
Originally posted on http://soul4free.wordpress.com/

Translated by Contramary=Evamaria and posted on Illuminations Now

Source: Ascension may start Now -Gaia is all set – St. Germain through Marc Gamma – 04.02.2014 http://wp.me/p2wHrN-2NG

My greetings to you – this is the Ascended Master St. Germain speaking. Today I return to you with another message of joy, presenting another essential milestone in human history and that of Lady Gaia.

Some most important matter happened last weekend !

Gaia has been freed, Gaia has been liberated from all negative energies which once had been installed into her by Dark-Powers-that-were!

By mutual collaboration human people successfully have achieved with various activities, mediations and their energetical labour that Gaia could be liberated finally.

It was this way of your mutual labour being announced before by many channels over all the globe – many very reputed and known faces in the spiritual surrounding wich coordinated all these various activities.

Many human people were actively engaged in such moves and they laid their thoughts, their loving feelings and all their intention into it – as it was so very much important a matter !

I am so grateful for all that you did but still much more grateful is Mother Earth – Gaia.

And that is why – my dear beloved humans here on earth – this my message and also that from your Mother Earth too – is directed to all of you in the way of some mutual channeling and message of us both… so I transmit The Word Here to Mother Gaia :

My beloved humans, this is I, Mother Gaia, speaking :

Today I avail myself of the possibility to turn to you.

This channel is not my very channel, this channel has other entities submitting through him their messages – yet today on this much important day and likewise weekend – soon about to pass by now – I want to make use of this very chance to direct this message to you mutually together with the Ascended Master St.Germain.

I, Mother Earth, I am your ship – carrying you through our universe – beloved humans – I carry you on my surface, the very level of my skin.

Many thousands of years I was forcibly embedded in negative energies which were brought down to me by human beings, dark powers and by extraterrestrial races too.

There were various possibilities how this could have been done. And to describe this in detail would go far beyond the scope of this message.

Nevertheless I ‘d like to inform you about some particular matter here and this is the reason why I am speaking to you being Mother Earth – being Gaia.


Mutually in co-operation with your assistance and that of the Galactic Federation of Light, Archangels and The Ascended Masters you have done your particular part being necessary in order to effect my liberation.

Please, understand that as your mother, being Mother Earth, I always have been obliged to support you, to carry you and to accompany you.

This, however, I could not do to the utmost of my power since my potential capability had been severely limited and reduced.

Done so by The-Dark-Powers-That-Were and by their human minions incarnated here on earth and the intrinsic abuse of power granted to them.

Going back to Atlantis – there are many of you not being familiar with its history – since many books of History will designate Atlantis as being some sort of humbug or nonsense – some fictively woven story taken up by various philosophers or historians and being given for the best of all as some “weird phantasies” if you would name it so

Still that is not so !

Atlantis is and has been true reality and all those familiar with Atlantis and its history they know that it is foremost IRELAND (Eire) which plays such an important part in that very process of my liberation – bringing Freedom to Earth.

There is some certain channel resp. it is a woman having channeled her husband since many years and getting his messages in the duration of it.

All those familiar with her existence do know whom I mean here. He played such an important part in all preparations of the past in order that I – Mother Earth – could be liberated at last.

There are quite a variety of projects titled differently and also those various lines – designated in great variety too which human people may know or vice versa.

But it is imperative that you understand that I – Mother Earth – am being entangled in some vast network all around this planet and through all those junctions I had been able to disperse among mankind all my energies and alternatively to receive such energies back from mankind too.

Many indigenous human races like American Natives, Aborigines, Mayas and many other folks of high evolution – being regarded as primitives by you – at least in contemporary times – they did comprehend how to live with me as their Mother Earth and to interact with me – to live with me mutually in gratitude.

All these people did understand how to take proper care of me which I reciprocated too.
People of today – they do not take care of their Mother Earth now – they grossly abuse me making me bleed.

They take the oil from my soils, all my mineral resources and refill me with toxic trash which I am unable to process and neutralize again.

Thanks to the support of the Galactic Federation of Light – solely thanks to the assistance of the many humans here on earth having applied the various auxiliary means out of the ToolBox

(Link http://wp.me/p3kMMt-if or http://illuminations2012.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/toolbox-download-as-pdf/)

in order to support all my endeavours to cleanse and transform myself from many negative energies.

Thus my freedom has been achieved in all of above collaboration.

Also your meditations in multitude taken place all over earth have effected my liberation!

There are still some very few realms left which so far could not have been dissolved and cleansed but this will be done and neutralized in some later and due course. You will know and notice it when it happens.

I do want to mention something else here before I return the Word to the Ascended Master of St.Germain:

Beloved humans – be aware that change will happen now.

Be aware also – that all energies have been changed in such ways that you may enjoy now bathing all the way in this very new energy .

Hereby I should like to express that all those never taking care to work with energies – they will soon get some sorts of problem here.

Please, do not take it as some way of threatening you but it is the actual matter of fact.
Please, understand actually : “Either you will take up such opportunity and to process all energies to come or you have not been able up to now to prepare yourselves accordingly to it.

In case the latterone will apply to you it will wash you away since you did not make yourselves enough compatible to this kind of new energy going virally all over earth since last weekend.

It is this very new energy which will envelope you and also will shake and rattle you on all basic foundations and walls.

At first you may think “MMNhhhh” this is not possible because everything will go on as it did before However, you will notice that this new kind of energy will be spreaded on and on and will fully effect all mankind and the entire system.

This will mean too that everything covered with negative energy will implode as some of its consequencesl

And all those being prepared for such events – having mastered in the past to ride the new energetical waves – well, they may enjoy all this – to them everything will turn out well!

You will relish all and everything because you will sense how all this change will thrill and carry you away altogether.

You will become aware of happiness never known before – something in you will be set off to move on – it will wake you up too !

This energy will push you into great mobilization – strengthening and make you grow as well.

Do you really comprehend what I mean ? As this kind of change will be part of your reality from now on!
All of which not yet feeling this new energy – they should go into their inner heart in that very way The Ascended Master of St. Germain and AAMichael in all urgency – in their recent messages – has laid it closely to your heart .

Many of you listened to or have read these previous messages nevertheless there are still a few having not gotten the hang of it at all .

Still it is some fact we actually have to accept because to comprehend actually these facts – that is what we have to leave entirely to you and solely to you !

We are here in order to accompany, to guide, as well as to protect you – we might give you all necessary impulses but nothing else nor more ….

But the most important matter is – IRELAND (EIRE) has been liberated too and that is why I have come here too. IRELAND (EIRE) finally has been freed too and with such effect the whole of our world may be thus be liberated too.

All those readers of a certain channel - they know which kind of change starts now with IRELAND (EIRE) and in adherence to it I want to disclose to you a little secret too:

Many of you did actually assume that my heart-chacra is to be found in England – which is not really correct some correct assumption.

And many of them have directed their work on basis of such assumption and this has been communicated to you quite intentionally and consciously.

Well, part of it is located in England as a matter of fact – this we have to tell you too – and you have to know that “The-Dark-Powers-that-were” are aware of the latter fact as well.

However, we could prevent and foreclose the truth where my most essential chacra – my very true heart-chacra – has been anchored on earth !

Yet – it is not in England but in IRELAND (EIRE).. there is some little mountain there – for there are only a few of such hills or mountains to be found – known under the name of “Wicklow Mountains”.

There you will find my true heart-chacra since there is the entrance to my very heart.

It is in joint connection with England – Glastonbury in some part of England.

Many people have meditated there and accompanied me and given me substantial support.

Both of these Chacras are – they are being connected to each other – just imagine it like an YPSILON – which is the joint connection of both locations.

It is also some sort of Backup-system with some corresponding effect as well.

All those being aware of my true nature and being connected to me too – they have known about it all the way.

It has been a secret that my true heart-chacra has been located in Ireland.

And this was the reason for all communication to you that with any liberation of Ireland I shall be freed too !

And once I am freed – you will be too – my beloved human people!

Today something so much essential has been aschieved – you have to include into your thoughts that this very message will not be so very much “fresh out of the Press” fresh of today’s News whenit is being published – this message has been directed out to you on this last important weekend straight when they flooded my heart-chacra.

First my heart-chacra had been opened and then it was flooded with Love and Light from our Central Sun.

Imagine please, my heart-chacra is being connected to the very center of Earth and you may visualize the latter as follows: ” It is a gigantic conglomeration of crystals and once again I am stressing this point – it is the matter of giganticly sized crystals being essential and very important for our planet earth here.

This is my heart – it is the very energy of mine and there it is where all transformation takes place in that very moment when you connect yourselves to me there.

There it is where all experience are being shared and stored.

All experience of human mankind and all these very crystals were jointly connected to our central sun in the duration of that very day and the following will take place also during the next days to come:

All these crystals will be loaded now by our central sun’s energies and I shall achieve my full potential and capacity by means of such energy.

This is that special capacity of mind – from far back ages. All those familiar with Atlantis’ History they know that some part of our earth has been destroyed at that event of Atlantis going down.

And this happened to the energetical grid of mine too meaning I had been minimized and reduced in my capacity by manipulations iniated by the “Dark-Powers-that-were” !


in the next coming days I shall be flooded with enough energy in order to support you too, my beloved human people – do you understand what I mean here ?

Please, click on the link to website : http://galacticchannelings.com/english/ you will find there messages from some certain person (MONTAGUE KEEN) and you will find reports how you had to proceed in order to set me free.

Now I am free – thanking you from all my heart – I love you so much – and I am at your side while you listen to this message and beyond this moment of now too… and now I return the word to The Ascsended Master of St.Germain being very grateful to him too for preparing this platform for me in order to be able speaking to you through this channel wich otherwise I do not make use of at all.”

“My beloved human beings, here I am back again The Ascended Master of St.Germain speaking to you.

I suppose you are a bit surprised since you have expected me and under the assumption also that I would communicate about Nesara to you. Now this I want to mention espressly here:

When liberating Gaia also NESARA has been approached nearer to you.

A very fresh and new energy is being spreaded all over Earth now. It is new and fresh – being prepared and enabled first by your interference.

Many of you have meditated and spent some time to work on Gaias’s heart-chacra be it now in England or if they truly knew – in Ireland itself.

When feeding energy in from central sun – there has been been intiated a certain process – which is a huge one.

For all particularly sensitive human beings – during the recent weekend (now almost gonme) they could truly feel that Earth here had been flooded with incredible powerful energies all over.

Many of them had great energetical difficulties.

They were rattled and shaken – they felt pains in their bodies because of those incredible strong energies. But my comment thereto is solely this following one:


All those energies – which you felt last weekend – they were only some sort of sample – some appetizer – in order to give you some adequate picture of it.

There will be much more … much, much more !

Yes, you will be surprised since difficulties will aggravate and tackling such energies will not become easier – on the contrary.

I mean in such context that they will become so huge and and powerful that they will make your bodies writhe and moan under all this energetical downloading.

Most of you humans are being prepared for it.

Since your bodies have been prepared for it – still now we are entering the decisive phase of it – which will alter everything.

And something else – of essential meaning will be added thereto as well — which is another announcement already here which will be continued by AAMichael in due course.

My beloved humans, during next coming days and weeks all messages will decrease in numbers – meaning the Light, The Ascended Masters, Archangels and members of the Galactic Federation will withdraw for a while.

I want to express it here explicitly that time to talk and messaging to you will now eventually end up… you will tell us this might not be possible but my response hereto is:”Just wait and see !”

Many of the reputed channels here all over earth will not receive any further messages any more. One or the other had been informed about it already.

All of you, having taken up this kind of work as channel – they did it mainly out of love to your fellow humans.

It has been their very personal mission in this incarnation according to their true soul contracts.

They had accordingly agreed in such contracts to become “Ambassadors and Messengers of Light” here one fine day.

Now, how will life proceed with my channel here?

You will see when time is mature and ripe for it. Just understand and prepare yourselves there will be less messages in time to come – because …. time to talk — discuss — and brabble has run out altogether.

Time has come that something happens – something which will happen in your heart – something which has to happen on the entire globe and this is why we do not want to molest you with too many messages.

We have submitted to you all the most important news and pieces of information during all previous years – pointing out the very bottom lines as quintessence for your ascension !

Now we do not want to repeat anything any more and this goes for Michael too.

We will not repeat such explanations any longer and no more because we did so too many times before.

and mankind is shortly before being liberated as well!

Now – do you want to be free too ?

If your response is “YES” – do concentrate yourselves on your heart -
step forward indeed and


If you do not act and behave out of love – you will never be able to reveive love as well.
And everybody who may not receive love – will accordingly not be able to ascend either.
It is so easy and simple – so easy it is !

I am The Ascended Master of St. Germain and nevertheless I shall return to you – return with another new message but oly after Archangel Michael will have commented his very part of it as well.


St. Germain

Audio Clip originated on Healing4You

Transcript written by Rilana

English Translation by Contramary=Evamaria

Copyright © It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given http://wp.me/p2wHrN-2NG

Permalink: http://illuminations2012.wordpress.com/2014/04/03/ascension-may-


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  • I read this article yesterday and it is wonderful.  Thanks for sharing Meindert.

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