Disclosure Song CelebrationTrack INVITATION

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INVITATION: http://rainbeat.bandcamp.com/track/invitationRAIN BEAT MUSIC Album and single tracks: http://rainbeat.bandcamp.com/The song Invitation is an invitation in love and peace to our Galactic Allies and Cosmic Cultures to arrive safely and by that forever with us transform the present situation here on Earth.Dedicated in Love and light to Mother Earth, World Leaders, United Nations, New free energy solutions;Friends and family, The People On Earth and Cosmic Allies,http://www.paoweb.comPlanetary Activation Groups (PAGs) work in coordination with PAO. They are inwardly guided and actively involved in awakening people to the global transformation in consciousness.http://www.peaceinspace.com"The Outer Space Security and Development Treaty"This Treaty invites Nation State leaders to become Signatories to this Treaty that invites Parties, including Indigenous Nations and Cosmic Cultures, to commit to plan and assist in the orderly development and implementation of a framework and procedures that will assure and verify that space is and will remain a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are legally banned in perpetuity.http://www.disclosureproject.org"The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.http://www.theorionproject.orgThe Orion Project is an organization created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.Out of the Blue Full Length Documentaryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhdCyConodcDisclosure Project The National Pressclub 2001Full versionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUkhttp://www.keshefoundation.org(Spacetecnologies and Energy solutions)Quote: "The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and non-religious organization founded by nuclear engineer M.T. Keshe that aims to develop new scientific knowledge, new technologies and new solutions to major global problems like famine, water shortage, lack of electrical power supply, climate change, and disease, through the use of specially developed plasma reactors which will also give Mankind the real freedom to travel in deep Space"INVITATION TrackAll rights reservedRAIN BEAT MUSICPia Elisabeth Larsenhttp://www.flexmusicpr.ws/http://www.myspace.com/rainbeatm/ The song Invitation is an in...

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