TELEPATHIC MESSAGES : KIBOLast Updated: May 19, 2010 - 1:01:15 PM

Ranting with CM
By CM and Kibo
May 19, 2010 - 12:49:37 PM

Kibo posted this on AHS today.  He didn't want it posted to AH. But he gave me permission anyway. A lot of people resonated on AHS with it. So first, is his poem, giving me permission after my persuasive argument, I think I made anyway. I wasn't so with it this morning, one of those very strange nights of sleep.  Then after the "permission poem" I have placed the piece, as he posted it to AHS.  If some of you newbies don't know what AHS is, it's a yahoo support group for AH.  My rant he refers to, well, I did some ranting, and then when I posted my rant, my computer was not on the internet, which has been a constant problem I could write a whole rant about in and off itself today, thugs got one of my ports but all's running now and I did my ranting on that while I was making the computer work again. You don't need to hear that one! -C

By Kibo:


if you feel that revealing my
hand wringing
financialy struggling
begging self
would actually help anybody
then go ahead
i shudder to think of the results
it would be nice
if people thought
that they could really
just talk with God
about anything and everything
in all honesty
i mean
that's what friends and family
are supposed to do
i mean, like, really
HE knows this stuff
and still talks with us about it
how neat is that?
so go ahead
while i find a place to hide
no really
it's okay
post it if any good comes out of it
or it helps anybody
then it's a good thing....

wish i could have read your rant, tho'....
you do some good ones ;>D....

peace, love and understanding to all
kibo[i still have to do that website, don't i? sigh...]Dabi

there's a poem in all this somewhere.....


OK, here's CM and Kibo's discussion, uncut and uncensored


this is a private conversation which normally i wouldn't post but He told me to start typing it up and then other stuff happened and, well, anyway, here it is.


i have enough problems........


without further ado.........


CM: tell me, what do you think is going on? What is happening in your eyes?

Kibo: Things are transpiring, progressing with little if any proof of Divine Cause. This just may be because much is of natural consequence. There is nothing that hasn't been experienced before, just more of it but that is not enough for many, or the many to decide that this is a Divine event. Only those that look for and want the big Divine event to happen are searching for signs and confirmations. Others are either fighting it or just don't care as long as their lives are paid for or they feel that they can keep going. It was once said that there are no atheists in foxholes and while i still like to say this myself, i'm not so sure how true it holds either literally or figuratively. People are going off the deep end for little stupid crap that makes little sense unless you recognize polarity shifts and separation of sorting. It is not enough to say that the world has gone mad and soon God will have to come and set things straight. While it seems worse now than ever before, it has always been this way for the lifetimes of everyone here right now.

Small miracles are lost in the pulses of news concerning this disaster and that violence or crime or celebrity or money gone mad scenario. They are pushed to the side and soon forgotten. Those who consider themselves the faithful of God, according to their religions still vie against each other to be top dog [ which i never understood btw, God is God of All doesn't condone violence, especially for these reasons nor does He care who wins the football game.]

Meanwhile people pray for a miracle, a flash big enough to change the world or, at least, to win the lottery. If God will not save them here and now then maybe the money will. The problem with the God vs. the devil thing has always been the notion that God rewards in heaven for all the shit you went through in this life but the devil pays cash now. Too many people are too willing to accept that, sign on and worry about the consequences of the collection process later. When you're taught that you can do all kinds of crap and be forgiven for all of it on your deathbed just because you finally decided to say `forgive me lord, i'm sorry, i have faith now and i believe...are we good?' that you are given a pass, a get out of hell free card, so what the hell? Go for broke and why worry about it? There's always enough time to to sign on and if you died suddenly, oh well, you played the odds like a good gambler because life is a crapshoot after all.

There is nothing, NOTHING left to go on. People still believe in the old days where angels came and sang God's praises while delivering the latest celestial news report: Christ is born! Give it up for God in the Highest!. Prophets came and went and told you that in order to win the war all you had to do was stomp your staff or blow trumpets or sacrifice a few things to the fire. You could wrestle with angels and the blind could see and the lame walk and Job was given back everything and then some for his troubles, since it was a bet, after all...

These people are conditioned to pay attention to something so huge that it can't be ignored = a big booming voice in the sky, angels and chariots and some guy on top of a mountain surrounded by lightening strikes every time he makes a statement or declaration from God.

Now they just show up on TV and spread the word while they go on tours and collect money because you have to tithe, right? You want money for yourself? Give it to us first so that God will know you're one of the good guys. You have to because you can't get into heaven without a preacher or priest or what have you, to intervene on your behalf and let God know you're a good guy and God will do as he says and accept his word and let you in because he's a representative of God's Holy Word so he's a trusted advisor to God in the matters concerning his flock...

Look, you got a lot of confused screwed up people down here that really need something big that will demand their attention and that means presence. You have to show your stuff, show your hand, slap them in the face, hell slap all of us in the face and explain the rules because nobody kept the manual that came with the game in the first place. We lost the box and have been playing by made up rules for so long we have no clue nor do we remember what the original rules were, are or that there were original rules in the first place. We've got so many people playing by different rules and they're all playing the same game and it's just a huge mess and if YOU don't show them something real, they might not give a crap even after all the earthquakes and volcanoes and economic collapse and politicians falling dead to the ground next to the banksters and gangsters and whatever. These people have been conditioned for the big show and i know You don't do that kind of thing but, in my insane opinion, that's what they want and need, a huge twilight zone Divine signpost right in front of their faces that spells out for all to see: YOU ARE HERE! Because right now they're groping in the dark like plato's cave and all they care about is how to keep going. Your lightworkers are exhausted and are in dire need of support. Like soldiers out of ammo they need a show of force that will stop the enemy cold in their tracks and leave them shitless and pissing on themselves and while You say this is the case we're looking and hoping for something really really really really big and wonderful and awesome like a rainbow around the world or millions of decloaking ships playing music while light orbs fly among the population sharing vibes of love and comfort and joy throughout the world or the stars disappearing or silence for a half hour or Jupiter coming out [which was a great idea, btw]

We're begging You for something big on a global scale and you can see it in the media = flashforward and V = say what you will, they're both global events that changed everyone's bubble at once.

And that's what you're going to have to do change the channel on the celestial TV/holodeck. Give everyone on thing to see, to look at, all at the same time = a shared event of such magnitude that even crack addicts will put down the pipes for that moment and see. Let everything come to a standstill as all minds are focused on the one thing, hell, i don't care if a huge eyeball suddenly appeared in the sky and just looked everyone and everything for an hour or so and then just closed and disappeared... GIVE THEM ALL ONE THING IN COMMON, SOMETHING THAT THE WHOLE WORLD CAN SHARE AS AN EXPERIENCE AND YOU WILL HAVE THEIR ATTENTION. After that, don't wait too long to explain it to them and let them know what's what and from where...We have short attention spans and even in sharing that will leave us open to more of the same, charlatans and power groupies all claiming to know and now new movements of control take over and we are left with more of the same. No, nah uhn, not this time, nope. This time you do immediate follow=up and updates while you continue to clean house.

To me, this is the only way to get the most amount of people on board as possible

But that's me.......

CM: you don't think We're doing enough? It is working, you know.

Kibo: Sure you are, but you're doing it according to rules of procedures that have to be changed so often because of the fact that this situation is completely and totally different from any other operation of this sort ever. The standard rules simply can't apply here. You're on the ground and some shithead tells YOU to fuck off? What is that? Did you, and i think you did, tell him that if you fucked off you would fuck off on him, tell him to remember he said that and to enjoy his last few days on earth and ask him if he really wanted to ride this train? You complain that we all need to see results before we are happy and so far results have been very subtle and while you complain that we're like this, consider that there is a reason that we're like this and maybe, just maybe, give us something that we want? Give us something that we can work with! Put the Christed circle symbol in the sky! Put rings around the moon! Write GOD IS HERE on it! Have a global voice boom in the skies one word: NOW! Something, anything puts the general population on notice! Let them react! Sure, the televangelist will jockey for position but at least everyone will know that something is up and bigtime! Make the oil slick disappear overnight and put that damn plastic island in it's place. Clear the banking computers of all debt or give all the AHS members a million dollars, let me win the lottery or let the cubs win the world's series = that would definitely signal the end of the world =

CM: you winning the lottery or the cubs winning the series?

Kibo: either one or both, take your pick...mind you, i choose me but hey, it's not my call..........the point is that YOU said something big and i have to wonder if it will get done in the timeframe given and will it be too big to explain away? It has to be too big for words, Boss, otherwise they'll just cover it up in media bullshit like calling a 2 square mile UFO a weather balloon..........and You know they'll try that shit, feeling me, Boss?

CM: yes, I AM feeling you, little one. You words give us pause to consider what else can be done along with what is to already be shown. We have thought in the past that this or that would be enough to wake up a substantial percentage of people but We always decided against doing things that bordered on the miraculous and magical as counterproductive. Still, We have come to believe, or better understand the handicap that you ones on Earth Shan must deal with as a result of your incarcerated slavery. Perhaps decloaking of ships would be appropriate at this point. We have always wanted to keep the level of fear and confusion down as a result of our actions.

Kibo: you'd get it anyway, no matter what. might as well go for broke on this one. Mass decloakings would be all they will talk about around the water cooler the next day and that's if they go to work and don't stay home to consider their lives and the meaning of life and where did they go right or wrong... all i'm saying is that you have to give us something to go on, it can't all be behind the scenes, y'know?

CM: We know but always want optimum conditions for such a thing which may or may not ever happen. We will consider your words. Perhaps We will not wait so long to show ourselves. We could spend a day in your skies and then just disappear. It would be a great show and a huge warning to the dark that We mean business. It would expose a lot and raise many questions....We shall see how others feel about it. Esu thinks it's a good idea as do others now checking in. this might prove to be beneficially interesting. Would you really like a special showing above your house?

Kibo: i want you to land in my yard and let me and my family get onboard to go for a ride and meet new people and make friends....THAT would go a long way in my credibility....along with winning the lottery...just thought i'd throw that one in...couldn't hurt to help me out there...

CM: and the project? I told you to do the website.

Kibo: with what? and if this thing is going to be finished by mid year or so, what's the point? Hell, there isn't much point to the lottery other than to let me get this weight off of my back and hold it up as a sign that i must be right or this wouldn't have happened. The numbers i picked were very specific towards being able to do that. Even winning the lottery has to be a spiritual event for me, a miracle from God, i'm stuck on that as are many others. Look Boss, just give us something to go on so that we know that this thing is real and soon and real soon. It will be like supplies and ammo and support in the field. Something motivational to let us know that long term plans don't really matter right now or anymore, it's all about to change for good...that's all we want as far as i see it, others may feel differently so..... but You asked me, so i told you and thanks for asking by the way, i really appreciate it. I needed this talk because i've been going crazy and in spite of the homeless threat just can't seem to really get into the website if there isn't enough time to make it work or any real need for now since there will be more important stuff after stasis and it can always be done then if need effort is spiritual. That's what i live for and i increasingly find myself unable to deal with anything else. All i care about is this event and please forgive me for that because i've really screwed up my material life and, well, i just have to live with that and the lottery would just be something to say: see? God cares enough to do this....and the website is like, i will be really screwed if there is actually enough time left for this to work because then i was so wrong about everything i would likely just want to die because well, like, i thought i was awake, at least a little and i thought i was helping and i was helping YOU and to find out i was wrong would be like...shit, wtf? So even if i did do it and it worked and i saved the house and everything i would still feel like what difference does it make? There's nothing, no ascension, no CM, no channelings, it was all in my head and i might as well just say fuck it, drink and do drugs and vegetate `cause the world is shit going to hell in a handbasket and there's nothing i can do, there's no calvary, no GF, just us and if that's the case, we're fucked. So pass the sex drugs and booze and let me play video games until i die cause there's no longer any point.

That's how important this whole thing is to me and that's how i'd feel if it didn't pan out YOU're IT, Boss and without YOU to believe in, what do i have? Even SOURCE would be questionable at that point. I'd probably still pray to and believe in SOURCE but ultimately i'd be on my own to just be as nice as i could be to people under the circumstances, fuck the bullshit and let me escape from this crap any way possible without losing my family and house....face it...i'd be a wreck and a lost cause. I'm that invested into this thing and have to be proven right or wrong, no maybes about it. Promises have been made too many time, this is it, prove the pudding, let us eat or leave the table `cause there's nothing there!

CM: is that an ultimatum?

Kibo: THAT"S A FEAR! I've staked my life on this! If it doesn't happen as stated i might as well die and be done with it!

CM: don't you think that's how the people that don't believe as you do will feel once they're proven wrong?

Kibo: coin flips both ways and you can't have both at once. It's the same for all of us. Who's right and who's wrong. If i'm wrong, i've got no one to turn to for truth. If they're wrong, well, they`ve got us to turn to. YOU do the math, which one is better?

CM: Well, point taken. Let us get back to you on this but you've given all of us a lot to consider. I like that you are never afraid to speak to me like a friend and an equal as well as the Big Boss Cheese, it's very refreshing and I can see where your attitude affects and encourages others to do the same. We do want input from you ones in the trenches and want others to speak up as well. If I can smile at a dark one that tells me to fuck off I can definitely smile and hug you. No really, you've never been a `yes' man and you are always honest in this regard with Me and I love you for that among other things, please don't think that I don't. you should post this.

Kibo: don't think so.

CM: please, for ME, as is, and We will consider your words, all of you on AHS, it doesn't have to be posted on the main site. You can just keep it among the group and the dark ones that like to follow you around.

Kibo: So you want more of this ranting and raving?

CM: honest feeling given in love and devotion to the mission is always appreciated. I AM a loving Father, but also your friend and brother.

Kibo: so be it.

CM: and so it is. Again, please post this. Call it `Ranting with CM' and see what happens.

Kibo: i still think it's a bad idea but okay, consider it posted to AHS BUT NOT FOR THE MAIN SITE! That will be a little too much, I think.

CM: I'll discuss it with Candace and we'll see, okay?

Kibo: that does not sound promising............

CM: [laughing] and so it is, definitely so it is.


PS= i was going over this and asking my self `am i really going to post this?' when i heard something like a trumpet in the sky. I don't know what it was, a plane or something maybe. But the clock on my wall, which is twenty minutes fast told me that it happened at

4:44 a.m. cave time {the time it said on my clock in my little mancave here...] and i thought to my self = hey Boss! Howabout a huge CLARION CALL ALL AROUND THE WORLD? Easier to do than some other stuff and still an attention getter.....hmmmmm.....ah well......

Love and light to all

Kibo[and i do this why?]Dabi


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