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579000901.jpg?img1507080607112October 4th, 2017 By Open ; Contributing writer for Wake Up World

The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. You can see it reflected in the craziness at large in the world, as (some) leaders are challenged by events beyond their control. Of course it gets played out in the microcosm, in the only way their consciousness can handle — playground, bully-boy threats and tactics. The ego does this when it senses a loss of power — when the identity is challenged. To me this is just the fizz and the froth, stirred up by great waves of energy, which are now being unleashed in Gaia’s higher dimensional flow. It’s vitally important that we don’t get blinded in the drama, distracted from the blindingly obvious. We must look through the words, wailings and flailings. We must see that which we are not, and attune instead to that which we truly are…

Mother Earth is already saved

Many people in the spiritual mainstream still speak of ‘saving Mother Earth’, that we must apply our energies to healing this great divine soul. I say to you…

She has now entered an irreversible event line, which will see the 3D cleansed of distorting density, and her magnificent 5D higher self unleashed, in all her renewed splendor.

And there’s nothing anyone, nor any ‘geo-engineering‘ organisation, will be able to do to stop it.

Although understandable, it’s still a degree naïve to think that such a starsoul as Gaia, billions of years old, would somehow depend on the helping hand of humanity (or else be controlled by it) when he’s been around mere nano seconds, in the great cosmic timescale. Yet there is a degree of truth in the misconception — Gaia is holding the space for enough souls to unwind themselves from the density, so that the shift may be as gentle, and all-encompassing as possible. (Here’s a perspective on the Shift from 3D to 5D Earth.)

Do not be distracted from the true Source

The important thing now, is that we recognise the underlying movement of energy, the intensity to which it has escalated — reflected in the insecurity shown by the controllers of society; then to progressively allow that energy to carry us internally, to break the bounds of the old consciousness — the anchoring ties — so that our very souls are set adrift, on the surging tide of the realigning flow.

So what about the machinations and machismo shown by our world ‘leadership’ — what part does that play in the Great Shift? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. The only thing that it can really do is to distract — to make the drama and spectacle so loud and noisy, that you stop looking within, to where the real truth lies.

And this will always be a choice — YOUR choice.
Your consciousness — YOUR soul — cannot be boxed and controlled by anyone,
unless YOU allow it to be. Remember, the Great Shift is an internal one, determined by YOU alone.

(Also see: How to Follow Your Path of Light through the Accelerating 5D Shift.)

Forging of the Soul

That’s not to say the internal shift isn’t reflected into the outer world – of course it is. And it’s in the interplay — the apparent reality of it — that we get to decide who we are, and thereby forge the soul. So it’s not about disconnecting from the theatre, it’s about playing your role in it, but then rather than creating a tepid soap opera drama, what great masterpiece are you given to manifest?

Who are you?
How great can you really become?
What is your soul truly wanting to express?

Right now, all possibilities are open, all landscapes taking shape, that you may forge who you truly are, in this great spectacle unfolding before, and around, us. Watch-out as the machinations of the powers-that-be become ever bolder. But do not fear this either – as spiritual people, we know only too well, that those who try to control, are only ever caught up in greater karmic knots themselves.

So do not be blinded by the drama, do not be hoodwinked into believing it is more important that it really is. Above all, whatever rocket-sized false flags they try to unfurl, do not be distracted from the one true source of authentic creation – your very own being, at the core of you. (Also see: How Finding the Deeper Meaning Can Lead to a More Fulfilled Life.)

The rapid Shift into Higher Dimensional Consciousness

However, this doesn’t mean that somehow you disconnect from the outer world — who would be deciding to do that? Is not the One intimately engaged, right up until the very end? Does not the gazelle give of its all, right up until the moment where the physical is truly lost?

This is where there is the maximum gain to be had. For thousands and millions of years, the change on our planet has been relatively gentle and progressive, apart that is, from occasional big shifts — 5 mass extinctions to be precise. Now your eyes will lay witness to one of the greatest transitions possible — the rapid shift into higher dimensional consciousness.

The mirrors will thus get ever stronger as the old reality unwinds itself. Here is the opportunity then – the potential for rapid spiritual growth within yourself. Surrender. Let go into the strengthening flow of evolutionary change. Your soul will speak, ever louder, until it’s primal scream becomes undeniable. Go with it. Express into it. Unleash it. And this could just become the most miraculous shift of your existence…

In loving support,

(on behalf of Openhand)

p.s. If you resonate with the content of this article, and would like support in breaking the confines of your soul, check out… Openhand’s Worldwide Events and Courses.

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Its easy to debunk but it requires much effort to do your own research.
ITS NOT OVER TIL ITS OVER ! PLEASE read my comments here in the last weeks. or so. where I KEEP EXPLAINING TO the PEOPLE and DE-BUNKERS alike. That these dates are Markers only and many come from computer simulators for no one knows for sure the time and date for all of these EVENTS to take place . But we are given signs in ancient texts and Holy Books for this event has happened many times before and modern day text about them are mostly being hid from us by the DC and there minions who get paid to do the trolling and debunking. Some have confessed on this site and others were paid to slander people and deceive the newly awakened ones who do not realize how deep this Rabbit Hole goes. Bottom line is they do not want us to Ascend but they also want us dead so that there will be no more uprising to brake our shackles and be FREE as GOD created us.

I am disabled most of my time in these last years from the lupus and lime disease. I can't walk much so I spend a lot of time on the net getting up to date info on the Big EVENT that we are now in. This Planet 7 X IS ALSO a MARKER a ''sign of the times' 'you could say for the cleaning of the Earth and its Rebirth into the higher Dimensions especially the 5th and we will follow in turn if and when we do our homework ,most of us are the light-workers of the 144,000 who chose to be here and help do this, that is our Mission and reason for being here ! But the DC and there many millions of minions know there time of reign over us is up and we will be leaving them in there own Hell that they have created Here .And they will continue to Deceive us til there bitter end for they have already lost for we have powerful Allies in the Spiritual realm from Creator, Angels to Ascended Masters and our ET Brothers, who are all here to help us all who choose Ascension to make it through, if we all do our homework 1st.

''There is none more blind ,than he who will not see ! and none more deaf than he who will not hear !'' I tell you now that if you truly want to know the TRUTH,{ not my Truth but your own-Truth} for I am just a messenger, so don't keep slandering the messengers ! Go to your Holy books, then ancient texts and finally the internet while we still have it as our greatest tool and Weapon against the DC. You will not find everyone agreeing on everything but there are many things that these Markers all have in common.The ''signs of the times'' are there for your own personal interpretation and is happening right now if you will come out of Denial and you will not find anyone who believes exactly like you ! For we all have been programed different but yet the same. WE are in the material bodies to learn to communicate, when we have learned this with Respect and no Slander in the slightest way,then we are will on our way to Ascend pass 4D and on to 5D.

''Let us then agree to disagree'' For we are now in these Great Earth Changes that are upon us as I write. For the Great Event consist of many aspects;, Breaking Free form the DC and there minions ,[ Who by the way are responsible for many of these Great Earth Changes that are upon us now and the controlled lies in the MSN including there DE-bunkers on the Net ] I am sorry to say they have controlled most everything through the ILLUMINATI Pyramid and there many Black Lodges. And there time is up they are losing control and there plans for a NWO has failed. I wrote a 412 pg.E-book on this and had a web site created to sell it for donations they put it on the MSN to debunk it and then hacked the site, so I only have copies on PDF.

Again I say to you all these people on the net and especially U-Tube cannot all be wrong for much info,Pics & Vids is the same but be- careful the DC is on it too, so use great discernment, if it feels good in your heart of hearts then its probably correct and if it doesn't its probably false info to deceive you and keep you in the same trap that you have been before.So Discernment and Allowance is very important and most important for your fellow Brothers who are all on a different wave length than you, Give them your Deepest RESPECT AND DO NOT ATTACK, and IF YOU ARE Attacked by the DC , DO NOT defend yourself just keep trucking on until you find others who do agree with some of your beliefs. When you do your research, you will start changing your mind about things you thought before that was untrue or that you disagreed with,so your brothers are in the same situation, Respect that OK. I have said many times over the years the DC are trying to turn us against each other,[ A house divided against itself cannot stand] We are all one Family !

; The Point of Reference is that now is the time to make a choice.To follow the inner voice spirit guide that is aligned with the spirit Kingdom and to Ascend to the the higher 4th and 5th Dimension and the new earth or to remain in this hell h*** of 3D Exclusionary Holographic reality that the Dark cabal has created to control us.In other words we are being handed the key to freedom out of this prison hell h***. The key consists of two sides, they are called FORGIVENESS and LOVE. If you chose LOVE then Fear cannot enter and you are Free to ascend but if you chose Fear then LOVE will not enter. Its the same law that applies in the Kingdom of heaven.If you chose LOVE then you may enter and if you chose Fear you may  not enter. The Kingdom is the awakened ones and those who are to be awakened, so that they may chose. Then we can ascend into this new heavenly Kingdom in the higher Dimensions .GOD gave us free will so that we can chose, its up to us, it is the key to our Salvation and no one can do it for us, not even JC or GOD himself, we must do it.

Those who are just awakening this will come as quite a shock and the sleepers will be forced to awaken when all the Earth changes come down, this is a clenching time for mother Earth, to repair the damage we and they have done. Planet x/ Nibiru timing was caused by mankind of the ancient past, not the wrath of God for he has none. But it is being used by JC and the Creator as a ''sign of the times'' ,2000 years ago by JC .As this false reality begins to fade away or is washed away people will have to wake up, so no one can say with truth ,that they were not told about this. We must help them to lose the Fear, for fear will keep them in this prison and they wont be able to break the shackles, is yours broken yet ?

THERE ARE TWO SETS OF SHACKLES, the outside one is on our material bodies the outer world and the other set is locked into our minds , we call the inner world. The Dark ones have been programing our minds with lies and deception to control us and with our modern day toys, which are really control units we are even more controlled than in the past, for they do not wont to lose the slaves. We must upon awakening, recognize this, and chose the higher or the lower. When we chose the higher we will then wont to Delete there negative past program ,reboot and install our own positive program from the spirit realm, which is given to us when we chose Love instead of Fear. Those who chose Fear are still being led by there Ego, JC called ''the Demon within'' and the Dark cabal in the Outer World , who has perfected the evil form of Slavery upon us. The greatest form of slavery, is when a slave does not know he is a Slave, in other words you cannot free a slave if he does not know he is a Slave. So my mission and yours is to let them know they are a slave, inside and out and they will be freed by the Creator who Created them, if they just make the effort and follow there inner guide the Holy Spirit and the outer guides of angels, ascended masters and ET Allies, for we are love and are loved!We are all 0ne!

Adonai, from my higher self.

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NASA Conference announces NIBIRU PLANET -X

Nibiru Planet X Causing Pole Shift. Updates on what he believes about Planet X NIBIRU and a coming pole shift, and how the government and NASA are covering up imminent global catastrophe.

The nearing of Planet X Nibiru, which has comet-like tails that are attracted to the Earth because of static electricity.

How better to validate the approach of a rogue magnetic planet than observe its effect on Earth’s magnetosphere? The NICT simulator provided real-time visualizations of Earth’s magnetosphere for nearly a decade until it was abruptly terminated . Not a surprising move by the cover-up, given how vividly MagSim portrayed a progressive magnetic onslaught from Planet X that could not be blamed on the Sun. While other sources of real-time data have confirmed the deformations of Earth’s magnetosphere is worsening, the availability of such data is becoming increasingly sporadic. Relying upon thinly-veiled lies of omission, the cover-up continues to incriminate itself like a wanton criminal impervious to prosecution.

“Any plot of a magnetosphere will show output from the N Pole, regardless of what activity might be ongoing at the S Pole. Magnetons flow out from the N Pole, circle round, and return at the S Pole. What would cause the Earth’s magnetosphere to temporarily show only an outbound stream (blue lines), and this almost entirely turned quickly in space toward the direction of the Earth’s magnetic S Pole rather than arching out into space before returning, but then bypassing the Earth’s S Pole? It is as though the magnetons are diverted away from returning to the Earth’s S Pole, and this is what is occurring.

More is to come!”(sourceZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

“We have stated that the N Pole of Planet X is increasingly pointing toward Earth, forcing the magnetic N Pole of Earth to push away during the daily Earth wobble that results. If this flow of magnetons from Planet X is strong enough, the magnetons flowing out the Earth’s N Pole cannot fight the push in order to return to the Earth’s S Pole. In this case, they join the larger field temporarily formed by Planet X and the Earth, which are attempting to form an end-to-end magnet at this point, and return through the S Pole of Planet X!
What relationship, if any, does this have to the strong series of quakes in Samoa? We have described this part of the globe, the Indo-Australian plate that is being pushed under the Himalayas, as the brake point, holding back larger plate adjustment worldwide. Thus, this is where global adjustments start. This plate moves, then other adjustment that were waiting to happen can proceed. The relationship between the magnetic simulation charts showing the S Pole temporarily disappearing and the quakes is that a stronger and more violent wobble occurred when the N Pole of Planet X temporarily pointed its N Pole at Earth, forcing an end-to-end alignment of their magnetospheres. This is a preview of the severe wobble we have stated will precede the lean-to-the-left. This is the cause of the severe wobble we have predicted. More is to come!”(source) ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

The self-proclaimed experts claim that Nibiru is now gradually slowing the rotation of the Earth, and by 2017, it will slow down by a quarter. Subsequently, the planet will cause global warming, because of which the continents, with the exception of some of the mountains, would be completely flooded. Other consequences of a rapprochement with Nibiru, according to ufologists, will be a powerful storms and volcanic eruptions.

identify threats.

In the ancient Sumero-Akkadian mythology is a relatively untested cosmological concept associated with Marduk, the Supreme deity of the Pantheon of Babylonia. It is assumed that this term designated a certain point in the night sky (most likely in the constellation of the dragon). Subsequently, a host of pseudo-scientific theories, which Nibiru appeared as an unknown “official” science planet Solar system once in 3600 years passing between Mars and Jupiter. Some of these theories imply that this planet is inhabited by intelligent beings, which in the past people believed the deities. The end of the world, to provoke the gravitational influence of planets, the proponents of such theories expected in 2012. However, as stated by serious experts, the existence of the planet Nibiru is confirmed by modern science, but is not implied by most of the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, from which its image was allegedly taken.

It is worth noting that in recent times many people associate Nibiru with the hypothetical ninth planet in the Solar system, the probability of the existence of which in the beginning of this year, experts said California Institute of technology Michael brown and Konstantin Batygin. Although the existence of this planet will not be confirmed definitively, and to observe it directly scientists still did not work, she has acquired their own “apocalyptic” theories — in particular, earlier it was suggested that the gravitational field “of Planet X” could redirect to the face of the Earth many dangerous asteroids.

How to prepare for Planet X
A lot of people are asking “How to survive Planet X collision?” and mostly freaking out about the upcoming predictions maybe being true and the people in charge hiding it from us. If the poles shift, surviving the pole shift may be VERY difficult, however, some suggest it is doable! Being a survivalist myself, I would like to think that is possible. The reasons the poles shift is due to the “orbital halt” theory, which suggests that the gravitational influence and pull from Planet X will be so great it will cause the orbit to halt and poles to shift. Truly it would not be an orbital halt but for a split brief moment of Universal history…however, I like to think of it more like a “rotation halt” myself. Some of the historical end times disasters (such as the ice age, possibly the great flood, the dinosaurs etc), may actually be a result of a Planet X type object causing polar shifts and harsh conditions beyond unprepared survival. If indeed Planet X has come close to Earth before, as many objects in space do maintain a reliable orbit, then it is reasonable to assume at an earlier time, Planet X may have been astronomically visible to even amateurs of a much less sophisticated civilization. Perhaps Hipparchus for example, could have seen something like Planet X and not even realized it possible for a collision. After all, most civilizations believed the world to be flat, not spherical in nature; so although they may be able to observe moving objects in the sky and possibly even be able to physically see Nibiru, it is possible they could not identify a threat at all. We have much stronger capabilities in today’s modern space age, and can absolutely identify threats.

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  So, you want more future dates for the big EVENT, well I have them.

Lets start with the next month or so, remember these dates are not a for sure thing for each Event but the most popular and excepted time table. Also remember no one knows for sure of the exact date for each EVENT OR WHICH EVENT will happen when. One thing is for sure though, they all will follow the Event of Nibiru-Planet X, for that EVENT sets everything off, because of the magnetic pull of this Dead DWARF Star on our planet Earth. So when that Event has been seen by billions of people world wide, then the rest of the ''Earth Changes Event'' will hit us one by one until the end of this year when the Death star finally leaves the Earth and will not be seen for another 3,600 yrs or so. Let us remember the date of the 23 of Sept is what is called a marking date, that is the beginning of what is yet to come.

   Many think that the date of the 25-26th of Sept. will be the most likely time Nibiru will show itself up close to earth, and start off the all the grand earth changes that are yet to come, only time will tell.

The 2nd group thinks it may not happen until the 30th of Sept or the 1st of Oct. this date is also popular for the prediction of a finical monetary collapse, for there is no real money on the face of the earth and NASARA & GASARA will be hopefully Implemented in the weeks following this event, and bringing back to the world real money backed by precious metals. or other material wealth.

Another date is the date of 16th of Oct. in which is thought that the 1st of many meteorites will start hitting Earth from the 1/2 million mile long tail that is dragging them behind it. And the possible explosion of Yellowstone Super volcanoe and the disappearance of many governments around the world, as most all are corrupt. Many western govt. will be hiding in the underground bases, which may not be so safe as they think, when the earths crust begin to move.

Finally the Date of 21st of Oct.. This date could include any and or all of the above predictions that has not happened yet and many more ''Great Earth Changes'' all caused by the closeness that Planet-X / Nibiru will be to the Earth. And let us not forget the many Earth-quakes and Floods that are going to happen, Flooding all the coast lines of the world and inland flooding world wide until the end of next year Dec. 2018.

These dates should keep the De-bunkers busy for awhile. Let us all open our minds and hearts and come out of Denial so we can help save humanity by being prepared mentally, Spiritually, and materially. Better Safe than sorry, We are all one


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The Great Shift Gateway: September 23, 2017

What’s all the hoopla about the date ‘September 23rd’? There’s been a lot of disinformation and fear porn making the rounds, but it’s another gateway—one of many.

The missive below resonated strongly with me and it may be just the message of support we need to get us through another difficult period. It’s probably crazy to think we can weather these storms—literally—and the tumultuous energies flying around without being at the very least grazed.

Mica isn’t himself, I’m definitely feeling it, and this “support memo” was like a warm shower on a cold day. We knew there’d be turbulence, but expecting it and experiencing it in its myriad forms, wave upon wave, is another thing entirely. It’s good to hear a reminder and realize… “Oh right—this was supposed to happen. I can do this.” Thanks for the heads up, J. ~ BP

by Morag, Guest writer,

We have been plunged into deep, turbulent waters of cosmic transformation friends. The culmination of 888 Lions Gate and American Solar Eclipse Gateway on 23rd September will mark the most accelerated wave of higher frequencies we have experienced so far. We each respond to upgrades and transmutation of negative energies in our own unique ways. For those who have been consciously and actively welcoming and embracing upgrades this current tidal wave is taking us to heights previously unknown, and depths previously feared. We are realising that to surf higher wavelengths, to integrate upgrades and to embed higher frequencies in our own energy field, is to be aware at all times of this momentous process. Fluctuating between dimensions on the vast universal frequency spectrum of life can be intensely challenging. The impending closure of 888 timeline gateway on 23rd September is cranking up the pressure on a global and individual scale. As the matrix is further decommissioned the elite fight dangerous and dirty in their bid to maintain their control.


Our systems are under constant pressure to ground us into lower or higher frequencies, this affects us in many ways. Disturbed sleep is very common as we flit between dimensions, we wake up to remind our spirit this is the dimension we have life form in. Nausea, stomach upsets and dizziness are experienced, like travel sickness, we are realigning and readjusting our cellular vibration whilst moving at an accelerated rate of evolutionary growth. This can make us feel shaky, sick and tired. The matrix programes us relentlessly to consume, it poisons us with chem-trails and pollution, toxins that seep into our systems lowering our vibration. We are being pushed and pulled, our higher self urging us to meditate, connect to universal love and lighten our beings for ascension. The matrix dragging us back down. All the while cosmic waves of re-calibration and upgrades flood our systems, individual and planetary. Geo-engineering of the weather manipulates our mindset, confuses our natural Gaia rhythm and throws us off kilter. Day to day interactions can be fraught as the world unravels around us. People have lost their inner radar of certainty. The so called sheeple are aware of the label and resentful of it. Awakened people are bemused and traumatized by what they see with their now open eyes. Empathy and compassion can cripple us in a reality torn apart by depravity, greed, deceit and mind control. We are in an almost impossible situation.

In their own way our guides and higher self are always reaching out to us, reassuring us. We all have good days and bad days, sad days and happy days, scared days and uplifting days. To navigate this vast scale of emotional energetic responses in our system is challenging at the best of times. To do so under a barrage of twisted, upside down, world corporate politics, intensive global mind control programming, constant war, poverty and disasters can bring the highest vibratory people down. When we feel like giving up, when it all gets too much, when our bodies ache, our minds fragment, and our souls despair, take refuge in knowing you are not alone. For many of us the bad days are so challenging now as to rock our very sense of self worth and commitment to this lifetime.
There will be better days. These symptoms of accelerated DNA upgrades are pushing many of us to new limits of tolerance. Seeking comfort in the present, in nature and loved ones will help. Reach out and let others know when the mud you’re pushing through begins to feel like quick sand. These are intensely tough times. Know this. Know we are warriors caught in a bitter war for our minds, our hearts and our souls. Look for healing groups to help you. Use the internet as a source of research and reassurance. Experiencing turbulence during this momentous transition from 3rd to 5th dimension of a whole planet, possibly solar system, is to be expected. Stay grounded and hydrated. Be kind to yourself. Release stress, anxiety and fear by embracing love, by being compassionate to yourself. In love and light beautiful people.

Mantra: I am one with universal love frequency.
I call my soul tribe to me.
I am a sovereign being, a co creator of this world. I am love.


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The Point of Reference is that now is the time to make a choice.To follow the inner voice spirit guide that is aligned with the spirit Kingdom and to Ascend to the the higher 4th and 5th Dimension and the new earth or to remain in this hell hole of 3D Exclusionary Holographic reality that the Dark cabal has created to control us.In other words we are being handed the key to freedom out of this prison hell hole. The key consists of two sides, they are called FORGIVENESS and LOVE. If you chose LOVE then Fear cannot enter and you are Free to ascend but if you chose Fear then LOVE will not enter. Its the same law that applies in the Kingdom of heaven.If you chose LOVE then you may enter and if you chose Fear you may not enter.

The Kingdom is the awakened ones and those who are to be awakened, so that they may chose. Then we can ascend into this new heavenly Kingdom in the higher Dimensions .GOD gave us free will so that we can chose, its up to us, it is the key to our Salvation and no one can do it for us, not even JC or GOD himself, we must do it. Those who are just awakening this will come as quite a shock and the sleepers will be forced to awaken when all the Earth changes come down, this is a cleansing time for mother Earth, to repair the damage we and they have done. Planet X / Nibiru timing was caused by mankind of the ancient past, not the wrath of God for he has none. But it is being used by JC and the Creator as a ''sign of the times'' ,2000 years ago by JC .As this false reality begins to fade away or is washed away people will have to wake up, so no one can say with truth ,that they were not told about this. We must help them to lose the Fear, for fear will keep them in this prison and they wont be able to break the shackles, is yours broken yet ?

THERE ARE TWO SETS OF SHACKLES, the outside one is on our material bodies the outer world and the other set is locked into our minds , we call the inner world. The Dark ones have been programing our minds with lies and deception to control us and with our modern day toys, which are really control units we are even more controlled than in the past, for they do not wont to lose the slaves. We must upon awakening, recognize this, and chose the higher or the lower. When we chose the higher we will then wont ot Delete there negative past program ,reboot and install our own positive program from the spirit realm, which is given to us when we chose Love instead of Fear.

Those who chose Fear are still being led by there Ego, JC called ''the Demon within'' and the Dark cabal in the Outer World , who has perfected the evil form of Slavery upon us. The greatest form of slavery, is when a slave does not know he is a Slave, in other words you cannot free a slave if he does not know he is a Slave. So my mission and yours is to let them know they are a slave, inside and out and they will be freed by the Creator who Created them, if they just make the effort and follow there inner guide the Holy Spirit and the outer guides of angels, ascended masters and ET Allies, for we are love and are loved!We are all 0ne!

Adonai, from my higher self.

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This is a past blog that I posted and now revised and updated, as we are now almost 1 wk away from the grand Planet alignment of the 23 rd of Sept. That's also when Nibiru is said to return and the havoc begins til the end of this year !
Sorry,I have not wrote about this recently but many times in the past.The Lupus in my hands kept me from writing, until now. But I have continued my research on Planet X, Nibiru to stay updated on what info that I can bring you now after writing about this for nearly 30 years. The Big Kicker was on May 10th at 615 pm central time when I went out to check on the 6 day old GS pups and I looked up to check the sky as I almost always do and low and behold, there was the 2nd sun, the red dwarf star that I have been taking pics of for many years in 4D which only our interfered camera lens can see. And it looked huge maybe 5 times bigger than our sun, only because it was only a million miles away.I thought it would stay in the sky for some time , so I had time to get a pic of it, but I was wrong, it only stayed for 7 min. so no pic.

And it was exactly as I saw it in my Visions and Dreams.Let us remember that Nibiru mini solor system is not a foreign invader because all suns in the known universe are born with a binary complementary sun that is always much smaller. Our mini solar system was hit by the exploding meldick planet 50,000 yrs ago or more that use to be in our regular solar system and this caused the mini system to be set on a eclipse plan to return back every 3,600 yrs. And when it arrives it comes to close to earth and causes great Earth changes by the magnetic pull on our planet, even pole shifts every 12,000 yrs.Nibiru is called Wormwood in the Revelations, which means bitter medicine and Nibiru means '' The Destroyer'' This red Dwarf is 6 to 10 times bigger than our Earth but only 1/10 the size of our old sun, which is now in hiding.I have seen this mini sun hundreds of times on the net, there is a eye in the middle and when I seen it in real life you could see that the eye is actually a indentation that was made when the exploding meldick planet hit it and set it on a new course and the problems with it that we have now !

Remember Nibiru is not just one planet but 7, a red Dwarf star or mini sun and 3 planets and 3 moons, all orbiting around each other. There Magnetic forces are effecting our old sun and our planet, which is causing both to shift Poles, it is thought that the old sun has already shifted and Earth is half way through and will be completed on the 25th of Sept but may take 2or3 months to complete the shift and the whole of 2018 will be flood time as the oceans rise flooding all coastlines world wide and will settle down at 100 ft higher than now.2018 will be known as the year of great floods ! Note here that this is also the time that our ET Allies will be making themselves visible to Rescue us and or remove us to a safer place if things get Dangerous, from Sept.017 to Dec.2018 They will bring down 200,000 food replicators per day world wide and later bring in the ''free energy devices''.

There are many future maps on the net, how this Earth will look afterwards, it is said by our ET friends, even by the end of this year we will Hardly recognize our old Earth. After more research and update on the blogs I wrote end of last year about the bio-sphere and sun semi-later, they still hold true. Our old sun was yellow and a bit cooler, this replacement sun is white. I presume that our old yellow sun is being protected or being repaired as it phases into a blue sun when this is all over, our new crystal base bodies should work well with this new blue energy. And the Slackers who wont to wait until last to ascend will find it quite difficult to get along with this new energy, being in the old carbon based bodies and it could take 5 to 25 years for all on the planet who remain after this great Event to finally ascend to high 4th or lower 5th Dimension.

Unfortunately, this time of great transformation,'' the Event'' as it is being called will not be pleasant for most , it has also effected me. These New Magnetic energies are very powerful on the brain,body and mind. But we are getting help from our spirit realm as they send down, all or many different kinds of creative energies from Creator through the Central sun to our old sun and down to us to counter balance the imbalance, and lift us up, so we can make it through this Great shift. and for all the Light-workers who make it through, we will have the great task of helping the rest of mankind who as survived to Ascend as well. All of this was in our programing back at school in the higher realms before we took on this assignment, that was and is our mission. The Bio-sphere seems to be working to keep out all those meteorites both large and small, which could have taken even more lives as many lives will be lost as the continents move and shift when the poles shift and the Great flooding once again toke over the Earth to a great extent but not everything.

If you are living near the coast or low lying area's, Move to higher Grounds NOW. Stock up on as much food as you can, the more you have the longer you will last and of course other supplies as well. Best to be with like minded people or at least move away from people who do not understand , for you can't help them until this main event is over,1-1/2 years from now. Keep praying and sending out your light and Love. Nibiru is just the first stage, 2nd is the complete pole shift, there should be many colors like a aura-laborious,next sign is when it goes dark for 3 days and we will not see the sun. Some say it because Nibiru is in the way, others say that our sun, which already has a lot of huge black holes in it, will stop spinning, go black and in 3 days start spinning in the opposite direction.Our Allies are working on many of these problems now along with the giant Orbs.

This could also happen on earth and if so there will be no gravity for some time, till it spins the other way as well .So hold onto something so you don't go up in the air as landing could be quite a shock. Also we will be seeing more ORB'S which I believe are mostly life forms, they are here now many bigger than our sun and many small ones to watch over us and make contact. I have seen thousands and made contact with a few of them and have many pics. Use your ph cameras, they can see what the human eye cannot see and keep looking up. And remember, we are all one and we are all in this together. May God Bless all and keep us Safe.Please remember to put your food, water and fuel away ! you should have at the very least 2 wks supply but its better if you have 2 mo.s supply, for many who are non believers now will be knocking on your doors for food and help, are you going to turn them down ? better to have extra for them a well, thats what I am doing myself, be safe !
ADONAI, Rev. Joshua Skirvin

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Division Of Emergency Management

Update Summary (Full update to come): I have recently had meetings with a highly placed contact. I met him in the FEMA Mass Casualties response course when I was still in the Texas State Guard. He stopped talking to me when I began Cosmic Disclosure. He suddenly contacted me again right after the elections had concluded. He shared a cluster of Intel with me before going dark again… Until now.

I had reported that there were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations” of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle.

He gave me this report about a week ago and contacted me again stating it was important to get some of it out to the public. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.

The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people in within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organizations are completely complicit in what is going on all the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices. I have to tell you, this was a very creepy report.

These military investigators have expressed their shock and anger to their superiors as well as their desire to take them down. They report that it is so systemic that they are at a loss of how to counter and defeat these people without a military coup, which would involve US Special Forces and trusted "Military Contractors" that come from Alliance countries (And are already in place in the US).

Some of these Special Forces Investigators have been removed from the investigation because they are HIGHLY suspected as being involved in torturing and killing some of these low level “Pedo-Gate” suspects. The scope of this cult take over of government is shocking to even the people that think they have seen it all, including myself. These investigators can't figure out how the government was infiltrated to such a degree.

I also recently met with Gonzales and Ka Aree. Gonzales told me that if North Korea and the US got into a war, it would most likely be a way to disclose a “new aircraft” or “weapons platform”. I’m told that if these unacknowledged weapons platforms were not used in a first strike against North Korea that nothing could be done to prevent tens of millions of people from being killed in Seoul, South Korea.

(Note: We have been threatened and told to stop reporting on the ICC Research & Development facilities and Space Port in Antarctica.)

We should not be surprised if we see more saber rattling between Cabal controlled and Alliance countries in the near future.

As I already reported, according to Ka Aree, the Anshar are going to be meditating with everyone during the eclipse on August 21st. Ka Aree didn’t even try to hide the playful smirk she had when discussing the meditation. It brought her out of the anxiety that she was wearing on her face just prior. The Anshar are obviously excited about this mass meditation event.

This mass meditation seems very important to Anshar. So, as many of us are meditating on peace and a positive timeline for Humanity, so shall be the Anshar. She did say that this Eclipse has potential to be very positive, yet the energy could get hijacked by the negative side who will be raping, torturing and sacrificing children. I guess as many people as we can muster for this mass meditation the better.

(Reporting the info, I do not agree with all of the positions in it. This report demonstrates how important a Mass Meditation focused on Peace and Disclosure is!!!)

Corey Goode

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deception island volcano antarctica

Posted by TW on August 14, 2017 in categories Arctic & Antarctic, Featured articles, Research

Scientists uncover largest volcanic region on Earth under West Antarctica

A remote survey suggested by third-year university student discovered 91 volcanoes in a massive region known as the West Antarctic Rift System. The volcanoes range in height from 100 m to 3 850 m (328 to 12 631 feet).

A study conceived by a third-year student at the University of Edinburgh's School of Geo-Sciences, Max Van Wyk de Vries, has revealed that West Antarctica’s vast ice sheet conceals almost 100 newly discovered volcanoes. Max came up with the idea by analyzing publically available radar mapping data of Antarctica.

He proposed his study to researchers in the School, who were impressed by the quality of Max’s work and used their expertise to verify the presence of the volcanoes.

Geologists and ice experts say the range has many similarities to East Africa’s volcanic ridge, which is currently acknowledged to be the densest concentration of volcanoes in the world.

They analyzed the shape of the land beneath the ice using measurements from ice-penetrating radar, and compared the findings with satellite and database records, as well as geological information from aerial surveys.

As a result, they found 91 previously unknown volcanoes, ranging in height from 100 m to 3 850 m (328 to 12 631 feet).

The peaks are concentrated in a region known as the West Antarctic Rift System, spanning 3 500 km (2 147 miles) from Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf to the Antarctic Peninsula.

"Antarctica remains among the least studied areas of the globe, and as a young scientist, I was excited to learn about something new and not well understood. After examining existing data on West Antarctica, I began discovering traces of volcanism. Naturally, I looked into it further, which led to this discovery of almost 100 volcanoes under the ice sheet," de Vries said.

Results from the study, which is the first of its kind, will help scientists understand how volcanoes can influence long-term fluctuations in the ice sheet. They could also help improve understanding of how the continent has changed during past climates.

The team's results do not indicate whether the volcanoes are active, but should inform ongoing research into seismic monitoring in the area.

Antarctica Map

Image credit: Landsat, Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) Project.

It is interesting to note, that a study published in 2014 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that Thwaites Glacier, the large, rapidly changing outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet located in the Amundsen Sea, is not only being eroded by the ocean, it's being melted from below by geothermal heat.

The study suggested that the cause of the heat is the movement of magma and associated volcanic activity arising from the rifting of the Earth's crust beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

The findings significantly changed the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.

In 2009, Eric Steig, a climate researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle, used a novel combination of historical temperature data from ground-based weather stations and more recent data from satellites and reconstructed a 50-year history of surface temperatures across Antarctica.

West Antarctica warming

Red represents areas where temperatures have increased the most during the last 50 years, particularly in West Antarctica, while dark blue represents areas with a lesser degree of warming. Temperature changes are measured in degrees Celsius. Image credit: NASA/GSFC Scientific Visualization Studio

As reported by NASA in 2009, his analysis shows that Antarctic surface temperatures increased an average of 0.12 °C (0.22 °F) per decade between 1957 and 2006. That's a rise of more than 0.5 °C (1 °F) in the last half century. West Antarctica warmed at a higher rate, rising 0.17 °C (0.31 °F) per decade.

The results of Steig's study were published January 22, 2009 in Nature. They confirm earlier findings based on limited weather station data and ice cores.

Learn more:

Researchers find surprisingly high geothermal heating beneath West Antarctic Ice Sheet

West Antarctic Ice Sheet breaking apart from the inside out

Featured image: Ring-shaped Deception Island, one of Antarctica's most well-known volcanoes, contains a 7-km-wide caldera flooded by the sea. A narrow passageway named Neptunes Bellows (left) cuts through the caldera wall and provides entrance to a natural harbor that was utilized as an Antarctic whaling station. Numerous vents located along caldera ring fractures circling the low, 14-km-wide island have been active during historical time. Photo by Juan Bastias (published in González-Ferrán, 1995).
Tags: antarctica, antarctica volcanoes
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It looks like the super volcano in Yellow stone is about to blow, over 1400 quakes in the last 3 wks. If it goes big time this Ash will effect the whole world, for the great Nibiru Earth Changes have begun, prepare your self now with food, water & fuel. Rest of this yr will be heavy,Huh In case you did not know its the worlds largest super volcano and new studies show that it is 4 times bigger than previous thought.

The military is drilling there but wont say why, we hope that it is to release some pressure and have a smaller eruption instead of a large one that will effect the whole world. It could block out the simulator sun we have now for months or even years, making it extremely difficult to grow food except in green houses and vegetables will become very expensive if you can get them. So stock up on food now and put them away. Even if this doesn't happen big time we still have the pole shift coming up in Sept or Oct.. The next 6 months will be very challenging,so get ready !

I posted this, not to cause fear but for people and light workers to get prepared for the Great Earth Changes that are upon us now and can and will effect us in many ways we have not experienced before. If you look up into the sky , you will see the 2nd sun and if not use your ph camera for it uses infer red and can see what the eyes can't. The eyes can see that our sun is gone and we have a simulated sun that is white, not yellow and your eyes wont hurt when you look at this sun. And there is a red 2nd sun which is 100 times smaller than our sun but it looks huge when it gets really close to our earth, if this is our earth. Also notice that the sun sets much more to the east as the magnetic forces are moving to the south and far away from where it used to set.

Now when you see that small 2nd sun at sunset ,you should also should see one or more planets and there 3 green moons but not near the white sun or the small red dwarf sun called Nibiru ,they should be to your right and if you can't see one or more of them ,then use your camera. Please realize that all 7 of them are effecting our planet and our minds by great magnetic energy over loading our minds even our animals and plants and causing havoc on the planet and causing great earth changes!!! Adonai

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i could not get my comment to post on the discussion, so I am posting it here. I have found a cure for most all diseases !!

I have had many kinds of arthritis since 1984 the worst being Lupus. While being in Aust. from 87 to 92 I tried the chinese water cure, where you drink a gallon of pure water, as fast as you can and it worked but when my visa was up and I went back to the states, I could not find pure water so it did not work anymore and it came back. When I moved away to Belize in 2002 I lived in a remote area I caught rain water but it had chemtrails in it and the water treatment did not work. I nearly died from Lupus when it attacked my kidneys in 2004. Recently I had another big Lupus attack along with the Lime disease and decided to try what is called '' the water cure '' I also had many other problems and was desperate. I fixed a shut off valve on my water tanks, to keep the chemtrails out and started this new water cure. In this one you only need to drink 2 lts. per day with sea salt before each large glass of pure water. The sea salt allows the water to enter through the membranes into the cells, this freshwater allows the poison to leave the body. Dr. B- DISCOVERED THIS CURE ALL. and BIG Pharma has got him locked up in prison for his books and lectures because this water cure heals almost all diseases , because  he claims that most all diseases are caused by ''Dehydration '', for we [ 97%] don't drink enough pure water and the cure is simple and cost next to nothing,and big Pharma will go out of business.

Drink 2lts at least to maintain health and 3 lts to heal those diseases,2 lts with sea salt and 1 without during the day. i have been doing it for 2 mos. now and can see a great difference in my health even the Lyme disease. For arthritis it can take 3 to 6 mos to be healed. After all is healed you can drop back to 2 lts per day, before that one should drink 32 oz. with sea salt twice daily for better details go to the net and type in ''Water cure'', remember this is for most every disease, enjoy.! Adonai

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Sorry,I have not wrote about this recently but the Lupus in my hands kept me from writing, until now. But I have continued my research on Planet X, Nibiru to stay updated on what info that I can bring you now after writing about this for nearly 30 years. The Big Kicker was on May 10th at 615 pm central time when I went out to check on the 6 day old GS pups  and I looked up to check the sky as I almost always do and low and behold, there was the 2nd sun, the red dwarf star that I have been taking pics of for many years now and it looked huge maybe 5 times bigger than our sun, only because it was only a million miles away.I thought it would stay in the sky for some time , so I had time to get a pic of it, but I was wrong, it only stayed for 7 min. so no pic.

And it was exactly as I saw it in my Visions and Dreams. This red Dwarf is 6 to 10 times bigger than our Earth but only 1/10 the size of our old sun, which is now in hiding. Remember Nibiru is not just one planet but 7, a red Dwarf star or mini sun and 3 planets and 3 moons, all orbiting around each other. There Magnetic forces are effecting our old sun and our planet, which is causing both to shift Poles, it is thought that the old sun has already shifted and Earth is half way through and will be completed on the 25th of Sept but may take 2 months to complete the shift and the whole of 2018 will be flood time as the oceans rise flooding all coastlines world wide and will settle down at 100 ft higher than now.

 There are many future maps on the net, how this Earth will look afterwards, it is said by  our ET friends, even by the end of this year we will Hardly recognize our old Earth. After more research and update on the blogs I wrote end of last year  about the bio-sphere and sun semi-later, they still hold true. Our old sun was yellow and a bit cooler, this replacement sun is white. I presume that our old yellow sun is being protected or being repaired as it phases into a blue soon when this is all over, our new crystal base bodies should work well with this new blue energy. And the Slackers who wont to wait until last to ascend will find it quite difficult to get  along with this new energy, being in the old carbon based bodies and it could take 5 to 25 years for all on the planet who remain after this great Event to finally ascend to high 4th or lower 5th Dimension.

Unfortunately, this time of great transformation,'' the Event'' as it is being called will not be pleasant for most , it has also effected me. These New Magnetic energies are very powerful on the brain,body and mind. But we are getting help from our spirit realm as they send down, all or many different kinds of creative energies from Creator through the Central sun to our old sun and down to us to counter balance the imbalance, and lift us up, so we can make it through this Great shift. and for all the Light-workers who make it through, we will have the great task of helping the rest of mankind who as survived to Ascend as well. All of this was in our programing back at school in the higher realms before we took on this assignment, that was and is our mission. The Bio-sphere seems to be working to keep out all those meteorites both large and small, which could have taken even more lives as many lives will be lost as the continents move and shift when the poles shift and the Great flooding once again toke over the Earth to a great extent but not everything.

If you are living near the coast or low lying area's, Move to higher Grounds NOW. Stock up on as much food as you can, the more you have the longer you will last and of course other supplies as well. Best to be with like minded people or at least move away from people who do not understand , for you can't help them until this main event is over,1-1/2 years from now. Keep praying  and sending out your light and Love. Nibiru is just the first stage, 2nd is the complete pole shift, there should be many colors like a aura-borilous,next sign is when it goes dark for 3 days and we will not see the sun. Some say it because Nibiru is in the way, others say that our sun, which already has a lot of huge black holes in it, will stop spinning, go black and in 3 days start spinning in the opposite direction.Our Allies are working on many of these problems now along with the giant Orbs.

This could also happen on earth and if so there will be no gravity for some time, till it spins the other way as well .So hold onto something so you don't go up in the air as landing could be quite a shock. Also we will be seeing more ORB'S which I believe are mostly life forms, they are here now many bigger than our sun and many small ones to watch over us and make contact. I have seen thousands and made contact with a few of them and have many pics. Use your ph cameras, they can see what the human eye cannot see and keep looking up. And remember, we are all one and we are all in this together. May God Bless all and keep us Safe. ADONAI, Rev. Joshua Skirvin

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Our Strange Universe

We feel that it is important, given the information that we have provided thus far, to respond to questions that must surely arise regarding our reality and the significance of the messages that we have come to give.

“Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you are telling them about the Intervention?”

First, there must be great evidence concerning the visitation to your world. We have been told that this is the case. Yet we have also been told by the Unseen Ones that people do not know how to understand the evidence and that they give it their own meaning—a meaning that they prefer to give it, a meaning that provides comfort and reassurance for the most part. We are certain that there is adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is occurring in the world today if one takes the time to look and to investigate this matter. The fact that your governments or religious leaders do not reveal such things does not mean that such a great event is not occurring in your midst.

“How can people know that you are real?”

Regarding our reality, we cannot demonstrate our physical presence to you, and so you must discern the meaning and the import of our words. At this point, it is not merely a matter of belief. It requires a greater recognition, a Knowledge, a resonance. The words we speak we believe are true, but that does not assure that they can be received as such. We cannot control the response to our message. There are people who require more evidence than can possibly be given. For others, such evidence will not be necessary, for they will feel an inner confirmation.

In the meantime, perhaps we remain a controversy, and yet we hope and we trust that our words can be considered seriously and that the evidence that does exist, which is substantial, can be gathered and understood by those who are willing to give this their effort and their focus in life. >From our perspective, there is no greater problem, challenge and opportunity to receive your attention.

Therefore, you are at the beginning of a new understanding. This does require faith and self-reliance. Many will reject our words simply because they do not believe that we could possibly exist. Others perhaps will think that we are part of some manipulation that is being cast upon the world. We cannot control these responses. We can only reveal our message and our presence in your life, however removed that presence may be. It is not our presence here that is of paramount importance, but the message that we have come to reveal and the greater perspective and understanding that we can provide for you. Your education must begin somewhere. All education begins with the desire to know.

We hope that through our discourses we can gain at least part of your confidence in order to begin to reveal what we are here to offer.

“What do you have to say to those who view the Intervention as a positive thing?”

We understand, first of all, the expectation that all forces from the heavens are related to your spiritual understanding, traditions and fundamental beliefs. The idea that there is prosaic life in the universe is a challenge to these fundamental assumptions. From our perspective and given the experience of our own cultures, we understand these expectations. In the distant past, we maintained them ourselves. And yet we had to relinquish them in facing the realities of Greater Community life and the meaning of visitation.

You live in a great physical universe. It is full of life. This life represents countless manifestations and also represents the evolution of intelligence and spiritual awareness at every level. What this means is that what you will encounter in the Greater Community encompasses almost every possibility.

However, you are isolated and do not yet travel in space. And even if you had the capability to reach another world, the universe is vast, and no one has gained the ability to go from one end of the galaxy to the other with any kind of speed. Therefore, the physical universe remains enormous and incomprehensible. No one has mastered its laws. No one has conquered its territories. No one can claim complete dominance or control. Life has a great humbling effect in this way. Even far beyond your borders this is true.

You should then come to expect that you will meet intelligences representing forces for good, forces for ignorance and those who are more neutral regarding you. However, in the realities of Greater Community travel and exploration, emerging races such as your own will, almost without exception, encounter resource explorers, collectives and those seeking advantage for themselves as their first contact with Greater Community life.

Regarding the positive interpretation of visitation, part of this is human expectation and the natural desire to welcome a good outcome and to seek help from the Greater Community for the problems that humanity has not been able to resolve on its own. It is normal to expect such things, particularly when you are considering that your visitors have greater capabilities than do you. However, a large part of the problem in interpreting the great visitation has to do with the will and the agenda of the visitors themselves. For they are encouraging people everywhere to view their presence here as wholly beneficial to humanity and to its needs.

“If this Intervention is so well underway, why didn’t you come sooner?”

At an earlier time, many years ago, several groups of your allies came to your world to visit in an attempt to give a message of hope, to prepare humanity. But alas their messages could not be understood and were misused by those few who could receive them. In the wake of their coming, the visitors from the collectives have amassed and gathered here. It has been known to us that this would happen, for your world is far too valuable to be overlooked, and, as we have said, it does not exist in a remote and distant part of the universe. Your world has been observed for a long time by those who would seek to use it for their own benefit.

“Why can’t our allies stop the Intervention?”

We are only here to observe and to advise. The great decisions facing humanity are in your hands. No one else can make these decisions for you. Even your great friends far beyond your world would not intervene, for if they did so, it would cause warfare, and your world would become a battleground between opposing forces. And should your friends be victorious, you would become wholly reliant upon them, unable to fend for yourself or to maintain your own security in the universe. We know of no benevolent race that would seek to bear this burden. And in truth, it would not serve you either. For you would become a client state to another power and would have to be governed from afar. This is not beneficial for you in any way, and it is for this reason that this is not occurring. Yet the visitors will cast themselves as saviors and rescuers of humanity. They will utilize your naiveté. They will capitalize on your expectations, and they will seek to wholly benefit from your trust.

Therefore, it is our sincere desire that our words can serve as an antidote to their presence and to their manipulation and abuse. For your rights are being violated. Your territory is being infiltrated. Your governments are being persuaded. And your religious ideologies and impulses are being redirected.

There must be a voice of truth regarding this. And we can only trust that you can receive this voice of truth. We can only hope that the persuasion has not gone too far.

“What are realistic goals for us to set, and what is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?”

The first step is awareness. Many people must become aware that the Earth is being visited and that foreign powers are here operating in a clandestine manner, seeking to hide their agenda and endeavors from human understanding. It must be very clear that their presence here is a great challenge to human freedom and self-determination. The agenda that they are furthering and the Pacification Program that they are sponsoring must be countered with sobriety and wisdom regarding their presence. This counteraction must occur. There are many people in the world today who are able to understand this. Therefore, the first step is awareness.

The next step is education. It is necessary for many people in different cultures and in different nations to learn about life in the Greater Community and to begin to comprehend what you will be dealing with and are dealing with even at this moment.

Therefore, realistic goals are awareness and education. This in itself would obstruct the visitors’ agenda in the world. They are operating now with very little resistance. They are encountering few obstacles. All those who seek to view them as “allies of humanity” must learn that this is not the case. Perhaps our words will not be enough, but they are a beginning.

“Where can we find this education?”

The education can be found in The Greater Community Way of Knowledge, which is being presented in the world at this time. Though it presents a new understanding about life and spirituality in the universe, it is connected to all of the genuine spiritual paths that already exist within your world—spiritual paths that value human freedom and the meaning of true spirituality and that value cooperation, peace and harmony within the human family. Therefore, the teaching in The Way of Knowledge calls forth all the great truths that already exist in your world and gives them a greater context and arena of expression. In this way, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge does not replace the world’s religions, but provides a larger context within which they can be truly meaningful and relevant to your times.

“How do we convey your message to others?”

The truth lives within each person at this moment. If you can speak to the truth in a person, it will become stronger and begin to resonate. Our great hope, the hope of the Unseen Ones, the spiritual forces who serve your world, and the hope of those who value human freedom and wish to see your emergence into the Greater Community successfully fulfilled, rely upon this truth that lives within each person. We cannot force this awareness upon you. We can only reveal it to you and trust in the greatness of Knowledge that the Creator has given you that can enable you and others to respond.

“Where do humanity’s strengths lie in opposing the Intervention?”

First, we understand from observing your world, and from what the Unseen Ones have told us regarding things that we cannot see, that though there are great problems within the world, there is sufficient human freedom to give you a foundation for opposing the Intervention. This is in contrast to many other worlds where individual freedom was never established to begin with. As these worlds encounter alien forces in their midst and the reality of Greater Community life, the possibility for them to establish freedom and independence is very limited.

Therefore, you have a great strength in that human freedom is known in your world and is practiced by many, though perhaps not all. You know you have something to lose. You value what you have already, to whatever extent it has been established. You do not want to be ruled by foreign powers. You do not even want to be ruled harshly by human authorities. Therefore, this is a beginning.

Next, because your world has rich spiritual traditions that have fostered Knowledge in the individual and fostered human cooperation and understanding, the reality of Knowledge has already been established. Again, in other worlds where Knowledge was never established, the possibility for establishing it at the turning point of emerging into the Greater Community shows little hope for success. Knowledge is strong enough in enough people here that they may be able to learn of the reality of life in the Greater Community and to comprehend what is occurring in their midst at this time. It is for this reason that we are hopeful, for we trust in human wisdom. We trust that people can rise above selfishness, self-preoccupation and self-protection to view life in a greater way and to feel a greater responsibility in service to their own kind.

Perhaps our faith is unfounded, but we are trusting that the Unseen Ones have counseled us wisely regarding this. As a result, we have placed ourselves at risk by being in the proximity of your world and witnessing events beyond your borders that have direct bearing on your future and destiny.

Humanity has great promise. You have a growing awareness of problems in the world—the lack of cooperation amongst nations, the degradation of your natural environment, your diminishing resources and so forth. If these problems were unknown to your people, if these realities had been kept hidden from your people, to the extent that people had no idea of the existence of these things, then we would not be as hopeful. However, the reality remains that humanity has the potential and the promise to counteract any intervention into the world.

“Is this Intervention going to become a military invasion?”

As we have said, your world is too valuable to incite a military invasion. No one who is visiting your world wants to destroy its infrastructure or its natural resources. That is why the visitors do not seek to destroy humanity, but instead to engage humanity in service to their collectives.

It is not military invasion that threatens you. It is the power of inducement and persuasion. This will be built upon your own weakness, upon your own selfishness, upon your ignorance of life in the Greater Community and upon your blind optimism regarding your future and the meaning of life beyond your borders.

To counteract this, we provide education and we speak of the means of preparation that are being sent into the world at this time. If you did not already know human freedom, if you were not already aware of the problems endemic to your world, then we could not entrust such a preparation to you. And we would not have confidence that our words would resonate with the truth of what you know.

“Can you influence people as powerfully as the visitors, but for the good?”

Our intention is not to influence individuals. Our intention is only to present the problem and the reality into which you are emerging. The Unseen Ones are providing the actual means of preparation, for that comes from God. In this, the Unseen Ones influence individuals for the good. But there are restraints. As we have said, it is your self-determination that must be strengthened. It is your power that must be increased. It is your cooperation amongst the human family that must be supported.

There are limits as to how much help we can provide. Our group is small. We are not walking amongst you. Therefore, the great understanding of your new reality must be shared from person to person. It cannot be forced upon you from a foreign power, even if it were for your own good. We would not, then, be supporting your freedom and self-determination if we sponsored such a program of persuasion. Here you cannot be like children. You must become mature and responsible. It is your freedom that is at stake. It is your world that is at stake. It is your cooperation with each other that is needed.

You now have a great cause to unite your race, for none of you will benefit without the other. No nation will benefit if any other nation falls under alien control. Human freedom must be complete. The cooperation must occur around your world. For everyone is in the same situation now. The visitors do not favor one group over another, one race over another, one nation over another. They only seek the avenue of least resistance to establish their presence and their domination of your world.

“How extensive is their infiltration of humanity?”

The visitors have a significant presence within the most advanced nations in your world, particularly the nations of Europe, Russia, Japan and America. These are viewed as the strongest nations, having the greatest power and influence. It is there that the visitors will concentrate. However, they are taking people from all over the world, and they are furthering their Pacification Program with all those that they capture, if those individuals can be responsive to their influence. Therefore, the visitors’ presence is worldwide, but they are concentrating on those whom they hope will become their allies. These are the nations and governments and religious leaders who hold the greatest power and sway over human thought and conviction.

“How much time do we have?

How much time do you have? You have some time, how much we cannot tell. But we come with an urgent message. This is not a problem that can simply be avoided or denied. From our perspective, it is the most important challenge facing humanity. It is of the greatest concern, the first priority. You are late in your preparation. This was caused by many factors beyond our control. But there is time, if you can respond. The outcome is uncertain and yet there is still hope for your success.

“How can we focus on this Intervention given the immensity of other global problems which are occurring right now?

First of all, we feel that there are no other problems in the world that are as important as this. From our perspective, whatever you can resolve on your own will have little meaning in the future if your freedom is lost. What could you hope to gain? What could you hope to achieve or secure if you are not free in the Greater Community? All of your accomplishments would be given to your new governors; all of your wealth would be bestowed upon them. And though your visitors are not cruel, they are completely committed to their agenda. You are valued only insofar as you can be useful to their cause. It is for this reason that we do not feel that there are any other problems facing humanity as important as this.

“Who is likely to respond to this situation?”

Regarding who can respond, there are many people in the world today who have an inherent knowledge of the Greater Community and who are sensitive to it. There are many others who have been taken by the visitors already but who have not yielded to them or to their persuasion. And there are many others who are concerned about the future of humanity and who are alerted to the dangers that humanity faces, even within your own world. People in all or any of these three categories may be amongst the first to respond to the Greater Community reality and to the preparation for the Greater Community. They may come from any walk of life, from any nation, from any religious background or from any economic group. They are literally all over the world. It is upon them and upon their response that the great Spiritual Powers that protect and oversee human welfare are depending.

“You mention that individuals are being taken all over the world. How can people protect themselves or others from being abducted?”

The more you can become strong with Knowledge and aware of the visitors’ presence, the less you become a desirable subject for their study and manipulation. The more you use your encounters with them to gain insight into them, the more of a hazard you become. As we have said, they seek the path of least resistance. They want individuals who are compliant and yielding. They want those who cause them few problems and little concern.

Yet as you become strong with Knowledge, you will be beyond their control because now they cannot capture your mind or your heart. And with time, you will have the power of perception to see into their minds, which they do not wish. You then become a danger to them, a challenge to them, and they will avoid you if they can.

The visitors do not seek to be revealed. They do not wish for conflict. They are overly confident that they can achieve their goals without serious resistance from the human family. But once such resistance is mounted, once the power of Knowledge awakens in the individual, then the visitors are facing a much more formidable obstacle. Their intervention here becomes thwarted and more difficult to achieve. And their persuasion of those in power becomes more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is the individual’s response and commitment to the truth that are essential here.

Become aware of the visitors’ presence. Do not yield to the persuasion that their presence here is of a spiritual nature or that it holds great benefit or salvation for humanity. Resist the persuasion. Regain your own inner authority, the great gift that the Creator has given to you. Become a force to be reckoned with regarding any who would trespass against or deny your fundamental rights.

This is Spiritual Power being expressed. It is the Will of the Creator that humanity should emerge into the Greater Community united within itself and free from foreign intervention and domination. It is the Creator’s Will that you should prepare for a future that will be unlike your past. We are here in service to the Creator, and thus our presence and our words serve this purpose.

“If the visitors encounter resistance in humanity or in certain individuals, will they come in greater numbers or will they leave?”

Their numbers are not great. Should they encounter considerable resistance, they would have to fall back and make new plans. They are wholly confident that their mission can be fulfilled without serious obstacles. Yet should serious obstacles arise, then their intervention and persuasion would be thwarted, and they would have to find other ways of gaining contact with humanity.

We trust that the human family can generate enough resistance and enough consensus in order to offset these influences. It is upon this that we are basing our hope and efforts.

“What are the most important questions that we must ask of ourselves and others with respect to this problem of alien infiltration?”

Perhaps the most critical questions to ask yourself are, “Are we humans alone within the universe or in our own world? Are we being visited at this time? Is this visitation beneficial to us? Do we need to prepare?”

These are very fundamental questions, but they must be asked. There are many questions, however, that cannot be answered, for you do not know enough about life in the Greater Community, and you are not yet confident that you have the ability to counteract these influences. There are many things lacking in human education, which is primarily focused upon the past. Humanity is emerging from a long state of relative isolation. Its education, its values and its institutions were all established within this state of isolation. Yet your isolation now is over, forever. It was always known that this would happen. It was inevitable that this would be the case. Therefore, your education and your values are entering into a new context, to which they must adapt. And the adaptation must happen quickly because of the nature of the Intervention in the world today.

There will be many questions that you cannot answer. You will have to live with them. Your education about the Greater Community is only at the very beginning. You must approach it with great sobriety and care. You must counteract your own tendencies to try and make the situation pleasant or reassuring. You must develop an objectivity about life, and you must look beyond your own personal sphere of interests in order to put yourself in a position to respond to the greater forces and events that are shaping your world and your future.

“What if enough people cannot respond?”

We are confident that enough people can respond and begin their great education about life in the Greater Community in order to give promise and hope to the human family. If this cannot be achieved, then those who value their freedom and who have this education will have to retreat. They will have to keep Knowledge alive in the world as the world falls under complete control. This is a very grave alternative, and yet it has occurred in other worlds. The journey back to freedom from such a position is quite difficult. We hope that this will not be your fate, and that is why we are here giving you this information. As we have said, there are enough people in the world who can respond to offset the intentions of the visitors and to thwart their influence on human affairs and human values.

“You speak of other worlds emerging into the Greater Community. Can you speak of successes and failures which might have bearing on our situation?”

There have been successes or we would not be here. In my case, as the speaker for our group, our world had already been greatly infiltrated before we realized the situation at hand. Our education was prompted by the arrival of a group such as ourselves, providing insight and information about our situation. We had alien resource traders in our world interacting with our government. Those who were in power at that time were persuaded that trade and commerce would be beneficial to us, for we were beginning to experience resource depletion. Though our race was united, unlike your own, we began to be wholly dependent upon the new technology and opportunities that were being presented to us. And yet as this occurred, there was a shift in the center of power. We were becoming the clients. The visitors were becoming the providers. As time went on, terms and restrictions were placed upon us, subtly at first.

Our religious focus and beliefs were also influenced by the visitors, who showed interest in our spiritual values but who wished to give us a new understanding, an understanding based upon the collective, based upon the cooperation of minds thinking alike in unison with each other. This was presented to our race as an expression of spirituality and achievement. Some were persuaded, and yet because we were well advised from our allies beyond our world, allies such as ourselves, we began to mount a resistance movement and over time were able to force the visitors to leave our world.

Since that time, we have learned a great deal about the Greater Community. The trade that we maintain is very selective, with only a few other nations. We have been able to avoid the collectives, and that has preserved our freedom. And yet our success was difficult to achieve, for there were many of us who had to die in the face of this conflict. Ours is a story of success, but not without cost. There are others in our group who have experienced similar difficulties in their interaction with intervening powers in the Greater Community. And yet because we eventually learned to travel beyond our borders, we gained alliance with one another. We were able to learn what spirituality means in the Greater Community. And the Unseen Ones, who serve our world as well, helped us in this regard to make the great transition from isolation to Greater Community awareness.

Yet there have been many failures that we are aware of. Cultures where the indigenous peoples had not established personal freedom or had not tasted the fruits of cooperation, even though they were advancing technologically, did not have a foundation to establish their own independence in the universe. Their ability to resist the collectives was very limited. Induced by promises of greater power, greater technology and greater wealth, and induced by the seeming benefits of trade in the Greater Community, their center of power left their world. In the end, they became wholly dependent upon those who supplied them and who gained control of their resources and their infrastructures.

Surely you can imagine how this could be the case. Even within your own world according to your history, you have seen smaller nations fall under the domination of greater ones. You can see this even today. Therefore, these ideas are not wholly foreign to you. In the Greater Community, as in your world, the strong will dominate the weak, if they can. This is a reality of life everywhere. And it is for this reason that we are encouraging your awareness and your preparation, in order that you may become strong and your self-determination may grow.

It may be a grave disappointment to many to understand and to learn that freedom is rare in the universe. As nations become stronger and more technological, they require greater and greater uniformity and compliance amongst their peoples. As they bridge out into the Greater Community and become involved in Greater Community affairs, the tolerance for individual expression diminishes to the point where large nations that have wealth and power are governed with a strictness and an exacting attitude that you would find abhorrent.

Here you must learn that technological advancement and spiritual advancement are not the same, a lesson that humanity has yet to learn and which you must learn if you are to exercise your natural wisdom in these matters.

Your world is greatly valued. It is rich biologically. You are sitting on a prize that you must protect if you are to be its stewards and its beneficiaries. Consider the peoples in your world who have lost their freedom because they lived in a place considered valuable by others. It is now the whole human family that is so imperiled.

“Because the visitors are so skilled in projecting thoughts and influencing people’s Mental Environment, how do we ensure ourselves that what we are seeing is real?”

The only basis for wise perception is the cultivation of Knowledge. If you believe only what you see, then you will believe only what is shown to you. There are many, we are told, that have this perspective. Yet we have learned that the Wise everywhere must gain a greater vision and a greater discernment. It is true that your visitors can project images of your saints and of your religious figures. Though this is not practiced often, it certainly can be used in order to evoke commitment and dedication amongst those who are already given to such beliefs. Here your spirituality becomes an area of vulnerability where Wisdom must be used.

Yet the Creator has given you Knowledge as a foundation for true discernment. You can know what you are seeing if you ask yourself if it is real. Yet to do this, you must have this foundation, and that is why the teaching in The Way of Knowledge is so fundamental to learning Greater Community Spirituality. Without this, people will believe what they want to believe, and they will rely upon what they see and what they are shown. And their potential for freedom will have been lost already, for it was never allowed to flourish in the first place.

“You speak about keeping Knowledge alive. How many will it take to keep Knowledge alive in the world?”

We cannot give you a number, but it must be strong enough to generate a voice within your own cultures. If this message can only be received by a few, they will not have this voice or this strength. Here they must share their wisdom. It cannot be purely for their own edification. Many more must learn of this message, many more than can receive it today.

“Is there a danger in presenting this message?”

There is always a danger in presenting the truth, not only in your world, but elsewhere. People gain advantage from the circumstances as they currently exist. The visitors will offer advantage to those in power who can receive them and who are not strong in Knowledge. People become accustomed to these advantages and build their lives upon them. This makes them resistant or even hostile to the presentation of truth, which calls for their responsibility in service to others and which may threaten the basis of their wealth and achievements.

This is why we are hidden and do not walk in your world. Certainly the visitors would destroy us if they could find us. But humanity may seek to destroy us as well because of what we represent, because of the challenge and the new reality that we demonstrate. Not everyone is ready to receive the truth even though it is greatly needed.

“Can individuals who are strong with Knowledge influence the visitors?”

The chance of success here is very limited. You are dealing with a collective of beings who have been bred to be compliant, whose whole life and experience have been encompassed and engendered by a collective mentality. They do not think for themselves. For this reason, we do not feel that you can influence them. There are few amongst the human family who have the strength to do this, and even here the possibility for success would be very limited. So the answer must be “No.” For all practical purposes, you cannot win them over.

“How are collectives different from a united humanity?”

Collectives are made up of different races and of those who are bred to serve those races. Many of the beings that are being encountered in the world are bred by collectives to be servants. Their genetic heritage has long been lost to them. They are bred to serve, as you breed animals to serve you. The human cooperation that we are promoting is a cooperation that preserves the self-determination of individuals and provides a position of strength from which humanity can interact, not only with the collectives but with others who will visit your shores in the future.

A collective is based upon one belief, one set of principles and one authority. Its emphasis is complete allegiance to an idea or an ideal. Not only is this engendered in the education of your visitors, but in their genetic code as well. That is why they behave in the ways that they do. This is both their strength and their weakness. They have great strength in the Mental Environment because their minds are united. But they are weak because they cannot think for themselves. They cannot deal with complexities or adversity very successfully. A man or woman of Knowledge would be incomprehensible to them.

Humanity must unite to preserve its freedom, but this is a very different establishment from the creation of a collective. We call them “collectives” because they are collectives of different races and nationalities. Collectives are not one race. Though there are many races in the Greater Community that are ruled by a dominant authority, a collective is an organization that spans beyond the allegiance of one race to its own world.

Collectives can have great power. Yet because there are many collectives, they tend to compete with one another, which prevents any one of them from becoming dominant. Also, various nations in the Greater Community have long-standing disputes with one another, which are difficult to bridge. Perhaps they have competed for a long time for the same resources. Perhaps they compete with one another to sell the resources that they have. Yet a collective is a different matter. As we are saying here, it is not based upon one race and one world. They are the result of conquest and domination. That is why your visitors are comprised of different races of beings at different levels of authority and command.

“In other worlds that have successfully unified, did they maintain their individual freedom of thought?”

To varying degrees. Some to a very high degree, others less so, depending upon their history, their psychological make-up and the needs of their own survival. Your life in the world has been relatively easy compared to where other races have developed. Most places where intelligent life exists have been colonized, for there are not many terrestrial planets such as your own that provide such a wealth of biological resources. Their freedom, in large part, depended upon the wealth of their environments. But they have all been successful in thwarting alien infiltration and have established their own lines of trade, commerce and communication based upon their own self-determination. This is a rare accomplishment and must be earned and protected.

“What will it take to achieve human unity?”

Humanity is very vulnerable in the Greater Community. This vulnerability, in time, can foster a fundamental cooperation amongst the human family, for you must join and unite in order to survive and to advance. This is part of having a Greater Community awareness. If this is based upon the principles of human contribution, freedom and self-expression, then your self-sufficiency can become very strong and very rich. But there must be greater cooperation in the world. People cannot live for themselves alone or put their own personal goals above and beyond the needs of everyone else. Some may view this as a loss of freedom. We see it as a guarantee for future freedom. For given the current attitudes prevalent in the world today, your future freedom would be very difficult to secure or maintain. Take heed. Those who are driven by their own selfishness are the perfect candidates for foreign influence and manipulation. If they are in positions of power, they will give over their nation’s wealth, their nation’s freedom and their nation’s resources in order to gain advantage for themselves.

Therefore, greater cooperation is required. Surely you can see this. Surely this is apparent even within your own world. But this is very different from the life of the collective, where races have been dominated and controlled, where those who are compliant are brought into the collectives and those who are not are alienated or destroyed. Surely such an establishment, though it may have considerable influence, cannot be beneficial for its members. And yet this is the path that many in the Greater Community have taken. We do not wish to see humanity fall into such an organization. That would be a great tragedy and a loss.

“How is the human perspective different from yours?”

One of the differences is that we have developed a Greater Community perspective, which is a less self-centered way of looking at the world. It is a point of view that gives great clarity and can provide great certainty regarding the smaller problems that you face in your daily affairs. If you can solve a great problem, you can solve lesser ones. You have a great problem. Every human being in the world faces this great problem. It can unite you and enable you to overcome your long-standing differences and conflicts. It is that great and that powerful. This is why we say there is a possibility for redemption within the very circumstances that threaten your well-being and your future.

We know that the power of Knowledge within the individual can restore that individual and all of their relationships to a higher degree of accomplishment, recognition and ability. You must discover this for yourself.

Our lives are very different. One of the differences is that our lives are given to service, a service that we have chosen. We have the freedom to choose and thus our choice is real and meaningful and is based upon our own understanding. Amongst our group are representatives from several different worlds. We have come together in service to humanity. We represent a greater alliance that is more spiritual in nature.

“This message is coming through one man. Why aren’t you contacting everybody if this is so important?”

It is merely a matter of efficiency. We do not control who is selected to receive us. That is a matter for the Unseen Ones, those whom you could rightly call “Angels.” We think of them in this way. They have selected this person, a person who has no position in the world, who is not recognized in the world, an individual who has been chosen because of his qualities and because of his heritage in the Greater Community. We are glad to have one through whom we can speak. If we spoke through more, they perhaps would disagree with one another, and the message would become confused and lost.

We understand, from our own studenthood, that the transmission of spiritual wisdom is generally given through one, with the support of others. This individual must bear the weight and the burden and the risk of being so chosen. We respect him for doing this, and we understand what a burden it can be. This will be misconstrued, perhaps, and that is why the Wise must remain hidden. We must remain hidden. He must remain hidden. In this way, the message can be given, and the messenger can be preserved. For there will be hostility towards this message. The visitors will oppose it and are opposing it already. Their opposition can be significant but will primarily be aimed at the messenger himself. It is for this reason that the messenger must be protected.

We know that the answers to these questions will generate more questions. And many of these cannot be answered, perhaps even for a long time. The Wise anywhere must live with questions that they cannot yet answer. It is through their patience and their perseverance that real answers emerge and that they are able to experience them and embody them.

*These questions were sent to the New Knowledge Library by many of the first readers of the Allies Material.

Final Words

Humanity is at a new beginning. It is faced with a grave situation. The need for a new education and understanding is paramount. We are here to serve this need at the request of the Unseen Ones. They are relying upon us to share our wisdom, for we live in the physical universe, as do you. We are not angelic beings. We are not perfect. We have not achieved great heights of spiritual awareness and accomplishment. And therefore our message to you about the Greater Community, we trust, will be more relevant and more easily received. The Unseen Ones know far more than we about life in the universe and about the levels of advancement and accomplishment that are available and that are practiced in many places. Yet they have asked us to speak regarding the reality of physical life because we are fully engaged there. And we have learned through our own trials and errors the importance and the meaning of what we are sharing with you.

Thus, we come as the Allies of Humanity, for such we are. Be thankful that you have allies that can help you and that can educate you and that can support your strength, your freedom and your accomplishment. For without this assistance, the prospect of your surviving the kind of alien infiltration that you are experiencing now would be very limited. Yes, there would be a few individuals who would come to realize the situation as it actually exists, but their numbers would not be great enough, and their voices would go unheard.

In this, we can only ask for your trust. We hope that through the wisdom of our words and through the opportunities you have to learn their meaning and relevance, that we can gain this trust over time, for you have allies in the Greater Community. You have great friends beyond this world who have suffered the challenges that you are facing now and have achieved success. Because we were assisted, we must now assist others. That is our sacred covenant. It is to this that we are firmly committed.

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Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. -Daniel 12:3
The Allies of Humanity Fifth Briefing “Threshold: A New Promise for Humanity”.In order to prepare for the alien presence that is in the world, it is necessary to learn more about life in the Greater Community, life that will envelope your world in the future, life that you will be a part of.Humanity’s destiny was always to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. This is inevitable and occurs in all worlds where intelligent life has been seeded and has developed. Eventually, you would have come to realize that you lived within a Greater Community. And, eventually, you would have found that you were not alone in your own world, that visitation was occurring and that you would have to learn to contend with divergent races, forces, beliefs and attitudes that are prevalent in the Greater Community in which you live.Emerging into the Greater Community is your destiny. Your isolation is now over. Though your world has been visited many times in the past, your isolated state has come to an end. Now it is necessary for you to realize that you are no longer alone—in the universe or even within your own world. This understanding is presented more fully in the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality that is being presented in the world today. Our role here is to describe life as it exists in the Greater Community so that you may have a deeper understanding of the greater panorama of life into which you are emerging. This is necessary in order for you to be able to approach this new reality with greater objectivity, understanding and wisdom. Humanity has lived in relative isolation for so long that it is natural for you to consider that the rest of the universe functions according to the ideas, principles and science that you hold sacred and upon which you base your activities and your perceptions of the world.The Greater Community is vast. Its furthest reaches have never been explored. It is greater than any race can comprehend. Within this magnificent creation, intelligent life exists at all levels of evolution and in countless expressions. Your world exists in a part of the Greater Community that is fairly well inhabited. There are many areas of the Greater Community that have never been explored and other areas where races live in secret. Everything exists in the Greater Community in terms of the manifestations of life. And though life as we have been describing it seems difficult and challenging, the Creator works everywhere, reclaiming the separated through Knowledge.

In the Greater Community, there can be no one religion, one ideology or one form of government that can be adapted to all races and all peoples. Therefore, when we speak of religion, we speak of the spirituality of Knowledge, for this is the power and presence of Knowledge that dwells in all intelligent life—within you, within your visitors and within other races that you will encounter in the future. Thus, universal spirituality becomes a great focal point. It brings together the divergent understandings and ideas that are prevalent in your world and gives your own spiritual reality a shared foundation. Yet the study of Knowledge is not only edifying, it is essential for survival and advancement in the Greater Community. For you to be able to establish and sustain your freedom and independence in the Greater Community, you must have this greater ability developed amongst enough people in your world. Knowledge is the only part of you that cannot be manipulated or influenced. It is the source of all wise understanding and action. It becomes a necessity within a Greater Community environment if freedom is valued and if you wish to establish your own destiny without being integrated into a collective or another society.Therefore, while we present a grave situation in the world today, we also present a great gift and a great promise for humanity, for the Creator would not leave you unprepared for the Greater Community, which is the greatest of all thresholds that you as a race will face. We have been blessed with this gift as well. It has been in our possession for many of your centuries. We have had to learn it both out of choice and out of necessity.Indeed, it is the presence and the power of Knowledge which enables us to speak as your Allies and to provide the information that we are giving in these discourses. Had we never found this great Revelation, we would be isolated in our own worlds, unable to comprehend the greater forces in the universe which would shape our future and our destiny. For the gift that is being given in your world today has been given to us and to many other races as well who showed promise. This gift is especially important for emerging races such as your own who hold such promise and yet are so vulnerable in the Greater Community.

Therefore, while there can be no one religion or ideology in the universe, there is a universal principle, understanding and spiritual reality that is available to all. So complete is it that it can speak to those who are vastly different from you. It speaks to the diversity of life in all of its manifestations. You, living within your world, now have the opportunity to learn of such a great reality, to experience its power and grace for yourselves. Indeed, ultimately this is the gift that we wish to reinforce, for this will preserve your freedom and your self-determination and will open the door to a greater promise in the universe.

However, you have adversity and a great challenge at the outset. This requires you to learn a deeper Knowledge and a greater awareness. Should you respond to this challenge, you become the beneficiary not only for yourself, but for your entire race. The teaching in Greater Community Spirituality is being presented in the world today. It has never been presented here before. It is being given through one person, who serves as the intermediary and speaker for this Tradition. It is being sent into the world at this critical time when humanity must learn of its life in the Greater Community and of the greater forces that are shaping the world today. Only a teaching and understanding from beyond the world could give you this advantage and this preparation.

You are not alone in undertaking such a great task, for there are others in the universe undertaking this, even at your stage of development. You are but one of many races emerging into the Greater Community at this time. Each one holds promise and yet each is vulnerable to the difficulties, challenges and influences that exist in this greater environment. Indeed, many races have lost their freedom before it was ever attained only to become part of collectives or commercial guilds or client states to larger powers.

We do not wish to see this happen for humanity, for this would be a great loss. It is for this reason that we are here. It is for this reason that the Creator is active in the world today, bringing a new understanding to the human family. It is time for humanity to end its ceaseless conflicts with itself and to prepare for life in the Greater Community. You live in an area that has a great deal of activity beyond the sphere of your tiny solar system. Within this area, trade is carried on along certain avenues. Worlds interact, compete and sometimes conflict with each other. Opportunities are being sought by all who have commercial interests. They seek not only resources but also allegiances from worlds such as your own. Some are part of larger collectives. Others maintain their own alliances on a much smaller scale. Worlds that are able to emerge into the Greater Community successfully have had to maintain their autonomy and self-sufficiency to a great degree. This frees them from exposure to other forces which would only serve to exploit and manipulate them.

It is indeed your self-sufficiency and the development of your understanding and unity that become most essential for your well-being in the future. And this future is not far off, for already the influence of the visitors is becoming greater in your world. Many individuals have acquiesced to them already and now serve as their emissaries and intermediaries. Many other individuals simply serve as resources for their genetic program. This has happened, as we have said, many times in many places. It is not a mystery to us though it must seem incomprehensible to you.

The Intervention is both a misfortune and a vital opportunity. If you are able to respond, if you are able to prepare, if you are able to learn Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom, then you will be able to offset the forces that are interfering in your world and build the foundation for greater unity among your own peoples and tribes. We, of course, encourage this, for this strengthens the bond of Knowledge everywhere. In the Greater Community, warfare on a large scale rarely occurs. There are constraining forces. For one thing, warfare disturbs commerce and resource development. As a result, large nations are not allowed to act recklessly, for it impedes or offsets the goals of other parties, other nations and other interests. Civil war occurs periodically in worlds, but large-scale warfare between societies and between worlds is rare indeed. It is partly for this reason that skill in the Mental Environment has been established, for nations do compete with each other and attempt to influence one another. Since no one wants to destroy resources and opportunities, these greater skills and capabilities are cultivated with varying degrees of success amongst many societies in the Greater Community. When these kinds of influences are present, the need for Knowledge is even greater.Humanity is ill prepared for this. Yet because of your rich spiritual heritage and the degree to which personal freedom exists in your world today, there is promise that you may be able to advance in this greater understanding and thus secure your freedom and preserve it.There are other constraints against warfare in the Greater Community. Most trading societies belong to large guilds that have established laws and codes of conduct for their members. These serve to constrain the activities of many who would seek to use force to gain access to other worlds and their proprietary resources. For warfare to break out on a large scale, many races would have to be involved, and this does not happen often. We understand that humanity is very warlike and conceives of conflict in the Greater Community in terms of warfare, but in reality you will find that this is not well tolerated and that other avenues of persuasion are employed in place of force.Thus, your visitors come to your world not with great armaments. They do not come bringing large military forces, for they employ the skills that have served them in other ways—skills in manipulating the thoughts, the impulses and the feelings of those whom they encounter. Humanity is very vulnerable to such persuasions given the degree of superstition, conflict and mistrust that are prevalent in your world at this time.Therefore, to understand your visitors and to understand others whom you will encounter in the future, you must establish a more mature approach to the use of power and influence. This is a vital part of your Greater Community education. Part of the preparation for this will be given in the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality, but you must also learn through direct experience.At present, we understand, there is a very fanciful view of the Greater Community amongst many people. It is believed that those who are technologically advanced are spiritually advanced as well, yet we can assure you that this is not the case. You yourselves, though more technologically advanced now than you were previously, have not spiritually advanced to a very great degree. You have more power, but with power comes the need for greater restraint.There are those in the Greater Community who have far more power than you at a technological level and even at the level of thought. You will evolve to deal with them, but weaponry will not be your focus. For warfare on an interplanetary scale is so destructive that everyone loses. What are the spoils of such a conflict? What advantages does it secure? Indeed, when such conflict does exist, it happens in space itself and rarely in terrestrial environments. Rogue nations and those who are destructive and aggressive are quickly countered, particularly if they exist in well-populated areas where commerce is carried on.Therefore, it is necessary for you to understand the nature of conflict in the universe because this will give you insight into the visitors and their needs—why they function the way they do, why individual freedom is unknown among them and why they rely upon their collectives. This gives them stability and power, but it also renders them vulnerable to those who are skilled with Knowledge.

Knowledge enables you to think in any number of ways, to act spontaneously, to perceive reality beyond the obvious and to experience the future and the past. Such abilities are beyond the reach of those who can only follow the regimens and the dictates of their cultures. You are far behind the visitors technologically, but you have the promise to develop skills in The Way of Knowledge, skills which you will need and must learn to rely upon increasingly.

We would not be the Allies of Humanity if we did not teach you about life in the Greater Community. We have seen much. We have encountered many different things. Our worlds were overcome and we had to regain our freedom. We know, from error and from experience, the nature of the conflict and the challenge that you face today. That is why we are well suited for this mission in our service to you. However, you will not meet us, and we will not come to meet the leaders of your nations. That is not our purpose. Indeed, you need as little interference as possible, but you do need great assistance. There are new skills that you must develop and a new understanding that you must gain. Even a benevolent society, should they come to your world, would have such an influence and such an impact upon you that you would become dependent upon them and would not establish your own strength, your own power and your own self-sufficiency. You would be so reliant upon their technology and upon their understanding that they would not be able to leave you. And indeed, their arrival here would make you even more vulnerable to interference in the future. For you would desire their technology, and you would want to travel along the corridors of trade in the Greater Community. Yet you would not be prepared, and you would not be wise.That is why your future friends are not here. That is why they are not coming to help you. For you would not become strong if they did. You would want to associate with them, you would want to have alliances with them, but you would be so weak that you could not protect yourselves. In essence, you would become part of their culture, which they do not will.

Perhaps many people will not be able to understand what we are saying here, but in time this will make perfect sense to you, and you will see its wisdom and its necessity. At this moment, you are far too frail, too distracted and too conflicted to form strong alliances, even with those who could be your future friends. Humanity cannot yet speak as one voice, and so you are prone to intervention and manipulation from beyond. As the reality of the Greater Community becomes more well known within your world, and if our message can reach enough people, then there will be a growing consensus that there is a greater problem facing humanity. This could create a new basis for cooperation and consensus. For what possible advantage can one nation in your world have over another when the entire world is threatened by the Intervention? And who could seek to gain individual power in an environment where alien forces are intervening? If freedom is to be real in your world, it must be shared. It must be recognized and known. It cannot be the privilege of the few or there will be no real strength here.

We understand from the Unseen Ones that already there are people who seek world dominion because they believe they have the visitors’ blessings and support. They have the visitors’ assurance that they will be assisted in their quest for power. And yet, what are they giving away but the keys to their own freedom and the freedom of their world? They are unknowing and unwise. They cannot see their error.

We also understand that there are those who believe that the visitors are here to represent a spiritual renaissance and a new hope for humanity, but how can they know, they who know nothing of the Greater Community? It is their hope and their desire that this be the case, and such wishes are accommodated by the visitors, for very obvious reasons. What we are saying here is there can be nothing short of real freedom in the world, real power and real unity. We make our message available to everyone, and we trust that our words can be received and considered seriously. Yet we have no control over your response. And the superstitions and the fears of the world may make our message beyond the reach for many. But the promise is still there. To give you more, we would have to take over your world, which we do not want to do. Therefore, we give all that we can give without interfering in your affairs. Yet there are many who want interference. They want to be rescued or saved by someone else. They do not trust the possibilities for humanity. They do not believe in humanity’s inherent strengths and capabilities. They will give over their freedom willingly. They will believe what they are told by the visitors. And they will serve their new masters, thinking that what they are being given is their own liberation.Freedom is a precious thing in the Greater Community. Never forget this. Your freedom, our freedom. And what is freedom but the ability to follow Knowledge, the reality that the Creator has given you, and to express Knowledge and to contribute Knowledge in all of its manifestations?Your visitors do not have this freedom. It is unknown to them. They look at the chaos of your world, and they believe that the order that they will impose here will be redeeming for you and will save you from your own self-destruction. This is all they can give, for this is all that they have. And they will use you, but they do not consider this inappropriate, for they themselves are being used and know of no alternative to this. Their programming, their conditioning, is so thorough that to reach them at the level of their deeper spirituality holds only remote possibilities. You do not have the strength to do this. You would have to be so much stronger than you are today to have a redeeming influence on your visitors. And yet, their conformity is not so unusual in the Greater Community. It is very common in large collectives, where uniformity and compliance are essential to efficient functioning, particularly over vast areas of space.

Therefore, do not look at the Greater Community with fear, but with objectivity. The conditions that we are describing already exist in your world. You can understand these things. Manipulation is known to you. Influence is known to you. You have just never encountered them on such a great scale, nor have you ever had to compete with other forms of intelligent life. As a result, you do not yet have the skills to do so. We speak of Knowledge because it is your greatest ability. Regardless of what technology you can develop over time, Knowledge is your greatest promise. You are centuries behind the visitors in your technological development, so you must rely upon Knowledge. It is the greatest force in the universe, and your visitors do not use it. It is your only hope. That is why the Teaching in Greater Community Spirituality teaches The Way of Knowledge, provides the Steps to Knowledge and teaches Greater Community Wisdom and Insight. Without this preparation, you would not have the skill or the perspective to understand your dilemma or to respond to it effectively. It is too big. It is too new. And you are not adapted to these new circumstances.

The''visitors’' influence is growing with each passing day. Every person who can hear this, feel this and know this must learn The Way of Knowledge, The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. This is a calling. It is a gift. It is a challenge.

Under more pleasant circumstances, well, the need may not seem as great. But the need is tremendous, for there is no security, there is no place to hide, there is no retreat in the world that is secure from the alien presence that is here. That is why there are only two choices: you can acquiesce or you can stand for your freedom. This is the great decision placed before each person. This is the great turning point. You cannot be foolish in the Greater Community. It is too demanding an environment. It requires excellence, commitment. Your world is too valuable. The resources here are coveted by others. The strategic position of your world is held in high regard. Even if you were living in some remote world far from any trade route, far from all commercial engagements, eventually you would be discovered by someone. That eventuality has come for you now. And it is well underway.

Take heart, then. This is a time for courage, not for ambivalence. The gravity of the situation facing you only confirms the importance of your life and your response and the importance of the preparation that is being given in the world today. It is not only for your edification and advancement. It is for your protection and your survival as well. By M

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I just saw this update come in from Cobra.

Well, the intel and attacks are flying around the planet like a swarm of locust. Many Lightworkers are under attack, including Cobra, I’m told.

I will have company arriving shortly so I have to skedaddle and read this later. Better read that article at the end… I must say I’ve been having a “dark night of the soul” these past few days.” ~ BP

Situation Update

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 02:45 PM PDT

Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:,

they have turned to electronic warfare.

Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal’s plans to create global war.

Directed energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:

These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:

Also, the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity. These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the target with a directed energy weapon:

A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally. They „shoot first and ask questions later.“ They have issued a warning, stating that „anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.“ They have also stated that an „international diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.“

Another source has stated that „the King has declared the opening of the hunting season.“ Regarding this statement from the „King“ it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from Maat:

Last Monday, the Pleiadians have contacted top Russian military personnel about the directed energy weapons issue. If the attacks on the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare operation. The first two targets mentioned were DARPA and Raytheon.

Russian electronic warfare capabilities were tested on Tuesday, when Russian electronic warfare system Khibiny has successfully paralyzed NORAD across Alaska, as you can read in this partially correct report:

Here I need to say that while NORAD was down, the Pleiadians took certain action on the surface of the planet.

The following article was issued as a warning to negative factions within DARPA and US Air Force:

Also, power outages in San Francisco, LA and New York were NOT a coincidence:

Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested beyond limits. Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:

The other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs and your social networks:

Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted countless situations before.

Victory of the Light!

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This [ below] is what I was trying to comment on Wes Annoc's blog. One of the main reasons I have stopped blogging on this site is that it takes me hours to blog anything or comment.I have tried 3 different PC's and its always the same on this site.It acts like a virus so I installed a new anti-virus program but the problem is still there! I don't have the problem anywhere else so what is going on? It seems the DC or the new owner of this site does not wish me to blog or comment here, I wonder does anyone else have this problem? I did not even know it was up for sale until I saw it on Goggle,oh my !!

Wes Annac
I am sorry to say that I completely disagree with you on the above piece,even though your intentions are good.
''As strange as it might sound, your ego can teach you as much as your intuition. Whether you learn from either of them depends on if you’re open to their lessons.''

The ego can teach you nothing and will only bring you trouble, it must be transcended. The Holy Spirit is our true guide and teacher and will lead us to the union of our higher self and help us to Ascend into the 4th and 5th Dimension. Jesus did this to show us how to do it in these last days of the old ways. Forgiveness is the key as it is a form of Love and ''God is Love''and that should be our true goal, to be one with him and all Creation. For we are all one. Ascension has much to do with the past by letting it go through Forgiveness, so we can move up the ladder to higher consciousness called ''Love'' thus remembering who we truly are as'' Holy sons of God'' it has taken me the most of 68 yrs. to learn this and apply it to myself and share this LOVE ! ADONAI

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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on February 26thto create a portal through which we will enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex. That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo. This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence. Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area. This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people there are possessed by Reptilian entities.

Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996. Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

Our meditation will begin to heal this energy vortex and seal the rift in planetary energy field that was created in Congo in 1996. We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide and will actually reverse the negative effects of the 1996 invasion.

Path of totality of our Solar eclipse actually touches Congo:

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a cardinal grand square of Mars/Uranus, Vesta, Jupiter and Pluto, which signifies planetary tension that we have been feeling since the beginning of the year and will only be completely resolved in mid-April. The Sun-Moon conjunction of the eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces serves as a huge focal lens for energy that will begin to resolve this planetary tension. Grand trine of Juno, Ceres and Lunar Node is like a huge arrow that points to the position right across the zodiac opposite of the eclipse, at 8 degrees Virgo. That is the position of Thuban, the home star of the positive Dragon families. They will play one of the pivotal roles in our meditation.

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26th at 3:55 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 4:55 pm EET in Cairo, 4:55 pm CAT in Bukavu in Congo, 2:55 pm GMT in London, 9:55 am EST in New York, 8:55 am CST in Chicago, 7:55 am MST in Denver, 6:55 am PST in Los Angeles, and 10:55 pm CST in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process healing for planet Earth and its inhabitants.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Congo vortex and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Africa and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.

5. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all raped women in Congo, healing all Congolese people and bringing peace to the country. Visualize this divine feminine energy sealing the rift in the planetary aura in Congo. Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Africa and healing all people there Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Updates about the Etheric Liberation meditation:

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And now would I make it plain to you that this kingdom of my Father will not come with an outward show of power or with unseemly demonstration. You are not to go hence in the proclamation of the kingdom, saying, ‘it is here’ or ‘it is there,’ for this kingdom of which you preach is God within you. The power of this kingdom shall consist, not in the strength of armies nor in the might of riches, but rather in the glory of the divine spirit that shall come to teach the minds and rule the hearts of the reborn citizens of this heavenly kingdom, the sons of God. And this which your eyes now behold, shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the praise of my Father. And it will not be so much by the words you speak as by the lives you live that men will know you have been with me and have learned of the realities of the kingdom. And while I would lay no grievous burdens upon your minds, I am about to put upon your souls the solemn responsibility of representing me in the world when I shall presently leave you as I now represent my Father in this life which I am living in the flesh.
The Allies of Humanity By Marshall Vian Summers
Fourth Briefing “Manipulation of Religious Traditions and Beliefs”

In order to understand the visitors’ activities in the world today, we must present more information regarding their influence on world religious institutions and values and on the fundamental spiritual impulses which are common to your nature and which, in many ways, are common to intelligent life in many parts of the Greater Community.

We should begin by saying that the activities that the visitors are conducting in the world at this time have been carried on many times before in many different places with many different cultures in the Greater Community. Your visitors are not the originators of these activities but merely use them at their own discretion to the extent that they are aware of them and have used them before.

It is important for you to understand that skills in influence and manipulation have been developed to a very high degree of functionality in the Greater Community. As races become more adept and more capable technologically, they exert more subtle and more pervasive kinds of influence upon one another. Human beings have only evolved thus far to compete with each other, so you do not yet have this adaptive advantage. This in itself is one of the reasons why we are presenting this material to you. You are entering a whole new set of circumstances that require the cultivation of your inherent abilities as well as the learning of new skills.

Though humanity represents a unique situation, emergence into the Greater Community has happened countless times before with other races. Therefore, what is being perpetrated upon you has been done before. It has been highly developed and is now being adapted to your life and to your situation with what we feel is relative ease.

The Pacification Program that is being implemented by the visitors is making this possible, in part. The natural inclination towards peaceful relations and the desire to avoid war and conflict are admirable but can and indeed are being used against you. Even your most noble impulses can be used for other purposes. You have seen this in your own history, in your own nature and in your own societies. Peace can only be established upon a firm foundation of wisdom, cooperation and true ability.

Humanity has naturally been concerned with establishing peaceful relations amongst its own tribes and nations. Now, however, it has a greater set of problems and challenges. We view these as opportunities for your development, for it will only be the challenge of emerging into the Greater Community that will unite the world and give you the foundation for this unity to be genuine, strong and effective.

Therefore, we come not to criticize your religious institutions or your most fundamental impulses and values, but to illustrate how they are being used against you by those alien races who are intervening in your world. And, if it is within our power, we wish to encourage the right employment of your gifts and your accomplishments for the preservation of your world, your freedom and your integrity as a race within a Greater Community context.

The visitors are fundamentally practical in their approach. This is both a strength and a weakness. As we have observed them, both here and elsewhere, we see that it is difficult for them to deviate from their plans. They are not well adapted to change, nor can they deal with complexity very effectively. Therefore, they carry out their plan in an almost careless manner, for they feel that they are in the right and that they have the advantage. They do not believe that humanity will mount resistance against them—at least not resistance that will affect them greatly. And they feel that their secrets and their agenda are well preserved and are beyond human comprehension.

In this light, our activity in presenting this material to you makes us their enemies, certainly in their sight. In our sight, however, we are merely attempting to counter their influence and to give you the understanding that you need and the perspective that you must rely upon to preserve your freedom as a race and to deal with the realities of the Greater Community.

Due to the practical nature of their approach, they wish to accomplish their goals with the greatest efficiency possible. They wish to unite humanity but only in accordance with their own participation and activities in the world. To them, human unity is a practical concern. They do not value diversity in cultures; they certainly do not value it within their own cultures. Therefore, they will attempt to eradicate it or minimize it, if possible, wherever they are exerting their influence.

In our previous discourse, we talked about the visitors’ influence on new forms of spirituality—on new ideas and new expressions of human divinity and human nature that are in your world at this time. In our discussion now, we would like to focus on the traditional values and institutions that your visitors seek to influence and are influencing today.

Seeking uniformity and conformity, the visitors will rely on those institutions and those values that they feel are the most stable and practical for their use. They are not interested in your ideas, and they are not interested in your values, except insofar as these things might further their agenda. Do not deceive yourself in thinking that they are drawn to your spirituality because they lack such things themselves. This would be a foolish and perhaps fatal mistake. Do not think that they are enamored with your life and with those things that you find to be intriguing. For only in rare cases will you be able to influence them in this way. All natural curiosity has been bred out of them and very little remains. There is, in fact, very little of what you would call “Spirit” or what we would call “Varne” or “The Way of Insight.” They are controlled and controlling and follow patterns of thinking and behavior that are firmly established and strictly reinforced. They might seem to empathize with your ideas, but it is only to gain your allegiance.

In traditional religious institutions in your world, they will seek to utilize those values and those fundamental beliefs that can serve in the future to bring you into allegiance to them. Let us give you some examples, born both of our own observations and of the insight that the Unseen Ones have given us over time.

Much of your world follows the Christian faith. We think this is admirable though it is certainly not the only approach to the fundamental questions of spiritual identity and purpose in life. The visitors will utilize the fundamental idea of allegiance to a single leader in order to generate allegiance to their cause. Within the context of this religion, the identification with Jesus the Christ will be greatly utilized. The hope and the promise of his return to the world offers your visitors a perfect opportunity, particularly at this turning point in the millennium.

It is our understanding that the true Jesus will not return to the world, for he is working in concert with the Unseen Ones and serves humanity and other races as well. The one who will come claiming his name will come from the Greater Community. He will be one who is born and bred for this purpose by the collectives that are in the world today. He will appear human and will have significant abilities compared to what you can accomplish at this moment. He will seem completely altruistic. He will be able to perform acts that will engender either fear or great reverence. He will be able to project images of angels, demons or whatever his superiors wish to expose you to. He will seem to have spiritual powers. Yet he will come from the Greater Community, and he will be part of the collective. And he will engender allegiance to follow him. Eventually, for those who cannot follow him, he will encourage their alienation or their destruction.

The visitors do not care how many of your people are destroyed so long as they have a primary allegiance amongst the majority. Therefore, the visitors will focus on those fundamental ideas that give them this authority and influence.

A Second Coming, then, is being prepared by your visitors. The evidence of this, we understand, is already in the world. People do not realize the presence of the visitors or the nature of reality in the Greater Community, and so they will naturally accept their prior beliefs without question, feeling that the time has come for the great return of their Savior and their Teacher. But he who will come will not come from the heavenly host, he will not represent Knowledge or the Unseen Ones, and he will not represent the Creator or the Creator’s will. We have seen this plan in formulation in the world. We have also seen similar plans carried out in other worlds.

In other religious traditions, uniformity will be encouraged by the visitors—what you might call a fundamental kind of religion based upon the past, based upon allegiance to authority and based upon conformity to the institution. This serves the visitors. They are not interested in the ideology and values of your religious traditions, only in their usefulness. The more that people can think alike, act alike and respond in predictable ways, the more useful they are to the collectives. This conformity is being promoted in many different traditions. The intent here is not to make them all the same but to have them be simple within themselves.

In one part of the world, one particular religious ideology will prevail; in a different part of the world, a different religious ideology will prevail. This is entirely useful to your visitors, for they do not care if there is more than one religion so long as there is order, conformity and allegiance. Having no religion of their own that you could possibly follow or identify with, they will use yours to engender their own values. For they value only total allegiance to their cause and to the collectives and seek your total allegiance to participate with them in ways that they prescribe. They will assure you that this will create peace and redemption in the world and the return of whatever religious image or personage is considered of the greatest value here.

This is not to say that fundamental religion is governed by alien forces, for we understand that fundamental religion has been well established in your world. What we are saying here is that the impulses for this and the mechanisms for this will be supported by the visitors and used for their own purposes. Therefore, great care must be given by all who are true believers in their traditions to discern these influences and to counteract them if possible. Here it is not the average person in the world that the visitors seek to convince; it is the leadership.

The visitors firmly believe that if they do not intervene in a timely manner, humanity will destroy itself and the world. This is not based upon truth; it is only an assumption. Though humanity is at risk of self-annihilation, this is not necessarily your destiny. But the collectives believe that this is so, and so they must act with haste and give their programs of persuasion great emphasis. Those who can be convinced will be valued as useful; those that cannot be convinced will be discarded and alienated. Should the visitors become strong enough to gain complete control of the world, those who cannot conform will simply be eliminated. Yet the visitors will not do the destruction. It will be wrought through the very individuals in the world who have fallen completely under their persuasion.

This is a terrible scenario, we understand, but there must be no confusion if you are to understand and receive what we are expressing in our messages to you. It is not the annihilation of humanity, it is the integration of humanity that the visitors seek to accomplish. They will interbreed with you for this purpose. They will attempt to redirect your religious impulses and institutions for this purpose. They will establish themselves in a clandestine manner in the world for this purpose. They will influence governments and government leaders for this purpose. They will influence military powers in the world for this purpose. The visitors are confident that they can be successful, for so far they see that humanity has not yet mounted enough resistance to counteract their measures or to offset their agenda.

To counteract this, you must learn The Greater Community Way of Knowledge. Any free race in the universe must learn The Way of Knowledge, however it may be defined within their own cultures. This is the source of individual freedom. This is what enables individuals and societies to have true integrity and to have the wisdom necessary to deal with the influences that counteract Knowledge, both within their worlds and within the Greater Community. It is, therefore, necessary to learn new ways, for you are entering a new situation with new forces and new influences. Indeed, this is not some future prospect but an immediate challenge. Life in the universe does not wait upon your readiness. Events will happen whether you are prepared or not. Visitation has occurred without your agreement and without your permission. And your fundamental rights are being violated to a far greater degree than you yet realize.

Because of this, we have been sent not only to give our perspective and our encouragement but also to sound a calling, an alarm, to inspire an awareness and a commitment. We have said before that we cannot save your race through military intervention. That is not our role. And even if we attempted to do so and garnered the strength to carry out such an agenda, your world would be destroyed. We can only advise.

You will see in the future a ferocity of religious belief expressed in violent ways, carried out against people who disagree, against nations of less strength and used as a weapon of attack and destruction. The visitors would like nothing better than for your religious institutions to govern the nations. This you must resist. The visitors would like nothing better than to have religious values shared by everyone, for this adds to their labor force and makes their task easier. In all of its manifestations, such influence fundamentally reduces down to acquiescence and submission—submission of will, submission of purpose, submission of one’s life and abilities. Yet this will be heralded as a great achievement for humanity, a great advancement in society, a new unification for the human race, a new hope for peace and equanimity, a triumph of human spirit over human instincts.

Therefore, we come with our counsel and encourage you to refrain from making unwise decisions, from giving your life over to things that you do not understand and from acquiescing your discernment and your discretion for the sake of any promised reward. And we must encourage you not to betray Knowledge within yourself, the spiritual intelligence with which you were born and which now holds your only and greatest promise.

Perhaps in hearing this you will view the universe as a place devoid of Grace. Perhaps you will become cynical and afraid, thinking that avarice is universal. But this is not the case. What is needed now is for you to become strong, stronger than you are, stronger than you have been. Do not welcome communications with those intervening in your world until you have this strength. Do not open your minds and hearts to visitors from beyond the world, for they come here for their own purposes. Do not think that they will fulfill your religious prophesies or greatest ideals, for this is a delusion.

There are great spiritual forces in the Greater Community—individuals and even nations that have achieved very high states of accomplishment, far beyond what humanity has demonstrated thus far. But they do not come and take control of other worlds. They do not represent political and economic forces in the universe. They are not involved in commerce beyond fulfilling their own fundamental needs. They rarely travel, except in situations of emergency.

Emissaries are sent to help those who are emerging into the Greater Community, emissaries such as ourselves. And there are spiritual emissaries as well—the power of the Unseen Ones, who can speak to those who are ready to receive and who show good heart and good promise. This is how God works in the universe.

You are entering a difficult new environment. Your world is very valuable to others. You will need to protect it. You will need to preserve your resources so that you do not require or depend upon trade with other nations for the fundamental necessities of your life. If you do not preserve your resources, you will have to relinquish much of your freedom and self-sufficiency.
Photo: The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. Every step you take must be one of willingness, intelligent and cheerful co-operation. The domination of the Spirit is never tainted with coercion nor compromised by compulsion. And when such a life of spirit guidance is freely and intelligently accepted, there gradually develops within the human mind a positive consciousness of divine contact and assurance of spirit communion; sooner or later " the Spirit bears witness with your spirit (The Divine Spirit Within / Higher Self) that you are a child of God. " Already has your own divine spirit told you of your kinship to God so that the record testifies that the Spirit bears witness " with your spirit, " not to your spirit. The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, " for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. " Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, " The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. " And throughout every trial and in the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

Here you can begin to see that your visitors are very vulnerable in certain areas. Let us explore this further. Individually, they have very little will and have difficulty dealing with complexities. They do not understand your spiritual nature. And they most certainly do not understand the impulses of Knowledge. The stronger you are with Knowledge, the more inexplicable you become, the harder you are to control and the less useful you become to them and to their program of integration. Individually, the stronger you are with Knowledge, the greater challenge you become to them. The more individuals that become strong with Knowledge, the more difficult it is for the visitors to isolate them.

The visitors do not have physical strength. Their power is in the Mental Environment and in the use of their technologies. Their numbers are small compared to yours. They are wholly reliant upon your acquiescence, and they are overly confident that they can succeed. Based upon their experience so far, humanity has not offered significant resistance. Yet the stronger you are with Knowledge, the more you become a force that opposes intervention and manipulation and the more you become a force for freedom and integrity for your race.

Though perhaps not many will be able to hear our message, your response is important. Perhaps it is easy to disbelieve our presence and our reality and to react against our message, yet we speak in accordance with Knowledge. Therefore, what we are saying can be known within you, if you are free to know it.

We understand that we challenge many beliefs and conventions in our presentation. Even our appearance here will seem inexplicable and will be rejected by many. Yet our words and our message can resonate with you because we speak with Knowledge. The power of truth is the greatest power in the universe. It has the power to free. It has the power to enlighten. And it has the power to give strength and confidence to those who need it.

We are told that human conscience is highly valued though perhaps rarely practiced. It is this that we are speaking of when we talk about The Way of Knowledge. It is fundamental to all of your true spiritual impulses. It is contained in your religions already. It is not new to you. But it must be valued, or our efforts and the efforts of the Unseen Ones to prepare humanity for the Greater Community will not be successful. Too few will respond. And the truth will be a burden for them, for they will not be able to share it effectively.

Therefore, we come not to criticize your religious institutions or conventions, but only to illustrate how they can be used against you. We are not here to replace them or to deny them, but to show how true integrity must pervade these institutions and conventions in order for them to serve you in a genuine way.

In the Greater Community, spirituality is embodied in what we call Knowledge, Knowledge meaning the intelligence of Spirit and the movement of Spirit within you. This empowers you to know rather than only believe. This gives you immunity from persuasion and manipulation, for Knowledge cannot be manipulated by any worldly power or force. This gives life to your religions and hope for your destiny.

We hold true to these ideas, for they are fundamental. They are lacking in the collectives, however, and should you encounter the collectives, or even their presence, and have the power to maintain your own mind, you will see this for yourself.

We are told that there are many people in the world who wish to give themselves over, to give themselves away to a greater power in life. This is not unique to the world of humanity, but in the Greater Community such an approach leads to enslavement. We understand that in your own world, before the visitors were here in such numbers, such an approach often led to enslavement. But in the Greater Community, you are more vulnerable and must be wiser, more careful and more self-sufficient. Recklessness here brings with it a heavy price and great misfortune.

If you can respond to Knowledge and learn a Greater Community Way of Knowledge, you will be able to see these things for yourself. Then you will confirm our words rather than only believe them or deny them. The Creator is making this possible, for the Creator wills that humanity prepare for its future. That is why we have come. That is why we are watching and now have the opportunity to report what we see.

The religious traditions of the world speak well for you in their essential teachings. We have had the opportunity to learn about them from the Unseen Ones. But they also represent a potential weakness. If humanity were more vigilant and understood the realities of life in the Greater Community and the meaning of premature visitation, your risks would not be so great as they are today. There is hope and expectation that such visitation will bring great rewards and will be a fulfillment for you. Yet you have not been able to learn of the reality of the Greater Community or of the powerful forces that are interacting with your world. Your lack of understanding and premature trust in the visitors do not serve you.

It is for this reason that the Wise throughout the Greater Community remain hidden. They do not seek commerce in the Greater Community. They do not seek to be part of guilds or trading cooperatives. They do not seek diplomacy with many worlds. Their network of allegiance is more mysterious, more spiritual in nature. They understand the risks and the difficulties of exposure to the realities of life in the physical universe. They maintain their insulation, and they remain vigilant at their borders. They only seek to extend their wisdom through means that are less physical in nature.

In your own world, perhaps, you can see this expressed in those who are the wisest, the most gifted, who do not seek personal advantage through commercial avenues and who are not given to conquest and manipulation. Your own world tells you so much. Your own history tells you so much and illustrates, though on a smaller scale, everything that we are presenting to you here.

Thus, it is our intention not only to warn you of the gravity of your situation but to provide you, if we can, a greater perception and understanding of life, which you will need. And we trust that there will be enough who can hear these words and respond to the greatness of Knowledge. We hope there will be those who can recognize that our messages are not here to evoke fear and panic but to engender responsibility and a commitment to the preservation of freedom and good within your world.

If humanity should fail in opposing the Intervention, we can paint a picture of what this would mean. We have seen it elsewhere, for each one of us came very close, within our own worlds. Being part of a collective, the planet Earth will be mined for its resources, its people will be corralled to work and its rebels and heretics will be either alienated or destroyed. The world will be preserved for its agriculture and its mining interests. Human societies will exist, but only in subordination to powers from beyond your world. And should the world exhaust its usefulness, should its resources be completely taken, then you will be left, bereft. The supportive life upon your world will have been taken from you; the very means of survival will have been stolen. This has happened before in many other places.

In the case of this world, the collectives may choose to preserve the world for ongoing use as a strategic post and as a biological storehouse. Yet human population would suffer terribly under such oppressive rule. The population of humanity would be reduced. The management of humanity would be given to those who are bred to lead the human race within a new order. Human freedom as you know it would no longer exist, and you would suffer under the weight of foreign rule, a rule that would be harsh and exacting.

There are many collectives in the Greater Community. Some of them are large; some of them are small. Some of them are more ethical in their tactics; many are not. To the extent that they compete with one another for opportunities, such as the rule of your world, dangerous activities can be perpetrated. We must give this illustration so that you will have no doubt as to what we are saying. The choices before you are very limited, but very fundamental.

Therefore, understand that from your visitors' perspective, you are all tribes that need to be managed and controlled in order to serve the visitors’ interests. For this, your religions and a certain degree of your social reality will be preserved. But you will lose much. And much will be lost before you realize what has been taken from you. Therefore, we can only advocate a vigilance, a responsibility and a commitment to learn—to learn about life in the Greater Community, to learn how to preserve your own culture and your own reality within a greater environment and to learn how to see who is here to serve you and distinguish them from those who are not. This greater discernment is so needed in the world, even for the resolution of your own difficulties. But regarding your survival and well-being in the Greater Community, it is absolutely fundamental.

Therefore, we encourage you to take heart. We have more to share with you.

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 The Allies of Humanity By Marshall Vian Summers;Third Briefing “A Great Warning”
We have been anxious to speak more with you regarding the affairs of your world and to help you come to see, if possible, what we are seeing from our vantage point. We realize this is difficult to receive and will cause considerable anxiety and concern, but you must be informed.

The situation is very grave from our perspective, and we think it would be a tremendous misfortune if people were not informed correctly. There is so much deception in the world that you live in, and in many other worlds as well, that the truth, though apparent and obvious, goes unrecognized, and its signs and messages go undetected. We, therefore, hope that our presence can help clarify the picture and help you and others to see what is truly there. We do not have these compromises in our perception, for we were sent to witness the very things that we are describing.

Over time, perhaps you would be able to know these things on your own, but you do not have this kind of time. The time now is short. Humanity’s preparation for the appearance of forces from the Greater Community is far behind schedule. Many important people have not responded. And the intrusion into the world has accelerated at a far greater pace than was originally thought to be possible.

We come with little time to spare, and yet we come with encouragement for you to share this information. As we have indicated in our previous messages, the world is being infiltrated and the Mental Environment is being conditioned and prepared. The intention is not to eradicate human beings but to employ them, to have them become workers for a greater “collective.” The institutions of the world and most certainly the natural environment are valued, and it is the preference of the visitors that these be preserved for their use. They cannot live here, and so to gain your allegiance, they are employing many of the techniques that we have described. We will continue in our description to clarify these things.

Our arrival here has been thwarted by several factors, not the least of which is a lack of readiness of those whom we must reach directly. Our speaker, the author of this book, is the only one with whom we have been able to establish a firm contact. There are a few others who show promise, but we must give our speaker the fundamental information.

From the perspective of your visitors, as we have learned, the United States is considered the world leader, and so the greatest amount of emphasis will be placed here. But other major nations as well will be contacted, for they are recognized to hold power, and power is understood by the visitors, for they follow the dictates of power without question and to a much greater degree than is even apparent in your world.

Attempts will be made to persuade the leaders of the strongest nations to become receptive to the presence of the visitors and to receive gifts and inducements for cooperation with the promise of mutual benefit, and even the promise of world dominion to some. There will be those in the corridors of power in the world who will respond to these inducements, for they will think that there is a great opportunity here to take humanity beyond the specter of nuclear war into a new community upon the earth, a community which they will lead for their own purposes. Yet these leaders are deceived, for they will not be given the keys to this realm. They will simply be the arbiters in the transition of power.

This you must understand. It is not so complex. From our perspective and vantage point, it is obvious. We have seen this occur elsewhere. It is one of the ways that established organizations of races who have their own collectives recruit emerging worlds such as yours. They believe firmly that their agenda is virtuous and for the betterment of your world, for humanity is not highly respected, and though you are virtuous in certain ways, your liabilities far outweigh your potential, from their perspective. We do not hold this view or we would not be in the position that we are in, and we would not be offering our services to you as the Allies of Humanity.

Therefore, there is a great difficulty now in discernment, a great challenge. The challenge is for humanity to understand who its allies really are and to be able to distinguish them from its potential adversaries. There are no neutral parties in this matter. The world is far too valuable, its resources recognized as being unique and of considerable worth. There are no neutral parties who are involved in human affairs. The true nature of the alien Intervention is to exert influence and control and eventually to establish dominion here.

We are not the visitors. We are observers. We claim no rights to your world, and we have no agenda to establish ourselves here. For this reason, our names are hidden, for we do not pursue relations with you beyond our ability to provide our counsel in this way. We cannot control the outcome. We can only advise you as to the choices and decisions that your people must make in light of these greater events.

Humanity has great promise and has cultivated a rich spiritual heritage, but it is without education regarding the Greater Community into which it is emerging. Humanity is divided and contentious within itself, thus making it vulnerable to manipulation and to intrusion from beyond your borders. Your peoples are preoccupied with the concerns of the day, but the reality of tomorrow is not recognized. What profit could you possibly gain by ignoring the greater movement of the world and by assuming that the Intervention that is occurring today is for your benefit? Surely there is not one amongst you who could say this if you but saw the reality of the situation.

In a way, it is a matter of perspective. We can see and you cannot, for you have not the vantage point. You would have to be beyond your world, outside the sphere of your world’s influence, to see what we are seeing. And yet, to see what we see, we must remain hidden because if we were discovered, we would surely perish. For your visitors consider their mission here to be of the utmost value, and they consider the Earth to be their greatest prospect among several others. They will not stop because of us. So it is your own freedom that you must value and that you must defend. We cannot do this for you.

Every world, if it seeks to establish its own unity, freedom and self-determination in the Greater Community, must establish this freedom and defend it if necessary. Otherwise, domination will certainly occur and will be complete.

Why do your visitors want your world? It is so very obvious. It is not you they are interested in particularly. It is the biological resources of your world. It is the strategic position of this solar system. You are useful to them only insofar as these things are valued and can be utilized. They will offer what you want and they will speak what you want to hear. They will offer inducements, and they will use your religions and your religious ideals to foster confidence and trust that they, more than you, understand the needs of your world and will be able to serve these needs to bring about a greater equanimity here. Because humanity seems incapable of establishing unity and order, many people will open their minds and their hearts to those whom they believe will have the greater possibility for doing so.

In the second discourse, we spoke briefly of the interbreeding program. Some have heard of this phenomenon, and we understand there has been some discussion about this. The Unseen Ones have told us that there is a growing awareness that such a program exists, but incredibly people cannot see the obvious implications, being so given to their preferences in the matter and so ill equipped to deal with what such an Intervention could mean. Clearly, an interbreeding program is an attempt to fuse humanity’s adaptation to the physical world with the visitors’ group mind and collective consciousness. Such offspring would be in a perfect position to provide the new leadership for humanity, a leadership that is born of the visitors’ intentions and the visitors’ campaign. These individuals would have blood relations in the world, and so others would be related to them and accepting of their presence. And yet their minds would not be with you, nor their hearts. And though they may feel sympathy for you in your condition and for what your condition may well turn out to be, they would not have the individual authority, not being trained in The Way of Knowledge and Insight themselves, to assist you or to resist the collective consciousness that has fostered them here and given them life.

You see, individual freedom is not valued by the visitors. They consider it reckless and irresponsible. They only understand their own collective consciousness, which they see as privileged and blessed. And yet they cannot access true spirituality, which is called Knowledge in the universe, for Knowledge is born of an individual’s self-discovery and is brought into being through relationships of a high caliber. Neither of these phenomena are present in the visitors’ social makeup. They cannot think for themselves. Their will is not theirs alone. And so naturally they cannot respect the prospects for developing these two great phenomena within your world, and they are certainly in no position to foster such things. They only seek conformity and allegiance. And the spiritual teachings that they will foster in the world will only serve to make humans compliant, open and unsuspecting in order to garner a trust that has never been earned.

We have seen these things before in other places. We have seen entire worlds fall under control of such collectives. There are many such collectives in the universe. Because such collectives deal with interplanetary trade and extend over vast regions, they adhere to a strict conformity without deviation. There is no individuality amongst them, at least not in any way that you could recognize.

We are not sure that we can give an example in your own world of what this could be like, but we have been told there are commercial interests that span cultures in your world, that wield tremendous power and yet are governed by only a few. This is perhaps a good analogy for what we are describing. However, what we are describing is so much more powerful, pervasive and well established than anything that you could offer in the world as a good example.

It is true of intelligent life everywhere that fear can be a destructive force. Yet fear serves one and only one purpose if it is perceived correctly and that is to inform you of the presence of danger. We are concerned, and that is the nature of our fear. We understand what is at risk. That is the nature of our concern. Your fear is born because you do not know what is occurring, so it is a destructive fear. It is a fear that cannot empower you or give you the perception that you need to comprehend what is occurring within your world. If you can become informed, then fear is transformed into concern and concern is transformed into constructive action. We know of no other way to describe this.

The interbreeding program is becoming very successful. Already there are those walking your Earth who are born of the visitors’ consciousness and collective endeavor. They cannot reside here for long periods of time, but within only a few years, they will be able to dwell upon the surface of your world permanently. Such will be the perfection of their genetic engineering that they will seem only slightly different from you, more in their manner and in their presence than in their physical appearance, to such a point that they will likely go unnoticed and unrecognized. However, they will have greater mental faculties. And this will give them an advantage that you could not match unless you were trained in The Ways of Insight.

Such is the greater reality into which humanity is emerging—a universe filled with wonders and horrors, a universe of influence, a universe of competition, yet also a universe filled with Grace, much like your own world but infinitely greater. The Heaven that you seek is not here. However, the forces that you must contend with are. This is the greatest threshold that your race will ever face. Each of us in our group has faced this in our own respective worlds, and there has been a great deal of failure, with only some success. Races of beings who can maintain their freedom and insulation must become strong and united and will likely withdraw from Greater Community interactions to a very great degree in order to protect that freedom.

If you think of these things, perhaps you will see corollaries in your own world. The Unseen Ones have told us a great deal regarding your spiritual development and its great promise, but they have also counseled us that your spiritual predispositions and ideals are being greatly manipulated at this time. There are entire teachings being introduced into the world now that teach human acquiescence and the suspension of critical abilities and value only that which is pleasurable and comfortable. These teachings are given to disable people’s ability to access Knowledge within themselves until people reach a point where they feel they are completely dependent upon greater forces that they cannot identify. At that point, they will follow whatever is given them to do, and even if they sense something is wrong, they will no longer have the power to resist.

Humanity has lived in isolation for a long time. Perhaps it is believed that such an Intervention cannot possibly take place and that each person has proprietary rights over his or her own consciousness and mind. But these are only assumptions. Yet we have been told that the Wise in your world have learned to overcome these assumptions and have gained the strength to establish their own Mental Environment.

We fear that our words may be too late and have too little impact and that the one we chose to receive us has too little assistance and support to make this information available. He will encounter disbelief and ridicule, for he will not be believed, and what he will speak of will contradict what many assume to be true. Those who have fallen under alien persuasion, they in particular will oppose him, for they have no choice in the matter.

Into this grave situation the Creator of all life has sent a preparation, a teaching of spiritual ability and discernment, power and accomplishment. We are students of such a teaching, as are many throughout the universe. This teaching is a form of Divine intervention. It does not belong to any one world. It is not the property of any one race. It is not centered around any hero or heroine, any one individual. Such a preparation is now available. It will be needed. From our perspective, it is the only thing currently that can give humanity an opportunity to become wise and discerning regarding your new life in the Greater Community.

As has occurred in your world in your own history, the first to reach the new lands are the explorers and the conquerors. They do not come for altruistic reasons. They come seeking power, resources and dominion. This is the nature of life. If humanity were well versed in Greater Community affairs, you would resist any visitation to your world unless a mutual agreement had been established previously. You would know enough not to allow your world to be so vulnerable.

At this time, there is more than one collective competing for advantage here. That places humanity in the middle of a very unusual and yet enlightening set of circumstances. That is why the messages of the visitors will often seem inconsistent. There has been conflict amongst them, yet they will negotiate with each other should mutual benefit be recognized. However, they are still in competition. To them, this is the frontier. To them, you are only valued as being useful. If you are no longer recognized as being useful, you will simply be discarded.

Here there is a great challenge for the people of your world and particularly for those who are in positions of power and responsibility to recognize the difference between a spiritual presence and a visitation from the Greater Community. Yet how can you have the framework to make this distinction? Where can you learn such things? Who in your world is in the position to teach about the reality of the Greater Community? Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for life beyond the world, and life beyond the world is now in your world, seeking to establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and hearts and souls of people everywhere. It is so simple. And yet so devastating.

Therefore, our task in these messages is to bring a great warning, but the warning is not enough. There must be a recognition amongst your people. At least amongst enough people here, there must be an understanding of the reality that you are now facing. This is the greatest event in human history—the greatest threat to human freedom and the greatest opportunity for human unity and cooperation. We recognize these great advantages and possibilities, but with each passing day their promise fades—as more and more people are captured and their awareness is recultivated and reconstituted, as more and more people learn of the spiritual teachings that are being promoted by the visitors and as more and more people become more acquiescent and less able to discern.

We have come at the request of the Unseen Ones to serve in this capacity as observers. Should we be successful, we will remain in the proximity of your world only long enough to continue to give you this information. Beyond that, we will return to our own homes. Should we fail and should the tide turn against humanity and should the great darkness come over the world, the darkness of domination, then we will have to depart, our mission unfulfilled. Either way, we cannot stay with you, though should you show promise we shall stay until you are safeguarded, until you can provide for yourselves. Included in this is the requirement that you be self-sufficient. Should you become reliant upon trade with other races, this creates a very great risk of manipulation from beyond, for humanity is not yet strong enough to resist the power in the Mental Environment that can be exerted here and is being exerted here now.

The visitors will try and create the impression that they are “the allies of humanity.” They will say they are here to save humanity from itself, that only they can offer the great hope that humanity cannot provide for itself, that only they can establish true order and harmony in the world. But this order and this harmony will be theirs, not yours. And the freedom that they promise will not be yours to enjoy.

© Society for The New Message
All rights reserved.

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December 26, 2016 by Starship Earth: The Big Picture James Gilliland on the Ascension Wave, Trans-dimensional War and the Days to Come I’m very glad so many are presenting their unique perspectives on “the Wave”, and what is happening at this alluring time on Planet Earth; precious gifts, all. There are 6th and 9th dimensional Anunnaki also coming in to recall the fallen ones and right an ancient wrong. Hopefully more folks are getting the idea that there is so little black and white. The situation at hand is a murky grey, and best discerned with a wide open mind. There is a lot more happening in other realms than we even see in the physical, so we can’t really “know” what the reality is, but most of our messengers are in agreement on key aspects of the process underway. As for the details… well, there have to be FEW surprises! ~ BP The Ascension Wave, Trans-dimensional War and the Days to Come by James Gilliland Going on about 4 weeks ago we talked about a massive wave of energy hitting the planet. It is now here, it is measurable and it seems everyone is trying to figure out what it is.

It is part of the awakening and healing cycle of humanity and the earth and something much awaited. It is the end of the Draconian or Archon Grid. It has everything to do with the arrival of 13th dimensional beings as well as the Andromedans whose ships can block out the entire eastern sky and when powered up can be as bright as 10,000 suns. This might be a hint as to the sun NASA observed coming our way that keeps changing speeds. How is this going to affect earth? It all has to do with frequency. Those holding on to the past, old grudges, attitudes and emotions, especially the frequency of tyranny and the arrogance of separation, are not frequency-specific to this wave. They will not fare well. The masks are all coming down. This is a healing energy yet along with it is the program of Universal Law. The principles necessary for a healthy society and environment basically known as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

            This wave is indicative of the source saying enough, it is finished. This is being played out in the physical as the liberators verses the controllers and the controllers are imploding. Humanity is waking up as well as the platform for life mother earth, Gaia Sophia; whatever name you want to give her. This shift includes other dimensions as well. The controllers represented best by the Illuminati, banksters, war and disease profiteers are controlled by trans-dimensional beings, fallen Anunnaki, Reptilians, Serpent Beings and what most would call demonic forces. They have suppressed and enslaved humanity since long before the Egyptian Dynasties. Thus you are seeing the polarities getting stronger and stronger. If you want to know who is who, follow the money. Who is big money backing? That is all you need to do. Most politicians are controlled by the banksters, the banksters are controlled by the Illuminati the uber rich most of which have been doing blood sacrifices which includes children and acts so decadent and evil most could not comprehend. In past times the ceremonies were only held in the highest levels now they are held at the lowest levels; which is being revealed as we speak. This is not conspiracy this is fact and you will not hear about it in the Corporate-Owned lame stream news.

        Because it is the fake news. If you understood the mission statement of the Illuminati you would understand how deep this problem runs and why it is so hard to root out. Their goal is to put their people in powerful positions, to bribe and blackmail those in powerful positions to do their bidding until they have total dominance of the world. If you don’t play ball with them you don’t succeed in climbing the ladder of power and wealth. If you go against them you will loose everything, your life and your family’s lives. Those you would go to for help, the agencies of law enforcement are owned and participants in many of these satanic rituals or caught in honey pot blackmail operations, some with under age women which are dressed up to look much older. I myself have been subject to attempts at entrapment yet my inner guidance made it very clear do not go there. It is really that dark and decadent. They also have Manchurian candidates; beautiful women and men who are very adept in using their sexual energies to control or sabotage the light workers. This ascension wave is the solution. It is the soul activator, the initiation and support of the light workers and warriors who came to the earth to liberate her and her people.

    Though most are unaware there is a stirring inside some at a very young age, some being awakened now that things are not and have not been right for quite some time. Many cannot shove under the rug the atrocities to humanity and the earth as well as what can only be deemed as criminal behavior of their leaders, bosses, friends or family. This wave is bringing everything up, the masks are coming off and everything will be revealed. Armageddon is defined as the great uncovering, no rock shall be left unturned. It is an internal movement of consciousness and energy; which will find its expression in the external. Everything in this dimension owes its existence to the next dimension up it is a vibrational ladder. The lowest levels of the 4th dimension have fallen Anunnaki, reptilians, serpent beings, greys and other demonic and fallen souls. This is being cleaned up. The puppets are loosing their puppet masters. The higher 4th dimension is filled with guides, shamans, teachers and healers yet they are still bound by their religious or cultural beliefs; which keeps them on the wheel of reincarnation.

        For those who think this is unchristian explain to me the quote, “No one comes to earth but he who has come from heaven, or John the Baptist is Elisa who was to come.” The bible with the apocrypha has many dissertations about reincarnation yet they were taken out by the Council of Nicaea. There are dimensions beyond the 4th with whole civilizations existing on them. These are also mentioned in the bible. The Sons of Arcturus, the Orion Council of Light, the Pleiadians all are riding this ascension wave adding their consciousness, energy and talents to the process. There are Sirians, the protectors of the Gods, Andromedans mythologically known as Arch Angels due to their magnetized light bodies. There are 6th and 9th dimensional Anunnaki also coming in to recall the fallen ones and right an ancient wrong. This massive wave including the higher dimensional beings and the earth herself in her ascension process has the dark hearts pressed hard from above and below. What you are going to see is those who are evolving, adjusting to the new energies will continue.

Those who resist will not. The days of the tyrants are over. They are not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the earth. The masks are coming down and you will see them for who and what they are. A little hint: some are not human, inhuman acts are often carried out by inhuman beings along with those they have duped and deceived to do their bidding. They have used social programming, religious programming, electronic programming, and ceremonial programming, bribes and blackmail to manipulate and entrap what in many cases were good people. This will all be revealed the spell will be broken. Many will go through their dark night of the soul as they regain their true conscience and the soul comes forward. We all to some degree or another have things to let go, restitution to be made, we have to release the past remember who we are and stand tall in our own divinity. The forgiveness of Creator is unlimited yet the request has to be heart and soul-felt along with the desire and action to right any wrongs. Some will most arrogantly say there is no right or wrong which is spiritual ego.

They are not ascended or beyond karma it is only lip service. We no longer have the luxury of living in denial, hide behind spiritual aphorisms and not be authentic and own our stuff. We have to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries, align with Unity Consciousness and live according to Universal Law… The Creator is Omnipresent in all Creation. There are fallen ones and miscreations that need to be addressed yet do it from the God within. It is time for each and everyone to make their own personal God, Creator, Great Spirit connection, not the jealous wrathful warring god or the bearded gods of the past known as the Annunaki some of which were benevolent, some were not. Your religions came from the behavior of these gods. Connect to the All Loving, All Forgiving, God of Love from within. Was it not written Ye are Gods, Children of the most high? Was it not written the temple is within? Is this not within every culture. Becoming one with the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse? Is not love the cosmic glue the ultimate power in the universe? Do not forget being enlightened does not mean being a doormat. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of all of it, both sides for the coin and everything in between. It also demands action and this ascension wave is going to shove you in that direction. Learn to lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. Surfs Up.

James Gilliland

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