Hey Starseeds!Please join me in starting a telepathy practice group. We will keep it simple by utilizing each other within this group as we practice sending and receiving thought/forms to one another. Namaste, Bobby Whiteshell
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  • Great news Patti!!
  • Hello. Can I have more information about 5D telepathy without videos because there are no subtitles on videos - need good access for Hard of Hearing or Deaf people
  • Next flood of "inspiration particles" reaching planet earth, due, now until 2012.. post what you pick up when you pick it up.
  • Patti,
    Mine required no special cleansing and in fact he asked me to nothing other than to recognize him as a sentient being...so that's what I did. Now he is one of my closest allies. Trust your intuition when your stone arrives...i'm sure you will do what is right for you. :)
  • Hello. Can I have more information about 5D telepathy without videos because there are no subtitles on videos - need good access for Hard of Hearing or Deaf people
  • Yes Patti! I've had the mantra posted since valentine's day. it is very!!! 5D indeed
  • Thank you for the wonderful sharing, Markus. I always sensed something magical about the labradorite stone, and feel very gifted by what you shared. My days have become a series of bigger and deeper ahas and connections. Advancing into the mystery of the stone is like the reformulation of my mind, an adventure of cosmic remembrance.
  • Markus, thank you for the great info about your stones. I will be looking for samples. I have stones that I just like being around, they are silent friends. Recently I was looking at a favorite labradorite and suddenly I started seeing images in the way the light refracted. I understood what was being shown and really felt connected. Do you feel your stones in any way?
  • Hey! Markus thanks for the crystal recomendations!!! Always appreciated. I have Okenite as my wallpaper on my laptop at the moment and I'm getting alot of starseed mileage just by broadcasting the image into my room. WHEW!
    Amanda- Great to hear from you! Keep up with the exercises and wow! watch out for some serious fun in the 5D!!
  • My creative intelligence thanks you, Bobby! You too, Jonen.
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Bobby Whiteshell replied to Bobby Whiteshell's discussion Intro to telepathy in 5D Telepathy Practice Forum
"crud it didn't work i'll try again"
Feb 12, 2010
Bobby Whiteshell posted a discussion in 5D Telepathy Practice Forum
Hey Starseed peeps!Trying to post a video introduction. let me know if this works. -Bobby…
Feb 12, 2010