Greetings, this is Christ Michael Aton speaking. Now I have a few updates for you regarding Jupiter, stasis and the pole shift, as well as all the other things going on here. We're all quite bust I assure you. Now, I have my hand right on the stasis button, ready to push it at any moment. As soon as Jupiter is unveiled we will go into stasis. I specifically requested Jupiter be unveiled at this point and time as to speed up the shedding of the magnetosphere.

We are ready to unveil her once and for all! Now, once we unveil her, this will create a roundabout effect. It will "power up" Jupiter (as earth has it's own corona of ascension energies) and it will help strip the earth of her magnetosphere. Now don't worry, we'll go into stasis AS SOON AS this happens. We don't know when the magnetosphere will fly off, but we have a very good idea. A month or two from now it should be gone. Jupiter should appear in your morning skies any day now as we will tug it and pull it to get it where we want it.

 It is very precarious business tugging a star like Jupiter...we will continue energizing the magnetosphere as needed so as not to disturb the delicate balance of earth's life forms. Now many of you are wondering what stasis is like. Now it goes like this: one moment you are walking down a paved street and the next moment you are standing in a field of daisies! (laughs) No not literally, but the weather should change drastically within the coming seconds that you are out of stasis. You won't even know what hit you! (Although I assure you WE do). As for the pole shift, this will happen during the magnetosphere dropoff. There isn't much I can say on that just yet. 
Thank you for reading,
Salu, Christ Michael Aton


Oh the time for stasis is coming
 Right around the corner
 Don't you wanna wait to see what happens
 I know you want to
 Still in the night I come for you
 My beloveds sons and daughters
 I am with you I never leave you
 Hold still some more moments
 I promise it won't be long
 It's right there around in the corner
 Wait until the dawn of time to come for you my beloveds
You have waited for a long time 
But now I tell you it's no longer time for waiting, the time has come
 Heed my calling the stasis is around the corner
Christ Michael


Greetings to all you who are reading this article: I am Christ Michael ATON of Nebadon. My wife, Nebadonia is here with me today and I wish to share some of her transmissions. She hears quite a bit of people these days...believe it or not, SHE can hear you too. (laughs). Here she is:

Hello, this is Nebadonia. I am your creator goddess. Some of you have contacted me wondering \"what was up\" with Christ Michael\'s plans for the universe and for your solar system. I will dutifully inform you that I am here to watch over and protect all of Christ Michael\'s assets, property, and the like as his devoted wife and \"partner in crime\" (laughs). I am here to sooth and to comfort you as Mother Earth wants me to, but you must remember that it is up to you to heal the wounds of the past yourselves.

This is why it is called ascension dearest ones. Your WILL to ascend out of hardship along with our efforts to help you along is NOT a substitute for your WILLPOWER. We are here to inform you and protect you. We are not here to ascend for you. That is it for today, Nebadonia MOTHER GODDESS of this EARTH and UNIVERSE.

CM: Thank you Nebadonia. Mind if I say a few words, Melanie?

ME: No, go ahead.

 Now if I may say so, this ascension process takes TIME to achieve. You will not ascend overnight and you will not ascend in 20 days or whatever time limit you have put on it because THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT. There is time, and there is space, and there is time as you percieve it. Your perception of it is a LIMITED perception of it. You can go backwards and forwards. You can go side to side (present dimensions) and you can go around in circles. What we percieve as time is a 3D perception or a 4D perception as you might put it. It has no spacial aspects but it is delicately woven into all aspects of life.

 Time can be transformed by the pure power of thought and will. We cannot halt time. Stasis is a halting of PERCEPTION of time. True time does not stop. It cannot be manipulated by the terms which you deem \"manipulatable\" (laughs). Something for you to ponder over for the meantime. See you, Christ Michael. I AM THAT I AM The Big Cheese and Chief Sunglass Wearer of Nebadon ;)

These Postings From about December 10th

 Greetings, this is Christ Michael Aton speaking. Now I'd like to talk to you all about dealing with your negative inhibitions or emotions. Sometimes they trigger you to do rash things...other times they just make you want to sit down and curl up in a corner. I am "emotionally sane" I understand these things (laughs). But they are NO EXCUSE for discontinuing your ascension process. Now I'd like to share two examples: Melanie here was walking day and night, in and out of depression. She still managed to get up and channel me.

Candace has also been dealing with negative emotions such as anger, confusion, loss, guilt for people are bugging her...RIDICULING her for things she did not say but things that I ALONE have said. If you're going to blame someone, blame ME. Now dealing with these emotions can be awful stressful and hard to deal with. Let me make this short and sweet: deal with them in this way I have provided for you.

Now, when you get up in the morning, GROUND YOURSELF. It's not hard to do, just take a few deep breaths and imagine roots growing from your feet to the center of the earth. The second thing I want you to do is meditate daily. Meditation grounds the soul and stills thoughts and emotions. It is very useful in dealing with stress, anger, and depression. The third and most important thing I'd like you to do is to THANK the universe for your time here. This puts you in the right attitude to continue your day. Thank you, that is all.

Christ Michael Aton--Your wearer of sunglasses in this universe of Nebadon B-)
PS: You may post this, just don't put my last name! Thanks!!!
-Melanie    These Postings from Abundant  December 30, 2009  Copyrighted
( If you have questions; Heru Paule will attempt to answer these ) 

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