Mana Machines

When the ancient Isrealites won their freedom from Egypt and entered the desert they didn't have any food.  The Bible tells us they ate "Mana"?  Turns out mana is made from water and a highly nutrious kelp.  But the strange thing is, How did they make the mana machine <which BTW has a mini nuclear reactor on it>?  Who showed them the blueprints/schematic for the Mana Machine? How did they create a mini nuclear reactor which cannot be assembled today?  The machine itself is VERY ALIEN looking?



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  • And heres more its a interesting thing but no one seems any the wiser of its physical existence though:-

    The Kabbalah, a body of Jewish traditional knowledge, was kept secret until the 13th Century AD, it s content was regarded to be from the magical-mystical point of view particularly so with respect to the Ancient of Days. This was considered to be a Jewish demi-god until in 1978 two English engineers, George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, concluded that the description of the Ancient of Days in the Zohar, one of the books of the Kabbalah, was not of an ominous god-figure, but rather a machine. A close investigation of the text convinced them that the machine produced the biblical manna which fed the Israelites during their forty-year wandering in the desert and was probably of extraterrestrial origin.

    "The Ancient of Days consisted principally of three 'skulls', an outer one which contained two others inside it, placed one above the other. In the middle of this arrangement was the 'cardinal lamp', which shone with 'a brightness to exceed all brightnesses'. It has a 'beard', the 'hairs' of which grow out of one part of its 'face' and back in again at other places; there is no mention of a body, but there is a 'strong right arm', there are six feet; and in between them there are two testicles, and a penis. A substance known variously as the 'dew', the 'oil of great goodness' and other terms, ran down from the upper parts of this object, to be stored in the 'testicles' and finally discharged from the 'penis'."
    - George Sassoon, "The Ancient of Days: Deity or Manna-Machine"

    Othiq Yomin
    The machine, called the Othiq Yomin in the Zohar, worked on the basis of the cultivation and processing of an algae-culture, probably one of the chlorella species, which was maintained by a supply of dew, or water, and of radiation more than likely from a nuclear-powered light-source.

    The Zohar description is so exact that Sassoon and Dale were able to reconstruct the machine in all its details. At the top was a dew-distilling apparatus, which consisted of a curved, cooled surface. Air flowed over this, and from it water condensed. This water was the basic material for the vessel at the center, which contained the light source and the algae itself, which circulated in various pipes, permitting an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the atmosphere and also dissipated heat. The chlorella sludge was then taken to another vessel, where the starch content was partically hydrolyzed to malt-like substances (hence the "honey and wafer" taste of the manna), and the dried matter was then finally stored in two collection containers from which it was later drawn off.

    To reconstruct such a complex machine from the text of the Zohar necessitated a fresh translation of the original text, which was accomplished by Sassoon, a linguist and computer expert, as well as an electronics engineer. While the textual description of the machine is extremely detailed, it is not immediately apparent that it is a technical service manual because the parts of the Othiq Yomin (originally translated as Ancient of Days, when the "Transportable One of the Tanks" would be more accurate) are designated with the terminology in use about 1000 BC. For example, in the Zohar we read passages such as the following:

        "There are three upper heads; two, and one which contains them."

    At the time the Zohar was written, there were no words for "perspex dome", or "algae-cultivation-vessel", so they used "head", "skull" and very often "face", such as in the following extract:

        "The dew of the white head drops into the skull of the Small-faces One and there is it stored."

    To enable regeneration of the algae-culture, it was made to flow through a transparent circulation system, which is known in the Zohar as the "venerable beard", through which went the "oil of the great goodness", that is, the algal sludge. These "pipes" are discussed thusly:

        "And those parts which are found in the beard, they are shaped and lead downwards in many directions."

    The machine was equipped with a considerable number of control lamps, which are called "shining eyes" in the Zohar text, and which light up in various colors:

        "In his lower eyes there are a left and a right eye, and these two have two colors, except when they are seen in the white light of the upper eye."

    Ark of the Covenant
    The complete machine was regarded as a deity or demi-deity consisting of male and female parts. It was given to the Israelites at the beginning of their wandering in the wilderness, possibly by extraterrestrials and produced the manna which enabled them to survive. By all accounts, the machine was kept in the so-called Ark of the Covenant, which served as a transport container for the nuclear-powered machine, which was easily damaged under desert conditions. In the time of David and Solomon it found its place in the Holy of Holies in Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, while before that it was kept in the Holy Tent, or Tabernacle.

    Link to the book:-



    The Manna Machine
    The Manna Machine is a 1978 book by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, based upon a translation of the section of the Zohar called The Ancient of Days t…
  • Found this on wikipedia on wasnt the bible it was the Zohar called The Ancient of Days and it was in this book from 1978 by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale they wrote.

    The Manna Machine
    The Manna Machine is a 1978 book by George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, based upon a translation of the section of the Zohar called The Ancient of Days t…
  • Yes, and where did you find this picture and how do you know that it is neclear?

  • It would be much better if you had the links to where this information originated from to explain this machine your talking about here above, just a photo digram image says nothing,anyone could make a photo diagram but if the mechanisms workings and history information etc is attached it gives us a better understanding of how these machines in this diagram worked etc to give these opinions and theories in response,here we are only taking your word for it..

    • So what's the problem!?....WHAT!? You think it's a "lie" or some kind of "headtrip"???  Good GOD man grow a brain please, I'm NOT here to play games, I'm here to spread enlightenment, knowledge and awarness, in a sense to WAKE PEOPLE UP, plain and simple!!

    • There was no need for the way you spoke to me in this comment, when I was trying to understand your article question, firstly because I'd never heard of it before ..thus I tried to ask questions to be able to provide information on it much better,you provided nothing on it at all at the time, other than the picture and the question,... so why did you have to speak like that as if I'm a hostile being is beyond me, I said something wrong?

      I never said it was a lie, I never said you were playing games, I think your the one who needed to wake up and get rid of your nasty attitude & ego. I'm reading this now 10yrs years later again and good job I did miss your response here by not getting a notification of it, it was obviously shrouded from my consciousness for a good reason I was being shielded maybe by my soul guardian,...but I will address it cos if you had come at me with that kind of attitude  I may not have found all this info on the topic your speaking about. plain & simple!!!.. if you read this now its of no signifigance to me I spoke the truths to what I saw on the page & you know I read your horrid ignorant personality from it..

    • Sashia speaks the need for you to be offended by it...Interesting time lapse to this chat, though...;-)

    • She was nasty and hostile for no reason what so ever,.. she may be speaking truths about this machine that was not in dispute by me and never was, but I knew nothing about it myself at the time and I was the one trying to find out and went and found info on she needs to wake up to how she spoke..even if it is 10yrs on even reading it...

    • Well let me look around and see if I can find those links, DOH it's been like ages since I read all this stuff.  The diagram btw is based upon info gleaned from the Bible.

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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"She was nasty and hostile for no reason what so ever,.. she may be speaking truths about this…"
Jan 29
Drekx Omega replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"Sashia speaks the need for you to be offended by it...Interesting time lapse to this…"
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"There was no need for the way you spoke to me in this comment, when I was trying to understand your…"
Jan 29
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"And heres more its a interesting thing but no one seems any the wiser of its physical existence…"
Jan 29
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"Found this on wikipedia on wasnt the bible it was the Zohar called The Ancient of Days and…"
Jan 29
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Spiritual Healer's discussion 2012 DNA Study Proves Egypt to be Black in Egyptology Focus Group
"Sad it dosnt exist anymore.. sounded like interesting information."
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Massive Electric Bill in Egyptology Focus Group
"This link explains what they actually interpret & mean..…"
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