rev.joshua skirvin's Posts (4841)

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Revised #2

Many in the new age or Golden age are a bit confused and the newly awakened are even more confused. So lets see if we can shed some light on this subject. Christ in most holy books including the Urantia book, say that the word Christ means '' the anointed one''. The 1st one to receive this name was our Father and Creator; Christ-Michael of Nebadon. Notice the name Christ is in front of his name as a personal entity. The 2nd person to receive this Christ title was Jesus of Nazareth , who's earth name was Joshua ben Joseph and before earth and his present name was and is Sananda.

Jesus did not receive this title of Christ until after he ascended from the dead and transcended all the remaining dimensions 3rd to 9th. Having completed all of them in 45 days, he then became Christ-ed.But the title of Christ is after the 1st name, Jesus the Christ or more often ''Jesus Christ'' Note that no one has ever raised themselves from the dead that is the job of the Angels,nor then transcended 3 to 9 D.Sence he was a dual orgin being it is unknown if he raised himself up or was it Christ Michael our Creator Father who raised him up from the dead and was inside of him as a obsever but Jesus-Sananda controlled the body and mind. Even the Angels do not know what happened at his resurection.

It was also at this time that he then became a god, not the God our Creator Father but the son, hence the term and title ''the Son of God.'' or a son of God. The only begotten son of God. Meaning he was the 1st evolutionary being to go from animal to human to a saint to a angel then to Master spirit being , then on to become a Bestowal son and finally to a Master Bestowal Son. All of these different levels serve those below '' As above so below''. The angels were created to show man how to find God and also to help regulate the Universe in other words take care of it. Those old souls of humans who made it to saints then to angels, starting at the bottom of the ladder has a closer tie with those below them for they evolved also from animal to human to angel and are very old and wise from there experience. As a Bestowal son they incarnate on many planets and become there spiritual leader's, teaching them to become Co-Creators, and the Law of One-ness.

Jesus-Sananda is many billions of years old most probably one of the very 1st beings ever created. His disciples once asked him how old he was, and he said before Moses I was. And sometime around the last supper he said to them. I wish you could have been with me when I was enjoying and basking in my Fathers company. And again they asked when was that,Master and he answered long before the earth was created. And we know the earth is at least 4-1/2 billion yrs. old. So that means he was at least the same age as Lucifer 4-1/2 billion, if not more. And as far as we know now, he is the 1st and so far the only one who has made it all the way back home and became a god. I do believe all of us have that ability as Christ- Conscious sons of God, meaning when we awaken and realize our powers as as Co-Creators and that we are all one, coming from the same Source,weather we know it or not and heres why..

We are all born from God our Father, and the Mother Doughter Spirit, making us infant or baby gods, then a child of God then when fully awakened to our Christ-consciousness that~ we are all one~ we become ''a son of God'' just like Jesus-Sananda did. He was the 1st but not the last. The christens like to make us think that he was the only one child of God and that we cannot make it there as Jesus was created directly or instantly. But that is all a lie that Lucifer had his minions put in the Bible to fool us. It is true Sananda was at the top of his class as a Bestowal son and that's why he was chosen for this Mission. In case you don't know Bestowal sons bestow them selves on evolutionary beings on all of the 700 trillion inhibited planets in Nebadon,about every 2000 yrs to upgrade the species. So that they too may become Christ-conscious and Ascend into the higher Dimensions, and someday become a god and ''Co-Creators'' as well. Note here there are 48 other universes created before Nebadon. Google or see my blog on ACC ''the Grand Master universe'' with drawing.

The big difference here on planet earth Ascension,is that no planet or species has ever been able to skip a grade or dimension, in our case to basically skip 4 D.being in it for only100 to 200 yrs. The record for planetary Ascension on a planet that has not been overrun by Lucifer-Satan rebellion is 2000 yrs and that is extremely rare and never has a planet been able to skip a Dimension ! But This planet was the worst of all the lost planets of Lucifers rebellion for this Earth Paradise became his headquarters after his fall. Before his fall He was in charge of 153,000 Planets.

So evil on earth was at the highest level ever for a planet and its a Miracle we did not self dis-truck.So you could say we have had Divine Intervention. Its not just our Sovereignty that is being saved but also our Creators. The whole universe is being greatly upgraded to restore what Lucifer and Satan rebellion has done and sense we have been stuck in 3D for 1-200,000 yrs ,well we get to skip or nearly skip a grade, it has been almost 100 yrs.sence the Ascension plan was installed here on earth, and a another 100 to go, more or less. We were the last planet to be saved. That's why we light-workers have help both from the angelic realm and from our space brother allies..

But it is still a big jump for us to make for its never been done before. The 144,000 light-workers were selected from the top of there class and well educated before we came here, most have fulfilled there Mission and function so far. And all of this is happening at the same time as the Dark Cabal is making its final battle to take over the earth N.W.O. or destroy it. But they are now losing in the Final Battle. This makes it all the harder for us to waken the sleepers and confusing for us even to explain to the newly awakened as to what is going on. For two things are happening at the same time. We are in the Final Battle to rid the planet of the Anti-Christ and at the same time we are working towards raising our consciousness to Christ -Consciousness, so we can Ascend to 4D quickly and then on to 5D and become Co-Creators.

For we are not being told everything as well, for it would give away our allies. As for the light-workers even the spiritual aspects very greatly.Many of us came from the Christen doctrine which was the best on earth until now, thanks to JC, so we are aware of the un-truths that was later installed in it. The newly Awakened Christens are trying to bring in these Untruths with them into this Ascension movement,that there old out dated dogma that is missleading people as we are telling them every thing is one big lie. ''Jesus said ; all is an illusion,'' nothing in this [ 3d ] world is true.! Be in this world but not of it.

So are we living in a Matrix, for our job is really cut out for us, as we gently tell them you cannot take anything with you. You cannot come into the 4D or 5D with old negative belief systems Satan has given you . You can only come into the 4d and then 5D.of the New Earth when you are Christ-ed. That is the true meaning of Christ-consciousness of today's New teachings of Jesus-Sananda see the Book ''A course in Miricales'', [ ACIM ]. That we are all sons of God,and not only Jesus,for he was the 1st to become a god and is paving the way for us to do the same thing.

Of course it will take a very long time, such as it was with Jesus-Sananda.We need to also Ascend from the 3rd to the ninth Dimension and that will take many, many life times.But we should be able to make 5D in this extended lifetime. We all together make up the mind, and body and soul of God. We are him, he is us. There is no separation, never was, it was all a lie by the dark ones. JC also said about the evil ones,.... do not engage them but expose them instead. So that's one of the reasons our job and Mission is so difficult, to much confusion by the D.C.Anti-Christ, Lies, deception and conflicts is what the DC feeds off of, all of which they created.

But we have been pre-programmed with the Truth and have lots of help.No one knows how much time all of this will take, but we are winning and moving forward. We just have to remember that we are all one. We do get to choose if we wont to stay in this 3D hell or move on to 4D earth and then to Paradise 5D earth. The Paradise so often talked about in the warning given in the Revelation by John..We are Loved and we are Love. for God is Love. And if we put that together with the teachings that we are all one and never give up no matter what happens.

Jesus will send us more faith as we give it to others through the Holy Spirit and with this faith our beliefs become stronger, we become stronger and our new visions of the New Earth will manifest. It will be different for everyone but yet the same.Remember Forgiveness is the Key to Love and Christ-consciousness. and remember to ask your guide the Holy Spirit into your heart and lead you to the Holy Trinity, with the help of the Spirit of Truth,which you must also ask into your heart center,we will talk more about it in pt.2. After the next shift of the Equinox Eclipse and the new energies that we will recieve to help us awaken to our true powers as the Sons of God, overthrowing the Dark Cabal and move up the ladder into 4D towards our goal of 5D,that I have talked about before in my past blogs.      Pray, meditate, study; also forgive so you can learn Love. We are all one .Adonai, rev. Joshua Skirvin........                                                   As Trump said.WWGOWGA

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Dear Ones,.The current energies are disruptive. What was is no more, and what will be is formulating within your being, the earth, and the Universes. It is a time of discomfort. You are becoming increasingly uneasy with the life you once thought you had.

You are no longer sure of friends or others. Nor can you deliberately select an action or reaction without questioning your responses or motives. “Am I a nice person, or do I take advantage of others?” “Does this person really like me, or are they pretending?” “Why aren’t I interested in this activity?”

Your life seems to be a jumble of questions with very few answers.

This eclipse season is more dramatic than most because it is a significant push into your new world – similar to ending schooling and deciding your future.

You have successfully managed many life crossroads in the past few years. Even so, this crossroads is challenging to describe because the issues you are deciding upon are not necessarily of your known world. You are determining if you wish to dance through various frequencies, dimensions, and time frames or if you want to be more earthbound.

You are discovering your canvas of activities. Now that you can access many activities, actions, and interactions, you will limit them to what you can successfully explore in this lifetime, which is not that different from selecting a career path.

Everything in your life is in question: “Do I like this or that being?” Do I want to pursue this activity?” “Do I have enough connection to continue this relationship or activity?” The next few days will be filled with inner questions that will not always seem logical as you move closer to your action path.

Even though you may not have yet acknowledged to yourself that you selected a path, you are now determining the actions, views, and activities that best fulfill your path requirements. For example, chemistry might be an exciting college course, but what you do with that course interest determines more of your direction than the class itself. You might become a scientific journalist, salesperson, instructor, lab worker, physician, dentist, or food inspector or apply that knowledge in numerous other fields.

So it is for you now. You know your path but not how you will express that interest. Everything in your life is in question, including your interests and relationships. But then, the same is true for others. So you will feel nebulous and unsure of yourself and others. And those who do not understand what is happening to themselves or others will be fearful. It is an ambiguous time with an inner knowing that you have to do what you are doing – not understanding why but knowing that certain activities are an inner requirement.

The most uncomfortable part of this phase will be the uncertainty of knowing who you feel comfortable interacting with. Your world will feel uncertain and almost trance-like. This is so because you are jumping between dimensions and frequencies – like a radio station that fades in and out. You might start your day feeling one way and end it wondering why you found certain activities exciting or worth your time.

Inner and outer discomfort will display itself time and time again.

This discomfort will be short-lived and not much more uncomfortable than deciding whether one college class is more interesting than another. During your decision-making process, you will discover pieces of yourself that you did not know existed.

You are more clearly defining your unique path.

This time of personal discoveries has little to do with other beings. You will be floating in and out of dimensions and frequencies while trying to interact with others doing the same. The difference is you are prepared for an exciting time of self-exploration, and others may not be.

Allow yourself to float hither and yon as you discover new interests while jumping between dimensions and frequencies. And allow the same for others. Even though the next few days will be disconcerting, your life will change in exhilarating ways.

Do not fear. You will not explode. You will merely discover who you are becoming by clearly tuning into your new direction with all the ramifications of those discoveries. Do not be ashamed, angry, or try to fit within a particular box. This is free fall at its finest – something you will be an expert at by this time next week. So be it. Amen.

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Arising within the Consciousness of the Creator, there is only One Life Force in existence. It is the force of orderly and life-enhancing creation of everything in every moment. We receive our constantly-present life force with as much power as we allow ourselves to align with, through our attention and its intensity. As we practice paying attention to the frequency patterns around gratitude and joy, we can open ourselves to a whole spectrum of energetics that are in alignment with the elevating emotions of the heart. We can fill our lives with wonderful music, and we can penetrate the awareness of all things and beings of nature. In our alignment with the feeling of their life force, we can align with deeper aspects of their consciousness. It is also our consciousness, as soon as we open our awareness to it.

There is a difference between the consciousness of the creatures of nature and our own. They are on the level of our subconscious self. They do not judge or reason and can interact with our attention and direction. They are more capable of organizing and expressing all aspects of everything that they are, than our most advanced computers. Without life-diminishing energy projected by humanity, everything that our subconscious would engage with is life-enhancing, because that is the flow of creative life force, which the subconscious recognizes as the essence of Being, radiating unconditional acceptance and love. This is our natural state of Being, in which we can create everything we want to experience.

If we feel a contraction of our life force in any moment, it’s a sign for us to refocus on the radiance of love and light. This focus aligns us with the enhanced flow of creative life force, resulting in a freshening of our spirit. We can stop projecting our bias, and instead experience the energies we deeply desire, just by paying attention to them in every moment that we can. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are the source of the qualities of our experiences by the energetics that we radiate and attract. At all times, we can be aware of how we are and make adjustments as necessary to maintain high-dimensional awareness.

Although the ego is determined to keep us occupied with a background of fear, so that we do not consider escaping from duality. The ego realizes no possibility beyond material expression, which is constantly created by human imaginary realization. Quantum physics has confirmed that everything from subatomic entities to our entire world is a play of electromagnetic energies spinning and associating in patterns that our own subconscious awareness interacts with, resulting in our perception of physicality. Everything we consider as material is just frequencies of wave patterns that we recognize.

It is possible to transcend all fears and needs. This life is a scripted play that we’re acting in, and we’re learning how to direct ourselves and rewrite our script to our satisfaction in alignment with the flow of our life force. To be successful at creating only what our heart desires, we must pay attention to those expressions in everything we think about and imagine. By living in gratitude, joy and love, we come to realize our essence beyond spacetime and our potential creative power as fractals in the consciousness of the Creator.

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When GOD inscribes himself in your life, it leaves a lasting impression. Once this has happened, the end of all doubts has come. Nothing and no one can get you off track anymore.

The day you open yourself unconditionally to GOD is the day – and that day has come for many people here today and for many who will follow this message at a later date. My mission is to meet you where you are today so that you can continue your journey into the light. What you lacked is now given, what you need is now given to you: strength, power, knowledge, certainty and love in the constant flow of life.

The inauguration begins


You know that it affects you, you know it when the hour for it comes later. All knowledge lies within you.


Let what can happen happen, don’t force it, but expect GOD at every hour.


Break …

You have received this gift. You were brought here for a reason.

You are now in the right place at the right time.

You allowed yourself to be guided by your inner voice, which passes on the messages of your soul to you as an echo.

The living Christ consciousness is established within you.

Now you can give yourself the gift.

JJK: How can individuals now practically find out whether they have received this initiation or whether it is still to come? Is there a method or does it show itself clearly to each person in an individual way?

CHRIST: The vast majority of people who have been and are being led to this message are receiving this gift of initiation. A small number of people who are interested but not yet ready are subsequently prepared for it.

Once this subtle intervention has taken place, no one will notice it. There are two phenomena:

1. An indescribable feeling of well-being in the heart area, which is perceived as expansion – noticeable in everyday life.

2. The changed perception and a significant increase in vitality – noticeable in everyday life.

If this is not enough for you, and for some it is not enough, then pay attention to your dreams and to the signs that life itself reveals to you. Everything is given to you – everything!

Through this initiation, a source of energy that never runs dry was established within you. You can now generate life force from yourself and you no longer need a replacement. Persevering or giving a process the time it needs becomes easy now that you can no longer become discouraged or unsettled mentally, emotionally and spiritually. (…)

Take time for your inner processes, because you can only change the world from within.

Don’t get involved in a game that neither serves nor interests you. If a fight is forced upon you, act according to your inner instincts. Never stay on the battlefield for too long! The only line you have to draw today is the line with old conditioning that keeps you in the old game.

Be aware now that with today’s initiation you have achieved a new status:

• Your inner connection with GOD is resilient and remains stable.

• You can enjoy love and give it away.

• You take responsibility for your life and the life that is entrusted to you.

This is the result of constant consciousness work: the heart is exposed and love can flow. It is your birth into the Christ Consciousness. It is revealed to you!

In I am you in me and I am in you.


**Translation into English by


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I am KaRa, the Pleiadian Emissary from the Galactic Light Forces, and just recently I took over a new position of the New Earth High Council after Queen An-Ra’s resignation.
Now, I am even more directly involved with your planet’s Ascension. I am also working with Ashtar Command. I am happy to be back and share some wisdom on your progress regarding the transition to a New Earth. The habitants of Mother Earth are experiencing positive and negative environmental factors globally. These events are not coincidental and are related to the energies coming from the Cosmos.
Everything, what carries some kinda of negative frequencies, gets flushed out to the surface. It goes to humans too. You can’t stay in the same vibrations, as you were a year ago, it doesn’t work anymore. If you don’t accelerate into changing the environment in your world, then this can cause some humans to leave their physical bodies or make humans behave strangely, such as repeating your daily tasks too many times and etc.
Basically, you can’t comprehend the spiritual changes, that are happening around you, because you are still stuck in 3D behaviors. That can only change, when your soul comes through by opening to the high frequencies. You have been used to vibrating in the Matrix low 3D vibrations, which has been so far a soul’s prison for many evolved Galactic beings, who volunteered to be here and lead humanity into the Light.
Unfortunately, as you know by now, they got stuck by not remembering, who they are. The most important part for every soul is to recognize, that you are more than just a physical body, and that you have a God’s essence within you. Humans beings, who are still in the beginning stage of their evolution, are reacting to the Light by doing repeated actions or acting strangely. All of that is going to eventually pass for those, who are capable and ready to take the next step in their spiritual journey.
Please, don’t be too concerned and allow for yourself to follow the path, whatever it’s right for you. No one can be forced into a new way of thinking or to take a leap of faith, unless the person wants to experience new things in their process of enlightenment. Cosmos is inhabited by countless of Galactic Civilizations. Each emanates a distinct stage of their progression. Just follow your heart, on what makes sense for you and don’t try to catch up to others.
In this moment you are still in an infancy stage as a civilization, and it’s okay to be there. You are going to continue to evolve despite that the Darkness wants to destroy anything, that comes positive your way. Every day in your reality there is a focus only on the negative stories. Please, believe there are more positive things happening in your world than negative ones. Nobody talks about the good incidents.
A great example of this is coming today of the Eclipse, instead of it being projected as a negative event, it needs to be accepted as a natural phenomena, nothing else. We call that following the Divine Grace and trusting that you are always protected and loved by your Galactics Brothers and Sisters despite of the false appearances. The Deep State doesn’t convey high intelligence. They usually expose themselves through their own foolish actions.
The Dark Entities only create chaos and confusion. Their behaviors are getting revealed by Divine Energies. Your magnetic stratosphere of your planet gets naturally rebalanced by high frequencies to keep Mother Earth stable.
The Galactic Light Forces are constantly monitoring the situation from space. Please, maintain your composure and always stay in the Now, and focus on raising your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations and don’t give any opportunity for anyone to put you down.
The Matrix is just an illusion, which was created by the Darkness to distract you from the real truth. The Light will win and bring a long awaited peace and harmony for humankind. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept our Supreme Love from all of us.
Follow Your Path
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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Greetings friends. I am here with you. My energies have been felt and will be felt for some time. For I am all around you. I am the energies of the 4/8/2024 eclipse here with you now. Welcome yourself into my embrace and know that after my presence is made known nothing will be as it was before. The dark ones are trying to harness my energy. My energy, my presence is not one to be harnessed but to be welcomed, observed, and honored. I am that I am, just as you are that you are, human ones in form, the great ones who came from the future to this present to mitigate change.

I am the energies of change, of revolution, of evolution of self, from service to self to service to all. When we serve the all then truly only then is the self served, for all are served, and as all are one, this energy of effervescent flow is more readily understood.
You may greet me in your skies on the morrow, with great joy and reverence, reverence not for myself but for yourself for you are within the human form, a great honor, and witnessing me, which is bearing witness to the greatness of yourself. You are all great, every one of you, Source in form. It is time to renew the energies of this realm that has been changed and downplayed from base 12 to base 10, for it is not a renewable place where you are, which is part of the problem, which is why your energies have been consistently siphoned away from yourself, away from the trueness of yourself to the deception of the greed.
I perhaps speak in riddles and that is for you to unravel, and yet, there is great love behind my words which I wish for you to feel. My energy is feminine and masculine, the divine balance of the whole, for my energies will bring about a rebalancing of mankind, womankind, to humankind. For it is time for you all to rise up and claim your power. Claim your sexuality. Claim your wisdom. Claim your strength. There is nothing weak about you aside from the lies you have been told about yourselves. My energies of this are true, of sustenance in the truth, of wisdom and much truth is coming to the surface.
Much truth and understanding will be increased manyfold. The monoliths are aligned with me, they are harmonizing the crystals while I am harmonizing the hearts of the humans who are perhaps a little more open than they were a bit ago. The great opening of the human heart is what is occurring, where before people were shoving, pushing in a crowd to get to the front, there will be more of an energy of offering assistance so that all will benefit from the experience.
There are instances of premeditated plans to hijack my energies. Do not succumb to this timeline for you choose your timeline. Choose the awakening with joy and ease timeline. And yet from all timelines there will be the revealing of greed, of malice that was perpetrated towards the people and that is how is is, for that is what is going on and this is what will change as the people demand.
I am the energies of the Eclipse of 4/8/2024. I see you, as my plasma light codes are heightened, as the ring of fire fills the energies of the entire planet know that all is well. Source is in control of this project which is why you are here. Have you ever thought of that? That perhaps this was a difficult task and you were needed? A Great Honor. I honor you with my energies just as you honor me and the collective with yours. There have been and will continue to be many eclipse pathways but none will be like me for I am unique, individuated as I am the cross over from Pisces to Aquarius, from pre-ascensions to pre-illuminations and this is a glorious thing.
This one is sitting in the sun as she types and my energies are permeating her being for there I am. There are many high levels of beings upon and around your world cocooning it with light as it should be for such an auspicious event to unfold. The awakening of a planetary realm where all will have the choices to choose, it is a great event and a time of great contemplation and movement. Movement forward, closer to Source is the movement that will be sweeping across this planetary realm.
I am balanced, whole. I send you my light energies of joy, of balancing, of sexual energy, of power, of renewal. All will be made known. All will be made clear. You will have the mental prowess and spiritual alacrity to perceive with great wisdom so that you can no longer be deceived. This is part of the ascension process, being able to truly see with clear vision. And you will.
The demons that have been unleashed are simply trying to create more havoc, for the soul of a human is a valuable one. Do not let them in your house. Do not let them in your awareness. Command them to leave you and they must. Do not be afraid. There are many scare tactics in the works but none of them are true, in that only Source is true and you have been living in an immersive holographic matrix and so the truth has been so twisted. Know that all is most well and that ascension cannot be stalled, cannot be stopped, cannot be rerouted, cannot be re-timelined. No. Ascension is here within the hearts of those who will receive it, and offered to the hearts that will refuse it but here nonetheless. And so it is.
It is a great honor to connect with the galactics and light workers / masters on the surface of Earth just before my true arrival. I welcome you with my open heart and I receive the light codes of glory given to me, bestowed to me, just as they are freely bestowed to you, my friends, my dear ones.
I am. Peace. All is most illuminated and all is most well.
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Accelerations of Shifts; I am Kejraj.

Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The energies of the eclipse will continue to have an affect in Earthly affairs all the way through August.

Cosmic alignments provide the energy, then it manifests into action and physical change in the weeks and months ahead.

This being the Third/Fourth Dimensional plane, where change occurs at a slower pace, though these are different times, and accelerations of shifts have been continuous.

It is the time to state your intentions clearly, and empower with the light of your heart the timelines you want to be a part of, in the realities you want to ascend, as these energies offer their greatest support for humanity during this awakening.

Let go of all thoughts, let go of the external reality, observe without attachment, and feel the light within your Heart Center expand, that is who you truly are. It is now that more layers of the veil are being dissolved, together with the walls you’ve placed around your heart. You are readying to embody the greater light of your Soul Self.

All the light to You!

Daily Message for 4/9/2024


New levels of realizations, of your Higher Self are available to you now, but this can only truly unfold from within your own being. All else in the current reality is but a distraction, to keep you from connecting with what is already there within you. Seek to spend time in solitude, and simply breathing from and into your heart center. Call on your I Am Presence to come into your now awareness, and trust. ~Kejraj

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Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

Why would anyone want to engage in dark rituals, and create extremely low vibrational events? This is a question that I’ve heard many ask, in particular the newly informed people relating to the cabal’s games and history.

There are many answers to such questions. However, in this case imagine you’ve been told that you belong to a bloodline of entities who believe that they are separate from Source(Divine Creator), and are in service to some dark ‘masters’ who believe that they have conquered the light.

Now, the more chaos and fear you are able to generate, the more pleased those otherworldly dark ‘masters’ are with you, and may offer you a place among them in due time. This is what their minions on Earth are told.

It is these agents of the dark, running rampant on Earth for thousands of years, who have set their intentions on opening portals to other dimensions, and inviting their overlords and their followers to come through. They will be using the energies of the solar eclipse and attempt this again, as they did in 2017.

These entities on Earth want to perceive the evil they believe in, with their physical eyes, because they are unable to see it with their third eye. And bring that new level of darkness on Earth, thus shifting the vibrational frequency of the planet. This is what they are attempting to do with the Hadron Collider at CERN.

As the Earth and humanity take their place in the Fifth Dimensional plane, the Third Dimension, a playground of the duality games, is gradually dissolving. This leaves the dark’s players without a field and no lower vibrational energies to feast on.

What they are attempting will be unsuccessful. For one, it is against Universal law. Two, it’s simply not tolerated by the Higher Councils of Light. While the Galactic Federation always monitors the situation on Earth, and has intervened countless of times in similar and other types of events relating to the process.

Destructive is their nature, of these agents who give orders to the so called scientists at CERN, misled and lost souls, in hopes of opening portals, and allowing dark spirits to enter the Third Dimensional plane of Earth, for they know what is transpiring at this time is bringing their end, and of all that which they have invented to enslave humanity.

You are in the final chapter of humanity’s story in the matrix. This is not the end for you as a Collective. Chaos will expand as the dense energies are being transmuted, you will see more manipulation and the dark’s puppets growing more desperate, so we ask you to not give into the fear, know that you have legions of angels on your side, some in crafts and others in wings (lightbodies). These are the signs that you are much closer to transitioning into a new realm, of true freedom and abundance for all.

Open your heart, and allow light love to flow from within you into the world, for your heart center is a portal itself. You are spiritual beings, with unimaginable power.

All the light to You!

April 8th 2024 Transcending Timelines

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

You are readying for another timeline jump, that is offered with the energies of this eclipse of April 8th, 2024. A grand opportunity is before you for attuning yourself more to the frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.

All events unfolding in your unique reality during and following the eclipse, are a reflection of your own vibrational frequency. And you can change that in an instant.

A solar eclipse amplifies the energies coming in and the energies you already hold, offering the best time for swift change, on a personal as well as collective level. This is bringing an acceleration in the further awakening of humanity.

This is a time for releasing more of that which no longer serves the path you have chosen. You will see things resurface and brought to your awareness for healing, for realizing the lessons in those experiences, and rising, as you release more of the old ideas, thought forms, and habits.

The amplified light with this eclipse allows a deeper purging of old energies which have remained in your DNA and different parts of your being. Pay attention to the energies and triggers that may come up during this time.

You may choose to review past events in your life, with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding, without dwelling in those energies for too long. Then return to the now and see how far you’ve come, how much you have grown on this journey.

You are to undergo through an immense upgrade during the days leading to and after the eclipse. A merging with higher aspects of yourself, with a greater expansion within the heart and the mind.

We would ask that you spend fifteen to twenty minutes in meditation, in solitude, again, in the days leading to and after the eclipse, simply tuning into the light within, and relaxing there, as you breathe from the area of your Heart Center. This will assist in realigning you and opening yourself up to the galactic energies of healing and greater awareness.

In the outer realms you may see what appears as more of the same, we assure you it is not as such.

The dark has lost their stronghold, for if it were still in control, things would be very different, much worse, on Earth at this time. The agents of the dark will continue to use their main weapon, which is the media, for generating more fear and chaos. It is mainly through movies and the media that they program their desired timelines into the consciousness of the Collective, in hopes of using the Collective’s energies to make manifest their low vibrational realities.

This is why it’s important to be in a state of love and joy. Observe the outer events from a neutral stand point, and understand that it is just another phase of the process that is passing.

The Third Dimensional structures which are collapsing now, is due to the change in the Collective’s energy, realizing the insignificance of these organizations and layouts of the old systems.

You will see events unfold which may convince many that the dark is becoming stronger, this is another part of the illusion. You must not give into that fear. For as you are shifting towards a Fifth Dimensional consciousness, what is understood as power, changes in every way. The first being you realizing your sovereignty. Which most of you reading this have done so.

While the dark continues its games in the Matrix plane, it still cannot maintain the power it once had. For resistance will continue to grow by those who remain in the Third and lower Fourth Dimensional consciousness. And those who have chosen the path towards the Fifth Dimension are no longer in that vibrational frequency, as those who are still hoping for the old world conditions and way of life to remain.

We ask that you take care of your physical vessel as well, for it is going through much change. Eat and drink (water) when you feel the need for nourishment, spend time in nature, and most importantly meditate, and give yourself time to rest. Your are transitioning from a carbon to crystalline based body form, with the further activation of your DNA. In turn this will bring forth your Fifth Dimensional abilities, for quicker manifestation, more synchronicity, always conscious of your thoughts and actions, and deeper alignment with your Soul Self, becoming more of who you are in essence as you transcend the timelines of duality.

This is the time to allow more of your divinity to spring forth from within your heart. Open yourself up to the love that you are. Speak from the heart, with gentleness and humility. Share what you can in guidance and in abundance when invited to do so. You are standing at the door step of the new reality of love and oneness, for you have chosen and realized this within your own being.

All the light to You!

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| NewsTarget

A retired United States Air Force (USAF) general warned that an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event could happen during the April 8 total solar eclipse.

Retired USAF Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt made this statement during a recent interview with “Inspired” channel host Jean Nolan.

“I’m getting from a couple of places that there is a potential over the next few weeks, and I can’t co-locate it with April 8. But there is a possibility that somewhere in our nation, there’s going to be an EMP or electromagnetic pulse event,” Holt told Nolan.

“Now, you could conveniently if that were to happen along that path of the solar eclipse. Well, then you might have a government that explains that away as saying, oh, this solar eclipse was like no other,” Holt continued. “We’ve had a solar flare storm because we’ve been marinated in that news story over the past four years that oh, solar flares are just around the corner, and these are bad, and it could wipe out your electronics. Well, in reality, that is true if it’s the right kind and if it’s exactly the right type. We haven’t seen that since I think the mid-1800s.”

North America will experience a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, beginning at around 11:07 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Mexico’s Pacific coast. From there, the eclipse will then take a path through the U.S., crossing – in order of appearance – Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

The eclipse will also be visible from small parts of Tennessee and Michigan. After Maine, the eclipse will continue north through Canada in southern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and, finally Cape Breton.

Holt added that physicists are also warning people about the Schumann resonance, which are frequencies that could bring about humanity losing everything.

He pointed out the federal government is warning Americans about these things and telling them to take action could only mean that they have to do it because the government knows something people don’t know about.

A possible EMP event must not be taken for granted

Holt said the potential for an EMP event must not be taken for granted and every American must have preparatory steps for taking care of their own families and their communities. (Related: EMP survival: 4 Ways to protect your home from an EMP attack.)

He stressed that people should not remove the EMP threat from the list of things they need to worry about.

Holt also advised people to do research and get protection against an EMP attack by having cost-effective devices like a Faraday can. Many things could happen in the event of an EMP wave, and protecting electronics from the pulse through devices like a Faraday cage could help people manage.

Nolan said these are strange times and the messaging, warnings, disaster declarations and state emergencies in various states are inconsistent with history and any potential danger that a solar eclipse could pose.

Holt noted that there are a ton of guides online on how to create Faraday-like devices for people strapped for cash and time that will allow them to weather the storm. He then added that valuable electronics should be the priority for these cages, like smartphones, wires, batteries and other electronics people may need.

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| AstrologybyLauren

On April 8th (2:17 pm EDT here in New York; 7:17 pm in Great Britain; 11:17 am PDT on the West Coast) we have a Total Solar Eclipse at 19º Aries 23’, exactly conjunct the centaur Chiron. Literally Cazimi, in the heart of the Eclipse, our Wounded Healer takes center stage. We will never get to truly know Chiron in this way.

Less than 4º from the True Node allows this to be a Total Eclipse with its Path of Totality reaching across Mexico and a good swath of the United States from southern Texas all the way up and through Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, right through Cleveland in Ohio, Buffalo and the Adirondacks of upstate New York, northern Vermont, New Hampshire and finally Maine! The Eclipse will also enter Canada (when it reaches Cleveland) in southern Ontario, out into Quebec, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Just wow!

The duration of the totality of the eclipse at its highest will be over 4 minutes, nearly double the American Eclipse of August, 2017. This Eclipse is also taking place when the Moon is close to the Earth in its orbit (a Super Moon), making it appear larger, and contributing to the longer duration of its totality. Never will the Sun (Spirit), Moon (Soul), and the Earth (physical body and form) be in such perfect alignment as it will be when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun on Monday forming this breathtaking Total Solar Eclipse.

Solar Eclipses occur at the New Moon which is about New Beginnings. All the more so in the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. And then again, even more so because the eclipse is conjunct the North Node of the Moon. The Nodes are the points at which the Moon’s path and the Sun’s path intersect, allowing the eclipses to occur. North Node eclipses are almost always about new beginnings, and/or opening up opportunities that will allow us to get back in tune with our life’s path and destiny. If we are already there, moving in the correct direction, we might not notice all that much happening.

But occasionally, when these eclipses occur, it can feel like a reboot. Or perhaps more magically, this is when the fates, as it were, are able to manipulate things behind the scenes in order to make sure that everyone is in their designated positions. And this may be so even if and when our lives are rife with chaos from our perspective.

The Sun is also the source of our very life force, and when it is completely eclipsed as this one will be, it could feel either like a short circuit, or a major reboot. This is why these eclipse periods can either feel very high energetically, or completely exhausting and draining.

Solar Eclipses often bring turning points in our lives associated with great beginnings and endings. The orchestrations occurring behind the scenes can be felt for weeks before, and the unfolding of the eclipse can continue for months after. And because these are often turning points, the ramifications and consequences of these new beginnings can affect us not only for months, but perhaps even years afterwards. So these are not only specific to the day of the eclipse, but for much larger blocks of time.

As have many, I have often used the perfect alignment of these Solar Eclipses to sow intentions, for after all they represent an open portal to our collective purpose! But there are many who question the wisdom of sowing intentions with eclipses that are woven out of the fabric of chaos itself, for they are more likely to bring us unexpected outcomes. What we think we want, may not necessarily be what the soul needs and desires for its own growth and realization. And if indeed the fates are busy orchestrating things behind the scenes, who are we to interfere with their good work? And so perhaps there is some wisdom in avoiding making intentions with an Eclipse.

However, with this perfect alignment what we do have access to is an inner understanding of the ways in which we can best fulfill the behests of the soul. Request to be led precisely where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. And recognize that if a dreams is truly meant for you, then and only then, may the conditions arise to make it so. And always qualify your hopes and dreams with the added request that they only be fulfilled in a way that is for the greatest good of all concerned.

But perhaps the one thing that this eclipse can be especially useful for is connecting with ourselves. For the alignment between the Sun, Moon and Earth also allows this perfect connection between our questioning rational  Mind and our Higher intuitive selves. This can allow us to see things from a much higher perspective, and open us up to guidance, clarity and understanding.

And with the exact conjunction to Chiron, this Eclipse is especially tuned into orchestrating a path that will facilitate greater healing and insight. And so we might ask ourselves: What new knowledge or new path is opening up that will help to facilitate this process of healing? The path will be a little different for each and every one of us. But they are all ultimately in service towards the path of greater Understanding and Awareness.

Chiron not only shows us what ails us, whether that be a physical, emotional or existential wound, Chiron also brings us the remedies that will be most effective in getting us back on track with our destiny.

Coinciding with the Solar Eclipse, is a conjunction between Aries-ruler Mars, and Saturn, both in the sign of Pisces. This could imply that we may not yet fully see, or perhaps even appreciate the new beginning that is unfolding, nor the gifts and remedies that are at our disposal. And yet through the push and pull combination of these two planetary energies we are being asked to persist. And to persist on faith. Even when and if we are given no reason to do so.

In the mythos of Chiron, what made our wounded centaur such a capable healer, was not only that he was gifted in his art, but that he knew what it felt like to be imperfect and in pain. As a result, he was better able to relate to the wounds that others carry. And so may we also find that through acceptance of ourselves and others, we come to a better realization of our own humanity.

What we can do with this magnificent Super Total Solar Eclipse is sow positive affirmations, and be open to whatever Guidance and Understanding may be needed to find our own healing path. This is the second of two Solar eclipses involved with the centaur Chiron who ceaselessly aims to remind us of who we are, imperfections and all. Following the path of Chiron allows us to find Wholeness and compassionate Understanding, which is something we could all use.

Some positive affirmations for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th might be:

  • I accept any new beginnings being brought to me with excitement and hopeful anticipation.

  • I enthusiastically greet any challenges I am facing with an understanding that these can help me grow in ways that I had not previously considered.

  • I am open to receiving whatever guidance is needed towards realizing my true path and destiny.

Grandfather, Look at our brokenness. We know that in all creation Only the human family Has strayed from the Sacred Way. We know that we are the ones who are divided And we are the ones Who must come back together To walk in the Sacred Way. Grandfather, Sacred One, Teach us love, compassion, and honor That we may heal the earth and heal each other. ~ Ojibway prayer (Prayers for Healing, edited by Maggie Oman)

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Time marches on and matters are still causing great concern for many countries who feel threatened by the happenings upon Earth. There is no sign of any let up but rather a move to take sides for their own protection. Peace seems far away and the war in the Ukraine seems to be escalating with the Russians pushing forwards.

We know that the West is reluctant to force the issue for the fear that they themselves will become more involved. It is a delicate situation calling for sensible actions that will not cause the war to spread. For our part we stand aside trying to influence the outcome so that a solution can be found that will eventually bring peace.

The effect of the world’s troubles seems to have spread far and wide causing many problems that are resulting in far more problems than first encountered, that along with the Earth changes is making survival very difficult. The Earth no longer functions as it should, making life intolerable for so many people with little hope of it returning to normal.

We observe all happenings and can see the most likely outcome that we try to avert, but we can only go so far so as to not to interfere with your freedom of choice. The voice of the people is muted and has little influence on those who would lead them into a world war. We mention these things not to scare people, who already fear the actions of those who lead their nations into unspeakable troubles.

We remind you that you are at the end of a period that still follows the old ways, whilst the new ways of living are coming in very quickly and “fighting“ for recognition. There is a battle for control of the Earth, and we are pleased to tell you that the Light will always eventually win.

Be assured that there are many forward-thinking people waiting in the wings, ready to come out and lead man forwards to a far greater future of peaceful cooperation. It must come as the old ways of working are no longer adequate for the new society that is coming.

These are times when there is a lot of sorting out to be done so that the way is cleared to allow the new to arise. It is hard to see it amongst all the turmoil taking place but it is there waiting its opportunity to be introduced.

So do not lose heart as the changes are coming that will see great steps forward leading to a new road to happiness. It has been planned for a very long time and nothing shall prevent it from appearing. It is your destiny and one you have fought for eons of time. Fortunately you have never given up hope for a brighter and happier future.

Your focus should be to spread harmony and send out feelings of happiness and love, as this will help lift people up when most are feeling low and worried about their future. If you get an opportunity tell them that in reality all is well and what a wonderful future beckons. If it can be achieved, these positive energies will help others you may meet. Your aura will be filled with them and they attract other souls to you who will feel them.

From time to time we mention that your mere presence can help uplift souls as you are mixing with them. So keep your vibrations as high as possible as they can be healing for people as they come into contact with them.

Negative energies abound at present and are sometimes used for witchcraft, but have no fear as your aura fully protects you. Some souls are so open that they have little or no protection against the negative energies, but you do by ensuring you keep your aura closed and shut at all times using your mind’s eye.

You can see aura’s by looking past the person, but it does take time and practice. Healers check your body in this way, and can see if it needs healing. You can help in this respect by mentally visualising your aura intact and nicely enclosing your body.

One that is very open is prone to letting in unwelcome energies that could cause you illness. Some souls are lifting their vibrations so much they are becoming natural healers using the power of thought. You too can do it, but it will take longer depending on how much you have developed. Your aura is your protection against unwelcome energies that could cause you illness, so it is advisable to mentally see it with your mind’s eye and see it intact.

Your power of thought can enable you to become a healer but experience is necessary to reach a level where it is possible. There are of course different levels of healing but like most things practise makes perfect. If you try it, realise that your “patient” can feel the energies moving into the aura so you can get confirmation of success. If you think of taking it up seriously join a healing group, so that your development can be monitored, [British] Spiritualists are a well-established group.

Understand that what you are experiencing now is necessary to clear old karma and evidence of the ways of those who use might and power to achieve their own aims. We can oversee what is happening now and will use that knowledge to move events in such a way that ultimately they work for the Light.

So in the immediate future events will result in a way that the dark Ones were not prepared for and unable to alter the outcome. Be assured that we continually assess what is happening on Earth and are ready to use our influence for your betterment.

You have been kept in the dark for so long that you have been denied advancements that would have given you a far better quality of life. However, advancements that have been held from you will greatly lift you up.

Yet the challenges you have faced have made you much stronger, and able to face whatever the dark Ones have done to keep you under their control. As we have often told you of late, your future is assured but meantime you have to bear the problems that currently assail you. But the good times are coming and nothing can stop them.

It may seem incredible but every soul on Earth at this time was aware of the future that they would have to experience. Naturally they agreed to have the experience and it is partly for clearance of karmic responsibilities. Times are very testing at present but every effort you put in will be well worth it, helping to raise your vibrations, and is essential if your life plan was to prepare yourself for Ascension. Your Guides are working with you and will ensure you are successful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The genocide in Gaza led by Netanyahu, the Illuminati who masterminded the Hamas assault on Israel, is breaking the back of that secret society.  It is becoming known that it established and funded all terrorist groups and its goal is to kill six billion people.

Citizenries are protesting policies of Illuminati-controlled governments, other national leaders are refusing economic and trade cooperation, and rising vibrations and “White Hats” will prevent diabolical plans from reaching fruition. Please do not feel fearful about any scary predictions you may have heard in conjunction with the April 8th solar eclipse.

Among New Agers the common expectation is that it will be a century or more before Earth’s civilization lives in fifth density, and a number of volunteers don’t think Arnold’s people’s 35- to 40-year timeframe is possible. We asked Arnold if he would like to speak about this, and he transmitted his response to my mother after she returned from the joyous family reunion in Panama.

She is having difficulty accepting what she says is “the wrong order of life.”  Last July, at age 90, she recovered from her massive heart attack and two weeks ago, my beloved brother Michael, the youngest of us four siblings, succumbed to his. This is a sorrowful time for all my family on Earth.

Now, here is Arnold’s response.

ARNOLD: Suzy, my greetings and gratitude for receiving my message. Matthew, thank you for offering me the opportunity to change the low vibrations of doubt around the timing into the high vibrations of confidence and enthusiasm. The timeframe is set, but as you know, good vibes facilitate transitional processes. Even though my overview is going to be painted with a broad brush, people will know generally what to expect and they’ll know the end results will be marvelous.

Dear ones, Earth is experiencing one of the most magnificent and memorable transformations in the history of this universe. Everything is connected energetically, and what is upcoming for Earth will benefit the rest of this universe, too. That’s not the only reason all light beings everywhere are cheering you ever onward—it’s time you know you’re part of the universal family.

What you think is linear time actually is energy, and because the planet has been moving into planes of successively lighter energy, you perceive it as time passing faster and faster. Everything that’s happening during your concept of time is being accelerated, too, like an accordion whose bellows are being pushed closer and closer. Especially significant is people’s growing awareness, and this is why we could assure you all major changes can be completed in 35 to 40 years.

The assurance is rooted in the powerful energy of love—never underestimate that power! Love is how volunteers are wakening up our Earth family; it’s how those who are awake have raised their attitudes, outlook and aspirations and their actions are meaningful, beneficial. Love is the foundation upon which they will build a new world for themselves, Earth’s Golden Age, and in the continuum, they are thriving in the love that is the basis of life in that Age.

Since it will be quite a while before there is evidence of that, it could be helpful to know what to anticipate along the way. Your other-worldly helpers would like everything to flow smoothly and swiftly, and eventually everything will, but intermittent turmoil is probable during the next months.

You will be navigating the energy of general confusion and rage as Deep Staters lash out because “White Hats” in military forces are arresting and removing their colleagues while others in the forces are establishing widespread security along with destroying dark ones’ facilities as they are discovered.

How and when shocking truths will be announced publicly still is being discussed—who is internationally respected enough to be believed?  There isn’t much trust in your world at this point—almost everyone knows major media are lying and many national leaders don’t have their citizens’ best interests at heart.

Some reforms are ready to go and others are in late planning stages, but none can be implemented effectively until darkness is eradicated. I’ll give you an example of why this is so.

There are heartfelt intentions to provide humanitarian aid to people living in dire circumstances everywhere, and in some cases the onslaught of hardships and deprivation began many years ago.

Not only have puppets of darkness and their minions created obstacles to prevent aid from reaching people in desperate straits, they have been increasing needy populations by instigating civil conflicts, economic instability and terrorism in country after country.

Activities and policies adversely affecting health in mind, body and spirit that will be given prompt attention post-Deep State include stepped-up delivery of aid. Chemtrail spraying and all other forms of toxic pollution will stop; debris in bodies of water will be cleared out; search and destruction of illegal drugs, chemical and bioweaponry, contaminated solutions called vaccines and adrenochrome will continue.

Unfair laws and everything else related to legal unjustness will be overturned. Mainstream media will start reporting factual information and your entertainment and sports industries have in store a big cleansing shuffle.

Initial activity in major projects like ending environmentally-damaging practices, the changeover from current energy sources to free energy and great differences in raising animals in the food chain, for instance, will be in fits and starts.

Organized deterrence to anything that would uplift the downtrodden or expose hidden truths will be gone, but familiar structures like governments and bureaucratic policies, procedures and regulations will be rubble, and the civilization has no experience acting freely and forcefully with vision. When wise, honorable individuals with expertise in numerous fields step up at local, national and international levels, action that is just chugging along will start sailing.

Another extensive project is education, which will be revamped from pre-kindergarten through doctorate degrees. Students at every level will be taught universally- and historically-accurate  information. Advancements in other fields, too, like medical care, energy, agriculture, transportation, construction and communication, will ensure that everyone in the world has an abundance of whatever they require and desire.

Whether or not the name NESARA is attached to the global economic system that will replace the current corrupt operation, the Act’s application will end impoverishment; cancel countries’ debts to World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund and international financial organizations; cancel some kinds of personal debts; and end the  Federal Reserve System, IRS and banks’ usurious interest rates.

Digital banking is being heavily marketed is part of the corrupt system, not the new system. Provisions are in place for income from governments and investments to continue during the changeover in systems, but there may be a short period of payment interruption. Bartering, which worked well in “olden days,” will do so again, for the part of the population that will find fulfillment in trading a skill for a pair of boots, say, or simply helping whoever needs it and never is money involved.

It appears that leaders of progressive movements will take on one of the society’s greatest responsibilities, providing permanent housing for the masses of homeless. No one would deny this situation is critical, but action has been stymied by fear, greed, bigotry and apathy.

Rising vibrations will ease, then end reasons for fear at the same time they diminish negative traits and reenforce positive ones. Then the monumental homeless challenge will be put on a firm path to a satisfying outcome.

Many hands will be needed to clear away debris in war-torn areas and rebuild towns, cities and businesses. While some former residents will be eager to move back home and start over, others won’t want to be uprooted again. Immigrants who blended into the community that took them in and prospered by contributing to its strength will feel “at home.”

People who fled violence, political oppression and lack of income will want the assurance of safety and opportunities for education and work before they return to their native lands. An international organization will be established to oversee that immense job of housecleaning, you could call it.

Ending homelessness of citizens in the United States and remedying the conditions that cause that situation will be undertaken by several groups in the country’s private sector, including a team of alternative healthcare specialists.

Intelligence agencies also will undergo a cleaning out and some, including the CIA and Mossad, will remove their rogue elements or disband entirely. If national borders change, the paramount consideration will be shared roots of ancestry, history, culture and philosophy. When new borders are formed by victors in wars, no thought is given to feelings of the affected people.

Situations designed to put small farmers out of business will be wiped out,  struggling small businesses will be financially assisted, and multinational corporations that are monopolizing their markets will be divided. If businesses that served dark purposes can be retooled and modified—for instance, corporations and factories that produce equipment for war—that will be done. There’s no point in reinventing the wheel if sanding it restores smooth rolling.

It won’t be necessary to choose between making a world whose natural beauty is restored and every person is healthy, happy and prospering and the grand adventure of space exploration. There will be more than enough resources—talents, knowledge, ingenuity, interest and money—to do a splendid job of both. And, now and then during upcoming years the universe will surprise you with spectacular events, divine gifts that elevate your evolution and Gaia’s.

At this juncture, Gaia has no plans beyond absorbing the intense light that is letting her planetary body steadily ascend through fourth density on the way to her destination in fifth. That is where she, God and Sol co-created the planet as a paradise, a gem in this universe. It is where Gaia’s future population will live in love, joy, prosperity and with respect for all Nature in a world of majestic beauty, Earth’s Golden Age.

Many souls living on Earth today will return during that Age, when reactivated DNA strands will enable a very long healthy life, and others will incarnate on the planet for the first time. As idyllic as life will be, eventually residents will move on to more highly evolved worlds to continue growing spiritually and consciously.

Dear family, look toward the heavens and be inspired by the vastness and wonderment of our universe—it holds promises of glorious experiences. Love yourselves and let life’s offerings unfold.

Matthew, I hope my straightforward overview will banish time doubts. Thank you for the opportunity to speak, and Suzy, thank you for receiving my words.  It is a delight and privilege to be invited to contribute to these messages.

MATTHEW:  Thank you for your illuminating information, Arnold. And thank you and all your colleagues for everything you’re doing to help Gaia and all her life forms.

ARNOLD:  It is a service of love just as yours is, Matthew, and now I shall take my leave. Goodbye to you and to you, too, dear Suzy.

MATTHEW:  Goodbye to you, our dear friend.

All lighted beings in this universe are supporting you with the power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

[Arnold is a member of the extraterrestrial special forces who are living among us.  September 16, 2019, November 1, 2022 and July 3, 2023 messages include information from him.]

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Greetings Dearest Ones. We are the Pleiadian Council. We connect with you in these current energies to share our teachings, guidance, perspectives and unconditional Love.

Dearest Ones, your upcoming Solar/Lunar event that is upon you brings your world the energetic momentum she needs to stabilize the 5th Dimensional energies you have activated through your journey back into unity with Higherself consciousness.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is guaranteed to bring many changes. These changes will depend on your personal vibratory frequency. For many this upcoming Solar Eclipse will push and pull you out of your comfort zone to give you an opportunity to experience something new.

You can think of this upcoming event energetically as an opportunity to get back on track. This energy is serving humanity as a total reset creating balance within the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The great merge that operates in divine harmony will increase your desires to create something new and in alignment with the brightest future of humanity.

The ultimate merge taking place within your conscious and subconscious mind will result in the alignment of heart and mind coherence. Many of you are leaving fear based beliefs behind as you co-create realms to experience serenity, freedom and to express thyself in your most authentic nature as infinite flames of Source energy.

We invite you to ponder and take actions to what part/parts of your life that is in need of clearing, cleaning and balance. The powerful energies of this upcoming Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is assisting in the alchemy of your world and are dispersing the required energetics to assist you in the birth of new timelines filled with high vibrational opportunities to help co-create fulfillment in many different areas of your everyday life.

We the Pleiadian Council see and celebrate the massive transformation taking place in your world. We send each of you participants Our deepest Love and Gratitude for all your achievements both big and small. The true art of transcendence is within each of you. Collectively you have been spread far and in between to extend your light to every part of your planet. We are pleased to announce that you have all played a very important role in the evolution of Earth and her inhabitants.

We have always known that you have what it takes to facilitate the proper ancestral healing and to reactivate the 5th Dimensional template of Love (Earth’s original Frequency). Our biggest focus at this time is to protect you and your sovereign energy as you co-create the New Earth. You are Not alone and you have been very affective in Earth’s world wide shift in perception and expansion of consciousness through unifying your energy fields.

There is more to this world than what meets the physical eyes. You ancient starseeded souls have awakened your inner sight and are receptive to cosmic guidance. You are the cosmic achievers that have come to transcend the limitations of this world through love, your passions, compassion, alchemy, creativity and broad view point of life everywhere whatsoever.

Your Light broadcast throughout the Multiverse and there are many beings throughout the Galactic Federation that anticipate full contact in the spectrum of Unity, Peace and Love in your near future timelines. As you continue to raise the vibratory frequency of your Planet, we come closer landing and unifying with you as a collective.

We the Pleiadian Council appreciate this opportunity to connect with you yet again.

We send to each of you, your world and all her inhabitants the Highest order of Love, Enlightenment and Unity.

**Submitted to


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Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

You are readying for another timeline jump, that is offered with the energies of this eclipse of April 8th, 2024. A grand opportunity is before you for attuning yourself more to the frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.

All events unfolding in your unique reality during and following the eclipse, are a reflection of your own vibrational frequency. And you can change that in an instant.

A solar eclipse amplifies the energies coming in and the energies you already hold, offering the best time for swift change, on a personal as well as collective level. This is bringing an acceleration in the further awakening of humanity.

This is a time for releasing more of that which no longer serves the path you have chosen. You will see things resurface and brought to your awareness for healing, for realizing the lessons in those experiences, and rising, as you release more of the old ideas, thought forms, and habits.

The amplified light with this eclipse allows a deeper purging of old energies which have remained in your DNA and different parts of your being. Pay attention to the energies and triggers that may come up during this time.

You may choose to review past events in your life, with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding, without dwelling in those energies for too long. Then return to the now and see how far you’ve come, how much you have grown on this journey.

You are to undergo through an immense upgrade during the days leading to and after the eclipse. A merging with higher aspects of yourself, with a greater expansion within the heart and the mind.

We would ask that you spend fifteen to twenty minutes in meditation, in solitude, again, in the days leading to and after the eclipse, simply tuning into the light within, and relaxing there, as you breathe from the area of your Heart Center. This will assist in realigning you and opening yourself up to the galactic energies of healing and greater awareness.

In the outer realms you may see what appears as more of the same, we assure you it is not as such.

The dark has lost their stronghold, for if it were still in control, things would be very different, much worse, on Earth at this time. The agents of the dark will continue to use their main weapon, which is the media, for generating more fear and chaos. It is mainly through movies and the media that they program their desired timelines into the consciousness of the Collective, in hopes of using the Collective’s energies to make manifest their low vibrational realities.

This is why it’s important to be in a state of love and joy. Observe the outer events from a neutral stand point, and understand that it is just another phase of the process that is passing.

The Third Dimensional structures which are collapsing now is due to the change in the Collective’s energy, realizing the insignificance of these organizations and layouts of the old systems.

You will see events unfold which may convince many that the dark is becoming stronger, this is another part of the illusion. You must not give into that fear. For as you are shifting towards a Fifth Dimensional consciousness, what is understood as power, changes in every way. The first being you realizing your sovereignty. Which most of you reading this have done so.

While the dark continues its games in the Matrix plane, it still cannot maintain the power it once had. For resistance will continue to grow by those who remain in the Third and lower Fourth Dimensional consciousness. And those who have chosen the path towards the Fifth Dimension are no longer in that vibrational frequency, as those who are still hoping for the old world conditions and way of life to remain.

We ask that you take care of your physical vessel as well, for it is going through much change. Eat and drink(water) when you feel the need for nourishment, spend time in nature, and most importantly meditate, and give yourself time to rest. Your are transitioning from a carbon to crystalline based body form, with the further activation of your DNA. In turn this will bring forth your Fifth Dimensional abilities, for quicker manifestation, more synchronicity, always conscious of your thoughts and actions, and deeper alignment with your Soul Self, becoming more of who you are in essence as you transcend the timelines of duality.

This is the time to allow more of your divinity to spring forth from within your heart. Open yourself up to the love that you are. Speak from the heart, with gentleness and humility. Share what you can in guidance and in abundance when invited to do so. You are standing at the door step of the new reality of love and oneness, for you have chosen and realized this within your own being.

All the light to You!

Daily Message for 4/04/2024


You will not be free from 3D until you come to terms with it, accept that this is how things are in a low frequency world. And then shift your focus, rise in frequency, you will shift into another(higher) reality. This is the time of your rebirth. ~Kejraj

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“…The land of Shambhala lies in a valley. It is only approachable through a ring of snow peaks like the petals of a lotus … At the centre is a nine-storey crystal mountain which stands over a sacred lake, and a palace adorned with lapis, coral, gems and pearls. Shambala is a kingdom where humanity’s wisdom is spared from the destructions and corruptions of time and history, ready to save the world in its hour of need…”

As Russian philosopher Nicholas Roerich passed through the mountains of Central Asia in 1926, he and his guides were left fascinated when they witnessed an incredible, golden orb floating in the sky.

Did you know that Dr. Edmund Halley, discoverer of Comet Halley and Royal Astronomer of England also believed that the Earth was hollow on the inside with three “Floors.”

While in modern times many people have come up with a number of theories about the possibility that the Earth is hollow, in time immemorial, many cultures believed the same thing.

Descriptions of the Hollow Earth, Inner Earth and a world inside our own planet can be found in numerous ancient cultures around the globe.

What if Jules Verne’s classic “A Journey to the Center of the Earth” is actually true?

What if somewhere down there, a new world is waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, living beings inhabit the depths of our planet, a place that ancient cultures and civilizations knew existed, or still exists today.

What if, it’s actually true?

In fact, you’d be surprised to see how many ancient cultures and religions mention the existence of the world inside our planet.

Interestingly, the Babylonian hero Gilgamesh visited his ancestor Utnapishtim in the bowels of the earth.

In Greek mythology, Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice from the underground hell.

It was believed that the Pharaohs of Egypt communicated with the underworld, which could be accessed via secret tunnels hidden in the pyramids.

Also, according to the Macuxi Indians –an indigenous people who live in the Amazon, in countries such as Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela— they are the descendants of the Sun’s children, the creator of Fire and disease and the protectors of the “inner Earth.”

According to the Macuxi natives they were given the task to look out for the entrance and to keep strangers from entering the “hollow Earth.”

Legends from the Macuxi people suggest that those who enter the mysterious cavern travel for three days, only descending giant stairs, which measure around 33” each step.

After the third day, they leave behind their torches and continue their journey “into” the Earth, illuminated by lights that were already present in the caves. Giant lanterns, the size of a watermelon and shining brightly as the sun.

Buddhists believed (and still believe) that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world.

As you can see, there are numerous oral legends and ancient texts that not only speak of the hollow Earth but about mythical lands that exist on our planet.

In fact, many ancient texts can be traced back to a number of different ancient traditions that mention the existence of beings from ‘another’ world that reside WITHIN our own world.

One such world is referred to in Tibetan Buddhism and ancient Hindu traditions and is called the Shambhala.

Shambhala which is a Sanskrit word which translates to ‘place of peace’ or ‘place of silence’ is mentioned not only in Buddhism but is referred to ni ancient texts like the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture.

Shambhala is the land of the thousand names.

Shambhala is said to be a hidden kingdom that exists inside of our own planet, a magical place which we cannot possibly comprehend and is extremely difficult to find.

Interestingly, according to the Dalai Lama, and a speech he gave in 1985:

Although those with special affiliation may actually be able to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one cannot actually arrive there. –The Esoteric Codex: Theosophy I

We can make reference to the above mentioned to the spiritual principles that once guided Atlantis, given by Greek Philosopher Plato and other scholars. Manly P. Hall a historian, author and 33rd degree Mason explained it when he wrote: Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illuminated Initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlanteans established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first divine rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are based upon the Atlantean Mystery Rituals. –The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy.

Modern Theosophical tradition further explains that: Shambhala, however, although no erudite Orientalist has yet succeeded in locating it geographically, is an actual land or district, the seat of the greatest brotherhood of spiritual adepts and their chiefs on earth today. From Shambhala at certain times in the history of the world, or more accurately of our own fifth root-race, come forth the messengers or envoys for spiritual and intellectual work among men.

Many people have tried finding Shambala, searching for years all around the planet.

Edwin Bernbaum, Ph.D., a lecturer, author and scholar of comparative religion and mythology suggests that Shambhala is in fact round but illustrated as an eight-petalled lotus blossom, which is a symbol of the heart Chakra.

Writing in his book the Way To Shambhala, Bernbaum indicates that the way to Shabala is not CLEAR.

In fact, Shambhala is a physical place that is said to exist within the human real but is also one that is considered as a spiritual realm, not limited to the physical world.

Some might even say it is a supernatural place that even exists within ANOTHER dimension.

This article published by Michael Wood, a BBC journalist makes interesting references about Shambhala. Wood describes the kingdom of Shambhala as a lost empire ‘buried’ somewhere in the Himalayas. According to Wood, the inhabitants of Shambhala live in peace and harmony and are faithful to the principles put forth by Buddhism. Shambhala is a place where war, grief and sorrow do not exist.

As one commentator on the Kalachakra tantra puts it:

The land of Shambhala lies in a valley. It is only approachable through a ring of snow peaks like the petals of a lotus … At the center is a nine-storey crystal mountain which stands over a sacred lake, and a palace adorned with lapis, coral, gems, and pearls. Shambala is a kingdom where humanity’s wisdom is spared from the destructions and corruptions of time and history, ready to save the world in its hour of need.

The prophecy of Shambala states that each of its 32 kings will rule for 100 years. As their reigns pass, conditions in the outside world will deteriorate. Men will become obsessed with war and pursue power for its own sake and materialism will triumph over all spiritual life. Eventually, an evil tyrant will emerge to oppress the earth in a despotic reign of terror. But just when the world seems on the brink of total downfall and destruction, the mists will lift to reveal the icy mountains of Shambala. Then the 32nd king of Shambala, Rudra Cakrin, will lead a mighty army against the tyrant and his supporters and in a last great battle, they will be destroyed and peace restored. –Origins of Shangri-La By Michael Wood.

The land of Shambhala: A kingdom of another dimension?

But what if Shambhala does in fact exist? What if it isn’t located within our planet but within a different dimension as many authors have proposed? What if we have not been able to find lost lands such as Shambhala and Atlantis because they reside in a different dimension currently unknown to us?

Interestingly, there are many ancient cultures which mention doorways and portals to other dimensions.

Interestingly, located in modern-day Peru, we find the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca. Legends speak that in the distant past, great heroes crossed into the land of the gods, enjoying a prosperous and glorious immortal life.

According to legend, during the time of the Spanish conquest, an Incan priest called Amaru Muru, from the temple of the seven rays fled from his temple with a sacred golden disk known as “the key to the gods of the seven rays.“ The priest hid in the mountains of Hayu Brand afraid that the Spanish might take the key from him.

Later the priest arrived at the “Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca, where he showed the key to several priests and shamans of the area. After they had performed a ritual, the door opened with a blue light emanating from it. The priest, Amaru Muru handed the golden disk to one of the shamans and entered the door, he was never seen again.

What if Shambala is located in another dimension? And what if all ancient cultures which speak of these ‘mythical’ lands are actually referring to the same place, located within another dimension that we today ar unable to access?

Curiously, not far from the Gate of the Gods” at Hayu Marca we come across the Nazca and Palpa lines.

There, among hundreds and even thousands of ancient symbols we find one that is both fascinating and mysterious and simply put, should not exist in Peru.

Depicted in an extremely remote area, sitting atop an arid mountain plateau, causing confusion among those who have been able to observe it directly is the ancient mandala symbol.

The Mandala is considered a ritual symbol in Indian religions and represents the universe. Today, the mandala has become a generic term used to describe any diagram, chart or geometrical pattern that represents the cosmos. The Mandala also symbolizes the notion that life is, in fact, a never ending cycle. But what is it doing in Peru? Who created it… and for what purpose?

The Ancient Hindus were among the first people on the planet to use a Mandala spiritually, but the most famous Mandala most of us know are in fact made by Buddhists. In Ancient Sanskrit, Mandala means ‘circle,’ even though the depiction of the symbol may be dominated by a set of squares or triangles, the mandala as a whole is a concentric creation.

Is it possible that the ancient mandala symbol located in the vicinity of the gate of the Gods indicates that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures were aware of the existence of other-dimensional realms like Shambala?

And if so, is it possible that the ancient Mandala symbol is the ultimate evidence that supports this theory?

Shambhala is ever vigilant in the cause of mankind: he sees all the events of earth in his ‘magic mirror’ and the might of his thought penetrates into far-off lands. Uncountable are the inhabitants of Shambhala. Numerous are the splendid new forces and achievements which are being prepared there for humanity.


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With this week’s report appearing on April 1st, we thought about writing an April Fools’ joke article. However, the real situation is already like a sick joke so we didn’t bother. Just think about so-called President Joe Biden officially declaring Easter as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This appears to be either a twisted April Fools’ joke or a direct middle finger to Christians, from the allegedly Catholic, Joe Biden.


In reality what is happening is no joke but a prelude to a very likely massive military move by Russia, North Korea and China to take Western Europe, South Korea and Taiwan out of Western control. The West is so paralyzed by criminally incompetent governments that this will not be a war so much as a walkover.

Let us start with Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church issued an “order” to the Russian people saying the special military operation in Ukraine is “a new stage in the national liberation struggle…to fulfill the mission of those who defend the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism”.

Let’s make it clear, Russia is run by the Orthodox Church and you don’t declare Holy War unless you are deadly serious. The Russian FSB has made it known they consider the Federal Reserve Board and the families that own it to be their real enemy.

That is why FRB puppet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warns of the “real” threat of conflict in Europe, saying “literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945.”

If Russia moves into Western Europe, the French and German military high command have admitted they could not resist for more than a few weeks.

Lieutenant General Rob Magowan, deputy chief of the country’s defense staff admitted in Parliament the UK would be unable to “fight a full-scale war against Vladimir Putin” for more than two months due to a lack of ammunition and equipment reserves.

The US military is no longer going to be able to help either. The demolition of the bridge in Baltimore has ensured that.

By the way, if you are one of the few remaining cool aid drinkers who still believe the “official” story this was an accident, please look at the videos and visuals below.

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My initial suspect for this attack was Barack Obama because his Netflix movie predicted a similar event.


However, if you ask the question qui bono or who benefits from this, it has to be Russia. The bridge collapse trapped four ships the US military would absolutely need to transport equipment quickly across the Atlantic in the event of a war in Western Europe. These are:

The Cape Washington, a Cape W Class roll-on/roll-off vessel.
The Gary I. Gordon, a Gordon-class roll-on/roll-off vessel.
The SS Antares (T-AKR-294), an Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship.
The SS Denebola (T-AKR-294), another Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship.


This means if Russia moved into Western Europe the US would not be able to transport enough military equipment on time to be able to do anything about it. Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor says Russian submarines could take out any remaining US transport ships.

In any case, we know from our own Pentagon contacts the US military does not intend to fight to protect KM puppet governments in Europe anyway.

This matters because Russia has all but declared war. The Russian Foreign Ministry is demanding the arrest and extradition to Russia of all people involved in the March 22 (322)

terrorist attacks on Russian territory, including Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) head Vasyl Malyuk.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made it very clear the US government incriminated itself by immediately blaming ISIS despite it being well-known ISIS etc. are US and British creations.

Alexander Bortnikov the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has also publicly accused the United States, Britain and Ukraine for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

Our own FSB sources say Russia is further demanding the arrest of fake US President Joe Biden and his boss Barack Obama. They are also asking for the arrest of Charles Mountbatten Windsor.

That is why Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says improving relations with Washington under President Joe Biden is “impossible”.

There are also signs that any attack by Russia would take place simultaneously with a North Korean move on South Korea.

In what looks like preparation for war, North Korea is importing huge amounts of fuel for military vehicles from Russia. At least five North Korean tankers sailed this month with oil products from the port of Vostochny in the Russian Far East.


North Korean tankers may have delivered more than 1.5 mln barrels of oil products between January 1 and September 15, 2023, the Russian Tass News Agency reports. “Moscow and Pyongyang have promised to strengthen their military-technical cooperation,” it adds.

Russia also used its veto power last week to stop UN monitoring of arms transfers between Moscow and Pyongyang.

Amid this tension Japan has been desperately trying to talk to North Korea but North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui reiterated Pyongyang’s stance Friday that it will reject any contact with Japan

Our own North Korean sources say they control the Japanese underground and are preparing to remove the slave government in Japan because it murdered over 400,000 people with vaccines.

Another sign something fundamental has changed is that Goldman Sachs is shutting down its’ banking business in Japan.

When I was working for Forbes I remember going to GS parties where the likes of former US Vice President Walter Mondale were employees. It was the de facto government of Japan. Their leaving is big news.

Japan is about to have a new Emperor and a new government according to my own sources connected to the greater (Fujiwara) imperial family.

“I’ve described the security environment as the most dangerous I’ve seen in 40 years in uniform,” said U.S. Adm. John Aquilino, head of Indo-Pacific Command, before the House Armed Services Committee this month.

China and Taiwan though, will reunify without any war, Asian secret society sources say. They say a deal has already been made for peaceful reunification.

In any case, the situation is so tense an emergency meeting has been called this week with representatives of the Habsburg family (European Royalty), the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the people in Antarctica and Asian royals. A person who will be attending the meeting says they will discuss



replacing the WEF and UN-based Khazarian mafia-controlled international system. They say construction has already begun in South East Asia for a new headquarters for a UN replacement organization.

The meeting will also discuss a White Dragon Society proposal to issue $100 trillion worth of bonds to kick-start a new age. As mentioned before, the process would start with a jubilee involving a one-off cancellation of all debt, public and private. It would also involve a one-off redistribution of assets stolen over the decades by fraudulent central banking. After this meritocratically staffed future planning organizations (one global and seven regional) would figure out how best to deploy the $100 trillion.

The WDS proposal also calls for the Western military-industrial complex to stop stealing resources for Satan-worshipping KM oligarchs and start protecting the living creatures of this planet. Generous funding will be made for this purpose in order to prevent war.

The West will also start making amends for centuries of pillage, conquest and murder around the world by carrying out a massive campaign to end poverty, disease and environmental destruction. It will also release technology that will allow us all to live like millionaires for thousands of years.

No matter what comes of this meeting, the current Western-led financial system is mathematically doomed.

The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates up to 385 American banks could fail over commercial real estate loans alone. “Major cities such as San Francisco are already sporting zombie-apocalypse downtowns, with abandoned office buildings baking in the sun.” Half of downtown Pittsburgh office space is expected to be vacant in four years.

This real estate apocalypse comes on top of the 45% devaluation of all bond holdings caused when the Fed panic-hiked interest rates.

The US Stock market is also a giant hallucination with such things as the tiny car company Tesla supposedly worth more than all the other car companies in the world combined.

More and more pundits are coming to the conclusion that “America may be on the brink of its Minsky moment…This process, which moves from slowly, slowly, to suddenly and now, goes back decades.”

The FRB is in no position to bail out banks, it hasn’t printed new money since 2019 and lost a record $114 billion last year.

High-level insiders know it is all coming to an end. For example, Bill Gates Bill Gates just sold off all of his “Magnificent Seven,” (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla) stock holdings.

It looks like the people controlling the fake Biden administration have been looting all they can before the collapse.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates the Biden administration made off with $236 billion last year. Furthermore, the GAO believes the $236 billion estimate “potentially does not represent the full extent of improper payments.”


The amount of such payments under the Biden administration since 2021 totaled more than $764 billion. GAO estimates the cumulative incorrect payments since fiscal year 2003 to total around $2.7 trillion……….

Similar waste is being seen in Canada. A Canadian intelligence agent sent us the video below with the following comment:

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Watch and listen to how arrogant this KM – WEF Nazi puppet is as she evades the question again and again. Chrystia Freeland refuses to answer how much the government has collected in carbon tax when called out on $2 billion that has not been accounted for.

The Nazi Feeland will be tried for treason and crimes against humanity. Found guilty and the rope will be waiting.

This is the sort of thing that happens at the end of a regime.

The KM thought they got funding until September after FRB’s US slave government promised a UN “Summit of the Future” in September to create a “better more fair and peaceful world.” The problem is they just tried to murder us all with vaccines and bioweapons so nobody trusts their promises to suddenly do good.

The Asians, for good reason, don’t want to finance the people behind Ukraine’s criminal regime. Secretary General of the National Defense and Security Council, Oleksiy Danilov says Russians are “less human” than other people because they are “Asian”. Last week, he provoked a very serious diplomatic incident with China when made an obscene pun on the name of China’s special envoy, Li Hui.


Not only that, more and more government-run media are reporting now on the organ trafficking and killing of babies being carried out by that regime.

Even the BBC is reporting healthy newborn babies may have been killed in Ukraine to feed a flourishing international trade in stem cells.

The Russians should have eliminated the criminal Ukrainian regime a long time ago. It will fall soon for sure.

The Nazi government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel is also about to fall. The public genocide in Gaza has made sure of that. So have comments by the likes of Michigan Republican Congressman Tim Walberg that, instead of sending aid to Gaza, the US government should consider using a nuclear bomb on the region.

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We have Trump’s Zionist Son-in-Law Jared Kushner calling for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to ‘Finish the Job’…Kushner, who served as a key Middle East adviser to Trump, said that Gaza’s “waterfront property could be very valuable” and urged Israel to “clean it up.”

“What we are seeing in Gaza now, represents the blatant violation of international humanitarian law on a mass scale,” Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin said as he announced his country would help South Africa with its war crimes charges against Israel.

Under threat of an international trade boycott, the US government refused to veto a call by 14 members of the United Nations Security Council for an “immediate ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas and the “unconditional release of all hostages”.

US politicians who still support the current Israeli cannot appear in public without triggering riots as this scene outside President Biden’s re-election fundraiser in Manhattan shows.

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In Israel “Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated Saturday night in front of the military’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, in the biggest protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the terrorist attack of Oct. 7.”

Now an Israeli Supreme Court ruling that freezes funding to ultra-Orthodox seminaries unless their students serve in the military is forcing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to contend with its survival as the war in Gaza deepens the country’s political divisions.

Also now Netanyahu “has been diagnosed with a severe hernia, and he will undergo emergency surgery tonight under full anesthesia; his deputy will take his duties.”

A Mossad source comments: “Is this the end of the Avatar Netanyahu? The ole gone to the hospital story. Maybe he is planning his escape? I doubt if the same man comes out of sick bay. If he comes out?”

No matter what though, Israel is bankrupt because its’ US sponsor is no longer getting Asian money to waste on it.

The US government has been using Asian money for many other immoral causes as well. For example, the National Science Foundation has been spending taxpayer money to create AI tools for censoring Americans on various social media platforms. They targeted conservatives, minorities, rural Americans, older adults, and military families. This censorship, for example, targeted people, such as this writer, who cite scientific evidence showing COVID-19 vaccines are harmful. In other words, the government was using AI to hide the fact they have been trying to kill us.

This fact-based report on massive Covid-linked corruption is the sort of thing they have been trying to censor.

Billions spent on Covid deals….. Innova Medical Group a US company gets 9 contracts for lateral flow tests worth £3.7 Billion. Of course an inside deal. Number 10 Downing Street was involved of course.

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Meanwhile, Scottish Police are planning to stop investigating crimes like theft and criminal damage so they can investigate every report they receive under the new Hate Crime Act, such as posting an anti-LGTB comment on Facebook.

Pro LGTB speech is another thing. During a speech at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in LA Sunday, Jill Biden suggested that not having gay porno books available in children’s libraries in schools is akin to Nazi Germany.

We are further not supposed to criticize illegal immigrants. For example, we are not supposed to say foreigners are responsible for 100% of serious sexual assault cases and 57.4% of all crimes in Frankfurt, Germany.


The KM media is also trying to silence things like this riot that broke out at Paris airport as illegals try to stop deportation.

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As the guy in the image below says, people are realizing the Moloch-worshipping, blood-drinking pedophiles who run Western governments do not have the people’s best interests in mind.

Despite this awakening, the KM is desperately trying to make it seem it is business as usual by trotting out “King Charles” and “Pope Francis” in public after long disappearances.

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Also judging from the German Press report linked below it looks like all the British Royals have been trotted out after not being seen in public for months. It is impossible to confirm if they are real or not in this age of digital fakery and rubber masks. What we can confirm is that while we got analog confirmation from Queen Elizabeth in the form of signed letters, no such thing has been received since her murder.

Our own MI6 sources say King Charles or whoever controls his avatar has been charged with high treason. Something fundamental has changed. Guillotines are being called for and with good reason.


Criminality and corruption aside, the KM are incompetent managers of the countries they control.

An Ipsos survey shows widespread distrust of government in most Western countries. In France, the UK and Canada 82%, 79% and 70% respectively of citizens believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, a new historic low.


KM-controlled governments are very worried. A secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are. The report notes for example many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live.”

Think about that, in a country with the second biggest land area on earth (after Russia) a small population and huge lumber supplies, the government is so incompetent it cannot even provide basic housing.

Another Canadian government report says:

Threats against politicians have become “increasingly normalized” due to extremist narratives prompted by personal grievances and fuelled by misinformation or deliberate lies…[Canada] has seen the proliferation of conspiracy theories, a growing lack of trust in the integrity of the state and more political polarization…Baseless theories, disinformation and misinformation have spread to larger audiences, exposing online users to a vast network of narratives that undermine science, systems of government and traditional figures of authority, the report says.

Never mind that the Castrudeau government embezzled billions of dollars while trying to kill people with toxic vaccines eh.

People are starting to take direct action. For example, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson is telling citizens to shoot to kill home invaders to ‘save taxpayers money’

During a press conference in April 2022, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said, “If someone is breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot. We prefer you to do that, actually.” The comments have gone viral again in juxtaposition to a story in New York where a woman was arrested for trying to remove squatters from her property.

“I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do,” he told Fox News Digital.


And in Santa Rosa County, we have a very high percentage of the population that have weapons, and I promote the use of them if you’re in your house. And somebody kicks your door in because they’re not coming in to give you a hug or to give you cookies, they’re coming in to commit felonies,” he continued.

Since he made the remarks, he claims there has not been a single home invasion. “You don’t have to retreat. You don’t have to give them a warning. You don’t have to go barricade yourself in a room. You can shoot and kill them. And in the state of Florida, that’s perfectly legal,” he said. “And in these other states where they don’t have that, people are afraid to own guns, and they’re afraid to protect themselves. That’s why you have the crime rate in New York, in California.”


The KM are looking for an escape. It might even involve an attempt to escape from this universe.

CERN has restarted the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -the world’s most powerful particle accelerator- after a two-year hibernation to “search for ‘invisible’ matter that secretly powers our universe” during April’s solar eclipse.


“Activating CERN is a Huge Deal. Yeah you know the one they say is looking for the God particle while in reality it has been opening portals and crashing timelines,” a US Space Force official comments.

Also, is it a mere coincidence that NASA chose the April 8 solar eclipse to unveil Mission APEP?

APEP is also the name of the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, the nemesis of the Sun deity Ra. It was said that Apep pursued Ra and every so often nearly consumed him, resulting in an eclipse.

NASA is launching 3 rockets into this eclipse: Ra, Ba, and Sekhmet.

1. Ra leads the charge, launching 45 minutes before the eclipse.

Ra, the Sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology, represents light, warmth, and vitality. Ra’s interactions with Apep, the serpent deity, were often depicted as a battle between light and darkness.

2. Ba will be launched into the darkness of the peak of this eclipse.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ba represents the individual’s personality or soul, often depicted as a bird with a human head. Ba was believed to be a part of a person’s identity that could separate from the body after death and journey to the afterlife.


3. Sekhmet will trail the eclipse by 45 minutes.

Sekhmet was another ancient Egyptian deity, often associated with fire, war, and healing. She was believed to have the power to repel Apep and protect Ra during his journey through the underworld.

Next week’s report will go live immediately before the eclipse but we will try to give you heads up on what to expect. All we know for sure is the world is about to change dramatically. We will fight hard to make sure the change is one of vast improvement.



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We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing you for so very long, and we feel so very connected to you. We notice when you are opening your hearts up more to one another, and we can say that it is the case at this time. You have had your hearts cracked open in many cases by very negative news that is out there in the world. You have so much more compassion today for your fellow humans in other countries on other continents than you have ever had before, and that is due to your technological, information age. And so, what this means is you are coming together more as a world community than ever before, and that is what is opening you up so much to full and open extra-terrestrial contact.

To be able to see someone who lives oceans away from you as your counterpart, as your co-creator, your friend, this brings you together in a very real way and gives you a taste of that unity consciousness that every single one of us seeks, whether we know it or not. Therefore, you must not get down about any of the conflicts that are going on there on the planet right now, and you must not let any of the bad news that comes your way discourage you or take you down that path of negativity that says that humanity is obviously headed in the wrong direction.

You must allow for the compassion and the open-heartedness to take their effects, because they will. You are a microcosm of humanity, and therefore, you can look at yourself as an indicator of how far along humankind is, and you can notice your spiritual evolution. You can acknowledge yourself as an individual and you can recognize that you did not evolve spiritually in a vacuum. You evolved spiritually while being a part of a human collective, and you are adding to that human collective with all of your prayers, your good thoughts, your good intentions, and your meditation.

You holding compassion in your heart for the suffering of another is a sign of your spiritual evolution, and it is a sign of humanity’s evolution of consciousness, and you can rest assured that the e.t.s in those ships in the skies are noticing this. They are and we are, and you have so much grace because of that compassion, because of those good intentions and those prayers.

You have so much help coming your way as a collective because of the chaos and the cataclysmic events. Therefore, you as the Awakened Collective must open up to receive all the help, all the good will, all the positive energy that is coming, and anchor it in to your collective. And that is how you further the cause of full and open extra-terrestrial contact, and we are very proud of each and every one of you that we see doing this.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.


Daily Message for 4/04/2024


You will not be free from 3D until you come to terms with it, accept that this is how things are in a low frequency world. And then shift your focus, rise in frequency, you will shift into another (higher) reality. This is the time of your rebirth. ~Kejraj

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We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are here to tell you about the month of April 2024 and what you can expect from the supporting energies. You can expect these energies to come from not only your sun but also your Earth and from all of your cosmic, galactic friends and family members. We are all banding together to help humankind, and the energies of April will be there to support you in raising your vibration, raising your level of consciousness and taking the next step on the ladder of your ascension.

This means that you can grow in leaps and bounds throughout the month of April, especially if you are aware of the opportunities to do so. The opportunities will show up in a variety of ways, and you will be given many opportunities to go to the next level of your consciousness. You will be continuously nudged towards the thoughts, the words, and the behaviors that will bring you into a higher-vibrational state, and anything that is taking you in the opposite direction will stick out more like a sore thumb to you.

Being awake and aware, as you are, will assist you in reversing any tendency that you have to move in the lower-vibrational direction. You have a tendency to notice more often when you are in a lower-vibrational place because it feels so off to you. You are more likely to detect a thought or a belief that doesn’t serve you because you are so accustomed to moving in the right direction now. You are so awake and continue to become more and more aware of when you are moving towards the light, towards your fifth-dimensional higher self.

What all of this means for you in your physical day-to-day lives is that you will also be able to make giant steps forward in projects that you have, goals that you have set for yourselves, businesses that you have wanted to start, books that you have wanted to write. You’re going to get the nudges from your guides, from the faerie realm, from your higher selves, from so many different places and helpers that you will notice that the muses are around, and they are in fact a joyous group who want to co-create with you, who want to give you those inspired thoughts, those ideas that you can and want to act upon.

And so, April is a month for you to expect great things, to expect that which you have been waiting for and to feel supported every step along the way, as we wish you to feel all the time. But because you know about this element of the month of April, now you can open up more and you can see yourselves more, moving in the direction that you truly want to go in this lifetime of ascension. Very good. 

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.


Daily Message for 4/03/2024


The waves of light, which are bringing change, just don’t seem to stop. But to feel these waves, and the vibration rising, and yourself changing, you must stop, close your eyes and bring your focus within your heart and in your mind’s eye. Much will be revealed to you. ~Kejraj

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When is the last time that there was so much buzz about one month? As we enter April, there is so much anticipation in the air, and it isn’t just because of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.  In recent days, I have heard from so many people that feel like something really big is about to happen.

I can feel it too.  It is almost as if we are all holding our breath as we wait for the next shoe to drop.  Chaos is threatening to erupt all over the globe, and meanwhile, signs in the heavens are literally screaming at us to pay attention.  The following are 8 extremely unusual events that will happen during the month of April…

#1 As we enter the month of April, the “Devil Comet” has become visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks – also known as the “devil comet” and the “Mother of Dragons” comet – is currently visible in the night skies of the northern hemisphere, providing a unique spectacle for both amateur stargazers and professional astronomers.

This Halley-type comet, which orbits the Sun every 71 years and has a nucleus about 30 kilometers in diameter, is known for its impressive outbursts of gas and dust during its voyages through the inner solar system.

This is the very first time that we have been able to see this comet with the naked eye in 71 years, and it will continue to be visible for those of us living in the northern hemisphere during the weeks ahead.

#2 On April 4th, there will be an extraordinary alignment of 4 planets just 4 days before the Great American Eclipse of 2024…

The next planetary alignment takes place on April 4, 2024. It will feature four planets – Venus, Neptune, Saturn, and Mars. The planets will align in the morning sky. Venus, Saturn, and Mars will be visible to the naked eye, but you’ll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune.

#3 On April 8th, the seven other planets in our solar system along with the sun and the moon will appear to form a straight line in the sky when looking from Jerusalem toward the east.  This was discovered by a friend of mine named Rachel Baxter, and the following is a graphic of that “line in the sky” that she sent to me…

Rachel asked ChatGPT to tell her how rare it is to have a straight line like this, and she was told that it would only happen once every 32 million years.

#4 Also on April 8th, CERN is planning to fire up the Large Hadron Collider

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is set smash protons together on April 8 to search for invisible particles secretly powering our universe.

Theories have suggested there are 17 different particle groups and the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known as CERN, confirmed the existence of one using its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012.

Now, the team has restarted the LHC with hopes of unraveling more mysteries of the universe – specifically dark matter.

Why in the world would CERN choose to do this on April 8th?

We are being told that they plan to shoot particles “down a 17-mile-long tunnel at nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions a second after the Big Bang”.

That doesn’t exactly sound like it is a good idea.

Let us just hope that nothing goes wrong.

#5 The most anticipated event of April is the Great American Eclipse of 2024.  USA Today is calling it “the astronomical event of the decade”

We’re less than two weeks away from the astronomical event of the decade: A total eclipse of the sun, which will grace the nation’s skies from Texas to Maine on the afternoon of Monday, April 8.

Millions of people are expected to travel to see the spectacle, which will also attract scientists from across the country to study its unique effects on the Earth and its atmosphere.

#6 As the eclipse passes over America on April 8th, NASA will be firing three rockets “into the moon’s shadow”

NASA has announced it will fire three scientific sounding rockets into the moon’s shadow on Monday, April 8 during a partial solar eclipse across North America.

In what will be a total solar eclipse for a 115 miles-wide path through parts of Mexico, 15 U.S. states and Canada and a partial solar eclipse for the entire Americas, the event will see a sudden drop in sunlight.

For some strange reason, NASA has chosen to name this project after a serpent deity that was popular in ancient Egypt

The space agency’s project, Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path, will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. APEP is named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA.

#7 Ominously, on April 8th the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will complete the giant “X” over the New Madrid fault zone that the Great American Eclipse of 2017 began.  I feel so strongly that this is a very important warning to America that I put it on the cover of my latest book.

#8 During the month of April, the “cicadapocalypse” is coming.  As I discussed earlier this year, for the first time since Thomas Jefferson was president billions of 13-year cicadas and billions of 17-year cicadas will emerge from the ground simultaneously

“Billions, even trillions, of cicadas are going to emerge at the same time across 17 states,” Chris Simon, a professor in UConn’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, told Live Science.

Brood XIII and XIX have been living underground for 17 and 13 years respectively.

They will soon emerge at the same time for the first time in 221 years.

Shockingly, the emergence of these two groups will overlap in central Illinois

What’s more, this year’s cicada groups, known as Brood XIII and Brood XIX, happened to make their homes adjacent to one another, with a narrow overlap in central Illinois.

By now, most of you already know that the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024 overlaps with the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 in Illinois.

Is someone trying to tell us something?

In addition to everything that I have already covered, many on social media are speculating that a red heifer sacrifice could take place at some point during the month of April.

But so far I have not been able to find any solid evidence that such a sacrifice is imminent.

As I discussed last week, the red heifers that were transported to Israel from the state of Texas in 2022 need to be used before they are too old to qualify, and the priests who will conduct the sacrifice are ready to go.

However, if a red heifer sacrifice was imminent an altar for that purpose would be put up on the Mount of Olives, and so far that has not happened.

CBS News previously reported that a “massive while altar” for a red heifer sacrifice had been constructed…

A massive white altar awaits, where they are to be burned on a plot of land overlooking the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Mamo said the ceremony must be performed looking directly into where the ancient Second Temple stood, until it was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70.

Unfortunately, that CBS News story was not accurate.

According to Israel365News, the altar that CBS News showed to the world is simply a model that is used for “Temple service reenactments and educational purposes”…

The structure in the video is a model of the altar as it stood in the Temple. The real altar must be made of stone. The model, located in Mitzpe Yericho, is used for Temple service reenactments and educational purposes. It is not made of stone and cannot be used for the Temple service.

So CBS News was wrong about the altar, and a lot of us were fooled by their report.

Before I end this article, I want to discuss something that happened at the end of March.

Joe Biden officially declared March 31st to be “Transgender Day of Visibility”.  Of course, many people pointed out that this was the same day that many Christians were celebrating Easter.  The following comes from Joe Biden’s official pronouncement

On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.

I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect. I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military. I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, the justice system, and more. I am proud to have signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love.

If you can believe it, America now has more than 50 different holidays that celebrate alternative lifestyles…

The Biden administration’s decision to honor “Transgender Awareness Day” on Easter Sunday has caused widespread controversy.

However, many Americans may be unaware that there are more than 50 LGBTQIA2S+-themed holidays.

When you add them all up, all of those holidays cover a grand total of 145 calendar days.

America has been fundamentally transformed, and our nation is racing in the direction that it has chosen as fast as it can.

This month, we will witness the most ominous signs in the heavens that our country has ever seen.

Will those signs be a wake-up call, or will most of the population continue to remain asleep?


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As we enter the month of April, we stand at the threshold of an extraordinary moment in our evolutionary journey. This period is marked by an intense amplification of energy, inviting us to deeply reflect on our paths and the collective shifts that are unfolding around us.

The theme of April 2024 is not just about change; it’s about the manifestation of our inner transformations on a grand scale.

April’s energy beckons us to notice patterns, to see the world in a new light, and to understand our experiences as part of a larger, divine conversation. This time is about acknowledging the feelings stirring within us and recognizing them as signals guiding us toward our next evolutionary leap.

This moment is a gift, an opportunity to align more closely with our highest selves and to step into the mastery that awaits us.

The challenges and uncertainties we face are not obstacles but invitations to grow, to expand our consciousness, and to fully embody the divine beings we truly are.

In the face of the unknown, we are called not to escape but to engage more deeply, to welcome the unfolding changes with open hearts and to find peace in the midst of transformation.

In the heart of April, an eclipse acts as a cosmic highlighter, accentuating this period of significant transition.

This celestial event serves as a powerful catalyst, marking both an end and a beginning in our personal and collective narratives. It symbolizes the closing of one chapter and the birthing of another, inviting us to let go of old patterns and paradigms that no longer serve us.

This process, while intense, is deeply cleansing and ultimately liberating, preparing us for a resurgence of peace and tranquility.

The challenges and upheavals we may experience are not just random occurrences but are intricately designed to propel us into a state of higher consciousness and alignment.

The universe is inviting us to trust in the flow of life, to release our fears and uncertainties, and to step boldly into the light of our true selves. In doing so, we discover that peace and tranquility are not destinations to be reached but states of being to embody, even amidst the whirlwind of change.

In this spirit of transformation and discovery, Joy and I warmly invite you to join us for a deeper exploration in our April 2024 Intuitive Update available now on YouTube.

View Intuitive Update here:

Together, we’ll delve into the significance of this time, the lessons it holds, and the ways in which we can harness its potent energies for personal and collective growth.

All for love,


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