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Archangel Jophiel - Patience

Mini Angel Card Reading for today: Archangel Jophiel ~ Patience ~ from Archangels and Devas


Message from Archangel Jophiel: – “Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still they need nurturing and patience. It takes time for a seedling to push through the ground and mature into a flower-bearing plant. Yet each moment can bring joy to those who notice it’s beauty. In the same way, you can enjoy the process of realizing your dreams. Slow down and feel gratitude as each step brings your manifestation into physical form.”

In the image, the beautiful Archangel Jophiel is patiently watering her garden so that it will grow. She bestows her love on the flowers as she waters them. Gardens don’t just need water, they also need love, so she lovingly tends to their needs. Flowers don’t mind being picked as long as we en-joy their beauty. Gardens love it when we spend time in them just en-joying their peacefulness. It’s all about love, joy and peace. This energy is what every Soul is searching for. Don’t lose sight of this and let the little irritations of your day steal your joy.

Jophiel shares with us that we are to be patient also, because everything we desire will come to us within time. In the meantime, sit back and en-joy the blessings that are all around. Marvel at the perfection in a flower, and the peace that you find sitting in your sunbeam in the garden, and the love that is all around you.

Each moment of every day you are surrounded by angels who are loving you and tending you, just as they would lovingly tend a garden. They fuss over you and comfort you when you when the little bumps in the road you are travelling cause you discomfort. Never forget that you’re never alone. Every joy you experience is experienced by the angels around you also. Every little bit of happiness you create is en-joyed in the heavenly realm!  So sing, dance and be merry! ‘Tis the season to be jolly!



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By Michelle Walling, CHLC

When you love yourself you become a shining example for others. Through the Law of Attraction, you attract to you people that love themselves as well. Without doing the work of loving yourself, you will most likely attract those opposite of love, and that is a recipe for rocky relationships. To love yourself involves breaking through programming in order to realize who you truly are.

The societal programming that defines what we think of ourselves begins right out of the womb when we are rudely introduced to this world in birth. The separation from our mothers as we are weighed, cleaned up, poked, and prodded is the beginning of the illusion, along with the veil of forgetfulness of who we are and why we came here.

The programming children receive in school revolves around obedience and memorization of created propaganda and lies that are nothing less than mind control. Children are kept in school all day sitting idle in classrooms learning things that are left brained and for the most part non creative. At lunch they are fed GMO’s to insure they do not wake up the lies they are being told. In today’s world usually both of their parents are at work all day and when all converge in the evening everyone is tired and overwhelmed by external stimulation to the point of wanting to relax in front of one of the many televisions in the home. This sets up the stage for the most vicious programming of all.

The television can be called the mind controlling machine. It is designed to tell us what to think, what to wear, what to eat, and what unnecessary material items to buy. Ironically if most of us eat what we see on television, we won’t look like the people we try to model ourselves after, and we won’t be able to wear those clothes we saw either. Almost everything about television is meant to steer us away from love into self hatred due to societal pressure. We never feel like we are good enough as compared to the latest trending Hollywood actors. The actors and models on television compromise less that 1% of the seven billion plus humans on the planet. Have you had a look around lately? How many people around you actually look like the people on television?

The list of programming goes on and on including the illusion of money and religion. However all of this can be changed by taking the first step in de-programming yourself , and loving yourself is a great way to get the ball rolling.

Why should you love yourself?

Once you realize that you are a spirit being having a human experience and you learn to go within to feel the existence of your soul, you also realize that you are a spark of the Creator of “All that Is”. So in essence, you are part of All that Is. The Creator vibrates at a high frequency of love. Therefore, you are love. An important part of ascension involves re-connecting the bond with our Creator in remembrance of being a part of love itself.

We are all connected to our creator through a pillar of light that runs vertically through our chakras. Some call it the “hara line”. From our crown chakra “upward” it connects our soul to our monad to our creator (and possibly beyond!). The flow of energy through our hara line down through our body connects us to Earth. The terms upward and down are linear terms we use to describe something visually, however this connection is actually inward and all encompassing.

In part three of this series, “Going Within”, we touched on how to still yourself in meditation in order to connect with your higher self. With practice you can begin to get to that place rather quickly and then you can take it one step further by taking your consciousness upward or inward along the hara line, exploring and connecting with the connections to the pieces and parts of you that are awaiting a reunion. We will touch on this reunion in the next part of this series- “Healing”. You can also further reach your monad and your creator through practice. Many enjoy deep mediations that re-connect with our Creator and even have conversations and visual experiences, however each connection you make will be unique so remember to not have any expectations.

The greatest secret of the human body lies in its merkaba energy field, which is called the “chariot of light”.   When spun with intention and clearing, it creates a vortex through which you can travel in your light body.

The following is an excerpt from the above referenced In5d article, “Drunvalo Melkizedek- The Teaching of the MER-KA-BA:

“There is also a tube that runs through the center of the body, connecting the apexes of the star tetrahedral field.Before we fell in consciousness I3,000 years ago, we breathed prana through this tube. Prana simultaneously comes in from the top and passes through the pineal gland, and enters from the bottom, meeting in one of the chakras. Remembering how to breathe through this tube, combined with rotating the fields around the body, produces the merkaba, a vehicle of ascension.There are actually three star tetrahedral fields superimposed over each other around the body. One is the physical body, one is the mental body, and the third is the emotional body. This is literally so. The fields are rotated by linking together the mind, the emotions, and How to Ascend - Loving Yourself - Part 4 | In5D.comthe physical body. The mental field spins to the left, the emotional field to the right, and the field for the body remains stationary. When these fields are rotated at very specific speeds and in a certain way, a disk pops out at the base of the spine for fifty-five to sixty feet and a sphere appears. It looks like a flying saucer.This field is known as the merkaba. It is the original creation pattern of the universe on all levels of existence. It is how we got here and it is how we will leave.The word “Mer” means counter-rotating fields of light; “Ka” spirit; and “Ba” is body or reality. So the Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light that takes both body and spirit with it. Once you know how to activate these fields you can use your merkaba to travel throughout the universe.”

How could you not love your body knowing that it was designed to be an inter-dimensional vehicle and that you are always connected to source? Have you looked into the mirror lately and loved what you saw? Inevitable there is usually one if not more feature of ourselves that we would like to change. It is your programmed beliefs that would have you think you are less than perfect. Love is perfection.

There is an episode of the television show “The Twilight Zone” (yes, irony here), about a woman under the care of a doctor in a hospital setting. Her whole face is bandaged up and she longs for the day to remove her bandages and re-integrate into society- being able to go outside and be a normal person again. Apparently she had been undergoing several treatments of experimental plastic surgery. The doctor and all of the nurses do not show their faces in the beginning of the show, all we can see is the back of their heads. Toward the end of the show, her bandages are finally removed and she looks like one of those 1960’s Hollywood bombshells. We finally get a look at the doctor and all of the nurses, and they all have huge pig noses! The majority consensus had her believing that she was different and ugly; however it was all just a societal point of view.

Loving yourself means recognizing that you are perfect just the way you are. Having gratitude for being able to exist in your human body, no matter what beliefs you have about it, is the highest form of loving yourself that you can display.

How do I love myself?

Loving yourself can be as unique as you would like for it to be. However, for those of us who need a little boost toward loving ourselves, a great way to start is to gaze into the mirror. This practice may bring up other thoughts or visions in your head at first, and you may even see parts of you that you hadn’t seen before. While gazing in the mirror, smiling at yourself will instantly transform thoughts about yourself into a higher vibration of love. Looking at ourselves in the mirror may sound simple, but actually it may be one of our biggest fears and could take some time to erase our mental programming attached to it.

You can also love yourself by forgiving yourself. Let’s say you put yourself on a diet because of the idea you had that you needed to lose weight. Then you cheated on yourself and had a couple of slices of chocolate cake. If you do not forgive yourself of that action, you will carry that energy with you. Energy such as non forgiveness can cause blockages and interrupts the flow of our divine presence of who we are. This becomes a pattern of behavior that is the root of separation from who we are.

Doing something that excites you is a perfect way of loving yourself. It moves your vibrational frequency to one of your true self. In being the frequency of your true self, you will begin to attract to yourself what you need in order to recognize and transmute anything standing in your way of being love. In the frequency of loving yourself, synchronization occurs which not only gives you confirmation that you are in the vibration of your true self, but also opens the doors to continual situations of things that excite you. In essence you have created a new pattern of love in your DNA, and transmuted the old pattern of false belief. These old patterns will begin to seem illogical. Recognizing these old patterns and letting them go allows for the transformation of our DNA which is part of ascension.

Eating healthy and organic is a perfect way to treat your body as your temple. If you are someone that has a long history of bad eating habits, this will take gradual change. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and diet is one of the hardest things to tackle in today’s society of fast food corporatism. However, you are worth it, and when you begin to change things one item at a time, you not only feel better physically but you will begin to feel the mental fog dissipate which will help you to keep stepping forward with making better food choices.

Another great way to love yourself would be to get a massage or to have another form of energy work to balance your system such as acupuncture. Exercise also tells your body that you love it and you want to keep it moving forward. No matter what physical state you see yourself in, there is always a base line exercise that can be performed to make yourself feel better.

What should I expect from loving myself?

You should really pay attention to your co-created illusion around you when you begin to love yourself. The doorway will begin to open to synchronicities and miracles that will confirm that you are on the right path. Doing things that excite you will raise your vibration even further and new opportunities begin to appear seemingly out of nowhere. By loving yourself, in essence you are giving the Universe permission to bring you the tools and resources necessary for ascension.

Being in balance with your true vibration also allows you to trust yourself further. This allows you to trust what you are receiving when you go within, which allows you to break the programming of society. Breaking the programming of society also allows for you to go deeper within in order to find the truth. A new pattern of unity is created when you love yourself. This is a fine example of re-programming your DNA. Only when we love ourselves can we truly begin to love others, and the more we love ourselves, the more we can love others. To change the world, we all need to take responsibility for loving ourselves. We are all connected, therefore to love ourselves means to open the doorway for others to experience love as well.

Stay tuned for “How to Ascend- Part 5- Healing”, where we will address blocks that may be keeping you from loving yourself.

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Posted: 13 Dec 2013 09:00 AM PST The manuscript of survival – part 378
By Aisha North

We think you will all feel a sort of quickening in the air now, like a slight shift in the pressure or the temperature, and we gather many of your animal friends will exhibit symptoms of noticing the same. For there is something approaching indeed, and you are just about to pick up on the first signals coming in from this rainstorm of light that we have referred to so many times in earlier missives. For it is indeed approaching you, and now you will all feel these faint stirrings coming in, just like those magnificent beasts, the elephants, can pick up signals through the soles of their feet.

For there is indeed a brand new vibration coming in, and anyone with their ears close to the ground energetically speaking, you will already have picked up on these still rather faint signals. But now, these signals will indeed amplify, so that more and more of you will start to sit up and prick up your ears in anticipation. For you will feel the oncoming of something so magnificent, it can almost seem to be too much, and along with the anticipation, you might also feel the stirring of anxiety setting in. Let us just assure you that this is only to be expected, for what you are feeling into, is a change so fundamental, it will indeed wipe the slate clean in so many ways, you will not be the same after you have been under this deluge of energetic purification.

And remember, you are still very much identifying with the old you, the one you used to be, but are not any longer. Still, the memories have not been wiped completely from your very being, and as such, you will still have a hard time envisioning yourself as you are to become. And so the old instinct of shunning change will automatically be triggered in so many of you, and even if you do not have a conscious image of what you have in store, your inner being knows all too well what a major transformation this will be, and so it will be a mixture of longing and fearfulness. For deep down, you all know there is no going back now, you have indeed committed yourself to become as new again, but when your mind tries to grapple with this fact, all it can think of, is death.
 For this has in many ways been a procession of deaths, as you have all one by one shed those old layers of you, and alongside with this process of resurrection, goes a process of death. For the old you must leave in order for the new to take its place, and even if you have all been deeply immersed in this cycle of death and rebirth for so long on this journey, this time the results will be so deeply transformative they are apt to trigger what is left of that old defense mechanism of staying within those old confines and definitions of who you think you are.

But all of those old walls have been torn down now, and even if you have yet to grasp the full extent of this, you are already flexing your wings and testing out what this death of the old really means. But now, as those powerful winds of change are building up on the horizon, the realization that the old you is indeed already a thing of the past will start to seep in, and it is apt to cause more than a little frisson here and there. So do not be surprised if you find that old and familiar feeling of anxiety cluttering up your stomach, but know that this is simply a sign of what you are about to become. For as these storm-force winds start to sweep across this planet in the very near future, all of the old and outdated ramshackle parts that used to be you, will be blown away forever. So you might feel naked and vulnerable, even more so than before as you start to face this truth, for in this as in all things that entails deep and irreversible change, it takes time to find that equilibrium again.

So again we say, know that all is well even if you yourself might feel less at ease than usual, and know that any knots within your stomach are simply a sign of an approaching event that will take you literally by storm and lift you out of the old, and firmly set you feet first into the brand new you. And from that, your brand new world will be born. So give yourself the assurance you need in order not go into fear as these energetic stormtroopers approach. As we have told you before, they will not come to break you down, they will come to set you free once and for all from that old prison of limitations. For there are no limits, but as yet, you have not been able to literally see that for yourself, and so you continue to see walls and barriers where there no longer are any. And that is why this lightstorm is so sorely needed. For you need help to set your mind free from it all, and that help is getting closer and closer even as we speak.

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Posted by Stephen Cook
Will BerlinghoffStephen: For those of us (like me) fascinated by Comet ISON, this is a particularly interesting extract from a recent session by Will Berlinghof, channeller/interpreter for the entity known as Cosmic Awareness, with facilitator Joan Mills, Cosmic Awareness Questioner and Energizer. In light of recent comments by the Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild – that Comet ISON is a “comet/ship” -  and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle – that this comet is a Galactic “ship” -  this message adds further details as to ISON’s possible ‘composition’ and mission.
Cosmic Awareness: Ison Approching Earth, as channeled by Will Berlinhof, December 4, 2013 –
Q Did (Comet) ISON really break up into many small pieces when it got close to the Sun as many are saying? If so, what happened to the Galactic Federation craft that were with it? How does this affect its mission regarding the planet Earth? Was the breakup known and planned for or was this the result of an attack from the Orion/Reptilian forces?” Your thoughts please?
Cosmic Awareness: Things are not always what they seem. Also, do not always believe the reports of ones who seem to be there to tell you what happened, but who have in actuality a hidden agenda. In this case there are those who would wish those who have been following ISON to believe that it has broken up and thus is destroyed, is no longer a comet of any significance but rather simply a scattering of particles and pieces. However, as this Awareness has said, things are not always what they seem.
    That there are certain vessels that are still there, that are still part of the comet that was known as ISON. That this Awareness upon looking at this situation sees the situation before the breakup of that which was the central mass, that which was considered to be the comet ISON. That this central mass was also surrounded by that which was known as the coma of the comet and that a solar flare hit the coma and seemingly blew it away, exposing the central core which was immense in nature. That this central core kept diving towards the Sun and at that point of perihelion suddenly broke up and disintegrated.
Certain ones, even ones well respected in the UFO circles came forward and announced that ISON was no more, that it was only a clustering of particles and pieces, that it had been destroyed by solar activity and proximity to the Sun. It was also convenient that many of the satellites that were trained on the object ceased to be operational to the public exactly at the time of perihelion and indeed for several hours, days afterwards.
What was eventually shown after perihelion was reached and the comet started its back-swing towards Earth and outwards again was the cluster of pieces and particles that are now being shown. But they are still not being shown accurately. That this Awareness has for many weeks maintained that there were vessels in the coma and in that comet itself. That which was seemingly the hard mass in the middle, the comet/asteroid that was left after the coma was blown away was again not what it seemed to be.
    That the forces that were using the comet have the technology to bring around them a mass that can disguise and hide what lies within. That there were within the hollow core of the comet, the mass at the core, several ships within the core itself. There were also ships outside of the core, some of which were clearly identified when photos of ISON were filtered on previous occasions. These ships are still there, although they are cloaked. The ships that were within the comet’s core are still there, they too are cloaked. What did occur was a release of the mass that is interpreted as the comet’s core into the clusters that are now being photographed and being claimed to be the destroyed comet core.
             That in effect the mass of the pieces is still that which has an energy to it, but more importantly the vessels that were in and around the comet core and hidden in the coma are also still available and have swung around and are heading for this planet, this planet Earth at this time. Furthermore the debris field that trailed the comet is immense in its size and span and that the Earth will be going through this tail field of debris on and around the 26th, 27th, 28th of December, and that there are still many things to be played out. This story is by far not over or ended.
     That the major purpose of the misinformers upon announcing the destruction of ISON was to shut down conjecture that this comet had any significance or importance. It has been the illusionists’ trick all along of allowing certain things to be seen and other things to be hidden. This illusionist trick has been played on both sides, both those of the Galactic Federation, who for their own reasons chose not to be obvious in the approach of these craft as well as the Powers That Be who do not wish humanity to be aware that there is a flotilla approaching the Earth, that had connections to comet ISON that were sending out rays and beams of frequency, that are sending these rays now towards Earth to affect the electromagnetic fields that will bring Earth through a debris field, to plant on the planet certain minerals and jewels and objects.
        This is still to come, this is still to unfold, but this Awareness will say categorically that which was ISON, although may no longer be what it was, that which was the core no longer massed and intact, is still a recognizable object that is heading towards this planet and that this object is composed of various vessels as well as much debris that will have impact on the planet.
That this is that which is seen in the weeks and months ahead but in particular, just after that occasion known as Christmas, December 25th. In particular, December 28th is when the planet is fully in the tail of the comet, the debris tail of that which is comet ISON even if it is not what many thought it was. It is of great significance, greater than any other event that has ever been reported, for it is proof that there is indeed an extraterrestrial force that is coming towards the planet.
Whether it is ever fully and truly reported remains to be seen, and if the Powers That Be can have their way it will not be reported and they will try to shield humanity from this knowledge and this information.
Look to the heavens, know that there are greater things in the heavens than most have ever dreamed about but these are about to be shown, thus bringing some great change to those who are ready to receive this information, this knowledge, this new reality. This completes this answer.
         Q: Thank you Awareness. Also still with ISON, also related, scientists still call ISON a comet and state that ISON has visited our solar system previously on two occasions according to their recorded data, and also that ISON is a “hunk of ice”. Is this so?
CA: Remember what this Awareness said a minute ago, that those who wish to deceive will speak things, say things that are not necessarily so. It is so that that which was the comet ISON has visited this solar system previously but that which is the ‘block of ice’, the core, on this occasion has been used as a type of disguise, and that it was hollowed out and held together, if you will, artificially for the purpose of disguising the approach of a flotilla of craft that are connected to the Galactic Federation.
At the same time, there were other ships that surrounded the ice mass, the core of the comet. That these ships have been sending out pulse waves, if you will, towards the Sun itself. These pulse waves were also sent to Mars as it swept past Mars, and even to Earth, although it is seen that certain pulse waves will be more directly aimed towards Earth in the days, weeks ahead.
  There is a purpose for it. It is not to destroy or harm the planet but it is part of the design or plan that this Awareness has talked about as being God’s Plan or the Divine Plan. That this is still very much in play and that it is to be remembered that this is so. As to those allegations of ones who would dismiss the comet, who would say “It is only a piece of ice”; they do not wish humanity to know the truth, they do not wish to know that it is hollow and contains ships. They do not wish humanity to know that there is an alien flotilla approaching, and be assured they will make every attempt to shut down such information, to deny such information, to mislead and misdirect this information.
Therefore, for many this event is of no significance, for the majority have never even heard of comet ISON, have never even realized that it was in the skies doing these amazing things. And that if they have heard about it, they have heard lies and misrepresentations as to what it is.
This is classic to the control of the human mind and of humanity to mislead, misguide, deny and outright lie about things so that humanity does not wake up, so humanity does not stand up and say “why, what is this about, who is trying to deceive me, etc.?” That the questions that would arise are questions that the Powers That Be do not wish to be asked, and they are willing to squash those who would bring forth this information. But this Awareness is happy to announce that it can no longer be so, there are many reporting on ISON and the peculiarities of ISON. That they who try to squash will be unable to do so entirely. However, they will certainly mislead and those who do not wish to search deeper, who have no interest, who blindly believe the government will believe these lies and this misinformation.
       This Awareness simply asks those who are above this type of misguidance, this falsehood, to truly stand upon the higher pinnacle of faith at this time and to trust that which many are instinctively feeling that ISON is something else, is much more than the government and the official agencies such as NASA are claiming it to be. For this is the truth of the matter: ISON is not what it seems to be and holds great promise to expose certain of the lies of the Powers That Be so that they finally will be shown to be what they are.
   Q: The next part: It was suggested that ISON came from a different orbit, the far North, and will swing by just once outward, never to return. Its journey began when humans walked the Earth. Is that correct?
CA: That this may be correct to that which would have been the comet, that once swept into the system. But that which is the comet that has been adapted for this present journey and this present purpose is not the comet that once was. Therefore although one could say that the comet that is known as ISON has swung into the solar system before is accurate, but that which is the comet ISON now is not simply an inert piece of rock and ice. It is something different, something much greater that has used the veil of appearance of a comet to cloak itself largely and to create an artificial environment, a gravitational field, if you will, inside of the comet to make the journey a pleasurable one.
That this Awareness will not go into these details but suffice it to say there was a reason why this comet core was hollowed out and used and that there are other planetary bodies that have been used thusly before, such as Elenin and will again be used. Indeed another comet is approaching that will come close to Earth in the latter stages the 2014 into 2015, that is also of great significance. But at this time it is ISON that is of importance and while it was what could be called a natural body of the universe, a natural object, an actual comet even, it is on this occasion not what it seems to be and that it was adapted for use of those who had certain plans and are in conjunction in their plans with the Divine Plan. Is this clear?
             Q: Yes, yes it is, thank you. The last part: the scientists are saying “when ISON was formed, water was present adding weight to the mystery of where the water came from, with the conclusion that the water on Earth came from the various comets left over from the formation of various planets. Thus humanity owes its existence due to the comets in our solar system”. Is this for true?
CA: In some ways if one is only looking to physical explanation for the origins of planets or this planet. What is also true is that the planet adds as much for its existence to stardust that constantly bombards the planet, that comes to the planet and is added to the surface of the planet constantly. That this planet owes much to asteroids and meteors that have crashed into the planet, that have stimulated activities in the past, that have added again to the land mass and to the creation of the planet that is.
All of these events are still within the physical realm. That there are other events in that have much to do with the planet’s formation that are not acknowledged or accepted by current astrophysics, such as the mysterious planet Tiamat that existed once upon a time, that which is sometimes also referred to as Marduk, that which was the planet where that which is the asteroid belt now exists, and how upon the destruction of that planet a large chunk flew off and headed towards the Sun. That this large chunk coalesced into a global shape hollow at the center, spinning around, creating this hollow-shelled globe and that this globe was that which wound up in orbit around the sun at the position of Earth now, for it was Earth.
       This is not an accepted theory of conjecture by those astronomers, those astrophysicists and yet there is significance to this story and to the old myths of Tiamat/Marduk and other planets that have experienced such explosions in the past. That ultimately all of this still only relates to a physical interpretation of the planets’ beginnings and from whence elements of its body were produced from, where the ice and the sands and the dust and the particles and the meteorites came from, where even the shell of the planet originated from. It has little to do with the spiritual reason for the creation of Earth, of its interplay and interaction with other bodies of consciousness, such as the other planets themselves, such as the Sun itself, such as distant galaxies. That all of this has so much more to do than just the physical explanation would ever give one a sense of or meaning about.
     Therefore it is correct that water has reached this planet from certain astral bodies that have crashed onto the planet, but it is not only from the comets that such water originates. That it has also come through the physical avenues of the destroyed planet Marduk where water was still contained in the form of steam around the planet and within the planet as well. That there is more to this story than meets the eye.
Copyright © 2013, Callista and Will Summerfield-Berlinghof. All rights reserved.
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~ Channeled through Celia Fenn

December 12, 2013 © 2013-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous few months since the Planetary New Year in July and the influx of New Light through the Stargates in July and August. These Energy Shifts have brought Change at a very Deep Level.

This Change is inevitable, for it is part of the processes of Life and Evolution. When the Earth shifted into the Fifth Dimension in December 2011, she shook off her rigid limitations of the old Third Dimensional Grids and allowed herself to re-connect with the Graceful Flow of Divine Light from the Heart of the Cosmos. This meant that every Living Being on Planet Earth was also recalibrated to this New Frequency of Accelerated Change.

Change is inevitable. It is part of the process of Life and Growth. It is the opening of a bud in Spring and the falling of the leaves in Autumn. It is the first green shoots in the snow and the richness of the summer harvest. All have their moment in Time, in the Richness and Flowering of Physical Life.

But, even beyond the natural laws of Growth and Change on Earth, there are also Changes taking places at a very deep level of Consciousness and of Creation. The New Light Codes that enter through the Stargate portals accelerate and activate energies at the atomic and subatomic levels, that we would call the “God Particles”. These nano particles are the Divine Cosmic Intelligence as it manifests into Physical Reality. As these particles evolve and change, so they initiate Change at all levels of Creation.

So, Beloved Ones, we would say that Change is occurring first at a very deep level in the Fabric of Creation and in the Collective Consciousness of the Earth. But, you will also feel this Change in your Physical Bodies and in your Collective Experience as Communities.

The Physical Body and the New Reality

As the deep shifts occur, your Physical Body will begin the process of adapting to the New Reality and the Higher Consciousness Grids. There are two processes involved here. The first is a very deep cleansing and throwing off of anything that is heavy, low frequency, toxic and limiting to you and others. You may notice your body seeking changes, in diet, exercise, sleep patterns and ways of expression. This process of “clarification” is necessary for the next step, where the body begins to “breathe light” in the Cells.

The process of “breathing light” is a Cellular Process and it occurs spontaneously in the Cells when the Body is at a High enough Frequency and ready to make the switch. At this point, the Body will derive about 50 percent of its nutrients from Light in an intracellular synthesis process, and about 50 percent from Physical Nutrition.

We would say, however, that this shift only occurs when the Body is clear, grounded and aligned with the Light Body. It is a Spontaneous Evolution and occurs when you are ready. At that point you become a “Shining One” as you begin to radiate Light and Energy from your Cells. This is the First level of the Shift from the old Carbon based Physical Form to the New Crystalline Light based form.

Beloved Ones, we ask you not to try to force this process, but to listen to your body and what it needs. If you are not ready for the Shift you may still need more traditional methods of nutrition until your body is ready. Even after the shift, you will need to monitor your nutrition and energy levels to ensure that your body is maintaining its new pattern of energetics and radiance.

Once you have made the shift you will find it very difficult to be in close proximity with people and environments that are toxic and polluted. Your new energetic structure is designed for the New Earth and desires clean air, light and nutritious food, and a light filled and harmonious environment.

This shift of the Physical/Energetic functioning will also be felt on the Emotional and Mental levels. Your Emotional and Mental energies my be unstable for a while, and fluctuate quite widely as your System integrates accelerated light energies travelling through the nervous system and firing the hormonal system and the brain cells. You may find yourself responding very swiftly with strong emotions in some situations. Just know that it will take a while to adjust to the accelerations in your system.

Beloved Family, over time we have shown you how to ground yourselves into the Earth Star Chakra and the Earth Center, and how to align with the Cosmic Heart. This is an essential daily practice as you work to integrate the light breathing and the acceleration of light impulses in the nervous system.

When this process is complete, you will feel yourself aligning in to a new sense of yourself and your power as a Master of Light. You will have more confidence in your ability to manifest abundance through working with the Divine Light and shaping it into Co-creations with the Divine Source.

The Earth Community and the New Reality

Beloved Family of Light, just as each one of you is experiencing this acceleration of light, so also is your Collective Expression as a Global Community. In the Fifth Dimension the aspect of Inter-connection is the prime vehicle for the manifestation of Collective or Global Reality. So it is that you will find that you have shifted from a culture of “nations” to a Global or Planetary civilization where “nations” are simply a part of a Planetary network.

To explain more clearly, in the past each person thought of themself primarily as belonging to a specific nation with a national identity that defined them. You also identified with the issues of your particular nation or state. Now, as the Earth becomes a Planetary culture or One Global Nation that is connected, all issues affecting the Planet affect every nation and every person. There is a new identification with the Earth rather then simply with a part of it.

The New Indigo and Crystal children already know this and they are “wired” to live their lives as Global Citizens, beyond the limitations of borders and boundaries. The New Earth will allow for the recognition of One Planet rather than many nations. It is the next step in the Collective Evolution of the Global Community.

This does not mean that this Global Collective will be controlled, manipulated or dominated by any power or group. At the 2012 Transition, responsibility for the Earth passed to the Higher Dimensional Council of Elders and the Council of Earth Keepers. These are the Light Councils that determine the direction and evolution of your planet. You work with them when you meditate for Changes, for Peace, to end suffering and to create the New Earth. Each person who is called to be an Earth Keeper will feel the need to assist where the Planet calls them.

So, this effectively means that governments become administrators on the Physical level of the decisions and directions that are formulated at the Higher levels by these Councils of Light. So, you will find many surprising shifts in the way in which governments deal with Global issues.

Initially, as the energies accelerate, you will be confronted by many unexpected and surprising events. Everything is changing. But, gradually you will begin to see the outlines of the New Reality emerging as Light begins to manifest in the reactions and responses of those who adminsiter Earth on the Physical level.

As you observe these changes, do not become anxious, simply allow yourselves to accept that the deep changes are manifesting a New Reality that is in harmony with Divine Creative Intelligence. The old scars and traumas of Atlantis are in the past and there is nothing to fear. The future will be an expansion into the Light, Joy and Abundance of the New Reality.

Once again, we say that the Indigo and Crystal generations are here to lead the way into this New Reality. They will be passionate, caring and filled with Fire and Light to manifest this New Reality. It is their Mission and Now is their Time. There will be many emerging Young Leaders who will help to guide the Planetary Community from the limited Economic “Mind Prison” of mental constructs to a New Reality of the Possibilities of other ways of Living, Sharing and Manifesting what is needed for Life on Earth.

Deep Dreaming with Gaia….A New Communion of Light

Beloved Ones, in all these Deep Changes, there is another aspect of You that is also changing. In the past you were limited by the nature of your society in the old energy grid. You were disconnected from Earth and Sky and you lived your life in a “closed circuit” of mental and emotional ideas and feelings that allowed you to be controlled by those who manipulated the media that controlled these ideas.

In the Awakening process you were able to disconnect from your “closed circuit” matrix and expand your reality into a Multi-dimensional awareness that embraced both Heaven and Earth.

But, on the Earth are still many who live within the old closed circuit, and many still emerging into the New Consciousness. So, there are differing “levels” of Consciousness, the more superficial mental/emotional circuit and a much deeper Multi-dimensional Expanded Consciousness.

It is this Expanded Consciousness of which we wish to speak now. It is a Consciousness that touches deep into the Earth and deep into the Cosmos. It is a Consciousness that awakens your connection to the Galaxy, but also to the Earth.

As you expand into the New Reality you will find yourself “dreaming” with the Earth. You will become aware that you are a part of Gaia and that she speaks to you, not in a superficial way, but in a very deep consciousness where she will transmit to you images and feelings. You will feel with her and dream with her.

Some of you may be asked to assist in deep healing processes for the Earth in places such as Fukishima in Japan, or to assist in working with the Forests, or in clearing and cleansing the Oceans and the Air so that the New Earth can manifest. Those who are called to this work will be the Warriors of Light who will focus intention into the Transformation of old beliefs and patterns from Atlantis into the New Earth patterns.

Then there will be those who are asked simply to dream with Gaia and to dream a New Earth of Abundance, Love, Beauty and Clarity. To Dream Clear Skies, Clean Oceans and Lakes, Healthy Trees and Forests and Plants, and all Living Beings Co-existing in Love and Respect. This is the emerging and original dream, as the Atlantis trauma is healed and the New Earth Emerges into manifestation.

We wish you Joy in your Deep Dreams of a New Earth and a New Reality.

~ Channeled through Celia Fenn

© 2013-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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December 12, 2013

Channeled by Goldenlight,

Good evening, we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to give you an update this evening on your ascension process and all that will be coming to you in the coming days. Today is a year since the opening of the 12-12-12 portal and indeed many many things have occurred behind the scenes which are still in fact hidden from your view. We want to give you a metaphor of what is occurring right now in the higher dimensions for you. Picture a beautiful field of flowers and trees all around, with grassy areas of sunlight and shade and the sun shining upon all. There are tables being set for a grand feast, decorations being put up, and many many party planning activities are in process. Flowers are being planted in a most beautiful arrangement, fresh food and drink are being laid out, and there is a grand scene of preparation for a beautiful celebration for our earthen humans that will be commencing shortly.

   This beautiful celebration will be honoring the christed light within each one of you, as well as the principles of sharing, love, unity, harmony, abundance, peace, a merging with the higher dimensions, assistance from the galactic star nations who will also be attending the celebration, and many and all of the higher dimensional principles from which we operate in the angelic and higher dimensional realms. All of these principles will be celebrated during this joyous occasion. All beings on earth are invited to this feast and reunion of our galactic families with beings from your higher consciousness earthen communities, including you. We are showing the channel a vision of these beautiful celebration festivities which are being planned for you. Please take a moment to pause and tune in.

       Those of you who are moving towards the higher dimensions and on a higher consciousness path will partake in this celebration and in these festivities. We are preparing these especially for you. There will be a reuniting with your star families of origin which will feel like somewhat of a homecoming for you as well as for us. This will feel like a family reunion on a galactic scale. Can you see us all embracing and interacting in a joyous celebration of harmony and love? Can you feel the spirit of goodwill and harmonious intergalactic relations which are now occurring? We in the higher dimensions can see this celebration taking place now, as remember we are outside of time. All is occurring simultaneously in the higher dimensions. You, too, will be able to function outside of time as soon as you are feeling more comfortable in your higher dimensional, multidimensional bodies and after you have begun to really integrate your multidimensional selves into one multidimensional being. This is the Pleiadian Council speaking now and we want you to know that we have many ways to assist you in learning how to live a multidimensional life.

         We have many technologies which will guide you along on your higher dimensional path….beautiful healing technologies given to us by Source Creator and used in a loving manner for the highest good of all. Wonderful free energy technologies which will propel your world “into the stratosphere” so to speak and reduce your dependence on oil, which is the lifeblood of Mother Earth Gaia. Removing this oil from her body is akin to removing the blood from your body. It drains her and is so unnecessary! Of course those who have been in charge in your world and we say have been because their time of power is coming to a close, they have encouraged your dependence on oil as it profits the multinational corporate machinery. Our free energy technology, just this one technology out of many that we will be bringing to you, will change your world forever. Imagine a world wherein the energy to propel or operate everything, where all energy, is free. Imagine a world without sickness or hospitals or pharmaceutical companies in which the health of the human body is always in pristine condition, in which bodies and minds are ageless and in which you can take any form at will. This is just one aspect of our higher dimensional societies. A society where death is not a sad grievous occasion, but where there is actually no death and one can change body or form at will and simply dematerialize upon no longer wishing to partake in the illusion. The free energy and healing technologies we will will bring and offer to you as gifts from our intergalactic societies (we the Pleiadians and other star nations) to yours will change everything for you.

    Our technologies will assist in transforming your world into a free society of beautiful and loving higher vibrational energies. The channel was thinking the other day, “It should not cost money to live on Earth.” She is right. Earth life should be free for all, not a monopolistic society wherein the elite live lives of luxury and the 99% live high stress lives spending all their time focusing on survival. This will all change with the introduction of our much-needed technologies and principles. And we speak now for all the star nations with which you will reunite, not just the Pleiadian societies. All intergalactic societies with which you will be reuniting have much to offer your civilization, much to assist you in advancing forward.

The Agarthan beings living in Inner Earth, many of whom are from the ancient civilization of Lemuria, will also be at this grand celebratory Event. They too wish to be a part of these festivities as they also have much to bring to the table to offer your outer earth beings to assist in this transition to a higher dimensional society. They have been waiting for the time to be ripe just as we have. All will come together during this time to exchange love, hope, goodwill, remembrances, information, sharing, and abundance for all. What a beautiful time this will be!

Imagine that during this great festive celebration which we described earlier we unveil these technologies. Imagine what an incredible celebration this will be. A new freedom will begin to overtake your joyous hearts and minds and a most joyous feeling will emanate from you all.

      Imagine a world in which money is not controlled by a few private mechanisms designed to be self-serving by those who created the system; imagine instead a world where universal abundance and prosperity is the lay of the land so to speak. All contribute to the good of all and all have everything they need for a joyous and loving life. Each person spends a percentage of his or her time doing what they love which contributes to the whole. Each person has all the “money” they need because all members of the society are contributing towards the building of this society. All members are in a concerted effort to be at One for the Good of All. Food is abundant and free for all, shelter is not only plentiful but also beautiful and free for all, transportation is also free and many are adept at teletransportation or are learning to become adept at it, and communications are done telepathically and holographically.

      Picture a person sending a holographic “movie” to another as a way of communication, much like your videos are shared today on your computers; these holographic pictograms and “video”grams are freely sent as a form of communication. This is the way we “instant message” in the higher dimensions. Sickness and death are a “thing of the past”; struggling for survival is no longer the focus of daily earthen life, and life becomes a most joyous endeavor unlike anything you have ever known since coming into this present life on earth. Many begin to remember their star origins; their memories are awakened as the veil between dimensions continues to fall away, and this awakening and remembrance is a part of the joy of living this new life on earth.

    We function in the higher dimensions with abundance and joy created for All by the All……self-serving behavior never comes into the picture because we all live from the viewpoint of the heart and function in love as a beautiful expression of Source Creator. All live by the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. This is a principle followed with higher awareness by all and one of the elements of the foundation of this new way of life being embraced by all higher consciousness beings on earth. If one wishes to create a new reality; a new hologram; a new civilization; one does not fight the old; one embraces and creates the new. This is one of the many higher dimensional principles we of the star nations embrace.

   These are the concepts, principles, technologies, methodologies, and practices that we of the intergalactic star nations wish to share with your earthen societies if you are open to them. We think the time has come to begin to introduce these principles to you and we also think you are ready as an earthen society for many of these changes. The time is ripe just as a fruit is ripe for plucking.

We return now to our celebration, our feast and our festivities. These will continue for many days and begin to spread all around your globe until it becomes part of a much larger, all-encompassing Global Event wherein many other great changes are occurring on your planet. We say “are occurring” because, as mentioned over and over again by us, we are outside of time and can see and enter into this grand celebration which is happening in the Great Now. We are your star nation families and we wish to express our joy and love on these most joyous and loving occasions that will be occurring on your planet sometime in the near future in your timelines.

    These will happen when you are ready. Begin to prepare your minds and hearts for living in a higher dimensional world. Open up to your own personal inner vision and origins and begin to connect with your galactic self and your multidimensional being. Always connect in with your higher self first (“I connect with my higher self, please connect with me”), then connect in with your multidimensional and galactic self…….this then in conjunction with your earthen being is your new Multidimensional, Galactic Self. You are a star being just as we are and your true history will also be revealed during these great celebrations which will be occurring as our societies reunite. Grand celebrations are planned and if you wish to attend we would ask that you envision all of which we speak so that you may dissolve your current holographic reality and blend it into this new holographic reality which awaits your arrival. Your minds are powerful beyond measure. You are coming into a time wherein you will begin to know your power as a higher dimensional being and begin to use it wisely and with love for the highest good of All.

    The grand celebration and connection of our galactic societies awaits your arrival, and you are invited just as all earthen people are invited and we ask only that you bring your highest vision of yourself to this celebration and let go of all that no longer serves you. Cleanse your bodies, cleanse your minds, cleanse your lives and move forward into this new higher dimensional reality which awaits you all. We will be awaiting your arrival with open arms and open hearts, with lots of love from your families of origin who welcome you home to your True Self and to your intergalactic family reunion and celebration that we have prepared for you with our highest intentions and most caring and loving thoughts for All.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.



Ascension Mandala by

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Photo: Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. -Daniel 12:3

The Allies of Humanity         By Marshall Vian Summers

First Briefing   “The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today”


It is a great honor for us to be able to present this information to all of you who are fortunate enough to hear this message. We are the Allies of Humanity. This transmission is being made possible by the presence of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual counselors who oversee the development of intelligent life both within your world and throughout the Greater Community of Worlds.

We are not communicating through any mechanical device, but through a spiritual channel that is free from interference. Though we live in the physical, as do you, we are given the privilege to communicate in this way in order to deliver the information that we must share with you.

     We represent a small group who is observing the events of your world. We come from the Greater Community. We do not interfere in human affairs. We have no establishment here. We have been sent for a very specific purpose—to witness the events that are occurring in your world and, given the opportunity to do so, to communicate to you what we see and what we know. For you live on the surface of your world and cannot see the affairs that surround it. Nor can you see clearly the visitation that is occurring in your world at this time or what it portends for your future.

       We would like to give testimony to this. We are doing so at the request of the Unseen Ones, for we have been sent for this purpose. The information that we are about to impart to you may seem very challenging and startling. It is perhaps unexpected by many who will hear this message. We understand this difficulty, for we have had to face this within our own cultures.

As you hear the information, it may be difficult to accept at first, but it is vital for all who would seek to make a contribution in the world.

For many years we have been observing the affairs of your world. We seek no relations with humanity. We are not here on a diplomatic mission. We have been sent by the Unseen Ones to live in the proximity of your world in order to observe the events we are about to describe.

Our names are not important. They would be meaningless to you. And we shall not impart them for our own safety, for we must remain hidden in order that we may serve.

   To begin, it is necessary for people everywhere to understand that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Your world is being “visited” by several alien races and by several different organizations of races. This has been actively going on for some time. There have been visitations throughout human history, but nothing of this magnitude. The advent of nuclear weapons and the destruction of your natural world have brought these forces to your shores.

           There are many people in the world today, we understand, who are beginning to realize that this is occurring. And we understand as well that there are many interpretations of this visitation—what it could mean and what it could offer. And many of the people who are aware of these things are very hopeful and anticipate a great benefit for humanity. We understand. It is natural to expect this. It is natural to be hopeful.

        The visitation in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it and are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity. What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world.

This we understand may be difficult to accept at first because you cannot yet appreciate how beautiful your world is, how much it possesses and what a rare jewel it is in a Greater Community of barren worlds and empty space. Worlds such as yours are rare indeed. Most places in the Greater Community that are inhabited now have been colonized, and technology has made this possible. But worlds such as yours where life has evolved naturally, without the aid of technology, are far more rare than you might realize. Others take great notice of this, of course, for the biological resources of your world have been used by several races for millennia. It is considered a storehouse for some. And yet the development of human culture and dangerous weapons and the deterioration of these resources have caused the alien Intervention.

         Perhaps you might wonder why diplomatic efforts are not established to contact the leaders of humanity. This is reasonable to ask, but the difficulty here is that there is no one to represent humanity, for your people are divided, and your nations oppose one another. It is also assumed by these visitors that we speak of that you are warlike and aggressive and that you would bring harm and hostility to the universe around you despite your good qualities.

Therefore, in our discourse we want to give you an idea of what is occurring, what it will mean for humanity and how it is related to your spiritual development, your social development and your future in the world and in the Greater Community of Worlds itself.

People are unaware of the presence of alien forces, unaware of the presence of resource explorers, of those who would seek an alliance with humanity for their own benefit. Perhaps we should begin here by giving you an idea of what life is like beyond your shores, for you have not journeyed afar and cannot account for these things yourself.

     You live in a part of the galaxy that is quite inhabited. Not all parts of the galaxy are so inhabited. There are great unexplored regions. There are many hidden races. Trade and commerce between worlds are only carried on in certain areas. The environment that you will emerge into is a very competitive one. The need for resources is experienced everywhere, and many technological societies have outstripped their world’s natural resources and must trade, barter and travel to gain what they need. It is a very complicated situation. Many alliances are formed and conflicts do occur.

        Perhaps at this point it is necessary to realize that the Greater Community into which you are emerging is a difficult environment and a challenging one, and yet it brings great opportunity and great possibilities for humanity. However, for these possibilities and these advantages to be realized, humanity must prepare and come to learn what life in the universe is like. And it must come to understand what spirituality means within a Greater Community of intelligent life.

         We understand from our own history that this is the greatest threshold that any world will ever face. It is not something, however, that you can plan for yourself. It is not something that you can design for your own future. For the very forces that would bring the Greater Community reality here are already present in the world. Circumstances have brought them here. They are here.

Perhaps this gives you an idea of what life is like beyond your borders. We do not want to create an idea that is fearful, but it is necessary for your own well-being and for your future that you have an honest appraisal and can come to see these things clearly.

     The need to prepare for life in the Greater Community, we feel, is the greatest need there is in your world today. And yet, from our observation, people are preoccupied with their own affairs and their own problems in their daily lives, unaware of the greater forces that will change their destiny and affect their future.

The forces and groups who are here today represent several different alliances. These different alliances are not united with each other in their efforts. Each alliance represents several different racial groups who are collaborating for the purpose of gaining access to your world’s resources and maintaining this access. These different alliances are, in essence, competing with each other though they are not at war with one another. They see your world as a great prize, something they want to have for themselves.

        This creates a very great challenge for your people, for the forces who are visiting you not only have advanced technology, but also strong social cohesion and are able to influence thought in the Mental Environment. You see, in the Greater Community, technology is easily acquired, and so the great advantage between competing societies is the ability to influence thought. This has taken on very sophisticated demonstrations. It represents a set of skills that humanity is only beginning to discover.

           As a result, your Visitors do not come armed with great weapons or with armies or with armadas of vessels. They come in relatively small groups, but they possess considerable skill in influencing people. This represents a more sophisticated and mature use of power in the Greater Community. It is this ability that humanity will have to cultivate in the future if it is to contend with other races successfully.

The Visitors are here to gain humanity’s allegiance. They do not want to destroy human establishments or the human presence. Instead, they wish to use these for their own benefit. Their intention is employment, not destruction. They feel that they are in the right because they believe that they are saving the world. Some even believe that they are saving humanity from itself. But this perspective does not serve your greater interests, nor does it foster wisdom or self-determination within the human family.

          Yet because there are forces of good within the Greater Community of Worlds, you have allies. We represent the voice of your allies, the Allies of Humanity. We are not here to use your resources or to take from you what you possess. We do not seek to establish humanity as a client state or as a colony for our own uses. Instead, we wish to foster strength and wisdom within humanity because we support this throughout the Greater Community.

         Our role, then, is quite essential, and our information is very needed because at this time even people who are aware of the presence of the visitors are not yet aware of their intentions. People do not understand the visitors’ methods. And they do not comprehend the visitors’ ethics or morality. People think the visitors are either angels or monsters. But in reality, they are very much like you in their needs. If you could see the world through their eyes, you would understand their consciousness and their motivation. But to do that, you would have to venture beyond your own.

          The Visitors are engaged in four fundamental activities in order to gain influence within your world. Each of these activities is unique, but they are all coordinated together. They are being carried out because humanity has been studied for a long time. Human thought, human behavior, human physiology and human religion have been studied for some time. These are well understood by your visitors and will be used for their own purposes.

The first area of activity of the visitors is to influence individuals in positions of power and authority. Because the visitors do not want to destroy anything in the world or harm the world’s resources, they seek to gain influence over those whom they perceive to be in positions of power, within government and religion primarily. They seek contact, but only with certain individuals. They have the power to make this contact, and they have the power of persuasion. Not all of those they contact will be persuaded, but many will be. The promise of greater power, greater technology and world domination will intrigue and incite many individuals. And it is these individuals with whom the visitors will seek to establish a liaison.

           There are very few people in the governments of the world who are being so affected, but their numbers are growing. The visitors understand the hierarchy of power because they themselves live by it, following their own chain of command, you might say. They are highly organized and very focused in their endeavors, and the idea of having cultures full of free-thinking individuals is largely foreign to them. They do not comprehend or understand individual freedom. They are like many technologically advanced societies in the Greater Community who function both within their respective worlds and in their establishments across vast reaches of space, utilizing a very well-established and rigid form of government and organization. They believe that humanity is chaotic and unruly, and they feel they are bringing order to a situation that they cannot themselves comprehend. Individual freedom is unknown to them, and they do not see its value. As a result, what they seek to establish in the world will not honor this freedom. 

            Therefore, their first area of endeavor is to establish a liaison with individuals in positions of power and influence in order to gain their allegiance and to persuade them of the beneficial aspects of relationship and shared purpose.

The second avenue of activity, which is perhaps the most difficult to consider from your perspective, is the manipulation of religious values and impulses. The visitors understand that humanity’s greatest abilities also represent its greatest vulnerability. People’s longing for individual redemption represents one of the greatest assets the human family has to offer, even to the Greater Community. But it is also your weakness. And it is these impulses and these values that will be used.

  Several groups of the Visitors wish to establish themselves as spiritual agents because they know how to speak in the Mental Environment. They can communicate to people directly, and unfortunately, because there are very few people in the world who can discern the difference between a spiritual voice and the Visitors’ voice, the situation becomes very difficult.


    Therefore, the second area of activity is to gain people’s allegiance through their religious and spiritual motivations. Actually, this can be done quite easily because humanity is not yet strong or developed in the Mental Environment. It is difficult for people to discern where these impulses are coming from. Many people want to give themselves to anything they think has a greater voice and a greater power. Your Visitors can project images—images of your saints, of your teachers, of angels—images that are held dear and sacred within your world. They have cultivated this ability through many, many centuries of attempting to influence each other and by learning the ways of persuasion that are practiced in many places in the Greater Community. They consider you primitive, and so they feel they can exert this influence and use these methods upon you.

               Here there is an attempt to contact those individuals who are considered sensitive, receptive and naturally given to be cooperative. Many people will be selected, but a few will be chosen based upon these particular qualities. Your visitors will seek to gain allegiance with these individuals, to gain their trust and to gain their devotion, telling the recipients that the visitors are here to uplift humanity spiritually, to give humanity new hope, new blessings and new power—indeed promising the things that people want so dearly but have not yet found themselves. Perhaps you may wonder, “How can such a thing occur?” But we can assure you that it is not difficult once you learn these skills and abilities.

The effort here is to pacify and to reeducate people through spiritual persuasion. This “Pacification Program” is used differently with different religious groups depending upon their ideals and their temperament. It is always aimed at receptive individuals. Here it is hoped that people will lose their sense of discernment and will become wholly trusting of the greater power that they feel is being given to them by the Visitors. Once this allegiance is established, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to discern what they know within themselves from what is being told to them. It is a very subtle but very pervasive form of persuasion and manipulation. We shall speak more on this as we proceed.

      Let us now mention the third area of activity, which is to establish the visitors’ presence in the world and to have people become used to this presence. They want humanity to become acclimated to this very great change that is occurring in your midst—to have you become acclimated to the visitors’ physical presence and to their effect on your own Mental Environment. To serve this purpose, they will create establishments here, though not in view. These establishments will be hidden, but they will be very powerful in casting an influence on human populations that are near them. The visitors will take great care and time to make sure that these establishments are effective and that enough people are in allegiance to them. It is these people who will guard and preserve the Visitors’ presence.

This is exactly what is occurring in your world at this time. It represents a great challenge and unfortunately a great risk. This very same thing that we are describing has happened so many times in so many places in the Greater Community. And emerging races such as your own are always the most vulnerable. Some emerging races are able to establish their own awareness, ability and cooperation to the extent that they can offset outside influences such as these and establish a presence and a position in the Greater Community. Yet many races, before they even attain this freedom, fall under the control and influence of foreign powers.

         We understand that this information may incite considerable fear and perhaps denial or confusion. But as we observe events, we realize that there are very few people who are aware of the situation as it actually exists. Even those people who are becoming aware of the presence of alien forces are not in a position and do not have the vantage point from which they can see the situation clearly. And being ever hopeful and optimistic, they seek to give this great phenomenon as much positive meaning as they can.

However, the Greater Community is a competitive environment, a difficult environment. Those who engage in space travel do not represent the spiritually advanced, for those who are spiritually advanced seek insulation from the Greater Community. They do not seek commerce. They do not seek to influence other races or to engage in the very complex array of relationships that are established for mutual trade and benefit. Instead, the spiritually advanced seek to remain hidden. This is a very different understanding, perhaps, but a necessary one for you to come to comprehend the great predicament that humanity is facing. Yet this predicament holds great possibilities. We would like to speak about these now.

              Despite the gravity of the situation that we are describing, we do not feel that these circumstances are a tragedy for humanity. Indeed, if these circumstances can be recognized and understood, and if the preparation for the Greater Community, which now exists in the world, can be utilized, studied and applied, then people everywhere of good conscience will have the ability to learn Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom. Thus, people everywhere will be able to find the basis for cooperation so that the human family can finally establish a unity that has never been established here before. For it will take the overshadowing of the Greater Community to unite humanity. And this overshadowing is occurring now.

It is your evolution to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It will happen whether you are prepared or not. It must occur. Preparation, then, becomes the key. Understanding and clarity—these are the things that are necessary and needed in your world at this time.

People everywhere have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now. They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely. It is not merely up to a great teacher or a great saint in your world to do this. It must be cultivated by many more people now. For the situation brings with it necessity, and if necessity can be embraced, it brings with it great opportunity.

         However, the requirements to learn about the Greater Community and to begin to experience Greater Community Spirituality are tremendous. Never before have human beings had to learn such things in such a short period of time. Indeed, such things have rarely been learned ever by anyone in your world before. But now the need has changed. The circumstances are different. Now there are new influences in your midst, influences that you can feel and that you can know.

The Visitors seek to disable people from having this vision and this Knowledge within themselves, for your visitors do not have it within themselves. They do not see its value. They do not understand its reality. In this, humanity as a whole is more advanced than they are. But this is only a potential, a potential which must now be cultivated.

The alien presence in the world is growing. It is growing every day, every year. Many more people are falling under its persuasion, losing their ability to know, becoming confused and distracted, believing in things that can only weaken them and make them impotent in the face of those who would seek to use them for their own purposes.

Humanity is an emerging race. It is vulnerable. It is facing a set of circumstances and influences now which it has never had to face before. You have only evolved to compete with each other. You have never had to compete with other forms of intelligent life. Yet it is this competition that will strengthen you and will call forth your greatest attributes if the situation can be clearly seen and understood.

         It is the role of the Unseen Ones to foster this strength. The Unseen Ones, whom you would rightly call angels, do not only speak to the human heart but to hearts everywhere who are able to listen and who have gained the freedom to listen.

We come, then, with a difficult message, but a message of promise and hope. Perhaps it is not the message that people want to hear. It is certainly not the message that the visitors would promote. It is a message that can be shared from person to person, and it will be shared because it is natural to do so. Yet the visitors and those who have come under their persuasion will oppose such an awareness. They do not want to see an independent humanity. That is not their purpose. They do not even believe it is beneficial. Therefore, it is our sincere desire that these ideas be considered without trepidation, but with a serious mind and a deep concern that are well justified here.

There are many people in the world today, we understand, who feel that a great change is coming for humanity. The Unseen Ones have told us these things. Many causes are attributed to this sense of change. And many outcomes are predicted. Yet unless you can begin to comprehend the reality that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life, you do not yet have the right context for understanding the destiny of humanity or the great change that is occurring in the world.

       From our perspective, people are born into their time to serve that time. This is a teaching in Greater Community Spirituality, a teaching of which we are students as well. It teaches freedom and the power of shared purpose. It grants authority to the individual and to the individual who can join with others—ideas which are rarely accepted or adopted in the Greater Community, for the Greater Community is not the heavenly state. It is a physical reality with the rigors of survival and all that that entails. All beings within this reality must contend with these needs and issues. And in this, your visitors are more like you than you realize. They are not incomprehensible. They would seek to be incomprehensible, but they can be understood. You have the power to do this, but you must see with clear eyes. You must see with a greater vision and know with a greater intelligence, which you have the possibility to cultivate within yourselves.

It is necessary for us now to speak more regarding the second area of influence and persuasion because this has great importance, and it is our sincere desire that you will understand these things and consider them for yourself.

       The religions of the world hold the key to human dedication and human allegiance, more than governments, more than any other institution. This speaks well for humanity because religions such as these are often hard to find in the Greater Community. Your world is rich in this respect, but your strength is also where you are weak and vulnerable. Many people want to be divinely guided and appointed, to give over the reins of their own lives and to have a greater spiritual power direct them, counsel them and preserve them. This is a genuine desire, but within a Greater Community context, considerable wisdom must be cultivated in order for this desire to be fulfilled. It is very sad for us to see how people will give their authority away so easily—something they have never even fully had, they will give away willingly to those who are unknown to them.

This message is destined to reach people who have a greater spiritual affinity. Therefore, it is necessary that we elaborate on this subject. We advocate a spirituality that is taught in the Greater Community, not the spirituality that is governed by nations, governments or political alliances, but a natural spirituality—the ability to know, to see and to act. And yet this is not emphasized by your visitors. They seek to have people believe that the visitors are their family, that the visitors are their home, that the visitors are their brothers and sisters, their mothers and fathers. Many people want to believe, and so they believe. People want to give over their personal authority, and so it is given over. People want to see friends and salvation in the visitors, and so this is what they are shown.

        It will take great sobriety and objectivity in order to see through these deceptions and these difficulties. It will be necessary for people to do this if humanity is to successfully emerge into the Greater Community and maintain its freedom and its self-determination in an environment of greater influences and greater forces. In this, your world could be overtaken without firing a shot, for violence is considered primitive and crude and is rarely employed in matters such as this.

Perhaps you may ask, “Does this mean that there is an invasion of our world?” We must say that the answer to this is “yes,” an invasion of the most subtle kind. If you can entertain these thoughts and consider them seriously, you will be able to see these things for yourself. The evidence of this invasion is everywhere. You can see how human ability is offset by the desire for happiness, peace and security, how people’s vision and ability to know are hampered by influences even within their own cultures. How much greater these influences will be within a Greater Community environment.

       This is the difficult message that we must present. This is the message that must be said, the truth that must be spoken, the truth that is vital and cannot wait. It is so necessary for people now to learn a greater Knowledge, a greater Wisdom and a greater Spirituality so that they may find their true abilities and be able to use them effectively.

Your freedom is at stake. The future of your world is at stake. It is because of this that we have been sent here to speak for the Allies of Humanity. There are those in the universe who are keeping Knowledge and Wisdom alive and who practice a Greater Community Spirituality. They do not travel all about, casting influence over different worlds. They do not take people against their will. They do not steal your animals and your plants. They do not cast influence over your governments. They do not seek to breed with humanity in order to create a new leadership here. Your allies do not seek to interfere in human affairs. They do not seek to manipulate human destiny. They watch from afar and they send emissaries such as ourselves, at great risk to us, to give counsel and encouragement and to clarify things when that becomes necessary. We, therefore, come in peace with a vital message.

      Now we must speak of the fourth area in which your visitors seek to establish themselves, and that is through interbreeding. They cannot live in your environment. They need your physical stamina. They need your natural affinity with the world. They need your reproductive abilities. They also want to bond with you because they understand that this creates allegiance. This, in a way, establishes their presence here because the offspring of such a program will have blood relations in the world and yet will have allegiance to the visitors. Perhaps this seems incredible, yet it is so very real.

The visitors are not here to take your reproductive abilities away from you. They are here to establish themselves. They want humanity to believe in them and to serve them. They want humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer anything and do anything to achieve this goal. Yet though their persuasion is great, their numbers are small. But their influence is growing and their program of interbreeding, which has been underway for several generations, will eventually be effective. There will be human beings of greater intelligence but who do not represent the human family. Such things are possible and have occurred countless times in the Greater Community. You have only to look at your own history to see the impact of cultures and races upon one another and to see how dominating and how influential these interactions can be.

        Thus, we bring with us important news, serious news. But you must take heart, for this is not a time for ambivalence. This is not a time to seek escape. This is not a time to concern yourself with your own happiness. This is a time to contribute to the world, to strengthen the human family and to call forth those natural abilities that exist in people—the ability to see, to know and to act in harmony with one another. These abilities can offset the influence that is being cast upon humanity at this time, but these abilities must grow and be shared. It is of the utmost importance.

This is our counsel. It comes with good intentions. Be glad that you have allies in the Greater Community, for allies you will need. You are entering a greater universe, filled with forces and influences that you have not yet learned how to counteract. You are entering a greater panorama of life. And you must prepare for this. Our words are but part of the preparation. A preparation is being sent into the world now. It does not come from us. It comes from the Creator of all life. It comes at just the right time. For this is the time for humanity to become strong and wise. You have the ability to do this. And the events and circumstances of your life create a great need for this.

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For some unknown reason I could not post my comments on this Fear blog, so I am posting it here, its that bad ! Don't waste your time on it. The discussion is over a long Fear based vid from u-tube.

What a waste of time, this guy is nuts, he is egotistic and foul mouth. He does not get to the point but drags out his doomsday untruths, shouting them out like these doomsday preachers. I finally made it almost to the end, and his point was I think, is that the Illuminati is behind all of this and were all going to be destroyed. He sees what he wants to see and throws it on us. Please don't put this kind of Garbage up on this site!!!!!!

For we are here to usher in a new Golden age, an Ascension Event never seen before by anyone in this Universe and its going to be a very beautiful thing. The Comet/ship Ison is just a pointer, the star of Bethlehem. And it will be followed by UFO's and Mother ships, even some inter-dimensional planets that will be seen in the sky's. A new smaller sun and maybe a new earth and the dust from the tail will bring gifts of sm. meteorites with precious stones, minerals and also objects from our space brothers, to welcome us into the Galactic Family, that has been kept secret from us for so long. Happy ISON Holidays and remember to use Great Discernment as we get near this big Christ-mass EVENT., when Christ-consciousness will be bestowed upon all, ready or not here it comes. Spread the word of Truth. No Fear. We are all one !.Adonai

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12:12 Portal – Activating your MerKaBa

By Shanta Gabriel on December 10, 2013

Dear Ones,

Through the Grace of the ever-living Divine Presence within you, a portal opens on December 12 offering a new initiation into Light. As the vibrational frequency of the 12:12 resonates, your Merkabic field is activated. The MerKaBa is a vehicle for your ascension as a Light Being in human form. The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron will be activated around you by the codes at the 12:12 portal. This Star Tetrahedron will create a powerfully-shining starry shield of Light that holds the resonance of your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. The building of your MerKaBa will be completed on the Solstice, December 21, 2013. Throughout those 9 magical days, an increasing resonant frequency will be present in your energy systems. You will feel moments of Brightness and Clarity, as if your very cells are radiating Light, and this indeed will be the Truth.

Your MerKaBa (Mer – Light, Ka – Spirit, Ba – Body) contains the new structure for your awakened consciousness. It allows your light body to empower your physical life so you can thrive as a fully blended Divine Human during this New World Awakening. Your Merkabic field holds the Divine Blueprint for your Soul’s Highest Destiny. As you create this new structure within the matrix of your being, you are opening new pathways for fulfillment of this destiny.

Throughout the recent years, the 12:12 activations have anchored new structures into your energy systems. The initiation that took place on 12/12/2011 brought the deep connection to Unity Consciousness through Christed Light. The 12/12/12 activation created the new 12-strands of DNA within your cells and opened the way for the 12-Chakra system. This year the 12:12 activation builds on those powerful connections and brings forth a new level of empowerment for all those who are awakening in this expansive time. The potential of this new initiation into your Light Body vehicle allows you to align with the most authentic, eternal Divine Self within your physical being, so becoming the HomoLuminus – a Divine being of Light in human form.

There are many who have spoken of this MerKaBa over the years and it would be good to educate yourself. Essentially, this is an empowered structure of interlocking tetrahedrons that anchors perfect balance as they meet at the Still-point between your solar plexus and heart. The Star Tetrahedron connects all aspects of your being in perfect Divine Union.

Activation of the Codes

In the moment of time demonstrated by the clock at 12:12 all over the planet, alignment begins within the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness as a state of being. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightening rods when they receive this immense download of golden Christed Light and ground it into the Earth.

When there is no resistance, you open to this Grace-filled presence and spark the Divinity in every cell of your being. You are encouraged to take 12 minutes at the 12:12 hour on the day of December 12 to bring conscious awareness to that powerful activity of Divine Light and allow it to work within you in a state of Oneness with All That Is.

A Visualization

Visualizations are often helpful. The impulse of the Christ Light is like a brilliant Golden River that flows from Source energy above your head into the Earth, creating a bridge of Light from Heaven to Earth, connecting you to All That Is. Ask that this Golden Light permeate your heart with Wholeness and bring Divine Love into every organ and cell of your being. Allow it to expand outward into your energy fields, and see yourself as the Angels see you – a radiant Light expressing in the world as Divinity. The Star Tetrahedron is an image that your Soul will resonate with. Hold the vision of your new MerKaBa in full activation of Light surrounding your physical as well as your blended mental/emotional fields. As you create an empowered vision of the Star Tetrahedron, the energy frequencies within the new light structures of the 12:12 codes will activate your energy centers in a new way. When you ground this energy you create a deep vital connection to an Earth awaiting this time of honoring.

You have unseen partners whose work includes your evolution, to assist in the creation of a fully-functioning world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love. Breathe in this empowerment to the core of your being and allow it to anchor there. Have a sense of the powerful new place of Balance within you that is above your solar plexus and beneath your heart. Here is where your inner gyroscope will serve to keep you in a place of neutrality and equanimity so you can thrive in multidimensionality.

Know how important you are as a link in the conscious evolution of a new world, where Peace and Harmony can live in the human heart. As the Earth becomes sanctified, Balance, Vitality and Love will thrive once more within the planet and all beings that live here.

Divine Unity

Through the 12:12 portal, there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to continue on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your soul’s journey. Your new MerKaBa will now empower the next phase of your evolution.

Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. Connecting to the golden light of Christed energy will awaken Divine Love within you. Allow the Christ Light to permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness. When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate the magnetic fields around your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you. This connection to Christ Consciousness was coded at 12/12/2011 and is now available whenever you see 12:12 on the digital display.

Further evolution on planetary levels creates new openings for souls to step into. Those whose light-encoded DNA has allowed their energy frequencies to shift, now work in a multidimensional earth simultaneously magnetizing other souls. An entrainment of energy frequencies ensues as your own inner coding, firing in resonance, attracts more who are ready for the awakening.

You were born for this. Now is your time. Join with others in the 12:12 timings to assist the firing of new matrix energy codes. Hold and empower the image of your beautiful MerKaBa, a Star Tetrahedron radiant with the Golden Light of Oneness – true Unity Consciousness. This will be the structure that helps you thrive as you create a new Earth that is evolving – one where the spirit within all things in honored, and beauty and harmony are sanctified.

The use of your breath and prayer work are the most expedient ways to lift your energy frequencies. Here is a suggestion to empower your intentions:

Breathe in Alignment with Divine Union – Breathe out Balance

Breathe in Activation of Divine Light – Breathe out Radiance

Breathe in Anchoring of Divine Love – Breathe out Wholeness

Divine Presence,

During this 12:12 Activation, I invite the Divine Love and Golden Light active in the Christ Consciousness to flow gracefully through me and anchor upon the Earth. I now ask for an experience of the connection within my DNA to Divine Love, Compassion and Light from the Highest Source that I can receive. I invite an alignment with my Soul’s Highest Destiny for the good of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time. I invite the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Masters and all the beings of Light who work for my awakening to be with me in this process. I ask for a connection with my Highest Self so that I create more conscious awareness around my evolutionary process.

Within the power of this alignment, I now create a perfect MerKaBa field around me that most supports my evolution of consciousness and the fulfillment of my Soul’s Destiny on Earth this lifetime. I know that this beautiful golden Star Tetrahedron is being empowered by my Oneness with All That Is.

May all beings awaken to their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love into their hearts. May ever more Grace flow through us all to bless the Earth and honor her in a new way so all may thrive. May every heart feel the gifts of this loving Presence within them so Divine Love may prevail on Earth.

Thank you God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

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HILARION: Lifting the Veil, Pt.13 - December 8, 2013

Posted: 11 Dec 2013 05:24 AM PST

Lifting the Veil, Pt.13

December 8-15, 2013

Beloved Ones,

Change continues to take place in every corner of your world. That which has been hidden continues to be exposed to the light of humanity’s awareness and discernment. All that was once kept from the masses can no longer be controlled and the dissemination of enlightening information flies through the airwaves across the planet in mere seconds. All manner of secret activities are coming up to be looked at with awareness and acknowledgment and this will continue to be so until all is transparent in all interactions between humans on their world. This enables each person to become better informed about the many activities that take place so that they can input their choice of how they wish their world and the workings of it to be conducted.

No longer will deception be tolerated and this will become increasingly clear to all who hope to continue in the old paradigm of keeping the masses ignorant of the behind the scenes activities that have been taking place upon the planet, for just as soon as secret agreements are made, they will be discovered and exposed. The times you are living in call for truth, fairness, justice and honor in all activities. The minds and hearts of all people upon the planet are bone weary of business as usual and grow impatient with those who are supposed to be serving the greater good of their own citizens. The wake up calls have been made in many different countries and have clearly demonstrated this to all who would deceive the people they are supposed to serve, you have but to read or listen to your daily newscasts to see that they are filled with such stories and information.

You are still in passage and walk between two worlds, the old and nearly crumbled systems, and the new Earth reality in a higher dimensional consciousness. It is difficult for many of you to realize the good that is occurring all around you as the focus is almost always on the happenings of the old ways of doing business on your planet. These are illusions that are quickly fading from human consciousness. In its place comes an earnest desire to take the high road in all activities between people, nations and world. There is a sense of urgency and anticipation that is tangibly felt in many individuals across the length and breadth of your planet. It is incumbent upon each individual to hold to the highest standards of conduct in all interactions as this will facilitate an exponential effect in all communications that take place.

The increase in the energy and light quotient relentlessly continues to effect changes and transformations in all facets of human existence. There is a great need for the healing of old wounds in many individuals and they seek to find the method to accomplish this. Many who have just awakened will seek answers to their many questions and to alleviate their fears, doubts and confusions. You who are the emerging masters of life upon a physical planet are now being placed in a position of elder brother or sister, perhaps not so much in years as in your sagacity. The light you hold becomes more easily discernible in the seekers and they will seek it.

As you have met your great challenges and responsibilities to the higher order of things, you have qualified for the role of guide and teacher to others in your sphere of influence and will soon step into your new roles with relish and great confidence, knowing that you have the wisdom within you to give assistance when and as needed. There has been much training taking place in the times your physical body sleeps and this will activate in divine timing. Remembrance of your mission will become more available to you in the days ahead.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion
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Blossom Goodchild - 10 December, 2013 - COMET ISON

Good morning! Are you well? Quite a lot of things going round in my head so we will get going straight away if we may?

This is perfectly in order and we are happy to oblige you in answering matters that may be quizzically in the forefront of your mind.

Okedokey. It came to me that many people are attuned to different things and dare I say different Truths regarding the Ascension and The Event. Yet each one is of good intent I am sure ... and therefore coming from 'their Truth'. Yet surely someone / some channels have to be wrong? I mean it could even be you! For instance ... either the Comet Ison is or is not a space ship ... some are saying it is ... and The Event either is or is not going to take place ... could we have some clarification on this please?

We are in full understanding of that which you are putting forth. And yet, could it be that each one is a Truth for the one KNOWING it as a TRUTH?

Nope with all respect ... I don't buy that ... because the comet either is or is not a comet ... or is or is not a ship?

The comet/ship is comprising of both.

How come you didn't speak of this when I asked you about it a month or so ago?

Because we choose to divulge information as we see fitting, when we see fitting. Let us be quite clear with you Blossom ... it is not that we choose to have secrets. This is not of our nature ... yet we do choose to be discerning andtherefore allow information to come through at a pace/space that allows the minds imaginings not to run away with itself. When we give information in a fashion that we believe to be 'on track/target' ... then we FEEL we are being of assistance without sending the minds wonderings into a virtual whirl.

Fare enough ... So could you continue on about the comet/ship?

There is information regarding this matter that we prefer to keep silent about at this time.

Ok. I will respect that and not push the matter, yet would you be prepared to confirm it is more than just a comet?


Ok ... for now I will leave that there, respecting your wishes ... And of The Event ... why would it be that some say there is not to be an actual 'happening' and that we are experiencing an event individually through our individual consciousness rising at its own pace?

In returned respect for you Blossom ... and all who read these words ... We are unable and do not desire to comment on the information brought through by others. That which WE choose to bring through to assist mankind is OUR TRUTH ... That which others speak of ... that does not directly 'attune' to that which we say ... is not of our direct business.

And it is that WE SAY ... THERE IS TO BE AN EVENT ... in the terms of a happening that will take place for the eyes to see ... the ears to hear ... and the heart to FEEL.

It is ... in terms of your Earths monumental masterpieces ... going to be of THE HIGHEST ENERGY and the most inspirational occurrence that has ever taken place throughout time.

This is indeed an Event that we are happy and joyous to 'oversee' ...

Well, after all, you do say you are the 'Overseers of the Overseers!'

Yet not only shall we oversee its happening, we too shall be taking part. For we would not see it fitting to have come all this way with you and not enjoy the actual EVENT itself also. For indeed there shall be much rejoicing .

It's rather odd, seeing that I am the one in touch with you that I am in two minds about it ... well maybe not in two minds about it actually happening, for I FEEL one day it will ... yet more so as to it happening around this time ... as some are speculating. I just seem to be carrying on with my everyday living and now and then I think of The Event and think 'Wow that would be good!'... Yet it is not something I focus on a lot. Should I be?

What you should or should not be doing Blossom is entirely to be decided by the FEELINGS within yourself ... and whether or not they feel comfortable or uncomfortable. WE do not come to tell you to do anything! We are happy to make suggestions that we FEEL would benefit your well-being ... yet as to whether or not one adheres to such notions ... we have absolutely no attachment to. For it is YOU ... each one of YOU that are in control of your own destiny.

This also complies with the fact that WHEN THE EVENT TAKES PLACE ... each and every one shall behave according to the position of their soul at that time. When we say 'position' we speak of the place in which their heart resides ... regarding the LOVE ... the unconditional LOVE that they have allowed themselves to receive from themselves ... and by doing so ... in turn ... the LOVE that is therefore the ALL OF THEMSELVES. For this 'place within' is what determines the understanding and level of adjustments that shall take place when 'THAT LIGHT SHINES'.

Referring to THE EVENT I am supposing?

Indeed. For there has to be a change in the atmospherical Lighting scheme ... due to the LIGHT ENERGY that is to flow forth.

For eons of your time ... stories have been told of such magnitude regarding this matter ...

Have they? Are you referring to the bible?

Not necessarily as the focus point ... yet it is alluded to ... to some degree ... remembering that not all that one reads in 'many religious tales' are of full Truth or of full lies. They are complexly/simply 'changed' to suit the powers that be at the time of the rewritings. And in many cases the first writings ... that are greatly influenced by such matters of faith as opposed to TRUTHS.

Hold on, I need to read that back rather than pass it by ... eh ... care to elaborate?

Not particularly ... for ones' heart KNOWS and can see through ... quite clearly ... that which is influenced by governments and soothsayers and that which TRULY HITS HOME. When one has mastered the art of the 'FEELING TRUTH' to such a degree of clarity ... one is instantaneously able to discern between the two. That is all we are trying to portray.

Ok ... so where were we?

We are speaking of the happening of THE EVENT. We tell you in earnest that we continually seek to bring you TRUTH in a manner that can 'hit home'. For this is the ONLY WAY that you can KNOW of it for yourselves. Then ... no matter what you come across through various messages sent through from other realms ... one is able to determine its origin.

Yet we are all ascending at our own pace even now are we not?

Of course. And each one is aware of this ... the changes that have taken place within you ... and continue to do so. Yet this is on your individual scale ... WHEN THE EVENT OCCURS ... the individual scale will continue to be in play yet on a much Higher level. It is a little like your game of snakes and ladders ... in that ... you will find that with one throw of the dice ... you moved to a square that had a ladder and found yourself so much further up the board than one was a second before.

Remembering that each one is in different positions of the game anyway. So they shall still be in different positions of the game AFTER The Event for one cannot be taken to a place where they cannot resonate comfortably. One cannot go to a Higher position than their Being is able to resonate within. They would FEEL out of their depth. One will willingly rise to a state of BEing that suits their new suit!

So then, how does that tie in with many of us coming back and forth over/through The Bridge to assist others across?

Because those destined for that duty shall be assisting those to understand and rise high enough to be ready to walk across to the NEW LAND.

It is preparation of the soul ... not of the legs!

So when we speak of those bringing others across ... one should consider the fact that 'instantly' ... many who thought they had little to offer and no-one to interact with ... shall find themselves top of the board of teachers. For all the knowledge they have gained consciously shall gel with the Knowledge KNOWN from long ago ... and one shall find themselves in the role of assistance of knowledge bearing/giving. Allowing others to 'Get it' ... to understand what it is that lies within themselves ... in order to discover what it is that lies across the veils.

Many of you FEEL that your world is not ready for such an occurrence ... that many souls are not ready.

We say to you ... that firstly ...



Secondly ... many souls appear not to be ready ... they still sleep ... yet this is not to say that many shall awake when the almighty alarm clock rings its bell! There shall be many that jump out of bed with a start ... having awoken from a very deep sleep ... having had a very strange nightmare!!!



So that even for the ones that can hear the ringing of the alarm ... yet still refuse to wake up .... and continue to keep drifting back to sleep ... their world within itself shall be of a brighter disposition.

NOTHING WILL ESCAPE THIS AWAKENING ... Yet it shall be on many levels.

We are aware of those who are concerned of others and this issue of being left behind.

In certain words chosen carefully ... to assist ... we would say that in a sense ... no one CAN be left behind ... for that would bring judgment into play would it not? Yet we would explain that each one shall rise ... yet it shall be according to ones positioning on the board.

Will the board game ever end?

Not until each and every one has landed home. Yes, some sooner than others ... yet each has been given the same opportunities ... even if the circumstance appeared quite differently.









You're having a laugh! Meaning ?

Meaning dearest Blossom ... you ... each one of you came to have an experience ... in order to be an experience of experience itself ... through which LOVE can experience the different experiences of LOVE ITSELF ... simple really!

Indeed. Looking forward to experiencing more of the same on Higher levels of itself ! In Love and many thanks.

Ps. I would just like to share something funny. When I channel I type really quickly and then go back later to correct all spelling mistakes etc. I had to laugh when I came across the line There shall be many that jump out of bed with a start ... for in my haste as I channelled it read There shall be many that jump out of bed with a tart !!!!

Website: Blossom Goodchild
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Archangeloi on the New Earth Frequencies


Archangeloi on the New Earth frequencies

Posted: December 10, 2013
Author: Karen Doonan

  Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support at this time of VAST upgrades and expansion to the frequencies of Mother Earth and your human vehicle. The human vehicle so aligned with Mother Earth that you are experiencing that which your MOTHER is experiencing albeit filtered through the very “human” experience that you came here to interact with and within. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that the filtering process is that which is now altering? expanding? dissolving?  For within the old 3d earth paradigms you were taught to filter as ONE race, the “norms” being placed before you, WITHIN you and AROUND YOU and these frequencies are now almost fully dissolved. There are those amongst you who have chosen to be among the first to experience the full dissolving of the 3d earth experience and they will now move FULLY into place in order to SHOW and LIVE TRUTH for the old 3d earth paradigms continually reference “impossible”, these energies have taken human form to show “impossible” is but another smoke and mirror used by the old 3d earth in order to contain and suppress.

We place the EVENT before you in this your human form and we place the coding of 333, 444 and 777 within your HEART space, those who are now called will HEAR and respond to the call at a human conscious waking mind level and the 3d overlays are now in position to allow for the unfolding of what has been deemed “impossible” by the human race. EVERTHING is possible beloved ones, you have merely been taught to filter this out, by doing this you filter out the miracle that is LIFE in the UNIVERSE of 3 and you filter out your POWER. This POWER is now expanding and growing within, around and through you and many of you are now aligning fully with your SOUL groups and missions at a human conscious waking mind level.

TRUTH JUST IS beloved ones and TRUTH will now be shown to ALL within the human race at this time. The EVENT will now unfold at a very personal level for each of you here in your human form upon planet earth in the UNIVERSE of 3 in the linear year of 2013. It can only unfold at a personal level for each one of you is CREATING your OWN reality from the frequencies that now flood across and within planet earth. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? For in aligning only with the old 3d earth paradigms that teach that a human existence is a SHARED existence you once more filter out and limit the POWER that YOU ARE in TRUTH.  Each one of you came here to this planet in order to experience HEAVEN UPON EARTH and this will now birth through you, around you and within you but at a personal level. In order to harness the POWER that YOU ARE in TRUTH you must understand that YOU ARE YOU and no one else.

We have guided upon this over and over for many in human form are unable to allow the HEART space to move fully into position, fully believing the old 3d earth paradigms that teach that to let go of the CREATED reality into which you were originally placed in this your human form will see you in a void of nothingness. This is not TRUTH and is not supported. Many of you at this moment are now fully able to move from waking conscious human to dreamstate and back again within the NOW moment, this is but the start of the process that will see you BIRTH your OWN created reality around you, through you and within you devoid of any limits that were imposed upon, within and through you by the old 3d earth paradigms. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that dissolving of one reality and the birth of another takes place within, around and through you PERSONALLY?

The New Earth codes are now almost complete, capable of sustaining the first life forms that are NON human to be able to walk the planet’s surface and we guide for you to anchor this fully within SELF. For in the walking of the planet’s surface there is TRUTH, those who sought to contain and suppress now no longer able to walk on the surface of planet earth for the energetic signature of Mother Earth is now too high to allow this. All that remains is the residue of the teachings of the old 3d earth paradigms.

We guide for ALL to understand that at this time upon and within planet earth ALL is not as it may appear to your naked human eyes. Eyes that have been TAUGHT to filter out that which is not within human consciousness at this time but which moment to moment is being seeded and expands. For the outer reflection of ALL who are non human in appearance is being anchored by those who walk to communicate with said forms. Those of you who are here as BRIDGES OF LIGHT will now move fully into place in order to help expand human consciousnesss and allow for the SEEing of other life forms that are non human by the general population. It is not possible to reference something that has no image within the human vehicle, this is now being addressed by our children in their human form and those who came from beyond this UNIVERSE.

We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we now prepare to walk the planet ALONGSIDE our children. MANY now prepare to walk the planet alongside their children who have incarnated into human form.  Those who are called will now hear and respond in TRUTH and the relevant codings and upgrades will now be anchored within the human vehicle in preparation. We seed to you the NEW EARTH in the UNIVERSE of 3 in the linear year of 2013.

YOU are the ones YOU have been waiting for beloved ones and WE ARE HERE WITH YOU PHYSICALLY to help you ANCHOR this TRUTH to ALL levels of your BEing.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

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A dissertation on channeled material from the realms of Spirit

Archangel Michael

Remember that we from the realms of light must utilize your mind which is an electro/chemical system and your personal point of view is taken into consideration when we connect with you.

To remain safe remember to give your highest guide within and your guardian seraphim complete authority on what connects to your mind, so as to not allow anything with the improper motives to come through.

A being of light will always respect your freewill and will never manifest itself unless you ask. It will never touch harm or manipulate you into speaking with it.

The most important thing to know for all who connect with unseen beings is this......

A being of light is NEVER AUTHORIZED to connect with you without you asking it or inviting it. This goes for anything that may come on behalf of any name, even a being of light’s name, to connect and give you a message that may seem harmless from another realm.

This is imperative to understand - especially from the many that channel beings. It is a possibility that you may be entertaining an energy form / dimensional being / energy system / egregore or multi-dimensional energy utilizing you to drain your energy to gain control over your mind and you may be unaware.

Lastly a being of light will never ever bring you any message concerning conspiracy, fear, judgment of another or confusion.

Beings of Light are here to guide you to your highest guide which is YOU, your highest inner self, and to help you on your personal journeys and ascension to your divine God given inheritance.

This is considered to be informative and educational on certain things that need to be brought into awareness due to the fact that many are asking about these things at this time.

Many people seek to find answers through Ouija boards, psychics, channeling, inter-dimensional beings, séances and things that take away the power that the Creator placed inside of you. 

Always remember that God is within you, not far off in space. You are multidimensional and divine in your own right, it is something that you must only remember fully.

Fear, confusion, hatred, jealousy, anger, conspiracy, greed, lust do not exist in the light - for they cannot.

Thiis why you must take inventory always to see if you are holding any of these energies, especially now in the these great times of planetary transformation and ascension.

The Creator Father / Mother God always holds you safely in the arms of love.
Photo: A dissertation on channeled material from the realms of Spirit Archangel Michael Remember that we from the realms of light must utilize your mind which is an electro/chemical system and your personal point of view is taken into consideration when we connect with you. To remain safe remember to give your highest guide within and your guardian seraphim complete authority on what connects to your mind, so as to not allow anything with the improper motives to come through. A being of light will always respect your freewill and will never manifest itself unless you ask. It will never touch harm or manipulate you into speaking with it. The most important thing to know for all who connect with unseen beings is this. A being of light is NEVER AUTHORIZED to connect with you without you asking it or inviting it. This goes for anything that may come on behalf of any name, even a being of light’s name, to connect and give you a message that may seem harmless from another realm. This is imperative to understand - especially from the many that channel beings. It is a possibility that you may be entertaining an energy form / dimensional being / energy system / egregore or multi-dimensional energy utilizing you to drain your energy to gain control over your mind and you may be unaware. Lastly a being of light will never ever bring you any message concerning conspiracy, fear, judgment of another or confusion. Beings of Light are here to guide you to your highest guide which is YOU, your highest inner self, and to help you on your personal journeys and ascension to your divine God given inheritance. This is considered to be informative and educational on certain things that need to be brought into awareness due to the fact that many are asking about these things at this time. Many people seek to find answers through Ouija boards, psychics, channeling, inter-dimensional beings, séances and things that take away the power that the Creator placed inside of you. Always remember that God is within you, not far off in space. You are multidimensional and divine in your own right, it is something that you must only remember fully. Fear, confusion, hatred, jealousy, anger, conspiracy, greed, lust do not exist in the light - for they cannot. Thiis why you must take inventory always to see if you are holding any of these energies, especially now in the these great times of planetary transformation and ascension. The Creator Father / Mother God always holds you safely in the arms of love.
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       This Monday morn 12/9/13 as I was taking my dogs for a walk, here in Belize.I looked up to check the sky for chem-trails. I saw what at 1st glance looked like a jet, silver in color but very big and then I noticed there was no sound behind it, so it could not be a jet. At my 2nd glance it looked like a cigar shape UFO but the ends were not blunt but tapered in. It was coming from my left and was heading north. I wanted to go back to my place to get a camera to get a shot, but realized, it was moving to fast and I would miss the show, so once again I took mental pics of it as I have done in the last 42 yrs of all the ships that I have seen and wrote about in my last e-book.

    At 3nd glance and as it come into my sight of vision ,straight in front of me, it changed from a cigar looking craft to something more like a typical saucer type and I coild see the dome on the top and the bottom. I think it must have had some type of hologram around it, to make people think it was a jet. The top one was or seemed to be more clear. The ship must have been very big, Hundreds of feet. I can only guess the distace above me, say 15 to 20,000 ft. It would be about 4 to 5 times larger than the jets that fly by but in a different direction, maybe because it was closer to me and or because it was very large. As this ship passed I sent it a mental message. I said thanks for coming, for I needed to see them, its been a long time and if they could give me a sign. The only response I got was, that it started to turn slowly to my right in a slow curve. And I said thanks as it once again went back to looking like a cigar type of Craft with a rounded nose. It was in no hurry but did move faster than a jet. I watched it untilit was out of site. All in this lasted for about two minutes I think.

Five years is a long time to wait when I usually see them every 6 to 12 months when in what's called a hot spot, a place where they normally travel over or bases near by, such as Cannery Islands or in the south west states of US. Also I should add here that the last UFO's I seen were not space ships but Orbs. Also where I am living right now, I saw one pass by in a zig zag and signaled to it as it passed at some distance away, then another came out of now-where and came right up to me. This was evening time at sunset it got very close , stopped and then went away. I called my neighbor out to see it or them. As he came out and was standing next to me and my dogs, another Large white Orb came a Zapped us both and the dogs with a bolt of light and tremendous energy.

I have seen thousands of Orbs but they never did that before. Of course that flipped out my neighbor and he's never been the same sense then, I don't know if it was the Orbs or other social problems but he took to heavy drinking. Anyway its nice now to see them again, especially sense its so close to Christmas and the coming Event of Ison, and the many gifts he will bring. And of course lets not forget about the Ascension and the effect Christ- consciousness will have on us. This is going to be the biggest Event in man kinds History. I am just happy to have made it, to see and feel and be part of all that is happening and going to happen. I have waited a lifetime for all of this to come about, even though the scenario keeps changing , this is the Mission that we all came here to be a part of, the Big Event. Happy Ison ( big) Holidays. Adonai

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Fukushima reactor number 4

Fukushima two years on: a dirty job with no end in sight

The tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima Daiichi power plant has led to the toughest nuclear cleanup ever. Radioactive water is still poisoning the entire sea – and it could take 40 years to fix the mess. Is Japan up to the challenge?
The GuardianTuesday 3 December 2013 19.22 GMT
The effects of the tsunami on the building containing Fukushima Daiichi's reactor three. Photograph: Kyodo/Reuters

Carefully, gently, one-by-one. The removal of nuclear fuel rod assemblies from a badly damaged building at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is finally under way. Months in the planning, the job is risky, complex, and crucial. Here begins the first major step in the toughest decommissioning project ever attempted.

Fukushima is home to six nuclear reactors, three of which were running when the giant tsunami swept across the site on 11 March 2011. The defuelling operation centres on the building for reactor four. Though the reactor was shut down for maintenance when the towering wave struck, all its radioactive fuel, and more from earlier runs, was held in a storage pool on an upper floor of the building.

Under normal conditions, the storage pool above the reactor was a safe haven. But four days into the crisis a hydrogen explosion tore through the structure and blew the walls and roof off. Moving the radioactive fuel from the wrecked building to a more secure site became a high priority. Some fuel assemblies have already been moved. Workers use a crane to reach down into the pool, lift an assembly from its rack, then lower it into a waiting cask that sits upright on the pool floor. When a cask is full – each can take 22 fuel assemblies – a second crane hoists it from the pool and places it on a trailer. Filled casks are then transported to a more secure storage facility on the site.

The procedure sounds straightforward enough. But there are 1,533 fuel assemblies in the pool at building four. Each is 4m long, and holds up to 80 individual fuel rods. The team of 36 workers that are responsible for the job will work in six shifts around the clock. The job will take until the end of 2014. And that is with no glitches.

But the work at reactor four is only the start. Once the fuel is removed to a safer place, workers will turn their attention to a further 1,573 fuel rod assemblies held in similar pools in the buildings for reactors one, two and three. All were running when the tsunami struck; all suffered meltdowns. The radiation in these buildings is still intense, and access inside is limited.

Though delicate and painstaking, retrieving the fuel rod assemblies from the pools is not the toughest job the workers face. More challenging by far will be digging out the molten cores in the reactors themselves. Some of the fuel burned through its primary containment and is now mixed with cladding, steel and concrete. The mixture will have to be broken up, sealed in steel containers and moved to a nuclear waste storage site. That work will not start until some time after 2020.

To fully decommission Fukushima Daiichi might take 40 years and no one expects a cakewalk. Independent researchers point to the litany of mishaps that has blighted the cleanup. They doubt the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) is up to the task, and want a global team of experts to take over. Even high-level advisers signed up by Tepco describe the decommissioning project as an "unprecedented" challenge. At stake is Tepco's reputation, the health and livelihoods of local communities, and the future direction of the industry worldwide.

Fukushima damage inspectors
An IAEA inspection of the damage at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Photograph: Iaea/AFP/Getty Images

"With the sheer number of things that are going wrong, they should be more openly bringing in help," says Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts, who has analysed seawater for radiation directly offshore from Fukushima. "Tepco is a nuclear power producer, not a cleanup operation. There are people with expertise in decommissioning reactors, and they need to be brought in whether they are Japanese, European or American. Every time they have a problem, they come up with a solution that takes a long time to bring in, and then doesn't even solve the problem. "

       Tepco does have international advisers. In the wake of criticisms over its handling of the crisis, the company set up an independent Nuclear Reform Monitoring Committee. The committee is led by Dale Klein, former chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). His deputy is Lady Barbara Judge, former head of the UK Atomic EnergyAuthority. They do not underestimate the long job ahead: this is make or break time for Tepco.

Who should the public trust? In nuclear issues it can be hard to know. The engineers with most experience, those best placed to make a dangerous site safe, are industry insiders. Nuclear is their livelihood. But who does not have biases? Are anti-nuclear activists better qualified, more honest? Are academics more independent? University staff who work on nuclear technology are often funded by, or have close links to the industry. Perceived biases can be just as harmful to trust as real ones.

John Large, a UK-based nuclear consultant, says Tepco needs more outside help to decommission the plant. He wants the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to arrange for a team of engineers with hands-on experience to assess the site, and come up with a fresh plan of action. But he concedes there are problems with the idea. Industry engineers will defend the industry, he says. "They need to be told: 'Forget the fact that you design these reactors, right now we need your expertise.'"

Tepco has planned heavily to reduce the danger of another high-profile mishap while it removes fuel from the storage pool at unit four. Engineers have beefed up the cranes that will move the fuel. If a fuel assembly jams in its rack, the crane should stop pulling immediately, to reduce the risk of breakage. A second crane that lifts the cask is designed to hold its load even if power is lost. All these will help. A dropped nuclear fuel assembly will not go critical, but more radiation might escape. That may not be dangerous beyond the site, but it could be the final straw for Tepco's reputation.

Workers in Fukushima
Workers on a crane for a huge container that will transport fuel rods. Photograph: Tomohiro Ohsumi/AP

"We haven't had a problem of this magnitude before in decommissioning," says Lady Judge. "When you're dealing with decommissioning a reactor where there's been an accident you have to respond to difficulties. When you're dealing with decommissioning a reactor that's reached the end of its productive life, you are being proactive and you can do it in a much more slow and methodical manner."

Good news is hard to find around Fukushima. In the earliest days of the crisis, a plume of radioactive material blew northwest from the site and settled as a teardrop scar reaching more than 30km across the land. From the coastline, through the towns of Okuma, Futaba and Namie, are huge patches of ground where the additional annual dose of radiation is more than 50 millisieverts. Natural background radiation, from cosmic rays and sources in the air and rock, reaches 2 to 3 millisieverts per year.

A preliminary IAEA report in October on efforts to clean up the contaminated land was full of praise for the remediation work so far ?, and made a handful of gentle suggestions for improvement. Yet the work is far behind schedule in seven of 11 selected towns and villages; the deadline of March 2014 is now unachievable. This month, officials in Japan admitted for the first time that thousands of evacuees from the worst affected areas may never return home. The governing Liberal Democratic party says a more realistic approach is needed: it wants compensation for the 160,000 people displaced by the radioactive leak, so they can rebuild their lives elsewhere.

Up on the cliff overlooking the Fukushima plant is a bleak reminder of an ongoing battle at the site. This strip of land was once filled with trees, a place for workers to go walking. Tepco has cut the trees down now, to make room for 1,000 huge metal storage tanks. They hold more than 360,000 tonnes of radioactive water, enough to fill 140 Olympic swimming pools. The volume rises every day. Over the next three years, Tepco wants to add storage for another 270,000 tonnes of radioactive wastewater. Ultimately, the water must be returned to the Pacific. There is nowhere else for it to go.

The steady accumulation of contaminated water is in part down to geology. The three reactors that were running when the tsunami struck are kept cool by flushing them with 400 tonnes of water each day. The process leaves the cooling water laced with radioactive contamination. But Fukushima sits at the bottom of a hill, on land with a high water table. Hundreds of tonnes of water drain down the hill every day, quietly beneath the surface. When this subterranean flow reaches the power plant, it enters the cracked reactor buildings and mixes with the contaminated cooling water. Much is pumped out and passed through a filter made with zeolite clay, which removes dangerous caesium isotopes. But the other radioactive substances remain. This water, around 300 tonnes a day, is pumped into the storage tanks up on the hill.

Some scientists questioned from the start Tepco's decision to store contaminated water. Another earthquake could rupture the tanks and see another major radioactive release from the site, they feared. So far, Tepco has been spared that particular disaster, but the concerns are still justified. Smaller accidents have been rife. In August, workers discovered that 300 tonnes of radioactive water had leaked from one of the tanks. The radiation emanating from the puddle left on the ground was enough to give a bystander the industry's five-year maximum permissible dose in just one hour. In October, half a tonne of contaminated water spilled on to the ground and may have drained to the sea, when tanks overflowed with rainwater.

"It's clearly something they need to get a handle on," Allison Macfarlane, chair of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, told the Guardian. "Water is a big issue for them, but they've also got to keep the reactor cores cool, and they've got to clean it up."

Tepco has taken on a US consultant, Lake Barrett, who led the NRC's cleanup of Three Mile Island, the worst commercial nuclear power accident in the nation's history. "It's certainly confidence-shaking to hear about spills and inadvertent releases from the plant. Even though the radioactivity levels are quite small ?, the public certainly don't have trust and confidence in Tepco's ability to do the more important things like the defuelling, and that is a problem for them," he says.

Link to video: Fukushima nuclear rods' removal begins

       In a November report, Tepco said it had set up 15 specialised teams to replace old bolt-fastened tanks with welded ones, install water level gauges, and up the number of patrols that inspect the tanks for leaks. While two thirds of the storage tanks are welded steel vessels, more than 300 are makeshift, added in haste to increase capacity at the site. They are made from steel sheets that are bolted together and sealed with plastic packing.

Water stored in the tanks is contaminated with a host of radioactive substances. One of the most troubling is strontium-90, which mimics calcium when it gets into the body. The substance concentrates in bones, so even low levels in the environment can build up over time and become harmful. When released into the ocean, strontium works its way into fish bones, which can make catches unfit for consumption. The hazard will last a long time: strontium's radioactivity takes 30 years to fall by half.

        Tepco is trying to decontaminate the water with an "advanced liquid processing system" (Alps). In principle, the technology can strip all radioactive substances from the water, except tritium, one of the less dangerous radioactive substances, which was spread widely through the environment by nuclear bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s. Tepco claims the system will ultimately decontaminate more than 500 tonnes of water a day. But that may be optimistic. The equipment has suffered multiple failures. In the latest setback on Sunday, an ALPS unit was shut down when a pipe began to leak acid. Workers wrapped a vinyl bag around the joint to stem the flow while Tepco investigates.

Nuclear fuel rod
A nuclear fuel rod being lifted from a pool in reactor four. Photograph: TEPCO / HANDOUT/EPA

Even at a rate of 500 tonnes a day, cleaning the stored water will take many years. But Tepco must get Alps up and running. The company then needs to arrange disposal of the treated water, and the radioactive material filtered out by the system. The radioactive waste will go into containers and be sent for long-term storage. The tritium-laced water will be released into the Pacific, but Tepco has yet to get public support for the move.

"The problem hasn't gone away," says Macfarlane. "The water is cleaner, but you still end up with tritium in there, so they're going to have some tough decisions about what to do."

Fukushima is the first nuclear accident to release large amounts of radioactive material directly into the ocean. Radiation levels surged in seawater after the tsunami struck, with concentrations of caesium-137 recorded at 60 million becquerels per cubic metre near the plant. The nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima released 89 trillion becquerels of caesium-137. The levels in the waters off Fukushima fell sharply though, as the caesium dissolved and dispersed on the ocean's currents.

        Tepco estimates that around 300 tones of contaminated groundwater still flow into the Pacific each day. The levels of radioactivity are small compared with the releases in 2011. Buesseler has measured contamination in water, fish and other organisms from a ship off the coast of Fukushima since the accident unfurled. He is not worried about the immediate health risk, but says fish and other marine life will concentrate radioactive substances, making them unsuitable for consumption for years. "We're not talking about levels that cause direct harm when I'm one kilometre offshore," says Buesseler. "But through the uptake into the seafood and fisheries, you end up having to keep those closed, and that's a billion dollar industry and a cultural loss for Japan."

      Buesseler is critical of what he sees as false reassurances from the Japanese government. "They have said some silly things, that it's largely under control. That doesn't really mean anything when you are out on a ship and you are seeing elevated levels of these isotopes. 'Under control' is not a good phrase for the situation right now," he says.

Tepco's latest plan to stem the flow of radioactive groundwater into the ocean is to solidify the soil around the site to form an impermeable "icewall". This should divert groundwater around the site, and stop it mixing with contaminated cooling water. The project will not be cheap. The Japanese government has pledged £300m to help build the barrier, insisting that the danger of leaks and spills make the wall essential. Ice wall technology has been effective in the construction and mining industries, but has never been tried on the scale planned at Fukushima. Lake Barrett, the US consultant brought in by Tepco, is sceptical of the plan. "I don't think it'll make that big a difference. It's several hundred million dollars, and some of that might be better spent on an integrated water plan," he says.

Even if the ice wall works, it could cause fresh problems. Groundwater flowing out to the ocean keeps seawater from seeping inland at Fukushima. Block that flow, or divert it, and saltwater is sure to encroach. Normally, this would not be a problem. But the soil around Fukushima is laden with radioactive caesium. The substance binds to clay in freshwater conditions, but crucially is released again by saltwater.

"If you stop the fresh water flowing out, that would very likely cause the caesium in the ground to be released. You then have a pulse, of what is currently in some way safely buried, going back into the ocean," says Buesseler. "It is certainly something they should think about."

More mishaps are inevitable at Fukushima. The plant is wrecked and decommissioning will take decades of arduous, complex work. In Japan and in other countries, the crisis has already dented public confidence in nuclear power. That has harmed their economies, says Judge.

"Many countries, not just Japan, overreacted to Fukushima and they are suffering. In Germany they are buying gas from Russia, they're buying nuclear energy from France. The Poles are planning, right on the German border, a nuclear power plant to service the German market. They're burning coal, which is really amazing, because their emissions are also going up. So what was a political decision has turned out to be detrimental to the entire economy and particularly to the people," she says.

The media have not helped, but hindred ! "Two years ago there was a huge earthquake and tsunami that killed around 20,000 people. But every day when I read the paper, it said, 'nuclear disaster, nuclear disaster, nuclear disaster'. In actual fact, not one person has died of radiation, nor is anyone likely to, "and that of course is a lie !"

"The straight story is the Japanese didn't have a nuclear response plan. There were a lot of human errors during what happened at Fukushima. It was old technology, badly maintained, and the regulator was not respected. Those are the facts. They have to be faced and dealt with."

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We are the Bridge between Two Merging Worlds ~ DL Zeta


Our movement into the new time has delivered us to a space between two worlds where we attempt to merge the world of our past and the world of our future through harmonic resonance. This resonance is created when we combine gratitude for all that has been with skillfully-programmed intentions designed to activate the future timelines where our highest visions reside.

Establishing Outposts in the New Time

This synergistic formula of profound appreciation for the life we have lived and conscious creation of a future beyond what we have imagined will allow us to establish new outposts in the expanding landscape of the new time.

We’re in a period of large-scale change as numerous energetic influences help us gain the traction we need to blend our past efforts toward healing and self-understanding with a future where our talents, skills and intentions merge with our highest potentials. This effort carries us further and faster than ever before.

We hold a space within ourselves where these two worlds blend and become one. We learn the mechanism for this blending by incubating it within our consciousness. By incubating the merging of past and future within, we learn the steps to serving as a bridge between the old and the new – a gift we will share with others and ultimately with the universe.

Souls are being activated in Service of the New Earth

Many souls came here for this purpose – to add their light to the effort to help construct the energetic framework for the transition to the new time. These souls are now being activated. It’s at the point of activation that their 3D worlds may start to unravel. Those who “signed on” to serve with this transition programmed change into their life hologram to allow them to awaken with divine timing to their higher purpose. It’s a gift to be called to serve. The path will be clearer once we embrace this. Every obstacle that stands in our way will dissolve as we take our place in service of this new and brighter light now shining on planet earth.

Programming Intentions toward Healing and Spiritual Freedom

Do not despair for what you are losing, or for the ones who are leaving your life. Mourn the loss of your old life as you breathe life into the new forms materializing before you. This is not to say there was anything “wrong” with the old way – it’s simply time to consciously move forward in a new way and with greater awareness of our intentions. Intentions programmed toward healing and spiritual freedom become the foundation of our transition. Efforts to heal our past are especially supported now, including time travel in consciousness to heal past selves still mired in trauma and to discover any remaining thought viruses that may be operating in our present moment.

Cultivating an Accelerated Path into the New Time

This quickening path into the new time requires plenty of breathing space between accelerations. We need healthy food, lots of rest, and time to meditate to allow these two worlds to seamlessly merge within us. Avoid heavy foods and upgrade your physical system with green juicing, green fasting, wheatgrass, blue green algae, and yoga; undertake a vision quest, meditate, spend time daily in nature, take sun baths, and exercise to invigorate your physical system. Journal to bring further insight and understanding to what is taking place within you. Make time for the creative play that is so essential to the growth of your spirit. Honor your time and energy; wherever you go, have a goal and purpose aligned with your spiritual mission.

As you continue to grow and expand your consciousness, you become a stronger bridge between two merging worlds. As you help unite these worlds, you facilitate the awakening of growing numbers of souls into the new time. Everything multiplies exponentially from this point forward, and your greatest satisfaction will be in seeing the world of your highest future unfold before you.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.


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Update from Tolec 12-3-13… “Biosphere Xanterexx & 2 Procyon star ships from the planet Kaena accompanying it -a status update “

As I understand it, when Tolec writes of “Xanterexx”, he is referring to the object commonly known as comet Ison.


Biosphere Xanterexx & 2 Procyon star ships from the planet Kaena accompanying it – a status update.


​No matter what any entity has attempted to do, including what a recent, “Illuminati” directed, Earth authorized, Moon based operation did in its failed attempt to destroy the biosphere Xanterrex {diameter: 300 miles} & the 2 ships accompanying it, with absolutely no cause & effect, no damage whatsoever…

the biosphere Xanterrex & the 2 ships accompanying it are still completely functional, on their way here… planned for arrival into very high orbit over Earth sometime in our near future.  This planet and its people are in for some amazing, fantastic experiences like never before in its modern history.  It will be positive & life changing.

Concise.  Straight forward.  Direct.  Uncomplicated information.

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Photo: Our Father in whom consist the universe realms, Uplifted be your name and all-glorious your character. Your presence encompasses us, and your glory is manifested Imperfectly through us as it is in perfection shown on high. Give us this day the vivifying forces of light, And let us not stray into the evil bypaths of our imagination, For yours is the glorious indwelling, the everlasting power, And to us, the eternal gift of the infinite love of your Son. Even so, and everlastingly true. 144:5.2

Off World Update

Posted: 06 Dec 2013 03:13 PM PST

In the last 3 days we've received the following Off World Update:

Here is the first video he wants us to see:

Here is the conversation:

December 4, 2013, December 5, 2013 and December 6, 2013
Hi. I saw this today: 
Click here
Do you know anything about this?

Much love,

Good Day Sophia!

Yes Sophia, NASA and US government's infrastructure agencies are occasionally editing sky images and space images, starting from beginning of space age and continuing on. As they officially declared comet ISON dead, they went quiet for 2 Earth cycles (days) and then returned and showed edited images of comet ISON fading away.

What You saw there was Followers' of Light very huge spherical ship, bigger than this planet is, which serves them as a planet on it's own. This ship is surrounded by a powerful forcefield or energy shield, it bears energy signatures which can make it visible in this dimensional world under some circumstances. And this is what is seen there, the forcefield which surrounds this ship. Followers of Light brought this ship here not long ago, as Humanity's Ascension is close, this is a necessity of having it here for them, they have a lot of such ships around this Galaxy and beyond. Like I was telling You Sophia, there is nothing to worry about, this all is prepared for Humanity, to aid and accompany.

I also wanted to share with You and Friends this video. It is magnetic rotation technology, the one You remember, one of the easiest and cheapest to make and to use. If You or Anyone Else reading this have will, ability and resources, I may advice You to make this engine type and use it. The key point in this technology is to use rotary blades like the ones that are used on a windmills inside the generator. In this case all You have to do is to turn magnets and rotary blades inside this turbine so that it will use magnetic force as a windforce. Remember the sailers? They were using wind to trespass the ocean. Likewise in space there are solar/stellar sailers, they use whether plasma wind or stellar light to trespass the cosmic ocean. And likewise this technology uses the same "wind" principle.

The more people would know this, the quicker will Humanity completely Transform itself. Wish You Great Luck and Great Success!

Click here     (This is the video included above)
December 5, 2013
Thank you. I love the vid!!

I will share this. 

Here is another video re: energy and us: 
Click here

I just received this message and am sending it on to you.

"... since april 2013 i follow your conversation with your off-world friend.I appreciate very much your conversation and look every day for new updates.I am also very interrested in free energy and in his latest message he said he would help anyone who is willing to build a magnetic rotation device.Can you tell me please how to contact him.Thank you"

Much love,

Thank You for video Sophia! It is correct that "separating ourselves from the slavery system of fossil fuel is the way to real Freedom. If we are to use fossil fuel and pay for it, then we are accepting being a slaves to those that feeds us with it."

About the question, look in a video description, there is a link to pdf file, there You need to look for magnets' positioning, the website is where You can get the rest of practical guide for building it, don't worry it's free. 

You can skip that, so it won't make a confusion for You as there is a lot of information, once You get a grip on what You are up to build, You can return to this guide to find how to make some tweaks to make it working and for better results. You can use old motor with permanent magnets inside, they are fairly easy to find on scrap yards. What is important to know, use magnets as a wind power to rotate the wheel, or for maximum output, make blades and place them around the wheel in opposition to magnets so that they will "catch the magnetic wind" like old sailers were catching wind and like current "green energy" windmills are catching. 

This type of energy generator is tested for many many ages beyond this world and it is working greatly, it can be outfitted with ion accelerator or enhancer or with both to give out from 400 to 800 times (based on design and this is not the boundary) the electricity You will get from this type. And as You understand that is a very huge amount of energy that can power anything present on this world. 

Ion technology is an advanced technology and is not present on this world, but if Humanity as a whole will show One that it is worthy for it, then we will gladly grant this technology.

Also Sophia there in description is a very good video if You haven't checked it yet
"The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Supression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidence) full movie"

Click here

December 6, 2013

There is a lot of conversation about ISON not being a comet, but a ship.


Much love,

Believe always Sophia in what You think is right. Your own believe is most important. As I will give You some information, remember to dissent it based on Your views, You are always free to accept or decline everything presented to You.

In our knowledge that is a comet and it was fragmented when it passed "under Creator - the Sun" as it was passing very close to Sun and the heat and gravity collapsed it as speed of turn was very big and full of stress, some mass fell on Sun and was burned. But it still survived, as it was in a wishes of Humanity. It's survivalability is based on the those wishes.

Followers of Light huge spherical ship, or "Mothership", we call Carrier-Station Type Interstellar/Interdimensional Ship is located nearby this planet (yes the name is complicated, as it is showing what precisely it can do), they are moving it around the Inner Solar System, this is, it is not being moved outside Jupiter and even Mars orbit.
Remember this video Sophia?

Click here

This is how it's forcefield looks. This forcefield absorbs energy and plasma and any other sorts of matter turning it into energy and information. While receiving information from the Sun this ship can also send information in instant speed to the Sun and through it, to other Creators - Stars and to fellow beings on other end of the Galaxy or dimensional world.

I hope this will aid You, much Peace, Calm and Prosperity!


~Sophia QvVjG_Mwa2o?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email
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Some fun time with ISON

Posted: 05 Dec 2013 11:53 AM PST

Posted by American Kabuki

There's been a lot of effort by the main stream media to manage the perception of the comet ISON, including saying it plunged into the Sun, disintegrated into snowballs, yet we know it rounded the Sun and still exists, and is perhaps even teleporting short distances, which causes critics to think NASA is withholding footage of its flight path.  Could it be they just don't have footage of the intermediate points on the flight path?

Several of us have been intuitively looking at this marvelous object, and thought it might be fun if everyone started looking at it... What don't they want you to see???  Why not take a peek for yourself???  All humans have this ability...

From Heather Tucci-Jarraf:

On 12/5/13, at 7:04 PM, HeatherAnnTucciJarraf I wrote:
[4:24:58 PM] Shelagh McFarlane: we would like you to come on Kate of Gaia's radio show. What's your schedule look like?
[7:03:52 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: Love, I am not DO'ing interviews...
[7:03:57 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: I AM DO'ING
[7:04:05 PM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: (heart)
........hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm........what is up with all the interview requests lately? I AM DO'ING
an exercise of conscious intent......
[7:01:21 AM | Edited 7:02:31 AM] HeatherAnnTucciJarraf .: IN LOVE, GRATITUDE AND PEACE!:


Remember the gold exercise from January? (and when all is visible, you may just see how these exercises are inter-related ;)(heart))  I have a new one if ya wanna play....In the loving tradition of THE NEVER ENDING STORY (the children love that one!), say her NAME....What IS "Ison" really called?

Focus IN HEART, IN LOVE, with your tools of resonance on that which the corporations call "ISON"....

WHO DO YOU SEE????!!!!


I LOVE THE ABSOLUTE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (heart)
This was never about the tools of the filings and the trust used to undo the fraud, allusion and illusion as it was bound by choice, to experience those limits.


What DO you SEE, Love?  Where DO you SEE extreme amounts of energy being paid to influence perception?....and, specifically, what party line perception are they attempting to instill/tune/code within those perceptions?

Focus IN HEART, IN LOVE, with your tools of resonance on that which the corporations call "ISON"....

WHO DO YOU SEE????!!!!


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Thought doctor McCoy had it good with his equipment on the Starship Enterprise? Wait until you get a load of what is coming to revolutionize the world of medicine. Medicine just got exciting thanks to Russian scientists and over 17 years of in-depth research. The future has arrived and just as three-dimensional printing will revolutionize manufacturing, this technology will revolutionize the practice of medicine.

This groundbreaking medical technology is making many people a lot of money in Russia. Why? Because it destroys the pharmaceutical paradigm and the doctors that practice it, using electromagnetic vibration to diagnose and cure without side effects yet with pinpoint precision. Deta Elis Electromagnetic Bioresonance Therapy Devices will be sweeping the globe just like cell phones and computers.

Who has endorsed this technology? President Putin of Russia uses it and the Department of Health in Russia has approved it for wide use across their nation, which amounts to three hundred million people. The Russian space program uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. Medicine just became more affordable, more accurate, and infinitely safer with Delta Elis technology.

The first stop in this revolution is Hepatitis B and C as well as herpes. Russian doctors are claiming aninety percent cure rate for these incurable infections. Everyone is familiar with the fact that you can shatter a glass with sound.

One of the Deta Elis machines, called the “Deta AP” will shatter viruses, bacteria and fungi, coming to us just as antibiotics become more of a terror than a help. This phenomenon where we can kill microbes with frequencies is called BIORESONANCE, and this is the principle that these Deta Elis devices use to cure.

Those who know of preceding technology like Hulda Clark’s Zapper will soon be able to afford Deta Elis machines, which will be like cell phones and soon even smaller, that will wipe out every infection imaginable with laser precision. Let us consider it a Zapper on steroids times 1,000 for starters!

With this “too good to be true” form of medicine (Bioresonance) one can have their diagnosis already in hand from a western practitioner and use one of the treatment machines that one can buy as a consumer/patient. Very soon even similar models will be available like MP3 players and one will be able to download, like on an IPad, applications that will address specific medical problems. So if you are travelling, for example, and come down with gastroenteritis, you can download on your personal computer the AP for gastroenteritis and run it until you get better. The application program will contain all the frequencies for eradicating the bacteria responsible for gastroenteritis. This is 21st century medicine at its best!

Just as Bioresonance can be used to balance a part of the body it can also be used to destroy parasites and bacteria. By far better than explaining, it is to watch a 33-second video and see it in action.


Can you see the power of this? Once diagnosed with a particular parasite or virus it can be targeted with a particular frequency that will cause no harm to anything else but kill the parasite/virus. The video above shows parasites exploding but for a very clear demonstration on glass in slow motion watch the following:

In the future, after practitioners are trained, Deta Elis diagnostic machines will reveal the exact parasite, virus, bacteria or fungus present and then the treatment device is programmed to destroy, and destroy it does. Though most of this is preprogrammed into the device diagnostics takes wings to a new level that pins down a patient’s overall chronic problems, translates that into a frequency, and then an exact positive outburst from the device will, over several hours, shower the wearer with the perfect healing frequency.

First we destroy everything that does not belong inside of us with one Deta Elis device and then we set upon the task of rebuilding our organs and numerous biological systems with another called the Deta RITM device, which helps to heal and rejuvenate organ pathologies and physiological systems such as the immune system, circulatory system, hormonal system and the like.

Infectious control in the 21st century certainly is not going to be anything like that of the 20th century. The age of antibiotics is about over as great harm has been done to the world’s populations with them. We have come close to compromising our biological existence with the reckless use of antibiotics.

Now we have antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens encroaching on our biospheres and it is getting increasingly dangerous to set foot anywhere near a hospital. Many people, including children, who die in the hospital after surgery die not from the surgery itself but from infections that get out of control. Infections cause 68 percent of childrens’ deaths. Not with Deta Elis devices in your pocket as there is no chance of creating anti-biotic resistant bugs or catching these from a hospital.

Every organ of the body has its own special frequency. The Lung resonates at 72 cycles per second, also known as Hertz. If the lung becomes infected its frequency will fall out of balance usually dropping a few Hertz. It has been discovered that by producing the same frequency as a healthy lung with a frequency generator we can rebalance the lung and induce healing. This process is called Bioresonance and can be used on all parts of the body.

There have been many researchers that have worked on energy medicine and Bioresonance this past century such as Dr. Rife, Dr. Voll, Dr. Schimmel, Dr. Morell and others. Some of the machines developed through the years run as high as 40,000 dollars.

The Russians have outdone everyone bringing this technology into medical and healthcare practices as well as into every home. Over the last 17 years, the Russian scientists, spearheaded by Dr. Konoblov, a medical doctor and Ph.D. physicist, have  developed small, portable devices that are innovative cutting-edge at only a fraction of the cost of previous generation machines.

Using pharmaceutical poisons just got that much more insane! Remember when cell phones came out or the personal computer? In five years, we will see everyone walking around not just with his or her cell phone but also with a safe therapeutic device that will put health empowerment back into the peoples’ hands.

The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analyzing and reinforcing energetic health of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones). 
As a result of these devices’ action, a weakened organ receives energy needed for normal functioning, which is redistributed on a wide scale, restoring their workability. Thousands of people have been able to cut down on their dosages of medicines, and in some cases have entirely stopped taking them and have regained excellent health.

Gentle safe medicine just became a reality so doctors can now go back to the Hippocratic Oath that says: “First do no harm” when treating people. These gentle devices achieve exactly this – they can heal without being invasive and without causing harmful side-effects. The devices can be used with children and pets, and can therefore act as your “family doctor”

One of the most extraordinary claims coming out of Russia answers a long-standing problem in energy medicine and that is the problem of measuring results. They are claiming that the results can be confirmed by all well-known diagnostic methods. To date Deta Elis has developed more than 3,000 treatment programs, with an overall positive effect in many health problems in excess of 85%.

To my devoted readers and patients

This is my first communication to the western world about this rising technology. In January of 2014 these devices will also be manufactured in Germany making them much more accessible. The Russian business plan is a traditional multi-level-marketing model with Dr. George Georgiou Ph.D.,N.D.,DSc (AM), an expert in energy medicine and holistic medicine, at the very top in the English-speaking world selected to train doctors and practitioners in bioresonance testing and treatments.

This is perfect for those who want to make a business opportunity with this technology and is a good setup for practitioners who will be using the diagnostic machines and selling the treatment devices to patients. For a small taste of that, see this video of Deta Elis at their big celebration and award party. It is exciting and it is Russian.

It would also be worth watching this other 5-minute video about the company and their innovative devices –


No doubt when I publish this document there will be a rush to obtain this new technology. My patients from around the world will be given priority and then of course my readers, who will come under my banner with Deta Elis. Practitioners of every stripe are invited as well as patients who want to learn to use the Bioresonance approach on their own.

Treatment devices like the Deta AP and the Deta RITM are approximately 500 euros ($675 USD) each but even less expensive units will come next year with simpler design in a mini version with the ability to download your own frequencies for a wide range of ailments. Diagnostic machines start at 2,500 euros ($3400USD) and their most sophisticated combined diagnostic and treatment device the Deta Professional goes as low as 8,000 euro ($11,000 USD) – about one fifth of the price of similar units. You can see all of these devices at

Compare that to the cost of most medical equipment and drugs as well as therapies and one can see that the onetime startup cost for the consumer or practitioner is more than reasonable. Obama care, on the other hand, will undoubtedly fail as it should because it promotes the wrong type of medicine at obscene prices.

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