"The Truth Is,Aliens Are Visiting Us"

 Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Pressures US to Join other Super Powers in Disclosure- Treaty to Ban Space-Based Weapons Next Step

(Before It's News)

This story reprinted in its entirety with permission from Debbie West.

(HOUSTON, TX — April 29, 2013)  Reported by the New Era Times (www.tnetimes.com), The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure scheduled April 29-May 3, 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington DC reveals with certainty that the truth about extra terrestrials and UFO’s has been hidden from the public. The real question is how? And why has this has been going on for so long? It is no accident that the US is fixated on ridiculous media reports while this event is happening. The media distraction has been effective for too long. Tired of the lies and deception, and awakening by the millions, nations and people across the globe are demanding the truth. The key message from all extra terrestrial civilizations making contact with us is clear. We are on a path of destruction of the earth and are being warned to stop before we destroy our home. This is a warning we must heed as we open our minds to the reality of disclosure and a universe full of life. Stopping space based weapons is the next step so earth can emerge peacefully into the galactic community.

In an effort to push disclosure on the US Government, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will present conclusive evidence that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The speakers including astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Steven Greer and Stanton Friedman are attempting to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

The truth is that aliens are indeed visiting us and that they recognize us as a primitive, tribal, and war like species bent on endless warfare and our own destruction,” stated Stanton Friedman, one of 40 speakers at the upcomingCitizen Hearing on Disclosure. “We here on earth have developed technologies in nuclear physics, rocketry and radar that allow us boundless opportunities. But we have yet to evolve into an understanding that we are all earthlings and need to use this technology for the greater good and our own survival.” He further adds,”Candidly, other races observing earthlings would undoubtedly see us as a threat to their neighborhood.”


Space-based weapons have been a concern for decades as it prevents earth from participating in the galactic community in a peaceful way. Carol Rosin, Executive Director of the Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth is pursuing signatures from all nations for the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty to ban space based weapons. The Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense, Canada, and another speaker at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure says, “This Treaty is the most important document of our time.” This treaty changes the outdated and dangerous warfare paradigm mindset of the military industrial complex as it now exists and paves the way for earth to peacefully enter the Space Age. Rosin is also founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, and World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World. Peace. She has testified before the US Senate Arms Services Committee, the Congressional House Ways and Means Committee, and the US President’s Commission on Space.

While other countries like China have opened some of their UFO files, so far the US has resisted. Since the crash at Roswell, many government files in the US have been classified and kept secret. Trillions of dollars are spent but yet the public is not informed.

In Brazil, the disclosure of extra terrestrial contact was officially started as a result of a similar citizen event which made a formal request to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense that all UFO secret archives be disclosed. On April 25, 2013, the release of documents was announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Defense.

Concurrently, our most courageous scientists and archaeologists are delving into the reality of extra terrestrials not only in the present era, but dating back perhaps thousands if not millions of years. Discoveries about our ancient past uncover a story of such magnitude that is at first hard to digest, but just like any dark secret, when the story unfolds, the truth sets us free.

Acknowledging and understanding contact with other civilizations involves totally changing our concept of history and our religious and scientific understanding of the universe. Many ask, where is the evidence that civilizations were here before us? Evidence now shows us that ancient civilizations like Atlantis existed 30,000 years ago as described byEdgar Cayce’s readings. These civilizations nearly destroyed the earth with weapons designed to change the climate and the cosmic structure around the earth. Currently NASA is experimenting with their HAARP climate controlling technology. Recent reports show that NASA is also trying to bring planets and/or meteorites into earth’s atmospherewhich can destroy not only our planet but much of our solar system. According to historians who understand ancient history, this must be stopped because it will destroy the earth.

Notably, the most recent and significant evidence is presented by the following researchers and historians:

The Vatican is contemplating disclosure for obvious reasons; because our current religious paradigm is incongruent with extra terrestrial life. When we compare ancient Sumerian text with the Christian bible as shown by Erich von Daniken’s historical accounts, interaction with alien races is corroborated. What is fascinating is that we don’t need to overthrow religion to accept these views. We just need to follow the doctrine as taught by these ancient civilizations of unity and love and peace among all peoples known as The Law of One. This information, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls was taught by the Essenes. Biblical texts have been manipulated and important revelations were omitted that distorts our understanding of spiritual evolution and immortality.


Following is an interview with Debbie West, reporter at The New Era Times who has interviewed authors and researchers. Her written articles and radio show both called Lost Knowledge explore our connection to the cosmic universe both past and present. This interview is information directly from the sources and reveals some of the mysteries of the reality of our existence as spiritual beings in a holographic universe.


Q: You are reporting on some exciting news for The New Era Times these days and doing a radio show. What kind of subjects do you cover?


On Lost Knowledge, I have interviewed scientists and PhD’s who are reporting on exciting revelations about the history of the earth and providing scientific evidence of the reality of the existence of many species not of the earth who have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.The message is that in order for us to join the Galactic Federation of planets we need to become a peaceful society and this is done by the elevation of our consciousness. And further, we need to do this quickly for 2 reasons, one now is the time of harvest and also we need to declare our sovereignty as a nation.


I cover some complicated topics that challenge us in the sense that we have to expand our senses to reach a level beyond the 3 D dimension of earth.We live in a multi dimensional universe and so we have to expand into new ways of seeing our world.


Q: I noticed that you talked to Carla Rukert from the Law of One.What kind of information did that interview reveal?


Well the Law of One material is the religious teachings of the Atlantis time period. According to the Law of One, earth is evolving into a higher density since the shift of 2012 and there is a going to be a harvest of souls at this time. Those who are more evolved into the heart chakra will ascend into the 4th density and the others will repeat to continue to learn those lessons associated with the lower chakras like greed and service to self. The key to soul evolution according to these texts is gratitude and most importantly unconditional love for self and others because we are all one.


Q: This sounds like the Biblical, Hopi or other religious prophecies in some ways.


Yes actually all the prophecies seem to highlight that there is going to be a shift to a higher level of consciousness. Some of the energy workers and psychics are reporting an8thchakra appearing on people that is the portal to the heart consciousness. And there are reports of children being born with expanded abilities and new DNA. So although some people were expecting something like the apocalyptic event and the scenario describe in some Christian text where there is rapture and people just disappear, Ra explains that this harvest of souls happens upon our natural death.


Q: I also understand that you have had guests on your show that remember their previous lives and connection to other planets such as Sirius and Pleiades.


Yes I have had Patricia Cori as a guest who channels the Sirius High Council. The contact with our star ancestors is nothing new. In the past, people did this all the time. We are so afraid to admit that we are not the most advanced civilization that we have tried to shut out the possibility of their existence. But the reality is that earth is right now being contacted by many other species that have many agendas. When these civilizations see planets like earth on a path to destroy their planet, they intervene. Interestingly, our own government has seen this intervention as their nuclear missiles have been shut down. The Sirius high council is an advanced civilization that sends us a warning. “Earthlings need to understand your past and prevent the same result. As the guardians of earth, earthlings must evolve into a greater understanding of the cosmos before they can join the Galactic Federation.”


According to Valerie Barrow, the Pleiadians from that star system were part of the original group of star people who came here to help seed planet earth with a light body human. It is being proven now that other races were on this planet in our past and genetically engineered our race. This is common knowledge in Australia where she lives. Interaction with “star people” is part of many cultures including our own. What the people who have this information stress most is that we are all loved by the star people. There is no hidden agenda and they are here to help release us from the negative forces on our planet.


Q. Marshall Vian Summers is an interesting interview. What did he have to say?


Marshall Vian Summers Allies Briefings, and many other accounts clearly depict a version of the earth as a planet in a very populated part of the universe that has been colonized, observed and interfered with since before our recorded time. Further evidence shows that the earth has undergone transformations eliminating some of these civilizations. His message is one he received thru telepathic communication with extra terrestrials. The message is that we need to understand our situation and maintain sovereignty of our planet and stop destroying the resources because space is very populated.



Q:I know that you also talked to Nick Redfern, Andrew Collins and Dr. Semir Osmanagich on your radio show about ancient archeology and what recent findings reveal. Do their findings indicate aliens in our past?


Yes they do support those claims. In Nick Redfern’s, book Pyramids and the Pentagon, he talks about the remains of a space ship that was found in Mt. Ararat that our own government thinks could be from the biblical account of Noah’s Ark. He also talks about how the US and British government have investigated ancient texts to seek knowledge left behind about portals.

But he didn’t make this information up, it all came from the US governments own files. This along with his book, The NASA Conspiracies are well researched and documented evidence of a government cover up and the truth about what they know. One thing he points out is that the Freedom of Information Act files that have been released stop about 20 years ago.


Andrew Collins has recently reported that there are portals of entry at various locations around the earth where other dimensional beings can come and go. He goes into detail in his book Light Quest which explains that these beings travel thru dimensions and can appear in our density as real or as light. This energy enigma is being investigated by mainstream scientists and we have started to gain an understanding of the universal energy grid, the densities beyond the 3 D earth and the space/time continuum which changes our understanding of physics.


Dr. Sam from the Bosnia Pyramids is continuing to scientifically prove that the Pyramid in Bosnia is the oldest and largest ever built and was an ancient energy machine used for technologies we are only just beginning to discover. In the halls of the underground tunnels in Bosnia they have found hieroglyphic inscriptions from ancients about an energy portal. And there is now scientific proof that the pyramids were used by ancient civilizations as energy machines and healing centers but way beyond the science we now use.


We are in an amazing time where we have the opportunity to learn about the past and use the information to advance our species without making the same mistakes as our ancestors. We just need to open our minds and as a society throw out what we know is a pile of disinformation and reveal our truth.


Q: There is a lot of skepticism about UFO and extra-terrestrials. How are we going to be able to understand our past if we don’t admit other species exist?


Many people think that is all about to change. Since the crash at Roswell, there has been a government conspiracy to suppress or ridicule information about contact with ET’s in modern times. Some think this is because the government interacts with ET’s and they don’t want the public to know because they could panic. There have been so many informants coming forward recently from astronauts to NASA employees, to abductees that the pressure is really on to disclose. Nick Redfern and other reporters have used the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of documents on government reports from the Bookings Reports, to Project Blue Beam to Majestic 12 but mysteriously, there is no information from the last 20 years and clearly so much new information is available in recent decades. The Citizen Hearing Disclosure aims to help us pressure the US to open their files but our own pursuit of knowledge thru archeological research and even contact with other civilizations will help uncover the truth. Dr. Steven Greer’s CETI program teaches how to make peaceful contact.


Q: Is there a disclosure event coming that will reveal the existence of extra-terrestrials?


The Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure, The Sirius Documentary and the opening of UFO files in Brazil are all going to push the our government to make their information public. The Sirius Documentary made by Dr. Steven Greer who has been a pioneer in the field for 20 years is now available. His movie reveals an actual ET corpse and also has many government, military, and astronaut eye witness accounts. Some people are expecting the ET’s to make themselves known soon which will eliminate all the skepticism entirely. And we all see the Vatican preparing for their announcement; they have already declared in press releases that the extra terrestrial is their brother and that there is no limit to God’s creation. The important thing to note is that we may not get the whole truth and have to be diligent about discerning the information that is presented to us.


Q.One thing that frightens people about ET’s is the alien abductions that have been reported. What do you hear about that from your interviews?


Well this is huge phenomenon. Over 5 million people in the US alone have reported being contacted by aliens and many report being taken onto space craft. I have spoken to the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, Kathy Marden, one of the most widely reported cases ofalien abduction back in 1961. She has a new book coming out May 20 and she reports that most alien contact with humans is for medical examinations and genetic modifications but that they are not trying to hurt us, just trying to help upgrade our DNA and promote the evolution of our species thru genetic engineering, same as they have done in the past.


Q.How many races of alien being are out there according to your sources?


Well I hear that earth is a highly populated area of the universe. I have talked to people who can describe many of the species who are closest to us like the Acturians, Pleadians, Greys, Adromedans and some of the less human like species such as reptilians, dracos and insectoids. Abductees all report similar experiences with descriptions of the aliens and people in government facilities claim they have had contact with the different races especially the Greys. Just like earthlings, even species from the same race can be vastly different.

Our Galactic Neighbors by Sheldan Nidle presents a good summary of the species around the earth. More people are having interaction with or memories of experiences with our star ancestors so the concept of interaction is becoming more main stream as more people come forward.


Q. What does all of this have to do with soul evolution?


Well from what I am hearing, each planet has a vibration and the species who live there share the same energetic vibration as the planet. Earth is currently leaving the 3rd density and evolving into the 4th density. All of the souls here need to evolve along with the earth. Those souls that aren’t ready to evolve can reincarnate elsewhere upon their natural death. The advanced civilizations live in a higher density where love/light prevails. Earth assignments are considered to be a type of “spiritual boot camp” where we can evolve and shed our negative ego based attachments.


Our lives are really about soul evolution as we are spiritual beings in a human body. As explained by Dr. Eben Alexander, Harvard Neuroscientist in his book Proof of Heaven, our consciousness lives on past physical death. The understanding of the soul is an important concept in understanding the cosmos. From an extra terrestrial perspective, I have heard that some of the other species are not “soul carriers” like humans. Probably the biggest discovery in science will happen in this century, the Scientific Proof of the Existence of the soul.*


Earth is sort of a cosmic “melting pot” of souls, some from Mardek, a planet that was destroyed by war and others repeaters from around the cosmos, still trying to evolve. Over 30 million light workers are on the planet now during the evolution. On earth, we are trying to shed our lower chakras of service to self, greed, control, jealousy, anger, etc. as we evolve to the heart vibration or 4th density vibration. The other beings from Sirius and Pleiades are eager to help us and they want nothing more than to see us evolve into the 4th dimension and not destroy this planet.




*From the Wingmakers


Deborah West is a columnist at The New Era Times, Her column is called Lost Knowledge. She formerly worked in mainstream media for 20 years. To see her articles go to:http://www.tnetimes.com/contributor/deborah_west/92/

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