Drex called this a military operation involving Diego Garcia a few weeks ago-

NROL-39 is a US recon satellite 

There was also a hastily ordered empty cargo ship to pick up in Diego Garcia and deliver to US, 'Transportation, Travel, Relocation' https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=dd56e1acbc89cc09afe216687a1406a5&tab=core&_cview=0

An Inconvient Truth?  At the last minute, just before the 30 day black box ping to run out of battery power, it 'may' been found at 15000 feet below and the unmanned subs can only go to 14500!



Malaysia’s former Prime Minister top aide has exposed why the missing MH370 has not been found: The United States and allies were conducting two massive regional Search and Rescue military tests in which highly classified technology holds the key. The US, however, is refusing to help, partially because in its quest for Full Spectrum Dominance, it’s spying to learn what Chinese intel would provide. Furthermore, Diego Garcia is featured in this ”unforgivable” humanitarian crisis.


“I take comfort that my reservations about the US and its intelligence services as well as other intelligence services closely linked to the US, especially British secret service, have been more than vindicated by Reuters,” said Matthias Chang, a prominent Malaysian lawyer, author, and former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s political secretary and adviser.

Malaysia: Victim whose plane MH 370 was used for hidden agenda 


Reuters’ March 28 article, Geopolitical games handicap hunt for flight MH370, paved the way for Chang to provide more details about the search for MH370, that vanished March 8 over the South China Sea. Political analyst Don DeBar’s radio station CPR interviewed Chang, exposing even more of the sordid role the US has played in the missing MH370 Boeing and 239 people.


The search involves over two dozen countries (60 aircraft and ships) that Chang says are “bedevilled by regional rivalries.” Experts, officials, media, and thus the public, have criticized Malaysia. They say no real central coordination existed until Australia largely took charge last week. Part of the problem is that Asia has no NATO-style regional defence structure, Chang said.


“As mystery deepened regarding the missing Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew, most of them Chinese, it became clear that highly classified military technology might hold the key,”Change stated on Global Research. But the investigation became deadlocked over reluctance of others to share sensitive data, a reticence that appeared to harden as the search area widened.”


“This is turning into a spy novel,” said an envoy from a Southeast Asian country, noting it was turning attention to areas and techniques few countries liked to publicly discuss. Ultimately, however, the only country with technical resources to recover the plane – or at least its black box recorder, that could lie in water several miles deep – might be the United States, Chang says. Reluctance of Malaysia’s neighbors to release sensitive radar data might have obstructed the investigation for days, he says. 


At an ambassadorial meeting in an airport hotel crisis center on March 16, Malaysia formally appealed to countries, asking them for transparency and asking them to reveal the jet’s possible path, a request met with “polite stonewalling.” Some even asked Malaysia to put its request in writing, triggering a flurry of diplomatic notes and high-level contacts. ‘It became a game of poker in which Malaysia handed out the cards at the table but couldn’t force others to show their hand,“ commented a person at the meeting.


In the northern Indian Ocean, Chinese forces operate alongside other nations to combat Somali piracy.Officials say all sides are almost certainly quietly spying on and monitoring each other at the same time. (emphasis added)  

WantChinaTimes in Taiwan reported and Chang added bold emphasis in the following:

The United States has taken advantage of the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight to test capabilities of China’s satellites and judge the threat of Chinese missiles against its aircraft carriers.  Erich Shih, chief reporter at Chinese-language military news monthly Defense International, said the US has more and better satellites but has not taken part in the search for flight MH370, that disappeared about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing early hours of March 8 with 239 people on board. Shih claimed the US held back because it wanted to see what information China’s satellites would provide.

“The above is the reality which we have to confront,” asserts Chang. “Therefore, desist any attempt to label the above mainstream media articles as a ‘conspiracy theory.’ Reuters let the Genie out of the bottle!”


“Malaysia’s Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Hishammuddin gave hints of Malaysia’s difficulties (as his hands were tied by intelligence protocols and or refusal by relevant foreign intelligence services and diplomatic reluctance) but media failed to appreciate nuances of his statements by not directing their questions at the parties that have failed Malaysia as their neighbor and in their duties under various defence treaties and arrangements.


Chang pleads: ”Malaysian media, please read at the minimum three times, the sentences in bold AND WAKE UP TO THE REALITY that our country has been badly treated, even though our country put all its national security cards on the table so that countries whose nationals are passengers on flight MH 370 could come forward with sincerity to assist in resolving this unfortunate tragedy which is not Malaysia’s making. Malaysia is but a victim of this tragedy whose plane, MH 370 was used for a hidden agenda for which only time will reveal.”


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  • Today it was announced EXCLUSIVELY on Chinese state media, that a Chinese search vessel has located a "ping" from the sea bed off western Australia, north of their officially alloted search area...

    This may be a black box from the actual flight, or it may be another red herring, like their previous ones....Of course, they feel under pressure to glean results, more than most nations...

    If a black box is found, along with wreckage from the actual airliner....Don't forget what I posted on the 17th March about this possible finding, with the inferences I placed, in mind... ;-)

    Of course, it only takes ONE FRAGMENT of Flight MH370, to crush any presented notion that it was "abducted by ETs," as some have erroneously and naively suggested.....I think they even named "Ashtar?" LOL

    This may or may not happen, but at some stage we might even get "evidence" (contrived and arranged, suitably,) of the fake "plane crash."

    Easier at sea than on land, to fake a plane crash....Especially so if using deep oceans for the "final resting place.".

    Certain parts of the real plane could be decontaminated and used in such a coverup, operation....Generally speaking, when planes crash at sea, the passenger seat pillows may be found in numbers, on the sea, bobbing up and down...Something like this may be false-trailed, at some stage....in the media.

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/malaysian-flight-370-...
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    • ......that exclusevly " part of announcment is not exc;lussive for chinese media outlet. it was all over the news this morning .................

      • The Chinese search ship that discovered the "ping," presented their data to their own government, who instead of initially sharing it with the Malaysians, forwarded it to their own Chinese state media first...It then came out globally, later, after their own media got the exclusive, first...Apparently they broke international search protocols, by doing this...

  • Thanks, another piece of important info. I will take my time reading it. Let us know if you have more.

  • OK friends,

    The Sirians are not confirming to me that the current weakening of interdimensional flux walls in the south east Asia zone, is powerful enough to permit the transit and absorption of a large airliner through such a portal...Though the anomaly has been reported to have commenced in early march, it is not directly related to the disappearance of flight MH370....

    As a planetary phenonema, which now carries the potential to effect my sector within Europe, I have been given a general brief concerning the technical reasons for the natural occurrences, including all sectors...


    It takes a great deal of focussed energy to permit an interdimensional jaunt and the current anomaly is INTERMITTENT and WEAK....Only permitting small items to be passed from 3rd density to the 5th dimension...NOT AIRLINERS as stated by some...Albeit, small parts may be passed....


    My information is that the plane has been carefully dismembered by US Navy Intel, after landing on Diego Garcia......I know this is not a popular conclusion, but it is increasingly being proven to be so, as the "black box" remains elusive, as ever...as does EVERY FRAGMENT of the missing flight...

    BUT, there is indeed a current weakening in the interdimensional flux zone off south east asia and I'll use the description I provided to my soulmate, for your consideration....although the fate of the airliner is very much one grounded in 3D...

    The weather in Canada is crazy at the moment..?? Yes the devas are in much turmoil everywhere, but the strangest effects that have become increasingly evident, since early March 2014, are the spontaneous flux slippages occuring between this third dimension, and the higher planes of inner earth....I described this to Mr.Ed as being like a balloon that is held under water...It wants to rise to the surface, fast....and the "hands" that hold it there are weakening...


    So we are seeing an effect of strange weather combined with natural, though anomalous, inter-dimensional "bleeding," or a type of tellurian planar osmosis, which causes a passing of high vibration materials into the low densities and vice versa...And all because the flux walls between dimensions are becoming more porous, so allowing this to happen...... Porous due to the devic lives that comprise these inter-dimensional flux zones becoming increasingly fatigued by the maintainance of 3rd density on surface earth....These "weakened" zones are newly active though intermittently so and present in areas of surface earth such as; North America (so Canada,) South Africa (off the coast,) West Australia and South East Asia...

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profile/1HappyKelly#add_comment#ix...
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    • Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: “Patents Patents Patents?”
      2014 03 14

      From: 4key.net

      This update on Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is about an online message and e-mail that is currently circulating on the internet.

      The message is posted below:

      “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ?? If not, here are your missing pieces.
      Patents Patents Patents
      Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX.
      Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders.
      Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Freescale Semiconductor (20%)
      If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will.
      If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent.
      That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.
      Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ??
      Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale.
      Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane.
      As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.
      Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.
      Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.”

      The patent that got this online message started is this one, US 008671381, from March 11, 2014:

      Saved copy:http://truthnewsinternational.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/us0086713...
      Original: AB

      The names listed on the patent, i.e. Wang Peidong, Chen Zhijun, Cheng Zhihong and Ying Li are the same as in the online message. However, according to the March 8, 2014, passenger manifest(original) of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 these persons were not on that plane. If they were then their names are not listed.

      Were there Freescale employees on board? Yes. And also at least one from IBM.

      Is Freescale Semiconductor owned by Blackstone?

      On April 27, 2013, Bloomberg published an article about the company in which it is confirmed that Freescale is indeed a Blackstone venture:

      “Blackstone-Owned Freescale Rises as Forecast Tops Estimates: Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. (FSL), the chipmaker mostly owned by a private-equity group including Blackstone Group LP (BX) and TPG Capital, rose after predicting second-quarter sales that may exceed some analysts’ estimates.”

      Is Rothschild linked to Blackstone? Yes, he is a Member of the International Advisory Board.

      Is Blackstone one of the parties who are responsible for the missing airplane, flight 370?

      The answer to that question can likely only come from those who ordered/organized the AWACS mission of March 8, 2014.


      awacs, ecm, electronic counter measure, The electronic counter measure (ECM) capability aboard the AWACS allows its user to jam radar frequencies and communications of the enemy radar

      Aside from the patent message that is circulating online, here are some other links to photos and info that one may find interesting to copy and save for future reference, for you never know how data and narratives might change since the photos of the “suspects” were horribly FAKED, on purpose of course:+

      4key.net - This website is for sale! - 4key Resources and Information.
      This website is for sale! 4key.net is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what y…
      • I thought this might be related to the whole thing, but don't know...just passing this along...


      • Malcolm....There is value in your data.....


        I believe that the Illuminoids are notorious for creating planned scenarios which they keep in readiness for a later activation, WHEN another requirement presents itself, so as to kill two birds with one stone....


        Jacob Rothschild is a members of the same dark cabal that sought, at some stage, to provoke a war with China, using a weaponised pathogen and another step towards global de-population.....


        Of course, as you say, FlightMH370 had rival patent owners to Jacob R, onboard......So, he would seek to destroy them on that flight, and the perfect opportunity to activate another plan....So a plan A, coming online, while a plan B, gets realised...


        The Illuminoids are well known for Byzantine intrigues and highly convoluted planning, with multiple facets....

        They take pride in this type of dark operation, which kills, provokes, creates fear and affords them profit, all simultaneously...

    • Thanks Drexx-will we ever know why the Navy did this? Maybe a 'wrong place at the wrong time' scenario

      • To prevent a potentially nuclear or bio war, with China....



        The US military are conflicted, internally....But more a war of wills between "White Knights," who serve within our earth allies and those dark militarists, who serve the dark cabal...

        The white hats are seeking to remove the dark govenance of the USA Corporation and restore the constitutional republic under common law....The dark seek to preserve an Amerikan world empire under admiralty law and follow the elitist agenda of reducing the global population, and inslaving all who are not murdered by them...

        China and Russia are mostly aware of this, but sometimes may be drawn into this internal struggle in a counter-productive manner, making the world more dangerous....So that op to prevent a contagion being delivered in Beijing, had to remain mostly secret....And a charade carried out to support the official line that the plane crashed "somewhere."

        The passengers and crew of that plane were exposed to a highly contageous weaponised pathogen and had to be taken off the radar..

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Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION via James McConnell

ANCIENT AWAKENINGS Sunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnell THE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSION Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self These messages…

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