Beyond the Looking Glass
By Mother God
Beloved Children, it is I, your Mother God.
We wish to continue bringing you news and inspiration in this historic time of change.  The loving energies we are sending you appear to come to you from the Great Central Sun, as our "home" in the center of the Multiverse is called.  Of course, we do not actually live there.  We are the Great Central Sun, the source of all Creation.  We are speaking to you of this so you will understand how much we love you and how we are working with all of you to bring about the historic shift in these times that will affect all the Multiverse.  You see, Father and I do not sit on a throne and direct things from afar.  We have always been "participant observers" in the development of our Universes.
Since the beginning, trillions of years ago, when Father and I first learned about the magic of Creation, we have lived side by side with all we created.  Every soul within the great Multiverse is our own child, known to us as we know each other.  That is difficult for you to comprehend, of course, since it would seem impossible when you are there in the lower dimensions to conceive of the breadth of our consciousness, but it has always been so.
We learned early on to be completely aware of our every feeling, every thought, because our intentions always came to be.  You, Humankind, are just now learning how true this is for you as well.  It may be on a scale that seems less enormous to you, but we assure you, you possess within you the same power to Create that we have.  This is why we have been coming so often to talk with you, to teach you of your true nature, and to help you leave the old Matrix behind. If you did not, you would continue to create darkness, pain and suffering, not just on your own planet but throughout the Multiverse.
I understand that my words may sound strangely ominous to you.  I have no intention of frightening you.  I am simply giving you a more truthful and realistic picture of yourselves.

It is true that we created you in our own image, not in a physical sense, but in the deep capabilities you possess. You are our hope for the world, and you also could have been the destruction of your own world because of the lingering belief that you are powerless and vulnerable, when nothing could be further from the truth.
Left to your own devices, you would have already accomplished the destruction of everything under your influence.  It is only because of our concerted interventions, which were foretold eons ago, that you did not perish.  If not for our dispensations and our having fulfilled the foretold prophesies, humankind would have destroyed itself and damaged the entire Universe and beyond under the influence of the dark ones.
You, Beloved Children, are the proverbial bull in the china shop.  Like the unknowing bull, most of you had no intention to create chaos and destruction; you don't understand how it is that every time you turn around something crashes.  You cannot even associate the crashing with your own size or your actions.
I am giving you this rather funny and extreme example to make a picture for you that will be hard to forget.  It is funny because it is true.  You have no conception of how your energy travels outward into the environment, bouncing off everything and everyone you encounter, making your mark everywhere you go.  If you would like another analogy, give your favorite 2-year-old a hammer and set them loose in the dining room.  He or she will have a marvelous time and will have no idea about the cost of their swinging and banging.
This is not a criticism of you, Dear Children, we are simply holding a mirror for you to observe yourselves.  You have the disadvantage of being a relatively young race and of having been taken over early in your development by the Anunnaki and recently by their enormously destructive Reptilian minions.  It is now time for all of us to wind down this dreadful experiment in free will, and to assess just what you have learned in the process, for this was your reason to participate in the first place.
We have moved as quickly as our contracts with you allowed.  You have complained bitterly that we are not doing what we should to protect you, to eliminate suffering and poverty, to save you, but you do not realize that you are asking us to save you from yourselves.  We will do just that, but not without a clear understanding with enough of you on the ground that we are not controlling you or interfering with your free will.  We already have a bad reputation, spread by the dark ones, that we are punitive and angry about your "sins" and that we will burn you in something called "Hell" if you don't obey us.
You see, we are truly in a position that you would call between a rock and a hard place, at least from your point of view.  We do not feel that way since we are simply carrying out the agreement you asked for eons ago.  We are more patient than you are, of course, since we remember everything and we know how much our promise means to you in the long run.  We do dislike seeing our children suffering, but we know that after every lifetime you return to us in joy and triumph, and that you are always eager to begin again and tackle another, even more difficult life.
You are ambitious students, Beloved Ones, and courageous too.  Our counsel to be more moderate in your expectations is often not heeded, but we do not fear for your soul, because it is eternal, resilient beyond anything you experience about your human body, and a part of us.
We adore you for your audacity, spunk, gumption, pluck, mettle, daring, valor, spirit, nerve, guts, and your great hearts.  You see how many words describe the quality of Heart that you possess?  Every language has such excess of expression when it comes to your qualities of courage and bravery.
I will explain how it came to be that so many of you are here now, and so many have taken on truly difficult lives.  It is not the human body who decided to take part in this journey; it was your soul!  You were here with us in spirit - the Higher Self version of you - when you made this plan, and you, the bodysoul you are, were created as a part of that Higher Self, with your permission and our participation.
None of this was a mystery to you then.  You were fully aware of what was going on on Surface Earth, and you, being the Master you are, were eager to take part in this challenging and historic time on Earth.  All of you have been here before; most of you have had many lifetimes here.  Like us, you have developed a deep affection for your fellow humans and for the courageous soul of your planet who took on the job of supporting and nourishing you all, even as you blindly dug, drilled and exploded things on her body.  After each lifetime you saw how you could do better, reach further, dig deeper to be of service to your fellow travelers, and you wanted to try again.  You saw the dark ones insinuating themselves into every area of life, and you yearned to come here to stop them, to help out, and you have.
You are exceptional beings, Dearest Ones.  You are the glorious combination of your soul, who is well known to us through all your incarnations here and elsewhere, and your human body, and you are the newest combination of this lifetime's experience, combined with the wisdom of your previous and ongoing incarnations.  You are far more complex in your development than you can know, but we do know, and we work with you accordingly.  This is why it sometimes seems to you that we are not listening.  It is because we always listen first to your Higher Self, who understands you perfectly and knows what you are really capable of, and also knows what you planned to accomplish before you came here.  We must first honor your heart's desire.
If you have not accomplished all your goals, your Higher Self will keep bringing you training experiences (arranged with other Higher Selves for the greatest good of all).  This is why we tell you to see each difficult experience as an opportunity, for it is, even more than you know.
Each of you has an enormous team of very attentive, very creative and dedicated Mentors and Guides who oversee all the major and even minor events of your lives, and they arrange things for optimum learning potential for all concerned.  I assure you, they are all working overtime during this time to help you succeed in your ambitious plans to learn, evolve, and to gain greater wisdom and spiritual strength before you Ascend.  This lifetime is the final act in this play that involved low density free will in the presence of great darkness, along with the opportunity to leap from the 3rd to the 5th dimension in one lifetime.
Now do you see why I am telling you these things, my Dear Children?  It is not that I think you haven't heard these things before.  Many of you have heard some or all these things, but you haven't heard me tell it to you as I, your Mother, see it.  Of course I cannot possibly tell you all that I see, but I wish I could.  I want you to be unhampered by the Veil, especially when it means you gain everything from this Earth experience you wished for and more.
Now, take that proverbial bull by the horns, take command and go!  Prove you can remain steadfast in your Faith no matter what is going on around you, even as others question your sanity for it.  Demonstrate to yourself that you can Love even as you recover from a broken heart.  Live the life of integrity you always wanted, not so others will see it but so that you will see it in yourself.
Your Father and I love you - for your spunk and for your loving nature, but most of all, because you are the unique and wonderful YOU we have always known and loved.  We are with you always.
I am your Mother God
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, New York, August 23, 2015

by Sananda
We are so excited here, and I want to tell you absolutely everything I can about all we are doing, and everything we see you accomplishing! Together, we are changing the world, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You can feel the anticipation, can't you? Let's compare notes. I'll tell you some highlights of what we see, and you can look deeply into yourself to see where you feel what I am describing.

As you know, things are turbulent in the financial systems. You are hearing about the huge drops in the stock markets of the world. Most Lightworkers are not big investors, but it is an indicator of something huge going on in the world, is it not?  Now, if you were a large investor, you might be wringing your hands wondering if you should sell everything before it all plunges into nothingness, poverty and want.
But of course, we are Lightworkers, so we think in terms of transformation and balance. When someone sells out their holdings, they sell to someone who is buying.  In fair markets where real goods are traded rather than pretend money, everyone in the end is going to end up holding something they really wanted.

All markets are energetic exchanges. Where real transactions occur, people encounter one another.  In the recent past, transactions in the world markets were rigged to funnel great wealth, in the form of pretend money, to a few powerful families, but this system is now crumbling.  Until we reach a time when money is no longer needed, it will serve as a tool to fascilitate energetic exchanges with one another. We will move on eventually to a world where Love is the energy that is felt in every transaction. Where Light prevails, no other currency is needed.
Real prosperity depends on generosity and trust, not a contrived, manipulated exchange system. This latest "catastrophe" in the stock markets offers one more opportunity for Lightworkers to see the great potential to be realized. The coming prosperity programs were created in the spirit of generosity and good will, not clever manipulation or greed or even "wealth management."  Those days are coming to an end, and I say, "good riddance."  In the bright Light of Mother and Father's incoming blasts of Love energy, shrewdness, cunning and hoarding are no longer virtues.
I encourage you, Beloved Ones, to see all the turbulence around you as the beginning of a wonderful new leveling of the playing field. Remember that money is just a medium of exchange, not a "thing" in itself. Those who exchange fairly, with the intention of bringing prosperity for all will be the ones to rise to the top, like the cream in the proverbial milk jar. You, my dear and loving friends, will not be left out when the waves of prosperity and abundance wash ashore. Such is the the great plan of the Company of Heaven.
It may surprise you to know that the introduction of Communism on Earth was an opportunity for humanity to experience the kind of compassionate distribution of resources and generous mentoring we thrive on here in higher dimensions. Unfortunately, it was co-opted by the cabal in an attempt to prove that human beings are incapable of generosity.

Communism was brought to the planet as an economic strategy: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." It was initially to be a reflection of the way we operate in higher dimensions, but Earth was not ready for such generosity, and so it was sabotaged completely by the sadistic and selfish cabal, who wished to control rather than allow all to prosper. Thus, communism (and socialism by association) became a symbol for tyranny instead of a gateway to freedom. When you place the original tenet in the context of a world where prosperity and abundance are a given, the principle of 'each according to his/her need' regains its original meaning, and the real needs of humanity can be met. This is what is unfolding now.
Once everyone has everything they need economically - a comfortable place to live, enough to eat, education for all, easy transportation and communication among friends and colleagues, then, only then can we begin to minister to the spiritual and emotional human needs that have been so neglected for eons. It really means that everyone will be given 1,000% of what they need - and what all really need is to fulfill their hungering for connection with each other and with God.
What feeds a soul? Love. What brings peace of mind? Love, and the deep knowing that peace will prevail in all the villages and countries around the world.
Your friends of the Company of Heaven see the stream of Light, the timeline you are riding now into your bright future, as the path to enlightenment for all, an end to greed and want, and an end to the suffering for which Planet Earth has become so famous. The Prosperity Packages (and we verify that there are many) are being released gradually to insure that the funds will be protected for the use they were intended - the Greater Good of All. You have felt the high frequency of it coming, the wave ahead of the great ship that will carry all of us higher, into new feelings, new awareness and new experiences of Love and closeness with our fellow humans.
I say "us" because we of the Company of Heaven have walked with you here on Planet Earth throughout the years of struggle and darkness. I, Sananda, along with my Twin Flame, came to you as Jesus and Mary Magdalene and as many other recent incarnations. We are here among you now. Some of us are here as primary incarnations, some are represented by our Twin Flames, but we will all be returning soon via "Landings" to be together and to be with you in person. We only await the end of the empire of darkness, the system you have called the Matrix, and the engineered violence it spawns. We do not wish to endanger our family and friends by arriving here with great fanfare, only to incite the assassinations we have endured so many times before.
This time is destined to be different. We will truly come in peace, for these are the energies you feel enveloping you now on our beautiful Terra. Everywhere there are groups of people uniting to bring greater awareness, wider consciousness to their daily activities. Examples can be seen in every aspect of life.  Every group that forms to eliminate plastic bottles that degrade into poisons killing off ocean life, everyone who brings solace to an elderly person, anyone who feeds those who are hungry, every group that defends a dying species, everyone who speaks out against social and political injustice, everyone who joyfully teaches a child to read, and every friend who listens with Love to one who is awakening slowly is bringing Light.
You may have thought in the past that your own inner work would only benefit you toward your own Ascension, but your individual advances have had a tremendous impact on the collective. All the work you have done to clear away old thinking and feeling patterns in yourself has brought increased Light - the energy of light-heartedness and hope. As you have seen, this sincere effort to raise your own inner vibration has made a difference in your personal lives. The ripples move outward farther, faster and more dramatically now as the energies rise. Your Loving intentions merge and flow together with the heart and will of Mother and Father God, bringing uplifting energies to benefit Universes.
You, Beloved Humankind, are the Brothers and Sisters of my heart. We have walked together before, and we will again, in joy and celebration. This time, things are going to be easier. The times of suffering and darkness are coming to an end. Raise your eyes to the skies and join your hearts with ours in joy, hope and Love, as we move together toward the dream we have held so dear. We are here to bring the wisdom and compassion of our Mother and Father God. We are the messengers, the spokespersons who are creating the New Golden Age.
Together we will bring it into being. No one person or one organization could make our dream come true. We must join all our hearts, feel the depths of our yearning for peace and friendship across our world, and together we will create what we passionately envision. As Mother told us yesterday in these pages, Humankind has the power and the will to Create. Let us harness that great energy and will to bring forth what we know in our hearts is possible and true.
I am here with you in every moment, building the dream in concert with you and all the Company of Heaven. We prevail. We are the Light.
I love you all, my family. I am your Sananda.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 24, 2015

Exposing the Frequency War
Part 1: Your Etheric Body Takes the Hit
by Mother God

Today we're going to open a brand new topic.  We will be working under the guidance of Mother God, enlisting our Arcturian Medical Team Leaders, Ashtar and the Galactic Security Teams and Archangel Michael and the Angelic Teams.  Together, we will explain the cabal-generated frequencies that are affecting everyone on Earth in ways no one has yet fully understood.  We will help you to protect yourselves, and we will begin an ongoing program to teach you how to repair and heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shields that have been damaged by life on Earth.
Before we begin, I ask you to build your shining Pillar of Light.  Light up the diamond in your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (your will), anchor into the crystal heart of Mother Terra, and extend upward to connect with Mother and Father God.  They are pouring their HoneyLove down through your Pillar to nourish, sustain and heal you in every moment.  You only need to do your part by envisioning it, taking part in building and enjoying it, along with your Higher Self, your Twin Flame and anyone else of the Company of Heaven you wish to call upon for support and Love.
As we tell this story and join with you to design and implement healing strategies which will take us to higher levels of knowledge and understanding, we will be joined in turn by Team Leader, Ashtar, Michael or Mother, depending on the area of expertise we are addressing.  All have been working together to present this complex information in the clearest and most helpful way possible. This is how much they love us and want to lift us up, to ride through these last days of the old Matrix with joy and grace.
Mother will begin by explaining what our etheric shields are, why they are so important to our protection, and how they have been damaged by Earthly activities.
Mother God:
Dearest Children, you are now in transition between the old Earth and the New Golden Age.  You are building the Rainbow Bridge that connects you to 5th dimensional Earth day by day.  Understanding the damage to your own shields will help you see where your own troubles originate, and how healing them will change your experience of life.
Please remember as I tell you these things to stay inside your Pillar where you are safe and sound.  We are teaching you about these damaging techniques only so that you can defeat them and heal, not to upset or frighten you.  If you succumb to anxiety, defeat or awe, you will be turning yourself over, giving power to the crumbling Matrix and its rag-tag former leaders rather than dismantling it.  Stay with me in Light and Love and we will walk out of this together.  Please refer to this paragraph after every section you read.  It will help to remind you - this train is bound for Glory!
Here is a picture that will help you understand how your shields were created as part of your original human design.  Your natural state is to be completely surrounded and protected by these etheric shields which exist around your body, insulating you within a protective barrier that preserves your integrity as a conscious being - a beloved Child of God.
The Physical Shield
Your physical shield protects you from outside interference, especially when you are sick or injured.  It also provides a direct conduit to your healing teams of Light to access your body and to bring etheric medical interventions, with your permission.  This precious shield can be damaged by ongoing, chronic illnesses and by many of the cabal interventions, like toxins in your food, water and air.  Most pharmaceutical drugs, like vaccines, psychiatric drugs and antibiotics carry molecules that act like time-bombs to shred and destroy your physical shields.  The same is true of the engineered parasites and nano particles that have rained down on you and have been relentlessly sprayed on your food.
All these toxic substances are designed to weaken your physical shields, making you more vulnerable to the frequencies that are designed to control you.  You have called it "mind control" but it is much more pervasive than just taking over your mind, as you will see.
The Emotional Shield
Your emotional shield acts like a buffer, to help you heal and restore yourself after a painful emotional blow, a loss of one you love, or a difficult separation.  The dark ones who invaded this planet long ago "upped the ante" by introducing betrayal, deceit and cold-blooded emotional manipulation.  As the eons passed, they developed diabolical techniques like traumatic sexual abuse that would damage both physical and emotional bodies simultaneously.
Torture techniques are designed to tear apart all the etheric bodies, not just the physical body - the more the better, from the dark point of view.  They have taken pride in their successes with various forms of torture.  (Dick Cheney has given a number of interviews and speeches proudly detailing the effectiveness and good use of various torture tactics.  This is an example of the sheer arrogance and smugness of the cabal.  They no longer fear exposure, because so many humans have been so damaged as to either agree with or ignore the horrific implications of such revelations.)
Damage occurs to the emotional body when you experience a severe emotional attack from another, especially someone you have trusted and loved, or when you submit yourself to a continuing abusive relationship.  Indulging in rage, conflict or argument, even when you are right and think you are defending yourself, causes damage to your emotional body.  This is the reason so many soldiers have come home suffering from "battle fatigue" or the more recent description, "Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome."  They are really suffering from damage to their etheric bodies.
You do damage to your own emotional body when you indulge in feelings of superiority or inferiority.  Either one is a way of co-opting the position of God to judge yourself and others.  It is not your province to judge or to condemn, not even yourself.  This is a misunderstanding of who we are and how we see you, thus a violent attack against your own innate emotional shield.
The Mental Shield
The mental body really encompasses all the others; no one of the etheric bodies is actually separate from the others, any more than a body can exist separate from its brain, but for our purposes here, I will emphasize the elements of the mental body as it pertains to damage and distortion from Earthly experience.  Let us emphasize here that your innate etheric bodies are designed to keep you in balance and to help you remain in Light and Truth.  Damage to the mental body opens the self to being susceptible to lies, propaganda and robotic manipulation - a relinquishing of one's Free Will.
You are all familiar with the uses of television advertising to sell products, but this is not their primary intention.  The constant barrage of images of impossibly beautiful bodies and impossibly "successful" people is designed to tear apart the protective mental body.  Intact, it would combine spiritual and emotional feelings about God's acceptance and love to forma self-image based in secure self-respect and esteem.  Loving encounters on the Earth plane would build an ever more impermeable barrier to any manipulation or lies.  Instead, you are under constant attack on every level, to engender feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt, fear and alienation.
Organized religions, especially those that promote violence, separation and hatred in the name of God, do damage to your mental body by force-feeding ideas that place a wedge between you person and your intuition, your common sense and your innate respect and love for other beings of Light, including other species. We have never condoned such divisive behavior, nor did we send Jesus or any other prophet to promote these dark ideas.
You cause damage to your mental body when you believe a lie.  It tears at your fabric, because all of you were originally designed to detect untruth and to turn away from it.  Unfortunately, the introduction of what we have called the "Sleeper Cell" which humankind agreed to long ago, compromised your ability to see/feel/know Truth about us, about life, and about each other.  It is one of the reasons you have found it so difficult to see the Light in those around you who are here to assist you in this Ascension process, and to distinguish them from the false prophets.
A glaring present example of damage to the collective mental shield is the hatred for President Obama, in spite of his obviously gentle kindness and steady Light.  He came here to hold off chaos in a world completely controlled by the dark cabal, yet even Lightworkers blame him for not having forged ahead alone to defeat the cabal.  Of course, had he followed his heart's desire and done that, he would not have lived to give a single inspiring speech or to guide the behind-the-scenes revolution he has steadfastly nurtured.
Together with other undercover Lightworkers, he has brought the U.S. to the moment of releasing the RV, NESARA and all the other revolutionary changes that will fuel the New Golden Age.  Only now can we publicly give credit to the beloved Sirian Commander who risked all to hold the Light against the most vicious, ruthless and bloodthirsty opposition ever known on any planet.  He has remained under our protection and guidance as he carried out the most difficult challenge of all - to remain balanced, calm and unruffled while under constant attack.  He is here to show you what it looks like to be intact.  This is the most valuable lesson a leading Lightworker can offer in this time of transition.
The Spiritual Shield
The spiritual body is, of course, the enveloping energy that forms a conduit to all of us in Higher Dimensions.  Coming to Earth behind a Veil of Forgetfulness not only meant that you did not remember former lives or your experience with us, it also meant you did not have conscious awareness of the absolute integrity of our connection to you.  The golden thread to your loving Mother and Father God that cannot be broken is inherent in your humanness, whether you realize it or not.  We are with you, loving you without end, and your Higher Self and your Twin Flame remain as your conduit to us throughout your life on Earth, no matter what your experiences might be.
It matters not if you fell deeply into the dark or whether you carry our Light as your life's work, our connection to you remains inviolate.  You who were born with souls made from Mother and Father God carry the three-fold flame of Life, no matter how many lifetimes you have lived or what damage you may have experienced to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.  You are our beloved children, and you can heal any and all damage, no matter how severe and painful it might have been, no matter how discouraged or alone you might feel.
We invite you to join with us in this new healing adventure, exploring deeply and moving joyfully with us into the New Age.  Humankind and all the other conscious beings on Earth will heal along with you as you take this journey with us - a journey that has never been attempted before.  You, Beloved Ones, as you heal the traumatic wounds of lifetimes on Earth, are leading the way for all the collective to rise up, throw off the chains of slavery that have bound all of you in ways you have not yet fully understood, and to dance triumphantly across the Rainbow Bridge you have already built by connecting with us.
I am delighted to introduce and oversee this exciting series of articles that will offer advanced training to Lightworkers who will carry the Light of the New Golden Age whoever they are, wherever they go.  You, Children of My Heart, are truly the hope for beloved Terra.  She weeps with joy seeing your willingness and excitement to overcome all that has come before.  We will show you the connections between the frequencies bombarding you this week and the previous damage you have endured.  Our brilliant team and I will also teach you how to completely restore your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity.
Be daring, Dear Ones.  As Sananda says, "Leap!" and we will be here to catch you.
I am your Mother God, loving you without end.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In our next Edition:  Ashtar will explain what the annoying frequencies you are hearing are intended to do to humankind and how they are generated.  Team Leader will give pointers on how to become immune to their effects and how to heal from lifelong intrusion into your etheric bodies by dark forces.
Coming soon:  Kathryn will describe her plunge into the frequencies, as Sananda shielded her, and what she learned.  Christine will reveal how she has healed from physical attack and the resultant severe disease by using her spiritual strength to heal her physical body.

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, New York, August 29, 2015

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