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Many blessings to all of you reading this material. I am Adama, High Priest of Telos.

I greet you again from my heart, and ask you to join us in consciousness for a gathering with the Council of Elders of Telos. It is in this way that the knowledge gathered from our experience, and the frequency of the wisdom gained by all of our souls, is passed along to the greater society in our Lemurian culture. We gather like this on a regular basis to conduct classes, although we prefer to call them “sharings.”

Each such meeting takes 4–6 hours of your time. An intention is set at the beginning that the energy shared will be transmitted to all in our community.

We gather as brothers and sisters, as mentors and students, and in this manner, share with each other the depths of our individual essence. Through this sharing, we further the evolution and expansion of our group consciousness in unity and love.

We wish to speak to you today of the protocols of the fifth dimensional vibration that you now wish to understand in order to access it for yourselves in your daily reality. The question has been asked, “What do we need to do to ascend to the fifth dimension?”

Understand that there are preparations and purifications of consciousness that must take place. Basically, in the new reality that is now being established on the surface of your planet, the fifth dimension is not a place you will go to, but rather a state of beingness you will attain that will gradually establish the fifth dimension in your present realm.

The fifth dimension is a vibration, or rather a marriage of vibrations, represented by the energies of love, trust, compassion, faith, grace and gratitude, a frequency of the purest form.

The structures and organization of our societies in the fifth dimension flow organically from an integration of these energies by the individuals who reside here. Our Lemurian community in Telos mirrors our fifth dimensional experience as an outpouring of our combined manifestation and embodiment of these qualities in heartfelt communion with all that surrounds us.

We did not emerge from the womb with this mastery and awareness present in our consciousness, and neither do you. Even the new generations of children who arrive each day in your transitioning dimension are not fully in their mastery, although they are more awake than you were when you came. It is through the joy and the journey of this experience of Earth that we evolve. It is through the grace of this planet that evolution is and has been a part of the experience of every soul who has incarnated here. The grace of your present time is that now you may fully awaken to your mastery, and retain this consciousness for the remainder of your soul’s evolution, whether you choose to ascend and remain in this incarnation or continue to experience cycles of incarnations here or elsewhere.

We wish to share with you practices that have been the core of our spiritual evolution. We follow these practices to this day, and we share them with our children. They exist as a foundation for our constantly expanding journey through and to Creator Source. They are founded on the principle that we are all responsible for our own energy. Before unity consciousness of the fifth dimension can be fully integrated globally, this work must be done on an individual basis by each one of you. Each person must walk their own unique journey to the end; no one else can do this for you.

Most important of these practices is the offering of compassion and non-violent communication in thoughts, words, deeds and feelings. Indeed, self-compassion forms the cornerstone of the spiritual awakening necessary if one is to recognize and integrate this fifth dimensional vibration. This vibration already exists around you at all times. As the frequency of the planet herself becomes more and more refined, each one of us is responsible to purify and refine their own vibration no matter what dimension we reside in.

We do this for the evolution of our Divine Essence, and we do this for the greatest good of all kingdoms which reside on and within this glorious planet we call “Mother.” This is a solemn and divine responsibility that does not rest lightly on your shoulders, and yet, confers on you a grace that is unparalleled in the history of the Earth.

You now can walk as masters and mentors yourself, even if your human form may not seem to mesh well with your remembrances of other times and places where limitlessness and infinite possibility abounded. We say to you with all of the truth that our hearts can share, that now, this present moment in Earth history, is a time of infinite possibility. This is the magical time of creation from the highest divine source to the densest in your physical reality. We know and feel your hearts greet ours in this truth, although your minds still struggle to grasp the full scope of what we are telling you. Your minds still demand ritual and rules, and proof that is irrefutable, before you will step one foot upon this new path. So we will work today with practices that, if you will allow them, can bring you back to the frequency of faith and trust instead of doubt and denial.

Many masters have shared these truths throughout the eons of evolution this planet has already experienced. But it is your experience in this lifetime that is most important. Today, you have an opportunity to hear these words again with more evolved ears, and to recognize them on a deeper heart level than ever before in your physical dimension. You have an opportunity to work with the support of all creation to bring these truths into physical manifestation. In truth, this is why you are here, and why you have been given the opportunity to incarnate at this time.

As your respected Native Elders have told you,

“You are the ones you have been waiting for.”

**Submitted to

Daily Message for 3/5/2024


With the power of your heart, the light of your soul, as you radiate the energies of love, envisioning the (now) future Earth, you are laying the bricks, building the light structures of the new world. The blue print for the new you, for the new world, is held within your DNA. ~Kejraj

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Beloved ones we greet you,

The winds of change continue to unfold on your planet. A monumental shift in the pulse within the magnetic core of the Earth is birthing a higher frequency of light connection to the Universal community. Bringing your planet into a deeper alignment to the God consciousness communion state held within the collective energies of the Universe. Earth is being returned to its original heritage place within the collective.

This communion light is to simultaneously activate the release of a series of energetic veils across your planet that will change the energetic configuration design within Earth. These changes within the arena of the planet will alter the rhythm of the rotation of the planet, and this will deepen a direct alignment path to the Sun. Many synchronized shifts are to be set in motion as a series of revelations, higher alternate reality spaces will begin to activate a shift in the ‘Timeline’ throughout Earth.

You are being called to focus on a ‘letting go’ as these vast changes shake your earth plane. Be still and be committed to your Heart alignment enabling you to participate in these sacred alterations of Earth. You have an essential role to play at this juncture on the planet and all these changes are influencing your energetic makeup.

You will need to be still to allow a level of transmutation to take place within your own physical and energetic systems. As the earth shifts so do you within your own electrical systems. All is in hand. You can let go and allow the newness of the flow within your life to align you to a changing rhythm, align you into a different time continuum to be re-aligned naturally to a higher space of being.

This is your time to allow a vast letting go, so you can be repositioned to a natural reframing of your sacred systems.

We witness you in love.

Blessings,The Pleiadians**Source

Daily Message for 3/4/2024


When you stop and look at the outside world, it may feel that we are still too far away from the shift into the new reality, from the new realm of the fifth dimension. This isn’t so. One can zoom out, you can do this during meditation, and you will see a greater picture, and how close you are, that you stand on the door step of the new reality. Understand that you are not still laying the foundation for the new world. This has already been completed. ~Kejraj


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The 4-4-4 Portals on February 29 and March 1, 2024, will be opened one after the other and this will bring about a major shift in your frequency, which can create a beautiful balancing in your energy body. One shift immediately follows another and this brings everything into a higher position.

During these days there is great light activation that has a long-lasting effect. The energy that is released will transcend everything, a great opportunity for every person to go along with this and further let go of the shadow parts. The shadow parts rise further and further towards the light, where they are finally dismantled.


The year 2024 consists of many different paradigm shifts. These shifts are taking place more and more often through the 4-4-4 portals and they provide a beautiful light on earth. The heart starts to resonate in the high light and its frequencies are increased again.


The sun plays a major role in the shift in consciousness, the earth is warming up. This is not negative, but positive. The earth is rising in frequency, in which every living being is included in a natural way. This natural phenomenon is called: evolution.


Artificially shielding sunlight [ Chem-trails ] will throw everything out of balance and disrupt the high frequencies. All this will have a very negative effect on the earth and all its inhabitants. The climate is going haywire and so are the Earth’s magnetic fields.

Without sunlight, man is hindered in her Ascension and will not be able to ascend further to a higher consciousness, in which the transition to an etheric body is blocked, as has been the case for eons.


Those who want to disrupt this are those who want to maintain control over you. They want to use humans artificially in a cyber world of illusion. The creativity of every human being is then expanded and filtered out, used for a new artificial world.

Many science fiction films and other expressions of future worlds are born from fantasy. Unfortunately, they are often casts of oppression in a different guise. There are elements of truth and light, but the lower thoughts such as accumulating property, war and power are also present. These are not about a higher Light world, love or a harmonious society. All this has been put in place to influence man into what could be extraterrestrial. Discern the light and darkness in everything you see.

Man’s imagination is awakened to imagine other worlds in the future. These are the fantasies from a duality mixed with the new. Or more tailored to artificial intelligence, such as the control powers. A control machine influences the dream world. Take good care of your own imaginary world. Keep these intentions pure.


When artificial intelligence becomes a reality in the lower dimensions, humans become dependent on a cyber brain. An artificial light in a lower frequency.

For eons, human higher consciousness has been thwarted. Man’s consciousness is being orchestrated and the ‘invisible war’ between lower and higher octaves becomes increasingly clear. Follow the feeling of harmony in everything and create your own loving society, deep in the heart everyone knows what it is like.


Arise for a natural new world where your consciousness resonates with the photons in the cosmos, where the great creative light of love, the God of Creation embraces your imaginary mind. Let all this awaken and let the inner heart speak.

Train yourself in natural consciousness, where telepathy and thought power become the instruments of higher communication and Ascension. Let the senses be opened in a higher octave, so that clear knowing, clear seeing, clear feeling and clear smells will be noticed.


The earth again becomes part of the starlight and the higher light dimensions. The energetic shifts ensure that the planet is in the right position so that it can continue to ascend with all its inhabitants to a new location in the universe. This happens step by step, so that every living being can Ascend along with it. Everyone has their own choice.

The division is becoming increasingly clear, many choose love for a higher consciousness if they had this experience. That is why the higher light beings are around you. It is important for every conscious being to chart their own path, so that your thoughts create a new future from their own manifestation.

The Ascension code is stored in the DNA in every person and is increasingly activated via photon light. The higher the frequency, the higher the activation. From the sun, waves of light are sent to the earth that open the DNA and activate the photons. Each path of Ascension is unique and follows an inner process. Create your own Ascension path.



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In this new energetic month of March, we will have the opportunity to continue healing the many reversals and hence false geometries, other light symbols, and false codes, that still reign in our consciousness, mind, and planetary fabrics and grids. Guides call this passage: trinitization, the process of bringing two opposite aspects into perfect union, and as such I have named this post.

March’s 3/3 portal is coded with trinitized frequencies for those who are ready to shift their physical and non-physical body programs through DNA rehabilitation and the necessary changes in our light vehicle required to shift eons or manipulations, through the many reversals implanted.

Piscean frequencies, whose peak will be reached with the New Moon at 20 degrees of this Water sign, on February 10th, will be key as well, due to the surrounding energies, to do the proper clearing and healing in our light vehicles required to start reprogramming our bodies.

This will be too an important passage for personal purification and consicous recalibration, and at a personal level, to descend more soul’s creative visions and all the guidance required to continue sharing more love, beauty, and light into our tangible plane, for all is required within Creation, to keep the balance, as Guides continually share.

During the 3/3 passage, onwards, we will continue to feel the masculine and feminine frequencies that are assisting repair the earth’s structures, and the profound masculine distortions exerted for many human years in our plane. In the locations where possible, especially in the iran/Iraq region, Guides share it is a very important time to heal, clear, and reprogram the field, so the integration of the new light codes can take place, followed by the proper stabilization when the Equinox comes, which will amplify this passage.

This passage will contribute to planetary integrity, for not only we, as sovereign beings are retrieving our integrity but also our planet. It is during this process that Guides also invite us to work with the stabilization of certain fifth-dimensional passages on our earth, that our Auroras, and Arcturians families have created to support the planetary magnetic fields, the process of masculine and female merging, as well as our individual ascension.

One of the most important reversals for us to detect and work with is the 12th-dimensional template, which is often called Tree of Life. Call it as you prefer through your own guidance. This has been severely wounded and our light bodies have suffered from repression due to this and many other implants. The authentic human template is not a tenth-eleventh-dimensional one, as I still see on many pages online.

The authentic human template is a 12th dimensional one and starting by working with this and correcting this false template is what triggers ascension. If we are working on an already distorted template, there is no possibility for ascension, for we are creating more reversals.

When one advances in the ascension work this becomes evident, this is why it is so important to do the previous clearing with disengaging from the astral and other similar forms of energetic manipulation, so we are open to scan our bodies and find what needs to be healed and reprogrammed.

There are many other reversals that one needs to be prepared to see on its own. One of the most common ones is the vesica pisces, as we are now moving into the trinitized light symbol, which I share as the main image of this article.

As we move from duality to unity, there will be many other symbols that we have been programmed with that we recognize now as false. This is a good indication that denotes moving into a more evolved state of being.

We all have the time to realize where we are and what we need to work with. Remember the importance of clearing illusions, being open and humble to receive, from your own guidance first, always, what is authentic to you and what is not.

This is a very important passage to regain a more unified state of being, for we cannot help in the rehabilitation of the many earth’s structures if first, we do not hold the right codes and unity within.

I wish you a healing and loving passage, Beloveds.

May you always recognize the Truth above any other form of illusion.

Natalia Alba


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Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you with all the love in my heart today and send you joyful, harmonious energies.

You are going through a pivotal point in the ascension process. Yes, everything is being stirred up within you, around you and everywhere. It is time for listening within and around you. Your awareness levels have been upgraded. Your bodies are being upgraded. Your sensitivities have expanded significantly. Time as you used to know it, is no longer. Attempting to adhere to the old timeline is futile. Hanging onto the past is irrelevant. This is about moving into the future and finding out who you really are and becoming your future self.

Special accommodations have been made for you so that you can adjust and adapt into these new energies. We will always take care of you and assure you that you are in our loving hands. Please know this is the time to let go and to know that reverting back to the past is no longer an option. It is over and you are speeding in to the new.

The past is going to be re-created as each of you awaken into the profound awareness of who you really are as a masterful Divine being. Your guides, teachers, masters, star beings and galactic friends are all around you. If you breathe deeply you will be able to feel their presence. You are not lightweights in this process; you are the light. We can find you anywhere and many of you are everywhere.

Right now most of you are only partly in your physical body. You are on the Earth just enough to fulfill your obligations. This is the transition time. You know how strange it feels right now. Everything is different. You are in the crux of the great awakening. Miracles after miracles will surround you. Whatever you need, you will have. Most importantly you have each other so this is a time of gathering. The ground crew are coming together in groups whether it is in a physical, or in the online version.

With each new step you take and new thought, the new version of you becomes more manifest. As the takedown of the dark occurs and the truth comes out, you become your magnificent self. You are stepping in to the truth of who you are and what you came to the planet to do.

We recommend you reach out to each other. Give each other a hand. Keep your heart open. Continue listening within to what you are guided to say and do. Stay away from fear and help others to do the same.

This is the perfect moment for you to reveal your powerful light. This is ignition time to light the fire of creation within and change the planet. It is your purpose and you are being called into action. You have strength in the light. Remember who you are, ground crew. We rely on you.

The Earth Council is pleased to be in partnership with you. Fly on dear ones. Spread your forgotten wings and do what you know to do. Everything is now being revealed. You will find your place where you are needed and you will do what is necessary.

I am Mira and I love you dearly.


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All around you the changes continue to take place that are necessary to rid the planet of that which is no longer serving you. In general terms it is a clearing that has become necessary because of the misuse of the Earth’s bounties. You are seeing the result of many years of lack of preservation of all that has served you well in the past, but no longer because your needs have changed.

The New Age is upon you and it awaits your response so that all may reap the benefits that are possible, if you understand what will move Mankind beyond the present times into a much more beneficial position.

So much has been hidden from you that would have overcome the many problems that you encounter now. You have in a manner of speaking stood still when you should have been taking advantage of many new ways of doing things.

The dark Ones preferred to keep you under their control but no longer, as the time has come to be released from their clutches. You have seen advancements all around you yet very little that has improved your quality of life. However, that is all changing as souls of a greater understanding of your needs are now with you and will advance matters so that improvements can be made.

In many ways these are difficult times and much hardship is being caused, and we are sad at the multitude of deaths and destruction that has taken place. However, all souls involved were aware of their life plan as you are now.


So many of you volunteered to be on Earth at such an extraordinary time, and many were pleased to help out in such violent times. They are however due to run their time as the changes have been necessary, largely to rid it of negative energies. Matters are progressing as expected and the actions being taken upon Earth are clearing old energies that have long served their purpose.

Some wonder why souls have to remain on Earth at such a time and naturally it is for their advancement; much can be learned from such situations. After all karma is still being worked out and in the present time as many opportunities exist.

Overall it is about gaining experience that will serve you well as you continue to evolve. Some hard lessons are being learned at this time that will assist a soul’s evolution. It never stops although it is clearly obvious that it will never be as pressing as at present. However, all experience is of value so be aware as you travel through life.

No matter how hard the going is for you, try to take it in your stride and know whatever challenges confront you, you will never be expected to handle more than you are capable of. Look upon them as tests of your ability and determination to deal with them successfully.

Also remember that your Guides are always with you and helping you through the difficult times. You may also have “out of the body” meetings with them during your sleep periods when useful ideas may be planted in your mind. Often you will wake up with “ideas” that are in it so take note of them as they will prove useful to you.

Being on Earth can be a lonely time, but those of you who have undertaken spiritual work are well rewarded when you know you have helped others on their journey. It is what life is about and at many stages you meet just the right person to help you move on.


It is a matter of following your intuition or as you might call it “that little voice inside you.” Sit quietly and relax if you want to invite your contacts to come to you and they surely will. They do a lot more for you than you could possibly imagine.

Life is meant to be an exciting adventure and normally it is, but there are times when it can be very trying and unsatisfactory. Look upon these times as testing your ability to stay calm when they occur as it is very rewarding when you can.

Helping others on their journey is commendable and ensures you keep your vibrations as high as possible. Doing so also helps keep your body free from health problems and that is surely a bonus. However, we come back to that word “Karma” as it can come into your life at any time but not all karma is negative, some is rewarding.

Mother Earth is most busy at this time trying to restore the Earth to its original pristine condition. At times it means that major changes are taking place, and even involve massive earth movements. The warning signs are always there to give you time to re-locate to a safe place.

However, some changes are so great that humanity has little chance of completely avoiding the consequences, clearly it is wise to move more inland but perhaps it is easier said than done. Normally you get ample signs of what is to come so it is best not to ignore them.

The wars that continue and look like spreading are unlikely to last very long before higher powers will be authorised to intervene. Those who prefer war to peace will be stopped in their tracks at an appropriate time to prevent excessive damage to the Earth.


It will then signal a massive change for the better and ultimately your Protectors will take charge. Bear in mind that peace will have to have already been achieved. As the vibrations continue to rise up so shall peace on Earth become more widespread.

So regardless of how serious matters become bear in mind that your future is assured, and you have everything to look forward to once the activities of the Illuminati are curtailed and finally overcome. We know that you would be delighted if we could tell you exactly when the changes will happen for the better, but because of the freewill factor there is always a chance of problems remaining for much longer than anticipated. However, we see major changes most likely occurring within the next two years. By that time you should anyway be more aware of the path ahead that will become much clearer.

You have been looking forward to this time of change for a long time and what a relief it will be when the dark Ones are finally removed. They have almost had their time at the front and as much as you would like to see them removed now they still have a part to play in enabling much karma to be cleared.

The fact that you reap what you sow ensures that you take responsibility for your actions, which is the only way that lessons can be learned. Humans are very resilient and come bouncing back after upsets, they have a way of successfully overcoming their problems.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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The Breakthrough

The energy for the coming breakthrough is slowly building among humanity. On a day that no one can predict, quite unexpectedly, the full extent of the lies and deception will come to light and be perceived and understood by the masses. They will see that they have been grandly deceived by their authorities.

At that point, through the supremacy of the people, everything will change for the better and everyone will turn to the Light. Consider this time as preparation, but know that the breakthrough will definitely come.

Money from nothing

All money in the world is based on debt, first debt must be created to create debt money. Which is actually a contradiction in terms. Because money is paid to pay off debt, which makes debt money the opposite of real money. Therefore debt cannot be used as money, except in the world controlled by the Rothschilds.

Read this paragraph again until you really understand how we humans are being deceived and robbed of our hard-earned money, money that we have created from our precious energy that flows into the cabal’s pockets, because the Rothschilds equate our energy money with their worthless debt money!

  • We must stand up for ourselves
  • All parasitic beings can be destroyed
  • Humanity deserves to become what it is meant to be.
  • There are 138 different star nations that have come to our rescue.
  • All is light, there is nothing solid.

The speed of completion of this final phase depends on the timing and extent of our mass awakening, the tipping point is actually in our hands.

  • If you do not fight for your own liberation, freedom has no value for humanity.
  • There will be great upheavals on planet Earth.
  • Many new technologies will be introduced and new professions will be created.

Our consciousness and oneness is a direct obstacle to the plans of the Deep State. Millions of puppets and criminals have already been executed without any fuss. Most of the famous figures still walking around are clones to keep the sheeple quiet.

When the people realise that they have voluntarily allowed themselves to be poisoned by Covid injections, Marshall Law will be enforced to keep the chaos to a minimum. An exciting and unique time is about to begin.

The Cabal’s 2030 agenda has failed, the Alliance continues to purge all secret cells.

The Quantum Financial System, Free Energy, New Internet, etc. have been ready for implementation for years.

Continue to trust the plan and do your part by sending Light and Love to each other to ease the transition into the new 5D world.

If we look at the situation on Earth as a multidimensional chess game, because in this chess game we have third, fourth and fifth density components and we have four final moves to achieve the liberation of humanity. So we only have four moves left.

The dark side doesn’t want to move and doesn’t want to make the last move it has left. Instead of really leaving, it is creating confusion like Covid, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel and other false alarms that will go on for a while to create chaos or war.

The only reason for their efforts is to try and delay their final move. The forces of Light and the loving star nations are forcing them to make another move and want this situation to end as soon as possible. But be warned, the events that follow will be truly ferocious. Their fall will be ugly.

The controllers of this planet have controlled it for over 10,000 years and they literally have nowhere to go, for once they are removed from power they will no longer exist. The plan is not to imprison them but to bring them to an end, which they undoubtedly deserve.

Mass awakening will bring about the reversal. All those who are not sufficiently awake will be systematically removed from planet Earth, they will have to repeat the 3rd dimension on another planet until they have learnt their lessons. Earth has been an educational planet for the higher realms. Those who plan to ascend to 5D are advised to read this article a few times before planet Earth moves permanently to 5D and higher.

There was a big shift recently where you could learn about child trafficking and all that goes with it. The souls that are coming to this planet now are incredibly evolved, they are avatars. Their mission is to come and take humanity to a higher level so that in the next hundred years this planet can become part of the galactic community.

We will live like the beloved Star Wars and travel not only in our solar system but throughout the galaxy. That’s the plan. In 25 years we won’t even recognise this planet, everything will change so quickly. And for that to happen, humanity has to accelerate.

That means we have to increase our own power, because if we keep going backwards, because of the fake pandemic, because of the media that is allowed to lie about everything all the time, all that is holding us back.

The earth’s frequency is slowly being raised to about 40 Hz to prepare the awakened among us for the 5D world. Extraterrestrials on our planet, such as the criminal Dracos and Grays, cannot live at a frequency higher than 8 Hz and are automatically eliminated.

The cabal is defeated, what is still going on is a rear-guard action by the puppets who do not yet know that their leadership has been definitively eliminated, so they too have lost. Nothing stands in the way of the cleansing and transformation of our planet.

We have to stand up for ourselves, we have to stand up for each other and of course we have to defend our personal freedom, because if we fail it will set the planet back hundreds of years and we will still have to deal with these parasitic villains.

Almost everything has been done. It has been an extremely difficult journey for many of us, but the time has come for the parasitic beings to be destroyed or to escape. Humanity deserves to be given the opportunity to develop normally and become what it is meant to be.

Many of us are part of groups of souls from different star nations, different parts of the galaxy or even other galaxies who have come here to assist in the evolution of not only Earth, but the third dimension in our galaxy as a whole.

Remember that everything we see, even what we perceive to be very solid, is a hologram. This is difficult for many people to understand, but if you take any physical form, anything on this planet, and put it under a micro-electron microscope, all you see is light.

There is nothing solid, everything is light created by some intention. Intention creates a gravitational wave, the gravitational wave then creates DNA, which you literally pull into yourself from the ether.

All this is proven in physics. In fact the DNA is moved from one place to another and in the process of being moved the DNA literally disappears as it goes into another dimension and then comes back.

You are all this already, you just have to understand it, you have to discover it and you have to start the process.

Stay tuned, there is more to follow…

The New Age has finally begun! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the present cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay up to date with new developments daily on our Telegram site.

Many will ask: when will the changeover happen? If the protests of farmers, truckers, citizens, taxi drivers and others active today continue to manifest themselves globally, the breakthrough could come by the end of March.


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Beware of false truth tellers

Your consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when you have truly succeeded. It is the end of an era! And the beginning of a new one.

All over the Internet there are fake truth tellers, supported by the so-called popular media, who are used as mouthpieces and who themselves believe that they are receiving information from the Light and are privileged to pass it on.

In reality, they are being operatively manipulated by the cabal. They often tell people that they have an exclusive informant and that they have been chosen to be their voice in our society. They pass on information that is partly true, but in reality is designed to sow doubt, lies and deception.

The Third Dimension is the world of lies, deception, competition, destructive criticism, selfishness, theft, fraud, fame and greed. Control and power is the goal. Betrayal, malice and the cultivation of low frequency for persuasion and control. These are actions that firmly block the portal to the Fifth Dimension.

Whereas the Fifth Dimension is always cooperation, help and dedication, focused on good, pure intentions, with empathy and care for others. This is the path that leads to the 5D world.

Nothing and no one has the power to influence individual choice. The freedom of free will and choice still exists for each individual. There cannot be a soul that can say they did not have a chance.

An awakened consciousness is the next evolutionary step for humanity


Awakened consciousness is not understood by sleeping minds living under collective MSM hypnosis. There are no issues or arguments that can help awaken anyone. This language can only be understood by awakened souls amongst themselves.

Humanity has surrendered its sanity and responsibility to corrupt governments on a massive scale. Realise the far-reaching consequences of this behaviour for human existence. When our sanity and responsibility is given away, our freedom is also gone, and thus essentially our life.

Since the declaration of the Covid pandemic, we live in a dangerous world. The satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions will not let you go easily, they have deceived the whole world with a fake pandemic in order to fulfil their eugenic agenda; i.e. the extermination of 90% of humanity.

The Cabal hates humanity because they fear it, they know the true capabilities of man and that is why they are going all out to destroy us.

Through toxic covid injections, toxic pills, mafia health care that thwarts healing, poisoning through fluoridated water, pre-cooked food with harmful preservatives, soft drinks with harmful sugars, chemtrails that destroy the environment, education based on lies, to name just a few facts.

They want followers, not independent thinkers. They don’t want people to question anything, when we should be questioning everything!

To awaken is to be enlightened! Let the light not only enter your room, but into every cell of your body. The process is much wider than you think. It is so profound that it will actually change the consciousness of every awakened person. In fact much has already changed! And it is this change that disturbs the unawakened.

Your patience and steadfastness in the Light will be well rewarded with welcome changes on the horizon and many wondrous changes in the distance! All the Light Beings of this Universe are encouraging us to move forward and are supporting us with an unparalleled power of unconditional love.


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I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time as we continue to move together through these times, together as one.

I, as Sananda, am very much one with all of you, all of you that are in this group, all of you that resonate to these words. I am one with you, and have always been one with you.

Many of you, if not all of you, came with me to this evolution here on this planet for the purpose, as you all know, to bring forward the vibrational frequency. To bring forward the Earth into a new higher timeline. That is what you are all doing. That is your mission as Lightworkers and Light-Warriors to bring the light, anchor the light, and then send the light out, spread it out to all that are ready to receive it. That is what you came to do, and that is what you continue to do each and every day in your wakening and in your sleeping time as well.

For when you sleep, in your sleep state you are very active as those Light-Warriors, even without your knowing it. You are working together with the forces of heaven to bring about the changes to the collective consciousness of man. All working together, all working to bring balance back into the world. Balance of the masculine and feminine energies coming together as one.

That is what this is all about, moving forward through the ascension process. All are doing this now in various ways. All of the Light-Warriors and Lightworkers are doing this.

So allow the process to continue to move forward in whatever way it comes for you. It is an individual process as well as a collective process. So allow the process. Allow yourself to be, in a sense, taken along through this.

In many ways, you are acting purposefully in various ways to bring this about. Just even through your very thoughts, your positive thoughts. Your positive thoughts create a new higher timeline, and a quickening process to move forward in this timeline. So know that. Your thoughts are very, very important. And, of course, what you say from those thoughts are also very important. So watch your thoughts. Control your thoughts.

And as much as you can, more and more, let go of various attachments that you have with the third-dimensional illusion. For as you know, that is all it is, is an illusion. It is an illusion that you, as the collective consciousness of man, created here. And as a collective consciousness of man, you are creating the new higher timeline, the new higher dimension frequency. The new creation.

So create. Create with your thoughts. Create with your words. Create with your imagination. Let your imagination run free. For it is your imagination that you are bringing about this great new creation.

Believe in yourselves. Believe in the plan. Trust in the plan. For it is, indeed, working out exactly as it needs to in every moment. And in every moment you are indeed moving forward, onward, onward into the light.

And as you move more and more into the light, the darkness and the shadows recede. Let that continue to happen.

Yes, continue to look at this as a show, a movie. A movie that is playing out and, in some respects, has already played out. You are just waiting now for the results. The results to be able to be seen with your physical eyes when your third eye is more and more open.

So again, let the process play out, let the movie play out, and be aware, but not attached to anything that is happening. In a sense, be neutral. Be neutral so that you are not swayed one way or the other. Be neutral, as our Father in heaven is neutral. Creation itself is neutral.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move onward, always moving onward; not stagnant, but moving forward into the light more and more, to the light of your own higher creation.

**Source 1 2

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This video was sent to us as we were about to go live. It appears to be in preparation for an official announcement of the death of King Charles.

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The White Dragon Society has a message for US President Donald Trump: Put up or shut up. If Trump is commander in chief of the US military and the 2020 election was stolen, then what is he doing promising change in November instead of now? Why is the Biden horror show still going on? Many people like Steve Bannon and Field Marshall in waiting for Douglas MacGregor are asking similar questions.

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MacGregor warns the US Congress wants to let illegal migrants serve

in the US Military. “When your potential enemies infiltrate your own defense mechanism, you’re basically screwed,” a Pentagon source warns.

From Field Marshal Macgregor:


Also, Rep. Byron Donalds is calling for President Biden to retire or face removal, stating that “Kamala Harris needs to lead the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment.” 

Now Italian TV is openly mocking Joe Biden….

Video Player

So why is he still there? The answer is the Khazarian Mafia is playing for time, saying “Trump will get the bad guys in November so please wait until then.”

Here for example you can watch Dem. Senator Chuck Schumer get caught on a hot mic saying, “I know I can blame Republicans and MAGA, I’m a pro.” He is talking with the fake masked Biden about delaying legislation. 

Video Player

If you see someone claiming to be Donald Trump, ask him why he does not arrest Biden immediately. Also ask: Will you be holding war crimes tribunals for the vaccine criminals? Also, ask him if he is going to stage a jubilee and return the $363,000 that was stolen from each and every American via central bank fraud. If he answers yes, then he is the real deal. If he answers no or evades the question, then he is an actor playing Pied Piper to the patriots by leading them away from real action.

Remember, there is a fake Trump out there trying to ruin the reputation of the real deal and a real patriot.

We need to act now because multiple sources warn the KM have some sort of horrific slaughter planned for April which they will try to blame on a meteorite. That means we need to finish them off before then. Who is them? Here is a partial list of people who need to be arrested immediately:

1. Hillary Clinton Rockefeller

2. Bill Clinton Rockefeller

3. Nancy Pelosi

4. John Podesta Rockefeller

5. John Brennan

6. James Comey

7. Maxine Waters

8. Adam Schiff

9. Hunter Biden

10. George W. Bush

11. Dr. Anthony Fauci

12. Huma Abedin

13. Bill Gates

14. Anthony Wiener

15. Alex Soros

16. Lindsey Graham

17. Mitch McConnell

18. Kevin McCarthy

19. Chuck Schumer

20. Kamala Harris

21. Robert Mueller

22. Mike Pence

23. Joe Biden

24. James Clapper

24. Lloyd Austin

25. Liz Cheney

26. John Kerry

27. Justin Castrudeau

28. Loretta Lynch

29. Andrew McCabe

30. Peter Strzok

31. Lisa Page

32. James Baker

33. Eric Holder

34. Tony Podesta Rockefeller

35. Susan Rice

36. Harry Reid

37. Paul Ryan

38. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

39. Sally Yates

40. Mitt Romney

41. Jerry Nadler

42. Klaus Schwab Rothschild

43. Michelle Obama

44. Barack Obama

45 Sally Yates

46. Andrew Cuomo

47. Herbert Raymond McMaster

48. Deborah Birx

48. Mark Zuckerberg

49. Nikki Haley

50. Vladimir Zelensky

51. David Rockefeller Jr.

52. Chrystia Freeland

53 Ursula von der Leyen

54. Olaf Sholz

55. Emanuelle Macron Rothschild

56. Brigitte Macron Rothschild

57. Rishi Sunak

58. Rahm Emanuel

This is just a partial list. Any politician or public figure who supports the provenly genocidal and Satanic regimes of Ukraine (=Khazaria)


and Netanyahu Israel has self-identified as a war criminal. These people must be arrested immediately. Also, if any company like Google, Apple or Microsoft is caught putting out computer graphics to make it look like these people still hold positions of power, then the executives of these companies need to be arrested.

We did not include Illuminati council member and head of the Rothschild clan David Rene de Rothschild on this list because he promised to hand over Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. This would hand control of 90% of corporations worldwide back to the people. However, when we contacted him last week to ask when this was going to happen, we got the answer “he was unavailable because he was on a skiing vacation.” In other words, he went into hiding in a Swiss Bunker.

So this may be related to the announcement of the death of Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Another family member, Emanuel Macron de Rothschild, the so-called president of France, meanwhile, cannot appear in public without being grabbed by a lynch mob and hanged on the spot. This is exactly what the French farmers in the video below tried to do when they heard he was going to appear at an agricultural fair. 

We are hearing a lot of other so-called Western leaders have also gone into hiding in fear of lynch mobs. Any leader who is now supposedly in Ukraine is probably in hiding. These include Canadian Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

They may be hiding because our white hat sources in the Western agencies and Asian secret societies say some sort of huge event is imminent,

For example, a member of the White Dragon Society who met with Japanese Emperor Naruhito last week was told a major financial/political announcement was due to take place on March 15th. Asian Red and Green secret society sources also promised a jubilee-type event in China around the same time.

Dates have come and gone in the past so only believe it when you see it but, for sure high-level sources are making big promises.

Readers can do their part by not paying taxes. The IRS is a privately owned company based out of Puerto Rico. Not only is there no law that requires most Americans to file an individual tax return, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wasn’t even created by an act of Congress!

Alex Mena, an IRS official tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter the IRS is “going after the small people” and “destroying people’s lives” using artificial intelligence technology to spy on American citizens and company bank accounts without a warrant or evidence

Cutting off their taxes will help force a jubilee. If some sort of jubilee announcement is not made, then civilizational collapse is certain.

Let us start with evidence of political criminality now in full public view. Here we saw an obviously fake Donald Trump meet Argentine President Javier Milei (whose name means Mileik=Moloch=Satan) and praise him for stealing money from poor Argentines in order to pay the KM. He just ran a budget surplus to pay bankers by cutting off money for food kitchens for the poor, sending half of Argentina below the poverty level.

Speaking about Moloch/Mileik, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s real name is Benzion Mileikovsky which means: Son of Moloch or Son of Satan.

Netanyahu held an “Israel Victory Conference” with Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf a Jewish Supremacist who was mysteriously released despite being sentenced to life imprisonment for the mass murder of Palestinians. These people are closely associated with the mass murdering Nazis who also support the genocidal Vladimir Zelensky.

Meanwhile, as thousands of children are killed in Gaza former CIA head Mike Pompeo dances with Israeli soldiers. What exactly are they celebrating?

This is the same Pompeo who said “I was the CIA Director and we lied, we cheated and we stole…”

Another person who is not bothering to hide his criminality is Congressman Andy Ogles who said “We should kill them all,” in reaction to photos of children’s casualties in Gaza.

Here is another example of a poisoned mind.

Meanwhile, the KM-controlled fake Biden circus show vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Thanks to his ongoing Gaza genocide Israel’s Gross domestic product (GDP) plunged an annualized 19.4% in the last quarter of 2023. It is down even more now as shipping to the country has been stopped by the Houthis. As an example, here you can watch a sinking British tanker attacked by the Houthis in the Gulf of Aden.

The International Court of Justice has been told “Israel is applying an even more extreme version of apartheid in the Palestinian territories than experienced in South Africa before 1994.”

The Jews are in uproar and vast civil disturbances now taking place in Israel mean the Nazi son of satan and his Biden puppets’ days are numbered.

The other big Satanic nest in Ukraine is also in big trouble. It has once again been confirmed the International Monetary Fund (IMF) illegally deposited funds intended for Ukraine in the personal banks of Victor Pinchuk and Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. A lot of this ended up in the Clinton Foundation where it was used to bribe politicians.

We also know the Zelensky regime has been slaughtering Ukrainians and selling their organs.


Now Polish intelligence informs us the vampire Zelensky sold over a million liters of blood from Ukrainian donors to the West.

Also, Russia has found more documents showing thousands of people have been involved in experiments carried out for major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. Blood and other samples were collected and then sent to labs and clinics in Europe and the US for testing. This was almost certainly for the production of bio-weapons.

More torture chambers and human experiment facilities have also now been uncovered at the fallen Ukrainian fortress of Avdeyevka, Russian sources tell us.

The fall of Avdeyevka means Russia is now close to its goal of taking Odessa, connecting Russia with Transnistria; reaching Transcarpathia and handing it over to Hungary, thus sharing the border with Hungary, Polish intelligence sources say.

Russia will have to continue fighting Ukraine until it takes Kyiv, former President Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. Medvedev identified the source of the threat as an “international brigade of the opponents of Russia, led by the US,” who he claimed are in control of Kyiv.

No wonder “a dispirited atmosphere…permeated the meeting [with] no trace of the former optimism among the Western [cheerleaders for Ukraine],” At the 60th Munich Security Conference held on February 16-18, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said

“Germany really wants out of this KM Deep State Cluster fuck,” a CIA source comments on this headline: 

German Bundestag rejected the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine; 182 voted in favor, and 480 against.

Farmers from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France are contributing to the downfall of the Satanic Zelenskly regime by carrying out a complete blockade of traffic from Ukraine. The protesters are being supported by the police and have demanded that the Polish Prime Minister and other politicians who profit from Ukrainian grain dumping, personally appear at the border to listen to their demands.

In Spain, too huge crowds have taken over key streets in the Spanish capital Wednesday in support of domestic farmers. 

This will affect Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street who own 40% of Ukraine’s arable land. China will also be affected since it bought 3 million hectares of Ukrainian land — land the size of Belgium

The fall of Ukraine will also lead to more exposure of the pandemic and vaccine mass murder campaign carried out by the KM via biolabs there.

These were some of the worst war crimes in human history. The Global Vaccine Data Network found 100 million vaccine-injured people in just 8 countries.

Also in what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

Never Forget: Bayer Pharmaceuticals President, Stefan Oelrich admits mRNA vaccines are cell and gene therapy and the public would not have agreed to take them if it were not for pandemic coercion.

Now they have started putting vaccines in our food supply. A Lettuce Vaccine Bill was just introduced. Tennessee Rep Scott Cepicky says “University of California Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now. Also, tomatoes have the ability to do that for UC Berkeley. — Big Tobacco, RJ Reynolds and stuff have perfected the ability to put a human vaccine in the tobacco products.”

“Just take the vaccine, it’s for your own good”

Now listen and watch the World’s biggest parasite Bill Gates on tour at the world’s largest parasite Museum. Did this give him morbid ideas?

The KM are also trying to keep us scared enough to take these products. The latest fear porn they are spewing is about a fatal “Zombie” deer disease.

“Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate and infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans'” So will this be The Walking Dead 2.0?

Now France is proposing a year in prison and a €15,000 fine for criticizing the medicine.

This comes as the French health insurance company (Assurance Maladie) is considering making part of the fixed remuneration of doctors depending on the number of vaccinations carried out on each patient.

The KM are now also trying to deny any involvement in vaccine crimes. In a case of next-level gaslighting, terrorist Tedros says the WHO has imposed nothing on anyone, anywhere. They think everyone has forgotten. Even the sheep are slowly waking up.

It also turns out that half of the members of the WHO Committee on Transgender Health have no medical background and the majority are activists.

Meanwhile, Eduard Pröls, director of the pro-life group CitizenGO in Germany, is facing criminal charges for posting the following image


And yet no charges are brought against people who actually traffick children into sex slavery. In the following video, Dr. Phil the Border Patrol, which shows that American taxpayers are funding the trafficking of migrant children into sex slavery.

Homer Samson knows the truth


By the way, sex slavery has been around for a long time, as this Pinocchio clip from 1940 shows.

From the moment refugees arrive at the airport, they are met by resettlement partners who provide them with food, housing and jobs with the help of HIAS, a Jewish-American NPO distributed across the United States.

This is definitely a government run operation. The former director of the Panamanian Border Patrol describes the “invasion” on the US southern border as “strategically managed migration” paid for by the US government through the UN. 24&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAausndAYOxtPG6bwup2RRBLs0yEwDm3hyT3JVh8n8e9oFCdohDg%3D%3D

New York Mayor Adams wants to give illegals $10,000 per person, with no ID checks, no anti-fraud and no restrictions.

Above: You are at the airport and are being triple searched. Below: Millions of random adult men crossing the US-Mexico border, undocumented and illegal…How can you imagine that?

Now Missouri Gov. Mike Parsons has announced the deployment of troops and patrols to join Texas in closing the border.

It seems that the KM Deep State is trying to start a civil war with the migrants to avoid the hangman’s noose, firing squad or pitchforks.

Another example of predictive programming at its finest… Another trailer for Obama’s film “Civil War” was tweeted.

This is the same Obama who financed a movie about a major cyberattack. Now reports of cell service outages from AT&T, Verizon, etc. are being attributed to a “major solar flare according to meteorologists.” Ausndayoxtpg6bwuuwhyarg0yewdpwwoaalwjmdt% 2FJ5G21hu hg% 3D %3D

Yes, exactly, as if the sun could only affect certain companies.

At the same time, Mr. Sun is apparently also targeting pharmacies.

Meanwhile, GOP Sen. Marco “Rubio warns that a Chinese cyberattack will be “100 times worse” than an AT&T outage: “Your power, your water.”

The KM Deep State laid the foundation, the narrative, for two possible “Black Swan” events:

1. A large solar flare (Carrington event)

2. A cyber pandemic (caused by China or Russia, of course)

We don’t know what role Elon Musk plays in all this, but this news report confirms Russian claims that Elon Musk is a front for the US National Reconnaissance Office:

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is expanding a secret satellite program called Starshield used by the Pentagon and is quietly forging ties with US spy and military facilities… SpaceX’s involvement with defense customers also includes the launch of secret and military satellites.

(By the way, Mr. Musk, if you are reading this, the P3 Freemasons have asked me for your cell phone number, which you can send to me via Thank you).

Maybe they want to ask Musk, with his ties to Antarctica, what he knows about recent laser attacks around the world.

The most recent was a huge mountain fire that broke out on February 18 in Bijie, southwest China’s Guizhou Province.

Another was filmed over Mexico and shot from a different location.

This follows similar attacks on Maui and Chile. Is this the beginning of the false alien invasion long planned by the KM?

And finally, this week we discovered another glitch at Boeing. Lately there are too many such accidents due to technical negligence… something is wrong, it’s not a coincidence.

This is just a guess, but it could be part of an underground marketing campaign related to:

Attendees at last week’s Singapore Airshow witnessed a groundbreaking moment: the international debut of China’s C919 passenger jet. Beijing has high hopes that the new aircraft will shake the dominance of Airbus and Boeing.


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Revised comment;#2

Many of the Awakened lightworkers and even the newly awakened have been searching for not only the Divine Plan but also for there own personal Ascension Plan. There are many different paths that one can take out-there.Every one of us are different from everyone elses life plan or history of who we are, where we came from and what we learned and what we,and our soul's still need to learn. So I am presenting a tid bit of what I have found ,that may help our searching souls to find the guidence that is needed. I studied the Urantia Book 52 yrs. and the book A Course in Miracles [ACIM] 18+yrs, may it inspire you the way it did me and many others Part of the info is from the UB and the rest is from ACIM. And for those who prefer video there is the vids on u-tube by the late Delores Canon, her work is the best I have found for the awakened and even the newly awakened on the Ascension Program.,even though it is not directly from the same source.

I have been studing the ACIM daily, I am in my 19th yr. of this book by Jesus.The above statements [ Source] are true to a certain extent but it goes much deeper than that short statement above which is mostly for Christens. Below is a small part of the orginal I use almost daily from ACIM, on Healing the mind by JC.

1. If you are willing to renounce the role of your thought system and open it to me; I will correct it very gently and lead you back to God.JC

2. I can be entrusted with your body and your EGO only because this enables you not to be concerned with them, and lets me teach you there unimportance.JC

3. I will teach with you and live with you, if you will think with me. But my goal will always be to absolve you finally for the need for a teacher.JC

4. I need devoted teachers who share my aim of Healing the mind. The Kingdom is Perfectly United and Perfectly Protected and the ''Ego'' will not prevail against it. Keep yourself fully aware of the ''Undoing Process'' of the Ego. Your reality is only Spirit. Spirit is in a state of Grace forever. Therefor you are in a state of Grace forever. Through me the Holy Spirit gives Faith unto you, as you give it.

What I get from those affermation prayers is a bit different than the org. blog.

Stages of Surrender,[ based on the book ACIM ] ;By Julie Boerst & Rev. Joshua..]

It is a way of Deprograming the old DC program and reprograming yourself with the help of Jesus.This is the 1st step on Healing the mind, so we can heal the soul.

#2 The EGO is our lower self, our shadow self is the problem same as the DC is the problem in our lost world, that must be over-come, and transcended. And here he [JC] shows how to overcome this problem of the Ego by not being concerned with them. Yes reconize him the Alter Ego, and then let him go,[ forgiveness] so that you can take in the new program by Jesus, As Above so Below. As you heal and let go of the lower self ,you then start moving upward towards the higher self or the Divine Self.The 3rd and 4th part is important in that we must think like JC , not just in the old ways from the New Testament which is outdated now to a certain extent, by that I mean the education of mankind was not very high at that time and they could not understand the higher concepts by JC ,given to us today from his book ACIM for healing the mind for the Ascension Program.

And he is now teaching us how to walk and talk ,you could say as baby gods. And when we learn to walk and talk correctly in Spirit-reality and we start sharing it with others,called Shining our light. Then we wont need an outside teacher because we have an inside teacher and Guide, the Holy Spirit. And the inside teacher will teach us the true meaning of the Holy Trinity, which is the ''Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit'' what the book's is mostly about. Which is truly our means of Salvation and Ascension by remembering that  Salvation must come from our True one self, our Higher self or Divine self. We must make the changes nessacery in our minds to effect our souls need to become one, once again with our Creator Father. Truely, a son of God, when the process is complete.

For those who are now awake and apply this Spirit- Reality energy to ourselves and the to those around us,by Shining our Light. God is the Light in which I see. Not only will we Ascend into the higher Dimensions but become a god someday in the Far Future like Jesus did, not a Creator God but a son of God, a god indeed. He was the first to do it but not the last. And when you read the book ACIM and the UB, you will understand that the Holy Trinity concept is the best way to do it.You can call upon Jesus to help but then we must go to the Holy Spirit , he is our Guide, and Voice of God to lead us home to God the Father, and he is inside of us, when we ask him in,to complete the job or transition of becoming our Divine self. Thats why God created him [H.S.] from or as a Extension of Himself as a higher form asigned to help the lower form and Extension of himself, which is us to become one with all of Gods creations of Himself.

''God is my strength- Vision is his Gift.'' Helping to bring us all back to the one mind of Michael our Creator Father.''God is the mind from which we think.'' He is part of our mind and we are part of his mind  Jesus is the teacher who can help us to do this, but he cannot and will not do it for us' for that would go against our free will that the Father gave us.JC is the living example of how to do it. He was the 1st one to complete his training, for he too evolved over many thousands of lifetimes as one of us, to god status and joined with the Father and his Higher self plus the H.S. to help bring us home. And that is what the Ascension Process and Program is all about......God is my Source, I cannot see apart from him. We are all one, in the Family of God.

Adonai, rev. Joshua

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There is so much going on in this spectacular time on Earth/Terra that even important things are sometimes overlooked or overshadowed. I’m still catching up on noteworthy items I collected for you.

Today, however, the preeminent news is historic, and features a 5-year delta from Q.


Note: None of these scumbags like Jeffrey Epstein and the Rothschilds are “financiers”. They are criminals who stole from us, used fraud, extortion, embezzlement, money laundering, whatever it took. We refer to them as “banksters”. There are also often crimes against Humanity on their rap sheets. We bid an emphatic adieu and good riddance to the vermin.


The following will subsequently become the gold purse for Humanity to rebuild our civilization and support the People in the manner in which we should have been living all along.

From Telegram:

Shadow of Ezra: “𝗟𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗼𝘁𝗵𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗔𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘁𝘀

In 2012, The Rothschild Mansion at 41 East 70th Street in Manhattan went for sale for $25 million.

In 2015, Rothschild family estate boasting 34 homes, an award-winning stud farm and two reservoirs goes on the market for £24million.

In 2017, a Caribbean estate owned by Benjamin de Rothschild, complete with a coconut grove and private beach, was listed for sale at $67 million.

In 2018, The Rothschilds sold an Austrian hunting estate almost the size of Manhattan that the storied European banking family had owned for 143 years.

In 2019, Rothschilds sell last piece of Austrian Empire after 200 Years.

In 2019 it was reported that real estate bankers at Rothschild, the investment bank, are working with the UK’s largest pub company on a £348m sale of hundreds of its properties.

In 2021, a 17-room Manhattan duplex owned by a member of the wealthy Rothschild family was listed for $20 million on Monday.

In September 2023, a historic Rothschild house went up for sale in Aylesbury.

In 2023 it was reported that the Rothschild family treasures were going to be sold in a historic auction worth millions.

In 2023 a Manhattan penthouse tied to the Rothschild Family listed for $30 million.”

Join: John Quent (

For those who question the “bloodline”. Call it a “recessive gene”.

Just a Qincidence, I’m sure.


From Telegram; video at the link:

Listen very closely.
The Lady Rothschild introduced Jeffrey Epstein to Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew yet the FBI is hiding her name from the public.
Why would the Rothschilds be connecting Epstein to all of these influential people as if they were his handler?
One of the heads of the snake is none other than the Rothschild banking family.
Jacob Rothschild was an integral part of that beast.
Epstein was blackmailing your politicians, your celebrities, and your media. X (

If you missed the latest unremarkable moon landing, you’re not alone. If you’d like a reasonable commentary on that event, tune in to the Screw Big Gov team’s coverage where Lewis Herms does a highly entertaining skit-style presentation which examines how the cameras got up there that took the video of the landing. Gotcha! And all that numerology he cites with the seventeens? It’s quite a performance. That 10 min. segment begins after the 28 minute mark and will elicit a few grins. Moon landing skeptics, you will love this. Of course all their usual discussions are excellent; logical and conservative.

Woke AI! It’s a Thing! | What Caused the AT&T Outage? | The Real Reason We Pay Taxes | and Much More

As the conversations congeal around the significant loss of service to telecom customers on Thursday, February 22, we learn more about the circumstances of that event.

SG Anon, one of our most notable researchers revealed in a terrific Q&A on the Revival of America podcast with Jenni Jerread that he accessed the data at a website for the purpose of tracking interruptions of that nature and he says he could trace the sources within America to a location in Oklahoma not far from a military base. Interesting, yes? He is of the mind that the White Hats initiated that “hack”. Question it all you like, but Q told us “blackouts are necessary”—and that doesn’t necessarily mean power outages, I don’t think.

We also remind you of a post we shared from ‘E the Friend’ on Telegram telling us “they” were going to be executing something to bring down our enemies—not their enemies. We have a lot of help out there. I repeat that outages of this sort, power, etc. can probably be expected more often than they used to be as this war winds down and the Alliance outfoxes the cabal’s remaining minions and brings them to their knees. Cyber war is real and the Space Force has the upper hand.

We should keep in mind, however, we don’t always know what is really happening, or who is executing these operations. It may not be what we think or for the reasons we suspect.

Here’s an exceptional armchair discussion with SG Anon and “the Aussies”. You know who they are.

Sunday Lunch time Chat with SG anon 11am


It’s all coming together – Trump trounced Nikki Haley, the DS delegate, in her home state of South Carolina. The People are in control and in extermination mode.

If you’re on Telegram, check out this great decode with globalist pedophile James Alefantis and Nikki Haley being chummy, the breakdown of Trump’s remarks and much more.

Humanity is rising in a big way, realizing their power and their importance as God’s priceless family jewels.

BRAZIL AWAKENS: Hundreds of Thousands Congregate in São Paulo’s Streets To Join Bolsonaro in Largest Protest Since Elections (VIDEOS)


This is a new bit of information. Nice catch.


Look What Putin Got in is Garden,..

So A view Days after the Tucker/Putin Interview On feb 9th, RTL Z (Dutch Financial News) Comes out on the 16th with a broadcast and at 1:15 and 9:00 They Flash Putin’s Garden,..

well well well,..
‼️Putin Got a GIANT Q in his Garden‼️

Remember drop 1081 && 133

Putin is Russias President.
His job is to look after the Russian people.
Put yourself in his shoes.
He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.
👉Trump comes along.
💥Russia/Putin becomes our Ally
💥Xi becomes our Ally
👉Xi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted Globally

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”

H/T to LucasSwinkels && NielsHermkens Enthéos


Just noticed this on X: that word again: “kraken”. One thing I miss about Canada is spring hockey playoffs.

What’s happening
Bruins at Kraken
Starts at 8:00 PM

I hope you can take 17 minutes to listen to Kerry K’s update which is a must listen, in my opinion. The clarity she provides at this confusing time is invaluable. Hopefully she will be rescheduled with Capt. Kyle soon.

23,113 views Feb 25, 2024
The solar flares we are currently experiencing (and there will be many more to come) are preparing us for ascension. Ascension is “the big one” that comes from the sun and is an ejecta from the sun that surrounds our entire solar system, triggering an upgrade in frequency as we all get flooded with light. These upgrades are something that the body cannot accommodate immediately, and therefoe practice is necessary. That’s what these solar flares are doing for, as much as they will trigger ascension symptoms, they’re also preparing us for ascension.

Moving forward, something to consider:

Signing off for today.  ~ BP


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Greetings. Greetings, beloveds, we come as the Elders. We speak with one voice. We are known as the Arcturians and we bring you the vision, we bring you the image of a sun, a golden sun with the rays radiating out. That is what you are doing when you radiate out your love, when you radiate out peace, when you radiate out prayers. It is all one and the same. But each beam, each ray, carries its own essence that is drawn from the sun.

When you travel up the golden spiral, you are traveling through the passageway to the great central sun and then through that portal to the highest point of oneness and yes that is available to you. But we ask you to come into another aspect, the aspect of you. For the oneness is carried at all times.

You are finding ways to be conscious of it, to access the gifts, the powers that you have within each one of you. That power is your will, your divine will and finding your Joy. Think of Joy as the sun itself when you are in a place of Joy whether it is singing or taking care of a child or kissing a loved one goodnight or hugging a tree or creating a story to share with others, you are in a place of Joy.

That Joy has different aspects. When you are in a place of truth there is joy, it is the truth of Joy, it is the Joy of truth. When you witness the waves of the ocean coming to the shore and then going back out again, you are seeing, you are feeling, you are being the beauty of Joy, the Joy of beauty.

When you feel the peace of sitting in the sun and hearing the quiet around you, the quiet of the birds singing their songs, the quiet of the trees waving their branches, their leaves, seeing the quietness of the blue sky, you are within the beauty of Joy, the Joy of beauty.

Joy is the center but it is the one. And what about Love, you ask? Love is the fuel that brings the Joy, for when there is Love, there is Joy of Love, there is the Love of Joy. Love is all around you, it is within you, it is in the air. Utilize it. Utilize it to bring the Joy that will bring the transformation, the gifts you have been praying for, the gifts of peace for all, the Joy of peace for all.

Focus on the Joy beloveds. Focus on that which brings thee Joy. Find the moments. That travels into the great central sun so that it may beam out to everyone. We leave you with much Joy. We leave you with Love. Farewell.


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With the immensely powerful Sunspots now being released, we are in huge expanded portal of ascension, as they are activating the New Human, the New Humanity, the 7th Root Race of man.

Not only will we be much taller, but also have a much larger illumined mind as our heart centers will radiate out for kilometers in and around us. The higher 72 to 300 chakras will gradually be accessed as we then rise from 5th to 7th dimensional state.

The Universal and Intergalactic Counsels as intensely involved in monitoring this process and are amping up the Shift in Conscious to a huge degree – I cannot even a word to describe this. This one of the reasons why their Lightships are everywhere as this Shift is not just on planet earth, but at Galactic and Universal levels.

Before creation can expand it first has to contract, and when contracted it bursts into new life and new beginnings.

The Great Central Sun of Illumination is now directly active via Sirius, and this means that the keys and codes of Sirius, Lyra, Andromeda, Pleiades, Orion and wormhole galaxies between Orion and Sirius (forgotten by man), Arcturus, Cygnus, and the first 12 Master Galaxies first involved with the creation of outer crust of the Earth and laying down of the first twelve Crystal Pyramids and Crystalline Energy grids, are now being fully activated.

The keys and codes are literally encoded into the Earth, and with the Fall of Atlantis, those that were still active in 5th dimensional Atlantis, were purposefully shut down with the rest. This was done, as even then it was known that the New Earth would born, when the Divine Cycles of Creation and that when the consciousness of the New Humanity was fully activated again to the 5th and then 7th, they would finally be able to access such information and knowledge again and utilize it for the highest good and not for self-service not for power games.

Those power games are not necessary anymore and will dissolve, just like the Old Earth is dissolving on all levels now.

It is a time of vast expansion, and you will start feeling this intensely now. It will seem as if no-thing works anymore which always has worked. This simply means we are now on the threshold of new inventions, new higher knowledge, and technology, which will now step to the fore as we rise in consciousness.

As the heart center expands, we will be in alignment with our soul, our Higher Soul Self, and thus will not be able to co-create anything anymore, which is not in highest alignment with the Divine Will and Purpose, and within the Universal Laws of Creation.

It is with and through the Power of Love that we will unify and understand that we are all One.

There is no separation, there never has been and there never will be, as we expand in Galactic and Universal Consciousness, we return to the Intergalactic Federation and the Universal Federation of Multi-Universes and to our true home, because all our soul originate from other galaxies and star systems and we will be able to interact with our soul family again, as our new Solar Lightbody form will not be as dense and we can access multi-dimensionality again in all aspects and forms thereof.

We are therefore now being expanded – and this expansion means beyond the beyond.

There are no boundaries, no limits.

We are free and boundless as we embrace infinity.


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In today’s news, there was a significant earthquake in China, right around “that” depth, and a most unnatural sky along with it. WTH?

Gen. Michael Flynn says some kind of significant event will likely preempt the November election.


I thought I had shared the new Trump ad but it may have slipped through the cracks. It’s over 3 min. and excellent.


Melania’s wardrobe/costume is dropping comms again, in case you missed it and she’s still a “cover girl”. Who has done the decode for this latest one on the left? Source


Q the Storm Rider on Telegram dropped the following. From what I hear, the general consensus regarding the major cellular outages on Thursday is that it probably was a Chinese beta test–but sometimes outages happen. It’s not always an attack.

_NOW PANIC IN THE CCP ( COMMUNIST) is happening as XI KEEPS MOVING FORWARD OPERATIONS TO END THE CCP and break apart the China into separate United Territories. The CCP is working with Globalist. CIA. Mi6 Rockefellers, this why XI KILLED ALL THE U.S. SPYS and broke apart the spy ring operations that was working with CCP.
(> It’s not coincidence that XI started killing and ending the CIA Rockefeller+ operations in his country a few weeks after TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT…… Its not coincidence that XI came to meet MUSK ( Chief commander in USSF placed by Trump + Cheyenne mnt.)
The white hats alliance long ago knew the CABAL/ DEEP STATE/ GLOBALISTwanted to invade China and create War with Russia to take over the GDP and power of their country and resources, that’s why they wanted to created a full global controlled power system called NEW WORLD ORDER

>Now major panic with Globalist happening with CCP weakned power structure collapsing and [ THEY] INITIATE a first
> Test> BETA TEST> CYBER ATTACK against the U S.
Safety measures in place after the biggest Cyber-Attacks to take place in 2024 world history…….. But this all needs to happen.
I have been telling you for a long time friends and Patriots to prepare for the 10 days of darkness and military protocols to be initiated after and everything is going to lead to Military Tribunals Tribulations in almost every major country ( this is the celebration that TRUMP is giving COMMS on for 2025 one year Celebration)
It had to be this way.

Military is the only way.


I am expecting interruptions in service in the coming days. This morning my Internet was down for 2 – 3 hours  beginning at 5:30 am sharp, back up on return from our walk awhile later. Then my iPad keyboard wasn’t working. Then the Apple Safari browser said it couldn’t connect to any servers but the router was fine and everything was working on my desk top. Then I had no Wi-Fi connection on my desktop either. Disconnecting and reconnecting the router didn’t resolve the issue.  So frustrating, but I made a list of all the activities I can pursue when I lose connectivity. There are a LOT. Just after noon my service was mysteriously restored. Good mojo—and you get your post today.

The clown show continues.

In France, it’s a CRIME to disagree with the establishment narrative on mRNA jabs. Now, in Canada, an authoritarian lawmaker wants to criminalize anyone who says anything good about fossil fuels.

We have reached the point in history where the lies of the fascist authoritarians are so insane that governments have to enforce them under the threat of imprisonment. Prepare for the mass criminalization of any dissent against #vaccines, #climate nonsense, #immigration, #elections and more.

Full story here:

Your must-watch video for this weekend concerns the coming events—stock market crash, EAS, shelter-in place during mass executions of the 80K sealed indictments, how the NESARA funds will be used and how they will process the return to We, the People. Fascinating stuff.

Dave Lion said it was difficult for him to collect this information so I hope we appreciate his efforts to do so and to then bring them to us via Patrick at Patriot Underground. Dave mentions Capt. Kyle, whom I also regularly feature for you because these are the real patriots with real information. As Dave noted, the process/information can always change, but this represents the system set up at the current time. 1 hr. 52 min.

Dave XRP Lion Interview

In closing, I get a lot of incredible information on the Dr. Kek Society feed on X and they’re the best life-hacks I’ve ever seen—like, when you have a headache, instead of an aspirin eat 8 – 10 almonds. Or how to preserve your food so it doesn’t go bad before you get a chance to eat it. I wish I had learned all this in school. It’s far more interesting than the curriculum I had to endure.

Out for now, my friends. See you soon.  ~ BP

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Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…

Beloved One, with every day on your ascension journey, you are moving closer to God.

On some days, you are choosing to take a detour by believing the Illusion.

On most days, you are beginning to awaken from the dream of Illusion that the Ego Mind is constructing for you.

If your goal is to ascend into Heaven on Earth and to be fully ONE with God, it is important to distinguish between awakening and letting the Ego Mind Illusion pull you back:

Let’s begin with the principles of Heaven on Earth/5th Dimension.

Without your body, you are a full expression of God and so is everyone else.

The Ego Mind is trying to use the body as a means of separation from God and all the other expressions of God (people.)

The body is meant to be a communication device for God.

The body is also meant to create with God Heaven on Earth.

Heaven on Earth is ONENESS with God, love, peace and joy.

Whenever you feel that your experience does not reflect these principles, you are looking at the Illusion – which is not real.

God’s reality and Heaven on Earth are real.

It is now for you to use your God Mind’s Eyes (not your physical eyes, at first) to perceive Heaven on Earth and God in everyone.

Imagine it like walking through a fog to the other side with is filled with sunshine, love and joy.

You can see the rays of the sun peeking through the fog, which helps you to follow the light.

Keep your God Mind’s eyes open and let the fog fade away.

Let the Light of God and the Holy Spirit lead you through the fog and into the Light.

This Light will keep calling you until you made it to the other side, no matter how long it takes, how often you might stumble and fall or how many times you feel that the fog is too thick.

Every day is a new beginning and a new chance to look for and find the Light of God in everyone and everything.

Just look for it, find the sunrays and follow…

You are well on the way and we are with you, lining your path.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

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Be assured that we know the plans of the Illuminati, and we use that knowledge to ensure it leads to their failure to achieve control of the world. The trap has been laid and by the time they realise their failure it will be too late to reverse the situation. Ahead lays an absolute reversal of your experiences to ones of happiness and joy.

In the not too distant future you will meet your extra-terrestrial friends who will help you prepare for the ultimate experience of Ascension. The dark Ones will have relinquished their power and no longer able to interfere with your progress. You will not have too long to wait to realise that events have advanced so much, that your progress is assured and you will be ready for the final event that will see you ascend.

Many will experience hard times but bear in mind that you knew your life plan before you incarnated. We know some will find it hard to believe but whatever your experiences, they are intended to give you those that you need to continue evolving. In a freewill Universe you make your own pathway and it can be as hard or as easy as you wish it to be. You who have clearly made the choice to follow the Light have placed protection around you, and it will remain as long as you intend it to.

Your presence on Earth at this time is an encouragement to others who look for guidance and see how you handle the negative energies. To stay calm and peaceful when others around you are confused and lack understanding means you are a living example of how to conduct yourself and remain unaffected by the negativity. It does not come easy but clearly you have to be able to live amongst those who cannot control their feelings or actions. We know that holding a peaceful place wherever you are requires patience and understanding but it can be achieved.

You are one who can keep the peace and are contributing to the Light that permeates everything around you. As you would no doubt be aware, the higher vibrations that you carry can help relax those around you and keep the peace. For you it also means that you are healthier and less likely to experience any form of negativity. You can send your light wherever it is needed and help others. You may well find that your presence brings calmness around you and those who are receptive will be aware of it. Your energies are healing but would be even more affective if the “patient” was present and received the energies direct.

All through your life you are subjected to the effects of energies that are swirling around you. Some are beneficial whilst others are not but normally you can handle them depending on your own level of vibration. Additionally you have the safeguard of the energies within your aura that encase your physical body, and it is simple to keep it intact through your power of thought by avoiding any negative feelings. You will certainly feel better and brighter as a result.

As your aura extends outside of your physical body up to possibly 2 metres or more, it is felt by any person that is near enough to it, and is why they feel good where positive energies are concerned. However, contact with someone carrying negative energies can be a very unpleasant experience. For those people able to see auric colours as you might expect positive energies are bright, strong and clear, whilst negative ones can be dull and extremely dark. You could walk past a very negative person and feel a shudder run through your body.

Colours play an important part in your lives and those that are strong and clear make you feel good, and naturally the negative ones can be exactly the opposite. Your lives are affected all of the time and in nature and they are normally of such a great variety and beautiful designs. Perhaps that is why you get so much enjoyment walking through some of the great gardens throughout the world.

The negative forces seem to be intent on starting a world war that would not benefit any country taking part in it. Death and destruction is not the basis for lasting peace and surely a sensible way would be to discuss the differences that exist. We realise that politics are at the root of the principle differences between you, but regardless of them you all have to live together and understand that you must find a remedy for them peacefully. Otherwise without being an alarmist the end of the world as you know it may come about.

We would rather talk about joyful and happy events, but the sad fact remains that you are dangerously close to extending the clashes that are taking place into a more serious situation. However, project thoughts of peace as much as possible so that the calming energies keep a greater conflict at bay. Prayer and positive thoughts will help hold back an escalation of the war that is taking place but a wrong decision could change all of it for the worse. Whatever the outcome be assured that greater forces than those on Earth are ready to intervene if matters get out of hand, and continue to keep a watchful eye on what is happening.

We understand the frustration you feel at so many problems that have arisen in such a short time, but it has been inevitable given that your old ways of living have not proved to be adequate for meet the needs of the millions of people living on the Earth. Clearly a lot has to change and already ideas are being given as to how the problems can be overcome, but it is proving difficult in the present climate. Nevertheless, changes for the better are beginning to surface so that given the opportunity they can be put into practise. Certainly many of the old ways of living are no longer adequate for the needs of the people.

This period of time and change has been foreseen for a very long time and is not unexpected given that your last cycle has long finished. It is why the emphasis is on change as the time has long arrived when you must prepare for dramatic ones that are imminent. Prepare for the future as far as possible and let go of that which no longer serves your purpose, as new ways of living are already being discussed. They will be an advancement on the old ones and much is already waiting to be introduced. You have been deliberately held back in the past and now is the time to move on and introduce innovations that will make life easier and more enjoyable.

We have much to offer you that will make your advancement into the New Age happen very quickly and we shall do so when the time is right. You must realise that we cannot openly contact you when the world is in turmoil and it must be at peace. It will come sooner than you possibly expect as coming events will quickly change the situation on Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Beloved Ones,

We are at a key phase in our ascension journey, in which personal recalibration, rejuvenation, and stabilization is vital to be able to act as the loving, and healing emissaries that we came here to be.

This is a personal task that today’s Virgo moon’s energies together with Piscean ones, facilitate. Guides invite us to balance all aspects of ourselves before we can step into our planetary work, as the coming two months are going to be pivotal to working with the female and masculine earth’s templates. This is why it is so important to hold the same balance within.

Guides share the importance of attuning to the current planetary female and masculine codes, for the masculine pillar is being restored as many of you know. Those born under the Ruby ray spectrum will be passing now through a phase of clearing of all galactic anomalies implanted upon the Ruby ray born for eons, for it has an important role as you know on the Earth’s template foundations.

Emerald and Aquamarine rays are the ones bathing now in our planetary field, as representatives of the masculine and female essences, healing and restoring both energies. The role of the Blue Rays is to act as unifiers, bringing both into the zero point, where all is One again. This is why it is so important to know the many distorted structures, light codes symbols, and other geometries that still govern us and many keep working with, unconsciously.

Our central sun, which just emanated the biggest solar flare since 2017, is too assisting us by reconnecting our light bodies, through the embodiment of more plasma, and by transmuting the lower energies in both ourselves and the planet. The flares are also massively helping in the work of shifting the Merkabah distorted magnetic fields, which many of you would have already noticed, in your planetary work.

The emerald ray as you know descends from the Andromeda parallel universe to us, which represents the Mary-Sophia-female essence within us All. Use the term that most resonates with you and where you are, for all in truth represents the Divine Feminine Essence.

The unification of both pillars will be a very long-term process. However, starting by unifying our own polarities helps in its retrieval, for all begins within. Our planet is a living organism but it is One with us, and if we are not yet prepared, it cannot advance.

The feminine essence has never been lost. The feminine essence was deeply repressed and unable to freely express itself, by eons of masculine oppression and distortions. The purpose of it, as you know was precisely the impediment of humanity’s reconnection, through the female essence, to All That Is, cutting, so to speak, the connection to our divine selves and its many dimensions, from within our DNA, to our planetary grids. This is what covered the essence of the female.

Our work now is to be free to bring back the female attributes, which is already happening in the majority of the earth plane, as we too remember the importance of the masculine embrace. Restoring and resurrecting the masculine on a planet where it is still reversed from its authentic divine loving essence, is not easy, for there is still a lot of work to do.

Again all starts by witnessing ourselves and how we daily interact with the female and masculine, do we polarize? Do we still try to oppress the masculine by fomenting the female? Do we allow the masculine to diminish us? Or do we move into a wider perspective in which we hold both essences as equal? Wherever you are is key to get to know which essence you need to heal, balance, or which one you are denying. Our relationships help us incredibly as well to recognize these patterns.

There has been a lot achieved in recent years as we continue holding more love, and hence consciousness, for us and All, remembering who we are, our personal mission, and the Truth that behind all beliefs and differences between us, we are All One, and this shall prevail in everything we think, feel and do, in our everyday lives, as our daily choices depends whether we serve the light or not.

As ascending souls, we need to become aware that with every choice we agree, whether consciously or not, to feed one side or the other, and it is by becoming conscious that we can cease unconscious or programmed behaviors that do not serve God’s Source. and our own personal choice to act as loving and compassionate beings.

All served Creation, for we live within a dual plane, and all have its time to come back to their Original Loving God’s Source.

May you always choose to dwell in the love of who you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


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PFC NOTE : We would like to inform you that our French Prepare For Change team will make a broadcast in French to explain the conference on our new official French Prepare For Change youtube channel, if you are a French-speaker/if you can understand French, subscribe:

« PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL  »THE ONLY OFFICIAL YOUTUBE channel of the French team of the “Prepare For Change” network


About 15 minutes before Pluto entered Aquarius, the following small asteroid impacted the planetary surface near Berlin:

With Pluto in Aquarius, existence of underground tunnel networks is going mainstream:

As Pluto progresses though Aquarius, the dark forces on the surface are deeper and deeper into fear:

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is proceeding with full speed. All their bases throughout the Solar system were cleared a few days ago, and when the Aldebarans were removing their last ships in Low Earth orbit, this was brought to the attention of the surface governments:

And no, it was not the Russians:

Of the Indian and African Illuminati networks, only about 50,000 members in the tunnels below temples in India and about 70,000 members in the tunnel notworks below Subsaharan Africa are still remaining. These are expected to be cleared in a few weeks as well.

The main problem aside the surface Illuminati network is a remnant of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) that escaped the clearing process between 2018 and 2020, and remained inactive until now:

On February 8th, Orsini family has activated the IBC in order to prevent the Resistance movement starting the surface operations.

The first thing they did was to activate one part of physical biochips that escaped detection of the Light forces and was inactive until now. This part of the biochips is a backup processor that is able to send audio video feed from the brain synapse signals via cell phone tower network into the main processing center which, according to sources, is located in an underground facility near the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone. Although this biochip activity is weak, it does represent an added layer of control upon the surface population and it moderately disturbs the plans of the Resistance for the surface operations. The Light forces will use their technologies to deactivate that part of the physical biochips relatively soon.

The IBC has currently about 18 million mainly Reptilian and Draco members in humanoid bodies on the physical plane, scattered throughout bases in the Solar system, mainly in the Kuiper belt, and with a small base even on Mars. These bases are connected with a network of jumprooms. All this will also be cleared relatively soon.


On the physical plane, the main stronghold of the IBC is a network of underground tunnels in Western Africa, especially in southern part of Senegal, in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and in western Nigeria. This network consists of about 100,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then infiltrated into Europe through southern Italy posing as migrants.

Another smaller stronghold is in a tunnel network beneath Colombia and northwestern Brazil, with about 15,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then trafficked as migrants into the US through the Darien Gap:

Both physical subsurface strongholds of the IBC are connected with Solar system bases with jumprooms, constantly replenishing the supply of Dracos and Reptilians in both locations.

West African IBC stronghold is also connected to the network of secret biolabs in Africa, all of them under the control of the Orsini family:

Guinea and Guinea Bissau are the center of a Reptilian dark vortex portal that suppresses Goddess energy. This leads to the horrible living conditions for women in that area:

The whole area of Western Africa which is now the location of the underground IBC complex was participating in the transatlantic slave trade for centuries, and that led to horrible energetic conditions in that region:

Much healing is needed there, and the Light forces are asking as many Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones to be safely planted in the Western Africa where the IBC complex is located (blue ellipse on the map), and in Subsharan Africa in general.

As you can see on the map, very few Cintamani stones now exist there:


Our Ascension Conference in Phoenix was very successful. We have laid the foundation for the energy work that needs to be done for the United States in this year to go through the transition in the most harmonious and peaceful way possible.

The conference notes are here:

(Official reports : Cobra Conference on Ascension in Phoenix USA with additional links+documents( the 2 days, February 2024)


PFC NOTE : We would like to inform you that our French Prepare For Change team will make a broadcast in French to explain the conference on our new official French Prepare For Change youtube channel, if you are a French-speaker/if you can understand French, subscribe:

« PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL  »THE ONLY OFFICIAL YOUTUBE channel of the French team of the “Prepare For Change” network  )



Our Chinese team has developed a very interesting app that can connect Lightworkers worldwide.

The English version of the app is here:

And the Chinese version here:

Victory of the Light!

Source :


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Back on February 6th, E the Friend on Telegram told us:

We are about to deal your enemies a blow from which they will not recover.

Hold on tight, and let there be light


Note the wording. Not “their” enemy—our enemy. So who are “they”? Are they “the nine” as they claim? And who are The Nine? Our friends upstairs? Intriguing, yes? I think the confidence and bravado speaks volumes. Nothing can stop what is coming.

As Q predicted, “blackouts are necessary”. The focus of Q the Stormm on Twitter/X lately has been on the EBS – which is NOT the same as EAS. The EBS, I believe, is the satellite system/Starlink/Skynet that Elon Musk, a confirmed Alliance military contractor, has established overhead for the White Hats to control the communications. I believe it is the connectivity for everything—communications, surveillance, weapons, and everything quantum and enables them to monitor the financial system, as well. I could be wrong.

Q told us when the lights go out, the Patriots are in control.


Nov 02, 2017 7:31:24 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No. 147683156

Fellow Patriots,
I’m being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS’ Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the LIGHTS GO OUT please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless – I must go for good at this point.

6y, 3m, 2w, 5d, 18h, 33m ago            4chan pol

The EAS is the Emergency Alert System which will be used by the EBS to communicate with the world when “it” goes down. All phones, televisions, radios, etc. will be controlled by the Alliance and tell us all what is happening and what to expect.

Q the Stormm confirmed this week via their countdowns at this site that the operations to get the EBS in place and online was complete. They posted the following early today on X.

Note: As we have pointed out many times, a countdown event may not be something we publicly recognize. It can be one of those things conducted in the background as part of The Plan. We have to read between the lines. It sounds like things are going to get a lot more visible than they have been.


And now we hear that nationwide in the US, several telecom companies failed and there was no service for a lot of customers for several hours. Qincidence? I believe the Patriots are in control, my friends.

Of course the “solar flare” is blamed so the Telecom corporations aren’t liable. We know who is in control.


The above is all just my conjecture. You will draw your own conclusions. There are no guarantees on communications at this point in the war and we will adjust accordingly.

TruthPups posted the following Telegram this morning:

The deep state beta tests are happening and preparing for 24 blackouts
We have been helping you and ⚠️ warning you to prepare for the False Flag EVENTS inside job Cyber-Attacks

AT&T customers hit by widespread cellular outages in U.S.


These Telegrams also suggest that something may be afoot. My other half arrived in Florida yesterday so I have boots on the ground—if he can report in to me. He’s not responding currently but Uhura is keeping the hailing frequencies open.

AT&T says 75% of network is restored after thousands report nationwide cell service outage‼️📱💻

No reason has been given for the outages but federal officials say there is no indication of a cyberattack.

A nationwide cellphone outage hit tens of thousands of AT&T users on Thursday morning.
More than 70,000 AT&T outages were reported after 8 a.m. ET, according to downdetector a website that detects outages. The first outages were reported just before 4 a.m.


I don’t believe that is the end of it, folks.


Second X class Solar flare in 24hrs and the 6th one since Jan 1st…


Things are ramping up…

Are you still convinced that there won’t be a Great Solar Flash..?

Because the Sun ☀️ is telling us otherwise, getting closer and closer, to reach its Solar Maximum, also called Solar cycle 25🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This is The Divine Light Awakening our dormant DNA 🧬 and cleansing within our bodies, what doesn’t serve us anymore…✨

Because 93% of the functions of our DNA are: Light, Sound reception and Transmission…🧬

Buckle up, buttercup


And there are warnings: Are you ready to shelter in place? Stocked up on essentials? Meds? Pet supplies? Cash? Fuel? Ammo? Best to do that now when it’s calm, rather than after SHTF. Whiplash posted on Telegram this morning:

News that FirstNet is down should be a big, bright, warning sign.

I called some friends in DC last night as the 2nd & 3rd lobbying firms ditched CCP clients and told them to get ready. The Party was likely to believe this was ordered from “on high.”

READ – UPDATE | Atlanta’s 311 services, non-emergency 911 affected by AT&T outage…be ready if this happens, have protection as the “mob will come out.”

From American Patriot on Telegram:

Experiencing SOS Downed Cell in Florida.

Forwarded to Capt. Kyle chat from Maritime Chick:

My daughter who works as a 911 communications specialist said they were just notified everything is about to go down nationwide

That’s a sampling of what I’ve seen this morning in my distracted state while taking care of business.

This is interesting, as well. Some are decoding the comms and this is a shared opinion for those who do not have Telegram accounts…  By the way, did you see the white running boots/sneakers Phil G posted on his account in the past week or ten days with the big X on them?


When I had this dream ten years ago 👉 ( the “X” that appeared in the dream between the two dogs was an endless source of wonder. In the dream the “X” was so dynamic and so powerful that I had to know what it meant. But over the years it’s significance continued to escape me, until the day that Elon Musk abruptly changed the name of Twitter to “X.” All of sudden the letter “X” was everywhere, and it’s still coming with the total eclipse this April! After taking it all in, I’ve come to the conclusion that although the letter “X” now has several applications, it’s basic message in the dream is this, When you see the letter “X” it means “IT’S TIME!” Time for what? Time for everything that the “X” represents!

X= 24

On the live chat circuit there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that Capt. Kyle is going to be chatting with the phenomenal Kerry K. I can’t wait. These are two of the most connected and grounded people I know of. The heavy hitters are getting into formation to drop the MOABs. The bad news is below from Kelly.

We need to postpone today’s chat with Kerry K until next week. Between the outages here and Kerry K is also experiencing outages in South Africa.

I will post next week’s schedule shortly, which will probably be about two chats next week because we need to give Captain Kyle a little break, I really slammed his schedule tight this week😉. It has been a very busy week and no time for him to rest. So just stay tuned and I’ll let you know what day she’ll be on next week and then we’ll have one other chat scheduled for y’all besides our lovely Kerry K🙌

Sending love, hugs and blessings,

So you can see the comms are down in many places, not only the USA. Florida, Texas, all across the US—although when I was needing them here in Phoenix, they worked fine. Internet was a little glitchy on Tuesday for me and friends in Scottsdale.

END TIME ALERT – Meteorologist say the Earth is currently being bombarded by a powerful X-class Sloar Flare, Multiple countries like US, Australia, India and East Africa are facing network and Radio Blackouts.

Keep always informed
Subscribe to @Intelsky

And on another topic… but what was that number again? Yup. The “C word” is back.

45 People Arrested For Being Child Predators, Prostitutes, Human Traffickers, Child Traffickers & Wanting To Eat Children, Yes Cannibalism

🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

I’m going to publish this now so those still online will be aware. I may or may not be back later today with more.

Remember to remain calm, prepare as best you can, and know that everything is going according to The Plan. They have prepared us for this for over 7 years. It’s no biggie—except that it’s very tangible evidence that “it’s happening”. Our patience has paid off, and we are all part of ‘The Storm’. Don’t expect things to be normal during a war. Every time the cabal pulls a stunt, the Patriots learn more about their secret operations and can prevent worse events from happening and re-occurring.

Q the Stormm issued a warning for Japan and Los Angeles. It remains to be seen what that refers to. Blackout? Chaos? Possibly gangs of thugs ransacking the cities? That will put the military on the streets. It’s getting real.


Twenty years ago we were told by personal development gurus, “What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve.” Dr. Bruce Lipton was a pioneer in the field of creating reality with our beliefs. He taught us that the way a projectile of energy behaved—whether as a particle or a wave—was contingent on whether its journey was observed by intelligence or not. Heady stuff.

Dr. Lipton was speaking on the wall of my Naturopath’s office last weekend and I wanted to remain in the waiting room to listen to the rest because he has such an engaging manner and explains complex, unfamiliar things so well. I had a couple of books at one time and it really opened my mind to the possibilities when he shared his research in, “The Biology of Belief” and subsequent volumes.

The beliefs we espouse which affect “matter” have a profound effect on our bodies, which of course aren’t solid at all. We’re a quivering, quagmire of vibrating atoms and molecules—pure energy. When Humanity truly learns how to manipulate energy we will be like gods.

If you are not familiar with Bruce or haven’t listened to him in awhile, maybe you will get as much out of this next video as I did. The way he connects dots and shows us how this real physics affects us in our day to day life is meaningful. I got a lot out of the interview and the lights were coming on again with a-ha moments as he expounded on the true value of his exploration of reality, and with his usual humour. The host, Jeff Krasno, is excellent as well and this one has 1.2M views. 1 hr. 33 min.


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