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The World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the UN, is lobbying the WHO’s 194 member states to ensure their ratification of the global agency’s Pandemic Treaty this coming May. The push appears to be a reaction to grassroots opposition to the treaty throughout the world. Fearing a string of defeats and a delay of the treaty’s adoption beyond the May 2024 deadline, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus accused those against the agreement of trying to sabotage it and of spreading fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories.

 According to this logic, surrendering sovereignty is not truly giving away sovereignty if one willingly relinquishes authority even if it is virtually irreversible and countries would face penalties for non-compliance.

Under the pretext that many lives would have been saved had countries been better prepared before COVID-19 hit, Tedros believes that, in the event of an epidemic, which he has the power to declare, his agency should take charge of every nation’s health-related matters, as well as issues that may somehow be related to health, such as a climate change. Without the agency’s direction, he argues, the world will be at risk of a variety of upcoming pandemics and worse.

A power grab for power’s sake?

However, it wasn’t the COVID-19 “pandemic” that gave rise to the alleged need for a treaty and more power for the agency, nor do the 194 member states all have a real part in drafting the agreement despite Tedros’ claims. The basic ideology supporting the measures detailed in the treaty, and the acquisition of greater power for those running the agency, were already publicized by the previous WHO director-general, Hong Kong-born and Canada-educated Dr. Margaret Chan. Like Tedros, who won his post as WHO director-general through Chinese backing, Chan was personally picked by Beijing for the post.[2] The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been working its way into the WHO through the back door, as it were, in order to spread its agenda under the guise of public health needs.


Further discrediting the narrative that COVID-19, with an average 98.2% survival rate among known COVID-19 cases,[3] where 80% of the deaths were in individuals 65 years and older, and 94% of fatalities were in people who had at least 2.6 comorbidities,[4] was the catalyst for the pandemic treaty, is the evidence that the power grab was already being formulated more than a decade ago.

In fact, when Tedros announced his perceived need for a pandemic treaty in 2021, he was arguably “working from the playbook” — one of his stated reasons for the treaty was to garner more power for the agency. As NPR‘s Bill Chappell reported at the time:[5]

The COVID-19 pandemic proves that the world needs a pandemic treaty, says WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. It’s the one major change, Tedros said, that would do the most to boost global health security and also empower the World Health Organization. (Emphasis added.)

As such, the real goal of WHO leaders may have nothing to do with health and everything to do with a CCP/Marxist takeover under the guise of global health security — “for the public’s benefit.” And, the man who was the third most important person in the terrorist organization Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), and the former Health Minister of Ethiopia, who is not a doctor and ignored three cholera epidemics calling them watery diarrhea, is now the CCP picked WHO director-general, Tedros.


WHO Chief’s Dire Warning: Disease X Outbreak ‘a Matter of When, Not If’

By Michael Dorgan | FoxNews

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has issued a new warning about the likelihood of Disease X breaking out, telling global world leaders it is “a matter of when, not if” a new pathogen and pandemic will strike.

Tedros, who goes by his first name, told attendees at the World Government Summit in Dubai earlier his week he gave a similar warning in 2018 that a pandemic was likely to hit, and he was proven right with the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus.

Complaining that the world is still ill-prepared for a new pandemic, Tedros once again touted the urgent need for a global treaty to be agreed upon by May and dismissed suspicions of it being a WHO power grab as outlandish.

He called the treaty “mission critical for humanity.”

“Today I stand before you in the aftermath of COVID-19 with millions of people dead, with social, economic and political shocks that reverberate to this day,” Tedros said.

“Although some progress has been made, like improvements in surveillance, the Pandemic Fund, building capacities in vaccine production … the world is not prepared for a pandemic.

“The painful lessons we learned are in danger of being forgotten as attention turns to the many other crises confronting our world.”

Tedros said that if the world fails to learn those lessons, “we will pay dearly next time, and there will be a next time.”

“History teaches us that the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if,” Tedros added.

“It may be caused by an influenza virus, or a new coronavirus or a new pathogen we don’t even know about yet — what we call Disease X.”

Disease X is a hypothetical “placeholder” virus that has not yet formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. About eight years ago, it was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research that could cause a “serious international epidemic,” according to a 2022 WHO press release.

“As things stand, the world remains unprepared for the next Disease X, and the next pandemic,” he said.

Tedros said there has been a lot of attention on Disease X lately but insisted it’s not a new thing.

“We first used the term Disease X in 2018, the same time as I spoke here at this World Governments Summit, as a placeholder for a disease we don’t even know about yet, but for which we can nonetheless prepare.”

“COVID-19 was a Disease X, a new pathogen causing a new disease. But there will be another Disease X, or a Disease Y or a Disease Z.”

In preparation for the next outbreak, he said the clock is ticking on nations to come together and sign an international agreement on pandemic preparedness, with just 15 weeks left on the timeline agreed upon in 2021. Tedros said the treaty, which the Biden administration has been involved in negotiating, is a set of commitments by countries to strengthen the world’s defense with a “one health” approach.

While ‘Disease X’ is a hypothetical placeholder virus that has not yet been formed, scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID.

It would involve cooperation in research and development, access to vaccines and other products and sharing of information, technology and biological samples.

He cited two reasons why a consensus has not been reached. The first is nations have some differences, but he was confident they would be worked through.

The second major barrier, he said, is the “litany of lies and conspiracy theories about the agreement.”

“That it’s a power grab by the World Health Organization. That it will cede sovereignty to WHO. That it will give WHO power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries. That it’s an ‘attack on freedom.’ That WHO will not allow people to travel, and that WHO wants to control people’s lives.

“These are some of the lies that are being spread. If they weren’t so dangerous, these lies would be funny. But they put the health of the world’s people at risk. And that is no laughing matter.

“These claims are utterly, completely, categorically false. … Anyone who says it will is either uninformed or lying.”

Critics, including Advancing American Freedom (AAF), argue the legally binding treaty would cede sovereignty to a global organization and that it amounts to a power grab. The AAF is a nonprofit advocacy group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence.

Tedros said there is a draft copy of the agreement on the WHO website and urged people to read it for themselves.

In pitching the treaty, he absolved the WHO of imposing lockdowns and vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly.

“Let me be clear: WHO did not impose anything on anyone during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not lockdowns, not mask mandates, not vaccine mandates.

“We don’t have the power to do that, we don’t want it and we’re not trying to get it.”

The WHO faced strong criticism from around the world over its slow response to investigating China for the COVID outbreak. A WHO team investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic also downplayed the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab near Wuhan, China.


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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a constant dance with the energies of life around you. You are all empathic beings, capable of feeling anything you tune into. You can feel the feelings of others. You can feel the resonance of life around you. You intuitively understand what frequencies are compatible with you in a given moment and which are not.

If you are happy and having a beautiful day, you might still run into an angry person, but if they don’t match any frequencies within you, they won’t disturb you. They’re not compatible with your loving vibration and can’t drag you down. You’ll have compassion, look at them curiously, or simply decide to avoid them.

If you have some upset lurking within you, they might “trip your trigger,” but, having practiced tuning your energy, you can quickly find your way back to joy.

If, however, you are already in a space of upset, such a person would resonate with you, amplify your own anger and upset you even more.

Likewise, if you’re sad, you might not want to be around someone emanating joy unless you are reaching for that frequency. If you are feeling empowered, you might not resonate with someone in a victimized mood, and if you are feeling victimized, you might not want to hear someone preach about how you can be more empowered unless you are reaching for that frequency already.

As your saying goes, wherever you go, there you are.

This ability to feel life around you is one of the many reasons it makes sense to love and accept yourself even when you’re down. You will attract and resonate with those who have similar compassion.

It makes sense to reach for the best vibration you can find so you’ll be able to feel your higher guidance and resonate with others in these higher spaces who can amplify your own good feelings and receive higher guidance.

As you choose to love yourself and find reasons to feel better, you will find that you no longer have any desire to engage in the dances of density and darkness.

There are those upon your earth who live in such fear that they demand your agreement, often in unloving ways. There are those who take their anger out on the innocent. There are those who learned in early childhood to get their way by being endearing, seductive, demanding, or manipulative and still keep engaging in these behaviors into adulthood. There are those whose pain is so great they cannot find a way out except to take it out on others.

These are not horrible souls. All souls are made of one light. However, these are souls who are lost, at least for a time, in the denser energies. Don’t drive them further into the darkness with your hate, dear friends. Remove your attention from their bad behaviors and pray for them, with the hope that one day, your prayers will help lift them into greater light.

We are not asking you to like unlikable behaviors. We are not asking you to feel good about bad words. We are not asking you to fall in love, in the human sense, with those who hate and hurt. We are simply saying this – you do not have to fall into density because others around you want you to join in their pain.

You can remain in your light, your joy, and your loving vibration no matter what others choose.

We know this isn’t easy, but it is the path to your deepest freedom. You may have to live with them, work with them, or get on the bus with them, but you do not have to engage in the energies they emit, for they are calling for attention in unloving ways. You do not have to give them your attention.

You get to choose where you place your focus. You get to choose what vibrations you empower. You get to choose if you will get sucked into the argument, become defensive when attacked, or feel a need to justify your goodness to those who couldn’t see it, even if your light was blinding in the moment.

Dear ones, we love you. Most of you have not been taught to exist in a space of soul-level love. You have been trained to make nice, defend your honor, demand respect, or despise those who are unloving to you. None of this is necessary. Life can be so much easier. You can live without letting the negativity and drama into your emotional space.

You can choose, and choose again, not to dance with the darkness, no matter who offers it to you or how vehemently they offer it.

Not everyone is in a space to understand your love and your good heart. Not everyone is in the space to communicate kindly. Not everyone is able to learn and dialogue in their present moment rather than demanding agreement. Not everyone is in a space to behave in a decent way on your planet, and yet that does not mean you need to engage.

When those lost in darkness cry for love and attention in unloving ways, give only their truth your attention. Give only good behavior your attention. Give their light within all things your attention, but withdraw your focus from hurtful words and behaviors.

If someone betrays you, don’t betray yourself. Give yourself love and kindness, seek soothing and healing, and then move on. Don’t give them further power over you, with your attention to their unloving behavior. You don’t need to defend your right to be treated with honesty. Of course, you deserve honesty. Not everyone is in a space to offer it. Withdraw from those who can’t, or at least ignore their lies.

If someone speaks to you in anger, either speak back in kindness or don’t say a word. Don’t respond. Let them sit in your silent presence with their own unpleasant vibration and then walk away when you can or change the topic. Their anger isn’t about you. Their anger is about their disconnection from their own loving spirit.

If someone attacks your character, embrace your true character. No one can damage your reputation to those who think for themselves! Others can only make you look bad to those who also look for what is negative. These aren’t the people you want to impress anyway.

Let your dignity, love, and good character speak more loudly than any words you could possibly offer. Let those who must think ill of you take responsibility for their own unpleasant feelings while you choose to feel good about yourself. Speak the truth of your own character only to those who can hear it.

“Don’t cast your pearls before swine” simply means that it is useless to offer your pearls of wisdom and truth to those who cannot recognize them for what they are.

It is time for you, dear lightworkers, to disengage from the denser energies that have tried, often successfully, to bring you down for lifetimes. It is time to stop dignifying the denser behaviors with your attention. A parent who peacefully sends a misbehaving child to their room with a loving but firm attitude is far more effective in teaching the child than one who hits, hurts, screams, and punishes. Likewise, when you send adults who are unkind “to their room” symbolically by remaining firm, loving, and refusing to dance with the bad behaviors, you are far more likely to have an impact than if you get knocked out of your own loving space.

When we, in the heavens, look at those you would call the most loathsome of all human beings, we see their souls. We remember their light. We pay attention to and amplify through our love anything good or kind they do, no matter how small. We do not dignify their density with our attention. When they wage war, either literally or figuratively, we gently whisper to their soul, “Remember. You are light. You are love. You want love. You want to feel safe. You want to feel right inside of yourself. There are kinder ways to go about this. Remember.” If we were to offer them only hatred and reproach, it would drive them deeper into their darkness. Our desire is to help all souls find their way home to the love that you are.

The paradigm of punishing those in darkness has never rid them of their darkness. The paradigm of defending your honor instead of just standing in such an honorable space that those who have the eyes to see it will see it has never convinced those who can’t. The paradigm of insisting that those who don’t respect themselves enough to be loving should respect you has never worked. An eye for an eye has never helped either party see clearly how to find and feel love once again.

Instead, you can stand so firmly and powerfully in a space of knowing your own goodness, light, and beauty that the unkind behaviors and actions of others will not find a way “under your skin,” so to speak. When you know who you are, you don’t require the validation of others. When you know how you should be treated, you walk away from those who don’t. When you respect yourself, you don’t need to lower yourself to dance with those who can’t. When you live and abide in the truth that you are precious, unique, and loved by your Creator, the opinions of those who are disconnected can no longer sway you.

You can withdraw, either literally or energetically, from the tugs and pulls of those who want to engage with you in the lower dances. You can remain silent, pray, send love, or simply focus on anything and everything that feels better.

Alignment with love is alignment with the power that breathes life into all creation. Whenever you focus on the simplest thing with love — your coffee, your spouse, your dog, the light filtering in through a window, a beautiful thought — you exist, in that moment, in alignment with the Creator. Stay there as often as you can, for in this space, the power that creates worlds will guide you with impulses of joy, grace, and ease.

Don’t fight the darkness, dear ones. Don’t engage with it energetically, no matter whose mouth or behavior it comes through. As often as possible, focus on that which you can love, for love is the only true power in the universe. When you empower love, the darkness cannot exist in those spaces.

We know your loving hearts. We know your light. Heaven knows who you are. Rest assured that if you rest in this love as often as possible, then those lost in darkness will have no power over you, and you will become powerful beacons of light for those who are reaching for a higher and happier reality.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


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I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in, as always these continuing changing times.

How everything is moving along at a faster and faster pace. Even your daily lives are moving much, much quicker.

Many of you are saying time is flying by and is doing so purposefully because everything is in flux at this point. You are experiencing a time shift at this point. More and more, time is shifting. You can even say that the time-space continuum is beginning to shift more and more. That will come, and understanding to that will come at a later point.

For now, just know that you are in a transition period. Transition from the old ways, the old third-dimensional visionary ways, into the higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension, and the new golden age. A golden age that you have experienced before.

Each and every one of you have experienced a golden age in past times: here on the Earth, and also from other systems and planets out among the stars. That is where you came from, from the stars. You are still continuing on your journey. You will be on your journey until you return to the ether once again. From the ethers you came, and to the ethers you shall return. In that process will be a huge transitionary stage that you will have gone through.

You will notice more and more now in the days, and weeks, and months ahead the transition will continue to gain momentum more and more. The truth everywhere shall come from many different forces and many different directions. This truth shall come forward. It will not only be for those that have the ears to hear as it is now, but for many, many more who are ready to listen, who are ready to be open to the possibilities and the potentials of the human race, and to each individual one within that human race.

You only need to continue to move forward now. Move forward with an understanding that you are in the right place, the right time, and the right moment. Even though everything around you will be seeming to be going to as your saying, ‘going to hell in a hand basket.

It will not be for you, because you will not be looking at it in that way. And if you have been looking at it in that way, it is time to stop. It is time to look ahead now. To be in the moment, but to look ahead and see the glory that is ahead for all of you. Do not hold onto the fear. Do not hold onto the despair, to the depression, to the sickness and illnesses. Do not hold onto that. That is only part of the illusion. And the illusion is fading faster and faster now. And the veil, as you know it, is really not even there anymore. It is only there for those who believe it is there.

So more and more, trust in yourselves. Trust in your guides working with you, trusting your Higher God Self within you, and that you are being led in the direction you need to move toward. And if it is within your path to prepare for any potentialities to occur, then do so. But do so without fear. For if you hold onto fear, then you will be creating the very situation that you are wishing to avoid. Know that. Prepare. Do what you need to do, what you feel is right to do. Do it with peace of mind. That is all this is about, having peace of mind to continue to move forward in the day-to-day process, in the day-to-day transition that you are moving through.

The path in front of you is wide open. It is not a singular path any longer. It is wide open for all to follow that path. Follow it in whatever direction it needs to take you. For that direction that you are moving toward is the direction you need to move forward to.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge forward moment by moment, day by day, week by week, but doing so in full trust with your Higher God Self working for you.

**Source 1 2

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Former President Donald Trump? met with former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) to discuss foreign policy and how he’d run the Pentagon in a second term, which sent the mainstream media into hysterics.

Trump and Gabbard reportedly discussed how he’d manage the Department of Defense in his second term, opining that his biggest mistake was hiring personnel who deviated from his America First philosophy.

The Washington Post promptly trashed the meeting as evidence Trump is pursuing an “isolationist” foreign policy that will upend the international world order and reject neoconservative policies that entrench U.S. forces in multiple countries.


The talks with Gabbard — who has staked out a role as an outspoken critic of aid to Ukraine and U.S. military interventions overseas — are part of a broader conversation about how Trump would manage the Pentagon differently if voters award him a second term. Trump has repeatedly told advisers and donors in recent months that one of his biggest mistakes was his personnel choices at the Pentagon, where he says he was stymied by officials with diverging opinions.

He sought to immediately pull out of many countries where the United States had troops, wanted to withdraw from NATO at times because he said other countries were not paying enough, questioned traditional alliances, praised and negotiated with dictators considered foes of the United States, and clashed repeatedly with the Republican establishment, particularly in the Senate, on foreign policy.

“She appeals to Republicans who are skeptical of intervention overseas, which is now a majority of Republican voters,” Andrew Surabian, a Republican strategist who advises Donald Trump Jr. and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), told WaPo.

WaPo also lamented that Trump’s talks with Gabbard are just a facet of his overall foreign policy approach.

The Gabbard conversations are only one element of Trump plotting out a second term in the Defense Department. One adviser said that Trump is determined to have personnel in the department this time who will listen to him and who share “his views philosophically 100 percent” after years of clashing with the Pentagon during his presidency, and that he has begun talking about the Pentagon.


Pentagon bureaucrats also allegedly complained to WaPo that they’re worried Trump will demand more from NATO and install officials that align with his non-interventionist views such as Col. Douglas MacGregor (Ret.).

Another former senior administration official said he is “greatly concerned” that Trump will upend longtime alliances if he is elected to a second term. The issue, the official said, came up “constantly” when Trump was in office, with him raising the prospect of pulling troops from Germany and South Korea and both withdrawing troops from Africa and closing all U.S. embassies there.

“He sees these treaties and partnerships as transactional relationships, and he is constantly looking at the ledger and saying, ‘Is this a good deal or this a bad deal?’” the official said. “He views America’s forces abroad, and America’s protection, as a service to be paid for.”

Among former administration officials, there is greatest concern that he would try to install Douglas MacGregor as a top official at the Pentagon. MacGregor was appointed by Trump to the board of the U.S. Military Academy after the Senate did not confirm him to be the U.S. ambassador to Germany. MacGregor is a frequent Fox News guest who has counseled Trump and has a history of espousing baseless accusations and complaining about migrants.

Gabbard left the Democrat Party in 2022, claiming the party had been hijacked by an “elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.”

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war,” Gabbard said.

The media is apoplectic over the prospect of Trump conducting another term of sober foreign policy that doesn’t involve miring the U.S. in needless wars that benefit only the military industrial complex and politicians.


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“One great cycle of time is now ending – shortly a new cycle will begin. Now you are entering “The Twilight of the Gods” when the final destruction of the old Age will take place, and Man and the Gods will be regenerated and reunited. Man will have revealed unto him a true vision of his eternal heritage – that earthly things may show him the nature of his Spirit.”

16th February 2024. Mike Quinsey.

Matters are moving along at a very fast rate and will continue to do so as time has speeded up. The dark Ones are seemingly in command and going ahead with their plan for world domination, but in reality are the precursors of their demise. They have walked into the trap laid down a long time age when their plans were revealed.

Knowing what was planned enabled the Forces of Light to use that knowledge to their advantage and bring everything into plain sight. To be forewarned is to be ready to combat the assault upon the Human Race so it cannot be imprisoned any longer.

The truth has been manipulated to the advantage of the dark Ones who have kept it from the Human Race, so as to exert control over them. Be assured that their plan has been discovered, and, so to say ,“turning it on its head,” we are using it against them.

Time will tell the truth and it will show the true intentions of the Illuminati. All over the world there is a feeling of despair but when it is realised people will be uplifted. Dear Ones, would you really think that the Light would concede its place in your future to the dark Ones. Certainly not and soon it will become quite evident.

Never judge a situation by its appearance and know that often much more is taking place than you are presently aware of. The workers for the Light move silently about their work laying down the necessary plan for the final removal of everything that is the work of the dark Ones. You will gradually see the changes for the better and things will clearly reveal what is really happening behind the scenes. The plan is in place for your release from their tentacles that have spread far and wide. Understand that matters are playing out future events that were put in place a long time ago to ensure that the Human Race was not imprisoned by those who oppose the Light.

Do not be deceived by the fear that is being created all around you, there is a happy ending to come when the old Age will no longer have any influence over you. There is so much happiness and joy to come when the vibrations are lifted, and all that is not of the Light left to follow its own path. Another cycle will once again give all souls the opportunity to rise up as none are destined to remain in the dark forever. Think positively and let those who refuse the Light follow their chosen path in accordance with the freewill given you. The Light will always be supreme and is always there for all souls regardless.

In the not too distant future open contact with your Guardians will take place, and then you shall see and experience a wonderful feeling of unity and love. It is what you are working for now and whatever you envisage will almost certainly materialise. Words are insufficient to describe what is coming so be assured that in reality all is well and a great future assured.

The dark Ones will have created their own path and in no way will be able to interfere with Ascension. It all takes time to unfold but nothing will stop the final outcome as predicted. The material world is not really your natural home but merely a stop on the way to what some have described as Nirvana.

You were selected for a life upon Earth at this time because you had the experience to see your way through the challenges that would present themselves. You are such an important part of the Army of Light that has faced many attempts to distract you from your work, but you have been resilient and held your place regardless. You are the unsung heroes that over many lives have faced many attempts to unseat you. It is most reassuring that you can stay focussed upon your work and carry out your life plan regardless.

Of necessity you have little idea if any of your true selves and the many times you have served the Light. However, the time will arrive when you shall fully know of your past and also what the future holds for you. The powers that be are fully aware of your contribution to the plan for your release from the lower vibrations and you will benefit from them. You are a great soul who has plumbed the depths of darkness to help others rise up and it has been a difficult task. Success is a reward in itself but be assured that you shall be rewarded in appreciation for what you have achieved.

Have you wondered why so many different languages are spoken in your world as communication would clearly be much better if you all spoke the same one. It is the way evolution has been allowed to grow in all the different countries at its own pace. Hence you have so much variety, customs and beliefs and of course religions that have had a powerful influence. However, all of them would eventually come to a common understanding of the truth, and avoid the many troubles that have developed because of the differences between them.

With your coming “Rising up” you will find that all souls have much the same understanding of the true reality and are closer to it. God/Supreme Creator it matters not which one you use as all souls are One within the energy the Creator emits. You truly are the Sons and Daughters of God whose energy you abide within. The concept is so great it is beyond your conception and is overawing for the human brain, but all understand Universal Love.

If you can live it you would be a marvel upon Earth that gives you the most testing times you are likely to encounter. Your goal should be to try your best to be a loving soul to all others regardless of their beliefs or lifestyle and we know it would be hard to maintain and in reality we do not expect it. Kindness and love for all levels of life would be a real challenge as you will see if you put it to the test. In your present life simply doing your best is the most we could ask of you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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The Q Team is saying the EBS will be activated on February 17—what timing! Could that be simply to wind up the enemy and watch them panic or reveal more booby traps, or will it really happen? Stand by to find out.

There is chatter out there suggesting it is imminent, so just in case, top up your groceries, meds, cash, and gas tanks so you don’t have to deal with mayhem if it does go down.

Kerry K is talking about the Event Flash. Will the EBS be coming with respect to that? We’ve been told by a couple of “Q” personalities just recently that a big surprise is coming, a blackout is coming, etc. Will it be a 3-day blackout? What if the EBS is not triggered by the military but something else? 18 min.

One of the Q deltas for today warns us…

Feb 15, 2019 5:11:04 AM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c8dea2 No. 5185527

Be alert next 10 days.
FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).
High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.
See something > Say something.

5y, 10h, 4m ago              8chan qresearch

Is it a Qincidence that there are more false flags, attacks, and odd incidents? This one was in Washington, DC.

Smoke and Explosions Reported at Eastern Market Metro Station

Two L.A. firefighters critically injured, seven others hurt in semitruck explosion in Wilmington

And an AFB in Montana was on lockdown, reportedly due to an active shooter situation.

Malmstrom Air Force Base lockdown lifted, no threat to the public

In the Middle East, we’re just waiting for one spark to set off a chain reaction. E the Friend/Eye the Spy stated on Telegram:

If Israel moves to attack Rafah in Gaza, Egypt will officially suspend the Camp David Accords, and declare war on Israel. Saudi Arabia will follow.

The united front is prepared all across the Middle East.

Egypt has positioned tanks all along the border with Israel in preparation.

Behind the scenes, much has taken place to ensure the safety of this world and the innocent lives at risk.

We will have peace.


Speaking of “E”, there was this video on his Telegram channel, and the voice reminds me of Ewaranon. You can hear that unforgettable voice in these videos at his Rumble channel. I wonder… and Ewaranon is a friend of Phil G. You can extrapolate that.

What have we here? Antarctica has been injected into the narrative.


Truth Pups is talking Antarctica, too. Link to Telegram for video.

CABLE’S>] What’s really happening in Antarctica . How is USSF INVOLVED?
What’s under Cheyenne mountain.

Why did Putin name Musk.

Important DROPS from Putin that was directed at the deep state CABAL

We are coming into strong coming EVENTS and FALSE FLAG EVENTS to try and hide the coming exposure of the CIA/ Raytheon/ Lockheed Martin etc. Military industrial complex system
Dark deep operations that are hiding Super advanced technology in the U.S. and ANTARCTICA.
There is a powerful play being made by the Alliance with Cheyenne mountain to EXPOSE the super advanced life changing, world changing technology> infinite energy that is connected to Neutrinos

Please support our channel as we come into the powerful year of REAL ]Disclosure[ projects and operations.




Canada is in the toilet, and the government representatives have potty mouth—while in Parliament! It’s good for laughs.


Considering the “second brain” resides in the gut or stomach, one would think many of us would welcome a quick fix like this. Once a day, for one week? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, right? Make sure it’s REAL honey though; preferably local to where you live. So much of the honey at the grocery store isn’t really honey. Bees didn’t make it. Can you get raw honey in the comb? Best of all.


So long for today, folks. It’s getting more intense out there so stay chill and enjoy the show.  ~ BP

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Before we start our report we have an update from last week. A former US Marines Special Forces officer and Apache warrior by the name of William Twofeather was given the information on the child torture facilities reported on. Now we hear:

These criminals were taken out by a joint forces initiative organized by Tribal Police and deputized Village Police Officers in concert with local Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) in California. They took no prisoners.

When a facility like this goes down, everyone in the facility is killed, except, of course, any children that can be saved. You could be a girlfriend of one of the men hired to do this crime, or a custodian mopping up the bathroom. It doesn’t matter. You will be shot dead as a willing accomplice to a capital crime. 

So that’s what happened in California. The Native Tribal Police got wind of this and forced action.

We are also being told the people behind these crimes are not military but rather “Defense Contractors operating out of New York, but being administered out of Annapolis, Maryland, and using military rank designations for personnel employed.”

The hunt for these murderers will continue until every last one of them is removed from this earth. Ok so now here is this week’s report:


Death of King Charles, Biden implosion and Putin interview all point to regime change in the West

There can be no doubt now that regime change is happening in the Western world. The signs of this include the death of “King Charles,” the implosion of Joe Biden, the removal (again) of the US Defense Secretary and the big Putin interview. The peasant revolt by farmers all across Europe and -now spreading to places like Canada and India- are other signs of this. We are also getting preliminary reports from Polish intelligence that many Khazarian mafia leaders, including Ach-Satanist Victoria Nuland, were killed in a missile attack after they fled to Ukraine last week.

Let us start with the announcement that “King Charles” has cancer. Royal family sources tell us he was already dead at the time of his inauguration. This was staged a satanic six months, six weeks and six days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth to help turn British public opinion against him. A formal announcement of his death is expected soon. The sources say. Princess Anne will become the de facto British monarch afterwards by acting as regent for Prince Williams’s 10-year-old son George. Anne is a good person who has been working with the white hats for quite some time now.

Now let us look at the controlled demolition of the fake Biden presidency. Special counsel Robert Hur has declined to prosecute President Joe Biden in part because he was an “elderly man with a poor memory.” In other words, Hur said Biden was mentally unfit to face trial. That puts the so-called leader of the Western world below the dumbest and most mentally defective person in the entire US prison system. This actually might be true if you look at all of his gaffes. Just last week he said he talked to the dead French President Francois Mitterand and the dead German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. He also called Egyptian President Sisi the President of Mexico.

Stephen Miller, former White House senior adviser says: “It is a very low bar to be ruled mentally fit for trial… That very low bar… the President of the United States does not meet… He went on T.V. live tonight and talked about opening up humanitarian gateways from Mexico to the Gaza Strip.”

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Next, look at a VERY confused Joe Biden absolutely SCREAMING as he recounts the recycled “suckers and losers” hoax — slurring the entire way.


Here are some other videos showing the extreme state of his mental decay.

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Actually, since the real Biden was executed in 2021 it shows the decay of the actors hired to act his role. Either that or the actors are being told to act senile to deliberately undermine the credibility of the entire Biden presidential farce. Either way, it is clearly the end game for the Biden show.

Now let us look at the Tucker Carlson interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The interview was watched over 150 million times on X (formerly known as Twitter). X is owned by Elon Musk who, according to the Russian FSB, works for the US military’s National Reconnaissance Office. Our senior CIA sources also tell us US Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump was in Russia at the time of the interview.

There can be no doubt the Putin interview was meant to undermine years of intense anti-Russian propaganda in the West. This means the US military and Russia have agreed to form an alliance. Now Russia’s Tass news agency reports several dozen news agencies around the world want to interview Putin, making it clear the campaign to demonize Russia is ending.

However, the story of the elephant in the room nobody is allowed to talk about definitely applied to this interview. Putin and Tucker avoided talking about




Khazaria and the Khazarian mafia, who they are now in fact allied against. There were many hints though. Putin said the [Khazarian] “Bolsheviks established the Soviet Ukraine, which had never existed before” and “FOR SOME INTEXPLICABLE REASON, Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, insisted that they be entitled to withdraw from the USSR.” He also said mentioned, “FOR UNKNOWN REASONS AGAIN, the Bolsheviks were engaged in Ukrainianization.”

Since Putin started his interview with a mention of the kings who destroyed the Khazarian empire and turned Russia into a Christian state, it is clear he was deliberately dancing around the KM elephant. However, he did say the current rulers of Ukraine idolized “people who exterminated Poles, Jews and Russians.” If we are generous, we can assume he didn’t want to give the KM any excuse to accuse him of “anti-semitism.” There can be no doubt though Putin’s people left enough hints for people to figure out Russia has been fighting a centuries-old plot to recreate a greater Khazaria.

Here is a good satire video of the interview for your entertainment.

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The other big point is Putin confirms he reached a deal with George Bush Sr. to jointly develop missile technology whose only possible target would be China. Putin says this plan was sabotaged by KM power brokers in the US who wanted to turn the USSR into “several quasi-state entities and to subdue them in a divided form, to use their combined potential for the future struggle with China.”

During the interview, Putin handed Carlson a folder of documents. This is the only way to pass secrets because everything digital is compromised.

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Our own FSB sources confirm the real aim of the Russian war in Ukraine is to defeat the Federal Reserve Board and their KM owners like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Also, as mentioned at the top, Polish intelligence says a missile strike last week killed “high-ranking German military generals” and other officials. Since Victoria Nuland, the real president of Ukraine, was there at the time, we can speculate that she was taken out in a joint US white hat and Russian military operation. Time will tell.

To understand what the US military really thinks about the Ukrainian government listen to what Five Star General (as far as this newsletter is concerned anyway) Douglas McGregor says:

“[Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky is a former Actor that played Transvestites…was picked up by an Oligarch named Kolomoyski…which funds the NeoNazi Azov Battalion…and was blessed by Victoria Nuland…”

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One of the first things US President Donald Trump did when he took office was fire Nuland. Hopefully, now this mass murderer has gone to hell where she belongs.

Trump also has come out publicly against the mass murdering Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Listen to some of his comments about Netanyahu in the Video below.

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Netanyahu is a dead man walking. Leaders from around the world, including the President of Turkey and the head of the UN are accusing him of Nazi-style war crimes.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt and all the countries of the Middle East are taking action against Netanyahu’s Satanic actions. The world is finally waking up to the fact Israel was created by the Nazis.

Speaking about Nazis, Argentine President Javier Milei showed up in Israel to show the world who his real masters are: The Khazarian Mafia. He may well have fled to Israel to seek protection now that the Argentine Christians have figured out he is a Satanic murderer.


In any case, Trump is leading the charge. Take a look at the massive crowds chanting “USA” awaiting the arrival of President Trump at a rally in Conway, South Carolina.

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“This is the overflow crowd for Donald Trump in Nikki Haley’s home state…Nikki is burnt toast,” a Pentagon source comments.

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“Nikki may have started her career in South Carolina, but she’s now 100% the candidate of Wall Street and the war machine.” — President Trump told the crowd in Conway, South Carolina

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Trump has made it very clear he thinks Barack Hussein Obama is the real power behind the Biden fakery and promises to end it. To confirm this, in the videos below you can see Nancy Pelosi and Biden admitting Obama runs the show. So Obama, the guy behind the big transgender push and the border chaos, is being taken down by Trump.

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This will almost certainly happen before November. The US government-run Epoch Times put out the following headline: “Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump ‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020” showing there is going to be a change in power soon.

However, we need to see Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Hussein Obama Hitler, etc. paraded before the cameras in handcuffs to confirm this.

Dominos are definitely falling though: Senator Mitch McConnell has announced his resignation.

Now Congressman Mike Gallagher -who was one of the Republicans that voted against the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas- has been ordered to resign.,Republicans%20to%20impeach%20Homeland%20Security%20Secretary%20Alejandro%20Mayorkas

As mentioned at the top, the already deceased “Secretary of Defense” Lloyd Austin is back in the hospital. “He will not be seen again other than CGI or a double,” CIA sources say. “This time it may be officially released by the KM-MSM that ‘sadly he passed away due to complications,’” the sources say.

In Hungary meanwhile, President Katalin Novák, resigned amid public outcry over a pardon she granted to a man convicted as an accomplice in a child sexual abuse case.

We also see crowds booing Satanist politicians when they appear in public. In the video below you can watch a rubber-masked Killary Clinton actor (notice the obvious seam on her neck) being called out as a war criminal.

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Next watch Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock get booed into oblivion in Las Vegas. As the crowd boos The Rock, they Chant “Maui Maui Maui.” It is a good bet he got his Rocks off on some of the adrenochrome tortured out of the 500 missing Maui children.

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“This is significant – The Rock is a Hollywood Satanist – another puppet used by the KM -WEF & illustrates further, the continued Global Awakening of humanity,” a Mossad source says.

In Canada, the Satanist traitor Justin Castrudeau says the opposition leader proposes “to make Canada great again. That is not what Canadians want.”

The videos below show he is under attack from all directions and won’t last much longer.

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There is going to be a reckoning in England too. Chris Stevens, a survivor of the elite Aldenham School has publicly accused British royals of being serial child rapists who “feed” on children:

The British ‘king’ Charles; the pedophile Prince Andrew; and all other members of the ‘royal’ gang, globally, should be immediately taken to trial. We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children. Humanity has reached the end of its tolerance for the ‘royal’ pedophiles and their pandemic of child abuse and torture.

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The truth is that most teachers at Aldenham were child rapists. Aldenham School does not merely have an unfortunate problem with teachers raping students, but it has been designed for this explicit purpose.

Because of the school’s intimate ties to British royalty, few survivors make it far enough to lodge a complaint, let alone convince the police to take action. In short: Adult survivors risk their lives in speaking out against child torture camps like Aldenham.

We are also hearing from British intelligence that they are on the warpath against high-level Satanic agent Simon Case, who runs the British civil service. They confirm Case was involved in a 2012 plot to blow up the Olympics and kill the entire royal family.

Case also negotiated a 10 million Euro bribe for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to sell out in a Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the EU. This money is in his offshore account in Henry Ansbacher & Co, Road Town Tortola British Virgin Islands branch.

This video shows BJ aka Bozo Johnson is scared of what is coming: his military tribunals for treason and crimes against humanity.

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Even worse, BJ’s boss Case “was aware of Queen Elizabeth’s induced bone cancer and was therefore party to a second attempt at regicide, sadly this time successful. He knew the Queen was dying but kept the fact from senior members of the Royal Family, including Princes Andrew and William, preventing them from reaching Balmoral in time. He orchestrated the false time of the Queen’s death and kept the then Prime Minister, Liz Truss, in the dark.”

Once Case is removed, and he WILL BE REMOVED, then the entire Rishi Sunak slave regime will collapse as well.

By the way, in a sign of how evil these people are, they are trying to add fluoride to all of Britain’s drinking water.

This comes after the US government finally admitted fluoride reduces the IQs of children and has many other toxic side effects. “The dumbing down of the population is purposeful, not an accidental consequence of trying to protect our teeth,” a Mossad source warns.

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“There is a reason why fluoride was added to drinking water – it calcifies the pineal gland; that which connects us to the Creator. They don’t want us to see beyond the matrix,” he says.

The controllers of the Matrix are meanwhile stealing taxpayer money to flood Europe and North America with illegal immigrants.

If you look at fourth quarter US GDP numbers we see “we got just $300 billion in extra GDP for — wait for it — $834 billion of new federal debt.”

Most of that $300 billion in GDP growth turns out to be money spent by illegal immigrants getting taxpayer money. “When GDP is growing from government spending it’s not measuring wealth, it’s measuring dissipation of wealth at best, destruction of wealth at worst,” says Peter St. Onge.

In the US illegal immigrants get more money for food stamps than struggling Americans and are about to get paid more than veterans,

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In Europe, they get air travel, quality hotels, delicious restaurant lunches, new smartphones, pocket money, free medical care and many other subsidies.


When representatives of the sheriffs and police chiefs of the United States went to Washington to confront “President Biden” about this, he refused to meet them to talk about border issues or talk about crime that’s going on because of the border issue. (Much more on Twitter, Very detailed)


The KM leaders of the West are also afraid to meet angry farmers. Here you can watch French farmers coat the Ukraine Embassy with manure.

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“As the West & EU continues to champion war – a single crap is not given about the CO2 footprint of tanks & bombs – yet they are attacking the farmers for their cows farting,” a Polish intelligence source comments.

Throughout Poland, farmers in 260 cities are protesting in front of City Halls because they have nowhere to sell the food they produce, warehouses are full of Ukrainian grain and more is coming. They are against the Green Deal and limiting CO2 emissions in agricultural production.

The farmers are starting to win. According to eyewitnesses, after days of heavy blockades by farmers in the main warehouses of Aldi and Delhaize, the shelves in Belgium are slowly becoming empty.

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Not only are farmers protesting all over Europe, including England now, but they are also protesting in places like Canada and India. Fishermen and truckers are also joining the protests.

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The delusional EU leadership is reacting by introducing the totalitarian WHO pandemic treaty without consulting EU governments or citizens. The document states that “the highest attainable level of physical and mental health protection is a human right.” What is crucial for health? According to the Council, the most important thing is “achieving gender equality, combating harmful gender stereotypes and addressing stigma and discrimination are key to good health for all.”

The World Economic Forum for its part is now calling for the killing of millions of cats and dogs around the world to reduce the “carbon footprint” they produce by eating meat. They want to introduce an international policy that would require most pet owners to euthanize and recommend keeping turtles, snakes and reptiles instead of dogs and cats. Emma Thompson even suggests that owners eat their pets! Every time the elite thought they were smart, they destroyed dogs and cats, only for this “wisdom” to come back to them like a boomerang in the form of mice and rats, which spread the PLAGUE.

Russia’s Putin, by contrast, showed what real leaders should be thinking about when he told Carson that Mankind is currently facing many threats. Due to genetic research, it is now possible to create a superhuman, a specialized human being – a genetically engineered athlete, scientist, or military man. AI, genetics, or any other fields, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things.

This sort of thing will become possible as soon as the KM is removed from power.

Getting back to the KM, we noticed the big US Super Bowl money harvest show just ended. People need to wake up and understand the NFL is registered as a show business and not a sport. If you want to know who will win or lose, all you need to look at how the betting is going. Whoever the most people bet for will lose. That is what happens when games are rigged.

OK on a final note, Chinese New Year has come and Singapore celebrated with a flying dragon formed by 1,500 drones. This is a public display of just one of many types of project blue beam technology.

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Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Upon the Atlantean Cataclysm, the Founder Records were captured and inverted for the purposes of falsifying the historical records about the alien invasion events.

Truthful accounts about the alien invasion were twisted into a ‘humanity as sinners’ narrative, in order to set forth an assortment of religious mind control dogmas throughout the world religions. The Thothian groups groomed their preferred illuminati race lines with hermetic knowledge and partially falsified information to begin the indoctrination of humanity, to worship Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics or Luciferian entities as the one true God.

Esoteric knowledge of the Universal Laws was given to the secret societies and ruling classes through Thothian based Hermeticism, some revealing Lucifer at the top of the pyramid of control, while the common man was intentionally subjected to the slavery mindset that was embedded in the salvationist theology of most organized religions. Since the Atlantean humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis and forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins in favor of the Negative Alien invasion’s Propaganda used to promote a false historical narrative, along with promoting a jealous and angry patriarchal God to be worshipped in violent religions.

Therefore, the NAA methodically set forth a series of new religious mind control dogmas from the Council of Nicea timeline, such as spreading disinformation that the Annunaki are the Creator Gods of humanity, and promoting the worship of the False Father Alien God disguised behind many names, supposedly revealed in sacred manuscripts claiming to be the absolute Word of God. Two examples of this are the Annunaki Jehovian group, and the Annunaki Yahweh Collective. Thus, it is important to understand that the world religions of today have been set into motion by the NAA intruding races, and are being controlled at the top by primarily anti-human forces representing themselves as imposters of Christ or a False Father God.

Most all of the religious texts available to the masses have been heavily manipulated as fictionalized vehicles used to promote propaganda-based mind control for the purpose of consciousness subjugation and spiritual oppression of human beings. To control the belief systems in the religiously minded, there has been a mass promotion that traditional holy doctrines represent the absolute word of God and that nothing in them can be questioned. Sadly, this is a cruel deception designed to fully confuse individuals about the nature of reality and the nature of their direct relationship with God, the Inner Christos spirit.

The Living Eternal God Spirit is not contained within the confines of words written within a book, but is found within the flow of loving kindness that exists in the sacred heart of each living person, as well as the organic consciousness of a place or thing. The perpetrated manipulation of human consciousness into mind-controlled religion has been a long-term agenda that has been active since the Atlantean Flood, and is another aspect of comprehending the aggressive coverup of any evidence of the Atlantean All human history before the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion has been obliterated from the history books, and we are given a false narrative about human origins and fed ongoing coverups and lies about ancient civilizations.

Organized religions have been put in place as the primary Mind Control method to serve the ultimate objective and purposes of the Negative Alien Agenda, to gain control over earth during the Ascension Cycle. The people of earth have been manipulated for centuries into warring and killing each other in the name of the False Alien Gods in order to constantly carry out human Blood Sacrifices and help to maintain division between the 12 Tribes. Violent religions and the New Age hijack have constantly been using humans as pawns in the negative alien’s conquest game, which is designed to generate consistent fears and spiritual terrorism into the minds of the earth population in order to attempt to eventually manifest the Armageddon scenario.

We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness.

Thus, this phase of global awakening may come with surreal surprises or shocking events that may be especially difficult on those groups of people that have been indoctrinated with assorted religious beliefs and intellectual dogmas that are found to not be in alignment with forthcoming revelations that will hold many evidential truths. It is increasingly important to release the egoic need to be right and find the humility required in order to be willing to uncover deceptions or errors in our thinking and beliefs, especially when it has been proven to be wrong. Instead of promoting circular debates with confirmation bias based on repeating biblical or religious narratives that are not interested in sincere truth seeking, along with the incessant need to judge others if they are being saved or not, it is much more important to cultivate personal integrity and heart-based authenticity for creating deeper spiritual connections between ourselves and others. To develop or maintain our direct connection with God and Christos, we must be willing to seek the truth as the top priority, to practice compassion for ourselves and others, and be humble so we are willing to be corrected when our thinking or beliefs are proven to be erroneous and false.

Although the return of the Cosmic Father seems to bring on the societal collapse of the major cornerstones of the 3D civilization as we have known it, within the ending of the tyrannical rulers of the False Father Alien Gods and their many representatives that intentionally lied to humanity in order to enslave them, the silver lining will bring hope and joy through the truth frequency as it is finally being restored in human global affairs. There appears to be a parallel transitory infrastructure that emerges rather quickly in its place to support fundamental human needs across the globe, which has otherworldly originations and interdimensional architecture carried out by genuinely humanitarian races that follow the Law of One.

For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvellously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet. Yet it will also be filled with despair and misery for those groups who are overly attached to the 3D reality delusions, religious dogmas and controller system as it collapses, such as the power elite mindset that believe they are above the law and had purposely set out to destroy angelic humanity and enslave this creation for their own personal benefit. In this way, the surprise ending is not a joyful event for everyone.

Dearest Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, may you swiftly reclaim all that is truly yours in this creation as the organic living light consciousness you originally intended, as one heart, one love and for all in unity. We love you with all of our sacred crystal hearts.

May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic and challenging times.

With Many Blessings for Awakening,

Lisa Renee


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Situation Update;  Now it is time to release more intel about current developments behind the scenes.

After the Source began to clear the subquantum anomaly directly in early December, the Dark forces totally freaked out because they felt cornered and trapped.

Some members of the Indian Illuminati network have activated ancient jumprooms that were located in underground tunnels beneath some Hindu temples in India. Some of those jumprooms were inactive for centuries, sometimes even millennia. Through those jumprooms, they have teleported about 300 million reptilian beings from the etheric plane into humanoid physical bodies and tried to recapture the Solar system by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.

This attempt of the Dark forces to recapture the Soar system was repelled, the tide began to turn after heavy battles in various bases on remote asteroids in and beyond the Kuiper belt in early January, and the Solar system is expected to be completely free from that darkness in a few weeks.

That Indian Illuminati network has also teleported many of those Reptoids through the ancient jumproom network below the surface of the planet and merged it with ancient Atlantean dark network which exists below Africa. Those dark subterranean networks are being cleared also.

Of 300 million Reptoids many were cleared already and now only a little over 100 million still remain.

The Indian Illuminati network was created during the Kurgan Archon invasion about 5000 years ago when one branch of Kurgans invaded Indus valley and formed Vedic patriarchal civilization in India with strict caste system. They were the ones who brought the mind programming belief in karma. The remnants of this network are mostly prevalent in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

The African Illuminati network was formed 14,000 years ago at the last polar shift in the late Atlantean period. When the equator shifted to its current position, the Dark forces built a network of dark temples along the current equator, equipped with jumprooms though which Reptilian entities could enter incarnation into humanoid cloned bodies. This is how many Reptoids entered the human surface population since late Atlantis, and formed their own network under control of a few Black nobility families. That network is still quite powerful in subsaharan Africa, especially in Cameroon, Gabon and Congo, in South America in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, in Central America in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, and in India in Sri Lanka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Both of those networks are under the control of the Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in Israel. Both the Indian and African Illuminati networks are now in intense process of final removal. The signs of that clearing are everywhere:

Orsini family controls the Western Illuminati network, NATO alliance and biolabs. There is some important intel about Western Illuminati network that needs to remain veiled for now.

As a result of clearing of all that darkness, the Galactic central Sun is increasing its activity.

First, it activated our Sun on New Year’s eve and triggered an X5 solar flare:

Second, it activated the Galactic Central race in full to start the energetic process of the final liberation of Earth’s energy grid.


In early January, the Galactic Central race has activated all hidden Atlantean crystals, including the 30 feet tall Astar crystal which is located beneath seafloor near Bermuda:

Those Atlantean crystals are now connecting with Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani grids and empowering them.

Galactic Central race has also activated dormant spaceships from Atlantean period which are buried beneath Giza complex, beneath Amazon jungle, in Antarctica and other locations. Those spaceships are now connecting with the planetary energy grid and connecting it with midway space stations which the Galactic Central race has built in ancient times and which extend throughout the Solar system.

They have also reactivated the Chaco canyon site:


As a result of all those empowerments, the Light forces were able to increase the volume of Mjolnir technology to 10-12%.

We are just a few weeks away from the entry of Pluto into Aquarius, and the Cabal is in deep fear. This is why they have plans to reset the system through a global cyberattack:

and survive the Reset in their bunkers:

I have received several reports in the last decade that the mega rich are reading my blog and it seems I was able to instill some honest fear in them about the Event:

As Pluto is traversing the last degree of Capricorn before entering into Aquarius, there are already signs hinting at Disclosure:

There are also first attempts to make humanity interstellar:

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20th/21st, and you can participate in that strong energetic event with the following meditation:

2024 will be the key year for the United States influencing the planetary situation, with total Solar eclipse coming on April 8th and election on November 5th.


It is very important for the Lightworkers to anchor the Light as much as possible during this year in the USA. For this reason I am inviting everybody to participate in our Ascension conference in Phoenix, where important intel about USA and 2024 will be released:

People are also welcome to be initiated into Stellar and Ascended master healing rays, which will open their central channel and prepare them for the strong energies which will hit this planet in the coming months and years:

Victory of the Light!



Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Surrender seems to happen in stages. As you become ready to let go of what you thought was safe before, it falls away as if it had never been. You are free, only you’re not free yet. You are always free, so why do we say you are not free yet? You are only as free as you allow yourself to be in experience, and your effort to confine yourself seems to fall away in stages. Your experiences still reflect limit to you to the extent that you still want it and believe that it is safe.

Right before you release the control of your separate self over what you see as an area of your life, you feel acutely the sting of trying to control anything as a separate self. This is good. You do not have infinite patience with unbearable pain. Once it becomes apparent that pain is intense, you want it to end, so you surrender to what is here and always painless. As you go along, you do not require such intense or dramatic experiences of pain to know that you want to let go of limit. A brief and intense blip can be enough.

You surrender into your actual and shared Self, so you are just relaxing into what you Are. What you Are is what everyone and everything you call else always is, so you are always supremely safe. If you are supremely safe, then all are always supremely safe.

At each stage of surrender, you begin to see the other guy as your Self. As you go along, you trust in the other guy more and more because you are trusting in our shared being. If there is nothing to criticize about the other guy, then there is certainly nothing to criticize about you. But you do see something to criticize in the other guy. Good. Because this is the key to your undoing. Whatever you see to criticize in the other guy is what is left of your self-hatred. Give thanks that the ping of tuning into self-hatred is so obvious. Here you Are, with You, in whatever form you appear. You are loved forever. Facts.

A Self can’t be hated. A shared, joined, unified Self is only love and can only be love forever. Facts. You can always rest here in facts. They make a very comfortable place to relax.

Acknowledgment here that the voice changes from that of my light friends to Jesus. I can see how they are the same.

In A Course in Miracles,[by Jesus] I offer to substitute for your ego. Imagine being a teacher tired of working. You call in and request Jesus as your substitute. Eventually, you can see that everyone you call other has done the same thing. This is how this experience ends. Jesus looking at Jesus waving at Jesus. Self looking at Self waving at Self. Hello! You are loved, and you are loved forever.


From Rev. Joshua.

I have been studing the ACIM daily, I am in my 19th yr. of this book by Jesus. The above statements are true to a certain extent but it goes much deeper than that short statement above which is mostly for Christens. Below is the orginal I use alsmost daily from ACIM.

1. If you are willing to renounce the role of your thought system and open it to me; I will correct it very gently and lead you back to God.JC

2. I can be entrusted with your body and your EGO only because this enables you not to be concerned with them, and lets me teach you there unimportance.JC

3. I will teach with you and live with you, if you will think with me. But my goal will always be to absolve you finally for the need for a teacher.JC

What I get from those affermation prayers is a bit different than the above blog. It is a way of Deprograming the old DC program and reprograming yourself with the help of Jesus. #2 The EGO is the problem same as the DC is the problem. But here he shows how to overcome this problem by not being concerned with them. Yes reconize them , then let them go , so that you can take in the new program by Jesus, As Above so Below. The 3rd part is important in that we must think like JC , not just in the old ways from the new testament which is outdated to a certain extent by that I mean the education of mankind was not very high at that time and they could not understand the higher concepts given to us today from his book ACIM.

And he is teaching us how to walk or talk ,you could say as baby gods. And when we learn to walk and talk correctly and we start sharing it with others, then we wont need an outside teacher because we have an inside teacher, the Holy Spirit. And the inside teacher will teach us the true meaning of the Holy Trinity, which is what the book is mostly about. Which is truly our means of Salvation, remembering that True Salvation must come from our one self. We must make the changes nessacery in our minds to effect our souls need to become one once again with our Creator Father. Truely a son of God.

For those who are now awake and apply this Spirit- Reality energy to ourselves and the to those around us, not only will we Ascend into the higher Dimensions but become a god someday like Jesus did, not a Creator God but a son of God, a god indeed. He was the first to do it but not the last. And when you read the book ACIM you will understand that the Holy Trinity concept is the best way to do it.You can call upon Jesus to help but then we must go to the Holy Spirit inside to complete the job or transition. Thats why God created him [H.S.] from himself as a higher form to help the lower form of himself, which is us to become one with all of Gods creations of Himself. Helping to bring us all back to the one mind of Michael our Creator Father.Jesus is the teacher who can help us to do this, but he cannot and will not do it for us' He is the living example of how to do it, for he too evolved over many thousands of lifetimes as one of us, to god status and joined with the Father and the H.S. to help bring us home. We are all one.

Adonai, rev. Joshua

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Revised post; Thanks for the positive comments guys. I agree, I found this blog to be for everyone of us, for those like ourselves who have been in this for a very long time now, to those who have been in it for some time and lastly for those who have just awakened and are joining us. [ In regards to the blog.The Masters of the Cosmic Council: Are You a Weary Traveller? ] No one really knows what exactly is going to happen in this ''Gods Divine Plan'' For it has never been done before in our Universe. That is to reverse what has happened in this the 4th rebellion of the Fallen angels and what it has done to mankind and how to reverse it in such a short time. By that I mean for us 3rd Dimension humans to move from 3D to 4D in a hundred years or so. And then to move even faster to 5D. All of this is done for us and by us to reverse what Lucifer and Satan has done to us and the rest of the Universe. We are the last to be rescued but it will not be done for us but by us and must include all who are willing to make this Quantum Leap. 

For we can leave no one behind as we now climb the ladder in 4D up to 5D. It may take us a while longer to get there but we cannot enter alone. 4D has already proven itself to be quite a big step forward, a bit difficult even for us old times who have been into this movement for awhile . For me its been 53 yrs sense I was visited by my spirit guide who reminded me of who I was and the next visit of what was going to happen in the not to far future from that time line back in 1971. BUT Luckily for us that time line did not pan out and better one has or should I say , is panning out, being called the New Golden age, which is much different and better than this old 3D evil Matrix that we are now leaving behind.But still no one knows exactly what to do or how to do it, all that we can do is follow the ''Divine Plan'' which seems to change from day to day, ''As Above so Below.''

So as JC said '' the world is an Illusion; be in this world but not of it. Its not an easy task in fact it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance.But the reward is the greatest known to man. We are the 144,000 light workers spread out all over the world, mainly for our protection from the Dark Cabal [ DC ] and soon we are to start coming together to form communities of light, where we become self sufficient and self governing as a part of a larger governing body controlled by all the communities together.We are Baby gods , learning as we go. And of course by that time we should be entering 5D [dimension] and will be in contact with our Space brothers. Some of us have already made contact with them and some of us do come from those ships in the sky and chose to come down here to help our brothers to be released from the very old slavery and negative programing of the DC. Which was created many thousands of yrs. ago by Lucifer and his side kick Satan.

Both of those two have been put to trail by the Ancient of Days and they chose not to repent and be rehabilitated for all the damage they have done to God the Fathers Creations. This once beautiful planet became there headquarters and they turned it into a hell hole.So God said enough is enough and he devised a plan called the ''Divine plan'' not only to save Earth but all the lost or fallen planets of this Universe of Nebadon. And sadly to say, because this was Lucifers headquarters and strong hold it would be last. And even though Lucifer and Satan are gone, other fallen angels have come here to take there place and they are just as evil. They demand worship and sacrifice of humans and they feed off of that negative energy that they have created, for they have separated themselves form God the Father and therefore have no other way of sustaining themselves.  [Note here that our Father does not ask for worship or sacrifice, he only asks for our Love that he gave us, to give it back to him!]

And they know that shortly there reign will be over, in fact they are being restrained now and they and there followers, there minions are not only losing the war but are also being taken away for trails by the ancient of days. And the fallen ETs will and are now being sent to the Galactic Federation planet prisons were trails will also take place and have already started. And lastly we who have taken on these earthly bodies must clean up the evil mess they the Deep State have left behind. Our ET allies have been here from the very beginning but were not allowed to do it for us, for if they did this heavy lesson would not be learned and the same thing that has happened to us will again happen to our future generations. But we were allowed to get help from our future off springs in the form of positive information and intel of how to bring all these time lines together.

And thats were we are today and why things seem to be so strange, this was supposed to happen back in 2012 but the mass of society was still asleep and refused to wake up, because of there deep negative programing by the DC. So now we can also give tribute to Q and the patriots, the Trump Mega movement called the white hats who have been working behind the scenes around the world, who have coordinated many govt's and white hats to move against the DC deep State. And have taken away most of the money they have made from the sale of Bad Drugs, Weapons and Child Trafficking. So that now there Evil empire is falling apart before our eyes and hopefully this will wake up most of the remaining sleepers.

Then we can begin the task of reprogramming society with ''Spirit-reality'' as the old 3D evil world falls apart and they join us in 4D. It does seem that things are getting worse but remember it is the darkest before the morning sun light.Or you could say that when things reaches a critical point it reverts from it. Meaning we must let it go, deprogram ourselves and learn how to stay out of the past which holds only negative energy. Let go of the old 3D world so we can grasp onto the New 4D and soon the 5D New Golden Age.But you cannot get there from here, there is a new process or programing that must be learned. No one can do it for us for that would go against our Free Will and besides that, we would not have learned the much needed lession. Which is that we are very power baby gods.And need to learn how to use our powers in a positive way. Always realizing we are part of and decending from our Father/Mother God and someday in eternity we will become as them and one with them, as Jesus did.

It may take another decade for this to be completed but we have already won, the positive future is ours.
For this planet will once again become the shining light for all of the Universe to see and remember what happened, so that it does not happen again or if it does we now know what to do to stop it for it has happened 3 times in the past. This was the 4th rebellion against our Father Michael and his Creation. Lets make it the last one. For this was a horrible and long event, with much suffering and pain and some lose of souls but we will reprogram ourselves and records have been made and kept now and old ones will once again be revealed and come to light. So that in our reprogramming we will remember- ''As Above, So Below''. We are all one in Gods Family indeed.

I hope this helps those who are awake and those who are just now awaken..The time has come for us to reverse what has happened, to correct not only our mistakes but theres as well. These are really tuff times for us but the future of mankind depends on us and what and how we do it, Remember allowence for those just waking up. This Matrix can freak them out, so they depend on us and look up to us as how to do this Miracle. I have found that the Holy Trinity concept of the ''Father, Son and Holy Spirit'' helps more than anything that is out there. We must all find our way home and there are many bread crumbs to follow. All you need is the will and desire to do it, indeed.I will teach and write more on the Holy Trinity, watch for it. We are all one. Many Blessings my friends and brothers. Adonai, Rev. Joshua

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Dear readers, welcome to our message.

All is proceeding according to plan even as appearances often indicate otherwise. Long held concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, along with man made rules of correctness regarding every aspect of life are being questioned in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals.

You are now in a time that has been predicted, prayed for, and desired for thousands of years. You chose and were allowed to be on earth at this powerful time in order to participate in earth’s ascension process but because the three dimensional energy of earth is so dense most of you were unaware of your intention and began to align with earth’s three dimensional belief system.

The ascension process is happening but even some who are aware of it continue to hold concepts of how it should look and manifest–“Beings from other planets will come, save us, and change everything. World events are proving that the ascension process has not yet begun…,” etc. Let go of any and all concepts you may still have with regard to the ascension process. The human mind which interprets mainly from a third dimensional level is unable to fully comprehend the ascension process or understand how the high resonating energies accompanying it are affecting everything and everyone.

Ideas and ways of living that reflect previous states of consciousness will become less relevant in many minds and begin to disappear automatically adding Light energy to earth’s collective consciousness. Many of those unwilling or unable to accept new ideas and change are lashing out at everyone and everything they believe to be responsible for ruining the world (as they know it). It is important to understand that good human-hood is no more real than bad human-hood because both are material concepts of spiritual reality.

​Those spiritually prepared but who steadfastly refuse to accept anything other than what they have come to believe is reality often must learn what they are ready to learn the hard way through physical, emotional, or mental wake up calls. Many commonly held beliefs are going to come into question this year as increasingly more embrace spiritual empowerment and begin to think for themselves. The ascension process is a reality regardless of whether or not it is known, believed, or resisted.

The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder even as most consider human consciousness to be the epitome of intelligence and wisdom. Humans became increasingly stuck in density when over time and through ignorance of their true nature, they believed, lived, and continued to create their outer world from states of consciousness polluted with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

​All life is the one and only life, that of God/Divine Consciousness/Source and the game of pretending anything other than that is over. It has gone on too long and increasingly more souls are tired of playing this game. Pain, suffering, lack, limitation etc. etc. have never been reality and only seem to be so because they have been the experiences of the majority throughout hundreds of lifetimes creating personal programming and a collective consciousness unaware of anything other than what can be seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled.

Never doubt that you are a Divine Being, embodying the fullness of Divine Consciousness regardless of any appearances or situations that would indicate otherwise. Stop attempting to figure everything out through limited three dimensional knowledge because finite human minds are incapable of aligning with and comprehending the infinite. Divine Consciousness is, always has, and will infinitely continue expressing and revealing ITself but those choosing to live with constant noise and outer distractions cannot hear the still, small voice always flowing from within and so believe it does not exist.

You and only you can choose spiritual evolution because you have free will. A person can play three dimensional games and fritter away many lifetimes while doing it. They can choose to live as a ghost for while, or even refuse to incarnate in order to experience their needed earth lessons. However, the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this particular time are such that those who do not take advantage of them will find themselves left in old energy.

Creator Consciousness is every person’s consciousness because there is only One Consciousness. Through ignorance and over time most have allowed their individualized Divine consciousness to become filled with beliefs of separation, duality, and two powers which allows material forms of these beliefs to manifest outwardly leaving the person to believe that they are a victim of outside forces. The world has reached a readiness to move beyond the bondage that these beliefs create but leaving behind the familiar even if or when it is painful is difficult because these old energies are known and most fear the unknown.

Try not to get overly involved in the news and images of war and suffering. Be aware of it, but remember that spiritual reality underlies every appearance. The old world consciousness is collapsing and its death throes are manifesting as situations that are often destructive and painful. Never forget that every person incarnates with a contract that they and their Guides have put together pre-birth regarding experiences deemed necessary for further learning and spiritual growth.

Do what you are guided to do when situations large or small arise while always recognizing the Divinity of everyone involved. A smile, a kind word, needed support, a listening ear, petting a lonely dog, and always acknowledging the Divine Light shining from every person’s eyes regardless of their state of consciousness. This is Light work and is what you came to do. Even the simplest of activities done with spiritual awareness add Light energy to earth’s collective and can actually lift or heal another if they are receptive.

​​Whatever you give energy to feeds and continues it. Every war on drugs, cancer or disease, war on this or that simply draws attention to and adds energy to the issue allowing it to stay alive and well in the collective. Your work as a spiritually awakened person is to live from your highest level of truth and as you do this, more will be given. This does not mean burying your head in the sand while shouting “God is all” but rather means re-interpreting appearances–being in the world, but not of it.

It is an intense and difficult time for many as long held and seemingly innocent concepts and beliefs begin to crumble but the old must fall away in order for higher and more real forms of these same things (laws, beliefs, health care, military, government ) to manifest. The world is in the midst of giving birth and the birth pangs will continue for awhile yet.

Not everyone is spiritually ready to understand what is happening to them and the world. Offer honest practical guidance when asked but do not attempt to inform, change, or force your knowledge on another in the belief that you are “saving” them. Every person has Guides and a Higher Self and in some form or another is on their evolutionary path. Secretly and silently acknowledge the Divine nature of every person and then go about your business. Those ready for truth will be drawn to you at the right time and it is usually someone you least expect to be interested in truth.

Rest in reality, Be rather than do, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.

​We are the Arcturian Group.


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Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love. We are here now to share with you a bit about the potential of these times, the promise of our new invitation to join us in the conscious evolution program and the opportunities you have now to step further into the TRUTH of your BEING, and your INNATE POWER.

Each of you have tremendous power. Tremendous power to create and within you, you have access to vast fields of wisdom, love, light and the truth of your own Divine Self. There is so much that serves you and could benefit you that lies within you.

We wish today to encourage you to open up more fully, to the immense fields of light you have access to within you and to invite you to explore more, spend time practicing calling forth what you need from within and encouraging you to call upon your Divine Self, more and more often, for gifts of consciousness and illumination and insight into shaping your reality.

You have powers within you to be more and more of your True Self here. These powers can transform any aspect of your experience. It is known within you all that you want and all that stands between you and that manifest experience. The divine light within you KNOWS how to guide you, knows how to work synergistically, with you and with your current experience transforming and exalting it, so that you are shining true, radiant, whole, experiencing well being and immense freedom.

Learning how to access your own inner light takes practice, patience and persistence. Many of you feel very confident in receiving certain types of guidance but draw the line at knowing how to master or elevate areas of your life in which you have resistance, or doubt about your capacity to have what you want.

Ascension is a remembering. It is a remembering and a reinstatement of your True Self here. It is an inner experience in which you open up more and more of your vaster energy field, here within your embodied experience. And to do this is a matter of faith, and trust. Believing that the answers are yours already and daring to ask for them, open to them and then being willing to creatively act upon your inner senses, embracing what you receive.

The agency of your embodiment depends upon you trusting what lies within you and using it to create your experience. This requires you to act upon what you sense, feel, hear, receive, and know. And as you do this, you receive more. The more you embrace and act upon the inner truth arising in response to your call, the more the flow opens up and you begin to experience yourself as clear and informed. Supported and cared for.

Your Divine Self wants to care for you, protect you, guide you, lift you up, and ease your way. But you have to participate and you have to let it do so. This is a co-creation, between you and All of Life and by acting up on the ideas and impressions you receive. By being willing to engage with your inner knowing and let it lead the way, you then become a cooperative aspect of this co-creation and the Divine Flow opens.

This flow of higher light is always streaming to you. Illuminating so much that you have longed to see more clearly, or move through, or transform, or return to well-being and thriving states.

You can believe in your sovereign creative power to create the life you want to be living. You are abundantly resourced and you have access to clear guidance and intelligent timing and coordination that makes everything seem more ease-filled, graceful, fun even and joyous.

You have within you the possibility to live in bliss. To live in harmony. To feel at ease, comfortable, connected. Loved.

We want you to know this and we are offering clear guidance here on how to open up these gifts within you and begin to live a life of radiant joy and expansive ease and happiness.

Those of you reading this message are awake and aware of what is happening here on planet Earth and within all Life here. By allowing yourself to open up to the gifts and treasures your inner divine light is offering you, you are choosing to become a thriving example, of what is coming online now, for humanity and in this ascending planetary realm.

The future holds great joy for your species. We know that there will be great times of peace, creativity, divine expression and intergalactic co-creation, for this world and this Universe. We invite you to begin to access the multidimensional gifts already present within you. We speak of this to encourage you to begin to live now, as the confident, supported, fully resourced divine being, that you truly are. This is how you will prepare for the greater expansion that is coming with these divinely coordinated and progressively transformative infusions of higher light.

In this way of being you will appear to be surrounded by grace and this will inspire others and prompt them to ask more about your understandings as they begin to question the old ways of living and being.

We anticipate great changes in your world in the coming year. We encourage you to consider that you already have tremendous resources within your ready access, and within yourself. Begin to ask and go inward. Begin to pay more attention to the thoughts that come into your mind. Dare to believe that you are being answered in every way already and to look for and tune into the ways that they solutions, impressions, insights and inner knowing are already showing up within you. They may come in voices, ideas and in ways that FEEL like it’s YOU talking with you. And yet, they may be already a translation of vaster energies, made possible by your own expanded awareness and so feel like you, but are in fact, divinely inspired solutions and pathways being made clear to you.

Dare to act upon and embrace what you sense, feel and know within you. The more you do this, the more clearly your Divine Self will communicate with you and to you adjusting their communication based on how you receive it and act upon it.

This inner communion of Light is the infinite well spring of all that you want and all that you’ve asked for. Go to it now and allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to hear, know and feel what you become aware of, then act upon it and allow yourself and your life to become more and more  fulfilled/fulfilling.

We thank you for connecting with us now and want to remind you, that we are always available to you. Simply ask for us, call upon us, inviting us to come and connect and we immediately do! It is our great joy to support you in your personal ascension journey.

I AM Archangel Michael with the Golden Galactic Dragons, Ailia, Ashira and the Council of Radiant Light.


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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

During a given day, you have thousands of moments in which you can appreciate life’s simple pleasures. In a single second or at a single glance, you have countless things to focus on.

Suppose you are drinking coffee with a friend. In a single second, you might appreciate the aroma of your beverage, evoking feelings of warmth or well-being. You could look deep into your friend’s eyes and notice their concern, evoking feelings of compassion. You might see the logo on your cup for the first time, evoking a sense of appreciation, curiosity, and wonder within you. You might notice the kind soul holding a door open for another, evoking feelings of love. You might notice the person next to you joking loudly, evoking feelings of humor. You might hear a song you like in the distance, evoking feelings of energy and inspiration. You might be talking about something that happened in the past, evoking all those associated feelings, or you might be talking about something you’d love to experience, thus evoking all the wonderful feelings associated with that experience.

There, in one second of your life, you have a rich tapestry of choices. When you see your lives in retrospect from heaven, you will see this way. You will see the rich opportunities for love, good feelings, connection, and appreciation in each moment. You will see the depth and breadth of vibrational choice you had in every second of your life. And dear ones, we don’t say this to put you down in any way, but in heaven, you will wonder why you didn’t take advantage of this wealth of love being offered to you more often. You aren’t bad if you don’t. You simply have a life experience that could be better. As your angels, we wish for you only the most loving and joyous life experience possible, and we constantly try to draw your attention to the best in a given moment.

For example, we know you miss your loved ones who have transitioned into their greater being. It feels like you have lost love, and in truth, you have lost the human sensory experience of it, person-to-person in 3D. But in the same instant that your loss feels so intense, your dear ones stand next to you in the present moment, offering a new sensory experience, a new and deeper connection, and an even more profound love. Reach for comfort when you’re grieving, and when you can, sit quietly, breathe deeply, and for a moment believe in the love that wants to embrace you. In time you will feel it.

Likewise, when you face a health challenge or when you’re in pain, it is hard to think of anything else. You do what you can. You can focus on the comfort of a blanket, the softness of a pillow, a beautiful song, the laughter of a child, or the dog who lays his head in your lap and demands attention. You can focus on a movie or a good book for awhile. You can explore new ways of eating. This isn’t easy, but the love is there in each moment, waiting to help open you to the life force that heals.

Even when you worry about your loved ones and your world, the love is still there. You can look for the good people in your life, the kind ones in the store, and read the stories of young people helping your planet. You can tell yourself humorously, “Well if the world is going to fall apart, I may as well have a good day!” You can appreciate a ray of sunlight filtering into the kitchen window or your meal cooking on the stove. How beautiful the present moment is and rich with opportunity to experience love.

The more you attune to the good in life, no matter how large or small, the more good you attract. The more you notice the things in your life with appreciation, the more there will be to appreciate. Even if you are sick, the more you notice the little moments without pain or problems, the more you support your body in good health.

The practice of looking for good when bad things happen feels counter-intuitive, but that is only due to your conditioning. A child is born looking for good. Your animals constantly look for good. All of nature grows towards what is to its benefit. Only humanity is trained out of this natural urge, but you can return to it. You can start to notice the abundance of love offered in so many small ways, in a given moment. As you practice, your life will slowly but surely become a tapestry of loving moments in a life rich with love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


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The Breakthrough – Confusing messaging clarified

Countless truthtellers on the Internet think they know what is about to happen next. Much misinformation is being spread through so-called popular channels, often at the behest of the cabal to sow confusion.

Again for the record;

The decision for the breakthrough will be made outside our planet, and implemented if either or both conditions are met;

The cabal has destroyed itself,

The mob wakes up and protests en masse.

This measure has been taken because no war will be tolerated on planet Earth.

If the mass protests of now continue, the breakthrough by the end of next month March is a real possibility. This will be the first major step for the liberation of planet Earth, after which many more will follow.

Want to stay informed; Check the Final Wakeup Channel every day, if there is any news it will be published there first.

Spread the word…

The Light

Until the vast majority has awakened and stood up against the great injustice their government has done to them, the final breakthrough cannot happen. Remember; to ensure long-term peace, our freedom must be fought for from below.

Planet Earth is transforming into another world with real reality that is gradually revealing itself. It is imperative that humanity rise up en masse and set course for the Light now visible at the end of the tunnel and not be diverted from its course.

Even though it seems that there is no way out of our current situation, where the Dark Powers seemingly still have the upper hand, the reality is clearly different. Their battle for planet Earth is definitely lost we have won!

The energy for the final step in the breakthrough is now building up with protests by the people against governments. On a day no one can predict, completely unexpectedly, the total extent of all lies will come to light and be seen by the masses.

They will discover that they have been grandiosely conned by their own rulers.

Trust your common sense, do your own research, and never listen to internet Truthtellers that have no idea what they are talking about, and most of the time are cabal sponsored!

The Purpose of Life is Consciousness

The Deep State’s mission to every government, always and everywhere, is to enable the few to exploit the many. The debt money system is a clever way to achieve this. The modern world of Industry, Trade and Investment, operates on win-win software. Only government with its battles, wars, tax levies, and ‘you can’t do that’ rules and prohibitions, continues to operate on prehistoric programming.

That is; pluck the population bare as much as possible, without them rebelling.

As long as the unconscious does not become conscious, it will control lives and you call it your destiny. – Carl Jung

If planet Earth introduces the new Matrix system, based on four main factors: Environment, Health, Food and Happiness, many jobs will be created to naturally restore and improve our world.

Use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.

Said Adolf Hitler

When people wake up and realise that the purpose of life is different from what it has been so far, with applied government policies, stripping citizens to the bone, is not even understood that these policies can ever have any positive effect!

Be happy with your common sense, forget about the corrupt government because it will be removed.

Some say money buys happiness, but money only buys material things.

Real wealth comes from within e.g. by using real money, making real things and providing services, which is opposite to debt.

This needs no further explanation. Everyone, accepts a gold coin as it is. With no backstory or balance sheet statement. This is how real money works: it closes transactions. You accept payment and the account is settled.

The Deep State that cleverly manipulates us and has enslaved us through the money system cares less and less whether or not we accept their carefully cultivated 5-senses 3D fake reality, which is pure illusion in this world theatre.

The slavers care less and less about the fact that in this theatre of illusion, the audience is discovering the holes of the disintegrating scenery that was once seen as real.

The house of cards is collapsing. As a result, more and more people see the strings that direct the government puppets, these are the supposedly elected politicians; the awake also now see how the puppeteers pull the strings, they are no longer hidden in the shadows as before.

Everything that comes to us, is at the right time and moment; this is Cosmic Intelligence directing all movements in the infinite Universe.

From a cloud in our atmosphere to the movement of the Galaxy, is a perfect structure, permanently ordering and harmonising. Otherwise, billions of planets and stars could not follow their orbits without colliding with each other.


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As you sit reading this message, how are you feeling? Are you excited, joyous and energised, or tired, worn-out and fed up? Many people on Earth are feeling the latter at the moment, because nothing in the world seems to be changing; actually, they seem to be only worsening. As people struggle to put food on the table and remain civil to each other, the rich get only richer and, in some cases, more corrupt.

The opposite side of this story is that, for some people, the worries of the world seem not to concern them as they manage to live happy lives without fear or loss of any major kind. While they are not particularly wealthy, these people enjoy abundance of love, friendship and good fortune, despite the goings on in the world that are creating sickness, death and violence. How do they do it?

Life is a journey, and the roads that you travel will very much depend on how you view your place in the world and whether you are able to see the bigger picture or not. In other words, your level of consiousness determines whether you live life in drama or in perspective, with both choices then having major influences on your life experience. Once in drama, it is very difficult to extract oneself from the myriad of low-level stories that create multiple layers of illusion and mistruths that enmesh the person in trivialities that become mountains to overcome. Drama is created by the ego which wants to be heard, to be important and better than others, to gossip, to belittle and to fantasise. Drama perpetuates itself until the lines of reality become blurred, resulting in friendships becoming toxic and families falling out, businesses being lost and the lives of innocent people being ruined. We are talking about third dimensional energy here that has a vibration akin to treacle and can be a trap one may never get out of.

The only way to avoid being enmeshed in Third Dimensional realities (which is mostly illusion) is to be aware, but not invested, in the propaganda of the media and the problems of other people which are not your responsibility. One can be compassionate and empathetic while allowing others, including close family, to learn their lessons and to find their own way. It is not your job to rescue or save people who may have very hard lessons to learn, as difficult as it is to stand by and watch. In terms of global problems, such as wars being waged on the innocent and harm being deliberately inflicted for personal or corporate gain, we can only advise that spiritual law is always in play and the wheel turns for all souls, not just a select few. It is far better to keep your consciousness above the drama while concentrating on your own behaviour and integrity. As small an action as it may seem, consider the result if every soul on Earth did that one thing – loved, accepted and worked on themselves being the very best they could be. That is what ‘shining your light’ means, and the world needs every single soul on Earth to begin to see that they can make a difference, if they only believe it.

So, the road you are travelling in life very much depends on the vibration you are in. As like attracts like, it is logical to assume that what you are attracting exactly matches the vibration of your beliefs, thoughts and actions. If you are a weary traveller, change will only come when you change your perspective and start a new story. No matter what is happening around you that is disempowering and defeating, you can take charge of your circumstances and begin to make positive changes just by changing your perspective through your thoughts. When you believe, you will begin to create based on the vibration of your thoughts.

We must add here that your path could also well be set within your soul family as you traverse the decisions made to enable you to reach mastery through the myriad of lifetimes already lived. If you are repaying karma or completing lessons abandoned in previous lifetimes, your life may seem harsh and unfair. We urge you to seek spiritual counsel, in whatever form resonates with you, and to turn your attention to service. Finding joy in helping others will expedite your learning and help your soul to reconcile its past misdeeds. It is not God whom you need to appease, but rather your soul as it navigates its way back from fragmentation to self mastery once again.

So, if you are a weary traveller, not a happy camper, please do some self-reflection, but also connect to the Source of Creation and reach out to us, the Masters of Light for assistance and guidance to help you to find your highest path. All you need to do is ask. If you feel your answers are not being heard, your belief systems may need examining. Do you believe in a higher source, whether it be religiously or not? Do you believe you are deserving? Do you believe that things can change for the better? Believe it and create it, it is that simple.

WE are ever with you.

The Masters of the Cosmic Council.


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In a time where the global elites are pushing as hard as they can for a world war against Russia, Tucker Carlson does the unthinkable, breaks all unspoken codes of politics and travels to Moscow to show the world who Putin really is. By doing this, he devastates the plans of the elites, who rely on the brainwashed masses to hate Putin, and support this war. This interview could prevent the worst war in all of human history. Make sure to watch and share! on X. [ the video would not copy, so go to X, its the very 1st video.] Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview.

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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Dear friends, I am your brother Jeshua. I am so happy to be here with you. When I speak through a channel, I am a little bit closer to Earth, to humanity, and I rejoice in being close to you.

I see your shining hearts, and I would love to impress upon you the greatness and the beauty of who you are. I want to remind you that this greatness is not something far ahead or far away from you; not something you have to achieve through a lot of discipline; it is who you naturally are. It is a sad thing for me to see how you have become so estranged from simply being yourself. You have become used to continually judging and criticizing yourself. And especially when you are on the spiritual path, you have certain ideas in your mind about what you are supposed to become.

But the spiritual life is really very simple. It is about being intimate and honest with yourself. Spirituality begins with the acceptance of who you are.

If you have negative thoughts, difficult emotions, so be it. You think that to live from the heart you have to rise above these dark things, but spiritual growth does not proceed by way of ascendency. Truly spiritual people are also very humble people. They do not think highly of themselves, in the sense that they feel they have transcended their darkness, but they do feel at ease with their darkness; they do not reject it. And this is when the magic happens: when you can look at your own pain without fear and with the eye of compassion.

When you look behind your negative behavior or habits, what you see is a frightened child inside you. Yes, it does require strength and an open heart to face this child. However, the essence of the Christ energy is to recognize the face of an innocent child behind all negative and disruptive behavior. And for all of you, it is your challenge to first see your own innocence.

When you criticize yourself, and you try to push yourself in a certain direction, you think what you are doing is right. You go from the assumption that what you are now doing is wrong and that there is even something wrong with you. But when you do that, you are not proceeding from love; you are not treating yourself with kindness, and in that way, you are always playing hide and seek with yourself. You want to move to the light, but the darkness will get in through the “backdoor”, so to say. You have to be at ease with all parts of yourself to truly gain freedom.

I would like to invite you to now connect with your inner child. Imagine there is a child inside you who has been hiding there for a long time. Maybe the child does not show itself right away and you have to call it, to invite it. But be open to it, and allow this child to show you the darkest part that you still carry inside you. Maybe the child is crying or screaming, but it does not matter. Be its guide, its parent, and see if you can feel at ease with this child, if you can comfort it.

There is always a reason for characteristics that you consider as dark, so hold the hands of this child and look into its eyes. When you do so, you will notice that this child has something precious to give to you. It has a gift for you, something that is important for you, right now. Accept this gift and thank this child for it. Your inner work is to look into the darkest corners of your being and to invite the inner child to come out. This is what it means to go through the transition from ego-based to heart-based consciousness.

The heart is not battling the ego, the heart is all-inclusive. The heart reaches out to all corners of your being and that is the true meaning of the Christ energy. What you do to yourself, the way you treat yourself, has an impact on the world around you. The compassion and the understanding you have for yourself will change your vibration, your energy, and that is the real meaning of being a lightworker. It is an energy transmission much more than a passing along of information.

At this time, a lot of things are changing; a lot of energy is moving, and you can also see that at a global level. When this transition to the heart takes place, then a lot of darkness comes out of the hidden corners. So this is a kind of paradox in that it seems to get darker before it becomes lighter. But the key part of this process is that the darkness is allowed to come to the surface.

It is important for all of you who observe this happening in the world to remain centered and calm, to not judge the outside darkness that you perceive, and to hold on to the wisdom and understanding you have gained through your own inner process. When you enter into judgment about the darkness you perceive in the world, then you tend to see the world as a kind of battlefield between light and dark. But the true power of a lightworker, a pioneer of consciousness, is to also recognize the innocence and the face of a child in the darkness you perceive around you.

But this does not mean that you simply allow everything to be and to happen. In your own life, you have to make decisions about what you do or not do, what you like and what you do not like, and you can do this from a deep inner feeling without judging. You can make very clear decisions from your heart without making judgments from your head. And if you manage to not slip into judgment, you will hold the energy of compassion and radiate it outward into the world.

You have to remember that everything which is dark, and everything which is hiding in a dark corner, yearns for the light and is not happy in the dark. Just keep this in mind when you look around at the world. And that does not mean you have to save the world, but simply to hold steady your own light, your wisdom, your non-judgment. This is how you channel a new energy to Earth, and what you will do specifically in your everyday life to express this new energy is different for every person.

I would like to end by inviting you to connect more deeply with what is your individual way of expressing yourself. Simply imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and feel the energy of the flame of this light. Feel how, on the one hand, it is blazing and passionate, and, on the other hand, it is still and silent. This light springs from a feeling of joy and not of wanting to struggle or do battle. It comes from deep inside you, and imagine that you are now filled with the light of this torch. This is the light of your soul, your origin, and remember how radiant it is, how full of joy it is, and how playful and imaginative. So let it flow through all the cells of your body – enjoy it! To live from the heart is meant to be joyful.

As you connect with this light, ask yourself if there is anything you would like to do in your life, or anything you already do, which is in alignment with this light, and it is okay to experiment with this in your everyday life. See what gives you the most joy and do not accept anything less. In the past, the voices of fear have kept you down, have disciplined you too much. Trust the voice of joy, the feeling of joy, and whenever you wonder: “What should I be doing in my life, how do I make a difference?”, then go with what gives you the most joy. And it may start with something simple, but the more you go with that flow, the larger it will become. And that is how you make a difference in this world.

Thank you for being who you are.



[ The holy Spirit will help you to be able to do this, if you ask him/her into your heart and mind, to guide you back to God the Father. rev. joshua ]

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If this doesn’t make your blood boil, I don’t know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

The first PDF file contains the names of 540 children who are still being tortured daily. The second one contains the names of 400 children who were tortured to death. If you find your missing child’s name on the list, we promise we will leave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This is possible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456 “adrenochrome harvesters,” the euphemism they use for child torturers.


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The full PDF files can be downloaded below.

The full PDF files can be downloaded below.

Military Detention Minors Adrenochrome List 040820202


Here is a typical entry:

Name: Anthony Christen

Birthday: 01.11.2009

Age: 12

Custody months: 25

Adrenachrome quality: A++

Custody Location: ARNG

Daily quota: 11

Origin: Mexico

Inmate ID: 16091209-4349

The children being tortured at these facilities are from Canada, the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica.

This is actionable intelligence. Please print out copies of these files to make sure they cannot be erased digitally. If you are in law enforcement or the military, take the file to your commanding officer and demand that they take it up the chain of command for immediate action. If you are an ordinary citizen, take the file to your local law enforcement and ask that they look into this. Many of the children are still alive and can be saved. If you encounter someone in the chain of command who tries to stop any action, arrest them for obstruction of justice. If they resist arrest, use necessary force.

The Khazarian Mafia controls us by controlling the top ranks. However, they only control a tiny percentage of people. That means bottom-up pressure can remove this human pus in the same way as squeezing a pimple does. That is what pursuing this case can accomplish. We must all do our part.

Here in Japan, I will go to the local Tokyo government office to arrest an official by the name of Kenjiro Ogi. Ogi threatened to freeze my bank accounts and seize my money unless I paid for vaccines that have been proven to be toxic. I have video evidence of this. In a sign Ogi has high-level backing, the original recording I had was deleted remotely from my iPhone. Fortunately, I made a copy. So what will do is go and make a citizen’s arrest of Ogi at his office. I will ask for the police to come and arrest him for being part of an organized crime gang engaged in mass murder. If the police refuse to take action, I will explain to them that since he is part of a group that is actively trying to kill me, my family and my friends, I am legally entitled to charge him with murder.


The idea of going after Ogi is that it will flush out his boss Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko. That in turn will flush out her handler, the fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel. That in turn will flush out his Rockefeller, Rothschild, Agnelli etc. bosses. By doing this I will force the US military stationed in Japan to make a choice, either be on the side of the people or be on the side of child torturers and mass murderers.

If we all do something similar, we can end this NOW.

The trail will lead to the owners of the Federal Reserve Board. As the chart below shows the US dollar is worth 1/25th of what it was before they stole the control of money from the elected representatives of the people. In other words, they stole 96% of the American people’s wealth via central bank fraud.


Now let us name a high-level child torturer who is a senior official in the current fake Joe Biden administration, This is


John Podesata Rockefeller. These are some of the paintings he displays in his house.


He is now Biden’s “Climate Czar.” This means his job is to bankrupt farmers in order to make sure we are all dependent on food supplies controlled by him and his Khazarian Mafia buddies.

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Another child torturer is Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. Meta CEO Zuckerberg was in the news last week when he apologized to the families of victims who were impacted by child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram.

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 00:00 01:14“Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us … have blood on your hands. You have a product that’s killing people,” said US Senate Judicial Committee ranking member Lindsey Graham (R-SC).Sen. Ted Cruz then shocked the audience, grilling Zuckerberg over Meta-owned Instagram connecting pedophiles with child sexual exploitation material – with the company even flagging certain content and then letting people continue on to it. real question is why does Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller still control Meta since it was American taxpayers who made its existence possible. Also, why hasn’t he been arrested for torturing children to death in order to harvest adrenochrome?

Here is what Zuckerberg himself had to say:

Although many humans find participating in and observing sexual congress to be both pleasurable and fulfilling, I sometimes find it challenging to observe the subsequent removal of adrenochrome from the smaller participants, as illustrated in the photograph below. Ingesting the adrenochrome, however, is as enjoyable a human activity as any I have yet engaged in.
He has tried very hard to eliminate this from the internet but too many of us have hard copies for this to be possible.

By the way, Zuckerberg earned $28 billion last week alone as his families’ private “Federal Reserve” printed money to buy shares in companies they own.

Here is what his uncle John Podesta Rockefeller owns.


Other members of this family control most of the Fortune 500. They didn’t earn this, they stole it.

The question is: why are these people still in power, much less still alive? If we were to follow biblical an eye for an eye justice then their entire extended families should be tortured to death over a period of many months. Since we are more civilized than that, a war crimes tribunal followed by death by hanging is a more appropriate response.

Justice also requires that the Fed families be forced to pay restitution.

The following three charts illustrate how the top 1% are stealing from the bottom 99% to this very day. The last one shows theft by the top 0.1% is even worse.


“The near-zero rate credit was distributed asymmetrically; only the wealthiest few had access to the open spigot of ‘free money,’” explains analyst Charles Hugh Smith. The rest of us were “paying much higher rates of interest than corporations, banks and financiers,” he says.

As Americans get increasingly poorer the government spouts BS to pretend it is not happening. In their latest jobs report, for example, they pretended everyone’s hourly wages rose sharply when it turns out they used the statistical trick of sharply slashing the number of estimated hours everyone was working. Most of the part-time jobs they report, by the way, went to illegal immigrants, not Americans.


The people are reacting by pulling their money out of Fed-controlled banks Last week alone the ongoing bank run led to a domestic deposit flight of $160 billion. The Fed reacted by cooking the books and pretending it was “only” a tiny domestic deposit decline of $458 million. They need to cook the books to avoid bankruptcy. Bankruptcy would be followed by nationalization. This would be great news for average Americans.

A Swiss study shows that 90% of transnational corporations are controlled by 700 individuals. These 700 in turn report to the politburo of the Swiss-based Octagon group. The corporations they control need to be temporarily nationalized before share ownership is given back to the people it was stolen from. In the USA, for example, if you divide the current total market capitalization of $50 trillion by the US population of 331 million you will find that each American is entitled to $151,000. If you do similar math with real estate, each American would receive $212,000 worth of property. In other words, if we had a jubilee tomorrow every man, woman and child would receive $363,000. Similar math can be done for other countries. Remember, this is not socialism, it is returning stolen property to its’ rightful owners. That is what taking America back really means.

As things stand, the theft of the people’s money by central bank fraudsters is leading to a genuine peasant revolt in Europe.

Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Italy and other countries across Europe are protesting against the KM. They are obstructing major transport networks with tractors and pouring literal bull(and cow)shit on government buildings.

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00:00 00:14In the video below a Dutch farmer speaks for many when he says: “We are done talking. We’re done with these fake problems created by you politicians. You are trying to destroy farmers all over Europe, but just like the farmers in Brussels today, we will fight back!” Video Player
 00:00 02:23 The farmers are upset about high energy prices, regulations designed to bankrupt them and a flood of underpriced, toxin-laden grain from Ukraine, among other things. This is part of a deliberate KM policy to create a food crisis by putting farmers out of business. The KM control most of the farmland in Ukraine (after forcing out the Ukrainians) via their fronts like BlackRock and Vanguard. The KM are also systematically destroying food processing facilities. This map shows all the food processing plants that have either caught fire or been destroyed. Video Player
 The idea is to create a total dictatorship by controlling everyone’s access to food.

As this report was going live, the French government caved into farmers’ demands. The French farmers may have been temporarily bought off but, this is about more than just farmers.

The KM have also, as is now widely known, been spreading bio-weapons to try to force everyone to get digital IDs. The idea is to turn the world into a giant animal farm where the sheeple will have to take DNA-altering vaccines and submit to total control in exchange for access to food. Under this system, people with “low social credit scores” would be killed using toxic vaccines.

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico told Parliament “The previous governments have completely failed COVID-19 and have 24,000 dead people on their hands and have apparently made a huge amount of money on the unnecessary purchase of various medical devices and vaccines.” His government is now holding an official inquiry.

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 00:00 04:0 What is true of Slovakia is true of other “rules-based world order” controlled countries. “We have all heard of this rules-based world order. Whose rules? Who are we kidding? The rules-based order is a joke, it is worse than hypocritical, it is criminal,” says 5 Star General Douglas MacGregor. Video Player
 00:00 00:14In Canada for example, crime minister Justin Castrudeau’s net worth in 2020 was $10 million, at the end of 2022 it rose to $352 million. He only earns $351,000 a year. He made his money by forcing Canadian taxpayers to buy toxic vaccines from companies whose shares he owns. This pattern has been repeated all across the world.


By the way, in a sign Canada is fighting back, the government is being forced to compensate Canadians who had their bank accounts frozen or were injured during the Emergencies Act. If you are a victim email:

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 00:00 01:27Castrudeau is also likely to be charged in the murder of Barry and Honey Sherman. England, crime minister Rishi Sunak has just passed his own death sentence by lying under oath in Parliament that the vaccines are safe. This is despite the fact UK medical authorities and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say “COVID-19 vaccines may cause heart inflammation and severe allergic shock,” Here you can watch the BBC admit they use HIV to make the COVID-19 vaccine.
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00:00 00:36 In other words, Sunak broke his oath of office to protect mass murderers. That makes him a war criminal. Video Player
 00:00 00:59The WHO’s terrorist leader Tedros says the totalitarian pandemic treaty is “mission critical” and calls young people to raise their voices “to counter the lies that are undermining the agreement.” Video Player
 00:00 01:59
The KM “are really scared, knowing they are backed into a corner as their ship is sinking,” a Mossad source comments.

The rest of the world knows it is game over for the KM. “The current US administration is in its final stretch, and we don’t have much faith in their ability to resolve actual issues.” Lü Xiang, research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences comments, reflecting official Chinese government views.

The attempts by the KM to start World War III with genocide in Gaza as a get-out-of-jail-free card is also failing.

Israeli media outlet Channel 13 is now openly admitting that Israeli officials made up Hamas atrocity propaganda about babies on October 7 being killed en masse, baked in an oven and so on to drum up support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

“World public opinion is witnessing the moral decline and collapse of the West in the Gaza Strip,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kan’ani writes,-collapse-of-West-in-Gaza–Iranian-FM-spokesman

As proof of this moral decline, look at the Israeli government’s reaction when the International Court of Justice ordered it to: “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of basic services and urgently needed humanitarian assistance” to the Judeans living in the Gaza strip. Their reaction was to kick out the only people capable of doing this, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) by charging 12 people, or 0.09%% of UNRWA’s employees in Gaza, with terrorism.

Another sign of the KM failure in the Middle East can be seen in these news items:

Problem: “The Iraqi parliament made a statement on 31 January calling for the sale of oil in currencies other than the US dollar,”

Reaction: “Multiple long-range bombers and drones hit 85 targets with 125 bombs over 30 minutes in Iraq and Syria.”

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 00:00 00:30

Statement-from-DOD-Austin--1024x757.jpg“The area targeted by the American attacks in eastern Syria is the same area where the Syrian Arab Army is fighting the remnants of the terrorist organization Daesh, and this confirms that the United States and its military forces are involved and allied with this organization, and are working to revive it as a field arm for it, whether in Syria or elsewhere in Iraq by all dirty means,” the Syrian Defense Ministry said.

Result: “China Poised To Take Further Control Of Iraq’s Key Southern Oil Assets.”

Oops, opposite of the intended result.


The war in the Ukraine is also now winding down despite EU leaders promising to launder another €50 billion through the Ukraine. If you want to see some real reporting that names specific names and details how Ukrainian “aid” is being laundered by intelligence agencies, please look at the article linked below.

The Ukrainians have now been proven to have used a US Patriot missile to kill 64 of their own servicemen in a failed attempt to discredit Russia. Even the French military agree with this conclusion.

The KM Satanist Victoria Nuland has apparently fled to Kyiv to avoid arrest in the US, CIA sources say. Now Elizabeth Rosenberg, one of the main architects of the US sanctions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine conflict, is leaving the US Treasury Department for the private sector. The rats are abandoning the sinking ship of state.

The other big failure is the attempt to use illegal immigrants to start a civil war. The KM attempt to stage a border caravan as a January 6 patriot trap version 2.0 appears to have only attracted FBI agents provocateurs. The real patriots just responded by doing their jobs and shutting the border from Texas all the way to California.

As this Second Civil War HBO program from 1997 seems to show this plan appears to have been made decades ago.

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 00:00 00:50
Elon Musk says Biden wants to get as many illegals in the country as possible to “legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state.” result is now Texas and 27 other states are declaring independence from the KM-controlled Fed by issuing currencies backed by gold and silver. They are also seeking to join the international BRICS alliance, Pentagon sources say.Now KM Homeland Security boss Alejandro Mayorkas is about to get impeached for treason. Video Player
 00:00 00:31Another person who is about to get taken down is Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the puppet master behind the rubber-masked fake “Pope Francis.” Fernández runs the Vatican’s doctrinal office, historically known as the Inquisition. He has been accused of deviating from tradition and even embracing heresy. This is an example of how the Catholic Church was subverted by Satanists. African and Latin American clergy have revolted against him already. Now a group of 90 Catholic clergymen, scholars and authors have published a joint letter to “all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church,” urging them to oppose a Vatican document approved by Pope Francis that allows priests to bless same-sex unions for the first time.


Let us see how much longer the fake Joe Biden and the mass murdering Benyamin Netanyahu will be around. If all goes well, they will be gone by March.

Finally, this week, even though it is not related to geopolitics, this video of how cold it is in Canada now is so cool I had to share it.

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 00:00 00:10



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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We can hear how the dialogue has evolved and continues to do so. Humanity must learn this is above all a spiritual war.

If that wasn’t bad enough, we then learned that the wildfires in Chile weren’t just “wildfires”, as so often happens any more. Here it is… dustified. White and grey ash, not the black cinders and skeletized trees one would expect from a wildfire. Are people getting it yet? We are fighting a bitter war for our survival and the enemy is psychotic and satanic. They need their Human sacrifices to their gods. Wildfires don’t just stop and start on a dime.

I don’t personally believe in Qincidences. You?

Minister says Piñera’s body recovered from scene of crash in lake near southern town of Lago Ranco


I listened to a great Q&A with Lewis Herms, Robert Imbriale and SG Anon last night. We get confirmation from some comments from Lewis that the White Hats/Good Guys have been monitoring the Internet activity for some time and occasionally offer gentle input to those who may be a little ahead of the curve, as Lewis put it.

SG shared his views on the modified weather and other weapons deployed by the cabal and the “sensitive” situation at the US/Mexico border. 1 hr. 17 min.

Q&A with SG Anon

SG Anon somehow also managed to pull together File 70, at 29 minutes in length for us.

Russian Offensive Coming | Trump/”White Hat” Comms | Poland False_Flag | Underground War in E. Med

Tucker Carlson’s Putin interview will be released Thursday at 6 pm EST, probably in two parts total. It will be a gamechanger for a  not of people who are in the process of connecting dots and making sense of the madness in the world. Some question as to why Tucker would actually risk going to Russia and why the Alliance would let him. Do you think he was there in the flesh? Deep fakes are almost impossible to detect—not that it really matters. The end justifies the means.


It will not be broadcast on national television because of censorship, restrictions on Putin’s free speech, and concerns about Putin’s security.

Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear from one of the most influential world leaders on the planet!


If you’re on Twitter/X you can watch on Tucker Carlson’s page.

This is a ridiculous postulation, for reasons previously discussed. Is this helpful? Are we expected to run away or stay and fight?

We have unique metabolic processes, energy levels, food preferences, sleep cycles, healing schedules, exercise requirements, stress tolerance, everything, varying blood types and DNA. This is why homeopathy is such a wonderful modality; they avoid labels and treat symptoms individually or in multiples.

The allopathic community has to label everything and everyone to sustain the illusion that we are less than perfect. As long as we enjoy homeostasis, their accepted “readings” don’t much matter. If we don’t feel good and things aren’t quite right, we should seek the assistance of a professional who actually strives to be a healer rather than a drug pusher.

Here’s something to ruminate on. Of course it’s an interrogative but intended as a statement of truth. This is why the controllers’ “resets” were so convenient. Once an entire generation expires, there is little evidence of the way we were a hundred years ago because the books, newspapers, etc. are revised and expunged.

They are running into unforeseen difficulties in recent times, however, because everything on the Internet is forever. There is always a way to retrieve the old data because it’s all been captured and archived by the USSF [Cyber] Space Force. Hillary Clinton’s Bleach Bit for her servers and hammers used to smash compromised Blackberries were examples of damage control that came too late. As Q often said, “These people are stupid.”

Ciao for now, folks.  ~ BP

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