rev.joshua skirvin's Posts (4861)

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You reside in a field of love.  Your very base programming begins there.  It is the spark of each other that joins you.  Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own.

When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred.  It is you that has stirred your own soul.

What this moment is about is a shedding of our skin of self-loathing.  What is not perfection is not true.  The veil that we speak of is not draped between ourselves and others - but hanging, invisibly, as a barrier to the truth.  It is you on the other side of that veil - gloriously abundant and here now on purpose.  Your vessel will push waves of light cascading over all of creation, creating tsunamis of love.

For love is a force.  Love is here because you are here.  It arrives unbidden whenever you do.  It takes a being of unimaginable power to embody divinity.  It takes you.

We are the one you've been waiting for.

( Repost from August 2012)
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Rev. Kevin Annett

An ITCCS Exclusive Report – Friday, April 25, 2014 (2 pm GMT)

Issued through the Common Law News Service (CNS)

Maastricht and Rome:

Last Easter Sunday, in an action akin to Martin Luther's posting of his Ninety Five Theses, a lone figure placed a Proclamation on the door of the oldest catholic church outside of Italy, and announced the end of an era and the birth of another. (

Like Luther, Kevin Annett is a renegade clergyman who is caught in a life and death struggle with the oldest corporation on our planet: the church of Rome. But unlike the defrocked monk, Annett represents a movement aiming to not reform that church, but abolish it entirely because of its “irredeemable criminal nature”.

And that abolition was announced this past Sunday.

The manifesto posted by Kevin Annett on the door of St. Martin's catholic church is called the Maastricht Proclamation, and invokes both international law and the “law of heaven” to declare the legal and spiritual abolition of the Church of Rome. The Proclamation effectively nullifies the authority of the Roman Catholic church under the very laws and legitimacy by which the latter claims to operate. (see, April 20, 2014)

But the repercussions of Reverend Annett's action go far beyond Rome.

Interviewed today in Spain, where he is meeting with eyewitnesses to Vatican crimes, Annett comments,

The modern Vatican is really the creation of Italian Fascism, whose Lateran Treaty in 1929 established the modern corporation called the roman catholic church: a de facto but legally fictitious and criminal body. In turn, that criminal syndicate helped spawn the horrors of the modern corporatist era, starting with Nazi Germany and leading to the present global New World Order. So by legally and spiritually disestablishing the Church of Rome, we are also dismantling that corporatist Order and all of the de facto, tyrannical authorities in the world, whether they be corporations, governments, or private courts.

In other words, the Maastricht Proclamation is really a call to arms to all people to re-establish lawful de jure society across our planet, under the supremacy of the divine law of equality and peace: what we know as the Common Law.”

In effect, what began in Rome on a bleak February day in 1929 ended last Easter Sunday, when the terms by which the Vatican operates as an overt criminal syndicate were lawfully negated under the terms of International Law. So while the church may continue to function as a de facto power, it does so as a rogue criminal body with no authority, and no right to its own property, wealth or laws.

What does this new step mean for the twenty year campaign by Kevin Annett to expose and stop the murder and trafficking of children?

It's a whole new ball game now” says Annett. “This isn't about trying to hold a dying system accountable anymore, but about creating a whole new world through a new Covenant.

Once we put church and state on trial, we really declared war on the entire system. And like Napolean once said, whoever makes a revolution half way is just digging their own grave. So now we need not just our own peace officers to enforce our Common Law court verdicts; we need to mobilize humanity to take back our world and the law from the criminals who are destroying us and our children's future. And to do that, we need to re-contract all our relationships.

So in truth, there are no more lawful authorities anymore, and we owe none of them allegiance. We need to remake such authority from the ground up, from among ourselves. That's why we call it the New Covenant. And that's what we've begun, with the Maastricht Proclamation.”

This new Covenanting movement has two fronts, one legal, the other spiritual. Annett calls these fronts the “two arms of liberation”.

Humanity is sick and dying, from the inside out, because we have forgotten our innate sovereignty and our bond with creation and the Creator. Nobody can mediate or create that bond for another, and justice is an empty shell without the personal capacity to be a just and virtuous man or woman. Benjamin Franklin said that only a virtuous people could be self-governing, for with personal corruption always comes political tyranny. So the new Covenant recognizes itself as both a new law and a new spirit, one supporting and feeding the other.”

In the wake of the Maastricht Proclamation, this re-covenanting movement,The Covenanters, is working actively to establish both common law courts and self-governing communities on the land that have declared their independence from existing authorities. As the seed of a new world, the Covenanters are working now in twenty one countries alongside the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Tribunal sponsor, the ITCCS.

As for Kevin Annett, he is clearly a happy man.

It's been a long night, but it's always good to see the day break”. 


See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.organd at, the site for the Common Law court network.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:
The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013)Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573(Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is .

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Our Strange Universe ;The Allies of Humanity   By Marshall Vian Summers

Sixth Briefing   “Questions and Answers”

We feel that it is important, given the information that we have provided thus far, to respond to questions that must surely arise regarding our reality and the significance of the messages that we have come to give.


“Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you are telling them about the Intervention?”

First, there must be great evidence concerning the visitation to your world. We have been told that this is the case. Yet we have also been told by the Unseen Ones that people do not know how to understand the evidence and that they give it their own meaning—a meaning that they prefer to give it, a meaning that provides comfort and reassurance for the most part. We are certain that there is adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is occurring in the world today if one takes the time to look and to investigate this matter. The fact that your governments or religious leaders do not reveal such things does not mean that such a great event is not occurring in your midst.


“How can people know that you are real?”

Regarding our reality, we cannot demonstrate our physical presence to you, and so you must discern the meaning and the import of our words. At this point, it is not merely a matter of belief. It requires a greater recognition, a Knowledge, a resonance. The words we speak we believe are true, but that does not assure that they can be received as such. We cannot control the response to our message. There are people who require more evidence than can possibly be given. For others, such evidence will not be necessary, for they will feel an inner confirmation.

In the meantime, perhaps we remain a controversy, and yet we hope and we trust that our words can be considered seriously and that the evidence that does exist, which is substantial, can be gathered and understood by those who are willing to give this their effort and their focus in life. >From our perspective, there is no greater problem, challenge and opportunity to receive your attention.

Therefore, you are at the beginning of a new understanding. This does require faith and self-reliance. Many will reject our words simply because they do not believe that we could possibly exist. Others perhaps will think that we are part of some manipulation that is being cast upon the world. We cannot control these responses. We can only reveal our message and our presence in your life, however removed that presence may be. It is not our presence here that is of paramount importance, but the message that we have come to reveal and the greater perspective and understanding that we can provide for you. Your education must begin somewhere. All education begins with the desire to know.

We hope that through our discourses we can gain at least part of your confidence in order to begin to reveal what we are here to offer.


“What do you have to say to those who view the Intervention as a positive thing?”

We understand, first of all, the expectation that all forces from the heavens are related to your spiritual understanding, traditions and fundamental beliefs. The idea that there is prosaic life in the universe is a challenge to these fundamental assumptions. From our perspective and given the experience of our own cultures, we understand these expectations. In the distant past, we maintained them ourselves. And yet we had to relinquish them in facing the realities of Greater Community life and the meaning of visitation.

You live in a great physical universe. It is full of life. This life represents countless manifestations and also represents the evolution of intelligence and spiritual awareness at every level. What this means is that what you will encounter in the Greater Community encompasses almost every possibility.

However, you are isolated and do not yet travel in space. And even if you had the capability to reach another world, the universe is vast, and no one has gained the ability to go from one end of the galaxy to the other with any kind of speed. Therefore, the physical universe remains enormous and incomprehensible. No one has mastered its laws. No one has conquered its territories. No one can claim complete dominance or control. Life has a great humbling effect in this way. Even far beyond your borders this is true.

          You should then come to expect that you will meet intelligences representing forces for good, forces for ignorance and those who are more neutral regarding you. However, in the realities of Greater Community travel and exploration, emerging races such as your own will, almost without exception, encounter resource explorers, collectives and those seeking advantage for themselves as their first contact with Greater Community life.

Regarding the positive interpretation of visitation, part of this is human expectation and the natural desire to welcome a good outcome and to seek help from the Greater Community for the problems that humanity has not been able to resolve on its own. It is normal to expect such things, particularly when you are considering that your visitors have greater capabilities than do you. However, a large part of the problem in interpreting the great visitation has to do with the will and the agenda of the visitors themselves. For they are encouraging people everywhere to view their presence here as wholly beneficial to humanity and to its needs.


“If this Intervention is so well underway, why didn’t you come sooner?”

At an earlier time, many years ago, several groups of your allies came to your world to visit in an attempt to give a message of hope, to prepare humanity. But alas their messages could not be understood and were misused by those few who could receive them. In the wake of their coming, the visitors from the collectives have amassed and gathered here. It has been known to us that this would happen, for your world is far too valuable to be overlooked, and, as we have said, it does not exist in a remote and distant part of the universe. Your world has been observed for a long time by those who would seek to use it for their own benefit.

“Why can’t our allies stop the Intervention?”

We are only here to observe and to advise. The great decisions facing humanity are in your hands. No one else can make these decisions for you. Even your great friends far beyond your world would not intervene, for if they did so, it would cause warfare, and your world would become a battleground between opposing forces. And should your friends be victorious, you would become wholly reliant upon them, unable to fend for yourself or to maintain your own security in the universe. We know of no benevolent race that would seek to bear this burden. And in truth, it would not serve you either. For you would become a client state to another power and would have to be governed from afar. This is not beneficial for you in any way, and it is for this reason that this is not occurring. Yet the visitors will cast themselves as saviors and rescuers of humanity. They will utilize your naiveté. They will capitalize on your expectations, and they will seek to wholly benefit from your trust.

   Therefore, it is our sincere desire that our words can serve as an antidote to their presence and to their manipulation and abuse. For your rights are being violated. Your territory is being infiltrated. Your governments are being persuaded. And your religious ideologies and impulses are being redirected.

There must be a voice of truth regarding this. And we can only trust that you can receive this voice of truth. We can only hope that the persuasion has not gone too far.


“What are realistic goals for us to set, and what is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?”

The first step is awareness. Many people must become aware that the Earth is being visited and that foreign powers are here operating in a clandestine manner, seeking to hide their agenda and endeavors from human understanding. It must be very clear that their presence here is a great challenge to human freedom and self-determination. The agenda that they are furthering and the Pacification Program that they are sponsoring must be countered with sobriety and wisdom regarding their presence. This counteraction must occur. There are many people in the world today who are able to understand this. Therefore, the first step is awareness.

The next step is education. It is necessary for many people in different cultures and in different nations to learn about life in the Greater Community and to begin to comprehend what you will be dealing with and are dealing with even at this moment.

Therefore, realistic goals are awareness and education. This in itself would obstruct the visitors’ agenda in the world. They are operating now with very little resistance. They are encountering few obstacles. All those who seek to view them as “allies of humanity” must learn that this is not the case. Perhaps our words will not be enough, but they are a beginning.


“Where can we find this education?”

The education can be found in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, which is being presented in the world at this time. Though it presents a new understanding about life and spirituality in the universe, it is connected to all of the genuine spiritual paths that already exist within your world—spiritual paths that value human freedom and the meaning of true spirituality and that value cooperation, peace and harmony within the human family. Therefore, the teaching in The Way of Knowledge calls forth all the great truths that already exist in your world and gives them a greater context and arena of expression. In this way, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge does not replace the world’s religions, but provides a larger context within which they can be truly meaningful and relevant to your times.


“How do we convey your message to others?”

The truth lives within each person at this moment. If you can speak to the truth in a person, it will become stronger and begin to resonate. Our great hope, the hope of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual forces who serve your world, and the hope of those who value human freedom and wish to see your emergence into the Greater Community successfully fulfilled, rely upon this truth that lives within each person. We cannot force this awareness upon you. We can only reveal it to you and trust in the greatness of Knowledge that the Creator has given you that can enable you and others to respond.


“Where do humanity’s strengths lie in opposing the Intervention?”

First, we understand from observing your world, and from what the Unseen Ones have told us regarding things that we cannot see, that though there are great problems within the world, there is sufficient human freedom to give you a foundation for opposing the Intervention. This is in contrast to many other worlds where individual freedom was never established to begin with. As these worlds encounter alien forces in their midst and the reality of Greater Community life, the possibility for them to establish freedom and independence is very limited.

Therefore, you have a great strength in that human freedom is known in your world and is practiced by many, though perhaps not all. You know you have something to lose. You value what you have already, to whatever extent it has been established. You do not want to be ruled by foreign powers. You do not even want to be ruled harshly by human authorities. Therefore, this is a beginning.

Next, because your world has rich spiritual traditions that have fostered Knowledge in the individual and fostered human cooperation and understanding, the reality of Knowledge has already been established. Again, in other worlds where Knowledge was never established, the possibility for establishing it at the turning point of emerging into the Greater Community shows little hope for success. Knowledge is strong enough in enough people here that they may be able to learn of the reality of life in the Greater Community and to comprehend what is occurring in their midst at this time. It is for this reason that we are hopeful, for we trust in human wisdom. We trust that people can rise above selfishness, self-preoccupation and self-protection to view life in a greater way and to feel a greater responsibility in service to their own kind.

Perhaps our faith is unfounded, but we are trusting that the Unseen Ones have counseled us wisely regarding this. As a result, we have placed ourselves at risk by being in the proximity of your world and witnessing events beyond your borders that have direct bearing on your future and destiny.

Humanity has great promise. You have a growing awareness of problems in the world—the lack of cooperation amongst nations, the degradation of your natural environment, your diminishing resources and so forth. If these problems were unknown to your people, if these realities had been kept hidden from your people, to the extent that people had no idea of the existence of these things, then we would not be as hopeful. However, the reality remains that humanity has the potential and the promise to counteract any intervention into the world.


“Is this Intervention going to become a military invasion?”

As we have said, your world is too valuable to incite a military invasion. No one who is visiting your world wants to destroy its infrastructure or its natural resources. That is why the visitors do not seek to destroy humanity, but instead to engage humanity in service to their collectives.

It is not military invasion that threatens you. It is the power of inducement and persuasion. This will be built upon your own weakness, upon your own selfishness, upon your ignorance of life in the Greater Community and upon your blind optimism regarding your future and the meaning of life beyond your borders.

To counteract this, we provide education and we speak of the means of preparation that are being sent into the world at this time. If you did not already know human freedom, if you were not already aware of the problems endemic to your world, then we could not entrust such a preparation to you. And we would not have confidence that our words would resonate with the truth of what you know.


“Can you influence people as powerfully as the visitors, but for the good?”

Our intention is not to influence individuals. Our intention is only to present the problem and the reality into which you are emerging. The Unseen Ones are providing the actual means of preparation, for that comes from God. In this, the Unseen Ones influence individuals for the good. But there are restraints. As we have said, it is your self-determination that must be strengthened. It is your power that must be increased. It is your cooperation amongst the human family that must be supported.

There are limits as to how much help we can provide. Our group is small. We are not walking amongst you. Therefore, the great understanding of your new reality must be shared from person to person. It cannot be forced upon you from a foreign power, even if it were for your own good. We would not, then, be supporting your freedom and self-determination if we sponsored such a program of persuasion. Here you cannot be like children. You must become mature and responsible. It is your freedom that is at stake. It is your world that is at stake. It is your cooperation with each other that is needed.

You now have a great cause to unite your race, for none of you will benefit without the other. No nation will benefit if any other nation falls under alien control. Human freedom must be complete. The cooperation must occur around your world. For everyone is in the same situation now. The visitors do not favor one group over another, one race over another, one nation over another. They only seek the avenue of least resistance to establish their presence and their domination of your world.


“How extensive is their infiltration of humanity?”

The visitors have a significant presence within the most advanced nations in your world, particularly the nations of Europe, Russia, Japan and America. These are viewed as the strongest nations, having the greatest power and influence. It is there that the visitors will concentrate. However, they are taking people from all over the world, and they are furthering their Pacification Program with all those that they capture, if those individuals can be responsive to their influence. Therefore, the visitors’ presence is worldwide, but they are concentrating on those whom they hope will become their allies. These are the nations and governments and religious leaders who hold the greatest power and sway over human thought and conviction.


“How much time do we have?

How much time do you have? You have some time, how much we cannot tell. But we come with an urgent message. This is not a problem that can simply be avoided or denied. From our perspective, it is the most important challenge facing humanity. It is of the greatest concern, the first priority. You are late in your preparation. This was caused by many factors beyond our control. But there is time, if you can respond. The outcome is uncertain and yet there is still hope for your success.


“How can we focus on this Intervention given the immensity of other global problems which are occurring right now?

First of all, we feel that there are no other problems in the world that are as important as this. From our perspective, whatever you can resolve on your own will have little meaning in the future if your freedom is lost. What could you hope to gain? What could you hope to achieve or secure if you are not free in the Greater Community? All of your accomplishments would be given to your new governors; all of your wealth would be bestowed upon them. And though your visitors are not cruel, they are completely committed to their agenda. You are valued only insofar as you can be useful to their cause. It is for this reason that we do not feel that there are any other problems facing humanity as important as this.


“Who is likely to respond to this situation?”

Regarding who can respond, there are many people in the world today who have an inherent knowledge of the Greater Community and who are sensitive to it. There are many others who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion. And there are many others who are concerned about the future of humanity and who are alerted to the dangers that humanity faces, even within your own world. People in all or any of these three categories may be amongst the first to respond to the Greater Community reality and to the preparation for the Greater Community. They may come from any walk of life, from any nation, from any religious background or from any economic group. They are literally all over the world. It is upon them and upon their response that the great Spiritual Powers that protect and oversee human welfare are depending.


“You mention that individuals are being taken all over the world. How can people protect themselves or others from being abducted?”

The more you can become strong with Knowledge and aware of the visitors’ presence, the less you become a desirable subject for their study and manipulation. The more you use your encounters with them to gain insight into them, the more of a hazard you become. As we have said, they seek the path of least resistance. They want individuals who are compliant and yielding. They want those who cause them few problems and little concern.

Yet as you become strong with Knowledge, you will be beyond their control because now they cannot capture your mind or your heart. And with time, you will have the power of perception to see into their minds, which they do not wish. You then become a danger to them, a challenge to them, and they will avoid you if they can.

The visitors do not seek to be revealed. They do not wish for conflict. They are overly confident that they can achieve their goals without serious resistance from the human family. But once such resistance is mounted, once the power of Knowledge awakens in the individual, then the visitors are facing a much more formidable obstacle. Their intervention here becomes thwarted and more difficult to achieve. And their persuasion of those in power becomes more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is the individual’s response and commitment to the truth that are essential here.

Become aware of the visitors’ presence. Do not yield to the persuasion that their presence here is of a spiritual nature or that it holds great benefit or salvation for humanity. Resist the persuasion. Regain your own inner authority, the great gift that the Creator has given to you. Become a force to be reckoned with regarding any who would trespass against or deny your fundamental rights.

This is Spiritual Power being expressed. It is the Will of the Creator that humanity should emerge into the Greater Community united within itself and free from foreign intervention and domination. It is the Creator’s Will that you should prepare for a future that will be unlike your past. We are here in service to the Creator, and thus our presence and our words serve this purpose.


“If the visitors encounter resistance in humanity or in certain individuals, will they come in greater numbers or will they leave?”

Their numbers are not great. Should they encounter considerable resistance, they would have to fall back and make new plans. They are wholly confident that their mission can be fulfilled without serious obstacles. Yet should serious obstacles arise, then their intervention and persuasion would be thwarted, and they would have to find other ways of gaining contact with humanity.

We trust that the human family can generate enough resistance and enough consensus in order to offset these influences. It is upon this that we are basing our hope and efforts.


“What are the most important questions that we must ask of ourselves and others with respect to this problem of alien infiltration?”

Perhaps the most critical questions to ask yourself are, “Are we humans alone within the universe or in our own world? Are we being visited at this time? Is this visitation beneficial to us? Do we need to prepare?”

These are very fundamental questions, but they must be asked. There are many questions, however, that cannot be answered, for you do not know enough about life in the Greater Community, and you are not yet confident that you have the ability to counteract these influences. There are many things lacking in human education, which is primarily focused upon the past. Humanity is emerging from a long state of relative isolation. Its education, its values and its institutions were all established within this state of isolation. Yet your isolation now is over, forever. It was always known that this would happen. It was inevitable that this would be the case. Therefore, your education and your values are entering into a new context, to which they must adapt. And the adaptation must happen quickly because of the nature of the Intervention in the world today.

There will be many questions that you cannot answer. You will have to live with them. Your education about the Greater Community is only at the very beginning. You must approach it with great sobriety and care. You must counteract your own tendencies to try and make the situation pleasant or reassuring. You must develop an objectivity about life, and you must look beyond your own personal sphere of interests in order to put yourself in a position to respond to the greater forces and events that are shaping your world and your future.


“What if enough people cannot respond?”

We are confident that enough people can respond and begin their great education about life in the Greater Community in order to give promise and hope to the human family. If this cannot be achieved, then those who value their freedom and who have this education will have to retreat. They will have to keep Knowledge alive in the world as the world falls under complete control. This is a very grave alternative, and yet it has occurred in other worlds. The journey back to freedom from such a position is quite difficult. We hope that this will not be your fate, and that is why we are here giving you this information. As we have said, there are enough people in the world who can respond to offset the intentions of the visitors and to thwart their influence on human affairs and human values.


“You speak of other worlds emerging into the Greater Community. Can you speak of successes and failures which might have bearing on our situation?”

There have been successes or we would not be here. In my case, as the speaker for our group, our world had already been greatly infiltrated before we realized the situation at hand. Our education was prompted by the arrival of a group such as ourselves, providing insight and information about our situation. We had alien resource traders in our world interacting with our government. Those who were in power at that time were persuaded that trade and commerce would be beneficial to us, for we were beginning to experience resource depletion. Though our race was united, unlike your own, we began to be wholly dependent upon the new technology and opportunities that were being presented to us. And yet as this occurred, there was a shift in the center of power. We were becoming the clients. The visitors were becoming the providers. As time went on, terms and restrictions were placed upon us, subtly at first.

Our religious focus and beliefs were also influenced by the visitors, who showed interest in our spiritual values but who wished to give us a new understanding, an understanding based upon the collective, based upon the cooperation of minds thinking alike in unison with each other. This was presented to our race as an expression of spirituality and achievement. Some were persuaded, and yet because we were well advised from our allies beyond our world, allies such as ourselves, we began to mount a resistance movement and over time were able to force the visitors to leave our world.

           Since that time, we have learned a great deal about the Greater Community. The trade that we maintain is very selective, with only a few other nations. We have been able to avoid the collectives, and that has preserved our freedom. And yet our success was difficult to achieve, for there were many of us who had to die in the face of this conflict. Ours is a story of success, but not without cost. There are others in our group who have experienced similar difficulties in their interaction with intervening powers in the Greater Community. And yet because we eventually learned to travel beyond our borders, we gained alliance with one another. We were able to learn what spirituality means in the Greater Community. And the Unseen Ones, who serve our world as well, helped us in this regard to make the great transition from isolation to Greater Community awareness.

Yet there have been many failures that we are aware of. Cultures where the indigenous peoples had not established personal freedom or had not tasted the fruits of cooperation, even though they were advancing technologically, did not have a foundation to establish their own independence in the universe. Their ability to resist the collectives was very limited. Induced by promises of greater power, greater technology and greater wealth, and induced by the seeming benefits of trade in the Greater Community, their center of power left their world. In the end, they became wholly dependent upon those who supplied them and who gained control of their resources and their infrastructures.

         Surely you can imagine how this could be the case. Even within your own world according to your history, you have seen smaller nations fall under the domination of greater ones. You can see this even today. Therefore, these ideas are not wholly foreign to you. In the Greater Community, as in your world, the strong will dominate the weak, if they can. This is a reality of life everywhere. And it is for this reason that we are encouraging your awareness and your preparation, in order that you may become strong and your self-determination may grow.

It may be a grave disappointment to many to understand and to learn that freedom is rare in the universe. As nations become stronger and more technological, they require greater and greater uniformity and compliance amongst their peoples. As they bridge out into the Greater Community and become involved in Greater Community affairs, the tolerance for individual expression diminishes to the point where large nations that have wealth and power are governed with a strictness and an exacting attitude that you would find abhorrent.

Here you must learn that technological advancement and spiritual advancement are not the same, a lesson that humanity has yet to learn and which you must learn if you are to exercise your natural wisdom in these matters.

Your world is greatly valued. It is rich biologically. You are sitting on a prize that you must protect if you are to be its stewards and its beneficiaries. Consider the peoples in your world who have lost their freedom because they lived in a place considered valuable by others. It is now the whole human family that is so imperiled.


“Because the visitors are so skilled in projecting thoughts and influencing people’s Mental Environment, how do we ensure ourselves that what we are seeing is real?”

The only basis for wise perception is the cultivation of Knowledge. If you believe only what you see, then you will believe only what is shown to you. There are many, we are told, that have this perspective. Yet we have learned that the Wise everywhere must gain a greater vision and a greater discernment. It is true that your visitors can project images of your saints and of your religious figures. Though this is not practiced often, it certainly can be used in order to evoke commitment and dedication amongst those who are already given to such beliefs. Here your spirituality becomes an area of vulnerability where Wisdom must be used.

Yet the Creator has given you Knowledge as a foundation for true discernment. You can know what you are seeing if you ask yourself if it is real. Yet to do this, you must have this foundation, and that is why the teaching in The Way of Knowledge is so fundamental to learning Greater Community Spirituality. Without this, people will believe what they want to believe, and they will rely upon what they see and what they are shown. And their potential for freedom will have been lost already, for it was never allowed to flourish in the first place.


“You speak about keeping Knowledge alive. How many will it take to keep Knowledge alive in the world?”

We cannot give you a number, but it must be strong enough to generate a voice within your own cultures. If this message can only be received by a few, they will not have this voice or this strength. Here they must share their wisdom. It cannot be purely for their own edification. Many more must learn of this message, many more than can receive it today.


“Is there a danger in presenting this message?”

There is always a danger in presenting the truth, not only in your world, but elsewhere. People gain advantage from the circumstances as they currently exist. The visitors will offer advantage to those in power who can receive them and who are not strong in Knowledge. People become accustomed to these advantages and build their lives upon them. This makes them resistant or even hostile to the presentation of truth, which calls for their responsibility in service to others and which may threaten the basis of their wealth and achievements.

This is why we are hidden and do not walk in your world. Certainly the visitors would destroy us if they could find us. But humanity may seek to destroy us as well because of what we represent, because of the challenge and the new reality that we demonstrate. Not everyone is ready to receive the truth even though it is greatly needed.


“Can individuals who are strong with Knowledge influence the visitors?”

The chance of success here is very limited. You are dealing with a collective of beings who have been bred to be compliant, whose whole life and experience have been encompassed and engendered by a collective mentality. They do not think for themselves. For this reason, we do not feel that you can influence them. There are few amongst the human family who have the strength to do this, and even here the possibility for success would be very limited. So the answer must be “No.” For all practical purposes, you cannot win them over.


“How are collectives different from a united humanity?”

Collectives are made up of different races and of those who are bred to serve those races. Many of the beings that are being encountered in the world are bred by collectives to be servants. Their genetic heritage has long been lost to them. They are bred to serve, as you breed animals to serve you. The human cooperation that we are promoting is a cooperation that preserves the self-determination of individuals and provides a position of strength from which humanity can interact, not only with the collectives but with others who will visit your shores in the future.

A collective is based upon one belief, one set of principles and one authority. Its emphasis is complete allegiance to an idea or an ideal. Not only is this engendered in the education of your visitors, but in their genetic code as well. That is why they behave in the ways that they do. This is both their strength and their weakness. They have great strength in the Mental Environment because their minds are united. But they are weak because they cannot think for themselves. They cannot deal with complexities or adversity very successfully. A man or woman of Knowledge would be incomprehensible to them.

Humanity must unite to preserve its freedom, but this is a very different establishment from the creation of a collective. We call them “collectives” because they are collectives of different races and nationalities. Collectives are not one race. Though there are many races in the Greater Community that are ruled by a dominant authority, a collective is an organization that spans beyond the allegiance of one race to its own world.

Collectives can have great power. Yet because there are many collectives, they tend to compete with one another, which prevents any one of them from becoming dominant. Also, various nations in the Greater Community have long-standing disputes with one another, which are difficult to bridge. Perhaps they have competed for a long time for the same resources. Perhaps they compete with one another to sell the resources that they have. Yet a collective is a different matter. As we are saying here, it is not based upon one race and one world. They are the result of conquest and domination. That is why your visitors are comprised of different races of beings at different levels of authority and command.


“In other worlds that have successfully unified, did they maintain their individual freedom of thought?”

To varying degrees. Some to a very high degree, others less so, depending upon their history, their psychological make-up and the needs of their own survival. Your life in the world has been relatively easy compared to where other races have developed. Most places where intelligent life exists have been colonized, for there are not many terrestrial planets such as your own that provide such a wealth of biological resources. Their freedom, in large part, depended upon the wealth of their environments. But they have all been successful in thwarting alien infiltration and have established their own lines of trade, commerce and communication based upon their own self-determination. This is a rare accomplishment and must be earned and protected.


“What will it take to achieve human unity?”

Humanity is very vulnerable in the Greater Community. This vulnerability, in time, can foster a fundamental cooperation amongst the human family, for you must join and unite in order to survive and to advance. This is part of having a Greater Community awareness. If this is based upon the principles of human contribution, freedom and self-expression, then your self-sufficiency can become very strong and very rich. But there must be greater cooperation in the world. People cannot live for themselves alone or put their own personal goals above and beyond the needs of everyone else. Some may view this as a loss of freedom. We see it as a guarantee for future freedom. For given the current attitudes prevalent in the world today, your future freedom would be very difficult to secure or maintain. Take heed. Those who are driven by their own selfishness are the perfect candidates for foreign influence and manipulation. If they are in positions of power, they will give over their nation’s wealth, their nation’s freedom and their nation’s resources in order to gain advantage for themselves.

Therefore, greater cooperation is required. Surely you can see this. Surely this is apparent even within your own world. But this is very different from the life of the collective, where races have been dominated and controlled, where those who are compliant are brought into the collectives and those who are not are alienated or destroyed. Surely such an establishment, though it may have considerable influence, cannot be beneficial for its members. And yet this is the path that many in the Greater Community have taken. We do not wish to see humanity fall into such an organization. That would be a great tragedy and a loss.


“How is the human perspective different from yours?”

One of the differences is that we have developed a Greater Community perspective, which is a less self-centered way of looking at the world. It is a point of view that gives great clarity and can provide great certainty regarding the smaller problems that you face in your daily affairs. If you can solve a great problem, you can solve lesser ones. You have a great problem. Every human being in the world faces this great problem. It can unite you and enable you to overcome your long-standing differences and conflicts. It is that great and that powerful. This is why we say there is a possibility for redemption within the very circumstances that threaten your well-being and your future.

We know that the power of Knowledge within the individual can restore that individual and all of their relationships to a higher degree of accomplishment, recognition and ability. You must discover this for yourself.

Our lives are very different. One of the differences is that our lives are given to service, a service that we have chosen. We have the freedom to choose and thus our choice is real and meaningful and is based upon our own understanding. Amongst our group are representatives from several different worlds. We have come together in service to humanity. We represent a greater alliance that is more spiritual in nature.


“This message is coming through one man. Why aren’t you contacting everybody if this is so important?”

It is merely a matter of efficiency. We do not control who is selected to receive us. That is a matter for the Unseen Ones, those whom you could rightly call “Angels.” We think of them in this way. They have selected this person, a person who has no position in the world, who is not recognized in the world, an individual who has been chosen because of his qualities and because of his heritage in the Greater Community. We are glad to have one through whom we can speak. If we spoke through more, they perhaps would disagree with one another, and the message would become confused and lost.

We understand, from our own studenthood, that the transmission of spiritual wisdom is generally given through one, with the support of others. This individual must bear the weight and the burden and the risk of being so chosen. We respect him for doing this, and we understand what a burden it can be. This will be misconstrued, perhaps, and that is why the Wise must remain hidden. We must remain hidden. He must remain hidden. In this way, the message can be given, and the messenger can be preserved. For there will be hostility towards this message. The visitors will oppose it and are opposing it already. Their opposition can be significant but will primarily be aimed at the messenger himself. It is for this reason that the messenger must be protected.

We know that the answers to these questions will generate more questions. And many of these cannot be answered, perhaps even for a long time. The Wise anywhere must live with questions that they cannot yet answer. It is through their patience and their perseverance that real answers emerge and that they are able to experience them and embody them.


*These questions were sent to the New Knowledge Library by many of the first readers of the Allies Material.


Final Words


Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones. They are relying upon us to share our wisdom, for we live in the physical universe, as do you. We are not angelic beings. We are not perfect. We have not achieved great heights of spiritual awareness and accomplishment. And therefore our message to you about the Greater Community, we trust, will be more relevant and more easily received. The Unseen Ones know far more than we about life in the universe and about the levels of advancement and accomplishment that are available and that are practiced in many places. Yet they have asked us to speak regarding the reality of physical life because we are fully engaged there. And we have learned through our own trials and errors the importance and the meaning of what we are sharing with you.

Thus, we come as the Allies of Humanity, for such we are. Be thankful that you have allies that can help you and that can educate you and that can support your strength, your freedom and your accomplishment. For without this assistance, the prospect of your surviving the kind of alien infiltration that you are experiencing now would be very limited. Yes, there would be a few individuals who would come to realize the situation as it actually exists, but their numbers would not be great enough, and their voices would go unheard.

In this, we can only ask for your trust. We hope that through the wisdom of our words and through the opportunities you have to learn their meaning and relevance, that we can gain this trust over time, for you have allies in the Greater Community. You have great friends beyond this world who have suffered the challenges that you are facing now and have achieved success. Because we were assisted, we must now assist others. That is our sacred covenant. It is to this that we are firmly committed.

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Flight 370 could have become the most devastating terrorist attack in recorded history. Could this Boeing 777 -- or one just like it -- have been used to murder the leaders of the top 53 nations on Earth?

Why were 20 scientists with Cosmic Top Secret clearances on Flight 370 -- and did some group feel it was absolutely necessary to stop them?

Did one of the passengers on Flight 370 successfully send out a message indicating he was being held on a "prison ship" near the biggest US/UK military base in the Indian Ocean -- and that the other passengers were still alive?

The secret powers running the military-industrial complex, the Federal Reserve banking system and key Western nations -- i.e. the Cabal or "Illuminati" -- may have just tried to achieve the ultimate world coup. Thankfully, they failed.

Had their plan succeeded, it would have become the defining story of our time -- and almost certainly would have started a world war.

Thankfully, the shadowy, elusive group that was likely responsible for this "botched job" may be on the brink of true defeat.

By not fearing them, and being brave enough to objectively examine the evidence, Flight 370 may well be the straw that breaks the Cabal's back.

[Re-envisioned Cabal graphic by David Wilcock,]



You won't find any cynical sarcasm, doom or hopelessness here. This is not "fear porn." There's already plenty of that.

This is a story of hope -- where we "connect the dots" and suggest that we are now witnessing the defeat of the greatest villain of all time.

It is a complicated story, with a variety of astonishing twists and turns; and never in the least bit dull or boring.

A vast international alliance including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or BRICS, is working to defeat the Cabal.

The sheer size of this investigation, and the number of graphics, has required that we break it into at least two parts. This is the first of those parts.

You will not only find clear and compelling evidence that such a Cabal exists. You will also learn about a vast international alliance that is working to defeat them.

So far, all of this has been happening behind the scenes, with certain headlines suggesting greater mysteries are at work. That may all soon change.

When the truth finally comes out, the last 300 years of world history -- at least -- may soon be viewed very differently than they are today; and we will have a much happier world.



Admittedly, it can be very upsetting to imagine a cabal of of power-hungry people who want to create a "New World Order" of total domination and control.

In case you think this is a "fringe" belief, relegated to "a few crazies on the internet," think again.

Just one year ago, a whopping 28 percent of American voters -- including 38 percent of Republicans -- told an anonymous stranger on the phone that they believe there is a Cabal.

Specifically, they agreed that "Secretive power elite with a globalist agenda are conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or a New World Order."



Since these results were in the sky-blue days of blissful ignorance before the NSA disclosures, we can easily assume these numbers have since doubled.

That would now mean that 56 percent of American voters and 76 percent of Republican voters believe a "secret power elite" are "conspiring to rule the world."

The lesson here is obvious. According to the 2013 Census, there are 316 million, 128 thousand 839 people living in America today.

If these percentages hold true outside the voting public, then 88 million, 516 thousand and 74 Americans believed in the Cabal before the NSA disclosures ever emerged.

This is by no means a small group. 88.5 million Americans is a "critical mass."

Once we consider how widespread these beliefs are outside the United States, we see that at least hundreds of millions, if not well over a billion people believe in a "secret power elite".



92 percent of Americans told Gallup they believed in some form of God as of 2011. This is the vast majority, despite what skeptics often say.

The "eight percent" are very good at making it sound like everyone agrees with them -- such as when they write scathing YouTube and Facebook comments.

How can anyone within the 92-percent majority blend the concept of a world-power-seeking Cabal into their existing spiritual beliefs?



When we start reading about these nefarious plots, it can seem as if there is no way out. We may have incredible fear, anxiety and even panic attacks.

However, there are far more people who believe in the Cabal than there are in the Cabal itself -- including the employees they hired to spy on us.

Together, we are much bigger and tougher than this bully on the playground.

One of my favorite analogies is this: if 99 people are starving in a sealed room, and one person is sitting on a mountain of food, sooner or later he will be overthrown.

He can carry all the weapons he wants, but it's still only a matter of time before the people will organize against him.



Sarah McLendon heard a rare confession of how strong -- and feared -- the public really is from a senior member of the Cabal in 1992. 

Sarah was the "grand dame" of the White House press corps at the time -- the doyenne, to enlist another SAT word to our noble cause.

Sarah McLendon was there at every White House press conference. She was very vocal, highly respected, and had interviewed every president since Eisenhower.

She had an aggressive manner of questioning that "made the veins stand out" on President Eisenhower's head, as one example.

Here she is when she was already a well-established journalist, interviewing President John F. Kennedy:




I sat directly behind Sarah at the Disclosure Project Executive Summary Briefing for VIPs and Members of Congress on May 10, 2001 in Washington, DC.

Admittedly I knew what I was doing, as she was a legend -- and I did get to have a nice conversation with her at such a momentous occasion.

This was also my first exposure to a large group of insiders who had worked for the government / military industrial complex in top-secret programs.

I had worked five years online to become a public figure -- and managed to meet the majority of all the insiders who had come forward at this event.

The Disclosure Project was organized by Dr. Steven Greer, and pulled together 39 top whistleblowers prepared to testify before Congress about UFOs.

The Disclosure Project received generous coverage in the world media, as you can see on their website here -- shortly after the event occurred.



I also appeared in Amardeep Kaleka's 2013 documentary SIRIUS, covering this story. Greer confirmed my presence at the 2001 briefing in a radio show we did together.

The debut of SIRIUS remained at the top of the Most Popular list on Huffington Post for several days -- due in no small part to the public shock of seeing the photo of a purported ET corpse.



I summarized the movie's contents in an article I wrote after the premiere. The Cabal was brilliantly exposed in the movie.

The tiny humanoid was definitely biological.

DNA tests from leading expert Dr. Garry Nolan revealed it was humanlike, but was approximately 11 percent different from us.



Sarah McLendon knew there were many secrets -- and that we were being lied to.

Without her political power, the Disclosure Project might never have made it to the National Press Club.



When I met Sarah at the Disclosure Project, she was in a wheelchair, but she was still full of vim and vigor; extremely upbeat and cheerful.

Here she is with former President Bill Clinton a few years before I met her.




Sarah established the bi-weekly McLendon News Service newsletter in 1946, as her 2003 obituary in The Guardian revealed:

History of the McLendon News Service

McLendon grew up in Tyler, Texas, and graduated from the local junior college before going on to the University of Missouri's famous Pulitzer school of journalism.

She started work in 1931 for two papers in Tyler and one in Beaumont, Texas. In 1944 she moved to the Washington bureau of the Philadelphia Daily News.

Two years later she established her own news service for a whole string of small Texas papers, providing abiweekly Washington newsletter, full of political gossip and inside dope for papers that could not afford their own Washington correspondent.

She also offered a radio commentary, taken at its height by 1200 radio stations.



The McLendon News Service featured a June 1992 interview where she asked George H. W. Bush a riveting question:

“What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra?”

Perhaps disarmed by her genteel Southern hospitality, Bush Senior's now-infamous reply betrayed an astonishing moment of truth:

“Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”




Not everything printed in the McLendon News Service ended up in the newspapers -- obviously. This quote certainly did not.

Lt. Commander Alexander Martin (, who once testified in the Iran-Contra hearings, publicly revealedhe read this quote in Sarah's newsletter.

Martin told this story on Tom Valentine's Radio Free America program when he was a guest on July 10, 1995.

Tom Valentine now writes for Veterans Today. Al Martin still maintains his website, Al Martin



I highly discourage this violent "lynch mob" mentality. It is the worst thing we could do.

Much of the Cabal is compartmentalized, meaning that lower-level members have no idea of what goes on at the top.

This was revealed by ex-NSA whistleblower Jim Stone in May 2012, who we will hear a lot more from later on.

Ex-NSA Whistleblower Jim Stone on Compartmentalization

There is something that I am sure most people do not realize when they talk about the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc.

And that is that these agencies have no people in them that are allowed to know what their work is really used for.

A tyrannical government will always seek out honest people and use them to do evil by restricting information from them....

[They only] see one small part of the total mission, and the reason given to them is so that one individual cannot see what is happening from start to finish and then sell out to the "enemy".

Their field of knowledge is restricted to one small piece of the job, or "compartment". This restriction of information is called compartmentalization….



So again, to label many thousands of people as "Illuminati" and demand instant, vigilante justice is another form of mass atrocity -- and should be avoided.

The Cabal knows the public is much stronger than they are.

I am only sharing Bush's "lynching" quote here to suggest that the Cabal knows the public is much stronger than they are -- once the truth breaks out.

Some insiders have told me the Cabal has had long-standing plans in place to flee, in massive numbers, at the first sign that everything has broken open.

What might the "truth about Iraq-gate" have been that George H.W. Bush was so concerned about?

Lt. Commander Al Martin may have found an answer -- as what the Bush Administration planned to do in the 2003 war was even worse than first one.



Lt. Commander Al Martin was leaking a great deal of high-quality classified intel when I was actively reading his site in the late 1990s / early 2000s.

In 2003, Martin's sources revealed that the Cabal sent in a CIA team to plant WMDs in Iraq -- right where Donald Rumsfeld said they would be found.



Bush and Rumsfeld Quotes on WMDs in Iraq

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."
        - George W. Bush, January 28, 2003

"We know where they are. They are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad."
        - Donald Rumsfeld, March 30, 2003



If these weapons had been found, we may well have had "World War III in the Middle East" -- and ended up on a very different timeline.

According to Martin's sources, the 100-person CIA team tasked with planting these deadly materials was killed in a friendly-fire "fragging" incident.

The soldiers who attacked them apparently had no idea what their full mission entailed -- or at least they had not been briefed about it.

The CIA agents who were about to plant the WMDs were killed, or deserted, after Army soldiers were alerted to another one of their plans. 

The agents were also there to rob Iraqi banks, museums and Saddam's royal palaces of all of their riches after the 2003 Iraq invasion.

This story was bravely covered by the Daily Times Monitor, a mainstream media outlet in Pakistan, on August 13, 2003-- but nowhere else.




This may sound crazy -- particularly if you are still in the fading minority who still want to believe in a more-or-less benevolent government and media.

Nonetheless, two high-ranking military personnel -- Nelda Rogers and Al Martin -- risked their lives to get this story out.

US Tried to Plant WMDs in Iraq and Failed: Whistleblower

According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander and 28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to “plant” WMDs inside the country.

Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower, claims the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by “friendly fire”, the Environmentalists Against War report.

Nelda Rogers is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the DoD. She has become so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this latest CIA-military fiasco in Iraq.

According to Al Martin, “Ms Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.”....

Ms Rogers reports that this particular covert operation team was manned by former military personnel and “the unit was paid through the Department of Agriculture in order to hide it, which is also very commonplace”.

According to Al Martin, “the Agriculture Department has often been used as a paymaster on behalf of the CIA, DIA, NSA and others”.



As we read more of this astonishing article, we find out that 100 people were involved in this covert operation -- and none of them survived.

US Tried to Plant WMDs in Iraq and Failed: Whistleblower

According to the Al Martin story, another aspect of Ms Rogers’ report concerns a covert operation which was to locate the assets of Saddam Hussein and his family, including cash, gold bullion, jewelry and assorted valuable antiquities.

The problem became evident when “the operation in Iraq involved 100 people, all of whom apparently are now dead, having succumbed to so-called ‘friendly fire’.

"The scope of this operation included the penetration of the Central Bank of Iraq, other large commercial banks in Baghdad, the Iraqi National Museum and certain presidential palaces where monies and bullion were secreted.”

“They identified about $2 billion in cash, another $150 million in Euros, in physical banknotes, and about another $100 million in sundry foreign currencies ranging from Yen to British Pounds,” reports Al Martin.

“These people died, mostly in the same place in Baghdad, supposedly from a stray cruise missile or a combination of missiles and bombs that went astray,” Martin continues.

“There were supposedly 76 who died there and the other 24 died through a variety of ‘friendly fire’, ‘mistaken identity’ and some of them—their whereabouts are simply unknown.”...

“This was a contingent of CIA/ DoD operatives, but it was really the CIA that bungled it,” Ms Rogers said....

“CIA people were supposed to be handling it,” Martin continues.

“They had a special ‘black’ aircraft to fly [the stolen goods] out. But none of that happened because the regular US Army showed up, stumbled onto it and everyone involved had to scramble."



It may well be that a hidden Pentagon alliance knew what this CIA team was there to do -- and had to order them to be taken out for the greater good.

One of the consequences of this CIA operation was the Bush cartel came in possession of a massive glut of nearly worthless Iraqi dinars.

There is an astonishing amount of fairly well-written information online making people think they will make millions of dollars in a "currency revaluation" that increases the value of the dinar.

For ten years now, the classic "Tuesday-Friday Game" has been played. Always "the money is coming," and when it's not Tuesday, it bumps ahead to Friday, and so on, figuratively speaking.



My own journalism has often been co-opted by this group as well. Sadly, there are people who have refinanced their homes and dumped their life savings into dinars.

At least three different trusted insiders have told me this is a scam by the Bush cartel to monetize otherwise worthless paper -- while also identifying people who "know too much."

Here is one well-written expose of the dinar scam. To make the whole intrigue of this story even juicier, the expose' is written by Mike Rothschild.

The insiders who told me this are brave, patriotic whistleblowers who claim to be part of a vast alliance working to defeat the Cabal.



Rothschild versus Bush may well be one of the most significant insider wars between opposing factions within the Cabal.

It is quite a mistake to think everyone in the Cabal agrees on who gets to be in charge. The only thing they agree on is secrecy.

There are multiple warring factions in the Cabal. The only thing they agree on is secrecy.

Hardly any of the dinar supporters are out there using their real names and identities in public. Always pseudonyms and Internet avatars.

Interestingly, the alleged insiders within the dinar group are also leaking a significant amount of real information about a global financial reset.

Dinars may go up in value to some degree -- and many other currencies will as well. The overall effect should be extremely positive for everyone.

This is where the story gets a lot more interesting -- sorting fact from fiction. We will discuss the truth behind the financial system change later in this investigation.

If some of the rumors I am hearing are true, then this might all happen a lot sooner than we think.



Stories of a group that is diabolical enough to plant fake WMDs in Iraq, as a pretext for World War III, are admittedly unpleasant to read.

Most people are trained to automatically discount stories of the Cabal, try to "debunk" them, poke holes in the credibility of the witnesses, et cetera.

You can certainly do that if you want to. The links are all there.

However, just as an exercise, let's assume the overall concept is true. Let's assume that this Cabal does indeed exist.

This can be a very, very disturbing reality to have to sit with and integrate into your normal, everyday life.

It's a lot worse than what we now know about the NSA.

Nonetheless, if you are one of the 92 percent who believe in a greater intelligence that is loving, then some part of you knows this is all going to work out.




Even a die-hard rationalist might conclude that the only way this global adversary can keep going is if we remainignorant of who it is and what it is doing.

Once we see and understand what is going on, a critical shift will occur in which it will be impossible for the "bad guys" to ever hurt us again.

That moment appears to be much closer than most people would ever think -- and it will transform our world in ways few can even imagine.

We've had an amazingly effective villain in our global story -- but once certain critical mistakes are made, the game is up. There's no turning back.

Flight 370 is very likely the biggest "botched job" in the history of the Cabal.

And it happened while hundreds of millions of people are now paying attention.



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Artwork by Josepine Wall:

By Moon Hippe Mystic,

  We live in a supportive Universe but do not live in a supportive system and it’s the principal of this conundrum that influences our lives by way of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual perspective.  The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance.  Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness rather we are taught how to slowly die instead.  From the smallest proton to the vastness of the Universe there is a constant and consistent force and that force is energy.  Energy never dies it just changes form and this is also the definition of Spirit or “God”.  We don’t have to be “religious” to use something as simple as Science and energy to “prove” that energy has an effect on each and every one of us.  We can use our understanding of energy to determine how our society shapes and forms our emotional and spiritual health to get a basic foundation of how energy profoundly influences our daily lives.


All energy has its own frequency which is the rate in which the energy vibrates.  It’s a proven fact that negative energy vibrates at a much lower frequency than positive energy.  As seen in the water molecule experiment, Love has the highest vibration of all and creates sacred geometry when Love energy is directed at the water molecule.  Human beings are also made of energy and our energy is our very Lifesource because our bodies couldn’t function without energy.  By volume, the human body produces 60,000 times as much luminosity per cubic centimeter as the Sun which makes human beings quite radiant indeed!  The simplistic thing about emotional energy is that there are only 2 emotions from which all other emotions stem and they are either Love or fear.  Obviously fear is negative and Love is Positive and we can visually see the difference.  This means that if there is negative energy directed at a person, society, religion, or social class then we are all effected in some way through labels and judgment or the “ego” which is a service to self mentality.


At this point we should all be familiar with the “elite” or the 1% who hold the majority of the world’s wealth and prosperity.  An article in Forbes Magazine states that almost half of the world’s wealth is owned by just one percent of the population (  The fact that there is a global elite in the first place suggests an imbalance.  If we live in a “Freewill” Universe then how is it that we can be so trapped and confined within a system where we allow a select few to speak for the masses?  This also implies imbalance because most of us don’t remember having a choice in whether or not to participate in the system from Birth.  The elitist system is based on conditions, rules, structure, labels, and limitation which encourages and expects society to create a self-manufactured image of perfection in order to feed the 1%.  If we can find a way to empty our cup of all we think we know we can re-asses the situation from a higher perspective.  The system runs on the fear, stress, trauma, and negative energy of its participants.  It’s imperative to begin to free the mind from the propaganda that is programmed to keep society on a short lease by giving our power away to the governments, media, doctors, banks, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies.  Like the “Wizard of Oz” there is a proverbial “man behind the curtain” who is pulling the puppet strings of the few to manipulate the many.


I recently watched the Hollywood movie “12 Years a Slave” which is based on the book written by Solomon Northrup.  It’s the true story of how he was taken as a free man and forced into slavery for 12 years.  Solomon Northrup knew Freedom but other slaves that had been born into slavery couldn’t be convinced that they were indeed “slaves”.  This raises the question of how would we know that we don’t know in the first place?  Furthermore, if we are born into an invisible slavery system based on a prison of fear and negativity how would we be able to recognize it if it’s all we know and all our parents know?  Especially if our parents and their parents perpetuated the fear based mentality by passing it down from generation to generation.  Fear is the most negative energy that exists in its vibration and the most “hateful” thing we can do to one another is encouraging one another to be fearful or in pain because of our belief systems.  By keeping the general population in fear we feel “threatened” whether we realize it or not and as a matter of fact the U.S. has been in a declared ”State of Emergency” since 1933 which is an intention of fear (  This fear leaves us in a constant state of stress in the fight or flight reaction it brings thus leaving the Soul to quietly be consumed by the unhealthy emotions that fear brings in its many forms.


In stark contrast, the supportive Universe is teeming with Life and is Limitless and Infinite by its very nature.  The point being that if we are supporting an “elitist” system the Universe is also supporting this system as we Live in a supportive Universe.  It’s quite obvious that the “elite” feel that they are entitled to Resources including energy, water, and financial wealth but where does that leave the rest of the 99%?   As a child of my Creator, it is quite logical and apparent to me that I don’t have to “earn” my right to be here in the first place and I certainly shouldn’t have to pay or fight for resources that are for ALL of us and not just a select few.  I don’t know who decided that they were in charge of auctioning off resources that belong to ALL of Humanity’s children.  When we support an elitist agenda we are in fact enabling ourselves to give our Power away to some sort of “authority figure” and think that said authority figure is going to come to the rescue when times get tough.  As many are finding out, this is not going to happen and the scary part is that the agenda has never been in favor of the masses but yet we support it anyway and, not only that, we teach our children to support it.  This inadvertently leaves behind a legacy that cannot sustain itself or our planet which is also consumed by our “negativity” in a physical and spiritual way.


Energy is an important factor in this discussion, especially when one takes into account that Free Energy Technology has existed for quite some time.  Fossil fuel and the petro dollar are the cornerstone of our enslavement as this gives the “elite” all the excuse they need to invade countries for their resources under the guise of “terrorism”.  If there is a select few “stealing” energy from the masses by way of fossil fuel when there is a cleaner and better way we can begin to see how the global resources have been manipulated to line the pockets of the few while leaving the masses in poverty, illness, homelessness, and hunger.  The mainstream media is owned by corporate conglomerates who, like the Koch Brothers, buy the way for their agendas to make it into law and governance and decide whether or not to report their dealings on the “news”.  This is also true for the pharmaceutical companies in that they do not promote Healing or Wellness rather they invent illness so they can profit from treating the symptoms but typically not the root cause.  It’s baffling that insurance companies refuse to pay for more holistic treatments and approaches to Healing in general or administering a cure that they quite possibly have in their possession.  Have you ever noticed how doctors know exactly what surgery to perform or exactly what drug to prescribe which only treats the symptoms but rarely the root cause of the illness.  There’s plenty of “illness” to go around these days too if we are looking into psychology, trauma (PTSD), addiction, and depression.  There’s always a pill and an “instant gratification” solution so that you can buck up and get back to work or jump through hoops to maintain an economic solution when one is unable to “earn a living”.  There’s no time or financial resource for Healing unless you ride the crazy train or the prison bus out on a rail of not being able to uphold the self-manufactured image of perfection.  There’s a great documentary called “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” which is a must-see if one is questioning the state of Healthcare in the U.S.


The war machine is what the “elite” agenda relies upon to keep the populace in fear and terror while keeping them in control of finance and resources.  There is no Love in war and no one ever “wins” as is evident by the “war weariness” that has captured the Hearts and minds of the masses.  Yet, we find ourselves on the edge of our seat waiting for the next excuse to invade a country rich in resources or another who is considering putting an end to the fiat dollar in the best interests of Humanity.  There’s a very important Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case that will give more “proof” that the agenda of governance is one-sided in that Corporations, by law, have the same rights as Individuals.  This means that we have a Corporate Government and not a Government that is Of the People, By the People, and For the People as stated in the Constitution and therefore violates our Constitutional Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Our Senators and Congresspeople are arguing over Corporate interests and this is also in our face lately in regards to the recent Supreme Court decision McCutcheon v. FEC (  Quoted from Move to “On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.

We Move to Amend.

“. . . corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their ‘personhood’ often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.”

~Supreme Court Justice Stevens, January 2010″

To sign the Petition:


Christianity and other “religion” teach the masses that there is a judgmental “God” who sacrificed his son in order to save us from our “sins” but this is unhealthy and another way we give our energy away to those we perceive as being “above” us in some way.  It teaches us that we/they can do whatever we want to each other and the planet without consequence when the Universal Law of Polarity states that there is Cause and Effect to everything.  The true teachings of Jesus speak of the Power we have by way of the Law of Attraction to Create our reality and this is what we do everyday by continuing to sell our Soul to a select few while our children are dying in war, famine, emotional trauma, and poverty.  There is no judgment or condition in the Real emotion of Love and it is Christ Consciousness that must return to us from withIN in taking back the Power we have chosen to give away by “default”.  There is no “messiah” rather there is “us” and we are the ones we have been waiting for.  It takes a great deal of Faith in “God” or the Law of Attraction to decide to no longer support the flawed system of limitation that we have allowed to rule us in an Infinite, Intelligent, Loving, Abundant Universe.  As quoted from Tania Kotsos ( “The Law of Correspondence (Immutable): The second of the seven Universal Laws tells us “As above, so below; as below, so above”. This means that there is “harmony, agreement and correspondence” between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is no separation since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from the One Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest star and vice versa. All is One. The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great Law of Correspondence in the inscription “Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe”. ”  This means that what we inflict on others by way of our limited perspective of what we are “told” vs. the Truth is the same as hurting ourselves because we are all Connected.  The Truth is that we can no longer excuse ourselves with denial in order to leave behind a Legacy for our children that includes a planet in which to live on.  We have to begin to make our government, financial system, big pharma, and corporations Accountable for their actions because by not doing so we are enabling our own demise much like an insecure victim enabling the addiction of this incredibly flawed perception of “Freedom” which actually teaches reliance instead.


In working with others involving emotional trauma, it recently occurred to me that it is much more difficult to Heal from a place of misunderstanding about the misuse of energy and power we have given away on a personal level.  Each individual is different but our experiences speak of Unity and ONEness.  If we can Awaken ourselves to the societal issues without throwing our hands up in denial and powerlessness we can begin to find our Spirituality again through this Freedom.  If we can embrace our Power as the masses we can begin to support a New system of Free Energy and responsible governance, especially when it comes to financing the few.  In an Infinitely supportive Universe we can begin to Live and Thrive through the Healing of the planet and the “trauma” we have endured together while we were “sleeping”.  We can shed our self-manufactured image of perfection in order to work through the process of RE-building something that is in favor of the 99% of US, the Human Race.  A supportive “God” (Universe) is a LOVING force of energy that wants what WE want and will support us in Limitless ways.  I believe that Free Energy Technology is the first of many waves of our “liberation” and it’s now being distributed Freely via the internet and social media.  Here is the key to unlocking the Quantum Energy Generator via  From here there will be no more stealing of energy via fossil fuels, war, money mongering, and keeping the masses in fear.  When we realize that our energy has been Free all along we will see that the most important things are also Free, like a Loving Universe and the Human Connection of ONEness.  It starts with each and every ONE of us by RE-focusing OUR energy on more and more productive ways to shift our reality to ONE that is for the Greater Good of Planet Earth=Heart and her Creatively Intelligent children, the Human Race.

Music to drive it Home:

Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror

We would LOVE some financial support today in Light of some intense financial circumstances.  If you are willing and able to support us in any way please consider a LOVE donation.  If you would like to book a FREE reading with us please e-mail us at

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Heart-based Life Coaching, Spiritual Awakening, and Soul Reading Sessions.  Please contact us at to schedule a session or get more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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Photo: Message From Archangel Michael – Keys To Participating In The New Reality March 2, 2013 Learn to listen more deeply. Stillness and light are very compatible. In your quieter moments, as turn your attention to listening, you attract more light. The more you listen, the more facile you become with hearing your own innate wisdom SOUND throughout your being. This will appear to you as clarity and insight, as vision and knowing. The perspectives of your Soul, and your Higher Self are vast and more love-filled generally then your human based perspectives. The more you spend time listening to yourself in an aligned, relaxed way, the more these higher perspectives can inform your sense of purpose, mission, path, choices and decisions. It is important for you to realize you have many different ways of making decisions. And that decisions are different than choices, and both are different then preferences. A choice is the act of choosing among options and you may choose differently at another time. Decisions eliminate all other options, commit your energy and behavior to what you’ve decided where preferences are things you like more then others. You make choices based on your preferences. Decisions too can be based on preferences, but they also tend to be based on your values or beliefs. In all of this you are expressing yourself and in each of these kinds of creative acts you summon energetic support from beyond this sphere. Invite higher frequency energy into your life. The alignment you create by being in accord with the higher frequency aspects of your being, summons an expansive and nourishing energy into your life and fuels your creation with the momentum of the Cosmos. When you create from these higher perspectives, your preferences are inclined toward choices and decisions that are in harmony with Divine Will, or the Unified Field. These harmonics, in turn amplify your creative acts. All of life is extended by these kinds of collaborative, resonant focus. To take fullest advantage of your Higher Self and then through your Higher Self, your Soul’s Presence in this life, you must give permission and draw these energetics more and more into your field of being. You have grown and are growing in your capacity to carry light and this will continue as your focus in form unfolds. Allow yourself to fuel this process with the conscious companionship and elevation provided by inviting and giving permission for your Higher Self to join you. You may do this simply by calling upon your Higher Self. Just turning your attention in this way, draws you into a communion of light with your Higher Self and then you can continue to summon your Higher Self asking it to come closer, to come deep into your energy and your body, to merge with you, to flow into all your cells, to entrain your energy field with its energy and light. The more you do this the more you prepare to merge with your Soul Presence. Your connection with your Soul Presence is made possible through your Higher Self. There is a frequency hierarchy within your continuum of being. Beginning to work with this consciously is of great benefit to your life. You notice when you do this that you feel more peaceful, more whole, more confident, more clear, and your life becomes more available to grace. Re-orient to the true source of personal power. The ability to listen to yourself and hear your inner wisdom and know it’s guidance is the source of self-confidence and real personal power. The power of life is love. Power comes from love — from being connected to your own self and from allowing yourself to open to the love available in every moment and every kind of life experience there is. Many of you have issues with ideas of power. Realize that things you think are “bad” or “evil” are mirrors of where you are still entangled in the illusion of duality; the idea that one thing is better then another and the construct of duality. To be empowered feels more comfortable to you then the idea of being powerful. Ask yourself why. These words are not actually different. They simply have different associations from your prior experiences and the beliefs and paradigms of the old reality. Release the idea of protection. I wish now to speak about something very important to me, the idea of protection. Many of you associate my presence with protection. This is something I would like to revise so that I may more clearly participate with you in your life. My intent is to support you and to be available to you as together we move toward the fullest expression of the divine plan. This guides all my activities and all my focus. It is, the standard for my focus and my attention. To increasingly access the power of love in your life, each of you will learn to shift from ideas of protection to ideas of the truth of energetic standards. Standards are the true way that you create what you typically think of as protection. The problem with the idea of protection is that it takes you out of alignment and also feeds fear. To access the fullness of love from within this beautiful life on Earth, you must be in alignment with yourself and be open. This means you will gradually find ways to “let your guard down.” In human life many of you develop resistance to love because the focus instead, is on shielding yourself from potential pain in relationships because of fear. This idea of protection is a construct within the illusion that prevents you from knowing the fullness of love! It does not serve you. It also does not keep these things from happening–as many of you have noticed. Understand protection is essentially an extension of your energy based on fear. Of course it is wise not to drive your car into a tree. {Smile.} Caring for your body by working the the nature of life and making good decisions to perpetuate your life is simply wise. But caring for yourself is not the same thing as being protective. Being protective in essence is being “on the defensive” and being on the defensive means “steeling yourself” or even being aggressive. Being protective, or wanting protection take you out of alignment. This does not empower you, or your joy! Decide to learn to open so you may discover the abundace of love on Earth. This may seem obvious, but often when you are not feeling love it does not occur to you to open up more fully. In fact, you tend to constrict your energy which pinches you off even more! In order to feel the love that is available in each and every moment, you have to open yourself perceptually and energetically to the fuller spectrum of energy you are capable of assimilating. There is an abundance of love everywhere in your world, but many of you do not feel this, or not consistently as you would like to experience love. There is electromagnetic energy available from the Earth, there is energy in the food you eat and the air you breathe. There is energy in sunlight, and there is Cosmic Energy available directly through your crown chakra and through all your chakras. The more open you are, the more relaxed you are, the more you are able to access the full spectrum of energy available to be assimilated. All of this energy is love! Much of your focus along this path of awakening has been working with the healing frequencies transmitted to Earth, summoned by your collective desire to awaken. You have used these energies brilliantly, learning to ride the cycles of upliftment and to more and more confidently take place in your own healing with presence, patience and love. Now in the New Reality you are gradually becoming aware of the more subtle energies present and as you do, these energies actually are drawing you into higher frequency expression. They are energetically triggering you as an invitation to soften your “guard” so that you may open more fully to all that is presenting in your world. To notice these energies and to allow yourself to stay open may take practice. Many of you are very sensitive and as such have developed strong methods of keeping energy away from you that you felt (or shall I say “feared”) might impeded your joy. Of course, you are wise to want to feel joyful, it is simply that pinching off yourself energetically also tends to result in amplified fear and resistance, less availability to feel love, which then creates more fear, and also impedes the full spectrum of love-energy available to you … you can see how this can become a downward trending energy cycle. Replace ideas of protection: learn to set standards to your liking. Many of you are noticing the differences in life. You are feeling more at home. You are noticing your own awareness of unity is more prevalent. You are drawn toward experiences of love and upliftment. Your lives have changed. You have left much behind and this has been hard, but you are gradually learning that you can come indeed out and play! That is part of orienting to the new energies — realizing that it may indeed be YOUR time. To discover that it is indeed your time, you have to soften up these guards you have created so you can let more love in. It’s important for you to know that you can do this safely and still have standards to create your experience. Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. This bears repeating {Smile!} Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. The way you relate to yourself sets the standards for how you are willing to have any others relate to you. All experiences mirror your standards, so use the experiences in your life to discover your standards and then revise them if needed. Once you begin to use standards to create your experiences, along with decisions and choices, you can then entirely release the guard(s)! Then the abundance of life can be more fully received and if you make room to perceive and notice, experienced. Keys to participating in the New Reality. These are the very subtle ways of mastery that will give you the greatest benefit at this time. These are the milestones to understand and master, the Keys if you will to participation in the New Reality. The New Reality is an inner game. You intuitively know this, but now you must apply yourself to learn to live fully this way, as a sovereign expression, an extension into physical form, of your own Divine Being. Learn to listen to yourself. Invite higher frequency versions of your energy to elevate your perspective. Use choice and decisions to create based on your preferences. Use standards as guidelines for what you are willing to experience. Use the mirror of reality to see your standards, and as a feedback loop as you revise them to your liking. Let yourself be a beginner. It’s simple and clear to live this way. But it’s very different then how many of you lived for most of your lives. Which means these are new habits, new ways of being that must be patiently, devotedly created to become natural and for you to confidently utilize them as your process, your way of being. Love yourself enough to be a beginner. To relate to the New Reality as truly new! To innocently and joyfully, learn the ways of the New Reality, with no shame that you do not already know them, and with appreciation for the fundamental design of your world, so that the ability to see clearly and make changes is so beautifully made possible. You have summoned a new version of Earth into being. Now you must meet that with a new version of YOU. I am with you always. I AM Archangel Michael. Channeled by Meredith Murphy

April 7, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

If the following, written by Thomas Kramer in an email, is true…well, it’s worse than I thought. Time to bust open the greed and share it with the world. Start with the dear ones who have no homes, no food, and no running water or plumbing and go from there. THE TIME IS NOW. THIS NEEDS TO BE RELEASED NOW LET US MANIFEST IT. It all starts with awareness and truth. THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE. -GL



Most people do not understand the foundation of the Global financial system and have the mistaken idea that MONEY is created “out of thin air” by Banksters. In actual fact, Central and major commercial banks require “collateral” backing in order to make loans or “create” money (currency). This is just like you requiring some collateral assets or guarantees when applying for a loan anywhere.

By mutual agreement by global sovereigns, central bankers and those with real wealth in real assets (or their Trustees), it was mutually decided to bring this wealth together into a common pool (a Rothschilds suggestion) where banks and governments could maintain their asset accounts on deposit and then when necessary, borrow from this common pool to finance their development requirements. This central pool is called the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

By agreement, Member Depositors can then `borrow’ from the BIS against their collateral up to 10 times the value AT LOW INTEREST RATES and then use the BIS loan as a DEPOSIT in their institutions as a `collateral account’.

An example of this was the USD 15 Trillion that Lord Blackheath discovered and thought to be a fraud. Well, it was a `real’ fully approved `collateral’ transfer’ at the top level of international banking.

Another example is the deposits in the FED that have 52 zeroes in them! And the quadrillions in interest accrued each year on those accounts! The same applies to all other major banks but with less zeroes as confirmed in annual audits approved by the UN/World Bank and the Committee of 300 Chairman (Queen Elizabeth) and/or M1 or the Trustees of the major Trusts or Sovereign Trusts in which the original `Collateral” exists to form the asset backing of the BIS and to which the interest on these loans accrues.

Some of these Trusts are HUGE and may be used in the proposed Prosperity Programs. Ben Fulford’s comment that the Japanese are willing to use their BIS deposits to fund USD 80 Trillion (or USD 100,000 for every man, women and child on the planet) is pittance when compared to some of these major Trusts.

There is much financial maneuvering by the Elite to try to control these `collateral accounts’ and abuse them in as many ways as they can. A good example is the Bush/Romney raid of the Falcone Trust in which they siphoned off billions illegally from one of the Falcone accounts.

Generally the BIS and its major Trustees determine where money will go and for what purposes. If they oppose a borrowing by the Elite (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Shrubs, etc.) they are often disposed as was the case with Kennedy, Soekarno, Marcos and others. Last year I recall a Swiss Banker coming forward and admitting that he handled “assassin accounts” for the Elite.

In summary, Central and commercial banks require `collateral deposits’ in order to issue currencies or make loans. This collateral is or can be borrowed from the BIS (or M1/Trustees) and this goes into special `collateral deposit accounts’ at these financial institutions which are audited annually as official deposits plus interest earned. This collateral can be moved between manor banks using various documents or screen transfers using carefully controlled codes. In most countries the Central Bank will do the annual audit of locally registered financial institutions receiving such collateral deposits and this is reported to the UN and World Bank and the Committee of 300 (who are among the primary Trustees of the BIS asset accounts).

It should also be noted that there are additional Trust Accounts and asset holdings that are outside of the BIS system (such as the Templers and Dragon Families) thus alternatives to `collateral account’ funding may be available, however, this is generally suppressed by the Global Elite. For example, there are thousands of tons of gold in Asia that is “off the Market” and not allowed to be traded. The Chinese are now opening a Gold Exchange that will trade in only real gold and not `paper gold’ or tungsten bars coated with gold. This will have a major impact on the London Markets, but is a clear `alternative’ for banks to acquire `real collateral’ backing.

In my opinion, the current BIS Collateral Accounts have become so outlandishly large that they now lack meaning in reality. The Trust Assets backing this system were in most cases stolen from the people of the World through theft, taxation, fraud, war, murder and so many other types of greed. It is now time that we realize this and claim back what rightfully belongs to mankind. This is what NESARA and the various Prosperity Programs are all promising. St. Germaine where are you now? And as WE THE PEOPLE wake up to what has been going on and the un-necessity of `debt enslavement’ , then WE can accomplish this change and redistribution of OUR WEALTH. Trustees please be aware of your sacred trusts or you shall be replacedsoon.

Thomas Kramer

~ separate email below ~

The Collateral Accounts
Most people think that banks create money out of thin air.   That is not altogether true.  Banks can only lend out based on the collateral that they have on account.
But where do they get enough collateral to finance billion and trillion dollar loans?

From the COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS of course!

But what are the Collateral Accounts?

Well, that story goes back a long, long way to a time when Adam Smith wrote “The Wealth of Nations” wherein he recommended that wealthy rulers, governments and oligarchs hold their wealth collectively or individually in Trusts and that this wealth be placed in depositories such as bonded warehouses, underground bunkers, caves, and so on, and that this wealth (but not the ownership of the assets) could then be loaned out as COLLATERAL to bankers (central and private banks)  globally at 2% per annum by the Trustees of these Depository Trusts.  In practice the loans were never repaid and the interest was rolled-over and compounded but accredited to the Trust Accounts on an annual basis.   And these “loans” of collateral are typically shown in OFF LEDGER deposit accounts at almost every central bank and major banks within every country worldwide.

The principal Trustees of these deposits that are used for collateral formed a group called the COMMITTEE OF 300 which is headed by the Queen of England and has representative Trustees from various royal families, old rich families, The Vatican and a few from the Middle East, the Far East (Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand) and China.
For the most part the control of the assets and lending of collateral (that is, control of the Book of Records and CODES) has been usurped by the West and not spread equitably on a global basis like it was originally supposed to be. This has been a bone of contention particularly with the Chinese and Far Eastern countries (ie, Dragon Families) who have the bulk of the gold held under Depository Trusts and are now demanding more control over the handling of their assets.

This is what Neil Keenan is fighting to gain control of for the Chinese and Indonesian ancient “dragon families” and which the Western banksters certainly will do almost everything in their power to stop as it will cause them to lose global financial control especially over such institutions as the IMF, World Bank, the UN, the FED and the European Central Bank, as well as, all their Central Banks and large international banks.  And that is what they go to war about.  This is a grand game of chess with the people of the world the pawns.

To give you an idea of the size of these collateral deposit accounts, the FED currently has collateral deposits in EXCESS of 60 ZEROS.   All top 10 major international banks carry deposits in EXCESS OF 50 ZEROS.   And these all grow by 2% per annum!   And are ANNUALLY AUDITED by the Committee of 300 and signed off by the Queen and the Secretary General of the UN.  This is a rather thick book covering all countries and their banks.   This is the underlying COLLATERAL for the global financial system.

Now there is all kinds of talk about “fiat” monetary systems but in actual fact all those loans are supposedly backed by collateral deposits and the interest that has accrued to the Collateral Accounts.   But the fact that the Collateral Accounts are virtually un-collectable and have accrued over the centuries to such humongous figures (1 x 10””60 x 100++) simply means that this ancient Trust wealth is in itself “pie in the sky” worthless.

But the Trustees think that they can still get away with conning mankind by renewing the global financial system by redistributing some of this wealth back to every man, woman and child on the Earth, thus making everyone happy and wealthy for a while.

Let’s look at this redistribution a bit closer though.  There are 6 billion people living on Mother Earth right now (6 x 10**9) and there are various proposals to generously give everyone anywhere from a few million to say 10 million USD equivalent (10 x 10**6),  which means that the payout would be somewhere around (60 x 10**15)  or USD 60,000,000,000,000,000.   Gosh, that is a lot of money!
But looking a bit closer, the FED has Collateral Deposits of 1 x 10**60 and if you just chop off 1 x 10**15, they would still have 1 x 10**45 on deposit.  Not much of a dent there.  And if this is spread out further between all the major international banks and major central banks, the distribution could easily drop to 1 x 10**15 each and not hurt their bottom line in the least or their Collateral deposit balance.


So you see, even if the East wrestles control of the Collateral Accounts they are just simply perpetuating their global financial slavery.  Wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Nothing will really change other than who is pulling the purse strings.
Such a payout would certainly stimulate the global economy and allow everyone the opportunity to over-consume our limited resources thus making everything more expensive and a bigger global mess, but what the heck, who will resist a few FREE million dollars without thinking about the consequences?

And then there is the followers of Mr Sino and Mr Fulford who propose a smaller handout but financing (loans?) for free energy devices, healthcare, social services, greening the deserts and cleaning up the environment with most of that money going to the oligarchs who control governments, banks and industries already.   Back to square one.

What this all boils down to is that we have to re-think what type of financial system we really need.  One based on REAL wealth and not a pile of empty zeros in a ledger account somewhere that belong to some old family that never got their hands dirty and usually stole this wealth from their own people (taxes) or neighbors (spoils of war) and still wish to continue conning mankind for generations to come believing that THEY deserve this old wealth of empty zeros.   It is time to ZERO THEM OFF THE BOOKS.  Their wealth needs to be valued at its real current value only.  Time to take a hit folks.

Now can you see why the Globalists of the US and Europe are continuously at war?  Lets go steal some other country’s wealth and make their people pay more to just live.  The new Ukrainian government just sent their gold to be deposited in the New York Fed, the same one that Germany can’t get their gold out of or even see it…..and the US will now loan them money!  At interest with strings attached.
And poor Syria was just blocking a US/Arab pipeline deal so send in the mercenaries and give them sarin gas to play with.
And Libya and Iran just have a bit too much oil that is not under Western control.

The Wealth of Nations, the ancient families, oligarchs, dictators and so on, have all been accrued through theft, murder (wars), corruption and seldom through honest means.  And it is this Wealth held through a handful of Trustees that actually control the economies of the world.
Now this begs the question, “Does mankind wish to continue living under such financial and economic slavery to such Trustees holding such ancient collateral which was stolen from mankind…..or do we wish to be really FREE?

Among other things, I am an expert in TRUE Islamic Banking (which is not the fraudulent Islamic Banking being practiced today).  This is simply based on the following quotation from the Holy Quran:-
“He who incurs a liability must dictate
And fear his Lord
And not diminish aught of what is owed…”
Sura Buqara Ayat 282

Simply put, if you are a Borrower you must clearly state all of your liabilities (what you are GIVING) in writing and witnessed by your witness and that this may include your collateral pledges, guarantors, profit sharing (as a percentage if you like), compensation to the Lender for his cost of capital and any other GIVING that you may deem appropriate based on the honest use of the loan.  The Lender then has a FREE WILL CHOICE  to either accept or reject your offered liabilities.  And if he accepts your terms and conditions then the Lender must state his liabilities such as giving the requested loan amount, giving additional time or help if the Borrower runs into difficulties or ever writing off the loan.
Notice that this is a slight twist on what normal bankers do.  The correct position of BOTH Parties is one of GIVING and not demanding as is currently being practiced.   Ask yourselves…..which is better.

This is a real starting point in any new financial system.  A new system based on GIVING which carries with it the benefits and blessings of the Creator and the correct positioning of exercising the FREE WILL of mankind.
We are at a point of financial and economic transition, thus we need to set the correct foundations and fundamental basis for forming this new world.  It is honestly about zeroing off all the false wealth and liberating ourselves from the old families and their Trustees.   It is about getting back to what is REAL WEALTH and then sharing that based on conditions of GIVING.

It is as simple as that, but unfortunately those in power still want to keep all their zeros and maintain their financial enslavement of mankind.   But isn’t it nice that we have computers that can be programmed to delete zeros!   The Creator must love Hackers!

Be in the Light of Knowing.

Tom Kramer

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Photo: Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. -Daniel 12:3

The Allies of Humanity   Fifth Briefing   “Threshold: A New Promise for Humanity”

In order to prepare for the alien presence that is in the world, it is necessary to learn more about life in the Greater Community, life that will envelope your world in the future, life that you will be a part of.

Humanity’s destiny was always to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. This is inevitable and occurs in all worlds where intelligent life has been seeded and has developed. Eventually, you would have come to realize that you lived within a Greater Community. And, eventually, you would have found that you were not alone in your own world, that visitation was occurring and that you would have to learn to contend with divergent races, forces, beliefs and attitudes that are prevalent in the Greater Community in which you live.

Emerging into the Greater Community is your destiny. Your isolation is now over. Though your world has been visited many times in the past, your isolated state has come to an end. Now it is necessary for you to realize that you are no longer alone—in the universe or even within your own world. This understanding is presented more fully in the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality that is being presented in the world today. Our role here is to describe life as it exists in the Greater Community so that you may have a deeper understanding of the greater panorama of life into which you are emerging. This is necessary in order for you to be able to approach this new reality with greater objectivity, understanding and wisdom. Humanity has lived in relative isolation for so long that it is natural for you to consider that the rest of the universe functions according to the ideas, principles and science that you hold sacred and upon which you base your activities and your perceptions of the world.

             The Greater Community is vast. Its furthest reaches have never been explored. It is greater than any race can comprehend. Within this magnificent creation, intelligent life exists at all levels of evolution and in countless expressions. Your world exists in a part of the Greater Community that is fairly well inhabited. There are many areas of the Greater Community that have never been explored and other areas where races live in secret. Everything exists in the Greater Community in terms of the manifestations of life. And though life as we have been describing it seems difficult and challenging, the Creator works everywhere, reclaiming the separated through Knowledge.

In the Greater Community, there can be no one religion, one ideology or one form of government that can be adapted to all races and all peoples. Therefore, when we speak of religion, we speak of the spirituality of Knowledge, for this is the power and presence of Knowledge that dwells in all intelligent life—within you, within your visitors and within other races that you will encounter in the future.

Thus, universal spirituality becomes a great focal point. It brings together the divergent understandings and ideas that are prevalent in your world and gives your own spiritual reality a shared foundation. Yet the study of Knowledge is not only edifying, it is essential for survival and advancement in the Greater Community. For you to be able to establish and sustain your freedom and independence in the Greater Community, you must have this greater ability developed amongst enough people in your world. Knowledge is the only part of you that cannot be manipulated or influenced. It is the source of all wise understanding and action. It becomes a necessity within a Greater Community environment if freedom is valued and if you wish to establish your own destiny without being integrated into a collective or another society.

        Therefore, while we present a grave situation in the world today, we also present a great gift and a great promise for humanity, for the Creator would not leave you unprepared for the Greater Community, which is the greatest of all thresholds that you as a race will face. We have been blessed with this gift as well. It has been in our possession for many of your centuries. We have had to learn it both out of choice and out of necessity.

Indeed, it is the presence and the power of Knowledge which enables us to speak as your Allies and to provide the information that we are giving in these discourses. Had we never found this great Revelation, we would be isolated in our own worlds, unable to comprehend the greater forces in the universe which would shape our future and our destiny. For the gift that is being given in your world today has been given to us and to many other races as well who showed promise. This gift is especially important for emerging races such as your own who hold such promise and yet are so vulnerable in the Greater Community.

Therefore, while there can be no one religion or ideology in the universe, there is a universal principle, understanding and spiritual reality that is available to all. So complete is it that it can speak to those who are vastly different from you. It speaks to the diversity of life in all of its manifestations. You, living within your world, now have the opportunity to learn of such a great reality, to experience its power and grace for yourselves. Indeed, ultimately this is the gift that we wish to reinforce, for this will preserve your freedom and your self-determination and will open the door to a greater promise in the universe.

            However, you have adversity and a great challenge at the outset. This requires you to learn a deeper Knowledge and a greater awareness. Should you respond to this challenge, you become the beneficiary not only for yourself, but for your entire race.

The teaching in Greater Community Spirituality is being presented in the world today. It has never been presented here before. It is being given through one person, who serves as the intermediary and speaker for this Tradition. It is being sent into the world at this critical time when humanity must learn of its life in the Greater Community and of the greater forces that are shaping the world today. Only a teaching and understanding from beyond the world could give you this advantage and this preparation.

You are not alone in undertaking such a great task, for there are others in the universe undertaking this, even at your stage of development. You are but one of many races emerging into the Greater Community at this time. Each one holds promise and yet each is vulnerable to the difficulties, challenges and influences that exist in this greater environment. Indeed, many races have lost their freedom before it was ever attained only to become part of collectives or commercial guilds or client states to larger powers.

          We do not wish to see this happen for humanity, for this would be a great loss. It is for this reason that we are here. It is for this reason that the Creator is active in the world today, bringing a new understanding to the human family. It is time for humanity to end its ceaseless conflicts with itself and to prepare for life in the Greater Community.

You live in an area that has a great deal of activity beyond the sphere of your tiny solar system. Within this area, trade is carried on along certain avenues. Worlds interact, compete and sometimes conflict with each other. Opportunities are being sought by all who have commercial interests. They seek not only resources but also allegiances from worlds such as your own. Some are part of larger collectives. Others maintain their own alliances on a much smaller scale. Worlds that are able to emerge into the Greater Community successfully have had to maintain their autonomy and self-sufficiency to a great degree. This frees them from exposure to other forces which would only serve to exploit and manipulate them.

It is indeed your self-sufficiency and the development of your understanding and unity that become most essential for your well-being in the future. And this future is not far off, for already the influence of the visitors is becoming greater in your world. Many individuals have acquiesced to them already and now serve as their emissaries and intermediaries. Many other individuals simply serve as resources for their genetic program. This has happened, as we have said, many times in many places. It is not a mystery to us though it must seem incomprehensible to you.

        The Intervention is both a misfortune and a vital opportunity. If you are able to respond, if you are able to prepare, if you are able to learn Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom, then you will be able to offset the forces that are interfering in your world and build the foundation for greater unity amongst your own peoples and tribes. We, of course, encourage this, for this strengthens the bond of Knowledge everywhere.

In the Greater Community, warfare on a large scale rarely occurs. There are constraining forces. For one thing, warfare disturbs commerce and resource development. As a result, large nations are not allowed to act recklessly, for it impedes or offsets the goals of other parties, other nations and other interests. Civil war occurs periodically in worlds, but large-scale warfare between societies and between worlds is rare indeed. It is partly for this reason that skill in the Mental Environment has been established, for nations do compete with each other and attempt to influence one another. Since no one wants to destroy resources and opportunities, these greater skills and capabilities are cultivated with varying degrees of success amongst many societies in the Greater Community. When these kinds of influences are present, the need for Knowledge is even greater.

                Humanity is ill prepared for this. Yet because of your rich spiritual heritage and the degree to which personal freedom exists in your world today, there is promise that you may be able to advance in this greater understanding and thus secure your freedom and preserve it.

Photo: Please Share :)

There are other constraints against warfare in the Greater Community. Most trading societies belong to large guilds that have established laws and codes of conduct for their members. These serve to constrain the activities of many who would seek to use force to gain access to other worlds and their proprietary resources. For warfare to break out on a large scale, many races would have to be involved, and this does not happen often. We understand that humanity is very warlike and conceives of conflict in the Greater Community in terms of warfare, but in reality you will find that this is not well tolerated and that other avenues of persuasion are employed in place of force.

Thus, your visitors come to your world not with great armaments. They do not come bringing large military forces, for they employ the skills that have served them in other ways—skills in manipulating the thoughts, the impulses and the feelings of those whom they encounter. Humanity is very vulnerable to such persuasions given the degree of superstition, conflict and mistrust that are prevalent in your world at this time.

       Therefore, to understand your visitors and to understand others whom you will encounter in the future, you must establish a more mature approach to the use of power and influence. This is a vital part of your Greater Community education. Part of the preparation for this will be given in the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality, but you must also learn through direct experience.

At present, we understand, there is a very fanciful view of the Greater Community amongst many people. It is believed that those who are technologically advanced are spiritually advanced as well, yet we can assure you that this is not the case. You yourselves, though more technologically advanced now than you were previously, have not spiritually advanced to a very great degree. You have more power, but with power comes the need for greater restraint.

There are those in the Greater Community who have far more power than you at a technological level and even at the level of thought. You will evolve to deal with them, but weaponry will not be your focus. For warfare on an interplanetary scale is so destructive that everyone loses. What are the spoils of such a conflict? What advantages does it secure? Indeed, when such conflict does exist, it happens in space itself and rarely in terrestrial environments. Rogue nations and those who are destructive and aggressive are quickly countered, particularly if they exist in well-populated areas where commerce is carried on.

            Therefore, it is necessary for you to understand the nature of conflict in the universe because this will give you insight into the visitors and their needs—why they function the way they do, why individual freedom is unknown amongst them and why they rely upon their collectives. This gives them stability and power, but it also renders them vulnerable to those who are skilled with Knowledge.

Knowledge enables you to think in any number of ways, to act spontaneously, to perceive reality beyond the obvious and to experience the future and the past. Such abilities are beyond the reach of those who can only follow the regimens and the dictates of their cultures. You are far behind the visitors technologically, but you have the promise to develop skills in The Way of Knowledge, skills which you will need and must learn to rely upon increasingly.

We would not be the Allies of Humanity if we did not teach you about life in the Greater Community. We have seen much. We have encountered many different things. Our worlds were overcome and we had to regain our freedom. We know, from error and from experience, the nature of the conflict and the challenge that you face today. That is why we are well suited for this mission in our service to you. However, you will not meet us, and we will not come to meet the leaders of your nations. That is not our purpose.

              Indeed, you need as little interference as possible, but you do need great assistance. There are new skills that you must develop and a new understanding that you must gain. Even a benevolent society, should they come to your world, would have such an influence and such an impact upon you that you would become dependent upon them and would not establish your own strength, your own power and your own self-sufficiency. You would be so reliant upon their technology and upon their understanding that they would not be able to leave you. And indeed, their arrival here would make you even more vulnerable to interference in the future. For you would desire their technology, and you would want to travel along the corridors of trade in the Greater Community. Yet you would not be prepared, and you would not be wise.

That is why your future friends are not here. That is why they are not coming to help you. For you would not become strong if they did. You would want to associate with them, you would want to have alliances with them, but you would be so weak that you could not protect yourselves. In essence, you would become part of their culture, which they do not will.

Perhaps many people will not be able to understand what we are saying here, but in time this will make perfect sense to you, and you will see its wisdom and its necessity. At this moment, you are far too frail, too distracted and too conflicted to form strong alliances, even with those who could be your future friends. Humanity cannot yet speak as one voice, and so you are prone to intervention and manipulation from beyond.

             As the reality of the Greater Community becomes more well known within your world, and if our message can reach enough people, then there will be a growing consensus that there is a greater problem facing humanity. This could create a new basis for cooperation and consensus. For what possible advantage can one nation in your world have over another when the entire world is threatened by the Intervention? And who could seek to gain individual power in an environment where alien forces are intervening? If freedom is to be real in your world, it must be shared. It must be recognized and known. It cannot be the privilege of the few or there will be no real strength here.

We understand from the Unseen Ones that already there are people who seek world dominion because they believe they have the visitors’ blessings and support. They have the visitors’ assurance that they will be assisted in their quest for power. And yet, what are they giving away but the keys to their own freedom and the freedom of their world? They are unknowing and unwise. They cannot see their error.

                  We also understand that there are those who believe that the visitors are here to represent a spiritual renaissance and a new hope for humanity, but how can they know, they who know nothing of the Greater Community? It is their hope and their desire that this be the case, and such wishes are accommodated by the visitors, for very obvious reasons.

What we are saying here is there can be nothing short of real freedom in the world, real power and real unity. We make our message available to everyone, and we trust that our words can be received and considered seriously. Yet we have no control over your response. And the superstitions and the fears of the world may make our message beyond the reach for many. But the promise is still there. To give you more, we would have to take over your world, which we do not want to do. Therefore, we give all that we can give without interfering in your affairs. Yet there are many who want interference. They want to be rescued or saved by someone else. They do not trust the possibilities for humanity. They do not believe in humanity’s inherent strengths and capabilities. They will give over their freedom willingly. They will believe what they are told by the visitors. And they will serve their new masters, thinking that what they are being given is their own liberation.

         Freedom is a precious thing in the Greater Community. Never forget this. Your freedom, our freedom. And what is freedom but the ability to follow Knowledge, the reality that the Creator has given you, and to express Knowledge and to contribute Knowledge in all of its manifestations?

Your visitors do not have this freedom. It is unknown to them. They look at the chaos of your world, and they believe that the order that they will impose here will be redeeming for you and will save you from your own self-destruction. This is all they can give, for this is all that they have. And they will use you, but they do not consider this inappropriate, for they themselves are being used and know of no alternative to this. Their programming, their conditioning, is so thorough that to reach them at the level of their deeper spirituality holds only remote possibilities. You do not have the strength to do this. You would have to be so much stronger than you are today to have a redeeming influence on your visitors. And yet, their conformity is not so unusual in the Greater Community. It is very common in large collectives, where uniformity and compliance are essential to efficient functioning, particularly over vast areas of space.

             Therefore, do not look at the Greater Community with fear, but with objectivity. The conditions that we are describing already exist in your world. You can understand these things. Manipulation is known to you. Influence is known to you. You have just never encountered them on such a great scale, nor have you ever had to compete with other forms of intelligent life. As a result, you do not yet have the skills to do so.

We speak of Knowledge because it is your greatest ability. Regardless of what technology you can develop over time, Knowledge is your greatest promise. You are centuries behind the visitors in your technological development, so you must rely upon Knowledge. It is the greatest force in the universe, and your visitors do not use it. It is your only hope. That is why the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality teaches The Way of Knowledge, provides the Steps to Knowledge and teaches Greater Community Wisdom and Insight. Without this preparation, you would not have the skill or the perspective to understand your dilemma or to respond to it effectively. It is too big. It is too new. And you are not adapted to these new circumstances.

          The''visitors’' influence is growing with each passing day. Every person who can hear this, feel this and know this must learn The Way of Knowledge, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. This is a calling. It is a gift. It is a challenge.

Under more pleasant circumstances, well, the need may not seem as great. But the need is tremendous, for there is no security, there is no place to hide, there is no retreat in the world that is secure from the alien presence that is here. That is why there are only two choices: you can acquiesce or you can stand for your freedom.

This is the great decision placed before each person. This is the great turning point. You cannot be foolish in the Greater Community. It is too demanding an environment. It requires excellence, commitment. Your world is too valuable. The resources here are coveted by others. The strategic position of your world is held in high regard. Even if you were living in some remote world far from any trade route, far from all commercial engagements, eventually you would be discovered by someone. That eventuality has come for you now. And it is well underway.

              Take heart, then. This is a time for courage, not for ambivalence. The gravity of the situation facing you only confirms the importance of your life and your response and the importance of the preparation that is being given in the world today. It is not only for your edification and advancement. It is for your protection and your survival as well.

  By Marshall Vian Summers

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April 5, 2014  by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

Originally channeled in December 2013 ~ still very applicable in this NOW time as our current earth timeline has not yet coincided with this possible timeline

update 12-13-13

Dear Friends, here is some additional information that came through in a personal channeling I did last night after the original channeling.

From the Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council:

“This celebration of the intergalactic star nations with Earth which we have been planning and which will be occurring in your future timeline is just one part of the rest of this large event which will be occurring and which is being referred to as “The Event” by many of your message-bringers in your community. There will be many other things which will be occurring around this time. There is a global reset happening, there is a “changing of the guard” so to speak in the power structures of your earth, and there are many different things that are happening now behind the scenes which have not come into your particular individual holographic realities. This will indeed be a mass global occurrence of which All will be aware.

Also, all of the higher consciousness community is coming into the awareness of their multidimensional self which is an integration of the lower earth self and the higher self which exists in the higher dimensions; and this then forms into your multidimensional being. Tonight (12-12-13) is a great portal of higher dimensional energy which is assisting you in raising your vibration even further. For ascension is a raising of the vibration and ascension is a harmonization with the higher dimensional and higher frequency energies.Your planet earth is traveling through this photonic belt of light which is of higher dimensional energies. There are higher dimensional energies anchored into Mother Earth into the crystalline grid that is inside of Mother Earth. There are also higher dimensional beings living inside the earth known as the Agarthans which you know of. And there are many beings from many different star nations, which many of you have origins with in other lifetimes; these beings are around the earth in higher dimensional starships.”

Good evening, we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to give you an update this evening on your ascension process and all that will be coming to you in the coming days. Today is a year since the opening of the 12-12-12 portal and indeed many many things have occurred behind the scenes which are still in fact hidden from your view. We want to give you a metaphor of what is occurring right now in the higher dimensions for you. Picture a beautiful field of flowers and trees all around, with grassy areas of sunlight and shade and the sun shining upon all. There are tables being set for a grand feast, decorations being put up, and many many party planning activities are in process. Flowers are being planted in a most beautiful arrangement, fresh food and drink are being laid out, and there is a grand scene of preparation for a beautiful celebration for our earthen humans that will be commencing shortly. This beautiful celebration will be honoring the christed light within each one of you, as well as the principles of sharing, love, unity, harmony, abundance, peace, a merging with the higher dimensions, assistance from the galactic star nations who will also be attending the celebration, and many and all of the higher dimensional principles from which we operate in the angelic and higher dimensional realms. All of these principles will be celebrated during this joyous occasion. All beings on earth are invited to this feast and reunion of our galactic families with beings from your higher consciousness earthen communities, including you. We are showing the channel a vision of these beautiful celebration festivities which are being planned for you. Please take a moment to pause and tune in.

Those of you who are moving towards the higher dimensions and on a higher consciousness path will partake in this celebration and in these festivities. We are preparing these especially for you. There will be a reuniting with your star families of origin which will feel like somewhat of a homecoming for you as well as for us. This will feel like a family reunion on a galactic scale. Can you see us all embracing and interacting in a joyous celebration of harmony and love? Can you feel the spirit of goodwill and harmonious intergalactic relations which are now occurring? We in the higher dimensions can see this celebration taking place now, as remember we are outside of time. All is occurring simultaneously in the higher dimensions. You, too, will be able to function outside of time as soon as you are feeling more comfortable in your higher dimensional, multidimensional bodies and after you have begun to really integrate your multidimensional selves into one multidimensional being. This is the Pleiadian Council speaking now and we want you to know that we have many ways to assist you in learning how to live a multidimensional life.

We have many technologies which will guide you along on your higher dimensional path….beautiful healing technologies given to us by Source Creator and used in a loving manner for the highest good of all. Wonderful free energy technologies which will propel your world “into the stratosphere” so to speak and reduce your dependence on oil, which is the lifeblood of Mother Earth Gaia. Removing this oil from her body is akin to removing the blood from your body. It drains her and is so unnecessary! Of course those who have been in charge in your world and we say have been because their time of power is coming to a close, they have encouraged your dependence on oil as it profits the multinational corporate machinery. Our free energy technology, just this one technology out of many that we will be bringing to you, will change your world forever. Imagine a world wherein the energy to propel or operate everything, where all energy, is free. Imagine a world without sickness or hospitals or pharmaceutical companies in which the health of the human body is always in pristine condition, in which bodies and minds are ageless and in which you can take any form at will. This is just one aspect of our higher dimensional societies. A society where death is not a sad grievous occasion, but where there is actually no death and one can change body or form at will and simply dematerialize upon no longer wishing to partake in the illusion. The free energy and healing technologies we will will bring and offer to you as gifts from our intergalactic societies (we the Pleiadians and other star nations) to yours will change everything for you. Our technologies will assist in transforming your world into a free society of beautiful and loving higher vibrational energies. The channel was thinking the other day, “It should not cost money to live on Earth.” She is right. Earth life should be free for all, not a monopolistic society wherein the elite live lives of luxury and the 99% live high stress lives spending all their time focusing on survival. This will all change with the introduction of our much-needed technologies and principles. And we speak now for all the star nations with which you will reunite, not just the Pleiadian societies. All intergalactic societies with which you will be reuniting have much to offer your civilization, much to assist you in advancing forward.

The Agarthan beings living in Inner Earth, many of whom are from the ancient civilization of Lemuria, will also be at this grand celebratory Event. They too wish to be a part of these festivities as they also have much to bring to the table to offer your outer earth beings to assist in this transition to a higher dimensional society. They have been waiting for the time to be ripe just as we have. All will come together during this time to exchange love, hope, goodwill, remembrances, information, sharing, and abundance for all. What a beautiful time this will be!

Imagine that during this great festive celebration which we described earlier we unveil these technologies. Imagine what an incredible celebration this will be. A new freedom will begin to overtake your joyous hearts and minds and a most joyous feeling will emanate from you all.

Imagine a world in which money is not controlled by a few private mechanisms designed to be self-serving by those who created the system; imagine instead a world where universal abundance and prosperity is the lay of the land so to speak. All contribute to the good of all and all have everything they need for a joyous and loving life. Each person spends a percentage of his or her time doing what they love which contributes to the whole. Each person has all the “money” they need because all members of the society are contributing towards the building of this society. All members are in a concerted effort to be at One for the Good of All. Food is abundant and free for all, shelter is not only plentiful but also beautiful and free for all, transportation is also free and many are adept at teletransportation or are learning to become adept at it, and communications are done telepathically and holographically. Picture a person sending a holographic “movie” to another as a way of communication, much like your videos are shared today on your computers; these holographic pictograms and “video”grams are freely sent as a form of communication. This is the way we “instant message” in the higher dimensions. Sickness and death are a “thing of the past”; struggling for survival is no longer the focus of daily earthen life, and life becomes a most joyous endeavor unlike anything you have ever known since coming into this present life on earth. Many begin to remember their star origins; their memories are awakened as the veil between dimensions continues to fall away, and this awakening and remembrance is a part of the joy of living this new life on earth.

We function in the higher dimensions with abundance and joy created for All by the All……self-serving behavior never comes into the picture because we all live from the viewpoint of the heart and function in love as a beautiful expression of Source Creator. All live by the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself. This is a principle followed with higher awareness by all and one of the elements of the foundation of this new way of life being embraced by all higher consciousness beings on earth. If one wishes to create a new reality; a new hologram; a new civilization; one does not fight the old; one embraces and creates the new. This is one of the many higher dimensional principles we of the star nations embrace.

These are the concepts, principles, technologies, methodologies, and practices that we of the intergalactic star nations wish to share with your earthen societies if you are open to them. We think the time has come to begin to introduce these principles to you and we also think you are ready as an earthen society for many of these changes. The time is ripe just as a fruit is ripe for plucking.

We return now to our celebration, our feast and our festivities. These will continue for many days and begin to spread all around your globe until it becomes part of a much larger, all-encompassing Global Event wherein many other great changes are occurring on your planet. We say “are occurring” because, as mentioned over and over again by us, we are outside of time and can see and enter into this grand celebration which is happening in the Great Now. We are your star nation families and we wish to express our joy and love on these most joyous and loving occasions that will be occurring on your planet sometime in the near future in your timelines. These will happen when you are ready. Begin to prepare your minds and hearts for living in a higher dimensional world. Open up to your own personal inner vision and origins and begin to connect with your galactic self and your multidimensional being. Always connect in with your higher self first (“I connect with my higher self, please connect with me”), then connect in with your multidimensional and galactic self…….this then in conjunction with your earthen being is your new Multidimensional, Galactic Self. You are a star being just as we are and your true history will also be revealed during these great celebrations which will be occurring as our societies reunite. Grand celebrations are planned and if you wish to attend we would ask that you envision all of which we speak so that you may dissolve your current holographic reality and blend it into this new holographic reality which awaits your arrival. Your minds are powerful beyond measure. You are coming into a time wherein you will begin to know your power as a higher dimensional being and begin to use it wisely and with love for the highest good of All.

The grand celebration and connection of our galactic societies awaits your arrival, and you are invited just as all earthen people are invited and we ask only that you bring your highest vision of yourself to this celebration and let go of all that no longer serves you. Cleanse your bodies, cleanse your minds, cleanse your lives and move forward into this new higher dimensional reality which awaits you all. We will be awaiting your arrival with open arms and open hearts, with lots of love from your families of origin who welcome you home to your True Self and to your intergalactic family reunion and celebration that we have prepared for you with our highest intentions and most caring and loving thoughts for All.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

Dear Friends,

Please help keep these channelings free. If this post or this website has enlightened you or helped you on your spiritual journey, please consider a donation in any amount. All donations are appreciated and accepted with gratitude and love, and support my channeling work and artistic work. I rely on your donations to keep this site going. Thank you!

~ Love, Goldenlight

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By Shanta Gabriel,

April’s Escalator to New Life

Taking Your Gyroscope on the Road

Dear Ones,

Moving into April is like stepping onto a vibrant, high-powered Cosmic Escalator. This requires the release of hectic mental and physical activity with the willingness to let yourself be carried into an expanded awareness of the new life that is awakening on the Earth. Whether you resist and try to walk back down the stairs or try to move faster by running up, the speed and movement of the escalator will not change, and you will have only created stress in your inner being.

Far better to surrender to the flow of this Escalator of New Life, being very clear about what you want to experience when you get off the escalator at the end of the month. Oh, you may not know what it will look like, but you surely know deeply the experience that you want to feel, because your intentions are very clear. That deep power of Well-Being within, the sense of Calm Certainty that you can bring to every moment, that expanded perspective that leaves you Alert and Aware of your opportunities: all the qualities of consciousness that you desire to fill your life with, these are the frequencies that you need to hold as you ride the Cosmic Escalator that April is offering.

Here is your big chance to take your Gyroscope on the road! That inner balance that you drank into your being at the Equinox has given you a powerful tool to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of April’s fiery realms. When you have set forth the advance intention to allow your inner Gyroscope to function as a fully-illuminated resource in the center of your solar plexus, the adjustments will be automatic, without needing your full focus of attention.

We also offer you access to the Violet Flame that was lit in the heart of all humanity in December 2012.This Violet Flame is offering you the ability to transmute all discordant energies within and around your field of activity as you navigate through this new world you are all experiencing.

There are many prayers and affirmations that have been decreed for hundreds of years. These can be used to intercept the ego as it tries to assert its power and disrupt the clear current of energy working within your escalator this month. The ego is not comfortable with surrendering to the flow of God’s Love working in and through you. There is the habit of needing to DO something, ANYTHING, to stop the discomfort of the unknown process you are all involved in as the Evolution of Consciousness at work.

This is the time you have been waiting for – the ascension of humanity to the Harmony of All That Is. You are experiencing a new world awakening in the 5th Dimension. Bring what you have learned into the present moment and let these tools support you as you are carried on the Cosmic Escalator of your life. It will be as you make it – as you decree, so will it be.

A very simple Violet Flame decree is being offered that you can memorize and use to transmute the impulses and patterns of your egoic thinking. It calls on your I AM Presence, the greater eternal part of you that illuminates your Soul’s journey through life. When you allow yourself to bask in this Divine Presence and receive the Love, your guidance is fully engaged and working for you. You can begin to trust that you are a part of the Infinite Being that blends with your most human self and anchors Light on the planet. This affirmation will still your mind and allow your heart to bring more of the Divine Love you crave into your life.

I AM that Violet Consuming Flame that is all mastery and All Power to change all things into Divine Perfection right Now. I AM that I AM in action here, Now and Forever. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. Almighty I AM. So Be IT.

Though they may feel awkward and stilted, these vibrant affirmations awaken dormant memories of Unity Consciousness and align your thinking with Divine Thought. When you repeat them, you will experience a vast improvement in your ability to stay focused on Truth and that which is in Harmony with your Soul Purpose. As revealed by the Ascended Masters over the centuries, students of the Light who find the decrees helpful are blessed in the process of freedom, bringing balance into your center – being awake, alert and aware.

New Life is unfolding during the month of April on this Cosmic Escalator of Life. You can stay the course with your mind and heart in alignment with the great I AM that you are. And So it Is.

Shanta Gabriel
Inspired by Archangel Gabriel
April 1, 2014

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Photo: Archangel Michael Planetary Influx of Energies will reveal greater light within you Today we feel it is advisable for you to take some time for yourselves to accept and integrate the huge amounts of information that has recently been beamed into your energy bodies, and into your cells, as well. We know that very few of you are consciously aware of what you have received. That is alright. It is in the nature of potential, in any case. For a short time, close your eyes and center yourselves in your hearts. Intend that you accept and thank your Creator for these gifts and wish them integrated with your being as you release more of the things which do not resonate with the future selves you desire. Breathe the best and highest YOU into yourself, and breathe the other out. It is not necessary to make it a long process, unless you enjoy it. You may get a visual or feeling of a color, such as our gold and blue, or rose and green, violet, etc. If you do, breathe that in and absorb it, also. Our attention is drawn to the intense and growing feeling that almost everyone has now of an impending happening which they ‘cannot put a finger on’. We will address that in two ways. First, you are correct. This feeling is right on target. Except that, in a sense, that happening is what you are already in the middle of. Many can feel it happening inside themselves and are beginning to see changes in their lives to give evidence of it. Most, however, are wondering what sort of catastrophe is just around the corner. Your peaceful and calm demeanor will go a long way to diffusing this dread they are feeling. Second, yes, there is an event of significant proportion approaching. It is, my friends, an internal event which will change everything for everybody and everything. But we would caution you in this way. When a similar event occurred at the end of your ‘Dark Ages’, the event itself passed without remark. Yet, everything changed, did it not? Now, there will be many, many observable events manifesting over the next while in your time. But, as we have said over and over for these months, they are but the reflection of yourselves. We always, always stress that. It is important for you and for your world that you begin to recognize yourselves as the change makers, not any longer as the victims of change. Look within yourselves and begin to find the divine beings that you are. Never before in the history of your world has it been as sure for this to be accomplished by you. And every tiny step taken in this direction is having wondrous effects upon your world. We are overjoyed with what we see you accomplishing. We stand in the doorway of your heart waiting to greet you. We offer evidence daily of our presence. Peace and love be yours until next we speak. I AM Archangel Michael and so it is
The emergence of love is one of the greatest topics for those following a spiritual awakening and ascension process upon the
Earth; this is because it is the greatest topic and key focus upon the inner planes. Never on the inner planes and within the
heavens of the Angelic Kingdom have we experienced so many love vibrations; different and diverse love vibrations. Neither
have we had such a wealth of love given to us by the Creator to share with other aspects of the Creator. We truly know that
ascension is moving forward and manifesting with great wealth because never before have we been bombarded with so much
love, for us on the inner planes it is somewhat overwhelming, inspirational and awe inspiring.  We on the inner planes are
opening our energies up to receive the Creator, we are being asked to act as channels to transmit through our own energy the
light, love and consciousness of the Creator therefore aiding embodiment on numerous levels of the Creator’s love. Ascension
and unity with the Creator is truly taking place as we are viewing tremendous shifts not fully experienced before.
The emergence of love is the key recognition and experience which allows us all to perceive our greater unity with the Creator.
We can only say that the emergence of love is a powerful process which is now impacting your reality and being with great
strength. Allow yourself daily during this magnificent process to perceive the strength and presence of love, with this
awareness you will tap into the extreme and magnificence process of emergence of love that is occurring; you will then notice
the world within and around you altering and shifting. Many souls are describing this process in numerous ways which fits the
perception and perspective of their reality, you may also perceive the emergence of love in a unique way for you which will
allow a beautiful and diverse awakening of the Creator.
As we on the inner planes are acting as channels and instruments of the Creator’s vibration and emergence of love into other
aspects of the Creator, such as yourself and the Earth. You are acting as a channel and instrument of the Creator’s vibration
and emergence of love for all aspects, layers, levels and dimensions of the Earth. Do you recognise the role you are playing in
this supreme emergence of love? You are a connecting energy, a transmitter and an anchor of the many faces, vibrations and
emergence of love. Without love flowing through and from your being the Earth and Mother Earth will not truly receive the love
of the Creator, similar to not receiving the necessary nutrients to aid growth and healing. Without your collection and
transmission of the present love vibrations the Earth will not be able to achieve a very powerful awakening process which will
boost the entire energetic vibration of light, love and truth within the entire universe of the Creator. As we on the inner planes
anchor the love of the Creator we stabilise it at a vibration which is easier for you to accept and absorb. With your acceptance
of the stabilised love vibration you are able to stabilise the same energy in order for Mother Earth and all that is the active
vibration of the Creator upon and within the Earth to accept the emergence of love. As all that is within and upon the Earth
accepts love, the new and present era vibration of love will stabilise within the core of all that is Mother Earth creating at an
appropriate time a emanation of a love so powerful and pure to be transmitted from the core of all that is Mother Earth sent as
a wave of love back through the universe of the Creator to all that have participated and linked their energy together to create
such a process. Every soul will receive a new vibration of love, a love that is so unimaginable but is available and you are
ready to receive. This will make a deeper consciousness of unity and an awakening of love so pure it will shake the very cells
of your being and every soul into a higher purer perspective of themselves and the Creator.
With this sharing we hope you can recognise and realise why anchoring love through your being into the Earth, your reality and
all that you are is immensely important and vital at this time. You may wish to affirm:
‘Beloved Creator, let me be an instrument, channel and anchor of your love. Let me share and support the beautiful
emergence of love occurring to benefit all aspects of the Creator. I know that in order to truly be present in the emergence of
love and to support all that is occurring now within this most beautiful ascension process, I must first recognise and purify the
love of my being, the love that you the Creator choose to shine so magnificently through my being. Let me truly fall in love with
the love you choose to share through my being with a clear and truthful perspective of understanding. Please Creator, I ask
that in return you support my physical body in remaining healthy and strong throughout this process. I am here now upon the
Earth and I choose to accept and stand as my divine purpose in this moment. Let it be so.’
To be a channel, anchor and instrument of the emergence of love there is a need for love to be present within every aspect of
your being, in order for this to occur you may experience tremendous shifts and movement of energy within your being which
will act as a powerful purification.
Now is the time for the purification for love! You have the role of share a supreme love with the Earth, so heavenly and divine,
as a transmitter the pure love must first create within you the same so by simply inhaling this love it will create a reaction,
healing and purification process within your being and reality. This will occur only because your soul has consented and you
are ready for it. It is our energy, Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel you can call upon to be of service to you. Love will
flow through you like a whirlwind and could in some cases seem aggressive in its impact upon your being but with our support
we can reduce the impact of this supreme love allowing for an easier transition. I, Archangel Raphael will support healing
especially at an emotional and physical body level moving everything into a state of alignment with love. I, Archangel Zadkiel
will support you in accepting transformation and shifts with ease, supporting your acceptance of the changes and the
manifestation outcomes. Please call upon us to be of service to you, we will stand either side of you and merge our energies
fully with yourself creating a trinity of light and then a whole oneness of light. We will then work with you so closely and deeply,
calming and soothing your energy while offering the necessary strength you require.
We are and will be truly assisting in the emergence of love within your being, especially your soul. Your soul has streams of
light, within these streams of light there are diverse energetic coding of love, akin to strands of DNA. New stands of love are
now awakening within your soul which have never before been merged or embodied with a human and physical form; it is a
great indication of evolution on the Earth. As strands of love awaken from your soul they will merge with the stands of DNA
within your own physical body, your physical body will literality sing and hold the vibration of higher supreme and divine love
emerging from your soul. The Angelic love is extremely present within the stands of love emerging. To fully embody the Angelic
love upon the Earth will be a powerful transformation and shift in the evolution and experience of souls in human forms upon
the Earth.
Process of grounding yourself and your energies are essential now. Grounding is a form and process that aids embodiment.
The divine energies within your being are truly emerging now and so grounding yourself often is akin to anchoring,
acknowledging and embodying each shift, emergence and awakening within you, thus creating balance and ease of
awakening. We invite you to call upon Archangel Sandalphon to assist and be of service in your grounding process.  Each
morning you may ask Archangel Sandalphon:
‘Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, please ground my energies to aid embodiment, balance and a greater acknowledgment of
my love if appropriate five times during my day. I give to you the permission to access my energies and recognise whether
more or less grounding is needed. Thank you.’
We are here to be of support and service to you,
Archangel Raphael and Archangel Zadkiel
(The word Channel means and signifies a being expressing the Creator.)
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Photo: The kingdom of heaven, the divine government, is founded on the fact of divine sovereignty—God is spirit. Since God is spirit, this kingdom is spiritual. The kingdom of heaven is neither material nor merely intellectual; it is a spiritual relationship between God and man.

translated by Franz


And now we encounter, after we recognized the
“All-is-Light” illusion and the “All-is-Love” illusion,
the third and at the same time last “Master-fallacy”.
All-is-God? Then how is the absence of God possible?
And for a fact the erroneous belief of “All-is-God” has spread
very quickly and much suffering has been created based on
this false assumption.
Meaning: God is Light, God is the Love and God is Life.
That is indeed true. Therefore God is absent where life,
the love and the light have been blinded out. And this is
also true. This means that on low vibrating levels God’s
absolute absence prevails partially, there is an absolute
absence of Light, of Love and of Life; and at first this needs
to be recognized.
Furthermore it is said: Through darkness God experiences
self as Light. This assessment is only partially correct.
Because those parts, which have detached from God,
those divine aspects having separated from the fountainhead,
indeed experience themselves as Light as they descend into
God Himself knows all and the primal Source of All-that-Is
does not need this experience. Yet those Beings, who have
been exhaled from the Source into the infinity of Creation,
very much need the presence of darkness.
Know: You yourselves are the multidimensional gods 
creating new worlds and thereby are supported by 
God’s grace, accompanied and kept on the path.
Yet this grace is absolutely useless if you shut it out.
And so it happened that many of the “awakening” gods
believed to recognize God in Evil and in deep darkness.
Thereby the third and last embracement, of what does
not exist, happened and the “All-is-God” illusion was born.
Meditate on this and dissolve this illusion, it is an additional
leaden weight that will bring a new lightness once it is
removed and creates a new life quality.
Now you beloved Ones,


We are among you, and we lift you until you have
left the dense world entirely behind you and have
forgotten it, until you touch God’s hemline.
We are the ELOHIM. 
Today we bring you the happy lore that the 
transformation continues superbly and in 
every respect happens optimally.
Nothing hinders or obstructs this, all is according to
God’s plan, everything happens for your benefit and for
the praise of the universe.
In this time this world of the 5th dimension,
where some Beings are already anchored, is
“over-illuminated” by the reality of the 6th dimension.
Meaning that a “cosmic light dome” or a 6D-hologram
has been installed over your already high vibrating energy field.
So that for you the ultimate ascension may
happen absolutely harmoniously.
On the day that is close you will be lifted from this world.
To be more precise, it is you lifting yourselves by maintaining
the high light vibration. Furthermore the provision of the
6D-holograms has the effect that your last steps in
transformation are again accelerating.
Many human Beings have already experienced this.
Friendships fall apart; many families’ dissolve and
partnerships are reexamined in the light. 
There is no more time for compromises and it is not
only up to you to be “uncompromising”, but life 
encounters you without compromise.
Today all of you, who have agreed to ascend,
receive this gift from Heaven, whereby all thought
and belief areas, the patterns of this time, will be
swept away. There is also no longer a wait until you
do it yourself or you attained the “insight” for it, but it
simply happens, because you have basically given the
order for it.
This action will be enhanced by the following fact:
At present the CENTRAL SUN has begun to send new
light qualities to earth. It is the crystalline-white-light
of Creation. This crystalline light structure is vital for
your awakening, because it corresponds directly to your DNA.
Meaning that now the human DNA receives sufficient light in
order to awaken, in order to manifest in its wholeness.
Furthermore it is to be announced that your cells on the
“light-quantum-level” – not on the genetic base – are
being oriented to communicate with the 6th to 13th
dimension of Being. A few human Beings have already
activated this communication with these levels. Meaning
that everything changes in your awareness – ALL; and
therefore everything in your life that is not conducive is
turned upside down.
In addition the communication of human Beings with
crystals, which now lift out of the earth, is enhanced.
The time of crystals, the great epoch of the crystalline
era, has begun. On the level of geo-politics this means:
The complete disintegration of the old 3D and 4D structures,
wherefrom several human Beings are still being affected.
You can observe it yourself, and who looks at it carefully,
recognizes in all revolutions of this time the final chord
and the great ending.
Many things are not what they seem to you.
Now, and at the end of this great arch of messages,
we ask you to let go of the past. 
Do not search in the past in order to understand 
the future. Thereby you do not understand better, 
rather, old pictures and imprints encroach, which 
block unique never before taken paths.
Align yourself fully with your multidimensional reality
of the now. What you create in the “future” has value
and is of importance, and not what you have created
in the past or who you have been. 
You have been given the task to build new worlds, 
to manifest new creations and not to search for 
satisfaction or recognition in old creations.
What does the Now, my Now, hold ready for me?
And not what has the past made out of me.
Demand your “mother-blueprint”.
Your “quantum-blueprint” that is superior to
any individual life expression. This blueprint is the
original foundation of your life, your divinity, after
you emerged from your Source. Today it is not just
necessary to fulfill your “human” blueprint, but to be
in accordance with your divine blueprint; to fully align
your lines with this level of light, the crystalline creation
level of your multidimensional nature.
We are the ELOHIM
Ask for what is yours and not be satisfied with less.
And in all be ready to fully transform your whole life.
Because: This unconditional attitude and the readiness 
to give all in order to receive all is still urgently needed of you!
Recognize God where He is and do not surmise Him on levels
wherefrom this essence has been banned in order to experience
godlessness. Accept the truth that the absence of God is
the greatest experience an angel in human expression can
embody. Link your life with the higher realms of light.
Observe what is and do not let yourself be blinded by the
still manifested world of illusion.
High Beings, who you are, return to the Source.
A multilayered process goes into the final phase.
Gods, who you are!
Have the courage to recognize what is being
revealed to you and apply it in your life, then
you have recognized all and you have done
everything for your ascension. 
Love is with you, Life is in you and God is omnipresent.
Time fulfills itself.
You are honored and inordinately loved,


This is the message of the light reading on 
February 28st, 2014 in Vienna.
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any 
correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages 
published on this website. 



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Photo: For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." If you are tempted to be dispirited by thinking how long it would take to change your mind so completely, ask yourself, "How long is an instant?" Could you not give so short a time to the Holy Spirit for your salvation? He asks no more, for He has no need of more. It takes far longer to teach you to be willing to give Him this than for Him to use this tiny instant to offer you the whole of Heaven. In exchange for this instant He stands ready to give you the remembrance of eternity.You will never give this holy instant to the Holy Spirit on behalf of your release while you are unwilling to give it to your brothers on behalf of theirs. For the instant of holiness is shared, and cannot be yours alone. Remember, then, when you are tempted to attack a brother, that his instant of release is yours. Miracles are the instants of release you offer, and will receive. They attest to your willingness to be released, and to offer time to the Holy Spirit for His use of it.How long is an instant? It is as short for your brother as it is for you. Practice giving this blessed instant of freedom to all who are enslaved by time, and thus make time their friend for them. The Holy Spirit gives their blessed instant to you through your giving it. As you give it, He offers it to you. Be not unwilling to give what you would receive of Him, for you join with Him in giving. In the crystal cleanness of the release you give is your instantaneous escape from guilt. You must be holy if you offer holiness. How long is an instant? As long as it takes to re-establish perfect sanity, perfect peace and perfect love for everyone, for God and for yourself. As long as it takes to remember immortality, and your immortal creations who share it with you. As long as it takes to exchange hell for Heaven. Long enough to transcend all of the ego's making, and ascend unto your Father. Time is your friend, if you leave it to the Holy Spirit to use. He needs but very little to restore God's whole power to you. He Who transcends time for you understands what time is for. Holiness lies not in time, but in eternity. There never was an instant in which God's Son could lose his purity. His changeless state is beyond time, for his purity remains forever beyond attack and without variability. Time stands still in his holiness, and changes not. And so it is no longer time at all. For caught in the single instant of the eternal sanctity of God's creation, it is transformed into forever. Give the eternal instant, that eternity may be remembered for you, in that shining instant of perfect release. Offer the miracle of the holy instant through the Holy Spirit, and leave His giving it to you to Him.

April 4, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Along with Michael I am pleased that we are once again able to send out our messages to you. Even in adversity there are lessons to be learnt, and they are a true test of your ability to stay focussed regardless of whatever confronts you. The problems that seemed to Michael to last an eternity, have at last been overcome and you can look forward to a period of exciting developments. In reality the delay is of no real consequence. As always so much takes place without your full knowledge, and this is to protect those involved in the changes. The Light is ever expanding and the awakening of so many souls is immensely helpful to firmly establish it upon the Earth. The process of enlightenment is proceeding at a fast pace, and the dark Ones cannot delay its coming any longer. The journey for many of you has been long and arduous, but all of the energy and effort put in will be found well worth it. You have brought yourselves this far by your sheer effort and determination, and you are well into the last lap to achieve your Ascension.

The changes are rapidly coming in and they have at last been admitted to be responsible for the climatic changes that you are experiencing. Major changes are still taking place and will continue until a more temperate climate is achieved. At the same time the planet will continue to be cleansed of the toxins that are present at sea and on land. With our technologies such tasks do not present any difficulties, and in a relatively short time the Earth will be restored to its pristine condition. It will rumble and heave as it responds to the changes, and once they have been completed will settle down to a peaceful co-existence with you. All of these changes have been predicted for eons of time, and you were always going to witness the wonderful plan of Mother Earth to rid it of all that has no place on the new Earth.

Without knowing the background to many events that are affecting your daily lives, matters would seem to be out of control. However looking at the greater picture it would be seen that beneficial energies are growing upon Earth, and laying down the foundations for the new one. You are truly experiencing the coming of changes that have been predicted for a long, long time. It will however be a period of some confusion until it is both seen and realised that the changes are positive and beneficial to your future. You can take much credit for the progress that has been made, and we salute and honour all of you who have made it possible. Your success has been achieved in the face of much opposition from the dark Ones. We knew it was possible but nevertheless it depended upon your dedication to your tasks. Your position will gradually become easier and the way forward will be evident. We are of course doing all we can to encourage and assist you on your journey.

We are presently closer to Earth than ever before, and we are monitoring events to ensure that there is no further interference with those who work for the Light. As more of you have become used to the Light, you have found ways of using it that are beneficial to more people than previously. You have no need to limit yourself and if you so desire the Light can be used to benefit the whole Earth. Indeed, Mother Earth needs your support as she handles the changes that will also enable her to rise up into the higher dimensions. In the course of time the vibrations will become even higher, and life will be one delightful experience as you enjoy the everlasting peace and harmony. Eventually you will become Cosmic Beings and travel the Universe if that is your desire. There is no end to the various experiences that you can have, and as a Being of Light you will be free from the demands upon you at present in your heavier body. We know that some of you are worried that you will lose contact with your friends and family, but be assured that any soul you wish to contact is only a thought away from you.

At present we are working hard to ease the tensions upon Earth, caused by the events in the Ukraine. We will ensure matters do not get out of hand, and you are assured that peace shall be maintained. The time of major world wars has ceased, and we try to direct wayward negative energies in such a way that no harm is caused. You will no doubt have noticed that the war machine is also in a state of change, and eventually the manpower and materials will be put to peaceful uses. Some will attempt to hold on to military might, but it will be to no avail as it has already been decreed that wars shall cease. Along with a new monetary system prosperity shall return and signal the commencement of a new era of peace.

As individuals you can assure those around you that total peace shall return sooner than you might expect. It will give us the opportunity to make an official visit to Earth and carry you forward into the New Age. We have had many secret meetings with officials, and these will continue until it is safe for us to reveal our presence. That means being able to walk amongst you without being assailed by those who cannot accept the coming changes. Such souls will be placed on a new path in a dimension suited to there state of consciousness and point of evolution. Be assured all shall find an appropriate place in the Cosmos, which allows them to continue with experiences that will enable them to further evolve. There is no pressure applied to those who languish in the lower vibrations as it is inevitable that they will eventually lift up their vibrations, and follow those who have gone before them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and advise you that some chaos will occur, but if you look deeper you will see a welcome pattern emerging. The Light is now the dominant energy and is expanding into all areas, so have no doubts whatsoever that a wonderful future is assured. It has been ordained by the highest heavenly powers that determine your future, and guarantee to bring you complete joy and happiness.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Photo: Archangel Michael - Focus on the Inner Light and it will be magnified It is only by your power that you allow yourselves to be influenced by anger, fear and confusion. The light can only illuminate that which is shadow but it is up to you to see what light is. This can only be done when you are focusing on the light within. You choose the scenario's you wish to believe and bring them to life by your energy. What do you wish to see? We are well aware and know that many of you follow various communications from different sources. We know that many of you have developed a sense of discernment as to what is true and what is not. The highest guide and spiritual interpreter is and always has been your quiet peaceful spirit filled mind. Energy shifts and vibration increases can act to cause shifts within your being to reveal lower densities of energy, so be aware that there are new shifts transpiring that may seem to test your balance. Well intentioned forecasts by people who see circumstances that exist but have no inkling of the flow of events that the Divine has set in motion may be this very cause, others are simply the re-hashing of old predictions by old energies reemerging as patterns and shadow. This will diminish as many of you get closer to your final awakening. Energies will only continue to hang on until you see that this energy cannot go where you are. It serves no useful purpose for any being to circulate stories predicting massive catastrophes or destruction or defense against such. Even energies that manifest through others in ways that show fear and preparation for disaster may try and convince you that you are helping and are doing a service to the light, but, as it becomes more and more obvious that these energies have no place in harmony and love they will transform or only be kept alive by those feeding them. Maintain your solid connection to the light and focus on your growth and resist all attempts to distract you. We are with you. Indeed we are in your hearts. You are dearly loved and protected. Be at peace in your hearts as we assist those who are stepping out of the shadows inch by inch into the divine river of life that so many watch from the sidelines. I AM Michael, broadcasting through the archangels circuit

We are free at any moment to accelerate our growth by traveling time and dimensions. When we still our mind and align ourselves with higher dimensions, we are able to perceive portals in consciousness that allow us to visit any location in the universe. Through intention, spiritual connection and vibrational resonance all is possible.

A Still Mind is the Access Point to Other Dimensions

The first step to accessing other dimensions is stilling your mind. A busy mind churns out endless streams of thoughts that serve as anchors to third-dimensional reality. It is one of the great ironies of human existence that we rush here and there looking for something, trying to achieve something. When we are anchored into third-dimensional reality our spirit is enslaved by our busy mind, making it impossible for us to recognize the very thing we’re looking for. When we slow down and listen to the whispers of our spirit, we find what we’re looking for in the spaces between our busy, linear thoughts. The more we focus on these spaces, the more they expand. Soon they become large enough to provide passage into universal mind.

Inside universal mind we are able to travel to any time or place to find the answers to our questions and so much more. Here we are able to download the templates for new ideas, new books, new works of art, and new inventions. Everything is accessible to us within the moment when we remember to slow down, still our minds and travel meridians of silence into universal mind.

When we still our minds we open a space to expand into silence. Our higher self flows into this space and our vibration enters resonance with higher dimensions. Inside these higher frequencies, we are able to step free of linear time and travel into other dimensions. As we travel meridians in higher consciousness, we pull more of this energy into our daily life. This transforms our experience, allowing us to see every moment through the lens of love, peace and abundance.

You are the Most Enlightened Self in your Present Lifetime

You are the most aware, intuitive and enlightened self thus far in your present lifetime. As such, it is your job and your privilege to serve as the higher self for all your selves throughout the course of this lifetime. You are a beacon of healing light capable of assisting and entraining other aspects toward their journey into the new time where peace, joy, love and opportunities to higher service abound. The opportunities before you now are remarkable and profound. The challenges you are approaching may seem overwhelming but these quickly dissolve as you reach into your storehouse of higher knowledge and wisdom.

Traveling Time and Dimensions Heals us and Sets us Free

There are many reasons one might why choose to travel time and dimensions. Just thinking about traveling to other dimensions within our own consciousness helps unroot us from linear reality. When we become hypnotized by the third-dimensional world, we develop beliefs that tell us physical reality is all there is. This limited perspective tells us we must cultivate a linear movement through space and time in order to live our dreams. These beliefs are enslaving and unnecessary.

When we allow ourselves to step off the endless wheel of suffering that linear thinking binds us to, we find ourselves in the void state of no-thingness. Few people remain here for very long. When we exist in the void, we come face to face with ourselves. We see every facet of ourselves and experience the texture of our own mind. Our fears gather around us like lost children. The void is not always a comfortable place but healing and renewal take hold if we remain here long enough.

When we’re willing to sit with the silence of the void, we soon find silence is not empty at all. It contains the lifeblood of what we are; that is, the essence of spirit. The void is a portal into universal mind. As such, it allows us access to other timeframes and other dimensions.

The Quantum Synergy of Encountering an Alternate Self


We might choose to time travel to the past to release a moment where our self of that time experienced a difficult or traumatic event that still reverberates through our present moment. If your past self is awake and aware, it may sense the loving presence of a future self. This recognition can trigger spiritual awakenings. When the self encounters a version of itself from another timeframe, a synergy is created that unleashes a wave of quantum expansion throughout the entire history of our soul. Every cell of our being vibrates throughout what we think of as time. This is the moment when we connect the dots – the moment when all our “selves” in this lifetime and others hold hands in quantum inner unification. This experience is a precursor to ascension and a moment of celebration within the higher realms.

It is not necessary for your past self to be aware of your presence for healing to take place. Your present-moment decision to travel to a past timeframe sets up a gridwork of healing light your past self is able to step into.

In order to travel time to assist a past self, first set the intention to travel back to a moment in time that needs healing and release. This is a moment you are still holding energy around. Trapped emotional energy is energy that is not available for use in your present creations. More importantly, trapped emotions tether you to past traumas and keep pulling you back into them periodically in order to provide further opportunities for healing and release. You don’t have to wait for these traumatic reruns to cycle back around, however. Instead, you can proactively choose to visit these moments and bring about the healing and release that is needed.

Once you set an intention, connect with the thoughts/feelings/images of the past moment you wish to visit in consciousness. Allow the moment to play on the movie screen of your mind. If it helps you connect with the energy of the past situation, try some simple techniques such as journaling about the past situation to; play music that connects you with that time, hold objects from that time or look at photographs. Whatever helps you establish a strong emotional connection with that timeframe works. It is important to connect with the feeling state without allowing yourself to be pulled into it. Once you connect with the feeling state of a past moment, hold it in consciousness and enter a meditative space. Whatever method you normally use to download spiritual energy and information is fine. If you are new to this, enter a meditative space by stilling your thoughts and focusing on the in-breath and the out-breath. You may also chant om (sounds like aum) until you feel yourself enter an altered state. The act of bringing a traumatized past self into a vibrationally high space helps you love your past into its natural state of divine perfection. Remain in a meditative state for as long as you can. Open to the waves of love coming back to you and reverberating throughout your consciousness.

Traveling Time to anchor Future ‘Outposts’

Just as you are able to reach back and bring healing and release to a past self, you are able to travel to a future moment to set up an “outpost” or footprint to anchor your intentions. This is a technique that can be used for numerous purposes. For example, it can be used to send energy and love to yourself inside a near-future moment where you are undertaking a challenging task such as speaking before a group or believing in yourself as you undertake a new venture into the unknown. This technique can also be used to set down a footprint inside a future moment, programming it to entrain and communicate with your past and present. A future footprint serves as a homing signal in a sense. The homing signal broadcasts the steps that extend backward from the future timeline you wish to experience to your present moment. Such a homing signal can be instrumental in anchoring a future moment where your book is published and on the shelves of bookstores; where you are uniting with a soulmate in physical reality; or where you are experiencing health and wholeness after an illness. The uses for future outposts are only limited by your imagination. They can prove helpful in relocating, launching a business, carrying out your spiritual mission, assisting others to align with their higher vision and well-being and much more. Future outposts can even help with more mundane tasks such as locating lost items or choosing divine timing for a future event.

Your Inner Temple as Doorway to Interdimensional Travel

You may choose to transform your daily life through regular infusions of higher energy. Each time you immerse your consciousness in the energy of higher realms, you infuse more of these energies into your daily life. One way to do this is to establish an etheric home in the form of an inner temple. See your inner temple in whatever way is most uplifting to you. It can be a cottage in the mountains, a beach house looking out over the ocean or a palace in the desert. Whatever works best for you is perfect. Allow your imagination to fill in the details over time.

Set up your inner temple in the highest realm you’re able to access within your present moment. Each time you visit your inner temple your energies becomes supercharged. The energies here allow you quick and easy access to a nurturing space any time you need it. You can zip back to your inner temple during your lunch hour, while standing in a grocery check-out line or when stuck in traffic. This is a space where you can receive guidance, visions, lucid dreams, and templates for new creations. It is from this space that you’re able to launch journeys to other dimensions. Beings from other dimensions (including our future selves and other beings from Earth’s future time planes) have long traversed interdimensional grids. The true space ship is our higher consciousness. Cultivating this connection allows us many new forms of inner travel that will carry us individually and collectively into a new time of greatly expanded potentials.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation
For more on accessing the fifth dimension, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

Celestial Vision Ebooks
Celestial Vision Audio Series

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Photo: It cannot be that it is hard to do the task that Christ appointed you to do, since it is He Who does it. And in the doing of it will you learn the body merely seems to be the means to do it. For the Mind is His. And so it must be yours. His holiness directs the body through the mind at one with Him. And you are manifest unto your holy brother, as he to you. Here is the meeting of the holy Christ unto Himself; nor any differences perceived to stand between the aspects of His holiness, which meet and join and raise Him to His Father, whole and pure and worthy of His everlasting Love. How can you manifest the Christ in you except to look on holiness and see Him there? Perception tells you you are manifest in what you see. Behold the body, and you will believe that you are there. And every body that you look upon reminds you of yourself; your sinfulness, your evil and, above all, your death. The message and the messenger are one. And you must see your brother as yourself. Framed in his body you will see your sinfulness, wherein you stand condemned. Set in his holiness, the Christ in him proclaims Himself as you. Perception is a choice of what you want yourself to be; the world you want to live in, and the state in which you think your mind will be content and satisfied. It chooses where you think your safety lies, at your decision. It reveals yourself to you as you would have you be. And always is it faithful to your purpose, from which it never separates, nor gives the slightest witness unto anything the purpose in your mind upholdeth not. Perception is a part of what it is your purpose to behold, for means and end are never separate. And thus you learn what seems to have a life apart has none. You are the means for God; not separate, nor with a life apart from His. His Life is manifest in you who are His Son or Daughter. Each aspect of Himself is framed in holiness and perfect purity, in love celestial and so complete it wishes only that it may release all that it looks upon unto itself. Its radiance shines through each body that it looks upon, and brushes all its darkness into light merely by looking past it to the light. The veil is lifted through its gentleness, and nothing hides the face of Christ from its beholders. You and your brother stand before Him now, to let Him draw aside the veil that seems to keep you separate and apart. Since you believe that you are separate, Heaven presents itself to you as separate, too. Not that it is in truth, but that the link that has been given you to join the truth may reach to you through what you understand. Father and Son and Holy Spirit are as One, as all your brothers join as one in truth. Christ and His Father never have been separate, and Christ abides within your understanding, in the part of you that shares His Father's Will. The Holy Spirit links the other part - the tiny, mad desire to be separate, different and special - to the Christ, to make the oneness clear to what is really one. In this world this is not understood, but can be taught. The Holy Spirit serves Christ's purpose in your mind, so that the aim of specialness can be corrected where the error lies. Because His purpose still is one with both the Father and the Son, He knows the Will of God and what you really will. But this is understood by mind perceived as one, aware that it is one, and so experienced. It is the Holy Spirit's function to teach you how this oneness is experienced, what you must do that it can be experienced, and where you should go to do it. All this takes note of time and place as if they were discrete, for while you think that part of you is separate, the concept of a oneness joined as one is meaningless. It is apparent that a mind so split could never be the teacher of a Oneness Which unites all things within Itself. And so What is within this mind, and does unite all things together, must be its Teacher. Yet must It use the language that this mind can understand, in the condition in which it thinks it is. And It must use all learning to transfer illusions to the truth, taking all false ideas of what you are, and leading you beyond them to the truth that is beyond them. All this can very simply be reduced to this: What is the same can not be different, and what is one can not have separate parts.

April 5, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

A Most Important Message To All

A few nights ago I was able to have a pleasant conversation with our White Hat contact.
He wished to share some important points with all of you.
Remember that the following advice comes from someone who has worked on this project for years. He has rubbed elbows with some of the world’s leadership, and is no stranger to every detail that encompasses the events you will see unfold before your eyes in the coming days. Take that to heart. You are not obligated to follow any of it. But, I urge you to bend to the wise counsel given here.
The following is from our White Hat contact, personally to you.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It seems that so many of you are focusing on “When is it going to happen?”, “What is the rate?”, or “I want my money!”. “It”, being the collective transactions encompassed in the Global Currency Exchange and the World Global Settlements, which includes the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong, which many of you hold.

Many of you have allotted so many delirious hours reading “The blog of the moment”, deciphering “information”, cross referencing against previous or other “intel” (now there’s a concept) and rating the accuracy of alleged gurus and their “sources”.  The end result is that most of you still shake your fists at the sky, utter adult based comments and then, after verbally releasing all of your pain and suffering, do it all over tomorrow.  It seems that watching the entertainment value of the blogs should be a national past time worthy of their own award show and when the gurus are called up to receive their statue, they are able to slip in an update for you.  Now, as much as this might be humorous after all of the months, I do have a very serious question.

How many of you are focused on what to do once it does re-valuate?

This coming event is the largest financial transaction in the history of the world. People need to take those words seriously and respect the effort put into keeping humanity intact and to literally fix the shattered financial system.

If I may suggest, the center of your focus should be “when”. Please allow me to suggest a few things you need to look at because it will be in direct relationship to your quality of life in these United States.

You all need to start looking very closely at our leadership – those that “We the People” elect.  Some tough decisions are going to have to be made, like what “We the citizens” say about the direction of our country and the humanitarian qualities we exude to the world.  For one, rid yourself of the idea that such leaders are “Kings” and “Queens”.

We question why you folks question gurus more than you question what is happening in your own communities.  Remember, all politicians have to start somewhere – you are the testing grounds for the perfection of their verbal diarrhea.  Hold on, that should be capitalized … there we go … Bullshit.  I am sure that some have fainted after you realized I used an eight letter word … get it together… off the floor.  Question their every action and word, and do not take the spin they issue to get elected. People need to start taking responsibility for whom they elect. Look at the carnage and corruption that has had to be reversed, and it all started in your own neighborhoods. Please, take a moment and think about it, then ask your neighbor his opinion.

The cabal, and their conspirators, need to continue to be isolated and thrown out.  When all is said and done, why are there 310 million Americans, and less than one thousand of them in the Washington D.C. beltway?! Why can’t we control them to represent our wishes? Why not take out your pitchforks and poke them in the keester?  Why not remind them, in all ways, who they represent?  Now I feel better that I was able to start my rant on the ol’ soapbox … it has been a while.

Some of you stand to be on the receiving end of a substantial windfall, and you need to understand some important things about the blessing.  For example, realize the Western European monetary system is the weakest it has ever been since its inception. Other countries with emerging economies will have equal say in the world. They are developing, and we are still here only because of many other countries and their good graces.  Our leaders sold us out in unimaginable ways and the rest of the world are not too keen on them at this point. Leaders always look at treasonous bastards as treasonous bastards regardless of were they come from.  The wealth of our country, and others, was diverted into our leaders’ pockets.  Sorry, I thought I was done ranting.

The world has now stepped up and started to correct the imbalances within it. The responsible world leaders have correctly determined that American leadership has failed after our leadership has fully looted the coffers of the US and various places around the world. By the good graces of the world, the people are now going to have good things bestowed upon them, not the leadership. Pay attention, because that means you will have to assume some unfamiliar responsibilities in the future.

If we, as a citizenry, wish to take possession of what is ours, we better understand what that means, and take control. It’s time to shift your focus. Start thinking about how you are going to take responsibility for your local communities, your cities, your States and national government. If someone does not perform in government, they need to go. Jail them if they lie, cheat and steal. Shift your priorities onto what you are going to be given to manage, and onto things that matter in keeping it and using it responsibly.

There will be no second chances. There will not be another group of 1800 people that wish to give up their lives for six years to resurrect the world’s financial system one more time. It will be our responsibility to safeguard such from now on. If we fail to maintain this gift, the next time around the consequences could be horrendous – war, famine, social collapse. It’s time to be responsible, to be engaged in your surroundings and band together irrespective of religious, racial, cultural, political or social differences. We won’t cure the ills of the world unless we do so.

Whether you believe it, or not, at some point in time we will have a revalue, and there will come an opportunity to exchange. The bank will ask, “Where do you want your money?” People will say, “Put it in my account, please”. Then, the spending will commence.  People have dreams of a fleet of luxury cars, multi-million dollar homes on the beach, a BBJ airplane, a yacht, mindless travel, etc.

Such rash actions are folly.  These people will be the first into bankruptcy. It is theorized that six out of ten of such people will be right back where they are today, within three to five years.

The reasons for such failures are simple to understand. Such people fail to hire the right professionals to properly manage wealth. Egos are allowed to get in the way, and this causes a failure to understand what money is and how it should be managed and utilized.

The smart advice is this: Once the funds go into your bank account, take three to six months off and just let it sit there. If you have bills to pay, then pay them. Save your house from foreclosure, get your car out of hock, pay junior’s college bill, catch up on your back taxes, and pay off all your debts. Then, just sit on the rest. At this point you have a period of time to research financial and wealth management. You have the time to interview professionals. You have time to ask other people who they use as their professionals, if any. Now is the time for you to consider how you wish to structure the rest of your life and your families life.

To be sure, be prepared. The bank will send a guy in a $1500 Armani suit urging you to buy all kinds of products that will be good for the bank, but not necessarily for you. The banks will also try to promote you to other such types in an effort to “save you”. These guys have been waiting for you for years. They see a lot of “new money”, ripe for the picking. Don’t participate. Wait for the advice of your selected professionals.

During your months of cooling your jets, deal with people who are experienced with management of substantial wealth. Do not place your fate into the hands of a bank employee wealth manager. If the bank tries to make an appointment with one for you, say, “No thank you”, and walk out the door.

In the area of tax help, you need to apply the same rules. If your 1099 CPA has never done work for high net worth clients, then ask him for a referral to one that has. If he gets insulted, well, tough. It’s time to grow up and realize that you are now in the big leagues, and you will have to do some things that may be uncomfortable. Best get used to it.

Again, exchange and do nothing for a while. Do your research, and take your time. Do it right. If you wind up with more money than you ever made in your life, then congratulations! You made it. BUT THAT IS ONLY 50% OF THE BATTLE.  THE OTHER 50% IS KEEPING IT.  Now, it’s time to think differently, be responsible and realize that you are not just some kid who has money to buy bubble gum.  If you do not listen to the right advice, you will end up bankrupt.

Managing money is a full time job. The sharks in the Armani suits will be circling, and they will bend you over without any conscience and with amazing alacrity, if you let them.

Lastly, let me speak from my spiritual perspective, and please adjust it to yours.

“When you die, you will stand before God and his Son and be judged for your time on earth. When He questions you, as to why you should be allowed eternal life in heaven, do you tell Him about your life of achievements and success, or tell Him what you did for your Brother…….the meekest of His children.”

Remember to…. PAY IT FORWARD.

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Tonight’s radio program created a firestorm.  For legal reasons I had to pull it off the air.  Attacks, lies and threats to lives have taken place, here’s my statement!

When you choose to stand for the truth and want to do what you believe is best for others, you will always attract a corresponding response.

But in the end the truth always wins out, and the truth will always set you free.

I had invited a special guest to be on the program tonight, Okie, who is posted on a regular basis on the dinar blogs. I talked with him after the program and he is going to make his own statement to be posted on the blogs sites. But what I stated is true, he was going to come on the air but his life was threatened. I will let his statement stand for itself.


For legal purposes I had to remove tonight’s radio program from the air. I stand by all statements made about the authenticity of who was on the air and what they represent. PIF and others are for real and the RV is about to be released. I wish I could say more, but for legal and confidential reasons I cannot.

The people I talked with have been cashed out and others are currently being processed. The representative I had on the program is for real and he has been processing private transactions for months. Some are attacking the truth of those statements. In the near future the truth will come out regarding those who want to attack. Those who choose to trust will benefit from the higher rate.

People will choose to believe what they want. People will choose their perceptions based on what they want to believe. In the end truth always brings out the quality of character within us. Those who choose to attack reveal what’s really happening within them.

I can’t make you belive one way or the other, the choice is always yours. All I can say is our real truth and character comes out when we are near the finish line. Some will put their own noose around their own necks, some will create their own forms of sabotage. Some will benefit and grow because they choose to stand with truth and not attack. In the end truth always wins.

Thanks for understanding…….Dave!!!

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You can see what it is you are creating when you look beyond what shows up in your day to day, to who does. You are each other’s angels in a very literal sense.  You show up at critical moments in each others lives to move things forward, fulfill prior arrangements and assist in the manifestation of dreams.  None of these things could happen without the “other”.
These “others” show up for you in many ways.  Today, with the internet as well as hundreds of cable channels, it is possible for your angels to be located anywhere on the planet.  Every word you hear, or scene you watch, has an effect.  No moments are wasted moments. 
Life was not meant to be a solitary journey.  Even the quietest and most isolated have in their day some human contact.  We are a social species for a reason.  That reason is love. 
Love in physical form can be demonstrated by “strangers” as well as those you have come to know intimately.  It is a word or action that on some level alters your day. Sometimes you find your whole mood shifts after catching a clip of a comedian on you tube.  This is not a small thing, it is everything.  Those artists devoting their life to lifting the spirits of others do so for love.
Laughter is an equalizer, a field changer, a stabilizer.  Once the air is cleared with laughter, even for a tiny moment, the possibility for new manifestation occurs.  Creation starts with emotion.  Depression, sadness and being “stuck” sort of stops up the works and brings forth only more of that energy.  This is not expansive or growth producing, but more of a platform from which the good stuff can take off.  Now, we need beginnings and contrast to get us going – but we don’t need to hang out there for very long.
Appreciate each moment of frustration and difficulty for what it is – a point from which you can fly.  How many things, in hindsight only, seem to be the best things and most life changing?   How much easier would life be if we appreciated each moment as it was happening?
Moments have players in them for you alone.  Your life and each act it includes is being performed for only one person in the audience – you.  Each joke has a private meaning, each painful incident specifically placed for you alone.  Life is a subjective occurrence.  Only you understand what the people in yours mean.
That is not to say that some people are not more important to our everyday than others, they are.  Not because of what they do specifically, but how often interaction occurs.  Those we live with have chosen to share more of this lifetime with us than those we get our mail from.  Yet amount of contact does not diminish the potential to effect change.
When you look at everyone you see today as angels, life changing beings who crossed your path just when you needed them to, the world looks different.  You are not surrounded by strangers, but by unknown assistants.  There is no such thing as a solitary life. We are here for each other; that is why we incarnate.
Connections to people on the street or online occur at your command.  A feeling of knowing someone, however brief, is real.  Each contact has value and purpose.  In our busy lives, it becomes perhaps easy to dismiss or ignore each other.
We are surrounded by angels.  They ring up our groceries, walk into buildings with us, deliver our mail and wait behind us in line.  Why not look them in the eyes?
We stare at screens for a good portion of our days and yet while doing so miss another facet of equally vital contact – real people.  That person sitting next to you on the train may have written the really powerful blog you just read or produced that funny you tube clip.  He also may have something to say that you could use right now.
It has become habit to avoid each others eyes as we move through our daily activities.  This is a loss for all parties.  The most mundane tasks take on life and meaning when a connection is made.  Try it.  Create moments wherever you are.  Meet each other in the place where everyone is home – in the eyes.  You may find 9 out of 10 uncomfortable and avoid your gaze but you’ll change everything for that tenth one.  This is why you both showed up just now – to connect.
Love cannot be dismissed as unimportant however brief.  Accept it from wherever it shows up and seek it in every interaction.  It is there.  You may just be the angel who uncovers it for someone else today.  As you allow each moment to present to you its miracle, welcome the angel who participated.  An open heart changes everything.
Everything ends.  This means that each moment and contact is a new beginning.  Embrace them all.  They showed up for you alone.
We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.


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April 2, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Dear Friends,

I encourage everyone to listen to more than one intel provider. I also do not endorse any of the information on this radio show (or any other shows or blogs), and do not endorse sending your personal information to anyone. I do not endorse any particular intel provider over another; I simply post info that I sense to be accurate, honest, and straightforward. The link to the show from tonight is on Dave Schmidt’s blog if you want to listen to it but it was a confusing call.

However, this call was good tonight in that it POSSIBLY confirmed that public exchanges will be next. I have a lot of respect for Dave Schmidt but I think this call got out of hand tonight with “PIF” talking about these private placements which are closed to the public and almost finished and do not apply to the public exchanges. If this info is true from the call then the private placement exchanges are wrapping up and the public exchanges are next.

I do trust all of the information I have posted on The Golden Light Channel thus far. I also trust the channeled info I have brought in from St. Germain (although I do not think any predictive dates are applicable, as timelines shift….but I do feel the public exchanges will happen next week.) Zap has also confirmed they will start next week.

Zap, Dave, St. Germain (in my conversations with him), and the gentleman working with the UST on the call tonight have all confirmed that the FRN is definitely transitioning out and will be replaced gradually by TRN phasing in and FRN phasing out. Stay tuned for more information. White Hats Auxiliary is another site with good intel. I will post any new info as I come upon it.

I would like to remind everyone to please be calm, and be on your best behavior when this does happen so that everyone can have a safe and smooth exchange.

We are on the verge of some historical events which are now unfolding.

I do believe the RV is right around the corner.
~:~ Goldenlight

~:~:~:~ Stay Calm and Think Positive ~:~:~:~



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April 1, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

Two updates from two people who I love and trust – Dave Schmidt from and Tolec Both are saying the RV/GCR is “right around the corner.” Thanks to both of you for your updates.

I trust Dave Schmidt’s currency revaluation/global currency reset intel implicitly because of his honesty, integrity, and solid background and connections. He reiterates in this video that this is UNFOLDING and A VERY LARGE, INTRICATE PROCESS. We are currently at the stage of being in the PROCESS of private placement exchanges, mostly for large humanitarian purposes. He knows those close to this. Once again, I believe Dave Schmidt has some of the best information out there on this topic. Furthermore, he is a lightworker and also has a background as a state senator and a financial background, as well as a spiritual background. Listen to Dave’s Blog Talk Radio weekly show tomorrow, Wed. 4/2/14 at 9pm EST: For more info on Dave Schmidt or to sign up for his newsletter, go to


Tolec – The Global Financial Reset is Right Around the Corner

I also trust Tolec’s information implicitly. He is an Andromeda contactee and very level-headed. He has excellent information on our ascension and transition to the higher dimensions on his website and in his YouTube videos. For more information, or I’ve included below all of his latest updates going back to March 10, 2014. Tolec also has a number of excellent YouTube videos at

Important -  Critical News Story
March 31, 2014
Update -  Global Financial Reset & U.S Currency Reset with a new – United States Treasury Reserve Dollar (TRN).  The events that were, “right around the corner”, are now here.  Expect big changes.The ‘positive’ reset of the global financial system [which includes a currency reset for the United States with a new U.S Dollar (TRN), hard asset backed by some gold, other precious minerals in the ground, as well as 'priceless' items, 'national treasures' held in the U.S] – that “Zap” has been speaking of – has come to fruition.  You can read the details about it at Kauilapele’s site for March 31, 2014 “Office of Poofness” – “HAPPY” posting where – “ZAP SAYS”:  ”HI ALL. ON MARCH 28, THE TREASURY RESERVE NOTE (NEW US DOLLAR) WAS EFFECTED”.Further, for an amazingly accurate, highly detailed explanation of the major initiatives & components leading to and involved in this global reset – I also strongly suggest  you read:  ”Message about the GCR, RV, Reset”The Importance of this “Critical News Story”
March 28, 2014Many of you are asking me Tolec -why or how are the many articles on international banking, the change from the USD to the TRN [no longer under the control of the "Federal Reserve"], the rise of China as a global financial superpower, and the ‘global financial reset’ all relevant to… this planet’s transformation into becoming a higher dimensional, 4D world?

The answer is detailed, but simple.  If you remember, during many of my earlier interviews – I spoke about a time period during the transformation of this world into becoming a higher dimensional one… where there would also be a transition period of about 10-12 years [based on how we measure time today] when we as a global society would transition from a world economic system based on money, oil & power, which we have today…  to new system whereby we as free sovereign Earth citizens, in a open, cooperative global society… where the remaining countries, regions & communities of people would willingly share energy, resources, goods, services & food… with no agenda except to help each other [in the old days known as "barter"];

Well, this step of “fiat”, debt based, fractional reserve, ‘paper’ “money”  [which is not money at all - it is simply debt compounded, payable to the Federal Reserve.  Research, if you will, the legal definition of "note" which is found on a U.S dollar bill, it means "debt"] +  the “Federal Reserve”] - it  is  not -  part of the United States of America, “…government of the people, by the people & for the people”;

Well, this economic, financial, social & ‘spiritual’ evolution of fiat ”money” going away is being demanded all across the globe, by good people in high levels of power, in a new balance of global power…  this evolution is a huge change.  It represents a change in consciousness.  It represents a change of awareness.  It represents a change in the balance of power.  It represents a change in tolerance.   As in, ‘…we will no longer tolerate… .’

It is a statement by a new growing majority, all across the globe, that we good people, we free sovereign citizens of Earth have had enough.  We have been controlled & manipulated long enough.  We have been abused enough. We are rightfully setting boundaries. We are taking our power back, and we are saying, with help & conviction, “… no more.”

We will no longer be controlled by the power & fear mongering, ruling Cabal [with Reptilians at the top of this power structure] who have had their way with us for far too many years.  No more.

“We shall have a new birth of freedom”. The future belongs to us.  And it starts now.

This global change to -  all -  asset based currencies in every country across the globe, including the U.S, with each currency backed by some gold & each country’s national treasures ['priceless' artwork in its museums, sculptures, precious gems, etc.], – and – in combination with each country’s combined natural resources [other precious metals & minerals in the ground including oil & natural gas, etc.];

this change is one of the major first initial steps… of the transition from a “money” based global economic system… to one completely based on the open sharing of resources, and;

it is also one of the key ‘social’ consciousness issues in this process of change… of this world transforming from a 3D world… to a higher dimensional 4D world.  One of open sharing, cooperation & love.

March 27, 2014

The following article, “China currency liberalization to be a ‘seismic event’: Australia”, is huge in that:  a.)  it is one of the first from a major global news media outlet [Reuters] that alludes to the coming change of the ‘global reserve currency’… and the continued rise of China as a global financial superpower  b.)  the source quoted is the – Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor Philip Lowe.  To read, click here:

March 20, 2014

Cabal operatives at it again doing their best to remove threats [by killing young bankers who 'know' too much] from their crumbling, collapsing & failing empire. To wit, this latest March 19, 2104 article:  “Sudden Deaths of JPMorgan Workers Continue”.  To read about this continuing very tragic story click here:

March 18, 2014

It seems a critical mass of actions, the first agenda items now taking place in the international financial ‘world’, is ‘setting the stage’ for the actual reset of the global financial system, which includes the issuance of a new, United States of America – U.S Treasury issued dollar.  This new dollar will be ‘backed by’ gold & other of this country’s precious assets & resources.   With this change the debt based “fiat” currency of the “Federal Reserve”, a private agency outside of the U.S government, the Reserve itself, and all of the secrecy & problems that come with it, finally goes away.

My own ‘high level sources’, with minor nuances, continue to confirm the accuracy of what “Zap” is saying… and is consistent with what I have learned over the past few months.  You can find the web link for this update over at Kauilapele’s  web site for March 17, 2014 titled: “Office of Poofness 3-17-14…”Smiling Eyes” – where it again says, “ZAP SAYS – HI ALL”

March 10, 2014

This is an amazing two part update of recent developments.

l.  My own personal ‘high level’ sources tell me that this event – with multiple agenda items -  the ’positive’ reset of the global financial system - that “Zap” speaks of, is happening right now, and will continue to happen.   You can read the details about it at Kauilapele’s site for March 9, 2014 “Office of Poofness” posting where – “ZAP SAYS:  HI ALL…”.  Here is the link:

As a result of these stated changes, I suggest you keep your ‘eyes & ears’ open from multiple media outlets for some major, amazing public announcements to happen in the coming immediate days & weeks.  Expect great things to happen !

II.  Stephen Cook of Cosmic Vision News, & InLight Radio, who interviewed Tolec about the topic of ‘Disclosure’, does a really great job ’connecting the dots’… with the current events staged by the ‘Cabal’ which are playing out in the Ukraine right now.  He clearly answers the question of “why” this is happening.

He also provides in great detail toward the end of his article two (2) alternative scenarios that can unfold:  a.) an outcome where there is a global financial reset whereby most major currencies will in the near future be backed by gold ['positive' scenario] including a newly issued currency – US Treasury Dollar [USD] [no longer - "Federal Reserve"];  b.) a second scenario where the ‘Cabal’ leaders are able to keep the 44 year fiat system of ‘currency’ with Trillions of debt in place with the “Federal Reserve” intact… with a full fledged war breaking out between & involving Russia, the Ukraine… and others in that region ['negative' scenario].

Read about the Andromeda Council the Galactic Federation, our shift to the higher dimensions, and more on

Read more…

April 1, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel


By Shah Gilani, Capital Wave Strategist, Money Morning  ·   April 1, 2014


Author Image for Shah Gilani

The Clock Is Ticking on This Massive Currency Shift

Last week I was asked by a Wall Street Insights & Indictments reader about a new challenge to the U.S. role in the global economy that few are considering.

It’s a dominant role we’ve held since the latter part of World War II, and for 70 years it’s gone largely unchallenged.

Until now.

The question isn’t complicated, but it will be disturbing to some…

The Question No One Has Been Asking

The question was one begging to be asked, and I’m glad one of our WSII readers put it out on the floor. Here it is:

“I have a question which, as far as I know, has never been raised. Perhaps you can offer a viable answer.

In 1944, at the Bretton Woods Conference, the dollar was made the reserve currency for the world. This suggests to me that there are perhaps trillions of dollars floating around out there that are having little or no effect on our economy. I read that China is now trying to install the yuan as the new reserve currency, or at least at some point in the future, international trade will be done with other currencies.

What effect will that have on our dollar? This is something I’ve been thinking about for the past several months, wondering what we should be doing to prepare for that development. It seems to me that at some time in the future, all of those dollars will be repatriated, and yet no one that I know of has even raised the question.

Does that mean that I have it all wrong, or are people just too afraid to consider the possibility?

To answer, first let me address what happened at Bretton Woods and what a “reserve” currency is, because understanding how a currency war will play out requires a look at past efforts to avoid one.

How the Dollar Became King

In July 1944, with World War II still raging, but with an end to the devastation in sight, the 44 Allied nations, led by the United States, met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. They planned to hammer out a policy to “govern monetary relations among independent nation-states.”

The allies needed a financing mechanism to rebuild their countries and economies. And they needed a stable “global currency” to take the place of different currency regimes prone to competitive devaluations leading to economic disruptions.

Although John Maynard Keynes, a vocal and influential British economist at the time, proposed the “bancor” as a new world currency unit, the United States prevailed. The dollar became the “anchor” currency around which fixed exchange rates would be established.

The U.S. prevailed not only because it was by far the strongest ally. It also had the only viable economy paired with the means to help finance recovery. By that time the dollar was also the only currency still backed by gold.

Because the dollar was “reserved” by gold, the term “reserve currency” came into existence.  But reserve currency means more than backed by gold, which is important to understand since Richard Nixon ended the dollar’s convertibility into gold on August 15, 1971.

A reserve currency is first and foremost a currency that has the full faith and backing of its issuing government. 

It is perceived by investors to be a “store of value” because it is backed by a strong government, is safe from confiscation, and is governed by the trusted rule of law in the issuing country.

For those reasons, a reserve currency is held in significant quantities by governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves and is commonly used in international transactions.

In essence, Bretton Woods’ establishment of the dollar as a reserve currency meant the end of the gold standard for the world.

Since currencies were now “pegged” to the dollar (which could until 1971 be exchanged in the U.S. for gold at $35 per ounce), adherence to a peg would necessitate buying or selling dollars by a home country to maintain mandated exchange rates. Gold was no longer the basis of any currency’s “value,” and the dollar became king.

Over time Bretton Woods broke down and currencies began to “float.” That means currencies are valued relatively. The value of the British pound to the Japanese yen, for example, is a relative value. This means the value is based on how many parts of a unit or how many units of one currency it takes to buy a unit of another currency.

Every currency is “valued” in the open market every day against every other currency to establish what one currency is worth relative to another currency. Or, how many units of currency or goods and services a unit of one currency buys relative to another currency.

This Trap Threatens to Send Us Spiraling The U.S. dollar is still the world’s reserve currency. But it faces increasing threats. One threat is its own doing; it’s called the “dollar trap.”

Precisely because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency, it is in high demand. One reason other countries want to hold dollars, besides their reserve status and their perceived store of value, is because by buying dollars, countries can change their exchange rates.

The typical path countries want to take is to devalue their currencies to make them cheaper on global markets. That way it takes fewer units of another country’s currency to buy a unit of a currency being devalued.

That “competitive devaluation” makes the devaluing country’s exports cheaper. Export growth is what drives many economies, especially emerging markets and most especially China. But the same is true of Germany and the United States.

If a country wants to increase its exports by making them cheaper, rather than lowering the price of them, they devalue their currency, which makes them cheaper on a relative basis. Countries drive down the value of their currencies by actually selling them.

Currencies always are valued in pairs. You cannot sell a currency to drive the value of it down without “buying” another currency on the other side of the trade. If you sell a currency, let’s say you sell Chinese yuan. (Note: You often hear “renminbi” in place of “yuan,” but both are names for China’s currency. Renminbi is the name of the currency, as in British sterling, and yuan is a unit of currency, as in the British pound.)

Whoever is buying your yuan has to pay you in another currency. Most of the time in a devaluation, the home currency is sold and dollars are bought. That’s the dollar trap.

Countries devaluing their currencies are selling them for dollars. They end up with massive amounts of dollars, which don’t pay any interest, so they use their dollars to buy U.S. government treasuries. Treasuries are a proxy for the dollar and pay interest.

The dollar trap happens as countries buy U.S. bonds, driving down their yields, which in turn keeps U.S. borrowing costs at rock bottom. Cheap borrowing let’s U.S. legislators and administrations run huge deficits. Huge deficits in turn will eventually undermine the value of the dollar.

The trap turns to a nightmare if dollar holders (government bond holders) lose faith that the dollar will continue to be a store of value, which it will become less of if it is sold off widely and depreciates as a result of global selling. Dollar depreciation affects holders who are losing money by sitting on a depreciating asset and in turn will sell their holdings in a possible death spiral for the dollar and the U.S. economy.

Enter the Chinese.

The Dragon Is Vying for Dominance The likelihood of the dollar trap turning into a dollar collapse any time soon is remote. Although at some point, it could happen.

The death spiral scenario is based on the Chinese currency replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. In theory, as the Chinese economy grows (it’s now the second largest in the world), and China increasingly transacts in yuan as opposed to dollars or euros, there will be more yuan in the global marketplace.

If enough yuan are free-floating and available as an international medium of exchange, the Chinese could dump their trillions of dollars in dollar reserves, crashing the dollar and throwing its reserve status out the door.

It’s not time to worry… yet.

China needs financial market reforms, and to liberalize capital flows into and out of the country, and they need political and institutional legal framework reforms. They need all of that before global trading partners would ever consider the renminbi as a reserve currency.

That said, the United States is facing an aging population, a declining workforce, growing debt, and the emergence of global players. There’s no guarantee the dollar’s reserve status will stand the test of time.

For investors looking to profit from currency wars and any change in reserve currency status, there will be plenty of time to tee up blockbuster trades to make a killing on the death of the old world order.

It happened at Bretton Woods, and it then happened when Bretton Woods broke down. Another massive shift is next…



The Golden Symbol of Russian Rouble will symbolize the rouble’s stability and its backing by the country’s gold reserves



MOSCOW, March 30. /ITAR-TASS/. An action in support of bank Rossiya which has decided to work exclusively with the national currency will take place in Moscow on Sunday.

The Golden Symbol of Russian Rouble installation in front of the bank’s office in Perevedensky pereulok in Moscow will symbolize the rouble’s stability and its backing by the country’s gold reserves, the action’s organizers explained to Itar-Tass.

The action is designed to voice support for the Rossiya bank, which is creating a precedent and can make those who have initiated penalties against Russia to feel sorry about their decision.

The bank’s transition to using exclusively the rouble may prove the Russian currency’s viability and independence in world economy.

“Russia, at its present stage of development, should not be dependent on foreign currencies; its internal resources will make its own economy invulnerable to political wheeler dealers,” the action’s organizers said.

The Russian joint-stock bank, AB Rossiya, decided on Friday that it would work only with the national currency to protect its customers from dishonest actions by foreign financial institutions.

“In order to protect the bank’s customers from dishonest actions by foreign financial institutions AB Rossiya has decided to operate only in the domestic market and exclusively with the national currency of the Russian Federation – the rouble,” AB Rossiya said in a statement released on Friday.

“The bank has already notified some U.S. banks that it is closing its correspondence accounts. Similar notifications have been sent to other foreign financial institutions,” the bank said in its statement.

Despite changes in its work, AB Rossiya will continue meeting its commitments to clients and partners.

“The bank will fulfill its commitments on time and in full volume. The bank does not need financial support for its current operations, including from the state regulator,” AB Rossiya said. The Visa and MasterCard international payment systems stopped servicing the plastic cards of four Russian banks, including AB Rossiya, on March 21 because of their links to sanctioned Russian businessmen included in the United States black list.

The bank Rossiya’s decision to give up foreign currency and start working exclusively with the Russian rouble is a step forward towards converting the Russian economy and banking sector to national currency, Andrei Kostin, the VTB bank president, said in an interview with the Russia 24 TV news channel commenting the decision of bank Rossiya to operate only in the domestic market and exclusively with the Russian rouble.

“We have been moving towards wider use of the Russian rouble as the currency of settlement for a long time. The rouble became fully convertible quite a long time ago. Unfortunately, we have seen predominantly negative consequences of this step so far revealed in the outpour of capital from this country. The influx of foreign investments into Russia has been speculative and considerably destabilizing to our stock markets,” Kostin went on to say.

The VTB chief said that Russia should sell domestic products – from weapons to gas and oil – abroad for roubles and buy foreign goods also for roubles.

“Only then are we going to use the advantages of the rouble being a foreign currency in full measure,” Kostin said, adding that AB Rossiya would form a vital part of the Russian banking system and would closely cooperate with other Russian banks, which would also expand the rouble’s use in settlements.

“A new imperative motive has appeared for that now,” the VTB chief stressed.

“I believe that other credit institutions, enterprises and citizens will be interested in working with bank Rossiya,” Kostin said in conclusion.



(Look to non-Mainstream media sources for the truth of what is really going on.)

Meanwhile China Looks to Introduce New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency and is set to become the Global Reserve Currency:


China Looks Set To Introduce Gold-Backed New World Reserve Currency

Russia-China Prepare Massive Gold “Shock” For Global Economy

“This report further notes that the United States is already preparing for such a response from Russia and China by this past weeks invoking of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 by the US Government in a desperate move to protect their money markets for the first time since the Great Depression, and of which the vast majority of Americans remain oblivious to the fact that their personal gold holdings can still be confiscated by their officials at anytime of their choosing despite the 1975 laws allowing these people to own gold again.”


2014 will be the year of the currency reset and gold

backed trade note

Read more…

Art by Amoraea

Art by Amoraea*

Above Art by Amoraea, (see below for more info)

Thanks to Indian in the Machine,

March 31, 2014 by The Golden Light Channel

What is unfolding right now is the Global Currency Reset, the RV, Ascension, the take down of the Cabal, environmental relief, cell awakening, new birth, new choices, new change, prosperity for all, disclosure, new government, and the return of unconditional love.

An Unstoppable Force: Archangel Raphael via John Allen

Hello, this is Archangel Raphael. I return to you today at a most glorious time. As we watch the world change we notice that things are not quite what they seem to be. Most of you have had changes in some form or another visit you in a most unforeseen way. It would be most difficult now not to have noticed any changes. Are you surprised? Are you impatient? Are you balanced? The change is here and it is up to you how you choose to feel about it.

Over the last few weeks there has been much movement in places that are still unseen. But this does not bother many of you anymore as most of you have realized that the eyes can be deceiving. As the patterns change around you the energy of who you really are takes on a clearer shape. This is not to be seen with the eyes only as most of you have realized. Your hearts have began to reach out and stretch and awaken from a very long slumber. The mind has been taking more time off lately as your feeling takes charge. We have noticed how you have mastered the art of discernment. With love have you gently said good bye to the paradigms of the past. With ease do you trust your feelings when reading messages from your star family.

We celebrate your new found power at taking control of this beautiful world of yours. With such power and steadfastness have you taken your power back. We dance as you organize yourselves under a common goal and get things done. When you find that you are having a difficult time with what you see, I invite you to think back to a time when this life was at it’s infancy. What changes have you seen in your lifetime? Wouldn’t you be amazed to find out the changes that you have seen in many lifetimes.

Let us visit your year of 2011 until now. Can you remember the changes that were being introduced to you? Do you remember the times in your online communities when some of you would argue about the changes that would come? Do you not see that the way in which you communicate with one another has changed? Can you remember the first bankers that began to run to the hills? How far have we come? Let us not forget the excitement among light workers during the last presidential election. Can you remember the mysteries of containment? One Pope resigns and the next one seems to break all of the rules. What about December the 21st? We have watched your impatience dwindle to just a spark every now and again. Can you feel it? What you feel is called progress. What you feel is called unconditional love. It has returned to you. You have called it forth.

What do you feel today? Have you noticed the blanket of light that has covered many of your hardships? Many of you are still swimming in personal difficulties. We see you. We are with you. But you are not drowning as much as before. The life preserver of hope is within reach now. You can see it. The awakening of your mother Gaia is causing you to awaken as well. You can feel her now. She can feel you. The happiness that fills her of the return of her children is touching everything now as we are all one.

The small pockets of darkness can be seen at last for what it is. Thank it for your experiences here and send it away never to return. When you do this you take it’s power over you away. There is no way now that darkness can return to you. The light that radiates from you now is more powerful than the dark ever was. Know this. Watch now as you come into focus.

It is important now that you allow for the possibility that things are often not what they appear to be. Be open for what comes now and continue to look outside the box. What comes next is the grand finale. Remember that everything is tied together. We have said this before and we remind you again now. What is unfolding right now is the Global Currency Reset, the RV, Ascension, the take down of the Cabal, environmental relief, cell awakening, new birth, new choices, new change, prosperity for all, disclosure, new government, and the return of unconditional love. Is there any reason to get down? Does worrying make you feel good? Does impatience open your eyes when your heart is already open? Brothers and Sisters, the change that you have called forth is here. Let the dark see you celebrate this.

The coming together of Light workers lately has triggered an unstoppable force. Your mass meditations and group consciousness has unleashed a divine power that will only grow. There are things for all of you to do now. Go within and speak with your guides about your path. Ask for the doors to be opened for you and you will find that you do not have to walk in alone. The up and coming RV will give you great possibilities in changing your world when you work together. Remember the dark side of currency. Thank it for reminding you that it exists and choose it not. In the name of love and light you can make it work for you until it is obsolete.

Greet this day with great joy and be in peace. Remain in balance for in balance will you make your greatest choices. As I leave you now, I remind you that I have not gone anywhere. We are with you at all times. Call on us. Invite us. Speak with us and listen for us within your heart. I love you and look forward to spending the coming days with all of you! Your Archangel Raphael.



More Good Stuff from Indian in the Machine:


Indian in the Machine’s YouTube Channel:




About the Artist Amoraea,

As Co-founder of The Light School, Visionary & Soul Awareness Facilitator, Sacred Ceremonialist & Spiritual Artist, Amoraea’s passion for awakening our ‘Divine Human’ potential has led to 15 years of transmitting embodied teachings and events ministering the evolution of the species.

Amoraea’s focus on experiential transfiguration and core-level shifts of our fundamental blueprint have resulted in the birth of numerous courses, retreats, and ceremonies such as the new “Divine Human” Trainings, “The Alchemical Marriage,” and “Temple of the Void” ceremonies.  His wisdom teachings provide direct access and answers to questions such as ‘How do we access our soul’s inherent perfection,’ ‘What is the recipe for radical self-awareness,’  ‘What is the process of incarnating into our fully embodied Authentic Self,’ and ‘How do we steward our ‘Divine Human Blueprint’?

Equally expressed in his writings, visionary art and music is the acceleration of both personal and planetary evolution through higher-dimensional awareness and ‘The Ensoulment Process.’  His Intensive Trainings emphasize becoming an evolutionary ambassador in this time of Great Awakening with an understanding that the Re-enchantment and Restoration of the Earth can only happen with a complete transfiguration into the Divinized Self.

“An active participation with the Divine requires us to recognize and embody the Divine Within.”

- See more at:

About this work, “Synergenesis”

by Amoraea 2006   *** Available in all sizes, beginning at $5 ***

12 Angelic Humans join as a group soul, just as the 12 complete notes of one octave, to unite in harmony and praise the Supreme Source of their collective creation. Eternal Wisdom reveals to us that all things are bridged into Creation by the geometry known as the ‘Golden Mean Spiral.’ Hidden within its mysteries and infinite beginningless form are the keys to consciousness itself.


“Synergenesis” — Full Description

‘Synergenesis’ expresses the glorious Collective Ascension of our Spirit back into the Infinite Godhead. The Geometry of Souls reveals here the perfect symmetry of God’s Design. And like the souls in this painting, we may trace the spiral backward and forward to the Mysterious Endless Source. Similar in design and expression is the ‘phi ratio’ found in the successive proportions of the helix of light between each couple as it weaves its way tighter and smaller toward the One. A common expression of the ‘phi ratio’ is found in the proportions within our own body, measured as the distance between each joint in relation to eachother. Ancient philosophers regarded this numerical relation (which rounds to 1.618) as the most holy of holies.

The True Tantra of the Soul is the Beloved Relationship with God, which unites us with the Supreme Godself Within. Every relationship has this as its sacred seed, for it is the union of the dual into One. The culmination of this Divinity in the human realms is the ‘Sacred Marriage’. Man and woman, as the embodiment of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine principles, is consecrated in the Holy Chalice of Love. This outer joining again points us to the Sacred Marriage that must be found within, between our own masculine and feminine aspects, in order for us to ascend and gain mastery of our form. Sometimes referred to as ‘Twin Flames’ or ‘Twin Rays’ or simply ‘Soulmates’, the geometry of soul between these two is sourced from the same original Soul Essence. Through lifetimes, two souls may have a destiny and ‘Soul Contract’ to work with one another and ultimately complete each other’s ascension process back into unity consciousness. These two souls are also part of a grander design, a ‘collective group soul’ composed of 12, which comprise an ‘Oversoul’, of which then 12 Oversouls comprise yet another hierarchy of Consciousness (12 x 12 = 144), and so on… Whether sparking the inherent desire of fulfillment with another or reminding one of the Sacred Alchemical Marriage Within, this painting was born from the same Ancient Tantric Wisdom – the path that leads home to God – the Beloved.

- See more at:


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