Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael January 29 2012

Views: 60
Get Embed Code Masters, the structured, material world humanity has created over the past many Ages is quickly crumbling. Forced, restrictive material boundaries and limitations are being left behind and replaced with the tolerant concepts of fairness and equality. Misaligned beliefs, distorted laws and dogmatic religious teachings are being reassessed and found lacking as the masses shake off the shackles of limitation and seek the empowerment of illumined truth and Self-mastery. The sorrow, sacrifice and agony symbolized by the crucifixion are of the past. Triumph, joy and strength will be the focus of spiritual endeavor, and the bliss of the higher realms will be available to those who gain the ability to exist in the more refined fields of consciousness within the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. What awaits you in these glorified realms, dear hearts, is beyond your wildest imaginings. Infusions of Love/Light will help you harmonize your emotional nature so that you may traverse the multi-levels of the fourth dimension with ease and grace. Focused intelligence and access to your Sacred Mind are necessary in order to successfully enter and traverse the sub-levels of the fifth dimension. It is important that you practice regular mind clearing via the higher frequencies of Light. Remind yourself often: "What purpose does it serve to hold onto old grudges and hurtful incidents?" There are now multiple realities to choose from. Sooner or later, everyone must become aware that they are multidimensional Beings. Accept the truth that you are immortal and begin to live life to the fullest in the Eternal Now...

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"OK thanks Drexk"
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"Good news about Kash and RFK. JR. We just keep on winning :)"
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"Gee, some swell fun .... it's time for another musical interlude, dude....Get avenging, Avengers...😉"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Music for your soul.
"I Want to See You Dance, AC Soul Symphony, Dave Lee, Metamorphosis👏🏻🌞"
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"That will be following official disclosure, friend...The people need acclimatization will be more receptive and less fearful, when selected tourists return to their communities, to share experiences with all.....Including a media free of…"
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