Pushing Through the Fog Bank
By Johan
Jul 3, 2011 - 11:32:09 AM


Johan sent this to me a week ago, time passed again.  Here it is:-C

Afterwards I asked again to CMAton what to see and report here. This time I was referred to a story I always treasured, from new age origin ( Lee Carroll ), but however very suitable for today and AH :


There was an Indian named David, who lived on an island. He was of the lineage of royalty on the island, for his grandfather was the chief. David lived a fine life; there was an abundance of food, and much grew and could be eaten. His village and his tribe lived well for many many years.


Now, the island was surrounded by an odd attribute, for there was a great fog bank that was very thick encasing it, starting three miles from the shore. It surrounded the island completely and since the fog never came to shore, the days on the island were generally sunny and clear. The fog remained offshore at the same distance from year to year like a ominous sign, and no one could ever see beyond it.


David grew up with this fog, and those in the village had experienced it generations after generations. They did not understand it, but they feared it, since every so often there would be a villager who would journey into the fog bank and never return. Even as a boy, David can remember one of the older tribesmen who was near death, who chose to get into his canoe and go into the fog. There were many stories of what would happen if you went into the fog, mostly told at night by the light of the campfires.


The villagers were thaught that if anyone ever went into the fog, the rest of the villagers were to go into their houses and their villages and not watch! You see, there was great fear around this evil fog. But David, being royalty, got to watch these few events with the elders as a child, and later as a teenage boy. But the only event he really remembered wat the time the old one went into the fog. He saw him pick up his paddle as his canoe slid gently into the fog bank, and as expected, he never came out again. Just as the elders said, '' No one wo ventures into the fog bank, ever returns. '' And those of royal lineage stayed for many hours, watching the fog after the old one had disappeared into it, waiting for something to happen that was foretold to happen. For often, after a time, they would hear a giant muffled noise, a fearful sound that would strike fear into their hearts, a roaring that they could not understand. David would remember what it sounded like for the rest of his life. Who knows what that could have been? Perhaps the sound of a giant whirlpool or waterfall, just waiting to claim the lives of those who would go through it?


Now, it seems odd that David, in his 34th year, would have made the decision he did, but he felt a pull to the fog! He felt that there was something more to his life that he was missing. Perhaps it was a truth that had been lying dormant for years, and somehow the fog was the answer? It is true, no one had ever come back, but that didn't mean they were gone, thought David. And so David set out with courage, without telling any of the elders of the villagers, to see what was on the other side of the fog bank. He got into his canoe slowly and gave ceremony in preparation for what he was about to do. He thanked God for his life and for the revelation of what was to come. He knew that no matter what happened to him, at least he would have knowledge, and that was what drove him on.


And so David paddled silently and gently towards the fog bank. No one was watching and soon he was on the brink of the fog. Then David noticed a strange thing; no one had ever purposely gotten close enough to the bank before to observe anything like this, but it was pulling him into it! The element of fear at this surprising event started to grip him. David did not need to paddle any longer, and so he picked it up and put it into the canoe who disappeared into the fog with him in it. It was still and quiet while Davd was in in there, while the current kept pulling him forward. It became darker and darker, and then he began to reconsider what he had done. '' I am a young man; I have failed my elders, for I was in the royal lineage, and I have chosen a foolish, foolish thing! '' David was now afraid, and the fear came over him like a blanket of death. and the blackness started creeping into his brain, and he shook with coldness and emotion as the canoe sped silently along by itself.


David was in the fogbank for hours, and it seemed like it would never end. He cowered in his canoe, for he knew that he had made a mistake. '' What if nothing ever changes?'' he said to himself. '' What if I am here for all eternity and starve in this canoe ? '' David suddenly had a vision of fear where all those who went before him were now floating endlessly in their canoes, going in circles around the island as skeletons in the dark fog. Would he see the old one from years ago? Would anything ever change? '' Oh, where is the truth that I sought? '' cried David out loud in the fog.


Then it happened. David came out of the other side of the fog bank! He was astounded at what he saw, for there in front of him was an entire continent: clear, filled with many villagers and villages as far as he could see! He could see smoke coming from their smokestacks and hear them playing on the beaches. There were lookouts stationed along the fog bank who saw him immediately. As he came through, they observed him and sounded their horns in celebration to let the others know on the shore that another brave one had come through the fog. Then David heard a giant roar come forth from the land. A roar of celebration! A roar of honour! They surrounded him with canoes and threw flowers. When he got to the beach, they came and took him and put him on their shoulders and celebrated his coming through the fog. David, the royal one, began a new, enriched life that day.


I am glad I got this typed as the rain starts to poor down again, but no thunder yet...


Do you see simularities with your life? Do you recognise points of this story with your life?  Are you  content within your small group of religion, of politics, of family, of race, of knowledge, never venturing out of it due to the ' fog ' of unfamiliarity? Isn't there a big fog bank in front of all of us, sometimes our fear, sometimes your unchanging nature. Each fog might be a different challenge and lesson for each person in varying degrees. What is it you fear the most? What is it that gives you your biggest anxiety? Abundance ? Enlightment? Truth? Maybe it's the fear of CHANGE?

Isn't it your biggest life's lesson that must be walked into face first with courage, knowing that it is simply a facade. Isn't the fogbank all our fears? With on the other side CELEBRATION? Moving into it sometimes created a time of darkness, the dark night of the soul, a transitional time to allow to adjust to what is comming. Those around you will warn you against it, telling you that it is not for you, but your heart, your soul KNOWS the truth, and some of you will seek it out for yourself.


Isn't this what we face right now? Aren't all things that give you grief, things that can be changed BY YOUR INTENT TO MAKE IT SO? Isn't that what CMAton is inviting us to do, ready for celebration on the other side of the fog that ALL OF US, including Gaia is going through RIGHT NOW? Or have we reached Inner and Higher Guidance that leads us through the fog, of perhaps earth changes to come, so that we keep our focus on the horizon, wanting to get to know the other side?


Thank you CMAton for pointing me to this story this morning, as I know this will open some wounds for some, but with the invitation to heal yourself by your pure intent AND ALL OF OUR SUPPORT AND LOVE AND LIGHT AND HELP. Perhaps that can be the added FOCUS TO OUR AH GROUPS MEDITATION TODAY, so we have the courage to enter no matter what fog and come out VICTORIOUS ON THE OTHER SIDE, SOON TO EXPERIENCE TOGETHER. Perhaps that is why it took a little longer to reach the finnish line, since too many had not found the courage to enter their fogs, but once encouraged by all of us, we shall now CROSS THE FINISH LINE TOGETHER. ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE, either all of us together, or no one YET, as CMATon his Divine Plan has co-created that for us NOW. He is the conductor too, but we have to sing to be heard and be welcomed by a MIGHTY ROAR OF CELEBRATIONS, on the other side......


in Divine Love, Light and Service,







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