

"The mental body is the donkey that we must ride to enter the Celestial Jerusalem".

 A.A.Samael Aun Weor Red Christ of the Aquarius Era.


"The Mind that is a slave of the senses makes the Soul as helpless as the boat which the wind leads astray upon the waters".



NETSAH is the MENTAL WORLD, the Cosmic Mind, the Mind of man.


Some authors assume that the mind is Venusian, I have to disagree with it, because it turns out that the Mind itself is Mercurian. Anyone can see that Mind is Mercurian because Mercury gives Wisdom, gives the word, etc.


The Mental Body of the human race is now at the dawn of evolution. Clairvoyantly observing the physiognomy of the Mental Body of humans, then corroborate this statement.


The face of the Mental Body of almost all human beings, has an animal appearance. When observe all the customs and habits of the human species, then we understand why the Mental Body of people have the animal physiognomy.


Lunar Mental Body we have is of bestial nature. The Solar Mental is the antithesis, is the Christ Mind.


Lunar Mental Body we possess is bestial nature and have even animals and plants. The only difference between the beasts and wrongly called man, is that it has been given "intelligentsia" and beasts only act instinctively.


The Solar Mental Body is not a vague, abstract body is a body of flesh and blood; but imperishable meat does not come from Adam and that can go through a wall, you have to manufacture it in the Ninth Sphere. THE MENTAL SOLAR is a Body of Perfection, who eats, drinks, assimilates, digests; has its special food, nutrition, development.


In the world of the mind, there are many Temples to be conquered with the "tip of the sword". When you work in the Fourth Initiation of Major Mysteries, you encounter with many tenebrous and you have to fight.


When one acquires this body receives the degree of "BUDDHA". The Blessed Goddess Mother of the World presents at the Temple of the Mind saying: "Behold my Son dearly beloved, behold a new BUDHA". She then puts on her son's Diadem Shiva and the Yellow Robe of the BUDDHAS.


Sanat Kumara, the illustrious founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge then exclaims: "I have delivered from the Four Bodies of Sin and have entered the world of the Gods, you're a BUDHA, when man is freed from the Four Bodies of Sin is a BUDHA ". And gives him the Globe of Imperator with its cross on top.


Must to change the process of reasoning for the beauty of Understanding.


The process of reasoning divorces the Mind with the Intimate. A divorced Mind of the Intimate, falls into the abyss of Black Magic.


 The Reason is a crime of treason against Intimate.


Often the Intimate gives an order and Mind reveals with its reasoning. The Intimate speaks as hunches or thoughts; Mind reveals reasoning and comparing.


The reasoning is based on the opinion, in the struggle of antithetical concepts, in the process of conceptual choice, etc.


The Reason divides the mind between the battle of antithesis. The antithetical concepts make Mind in a battlefield.

A mind divided by the battle of reasoning, the struggle antithetical concepts, fractionated understanding, Mind becoming a useless instrument for the Being, to the Intimate.


When the mind cannot serve as an instrument to the Intimate, then serves as a tool to Animal I, making the Man be blind and slave of the passions and sensory perceptions of the outside world.


The most awkward and passionate beings that exist on Earth, are precisely the great ratiocinator thinkers.


The intellectual, for lack of a dot or comma loses the sense of a sentence.




The reasoner is totally slave to the external senses, and Soul is invalid as the boat which the wind leads astray upon the waters.


The Spiritualists reasoners are the most unhappy beings who exist on Earth. They have a fully packed Mind theories and theories and suffer horribly unable to make anything of what they have read.


These poor creatures have a terrible pride; and usually end up separating the Intimate, and becoming Tantric personalities of the Abyss.


If we take us the Mental Body of any Pseudo-Spiritualist theorizing student and look carefully, we find it a true mobile library.


If then carefully examine the Church of Ephesus or coccygeal Muladhara Chakra, we found that there Kundalini is totally enclosed, without showing the slightest awakening, and if we examine the  Shushumna student channel, we find there no trace of the Sacred Fire. We found that 33 student Cameras are totally full of darkness.


This internal review would lead to the conclusion that the student is wasting time unfortunately.


The student may have a mental body become a real mobile library, but all 33 chambers of his spinal column will be totally off and in deep darkness.


Conclusion: This student is a resident of the Dark Abyss...

Intellectuals are full of pride, arrogance, and sexual passion. Intellect is based on Reason and Reason is Luciferic and demonic; some believe that through it you can know God. We say that only God knows himself.

It is best practice internal meditation, to waste time reasoning; with internal meditation we can talk to God, the Innermost, the Being, the Almighty, so we can learn from the Inner Master, so we can study the Divine Wisdom at the feet of the Master.


The process of reasoning breaks the delicate membranes of the Mental Body. Thought must flow silent, serene and integrally, without the battle of antithesis, without the process of reasoning that divides the mind between opposite concepts.


MUST END THE REASONING AND AWAKE INTUITION, only then can we learn True Wisdom of God, just so is the mind in hands of Intimate.


The real positive function of Mind is Art, Beauty, Love, Music. The Mystic Art of Love Divine Architecture, Paint, Songs, Sculpture, Technical placed at the service of man, but without selfishness and wickedness, without hatred, etc.


Intellect is the negative function of the mind, is demonic. Everyone who enters these studies, we first want to master is the mind of others. This is pure and legitimate black magic. Nobody has to violate the free will of others.


No one should coerce the mind of others, because that is Black Magic. The perpetrators of this grave error are all those mistaken authors out there. All those books of hypnotism, suggestion, etc. are books of black magic.


WHO CAN NOT RESPECT THE FREE WILL OF OTHERS IS BLACK MAGICIAN. Those who do mental work to violently coerce the mind others, become perverse Demons. These are separated from the Intimate and roll the Abyss.


We must free the mind of all kinds of preconceptions, desires, fears, hatreds, schools, etc. All these defects are obstacles that anchor the mind to the external senses.


We must change the process of reasoning by the quality of Discernment. Discernment is direct perception of truth, without the process of reasoning.


Discernment is comprehension without reasoning. We must change the process of reasoning for the beauty of Comprehension


The mind must become completely childish, must become a child full of beauty.


Netsah symbols are: LAMP, THE BELT, LA ROSE.







The Astral is ruled by the Moon, that's why Astral Outputs are made ​​easier with the Crescent moon and a little more labor with the waning Moon.


The Astral World is truly the World of Practical Magic. In some tribes, for example, in the deepest jungles of the Amazon, the piaches or Priest Warlock give their people a special brew to enter the astral world at will.


They mix ash tree called Guarumo with Coca leaves finely ground, this will given when the Moon is Crescent, then the splitting occurs, piaches well know that Hod, the Astral, is ruled by the Moon; but many Kabbalists assume that is ruled by Mercury and wrong.


Messages that descend from the World of Pure Spirit become symbolic in the Astral world. These symbols are interpreted based on the Law of the Philosophical Analogies, the Law of ANALOGY OF THE CONTRARIES, Law of Correspondences and Numerology. Study the Book of Daniel and the biblical passages of the Patriarch Joseph son of Jacob, that ye may learn to interpret your astral experiences.


The legitimate and authentic Astral Body is the Solar Astral. It has been called Astral Body to Body Wishes that is of Lunar nature.


All creatures of nature are Lunar possess an Astral lunar body is cold, protoplasmic, bestial remnant of the past.


What we need is to fabricate the authentic Body of Hod, the legitimate Astral, a vehicle of solar nature. You have to fabricate it in the Ninth Sphere, working in the Lit Forge of Vulcan.


Solar Astral Body is a body of flesh and bone that does not come from Adam. It is a body that eats, digests and assimilates.

There are several authors of pseudo-esoteristic and pseudo-occultist type make the mistake of confusing the Ego with the astral body.


Modern metaphysical literature speaks volumes about projections of the astral body, however we must have the courage to recognize that fans to Occultism usually split into the Ego to travel in Sub-Lunar Regions of nature through time and space.


With the Solar Astral we can move through the Milky Way to the Central Sun Sirius. It is forbidden go beyond the Milky Way because other galaxies exist other types of cosmic laws unknown to the inhabitants of this galaxy.


In Sirius is a Great Temple where they receive an Initiation Grand Masters of this galaxy. The disciples of God Sirius are Gnostic-Rosicrucians; the true Rosicrucian is in the Upper Worlds. These disciples use in their caps the Holy Grail; also celebrate the Drama of Christ, because this is a cosmic drama.


We must acquire the power to get out in Astral Body. That power is acquired vocalizing daily for an hour the sacred mantra "EGIPTO". The "E" vocal vibrates the thyroid gland and gives the man the power Hidden Hearing. The "G" awakens the chakra of Liver and when this chakra has reached its full development, then man can enter and leave the body whenever you want. The "I" Vocal combined with the letter "P" will develop clairvoyance and man power to get the man in the astral body through the window of Brahma, which is the pineal gland. The letter "T" hits on the vowel "O", closely related to the Heart Chakra and so can man acquire the power to dispose of this plexus and Exit in Astral Body.


The correct pronunciation of the mantra is as follows:




Those who could not get yet out in the astral body with our keys, is because they have not that power, and then must acquire first hour a day vocalizing the mantra "EGIPTO". That mantra totally develops the chakras related to the unfolding of the Astral Body, and the disciple acquires power for Astral Projection, the disciple can enter and leave the physical body at will. The Egyptian mantra used to Exit Astral Body is the following: "PHARAOH" that mantra is vocalized during those moments of transition between wakefulness and sleep, having the mind set on the pyramids of Egypt.

The correct pronunciation of this mantra is as follows:



This mantra is to Leave in Astral Body, and as we said, is pronounced in states of transition between wakefulness and sleep concentrating the mind on the pyramids of Egypt; but the disciples did not have the power to Exit Astral Body must first acquire, vocalizing for one hour daily as we said, the mantra "Egipto".





"He will not enter into the congregation of the LORD that is wounded in the testicles, or his privy member cut".

Deuteronomy 23: 1.


"If a man lies with a woman and has an emission of semen, they shall wash with water and be unclean until evening."

Leviticus 15: 18.


"Thus shall ye separate from their uncleanness (fornication) the children of Israel, so that they die not in their uncleanness (spilling the semen) they defile my tabernacle (Sex Organs) that is among them."

Leviticus 15: 31.


JESOD IS VITAL BODY OR ETHERIC, Yesod is the foundation of the Third Logos Centre where gravitate the Sexual Force of the Third Logos. Sexual forces, vivid background within our physiology gravitates Jesod, there is the Holy Spirit.


It should be clarified that if we consider Jesod as Fundament, it is clear that is find in the Sexual Organs. The Vital Body, that is the seat of the biological, physical, chemical activities, it's anything but somehow is influenced by Jesod, but in any case, Jesod are the Sexual Organs.




The secret of all secrets is in the Mysterious Stone Shema Hamphoraseh of the Hebrews. That's the Philosopher's Stone of the Alchemists. That is the Sex. That's Sexual Magic, Love !blessed be love! The Bible tells us that when Jacob awoke from his sleep, consecrated the "Stone" anointed with oil and blessed it. Really since then Jacob began to practice Sexual Magic; Later he incarnated his Inner Master, his Real being, Jacob is the Angel Israel.


The Wise Old worshiped the sun under the symbolic form of a Black Stone. That's the "Heliogabalus Stone". The Philosopher's Stone is the foundation of Science, Philosophy and Religion.

The Philosopher's Stone is square as the Heavenly Jerusalem of Saint John. On one of its phases is the name of Adam, on the other that of Eve, and then those of Azoth and INRI on the other two sides.


The Philosopher's Stone is very Sacred. Masters are Children of the Stones.


The Mysteries of Sex enclose the key of all power. Everything that comes to life is the son of Sex. Jesus tells Peter: "You are Peter, you're stone, and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16: 18).


Nobody can incarnate the Inner Christ without having built the Temple of the Living Stone (Sex).


We must raise 7 Columns of the Temple of Wisdom. In each of the seven columns of the temple is written in letters of fire the word INRI (Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra).


"And Jesus sent Peter (whose Gospel is the Sex) and John (whose Gospel is the Verb) saying, Go and prepare the Passover for us to eat." (Luke 22: 7)


The secret name of Peter is PATAR, with its three consonants in High Esotericism are radical: P.T.R.


The "P" reminds us of the Father who is in secret, the Ancient of Days of the Hebrew Kabbalah, or the Fathers of the Gods, our Fathers or PHITARAS.


The "T" or TAU is the famous letter-Cross in Sex-Yoga, is the Divine Hermaphrodite, the man and the woman sexually united during the act.


The "R" is the vital letter in INRI, is the Sacred Fire and terribly Divine, the Egyptian RA.


Peter the disciple of Jesus Christ, is the Aladdin's Wonderful Performer, authorized to lift the Stone that closes the Sanctuary of the Greater Mysteries.


It is impossible to run the Stone, lift it, if we have not given form before "Cubic" based on "chisel and hammer."


Peter, PATAR, the Illuminator, is the Master of Sexual Magic, the kindly Master who always awaits us at the entrance of the terrible path.

Peter dies crucified on an inverted cross with his head down and feet up as inviting us down to the 9th Sphere to work with the Water and Fire, origin of Worlds, Beasts, Men and Gods; all authentic White Initiation begins there.


The Doctrine of Peter is the Doctrine of Sex, Science of Maithuna among Orientals, Sexual Magic, the Living Stone, the boulder, the Rock is Sex upon which we must lift the Inner Temple for the Intimate Christ, our Lord.


Peter said, "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be ashamed."


"Unto you therefore which believe he is precious, but unto them for those who disbelieve, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, a stone of stumbling and a rock of scandal". (1 Peter 2: 6-8).


Jesus Christ said: "Everyone who hears me and does what I say, I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house upon the rock" (Sex). "And he fell rain came flooding and winds, and the house did not budge, because it was founded on Stone". (Sex).


"And who hears and fails me, will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand" (theories of all kinds, practices of all kinds, with total exclusion of Maithuna or Sexual Magic).


"And they came rains and winds, and floods and the house gave way, with great ruin" (dropping the Abyss). (Matthew 7: 24-27)


Globally, so many people build on sand and hate Sexual Magic, do not want to build on the Rock on the Stone, built upon the sand of their theories, schools, etc., and believe they are doing well, those poor wrong people are sincere and well-intentioned but fall into the abyss.


Without the Doctrine of Peter the Second Birth is impossible. We Gnostics study the Doctrine of Peter.


Infrasexuals and degenerate, mortally hate DOCTRINE OF PETER.


Many are sincerely mistaken who think they can Self-Realize excluding Sex.


Many are those who speak against Sex, who insult Sex, those who spit their defamatory dribble in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Third Logos.


Those who hate Sex, those who say that sex is rude, nasty, animal, bestial, are the insulters, those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.


"Flee fornication (Spilling the Semen) Any other sins a man commits are outside his body, But he who fornicate sins against his own body." (I Corinthians 6: 18).


"Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven ..., either in this age or in the age to come". (Matthew 12: 31-32; Mark 3: 28-29).


"For if we sin willfully after we have received the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" (Hebrews 10: 26-31)


Who is against Sexual Magic, who spits his infamy in the Sanctuary of the Third Logos, will never reach the Second Birth.


In the Western world there are many people who mortally hate Sexual Magic, these people justify their absurd hate with many pretexts. They say "the Maithuna" supposedly "is only for the Eastern and Western we are not prepared."


Such people claim that this teaching Yoga Sex alone can result is a crop of black magicians.


The interesting thing about all this is that such people reactionary type, conservative, regressive and retardant, do not say a word against fornication, against adultery, against prostitution, against Homosexuality, Masturbation, etc., etc. All this seems very normal and have no objection miserably wasting the Sexual Energy.


Sex itself should be the highest Creator function, unfortunately reigns supreme ignorance and Humanity is far from understanding the Great Mysteries of Sex.


If we study the Book of Heaven, the wonderful Zodiac, we can understand that the New Age of Aquarius is governed by the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.


The symbol of Aquarius is a woman with two pitches full of water, trying to intelligently mix the waters of the two pitchers. (See Arcane 14).


This symbol reminds us of Sexual Alchemy. If in Pisces man was only a slave of Sexual Instinct symbolized by the two fishes among the waters of life in Aquarius, the man must learn to transmute sexual forces.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (UR = Fire; ANAS = Water), the planet that governs Sex Roles. It is incongruous and absurd that some isolated individuals and certain pseudo-esoteric schools reject the Maithuna type and yet they claim to be supposedly initiating the New Era.


Sexual Uranus is one hundred percent and the New Era, ruled by this planet, humans must know thoroughly the mysteries of sex.


There are many schools of Black Magic, many with very venerable traditions that teach "Sexual Magic with Semen spill". They have beautiful theories that attract and captivate and if the student falls into that seductive and delicious deception becomes Black Magician. These Black Schools claim to the four winds that are "White" and that's why the naive fall. Besides these beauties Schools speak of Love, Charity, Wisdom, etc., etc. Naturally in such circumstances the naive disciple comes to believe firmly that these institutions have nothing wrong and perverse. Remember that Abyss is full of sincerely mistaken and people with very good intentions.


REFUSE MAITHUNA means actually speak out against the sign of Aquarius ruled by Uranus, King of Sex.


The ignorant fornicators of Pseudo-Occult Reactionary totally unaware of the secret doctrine of the Savior of the World Christian Esotericism.


The pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult reaction ignores that the early Christian Gnostic groups practiced Maithuna. Sexual Magic was always taught in all Western Mystery Ancient Schools; The Maithuna was known among the Mysteries of the Templars, among the mysteries of the Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Chibchas, Zapotecs, Araucanians, Toltecs, Mysteries of Eleusis, Mysteries of Rome, Mitra, Carthage, Tyre, Mysteries Celts, Phoenicians, Egyptians , Druids and all Primitive Christian groups such as the Group of the Essenes who had their convent on the shores of the Dead Sea and one of its most exalted members was JESUS, THE DIVINE RABBI OF GALILEE.


The Maithuna, Sexual Magic is Universal, is known in the Mysteries of the North and South, East and West of the world, but reject the pseudo-occultists violently reactionary and regressive fornicators.


The foundation stone of authentic and legitimate Schools of Mystiques is the Maithuna, the Arcanum AZF, or Sexual Magic.

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