rev.joshua skirvin's Posts (4854)

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Time of our Age of Aquarius activation is slowly approaching. We have managed to stabilize the planetary situation last weekend with Peace Meditation at the exact moment of Eris Pluto square, and now the annular Solar eclipse is approaching on June 21st:

We will use the energy of this Solar eclipse to meditate and visualize reaching the critical mass of over 144,000 people participating in our main meditation for the Age of Aquarius activation on June 29th /30th.

Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do this preparatory booster meditation at the exact moment of the Solar eclipse, which will come on June 21st at 06:40 UTC, which you can convert to your timezone here:

Instructions for the Booster Meditation:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people meditating for our Age of Aquarius Activation part 2.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining Age of Aquarius activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the Age of Aquarius positive timeline.

Updated Guided Audio for the Solar Eclipse Booster “Ultimate Freedom” Meditation June 21st:

Promotional videos for the Booster Meditation in many languages are here:

90 minutes after the Booster meditation, the Solar eclipse zone of totality will reach Chiayi city in Taiwan and activate a very special Dragon Vortex near Chiayi, which will give the necessary positive energy boost into the planetary energy grid.

In the days following that, and until the main meditation on June 29th/30th, energies will begin to rise and will culminate at the exact moment of our Age of Aquarius activation.

In the moment of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Goddess Vortex of Paris/Versailles will be reactivated after more than two centuries of dormancy, and this will initiate the next phase of the return of the Goddess for the planet.

Exact time for our Age of Aquarius meditation is here: 
Activation of Versailles vortex will begin on Tuesday June 30th at 7 am sharp at undisclosed location in Versailles. Those who wish to participate can contact , and they will receive an email with all instructions tomorrow evening when all details are finalized.
Let's do this:








Portuguese (Portugal):

Portuguese (Brazil):























Chinese (Traditional):

Chinese (Simplified):


Most of the above promotional videos can be found on the following Youtube playlists:

We Love Mass Meditation:


Age of Aquarius:

Etehade Noor:

Our main Facebook event for Age of Aquarius activation is here:

In French here:

And in Portuguese here: 300w" sizes="(max-width: 404px) 100vw, 404px" width="404" height="229" />

A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose.

You can listen to it in English on Youtube here:

And in Spanish here:

There are currently over 200 Sisterhood of the Rose groups established worldwide. To see a list of physical meetings globally sorted by region and join one:

The English Transcript is here:







And Japanese:

Victory of the Light!


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.

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1 thought on “Age of Aquarius Activation Update and a New Cobra Interview”

  1. Years ago I followed Tom Kenyon’s channelled messages, in the company of Pleiadeans, using his voice as well. One of the Pleiadean messages struck me deeply, I’ve found it again, while unpacking my boxes:

    “Compassion imbued with wisdom enables humans to appreciate its contribution to the planetary consciousness by the quality of its being without regard to activity or behaviour which expects results on the visible planes!
    The Pleiadeans.

    To me, there’s a quality to the Pleiadean’ use of words that is matter of factly without the presence of human sentiments. Love is present in their words, in an authentic Pleiadean style of expression. As a worker with languages, it makes me wonder how many different flavours of communication may exist in our living Universe where words are chosen to convey messages.

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(Conscious Optimist) Digital Soldiers,

We have been selected to help serve our country. Q has laid down the plan for all to see, and us Anons — and every concerned citizen of every stripe — now must decide whether to take up our marching orders, or retreat.

Related Did You Know? Old-School Dems Connected with Nazis Holocaust, KKK, Resisted Civil Rights Movement

by Conscious Optimist, June 26th, 2020

Are you the sort of person who answers the call of duty? Are you sick and tired of MSM supremacy over the minds of your neighbors and loved ones? The time to act is now. If you trust the plan, then you should have nothing holding you back.

Posts 4509 and 4511 spell out everything.


Welcome to the Digital Battlefield – Together We Win



24 Jun 2020 – 10:01:36 AM

You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]

Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask ‘counter’ questions to initiate ‘thought’ vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda

Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary

Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]

Game theory.

Information warfare.

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.

Together we win.



A Military and Civilian Alliance to Defeat the Fake News Media Empire



24 Jun 2020 – 10:17:11 AM

This has never been attempted.

Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.

Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.

Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

MIL-CIV Alliance.


And post 4510 provides us with an official oath to take as a Digital Soldier — which, I pray, you will take before God Almighty!


Digital Soldiers: Take the Oath and Serve Your Country



24 Jun 2020 – 10:06:33 AM


24 Jun 2020 – 10:04:50 AM


I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. WWG1WGA


Take the oath.

Mission forward.


Think of that trinity of posts as the digital equivalent to Paul Revere lighting his lantern and warning early Americans that the British were coming.

Except, today, it’s the globalists vs all freedom-loving people of the world.

And, whereas Paul Revere had to ride on horseback, an Anon today can send a message to the entire world at the click of a button.

Our battle will not take place in the air, nor land, nor sea, but in cyberspace.

Instead of exchanging bullets, we will be treating the MSM and their lackeys to linguistic kill shots in exchange for every lie that they utter. And whoever incites a mob against any of our fellow soldiers will find themselves documented and reported to the authorities, as Trump and Q work on our behalf to drain the swamp and restore rule of law.

Book Pactum De Singularis Caelum (Covenant of One Heaven): Sol (Solar System) Version [A Repository of Divine, Natural, and Positive Law for A Golden Age Society]

Book Pactum De Singularis Christus (Covenant of One Christ)

White hats are doing everything they can to effect top-down change — it is on us Anons to meet them from the bottom up. We must engage in the social and political systems at our level, as the top shifts slowly but surely.

We walk amongst the normies, deftly inserting true and superior memes into the noise and chaos. We understand the Art of War, and can leverage our stations in life with precision, should we choose to do so, towards the aim of waking up the masses, defending the truth, and supporting each other.

There are some who naively believe that “the truth will defend itself”, but this is NOT the case. God gave you a voice so that you can be a voice for the truth, and if you don’t speak up for the truth, then the truth has no advocate.

Don’t let the truth die in the gutter. Don’t let the MSM continue to get away with the murder of the truth. How many of your family members and loved ones have lost their hearts and souls to the cult of progressivism and leftism, thanks to the evil utterances of satanic propagandists? Enough is enough.

To come full circle, YOU have been selected to serve your country, but more than this the world as the truth serves all. Consider this as one of the greatest honors you could ever fulfill, especially in this lifetime.

Read carefully those 3 posts — 4509, 4510, and 4511 (quoted above) — and lets coordinate Anons!

Now, to wrap things up, some of you might have seen a few months ago that I promised to write a book about persuasion, Q, and how to red pill normies. Alas, it turns out in light of where the Q operation has gone, that such a book is not necessary.

Instead, everything that would have gone into that book will go into real-time coverage of the battle.

Let’s meme the MSM out of existence.

Until next time…

-Conscious Optimist



Body for Awareness Project: Your Body. Your Clothes. Your Truth. On Sale Now.

The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely. 

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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm

This article (Q Anon: Welcome to the Digital Battlefield. We Need All Hands on Deck. Will You Heed the Call?) originally appeared on and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and are provided. If you spot a typo, email

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

QAnon is one of many curators of information that is helping raise awareness about the manifold conspiracies and corruption of this world. Despite the controversy surrounding this individual, or group of individuals, the information provided is effective in alerting the public to a great many truths. Additionally, the method in which Q Anon provides information leaves it up to the individual to discern and evaluate, providing an excellent opportunity for people to develop their critical thinking, discernment, and philosophic skill sets.

– Justin

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Radical anarchists lovingly call their new kingdom “CHAZ.” Benny Johnson from Turning Point USA made a hilariously satirical tourism video that highlights “all the wonderful things that communism has to offer” in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. The narration may be a farce but it’s true and the images speak for themselves.

BREAKING: Chaz Tourism Video

Welcome to CHAZ .The video may be funny, but it’s sad at the same time because it “reveals the harsh reality of what a society without rules, order and mixed with chaos might just look like,” Sara Carter writes.The video opens in a typical home scene. “Are you sick of living in capitalist America? Sick of your freedoms and rights? And security and due process? Well, come on down to CHAZ,” Johnson invites.Exploring the finest that communistic anarchy has to offer, the two minute video explores “areas full of trash and graffiti, as well as people publicly defecating and using drugs in the streets.”

Disgusting and scary

Watching the video is horrific enough but imagine actually being there. Sara Carter notes, “it would be disgusting and scary.” Why is it that anarchists never pick up the trash? Johnson shows the piled mounds and declares, “be a good environmentalist by throwing your trash everywhere and expecting capitalist America to pick it up.”

As he films the ever-present graffiti, Johnson relates, artists in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone “are free to create art anywhere they want, even on playgrounds for children and historic buildings. You can even create art on bathrooms that capitalist America has donated to CHAZ.” Using the facilities is a different story. Most residents agree, choosing to do their business in the street instead.



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An Agent for Consciousness Evolution

This is a video post. See the video below.

An Agent for Consciousness Evolution

Related Q Drop: Fired NY Prosecutor, Berman, Was given Biden-Ukraine Allegations in 2018 but Didn’t Follow Up

Book To Eliminate the Opiate Volume 1 (Satanic Infiltration of Society and Religions)

Book To Eliminate the Opiate Volume 2 (Satanic Infiltration of Society and Religions)

Buy (Secret History of Illuminati) The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.

– Justin

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Related Adrenochrome Detox? Celebrities Are Coming Unhinged During Quarantine, and I’ve Never Felt More Seen

Updated with the complete newsletter.

SourceBenjamin Fulford

by Benjamin Fulford, June 22nd, 2020

The United States of America Corporation, now four months into its bankruptcy, is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and torn by infighting.  This has left a power vacuum around the world and is raising the specter of multiple regional wars breaking out.  Meanwhile, East-West negotiations to replace the U.S. corporation in D.C. with something more functional remain stalled as Asian representatives feign “health issues,” to avoid new talks.  This could result in a combined U.S., Indian, Japanese and Russian assault against China if left unattended for too long, warn members of the Black Sun military order.

The rising international tensions come as the U.S. government is now withdrawing or reducing its military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Germany, and elsewhere.  U.S. President Donald Trump is doing this due to a combination of failed campaigns, isolationism, and a lack of funds.

The biggest fallout of the U.S. disarray continues to be seen in the Middle East where a drawdown in U.S. forces is leading to a multi-pronged attempt to re-establish the Ottoman Empire.  Turkey is now waging de facto wars of conquest (reconquest?) in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

Watch Death of A Nation [Hidden History of Democrat Eugenics, Jim Crow, KKK, US Nazi Connection, and the True Champions of Civil Rights]

Turkish military sources say a deal has been reached with Iran to split the Middle East.  Iran will get the Shia parts of Iraq and Syria.  However, Turkey is engaged in a proxy war against Iran in Yemen, with the real prize being control of the Saudi Oil fields in the mostly Shia provinces bordering Yemen.  Turkey is thus now de facto seeking control of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, and Israel, sources say.

This grand plan can be seen unfolding on the ground.  In Iraq, Turkey has responded immediately to the announced U.S. withdrawal by making a major incursion into Kurdistan.  The endgame is to take over all of the Sunni parts of Iraq, Turkish sources say.

The Turks have also ousted warlord Khalifa Haftar from around the capital of Tripoli in Libya and are now targeting his home turf in Eastern Libya, where 70% of the nation’s oil reserves are located.

Since France’s economy depends in large part on Libyan oil (paid for with FIAT Euros) a French warship tried to stop a Turkish vessel from supplying arms to its forces in Libya last week.  The result was that Turkish warships threatened a French warship with a missile attack three times before the French withdrew.  The fact that two supposed NATO allies nearly started as sea battle shows just how much the de facto U.S. absence is destabilizing the situation.  France asked for NATO help but it is not clear if NATO has an interest in helping that country continue its theft of Libyan oil.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu wanted to send a delegation of military and security officials to Turkey but “as no progress was expected to be made through any sort of negotiation at this stage, the decision was made to postpone the Russian foreign and defense ministers’ visit to Turkey,” a senior Turkish official told Turkish media.  In other words, Turkey was choosing war and assuming Russia would back down.

The situation has gotten to the point where Egypt is the only country in the Middle East with an army big enough to stop Turkey.  Egypt has already threatened to intervene against Turkey in Libya.  Turkish state media responded by saying “Egyptian President Abtel Fattah el Sisi’s threat of military intervention is ‘unacceptable,’ and ‘amounts to a declaration of war.’”

Egypt ranks 9th in world military power compared to 11th for Turkey so any battle between these countries over control of the Middle East would be the largest war since WWII.

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Israel, by the way, ranks 18th in military power, and thus, now that it no longer has U.S. military support, would have to bow to the winner of this conflict.  Of course, the arrogant Zionists are shooting themselves in the foot (if not the head) by planning to annex the West Bank.  They would be better off siding with crypto-Jew el Sisi against Turkey if they knew what was good for them.

Things are further complicated for Egypt because neighbor Ethiopia is building a dam across the Blue Nile, threatening Egypt’s lifeline.  Russian analysts think a war between Egypt and Ethiopia (each country with a population of about 100 million) is inevitable.

The Middle East is not the only place in turmoil.  There is also now the very real possibility of a war involving Pakistan and China against India.  The fiercest border clashes between India and China since the 1960s have been in the news for several weeks now.  Last week Pakistan joined the fray by bombarding India.  It appears Pakistan and China are betting the U.S. would not participate in a battle over Kashmir and disputed Himalayan territories, according to MI6 analysis.

India, for its part, needs to incorporate Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, to counter Pakistani and Chinese influence in the region, MI6 analysts say.

Say NO to Fake News

Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes, your body, your truth. On Sale Now.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

The U.S. military appears to be concentrating its efforts now on China and South America, leaving Europe, India, and the Middle East to Russia and whoever else wants to fill in the vacuum.

In South America, the U.S. regime failed to seize the world’s largest oil reserves in Venezuela, as China, Russia, Iran, and Cuba offered protection.

Since the U.S. corporate government can’t get Venezuelan oil it has tripled Columbian cocaine production in order to get desperately needed hard currency.  Some sort of joint Columbian and Brazilian move on Venezuela is still possible but not very likely.

The real battlefield is, of course, China and the Far East.  The U.S. has sent three carrier groups to the South China Sea while China has begun serious provocations against U.S. ally Taiwan.

Book Lebor Clann Glas: Volume I: 10,830 BCE to 365 CE [Secret History of Earth]

However, a certain secret American deep state agency made a huge strategic mistake when it instructed South Korean agents to use U.S. hi-tech energy weaponry to effectively “poison” North Korean strongman Kim Jon Un when he met Trump because that eliminated a major potential ally.  If the Americans knew what was good for them, they would punish Kim’s murderers to cut the tail off the lizard and try to forge an anti-Chinese alliance of Japan and a unified Korean Peninsula.  The Japanese, who have never been historically a part of China, would welcome such a move.  The Koreans are also wary of becoming a Chinese province.

The Chinese, meanwhile, are looking to take over Indonesia and Australia, according to Asian secret society sources.  This can be seen most recently by a state-sponsored cyber-attack against the Australian government.  CIA sources in South East Asia say over one million Chinese agents have infiltrated Indonesia in recent years.

Of course, Indonesia is also key to any sort of reboot of the global financial system that is the subject of ongoing secret East-West negotiations.  The outline agreed to so far envisages combining traditional Asian gold and other treasures with the here and now FIAT financial system controlled by the West.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Indonesia last week on a secret mission to try and gain control of Indonesian gold, according to P3 Freemason sources.  However, he returned empty-handed.  Western intelligence agency sources with security clearance above POTUS say “Mr. Trump and Mr. Pompeo have been asked to stand back as ‘diplomatic surgery’ takes place.”

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According to these sources:

“We envisage the future planning agency being both headquartered in London and in Tokyo, with West and East alignment for ease of always-on management.  If things get settled we will provide an operating budget and we can then move to granular details.

Right now the Asian money is “illiquid and they need to execute a transaction to free that into existing FIAT currency.  The FRB is now controlled by the U.S. Treasury so the U.S. agencies will need to engage.  We will work with them on five eyes so we can look into that.  It may be for that reason Mr. Pompeo made a move.”

Once the future planning agency funding is secured, the dysfunctional U.S. government will be replaced, root and branch, according to Pentagon sources.  The U.S. military, as the only functional part of the apparatus, will help oversee a complete chapter 11 reorganization of the U.S. corporation.  It may or may not involve a merger of the United States and Canada, the sources say

If such a merger takes place, “not in a million years,” would the “Castro type Iranian, Jesuit Satanic nut case,” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau be given a role, according to MI6 British intelligence.

There may be more for young Castro to worry about if a rumored 5,000 protesters assemble at the American Embassy in Ottawa on July 1st with a formal request for the FBI and the Mexican National police to investigate the “crimes of Justin Trudeau and rampant corruption in Canada and the RCMP under section 27.5 of the USMCA, which comes into effect on that day.”

Meanwhile, P3 Freemason sources say both the Rockefeller and Rothschild clans have agreed to surrender and help with the new system.  The problem is the gnostic Illuminati remain opposed to any participation by these bloodline oligarchs.  The P3 is trying to mediate.

Book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance

With such complications, the negotiations are looking like they will not conclude before the autumn, according to sources involved.  When they do though, a big celebrity bash involving musicians is expected to kick off the new system, the sources added.

In the meantime gear up for a long hot summer, especially in the U.S.  The anarchy there is expected to worsen but the U.S. military will make sure no major bloodshed or full-scale civil war takes place.  Any election in November will require full-scale military intervention to ensure voting takes place using paper ballots amid freedom of the press.

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Stillness General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them. 


In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following. 

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford’s reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface. 

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is “tapped into” some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. 

This of course extends to all sources of information. Fulford, like all of us, is only human, and can make mistakes. But that doesn’t detract from the work he has done to spread awareness and move things forward to a brighter future for humanity. 

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford’s case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact-checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are. 

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection.

[This is the full update]

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2020-06-24 17:26:52Edward Morgan
FDA Bans Hydroxychloroquine For Covid: Bill Gates Is Thrilled

Big pharma is thrilled today after the FDA has rescinded permission for the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19. This after two “prestigious” medical journals have recently been forced to withdraw publication of articles critical of the use of hydroxychloroquine. The trials cited by the FDA did not include the critical component zinc ... Read more FDA Bans Hydroxychloroquine For Covid: Bill Gates Is Thrilled

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Over 40,000 people have participated in our Booster meditation at the moment of the Solar eclipse and this has greatly improved the probability of reaching the critical mass for our main meditation on June 30th.
Few days before the Booster meditation, our Taiwanese team has seen this Pleiadian cloud-ship [above] which was doing grid-work preparation for the activation of Dragon vortex in Chiayi:
The Dragon vortex was successfully reactivated after more than 200 years of dormancy and our Taiwanese team has taken this photo mosaic of the annular Solar eclipse close to the location of that vortex:
Some people feel that nothing has been achieved in our April 4thmeditation. That is absolutely not true. Without that meditation, Jesuit plans for world domination would be in a far more advanced stage than they are now.
Also, coronavirus pandemic has been contained to a great degree. On the graph below you can see that the spread of the pandemic peaked exactly on April 4th and then its speed receded for at least a month and a half. Blue line on the graph shows the most probable spread of the pandemic without our meditation, indicating that we would have tens of millions confirmed cases by now:
Also, our meditation on April 4th had a huge effect on the planetary plasma field and on the Schumann resonance:
So if we reach the critical mass on June 30th we can expect a far better future. Although there will be no immediate big physical effects, our collective timeline will go into a far better direction and many negative scenarios will be prevented:
Light Forces have communicated that at the moment of our activation, double Paris/Versailles Goddess vortex needs to be reactivated after more than 200 years of dormancy.
We would need a person with purity of heart and strong leadership qualities from Paris who would be able to organize reactivation of that vortex and then to hold regular weekly physical Sisterhood of the Rose meetings in Paris. If you are such a person and if you feel so guided, you can contact for further instructions as soon as possible, as everything needs to be organized in the next few days.
Another short update about our Age of Aquarius meditation is coming in a few days.
Instructions for our meditation are here:
And videos in over 30 languages here:

Victory of the Light!
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Not everything I receive translates well from email to blog, but here goes...

Subject: Make this go VIRAL

Date: June 7, 2020 at 2:42:38 PM C

Eric Stacy (FB Post):




��"CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported -- an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess."

��The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.

��Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.

��Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.

��CDC backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states & clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.

��Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, thus making stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place.

��Trump stopped funding the WHO and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.

��The curve is flattened, the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.

��Even California is opening up sooner than anyone expected because the evidence contradicts the long standing and inaccurate narrative still upheld by the extremely dishonest & corrupt media.

��If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.

��People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!

��Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.

⚠ The #CDC just confirmed a 0.2% death-rate for #COVID19 ...For that, we have:

• Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt

• Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers

• Placed 60 million on food stamps

• Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment

• Crippled the petroleum industry

• Ruined the tourism industry

• Bankrupted the service industry

• Caused an impending meat and protein crisis• Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders

• Exacerbated mental health problems

• Shut down schools and colleges

• Given unbridled power to unelected officials

• Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths

• Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses

• Infringed upon countless important civil liberties

• Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest

These consequences are largely due to two things:

• The first is our view of government as a god that can control Providence and plagues. In our hubris, we increasingly view the government as a deity who can stop acts of nature.

• The second is our sniveling, 21st-century commitment to safety. Our desire to be “safe” ruined our fiscal, physical, medical, food, energy, and national security.

⚠ Unfortunately there is no vaccine for cultural fragility.

"Written by JD Hall / Courtesy of Tara Thralls"


Dave's exceptional X22 Report for today is here:

It Has Now Been Unleashed,Patriots Know The [DS] Playbook,Countermeasures In Place - Episode 2205b


That's all for tonight. Stay positive. Stay focused. So much more is happening than what we see.  ~ BP

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SourceBenjamin Fulford

by Benjamin Fulford, June 15th, 2020

The collapse of the United States of America Corporation escalated last week into what Chinese propagandists likened to the cultural revolution faced by China in the 1960s and ’70s.  The chaos is expected to escalate further during the summer months until there is a real revolution and not this elite-engineered cultural revolution.  The only U.S. institution maintaining its integrity in these grim circumstances is the military, which is standing by to make sure no mass bloodshed or suffering comes out of this political chaos.

Book Mao’s Great Famine: The History of China’s Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62

Meanwhile, high-level negotiations between Eastern and Western secret societies last week ended in a deadlock after Asian leaders demanded Western subservience, something that will never happen, according to sources involved in the negotiations.

That means the world is going to go through a very dangerous and hot summer with no clear prognosis other than accelerating chaos, especially inside the United States.  There will also be an increasing danger of war using electromagnetic and nuclear weaponry.

Before going back to the East/West negotiations, let us take a look at what is really behind the cultural revolution inside the United States.  Here is what the Chinese communist government propaganda paper Global Times had to say:

“Neither the protesters nor Democrats have come up with practical solutions to address the long-standing racial problems, but are using the fury of the people to gain political benefit… more domestic problems and conflicts will appear in the future, and the unrest is just the beginning,”

Related Did You Know? Old-School Dems Connected with Nazis Holocaust, KKK, Resisted Civil Rights Movement

In fact, White Dragon Society sources in Canada say much of the so-called Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests are being sub-contracted by the Chinese communists to Synagogues of Satan on the West coast of North America.  This is their revenge for the attacks being orchestrated in Hong Kong, Chinese intelligence agency sources confirm.

What the Chinese propagandists are not saying, though, is that the Chinese cultural revolution was started by factions of the Chinese communist government that wanted to deflect popular anger away from their failed economic policies and towards their political enemies.

The same can be said of the ongoing cultural revolution in the U.S. Elites are trying to deflect anger away from the Wall Street bankers and mega-corporations by stirring racial strife and trying to turn the people against the police.

If we look beneath the surface we find the Davos World Economic forum crowd at work using their age-old “Ab Chao Ordo” (Order out of chaos) crowd control mechanism.  There can be no mistake, the so-called coronavirus crisis and the resulting economic collapse was engineered by the Davos crowd.  Now, they are offering solutions to this chaos they created (in tandem with the Chinese).  In the words of Davos WEF head and founder Klaus Schwab “A Great Reset is needed to shape the post-COVID-19 era, prioritizing the need to redefine our social contract.”  Needless to say, they want to be in charge of redefining.

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Fortunately, last week the U.S. military White Hats and their Farnese family patriarchs, took firm action last week by firmly jerking the chain of U.S. President Donald Trump when he tried to get the U.S. military to engage in an engineered civil war with foreign paid Antifa and Black Lives Matter agents.  Instead, they took discrete action to remove the Khazarian agents trying to orchestrate this civil war.

These moves were made possible by the execution of top Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas, P3 Freemason sources say.  “This was no coincidence because on April 29 Fra’ Della Torre/Knights of Malta also ‘died’” the sources said.

The P3 and Vatican power structures are important because any Western pyramid-shaped power structure like the military and government bureaucracies are controlled by the P3.  This is also true of medical, dental, and architect associations, etc., which involve people who have high salaries thanks to “licenses.”

Book Crisis Without End: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

In any case, as a result of these changes at the top of the Vatican the military White Hats have now re-asserted control over the Trump presidency.  This was seen in the speech they made the Trump body double readout, NSA sources say, to the graduating class of the West Point military academy on June 13th.  Here are some highlights:

“No evil force on Earth can match the noble power and righteous glory of the American warrior…joined together in a common mission to protect our country, to defend our people, and to carry on the traditions of freedom, equality, and liberty that so many gave their lives to secure…you exemplify the power of shared national purpose to transcend all differences and achieve true unity…the United States military is the greatest force for peace and justice the world has ever known.  Right now, America needs a class of cadets that lives by your motto, ‘With vision, we lead.’”

Of course, the speech fails to mention that the U.S. military has been fooled and misdirected into criminal behavior ever since the Khazarian mafia engineered their fascist coup d’etat of September 11, 2001.  However, there are signs that real change is happening as U.S. troops begin their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, and other places they never should have gone to in the first place.

Book Calm before the Storm (Q Chronicles)

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

Nonetheless, as things stand, long-term allies in Europe, including the UK, are joining forces with the rest of the world to ensure the U.S. military lives up to its rhetoric as “the greatest force for peace and justice,” by allowing the prosecution of U.S. and Israeli war criminals who murdered, tortured and killed women, children, and non-combatants.

The other issue that needs to be dealt with is the fact that Trump remains stuck in the partisan vortex (Fisagate vs Russiagate) while much bigger issues remain unsolved.

The biggest unsolved problem is a failed economic system.  Negative interest rates and fiat money have taken power away from real savers and real bankers and concentrated in the hands of the cabal who own both the central banks and the fortune 500 countries and are engaged in a giant circle jerk.  They have used their money and control of the media so that the political system has degenerated to the point of dysfunction.  As things stand, NSA sources say American voters face a choice between a fake Trump and fake Biden running for office via lying media and fake electronic voting.

Watch Death of A Nation [Hidden History of Democrat Eugenics, Jim Crow, KKK, US Nazi Connection, and the True Champions of Civil Rights]

However, some real solutions are being offered by real thinkers in the establishment.  Here, for example, is a proposal by former CIA and Marine intelligence officer Robert David Steele:

“Wall Street has destroyed over 10,000 companies, thousands of innovations, and millions of jobs through its criminal financial practices, all condoned and enabled by the Senate Banking Committee, the Department of Justice (notably the Holder Memorandum taking jail off the table), the FBI, and the SEC.

By combining data from NSA, from a forced audit of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) that has spit on our laws since its inception, and data from ShareIntel, a company ripe for acquisition by DoJ, you can completely by-pass all Wall Street lawyers and the decades of delay that come with lawyers, and begin confiscating stocks of gold and silver, art, waterfront mansions, condos all over the world, superyachts, private airplanes, private islands, and more.  You were deceived when you were told that $17 trillion was all you could get.  Bill Binney and I can find you another $100 to $200 trillion to help Make America Great Again.

(For more detail see the letter to the editor page).

British MI6 sources are also in a revolutionary mode against the Davos elite noting: “The theme of iconoclasm in the now arriving World Revolution is important…if momentum is kept up on recent rapid developments we envisage a total removal of what would commonly be referred to as the World Government/Ruling class or as the Americans say ‘elite.’”

MI6 also wanted us to take note the Queen appeared in public on June 13th to put to rest rumors that she had died or been replaced.  They note the Queen fully supports positive change in the world to whatever extent necessary.

It was in the quest for positive change that the meeting between Western and Asian secret societies that took place last week.  Here are some more details about the meeting from a participant:

“The Asian secret society representative said they had at tens of trillions of dollars worth of gold-backed assets to put on the table.  They needed an agreement with the controllers of the Federal Reserve Board in order to monetize it.  The Asians wanted a 60/40 split in their favor.  However, the Western representative insisted on a 50/50 split.  The Asians want 60% because they control most of the worlds’ gold and industrial capacity.

However, the Western side points out that even though they had the technical capability to kill or enslave most of Asia ever since the 19th century, instead they transferred money, technology, and industrial capacity in order to help Asians improve their societies.  Furthermore, the West can bring to the table futuristic technology far in advance of anything Asia has.

Finally, the West needs to fully remove its satanic infection before any handover of power to Asia can be contemplated.  If Asia took over the West as things stand, they would be infiltrated and rotted out from the inside by the Satanists, just as has happened to the United States.  The West needs to finish curing itself of disease before any handover is possible.”

The date of the next meeting has not yet been set but the Asians did say they needed to get some documentation together before any funds could be released.  They said this could happen as early as July.

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Finally, this week we would like to conclude with a report from a reader who is located inside the so-called Seattle “free zone”:

“This week the Seattle Police were ordered to evacuate the East Precinct on Capitol Hill.  A little history, this was the same area where part of the WTO Riots took place in 2000.  I was on the ground for WTO.  The same groups were protesting for essentially the same reasons – accountability and transparency in all forms of government.

The news about this has been silent except for the alt-media.  Having seen it myself it’s relatively peaceful and there isn’t looting or widespread vandalism.  Though the list of demands came from an Antifa/Anarchist group that doesn’t speak for the rest of the community.    Most of the people manning the checkpoints don’t want violence or destruction, just a dialog with SPD and the Mayor.   As of yet, that hasn’t happened.

Initially (Intel I’ve heard from law enforcement) the group who took over was setting the stage for an armed confrontation with Police and the National Guard.   Those groups have since moved out of the area.  Now it’s the straphangers who are taking advantage of the situation to further their agenda and crime is starting to pick up.    Some groups have shaken down business owners for money and protection.   Others have merely just stolen goods at gunpoint.

As much as I’d like to see this broken up, it needs to play out so the rest of the world sees what happens when the police walkout.   This is no doubt a way for the lions on the left to demoralize the police and replace the rank and file with thugs that will do their bidding.   I saw this first hand with Rumsfeld and Obama during their respective tenures.

This will not end peacefully.  Violence will result when one group or the other tries to take control.  Either way, this is a scripted drama for public consumption…we will see how it ends.”

There can be no doubt about it folks, for better or worse, we are living through events that are of biblical or at the very least historical proportions.

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June 16, 2020

Time of our Age of Aquarius activation is slowly approaching. We have managed to stabilize the planetary situation last weekend with Peace Meditation at the exact moment of Eris Pluto square, and now the annular Solar eclipse is approaching on June 21st:

We will use the energy of this Solar eclipse to meditate and visualize reaching the critical mass of over 144,000 people participating in our main meditation for the Age of Aquarius activation on June 29th /30th.

Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do this preparatory booster meditation at the exact moment of the Solar eclipse, which will come on June 21st at 06:40 UTC, which you can convert to your timezone here:

Instructions for the Booster Meditation:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people meditating for our Age of Aquarius Activation part 2.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light activating Soul star chakras of millions upon millions of people, presenting them with the possibility of joining Age of Aquarius activation. Visualize those who feel so guided actually participating, their number exceeding the critical mass, and the activation itself having a massive positive healing effect for all sentient beings on Earth and stabilizing the Age of Aquarius positive timeline.

Updated Guided Audio for the Solar Eclipse Booster “Ultimate Freedom” Meditation June 21st:

90 minutes after the Booster meditation, the Solar eclipse zone of totality will reach Chiayi city in Taiwan and activate a very special Dragon Vortex near Chiayi, which will give the necessary positive energy boost into the planetary energy grid.

In the days following that, and until the main meditation on June 29th/30th, energies will begin to rise and will culminate at the exact moment of our Age of Aquarius activation.

In the moment of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Goddess Vortex of Paris/Versailles will be reactivated after more than two centuries of dormancy, and this will initiate the next phase of the return of the Goddess for the planet.







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Most of the above promotional videos can be found on the following Youtube playlists:

We Love Mass Meditation:


Age of Aquarius:

Etehade Noor:

Our main Facebook event for Age of Aquarius activation is here:

A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose.

You can listen to it on Youtube here:

And read the transcript here:

Victory of the Light!


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“Age of Aquarius Activation Part 2”June 29th/30th at 5:48 AM UTC.

Debra from Sisterhood of the Rose organized an interview with Cobra about the importance of the upcoming Age of Aquarius Activation Part 2 on June 29th/30th at 5:48 AM UTC.

Links to Transcripts in French, Portuguese, Polish and Japanese are listed at the bottom.

English Transcript:

Debra: Hello, my name is Debra and I’m a leader with the Sisterhood of the Rose. Today I have the pleasure of speaking again with Cobra. Cobra is the chief intel provider for the Resistance Movement, where he offers important planetary and galactic information at his blog, Welcome Cobra and thank you for doing this interview!

Cobra: Thank you for the invitation.

Debra: It’s always so wonderful to speak to you. We have many things to discuss today, and I’d like to start by talking about the importance of the upcoming Age of Aquarius Activation Part Two Meditation that will take place on June 29th or 30th, depending on your time zone. So let’s start by talking about the Age of Aquarius timeline. The Age of Aquarius timeline stargate opened up on January 12th with the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Then the turning point is coming up on June 30th with the Jupiter Pluto conjunction, and then it will close on December 21st with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction. Can you tell us what exactly is a timeline stargate and how can we connect with it during our mass meditation on June 30th? Why is this turning point such a powerful activation point?

Cobra: This timeline stargate is a multidimensional doorway which is shifting the evolution of this planet from the old timeline, which we have all experienced in the new Age of Aquarius timeline. So we’re actually transiting between two different timelines, different evolutionary patterns. And this year 2020 is the year when this transition is happening on higher levels and it starts to manifest towards the physical. The purpose of this stargate is to shift the course, the current evolution, on this planet. And the turning point on June 30th is actually the critical moment where we start to manifest this new timeline. It’s not manifested yet; we are shifting towards it. Of course, as you can see we are still in this old paradigm, the planet is still experiencing the last moments, the last phases of decay of the old society. But this moment of June 30th, we can actually plant the seed. We can start triggering the change and this can start manifesting in the second part of this stargate, in the second part of this year.

Debra: So it’s almost like a new beginning, an opportunity for a new beginning?

Cobra: It’s an opportunity to seed the seeds of the new beginning. The new beginning will not manifest yet, but we can start triggering it. We can start visualizing it. It’s actually a trigger; it’s like when you light a fire, the first spark which lights a fire. This is June 30th.

Debra: Oh, interesting. How is it related to the first Age of Aquarius meditation that we did in January of 2020?

Cobra: The first Age of Aquarius meditation actually introduced this new timeline. And as we have all experienced, it triggered drastic reaction of the dark forces because they realize they’re losing the game and that’s why they have attacked with many weapons, with many different cards they have up their sleeve, and it was quite a challenging time. But the result, the end result of that as you can already see, is a big transformation of human society. A new consciousness is being born among the masses. Before it was just a small percentage of humanity that was aware of what’s going on, but now this is becoming common knowledge.

Debra: Right. So after this meditation on June 30th, how can we prevent the cabal from acting out again, as we experienced in the first half of this year?

Cobra: We cannot prevent it, but we can make it less. If we are aware of what’s going on, we need to be aware that we are still in a war. This is war of two different timelines. The positive timelines we are manifesting and the old timeline that is dying. It’s a very chaotic time. But the more light we anchor, the more light we hold, the smoother the transition will be – and our meditations can make this transition much, much smoother than it would be otherwise.

Debra: Is this timeline and meditation also related to the interdimensional portal which began to reverse the trend of the Draco invasion in 1996, that portal that opened up on August 11th of 1999?

Cobra: They are connected of course, because what the dark forces did in this year is actually a repeat, an attempt to repeat, the invasion that happened in 1996. Of course they have much less resources now, so their attempt is seriously much smaller, much milder than what happened in ‘96 and it lasted much less and they’re exhausting their resources. And the timeline that started in 1999 is assisting in its overall transition, because this year 2020 is just one step towards the final liberation. It’s one step in the huge Ascension doorway, which opened in 1975 and closes in 2025. So it’s a 50 year transition period, but this year 2020 is one of the most important years in that overall transition. So we need to do whatever we can to anchor as much light as possible to have the most possible positive outcome of this transition.

Debra: Absolutely! And I want to speak to you a little bit later about that Ascension doorway. But I’d like to speak a little bit more about these meditations that are taking place this month, as well as the last ones that we’ve done. So you’ve said that critical mass is needed for breakthrough and fundamental shift of timelines, and that first the effects will be small and barely noticeable, but that the change of direction in this river of planetary events will be quite significant and can actually determine how things will develop. So I’d like to ask you what changes were produced as a result of us achieving critical mass on January 12th and then achieving the big numbers, over one million, for the April 4th meditation of this year?

Cobra: Our meditation on January 12th was, although we barely reached a critical mass, it was very successful. Many dark scenarios which were planned have been prevented. War with Iran has been prevented. There were other plans the dark forces had for other military conflicts and wars that have been prevented. A drastic stock market crash has been prevented because the dark forces were planning to introduce digital currency. They were planning to introduce 5G networks in the first part of this year. And none of that has happened on a global scale. So those things have been prevented. And our meditation on April 4th has slowed the spread of the coronavirus. Without that meditation, we would be in a completely different situation regarding the virus on the planet. It would have been much worse. So those meditations have prevented many negative scenarios. I know people are complaining that we didn’t achieve more, but what we have achieved, if we take all situations into account, we have achieved dramatic improvement of what could otherwise happen.

Debra: Right, I know people were a little frustrated. So rather than seeing things externally, it’s what didn’t happen, what was prevented, and that is a super big positive on what these [meditations] can prevent. So definitely more motivation to participate in the upcoming meditation! So in the meditation instructions, you ask us to visualize erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all of humanity, and then to visualize the soft pink light of the goddess, embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Do we need to heal our emotional bodies before we can receive abundance? And what would be the best technique for healing our emotional body specifically to allow us to accept abundance into our hologram?

Cobra: Both processes are taking place simultaneously at the same time. So as this new timeline will begin to be anchored, there will be new avenues of abundance available to humanity. When the control of the dark forces cracks, much abundance will be released. And of course the process of healing the emotional body is taking place at the same time. Emotional bodies have been wounded dramatically, especially in the last two decades. People have experienced a lot of trauma as a result of the dark control. And now as the cosmic energies will begin to enter the quarantine more and more, many healing energies will come, especially angelic beings will start to contact human race again. They will start to contact beings and healing them. One of the most important aspects of emotional healing is to invoke healing angels to assist in the healing process. And the Pleiadians are also developing a protocol for emotional healing. That protocol will be ready in a few weeks, and when it is ready, I can release that on my blog and people can use that protocol. The Pleiadians will start to help with emotional healing of lightworkers and lightwarriors, because many are quite tired and traumatized by the war that’s taking place.

Debra: We very much look forward to those protocols when you can release those, so that’s great news! So if we, or I should say when we, reach critical mass at the moment of this Age of Aquarius Activation Part 2 meditation, how will it create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide?

Cobra: This time when we reach the critical mass, there will be a flash of energy coming from the Source through the galactic core, through the solar system, and into the planetary energy grid, which will make the intervention of the light forces so much easier. So one part of the matrix will be deconstructed and it will be much easier for the light forces to enter with their energies into the energy field of the planet. And as I was speaking before about the emotional healing, emotional healing will become easier, and this is one of the critical aspects of the transition that needs to happen.

Debra: Wow, that’s definitely motivation to do the meditations. It’s been suggested that to build maximum momentum with our mass meditations during this month of June, we can create a continuous tsunami wave of light with one million or more meditating on June 14th, on June 21st during the Ring of Fire solar eclipse when the Earth aligns with the galactic center, and then again on June 30th. This would be the first because there would be no long gaps in times in between each meditation. So what is your feeling about what this continuous wave of light could accomplish in terms of accelerating planetary liberation and the long-awaited release of prosperity funds and off-world technologies?

Cobra: The light forces have communicated to me that we have this meditation on June 14th, which is Pluto Eris square; we are meditating for peace because that is a challenging aspect which might trigger certain tensions which need to be resolved. And meditation for peace will ease those tensions and make things a little bit more calm and balanced. And the light forces also communicated that on the moment of the solar eclipse on June 21st, this will be a booster meditation like we did last time. We will have a booster meditation which will allow us to gather the required critical mass. So when the eclipse happens, we will be meditating to reach the critical mass. It’s like a rocket, which has the first stage and the second stage. So we will be launching up; first we have this peace meditation, we have to calm the situation, we have to stabilize the grid, and then we have a lift up on June 21st at the moment of the eclipse. And then we have the second stage on June 30th when we reach the orbit. So we are going to correct the veil with this meditational structure. I will release all details about that with all instructions in my next blog post in a few days.

Debra: Okay, great! So it really is very beneficial to have these other smaller meditations prior to a mass meditation, and to have as many people participate in all of them.

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Debra: Can you explain the importance of invoking the violent flame as our protection during the meditation for the Age of Aquarius activation?

Cobra: So now that the situation, the energy situation in the solar system is getting better, we are using the violet flame. Violet flame is actually a vortex of angelic energy that clears all negativity from our energy field. And at the same time protects us from any negativity that might otherwise enter our energy fields, because people have been attacked during the past meditations and otherwise, and we need to ensure more protection. And now this protection is more available. So we can take advantage of that and use the violet flame to clear and protect our energy fields before the meditation, during the meditation, and after the meditation.

Debra: Absolutely. In astrology, Jupiter Pluto conjunction symbolizes great societal and spiritual reform, which will bring an abundance of spiritual and material wealth to humanity. Is this Age of Aquarius Activation [meditation] related to the Silver Trigger meditation that we did last November 11, 2019? And with Mercury being conjunct the sun on June 30th, does this influence finances?

Cobra: I would say this will be one step towards the final opening of the doorway towards abundance. It’s not yet the final step, we’re not there yet completely, but definitely with this push, we are getting closer.

Debra: Okay. And you talked earlier about this turning point. What is the difference in the energies in this first half of the timeline stargate between the opening of the timeline in January and the mid-point on June 30th, and then the second half between June 30th and December 21st?

Cobra: The first part was in a way more challenging because the first aspect we had was Saturn Pluto conjunction, and this is quite a challenging aspect. And the second aspect is quite beneficial; Jupiter Pluto conjunction is much more positive. So in the second part of this transition, we will experience a little bit less challenging time. There will still be challenges, the war is far from over, but we might experience also a little bit more of a support, a little bit more of an inspiration as the situation improves slowly. I would also need to say that the situation, the surface of the planet, will only get better just before the Event. People are expecting big changes to happen any moment, but I would say big changes on the physical plane are only possible just before the Event, when the critical mass of power is lost by the dark. So as long as they control the surface population, we cannot expect big breakthroughs. But just before the Event, or quite close towards the Event, we will have a cascade of events that will surely and quickly move towards liberation. But at the same time on the energy planes, on the nonphysical planes, we might experience positive breakthroughs even before that.

Debra: Okay, good. I’m glad you addressed that because I’ve had a lot of people that wanted me to ask you how much longer will this madness go on and all of that. What can we expect might happen when the Age of Aquarius timeline stargate closes on December 21st?

Cobra: This is something that I cannot talk about at this moment yet.

Debra: Okay, we’ll look forward to hearing more about that in the future. If it’s true that our level of consciousness individually and collectively determines the manifestation we create during mass meditations, have our previous meditations raised our frequency to a point where we will manifest something much better at this critical midpoint on June 30th? And how much has the actions of the cabal and dark forces, with their coronavirus and the riots and all of that, lowered our level of collective consciousness, and what can lightworkers do to counteract this?

Cobra: This is about five questions. Can we go one by one?

Debra: Sure, absolutely. So, have these previous meditations we’ve done raised the frequency to a point where we’ll be able to manifest something much better on June 30th? I know you already mentioned that.

Cobra: I have answered this question. People are waiting for the big breakthrough, which is not happening yet. This work continues unfortunately; I know everybody’s very tired, me included. I would say that this meditation is one big step closer to the final breakthrough. And from this point now on, breakthroughs on energy planes are possible, but I’m not expecting yet any breakthroughs on the physical plane for this meditation.

Debra: Okay. And, you know we’ve all had, the entire world has had, a challenging couple of months, so that was the second part of the question—have these actions of the dark forces lowered the level of collective consciousness in terms of moving forward and what can lightworkers do to counteract this?

Cobra: Actually, no, because as a result of the actions of the dark forces, many people have awakened. Many people have seen what’s going on that were dormant before. So actually the collective consciousness of the planet of humanity has raised as a result of the dark action. So it was like a brutal waking call, I would say. So it will be much easier for the light forces at the time of the Event to carry out certain actions which were quite problematic before. There were certain problems how to deal with certain situations and those problems have been resolved as a result of this.

Debra: Wonderful, that is good news. Some are finding that by consciously expanding their personal energy field prior to a mass meditation, they are able to add much more light to the unified field of meditators. So if more people did this, especially in this month of June, would the overall light quotient be much greater in the effect of the meditation, much more powerful?

Cobra: Yes, of course.

Debra: Are we broadcasting a mirror of our own frequency out into the universe? And if so, how will this impact the effectiveness of our mass meditation?

Cobra: Again, we can use this time. We have powerful configurations coming June 14, June 21, and June 30, and you can use all these to boost up our vibration and expand our energy field individually and collectively to prepare for the main meditation activation on June 30th.

Debra: You said before for the mass meditation on April 4th that people are now more open for unusual solutions and more open to the higher connection with spirit. Mars-conjunct-Neptune right now is said to be an excellent moment for taking spiritual action. So after one million meditators participated in the meditation on April 4th, how did this affect the quantum field? Are more people likely to continue to be interested in doing mass meditations, like this one we have coming up on June 30th and spreading the word to others as a result?

Cobra: Meditation that we had on April 4th was a very unusual situation because there was a global situation with the coronavirus, and this is why we had so many people meditating. Right now this aspect between Mars and Neptune is actually bringing confusion in the field, which will last for a few days and will not affect the energy field greatly. It will just be a moment of purification of spiritual illusions that needs to happen before we can get to the next point.

Debra: On June 30th, Mars will be in Aries and square to the position of the big bunch of planets that were conjunct in Capricorn in January 11th and 12th. Does this mean war is possibly likely to break out and would America be involved, especially with the solar eclipse happening in Cancer on the June 21st solstice and America being born in the sign of cancer?

Cobra: I would not worry that much about the position of Mars around June 30th. It’s not that challenging. There might be minor moments of tension like we have almost every day now. So I’m not expecting anything drastic on those days regarding that.

Debra: Okay, good. How can we use our consciousness to direct the river of free will on the planet at the midpoint of this timeline stargate? Are the critical moments actually before the meditation, when we spread the word and encourage others to participate, or is the critical moment during the meditation itself, when we use our freewill to help the light forces gain the upper hand over the dark forces when it comes to removal of toplet bombs and other quantum technologies that the dark are using to counteract the progress of the light forces?

Cobra: It’s actually both. It’s important to spread the word, it’s important to make sure we reach the critical mass, and when the moment of the meditation happens, it’s important to be in that collective field of our collective decision. Because we are making a conscious choice, a free will choice, that we want the Age of Aquarius, we were born for the Age of Aquarius. We are not born for this nonsense we’re experiencing now. We were born for the Age of Aquarius.

Debra: We all completely agree with that! In one of the scientific studies you quoted about the effect of mass meditations on our reality, John Hagelin, PhD, said that, “The key idea is that all of existence emanates out of a field of universal consciousness called the Unified Field or Superstring Field. Simply put, consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe, and since all levels of reality arise out of consciousness, all levels of reality are affected by their frequency of vibration of the superstrings within this field of consciousness.” How does this relate to astrological opportunities available to us on June 30th?

Cobra: You can see that astrological configurations are interference patterns in this quantum field. Each planet emanates not just the electromagnetic field, but it emanates a quantum field, which has certain properties. And when those fields interact, they create an interference pattern and certain astrological configurations have very favorable interference patterns, which influence the form of field. And if we utilize that, and empower that with our collective decision, we can have far-reaching results. So there is a precise science to this, and this is it. This is why meditations are done at exact moments, over very precise wording, with very precise instructions, with laser-like focus to really have the maximum effect on human consciousness and on the affairs of the planet.

Debra: Dr. Haglin also said that previously we believed we were living in an inert universe, a universe of dead matter, but now we know the universe is overwhelmingly conscious at its basis. How can we use our meditations to shift and awaken the people who have been mind-programmed into believing that the universe is dead and that the consciousness has no effect on planetary timelines?

Cobra: We are not awakening people with this meditation. We are shifting the timeline. So it’s like I said before, redirecting the flow of the river. And when the river flows in different directions, this, as a consequence, will trigger a mass awakening in its own time.

Debra: So we just allow people to awaken at their own pace.

Cobra: Yes, yes. We just create conditions, or we help co-create conditions, that will create a space for that awakening.

Debra: How can tired and exhausted lightworkers tap into the power of their consciousness to heal their bodies and their finances once they tap into the knowledge that we really do live in a universe of thought, not a universe of dead matter?

Cobra: By utilizing the law of manifestation. I was speaking about law of manifestation a few times; also on my conferences, there are a written notes about that on my blog somewhere, people can find it and study that. It’s not that easy, I know, but it’s possible for us to make our conditions better, regardless of all those external effects and influences. The law of manifestation is still valid, so we can utilize that.

Debra: That actually was exactly my next question: do these techniques that you teach in your conferences still work? Some people are feeling like there’s just way too much interference by the dark forces in the lives of lightworkers to be able to fully manifest joy and abundance—but you’re saying that they still do work and it’s still worth putting energy into?

Cobra: Yeah, there is a lot of counter interference or counter current, I would say. It’s not that easy to manifest complete joy and abundance, but you can have partial success at least, which is better than nothing at this moment.

Debra: Do you have any extra tips that you can add to your original protocols that could help us at this point?

Cobra: I would say if you really study those protocols and utilize them, you have more than enough.

Debra: Okay, good. I’d like to speak to you a little bit about the situation on the nonphysical planes, like the status of those planes being cleared. You said that most of the plasma anomalies have been removed. Does this mean that many of the plasma scalar weapons have been removed?

Cobra: The plasma anomaly has been almost completely removed. What is remaining is etheric anomaly, which has basically the same scalar weapons, the same technology. And this has also been cleared to a degree. So I would say there is substantial progress in the last few months.

Debra: So you said the etheric and astral layers are being cleared as well?

Cobra: Astral layer as well. Yes.

Debra: And the implants, and how does this clearing affect us?

Cobra: Well, it’s an end time madness because all the programming is being triggered, or I would say most of the programming is being triggered. So this is the reason why people react so strongly and sometimes without any common sense. And I would repeat here, the key here is common sense. People need to start utilizing common sense, especially lightworkers and lightwarriors.

Debra: Right! That was an upcoming question—that people are experiencing heightened reactions, negative emotions in many cases, not acting like themselves. So you’re saying it is because of the dark’s mind control or the influence of entities versus some astrological influence or galactic waves that’s causing a clearing of suppress things coming to the surface that are being healed to prepare for Ascension. So is it primarily more of just the programming and the influence of entities that’s causing some of these crazy reactions in people?

Cobra: It’s both; it is being triggered and also it’s a process of removal and healing. So if people use this opportunity to clear the programming, they will be much better off. And again, common sense.

Debra: Okay. Why can’t the light forces take out the dark forces in the sublunar space? Is this because of the toplet bombs still in existence?

Cobra: It is simply there is so much direct technology present in the sublunar space. It’s much harder than we expected, so this is tough. It a last fortress basically the dark forces have, and they are really defending it as much as they can. So the light forces have to proceed cautiously because humanity is taken hostage, and the light forces would like people to survive this intact. They need to dismantle this in a way that would not endanger human species.

Debra: Is there anything you want to share with us about the status of the toplet bombs?

Cobra: Not at the moment.

Debra: Okay. If more people perform the protocol of deprogramming of the implants, such as the “I AM God, I AM not God” exercise, would it help the light forces to remove the toplet bombs more easily and quickly?

Cobra: It would help the light forces with ALL of their operations.

Debra: Good to know! How would a person feel if their head implants are gone? Would they be more clairvoyant, or would it open their third eye completely?

Cobra: Well, this is basically not possible at the moment because the implants are tied to the planetary energy field. If you would like to clear the implants, you would have to go beyond the veil. But if you did clear your implants, you would have the enlightenment experience; basically you would unite with the Source.

Debra: Mmm, beautiful. Are the bubbles of heaven expanding? You mentioned in our last interview that they can be found in nature, especially if we are 30 yards from other people. Are there other ways that we can experience them?

Cobra: If you really want to experience them directly, you have to go to nature at least 30 yards away from other people. Because this is a very pure energy, very high frequency, and the implants and technology people have in their energy fields disrupt that. But bubbles of heavens are starting to work directly on humanity as a whole, by triggering slowly the kundalini of humanity. And this is one of the reasons why the riots are happening. Everything is not engineered; it’s also a genuine wish for humanity to break free. And this bubbling below the surface of human consciousness will get more and more. We are now in the last phase of the phase transition before the Event. So you can expect more and more humanity being ready for the change, wanting to change, desiring the change, and finding creative ways to trigger that change.

Debra: Yeah, I’d like to speak to you in a moment about those riots. I just have a couple more questions around the nonphysical aspect. Some people are saying that the split is now happening, with the old Earth separating from a new Earth. Is this actually happening? And is it happening on all planes—physical, plasma, etheric, astral, mental—and are we able to experience it now? What can we do to live more of our daily lives in the new Earth?

Cobra: This is not happening. It’s a false concept.

Debra: Okay, because there is a lot of talk about that taking place, so I’m glad you clarified that. At what point will that happen?

Cobra: There will be no split of the old Earth and the new Earth; the Earth itself will ascend to a higher vibrational frequency.

Debra: Okay, and in a moment I’d like to speak to you more about that Ascension timeline. But I’d like to ask you about the tachyon chambers; are they getting more powerful in helping people heal and anchoring light into the planet? And what about those people who cannot reach a chamber in their area? What do you suggest they do to get this kind of healing?

Cobra: Yes, the tachyon chambers are getting more powerful. We are constantly upgrading them, developing technology even further in cooperation with the Pleiadian fleet. And I think there are many chambers now throughout the planet, so it should not be too difficult to reach them. And of course, we are inviting more people, especially in the areas where there are no chambers yet, to establish a chamber in their area. So we need a strong planetary network of those chambers to heal people and to strengthen the planetary energy grid as well.

Debra: So the healing they offer is unique in themselves and we really can’t duplicate it on our own.

Cobra: There is no shortcut here.

Debra: Yeah, I’ve experienced them, they are very wonderful. I would like to speak to you now about some world events. Of course, you know, a lot of people are wondering about some of these things that are going on. Can you tell us how the eradication of the COVID-19 virus is doing—are the Pleiadians able to abolish it? How is this going? This has adversely impacted people’s lives, causing unemployment and depression. People are asking, how long might this go on? Can we expect a second wave? If so, when, and would it be wise to prepare by stocking up on supplies that get hoarded? Can you speak a little bit about the whole coronavirus situation?

Cobra: Yeah. The Pleiadians are developing more effective protocols; I’m expecting some results next month. We’ll see how it goes. They would like to completely eradicate the virus. I cannot guarantee that, but this is their goal. So we’ll see how it goes from July on. At this point they are not expecting the second wave, but again, it depends on how successful they will be in developing 100% effective stardust technology. This is quite a challenging thing on this planet.

Debra: Is Command RCV Stardust still effective?

Cobra: Yes, this is the protocol. They use the same protocol. This is the protocol for the coronavirus and it will stay the same.

Debra: And they just keep improving it. Okay, good, we look forward to that. Let’s get some clarity about what is really going on with the protests and the riots. Was the situation with George Floyd planned as a false flag to instigate the Black Lives Matter protests, which have then led to the violence and riots? You mentioned that the recent riots have been plotted by the cabal, so we are wondering if it was all planned from the beginning or if the dark forces took advantage of a police brutality situation to create this chaos? And what is the motive behind the recent defund the police movements?

Cobra: Basically the Jesuits have a plan to create civil war in United States; this is a plan that is active for a few years already. They are using situations as they arise to polarize people in United States, so there is greater and greater divide between the Democrats and the Republicans. This is exactly what the Jesuits want.; two opposing camps that hate each other. And this is the same pattern the Jesuits have used throughout history. If you study history, you will see all major wars have been engineered the same way. You have two camps of people opposing each other, and then the Jesuits polarized this more and more and more until a violence starts. And they tried to trigger this with those protests, which were happening last week. And the light forces have managed to contain this last weekend. So hopefully they will not be successful this time, but they will keep trying.

Debra: Are you saying that this situation with George Floyd, that it was an actual murder basically, and that it wasn’t set up or staged?

Cobra: It was an actual murder, but the situation behind this is not so simple so there are many elements of this situation that have not been revealed yet. But I would simplify it by saying any trigger could be good to create a situation like this. There are thousands upon thousands of situations taking place every day that can be used as a trigger for something like this.

Debra: Yeah, they definitely took it and ran with it. With all of this civil unrest, you mentioned before that there is some positivity in it in that people are waking up and they’re taking action. So in this situation with this civil unrest, are there positive effects, like a possible purification before the Event?

Cobra: Yes, actually there is. For the first time, there is a serious public discussion about police violence. This was a problem all the time and it was never discussed, and it is discussed now. Of course, the cabal tries to steer the discussion towards racial divide and they try to manipulate the public opinion, but there is more awareness and more disagreement. There is more opposition towards police violence, which was never acceptable, but now people want solutions to that. People want things to change. And this is the kundalini energy of humanity that says “No, we don’t want that anymore. We, we deserve something better, something different.”

Debra: We just need them to stand up and fight for the right things, for planetary liberation, yes? Can you imagine if the energy of all of those people was directed toward liberating the planet? Wow!

Cobra: Actually it will be more and more, because people are aware more and more what’s going on. For example, many people are aware of what Bill Gates is doing or what Dr. Fauci is doing. And this is now common knowledge. It’s not just a conspiracy theory anymore. It’s like a public knowledge throughout the world.

Debra: Yes. And in fact, that was coming up on my next question. So has Bill Gates been arrested or Dr. Fauci or anything?

Cobra: No. When those people are arrested, it will be big news in the media.

Debra: Okay. And we know that many of these plans of the dark are to create civil war, as you said, martial law, surveillance and contact tracing, mandatory vaccines and implanting. People are becoming increasingly concerned about all of this. Can we get an update on where we are with all that and what the light forces are doing to help us?

Cobra: What is interesting here is that people were not concerned when they were implanted with the first vaccination programs after World War II, and they were not concerned when they were implanted with the second implant vaccination programs since 1996. What is different now is people are more aware of what has been going on for decades. Also this COVID virus is a biological weapon; there have been many biological weapons released before and nobody was so worried about it. It is true that this situation has been engineered and manipulated, but the other aspect is that people are much more aware of all that has been happening until now. So finally they are getting worried. They were not worried before when the same things were going on for decades or even centuries.

Debra: Do we need to be concerned about the mandatory vaccines and the contact tracing and all of these things that are in the making?

Cobra: I will not say be concerned. I would say take action against mandatory vaccination. If enough people say no, this will simply not happen.

Debra: Good to know. And of course, one of the biggest concerns of lightworkers and many people that are waking up is the harmful effects of 5G. How are things going with the light forces developing technology to counteract it, and has anything been implemented yet?

Cobra: Yeah, there is another Pleiadian project of developing protection against the 5G. It will not be 100% effective, but it will definitely help. And the other thing the light forces are doing is slowing down the progress of 5G implementation around the planet. They have been quite successful in Japan. They have been also quite successful in Europe, not so much in some other countries. I would say that this is a battle still, and we need to keep going.

Debra: Why is the cabal not afraid of what 5G will do to them?

Cobra: Because of course they will not put their base stations next to their villas. So they will put this in big cities first where regular people are living, the cabal will refrain from living in an environment like that.

Debra: So they’ll just keep themselves separated from it, I see. Are the light forces now spreading HCQ or other beneficial particles in the chemtrails in our atmosphere instead of the previously dangerous chemicals and heavy metals?

Cobra: I cannot agree with that.

Debra: Are the chemtrails still spreading heavy metals and other chemicals?

Cobra: Yes, less of this is happening, but it’s still happening.

Debra: Yeah, many people are commenting just how much more beautiful the skies are and how much cleaner they feel, so we are experiencing that. I’d like to speak to you a little bit about the financial situation. Zerohedge recently announced that China suspended debt repayment for 77 developing countries. What is that all about?

Cobra: China has very strong interests, especially in Africa. They have a strong connection with Africa, they want to invest in Africa, they want to have this as their sphere of influence. With this debt forgiveness program, they tied those countries to China because they can then invest freely. They give some minimal aid to the countries and then of course follows the second wave of investment, which ties those countries to China. It’s a part of Chinese strategy. Chinese strategy now is expansion. They were quite contained in the last few centuries within their borders, but now it’s the second phase of the Chinese plan, they are aiming at world domination basically.

Debra: Can you tell us more about the new financial system that many, including Ben Fulford, are saying is being negotiated right now? What do you know about that?

Cobra: There are many negotiations, negotiations that are actually taking place for years now, and we don’t have any results yet because there are many interest groups with their own agendas and there is no consent yet. And of course the cabal wants to stop this, so we are not there yet. I’m quite skeptical this moment that there will be a breakthrough very soon. There are rumors, of course, there are people hoping for it in the next weeks or so, but I don’t think we’re there yet.

Debra: You’ve said in the past that the final financial crash will happen right before the Event; has what this looks like changed according to the current timeline, or is it how you’ve described it before?

Cobra: This stays the same. The plan stayed the same. The light forces will trigger the crash when it’s time to trigger the crash.

Debra: What about mini crashes before that, are those possible? What does it look like? Or are we actually experiencing one now due to the effects the coronavirus situation has had on our economy?

Cobra: There was a mini crash in the stock market in February/March, and of course then it recovered artificially. Things like that might continue to happen because the feds will not be able to control the situation indefinitely. So there might be many crashes like that happening in the future in various financial sectors throughout the planet.

Debra: But you don’t see it where we go to the stores and there’s no food on the shelves or anything like that?

Cobra: No, I’m not expecting this.

Debra: Okay, good. This is a curious question that multiple people have asked; recently #JFKJrReturns was trending on social media. Is he still alive?

Cobra: Okay, I ask people a few times to use common sense.

Debra: So use our own common sense around that one. And what is the story about the recent UFO event in Brazil? Was it connected with the cabal and did light beings die in the crash?

Cobra: It is one of the, I would say, collateral damage in this war that’s happening in sub lunar space between the Galactic Confederation and Draco fleet.

Debra: But there actually was a light ship that crashed in Brazil?

Cobra: Well, my sources are not saying it was a light ship. It was the other ones, the Dracos.

Debra: Okay, I got ya. And a question about the Schumann resonance, is it an indicator for any underground activity or quantum activity?

Cobra: Schumann resonance actually reflects the collective plasma field around the planet. Plasma field can be influenced by consciousness, can be influenced by solar activity, can be influenced by volcanic eruptions, big earthquakes, many different sources of many different causes.

Debra: How would you explain all of the activity lately from the Schumann [resonance]?

Cobra: How you define lately?

Debra: It just seems like over the last few months there’s been a lot of spikes and things.

Cobra: Of course. There were a few meditations, which were quite influential in the energy field, and there have been some changes in planetary consciousness as well. And the sun was quite inactive, this was a solar minimum time; the sun is now beginning to waken again so there might be some changes as well in that regard.

Debra: Okay. I’d like to ask you a couple of questions about the Ascension timeline and the Event. You said that the May 7th full moon was a trigger through which Archangel Metatron would activate our solar system into an Ascension portal connected to the galactic center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which needs to be remained buffer to a degree. Does this mean that the rest of the solar system started ascending? And when will sublunar space and Earth be able to connect to this Ascension portal?

Cobra: I will not say that the rest of the solar system start ascending, but I would say that the rest of the solar system started to transmit ascension energies gently towards the planet and the sublunar space so the transformation can begin here. And the transformation in the sublunar space can only begin when there are some definite victories needed for the Galactic Confederation fleet against the Dracos, which have not happened yet.

Debra: And then we’ll be able to connect to this portal?

Cobra: It will be then much easier to connect with that portal and feel then those energies coming in.

Debra: There were some questions from readers after your post about the Ascension portal of 2025, about whether the three waves of Ascension must be completed by the time of the Ascension window closing in 2025, or if they could take place after? And is it possible that the first wave could happen prior to the event, especially if the event continues to be delayed?

Cobra: This plan has changed a bit, and I will update the surface population with a new plan when the time is right.

Debra: We look forward to hearing that! So, well, my next question was about the cleansing tsunami, if that was still the plan after the waves of Ascension?

Cobra: Yes, when the big solar flash of galactic pulse happens, of course, there will be a purifying tsunami. This cannot be avoided. This needs to happen. This final purification of Earth is necessary for the planet to reach the ascended state.

Debra: So just to clarify for people—there is the solar flash of the Event, but then there will be a larger cleansing solar flash after that.

Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension.

Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided?

Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift.

Debra: After 2025, what will happen in our world? Is it true we won’t be able to live on the Earth in our physical bodies?

Cobra: I would not fix any predictions to a certain date, but I would say after the polar shift, only those who are in Islands of Light will be able to remain here.

Debra: I know you’ve said that before, so again, we look forward to your update about those waves of Ascension. Some people, like Sandra Walter, have shiny particles on their hands. Is this one of the Ascension symptoms?

Cobra: I didn’t check that so I cannot answer this question. I would need to see a photo and check everything so then I can answer this question.

Debra: Understandable. What final steps are still necessary in order for us to trigger the Event?

Cobra: What is necessary is, number one, to clear the sublunar space of all Draco fleet, and then to create conditions on the surface of the planet to make the Event possible. So after the Draco fleet is removed, things will go on quite, quite fast and then we can expect the Event to happen.

Debra: And we can help by keeping our own vibrations high and participating in mass meditations, correct?

Cobra: Oh, that’s for sure, because we stabilize the planetary grid and then it is much easier for the light forces. They can be much bolder in their actions, because we have this hostage situation and when we as hostages on the surface create a resonance field, then it’s much easier for them to push much more directly towards the liberation.

Debra: Okay, good. I’d like to spend the last few minutes of our interview talking about Sisterhood the Rose, the goddess energy, and also the healing of lightworkers and humanity. You recently spoke about how two key people crashed a goddess vortex in Hungary and changed a timeline to influence the whole liberation process. Can you explain how that happened?

Cobra: Basically the most important vortices, I would say every vortex on the planet, has guardians. Those are people who have been born with a mission to be caretakers of that particular energy vortex. And when key people are compromised, this of course influences the whole vortex and all people in that particular country, and events like that can have a potential to shift the planetary timeline. And those things have happened a few times in the last 25 or 30 years. This is one of the reasons why the positive timeline in 1995 collapsed completely. So people have much more power than they think. Key people in key locations and key positions can influence situations for the better or for the worse. And I have witnessed many situations like this. And if you study history again, you will see that key decisions of small groups of people determine how things will go on this planet.

Debra: Can this vortex be repaired?

Cobra: Probably yes, probably there will be a certain healing process taking place, but now this moment light forces are creating plans to reactivate another vortex to carry the energy of the goddess. And I will be able to speak more about that after our mass meditation, especially if we reach the critical mass.

Debra: Good, look forward to hearing about that. Is it necessary to have at least one active goddess vortex on earth at the time of the Event?

Cobra: Yes. That will be nice, that will make things much easier.

Debra: And are there active goddess vortexes on the planet at the moment, and if there are, if there is more than one, do they connect with each other? And if so, how do they do that?

Cobra: They are not completely active. There are goddess vortices which are taken care of by the light forces, by the Resistance Movement, but on the surface within the human race, there is nothing completely active at the moment, which creates a problem of course.

Debra: Of course, yeah. Do the smaller goddess vortices that we create during our local Sisterhood of the Rose meetings connect to and help to contribute to the power of a larger vortex?

Cobra: Yes, of course, very much. So I would encourage all the Sisterhood of the Rose groups to keep meeting in the physical, keep taking care of your vortex, do the meditations, do whatever you’re guided to do. There are instructions on the Sisterhood of the Rose website and that can help a lot.

Debra: Does it help if you’re not in a group to just do it individually, does that help contribute too?

Cobra: Of course it helps, but it’s better if you have a group, it will be much more powerful.

Debra: Can doing this vortex offer protection for one’s self or your location?

Cobra: For yourself, and especially for your location, that’s for sure.

Debra: So even if you’re doing it like in your home individually it’s very beneficial. In addition to burying Cintamani stones, what else can be done to strengthen the goddess vortex? Does using rose related products to open the heart chakra and soothe our emotions, such as rose essential oil or even putting roses in our home, does that help? Is that beneficial or are there other ways we can strengthen this goddess vortex?

Cobra: That helps a bit, but again, I would say there are a few meditations which are written on the website that actively activate the vortex directly.

Debra: Okay. So there’s no question that there’s a lot of fear and chaos on the planet currently—what can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to dissolve the fear that seems to be fueling all of the chaos?

Cobra: Again, evoke the goddess energy; there’s also a meditation that you can actually do to evoke the presence of the goddess that you’re connected with within your energy field. You can invoke that presence. And then that particular goddess will work with her energy to balance and heal your energy field and the energy field of your location.

Debra: People need healing, so what are some of the most important aspects required to start the healing process and can people do it for themselves? And what can the Sisterhood of the Rose do to assist that?

Cobra: Also what is going to be more accessible now, and especially after this meditation on June 30th, are healing angelic energies and invoking those healing angelic energies can help a lot.

Debra: Okay. Many lightworkers talk of experiencing unpleasant conditions in their body and their emotions, and having more trouble peacefully meditating and their focus is off. Is this caused by the increased breakthrough energy or are these scalar weapon attacks? People are really looking, how can we find more inner peace?

Cobra: This is a one side effect of big purification. There are many entities flying around, there is a lot of electromagnetic pollution. And again, you will find more peace in nature far away from human beings and far away from sources of electromagnetic radiation. This is the key, one of the important keys that you can use to create more peace within.

Debra: And what if someone doesn’t have access to being able to get so far away? Do you have any suggestions for that person?

Cobra: Well, what can happen is also bodies of water, even a small lake or the river or anything of that nature, can help with it.

Debra: Okay, good. So many lightworkers are very tired and beaten down from years of challenges concerning finances, health, toxic situations, and more; are these people still able to hold light at this point?

Cobra: Well maybe not always, but what we’re asking is 20 minutes of meditation. I think that’s something that anybody can do, or almost anyone can do. I am not asking people to fight this war, like a big general, I’m just asking people to meditate for 20 minutes. That’s not too much to ask, I would say.

Debra: Absolutely. You may have answered this—how best can we do our healing from all the attacks we’ve had over the years of dealing with the 3D world challenges? Is there anything else you can add to that?

Cobra: There are many healers around, and I would suggest to create a planetary healing network would need to be organized, which hasn’t been done yet. It’s just an idea I can put out there and people can organize, like a planetary healing network of healers that are capable of assisting in this situation. A website can be created, a network can be created like Sisterhood of the Rose, and this can start helping in this situation.

Debra: Yes, planting that seed and hopefully someone takes that and runs with it. Are we able to experience any aspect of 5D now? What techniques can people use to pull in more of their higher self?

Cobra: I will not speak about techniques because this is very individual. Each individual person has an individual approach. I would say 5D and higher dimensional energy will become more available as the situation progresses. And especially after the sublunar space gets more and more clear, it will be much easier connect with those higher dimensional frequencies.

Debra: That would be wonderful. In the past you’ve recommended books like “The Crystal Stair” and “Living with Joy” (which I’ve read both, they are wonderful) which have offered information and inspiration for living in these times and what to expect in the future. Can you recommend some other books for us?

Cobra: I would recommend “Living with Joy”; those who haven’t bought it already to get it and that will help a lot with the current situation.

Debra: What about anything else that helps us to plan for these times and pre-Event and post-Event, like “The Crystal Stair” did? Because, as I said, many of us have read both of those, so is there anything else you can recommend?

Cobra: There is nothing reliable enough that I could recommend because some people, you know, they read books and they believe everything that is written there so that can be a problem. I cannot find anything pure enough at the moment.

Debra: I know, it’s challenging just because some of the channelers aren’t pure. So we’re wrapping it up here, Cobra. I just would like to ask you if there’s anything you suggest that lightworkers do to prepare for the rest of the year, as well as what we can do to get us through whatever time is left before the Event? You know, so we can hang in there. Words of hope or encouragement would be wonderful.

Cobra: Okay. I know everybody’s very tired, but what is important at this point is people would need to learn to support each other. There was a lot of fighting between the lightworkers and lightwarriors, which was absolutely unnecessary. I think it’s time for people to learn to support each other, because really now everybody’s so tired. They need to support each other otherwise it’s not going to be easy.

Debra: Right, supporting each other. And what can you tell us in terms of hope for the future?

Cobra: Well, the situations beyond the planets are improving drastically, the situation of solar system is so much better. The cosmic energies coming in are huge. The cosmic cycles which are completing, cosmic cycles ending and cosmic cycles beginning, are huge. This all just needs to manifest towards the physical. It takes some time—it takes a lot of time actually—and we’re all very tired, but we’re getting there slowly.

Debra: I know. And our thanks to you so much for all of the hard work that you do. I know it hasn’t been easy for you either, so we just have a tremendous amount of appreciation for the work that you do and for keeping us informed and inspired and all of that. So a big thank you to you for that, Cobra. I want to remind everyone that we do have the mass meditation coming up on June 29th or 30th, check your time zone for that. Is there anything you would like to share with us about that meditation, anything further Cobra?

Cobra: Yeah, I will be posting videos, instructions are already on my blog, the countdown timer is already there. There are already videos in many languages, more languages are coming. So share this with people around you, make this viral, make this known, we can reach the critical mass. We can get one step closer. It’s a marathon, but we’re getting there.

Debra: Yes, and let’s go for over a million again, let’s set that intention. I would like to give a big thanks to my sisters and brothers in the Sisterhood of the Rose for helping supply questions. And to you Cobra for taking the time today to speak with me and share this wonderful information that you have. So thank you so much!

Cobra: Thank you, and Victory of the Light!

Debra: Victory of the Light!




And Japanese:

Victory of the Light!




Your Tax Free Donations

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A Recorded Interview to Mr. Scott Kesterson from Bishop Larry Gaitor on Radio Chanel Global spirit revolution. You need to see this.

This interview is really important to hear…and is evolving to something very positive Now!  It involved President Trump making extremely important decisions to make American Great Again…in no small way.  Here is how the Plan is playing out now.

Incredible info.  Take time to listen.  About 52 minutes. Worth it.

Drug and human trafficking being removed behind the scenes in LA and NY especially.

Act of 1871   “for the people” was changed to “of the people” = became Corporate

Stimulus Bill:  SPV attached to treasury, creating bonds for private holdings thus taking % interest in companies, $$ funnels back into treasury. Fed has to buy US debt to backstop the $$.  ($$ was to become Yuan) Munchen hates fed.

22 countries involved, strike to Vatican, London neutralized.
Trump did hostile takeover, Chairman of Fed now reports to Trump.
Trump now controls the economy. put burden on govs to protect people.
While Keeping people out of way of FF’s.

We now back into Const. Repub.  were under Mart. law. for short time. (CV covers media)
pres seal back up. defense act of 1950 to direct Co.s to national. security.
We were mostly controlled by CCP.  bought in 40%, indirect attack.
Stim pkgs allows Munchen to put $$ back.
Have shifted the global economy, put all pow back to pres.
Military has redone supply chain. Nav Admiral brought all details back into record.

Opening back up now, retooling outside of ccp control, all in 30 days.

Pope had signed agree with ccp. Mafia was linked to London, all under global media mind control. global econ was shut down by fear. Will catch the media in its lies.

Frequency effect vs. wash everything.  We are all infected by some nano tech, smart dust.  Nano engineered virus works with smart dust.  Fear leads to willing to accept injection, all which may bond with rfid chip bonded to RNA. Can cause multiple ill effects, and dependent on socialized system. Cut u off the grid.

Agressively fight state govs!  do not allow injection, global conc. camp.

We are going back to constitution. Rewire entire system and minds. By the way your kids were being harvested by your own gov.
Trump now has global control.

1302 Pope Boniface, every soul registered to VAt.  Birth certifs.
1747 Pope Pius

RevolutionRadio:  continues on civil war, what is not known.
plan to divide US in 1/2

See all this on this link:




Your Tax Free

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This is a video post. See the video below.

Love fully. Forgive Completely.

Body For Awareness Project: Your clothes. Your body. Your truth. Support alt-media and help raise awareness. On Sale Now.

Related Stargates: Doorways of the Universe

Book Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond

Book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream [CIA’s Manufactured Social Change]

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.

– Justin

Read more…

(Yes, indeed! With just one “Key,” we have the power to conquer any challenge!)

Have you noticed that despite the fact that the world has been in “lock-down” for weeks and even months in some places, everything seems to be moving faster than ever?

As the pressure continues to mount all around the world and information is coming at a feverish speed, the energy seems to be reaching a climax – and this is why I believe that we’re now experiencing what some ancient spiritual prophecies have called the Quickening!

No doubt, we’re living through very confusing times, and while we may not have a definitive cure for many things these days, the cure for confusion is always clarity! Therefore, let’s start with the one thing at the center of all this chaos!

The Big Scary Leviathan!

For those of you of who have never heard the word “Leviathan”…according to many cultures, religions and traditions, the Leviathan is an all-powerful demonic creature that must be overcome. Regardless of whether it’s a mythical creature or just a metaphor, most of us have our own personal Leviathans to overcome at some point in our lives.

However, the Leviathan doesn’t initially appear as a demon or an omnipotent creature. Instead, it first appears as a type of deity (aka someone or something to which we look up to and give our power), then as it reveals it’s true nature, we eventually demote it to an irreproachable demon or creature, and then, eventually, we realize that it’s a destructive monster that must be overcome at all costs!

Right now, the Great Leviathan known as the Deep State is at the center of all the chaos in the world, and while it is threatening the future of humanity like never before, we must overcome this Leviathan together!

Humanity’s Leviathan: The Deep State

At this point, many of us are aware that something known as the Deep State (aka Cabal, Illuminati, Dark Elite, etc…) has plans to finalize their self-serving agenda – a plan to dominate the world that has been in motion for at least hundreds of years, if not thousands.

While I won’t get into too much detail here, the Deep State knows that as long as humanity is united and working together, their malevolent agenda doesn’t have a chance. As the saying goes “united we stand and divided we fall,” and therefore, if they want to dominate the world, they need to separate humans from one another, and for exactly this reason, they have executed a long and detailed plan to divide races, cultures, religions, countries, political affiliations, sexual identities, and so much more.

No doubt, this is why the Deep State has a history of funding both sides of every war, and they have also funded virtually every “human rights movement” – and not only does this include racial, cultural and religious movements, it also includes the feminist movement, gay rights movement and transgender movement.

While humanity has benefited from many of these movements (or they wouldn’t work), the Deep State intentionally uses these movements, along with false flag events, to ignite discord among people. Hence, race against race, culture against culture, religion against religion and even women against men – and while dividing families and communities and creating false enemies within them, the Deep State ensures that this artificial separation and division results in conflict…where everyone is left feeling all alone and people are disconnected from their real power.

Moreover, according to Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, the Deep State intends to roll out their “sustainability plan” which includes such things as mandatory vaccines and RFID chips that track every human being on the planet. Ultimately, they plan to depopulate the human race down to approximately 500 million people, and the “specially selected elite” who remain on Earth will be upgraded to trans-humanism, thereby, promising super-human powers and even immortality. (Please, don’t just believe me – do your own research….the information is easily available.)

Whether we like it or not, we must now unite to overcome this Giant, Global Leviathan before it’s too late!

The Pivotal Turning Point!

While the entire world is at a pivotal turning point, and the destiny of humanity is hanging in the balance, it’s important to realize that nothing has gone wrong in the grand scheme of things, and in fact, life was designed this way.

While human beings have always had the natural ability to consciously create, our power has been hidden from us for a very long time, and since we need a compelling reason to activate this hidden power, an All-Powerful Leviathan was designed for exactly this reason.

In a nutshell, the Leviathan is a catalyst for awakening and self-empowerment – which results in the ultimate transformation of humanity. You see, in the process of overcoming any Leviathan, we must somehow demonstrate even greater power than the force of the Leviathan we are facing….and that’s the point!

The Power to Conquer the Leviathan!

Have you ever noticed that in virtually every Disney Movie, many Hollywood Movies and every great Anime, we are shown exactly how to conquer the mighty Leviathan, and although the stories may differ in content, the answer is always the same?

The one and only thing that can change an undesirable trajectory is Resolve!

“Resolve: to reach a firm decision where there is no other choice – and all unwanted outcomes are refused!”

As the hero or heroine in any story knows, “Resolve is not something that can be bought or acquired, but rather, the Power of Resolve comes from deep within one’s soul, and while the answer to any and all challenges always lies within, we each have the ability to choose our own destiny – and win against all odds!”

So, what does it mean to have Resolve?

Although the Deep State’s sinister agenda is already in the advanced stages, it’s important to remember that they cannot do anything without our agreement…and this means that their plan only works if we, as humanity, are willing to relinquish our power….other-wise known as natural rights, common rights, free-will, etc….

Therefore, by consciously saying yes or no to various agendas, we each have the power to choose with our consciousness, and therefore, the real power of Resolve is in the form of self-responsibility.

However, before we can make a choice and before we can have the resolve to see it through, we need to know what’s going on in the world. After all, if we’re not aware of potential agendas, how can we refuse unwanted outcomes?

In fact, by ignoring current (or potential) realities because we are afraid that we can’t do anything about it, we could be acquiescing to an undesired reality and not even know it. So, we have to know what’s happening in the world in order to say “NO!”

Moreover, whenever we blindly buy into a reality that is presented to us on T.V or on the internet, our belief creates a ‘contract’ where we’re agreeing to experience that reality, and therefore, if we turn a blind eye and acquiesce, it’s the same thing as saying “yes”!

Until we know that we will succeed beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is always the possibility of failure. Therefore, once we are aware of what’s really happening in the world, we must refuse all unwanted outcomes.

In order for the Power of Resolve to guarantee success, we must refuse any and all options other than success – and this means that we must be 100% committed to a single outcome – no matter the time, energy or resources required.

In other words, allowing darkness to win is not an option – and there’s no room for doubt!

Once you find the Resolve to save something important to you, whether it’s your own life, the life of another or the precious gift of freedom, suddenly, the whole Universe begins to conspire on your behalf. The moment that there is no other choice, all negative options are immediately neutralized, and in fact, impossible circumstances may quickly change in miraculous ways.

Suddenly, you may be able to access immense power that you never knew you had, and at the same time, you may even discover unimaginable gifts – allowing you to overcome anything in your way.

Just like in the movies, the Power of Resolve can make anyone into a Super Hero!

Just Say No!

Since the long-term cost of acquiescing is too great to even consider, we must look within our hearts and do what feels right, even if it means facing our biggest fears, speaking our truth and standing our ground. Since there’s no way to beat this Leviathan by staying in our comfort zones, whatever you do, do not acquiesce!

As we say “no” to toxic air, toxic food and toxic water, as well as any system or entity that poisons our thoughts, beliefs and choices, we must make a new declaration that clearly states, “I do not consent”!

Furthermore, in order to overcome our Global Leviathan, we must activate our rights through self-responsibility and self-expression and we must make a new decree that represents our natural rights.

For example:

  • The right to healthy food, clean water and a safe place to call home.
  • The right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
  • The right to travel and explore the planet without being tracked, controlled or violated.
  • The right to have an opinion and to express that opinion through free speech.
  • The right to honor one’s culture, race, and spiritual beliefs, etc…
  • The right for privacy: the right to have private thoughts, emotions and conversations.
  • The right to prosperity, health and well-being.
  • The right to be part of like-minded communities.
  • The right to make our own choices.
  • The right to have access to all knowledge, information and technology.
  • The right to protect ourselves and our children from physical and emotional harm.
  • The right to say “no” to any and all actions that violate physical or emotional privacy.
  • The right for humane justice and mutual respect.

Furthermore, by refusing all unwanted outcomes, we gain leverage over the Leviathan.

Last, but not least, we must say “no” to division!

Say “No” to Division!

Believe it or not, human beings are naturally very kind and loving by nature, and while some humans have been unknowingly manipulated to be unkind, many humans have been brainwashed to believe that we’re all unkind. But, this just isn’t true….

Personally, I have traveled the world from the largest cities to the most remote jungle villages, and wherever I have gone, I’ve always been met with love and kindness, and based on the fact that many people report similar experiences, it sure seems like the language of love and kindness overcomes all artificial barriers – and most human beings are actually guided by a golden heart.

Think about it…if humans were cruel and selfish by nature, we wouldn’t have made it this far!

Therefore, we must not fall for any more of the Deep State’s tricks that are designed to separate us, including staged events that are used to ignite tension between certain groups of people.

Instead, we must unite as One Global Family – and we must do so with total resolve!


While a “certain presidential leader” may be helping us to get a leg up currently, we must remember that all people in positions of power have their own agenda, and therefore, there’s no white knight rushing in to save the day. If we expect anyone to save us or we put anyone on a pedestal, we’re just transferring our power from one Leviathan to another, and we’re missing the point.

No political or social hero can do it for us….we must do it for ourselves – and that’s the whole point!

Therefore, we must each take full responsibility for ourselves, and this includes:

  • Stop looking outside yourself for protection and guidance.
  • Be responsible for your own choices.
  • Don’t just believe anyone in the news or authority.
  • Don’t follow along out of fear.
  • Do your own research.
  • Think for yourself.
  • Trust your inner guidance.
  • Get grounded.
  • Only do what feels right to you.
  • Take ownership of your thoughts, actions and choices.
  • Stop following societal beliefs that do not feel right for you.
  • Take your power back from authority figures and false deities who may not have your best interest in heart.
  • Call your energy back from everyone and everything.
  • Know your options, make a firm choose, and say “no” to any reality or potential reality you do not desire.
  • Have compassion for the “sleep folks” – they’re waking up too!
  • Activate Resolve!
  • Choose Love!

Equally as important, we must be willing to let go of old systems that no longer support us, and trust that all our needs will be met and we will be provided for with abundance, and at the same time, we must do our best to create self-sustainable communities with like-minded people.

As we overcome the Grand Leviathan and we rise from the vibration of enslavement to the vibration of victory, we activate and attain incredible virtues, such as intrinsic power, pure love, compassion, strength, courage, clarity, and so much more!

New Earth Vision

Once again, in the most inspiring movies where good triumphs over evil, we are shown exactly how to conquer the Grand Leviathan and reclaim our freedom. But, oddly enough, did you know that the Deep State owns both Disney and Hollywood?

So, maybe you’re wondering, why would they openly give us the key to our own salvation?

While many people believe that the game is rigged against us, I happen to believe that the game is rigged in our favor – and they give us the answers in order for us to win!

If I’m completely honest, I’ve been preparing for this momentous moment in history ever since the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1986?. You see, during the world’s first global mediation, I had a vision of the Earth from space. In this vision, the Earth started to crack open like an egg, and while I desperately tried to prevent the Earth from cracking, my efforts were useless – and right before my eyes, Earth cracked wide open.

But surprisingly, after a hard, crusty shell fell away, I watched in amazement as a brand new, beautiful and vibrant Earth was revealed. The Real Earth! While that powerful vision has guided my life ever since, I have been patiently waiting for the day that this vision would manifest, and I believe that day is fast approaching.

While the whole planet is getting ready for a “reboot,” don’t be scared if all the power suddenly goes out, and don’t be frightened if certain things are no longer the way they use to be. Instead, just keep in mind that in order for a New Earth to come online, first, the old one has to shut down – and reboot.

By choosing love and invoking the Power of Resolve, we’ll naturally win the game of good versus evil, and sooner rather than later, we’ll all find ourselves in a higher dimension…..where love and light prevail!

Moreover, not only do we have front rows seats to this grand event, many of us are here to help humanity during the ascension process. So, in the spirit of Global Unity, may I suggest a new Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to my fellow Human Beings, and for the Freedom for which we stand! One World, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

Always remember, Only Love is Real!


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About the author:

Nanice Ellis

Free 7 Part Spiritual Awakening Series with Nanice
No matter where you are on your path, this intensive series will support your journey to awakening. Sign up now at

Nanice Ellis has been a professional Life Coach for over 20 years, successfully coaching women and men from all over the world. She is also an author, Theta Healer and Master Neuro Linguistic Practitioner.

Helping people to make quantum jumps in their lives, Nanice’s very unique coaching style is often referred to as the “Nanice Effect”. By using powerful and proven manifestation techniques, Nanice coaches people to tap into the power of the Universe and live their dreams, bridging the gap from the imagination to the realization of that dream. She works with leaders, coaches, healers and anyone who wants to live life to the fullest. You can learn more about the coaching programs offered at: Coaching Programs with Nanice.

Nanice is the author of several books, including the inspirational “The Infinite Power of You!” and “Even Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad!”, and her latest book, “Is There a White Elephant in Your Way? The Guidebook for Awakening and Self Empowerment” She is also the host of radio show Chai with Nanice. Her books are available at and right here on Amazon.

Connect with Nanice at

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(Arjun WaliaPrior to the recent official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in the mainstream (via the recent Pentagon footage and the release of millions of pages of UFO related documents from dozens of governments), UFOs were listed in the conspiracy category. This was the case despite all of the evidence that was leaked over the decades, from very credible sources. Apart from the evidence listed above, we also have witness testimony from hundreds of military and intelligence personnel from around the world. These are the sources that were cited before official UFO disclosure, and these same sources have also been quite expressive in their belief that some of these objects are indeed extraterrestrial, including the head of the Pentagon’s former Ariel defence program, Luis Elizondo.

Related Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates, and her TELL ALL Will Shock You (Video)

SourceCollective Evolution

by Arjun Walia, February 23rd, 2020

If you’d like to read more about that discussion, you can refer to this article which dives into the extraterrestrial hypothesis a little deeper:

It’s Official ,We Now Know That UFOs or UAP Are Real, So Are They Extraterrestrial or Not? 

Surrounding the literature and the lore, there are stories of many different types of craft and beings which have supposedly been seen over the years. For example, over sixty school children were playing outside at recess, in 1994, in Zimbabwe, when they all said they saw a large craft, and multiple small crafts land in a nearby field. Not only that, they said they saw multiple “beings” that they described as non-human. This story has been well documented, is very serious, and was studied by various researchers. One of them is Harvard University psychologist Dr. John Mack. He himself interviewed these children personally, as well as many others. The story spread around the world quite fast and his interviews with the children were conducted shortly after the incident.

“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.”  – Dr. Mack (source)

You can read more about that story in detail here.

There are literally hundreds of supposed encounters with virtually no explanation. And now that we know “the phenomenon is something real, and not  visionary or fictitious” (General Nathan Twinning)  it’s time to ask more questions, like, if they are extraterrestrial, what are they doing here? How many different groups have we catalogued? As you can imagine, there are probably hundreds of questions one can think of as this topic and its implications leave no aspect of humanity untouched.

At a MUFON conference, Franklin Story Musgrave (former NASA astronaut) emphasized the fact that there are probably trillions of races out there that are doing star travel. You can watch that clip here. He’s one of many astronauts who have a heavy interest in this subject, as a lot of them, like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, have come out and said publicly that they are well aware of the phenomenon, that it’s real, and that a massive cover-up has been taking place over the years.

extra.jpg 300w, 610w, 100w, 260w" alt="" data-lazy-src="" sizes="(max-width: 759px) 100vw, 759px" srcset=" 759w, 300w, 610w, 100w, 260w" data-was-processed="true" width="759" height="500" />

So what do they look like? The picture above is one of many supposed pictures of real extraterrestrials. We posted a few more with the stories behind them, as well as the story with regards to the above picture, in an article that goes into more detail, which you can read here.

Freedom is Returning. Educate yourself and your family with this docuseries.


Tell the world with this.

Having been an avid researcher into the phenomenon for more than a decade, I’ve studied much of the literature and the lore associated with UFOs and the supposed extraterrestrials (or extradimensionals) who operate them.  It’s filled with multiple accounts of beings who are concerned with the well being of our planet. What’s also interesting is the fact that multiple contactees and their stories always seem to corroborate, for the most part.

A lot of these people are ordinary people who’ve had their lives changed, and people who knew nothing of the phenomenon.

There are reports of reptilians, gray aliens- both tall and short, hybrid looking aliens, human looking ones and much more. Apart for the care and well being of our planet, and the warning of our use of nuclear weapons and our overall destructive way of life, there are also a few other common themes within the lore, and one of them is a human/alien hybridization program.

This program is supposedly run by a group of tall ‘grey’ aliens, who apparently are a dying race whose only hope for survival has been interbreeding with humans. This also comes from accounts of multiple supposed ‘contactees’ and those who have experienced ‘abductions.’

“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans.” — Dr. Don Donderi, a retired McGill University Professor of 40 years in the Department of Psychology (source)

It’s important to keep in mind that many contactees have experienced forced abduction, or ‘friendly’ contact. Many accounts of forced abduction are also said to be ‘friendly,’ and something we don’t quite understand. That being said, many have had malevolent experiences too, but the human/alien hybridization program is a common theme, as is, again, the well being of our planet and our ‘spiritual’ progression that’s needed if we want to move forward.

Below is an excerpt from one of the leading researchers in the field, Richard Dolan, taken from his UFOs For The 21st Century mind. This is one of multiple such supposed encounters,

“Decades of study have led many researchers to conclude that these beings abduct humans in the dead of night and perform various procedures on them. These procedures, as often recounted by alleged abductees, seem to be geared toward some sort of breeding and genetic manipulation program. In other words, the Grays may be creating a race that is some sort of hybrid between human and Gray. If we ever prove openly that the Grays and these activities are real, the public reaction would be overwhelming.”

We must keep in mind that, throughout the past few decades, it hasn’t just been UFO reports, but abduction and contact reports as well.

Book The Great Airship Mystery: A UFO of the 1890s

Below is a good example of many similar stories that exist within the lore, also taken from Dolan’s book,

A well-known UFO abduction case involved a young Brazilian farmer named Antonio Villas-Boas, who lived near Sao Paulo. Boas had an apparent abduction experience on the night of October 15 1957. He gave a detailed description of the inside of the craft and its occupants; they wore tight, white clothing with a light on their belts, white shoes with no heels, large gloves, and opaque helmets with a slit at the level of the eyes. He claimed to have been stripped naked and given a medical exam in which one of the beings spread a liquid over his skin. He was then led to another room, where they took some blood from his chin, then left him alone. An unpleasant odor caused him to vomit.

Eventually, an alien female entered the room, entirely naked, she was attractive but seems very much like later descriptions of a human alien hybrid: she had hair that was nearly white, large slanted blue eyes, an ordinary nose, small but ordinary ears, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin. They had sex, but this was no fantasy out of Star Trek. Boas later said he was “uncontrollably” excited, despite being physically repelled by the experience. He wondered whether the liquid that had been spread over him had contributed to this. When the sexual experience was over, the woman lost interest and left the room. Just before she left, she turned to him, pointed to her belly, then pointed to the southern sky.

Abduction researcher, Dr. David Jacobs, a Temple University historian, became very involved with the abduction phenomenon (one aspect associated with ET’s and UFOs). He came across many consistencies, world wide, among supposed experiencers.

“Frequently, the abductee would be given reassuring statements, such as, “You are very special to us.” Sperm would be collected from men, eggs and fetuses from women. Many female abductees reported having fertilized eggs inserted into them, while others who were already pregnant had their implanted embryo extracted. It also appeared that abductees were targeted in their childhood and mined for genetic and reproductive material throughout their lives.” – Dolan

Interesting, isn’t it? There are rumours floating around in this field suggesting that President Eisenhower had a meeting with this group of ET’s (could be more than one), and made an agreement with them, because he had no choice, and actually gave permission to the extraterrestrials to do this. But who knows if that’s true, you can read about that supposed encounter between Eisenhower and the ET’s, in more detail, here.

Book Saint Germain: Master Alchemist: Spiritual Teachings From An Ascended Master (Meet the Master)

Music is a powerful tool for healing. A team of scientists discovered that certain types of music improve your mood by harmonizing the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In today’s high-stress world, you need safe and effective music to feel relaxed, joyful, and upbeat. Give yourself the calm relaxation you deserve. Listen to music proven to reduce stress and anxiety by 65%.

Related CE article dealing with abductions:

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Explains Extracting Alien-Objects Found Inside People At A Hearing On UFOs.

What About Staged Abductions?

n his book, “Forbidden Science 4,” Dr. Jacques Valle explains how he came in possession documents showing that forced “UFO abductions” were conducted by the CIA as psychological warfare experiments. You can read more about that and supposed faked abductions, in more detail, here.

Concluding Comments

It’s important to remember that there may be multiple races visiting our planet, for multiple reasons. And when it comes to abductions, some of them might even be military abductions, but that’s a topic for another article.

The big picture take away from this is the fact that we are a race still in our infancy, and just as we discovered that the Earth was not flat, we are going to discover, if we haven’t already, that we’re not alone. As mentioned earlier, no aspect of life will go untouched, from science, to technology and our understanding of reality and more.

Perhaps we don’t even have the capability to understand what is going on here, but one thing is for sure, fear has been injected into the masses when it comes to the alien question. Whether this was deliberately done, who knows, but we are only now starting to ask the deeper questions that go beyond, “do UFOs exist?”

Human consciousness is changing, and information alone can change the way the collective perceives the world. That shift in perception can change the world, and who knows what type of impact that “ET” will have on mass consciousness? Based on my research and intuition, we are at a critical time in human history, and I do believe that we are being visited more frequently now, because there are many onlookers waiting to see what’s going to happen, and if we can make it out of the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.

Our world needs a big change, we need to change ourselves, and we need more love, cooperation, and understanding on this planet. My intuition tells me we are missing some very key realizations about our world, and the nature of our reality, and I believe there is a spiritual underpinning behind all of it.

If we ourselves one day to venture off this planet and become ‘extraterrestrials’ ourselves, we’ve got a long way to go, and it seems, with what we’re discovering through non-material science, human consciousness is going to play a giant role. We have been approaching space for decades, and with everything we know about the secret space program, couple with comments made from Lockheed personnel and more, we are about to join “them” out there, whoever ‘they’ are.



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About The Author

Arjun Walia

I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since :) There are many things happening on the planet that don’t resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It’s been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned :)

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper. 

– Justin

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Meditation at the exact time of the Eris Pluto square on June 14th at 3:10 PM UTC for maintaining World Peace; Waki Waki 2nd Wave Starseeds.


From our friends at

On June 14th, there will be another rare astrological aspect when Eris Pluto Square occurs the second time this year. This upcoming Eris-Pluto Square will have a big impact on the process of planetary liberation for the rest of the year.

In terms of Astrology, Pluto is being seen as a gatekeeper and escort into deeper levels of self-empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of looking within the self, rather than outside of self, and finding our nuclear core of the creative force. It also emphasizes the use of that force in ways that empower others and that awaken ourselves to new vistas of human potential, conscious awareness, and experience waiting to be realized.

Eris is a feminine warrior archetype that has no fear or hesitation to intervene and expose a greater hidden truth. She tends to pierce or crack open our current bubble of perception through which we view and experience the world to see beyond the finite bounds of our current perception, beyond the bounds we place upon ourselves. In other words, it helps us to unlearned what we learned incorrectly in the past.

This upcoming Eris-Pluto 270° square marks entry into the last quarter of the Eris-Pluto ~359-year synodic cycle that began in 1757 CE, and herald the time of change. It is interesting to note that Mayer Amschel (Anschel) Rothschild started his career in the banking industry in 1757 when this cycle began.

Therefore, this Eris-Pluto Square is likened to the Last Quarter Moon in a lunar cycle, a time of transition in the cycle.

During a time of transition, there can be chaos until a new and better equilibrium can be achieved. What is happening now in the US can be seen as an example of this. Legitimate and peaceful protests are being manipulated into violence with a potential to become a civil war.

To utilize the energy of this Eris-Pluto Square for the benefit of humanity and the whole planet, we will do a peace meditation at the exact moment of this astrological aspect on Sunday, June 14th at 3:10 PM UTC.

We will do a mass meditation for maintaining peace in the United States and the whole planet.

This table shows the time of the meditation for selected time zones:

TimeTime zoneCity
Sunday June 14
05:10 amHSTHonolulu
08:10 amPDTLos Angeles
09:10 amMDTDenver
10:10 amCDTChicago
11:10 amEDTNew York
12:10 pmBRTRio de Janeiro
03:10 pmUTCReykjavik
04:10 pmBSTLondon
05:10 pmCESTBerlin
05:10 pmEETCairo
06:10 pmMSKMoscow
10:10 pmICTBangkok
11:10 pmCSTTaipei
Monday June 15
12:10 amJSTTokyo
01:10 amAESTSydney
03:10 amNZSTAuckland

Here is the facebook event for this meditation:

Guided audio for this meditation will be shared here when it is ready.

Instructions of this meditation: (Suggested time for this meditation is 15 minutes)

  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness
  1. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the United States and the whole planet.
  1. Visualize a pillar of pink Light, emanating from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body and deep into the center of the Earth.
  1. Visualize this Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody in the United States and the whole planet, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let the pink Light then flow onwards, healing all other conflicts worldwide.
  1. Ask the Goddess presence (the divine feminine) to direct energies of peace and harmony to everyone in the United States and the whole planet. Let these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide. Allow these energies to continue to flow through your heart and then through your hands into this situation in the United States and the whole planet  for a few minutes.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be.


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The Great Awakening Series w/ @Espiritualidade Independente Ep. #1 (Video)

This is a video post. See the video below.


Related Deep State Takedown News: Qanon May 25, 2020 – It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint | Praying Medic (Video)

Book God, Faith, and Health: Exploring the Spirituality-Healing Connection

Book The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The preceding information is an update from one of the many alternative media persons driven to help humanity by providing important information. Updates of this sort, as cursory as they are, help individuals feel connected to the greater works taking place at this time as well as providing a personal glimpse into the mind of a content creator. It also serves to humanize such individuals and reveal to the public that alternative media is largely populated by people that work long hours providing information usually for free or for little financial compensation.

– Justin

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Apparently, one of the coordinators our insider Gene (Co Sensei) trained and was assisting to prepare updates on the Underground War and DUMBs turned out to be an infiltrator who used incorrect images and information in the presentations. As a result, Gene and Rick redid the entire Update #8, corrected all the inaccurate information, and did the presentation all over again.

That was the one for Canada and Mexico. If you missed it, or want an update, you can listen. There were a number of technical issues, but they persevered and finally got it done. It seems Gene and his remarkable information is being targeted but regardless the team is growing and will continue to do so. Stay safe everyone.

Underground Base Details: Part 8 Corrected. B2T Show Jun 6, 2020 (combined)


That's all for today. Enjoy this engaging production we are witnessing unfold. It's like no other. No fear.  ~ BP

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