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2012 Quotes from the Pleiadians

2012 cosmic

2012 Quotes from the Pleiadians
2012 July 17
Posted by Vina
2012 Quotes from the Pleiadians

Through Barbara Marciniak (via D Le Faye)

July 14, 2012 -

“This material from and through Barbara Marciniak and her channeled Pleiadians is so good, helpful and needed that I must share some random bits and pieces from their June 2012 Summer Solstice issue of The Pleiadian TIMES.

Remember that the Pleiadians refer to the entire period between 1987–2012 as the “nanosecond”, which is the highly compressed transformational period of the Ascension Process.”

~ Denise Le Faye |

“Now, the time has arrived for you to show your worth.

The final six months of the nanosecond are the fastest part of the past twenty-five years of accelerated energy; therefore, major internal and external changes can occur in a very short span of time. How well you have learned the essentials of managing energy and using your mind to consciously create reality will soon be determined…

“Near the end of a cycle, very dramatic things often occur both personally and collectively, to imprint the soul with layers of memories and spiritual lessons…

“Six months from now, when the Winter Solstice Sun aligns with the Galactic Center and completes a 26,000-year cycle, the auspicious era of the nanosecond comes to an end. In the cycles of the cosmos, prominent solar and planetary relationships with the Galactic Center give birth to new eras of consciousness…

“While you are living on Earth, other parts of your consciousness can also be simultaneously living on Earth during various periods of time, while other aspects are focused in the nonphysical worlds of spirit and the vastness of the cosmic mind…

“The multiverse encompasses all physical and nonphysical dimensions and probable versions of reality, as well as the Milky Way Galaxy’s innumerable stars and planets, other galaxies that make up the universe, along with other universes and as yet unrealized potentials of existence…

“The perception of time isolates realities, thereby supplying a container and location where consciousness can create experiences and learn about the importance of growing in awareness…

“In terms of time, the nanosecond was recognized long, long ago as a unique point in time when specific celestial alignments would generate changes in human consciousness through an acceleration of energy…

“The last six moons of the nano are likely to be quite chaotic, as the Summer Solstice opens the door on times of intense social unrest and political upheavals throughout world society. Shakeups and difficulties will topple financial systems, instigating a global slowdown resulting in massive reductions of jobs and monetary allocations for education, food, housing, energy and transportation. Voices of dissent will rise in anger, calling for opposition to the ruling authorities. Global rulers fear losing control over the masses, so clashes with the public will be intense. This season of turmoil will be felt worldwide until about 2018, and in the United States, very grave difficulties arise in 2014. This entire period of unrest and rebellion will result in a massive reorganization of lives, values, purposes and societal structures as it coincides with an era of high innovation in all areas of society.

Crisis and great upheavals in the status quo precede dynamic shifts in consciousness. At the close of the nano cycle, all sorts of old repressed issues and feelings are likely to surface because the pressure to evolve very quickly is so greatly amplified. Inner peace requires forgiveness and finding the significance of the soul lesson. As a requisite for a new ear, balance must be restored, so the end of the nano requires getting rid of what is no longer useful, personally and collectively. There will be many major adjustments ahead that necessitate a new type of thinking…”

“During the last six moons of the nanosecond, intense solar activity will generate more neural genetic changes by activating DNA programs and filling in the grooves that hold your perceptions in specific avenues of time. The Sun always plays a very important role in developing new avenues of perception. The nervous system conveys electrical signals and pulses that travel the body’s neural pathways, and an increase in solar activity can quickly alter the neural signals to produce sudden changes in perception. Experiences of time will be less rigid and more multi-dimensional, free-flowing and filled with meaningful stories that connect other times to the present. Solar-activated neural changes can supply you with greater insight into major life lessons, enhance your psychic abilities and awareness in the dream state, awaken memories, enrich you meditations, open doors to the spirit world and inspire you to move forward with confidence derived from your new perspectives of reality…

“Adapt to the changing terrain of consciousness and don’t waste the nanosecond, for it is truly unique, unlike any other era you will experience for a long time to come…

“Imagination is one of your greatest resources, so using it to visualize what you want in life is a true victory in awareness…

“The concentration of cosmic energies can super-intensify everything, from heightened states of awareness to increased levels of stress and sensitivity. Staying calm and centered protects you from being enveloped in the worries, anxieties and psychic confusion of others. Reality is a feedback system so get clear on your intentions and write down what you want to create…

“And still more changes are coming, enormous and magnanimous changes that call for important decisions concerning your values and quality of life. The final six moons of the nanosecond represent the ultimate initiation into higher states of consciousness. Think about your values and visions; what is most important to you? Are you clear on your priorities, or are you giving your attention to people and situations that leave you feeling empty and disconnected from your soul/spirit?…

“Like a wild pendulum, the end of the nano will swing in great extremes. There are many versions of reality, so choose your allegiances with great care and consideration. Be aware of the dangerous potentials for the emergence of old/new realities that promote a closer marriage between humans and machines. In the cycles of time you have reached a decision point faced by many other civilizations on Earth and in the cosmos. Will you give up your biological beings, believing that machines offer more advantages, or will you recognize your dignity and value as human beings, and enhance your consciousness? The end of the nano is a very risky time; like a game of gambling with very high stakes, it is filled with uncertainty, unpredictability, excitement and adventurous panache. Remain calm and centered and allow the neural pathways to change and connect the storehouse of information in the DNA that holds keys for understanding multidimensional reality.

You are supported to succeed in your endeavors in consciousness; recognize this and offer your gratitude, for a great many beings sustain you in your duty to grow in awareness. Use your mind to lay out a strong, clear path into a favorable future, think good thoughts and set good goals…”

“When you experience great leaps in awareness, use your power wisely; when your vibrations of energy meet those from the Galactic Center, best be prepared for some very magnanimous experiences…”

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