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Dear Ones,

The next few days will contain a sense of lightness and rightness. Something you have probably not felt the past few weeks because you were racing here and there, putting out one fear fire after another. This week, the pieces will begin falling into place, including your sense of rightness in this new world.

Your fears or concerns will be much less critical. As if you know all is right in your life, that you no longer need to force yourself to believe, feel, or be of joy and good cheer.

Your days might also seem shorter or different. You will be a bit hazy about your activities because you will float between dimensions, times, and frequencies, testing areas of interest or concern.

You will be roaming the Universes, discovering new interests and locations. Not because you are exiting the Earth but because you have reached a point in your Universal maturity that allows you to float here and there without losing your Earth ties.

You might have previously floated beyond Earth. Or interacted with those not of the Earth, regressed to a different Earth life, or traveled to varying locales within your being. But you did so with an exit plan because you were not sure you could return to the Earth or continue the Earth plan you developed before birth if you were consciously aware of the Universal possibilities. So, most never attempted to exit the Earth mentally, spiritually, or physically.

Your new adventures will be much less tethered to Earth or your current life. Even though your days will seem shorter, you will feel fulfilled or remember bits and pieces, much like your current sleep dream state.

This adventure concept may seem frightening because you fear having difficulties returning or your daily life will seem less attractive. But these new actions and activities will not be any more concrete than your sleep dreams.

The next few days are a test pattern to determine the directions, places, dimensions, and frequencies most interesting to you. Once you establish that parameter, you will explore that arena until you gather all the necessary information.

You will not need to explain time gaps because everyone transitioning will be floating in and out. You also do not need to describe your sleep dreams to anyone, nor do you need to remember them. You might wake up with a few random memories, but more likely, it will be merely a time gap in your 24-hour day.

Because you are gathering information rather than experiencing something memorable, there is no need to retain memories of most of your explorations. Like taking science, history, math, and language classes in one day – as most of you did in school. You did not pay attention in some classes and were enthralled with others.

The next few days are about flitting from area to area, followed by, in the not-too-distant future, a more in-depth exploration of that which most interests you.

So, how do you maintain your current 3D life, flitting from activity to activity? Ah, that is for the future. All you need to know now is that you will be exploring so diligently that your days and nights will fly by. You will be testing many areas. Some of which you will wish to explore in-depth, and others you will probably never again explore in this lifetime.

There is no need to be frightened any more than you are frightened by your sleep state.

This exploration is a natural progression of self-love. Instead of requiring yourself to explore pieces or places that hold little interest – as was often true in school – you are allowing yourself to focus on what interests you now. Interests that will naturally flow into your daily activities.

You will explore areas because you think they might be interesting. The next few days will significantly narrow that focus as you find your unique path. As was true in your past, what might have been interesting once is no longer. Accepting the skills you develop in the next few days is preparation for today, tomorrow, or maybe forever – not with a so-so interest, but something that enthralls you.

You have matured enough within your physical self to scamper from here to there as you have in your dream state since you entered Earth in this lifetime. The difference is that you will not be rehashing your mistakes or fears in your dream state as you most often did before you transitioned. Instead, you will explore new ideas and locations in your wake state, knowing that doing so will not eradicate your current Earth life.

You will merely tap into what excites you now – but may not tomorrow – and then develop a personal road map of how to best explore that piece. For the remainder of this lifetime on Earth, you will continue to do the same with little or no change to your life other than playing with new toys in new environments, some of which you will continue forever – and others you will stop after a short time.

You are a new being in a new world. It is time to discover what most interests you.

You will float through times, dimensions, and frequencies in the next few days with little or no effect on your current life other than your days will seem to fly by. And so it is. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

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 Could Earth Already be a Type 1 Civilization?

My research leads me to believe we are..Rev. Kat Carroll

The first logical question might be, “what is a type I civilization”? To answer that, I need to speak about the Russian /Soviet astrophysicist who created this scale, Nikolai Kardashev.

Kardashev-222x300.jpgKardashev was a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and the deputy director of the Astro Space Center of PN Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. (This info is from Wikipedia).

He created the Kardashev scale, as a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy it is capable of using. We certainly use a lot of energy, but he’s talking about how it’s created and harnessed.

Per an article from Futurism,  Type 1 designation is one that is able to harness all the energy that is available from a neighboring star, gathering and storing it to meet the energy demands of a growing population. This means that we would need to boost our current energy production over 100,000 times to reach this status. However, being able to harness all Earth’s energy would also mean that we could have control over all natural forces. Human beings could control volcanoes, the weather, and even earthquakes! (At least, that’s the idea.)

The article goes on to say that these kinds of feats are hard to believe and that it is a primitive level of control. It may be hard to believe but, laws against such practices were put into place to protect society from such manipulative activities.

“The 1977 Treaty is the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72, TIAS 9614 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques”. Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977; Entered into force October 5, 1978; Ratification by U.S. President [Carter] December 13, 1979; U.S. ratification deposited at New York January 17, 1980. See Summary and AnalysisWikipedia entry on the Convention, and Parties to the Convention.”

There would not be a need for these laws if that form of  technology did not exist!

haarp-300x288.jpgI’ll remind you that if guns were banned, only the criminals would have them. The same goes for those who use these technologies for the benefit of a few, i.e., modify the weather to influence crop growth and feed sources for livestock, something the Wallstreet commodities investors would love to have, advanced notice of changes that affect crop yields, right?

It’s sad that technology that could be used for the benefit of all is often used for control and experimentation on world populations. The attached video goes into the history of weather manipulation.
Frankenskies GeoEngineering Chemtrails Weather Modification HAARP Cloud Seeding

What’s HAARP? Find out here-

So, all the talk of Global Warming (started by Al Gore), which was later renamed Climate Change when a cooling trend was noted, has been manipulated and even used as a way to increase taxes.  The most recent attempt was via the Green New Deal. The ideals are good but the best way to achieve the goal is with Zero-point energy which may be on its way or ready and waiting for the right time to release to the world. We will get there!

Per a article, Environmental warfare is “defined as (1) the intentional modification of a system of the natural ecology, such as climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) (2) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, (3) as part of strategic or tactical war.

Macron-Biden-and-PM-Kishida-of-Japan.pngFrench President Emmanuel Macron, left, looks on as U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 12, 2023. AP

What about using environmental war for extortion to force countries into compliance with an agenda? Could illegal technology owned by private military corporations have been used in Japan to get them to sign on with NATO? They had refused in May of 2023, and were still resisting in September. Then came the January 1st 2024 Earthquake. This is pure speculation on my part, and I know the region is fraught with earthquake activity. But the timing was very interesting. Guess what happened next?

Japan foreign minister visits Ukraine, pledges $37m aid via NATO January 7, 2024

“In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency  Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (‘Star Wars’) Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability to potentially trigger floods, droughts, hurricanes, and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an  instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions”. Read the full article here or here.

Whenever environmental warfare is utilized, it’s generally in secret since it violates the 1977 treaty. But it doesn’t seem that the watchdogs of the world care too much about that anymore. There is too much profit involved.

About 10 years ago I was made aware of the largest HAARP type facility in the world in Iceland, Eiscat (sounds like ice cat). You’ve probably heard the expression, the more you look into something, the more it expands. This article fell into my lap. HAARP AND IONOSPHERIC HEATERS WORLDWIDE  It lists the multiple locations of these high aerial ionospheric heaters around the world and also delves into their multiple uses.

A Type II civilizations can harness the power of their entire star (not merely transforming starlight/sunlight into energy but controlling the star. No doubt you have heard of the Dyson Sphere. Here is Wikipedia’s explanation: A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output. We are not there yet but are aware of a star that may be using this technology, Tabby’s Star, named after it’s discoverer, Tabetha BoyajianA typle II civilation may also have the ability to travel to distant worlds, such as Earth.

To harness the power of Sol, our sun, we are using solar panels on our roof tops, in our yards, and in large solar farms to provide extra energy to cities. In so doing, we lose land that could have been used for farming. A better way must exist and should soon.


What about zero-point or free energy?
Many have tried to crack the code to obtain it. Those who get close or achieve it in the past have had their experiments confiscated, sometimes they are arrested as in the case of John Searl, and their work locked away under patents. Some inventors have died unexpectedly, or their deaths labeled as “suicide”. This had happened frequently in the past when it came to anything related to free energy and UFO technology. We’ll be hearing a lot more about that in 2024. Nikola Tesla’s work was taken when he was announced dead and there is even a person who admits to killing him. Where did all that information go? Look no further than John Trump of MIT. But that’s a rabbit hole best saved for another discussion.

There is a patent from Salvatore Pais for electro-gravitics, (those manmade craft we’ve been calling UFOs) that generate a huge amount of free energy – Why is it not being used to power our cars, trains and planes or to power the world?
What Is Behind The U.S. Navy’s ‘UFO’ Fusion Energy Patent?


I grew up watching the original Star Trek series and one of the fascinating technologies explored was Warp Drive. The Movie Dune explored bending space as a form of travel. It was only a theory at the time, but it had been written about as early as the 1930’s. The idea is that the ship does not move but the space around it bends allowing the traveler to jump huge distances protected in a bubble of space time.  The crew would not be affected by gravitational forces.

The issue that prevented the theory from moving forward was the amount of energy required to generate the warp field.  Could Salvator Pais’s patent provide the necessary energy to bring us one step close to a Star Trek reality?

According to the video below, NASA has been working on this since 2018. This is just after announcing that UFOs are real and in December 2020. Haim Eshed, the former Israeli Space Security Chief said, A “galactic federation” has been waiting for humans to “reach a stage where we will understand… what space and spaceships are”. 2023 was all about Congress working on disclosure of UFOs but they haven’t quite gotten to ET. But we may be closer than you think to that Star Trek reality!

To learn about the Alcubierre Warp Drive, watch this short video: How Can Warp Drive Travel Faster Than Light? Alcubierre Warp Drive Explained

These are my arguments and conclusion that Earth is at least a type I civilization and perhaps higher. Not all of us get to enjoy those technologies as was shown in the 2013 film Elysium. In the movie, their breakthrough and final freeing of the technology was in 2154 but I seriously doubt we’ll need to wait that long.

The vast majority of the tech patents that could help the world are currently locked up in patents or under the guise of National Security. Per corporate and military insiders and whistleblower testimony that’s been coming forward since 2001, we learned this technology is often used for undisclosed black ops projects, including drug and weapons running and human trafficking. Some 460,000 children go missing from the United States every year. Doctor Steven Greer who ran the Press Club Briefings called the Unacknowleged Threat.

What else is the public not aware of that could be used properly to stop pollution, provide clean water in the harshest environments, heal our bodies and feed the world?

Per Wikipedia – “National security, or national defense, is the security and defense of a sovereign state, including its citizens, economy, and institutions, which is regarded as a duty of government”.

My question would be which government? Washington DC is a nation unto itself. We believe or would like to believe that its purpose is to protect or defend and protect Americans. . That’s not exactly what we’ve been experiencing in the past few years. When do the actions of a nation constitute “offensive” behavior and when is it morally justified? Citizens have a right to all information when an action may cause harm to the population, i.e., weather modification, vaccination agendas, taxation, what goes into our drinking water, war, etc.

What about the Vatican? They too are a private nation with their own banking system and military. What about other nations? Are they working for the best interest of the world or themselves? What information do they possess that would help and enlighten the world if records were released from their vast library?

Michio Kaku has often stated that Earth is still at a zero designation when the fact is, we’ve known how to manipulate the weather since the Hoe Chi Min trail floodings during the Korean war! I found an article in Oxford Academic that shows how this technology has been used as a tool for the military since the 60s. During the Vietnam war, this was called Operation Popeye and used to extend the monsoon season to make travel difficult.

Weather Control as State Tool on Military and Diplomatic Fronts

HAARP and now similar ground based, and satellite technology can be used to create earthquakes, erupt volcanos, and start tsunami’s. They can cause and increase or stop hurricanes. That’s controlling the power of the Earth. Not for the betterment of humanity, but for control of the resources and of the population.

Those that could make Earth a type I civilization, (or higher), are the very ones withholding the technology for their enrichment. It’s psychotic!

Ben-Rich-Quote-Meme.jpgBeyond control of the weather, earthquakes, and volcanos, what about space travel, faster than light speed? Read this comment made by then Director of Lockheed Skunkworks in 1993 in the image right.

We now have open acknowledgement of black ops programs using electrogravitics technology, possibly since the 30’s, but locked away in secret programs and patents. It’s also been said we may be working with extraterrestrial races on earth. Could they be helping us to reach the goal of becoming a type 1 civilization ready to join a galactic society that enjoys space travel and advanced technology?

Spacecraft in a ‘warp bubble’ could travel faster than light, claims physicist

Toward a Type 1 civilization

Revealed: Top-Secret HAARP Facilities and Military Bases Around the Globe Uncovered! (photo gallery)

2024 has only just begun, and yet we are seeing signs of major revelations and even revolutions taking place around the world. Humanity has had enough of the insane control and false matrix. This is being exemplified with the farmers protest around the world.

There are many astrologers predicting this as well as the impulse of planetary alignments is similar to what it was during the the French and American revolutions to shake of the chains of corrupt governments. The more we learn and spread information via articles, videos and live group conversations, the faster the rest of the world will catch on and create that 100th monkey effect.  Strap in and keep your popcorn handy as it could be a very interesting year with new revelations!




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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Beloved ones we greet you,

Since the energetic shift created at New Year you, as a planet within this Universe have entered a higher plane of consciousness. ‘The wheel has turned’ and what occurred on Earth at New Year in that miniscule second during the turnover from 2023 to 2024 created a transformational energetic dynamic throughout the entire Universe.

This enormous movement has heralded in the ‘great winds of change’ transforming the multidimensional framework within planet earth. Earth has been energetically launched within the higher elementals of light. Simultaneous to this launching the energetic rotation of the planet accelerated, in that moment a shift took place within the linked timelines of alternate reality spaces within the planet.

We witness the vast changes within your Earth’s energetic framework. The Magnetic core and its entire internal structure have already begun to crack open, like an egg-shell cracking. Petals opening, like a flower opening to the Sun. This splitting open is revealing a depth of light flows that are destined to herald in a time of great transmutation for your planet.

The Earth has begun to move from a solid 3rd dimensional planet to a 4th/5th dimensional fluidity. Nothing is solid or fixed now. Everything is becoming fluid light as the planet is being reformed into a series of constant light vibrational flows. In truth, your planet has always been made from a series of multidimensional fluid light flows, these are forms of light that are constantly vibrant, moving, transforming, and reflecting light.

You need to let go within the essence of these radical changes to your energetic environment, now that you have entered a different time realm. These spaces have always existed on Earth and now these higher realms are solidly anchored within the environment of the planet. There have been moments in the past where you have simply glimpsed these spaces, however now this energetic framework has fully opened and is to be a permanent structure of Earth.

Within your cells the same multidimensional light flows exist. Your cells are being enlivened, are vibrant and glowing from these higher flows of consciousness. There is a quickening taking place right through your systems. As you adjust to these higher energetic flows within, you may feel confusion, disorientation, not being able to think clearly as your brain cells, pineal and brain synapses go through a series of rapid electrical changes.

In the very moment the vibrational brilliance of 2024 opened, a vast light was ignited through all the heart cells. Within that pure experience a sacred restoration of you was being bestowed back to you. This was the action of destiny set in motion, the redefinition of Self being actualized through you.

This very happening was designed to bring you back into a higher functioning existence as you carry within you the expansive fluid vibrational creation potential within your energetic systems. You have been repositioned to function within a higher arena of consciousness than ever before in this incarnation. You are being called right now to contribute your unique Heart frequency to the collective energy of Hearts.

Over this last month your heart cells have been naturally synchronized to a sacred pulse within the Universal consciousness. The pulsing creates a natural shift within you, repositioning you to your original frequency settings. While you are being realigned to your unique higher intelligence through this consciousness pulse you are on the cusp of re-aligning to your multidimensional potential.

Your unique sacred systems have the capability of being re-instated through a creation process of transmutation that exists within your Heart’s frequency.  As light flows are re-establishing through your heart cells, brain cells and brain synapses this shift within your sacred systems accesses another path of multidimensional operations; like a light switch being turned on for the first time.

Collectively those of you on the awakened path are creating a natural, higher momentum of flow within your collective Hearts. As though you have a deepening pulse, a more defined Heartbeat that you can collectively align, like a common Hum that can become synchronized as One. This Hum, this Oneness is an essential component for the further transformation of the consciousness of Earth.

During this transitional phase you are being directed to focus on being still in moments within your Heart to further align to this synchronization of potential Oneness. This conscious choice action of stillness created by you will open a natural inner desire for returning to Oneness, to realigning to Home. Be still within your Heart to align to this higher pulse, this unique Hum that is automatically aligning to other unique collective Heart frequencies.

There is a sacred sound that is designed to support your alliance to the collective Hum frequency to support the acceleration of this alliance for the conscious uniting of Hearts at this juncture on Earth.

When you make the sacred sound, you are activating a creation element between the collective Hearts. You set in motion a series of energetic waves that holds and builds a creation element.

The collective mission will be achieved through the creation waves forming a series of sacred geometrical spaces that arise naturally and are made manifest. They are designed to anchor and activate energetic Platforms throughout the earth plane. Together through your collective Hearts you can forge these pure Platforms, anchoring spaces of Truth within these Platforms created by your collective energies.

This sacred sound has been sent from the higher realms for you to utilize now to achieve this goal. Sacred sound, PHAHNNNN….   AEN    (pronounced farnnn… ay en)


NOTE:  Always hold both palms on your upper chest (your Heart space) when utilizing the Sacred Sound: PHAHNNN AEN…

  1. Bring your awareness to your hands on your upper chest.
  2. Place your conscious breath, like a soft wind into where your awareness is on your upper chest. Letting go.
  3. Take a moment to be in the stillness of your Heart that you see sense or feel. Open your awareness, take a conscious breath, continue to let go…
  4. Place the sound, PHAHNNN… AEN within your Heart space that you see sense or feel. Create this sound as many times as you feel.
  5. Take a conscious breath, letting go within the space that is opening as you bring in your sound. Know that your Heart cells respond to your unique frequency of your sacred sound. The cells of your Heart open dimensionally to your sound.
  6. Feel see or sense how the entire Heart is expanding, allow your awareness to flow into your Heart space as it expands. Take a Conscious breath and let go within the space of flow that is opening, the creation flow that is opening within the stillness.

Note that you can repeat this process as often as you feel.

Know that within your Heart lies Truth. Your Heart is your guiding light, it is your guiding compass for your next steps. You are required to stay very steady within your Heart connection and allow the sacred sound to build and develop through you. You may see sense or feel the sacred sound arising through you. Be committed to take moments in stillness while letting go. Knowing all is in hand as you let go.

You will find as you utilize this sacred sound your Heart will undergo rapid transformation. There is nothing you need to try and work out or create in this moment, simply open your awareness to receive the shifts. Open into a state of gratitude for this sacred time, utilize the Conscious breath and let go into ‘not knowing’.

Remember you are enough just as you are in this moment. Allow your sacred intelligence to guide you through your expanded Heart flows. Remember we, the Pleiadians have been instructing you to allow your Heart to be your guiding light, your compass for this time. Each one of you have an essential mission to complete, a part to play through your unique Heart frequency.

We witness you and we hold the completed energetics for you to step forward. Now it is up to you, those of you in Human form are designated to create the completion platforms for Earth. Between your collective Hearts this is achievable in this lifetime. This is the destined time for you to begin the energetic preparation within your Heart systems enabling you to create these energetic Platforms of light to be anchored throughout your earth plane.

Remember you are not alone. Call forward the support you need today.


The Pleiadians


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There is a new emotion that appears to be arising within many of us who are now fully engaged in our process of ascension. Perhaps you have been experiencing it.

It’s a complex form of profound Love that unexpectedly wells up within your chest and washes all through you, leaving you in a state of wonder and awe. It’s hard to think of a name for it, but I have just decided to call it “Luminescent Love,” because there is a certain luminosity to it.

In one way, it makes sense to be experiencing a greater Love during these times: it’s undoubtedly a part of our ascension process. As most of us on a spiritual path have come to know, the very Essence of who we are is Love.

And many of us are also experiencing a deepening of our love for other people in our lives, as well. We’re realizing that our love is totally unconditional. In fact, our love for certain people can be so profound, it almost hurts our heart to feel it.

A New Kind of Love

But this new emotion I’m pointing to is different even from these experiences, and from what we might have previously called “spiritual Love.”

There is a combination of several different elements within it, some of which even seem contradictory.

If you feel into it, you realize that right alongside the intense Love, there is somehow also a sense of deep sorrow that flows through it. And then you can become aware that there’s also a burst of glorious joy that sparkles through it, as well. And a feeling of profound gratitude. And even, at times, perhaps a sense of longing. All of these emotions well up together, intermingling, and tend to bring on tears, as you attempt to make sense of it all.

And perhaps most importantly, this Love seems to be quite specific in that, although it may initially arise as a love for a particular person or group of people, it eventually becomes a feeling of love and compassion that is directed toward the whole of humanity.

You realize you have a compassion for the entire human race on a level you have never experienced before.

In experiencing it, there is a feeling of great movement flowing through your entire body, as wonder carries you into a sense of bright, open awareness of a new reality that is more profoundly moving and real than you’ve ever known before. You have to stop whatever you may have been doing, and just focus on experiencing it.

It’s as if you’ve suddenly entered a new world – one that feels brand new – yet is also somehow familiar – as if you’ve known it before, long, long ago.

At times, this Luminescent Love arises in response to something you see, hear or learn about. Other times it just seems to well up for no discernible reason. And it can feel almost overwhelming.

Appropriate for These Times

When you think about it, it is quite fitting that this complex emotion felt toward the human race is appearing during these times on Earth. As the shift into a much higher dimension of consciousness humanity is experiencing continues to accelerate, it makes sense that we’d be discovering a deeper sense of Love for this race of Beings we find ourselves a part of.

The sorrow that paradoxically flows through it seems to stem from a profound realization of the pain and suffering that has been occurring for so long on the planet – the horrendous state of slavery that humanity has been subjected to.

And we are especially impacted by the present-day suffering so many people are experiencing due to the deaths of loved ones, either by the jab or the current wars that are escalating.

You can feel your heart breaking with this deep sorrow, as if you are personally experiencing the pain of all people on the planet who for so long have been caught and imprisoned in what seems like senseless suffering. You’ve maybe felt this kind of compassion before – but never in such an intense way.

But then, right alongside the sorrow, there is also a joy about what seems to be occurring on the planet – the awakening of millions of people world-wide that is now occurring and how they are fighting for their freedom and sovereignty. And how communities are already involved in creating the New Earth in various parts of the world.

You can feel a joy bursting forth within you, just from the realization that we’re almost there, almost at the point of turning it all around after thousands of years. It’s a joy of knowing we’re now nearing the finish line after a long and arduous marathon of needless pain on Earth.

And finally, you can become aware of the element of profound gratitude that enters into the mix, as you realize how thankful you are to be here during these momentous times when this huge change into a higher vibration on the planet is occurring. You get to be here to not only witness it, but to also be part of it, to help bring it in.

What an amazingly complex emotion this is!

The Beauty of Humanity

When tuning into this love for humanity, you can also realize that you are actually in enormous awe of us as a species.

This is especially so when you really begin to understand the enormity of the efforts that have been made by controlling forces to dumb us down, cut us off from our connection to Source, and cause unimaginable suffering.

Despite all of the attempts at extinguishing our essential spiritual nature, we can see how humanity has not only survived, it has actually thrived in certain ways. Look at the music and the art that have been created; the wondrous words of wisdom that have been written over the centuries! And the scientific discoveries – despite being held back in countless ways by the Deep State, the Secret Space Programs, and the Dark Nobility families.

Look at how certain abused and traumatized groups of people in the world have so often arisen out of the ashes, time and time again, and learned how to survive through supporting and loving each other. It’s awe-inspiring to contemplate the amazing strength and fortitude some populations have demonstrated over the centuries. We can see the joy and hope that continues to arise in these groups – and even forgiveness – despite all the unbelievable hardships they’ve endured.

Not All of Humanity is Beautiful

Of course, we can also see the horrors certain groups of humans have caused, the mindless wars and horrifying actions against people they have committed.

But, when you really consider this, you can remember that most of these atrocities have been instigated and committed by a very small minority of people who consider themselves the “Elites” – the people who run our governments and head multi-million-dollar corporations and institutions.

And if you listen to certain whistleblowers who grew up in these kinds of families, you realize that even these Elites have been infected, both biologically and culturally, by dark non-human forces that have greatly controlled them since birth.

Most ordinary people who have participated in wars and other atrocities have been forced or compelled in a variety of ways to join in committing these crimes.

It’s true, especially in recent years, that people have become very divisive and hateful toward groups with different beliefs. And yet, when it comes right

down to it, it’s clear that most people on the planet do not want war. And they do not really wish to harm other people. Frightening circumstances usually cause people great fear – and this is generally what pushes them into adversarial attitudes toward others.

And yes, there are always the individual criminals who have committed murder and other horrendous crimes throughout the ages. But isn’t it clear that many of them are people who have grown up in poverty and/or suffered from a lack of love and opportunity in their lives?

In fact, it’s kind of amazing more people haven’t turned into criminals – considering we have all had to live with the constant messages of divisiveness from authorities in our governments and certain religious institutions.

And we have all had to somehow find our way in a world that has been constantly darkened by needless lack and suffering.

We have been messed with in a whole variety of ways. Among other things,  our food, water, soil and air have been poisoned for many, many decades. We have been taxed up the kazoo – and our hard-earned tax money has been spent on things that in no way benefit us. It’s amazing that most of us have held it together as well as we have for so many years.

Loves Makes it all Moot Anyway

But none of this matters anyway, when it comes to Luminescent Love. No matter what we may decide about these aberrant humans who cause harm to others — when we experience this new emotion of Love, it doesn’t matter.

It’s an emotion that embraces all of humanity with compassion and tenderness.

There’s a knowing that we are a race of Beings of great Light – and that we are finally waking up to this reality, after millennia of being asleep. We are finally breaking the shackles that have held us back for 26,000 years – and it is glorious!


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I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, at this continuing time of great change that is upon you. You are right in the midst of it now, each and every one of you, as an individual, as a group, and as a collective consciousness of the entire planet.

Change is upon you. And as that change is upon you, there are different things that you can do to be preparing for that change. But the most important thing to prepare for the changes is to be in the moment now. Not to be in the past, not to be holding on to the past, to the old past programming of the third-dimensional illusion, not holding on to that at all; letting all of that go. And not only focusing on the future and what is coming. For whatever it is that’s coming is going to be here. And you being in the present moment prepares you for whatever it is that comes. That is how you need to look at this.

And many of you have been looking at this as a movie playing out, and indeed it is, if you look at it that way. If you look at it, and not saying that any of you are, but there are those across the planet that are looking at this as doom and gloom, this is the end, the end times, the biblical end times. Although all of you know that it is not the biblical end times.

It is the end times, though, the end times of an era, and the beginning of a new era, the New Golden Age upon this planet. Going back, harkening back to those times in Lemuria. It was a golden age that you lived through. And then you moved into the Dark Ages. Now you are moving out of the Dark Ages, and into the Light, into the New Golden Age of Gaia.

This is that time that you have all been preparing for, waiting for, working toward. And you, indeed, are the ones that are bringing this change forward. We have said this to you many, many times. But you must live in the present moment to fully experience the changes as they are happening. Not as the changes that the cabal, or the dark forces want you to experience, but the changes that you want to experience, that you want to have. And how do you prepare for these changes? You prepare by just being in the moment.

Yes, indeed, you can store various food sources, water, all of these necessities of life. Can that hurt? No, it cannot. But is it necessary? That will be up to each and every one of you to decide that for yourselves. But be in the moment. Prepare in the moment right now. And if you continue to prepare in the moment, then you will be ready for what comes next. And what comes next after that, and next after that.

And before you know it, the movie as you have been watching will have played itself out. And you will be ready for the new changes to come upon you. Not the third-dimensional expression and the programming of old, but the new programming that you are bringing in to the new existence in fourth- and fifth-dimensional experience, the ascension process. That is the changes that you came here for and to bring here, the changes, the process of ascension. That is what all of mankind, that is what all of life prepared for, is their own ascension, their own personal ascension, their own collective ascension. But as you know, this is the only time that a collective ascension happens at the same time as a planetary ascension occurs.

These are immense times you are moving into now. But again, just practice each and every moment, being in that moment. Enjoy in that moment. Find whatever joy and happiness, and oneness, and love you can experience in that moment. You will find that each and every moment following after will be exactly as you have created it becoming. That is important, for it is your creation that is bringing this forward.

I am Sananda, and I leave you in peace, and oneness, and love. And that you continue to move forward in this ascension process by just simply being in the moment: moment, after moment, after moment. And let the future take care of itself.

**Source 1 2

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As the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun and our I AM Presence, which is the multidimensional God Self within each and every one of us, continue to help us gently assimilate the brand new frequencies of Light we now have access to, we are becoming more consciously aware of what the Company of Heaven meant when they revealed that in 2024 Humanity will Cocreate miracles.

As a brief reminder, remember that our I AM Presence is the multidimensional aspect of our own Divinity that was always supposed to be our Guiding Light during our Earthly sojourns. Unfortunately, when we began using our free will and our Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling in ways that were not based in Love, we fell from Grace into the abyss of separation and duality. Once that happened, we could no longer hear the Intuitive Guidance of our I AM Presence. That is when we mistakenly developed our fragmented and fear-based fallen human ego which has been leading us astray for literally aeons of time.

Due to the myriad shifts of energy, vibration and Consciousness Awakening Humanity has Cocreated over the past few decades, every person’s I AM Presence is now integrating into his or her Earthly Bodies at a cellular level. This aspect of our own Divinity is now standing in readiness awaiting the invitation to be our intuitive Guiding Light once more. Our I AM Presence knows our purpose and reason for being and will ALWAYS Guide us in perfect alignment with our Divine Plan and the highest good for ALL concerned.

In October of 2023, prior to Mother Earth’s Ascension through the 11:11:11 Gateway on November 11, 2023, we experienced a powerful Eclipse Series that provided Awakening Humanity with a unique opportunity to raise our Consciousness to a higher level. Now, each and every one of us is able to comprehend far more easily just what the Oneness of ALL Life truly means. This is true whether or not we have taken the time to go within and to listen intuitively to this Truth which is now pulsating in our Heart Flame.

Because of the frequency of vibration in which Mother Earth is now abiding, our individual and our collective vibrations have increased to a level that is allowing us to tap into new Sacred Knowledge. This Divine Wisdom is now revealing the Oneness of ALL Life more consciously and more practically than we have previously experienced.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven said this Divine Intervention is not happening by chance. It is happening because of the urgency of the hour and the critical phase of the Divine Plan that Mother Earth has now entered.

In 2024, in the United States of America and in several other countries around the World there will be vitally important Elections that will affect Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth more profoundly than ever before. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that if the masses of Humanity, who are affected by these Elections, will choose to participate through their I AM Presence and the Collective I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the highest good for all concerned will be Cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth.

The fragmented and fear-based egos of people participating in past Elections usually manifested a very toxic “us vs. them” attitude that is now obsolete and is no longer functional. It is counterproductive for us to do battle with that distorted and obsolete consciousness. Instead, we must Transcend the illusion of separation and duality and align our Collective I AM Presences with the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This Divine Intervention will allow Humanity to participate in our Elections from the very highest comprehension of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.

The Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun are joining us today as we invoke the Light of God and Transcend the obsolete patterns of separation and duality. The additional Beings of Light who are helping to orchestrate this monumental facet of the Divine Plan are the Mighty Elohim, Saint Germain and Lady Portia, El Morya and Lady Miriam, Archangel Michael and Lady Faith, Micah the Angel of Unity, La Moray Keeper of the Flame of Harmony, and the Majestic Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory, and Oneness.

All of these representatives of our Father-Mother God are now standing in readiness. If you have the Heart Call to do so please join with Lightworkers around the World in Oneness with Reverence for ALL Life. Together, we will invoke the patterns of perfection for Divine Government in preparation for the Elections in 2024. These patterns consist of a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence and FOR the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth. And we begin.

I AM going within to the Divinity of my Heart Flame. There I kneel before the altar of Love and surrender my lower human Consciousness to the perfection of my I AM Presence. My I AM Presence is taking full dominion of my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies and also my thoughts, feelings, words and actions. The Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun and my I AM Presence will now guide me through this Activity of Light.

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. I AM One with my Father-Mother God and I AM One with the Legions of Light from our Grand Central Sun. I AM also One with all of the Legions of Light associated with Divine Government from all timeframes and dimensions both known and unknown.

Blessed Ones, blaze the most intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Comprehensive Divine Love and Divine Enlightenment from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into the Heart Flame of every person who is now, or will be in the future, involved with the Governments of Earth in any way. Awaken every one of these people to the profound opportunity and the awesome responsibility they have during this Cosmic Moment. Enlighten everyone to the profound Truth that it is time for Divine Government to manifest NOW!

Let each person that is now or ever will be responsible for the Governments of the World in any way, to tangibly feel and experience the Power, Love and Enlightenment of our Father-Mother God flowing through their Heart Flame. This will allow the Sacred Knowledge about the Oneness of ALL Life to surface into their Conscious Mind in a NEW and much more tangible way.

We now invoke the I AM Presence of every one of these people to take full dominion of that person’s thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories. Empower that person to hear and to listen to the intuitive Inner Guidance of their I AM Presence which will guide them unerringly toward the fulfillment of their individual and collective Divine Plans in their mission of Cocreating Divine Government on Earth.

The Company of Heaven is now revealing that with Mother Earth’s Ascension into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun Humanity’s mass Consciousness has been elevated to a level that will allow the patterns for Divine Government to be raised to a higher frequency than we have ever experienced. The patterns of perfection for Divine Government are now pulsating with brand NEW frequencies, qualities, colors, musical tones, fragrances and patterns of perfection from our Grand Central Sun. Humanity is able to access these NEW patterns of perfection now for the very first time.

I now invoke the representatives of our Father-Mother God from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage. This includes our Grand Central Sun, our Great, Great Central Sun, our Great Central Sun, our Central Sun and our Physical Sun. Blessed Ones, come forth NOW! Blaze your great Power, Comprehensive Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through your Solar Light Codes into every facet of the Government of the United States of America at national, state, and local levels. Expand this activity of Light into every facet of Government in every country of the World. Hold every man, woman and child in your Loving embrace, and infuse each one with the Illumined Truth of Oneness, God’s Will, Divine Love, Enlightenment and Reverence for ALL Life.

Now, throughout the Universe the Cosmic Liberty Bell is ringing signaling that the Matrix and the Archetypes for the Divine Government associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth are now pulsating in all of their glorious perfection in the Realms of Cause. This Matrix and the Archetypes are securing the Reality of a Divine Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence and FOR the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.

I feel the Stargate of my Heart now opening to full breadth. I AM an Instrument of God. I AM serving on behalf of ALL Humanity and all Life on this blessed Planet. From the deepest recesses of my Heart, within the Divinity of my 5th-Dimensional I AM Presence, I decree:

I AM the Open Door that no one can shut. I AM the Light of the World. I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the patterns of perfection for Divine Government. Through my I AM Presence, the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity, the entire Company of Heaven and my Father-Mother God I now command:

I AM assimilating the Matrix and Archetypes for the brand NEW 5th-Dimensional patterns of Divine Government now pulsating in the Realms of Cause. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth Divine Government is NOW being Cocreated and sustained Breath by Breath through the Divine Grace of my Father-Mother God.


Let the Love of God be manifest in, through and around all of the Governments of the World—NOW and FOREVER!

And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
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Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The Signs.

The signs are ominous and suggest that Russia is preparing for an extension to the war with Ukraine. Some European Governments are worried by the developments, and making moves to protect themselves by joining others as a means of extending it to them. It looks like a possible outcome and it is wise to be prepared for the worst so as not to be taken by surprise.  You can speculate on the most likely outcome but whatever your opinion it is a dangerous situation without a doubt.

However, the situation is being carefully watched all of the time by greater powers than those on Earth, so you can be assured that it will not be allowed to get out of hand. Your part is to reassure those who are frightened by what is happening that in no circumstances will the destruction of Earth be allowed.

Continue to do your day by day activities as usual and as far as possible do not allow fear to creep into your life. It is the very thing those of a low vibration feed upon to gain their strength. Be a Beacon of Light amongst all people and you will also help uplift them. The days ahead are going to be critical as actions taken now will determine the outcome.

In the long term the day of reckoning will come when decisions will have to be made as to which side you are on. We cannot choose for you but will urge you onwards in the correct belief that everything will work out satisfactorily in the end. The opportunity is there and we are positive that you will respond in such a way that you will overcome attempts to pull you back.

You must realise by now that the dark Ones are testing you all of the time in the battle between the Light and the dark. There is so much that has been kept from you so that you accept your position without knowing or realising that you are of the Light, and the dark Ones feed off your lower energy/vibrations. It is their life force and while it is being slowly diminished they are gradually losing their power.

It will continue this way unless the Light was sufficiently powerful to deny them the energy, and that is what we are helping you to do. However, the lower energies will be boosted by the acts of war, which is why we want all souls of the Light to hold the higher level of their vibrations at all times.

The fight you are in is realistic so do not discount the effects of the dark Ones activities. They know no other way of surviving and in one sense are fighting for their lives. It is the old battle between the Light and the dark and we are pleased to say that the Light ultimately wins.

However, bear in mind that there is great importance attached to the outcome, as being the end of a cycle it will be a long time before such a wonderful opportunity comes up again. Understand that there will always be another opportunity to ascend in the next cycle, it is however a long way off but not a single individual is denied the chance to achieve it if ready to do so.

You have some testing times to come so be mentally prepared for them and do not succumb to attacks from the dark Ones who are desperate to halt your success. Be alert for their attempts to distract you from your goal as they can be very subtle. They tempt you to drop your guard and resort to any means possible to halt you in your tracks.

To be aware of their tactics is to be forearmed and enable you to halt their attempts to pull you down. Naturally they never give up, but as the Earth progresses into a new area of Space so will the positive vibrations lift up giving you more strength to dispel their attempts to unsettle you.

You may wonder why when you have so much experience through your many lives you do not now seem to be anything but an average human Being. Primarily the answer is that you incarnated with the skills you needed to see you through the life you planned. In this way you would not be distracted by other things and could concentrate on the more important issues that you would face.

Understand that you review your life plan before you incarnate so that you are fully prepared for your tasks. Along with your Guide you incarnate with full confidence of your ability to carry out your plan and are comforted by this knowledge.

Not all of your life plans are full of action and there are times when you are much more of an observer whose presence is sufficient to influence others in a helpful way. Clearly it takes all types to carry out the many plans that are made to continue your advancement. There is a massive movement by so many souls that collectively ensures Humanities evolution.

However, there are many, many negative souls trying to hold you back and preventing you from knowing how easily you can prepare for your evolution. In truth the negative souls are playing out their role to continue challenging your actions and trying their best to prevent your progress. Be assured that in the long run the Light will always hold positive sway over them.

However, life is also full of opportunities to enjoy yourself and is not intended to keep a ball and chain around your neck. Mother Earth is a beautiful planet in spite of Man’s lack of care for her and has much more beauty to offer than most of them.

A walk in your countryside is truly astonishing with its amazing show of colour and such a variety of flowers and plants in general. When your Earth was being seeded and arranged to show how beautiful it could be, the animals and many lifeforms followed to keep nature fully balanced. Look at the variety of flowers and trees – they number in their hundreds and it was all planned for the eventual arrival of Man.

It is hard to conceive of the Earth having evolved in some accidental way along with the splendour, beauty and variety that exists. There has been much more control and planning than you could possibly imagine, and it continues to this very day in spite of Man’s indifference where nature is concerned. It is however very sturdy and strong enough to overcome the changes whether natural or unnatural.

Look after what you have got where nature is concerned as with a little help it can grow in beauty and give you even more. In nature you can find many natural cures for the many health problems you experience and this in addition to natural healthy foods.

Can you begin to see how everything was set up for Man’s existence to live healthily and naturally. Your “chemical” foods are reasonable but unhealthy and best eaten in small quantities to allow the body to safely process them. In time you will not need solid foods at all in a body that literally feeds on Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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You are currently not only on a fast track towards Ascension to the Fifth Dimension (higher vibrational reality), but also on the most positive timeline at this point, towards the completion of this process. You may see new events unfold which will appear dark, this is to be only a temporary experience, for you won’t be a part of the old 3-4D reality much longer. ~Kejraj

There is another way of looking at this world. The way that you perceive it determines its outcome for you. The age of Kali yoga is nearly over 2024 is the turning point and yes it does seem that there is much evil here but that too is now being shut down by us and our ETs allies plus the Spirit Realm. When anything reaches a peak it reverts from it. We as a society have reached a peak, we and the whole Universe of Nebadon have had enough and the Satanist are now being removed because we the people have demanded it.

For we are now waking up as to what has been going on for many thousands of years in the old evil 3D Matrix reality and the Fall of Lucifer and Satan.Who turned this beatiful planet into a Hell.It was the planet Meldick that blew up 8,000 yrs ago when they tried to steal earths viral energy from the pyramids to save there dying planet that was heavily polluted and evil.They gave up trying to save it or themselves and tried to take the easy way out.

As sons of God we have the power to change our future and Time lines,we have already begun the Golden age just by waking up from this Matrix or night-mare of a dream and saying NO we don't want that future or time line,we want a positive future and we have the power of God inside of us as Sons of God to Create that New Age through our cosmic conscious or better yet our Christ- consciousness. But there will always be those Sleepers who prefer to be in denial. And they will have to wait in 3D for another dispensation age [2000yrs.] to get another shot at this.

Some of us have already left the old 3D Matrix and are moving up to 4.5D and past so that we can over power the evil ones who cannot evolve pass 4.5D [unless they change there evil ways to a Spirit- Reality ] and a few of us,even higher towards 5D. So for the Sleepers, there belief system of how they perceive themselves and the world is exactly what will happen to them and they will remain in the 3D matrix of duality until they decide they have had enough and are willing to take there power back from those evil ones.

Remember we create our world both inner and outer world from our perceptions, change your perception and you change both worlds if done in the proper order, which is to go inside where the temple of God is and become one with the Holy Trinity [Father ,Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only then can you go safely into the outer world and effect change in it. That is what the term Spirit-Realty really means. We are all one...Adonai rev. Joshua

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Tomorrow is Groundhog Day but we’re no longer caught in a loop. We are striking out in new directions and the irrepressible spirit of Humanity is forging new roads to the future.

Green for GO!


We know what happened. This article is 5 years old. No secret. Imagine marrying your brother to get him into America. That’s just one example of the infiltration Q spoke of to destroy America from within.

Ilhan Omar BUSTED! MN Investigation Reveals She Committed At LEAST 8 Felonies; Will She Get The Hillary Treatment?

Twitter/X, Telegram, so many sources are fountains of good, uplifting news now folks. It seems we have truly turned the corner.

The dark, like every dog, has had it’s day and the Light is taking over.

Pentagon Insider Admits Most UFO Sightings Are Secret Military Crafts

TR3B “triangle craft” on aircraft carrier

Now the world will know the corrupt militaries have had this technology for decades and kept it from us. How trustworthy are they? Did everyone betray us? All nations agreed to prevent Humanity from knowing the status of Antarctica and what has been going on there. They make it impossible to go there unless you have the clearance to do so. These realizations should provoke serious questions as to why? And what right do they have to tell us where we can and can’t go? What’s the big deal with Antarctica?

SG Anon was a guest on Patriot Underground and as always, the insights and analyses are top drawer on both sides. The Patriot is a relatively newly awakened soul but he has established a remarkable grasp on the current situation on our planet and their exchanges are always well worth the time.

SG Anon Interview

The health care reform we knew was coming is rocking the planet. Everywhere we look online we hear revolutionary science and factual proof that we have been lied to, mis-treated for illness, and fallen prey to those who set out to convince us we have a disease or serious condition that needs medical intervention when it is purely a natural response.

Just as they did with the Covid-19 PCR test and the cholesterol hoax, they use diagnostics to manipulate the public by arbitrarily messing with the standard deviation to scare people into thinking they have a disease and to get them on drugs for life. Most often, a change of diet, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle would resolve the issues we experience.

The war on women was purposeful with their mammograms that damage tissue and even encourage the formation of cancer tumours, and “bone scams” that made it look like older bones with slightly less density were osteoporosis looking for a place to happen. The truth about bone density lies below. It’s not cut and dried and able to be reduced to some numbers on a scale. Each individual is unique and must be treated uniquely.

Indeed, in some cases having higher bone density indicates that the bone is actually weaker. Glass, for instance, has high density and compressive strength, but it is extremely brittle and lacks the tensile strength required to withstand easily shattering in a fall. Wood, on the other hand, which is closer in nature to human bone than glass or stone, is less dense relative to these materials, but also extremely strong relative to them, capable of bending and stretching to withstand the very same forces that the bone is faced with during a fall. Or, take spider web. It has infinitely greater strength and virtually no density. Given these facts, having “high” bone density (and thereby not having osteoporosis) may actually increase the risk of fracture in a real-life scenario like a fall.

Please see the article linked below at for the depth of depravity used in “medical science”. It might make your blood boil.

The Manufacturing of Bone Diseases: The Story of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

The new cancer cures, which probably aren’t new but were suppressed, are revealed quite often now.

If you dare, listen to what this gutsy doctor revealed about how they get their organs for transplant. My question is, why are so many organs required? Why is it such a booming business? Are they really for transplants… or something else? Is it about saving a life of someone who can afford to buy a new replacement, or something more sinister?


Canada is only too happy to provide assisted dying services if you decide you are ready to leave this plane—-officially by way of the MAID programme. Does it get any clearer than that?

Canada is a cesspool and the Canucks must wake up. Vancouver’s Dan Dicks of Press for Truth explains the recent sleeper cell attack in Alberta’s capital city which wasn’t at all what the media purported. We’ve seen these same stunts too many times to be fooled. Video at the link.

What Everyone Is Missing About The Edmonton City Hall “Terrorist Attack” And Jihad In Canada!!!

When will the world wake up to the Covid hoax and bioweapon they called a “vaccine”?


To close, here’s an update from the Truth Pups on Telegram. The Superbowl is one of the most highly charged money-making and ritual sacrifice events of the year, if not enjoying top billing over all. The satanic entertainment events are dead giveaways. We’ll see what happens this year.

If you don’t know it yet
>White Hats are painting you a picture

They are going to set up the corruption of the UN connected to Pfizer and world [ DS] orgs that are going to be connected to a military COUP over Trump 2020

The NFL scandal that will keep unfolding will lead to massive corruption connected to money laundering and corruption at the highest levels.

Epstein saga is going to connect to UN . CIA. EU… the entertainment industry>> Entertainment Sports industry….

Nothing will ever be the same as there will be no NFL Superbowl next year due to corruption and scandals.
WIRES>]; After the NFL corruption scandal escalates in the summer…. The NFL will resume till 2026

Everything is only beginning now and will grow into a massive corruption scandal.
Later in the late summer Pfizer and vaccines deaths will be exposed on a massive world level connected to UN. FAUCI CDC NIH +

I’m working on putting the last of Christmas away and seeing a very slight improvement physically. Sitting here at my desk is not conducive to feeling good, unfortunately. I’m not online much but when I am, I am enjoying the research I find with respect to our health and well-being. The realities surfacing now are breathtaking.

See you next time, folks. Thank you for all the well-wishes and great shares to take up the slack in the missed and short posts. We all appreciate it. Bye for now.  ~ BP



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I am St. Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing changing times that you are in.

And how everything is moving in the direction that it was originally meant to be, both as a collective, as a world, as a human race, and as each individual country throughout the planet, each individual race throughout the planet. And how the plan was to bring unity consciousness to the world. It is in that process, and how several hundred years ago the plan was put in place for a new Republic. A new vision of how things could be, and should be, and shall be. When your Declaration of Independence was declared, and the ensuing Constitution and Bill of Rights was put forth by those of the Founding Fathers of this nation, America, of the United States For America. United together as one we stand.

But as you all know, that was not to be, full realized until the vibrational frequency and consciousness raised to the point where it could become so. Those of the forces of darkness did everything that they could, and are continuing to do, to hold this process back., to hold the plan back, to keep the Republic from being realized. But alas, they have failed.

And they continue to fail. Because the collective consciousness of man is calling for a different outlook, a different outcome. People are tired of the old ways, of the old control. They have been saying, “Enough is enough!” Creator Him/Herself has said, “Enough is enough!”

And as a collective, you are all coming together in bringing the vision, the dream forward. But not as a republic for just The United States For America, but a new Republic for the entire planet, for the entire race of man coming together as one, together in unity, and harmony, and oneness. Erasing forever more the idea of control, the idea of fear, the idea of hatred, and anger, and everything but oneness, of duality. For you are fast now moving forward into a new higher state of consciousness, a higher state moving toward the idea, and the ideal of oneness.

And what is oneness? It is beyond the wildest imagination that you could possibly have at this point. But embrace it. Embrace it for what it is, and what it can be in the times coming. You have reached the pinnacle, my friends.

Once you have reached the pinnacle, there is no going back. Or as Sananda said in a time just recently, “You have crossed the Rubicon,” and there is no returning back now, not for you as an individual, and not for you as a collective consciousness together. There is no going back. And only those that want to hold themselves back shall do so.

But in the awakening process, more and more are forging forth now, or as was said earlier in your discussion, ‘putting the pedal to the metal,’ and driving forward. Driving forward into the new higher existence, the new higher consciousness, the new higher level of oneness of being, of coming together with Source, the Creator Source within each and every one of you, and through the ascension process, and the very ideal of ascension itself.

This is the path that you are all on now. So continue to forge forth on that path, knowing that there is no going back, that there is only a path forward now. A timeline of your creation. The old timeline has now at this point been purged out, and only the embers remain of the old timeline. And the more that you envision it in this way, the more it shall be as a collective together as one.

Together we stand, divided we fall. But there is no more divided. There is only together as one.

All of my peace and love be with all of you as you continue in your own personal and individual way to forge forward through any darkness that still remains, and seek only to move forward through the light.

**Source 1 2

The miracles you seek can be made reality with the light of your Soul, by attuning your current frequency to that of the Soul. Remind yourself daily of the light you hold within by reciting the Soul Invocation Mantra; “I am the Soul, I am Divine Light, I am Divine Love, I am Divine Will, I am Divine Design.” Let go of the fear, doubt, and worry of the Third Dimensional plane, and its illusions. You are Spiritual Light Electricity in motion, allow yourself to navigate freely in the current realm, as you do in the higher realms. Feel yourself as one with your Higher Self. All that which appears as an obstacle is nothing but an illusion. You are limitless. ~Kejraj

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The official defiance by Texas Governor Greg Abbot of illegal orders coming from the fake US President Joe Biden and the blackmail-compromised Supreme Court marks the opening shots of the second American Revolution. This is part of a worldwide revolution against Satanic Khazarian Mafia rule. In France and other parts of Europe farmers with tractors, the modern equivalent of peasants with pitchforks, are on the warpath against the KM-controlled puppet governments. Russia too, is finally preparing to march into Western Europe and destroy the Nazi infestation there. In the Middle East, the UK has officially withdrawn the Balfour Declaration meaning Israel as it currently exists, is finished. In China too, the communist party is facing an unprecedented crisis as its’ real estate-based financial system implodes. There is also a revolution brewing in Iran as KM puppet “Supreme Leader” Ayatollah Khamenei is being replaced, according to Iranian sources.

There is a lot to cover so let’s start with the situation in the United States. The move by Texas and 27 other states to send the National Guard to the Mexican border in defiance of the illegitimate Biden regime is revolutionary. What the patriots need to understand though is that, by trying to stop the illegal flow of military-aged males into the US, they are only fighting one arm of the octopus. They also need to understand the KM deep state is hoping to manipulate this event into starting a civil war in the US in order to cancel elections and stay in power.

Tucker-Carlson-on-Texas-.jpg> Heres-a-message-from-Texas-.jpg

No matter what though, there is no way the KM will force Americans to fight each other in a civil war. Let’s face it nobody is going to fight for the fake Biden to ensure that cross-dressing middle-aged males can use girls’ bathrooms. This is what any Feds on their way to Texas would look like.


In any case, the main problem is not in Texas. As Archbishop Carlo Vigano warns “The city of the devil is clearly identifiable in …the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and in all those so-called ‘philanthropical foundations’ that follow an ideology of death, disease, destruction, and tyranny.” These groups gather in Davos Switzerland to “openly declare that they want to reduce the world population through organized wars, famines and plagues.”

To achieve victory patriots everywhere need to target the head of the octopus. This is located in the area around Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Arms of the octopus are found in places like Silicon Valley (Apple, Microsoft, Google. Meta, etc.), Washington DC (Victoria Nuland, Eliot Abrams, etc.), Tel Aviv (Benyamin Netanyahu and his fellow war criminals) and Tokyo, Japan (the so-called Japan handlers under fake “ambassador” Rahm Emmanuel).

Patriots have rallied behind the Commander in Chief and President Donald Trump of the Republic of the United States to fight these people. By the way to understand exactly what Republic means, please watch the short video below.

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 Patriots also need to realize Trump has been the target of a sophisticated disinformation campaign using a fake Trump. Take a look at the photograph below of two Trumps with different hair and eye colors who have appeared in public recently. The one with the white around his eyes is the fake, NSA sources say.





In any case, the National Guard troops gathering at the Mexican border should head for Silicon Valley, New York and Washington DC and look for criminals like Soros because these are the people paying the illegal immigrants to invade the US. They need to arrest mass-murdering criminals like Bill Gates and force the tech companies and puppet leaders to tell the truth about things like the mass torture and murder of children.

Jim Caviezel confirms “Epstein Island isn’t the only sex island out there.”

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Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is on the case saying:My office is working…to identify as many missing children as possible, in hopes they can be found and saved. I expect the cooperation of DHS, as well as the full cooperation of HSI, FBI, HHS, and any NGOs involved, in this critical mission. It is our moral duty to do all we can to rescue children who may have endured sexual abuse or forced labor,” has also been significant white-hat military action to purge the Pentagon of Satanists. The announcement that Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, former head of US Special Forces and founder of the Temple of Set, “committed suicide,” is a sign of this. “This creature was extremely evil. He was also very powerful and influential at the highest levels of the Deep-State military-industrial complex, global intelligence agencies and Hollywood,” CIA sources say. We were told he was killed several years ago but this formal announcement of his death is meant as a public signal.



KM-controlled traitor Mark Milley, meanwhile, is sitting in Gitmo waiting for public tribunals. The way is being prepared with reports he ordered the National Guard to stand down when the Jan 6 psy-ops was staged.

The removal of General Mark Milley signaled the start of the ongoing purge of Pentagon officials involved in the vaccine mass murder and other crimes, Pentagon sources confirm. So, if you are in the military or a police enforcement agency present your commanding officer with evidence the vaccines were murder and ask him to take this up the chain of command. As soon as you reach someone who tries to stop inquiries into this, you will have identified a traitor. Treason is punishable by death. Remember, these people are actively trying to kill you and your family and you are legally entitled to self-defense.

In any case, the military purges are in preparation for a financial black swan event that will remove the Satanists’ main source of power, the control of money. As this report was about to go live MI6 called to inform us a huge financial domino has fallen with the “collapse of

Barclay’s Bank.” This will lead to a “Tuesday Lehman event,” according to MI6. UK hedge fund Qube seems to know something is about to happen because it amassed a short bet of more than $1 billion against top German companies, including Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. The European Central Bank for its’ part confirms it asked banks “to detect a worsening in sentiment which could lead to a deposit run.”

Once the big US and European banks like JP Morgan and Deutschebank etc, go down, the FRB and its’ entire system of Babylonian debt slavery will end.

In a sign this really is a revolution, angry French farmers have brought the nation to a standstill by blocking major roads with enormous convoys of tractors. In a display of solidarity truck access has also been blocked to the port of Calais preventing the transportation of goods to the United Kingdom.

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Farmers in Germany and Poland were also out protesting against the European Union. Some staged a protest in Brussels, home to the EU’s headquarters, which shows they are fed up.
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Also, radical right parties are on course to finish first in nine countries including Austria, France and Poland. “It’s a revolt,” says Veronique Le Floc’h, the president of Rural Coordination.

In a sign of real European views, a Hungarian survey shows 98% of respondents support the anti-Ukrainian policy of the Hungarian government, in particular, regarding the war in Ukraine.

It looks like Russia is getting ready to come to the rescue of Europe. The Russian Duma or Parliament will present the French Parliament evidence of French military operations against Russia staged in the Ukraine. Officially, France is not engaged in military operations in Ukraine, but supports the latter by providing it with weapons. If French soldiers were involved in the fighting, the French Republic would be at war with the Russian Federation, Meysann notes. If NATO isn’t in Ukraine-then why are there 60 French soldiers there and why are they shooting inside Russian borders in addition to the war in Ukraine?

The Russians are also filing formal criminal charges against the Ukrainian regime for deliberately shooting down a Russian aircraft carrying 64 Ukrainian prisoners of war for exchange.

The Russian official Tass news agency says “The European Union does not have the necessary defense potential to independently confront Russia…for example, the Belgian military is so short of ammunition and funding that soldiers will ‘have to throw stones’ shortly after the start of any conflict.”

In a sign Russia is getting ready for war President Vladimir Putin promised:

“We will do everything to stop and completely eradicate Nazism. Supporters of the Nazi torturers, whatever they are called today, are doomed to extermination.”

The Nazi NATO on Wednesday said some 90,000 troops will take part in the months-long Steadfast Defender 24 to practice for war against Russia but this is a joke. The fact is the US military has already agreed to hand over security control of Western Europe to Russia and will not fight Russia to protect the Nazi EU.

This ties in with what Asian Secret Society sources are saying about some sort of March financial/political reset after the Year of the Wood Dragon begins in mid-February. The Wood Dragon represents vitality, creativity, success, intelligence and honor in Chinese culture.

First, though, the old system has to be imploded and that is what is happening even in China as this headline shows:

China’s Stock Markets Have Lost Over $6 Trillion As Economic Woes Deepen

Also, the Rockefeller-linked Evergrande, the world’s most indebted developer with more than $300 billion of total liabilities, has been ordered to liquidate by a Hong Kong court. This will create a domino effect that will wipe out the current Chinese banking system.

In a sign of ongoing crisis management Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang are asking for help from “experts in various fields, business people and representatives from sectors such as education, scientific research, culture, health and sports…. calling for increased confidence and courage to face challenges and difficulties.”

So, the official Xinhua News Agency says the CCP is seeking help from outside of the party. The fact is China needs a jubilee-type event just like the West does.

Getting back to the West, many signs of the old system being torn down continue to emerge.

In Canada, a Federal Court ruled Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act in 2022 to punish protesting truckers was both unreasonable and unconstitutional. This prompted then Justice Minister David Lametti to resign from Parliament. Now the way has been cleared for the arrest of what Tucker Carlson calls the “mentally deficient fascist” Chrystia Freeland and Castrudeau to be arrested.


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In Australia meanwhile, former Prime Minister Scott Morison who oversaw the ruthless lockdowns and test and trace protocols in Australia is resigning from politics. “He may be taken into custody by the Alliance and head to Gitmo (Spending time with the church community is a dead giveaway),” a Pentagon source says.
Now Jeff Dewit, head of the Republican Party in Arizona has been forced to resign after he was recorded trying to bribe Trump ally Kari Lake not to run for Senate.

Trump opponent Nikki Haley is sure to be next. Vivek Ramaswamy warns that “Nikki Haley is Hillary Clinton on Steroids…Shortly after she resigned as UN Ambassador in 2018, her husband started the military contracting firm Allied Defense LLC…if you are running for president, tell us who the damn clients are of the military contractor that you started presumably using your connections from the UN…She starts working on the board of Boeing, receiving secretive speaking fees from foreign actors, while also running a military contracting firm…Think about it.”

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Nikki Haley is imploding anyway as this video of her flip flopping video shows.
So now the Satanists are apparently hoping former First Lady Michelle Obama could be a potential 2024 contender. What do Joe Biden and Michelle (Michael) Obama have in common?
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It says it all. So it looks like the Democrats are officially finished.
What we still need to see though is arrests over the vaccine murders. This is coming as even the legacy media is now reporting on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines after billions of DNA fragments were found in each dose.
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Now Dr. Pierre Kory for his part reports:

“158,000 more Americans died in the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2019, surpassing all American fatalities in every war since Vietnam.” The excess deaths are affecting young working-aged people, not the elderly.

No wonder the EU Parliament voted 349 to 254 against the publication of their contracts with Pfizer. “This is what it looks like when murderers are in power. First they murder and then they vote against revealing their murders” Polish intelligence sources say.

If you want to see one of the purposes of the vaccine watch lab mice having their brains wirelessly remote-controlled at the link below.

So Patriots take note, this is mass murder and enslavement, certainly a bigger problem than illegal immigrants.

Speaking about mass murder, the ​UN’s International Court of Justice ordered Israel to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, in a historic decision.

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Israel is facing the consequences. Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi met his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week and said “We are sure that the victory belongs to Palestine [Judea] and it will be the annihilation of the Zionist regime.” Iranians also confirmed Rothschild agent Ayatollah Khameini is being replaced.The Israeli regime and their brainwashed slave politicians in the US are still calling for an all-out war against Iran. However Mossad sources admit “Iran can completely vaporize all of Israel in 24 hours.” (Maybe this is the real plan?)
In a sign of this potential, one of the Houthis’ tactical ballistic missiles – undemanding targets as far as such things go – got through the Aegis destroyer Gravely’s interceptors. The British fuel tanker operated on behalf of trading giant Trafigura, was destroyed after it was struck by a missile as it transited the Red Sea.


The British and US navies have now decided they will stop trying to protect Israel-linked ships.

There is also revolt continuing inside Israel against the Satanist Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Last week more than 40 senior former Israeli national security officials demanded Netanyahu be removed from office for posing what they say is an “existential” threat to the country.

Now Josep Borrell, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has broken with the official Western line that Hamas is the enemy of Israel. French Journalist Thierry Meysann says the problem is “an ideology which, in different places and times, has done nothing but sow suffering and death. We must open our eyes and no longer accept to mobilize with false-flag actions and other lies.”

The head of MI6 says the Balfour declaration calling for the creation of a Jewish state in Judea (Palestine) has been declared null and void and that Israel will cease to exist in its present form. Turkish and Iranian officials promise the Jews in Israel will be protected and that only war criminals will face punishment.

Speaking about war criminals Polish intelligence sources inform us:

Poland’s chief rabbi continues to remain silent about bloody, child-sized mattresses found under the Jewish synagogue of the Chabad Lubavich sect. Meanwhile, more tunnels excavated by Chabad miners were found in Jew York. A sensation because… a nursery was found under an abandoned synagogue!!! Therefore, the information from the Jewish rabbi that there is an entire “assembly line” of children’s adrenochrome is fully confirmed. Archaic CRT equipment found there proves that the abducted children were detained there for several dozen years.

This is now happening in Poland. “Families cannot get their children back because court dates are canceled and Poland is being turned into a state hostile to religion,” says Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture.

There is also an attempted KM Satanist takeover happening in Argentina with President Javier Milei debasing the currency in an attempt to hand over control of the economy to his KM sponsors.

The worker’s unions have responded with an unprecedented strike, in rejection of Milei’s “anti-popular measures,” which it said “threatens the life, rights and freedom of the workers and the Argentine people.”

In an example of the thinking of Milei’s WEF bosses, KM Zionist Puppet Yuval Horror Harari says “Human rights are like heaven and like God, just a fictional story that we have invented and spread around.”

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01:29Speaking about fiction, this obviously fake photograph of a “Japanese moon lander” is a sign the Japanese slave regime paid taxpayer money to the KM by pretending it went to the moon.


It is time for regime change in Japan and elsewhere. Bring it on.





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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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During the Full Moon of January 25, 2024, a revolutionary wave of discontent will awaken. The rebellious consciousness seeks a way out of duality. This can go two ways, from cooperation or from opposition.


The year 2024 will be a very important year and in this year earth-shattering revelations are going to come out. These follow in quick succession, the media may temporarily shut down because information is released from (a closed group) of high-ranking persons. This can lead to a crisis.


A political change can open up old wounds. A sense of fear of the ultra-right or left threaten to rise. This can temporarily lead to religious unrest.


A fear of losing the old secure base arises, encroachment on old norms and values can lead to psychological problems. Depressive feelings about the future increase. Give the younger generation a hopeful image and tell them about the new earth.

Wars cause much hunger, little prosperity reaches Western countries as they are bombarded with millions of refugees. In 2024, the facts surface about this form of hidden slavery. This information is leaked through unknown sources, with the waters of the Holy Grail purifying the shadows.


The new agenda is keeping parts secret about migration and a hidden slavery, this is going to become visible at an accelerated rate and then there will be a great upheaval in the political field, both internally and externally. The hearts of the Western countries are deeply touched in confidence, they feel cheated and cornered. After the shock, they rise up en masse and take matters into their own hands. This new information is released in the portal in which the white lion emerges.


Politics and government will assert their powers from the European Union and intrude into provincial politics, but this is not easily accepted. A great revolutionary energy slowly begins to open in 2024 and this leads to great distrust towards the superpowers.


From the EU, governments are driven to implement certain laws. Eyes go wide open, when once again hefty budget cuts start to take place in municipalities, so they do have to allow migration to receive additional financial support.

The government is going to impose migration in this way and in addition they support the multinationals that make very large profits. Senselessness and selfishness prevail in this circuit. This will go against everyone’s grain.

Realize that your fellow man is not the real enemy, but part of a cunning game. Look at all this from the heart and dare to look at what is really going on.


Eventually, several groups begin to form and join hands to fight this unexpected opposition. Ordinary people become the victims of a new oppression from above. Within politics, eyes also open and from this a totally new revolutionary movement emerges. Politics splits and a new global revolution is born.

Not everything will be worked out in 2024, that will take years, but the hidden agenda of migration is coming to the surface now and this will be the start of a great upheaval, frustrations and other secrets are accelerating to the surface. In the economic and political strata, a major clean-up is taking place.


The many wars in the background play a misleading role, a totally different world picture is being painted than people think, and when the truth opens up this shocking picture will bring many people together. They are going to make a clenched fist against the new oppressors. From then on, the hidden agenda will become visible and clear, the plans will be rolled out.

Man will take a new direction, from now until 2030 all this will start to emerge and come to life. The chaos will bring a great turmoil, the wrong image that was presented to mankind will dissolve and the true hidden plan will shake all the earth.

A small portion of the total world population will go along with the new hidden agenda, which includes migration and artificial intelligence. This will lead to the disintegration of the current society as it functions today.


When the present society falls apart, a totally new society will be born. The world splits apart and those who step out of oppression find new ways to survive.

They will build a new earth together, in many forms and from many variations. Creativity will underlie this and they will embrace nature. This natural world will grow from a humanistic form into a new future civilization.


The new human will arise and it will focus on the earth and the cosmos. Cooperation with many other dimensions will become a reality. They will be aided by the light dimensions and starlight beings. Entirely by free will, they will receive new advanced techniques that will help them form the new earth. There will be no more poverty, but abundance. Much knowledge will be shared.

First there will be chaos and this is necessary to make the transition to a totally different consciousness. Therefore, make the right choices to navigate through this chaos, use your feelings and intuition. Help each other where you can and keep your heart beating warmly.


Photon light is going to flood the earth and from the 4-4-4 portals the Angelic Light will be activated. Let this light embrace your heart and open your inner power.

**Translation into English by


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There’s a reason why health experts recommend eating plenty of fruits and vegetables: These foods are incredibly nutrient-dense and they’re rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are naturally occurring compounds that help fight inflammation. They do so by neutralizing free radicals that can trigger oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cause irreparable damage to your cells and their components, and this damage is often the root cause of many chronic conditions.

Because of the protective benefits of antioxidants, including plenty of plant-based foods in your diet is crucial for your health. One of the most abundant antioxidants you can get from fruits and vegetables is quercetin.

Quercetin belongs to a group of plant pigments with potent antioxidant properties called flavonoids. Flavonoids are present in different parts of a plant, such as its stem, bark, root and flowers. They can also be found in abundance in organic fruits, vegetables and other plant-based foods with vibrant hues.

Flavonoids play a variety of important roles in plants, such as giving color and aroma to flowers, attracting pollinators, protecting plants from various stressors and promoting resilience to frost or drought.

In humans, dietary flavonoids like quercetin have been linked to a number of health-supporting effects, thanks to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties, as well as their ability to modulate key cellular enzyme functions.

Health benefits of quercetin

Quercetin-type flavonols (primarily quercetin glycosides), the most abundant of the flavonoid molecules, are widely distributed in plants. They are found in a variety of foods, such as apples, berries, cruciferous vegetables, capers, grapes, onions, shallots, tea and tomatoes.

Quercetin can also be found in many seeds, nuts, flowers, barks and leaves. In fact, quercetin is one of the most common bioactive compounds in many medicinal herbs, such as Ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) and black elderberry (Sambucus canadensis).

Food sources of quercetin include vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, beverages and other plant-based products. To get the highest amount of quercetin possible from these dietary sources, make sure to choose organic produce.

According to research, organically grown tomatoes contain 79 percent more quercetin than conventionally grown ones, suggesting that the way foods are grown impacts their quercetin content. Aside from organic produce, quercetin is also present in various kinds of honey from different plant sources and in dietary supplements.

Here are the science-backed health benefits of quercetin: (h/t to

Reduces inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been implicated in the development and progression of many serious diseases, such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Research published in 2004 also linked chronic inflammation to different types of cancer, noting its role in various stages of cancer progression.

Although inflammation is a normal part of the body’s immune response, prolonged inflammation has been shown to cause damage to cells, tissues and organs. One effective way to reduce inflammation is to increase your intake of foods rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds like quercetin. Studies have found that quercetin can inhibit inflammatory enzymes, such as cyclooxygenase, and decrease the levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.

Boosts the immune system

Your immune system is your body’s first line of defense against pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. Boosting your immune system is a great way to avoid illnesses, and this is easily done by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating plenty of immune-boosting foods, such as fruits and vegetables that contain quercetin. According to studies, quercetin has immunomodulatory properties that can help support healthy immune responses.

In addition, quercetin is a potent antiviral compound capable of inhibiting the early stages of viral infection, suppressing viral replication and reducing inflammation caused by a viral infection. Thanks to its antiviral activities, quercetin can also help strengthen your immunity against viruses that cause common illnesses. (Related: Study: Quercetin offers key benefits for your heart and immune system.)

Helps reduce allergic reactions

There’s a reason why the main ingredient of many anti-allergic medications is an extract of quercetin: As a potent immune-modulator, quercetin can not only help reduce inflammation, but it can also relieve allergic symptoms. Cell culture studies show that quercetin can prevent immune cells from releasing histamine, the chemical responsible for many of the symptoms of allergy, such as a runny nose or sneezing.

Because of its anti-allergic properties, researchers believe that quercetin can also be used to treat bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and anaphylactic reactions caused by the ingestion of food allergens. (Related: Potent plant compound quercetin offers relief from allergies.)

Helps fight cancer

According to several cell culture studies, quercetin is a powerful anticancer agent that can inhibit the proliferation of a wide range of cancers, such as prostate, liver, lung, breast, bladder, blood, colon, ovarian, lymphoid and adrenal cancer cells.

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology also reported that quercetin can suppress the growth of tumors by reducing the development of new blood vessels. This process, known as angiogenesis, is what tumor/cancer cells rely on to get more nutrients and oxygen to sustain their growth.

Aside from inhibiting angiogenesis, studies have found that quercetin can also induce programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in cancer cells by increasing the expression of pro-apoptotic molecules. Quercetin can also trigger the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway and decrease the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules.

Prevents and treats COVID-19

Targeting viral proteins responsible for viral entry into host cells is a viable mechanism for inhibiting viral infections. Quercetin has proven itself to be a potent antiviral that inhibits the entry of viruses into cells by interacting with hemagglutinin (HA2 subunit), a glycoprotein that allows viruses to infect cells.

Another way to inhibit or slow down viral infection is to target various stages of the virus’s life cycle, such as the assembly and release of mature virus particles from the cells. Quercetin has been shown to reduce the copy numbers of NP and M2 proteins, which code for influenza viral nucleoproteins and channel proteins, respectively.

Quercetin is also effective against the SARS virus, which SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection – shares a close resemblance to. Quercetin is believed to work against the COVID virus by inhibiting various stages of the virus’s life cycle. In human cells, quercetin can alter the expression of 30 percent of the genes that encode protein targets of SARS-CoV-2, potentially interfering with the activities of 85 percent of these proteins. Through this mechanism, quercetin can help prevent COVID-19 infection.

Another promising approach to preventing COVID-19 is to inhibit the interaction between the COVID-19 spike protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE2), which facilitates infection. Cell culture studies show that quercetin at physiologically relevant concentrations can prevent this interaction, making it a potent antiviral agent against COVID-19.

Quercetin and its derivatives have also been shown to target 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro), an important enzyme for viral replication. By binding to this protein, quercetin can stop the COVID-19 virus from replicating and infecting healthy cells.

As reported by studies, quercetin exerts its antiviral effects without harming healthy cells. Supplementing with quercetin is a viable treatment option for COVID-19 patients, thanks to the flavonoid’s ability to inhibit viral replication.

Quercetin is a potent antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-allergic and immunomodulatory agent. Enjoy the many health benefits of this phytonutrient by adding more organic fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.


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Greetings as we begin the new year of 2024 which is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized.

There are some, especially those addicted to “power over” that continue with words and actions to keep the world addicted to the old belief system because if a majority remains bound to the unenlightened rules, ideas, leaders, laws, religiosity, and traditions of duality, separation, and a belief in two powers, they continue to profit in some way.

It is difficult to move beyond the teachings and beliefs that have served a person well as guidelines throughout their life. However, there comes a time in everyone’s evolutionary journey when they must let go of many beliefs that remain familiar and comfortable but no longer resonate in order to integrate the higher levels of awareness. This process is usually not consciously chosen but rather is brought about by the Higher Self when the person is ready.

When everything a person has been taught, believed, and built their foundation on begins to no longer resonate in the same way, it usually precipitates a period of fear, confusion, doubt, resistance, and even the belief that the person is losing their mind because everything they have wholeheartedly believed up to this point seems to have been a lie.

This period constitutes a “dark night of the soul” especially for those who have been serious seekers for a long time and believed had found all the answers. It will last as long as the person resists, tries to re-energize the past, or refuses to look deeper within. It can be a particularly traumatic time for those who hold to strict religious, metaphysical, or even “pagan” beliefs.

At some point the experience becomes a time of seeking, researching, studying world religions, pondering, questioning, and healing during which new awareness’s begin to take root even while some of the old remains. Know that you are always guided and being led through this phase of your journey by your Higher Self because you are ready for it but most do not initiate it on their own.

God is not an old man sitting on a cloud passing judgement on every person’s qualifications to receive good or punishment according to how well they have followed some man made rule. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness and because everyone is an expression of this one and only Consciousness, everything that IT is, is already fully present within every individual. You are not a part of God, you are the wholeness.

It is not only foolish but fruitless to pray to some concept of God made in man’s image to give you things, events, people etc. God is already expressing IT’s fullness in and as every person and has no awareness of anything other than ITself because nothing other than ITself exists. If disease, lack, suffering etc. were facets of Divine Consciousness they could never be healed, changed or eliminated because they would be held forever in place by Divine Law. Spiritual evolution is the journey of realizing this and allowing SELF completeness to manifest.

God does not give things, people, jobs, goods, because God consciousness does not have ideas of lack and limitation. God is infinitely expressing ITSelf through man and all ITs expressions. Once a person attains a consciousness of oneness and completeness, mind can then interpret the contents of this state of consciousness on levels the person can understand.

For example; A person needs a home. If they have attained a state of consciousness that knows they can never be separate from their real home which is Divine Consciousness, mind will then interpret this outwardly as the right home. The enlightened consciousness of a mechanic will not manifest outwardly as new ideas for surgery nor will the surgeon manifest ideas for fixing a carburetor–unless that is what he needs.

This is why it is necessary to let go of the many familiar but now obsolete religious or metaphysical teachings encouraging you to pray this way or that in order to obtain what you believe you or others need. These practices served well in earlier times of evolution but were only steps along the way not meant to be held on to forever. These practices actually promote and empower beliefs of separation. The time has come to put away the tools of a previous and less evolved state of consciousness and move into the awareness of what it really means to be one with God.

It is futile to pray for peace, because God knows nothing other than the peace of ONE omnipresent Self having no opposites. Instead of praying to God for peace realize that because every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, the energy flowing and connecting all life (love) remains fully present even when not recognized because it is the reality.

Do not deny appearances, but rather cease giving them power by acknowledging the reality underlying all appearances. War is an activity of the collective belief in separation which must be experienced by some in order for them to learn and evolve beyond beliefs of separation.

Many continue to live with one foot in both worlds long past the time they are ready to have both feet in the world of truth. This can be difficult, scary, and even result in rejection by family and friends but you came to earth to fully awaken, clear remaining old energies, help others do the same and by doing this assist with earth’s ascension process. The issues you are witnessing on earth at this time are facets of this process because everything old and false must surface, play out, and be recognized in order to be let go of and moved beyond.

Never proselyte or attempt to press your awareness on others in the belief that you are helping them but rather simply be an example of peace and non-judgement. Trust that those ready for what you have to give will find their way to you because like energy attracts like energy.

A spiritually evolved person is an empowered person who does not allow others to dominate or control them in the belief that they are being patient and loving when they do this. Never allow a person or group to misuse or dominate you. It is an insult to your divinity. A spiritually empowered person is never afraid to lovingly say; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this..”

Some remain in abusive or even dangerous situations simply because they want to please, reflecting low resonating attempts to be loved. Others have been taught that it is spiritual to be loving and patient regardless of all negative circumstances. It is not spiritual to allow some person or group to manipulate you physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. However it is very important to be very honest with yourself in these types of situations, not interpreting another’s desire for dialog or change as an easy excuse to run away or avoid dealing with something.

It is often the case and particularly during these times of intense clearing, that the painful situations a person may be dealing with in this lifetime are actually old energies that wer experienced and have been carried through many previous lifetimes. When a person feels strong and evolved enough to finally acknowledge and clear intensely painful and low resonating energies they still carry (horrific experiences like torture to death or one or lifetimes of abuse) they will often choose to incarnate into a family or situation that will reactivate this old energy. Because now they are spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared they are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from consciousness.

Always in these types of situations do what needs to be said or done while inwardly knowing the true spiritual nature of all involved. That way you do not create negative energy that will need to be cleared.

Like it or not, enjoy it or not, desire it or not, believe it or not there is a Divine plan unfolding and you are a part of it.

We are the Arcturian Group.


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Awakening can be described as a transformation of perception.

It is inspired by the spontaneous or gradual arising of higher consciousness—like lightning bolts surging upward from the base of the spine. Even beyond all that we have learned from various spiritual paths, or even our own direct experience, what is awakening from a quantum perspective? Here’s a download I received the other day that I was excited to share with you:

The Universe, as a whole, is a living, breathing, celestial organism of intelligence. Since intelligence always exists in perpetual cycles of growth, the Universe always exists in a state of ever-growing expansion. Consciousness is the fabric the Universe is made of. It is always transmitting a light-filled energy of higher intelligence to all life forms living within it. Such codes of light pouring into every life form act as constant evidence of the Universe continually multiplying and growing through cycles of expansion. Since the Universe always exists in a rapid state of expansion, we as humans live as expressions of this expansion—through the evolution of our individual and collective journey. In essence, we are multidimensional expressions of a Universe that can’t help but expand, which is mirrored in the desire and destiny to grow and evolve.

While many believe growth is a choice, in truth, how you grow remains a choice you are able to make. You can choose to grow willingly, or get pulled along by the hands of fate that cannot allow you or anyone else to stagnate too long at any particular level—since the Universe never stalls or pauses in its growth. As you choose to grow willingly and from a space of heart-centered openness, curiosity, and excitement, you will find yourself navigating each moment from a timeless dimension and perspective. Such a shift allows life to be more fulfilling, miraculous, and less like being tossed around between the ferocity of waves in a vast ocean of existence.

As you learn to say ‘yes’ to evolving on life’s mysterious terms and conditions, and without a need to negotiate your way from one breath to the next, you begin to remember the soul’s journey as a unique experience of an ever-expanding Universe. Just by evolving within our unique forms, alongside others, we celebrate the creation of numerous new worlds. We witness the birth of new vibrations of higher consciousness and welcome new generations of highly-evolved souls into all worlds—realities shaped by our realizations and changes throughout life.

Although humans often view growth as a personal journey, enhancing only their path, every growth phase benefits not just the individual, but also the surrounding world and the Universe at large—regardless of our awareness of this impact.

Understanding the connection between Self and Source, the phrase “as above, so below” can lessen the pressure you might feel, as if you alone are responsible for humanity’s evolution. Instead, may you rejoice the next time your heart chakra opens wider than ever before, and thank the expansion of a distant black hole somewhere in the center of the Milky Way for pulsing the gravitational force that helped open your heart even further. This means your awakening journey is not ever separate from the Cosmos. In truth, it is a mirror reflection of all the expansion occurring in space, and manifested as form through a dimension of time. As this truth is viscerally felt instead of over-intellectualized, you will begin to remember the Universe is always guiding the perpetual growth you have been given the honor of experiencing, and in whatever way you choose to view it.

As a quantum view of awakening expands the horizons of why you are here and what a timeless contribution your lifetime of growth offers the world, every person, all planets, each civilization, and all timelines of possibility, may it help you remember that awakening is not a destination. It’s an art form.

All for love,


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Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

One question I have been asked often is what happens when we die? Let’s get two things out of the way now, for which many have been mis-lead to believe and fear, the trapping of the soul by malevolent forces. The Soul cannot be trapped. It is multidimensional. Only your ego may be trapped in certain loops of the Third Dimensional Matrix. Bring your attention to the Heart Center. The other is judgement. No judgement of any kind takes place when you return to the light realms. Not by God, not by the Spiritual Hierarchy, or anyone at all. The Soul itself and the team of Angels evaluate all the experiences, and decide the next best incarnation for the Soul.

What happens when you transition, also depends in the way in which you ‘die.’ Did you simply have a heart attack, or were you involved in a car accident, did you die from a disease, or war?

When you transition to the other side of the veil, you always have a team of Angels to guide and support you. For those who go through a horrific death, you are surrounded by Angels, and you are given a long break, comforted, as everything is explained to you, and you recuperate from the experiences, understanding what transpired.

For others who go through a less tragic death, you are also surrounded by Angels, but the Soul may not feel that it needs a long break, prior to choosing the next incarnation. In this instance you review sooner your previous journeys, with your team of Angels and other guides, then you decide what experiences you wish to have, where you want to incarnate next, what roles you will be playing, and so on. In each life time you have guides with you, to support you, angels, ascended masters, and others, who await for your requests. You truly are never alone.

The reality and world you desire already exists, in the field of oneness with infinite timelines. What is required is for you to match your vibrational frequency to that reality, and uplift yourself into that dimension. Focus your light, thoughts, and emotions, and imagine the reality, as well as how you would FEEL upon emerging in that reality in the near future. ~Kejraj


Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The higher light entering Earth at this time is offered to all of humanity with the hope that it is used to uplift themselves, by opening up to new possibilities, new truths, and arrive to the realization that the Divine they seek awaits them within their own hearts.

With this realization, we hope that you use the higher energies entering Earth not to continue your focus on the hardships, on the fears, and old ways of doing things. Instead use them to amplify your own light, your love, and your highest intentions and visions.

If you have been looking for a sign, for a message, from the Universe, this is it, to change your ways, to redirect your energy and infuse that which you desire, to understand that carrying yourself from one day to the next in the energies of doubt and hopelessness does not help or see you gain anything but more of the same.

Open your heart, and allow it to guide you, feel the presence of your Divine Self within. For indeed it is time to release the fears and woes of the old world, and focus all of your energy on manifesting something wonderful, and trusting that a new world awaits your arrival, in which you shall emerge in the very near future.

All the Light to You!

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I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, in this time that you call, and many have been calling, the end times.

These are those times. But not the biblical times of old. Not the prophesies of old. Even I as Yeshua spoke of these things. But many of the things I said were changed. Were moved into a different direction for purposes that were not mine. So even though I said some of these words, they were manipulated and changed. The end times that I spoke of that were then paraphrased after that, where no one could have remembered or have gotten those direct words. But those of my disciples, those ones that heard the word that I did speak at that time, they reiterated those words as best as they could. But again, in times coming after, and the timeline that that biblical time spoke of, is not to be the timeline that you are in.

Yes, indeed, some will live that timeline. Some are in the process of living, and even creating that timeline. But you, those of you, are creating a new timeline, a new higher level of existence, higher level of consciousness, complete with a higher vibrational frequency that then raises the consciousness more. And as your consciousness raises more, you indeed then raise your vibrational frequency more and more, which raises your consciousness. And that is continuing on, and on by many across the planet, as many, many more are in the awakening process. Some have already awakened, such as yourself, and are in an awakening process, even yourselves are at this point.

Are you fully awakened? No. Most of you are not. But you are moving in that direction more and more. And those that are coming behind you are also moving in the direction of awakening, coming out of their sleep, coming out of their slumber of so long, coming out of the illusion of their own making, their making, the individual’s making.

And as the individual creates and has various thoughts, those thoughts go out into the universal mind. And the universal mind then creates the expression across the planet where more, and more, and more people are picking up those higher expression thoughts, those thoughts that yes, indeed, this is an illusion, it’s a third-dimensional illusion. How many times in the past did people speak of third dimension, and fourth and fifth dimension? Not very often. But that is changing now, just as the idea of timelines is no longer just science fiction—it is now fact, as more and more are coming to understand that as well.

These are the end times. But again, not the time that was spoken of back then, because you have shifted those times. You have shifted the timeline to move into a new creative understanding, a new creative higher consciousness.

And you, each of you, are that higher consciousness. Each of you are the light body. And you need to, again, begin to understand that and believe that you are the light body, the crystalline light body. And in this crystalline light body, you will have new experiences, new abilities that will take you further and further along to becoming more and more of the crystalline light body. For you see, as you use the crystalline light body more, you develop it more, and more, and more. And that is what you are beginning to experience now, as the carbon filaments within your body, the carbon cellular structure within you, is changing, is in process of changing to the crystalline cellular structure. And as that is happening, you were experiencing those various symptoms of what you call the symptoms of ascension. And indeed, yes these are symptoms of ascension. And when you have these symptoms, know that it is for a reason, and it is special for you, each and every one of you.

Can you stop the symptoms? Yes. You can ask for them to be lessened. You can ask for them to be even stopped if you want. But why would you want to do that? Because this is the changing of the norm. It is the changing of your body. It is changing the times within yourself, and the begin that’s within yourself.

So allow the process to continue to play itself out. And indeed playing itself out, it is now. All is playing itself out. And you are going to be coming to the culmination, the conclusion, the end of the line. And you, as we’ve said earlier, have crossed the Rubicon. There is no going back. You are past the point of no return. And why would anyone of you want to return back to the old illusion? Certainly, you would not want to.

So consider, and know that you are continuing in this process and moving beyond the veil, moving beyond it, moving beyond the illusion and becoming all that you came here to be.

I am Sananda,[ Jesus ] and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge forth. Continue to move forth into the light, continuing to create the light within you, and all around you. For as you create the light around you, others will pick up that light and feel that light. And they themselves will begin to understand and know the truth.

**Source 1 2

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It’s looking more and more like an “us vs. them” nation. A recent poll taken by Rasmussen (RMG Research) on behalf of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity had some alarming findings regarding how the richest 1% of America really feel about the rest of us.

Spoiler: They don’t think highly of us. They couldn’t possibly care less about our struggles. They live in an entirely different world than we do.

What is even more unsettling about the conclusions you will read is that these people are the ones who can afford to contribute to political campaigns and influence policies and legislation in America. We’d like to say that our government is a representative one, but let’s not kid ourselves.

Money talks.

Who are the “American elite?”

The survey defines the “American Elite” as those “having at least one post-graduate degree, earning at least $150,000 annually, and living in high-population density areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile in their zip code).”

President of RMG Research Scott Rasmussen defined the participants as “urban academic elite” who are “extraordinarily influential in government, corporate America, and the philanthropic worlds.” In some categories, the sector is further divvied up by regular elites and Ivy League elites.

So – well-to-do, well-educated city dwellers. Who greatly influence everything.


So what do these people really want to see happening?

More than 60% of Elites who were interviewed for this poll would like to see a crackdown on personal freedom. The rabble needs to be kept in line, you know.

They certainly don’t trust the great unwashed to manage environmental issues voluntarily. “77% of the Elites, including nearly 90% of the Elites who graduated from the top universities,” would like us to face rationing of essential items. They’d like to dole out:

  • Meat
  • Energy
  • Gasoline

In other words, put on a sweater, walk, and eat your bugs, losers.

Two-thirds of them would prefer that educators be in complete control of our children’s curriculum at school, no doubt to brainwash them into going along willingly with their outrageous notions on how things should be.

The Elite would also overwhelmingly like to ban things that they don’t believe we should have access to, such as:

  • Gas stoves
  • Gas-powered cars
  • Air conditioning
  • SUVs
  • “Non-essential” air travel

Stay in your place, peasants. And pipe down about your climate control.

Wait – did I just hear someone say, “Let them eat cake?” Someone should likely tell them how the first person who said that ended up after ticking off the underprivileged.

They see the world totally differently than the rest of us.

The way they view the world is also vastly different than the way we do. These folks say overwhelmingly that they discuss politics daily, whereas only 9% of us peons speak of politics and politicians daily. Perhaps it’s how they keep amplifying their ridiculous beliefs – by being so heavily involved in politics.

But wait, hold on to your halos, angels. There’s more.

  • 70% of Elites and 90% of Ivy-League-educated Elites trust our government  – THIS GOVERNMENT – to do the right thing.
  • 84% of these yahoos believe Joe Biden is doing a great job
  • 90% of the Ivy League crowd holds a favorable opinion of lawyers, lobbyists, union leaders, and journalists.
  • 80% of the Ivy Leaguers say that they’re doing better financially now than before.

There truly are two different Americas right now. And folks, we aren’t in the “fortunate” America.

The PDF concludes with this reminder.

It is important to note that not all members of the Elites are elitists. Some don’t think about politics all that much, and others actively support traditional American values such as individual freedom. Still, given the influence they yield, the overall views of the Elites represent an existential threat to America’s founding ideals of freedom, equality, and self-governance.

Cool. Like maybe 10% of them aren’t in cahoots with the scary ones.

Why it matters

I know a lot of you are rolling your eyes and saying, “I don’t care with they think. It couldn’t possibly affect me less.”

That’s where you’re wrong, my friends.

These people – the American Elite –  are the shot-callers. They’re the ones who rally support for political candidates. They pay for advertising. They run the business world. They are the CEOs and Presidents of massive companies. These companies are the ones that donate funds, support politicians, pay lobbyists, support the “woke” agenda, make lives difficult with arbitrary rules and regulations, and steer the conversations in the media.

They run so much more than just their highly educated mouths.

You should be concerned about how out of touch they are with our everyday realities. Because one of these days, these Ivy League ivory tower snobs will take away your car, your gas appliances, your air conditioning, and your steak if they have their way. And you can be sure they won’t be sweating and starved for protein along with the rest of us.

Because to them, we don’t matter.

We are mere annoyances to be controlled so that we can do the work to provide the services that keep their lives running smoothly. Then, they’re free to think deep thoughts and mutually gratify one another for asserting ridiculous ideas like the ones in this poll.

What are your thoughts on the American Elites? Do you think that they have the power to make things unpleasant for us? Do you think their opinions are harmless? Are you surprised by any of these widely held opinions?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.**Source

When you forgive, you rise. This is why, especially during these times, it is crucial to let go. Let go of the past, the grudges, cut the karmic cords, and forgive all, send light and love to all.

You are seeking to create space for higher light to descend into your being, yes? Free yourself from the burden and low frequency thought forms of hate, revenge, which come from a place of fear and inner suffering.

Forgive, and let go, for this is how you open up the space for higher light to come into your now consciousness, this is how your Soul comes forth. You rise when you forgive. You rise in love. You rise when you radiate positivity. ~Kejraj

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Many have reminded us and continue to do so. Trump himself mentioned, “central casting” and before “the storm” even began in earnest, Q told us, “you’re watching a movie”. “You and your families are safe. Promise.” Link to American Patriot on Telegram.

Remember. You ARE watching a movie. Central Casting. No fear. True reality. Everything is staged. Special Ops have been in control since JFK. As the timing of the operation comes to a climax. You will see it’s fireworks as the end of 3D ceases. And the beginning of the 5th. Two worlds collide. One left standing. All nations UNITED in harmony. We move forward into the new world. 🍿⭐️.

And for that reason, popcorn IS appropriate. Stock up—but none of that fake butter or margerine. Sprinkles as appropriate.


If you have been flying with us for awhile and you’re still losing sleep over what you think you see happening and what you’re convinced will unfold in the near future, you need to use a different lens to view the elements of the storm we show you each day.

I came across this interesting tidbit below yesterday and forgot about it. If this doesn’t ring a bell, Bayside Mall is the one in Miami where a hundred LEOs showed up in response to what we were told was a matter of some young people fighting each other with sticks. Other reports, however, stated they saw 8 – 10 foot tall Beings/creatures walking around the mall. The police have been sworn to secrecy. Link to Telegram.

I saw how the longitude and latitude of the Bayside Mall in Miami, if reversed.. winds up in Antarctica


So, did someone get the coordinates wrong and have the tall guys materialize in the wrong place? Was it done accidentally on purpose?

Marcia Ramhalo showed us in her “Aether: The Fifth Element” documentary the magnificent buildings now repurposed which still show the foot outlines in the floor so people would know where to stand to be transported/teleported. They now distract the eye in various ways so folks won’t notice but there is no denying what is incorporated into those floors. Next time you see the feet decals to remind you to stand six feet apart at the checkout, remember that. It’s not original.


Phil G’s “Lands Beyond” presentations were full of fascinating research and diagrams and left viewers with much to think about. Another tid-bit that came up on Phil’s telegram expands on the “T minus” that NASA loves to included in their fake countdowns. NASA is only minus the “T” in SATAN, of course, and the same goes for where we are told we live. Plane is planet in the “T minus” form. They add a T to throw us off, just as they do with much of our language. Govern-men [t], for example.


Another one bites the dust. Some of the criminals do get their just desserts. Others “negotiated” and as we’ve acknowledged before, the public will never know what they did or the extent of their crimes. We suppose the end justifies the means, but isn’t nearly as satisfactory to the conspiracy analysts who spent years watching and documenting the crimes.

SG Anon uploaded File 69 which is nearly an hour of dot connecting, peeks behind the scenes, and prognostications about how this war will go in the next few months. SG also helps us decode “photos” or captures we see on the Internet so we can analyze them like a pro and determine how real they are and what they might mean. 50 min.

Globalist Submissions Continue | German Coup Attempt Likely | USA Primaries | WW Banking CollapseThis is a bizarre story and I don’t think we’ve heard the end of it. HIV data scientist?

Brother of Chiefs Fan Who Was Found Dead in Friend’s Backyard Speaks Out

I’ve had extra stuff on my plate so our post today reflects that. See you next time—probably tomorrow—which will be “that day” again, if you can believe it.  ~ BP



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I am Sananda.

Where there is light, where there is love, there can be no pain and suffering. Where fear has left completely, and I speak now of fear. Fear is what is keeping the illusion going. The illusion of the third-dimensional is kept going by fear, rampant fear. And those of the forces of darkness continue to do everything they can to raise fear everywhere.

But I tell you now that if you let go of all fear in your lifes, you let go of all pain and suffering. For when there is no fear, there is only love left. And love is a high, high vibrational frequency. Bringing higher consciousness with it. And at that point, there can be no suffering of any kind. So know that. Know that as you move forward in this next year.

I am Sananda. And I come to be with you at this time, just briefly, before I release to the One Who Serves.

But I wish to share with you that you are on the cusp. You are on the cusp of major changes, great changes coming in your life, both individually and collectively as a whole.

And it is something that cannot be stopped at this point. No matter how much the forces of darkness tend to bring fear into your lives, tend to bring suffering as much as they can, they cannot do it much longer. They will not be allowed to do it much longer.

Not because of us stopping them, not even because of the Galactics stopping them. It is because of you stopping them. You as a collective are raising up as one and saying, “No more! Enough is enough! And that is happening, even though it may not feel like it is. Even though it may not seem like it is as you listen to news broadcasts in your media that continue to spread propaganda everywhere, they cannot, and will not, be able to continue along this line. It should not happen, because you as the collective have spoken.

And, not only that, but Creator Himself/Herself has spoken and has said, “Enough is enough!” So please, as you listen to the One Who Serves come now, and Shoshanna, and they share their special understanding of what is to come and what has already been, and where you are on your journey now as a whole. As they share this, be at peace, my friends. Be at peace. Be in love with each other, with yourselves, with the world, for the world, Gaia herself is miraculous. It is a miraculous being that has shared her life, her experiences with you as a whole, and will continue to do so, but will not do so in a third-dimensional level for very much longer. That space is open now. But the illusion is going to close. At some point, it shall close. And all that will be left will be those that are in the Ascension process and have raised their vibrational frequency and their consciousness to be able to match their frequency of Gaia herself.

I am Sananda. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that this next year will be a miraculous year. And that is the way you need to look at this. Not with doom and gloom, even if there are those times that appear so, but see it as miraculous; see it as joyful; see it as the new beginnings of the rest of your lives.

**Source 1 2

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