rev.joshua skirvin's Posts (4829)

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During the first onset of the winter solstice Cathedral Activations (Dec 2021), the planetary wings were upgraded to the solar rod template and dragon wings of which the Chartres Cathedral, Lincoln Cathedral, Rosslyn Chapel and the Washington DC Lincoln Memorial were chosen by Guardian Host to anchor restorations for the planet’s Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon architecture.

Since this time, Abraham Lincoln’s Christos Solar Dragon body has taken a primary role with current AI timeline collapses concerning end times global political strategies along with offering steadfast support for the etymological importance of the Magna Carta, The Great Charter of the Liberties, which was the forerunner of British Parliament, the Declaration of independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Abraham Lincoln has been previously identified as a Christos Starseed helping to guide the Christos Mission; we now include him to be one of the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order that is directly involved in retrieving his spiritual brethren’s solar dragon body parts.

As an unwavering and ardent constitutionalist and servant of the Law of One, he has been a constant companion during the most treacherous of Guardian missions, directing solar dragon body retrievals for the Ruby Order and Amethyst Order Maji Grail Kings.

Another demanding grid project has begun in Washington DC and Lincolnshire, in which he has been guiding awareness to the Blue Solar Dragon plasma dome complex connected to the Aquarian constellation that has been at rest near the Lincoln Cathedral, home of the original copies of Magna Carta, pointing to the east in the countryside within a location of the Lincolnshire Wolds in the county of Lincolnshire, England.

Lincoln has been active in the Washington DC Lincoln Memorial area where Guardian teams placed Amethyst Dragon Kingship Arcs, the Pillars of Cosmic Justice, along with recently upgraded Krystal Cathedral architecture for anchoring Lincoln’s Ruby Order Templar solar dragon body within the location. Guardians supported the anchoring of the Ruby Diamond Krystal Cathedral to surround the Washington DC grids in which to anchor the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and Ruby Zephyr Shield, commanding the space under the natural laws of the Ruby Order-Amethyst Order Dragon Kings.

The recent events of the Ruby Order taking stand in the Lincoln Memorial and nearby grids began a series of explosive spiritual warfare situations spanning into several prominent presidential and historical timelines going back to World War II, that was observed to detonate a set of NET bombs going off on the east coast grids in electrical wars, while collapsing previously manipulated timelines and incurring tremendous damage to multiple dimensions of Thothian Leviathan and Enki red wave AI machinery.

In the wake of this confrontation and subsequent destruction, it revealed more layered nests of Enki’s antichrist armies underground, with Thothian Leviathan Medusa snake head types and newly discovered factions of the Black Sun Dragon Moth, appearing frightfully similar to the Darth Maul character.

These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda.

Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel.

These NAA Annunaki hybrid factions are being cornered as their hostile geopolitical agendas to genocide the natives is being made clear to the world, in efforts to expand their underground network from Israel into the Ukraine areas and for the purpose of gaining complete control over all underground bases, human trafficking, genetic labs and adrenochrome farms in the region.

As well as to steal the local resources with the predictable money laundering schemes for bribery and blackmail operations for inciting culture wars, which has become the hotbed of severely contested public opinions based wholly upon deceptions and military intelligence directed divide and conquer psychological operations.

The majority of the population are not aware that a war over territory with hostile nonhumans and the Black Sun military intelligence groomed Fourth Reich nazis that take orders from their NAA overlords in the 9D Stargate of Antarctica, are directing them to demolish the western power centers in order to usher in the techno-totalitarianism of the Great Reset, in which the primary values upholding individual freedoms that first organized the USA have been put in the crosshairs for annihilation.

The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q agenda psyops which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs.

Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta looking glass technologies for building AI timelines.

Once again, there appears to be the organic formation of the Q psyops agenda and Earth Alliances working to uphold humanitarian interests, versus many cloned varieties of negative ego tricks and consciousness traps set up by those with anti-human agendas.

However, the majority of the intelligence operations had been infiltrated with Zeta alien looking glass technology in the phantom areas and seems to be why several previous operations to stop the global bio-weapon roll outs have failed over the past three years.

Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet.

Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA black houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States.

Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet black magic sorcery, and complex NAA AI machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing SRA activities.


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Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Saint Germain. I come forth with a sense of peace which I share with you and surround you in. I invite you to inhale deeply and to hold that breath for as long as feels comfortable. Then I invite you to exhale…to exhale with meaning and purpose, and release – a relaxation, a letting go within your being – that serves you in opening your being more fully and connecting with yourself.

I invite you to practice this, knowing that with each breath you exhale, you are releasing numerous things… energies, thoughts, wounds, emotions…that you may not even be aware of. You may not even be aware that you are holding on to them but through this practice, you can release them.

We spoke last week about a purposeful decision. This is also a purposeful decision – the purpose to let go of that which no longer serves you, without the need to know exactly what it is. So there is that sense of trust; trusting in the power within your being, trusting that there is a space within your being that is all-knowing, that can guide you through your reality, that can support you in making purposeful decision and that can support you in being of service to yourself, and to others.

This technique that I share with you supports you in releasing illusions. Illusions are things that you hold on to that are not true, that are not born from the truth of your being. There are many ways to describe illusions. There may be illusions in the world around you however I, Saint Germain, am speaking of your own being and the illusions that you create.

In many ways, when you create an opinion, especially if it is not born from your inner knowingness, that is an illusion. When you make a choice that is not born from the inner knowingness, that is also an illusion. When you perceive something in a way that is not born from your inner knowingness, that is also an illusion, and of course, when you perceive yourself in a way that is not born from your inner knowingness, that is an illusion.

You can gather what I am sharing with you at this time; that often you hold on to illusions, things that are not born from or not created from your inner knowingness. When you begin to look at yourself, your thoughts, your emotions, the way that you act and react with people and with yourself, you’ll begin to notice that there are multiple illusions that you are holding on to.

With this realisation can come shock, can also come judgement and fear – a feeling that you may never connect with your own inner knowingness and live that reality on the earth, however again, it is an illusion because that is not the truth. We can recognise that this fear of not connecting with your inner knowingness and not bringing it into your reality, while it is an illusion, it is also your truth in this moment.

If we can imagine your body, your being, your thoughts, your emotions, they have been programmed to work in a certain way. You have achieved some of that programming as have your carers as a child.

The way that you work, there is a specific programming that you’ve adopted which means that when you have fear, or when you create an illusion, it is also actually your truth from the programming of your being, so it is something essential. It is something that requires your attention. The difference is that it doesn’t require it to be held on to. You can set it free. You don’t need to hold it in your space.

We understand that your entire being is programmed in a certain way and so there is a need to reprogram your entire being. The way to reprogram your entire being is to connect more and more with your inner knowingness…that space of knowingness within your being…to bring it into your body/your aura/your emotions/your mind, to ask for its guidance and to sit in the space of your own inner knowingness.

We recognise that these illusions created by your programming – such as the fear of not knowing or living your inner knowingness – that these are like stepping stones that direct you to your inner knowingness. They can open up your inner knowingness and allow you to experience it more fully.

There is a need to accept the illusions that you have created; to accept that this is an essential aspect of your spiritual evolution and your connection with self, to recognise the illusions you’ve created and to sit in the space of knowingness within your being. An example of this – you recognise a thought that you feel or you believe is not born from your inner knowingness and is actually born from a past experience or an opinion of yourself or others, or that you’ve given to yourself, or given to others.

You can recognise this as what we might call, in this moment, an essential illusion. It is essential because it’s a stepping stone to access in your inner knowingness.

Then you can say to yourself: As I enter into my inner knowingness, as I connect or sit in my inner knowingness, I am willing to set this illusion free and I do so now.

Then bring your attention to a space within your being. You may not know where that space is. You can simply ask to be guided to the space of inner knowingness within you, or you might want to sit in your heart – in a space of love, or maybe you’ll call upon your soul to be present, or your Creator presence, whatever feels appropriate to you.

Sit and breathe in that space of knowingness. You might want to affirm, I AM my inner knowingness. I AM my inner knowingness – ‘I AM’ meaning the Creator. The Creator is my inner knowingness.

You can ask yourself, what is the truth? What truth needs to come forward? What action needs to be taken? Sit with that. There is no pressure. It is not as if you have to achieve something. You can simply sit in your inner knowingness, and that is all that is needed.
As you achieve this, you will find that your inner knowingness speaks to you more often; guides you, inspires you or influences your feelings. This will allow you to be more open, more connected and more able to flow with your inner knowingness.

With so much change occurring on the earth and within each being, connection with your inner knowingness is essential. The mind essentially cannot deal with the volume of change, even if you’re not aware of the changes occurring. In many ways the mind cannot make decisions born from the past because they will not work out in the current energies of ascension.

In many ways it is only the soul/the Creator presence/your inner knowingness that can project creations, decisions, choices, even opinions into your reality and these may be completely different to what you mind wishes for, and yet they have this glowing nature or warmness, comfort or inspiration with them that allows you to know you are achieving what is guided from within.

Many souls are wishing to connect, at a soul level, in the physical reality. This process that I have been speaking of, will support you and others in fulfilling that need of your soul/your Creator essence/your inner knowingness…whatever label you wish to call it. That connection with self especially, and with others, from a purer state, is something that will really nurture and nourish your being, in many ways that are beyond your imagination or your mind.

Many souls are wishing to connect, at a soul level, in the physical reality. This process that I have been speaking of, will support you and others in fulfilling that need of your soul/your Creator essence/your inner knowingness…whatever label you wish to call it. That connection with self especially, and with others, from a purer state, is something that will really nurture and nourish your being, in many ways that are beyond your imagination or your mind.

My love is with you eternally. I thank you.

I am Saint Germain.


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The energies during these gateways will flow in and compress us like carbon into a diamond, gifting us brilliant, clearer levels of perception and awareness that allow us to dance with the flow of creation. Through this new awareness we innately connect with the ‘spinner and weaver’ within that is able to spin and weave into existence only that which is in perfect accordance with our destined Divine Blueprint.

Flowing with Divine Creation means releasing control, finding inner balance, surrendering to events and circumstances as they unfold and not forcing the timing or trying to “think” our way through them.

Working with Divine Timing also means surrendering our desires, and reining in our emotional triggers (such as fear) when something does not go according to our plan, or how we perceive things in our life should unfold.

Allowing the “unfolding” is the key to moving to higher levels of perception and tapping into our intuition. Like a plot in a well cultivated and fulfilling story, our lives have twists and turns, and if we do not allow ourselves to courageously follow the winding, unknown path of our lives, we often misinterpret, feel existential angst and never achieve full clarity. Nor do we fully live our potential as a human soul.

What are two things that you can do to be in this higher level of consciousness and embrace the abundance that is available in it?

First…Breathe, breathe, breathe

Secondly, take a step back and survey the bigger picture of your reality

Allow yourself the time to percolate and gain detachment and neutrality as this new timeline starts to open during these two gateways. Having patience with yourself and being tolerant with others allows the space for things to be in the right place and right time for timelines to continue, or end or to be created. It allows flow and creates a clear vision of what lies before you. This allows you to be a clear channel for divine guidance; intrinsically knowing when you should act, and then wait, and then act again. Or to embrace the wisdom of not acting at all.

It therefore breaks the cycle of past patterns in all areas of your life which played out the same due to fear and lack. This is a key part of how to navigate spiritual embodiment of the higher vibrating, abundance timeline, and allow the wisdom in your higher chakras to filter into your earthly reality as you move to this next stage of your ascension process.

It is a tapping into the ebb and flow of “All that Is” energy that connects to Divine Creation, and allows the highest version of reality to unfold with infinite possibilities so that the best possible outcome for your highest good is created between you, your higher self and Spirit.

In these times of great change you have the choice to either be on this accelerated path of Ascension expansion or be further caught  in your reactivity/polarisation as a victim of your circumstances.

So surrender, flow and allow the energies of this second half of March to support you, so that you can rise to Oneness, wholeness and embrace the abundance timeline that is waiting for you!


Daily Message for 3/17/2024


It is time to release the traumas, the grief, feelings of unworthiness. Release the hope for the old normal to return, for it was nothing but a prison of deceit. Release the savior mentality, and the fear of God. For the true Divine Source is pure love. ~Kejraj

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We wish you could see the greater picture as two opposing energies battle for supremacy. The Light steadily progresses slowly but surely, whilst the negative forces refuse to admit they are fighting a losing battle. What are they fighting for you ask and the answer is world control of the people, by keeping them in ignorance of their real power to achieve permanent peace upon Earth. They do not want you to know that you have immense power and can rise above their attempts to keep you permanently in the dark.

By doing so they prevent you from rising up into the Light and leave the lower vibrations behind. The Laws of the Universe allow freedom of choice but the dark Ones take it away from you by manipulating events in their favour. However, the truth cannot be hidden for much longer, and many sources have risen up to bring the Light out into the open and it cannot be suppressed. The evil Ones may create mayhem and deal in the destruction of all that represents a settled and happy society, but there are far more souls of the Light who do their best to ensure that people are aware of it.

In the very near future the dark Ones will lose their power and hold on society. They will be revealed for what they really are and removed from positions of power. Be assured that they have a lot to answer for and will be made to answer for their actions. Their crimes against Humanity cannot be hidden or denied and the truth will come out. It is not vengeance we seek and those responsible for them will be treated fairly according to the Law of the Land.

Meantime we encourage people to keep positive in times when it would be very easy to be caught up in acts of retribution. Allow the Laws to be used to take suitable action to make the culprits responsible for their actions. They knew the consequences and they will answer for their crimes against Humanity. Through their experiences they will become more aware of the immense harm they are causing and hopefully repent. No soul is considered to be beyond redemption and help is given to put them back into society to once again become useful law abiding citizens.

Humans are remarkable at being able to adapt so easily to different conditions, which is why your many lives touch upon all types of experiences as part of your evolution. Each one of you is unique and after many lives in so many different situations. You will be well equipped to meet whatever challenges you face and we have full confidence in you. Never forget that you have almost completed the first part of your long journey as a human being, and the next step into the higher levels of Light will most pleasing and enjoyable.

At present you are on the verge of a great leap forward and as time progresses it will become more apparent as to what you may expect. There are great changes coming but first you must so to say put your house in order. Every soul on Earth at present has been chosen so as to be able to move onwards even so it would seem that some are not making progress at all. You cannot always take matters at face value as it is not given to you to understand another soul’s life plan.

Freedom of choice as to how you experience your next life is still arranged in such a way as to cover your needs, as evolution is ongoing as you climb each level. Higher souls are always overseeing your progress to ensure success and protect you from outside interference. You are in fact very powerful individuals but for the purpose of gaining more experience in the lower vibrations, you are limited as to what you can do. Your power of thought is even now capable of achieving your aims and as you rise up you will have incredible abilities.

The period you are in is in one way quite exciting because the end of a cycle is a time of great change. You have already gone through great changes and learned much from them. Yet you are only on the first rung of the ladder but are ready to move on having passed all of the tests. Clearly there are still more to come but it gets easier the further along you travel and move up through the higher vibrations. You have now done the hard bit and it becomes a lot easier as you now progress, and you will still have your Guides to help you along when needed.

As you move ever onwards you will have so much more choice as to how you will progress although you will almost certainly have a plan for the future. However, your immediate aim should be to spread harmony and peace wherever you go. Comfort those who are experiencing the worst of the changes and can see nothing to suggest that the situation will improve with time. The Gaza Strip is an example of Man’s inhumanity to his fellow travellers and the end is still not in sight. It is a wake-up call for all involved to seek a change of attitude so that matters do not get out of hand.

However, the scene has been set and it is doubtful that the dark Ones will halt their onslaught and plans to make the Gaza area uninhabitable. It seems that countries are taking sides because of the fear of an all-out war that seems inevitable, unless those involved move towards a peaceful solution and lay their weapons down. The time for peaceful negotiations has arrived but will those Leaders who advocate war see their responsibility for making peace? We hope so but the decision is down to them and the future of the world is in their hands.

We are standing by and hope that good sense will dictate that as you are at the crossroads of war/peace that the Leaders of the countries at the forefront will see common sense and make the right decisions in the interests of all Humanity. It may seem alarmist to speak so frankly, but time is short and the right decisions must be made to end the speculation of a World War, as your weaponry is so powerful that it would be a great catastrophe that would reach right out into Space.

Do not be fearful as this is the time when the population can play its part in helping to bring about a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that your Leaders are being given “thoughts” that could lead to a peaceful conclusion. We can do no more at this stage than hope that common sense will prevail.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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This has been intense time on the planet. The rage that has been bottled up inside during the lock down is being pushed out with paranoia, anger and senseless death. This is not who SOULS really are. This is not the highest outcome for people who are frustrated and lost. This is a time of teaching, prayer, compassion and Love. You are being called to action. There has always been a fight between the light and the dark. There are always power plays going on here and and other dimensions and time.

Atlantis which many people feel was a fantasy place like Lemuria and Telos or OZ was a real civilization that rose to the highest attaintment in its’ time period. Sadly thru competition, greed and careless destruction it imploded. This is not as it should be. You are here to help one another, to grow, to create, thrive and know that everyone is here for a reason. There are always higher choices to be made. Greed is a big reason, why things go haywire. But if you understand the spiritual laws you know your cannot take things with you. Nothing of the earth plane is real or will sustain, we are all here to transcend and transform the negativity on earth. Transcend and transform.

We are at that pivotal time again. When you listen to your higher calling, you invest in life, health, cooperation and love. You learn from bad choices and make a higher decision the next time around. You grow from learning about how your thoughts, feelings and miscreations have created havoc and fear. This is not the way earth was supposed to be. We all come in with the energy of creating something good but it can be programmed out of you with poor parenting or listenting to negativity and deception. This is why I advise you to turn to the light and those that had a higher calling.

Those that have consistently over time, made good decisions that help humanity and give back to those that are needing guidance and love. Give back to those who have lost loves ones, or who are sad or downtrodden. That is what we are judged by when we return home. Those that are angry and bitter need our help. Life is a series of lessons that create better growth to our character if we raise our consciousness upward. We are challenged to listen to our inner prompting and callings. We are being pushed to expand our consciousness. We are being guided to live life fully, peacefully joyfully and lovingly. Your highest calling is your goal, your dream your task your purpose. Heed the call.

Serapis Bey – high priest from Atlantis and Builder of the Luxor. Your Ascension Guide.

**Submitted to via email.

Daily Message for 3/12/2024


How do we uplift a world? Your presence alone has a huge impact on the Collective, the planet itself. The other is meditation, bring forth your light from the deepest part of your being. 1 more thing that needs to be done as a Collective. And that is Heart to Heart communication. ~Kejraj

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You don’t have to be unfortunate or have “bad genes” to have your brain and body decay at a rapid rate in America, just eat conventional food regularly, drink water from the tap and take Western medicine (including vaccines) “as prescribed.” It’s all a prescription for health disaster, but the average “Joe” doesn’t know. All of the anti-conspiracy conspiracy theorists believe that the U.S. government regulatory agencies protect them, including the FDA, CDC, EPA and so forth, but nothing is further from the truth.

Most Americans underestimate the dangers of the most common toxins and chemicals they have heard about in food, water, vaccines and medicine

It’s called catch and release. U.S. doctors, scientists and other health “specialists” know that when patients and consumers get word of dangerous toxins and chemicals in their food, water, medicine and vaccines, they get skeptical and start asking questions. That’s why the regulatory agencies play “catch and release,” where they go ahead and address the concerns and worries of the general public, but then lie and pretend there’s “nothing to worry about,” because “there’s not enough” in there to cause damage. Check out these top 7 toxins and forever chemicals that never stop harming the human body:

#1. Deadly mRNA – vaccine-induced spike “protein” prions never stop being produced and cause vascular clots, immune system dysfunction, nervous system disorders, turbo cancer and brain damage.

#2. Mercury – a potent neurotoxin (listed in vaccines as thimerosal, which is 50% mercury).

#3. Fluoride – sodium fluoride in municipal taps (in 75 percent of US drinking water) causes calcification of the pineal gland and lowered IQ.

#4. PFAS forever chemicals” – catapult cancer risk where human cells become deformed, multiply uncontrollably and turn and attack healthy cells.

#5. Aspartame – can cause detrimental long-term neurological effects by modulating the brain’s neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.

#6. Microplastics – Microplastics accumulate in the brain, according to scientific research,  causing detrimental neurobehavioral effects associated with dementia.

#7. Venom peptides – Many of the medications, vaccines and cosmetics that Americans blindly take, receive and have injected are poisoned with deadly reptile venoms. These are created by using the poisonous venom peptides creatures use to immobilize and kill their prey.

In fact, a new study on neurobehavioral effects and inflammatory responses to microplastics exposure shows brain damage occurring in humans. Microplastics are winding up in food (fish eat it) and water that’s being consumed regularly, leading to behavioral changes that could be permanent.

Then there’s an industrial waste and byproduct of the phosphate mining industry in China, that is imported by the United States government and secretly mislabeled, then dripped into 75% of municipal taps. This horrific insecticide causes cancer, brittle bones, a calcified pineal gland and lowered IQ in humans, but the dental industrial complex claims it’s good for fighting cavities, so that makes it all okay. Sure.

In America, obesity is a major issue, affecting one in every three people, including children and teens. Many of these folks consume artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, to try to avoid sugar, but little do they know, they’re damaging their central nervous system and brain, and possibly forever. In fact, studies show that aspartame may “modulate brain neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.” Better watch out for that.


Daily Message for 3/14/2024


Reality shifts as you shift your perception. Do you see chaos, or do you see different frequencies being experienced? Do you see lost souls, or do you see beings who have chosen their own paths? Do you see the destruction of the old, or simply the emerging of the new? ~Kejraj

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The Company of Heaven is affirming that day-by-day the masses of Humanity are Awakening at a greatly accelerated pace. This is occurring because of the shifts that have been Cocreated through the unified efforts of Lightworkers around the World and the Divine Intervention of Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun. This monumental influx of Light is giving every person’s I AM Presence the opportunity to once again intuitively remind us of our purpose and reason for being on Earth during this critical time.

Throughout the month of March, Humanity will experience wave after wave of opportunities to focus on the Light as we acknowledge our various Spiritual and Celestial celebrations. We are being told by our Father -Mother God that the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns will bathe the Earth in powerful waves of Solar Light Codes which will coincide with Humanity’s Collective Cup of Consciousness and our focus of attention on Celestial and Spiritual activities of Light.

On March 10th there was a Super New Moon which ushered in the 40-days of Ramadan. That Spiritual event will be brought to fruition on April 9th. On March 19th we will experience a powerful influx of Light from the Equinox. On March 25th we will bathe in the Light of what billions of Christians will consider the Passover Full Moon. The Passover Full Moon is normally the first Full Moon following the March Equinox. In 2024, this Full Moon will also include a very powerful Lunar Eclipse. (Note: Since 2024 is Leap Year, people of the Jewish Faith will celebrate the Passover Full Moon on April 22nd.)

March 29th will be acknowledged by billions of Christians as Good Friday and March 31st will be Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is always celebrated on the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the March Equinox. The Eclipse Series that will begin on March 25th with the Full Moon will be brought to fruition with a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th.

During each of these events every person’s I AM Presence will take advantage of this opportunity by helping us to intuitively remember our purpose and reason for Being. As this occurs we will begin to truly comprehend that every person’s purpose and reason for Being is unique, but there are collective Divine Matrixes in the Realms of Cause that support all of our individual Divine Missions simultaneously.

Today, since we are all preparing to intuitively learn what the next wave of our service to the Light is going to be, the Company of Heaven has asked us to empower the following activity of Light. The Divine Intent of this activity is to assist each of us to more clearly hear the intuitive Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence. If you have the Heart Call to participate in this Holy Endeavor, please join with me now. And we begin.

My Purpose and Reason for Being

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth. I AM also One with the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. What I invoke for myself this sacred and holy day, I invoke on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

During this life-transforming Cosmic Moment, I AM experiencing a new level of Inner Knowing and Enlightenment with every Breath I take. As this Divine Wisdom surfaces into my conscious mind, I begin to fathom my purpose and reason for Being on Earth with a new clarity.

As I Awaken to new levels of awareness, my I AM Presence reveals that I AM not just a victim of the circumstances occurring in my life. But rather, through the various thoughts, words, feelings and actions I have expressed during my myriad Earthly sojourns, I have Cocreated my current Earthly experiences.

I now remember that through the Universal Law of The Circle, I AM the Cocreator of my experiences in the physical plane of Earth. With every Breath I take, my Consciousness, which consists of my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs, is projected onto the atomic substance of physical matter. As the Gift of my Life Force flows through me with every Breath, it picks up the vibrations of my Consciousness and then expresses those vibrations in visible form, experiences and circumstances. In other words, what I think about, what I put my feelings and energy into, I AM bringing into form.

Because of the confusion I have experienced in the past, I have given power to physical matter through my human ego. I have allowed the distorted manifestation of physical matter to become my reality, when, in Truth, it is only an illusion Created by my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs; in other words my Consciousness. In my newly Awakened state I now realize, with a deeper level of understanding and clarity that physical matter is nothing more than a mass of atomic energy controlled by my Consciousness. Never does matter control Consciousness.

My world reflects my human Consciousness. In the past I have set about trying to change the physical conditions in my world, instead of changing my Consciousness. Those conditions are only the reflection of my Consciousness. Trying to change physical conditions without changing my Consciousness is like trying to change the reflection in a mirror without changing the object causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

Now, in my Awakened Consciousness I realize that I AM One with my I AM Presence and ALL that my Father-Mother God have is my Divine Birthright. With this knowing my Transfiguration is occurring subtly and deeply at an atomic, cellular level. This process is being greatly accelerated through newly activated Transfiguration Codes within my Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA and the NEW Matrix for my Divine Body Template.

The seed of this new awareness is now growing within me. It is blazing like the Sun and radiating forth multifaceted and multidimensional Crystalline Rays of 5th-Dimensional Solar Light. My Heart Flame is expanding and the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love which is now pulsating in the Divinity of my Heart is expanding as well.

With every elevated Holy Breath I take, the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love in MY Heart is expanding and connecting with the Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love blazing in the Heart of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth. Now, through Humanity’s unified Heart Flames our Father-Mother God infuse Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love with brand NEW frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.

The Company of Heaven is revealing that Mother Earth’s Planetary Grid is being Transfigured into a resplendent 5th-Dimensional Crystalline SOLAR Grid of Comprehensive Divine Love. Our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love, which forms the very foundation of ALL Creation, is now tangibly forming the foundation for the patterns of perfection that you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity are being Called to Cocreate on the New Solar Earth.

This expansion of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love will NOW allow every Son and Daughter of God to hear the intuitive Inner Guidance of our I AM Presence and to communicate with this aspect of our own Divinity in much more comprehensive ways.

The Beings of Light said that any souls who are still being manipulated by the etheric memories of their obsolete fear-based human egos, and sources outside of themselves, will NOW be able to free themselves from that interference and become ONE with the intuitive Inner Guidance of their I AM Presence. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.

Dear One, contemplate what this information means for you personally at this time. God Bless You, and I look forward to being with you next week.


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Humans have long been obsessed with the idea that we are not alone in the universe – which is why the appearance of random metal pillars in the British countryside have sparked fresh theories over whether a third kind truly does exist.

Last weekend, yet another mysterious shiny silver structure was spotted by walkers on Hay Bluff, near the town of Hay-on-Wye.

It was the latest in a series of bizarre structures to crop up, with pillars also spotted on a beach in the Isle of Wight, at the top of Glastonbury Tor, in the middle of Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall and on the fields at Dartmoor National Park.

The appearances that range from 2020 to last weekend have led to much speculation over who has put them there and why, with some even pondering whether or not the objects could be of extra-terrestrial origin.

Local builder Craig Muir, who discovered the 10ft monolith sticking up out of the mud, said he assumed it was ‘some sort of a UFO‘ while out walking.

The latest sighting remains shrouded in mystery as no-one has come forward to claim responsibility for the Welsh metal pillar which bears striking similarities to the one featured in the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The pillars have turned up in the UK following a spate of monoliths appearing around the world in 2020, including in Romania and the Utah desert.

Last weekend, yet another mysterious shiny silver structure was spotted by walkers on Hay Bluff, near the town of Hay-on-Wye

Conspiracy theorists believe that aliens are behind the structures but others have speculated that helicopters could be dropping them off in the dead of night.

Since there is no way to drive up to the top of the hill, Mr Muir suggested it could have been taken by a group of people or dropped off by the chopper on its spot.

‘It didn’t seem like it was chucked in there, instead it has been accurately put in the ground,’ he said.

‘However, there were no obvious tracks around it and one would think that there would be a lot of mess around it, but there wasn’t.’

The latest discovery is similar to the structure found on Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight four years ago.

A number of photos from various different angles suggested that  the monolith was buried in the sand and offers out a perfect reflection.

How the object ended up on the beach was unclear, as it is only accessible via a footpath.

Locals were quick to question whether images of the monolith posted on social media had been ‘photoshopped’ or if it was ‘just a late April Fool’s joke’.

On December 12 2020, local resident Luke Brown stumbled across another imposing monolith in Cornwall and captured a video of the metallic object

But photographer Alice Williams insisted it was real, sharing snaps of the eight-foot-tall structure at sunset in a local Facebook group.

Elsewhere, on December 12 2020, resident Luke Brown stumbled across another imposing monolith in Cornwall and captured a video of the metallic object.

He said: ‘I was left in shock and awe earlier at finding a monolith at the centre of the Merry Maidens stone circle near sunset, the one time I left my camera at home.

‘It was a thing of beauty but I can’t help thinking of the damage that may have been done at this beautiful protected natural heritage site.’

The Merry Maidens also known as Dawn’s Men – a likely corruption of the Cornish Dans Maen Stone Dance – is a late neolithic stone circle.

Just one day prior to the monolith being captured in Cornwall, another pillar was also spotted in Dartmoor National Park, Devon.

The structure was spotted on Dartmoor by photographer Sarah Clarke, who captured a shot of the monolith, before posting to X, formerly Twitter.

Dartmoor National Park swiftly removed the monolith after a picture of it was posted by photographer Sarah Clarke, with the body saying that the moorland is protected

She reassured her followers that the image was not made using photoshop software, stating: ‘So, a very exciting morning – it’s a real thing. ‘Anyone who knows me, knows I just can’t do Photoshop so, take it from me.’

Mark Bullock, who went to look at the pillar himself, said its vantage point on the hill made it appear like ‘something was wrong with the sky’. He added: ‘It was a bit surreal.’

Dartmoor National Park swiftly removed the monolith after Ms Clarke’s post, saying that the moorland is protected.

Just 48 hours prior to the Dartmoor sighting, another similar monolith was seen on top of a hill in Glastonbury with ‘Not Banksy’ etched on it.

Walkers discovered the large silver structure at Glastonbury Tor – an ancient hill linked to King Arthur and Celtic mythology.

It is believed the monolith was placed there overnight before it was felled by a gust of wind.

On December 6 2020, another monolith was found by beachgoers at Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight

The shiny triangular pillar features a stencil drawing of a rat, similar to the style used by street artist Banksy.

Michelle Cowbourne spotted the metal structure at the National Trust site while on her regular morning walk.

‘I walked up the long slope side and this was on the other side and when I saw it I couldn’t believe my eyes,’ she said. ‘I just thought what on earth is that.

‘There were two big metal bolts but they hadn’t been fixed to the ground properly.

‘It’s a big chunk of metal and it was really heavy,’ Ms Cowbourne added.

The first pillar in Utah was originally spotted in 2020 by state wildlife officials who were helping to count bighorn sheep from a helicopter. When the structure suddenly vanished, many thought it was the work of aliens.

However, a photographer revealed later that he had seen four men remove the pillar from the remote area of red rock in Spanish Valley, Utah.

Two weeks after the Utah pillar was discovered, another mysterious monolith, this one 13ft tall, appeared on Batca Doamnei Hill in Romania.

It is not known where there monuments are coming from but some have guesses it is a tribute to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

In the book by Arthur C Clarke, a monolith appears on Earth and gives wisdom to a group of apes.


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The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to try to stay in power. Both sides might use earthquake weapons and other electromagnetic forms of warfare. The only thing for sure is major fireworks.

The previous attempts to bankrupt the US Corporation were delayed by events like 911 and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder event. This time signs are either a massive earthquake or some kind of electro-magnetic attack to be blamed on a solar flare are being planned. That is why decisive action against the Khazarian Mafia leadership must be taken before they can stage another mass murder sacrifice to Satan.

Speaking about which today is the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima attack. Most of the perpetrators like top Jesuit Hanz Kolvenbach were hunted down and killed shortly afterwards. However, two of the masterminds, self-described top Satanist Leo Zagami and Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu are still at large. They are being hunted down and will be brought to justice.

However, the war between the two factions is complicated by the presence of a rogue AI. This allows the Khazarian Mafia to use their control of the Silicon Valley computer complex to generate CGI leaders and not rely on surgically altered avatars. Here is an example of how easy it is for AI to generate fake people these days.

California Governor Adam Newsom is an AI-generated GGI according to CIA sources. Computers can now elect these fakes into office by electronically stealing elections. As another example here you can watch a fake Adam Schiff stealing votes from his opponent.

In another example here you can see Speaker Johnson Speaks To Reporters After White House Meeting With Biden, Schumer

This is Tyler Perry’s White House TV set, in Atlanta. There are no close buildings next to the real White House. 

The people aren’t buying it anymore. That is why less than 10% of Americans watched fake Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address. For good reason, this is what happens when the fake masked Biden starts rambling:

“We added more to the national debt than any president in his term in all of history!”

In the background is a fake masked Kamala Harris. You can see it looks like the mask is literally breathing on its own. (In the video)

The most glaring example of AI abuse is the existence of two Donald Trumps. The fake one handled by Leo Zagami at Mar a Largo brags about vaccinating Americans and promotes Bud Light. The real one is located at the underground military base in Mt. Cheyenne, Colorado and is leading a military campaign against the Satanists.

Here you can see a video of the fake Trump meeting Hungarian leader Victor Orban. Apparently, they have now also come up with a fake Melania. This is the Trump actor who appears at all the fake show trials.

Next, take a look at the real Trump Trump who says it quite clearly.

“Quick trials for fentanyl dealers, child traffickers and Treason followed by immediate execution (It is called military tribunal).”

This is what happened to Victoria Nuland, the de-facto president of the Ukraine. Official announcements say she resigned but our CIA sources say she was executed along with her husband Robert Kagan, architect of the Iraq war.


Vladimir Zelensky may also have been taken out by a missile in Odessa but regardless, he is finished and everybody knows it.

Also, just as this report was about to go live, the White Dragon Society was contacted by French Generals to say a military coup d’etat was underway against French President Emannuelle Macron Rothschild. This was triggered when Macron ordered the military to start shooting civilians and to send troops to Ukraine.

Here you can watch General André Coustou call Macron an enemy of the country,

Coustou was then threatened with a heart attack device by Macron. Killing Coustou would make no difference though because no French Generals are obeying Macron; they are with the Farmers and the French people. The fall of Macron will end Rothschild rule of France.

No matter what though, the entire fake US Presidential and European political theater is about to be shut down.

A hint of this came when the new Financial Report of the United States Government (February 2024) admitted Social Security and Medicare are under funded by $175 Trillion. If you add that to the $34 trillion in debt you see the US government is $209 trillion under water.

This number has been put out before by private economists and the St. Louis US Fed. The important point is the Treasury Department is formally admitting the US Corporation is de facto bankrupt.

Combine this with the fact the Fed Bank bailout program is ending this month. Also, note that moves to keep the US government running only last until the middle of this month. Then add that billionaires are all selling their stocks and buying underground shelters. From this, you can deduce some sort of major financial announcement is coming.

Our own sources in the Japanese royal family say a financial black swan is due on March 15th. it’s planned.

Rothschild family sources say all bank accounts will be reset, with each person receiving a one-time deposit of $500,000. Billionaires and millionaires will lose money, but for 90% of people it will be a windfall.

Such an event is necessary because the income required to afford a home in the US has increased by 80% since 2020. Home buyers now need to earn more than $106,000 a year, up $47,000 from 2020, a change driven largely by higher prices and borrowing costs. This is just further evidence that the current financial system is no longer working and needs to be restarted.

However, we are not sure whether the Rothschilds have the ability to stage such an event. Japanese royal family sources say that when Princess Mako left the royal family, she received a severance check signed by David Rothschild, who died 15 years ago. The inventor of the quantum financial system says: “Someone is trying to defraud my estate.”

Clearly there is still a fight over who will control the financial system. All we know for sure is that the United States cannot continue as it is.

It will probably take military action to solve this problem. On this front, we have evidence that a massive attack on Silicon Valley is being planned. The Gnostic Illuminati say they have no choice but to destroy the Silicon Valley computer nexus with a massive earthquake, sinking it into the sea.

There is no doubt that Silicon Valley is under attack. Recently there have been swarms of earthquakes and unusually high waves hitting the California coast.

There were also massive internet outages that affected the entire US West Coast, particularly Mark Zuckerberg’s Rockefellers Meta (Facebook), Instagram and Messenger.

The White Dragon Society argues that sending special forces to seize the headquarters of Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. would cause far less collateral damage than using earthquakes or electromagnetic weapons.

There’s also the possibility of shutting down the entire internet, and talk of a “massive solar flare” shows that’s being planned, as this headline says:

NASA prepares for ‘Internet apocalypse’ as huge solar storm could hit Earth by 2025

What they mean is that they will blame a solar storm for the collapse of the power grid.

The KM also hires foreign mercenaries to try to stop the American people from revolting.

A hint of this was found in the latest US jobs report. As Zerohedge reports:Last month we thought the January jobs report was the “most ridiculous in recent history,” but, boy, were we wrong, because this morning the Biden Department of Targeted Propaganda (aka BLS) released the February Labor market report, and holy shit, that was something else. Even Goebbels would blush.

The most important thing for me was that almost 2.4 million native workers have lost their jobs in the last 3 months. At the same time, a record number of 1.2 million (mostly illegal) migrant workers were hired in February alone. You can be sure that most of them were hired by the government as mercenaries to fight against the American people.

This is the kind of people they hire: “The brother of the migrant accused of murdering nursing student Laken Riley is on trial for possessing a fake ID and… he has ties to a vicious Venezuelan gang, which is behind a frightening wave of violence…”

It looks like they hire whores too. Florida Sheriff Grady Judd reports that illegal sex workers are given identification and paperwork by the Department of Homeland Security that allows them to fly around the United States for free at taxpayer expense. All they have to do is pay a weekly fee of $3000 to their DHS pimps.

The USA is descending into impunity, corruption and instability. Endless streams of migrants are storming the southern borders of the United States. And many of them are not Latin American at all; they come from regions that have fallen victim to the neo-imperialist wars unleashed by Washington.

As at the banquet in the house of the Babylonian King Belshazzar: “God has numbered your kingdom and completed it. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.” (Daniel 5: 25-27), says Russian FSB Lieutenant General L. Reshetnikov.

He adds: “The world’s thriving diversity is being replaced by a conflict between two models of government that exist only in American imaginations.”

The head of MI6 agrees, saying the common Russian and British goal is “the final defeat of world fascism [a corporate-controlled government] and the sovereignty of the people.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador to Moscow Lynne Tracy on Thursday to declare that “attempts to interfere in Russia’s internal affairs, including acts of sabotage and the spread of disinformation… would be strictly suppressed.”

It’s a shame they didn’t ask to do the same for the US. As Field Marshal Douglas MacGregor says:

“When I listen to the comments coming from the Senate or the House of Representatives, let alone the White House, I am reminded of the famous statement in Vietnam: ‘To save the village, we had to destroy it.’ I feel like that’s the plan in Washington: ‘We have to destroy the country to save it.'”

The KM is also trying very hard to starve us all to death or at least to subjugate us.

The EU has just confirmed former Club of Rome president Calin Georgescu’s claim that the KM is planning a food crisis in 2025. Last month, “about 60 European Union and government officials, food safety experts, industry representatives and some journalists gathered to address the possibility of something that was barely on the radar a few years ago: a full-blown food crisis.” . The conference assumes there will be a food shortage in Europe between 2024 and 2025.

It is recalled that similar exercises took place just before the pandemic in 2020. In other words, they are trying to bankrupt farmers in Europe in order to create a food crisis.

In the US, a DEW attack on Texas has just destroyed 80% of cattle grazing land.

Now utility Xcel Energy says its facilities appear to have played a role in igniting a massive wildfire in the Texas Panhandle that became the largest blaze in the state’s history.

Look who owns Xcel: BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard. The usual suspects.


A document from another of their affiliates, the UN, explains why they want to die us:

“Hunger is important to the economy because it creates cheap labor,” says a 2008 UN article called “The Benefits of World Hunger.” “Nobody works harder than hungry people,” the report says.

European farmers will not allow this. Here’s the latest from their war against the WEF Satanists:

Czech farmers dump manure in front of government offices

Belgian farmers spray police with sewage

The largest army in Europe is now the farmers

Russia will also ensure there is enough food. President Vladimir Putin says Russia’s “food of the future” will not consist of beetles and moths, like in the West

The White Hats also take out other KM agents. Here are some examples:

Rapper P. Diddy is now accused of engaging in sex trafficking similar to Jeffrey Epstein, soliciting underage prostitutes, committing RICO racketeering and grooming men for sex. Britney Spears and Justin Bieber may have been victims.

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being brought down over nursing home deaths so he can sing like a canary and denounce his KM puppet masters.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the first head of state of a Western nation to be summoned to the [International Criminal Court] under Article 15 of the Rome Statute for “aiding and abetting genocide” in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza.

“This is a real problem,” says the Pentagon.

The Canadian police are finally after Justin Castrudeau. The last straw was this:

“Project Brisa” resulted in 182 indictments, 20 arrests and seizures of drugs worth an estimated $61 million. However, according to Canadian intelligence, Castrudeau ordered the gangsters to be released and the drugs returned to them.

“Is Castrudeau a criminal?

“It looks like the RCMP think it could be him. Apparently he’s being investigated with a little pressure from the WH Alliance,” a Mossad source commented.

We also note that the white hats now appear to be controlling the masked avatar claiming to be Pope Francis. This “pope” caused a hysterical reaction among the KM puppet politicians (who identified themselves as demanding the continuation of the war) when he called on Ukraine to “have the courage to raise the white flag.”

There was also an uprising by anti-globalization activists in the British Parliament when MP Andrew Bridgen asked:

“Why is the UK ceding sovereign powers to an unelected, unaccountable, diplomatically immunized organization; the Director-General of the WHO was appointed by an unholy alliance of Bill Gates and the Chinese Communist Party… The petition, which is a debate on this The topic was not approved, even though it easily reached the 100,000 signature threshold.”

MP Marjorie Taylor Greene did her part when she told BBC newsreader Emily Maitlis to “fuck off” after she tried to label her a conspiracy theorist. Note that it was the BBC that “Jewish Space lasers” mentioned.

We also note that high-ranking KM satanist general Netanyahu will soon leave this world.

French journalist Thierry Meyssan reports: “Netanyahu, son of Vladimir Jabotinsky’s private secretary, has not hesitated to compare the Palestinians to the ancient Amalekites. This implies that they must all be exterminated.”

Jabotinsky’s revisionist Zionists are those who claim sovereignty over all areas from the “Nile to the Euphrates.”

Netanyahu is angered by War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz’s trip to Washington, telling him that “there is only one prime minister.”

“Oops, the avatar Bibi is really nervous. It looks like a deal is being made with the KM Deep State in DC to throw him under the bus. I smell a split in the Israeli ranks,” comments a Mossad source.

The rest of the world is pushing for action. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi called the war in Gaza a “disgrace to civilization.”

He spoke at a major annual Chinese political gathering. To confirm that China has banned the KM from its politics, note that no one is wearing masks, unlike at the last such gathering.


With the removal of KM agent Ayatollah Khameini, Iran is now also taking an effective stance instead of trying to promote Armageddon.

Iranian justice chief Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei has called on Muslim countries to cut ties with Israel and sue the occupying regime in international courts for its crimes against the Palestinians.

This is an example of a war criminal facing the death penalty:

Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the Shirat Moshe (religious school) yeshiva in the occupied city of Jaffa, called on the Israeli army to kill everyone in the Gaza Strip, including children.

Of course, the KM is still fighting to the bitter end. For example, they are still trying to vaccinate us all to death.

“We need to make sure everyone gets an updated flu shot and an updated Covid vaccine,” says CDC KM Puppet Director Mandy Cohen as she spreads fear porn to promote vaccine poisoning

They also try to suppress free speech. Eduard Pröls, director of CitizenGO in Germany, was found guilty of sharing this image on his Facebook page.


He now has a criminal record and was sentenced to a fine of 6,000 euros. It is the judge who must go to prison in this case, and in due course he will.

It also appears that the KM is now trying to use Moldova to start its long-planned Third World War.

The Republic of Moldova has signed a defense cooperation agreement with France. Just as this was happening, Polish intelligence informed us: “Pro-Russian rebels in Moldova’s separatist region of Transnistria asked Russia for ‘protection’ on Wednesday, fearing the area could become a new flashpoint in Moscow’s conflict with neighboring Ukraine.” .

An indication that the fake Biden compared the current situation regarding the war in Ukraine to 1941 and himself to Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt, of course, led a reluctant US population into World War II.

As the Polish secret service tells us:

“There are very few Poles in the Polish government and no Russians in the Russian one. Facts are facts.” You could also have added that there are no Americans in US corporate government.

The Germans seem to have had enough. This comes after NATO’s recent “Steady Defenders” exercise was literally brought to a standstill because the Russians disabled all of their high-tech GPS-controlled weapons, according to German intelligence sources.

You inform us:

The German government has made a radical decision regarding energy production in Germany. Hydrogen power plants should now make history and finally solve the problem of high electricity costs and a lack of security of supply. If this gigantic plan succeeds, Germany will be able to produce and even export electricity for cents, even without natural gas, coal and nuclear power! You would then no longer be dependent on other countries for electricity. The upcoming hydrogen power plant technology is unique in the world. Germany is considered a global pioneer and driver of innovation in this field. The new technology is base load capable, environmentally friendly, flexible, controllable, inexhaustible and cost-effective. The perfect solution for our power grid.

If the Germans unleash hydrogen power, that will be the end of environmentally harmful electric cars.

The German magazine “Stern” reports that Tesla has already been warned five times since March 2023 for exceeding the permitted amount of wastewater released into the environment.

The switch to hydrogen would also put a major dent in Chinese plans to monopolize the batteries that are important for electric cars.

China has 70 thousand workers on the island of Sulawesi engaged in nickel mining. China controls this industry. Since nickel is essential for battery production, this means that China is about to take complete control of all batteries used in electric vehicles etc.

However, Japan, along with Germany, could have the final say. Listen to why Toyota doesn’t believe electric cars will save the environment,

Toyota also has all the technology needed to enter the hydrogen era.


Finally, we would like to publish an anonymous statement that was sent to us:


“Today we have no choice but to face the truth…

That our governments lie

That our education is indoctrinated

That our doctors are misinformed

that our viruses are patented

That our diseases are created

That our medicines are poisons

that our media is propaganda

that our elections are fraudulent

That our water is poisonous

That our banks are dishonest

that our taxes are illegal

that our wars are planned in advance

that our countries are corporations

that our history was covered up

that our religions are hypocritical

that our children were sacrificed

That our division is being fueled

That our opinions are being manipulated

That our cancers can be cured

that our energy can be free

That everything in our external world is not what we were told… and that we are therefore determined to find the truth, which we do every day and will continue to do until it comes to light.”

The truth will set us free.


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As the Ides of March loom just ahead and Humanity walks the path to elevated consciousness and our brave, new world, there is consternation, confusion, and some fear of the unknown. It’s understandable, and why we have an army of Truthers releasing the reality to be recognized as opposed to the misinformation, disinformation, and fear porn eschewed by the dark’s minions.

As Q and others have said, “When you know, you know.” When your version of Truth and what the war is about and how it will go, as well as what our future will hold is deep-seated in your soul, you don’t need constant reassurance or “rescuing”.

That knowing comes from years of research and watching ‘The Plan’ unfold. It requires “logical thinking”. We don’t call it the “Q Map” for nothing. Sage advice and a reality check on the past were important markers in those years of Q drops; our military intelligence back channel.

They told us where we had been as a race without even knowing it, the unmitigated crimes committed behind our backs, and the underhanded tactics psychopathic predators were using to fight the war against God, the Universe, the legions of angels and protectors diligently securing our certain victory over the dark.

We see the untold efforts of those dedicated experts slowly bringing together any vestiges of what might be saved of the old system and weaving together a new and better system to serve Humanity that will propel us light years ahead of where we have been anchored by the controllers so we couldn’t advance or ascend to the higher realms.

For example… we recently heard that a wealthy friend of Donald Trump has purchased the United States Postal Service. I can easily believe that one because they have been screwing up badly with our mail pickups for our home business these past two weeks.

They used to pick up mid-morning, and there were many days they still hadn’t come by 4 pm, and there were other days they didn’t pick up at all and I had to personally take them to the post office before cut-off.

They had different people and multiple agents working the route just to get it done any which way they could, it seemed, and repeated calls to the Administration at the Post Office didn’t seem to remedy anything—only acknowledged that protocol had not been followed. They had sent out notifications of parcels being picked up and scanned into the system when they were still sitting on our porch, so it was mayhem that may have been a result of the buyout, restructuring, and all that entails.

I doubt there is anyone at this point who believes a planetary cleansing and overhaul can occur without disruptions. Usually the reasons are either excuses by the dark to hide the reality or cover stories from the White Hats to keep everything under wraps until such time as they are ready to make it public.

Many are disturbed and concerned about the DEWs [directed energy weapons] apparently used to start fires in Texas, Maui, Hawai’i, Paradise, California, Acapulco, as well as Lytton, British Columbia and Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada and probably other places like Greece which we have covered over the years.

If you listened to the Q&A Capt. Kyle did with Jenni on the Friday Revival of America podcast [below], the Captain put these lasers into perspective as a limited technology. We are under the distinct impression that what the Alliance has at its disposal as far as technology and weaponry is in another category entirely it is so advanced. As civilians, DEWs seem a horrific tool that can mete out utter devastation and significant loss of life. There probably isn’t any way to truly come to terms with it.

Let’s remember there is a war going on and rogue forces can act out in isolated instances. The White Hats are also focused on waking up the snoozers by “showing” them what they planned to do to Humanity. It’s going to get a lot livelier on this planet before it calms down from the sound of it as the psychopaths are rounded up and the ones clinging to their normalcy bias are ousted from their reverie and inserted abruptly into the dark days of this war which is a psychological operation.

We’ll get through it, and far more easily than those who know nothing of what is going on behind the scenes. Knowledge is power, and should enable us to stay out of fear.

We, the chosen ones in a sense, are here to witness the exsanguination of a cult beyond the most evil anyone could imagine. They corrupted Creation. They inverted science and everything good and beautiful, but it will all be put right and in ways we could never imagine.

For now, it is time to educate the masses as to just how close we came to total extinction. We’re fine. We’re not going anywhere, and those who choose to leave the planet now will have front row seats to the Greatest Show on Earth. One might say, under the big top, if you subscribe to that vaulted ceiling over us.

Capt. Kyle has been bringing many details to us in his chats for some time that others have not with a blend of spiritual and intelligence-based responses to the burning questions listeners extend to him. I recommend this Q&A for important perspective on the war effort. I always leave with a deeper innerstanding and from a place of calm. 1 hr. 56 min.



HERE IT IS—PART 2 from Dave XRP Lion and Patriot Underground: MUST WATCH

If you thought Part 1 was fabulous this will blow your mind. This extra-long, intensive examination of what will be happening is the quintessential guide for us all moving forward as we abandon the cabal’s controlled and corrupt Central Banking System and transition to the new People’s financial system and all that entails. We’re going Quantum, baby, and nothing can stop what is coming. Video below.

Dave XRP Lion takes Patrick the Patriot Underground host on the deepest dive yet—nearly to China. You want details about the “currency exchange” and Humanitarian project funding, Q phones and laptops, and everything else that will link us uniquely and securely to the world of the future?

It’s all here; the entire process— the EBS, the shelter-in-place, the unique 800 numbers we will be assigned, the appointments, the procedure, the language/terminology, setting up your QFS account, and the biggie everyone is salivating to learn more about—the shock-value reveal of just how much money we will be getting…. and much more. The guys joke about having mattresses on the floor at the Redemption Centres to cushion the falls of people when they are overcome by the zeroes and pass out on the spot.

If that sounds sensationalized to you, you must be new. If you have examined the depth and the extent of the vast fortunes stolen from Humanity over centuries, not to mention the illegal taxes, monetizing our birth certificates and trading us on the stock exchange, charging us for free energy, water, and other resources while causing skyrocketing inflation, manipulating the stocks, and the theft of gold and all the rest, if you’re like me you’ve not been able to wrap your mind around the number of zeroes this would entail. Dave can help you out there and does a fantastic job of explaining everything in this conversation.

Do not miss this instructional video with screens you can pause or capture to keep the details. Everything you wanted to know is here, but it is long, and you won’t want to stop once you get going because it is gripping and exciting. It’s not only steps for what to do, but also cautionary notes about what NOT to do to smooth the process and not get kicked out of the queue. Seniors—you’re first in line and you get the most money back.

We should also highlight the fact that the appointments are set up for REDEMPTION Centres. It’s not only about redeeming currencies and setting up Humanitarian funding, it’s about redeeming Humanity. We have been led down the paths of greed and acquisition and we know what they say about the “love of money”. Be of pure heart, good intent, and reap the harvest set aside for you as we embark on our Golden Age. Prepare.  3 hr. 32 min.



Kerry K generously shares brilliant perspective on the invisible side of the Shift or the Awakening that no one else does. The dots she connects are myriad and so needed to crystalize our personal innerstanding of what is happening. She arrested my racing thoughts with this one remark, the implications of which are simply staggering if you never suspected. I have told everyone this for years but had no real confirmation of the scale Kerry references until now:

There are more galactics out there surrounding us and supporting us than there are Humans on this planet. Let that sink in.

We have never been alone, and the support and “miracles” which have graced our civilization for a long time are immeasurable. Kerry discusses who is “steering the timeline”.

As well, Capt. Kyle has told us it is the Alliance spraying our skies to purify the air and the land which we know has to be toxic with Roundup and other pollutants the psychopaths have used to exterminate us and our wildlife and domestic animals.

These are difficult things to conceptualize but Kerry does it eloquently as well as the psychological aspects of how this liberation is being handled and why. 22 min.

Yes, the galactics. There is a need to speak of them.

SG Anon offered to make himself and his extensive research on nearly any topic available to podcasters but few have ventured beyond the mundane. Now SG has brought us a dedicated researcher in his own right by the name of Michael Horn. If you have looked into the Billy Meier Pleiadian visitations and revelations you probably recognize the name. He brings us information in this discussion I was previously unaware of so I was glad I listened to this fast-paced rundown on what Michael has discovered in his decades of investigation and some key others who were involved. 48 min.

(3/9/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ UFO-UAP and “Extraterrestrials” Deep Researcher Michael Horn


There are reams of intriguing posts on the Q the Stormm X page these days.


I’ve been watching the cascading, seemingly unrelated mysterious events involving Boeing and the airlines this past week and another surfaced as well as some dots to connect. Phil G. was sporting a harpoon shirt recently. Just another Qincidence, we suppose.

Alaska Airlines flight carrying pets arrives with cargo door open as carrier and Boeing face $1B lawsuit


Navy asks Boeing to upgrade and recertify 25 Harpoon anti-ship missiles and launchers in $16.9 million deal

Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile, developed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas before its 1997 acquisition by Boeing.

Another day gone and that’s all I could squeeze in. More tomorrow.  ~ BP

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Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths by removing the vaccine makers’ liability shield.

The Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act, or the LIABLE Act, would “allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many Americans via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries,” according to a summary of the bill publicized by Fox News.

“These vaccines were given emergency use authorization unilaterally and did not go through the normal FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] approval process,” the summary stated.

Commenting on the proposed legislation, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President Mary Holland said:

“The damages and fatalities caused by the COVID-19 vaccine demand accountability. This legislation represents a critical milestone in rectifying these injustices and paving the way for a more accountable future. This legislation is crucial for holding vaccine manufacturers accountable.”

CHD is among the organizations supporting the legislation.

According to Roy’s office, “COVID-19 vaccines are considered ‘countermeasures’ under the Public Readiness and Preparedness (PREP) Act, which broadly shields their manufacturers from civil liability related to losses stemming from the vaccines.”

“Instead, injured Americans must seek relief under the onerous Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) — but only 11 COVID-19-related claims have been paid out of CICP.”

Holland said the CICP is “wholly inadequate and inconsistent with constitutional principles in providing just redress.”

The proposed legislation would remove all federal liability protections for the COVID-19 vaccine, preserve the ability of injured Americans to access pre-existing compensation programs, such as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and would be retroactive, allowing Americans vaccinated and injured before the bill’s passage to sue.

In a statement, Roy said, “The long train of abuses committed by the government and public health establishment in response to COVID-19 will continue to impact the American people for years to come.”

As a result, Roy said he is “introducing the LIABLE Act to empower Americans to remove crony federal liability protections for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and empower injured Americans. The American people deserve justice for the infringement on their personal medical freedom and those medically harmed deserve restitution.”

React19, a nonprofit organization that advocates on behalf of vaccine injury victims, also welcomed the proposed legislation. Dr. Joel Wallskog, a Wisconsin orthopedic surgeon who no longer practices due to injuries he sustained from the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, is co-chair of the organization. He told The Defender:

“React19 supports the LIABLE Act. The COVID-19 public health emergency ended in 2023. Despite this, pharmaceutical companies, the government, and health care organizations are still protected from all liability through the PREP Act until at least Dec. 31, 2024.

“This blanket immunity provided by the PREP Act robs the American public injured by the COVID-19 shots of their right to due process and jury trial. We are relegated to CICP, which is an obvious failure.”

‘Hindsight will show this was absolutely necessary’

According to Fox News, the PREP Act “limits liability for the manufacturing, development and distribution of medical countermeasures related to a public health emergency.” COVID-19 vaccines were distributed in the U.S. on this basis.

In turn, the PREP Act created CICP, “which has a one-year statute of limitations and only provides compensation in the event of death or serious injury,” Fox News reported. As a result, COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers “are mostly immune from civil lawsuits, even if those seeking money damages have medical proof of their vaccine-related injuries.”

“Millions of Americans were forced to take a COVID-19 shot out of fear of losing their livelihoods and under false pretenses,” Roy told Fox News on Tuesday, contrasting the 11 claims compensated by CICP with the 700 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines which have been administered in the U.S.

Wallskog said CICP “has a 98% denial rate” and, as of Jan. 1, has issued a total “of about $41,000” for the 11 claims it has compensated — an average of approximately $3,700 per claim.

Ray Flores, senior outside counsel for CHD, is an expert on the PREP Act and CICP. He told The Defender he “would be thrilled” to see PREP Act manufacturer protection removed. “Someday, hindsight will show this was absolutely necessary,” Flores said.

Flores noted that U.S. government guarantees made to vaccine manufacturers early during the pandemic prohibited the government from “using or authorizing COVID-19 vaccine” unless they were “protected from liability under a declaration issued under the PREP Act, or a successor COVID-19 PREP Act declaration of equal or greater scope.”

“If this bill proceeds, this will be the battleground,” Flores said.

Lawsuits will help determine if COVID vaccines were as ‘safe and effective’ as claimed

Big Pharma did not welcome the proposed legislation. In a statement shared with Fox News, Andrew Powaleny, senior director of public affairs for PhRMA [Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America], an industry trade group, said:

“COVID-19 has been a reminder of why we need safe and effective vaccines. All vaccines, including those for COVID-19, are subject to a rigorous safety and efficacy review process and post-market monitoring.

“By upending the existing liability framework manufacturers rely upon to provide predictable vaccine development, our ability to address future public health threats will be at risk.”

But other experts disagreed. Writing Tuesday in The Blaze, commentator and author Daniel Horowitz asked, “Should a product that is completely funded, marketed, monopolized, and then mandated by government be less liable than Toyota is for its airbags?”

Horowitz added, “Ideally, the NCVIA [the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986] and the PREP Act should be repealed entirely.”

Still, he welcomed Roy’s proposed legislation. “Giving consumers their day in court will be the perfect way to sort out whether Pfizer’s and Moderna’s products are as safe and effective as they claim,” he wrote.

“It’s highly likely that tens of millions of people are currently without recourse for compensation from a product that was fraudulently foisted upon the American people by these companies in collusion with the federal government,” Horowitz said. “Knowing that, Roy’s bill comes as welcome relief.”

According to Fox News, “Roy has led the charge against those vaccine mandates, including leading efforts to roll back COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the U.S. military.”

Co-sponsors of the bill include Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Josh Brecheen (R-Okla.), Eric Burlison (R-Mo.), Michael Cloud (R-Texas), Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), Bob Good (R-Va.), Clay Higgins (R-La.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Mary Miller (R-Ill.), Barry Moore (R-Utah), Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), Randy Weber (R-Texas), Troy Nehls (R-Texas), Andy Harris (R-Md.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Eli Crane (R-Ariz.), Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho), Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) and Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.).

“Americans injured by the COVID-19 shots deserve better,” Wallskog said. “They did what they thought was the right thing for themselves, their families and the nation. Now, they are left abandoned. This legislation gives them a chance at fair and just compensation.”

“The time has come for our nation to recognize these injuries and allow them legal recourse,” he added.


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We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Beloved One, at this time, you are able to choose your desired reality more deliberately than ever.

The veils of Illusion are falling fast, as your heart is opening to your inherent Divinity.

Your Divine Inner Being is made of Divine Love.

The opposite of Love is Fear.

Oftentimes, humans are hiding their true Divine Self of Divine Love, by cloaking themselves in fear.

What are these layers of fear based on?

Fear is based on the Illusion of the Ego Mind that you are mortal, which is incorrect.

Loss of Love is equated with a version of dying.

Therefore, the fear of losing love is the driving force to “protect” yourself.

Sometimes, this is more obvious. Sometimes, it is more subtle.

Sometimes, it is about love from others, love for yourself and ultimately, the Love of Source/God.

Once you recognize, that this fear is your Ego Mind and not real, you can begin to allow your true Divine Self to come out of hiding.

You can choose to drop the layers of fear and “protection.”

You can begin to think, feel and act the way Source/God created you:

In the image of God.

Then, you are able to see through the layers of illusion and when someone behaves unloving towards you, you will know that this is just an illusion.

Instead, focus on your Divine Self and look for and find the Divine Self of the other.

Now, your reality will begin to change and the illusion of fear and absence of Love will disappear, to make way for Divine Love.

You are in charge of your experience and what you choose to think, feel and do – no matter the circumstances.

You are more powerful that you think you are.

You are the creator of your reality.

Try to do this for just one day.

Then, for another day.

And, another.

Before you know it, you will enter Heaven on Earth.

Welcome Home!

We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you… always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste.


Daily Message for 3/11/2024


In a world of over seven billion people, you are one of only twenty or so million people ( I’m being generous with this number ) who know they came to Earth from the stars. And you’re here on a mission. What is this mission? It is quite simple. To uplift a world into a higher state of consciousness. Into a higher vibrational reality, where we lead by heart and love. ~Kejraj

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This is one of the new Diamond and Platinum Sun children who ARE the New Golden Age and already have 12 strands of DNA and the New Lightbody form, even though it looks like the ordinary density, it is not.

What this means that as the transition is made in the next ten years, as the ascension process accelerates into the 5th and 7th dimensional new earth and the New Solar Lightbody form, his physical and all twelve are carefully being monitored and adjusted according to the dimensional frequency bands.

As these children all come from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, they have the innate ability to self-regenerate as necessary, as they are the new Superhuman race in the new Adam Kadmon bodies.

They have been prepared for this incarnation on the New Earth (it is already here and was born on the 5 July 2020) so that their subconscious mind and superconscious minds, the Higher Christ/Buddha/Atma/Eternal Self is fully activated, and their heart centers as well.

This means that will simply react to life different and carry within them Unity consciousness, and the keys and codes of fully co-creating the New Golden Age with love and through love, and yet they are endowed with an intelligence which is way beyond anything now known on earth.

They are totally balanced and thus their higher heart and higher mind ARE ONE as the Single Eye of Horus is fully activated. Their inner and outer hearing is created so that they can hear and access all 33 Universal Tones, escalating as the New Golden Age grows in consciousness and unity levels, to the eventual 72 octaves as they are in fact born with two spines: One visible and one invisible, and they will be able to teleport, to bilocate and even travel Universally without needing any additional assistance to do so, as they are the full return to the Intergalactic Federation and the Universal One.

They communicate telepathically, and can easily “read” people’s thoughts, feelings and energy and that of places. This brings a beautiful sensitivity which means that they can tune into any place, or animal, or plant and communicate with them easily, as well as being able to create masterpieces from an early age.

They will stun with the New beautiful Harmonic Sounds they create for the New Humanity, which unifies like never known before, as well as use their immense genius to create abodes, and dwellings which synchronize with Mother Earth, and where animals, birds, etc. and all elementals co-exist as one, and with this the waters, air, fires etc. are then totally pure and they will use very highly advanced hydraulic systems to keep it all clear as well as being able to grow food that is not only brimming with health, vitality and nutrients, but they will do so without the need of killing anything, as such things as pesticides will never be used ever again, nor will anything be polluted.

They will come up with such highly advanced Spiritual technology, where the Soul in every living Being is honored and where children are born without pain and indeed the loving relationships will be those of harmony, unity and peace and such profound love, that the children will feel themselves loved in all and every way, as their innate genius is nurtured from the start and they can express their true soul self without limits.

The Mystery Schools will rise as these will be places of such beautiful access to all knowledge under the Great Central Suns as they can access all levels of Divinity again and practice is in unity and harmony with ALL THAT IS, and on Multi-Universal Levels, with access to all information as stored in the twelve Great Central Suns.

They all are NEW souls who never incarnated before, and thus the New Super Adam Kadmon Race, the 7th Root race of man. ”

Copyright APplies: Excerpt from a Soul Reading for a two-year-old done by me.


Daily Message for 3/11/2024


In a world of over seven billion people, you are one of only twenty or so million people ( I’m being generous with this number ) who know they came to Earth from the stars. And you’re here on a mission. What is this mission? It is quite simple. To uplift a world into a higher state of consciousness. Into a higher vibrational reality, where we lead by heart and love. ~Kejraj

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It is the One....Thank you.

You find yourselves approaching the “eye of the storm.”  First, remember that you are prepared, and in a position to not be tossed around or thrown about. You’ll know what to do and when.

What may assist in these moments before the onslaught, is a review of not only who you are, but also why you are here now.

You arrived to assist, and also to implement a steep rise in personal growth. You are here for the collective, and that collective includes you. There is never a single purpose or isolated reason in physical life. For you are always interacting with someone or something.

What approaches will feel, or may feel, overwhelming and beyond your ability to affect. It would be a mistake to assume you have no control, for that is not the case. In truth, you have all the control for what transpires in your own life, and you have held this control always.

The onslaught will be the crumbling of the Matrix. If you can visualize all of the systems and people who hold up the Matrix ~ you will have an idea as to what (and who) has to fall.

It is meant to be a controlled collapse, which is what has taken so very long.

Above all, life perpetuates itself, and this will appear in many ways. It could look like desperate attempts to re-negotiate a system or a process that no longer fits the frequency of New Earth. It could also look like miraculous recoveries of those who were harmed by various lethal methods of the corrupted ones.

What approaches will be breathtaking in its speed and finality. This kind of thing asks for experienced travelers to successfully navigate through it, and then lead others.

These experienced ones are you, and your brethren reading announcements like this and/or holding love above everything else. This is why you are here.

You have been through similar moments, and have emerged wiser, stronger, and braver than before. You chose to be here now to assist a race of beautiful beings on their own journey.

You are ready because you hold love as a base frequency that you’ve activated and nurtured against all odds.

The frequency that you are is activated more each passing day. The shackles were removed years ago, yet you’ve been hidden beneath lies and fierce opposition.

As the world’s population revolts and demands for simultaneous Truth and accountability ~ your role is to hold the light. Hold the frequency and become visible. Your presence in a room is all that will be needed.

You won’t have to speak much, and in fact will, in most cases, be asked to participate. When you are, you will know that the time is right for you to do so. You’ll also know what needs to be said and done.

It is not your job to wake up the masses.

It is your role to provide the frequency and place in which they will wake up themselves. This is how it was for you ~ and there were others before you who did so. Now, my dear human, it is your turn.

Your heart is your primary tool here. Do not fret about where you are located or who you are speaking to ~ all have chosen the ideal place, moment, and guide.

You may only see a few others, yet know that your light is far reaching and felt way beyond your sight.

Know that you are needed, and know that you have all that is necessary to complete what it is you came for.

This is the message to hold close in the coming moments. You have all that you need. You will see, my dear, dear, human. You will see.

That is all.

Thank you.


Daily Message for 3/9/2024

March 2024 offers all the opportunity for realignment, reactivation, and remembering, once more the power and essence within. Entering a new level of awareness, while letting go of 3D attachments and beliefs. Let go and feel the higher light envelope your being. Prepare for greater expansion during this month of March, with new layers of DNA activations, higher gifts, talents, and the coming forth of your Golden Light of Wisdom and Creation via the Diamond Core in your Heart Center. Moving towards Summer as a newly realized being. ~Kejraj

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Rather than time marching on it is giving the impression that it is flying by, and for many there does not seem to be enough time to do all that they wish. It comes about because you have entered another time zone where the vibrations are lifting up. It is gradually changing things and the lower vibrations are being weakened and will gradually disappear.

We have already told you that what has been hidden from your sight will be revealed and indeed it is already happening. Matters that have been hidden away from the Light are gradually surfacing and being seen for what they really are. The negative forces are no longer able to do just as they wish without being accountable, and their activities are being brought to light.

You are in what you might call a waiting period when the activities around you seem never ending as the cleansing continues. Many deaths are taking place but as unlikely as it would seem, everything has been planned in advance. After all each soul has taken a life upon Earth knowing what to expect, having already had a review of their likely experiences and accepted them. They have found their right place where the opportunities exist to play out their life plan.

Karma can be cleared at any time and opportunities often crop up in people’s lives. Some can be hard lessons to be learned, but once cleared need never come back again. The answer to most of them is to be positive knowing that if you fail it does not go against you. Human Beings are prone to make mistakes but minor errors can often be immediately cleared. We have often made great efforts to help you get through such times but in the end it really is up to you.

The Human Race is made up of so many different ones each offering you unique experiences. So as you reincarnate you are certain to choose the one that best meets your needs. It is often why you feel a strong attraction to another Race apart from the one you are with, telling you that old experiences still hold a strong attraction for you even if you cannot recall why. They affect you in one way or another in each lifetime and it could even be as simple as your food preferences.

The more you learn about life and life after death, the more your eyes are opened and your Guides are sure to help you find the correct path for your development. It is of little value to “run before you can walk” and you should find a suitable path that meets your needs.

The beauty of religion is that it all contains some element of the truth, and you will recognise it for what it is. You could say “Love one and another and treat all as your brothers and sisters” as you are all on the same journey and will eventually arrive at the same point of understanding.

Some souls are not even ready to seek the truth and most have no expectations of life after death, but the truth will touch them and give a little hint that there is more to life than they believe. Clearly a change of thinking will start them wondering about life after death, and that could be the spur that they need to commence their journey home. How often do you hear someone say that there must be more to life than simply one experience and nothing afterwards.

There are many theories about the purpose of life, as it does seem to be pointless if you only live once as you would gain nothing from it, whereas life after life clearly means experience gained that would help you evolve. Think what you like but the fact remains that as a soul you have eternal life. That idea frightens some people because they do not know what to expect after death of the body, but as we recently explained the first step is to rise up into the higher levels exactly as you looked upon Earth.

However, as the vibrations are higher and you in an etheric body, you will quickly realise that you are “young” again. You will be what you think you are as far as your appearance and if you desire to look as you were on Earth “so be it” but you would still be free of all ailments. It is the power of thought that reigns supreme meaning that you could think anything into being.

Life after death of the body is another story completely, but bear in mind that those souls of a very low vibration do not have sufficiently high vibrations to be able to change them through the power of thought. Many are only able to exist in the darker regions but be assured that they still get Guides who help them come to terms with their level of existence. They will have opportunities to incarnate again and gain experience that may eventually see them rise up once more. You always have help on hand when you need it,

Dear Ones, there is so much help and guidance available to you at all times so never feel as though you have none, it is always there and much of the time you probably do not realise it. It is often those unexpected situations that are proving difficult that suddenly clear themselves from help being given that you are unaware of. Events that you talk of as “miracles” are the work of your Guides who know what you need. Life is a lot more complex than you probably realise yet it often passes you by without being noticed.

For each incarnation you only carry forward the skills you need to meet your life plan. You are in fact a very experienced individual and can take on any task we set you still and deal with it quite easily. Of course there are the rare occasions when matters do not work out as planned, but the problems can usually be sorted out with the least damage. When you consider the amount of people involved in ensuring that the Human Race progresses, it is some surprise that having to continually fight against the negative activities of the Dark Ones progress is made. The answer is that the strength of the Light to overcome their attempts to delay matters ensures that they can only cause a minimal delay.

In real terms you are well on track to move beyond the attempts to delay your progress, and the time will soon pass and you will know for certain that your goal will be achieved. There is such a short period to go through before you can claim victory over the negative forces who will be called to answer for their previous activities. Like any other souls they will have to make good the damage they have caused before they can progress further.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times. How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.

Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.

For now, just know that you are in a transition period. Transition from the old ways, the old third-dimensional visionary ways, into the higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension, and the new golden age. A golden age that you have experienced before.

Each and every one of you have experienced a golden age in past times: here on the Earth, and also from other systems and planets out among the stars. That is where you came from, from the stars. You are still continuing on your journey. You will be on your journey until you return to the ether once again. From the ethers you came, and to the ethers you shall return. In that process will be a huge transitionary stage that you will have gone through.

You will notice more and more now in the days, and weeks, and months ahead the transition will continue to gain momentum more and more. The truth everywhere shall come from many different forces and many different directions. This truth shall come forward. It will not only be for those that have the ears to hear as it is now, but for many, many more who are ready to listen, who are ready to be open to the possibilities and the potentials of the human race, and to each individual one within that human race.

You only need to continue to move forward now. Move forward with an understanding that you are in the right place, the right time, and the right moment. Even though everything around you will be seeming to be going to as your saying, ‘going to hell in a hand basket.’

It will not be for you, because you will not be looking at it in that way. And if you have been looking at it in that way, it is time to stop. It is time to look ahead now. To be in the moment, but to look ahead and see the glory that is ahead for all of you. Do not hold onto the fear. Do not hold onto the despair, to the depression, to the sickness and illnesses. Do not hold onto that. That is only part of the illusion. And the illusion is fading faster and faster now. And the veil, as you know it, is really not even there anymore. It is only there for those who believe it is there.

So more and more, trust in yourselves. Trust in your guides working with you, trusting your Higher God Self within you, and that you are being led in the direction you need to move toward. And if it is within your path to prepare for any potentialities to occur, then do so. But do so without fear. For if you hold onto fear, then you will be creating the very situation that you are wishing to avoid. Know that. Prepare. Do what you need to do, what you feel is right to do. Do it with peace of mind. That is all this is about, having peace of mind to continue to move forward in the day-to-day process, in the day-to-day transition that you are moving through.

The path in front of you is wide open. It is not a singular path any longer. It is wide open for all to follow that path. Follow it in whatever direction it needs to take you. For that direction that you are moving toward is the direction you need to move forward to.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge forward moment by moment, day by day, week by week, but doing so in full trust with your Higher God Self working for you.

**Source 1 2

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I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing moments of great change that is occurring across the planet.

Even though you may not be aware, or those of what you call the ‘general public’ may not be aware, of these changes, they are happening. And people are waking up everywhere. A Grand Awakening is in process. That is what this is all about. This transition that you are moving through at this point is all about the awakening of mankind. The awakening of the collective consciousness of man. That is what you came here for. That is why this is all happening as it is happening. And know that it is not about what is coming, it is about what is already here now.

Here, now, in this moment, you are experiencing the new birth of the Christ Consciousness here on the planet. This awakening, the truth coming forward everywhere, is about the Christ Consciousness coming back into this planet.

Just as the Great One, Yeshua, attempted to share this Christ Consciousness with all that would be aware of it, all that would allow him to share it. Just as that was happening, it is all about what is happening now in this moment. In this moment, great change is upon you. Great change here now in this moment.

And much that is, or was, about to happen, has already happened. And that is something you need to understand. You are fully within this transition, within the process, within the ascension process. You are in it right now. So know that. Know that as you continue to move through your life daily, hourly, momentarily, it is all about continuing to move forward always onward, forward, into the light more and more. The light of truth. The light of Love. The light of one. That is what you are here to do. That is what those around you are in the process of doing as well.

Many, many more are in this awakening process than you can possibly imagine at this point. Even though they are not showing the signs that you might be looking for. They are indeed in that process now. True, there are those that will very likely never wake up, not in this go-around. But it is not about this for you.

It is not for you to be concerned about their past, only about your past. Your past that is taking you further and further into the light of truth, further and further through this transition, further and further through this ascension process, and further and further away from the old three-dimensional illusionary programs.

The programs that have followed you through this entire life, the programs that have followed you from lifetime to lifetime, are now coming to an end. And that is what you need to realize. That is what you need to understand, that the old programming is, indeed, coming to an end. And the more that you come to realize and know that, then the more indeed it shall be at an end. And the new programming, the new creative program, the new imaginative program that you are bringing about will be your life moving forward. So know that.

Know that everything is in process. Know that everything is exactly as it needs to be in this moment, as part of the great universal plan. The plan for each and every one of you, the plan for the collective consciousness of this planet, the plan for the planetary consciousness herself, and on into the solar system and the galaxy itself. All is in change. All is in flux at this point.

So know that you are a bigger part of all of this than you may have thought you were. But all, indeed, are a part of the whole.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move forward, always moving forward on into the light. The light of truth, the light of your new creation, and the ending of the old programming, which does not need to be there anymore for any of you.

**Source 1 2

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Remote Viewing is the military term for viewing a target with the mind’s eye.

Remote Viewings are conducted under double blind conditions, meaning that the target assigner and the viewers are unaware of what they are viewing. They are simply given an arbitrary number.

The Future Forecasting Group was recently given the target number H506-B3T9. That was the only information they had. It was only after the viewing that they learned what the target was.

The target was the split/rapture event. In Christianity it is the “rapture.” When believers are taken into heaven while the rest of humanity suffers the tribulation. The RA material calls this event the “harvest.” And says it happens every twenty-five thousand years when those who have spiritually evolved ascend to a higher dimension while those who don’t are reincarnated back into the 3rd dimension.

According to Christians who believe in it, to be raptured you must believe in Christ. The RA material is from an exhaustive channeling experiment that took decades to achieve. And the source claims to be a group of entities known as the Council of Nine, or RA. The same RA of ancient Egypt, here to assist mankind in their spiritual evolution. And the FFG team saw all of this in their viewing.

To see if they are all getting the same data, remote viewers work in teams. And they all saw the event spanning from what was described as ancient Egypt or the middle east, into the present day. They saw an event that required one’s loyal submission or worship to higher beings. They saw a major event happening in the heavens. They saw what appeared to be a major cataclysmic event tied to the Great Year of roughly twenty-five thousand years. Something that many researchers predict, and the RA material confirms. And they all saw non-human entities behind this event. Riordin even saw a council of nine, and a blue bird, which is how they describe themselves in the RA material.

They saw what appeared to be another planet. One with an inhospitable atmosphere that required domed cities. They saw underground bases. And they saw the infamous grey aliens.

“And then we’re seeing one of these guys again. Continuation of a species. They got to do what they got to do. No regrets. But the sense is like, help us. Like they need our help. Again, this idea of like a manifest destiny… to inhabit a corporeal being.” ~ Nyiam (Future Forecasting Group)

According to UFO research, the most common story is that the Greys destroyed their own planet and came to Earth to experiment on mankind in a desperate attempt for survival. No longer able to reproduce sexually, they experiment on mankind with genetic science and technology to sustain their own species.

And according to the RA material, there are two factions of non-humans on Earth. One is on the path of service to others, here to help humanity spiritually liberate itself. And the other is on the path of service to self, here to enslave humanity for their own selfish needs.

Allgire saw several images of how the soul is attached to the human body, how it is removed, and how these creatures were attempting to manipulate the process with a neurolink. And practically the whole team saw barbaric experiments on mankind with brain chips, animal mutilations, animal-human hybrids, and trans-humanist hardware. As if creating some sort of human Frankenstein was the only way for their species to survive. They could be viewing the biblical Mark of the Beast. And also, the Orion group from the RA material, otherwise known as the Greys, who seek to use humanity for their own selfish needs.

They saw UFOs, major events in the sky, and a mass exodus.

It is interesting to note that Elon Musk wants to give everyone brain implants and says we need to escape the planet. President Trump created Space Force and a year later former Israeli space chief Haim Eshed said that extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it.

It is also important to note that I am seeing their remote viewing through my own filter. But you can watch the full presentation for yourself and draw your own conclusions. At Future Forecasting Group dot com.


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 Some may recall a couple of years ago I featured a video of a young woman named Miki Klann and others in Scottsdale, Arizona letting the board know they are out of order and the People are not going to take it any more. Ron Watkins, of 8Chan who since ran for office in Arizona in the last election was also there delivering remarks.

What we may not have been aware of since then is that Miki Klann has been sharpening her pen, digging into Constitutional documents, Common Law, and much more. She and her team took their weapons to multiple local “governments” and served the imposters who were NOT elected officials but self-glorified public servants who thought they had power to direct the People—and even oppose them.

Miki was talking BIG numbers they would understand; as in millions of dollars they are personally responsible for in their treasonous roles. It worked. The cockroaches adjourned the meeting and ran from the board room. Even the police were powerless to control so many souls who showed up to address the egregious situations. Unity. Power in numbers.

Later, mask, vaccine mandates, all their dark directives removed. They caved.

Because what Miki has learned and is teaching others applies to us all, everyone needs to watch the video below. You will see video clips of the bad actors being served, and can read Miki’s notice to vacate. She let them know they have 3 days to resign and send out a public broadcast to let the People know what has been happening, including regarding toxic water and poison “vaccines”.

The interview is with David Nino Rodrigues, and I would hope many will find it inspiring enough to visit the website the team has created because it is time the People of all nations woke up to the charade and took their power back. The control the establishment has over us is an illusion. We simply perceive it that way. Make the mind shift and take them down.

Miki has had calls from Canada and many other countries because they want to duplicate what she has done. Other cities have already done this and are in the process of same.

Miki confirmed that when her team lets the military know where they will be serving next, they show up in unmarked white vehicles and, like a HAZMAT crew, clean up the mess and take the cockroaches away. Why haven’t we heard about this? You just did!

What we have here is a failure to communicate. If you serve them—they will come. SHOW the White Hats you are awake, committed, and doing battle. They will back you up.

As Miki relates, we don’t have a process problem, we have a “reporting problem”. Get out there and report, keyboard warriors.


Share this everywhere. Tell the people you know what is going on all over America and other countries. Trump empowered the People. He set up the structure. It’s up to the People to remove the bottom of the pyramid the White Hats dismantled at the top so we are safe to move forward and deal with the cabal’s ignorant minions.

This is why we say the White Hats want the People to engage and get pissed off enough to get involved and use their power to oust their unlawful “governments”—because these people are only masquerading as government officials. They don’t even know who they work for. They are not our government, and we are not corporations. We must go back to Common Law; the Law of the Land. Those are all the Real Man and the Real Woman need to run their communities, and it needs to start at the grass roots, local level.

We have to get up off our knees, still the quaking, bone up on the facts, band together and get out there and take the criminals to task.


SG Anon uploaded File 72 last night and it, too, is inspiring. He digs up the best stuff. You may have heard of the significance of the eclipses, heard the name Nineveh, saw eclipse paths making a huge “X” across America, etc. I saw it and was curious but hadn’t dug in yet. When you hear the details and the background it is indeed biblical. He gets into a lot of interesting details surrounding what has been transpiring at this exciting time in our Great Awakening. That hidden owl in the statue was priceless. 55 min.

Killary-Trump Rematch Coming | [DS] Capitulations Continue | “Black Sun” Over Nineveh | Justice


The Truth shall set us free, and we will continue to inform everyone about the Covid con. Over a year ago I believe Dr. Bryan Ardiss told us his research revealed that there was snake venom in the clot shots. Some probably doubted that. A recent update from Real Raw News stated:

According to our source, White Hats last year obtained irrefutable proof that Rui Paulo de Jesus was one quackish doctor among a pool of “experts” who concocted the idea to lace the already lethal mRNA clotshot with neurotoxic venom obtained from Caspian and King cobras. The presence of venom was a contributory factor in countless deaths.

You can read about that in this article and hear more from Dr. Ardiss in the video below.


There’s more good news as a result of the People’s Right Action.

Rand Paul’s Bill Would Require NIH Scientists To Disclose Royalties They Receive From Drug Companies

The Royalty Transparency Act passed unanimously out of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee yesterday.



Boeing is having a rough week. First, a United Airlines Boeing engine caught fire causing an emergency landing in Texas, and now a United Airlines Boeing 777 has lost a tire taking off in San Francisco. What are the chances? And so many helicopter incidents in recent months and years.



One last note: there is a lot of chatter about the EBS/EAS and the news that Trump has concluded 7 of 7 “heads up” messages to prepare us. Those were posted on Q the Stormm X account and mirrored in other places.

I guess it could come any time.


This is scary stuff. What do you think of this proposition? They say ‘vetted’ but what about all the mind kontrol and MK Ultra used on the migrants, creating sleeper cells. Can they detect those agents?


Will you be watching Biden’s State of the Union address tonight? I just can’t stomach it. I’m sure Trump’s commentary on Truth Social will suffice.


There’s also this Rumble version coming up with Marjorie Taylor Greene:


LIVE: MAGA Responds to State of the Union; Hosted by Brian Glenn and Rep. MTG – 3/7/24

FYI, as tomorrow is my birthday I plan on taking the day off from posting. We’ll be back soon.  ~ BP

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I am Michael and I am here to talk about the new track!

No matter how much I love you, this is very important for you to understand!

This new track is up to you!

This track is there, laying before your feet – but – only if you choose to validate it, to recognize it!

And what is it all about? Really? Has it not been there before, you might ask yourself?


It is like a birth of a new era! A new deposit of time!

This new time is not only a timeline, no, it is much more!

This new time is a new world, a new universe if you like!

A timeline can be more narrow!

And how does this work? What does it mean?

The acceleration of the universe that you already live in has gained momentum and have actually reached a new world, this new time, and it is very unusual, but yet we have known about it for a long while.

This is a present for you! And how do you feel it, and how can you understand this? Very important questions!

Well firstly this new world is corresponding to love and patience and gratitude!

Yes when I say this I actually mean that it can feel you! And then it lets you join! You see, it is alive! This new time is a living being and it feels you and your intentions!

You can not interact with this energy, if you are even the slightest greedy or needy for something that is not pure love!

My recommendations for you is to meditate on being, existing, here and now, and accepting oneness with Universe, the great universal Motherhood.

Every plant, every animal on Earth is already connected!

If you search peace, you will find peace!

If you search for good things you will always find it!

But now you will find that it is all within you, you already have it!

You are soo close!

Just BE and breathe love and as I said meditate on; I AM! WE ARE ONE!

Your serenity within will join the serenity of the new era and you will be warmly welcomed, because your are awaited my dear friend!

You do not have to search high and low for this, you have already done the hard work, now you just have to realize that you are already there!

You are here right where you are, and by loving yourself unconditionally, and letting go of the old, you can feel the unity of this new era of love!

We love you very much and we anticipate to embrace you heart to heart!


AA Michael


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