



Pegasus Galaxy

About Yourself

"We do not see things as they are; we see things as we are." (Talmud)

Long ago I was a given a vision, the vision filled me, it took away my pain, the vision gave me hope, the vision gave me understanding and compassion, the vision gave me inspiration, but most of all the vision gave me LOVE!!

The Official Countdown

People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see in the end it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.
Mother Theresa

TheApocalypse 2012/Page 206
“From the beginning of history, as far as one can tell, (humanity) has recognized behind all the phenomenon of nature and consciousness a hidden power…there is not a particle of matter in the universe, not a grain of sand, a leaf, a flower, not a single animal of human being which has not its eternal being in that one, and which is not known in the unitive vision of the one.”
“What we see is the reflection of all the beauty of creation through the mirror of our sense and imagination, extended in space and time. But there in the vision of one all the multiplicity of creation is contained, not in the imperfection of its becoming, but in the unity of its being.”
Some of my research is dedicated to the study of this (force). This energy or vibration flows within all things, all inanimate objects, animals, people, in nature and in the seasons and the elements, the (force) flows through us, it surrounds us, it penetrates us and it permeates us. With training we can access this force and use it. It is the power of GOD and GOD itself!!

Eves Grid


Your Teachers and/or Spiritual Sources of Inspiration

I have learned a great many things through out the years from many sources:


Considering that I’ve been on this path since the ages of 16 there have been many who have showed me the way. In the early years when I began my quest there were what I’d call teachers and helpers. These were people, places and things who lit the path, who acted as guides and showed me the way to go. If my spirituality and beliefs were a building, these were the people who built the foundation my fundamental beliefs and truths and principles. There were a variety of religious sources that I took bits and pieces from as I explored the avenues of centralized or mainstream religion. My parents were strict Catholics, so I was raised Catholic. I use to remember my dad packing up my sister, my and I and we’d go to church every Saturday and Sunday. I also had to attend catechism during the weekdays. One day an event happened that changed this, my dad just stopped going to church, my mom had become a Buddhist and my dad didn’t go to church anymore. So now we entered a period where there was a spiritual vacuum and NO religion. This was when the quest truly began! I explored a variety of churches from that day on, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Episcopalian. These are all great churches with great people, but they lacked something and could not fill the void in me nor satiate my thirst for wisdom and knowledge so I moved on. I became a Buddhist for a few years I thought this was it this was the way, but once more I moved on. I eventually found the New Age movement and got into Witchcraft, Paganism, Shamanism and the Occult. Now I thought this has got to be it, this is the way, I had gotten caught in that New Age void that I find many people who are involved in the New Age movement get stuck on, that middle ground and interdependence on all the little trinkets, accoutrements and methodologies you find out there, i.e. Tarot cards, Astrology, Numerology, Channeling and so on. Not that there’s anything wrong with these things per say, I feel that they are tools and that many people within the New Age movement come to rely too much on them, developing an interdependence if not a dependence on these things and they loose sight of the prize ultimately!! They get stuck in the movement itself and all that surrounds it and end up caught up in a perpetual loop-de-loop like the hyperbole gerbil running on the wheel, never moving forward just caught up on the wheel of the movement!! This is where I ended up for a long time. I didn’t catch the little nudging and signposts my teachers and guides were leaving me on the trail, I was too busy running on that damn wheel. Eventually someone managed to finally get my attention and I got off the wheel, I moved on to the next phase. During this time there were no more teachers and helpers, they became null and void. I sort of ended up in a spiritual vacuum of no religion/no spirituality. My early years had given me fundamental knowledge or built the foundation and my New Age experiences had given me insight, knowledge of the world beyond this world and awareness of the unseen forces at work in this world, it had built the frame of the house, but the house was still incomplete it lacked a roof, walls and windows…but what were these things?


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  • Hi everyone, sorry guys I've been soooooooo busy I shoot I don't even have time to check my emails!? OMG!!!!!! I'd like to make it in here more often but just can't scrape up the time to do it. I feel bad about it because i have a lot to contribute but my work is demanding sooooo much. Just wanted to pop in let you guys know I'm thinking of you, you all are in my prayers and I love you guys.^_^

  • hey Sashia, I just wanted to throw you a big high 5. . and ask how your awesome world is going . . are you still working on any big projects. . want any super help. . hmmm. . never know what weird brains can do together ;D with logical ones :) ;D

    anyhows. . hope your doin good. . and I hope things have gone well since you finished up whatever you were workin on earlier <3

    cheers :)

  • hey I'm glad your still keepin up on things :) you sound really cheery xD. . even while talkin about dark things yet to transpire. . hehe <3

  • ya come n get me sis!! lol im waiting ahaa

    oooooooo i didnt get ya email?


  • yeah im ready sis! LOL

    how u gonna come n get me? aha!


  • Hi Sash, i just got your email;  i think emails on ashtar have been going missing, lol

    maybe a tech glitch? am not sure, but havent been ignoring u <3


  • Love and peace Sashia!  What a journey indeed! 

  • 8113969068?profile=originalAs with a evening sunset vibrant with color and subtle secrets of solitutde for a quiet evening we are also excited for the coming of tomorrow a new day to rejoice and live for the next .  Today we are no longer alone in this world watching a sunset just with ones self but with good friends all around seeing the same sunset in differing variation yet we all wayching together.  So very cool it is to be here to watch it with you and share in the delight of new experiences tomorrow.


    Admiral Matthew

  • hi Sashia, just stopping by to um, ask how you are, hehe, I hope your ok, I really hope you had success with your work, if not then I'd like to hear about it sometime, I mean, I guess I can't help you, but I'd like to hear more about where youv been and how things have been, your work always gave me the feeling its. . . complicated, hehe, but if you ever just wanna chat or something, then well. .  I just hope your ok

    I really respect that hardworking sturdy spirit of yours you know, don't work too hard though

    cheers, and I wish you ongoing continuous luck in your endeavours
This reply was deleted.
Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar posted a blog post
Hi All,OMG!  Well it appaers that once again someone or something has hacked my email accounts and wreaked havoc, I have my suspicions but I'll keep it to myself.  I'm unsure as to what to do as I am getting an average of 21 to 25 attempts…
Apr 3, 2013
Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"So what's the problem!?....WHAT!? You think it's a "lie" or some kind of "headtrip"???  Good GOD man grow a brain please, I'm NOT here to play games, I'm here to spread enlightenment, knowledge and awarness, in a sense to WAKE PEOPLE UP, plain and…"
Mar 25, 2013
Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar replied to Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar's discussion Mana Machines in Egyptology Focus Group
"Well let me look around and see if I can find those links, DOH it's been like ages since I read all this stuff.  The diagram btw is based upon info gleaned from the Bible."
Mar 22, 2013
Sashia Ishizu-Ishtar commented on David22's blog post How the Pyramids were Built
"WOW Feather Winger, I take it you don't like Pyaramids? LOL Just kidding girl, nice pics. Oh and thanx for the post David, good job!!^_^"
Mar 18, 2013

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