David22's Posts (272)

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The Living Essence of All

The living Essence of All

 God is the living essence of all that is created spiritual and material, and as this essence you simply feed off of it, you are suspended in this ocean of love, in this universe of love, you are similar to a beautiful goldfish in a bowl, but a bowl that is so tremendous that it encompasses all that is ever and ever will be created, and each of you are capable of having your own universe to work in. You cannot live or exist in any place without touching the life-giving love of the Infinite Father.

As a beautiful piece of needlepoint or tapestry is developed, it is first constructed from a backing, the stitches are placed very precisely in certain places in this backing, and as time progresses then a beautiful picture is formed and the backing is completely covered. You are the beautiful stitches; the backing that holds those stitches together is the Divine: that is the basis of the tapestry, the stitches are of no value without the backing, but the backing has a value for anyone else who wishes to apply their stitches to it. The foundation is always the necessity.  

For more on William LePar visit WilliamLePar.com

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In this discussion between a researcher in SOL’s Research and Study Group and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, there is an interesting dialogue concerning hypnosis.
Questioner: We had a series of questions on hypnosis. When you go into hypnosis, where are you?

The Council: That is not a question that can be answered quite as simply as it is stated. Depending on the individual, depending on how deep the hypnotic trance is will determine where you are or where you go. There are many levels of consciousness to each individual or subconscious levels, therefore one must be careful . . .

Questioner: In hypnosis, can you tap into erroneous information?

The Council: Most assuredly, there are many levels or personalities or subconscious individuals within that individual so to speak. There is an opportunity to become involved with that portion of you that is not the most pleasant or the most honest. Therefore, naturally, the information would not be correct. Man does not fully understand himself physically, let alone emotionally.

Questioner: So then how much is correct information would depend on which level that you were at?

The Council: Yes. In generally speaking an individual will return basically to the same level for information depending of course on the information requested.

Questioner: Do you mean by that that an individual will decide upon a certain level and then will generally always return to that?

The Council: This depends then on the individual. Some can choose to return to a specific level, others cannot. This goes beyond your ability to understand, it goes beyond the ability of even the most advanced of doctors to understand. An individual can be directed to return to a specific level of hypnosis or information if that individual is guided properly and in a consistent manner or suggestion made that the individual return there.


For more on WIlliam LePar ant The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Using Our Inner Strength

William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, suggests that we reach out after we have looked inward.

The Council: There are many who have great inner energies or powers that were given to them to use for the uplifting and development of others, but many fail to bring them about. They become self-centered. They withdraw into themselves thinking only of their own spiritual development. This is wrong. One only develops by extending oneself. True it does take one to turn inward to find this. Once this is brought out, the inward is no longer necessary. Reach out to those who need help. In doing so one learns the process of growth and development. For only by doing for others can one gain for oneself. You are at the threshold of a new life, if you choose to cross it. It will demand much patience, much work, and much sacrifice.

Do not fear that you cannot accomplish this, for no task is taken on that one is not fortified far beyond need.

For each who takes a position, the Plan of the Infinite Father is also given strength. In case one chooses not to overcome all those karmas that may or may not be for them to accomplish, whether they choose through their own selfishness to go their own way, they will not interrupt the Infinite Plan, for others are ready to replace, so one must feel that they are strong enough to accomplish. Your Father is a loving Father. He guarantees you all that you need and then some. All this knowledge is written. It is only the physical frailties that prevent you from knowing it. This goes for each and every individual. Some of these frailties are as lessons. They build strength of the spirit.

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During this exchange with a questioner William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, tells us how the Divine has provided for the healing of all illnesses.

Questioner:  How could I pursue the acquisition of knowledge concerning the healing properties of plants, and how can I pursue the application of this knowledge toward actually healing people?

The Council:  As far as discovering new healing sources or new herbs, this has all been very well covered by others, and the discovery of anything new is not possible.  What you can do that would be of a great contribution is to accumulate all the information, not only on the herbs and their properties but on specific ailments that have been treated by the different herbs and correlate the healing and the herb or the sickness and the herb.  Do you understand?  In other words, if you were to take magnesium for a nervous condition and you were to, shall we say, eat peas to bring in more magnesium into the system to help control a nervous condition, then you would study the property of peas and also study or become aware that peas were used as a healing.  You understand this?

Questioner:  Yes, I see.

The Council:  As far as giving you new information, new miracle cures, mankind has all the cures necessary in the herbs.

Questioner:  No, I didn't really expect that.

The Council:  And what we would like to see you do, where you could be the greatest benefit, is gathering together the information, and on occasion experimenting with the family.  One word of warning.  Some systems, some entities some physical bodies have a sensitivity to this herb or that herb where another may not, and the caution would be lessen the amount if there is any suspicion or a truer caution would be lessen the amount in the beginning and increase gradually.

Questioner:  Yes.

The Council:  Although the sensitivity to herbs and minerals, the effects would not be as drastic or severe or harmful as, shall we say, a chemical compound they can upset the system to a degree.  There are, of course, some herbs that are toxic; these should be handled with extreme care.

Questioner:  Well, how could I investigate the herbs in this area for medical properties and so forth?

The Council:  A surveying of what is available and a gathering and comparing that to the information that is already available; virtually everything that grows has been classified for its property.  In this area you have the people necessary that can give you the information you want.  It would be advisable to become particularly familiar with those herbs that are closest to where the family exists, because if certain things transpire, if those times do come, then you will need all the information necessary; you will need a knowledge of all the herbs available in the area.

Questioner:  You are speaking of herbs, does that include flowers?

The Council:  Generally flowers are part of the herb family.  Many herbs, the true value is in the blossom or in the seed as opposed to the stem or leaf.  It is like this, the Divine Father has provided a flower for a cure, a stem for the same cure, a root for the same cure, a seed for the same cure; so if you cannot get one you will be able to get the other; but it would be wise to have all that you can on hand, all the knowledge, so that at certain times of the year a flower is available and at the fall of the year that flower's seed is available, and what that seed may cure may not be the same that the flower cures.

 For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, we are given advice on viewing illness.Questioner: Can The Council address the source of mental illness? Is it a spiritual crisis?The Council: All sicknesses, whether they be of the physical nature or the mental nature, are part of the life plan. It is in many cases to create a situation wherein others around that individual have the opportunities to show their love and their compassion. At times, certain mental illnesses prevent an individual from making mistakes that they have made many times in previous lifetimes. But we must learn to look at all sickness, whether they be physical or of the mental nature, in these terms: These individuals are blessed and have come in to give each of you the opportunity to serve, to express your love, your godliness. One should not look at such situations, that of physical or mental sicknesses, as a karmic condition for that individual. This isn't a loving attitude. Look at it in a very productive and positive way for yourself. This is your opportunity to show whether or not you are a loving god or a selfish person who rejects the opportunity to be giving. As with the physical problems, because everything must have a means of operation or rules in order to create a common ground, mental illnesses originally begin in a malfunction of the body's workings. At the seat of all emotional problems or mental illness is the chemistry, the blood chemistry, and how it affects all of the parts or organs of the body. That is the natural law or rule in which such conditions come about.Remember, any illness, regardless of what it is, is your opportunity to serve another individual, and in so doing you serve yourself, and this is good because in serving yourself in that manner you are showing yourself how godly you really can be. Taking care of those who are ill certainly isn't an easy job, but remember this, if there is anything of value, if there is anything real, it requires a great deal of work. Those things that you accomplish in this lifetime of a spiritual nature will not necessarily come easily all the time, but once you have acquired those you will never lose them. They become part of your spiritual wealth, a wealth that will never be taken away.
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The Star of Bethleham

Questioner:  Do you wish to share with us what the Star of Bethlehem was?

The Council:  There have been many explanations by man as to what exactly was the Star of Bethlehem.  Some of the explanations attempt to discredit what the meaning of the Star represents.  In their attempts they only verify and add to the fact that such an occurrence did happen. What they choose to discredit they only substantiate, if one is wise enough to listen to what these have to say.  We are not referring to the conventional idea of the Star of Bethlehem. Do you understand this?

Questioner:  I believe so.

The Council:  Very well.  It should suffice to say that it was a guiding force for the Magi.  Man should look upon this also as a guiding light by which he may obtain the Christ Consciousness.  As the Star of Bethlehem guided the wise men to the child Jesus, the Divine Son of God, so should the light guide the wise men of today to Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, both Divine and Man.  It is not important exactly what the Star was, whether it was a light placed in the heavens by God or whether He collected    the constellations in such a manner so they appeared to be what they were not, exactly.  This we feel answers your question.  It is an answer that a wise man will look upon and think about.

For more about William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Being Thankful

The Council: Be thankful that most of the souls, most of the entities,

will gain their greatest perfection, their greatest spirituality,

in the small things.  Be happy that more is not asked.  This does

not mean that you do not have more to give; it simply means that

you are entitled to less demands.   

Spirituality does not necessarily mean great sacrifice.  There

have been some souls who have entered the material manifestation

in, how shall we put it, in less than desirable condition and have

succeeded in obtaining great spiritual strides by simply living an

everyday type of life, taking advantage of the small things that

come their way, and exercising the love that they should.  Be

grateful that you are not called upon to sacrifice.  There are some

who are, but this is to serve as the stimulant for each of you and

a thankfulness to each of you.  Those who have a lifestyle that

require great sacrifice; it is for a purpose, sometimes for their

own individual soul's growth, other times as an example to others to

show what the Love of God's relationship can do.  


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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We are Actually Learning Nothing New

We are Actually Learning Nothing New


This interaction between a questioner and William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, provides some thought-provoking insight into us as spiritual beings. Beings who are far greater than the physical realm that we currently exist in.


Questioner:  In our next lifetime, would we be at this awareness level or would we have to start all over to realize that we are here to learn lessons and how we have to learn them?


The Council:  That all depends on what you choose.  What you are experiencing now will very definitely be carried with you from here on out.  The time, the moment, that you reach perfection, this information will have been carried with you up to that point.  In each lifetime, you will utilize that information as it suits you.  Actually, you are not learning anything.  You have just agreed with us to allow us to jog your memory a little bit, if we put it that way.


Questioner:  We already know these things.


The Council:  Oh, yes.  At a soul level, you know every answer to every question.  Every answer that we are going to give you, at a soul level you already know.  We have talked it over with you.  You have told us what you wanted.  We have said that it is not possible to give you that answer with everyone else that we must consider, would you be willing to accept this answer or that answer.  And all of you have agreed upon the answer, but there is not one of you that recalls it, nor will you.


As we said, this is not a psychic experience, it is a spiritual experience.  You are not here by chance; you are here because you have chosen to be here.  When we sent out our desire to help those who have not reached our level, you called upon our desires and we have answered.  It is that simple.  Nothing spectacular, nothing unusual.  It is the way creation goes on. That is the way it is on this side.  Now, when you replace your physical body or, let us say, when you shed your physical body, you will find that you will chuckle at yourself and say, "I certainly worked in that situation trying to figure out what I really am, or who I really am."


Again, at times, when you think of it, it sounds foolish, silly, contradictive to itself, but that is way you learn, that is the way it is.  You search for your higher self, yet you will never in a physical body realize it totally, only enough to help you to attempt to do better in your next effort, in your next encounter, in your next day.  Yet that constant search is necessary for real growth.


For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Not being able to solve a lifelong problem

In this discussion with William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, they deal with personal issues that a person has been struggling with his entire life but cannot seem to resolve.

Questioner: If we struggle with, say, a specific problem all of our life on a conscious level, and we are never able to resolve that problem on a conscious level or any other level, I guess, can we assume then that this was preordained and that we are not able to change it?

The Council: Quite possibly, quite possibly, if you have dealt with it the best that you possibly could. If it could not be changed, then it was a needed experience. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes.

The Council: Now, again, these are general outlines. Each individual is applied to those outlines to different degrees, according to the situation. If you take an emotional problem, if you take a physical problem, regardless, and an individual struggles with that problem all their entire life and it is never resolved, why, one might ask. Why? Possibly the struggling with it, the dealing with it in the best way that they consciously knew how was what was needed, not the actual solving of the problem or the overcoming of the physical problem or the emotional problem but the actual struggling and dealing with it. Do you understand?

Questioner: Yes, and then other people who come into contact with the same problem also have a lesson to learn and that is why they are there?

The Council: Yes. All lives are interconnected. There is no such thing as separation. You do not know someone for nothing; there is a purpose. It may be as simple as to, it may be nothing more than just saying, "Good morning," or a very near acquaintance passing the time of day with idle chit-chat, but it serves its purpose, it was not for naught.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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Mental Illness – Physical Illness, an Opportunity to Serve?

In this quote from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, we are given advice on viewing illness.

Questioner: Can The Council address the source of mental illness? Is it a spiritual crisis?

The Council: All sicknesses, whether they be of the physical nature or the mental nature, are part of the life plan. It is in many cases to create a situation wherein others around that individual have the opportunities to show their love and their compassion. At times, certain mental illnesses prevent an individual from making mistakes that they have made many times in previous lifetimes. But we must learn to look at all sickness, whether they be physical or of the mental nature, in these terms: These individuals are blessed and have come in to give each of you the opportunity to serve, to express your love, your godliness. One should not look at such situations, that of physical or mental sicknesses, as a karmic condition for that individual. This isn't a loving attitude. Look at it in a very productive and positive way for yourself. This is your opportunity to show whether or not you are a loving god or a selfish person who rejects the opportunity to be giving. As with the physical problems, because everything must have a means of operation or rules in order to create a common ground, mental illnesses originally begin in a malfunction of the body's workings. At the seat of all emotional problems or mental illness is the chemistry, the blood chemistry, and how it affects all of the parts or organs of the body. That is the natural law or rule in which such conditions come about.
Remember, any illness, regardless of what it is, is your opportunity to serve another individual, and in so doing you serve yourself, and this is good because in serving yourself in that manner you are showing yourself how godly you really can be. Taking care of those who are ill certainly isn't an easy job, but remember this, if there is anything of value, if there is anything real, it requires a great deal of work. Those things that you accomplish in this lifetime of a spiritual nature will not necessarily come easily all the time, but once you have acquired those you will never lose them. They become part of your spiritual wealth, a wealth that will never be taken away.

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A Child’s Learning Begins Early

Here we learn from William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, how we can bring the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth to our children.

Questioner: I want to know how it would be best to teach children to respect themselves. It is a materialistic world, and they are very self-centered.

The Council:  Teaching a child to respect themselves has to begin at the moment of birth. In actuality, it can or should be begun prior to birth. While the mother is in pregnancy or carrying the child, she and the father should talk to the child. The child is quite capable of hearing and, to many who may be surprised, quite capable of understanding, understanding not necessarily from the intellectual level but from the spiritual level. By talking to the unborn child in terms of its worth and its value, as a being, can help immensely. After the child is born, then it becomes the responsibility of the parents to constantly attempt to instill the self-respect that is necessary for a productive and happy life. The quest for spirituality begins the moment the individual is conceived. From that point on, that soul, that entity, that spirit, is on a journey of discovering self, discovering the god within. As the child enters the school years, it should have some understanding of its own self-worth, its value. This can be helped immensely by teaching the child discipline, discipline of self, understanding that one, at times, must be in control in any given situation. If the child is not taught self-control, eventually the child will give over that control of self to someone else. In that situation then that individual will become the pawn of a bigger player.

Your world is what it is today because far too many have refused to take control of their own lives. They have been sent on a maddening quest for materialistic identification, for materialistic wealth or self-value at the cost of the control of their own life, their own destiny. When you are born, you are born with a fate, the situation, the conditions you are born in. From that point on, as you reach maturity, as you learn to take control of your own life, as you learn to discipline yourself, you then begin to create your destiny, what you make from the original situation you were born into. It is only through self-discipline that one gains control over his own destiny. If not, the individual is condemned to follow the leader wherever the leader may take him.

A child in school should be taught to think and make decisions and assume the responsibility of those decisions. If the parents have not taught the children where the values in life are, a teacher can hardly be expected to do that. Although a teacher may have some influence by pointing out what is really valuable in life and that is the relationships that we have with each other, the caring we have for each other, the love we have for each other, the ability to take responsibilities in stride, the ability to make commitments and keep them until the commitments are fulfilled.

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The Five Steps to Spirituality - Part 6

The Five Steps to Spirituality – Part 6 – Week ending - 9/30/19
This is William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, summary of the Five Steps to Spirituality that we have presented over the last several months.

These five steps to spirituality will not always be easy to fulfill. At times they will be very hard. At other times, they will be a simple matter to accomplish. These five steps will definitely cut against the old human nature that you may have had, but in the process they will begin to introduce a whole new nature to you. They will begin to open your eyes to a more spiritual you into a more spiritual way of life. These five steps, if applied, will not deprive you of anything but will teach you to more fully control yourself so that you have guidance over your own, so that you have a more full control of yourself, and in accomplishing this you accomplish a stronger human nature and a stronger spiritual nature. A stronger human nature in the sense that you become more sensitive to those things around you, more aware of those things around you, those things that will help not only you to grow spiritually but will help others to grow also. These are five steps that one must apply to themselves, to their lives, not on a half-hearted basis but one must make a commitment to keep these five points every day of their life. When you first begin it may be hard at times to fulfill these commitments, but as time goes on one becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually they become such a part of you that it takes no effort whatsoever. At that point then you can look back at what you are. At that point then you can look back at what you WERE and see what you are. You will then see that you are a new person a whole new being. It is possible to correct all of your karmic debt in one lifetime, in this lifetime, so that you need never to reincarnate again, and these five steps, if one commits themselves to them, will most assuredly overcome all karma and any need for reincarnation, but you must be honest with yourself; you must be honest with yourself. You will not be able to rationalize these things because in so doing you will end up only fooling yourself and no one else.

Five steps to spirituality. Five steps that any man, woman, or child can apply to their lives, eliminating all karmic debt, eliminating ALL karmic debt, and making available to themselves a new being, more fully and more spiritually developed, one that will leave the material manifestation behind forever, one who most assuredly will be in the realms that the Infinite Father made, in His Schoolhouse of Learning they most assuredly will be very close to their at-one-ment with the Divine Source. We present these five steps of spirituality to all of you with our blessings, in hopes that each of you will apply them in your lives and in so doing you and we will be united much sooner. We thank you.

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The Five Steps to Spirituality – Part 5

This is William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, fifth step of the Five Steps to Spirituality.
The Council: If you take these five steps and apply them to your life, much spiritual growth can be accomplished. In fact, one can accomplish a degree of spirituality that most have only dreamed of.

The next step in spiritual growth, this process, is: Never accept any glories. Remember, do what you must do. Fulfill your responsibilities and your obligations in life. Never wait around for that pat on the back. Move on to your next challenge or your next step. Many people who become involved in spirituality or in spiritual activities that are promoting spirituality make a problem for themselves. It is bad enough that some of these people seek a reputation in the world, but it is even worse for these people when they seek a reputation among those people that they are involved with who may be attempting to bring a greater spirituality to others. These spiritual movements are works dedicated to the Divine Source, and ultimately, these works are to bring glory to this Infinite Father. Those who help are not permitted to take any part of those glories. It is like this: anyone who may serve or work for a commission, for what little bit of glory he can get out of it is a merchant, and he ought to be cast out of the temple. This can be applied to those money exchangers that are spoken of in the temple when the Christ them chased out. They were not serving the people as a means of serving God; they were serving the people so that they could get their percentage out of it.

Remember, we must not be as the Pharisees were. We must not stand before others beating our breasts and putting ashes on our forehead so that all may see how holy we are. Do what you can do for others. Do what you can for the Divine Source in the service to Him, but do not expect glories and praises. All glories and praise belong to this Divine Source. Those things that you can use in service for others and for the Divine are gifts that you have to help YOU grow, not to help you gain glories.

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The Five Steps to Spirituality - Part 4

This is William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, fourth step of the Five Steps to Spirituality.

The Council: If you take these five steps and apply them to your life, much spiritual growth can be accomplished. In fact, one can accomplish a degree of spirituality that most have only dreamed of.
The next step: Never pass anything on about anyone else that will hurt him. Remember, a tale bearer has no place in the Divine's favor. If you know anything that would hinder or hurt the reputation of one of God's children, bury it forever. Wipe it from your mind and from your thoughts. Remember, if you wish the Divine Source to be good to you, you must begin to be good to His other children.

Remember, the Divine Source invites you to a spiritual banquet, He invites you personally to sit at His table, but He expects you to have table manners. He expects to teach you those table manners that you do not have, and remember He will not let you eat unless you obey the etiquette of the table that He has prepared for you. Whatever you pass on that may hurt someone else, whatever little remark that you may carry that will hurt someone else you must immediately put away. Bury it away so that it goes no further. Do not add your own self to the hurt of others. In the Divine Source's Eyes each of us is His child and He will not accept one child hurting another.

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The Five Steps to Spirituality – Part 2

This is William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, second step of the Five Steps to Spirituality.

The Council: If you take these five steps and apply them to your life, much spiritual growth can be accomplished. In fact, one can accomplish a degree of spirituality that most have only dreamed of.

The second step is: Never own anything. This does not mean that you cannot buy a new home or a new car or new clothing or jewelry or what have you. This is meant in the sense of possessing these things. You may not look upon these things as "This is mine." All the goods of the material manifestation, all the riches of the world, belong to the Divine Source and are only loaned to you for your use and your spiritual growth. This does not mean that those who have much must sell these things off or rid themselves of them. You have a right to have these things. You must remember that you are to use these things in your spiritual growth that they are only on loan to you and that they truly belong to the Divine Source. If you realize that you do not own these things, you can be more at peace with yourself because you will have no need to worry about losing them since they belong to someone else. You must turn over all that you think you own, such as property, cars, home, furniture, turn them over to the Infinite Father. Remember, they are only yours to use. He is loaning them to you.

Have you ever noticed some people who are very possessive of their material things? An example: A woman may own a very beautiful figurine or statue. She adores this and thinks it is very precious, and then a day comes by, and someone accidentally knocks the figurine or statue over and breaks it. Upon this, the woman looks at the shattered pieces and feels so disheartened. Her sadness and resentment make her unhappy. She is the type of woman who could very easily lose five years of her life over fretting at the loss of something that never belonged to her; yet she chose to possess it; she thought that it was hers. Now, we have just said that the lady could very well lose five years of her life over such a thing. We did not mean this literally. It is our way of saying that such a woman could very easily become so upset and irritated that onlookers could very well assume that this broken figurine represented five years taken from her life. Remember, all the materials, beauty and wealth and conveniences of the world are yours to have, to use. They are not yours to own but to have and use. Never own anything and that way nothing can ever be taken from you. All those things that you have, give over to your Divine Source. Realize that they are on loan to you and you will never have to fear losing them. With this attitude they will keep them more securely in your possession, than if you try to own them yourself.

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The Five Steps to Spirituality

What we are about to present, over the next several weeks are William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council’s, Five Steps to Spirituality. This information was given as a complete set at one trance session. The entire trance session is presented in six parts. We begin with The Council’s opening statement about the five steps and proceed to the first step. The Council:

May the Peace and the Joy of the Infinite Father be upon you, and May his Light shine down upon you and around you and within you.

What we are about to give you are 5 Steps to Spirituality. If you take these five steps and apply them to your life, much spiritual growth can be accomplished. In fact, one can accomplish a degree of spirituality that most have only dreamed of. What we will give you will be the five steps and a few basic guidelines to each step. These guidelines can help you expand these steps even further. If one makes a commitment to apply these five steps in their everyday life, we can guarantee that you will grow spiritually much more than you have ever dreamed. We can guarantee that you will truly become a new and whole being. You will be much closer to your Divine Source than you have ever dreamed possible. The first step is the most important and is the one that takes a great deal of honesty with oneself. One must deal with this first step as honestly as is humanly possible for all others build on this first step. The first step is: What emotions or attitudes or thoughts are now presently separating me from my Divine Source? Or what emotions, thoughts, or attitudes are not within the Divine Will?

When reviewing one's self, consider such things as jealousy. Are you a jealous person or are you jealous of other people? Are you jealous of what others have? Self-pity is another point to consider. Do you feel as though you are not appreciated? Do you feel that you are some undiscovered flower in an oasis in the middle of a desert that mankind has not yet been blessed to see and smell your sweet scent? This is self-pity. Are you resentful? Do you find yourself in a state of sputtering indignation most of the time? Do you find that people do not appreciate you or feel that you are not appreciated, and does this bother you? Do you feel that you should be appreciated more than what you are? Temper. Do you have an uncontrolled temper? Does your temper lead you to spiteful activities or actions against others? Remember, if you do not get rid of your temper, then your temper will get rid of much of your spirituality and certainly all of your joy. These are just a few points that you may look at, but there are many others that one must consider. What you are to do, as you look over these points, as you review yourself, you must be willing to admit to yourself that these truly are not godly activities or spiritual activities or activities that are within the Divine Will. Be honest with yourself. Do not try to rationalize those things that you know about yourself. Admit to yourself that these are acts of separation, that these are stumbling blocks between you and the return to your Divine Source and your rightful place within the Presence of your God.

For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com

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