In Theosophical Society....There is a Motto.....
Theosophical Society is a International Organization and was Established in 17th Nov.1875 By Madam Helena Petrovna Blavatsky , A Russian Lady and an American Henry Steel Olcott....In New York...U.S.A....Now the Head Quarter is At Adyar, Chennai, South India.....You can see in the Logo that "There is No Religion Greater Than Truth."......I am a Theosophist since 1997....and at present Vice President of the Local branch of Junagadh, Gujarat, India....Dr. Sohini Shukla.
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Hello everyone... excited to be here as we all have something to share. We all have pieces to this amazing puzzle of life and sharing helps expand our foundation of information to complete circuits of truth obtained from within along the way vs. remaining stuck in our belief systems. Love and blessings to all and to everyone's learning and sharing...
i am planning a trip to lamanai and tulum next month and was wondering if anyone knows anything about the energies there or any other spiritual mythos. i'm casting a wide net and hoping that someone can help me with this.
in lak'ech
Love and Joy to All...
Please talk about the approaching planet Niburu
Many people feel in their hearts the desire to light. But this act becomes difficult because of the world in which we live.
People feel the need to have someone to confide in, although it is difficult.
Keep using that space to help people who feel lost.

Greetings, Blessings, Namaste.
I like to joined your group Enlighted Master: The world of truth, because every moment I talked to Ashtar I realise my knowlegde about seeing the truth is still sleeping.......More and more I shall be awaken. It goes bit by bit.....
Thank you for inviting me
Love Arthura