...


37- Enters the temple, oh ARHAT!, to celebrate the feast ...


38- The temple is dressed of gala...


39. SANAT KUMARA, the Ancient of Days, awaits you on his throne...


40- His majestic voice resounds like voice of army...


41- The Goddess Mother of the World put on your head the sacred mantle of the Buddhas, and headband with the Eye of Shiva.


42- Shines on your brow and the eye of Dagma and SANAT KUMARA exclaims: "You're a Buddha you have liberated from the four bodies of sin, you are an inhabitant of the world of the gods ... YOU ARE A BUDDHA!"


43- The Ancient of Days delivery you the Tunic of Buddha ... Receive it my brother...


44- From your mental body out right now a beautiful child full of beauty, it is the psychic extract of the mental body, it's your mind-Christ...


45- This beautiful creature is now fully merged with your divine eternal TRIAD...


46- The Christ-Mind was formed in your mental body...


47- The Mind-Christ is pure transmuted semen...


48- Mind-Christ is the result of sexual magic.


49- Are you a Blessed, Oh Buddha!


50- SANAT KUMARA offers you a new throne...


51- All the brothers of the Temple rejoice, all rejoice with  the new Buddha, all hug you and kiss you with a holy kiss.


52- The party is immense ...


53- The Goddess Mother of the World has given birth to a new Buddha in the world of the gods.


54- Now shines with pristine beauty between this IGNEOUS ROSE of Nature.


55- The Manas has merged with the ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS, at the headquarters of pure Brahma, where only shines the sacred wisdom of BODDHIDHARMA.


56- The Mother Goddess of the World exclaims: Here is a very beloved son, here is a new Buddha!


57- This is the wisdom of the heart, this is the wisdom of HEART SEAL...


58- Finally death and heart totally merged...


59. Resounds the music of the spheres between the divine ambits and in the temple of the Gods, the beauties dance the sacred RUNES ...



************************************************** ********************





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1- You have reached the fourth chamber of the narrow road that goes from the frown to the heart. This camera is located below the thyroid gland, above the breastbone, upper ribcage.


2- Fine temptations have assaulted you in the world of cosmic understanding. You have understood how misdeed is hidden within the same spirituality.


3- Have you understood that the incense of prayer also hides misdeed.


4- Have already seen how between the Pleroma of a spiritual brotherhood, crime also hides.


5- You saw my brother, how a simple spiritual friendship between two beings of opposite sex, may emerge a fine mind adultery with dyes of transcendental spirituality.


6 Now, my son, you go understanding in what form and how the mind and heart are united and balanced by fire.


7- It has opened the door, my son comes to celebrate your party.


8- Now came the moment my brother, you should fret a little more about music.


9- The orchestras of Eden resound in the infinite spaces in the great rhythms of fire.


10- The entire universe is sustained by the magnificent orchestration of the spheres.






1- You have entered the fifth ardent chamber of the narrow road that goes from the eyebrows to the heart.


2- A door opens. ENTER son.


3- Listen now, oh ARHAT, what the Angel you read in the book...


4- Now teach you, my brother, many sublime things related to the world of cosmic understanding.


5-You're hard work in the world of pure spirit without material vehicles...


6- All the main lessons is they're giving you in sacred language.


7- The sun shone upon the tree of your life and you get into the fifth chamber.


8- You see, my brother, how are going approaching the sacred temple of the heart.


9. Now you go understanding how the mind and heart are balanced.


10- More and more you are going realizing how you can act in full consciousness, your HIGHER SELF, without the four bodies of sin.


11- You really are an ARHAN, you're a NIRVANI, my son!


12. You are a Master of Major Mysteries, but in the world of NIRVANA have now begun to live as a disciple of the Gods.


13- You are Master and disciple, you have learned to obey and command...


14- You are a super-man...


15- In the Astral world and the mental world, you have built a majestic temple, my son, but in the world of NIRVANA possess only a small chapel...


16- When will you have a great cathedral in the NIRVANA?


17. When can you be an inhabitant of the seventh salon of NIRVANA?


18. When you can live in that great golden city hall seventh NIRVANA?


19- Look at those ineffable beings who officiate in their great cathedrals of Nirvana!


20- When thou shalt be as one of them?


21- Ay! My brother, until now you have a chapel on the first sub-plane of Nirvana.


22- You are a beginner in the NIRVANA, my son.


23- The task is now more difficult for you, oh ARHAT!


24- If you want to progress in NIRVANA, you will have to sacrifice for humanity.


25- Must become, my brother, in a BODHISATTWA of Compassion.


26. Each yours sacrifice of yours will be pay in the NIRVANA...


27. Just so, my brother, will be able to progress in NIRVANA.


28. You see my brother, how the fire has transformed you.


29. You see, brother of my soul that the whole secret of Nirvana you carry hidden in your sexual organs...


30- You suffered the unspeakable seeking the NIRVANA. You joined various religions, schools, lodges and orders, that they only gave you the consolation of one day...


31- You practiced penance, and you carried on your body silicon bags, but in vain, my son...


32- You forgot the door of the Eden, and for it you suffered, brother of my soul...


33. You saw that NIRVANA was in your same sex organs...


34- How much work, my son!


35. But at last! You saw the door of Eden in your genitals and you went in...






1- You are now descending little by little, my brother, the interior of your temple, from the tower to the heart.


2- You are sitting in the window at the base of your tower.


3- You are within your temple, my brother and low gradually from the cupola to the sacred shrine of the heart.


4- From the height of this inner window, the depth is contemplated, the floor of the temple...


5- The height causes vertigo, my brother...


6- Oh! Of the ARHAT who cannot control the vertigo of height, because it will fall into the abyss...


7- Who has understanding that understands, and who has ears, let him hear what I speak to the ARHAT.


8- Are you high, oh ARHAT! And from the depths of the sanctuary up to your window ineffable chorus...


9- The Masters sing delightfully in sacred language...


10- Persevere, Oh ARHAT! Be cautious, be prudent and do not conceited with the vertigo of height.


11- Be humble, my brother, be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.


12. Enter your sixth chamber, brother.


13. This chamber is formed by interlocking rooms.


14- This camera belongs to the sixth Arcanum of the Tarot: "THE ENAMORED".


15- Do you remember from your mistakes?


16- Do you remember, my brother, to those dark times in your life when you experienced in yourself the sixth Arcanum of the Tarot?


17- Do you remember those times when you wandering by the winding roads of fornication and adultery?


18. Enter now, my brother, in this illuminated chamber by the light of your candle.


19. Receive patiently painful memories ... Receive with patience your warnings.


20- Get your party, oh ARHAT!






1- Are you at the door of the seventh chamber, oh ARHAT!


2- This camera is symbolized by the seven Arcanum of the Tarot. (THE WAR CARRIOT).


3- Remember your first love, my brother. Remember your divine Mother, the blessed Goddess Mother of the World, who you abandoned when you ate the forbidden fruit.


4- Perhaps she did not loved you? What did you needed, my brother? Why you abandoned your mother?


5- Hits, ungrateful son, knock strongly on the door of the seventh chamber, so that you open...


6- Bad son, repent of your ingratitude and cry, and wail, and fight the unspeakable, that the gods will open the door of this chamber.


7- This is the seven Arcanum of the Tarot, and must fight hard, my brother, that the gods will open the door of this chamber.


8- The seven Tarot Arcanum is represented by a chariot entrained by two sphinxes: one white, one black.


9. The white Sphinx symbolizes the blessed Goddess Mother of the World and the black Sphinx symbolizes the shadow of the Divine Mother, Hecate, Proserpine, the Queen of the atomic infernos of this nature, the black goddess who both worship the demons of Shadow.


10- You abandoned your Mother to follow the dark goddess of carnal passions and now must repent of your ingratitude and heavily hit the seventh chamber, so that the gods will open.


11- Get In your chariot of war, oh ARHAT! Hits you hard to open.


12. The door has been opened, go into your chamber, oh ARHAT!


13. Enter into the seventh chamber and receive your feast.


14- You are a child and you have delivered powerful weapons, if not know how to use you hurt others and you hurt yourself.



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The creative larynx  


1- You have now reached the bright flower of your creative larynx.


2- The verb of the Gods expresses itself through the creative larynx.


3- HADIT has flourished in your fertile lips made verb.


4- HADIT is the winged serpent Kundalini.


5- The esoteric name of Kundalini is SOLU-SIGI-SIG.


6- This is also the name of the central sun.


7- Can vocalized each of these letters, in the following order: Ssssssss Oooooo  Luuuuu - Ssssss Iiiiii Gggggg Iiiiii - Ssssss Iiiiii gggggg.


8- Letter by letter is vocalized, prolonging the sound of each letter, as such just indicated here.


9- The important thing is to prolong the sound of each vowel. Vocal is like a sweet and gentle whistle. And the Bible tells us that sweet and gentle whistle, in the following verses:


10- "And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before Jehovah. And behold, that Jehovah passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before Jehovah. But the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake. But Jehovah was not in the earthquake.


"And after the earthquake a fire; but Jehovah was not in the fire: and after the fire a delicate and gentle whistle...


"And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the door of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him saying. What are you doing here, Elijah (Verse 11, 12, 13?.. Cap. 19: Kings) ".


11- as mantra allows us to leave our cave (physical center) and enter the mountain (the astral plane).


12. The Vowel S,( esoterically the letter M and S are vowels since that are sounds  ) is a mantra to get out in Astral Body.


13- Disciple lull himself to sleep, rattling his lips the sweet and gentle sound of the , and when he is in that state of transition from wakefulness to sleep, get up from his bed and leave his room, heading for the Gnostic Church.


14. There we will teach and instruct in divine wisdom.


15- However, we must clarify to our disciples that this explanation just given, must be translated into immediate action.


16- The Student should rise from his bed, as naturally as you would a child who did not know occultism. It is not mental practice, and must be translated into concrete actions, such as when you get up one morning to have breakfast.


17-The vowel has a terrible power.


18-The vowel is the Rune SIG and when we vocalize, lightning occurs in the inner atmosphere, they have the power to awaken the Kundalini.


19. The sexual organ of the future divine humanity, will be the creative larynx.


20- The throat is a uterus where the word is gestated.


21- The Kundalini gives the larynx the entire omnipotent power of the creative verb.


22- The important thing is to learn to handle the feminine principle of the solar forces.


23. The feminine solar forces are symbolized by an eagle-headed woman.


24- The sexual magic is the way...


25- We must to realize in us the Christ, to speak the creative verb, yet but this is only possible by learning to manipulate the feminine principle of the sun...


26. However, we know that sexual magic is very hard and very difficult for men of weak will, and therefore recommend that our disciples first practice the exercises of the Rune THORN to acquire willpower that allows them to manipulate with heroism the sexual magic.


27. This exercise will take place the disciple putting his right hand on the waist or hip, and then vocalize the syllables TI-TE-TO-TU-TA , prolonging the sound of each vowel. Soon he will vocalize the mantra THORN well: Toooooorrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn.( there is another wonderful practice with the Rune Alphabetic taught by the V.M.S.A.W. combining two another Runes: the Fa Rune and the Olin Rune and goes like this: First the Rune FA goes like this: At sunrise with face at east standing up with arms up, palms point to the sun the left one a little higher to the right palm breathing deeply imaging the power energy of the sunrise are coming and penetrating through your palms going through your arms then showering all your organs and even more going beyond by  reaching your consciousness and awaking it, now in this practice the same position but hands down imaging that the Sexual energies by going up from the gonads through the two IDA and PINGALA finest cords surrounding medulla till reach the brain by breathing deeply like a suction pump then after to shower the brain the energy must reach the Heart through the sacred channel called AMRITA NADI and while doing this second part  carrying energy from the brain to the heart is time to change the position by putting the two arms at the waist at once opening up the legs by doing it  even given  a little flow at the waist and pronounce the Mantra THOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNN )


28. This exercise practiced daily, the disciple will acquire a powerful willpower, with which you can practice sexual magic and dominate the passionate beast.


29. The strength of will is symbolized by the crown of thorns of the Nazarene.


30- We must strongly hit the flinty rock to blow the spark of immortality.


31- The strength of will is the tremendous force of sacrifice ... is the crown of thorns of the Master.


32. The will and movement of the Kundalini, are inextricably linked.


33. The strength of will is the Rune THORN , and movement is symbolized by the sign OLIN of the Aztecs Mexicans.


34- The runes THORN and MOVEMENT enclose the secret of our liberation.


35. It takes strength of will to put in motion the Kundalini.


36- The Hierarchies related with the elemental department of the cedars, have the power to open the door of OLIN.


37- That door is located in the bottom hole of the spinal cord, and through it we walked into the great mysteries of fire.


38- The mantra is to open that door THORN pronounced prolonging the sound of each vowel as well: Tooooorrrrrrrnnnn.


39- The mantra THORN has the power to set in motion the pure Akasha, to awaken the Kundalini and make it go through each of the thirty-three vertebrae of our spinal column.


40- This mantra has the power to reinforce the Pure Akasha within our Brahmanic cord.


41- OLIN, the sacred sign of the Aztecs Indians, is the gateway to the great mysteries of fire.


42- exercises of OLIN will be putting his right arm around the waist; then both arms will be lowered, by the left, and finally, put both arms above the waist, vocalizing the mantra THORN.


43. It should be vocalized, by inhalations and exhalations of pure air, with the intention of bringing the vital Christ to each of the seven bodies.


44- The sign OLIN is governed by the sign Scorpio, which rules the sexual organs.


45- We know that all the power of Kundalini is contained in the phallus and the uterus, and that the union of the two is the secret to awaken the Kundalini.


46- Once, conferring with a Master of the Great White Hierarchy, he touched my sexual organs to examine me ( in the Inner and up worlds ). Then I felt my whole body like an electric shock, and the Master was very happy and said YOU ARE GOING VERY WELL.


47- The nature has its origin in the fire and all the power of fire is enclosed in our sexual organs.


48- The Master HUIRACOCHA in Rune Magic course teaches all these things, however sacred runes are not owned by Master HUIRACOCHA, because this knowledge is as old as the world and belongs to the great Internal Mystery Schools.


49- We cannot accept this statement of the Master Huiracocha that black and yellow may belong to the White Lodge, because this is only for white people.


50- This kind of racial prejudice cannot accept it, because the White Lodge is universal.


51- In our venerable White Lodge there are Masters of all races.


52- The white race is neither superior nor inferior to the other, but just different, that's all...


53. Nor can we agree with that Huiracocha feels contempt for the Eastern wisdom.


54- Christ taught three ways to reach the union with the INTIMATE.


55- When he preached to the crowds, when it mystically exalted, he showed us the way of Ramakrishna, Kempis path and the path of Francis of Assisi. This is the path of Antonio de Padua and Theresa of Jesus. This is the mystical path


56- When he was among publicans and fishermen and wine drinkers, He showed us the Gnostic Path.


57- When he retired to the solitude of the desert forty days and nights, he taught the way of Eastern Yoga.


58- The seven rays of cosmic evolution, they are reduced to these three ways that showed the Nazarene.


59. Therefore, we cannot neglect the Eastern wisdom ( or any other )...


60- All human INTIMATE, subject to the wheel of births and deaths belong to these three ways.


61- However, we argue that sexual magic between man and woman, is the way to reach NIRVANA.


62- We cannot accept for any reason the racial prejudice of Master Huiracocha.


63- God has no preference to anyone. All human beings, irrespective of race, sex, caste or color, are beloved children of the FATHER and have the same rights.


64- Nor can we accept others absurd thesis like that said by Huiracocha.


65- We recognize that Huiracocha is Master is a guru of the Universal White Brotherhood, and I aware that is Archbishop of the Gnostic Church( of the upper words), but when he made these statements in the course of his Magic-Rune, unfortunately  was wrong.


66- There is no doubt that if the Guru Huiracocha would have physical body would rectify those mistakes, because of man is err and the fool stay in error.


67- "Be thou, oh HADIT, the Gnostic secret of my BEING, the central point of my connection and blooms in my fertile lips made verb."


68- When the Kundalini of the mental body reaches this igneous rose of the creative larynx, reverberates in the internal worlds a trumpet and we enter into the temple to celebrate the feast...


69- All human beings: white, black, yellow, red, copper, have the right to speak the word of light and form part of the Great Universal White Fraternity, because we are all beloved children of the Father.


70- God has no preference with anyone cares own way of man and the ant, the bird and reptile.


71- God has no racial prejudices and loves with an infinite love for all children regardless of race, sex, caste or color.


72- We must love all human beings, give our last drop of blood for all our brothers of this great human family.


73- To me criticize me the wicked because I teach humanity the secret doctrine of the Gnostics.


74- I diffuse all the esoteric teachings to save all my brothers and sisters of the humanity.


75- All I know is for my brothers and I am willing to teach them the most sacred things of the Universe to enter Eden, as I entered.


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1- You have defeated subtle testing oh ARHAT!


2- Come now, my brother, in the first saint camera than goes from the frown to the heart.


3- You have begun to unite the mind and heart.


4- Now enter the temple, my brother, to celebrate the feast.


5- Rejoice heart, my son sings...


6- Finally, after so many centuries ... it is going to unite the mind with your heart...


7- Sing, heart, because your mind is humbled before the majesty of the INTIMATE...


8- Sing, heart, because the mind moves between the blazing fire towards you...


9. Sing, heart because wisdom becomes love...


10- You have entered the holy chamber of the magnetic field at the root of the nose...


11- The temple is celebrating, my son, because the boat of your mind is getting from the other side to the ineffable beaches of Eden, where the rivers of pure water of life flowing with milk and honey...


12. Sing, heart, sing, because the rebellious house of Israel has been afflicted and humbled before their God...


13. Sing, heart ... sing, for your sailboat moving towards the port of light...


14. Sing, heart, because your mind is already freed from all kinds of schools, religions, orders, sects, lodges, classrooms, concepts of country and flag, prejudices, desires, fears, hatred, envy, intellectualism, sophistry, theories , etc.


15- The intellectualism can only lead men to black magic, as always accompanied with pride and selfishness.


16- Are not the proud, they not the spiritualism scholars, those who have always criticized and attacked and angry that have torn our works?


17- The intellect by itself, only it leads men to black magic.


18- Those who always criticize, refute and attack only are motivated by pride, selfishness and vanity.


19- Master HP Blavatsky met adepts of very average intelligence, but adepts.


20- The powers of the Masters emanate from their purity of life and the merits of the heart.


21- The powers of a Master emanate from his inner God, and harmony with nature and the law.


22- After each reincarnation, when the personal Ego is reinstated to his divine eternal TRIAD, and abandons the mental body, it disintegrates and its atoms are scattered on the mental plane.


23. These mental atoms are attracted again when the Intimate rebuilds his new mental body to enter through the doors of a new reincarnation of the school of life.


24- These “causes” MANASIC atoms, are of the same nature of MANAS, that is, the very nature of the mental body, and come to compose the atomic structures of this new mental body.


25- In these atoms is locked our karma.


26. This process has been repeated through millions of births and deaths.


27. When these atoms of the mind have united with the INTIMATE by fire of the fourth serpent, then we liberate ourselves from the wheel of births and deaths.


28. However, to be NIRVANI WITHOUT RESIDUES, we must free ourselves from both the good karma and bad karma.


29.We must not be in debt nor that they are indebted with us.


30- While the Lions of the Law owe us something, we are NIRVANIS WITH RESIDUE.


31- While we debt some we are NIRVANIS WITHOUT RESIDUUM.


32. We must move beyond good and evil, we must move beyond intelligence, and even beyond the ineffable spheres of love.


33- To those heights of light, we can only go up by the stairs of love and sacrifice.


34- We must do much good for the sake of humanity...


35- So we pay our debts...


36- Later, the Lords of the Law must also pay us the balance in favor...


37- Finally, we set free from the good karma and bad karma, and we will become NIRVANIS WITHOUT RESIDUES...


38- The mind must unite with the divine TRIAD, along with soul extracts of astral, vital and physical vehicles.


39. This is how our TRIAD is reinforced by the lower quaternary.


40- The lower MANAS, along with KAMAS FRANA and LINGA reinforces the Divine TRIAD by fire.


41- Of the same mind, just we use your psychic compressed  to these transcendental purposes.


42- When Human Being is capable to converse with his INTIMATE, face to face, facing, has reached the state of TURIYA.


43- Many wonder: How is the INTIMATE? Which figure has?, etc.


44- The more humble and simple a person is, the more easily understand the nature of our divine eternal TRIAD.


45- But intellectuals can only comprehend the Divine TRIAD by the geometric shape of the triangle.


46- When the mind is united with the heart, he lives in the TRIAD and feeds entirely on the TRIAD.


47- However, the union of the mind with the heart, is only possible through the FIRE.




                                                                            THE BURNING ROAD 


1- The fiery path from the eyebrows to the heart, is governed by an atomic God of infinite power.


2- Go forward steadily into the second chamber of this ardent way, oh ARHAT!


3- Fine temptations assail you...


4- They offer you liquors and pleasures seemingly inescapable.


5- The green monster of jealousy subtly assaults you in the world of cosmic understanding where your mind scorching flames...


6- Get moving ARHAT and remain alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime...


7- The burning road that goes from the eyebrows to the heart, is very narrow, very difficult, very subtle and full of temptations.


8- The most dangerous is the painful past of your life, mixed with subtle temptations.


9. You need to stand firm against those subtle dangers...


10- The finer is a temptation, it is more dangerous...


11- During these tests, you must show the total balance of mind and heart.


12. You go to the second chamber of the igneous path that goes from the eyebrows to the heart.


13. You have succeeded in testing, my son.


14. A group of angels joyfully celebrate your victory...


15- You have earned the right to enter to NIRVANA...


16- You have earned the right to enter the cavalry of the army of heaven...


17. Go to your chamber, my son, to celebrate your party. You're a NIRVANI.


18- You have entered into the ineffable joy of NIRVANA, and all divine hierarchies are filled with joy at your victory.


19. You are now blessed...

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1- We have explained in previous chapters, what is the divine clairvoyance.


2- Among clairvoyants, there are degrees and degrees, scales and scales, because the lighting be made by degrees ... little by little...


3- We must differentiate between the clairvoyance of disciples and the clairvoyance of the Masters.


4. When the Master has pushed up his first snake to his brow, his Buddhic body receives the Buddhic clairvoyance, and then, shines upon the brow of his Buddhic body with a pentagram, which radiates an immaculate and sparkling white light.


5- When the Master has carried his second serpent to the frown, the frontal Chakra of the etheric body is opened, and then the Master acquires etheric sight.


6- When the Master has sent his third serpent to the front Chakra of the astral body then becomes clairvoyant in the astral world.


7- When the Master has made his fourth serpent reach the frontal chakra of the mental body becomes clairvoyant of the mental world, and so on with the seven degrees of power of fire.


8- But the disciples can make their chakras rotate and be clairvoyant...


9. This is how the disciples prepare for the advent of the fire...


10- But however strong the clairvoyance of a disciple may be, when compared with the splendor of the frontal chakra of a Master of Major Mysteries, is that as a smallish candle to the bright light of the sun.


11- The sacred fire of your mental body has made its way to the frontal chakra of your mind. Oh ARHAT!


12- You have conquered the darkness, you have beaten the tenebrous, and the door of your frontal Chakra is opens...


13. From there goes the white dove of the Holy Spirit among the burning flames of the fire that flames...


14. Receive now a little brown stone... receive it brother ... you're now a clairvoyant of MAHAT...


15- Enter the temple, my brother, to celebrate the feast...


16- It is now necessary, my son, to unite the mind and heart by the fire.


17. The heart and the head must march in perfect balance. The heart and the head must march balanced. The heart and the head must march in perfect harmony, and this is only possible, uniting the heart and head, by fire.


18- From the frown to the heart, there is an avenue, there is a way, and certain secret chambers where the fire should goes through...


19. It is impossible for the heart and mind can be harmonized and balanced, without the power of fire.


20- The spiritualists of all schools talk about the balance between mind and heart, but it is impossible for the mind and heart can be balanced without the power of fire.


21- The head and the heart, just join through Kundalini.


22- The fire connects the mind with the divine TRIAD, which resides in the heart.


23- The mind gives us the bread of wisdom when it connects to the heart by the fire...


24- The mental man resides in the head, and heavenly man resides in the heart.


25- We must unite the mental man with the heavenly man, by fire.


26. The Kundalini unites mind and heart.


27. Intellectuals are morally depraved beings because they move only under the direction of the Guardian of the Threshold of the mental body, without listening to the voice of the heavenly man who resides in the heart.


28. The mind must become an instrument of the heart.


29. We must learn to think with the heart...


30- The mind must flow deliciously with the exquisite feeling of the heart.


31- The mind must become loving and simple...


32. The wisdom of the heart illuminates the mind...


33. The wisdom of the heart is deposited in the chalice of the mind, as redeeming blood.


34. The mind of the ARHAT is symbolized by the Holy Grail.


35- The Love of the heart is the Sumum of wisdom.






1- At the root of the nose is the first chamber of the igneous path that goes from the eyebrows to the heart.


2- Hits strongly that chamber doors, oh ARHAT!


3- Fine temptations assault you in the world of cosmic understanding.


4- It offer riches in erotic opportunities, with sublime purposes...


5- Stay alert as the watchman in wartime, because these fine tests are dangerous, oh ARHAT!


6- At the root of the nose there is a magnetic field where the solar and lunar atoms of our seminal system make contact.


7- That contact is possible only through sexual magic, because the nasal passages are closely related to coccygeal Church through the two ganglionic cords of our spinal cord.


8- The Yogis of India, through Pranayama and chastity achieve that contact lunar and solar atoms at the root of the nose and in the Muladhara.


9- The Akasha pure flowing through the channel Shushumna and two solar and lunar currents make contact in the magnetic field of the nose when we practice sexual magic intensely.


10- These are the three vital airs of the Brahmanic cord.


11- This three vital airs are governs by the INTIMATE through the power of his will.


12. These channels: solar and lunar, must be totally pure, so that the solar and lunar currents can circulate freely through its ganglionic cords, and for the pure Akasha of the Shushumna channel can flow freely through the spinal column.


13. For this reason, to Gnostics, as Yogis and Mystics all fornication it must to be avoid.


14- The three vital airs, energized by the power of will, become to whoremongers in black magicians and white magicians to the holy and chaste men.


15- These three vital airs, mixed with fornication and with "scientific" ejaculation during sexual magic of the course given by Parsival or Cherenzi Lind, make human beings in black magicians.


16- During the sexual trance, our seminal substance descends into its corresponding bag ... When this seminal substance spilled, we lose millions of SOLAR CHRISTIC ATOMS, then, by moving genital contraction, replaced by millions of demonic atoms entering the Brahmanic cord, and if by the will have invigorated the three vital airs of pure Akasha, then by the genital  contraction then the Akasha mix with the atoms collected from the infernos of man, it is the awakening of the Luciferian serpent, negative and demonic form ...


17- With the awakening of tantric powers, the inferior quaternary ends by divorcing the divine Triad and becoming a perverse demon of the abyss.


18. This separation is performed when the bridge called Antahkarana, which connects the lower quaternary with the Divine Triad is broken.


19- The ANTAKARANA corresponds to the umbilical cord of the fetus.


20- With the tenebrous and negative sexual magic of Cherenzi Lind and the traitor Parsival Krumm-Heller, are fortifying the three vital airs then at time to mixed with satanic atoms collected from the sexual organs after the tantric ejaculation, the fiery serpent awakens negatively.


21- This is how Cherenzi disciples and the disciples of the traitor Parsival, are separated from the divine TRIAD and become evil demons.


22- From Shushumna, Ida and Pingala, a movement of Akashic circulation throughout the body is established.


23. The magnetic field of the nose is a battlefield and a lookout.


24- The defenders atoms of the body have there their checkpoints to prevent the entry of insolent and malignant atoms, which cause disease.


25- The transformative atoms and aspirant atoms of our organism enter through this magnetic field to be under service NOUS atom of the heart.


26. The whole process of the Great Initiations performed is in the secret burning chambers of Shushumna channel.


27. The four great Initiations of Major Mysteries are SROTAPANNA, SAKRIDAGAMIN, ANAGAMIN, ARHAN. These are the four paths leading to Nirvana.


28. However, the ARHAN even be an Adept must still raise his Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Serpent of his eternal Divine Triad, to become an ARHAT of the "Fire Mist."


29. These are the seven Great Initiations of Major Mysteries.


30- There are seven serpents that we must raise practicing Sexual Magic intensely with the woman or by the force of the sacrifice of a total and definitive sexual abstention, like those authentic Yogis who follow the path of perfection, or as the sublime mystical Ramakrishna, Francis of Assisi or Antonio de Padua.


31- The Masters of the seventh ardent scale are now just a step away from the fundamental root of the hierarchy.


32. This fundamental root of the White Hierarchy is locked in the "human Banyan."


33. This wonderful being is the Master of the Masters of the Great White Lodge, SANAT KUMARA, the founder of the College of Initiates of the Universal White Brotherhood.


34. This is one of the Four Thrones which the Bible speaks.


35. This great Being descended to our earth in early Lemurian times, before the separation into sexes, to found the COLLEGE OF INITIATES of the Great Hierarchy, and is embodied in physical body from the distant past, without death has no power over him. He lives in Asia.


36- The ARHAN that enters the world of the "Mist of Fire", is already a step away from the INITIATION, Eighth and Ninth of the "FUNDAMENTAL ROOT" of the Hierarchy.


37- At this summit is reached by practicing sexual magic, or swearing total and definitive abstention, and treading the path of perfect holiness.


38- The KARMA is no obstacle to this, because we can pay all our debts,by sacrificing until our last drop of blood on behalf of all human beings that inhabit the whole face of the earth.( Love, love, love )


39- "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects."


"Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty." (Ver. 17, Ch. 5 JOB).


40- He who has capital to pay, pays and comes out well in business.


41- Do good deeds to pay your debts.


42- When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.


43. The Lion of the Law is fought with the balance.


44. Thus, man can break his chains when you want, up seven ardent scales and become a Dragon of wisdom, between the "Mist of Fire"...


45- The ANU primordial atom, is the purest atom that enters, by the magnetic field of our nose, this atom cannot be multiplied, in the pre-genetic state, or cousin-genetic, is the sum total, all-encompassing, omniscient omnipresent, unlimited and absolutely divine.


46- About this atom fundament is the whole atomic activity of the magnetic field of the nose and the Chakra MULADHARA.


47- FOHAT, select the atoms have to penetrate our nostrils.


48- FOHAT combines the various atomic elements for our Divine purposes.


49. Every human being has its own FOHAT; each cosmic world has its own cosmic FOHAT, and the total sum of all FOHATS constitute an Universal FOHAT. The universal fire of life, whose intelligent flames combine the atomic elements of space to fecundate the chaotic matter.


50- "The Mother sleeps, although it is always breathing."


51- Each atom of Cosmos is condemned to incessant differentiations; only ANU does not admit differentiations.


52- "The breath of the Father-Mother is cold and heating, and heated and corrupt, to cool again and be purified in the eternal bosom of inner space."


53- Everything breathes. Everything ebbs and flows, everything breathes and absorbs.


54- Every phenomenon of respiration is based on the breath of the ABSOLUTE.


55- The ABSOLUTE breathes and absorbs.


56- Each exhalation of the ABSOLUTE is a Cosmic Day; and each inhalation of the Absolute is a Cosmic Night.


57- When the heart of our solar system began to palpitate after the great Cosmic Night, was repeating the exhalation and absorption of the ABSOLUTE, within seven centers "LAYA" whose chaotic masses were fecundated by FOHAT, that from the CHAOS emanate worlds in our solar system.


58- That breath of the ABSOLUTE is repeated in the atom, is repeated in the ant, is repeated in the eagle and man.


59- Everything ebbs and flows, everything comes and goes, all repulse and repulse with this rhythm of divine breath.


60- During the early dynasties of pharaohs of ancient Egypt, I received the key of Sexual Magic, in the sacred room of an old pyramid burned by the desert sun.


61- The Master, dressed in his white robe, stood next to a vertical rod as a symbol, representing the phallus.


62- With the sober and austere voice of the old Hierophants, carefully instructed me about the great mysteries of sex.


63- Sitting in an armchair, listening attentively to the Hierophant...


64- Then, directing his penetrating eyes towards me, strong and authoritative voice, said to me: "Discovering the CHE-CHE-RE". I then discovered my sex organ, and the Master, from lip to ear, told me the unspeakable secret of the Great Arcanum, which consists of sexually connecting with women, and withdraw from her without seminal ejaculation, that is, restraining the act.


65- Then I practiced my first cult of sexual magic with the priestess, under the direction of the Hierophant.


66- "This is wonderful," I exclaimed.


67- He who violated the unspeakable secret of the Great Arcanum, was sentenced to death, he cut his head, tore out his heart and his ashes were thrown to the four winds.


68- Not being spilled semen, restrained desire causes our seminal energy rise full of billions of Christic atoms, which illuminate with its light and splendor of the three channels through which the pure Akasha circulate.


69- The mixture of the Christic atoms resulting from our semen transmuted into energy, when combined with the Pure Akasha awakens the Kundalini positively, and step up toward Brahmarandra, through the thirty-three chambers of our column spinal; this is how the ADEPTED is achieved.


70- I was educated at the feet of the Great Hierophants of the pyramids, and met the ancient wisdom of the wise old men of the temples of Mysteries...


71- So today when I see these little men of actual times fornicating "mystically" I cannot help feeling infinite pity for them...


72- The Akashic breath penetrates through our nasal cavities and descends through our Brahmanic cord.


73- When Akasha is reinforced by our will, and the will of the cosmic Hierarchies, descends from above, from the sky of Urania, and precipitated in the depths of our reed, producing the hissing sound of the Sssss.


74- And the Akashic breath colliding with solar and lunar currents and with the Christic atoms that compound the Kundalini, the sacred fire then rises one more vertebra, one more canyon in his rise through the thirty-three canyons, to Brahmarandra.


75- If the Akashic breath, bolstered by the will, to descend our Brahmanic cord instead to find  Christic atoms find atoms of fornication, satanic atoms collected from the infernos of man with genital contraction movements, that occur at the seminal ejaculation , then Akasha crash with satanic atoms, would come the awakening of the Kundalini negatively, and a satanic atom that resides in the Muladhara it would come to activity  controlling Kundalini, making it descend from the coccyx downwards towards the atomic infernos of Man, to form the famous tail with which Satan has represented.


76- In the seminal ejaculation advised by the black magician Omar Cherenzi Lind and by the lost and tenebrous Krumm-Heller Parsival, sexual organs collected by genital contraction, satanic atoms of the secret enemy, that in attempting to ascend upward to Urania They are violently rejected by the Akashic breath that rushes down towards the coccyx, to awaken the Muladhara negatively, and to active at certain atom of the secret enemy, which then exercises control over the Kundalini, directing it down , to submerged worlds of consciousness, forming the famous tail of the demons.


77- This is how the disciples of the black magicians are separated from the divine triad formed by ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS, and become tantric personalities of the abyss.


78- The Akasa is not the ether, as many believe.


79- The Akasha is sound cause, the spiritual cause of the verb, the Anima Mundi, what is Divine, the divine Hierarchies, whose breath enters through the magnetic field of our nose.


80- Consequently, the scriptures say that God breathed life into Adam's nostrils, and infused a living soul.


81- "Shaped, so Jehovah the man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Verse 7 Chapter 2:.. GENESIS).


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1 "For the image have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams, they comfort in vain. Therefore they were like sheep, and were humiliated because there was no shepherd." (Verse. 2 Ch. 10. ZACARÍAS).


2- We have to make the differentiation between diviners and prophets.


3- Eliphas Levi, reads: "Diviner comes from the word divinaris, divinus, meaning exercise divinity". But he forgot at the Abate Alfonso Luis Constant the particle A, which precedes at the divine word.


4- Grammar reads as follows: A, preposition denoting separation, alienation, ex. Theo, means God, but if we put the particle A, ATHEIST form the word, which we call that does not believe in God. Soothsayers, represent precisely the opposite of the divine, that is, the diabolical. Apolitical means a non-political individual.


5- If you read the Bible carefully, we find a single word in favor of the soothsayers.


6- When King Nebuchadnezzar summoned magicians, soothsayers and charmers to reveal the dream of the statue, there was no one soothsayer to reveal the king this arcane, only a prophet of God answered the king and said. "The mystery which the king has demanded, nor wise men, nor enchanters, nor magicians, nor soothsayers, can teach the king."


"But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what shall happen within days".


7- This is textual of the second chapter of the Book of Daniel, and invites meditation.


8- Daniel the prophet of the living God, was the only one who could reveal the dream to Nebuchadnezzar.


9- The diviners are tenebrous seers are black magicians.


10- Prophets are seers of the light, are white magicians.


11- The soothsayers see images of the abyss and dream dreams of the abyss, with which predict events that may fail, because not all the time crystallize in the physical world images the dark abyss.


12- The dark abyss scenes are really into the abyss, but not always crystallize in the physical world.


13- Prophets are seers of light, men of God enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and its forecasts are accurate because their pineal and pituitary glands are totally illuminated by the sacred fire.


14- The Chelas of the White Fraternity are apprentices, they are disciples of the prophets, and therefore can serve as messengers of the prophets, and speak a word of the Masters holy men.


15- To be a prophet is needed to receive the Holy Spirit.


16- But the disciples of our White Lodge are messengers of the prophets and disciples of the prophets.


17- The vain dreams are from the abyss...


18. Dreams of light are of light...


19. Among the prophets are hierarchies...


20- The lighting goes gradually performing, because "nature does not make leaps." In all there are scales and scales, degrees and degrees...


21- There is a seer of the seer and the prophet of the prophet.


22- The Seer of the Seer is the INTIMATE, the prophet of the Prophet is the INTIMATE.


23- The bright visions of our disciples come from the White Hierarchies.


24- However, if our disciples are given to fornication and catch the black path, away from the path of the prophets and become diviners.


25- And his dreams are dreams of the abyss, are empty dreams, and their gloomy forecasts unfortunately fail, causing them shame and confusion of face.


26- Prophets are the Masters of the Venerable White Lodge.


27- The soothsayers are black magicians, tenebrous seers, prophets of Baalim who eat at Jezebel's table and teach to fornicate and eat things sacrificed to idols.


28. Our disciples must follow the path of perfection, they must be pure, pure, pure, for the pure crystal of their imagination is a perfect mirror where can reflect all the precious images of the Universal Fire.


29. All impure thoughts, all hatred, all envy, jealousy, wickedness, etc., tarnish the most pure crystal of clairvoyance, converting our disciples into seers of the shadows, in soothsayers.






1 And the Lord God said: "Behold the man is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for always":


"And he brought him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken."


"So he drove out the man, and placed at the east of the Eden garden cherubim and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life."(Verse. 22, 23, 24, Ch. 3. Genesis).


2- My little son, already you ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and met its fruit, "sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly."


3- You knew my brother, what is the joy of having a child, the pain of losing, you enjoyed all the pleasures of the race, you snogged as the pig in the mud of the earth, and drank in all the tempting drinks.


4- Now my son, break the cup of fornication, so you return to Eden know good and evil, as one of us.


5- eighteen million years ago you come eating the forbidden fruit, and you already know the taste of that fruit brother of mine, and you acquire the knowledge of good and evil at the cost of so much bitterness.


6- Be determined not to eat of that forbidden tree, so that you come to Eden, where you go out...


7- There you eat from that other tree of Eden, called "Tree of Life" and live forever and rivers of pure water will flow from your belly...


8- Already you suffered too much, my son, you are a resident in the valley of bitterness, with the sweat of your face you ate the bread of the land, and thorns and thistles have pierced your flesh.


9. Do not eat from that fruit of painful, my son ... Enter now to Eden through the door you came out from ... You know already good and evil, brake the rebel glass and enter my son, come ... You one of us, knowing good and evil ...


10. Do not try, my brother, break or skip the walls of Eden, because to paradise because you can only enter through the door where you came from.


11- The man came out of Paradise through the door of sex, and only through that door can enter Paradise.


12- The Eden is sex itself, and to Eden we can only enter from where we got out.


13- Vain will attempt foolish men, jump out the walls of Eden...


14- To Paradise can only enter through the door which we came out... that door is the SEX.


15- Uselessly will try to break the walls the spiritualist theoreticians, fornicators and other prophets of the Baals, who eat at Jezebel's table.


16- You met my son, Greek and Roman, took part in all the biblical exodus and austere priests of all religions on earth they just gave you the comfort of one day...


17- You took sackcloth, fasting and penance, and frames of all the temples of all religions on earth just barely comfort your aching heart, but the sting of time awoke you to the hard roughness of existence, and you could not find in your way none passerby that could comfort you. Catholic or Protestant, Buddhist or Muslim, are already dead leaves in your aching heart...


18- You were male you were women had worshipers at the bottom of your window ... And you enjoyed orgies and banquets and feasting...


19- You were humble beggar and beggar ... elderly, helpless ... and shopkeepers threw you out of their tents, with they feet...


20- You were great matron among perfumes, gold and silk, and each time that death visited, saw the vanity of passing things.


21- Remember your first love ... Remember where you came from ... and enter thou through the door of Eden, my brother.


22- The door of Eden is the SEX ... and you came out through that door when the Lord Jehovah took you out for disobeying his command.


23. Obey now my son, and enters.


24- "Oh, Lebanon, open your doors and fire burn your cedars." (Verse. 1. Ch. 11. Zechariah).


25- "It say so Jehovah of hosts. If thou wilt walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you will govern my house, you also keep my courts, and between them you give here are square." (V. 7, Ch. 2. Zechariah).



Read more…


- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps of Freemasonry - The three traitors - The meaning of the Twelve Apostles - The Mysteries of Lingam Yoni –The Philosopher's Stone - The ten Sephiroth - The I of psychology –



First, it is necessary to thoroughly understand what is really the "Cosmic Christ".

Urge to know in the name of truth, that Christ is not merely historical; people are accustomed to think of Christ as a historical person who existed 2016 years ago. This concept is wrong because Christ is not of time, Christ is timeless! Christ unfolds from instant to instant, from moment to moment. Christ himself is the Sacred Fire, the Universal Cosmic Fire.


If we raked a match, sprout fire; Scientists say that the fire is the result of combustion, but this is false, fire gushing into the match, the fire is contained into the match, just to rub his prison and liberated appears. We could say that the fire itself is not the result of combustion, rather, combustion is the result of fire.


It should be understood, my dear brethren, that to us what interests us most is the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of the fire. The hand that moves the match to bring the flame, has fire, life, or else he could not move; after the match goes out, the flame remains in the fourth vertical or dimension. Scientists do not know what fire is. Use it, but do not know.


They do not know what electricity is, use it, but do not know. Also dear brothers, you should understand what is fire. Before the dawn of creation vibrate intensely, the fire made its appearance.

Remember my dear brethren, that there are two ones: The First One is AELOHIM!, The Second One is Elohim! The First One is the unmanifested! , The Unknowable!, The deity can not be painted or symbolize or burilar. The second one, springs from the first one! and is the Demiurge Architect of the Universe, the Fire.


 Understand that one is the fire that burns in the kitchen or on the altar, and the other is the fire of the spirit as Aelohim! or as Elohim !. Elohim is thus the Demiurge, the Army of the Voice, the Great Word. Each of the Builders of the Universe is flame alive, fire alive; it is written that God is a consuming fire.


Fire is the Christ, the Cosmic Christ! Elohim, in itself, has sprung from Aelohim; Elohim, unfolds itself; hard to start the cosmic manifestation, the Two, his wife, in the Divine Mother, and when one is split into two, the three arise, which is the fire comes. Creatures of Chaos fire make fruitful the chaos for life to emerge. Whenever One splits into two, the Third appears the fire. Fire does fertile waters of existence; Chaos, then, becomes the "Divine Androgen".


So it should be understood that the Army of the Voice, the Army of the Word, is fire, and that fire alive, that living and philosophical fire that fertilizes the chaotic matter, is the Cosmic Christ!, the "Logos" The Great Word, but to the Logos appears, to come to the rally, one must split into the two, that is, the Father unfolds in the Mother and union of two opposing born Third The Fire! That Fire is the Logos, the Christ that makes possible the existence of the universe Dawn of any creation.


Should we understand better what the Christ is. Not content ourselves with merely recall the historical question. Because Christ is a reality from instant to instant; from moment to moment; from second to second; He is the Creator. Fire has the power to create atoms and disintegrate them; the power to handle the universal cosmic forces, etc. Fire has the power to unite all the atoms and create universes; as the power to disintegrate universes. The world is a ball of fire that turns on and off according to law.


So Christ is the fire, that is why on the cross so you will see the four letters "INRI", meaning: IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA, which is equivalent to "Fire renews nature incessantly."


Now we think you begin to understand why we are interested in the Astral Signature of the fire, the flame of the flame, the occult, the esoteric aspect of fire. And in fact the fire is the Christ has the power to transform all that is, all that has been and all that will be. "INRI" is what we want, without "INRI" is not possible for us to Christify us.


 The Intimate Christ, the Cosmic Christ, has to take three steps: From top to bottom, through the seven regions of the Universe.  Also that the Christ should take three steps from the bottom up. - Behold the mystery of the three steps and seven steps of Freemasonry. It is a pity that Freemasons brothers have forgotten this; in any case the Crestos - Logos - shines in the zenith of the Midnight Spiritual. As in the twilight or in in the Eastern, and each of these three positions is respected in the Seven Regions. The mystic who is guided by the star of Midnight, the Spiritual Sun, knows what they mean those three steps, within the seven regions. We also think of the Sun, in the beam and in the fire; behold the three ports, three aspects of the Logos, in the Seven Regions.


When the One, splits in two the Third arises, and this is fire, which creates and returns again to create. The Third can create with the power of the Word, with the Solar Word, the Magic Word, or the Word of the Central Sun, so creates the Logos!


It is by fire that we can Christify; vain will the Christ born in Bethlehem, but born in our hearts too. In vain will have been crucified and died, and was raised in the Holy Land, but born, dies and is resurrected in us.

We need to incarnate the Cosmic Crestos, the spirit of fire, do flesh in us; while we have not done, we are dead to the things of the spirit; because he is the life, he is the Logos, is the Great Word ... Heru Pakroat! He is Vishnu. The word Vishnu comes from a root "Vish" which means: to penetrate, he penetrates all that is, was and will be. We need to penetrate us, to transform us radically. Only by fire we achieve to annihilate the Ego in us. Whoever wants to annihilate the Ego only with the intellect, walks the path of error.



Obviously, we need to know ourselves, if we want to CHRISTIFY us, and if we know ourselves to achieve Christification need to observe ourselves, see ourselves, only that way will be possible one day to the disintegration of the Ego. The Ego is the sum total of all our faults: Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, etc., etc., etc. Although we had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, would not reach our full list all defects.


We need to observe ourselves, to know ourselves that if we observe themselves, discover our psychological defects, and we can work on. When someone admits he has a psychology begins to be observed, that it actually turns into a different creature.


We need to learn to observe themselves, to see themselves. But we must observe known; because one is mechanical observation, and one is conscious observation.


Someone who knew at first our teachings would say, but what I get from watching me? This is boring! I have seen that I have anger, I have seen that I am jealous what? Of course, so is the mechanical observation! We need to look at the observed! I repeat, we need to observe the observed! And this is already aware of ourselves observation.


Mechanical self-observation, never lead to anything; It is absurd, senseless, fruitless, unconscious. We need self-observation self-conscious. Only then can we truly know ourselves, to work on our shortcomings.


We feel anger at a given time, we will observe the observed - the scene of anger - no matter what we do later, but let's do it, and observing what was observed, what we saw in us, we know really if it was anger or was not, because some nervous syncope we take for anger may have caused. That soon we were invaded by jealousy, as we will observe the observed; what did you observe? Maybe the woman was with another guy! And if you're a woman, maybe she saw her man with another woman! And was jealous. Anyway very calmly and in deep meditation, I observe the observed, to really know if it existed or were no jealousy. By observing the observed, we will through meditation and evident self-reflection of Being so the observation becomes conscious. When one becomes aware of this or that psychological defect, you can work it with fire.


One would have to concentrate on Stella Maris, Tonantzin, Rhea, Cybele, Marah, etc. She is a part of our being but derivative. It is the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers; Holy Cobra - blazing fire -; her with the Flaming Powers, can disintegrate the psychological defect, the psychic aggregate we find self-consciously observed. And obviously in turn the essence or bottled fire in the psychic aggregate that we disintegrate it, shine - will be released as we-go disintegrating the aggregates percentages of essence that is Christic Fire, be multiplied; and one day, fire will shine within ourselves, here and now.


We need the fire burn in us, only INRI sacred name put on the cross of the Martyr of Calvary, can break the psychic aggregates. Those who seek to break all these aggregates, regardless of the fire, marching the wrong way, not only are wrong, but also mislead others. It is said that Crestos, born in the village of Bethlehem, made ​​in 2016 years, which is false! because the town of Bethlehem did not exist at that time. Bethlehem has a Chaldean root: Bel and Bel, is fire; Fire Tower of the Chaldeans.


In our body, the tower is the head and neck, because the rest of the body is the Temple. Who has managed to raise himself on fire; who can lift up the head to the brain, to the top; in fact it may become the body of "Crestos" - the fire - the Spirit of Fire.


And it is the original, primordial spirit, who can fully Christify us. Is fire "fohat" burning within ourselves, who will transform us completely; once the fire burn within us, we will be totally changed, we will be fully converted into different creatures, we shall be converted into different beings, then we will enjoy full enlightenment and cosmic powers. So I understand this, my beloved brothers owe us work with the fire.


As he knows, the word gives power, no one has uttered, no one will utter ... but only one, who has incarnated.


Christ - the spirit of fire - is not merely a historical figure, is the Army of the Word, is a force that is beyond personality, the ego and individuality. It is a force, like electricity and magnetism, power, a great cosmic and universal agent. Is the electric force can cause further manifestations. That cosmic fire, go enter the man who is properly prepared; the man who has the tower that of Belem burning.


When Christ incarnate in a man it is radically transformed. Is the Child God must be born  in every creature. As he was born in the universe millions of years to fully organize the solar system, so must be born in each of us. He was born in the stable at Bethlehem, that is between animals of desire between psychological aggregates that need breaking: that only fire can break these aggregates; and where the fire appears to destroy these aggregates are, to make them cosmic dust, and liberate the soul, the essence. How can he free the soul, if it does not penetrate deep into the human organism?


In the East, Christ is Vishnu, and I repeat: The root Vish means penetrate; fire, Christ, the Logos, can penetrate deep into the human body to burn the dross we have inside: but we need to love the fire worship the flame.


It is time to understand that only "FOHAT 'can radically transform us radically. Christ works within us breaking the roots of evil, "INRI" breaking the psychic aggregates is formidable, reduces them to ashes. But we need to work with the fire.


So in our work of concentration we invoke the igneous Serpent of our magical powers because only with fire we can break all the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within. The cold moon, will never break the psychic aggregates need the flaming powers of the Logos. We need the "INRI" to transform us.


My dear brethren, understand what the Holy Week and Easter has seven days.

In ancient times everything was governed by the Solar Calendar:

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn: The days were Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Unfortunately the timing was altered by medieval people fanatical.


Easter is deeply significant. Remember seven and three steps of Freemasonry. Christ must burn first of all, in our human body. Later the Flame must to place in the depths of the soul. And finally, at the bottom of the Spirit. These three steps through the Seven Spheres, are profoundly significant. Obviously these three steps, basic, fundamental, are contained in the Seven spheres in the world and the universe.


Unquestionably Easter has very deep esoteric roots, because the initiate must work on the lunar forces, and the forces of Mercury, and the forces of Venus and the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Logos, operates in seven regions and according to the seven planets of the solar system.


The flame should appear in the physical body, must advance the vital body, must pursue its way through the astral path, to continue their journey into the world of the mind, must reach the sphere of Venus in the causal world, must continue or continue their journey through the Buddhic world or intuitional, and finally, on the seventh day, he will come to the world of Atman, the world of spirit; then the Master will receive the Baptism of Fire, which radically transformed.


Obviously the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is written in the four Gospels, it must be lived within ourselves, here and now. That is not merely historical, is something to live here and now!


The three traitors who crucified Christ, that lead to death, are within ourselves; Masons know them, the Gnostics also know, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas. Judas is the demon of desire, that haunts us. Pilates is the demon of the mind that everything has to apologize. Caiaphas is the demon of ill will, who prostitutes the altar.


Those are the three traitors who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver. The thirty pieces represent all the vices and passions of humanity ... Christ changed the bottles in the canteen, change to Christ by the brothel, or the bed of Procrustes, change to Christ for the money, riches, by the sensual life, sold for thirty pieces of silver.

Brethren, remember that crowds of people, ask the Lord's crucifixion; all those crowds shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! There are not! That 2015 year ago those people who call for the crucifixion of the Lord is within ourselves. I repeat here and now! they are the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within, are all those undesirable psychic elements that we carry within red devils of "Seth" living personification of our psychological defects. They are who shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! And the Lord is put to death: Who flog him?, Are not all the crowds that we carry within us Who would spit? There are all those psychic aggregates that personify our defects who put upon him the crown of thorns? Are not all these denizens of hell that we have created.


The event of the Christic story is not of yesterday, is now, is present; not merely a past as ignoramuses believe. But those who understand, will work to Christification.


The Lord is risen to Calvary and the majestic peaks of Calvary might say "He who  believes in me never will walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life, I am the bread of life, I am the living bread which eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. The Lord will not hold grudges for anyone ... Father, into your hands I commit my spirit! Delivered this great word, but they will not be heard thunder and lightning in the midst of great internal upheaval. Accomplished this work of the spirit in the body, shall be deposited with the Christ or "Krestos" the Chistrus, Vishnu, who enters in his mystical tomb.


And I tell you in the name of Truth and Justice, on the third day after that, after the third act, shall be raised, resurrected in the initiate to transform it into a perfect creature. Whoever achieves will become indeed a God, terribly divine, beyond good and evil.


So Christ, Our Lord, the Spirit of Fire, falls; wants to enter each of us to transform us, to save us, to crush those psychic aggregates that we carry within us, to make us something different, to become Gods.


We must learn to see Christ, not the merely historical point of view, but as the fire, as a present reality, as "INRI".


He said Twelve Apostles; the twelve Apostles are within ourselves, here and now. They are the twelve fundamental parts of our own Being; twelve Powers within each of you, in your own deeper Inner Being ... There is a PITER( PATAR, stone, the based stone where the Inner Temple must to be build it up), understood the mysteries of sex. There is John, who is the Word, the Great Word HERU PA KRO AT! There is also a Thomas, who teaches us to manage the mind. There is Paul, who shows us the path of wisdom, of philosophy, of Gnosis.

Within ourselves is Judas; not that Judas who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver no! A different Judas, Judas who thoroughly understand the issue of Ego. A Judas Gospel which leads to the dissolution of the self, of the self.

There is Philip who is able to teach us to travel outside the physical body through space. There is Andrew, who tells us with pinpoint accuracy what are the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. To born, that is to fabricate the Superior Existential bodies of the Being. To die, how the individual aggregate factors relate to us are disintegrate specifically with each of us. To sacrifice for humanity, as well as the cross of St. Andrew; indicating the mixture of Sulphur and Mercury as essential for creating the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, by the line of duty "Parlok" is deeply significant.


Matthew, how any scientist, is in us, teaches us the Pure Science, unknown for scientists only know all this heap of university theories that are in vogue today and tomorrow go down in history ... pure science, is completely different! Only Matthew can instruct it.


Luke, in his Gospel Solar, is prophet, and tells us what is to be living in the Golden Age.


Each of the twelve, is within ourselves, for our being has twelve major parts, the Twelve Apostles, here and now. So those who want to become magicians in the transcendental sense, have to learn to interact with themselves, with each of the twelve parts of the Self; and this can only be burned with "INRI" psychological aggregates that we carry within. While the ego exists in us, right relationships with each and every one of the parts of our being, is impossible.

But if we incinerate the ego, so if we can establish right relationships with oneself, and with each of the Twelve, in our inner world.


So take off your head the idea of the Twelve Apostles Historic ... Seek them within themselves, there they are! Everything is within ourselves, here and now.


It is time for purer more esoteric, more pure, more real Christianity has come. It is time to leave the purely historical matter and move on to the real facts.


The same Cross of Calvary, is deeply significant. We well know that the "phallus" vertical, within the "Ecteis" formal make cross. In other words we emphasize saying "The Lingam-Yoni, properly connected form Cross.


It is through the cross that we need to move forward on the path that must lead to Golgotha ​​of the Father; I invite you all to come in the way of CHRISTIFICATION.


Do not you forget that whenever the Lord of Compassion comes to the world, he is hated by three kinds of men: First, by the Elders, people full of experience say that man is crazy, see what it brings, not hear what He is saying, you do not agree with us, so we thought, we experience this man hurts, it hurts! Second, it is rejected by the Scribes, that is by the intellectuals of the time. Whenever the Lord of Glory has come into the world, intellectuals have been against him, mortally hate!, it does not fit into their theories, means a danger to their system, to their sophistry, etc.


Third, for the priests, because they all see him as a threat to their respective sect.


So in the name of Truth I say, that Christ is tremendously revolutionary! Rebel! It is the fire that is burning all the rot that we carry within. It is the fire that comes to reduce to ashes, our prejudices, our preconceptions, our interests, our abominations, even our experiences of a personal nature.


Do you think perhaps that Christ could be accepted by so many millions of human beings who populate the world? They are wrong! Every time he comes into the world, crowds rise up against him, is the stark reality of the facts.


In the name of truth and justice that only the "fohat" burning within us, you can save.

No theory, no system can lead to the release; Who would disrupt the pure Ego-based theories, with cold intellect are merely reactionary beings! Conservatives! Retardant! and follow the path of the great mistake.


This Babylon inside us, this psychological city that we carry within, where the demons of anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony, etc., live in, must be destroyed by fire.


We need to lift ourselves now in the Heavenly Jerusalem. Remember that twelve is the foundations of the heavenly Jerusalem.


And in each, is written the name of an apostle, the names of the Twelve Apostles are the twelve foundations. That Jerusalem should build it within ourselves. But it will only be possible someday, with the fire to destroy Babylon the Great. The Mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth; Psychological city that we carry within. When we do, we will build the Celestial Jerusalem, here and now, within themselves.


Again, the basis of the Heavenly Jerusalem is the Twelve Apostles. We are not referring to those who lived 2014 years ago, which are merely symbolic, We are speaking of the Twelve Apostles that exist within ourselves. The twelve parts of the Being self aware and independent, they are the foundation of Jerusalem that we must build within themselves.


The city of Jerusalem has twelve gates, and at each of the twelve gates, an Angel; representing each of the Twelve, within ourselves, And the twelve gates are twelve pearls Precious are twelve gates of freedom, Twelve Doors of Light and Splendor. Twelve Cosmic Powers. And the entire city is pure gold. Its streets and avenues and squares. The gold of the spirit that we must be manufactured in the forge of the Cyclops.

No city has the need for external port, or external sun, or external moon; because the Lord is the light, it is the fire; and he shall burn within us.


The wall of the big city have: one hundred forty four - 144 - elbows, if we add those numbers together: one plus four plus four, we have: Nine - 9 - Ninth Sphere sex, because only through the transmutation of the creative energy, the fire will burn in us.


The size of the city is twelve thousand - 12,000 - stadiums and reminds us of the twelve labors of Hercules, necessary to achieve the full Intimate self-realization and reminds us of the Twelve Aeons, reminds us of the Twelve Apostles.


And in the center of the city is: The Tree of Life: the Ten Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabbalah: Kether, Chomah and Binah, the Sephirothic crown: Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut, the seven regions of the Universe. The Tree of Life allegorizes all Twelve Great Cosmic Regions, Blessed is he who reaches the Thirteenth Aeon! Where should always be Pistis Sophia. Inside the heavenly Jerusalem we find also, the twenty-four Elders, who prostrate on earth lay their crowns at the feet of the Lamb; the slain Lamb is the fire that burns in this universe, from the dawn of creation from the dawn of the Universe. The Twenty-four Elders are also twenty-four parts of our own Being; and the Lamb itself is the Being of our Being.


Blessed is anyone who can eat the fruits of the Tree of Life Because that will be immortal!, Happy is he who can feed each of these fruits. One who can truly nourished by the stream of life, which comes from the Thirteenth Aeon, to the human body, because they never know diseases and will be immortal.


But to one feed on the tree of life, you need first of all to have eliminated the Psychic aggregates; Remember  you that psychic added living embodiment of our mistakes, alter the vital body, and this altered, damaged the physical body; and diseases arise in us.


The diseases are caused by the psychic aggregates or red demons of Seth, living embodiment of our mistakes. When all the red demons of Seth were destroyed by fire, when our very personality has been burned, then nourish us with the Tree of Life. Life descending from the Absolute through the Thirteen Aeons, penetrate our horn and make us immortal, health will be recovered, it will never again have diseases.


 It is clear that the ego gets the poison of their morbidities and rot within the organs and destroys is the origin of all diseases! People want a panacea to heal, but somewhat have the ego alive, they are proper to sick.


In understanding that we need to burn Babylon, within themselves, and to edify Jerusalem within .


The Heavenly Jerusalem view from afar is like a stone transparent jasper, crystal, is the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who gets the Philosopher's Stone, because it will change radically and will have powers over fire, on air, on water and on land!


We need a pure, esoteric Christianity; Christianity a living, not a dead Christianity. A Gnostic Christianity that can radically transform.


The Gnostic Movement (in its initiatory School of DIRECT PATH: This is what here in these publication we are doing by spreading the Wisdom of the Supra-sexual teachings that lead us to the Creation of the SOLAR BODIES, THE AWAKENING OF THE HOLY KUNDALINI and the ascension through the Medullar Spin till brain then to reach the Heart Temple by the awakening the five Holy Serpents of Fire, and light then) The Gnostic Church (the Transcended Church of Christ the Innermost) our Gnostic Anthropological Studies (development of the Inner Man), show mankind the path of liberation.


But just as we are with the ego alive, strong, sturdy, left the path of error.

We need to learn to love the fire, and actually work with the Mysteries of Fire!




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1- The serpent of your mental body has now come to BRAHMARANDRA, the sacred center of the front fontanelle of newborns.


2- There is the top hole of your cane, oh ARHAT!


3- This hole is closed in ordinary people but Master opens with fire.


4- Receive the symbolic reed of your mental body, oh ARHAT!


5- The sacred fire has broken through your skull and now goes, into the surrounding atmosphere, like bonfire fiery flames that sizzling.


6- You shine in the world of the mind as a splendid sun, oh ARHAT!


7- You have become a flame burning in the world of the cosmic mind.


8- An ineffable music resounds in the areas of the temple. Get your bouquet of flowers, oh ARHAT!


9. A railway swiftly away, dragged by a burning machine, red as the burning fire of space...


10- Understand my son, the symbol.


11- You'll have to drag a heavy train with the burning fire of your flaming mind...


12. You will have to drag my son, this train of human evolution on the spiral paths of life, to bring them at the kingdom of the FATHER.


13. MASICULA and PASICULO thus you transform men.


14. The fire transforms everything, however man can not possess life, if not a participant of Gnosis.


15- The mind of the ARHAT shines within the burning flames of MAHAT, when the sacred fire exits from BRAHMARANDRA.


16- The Auric Egg glows with the terrible fire of the ARHAT.


17. In this Auric Egg is keep the fragrancy of all our innumerable personalities that we have had through this round of births and deaths.


18- All those personalities have died, but its fragrance has been grafted into the Tree of Life (the INTIMATE) and the Auric Egg.


19- They are not human personalities which reincarnate, but the INTIMATE, the divine Triad, the Tree of Life, in which the scent of its passing leaves is grafted.(Transient personalities).


20- The Auric Egg is the protective armor that protects our internal vehicles, is the aura of the INTIMATE.


21- The Auric Egg is made of the same substance of the INTIMATE, and now shines with the fire of the ARHAT.


22- With the seven degrees of power of fire, all wisdom and all the omniscience of the seven COSMOCRATORS is synthesized.


23. Now you must unite your pineal gland with your pituitary gland fully, with fire...


24- In the Auric Egg our karmic debts are recorded.


25- The INTIMATE is a true immolated lamb, that have to pay the karma of each of his passing personalities.


26. Tantric personalities are totally separated from the INTIMATE, and sink into the AVICHI, without being able to graft his scent on the Tree of Life in the Divine Triad reincarnating.


27. In these cases the eternal Triad must put on a new personality to continue their cosmic evolution, while its tantric ex-personality disintegrates gradually little by little in the AVICHI.


28. At this moment of human evolution is unsuccessful, and most human personalities are already separated from the INTIMATE.


29. In the Aquarian Age can only reincarnate those INTIMATES those who have not lost their personality.


30- The others, the failures, must wait in the inner worlds, until it passes the luminous age of Aquarius and in Capricorn shall be given to their tenebrous personalities, the last chance.


31- The dawn of Sagittarius will be definitive, then the INTIMATE who have mastered their rebel personalities will assimilate the fragrance of their psychic extracts to continue their cosmic evolution through the wheel of births and deaths.


32. The failed will lose completely their tantric personality, and after putting on his new personality, will continue their cosmic evolution as "laggards".


33- The tantric ex-personalities of those behind, separated from his higher self, they will gradually disintegrating little by little in the AVICHI.


34. Our reincarnating Triad is formed by ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS. This is eternal and indestructible Triad.


35- This is the INTIMATE with his two twin souls: divine and human.


36- This is the AOM within us.


37- The terrestrial personalities are like the leaves of this wonderful Tree of Life.


38- The sacred fire of the ARHAT allows us to study all these great mysteries of fire between the IGNEOUS ROSE OF THE UNIVERSE.


39. All that we have said about the AVICHI in this chapter, we can summarize the following Bible verses:


40- "He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man."


"The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, and the tares are the children of the wicked".


"The enemy that sowed them is the devil; and the harvest is the end of the world, and the reapers are the angels."


"As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be at the end of this century."


"The Son of Man will send his angels and gather out of my kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity".


"And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."


"Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father who has ears to hear, let him hear." (Verse. 37 to 43. Cap. 13. Matthew. New Testament).


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The Coronary Chakra


1- You have reached the camera thirty-three, oh ARHAT!. The three upper chambers of the head have now been joined by the fire.


2- A metal bell makes shake all areas of the Earth, and the coronary center of your pineal gland shines among the burning flames of the cosmic mind.


3- Your white robe shining terribly among the ardent crackling of the universal flames.


4- Ineffable orchestras resound in the Temple, among the great rhythms of fire.


5- The IGNEOUS-ROSE of your mental crown, makes light of your face and your august temples, among the rolling flames of the mental world.


6- This is the lotus of one thousand petals, this is the crown of the saints, this is the eye of Polyvoyance; this is the Diamond eye.


7- You will have now, oh ARHAT! Connect your pineal gland with your pituitary gland by fire.


8- Persevere and be not dismayed, my son throws your crown at the feet of the Lamb.


9. Have you received the crown of life, oh ARHAT!


10- This work and you had made with the fiery serpent of the physical body, with the fiery serpent of the etheric body, and the igneous serpent of astral body.


11- Now my brother, you have done this work with the serpent of the mental body. This is the fourth degree of the power of fire.


12. Later, you will have to perform the same work, with the fifth, the sixth and the seventh snake.


13. Two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh serpent that unites us with the One, with the law and with the Father.


14. Seven times we have to review our thirty-three chambers.


15- The seven degrees of power of fire are staggered in a spiral.


16- Ezekiel describes the seven degrees of power of fire and the thirty-three chambers of our temple, as follows:


17- "And the cameras were camera on camera, thirty-three in order; and enter corbels into the wall of the house round about, that on chambers, hold not hold in the wall of the house.


"And there was an enlarging, and turn on the camera to the top, the staircase of the house up high around the inside of the house by This is the second upper house of the head, and therefore the house had more width above; and the lower camera rose the highest by the middle.


"I saw also the height of the house round about, the foundations of the chambers were a full reed of six great cubits." (Verse. 6, 7, 8 Ch. 41. Ezekiel).


18- "He said to me, The north chambers and the south, which are before the separate place, they are holy chambers, where the priests who approach to JEHOVAH shall eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the present, and atonement, and sacrifice for sin, for the place is holy.


"When the priests enter, not leave the holy place into the outer court, but there they shall lay their garments administering, because they are holy and wear other garments, and shall approach to what the people is." (Verse. 13 and 14. Cap. 42 Ezekiel).


19. Each of our thirty-three vertebrae of our spinal column has an Atomic God of pristine beauty.


20- All thirty-three Atomic Gods, now scorching shine in the mind of the ARHAT.


21- The seven IGNEOUS ROSES of the spinal cord sizzling fiery blazing with the burning fire of your spinal canal, oh ARHAT!






1- Our spinal column has seven igneous roses,


2- These seven igneous roses enter into activity with the sacred fire of Shushumna channel.


3- The sacred fire is engendered when the solar and lunar atoms of our two ganglionic cords make contact.


4- These two sympathetic cords are called in the East Ida and Pingala.


5- Ida and Pingala run along the curved surface of our spinal cord, where this channel Shushumna is.


6- These sympathetic cords are our two witnesses, our two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the Earth.


7- These two cords emerge from the sacrum center called Triveni of the medulla.


8- When the solar and lunar atoms of these two cords make contact in the sacrum, the sacred fire awakens and becomes active the Triveni or Muladhara, which is the coccygeal Church, which has the power to open the prostate (uterus in female) or fundamental Chakra .


9- The spine is called by the Hindus, Brahmadanda or Brahma cane, and is also symbolized by the bamboo cane of seven knots carrying of Yogis of India.


10- Channel Shushumna, along with the two sympathetic cords, is symbolized by a bamboo with three nodes, using by the Trans-Himalaya yogis constantly gather at Lake Mansoravara, so they are called for: TRIDANDINES this  symbolizes the Brahmanic Girdle of the three vital airs of Pure Akasha.


11- The right ganglionic cord corresponds to the right nostril, the left ganglionic cord belongs to the left nostril.


12. The right ganglionic cord is solar, positive; the left ganglionic cord is lunar, negative.


13. When the solar and lunar atoms of the Brahmanic cord make contact in the Triveni sacral center get into activity the Kundalini and makes it way toward BRAHMARANDRA, which is the frontal fontanel of newborns, to shine resplendent in the forehead, neck and heart in successive order.


14. At the heart is the seat of Brahma; the heart is the seat of ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS. The spiritual man resides in the heart.


15- The first snake, which corresponds to the physical body, only goes up BRAHMARANDRA, to shine brightly in the front Chakra. This center has ninety-six rays.


16- The second snake, which corresponds to the etheric body, reaches only up to the eyebrows.


17. However, the other five snakes must inevitably reach the heart.


18- The second rose of our spiral column opens the solar plexus. This center has ten rays: Five active and five passive.


19. However, the sacred fire puts them all in full activity.


20- The brain and the heart totally shine with the fire of Kundalini.


21- The septenary activity of the sacred fire in the pineal gland, it is reflected in the aura of the heart, putting into action the seven cardiac centers.


22- This third center enters into complete activity when the Kundalini lights the third igneous rose.


23- The heart chakra has twelve petals.


24- The fourth igneous rose opens our igneous wings and is intimately related to touch.


25- The fifth igneous rose opens the Thyroid Chakra, related to the occult ear. This Chakra has sixteen petals.


26. The sixth igneous rose belongs to the thirty-two vertebrae of our spinal column. This is the second upper chamber of the head, and opens the frontal chakra that gives us clairvoyance.


27. This center has ninety-six rays, and the sacred fire shines between our eyebrows.


28. The frontal chakra is the organ of vision of the psychic plane.


29. This organ resides in the pituitary gland, which has seven classes of hormones.


30- The seventh igneous rose corresponds to the pineal gland.


31- The pituitary body is only the instrument or light bearer of the pineal gland.


32- The pineal gland corresponds to the uterus and its peduncles with the fallopian tube in women.


33. In the male, the pineal gland is intimately related to the sexual glands.


34. Now explain to us why this chakra cannot enter into activity in fornicators.


35. All sexual wear is reflected in the pineal gland.


36- In the seventh igneous rose all the majesty of God is expressed.


37- This seventh igneous rose is the crown of the saints, and has a thousand petals of indescribable splendor.


38- Our brain has seven cavities and our heart also has seven centers.


39. These seven cavities of the brain correspond to the seven scales of divine harmonies, and are occupied by the pure Akasha...


40-The Mental Psychic man resides in the head with its seven portals, and in the heart ATMAN-BUDDHI-MANAS (the heavenly man) resides.


41- We have to unite the mind with the heart, by the fire.


42- The Chalice and the heart must march in complete equilibrium, and this is only possible by attaching the head and heart by the fire.


43- The cerebral convolutions have been formed by the silver armor of the mental body.


44. The third ventricle of the brain is full of light, and that light is really splendid with the sacred fire of Kundalini.


45- The sixth cavity belongs to the pineal gland.


46- The pineal gland or crown center is an oblong body, rounded, from eight to six millimeters long, has a dark color, gray, slightly reddish and is connected to the rear of the third ventricle of the brain.


47- It has at its base two very fine and beautiful medullar fibers, which are directed divergently to the optic thalami.


48- The pituitary body is connected to the pineal gland, for a very fine capillary smallest channel, already disappeared in cadavers.


49- This pineal gland is surrounded by a very fine grit.


50- This grit is the "ACERBULUS CEREBRI," the concretion of the mental body, and the efficient instrument of the mind


51- In the head reside the seven capital Chakras governing the seven plexus.


52- When the mental body is already fully Christified for the fourth snake becomes an efficient instrument for the INTIMATE.


53- The REAL BEING use the mind as an element of regulation and control for the seven astral plexus.


54- The mind controls its plexus through the seven capital chakras of the brain.


55- The solar plexus is our brain of emotions, and when in activity awakens the hepatic and splenic plexus.


56- The heart represents our DIVNE TRIAD; the spleen and liver plexes represent our inferior quaternary; and the solar plexus is esoterically the brain of the stomach; esoterically we put Saturn in it, which is the sun of our body.


57- The spiritualists of all schools have studied the astral chakras, but it never occurred to them to study the seven candlesticks of the mental body, that glow in the fire of the ARHAT



58- Our Chakras are sevenfold in its constitution, as well as our sacred serpent and our Brahmanic cord.


59. The seven igneous roses of our spinal cord are also sevenfold in its internal constitution.


60- Our brain has seven cavities and our heart also has seven divine centers.


61- The sacred fire enters into activity when the solar and lunar atoms of the Brahmanic cord make contact in the Triveni. This contact is only possible practicing Sexual Magic intensely with the priestess, or by the sacrifice of a sexual, total and definitive abstention.


62- The most powerful mantras known in the entire infinite to awaken the sacred fire, are: "KANDIL BANDIL rrrrrrrrr".


63- These mantras are vocalized singing as well: KAN aloud, DIL , quietly; BAN aloud, and DIL quietly. The letter is pronounced elongated and sharp, imitating the sound produced by the rattles of the rattlesnake.


64- The first igneous rose of our spinal column corresponds to the reproductive organs and breath of the race.


65- The second igneous rose corresponds to the sense of taste. The third igneous rose corresponds to the heart. The fourth igneous rose corresponds to the wings. Fifth igneous rose corresponds to the ear. The sixth igneous rose corresponds to the sense of sight. And seventh igneous rose corresponds to the Diamond Eye, Eye of Brahma, or coronary Chakra polyvoyance center, allowing us to see in all planes of consciousness.


66- All our senses are closely related with TATTWAS and with the different spheres or planes of cosmic consciousness, which is expressed through the seven igneous roses of our spinal column.


67- The awakening of these seven igneous roses gives us access to the superlative planes of cosmic consciousness.


68- This ascent is spiraling through the seven degrees of power of fire.


69- The sacred fire opens the avenues of truth.


70- The sense of touch is belongs to the fourth igneous rose, the eternal wings that allow us to soar from sphere to sphere to the planes of superlative consciousness, where only happiness reigns of Being.


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1- You have now entered the thirty-two vertebrae in the spinal cord of your mental body OH ARHAT!


2 This is the second holy chamber of your head.


3- The fire scorching sizzling universe now ardently in this holy chamber of your mental body.


4- This is the sacred Lion of the Law.


5- NATURAE SANTA SORORERA. You have given birth to a new Lion of the Law in the world of the Cosmic Mind.


6- Examine well the hoof of your livestock, and rejoice, oh ARHAT!


7- A terrible lightning, a frightful exhalation falls from the infinite heavens and the earth tremble, with the thunder of their voices...


8- It is the ray of cosmic justice.


9. This ray is beyond good and evil.


10- The Lion of the Law is beyond good and evil.


11- The Lion of the Law knows the good from the bad, and the bad from the good. In everything good there is something wrong, and in everything bad is something good.


12. The super-man is beyond good and evil.


13. Justice is the supreme pity and the supreme impiety of the Law.


14- The intelligence of the super-man is terrifying, but the super-man scorns intelligence because intelligence is only a quality of Prakriti and Prana (Matter and energy).


15- The INTIMATE is beyond intelligence in the supreme kingdom of omniscience.


16- The INTIMATE is even far beyond love in the supreme kingdom of happiness.


17- God's happiness, in a lower plane, is expressed as love, and love is the Sumum of wisdom.


18. The two columns of our White Fraternity are WISDOM AND LOVE.


19. The balance of cosmic justice have two pans in perfect balance.


20- In one of those dishes is wisdom, and in the other, love.


21- LOVE AND WISDOM kept in perfect balance the two pans of the cosmic balance.


22- An imbalance in the balance, he is punished by the Lions of the Law.


23. Children of Men! Remember that the two pans of the cosmic scale are: WISDOM AND LOVE.


24- Have you sinned against the Goddess Moon? If so how can you claim happiness in love?


25- Have you sinned against wisdom? How can you then, my brother, being surrounded by happiness?


26. The Lion of the Law is fought with the balance. When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law. Do good deeds to pay your debts.


27. Who has the capital to pay, pays and comes out well in business; when we have no capital, and is find fault in the books of karma, we have to pay with pain.


28. Enter now oh ARHAT! to the Holy Temple of the cosmic mind for your party.


29. Now you are a new Lion of the Law, in the world of cosmic understanding.


30- Your mind flames from the burning crackling NATURAE SANTA SORORERA.


31- The mind of the Lions of cosmic understanding burns within the blazing flames of this IGNEOUS ROSE of the Universe.


32. "Love is law, but conscious love."




Jezebel's table


1- "But I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel (which prophetess) teach and seduce my servants to fornicate and eat things offered to idols."


"And I gave her time to repent of her fornication; and she repented not."


"Behold, I cast her into a bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds."


"And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts: and I will give to each of you according to your works." (Verse. 20, 21, 22 and 23, Ch. 2. Revelation).


2- At the Jezebel's table the prophets of Baal. (The Baal are the black magicians).


3- The prophets of Baalim who teach to fornicate "mystically", and to eat things sacrificed to idols are all theorizing spiritualists of the world. All these teachings are food sacrificed to idols.


4- Mr. Percival Krumm-Heller, sovereign commander of the "so-called" Old Rosicrucian Order, based in Germany, is sending his tenebrous disciples, a course of black Sexual Magic, which advises the seminal ejaculation as "in a mystic form".


5- This is how Jezebel misleads my servants and teaches them to fornicate, and to eat theories sacrificed to idols.


6- This course of negative and tenebrous sexual magic, is the same horrible and satanic tantric doctrine preached and taught publicly with all the prophets of Baal who eat at Jezebel's table.


7- With this repugnant phallic cult, the Kundalini awakens negatively and it is sinks into its own tenebrously atomic infernos of man, giving the astral body the ugly satanic appearance of the Lucifers.


8- Mr. Percival Krumm-Heller betrayed his own father, and his dark phallic worship was publicly declared to be black magician.


9. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: "Of every tree of the garden thou shalt eat But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.". (Verse. 16 and 17. Cap. 12. Genesis).


10- These are the ordinances of the Lord Jehovah; those violating these ordinances is black magician.


11- Here are the ordinances of the Lord Jehovah, burning with fire and brimstone: which is the second death( the Dissolution of the Multi-faceted Ego into the ninth Infra-dimension)


12. The second death is a psychic death; the Tantric personality of the fornicator, is separated from the DIVINE TRIAD and immersed in a state of demonic consciousness and in atomic submerged worlds, known in the East under the name AVITCHI...


13. Those tantric personalities will then gradually disintegrating, separated from your HIGHER-SELF.


14. "And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts: and I will give to each of you according to your works."


15- In the abyss will die prophets of Baalim who eat at Jezebel's table.


16- Listen my brethren: "Thus saith the Lord of hosts: If thou wilt walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you will govern my house, you also keep my courts, and among these that are here I will give places ." (Ver. 7, Ch. 3 Zechariah).


17. Keep my brethren, the ordinance of the Lord Jehovah, look at the forbidden fruit, nourish with its smells, drunken with their perfume, but not eat it, because for them, for fornicators, will be the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which It is the second death.


18- With the seminal ejaculation, are lost trillions of solar atoms and then our sexual organs collect in their trillions replacement satanic hell atoms of man, which are absorbed into the astral body to give it the appearance of Satan.


19- The negative theory of the tenebrous, is to harness the hormone incretion, to awaken the Kundalini and get tantric powers.


20- With this practice arouse the negative aspect of the serpent, which to sink into its own atomic infernos of man, assumes in the astral body that Tantric figure that is depict the tail of Satan.


21- The sex glands are not closed capsules, they excrete hormones and also increte hormones.


22- The prophets of Baal who eat at Jezebel's table by the phallic cult, sexual hormones advantage incretion of hormones to awaken their satanic powers, that's how that woman Jezebel, who prophetess, teaches and says deceives my servants to fornicate and eat things offered to idols.


23- "And I gave her time to repent of her fornication, and has not repented."


"Behold, I cast her in bed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds." (Verse. 21 and 22. Cap. 2 Revelation).


24- The mind of our disciples must liberate itself from the satanic fires.


25- The tenebrous Luzbel, Avitchi dweller carries in its tantric tail curled, an old parchment where is written with dark characters this negative sexual magic, which teaches the traitor Percival Krumm-Heller, and the sinister Baal Omar Cherenzi Lind.


26. One has to transmute water into wine, to raise our metallic serpent upon the staff as Moses did in the desert.


27. This is how the soul unites with the INTIMATE between the Universal scorching flames.


28. The mind must become chaste and pure within the august thunder of thought.


29. The mind must not eat things offered to idols.


30- The mind should not be fooled by Jezebel.


31- Be pure my brother, be perfect, be chaste in thought, word and deed.


32. The road is very difficult, very narrow, very tight, because chastity does not like anyone.


33. The spiritualists of all schools hate chastity because this is the gate of Eden, and they do not like the Eden because they eat at Jezebel's table, and worshiped the Baals.


34. Strive to enter through the narrow gate; for I say you that many will seek to enter and not be able to.


"When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us, and shall answer and say: I know you not whence ye are."


"Then you will say before you we have eaten drunk, and taught in our streets."


"And I will say, I tell you this that do not know you whence ye are: depart from me, all workers of iniquity."


"There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out."(Verse. 24 to 28. Cap. 13. Saint Luke).


35- More than eighteen million years ago fornicating humanity comes, and if the path of fornication was the positive, mankind would live in an Eden of eternal wonders, there would be no hunger or war, and be angels and men.


36- But see there humanity, my brother, eighteen million years has been ejaculating semen. Is it happy? Already men became angels? Already the land is an Eden?


37- If the way of animal passion was the true, and the man would be angel.


38- What new have taught Cherenzi and Parsival?


39. Teach men to ejaculate semen, and is it any new thing?


40- What time have become men fornicating angels?


41- The human evolution has failed precisely because the seminal ejaculation. So what?


42- There was a temple in eastern Tibet, a MAHATMAS meeting, attended by all the major creators of man.


43. From the infinite spaces descend a great Son of Fire, and spoke thus:


44- "My brothers, we must recognize that human evolution has failed, we have mistaken us gods creating man. Back in the dawn of life, we wanted to convert these virginal sparks into Gods and they become demons."


45- After that great being, was listing one by one, all the prophets who were sent to mankind, and was recounting how they had all been stoned, hunted, poisoned and crucified by humans.


46- Finishing the discourse, that great Son of Light withdrew from the enclosure.


47- Then the Elder Brothers consulted to God Sirius, to tackle this huge problem.


48- Soon came the reply, which could be summarized in these verses: "Fall is, Babylon the great, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.


"For all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth had fornicated with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." (Verse. 2 and 3, Ch. 18. Revelation).


49. Only a tiny handful of souls( awaken beings ) will reincarnate in the new Aquarian Age(as time passes will increase the number).


50- Millions of human souls separated from the INTIMATE, are now sinking into the tenebrous abyss, and they cannot reincarnate in the new Aquarian Age.


51- And the great whore is dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with precious stones and pearls, has its cup full of abominations, of dirt and fornications.


52- This is Jezebel, at whose table eat the prophets of Baal. A dog will eat Jezebel in the field of Jezrreel.


53- In the forehead of Jezebel, that prophetess, it is written the name: "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF FORNICATIONS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."


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