flatheat's Posts (155)

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Source: Allegations of General Election Fraud on Dec. 16, 2012 in Japan

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won the majority of votes though they only had 14% of the vote.  The new Government started on Dec. 26, 2012, and the media said one of the reasons why LDP won was that there were too many new parties that support a nuclear free society.

Therefore none of them got enough support from citizens who want a nuclear free society. However there have been so many reports from the general public through twitter and blogs on allegations of election rigging in the last one month.

Lots of voting places closed 1-4 hours earlier without any notice.  Normally in Japan about 60% of the population goes to vote but this time so many people said there were very long queues outside the building. 85% of the nation doesn’t want nuclear energy, yet none of the political parties that support a nuclear free society did not do well.  This does not sound right.

Stock Performance Chart for Musashi Co., Ltd.

Image: http://www.corporateinformation.com/Company-Snapshot.aspx?cusip=C392J3410

Furthermore one company called MUSASHI CO., LTD dealt with the whole election: from counting votes to publicity; there is speculation that this company has something to do with nuclear power.


Finally a written complaint of election fraud was submitted to the Tokyo High Court on Jan. 14th, 2013 and was accepted.  I hope justice will be done before next general election this summer. (Reference)



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Congressional Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 | Posted by Gordon Duff

Years of Doctored Data, Video and Photos Disclosed to Congress By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Discussions of alien moon bases and videos of structures on the dark side of the moon aren’t new. That congress is investigating, not only the bases themselves but three decades or more of continually doctored data from NASA and defense space projects is news.

A Piece of Disclosure? Veterans Today 1-9-13… “Congressional Disclosure Studies Alien Moon Bases”

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Blessing to your courageous March to Freedom ! 3・11 Fukushima disaster was a hard challenging to you, Japanese people. You showed much cpurageous action and well organized teamwork, which has been rewarded all Universe, as well as all over the world. We promise you New Government that realize your wishes shall be born ! And we finally reunion in near future!


☆GFLJ★  Shigeru Furuya

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This Year, We Shall Have a New Goverment Japan !

A Government that Stops instantly  and Abolish N-Plants Forever from Japan !
A Government that keeps Promise with People !
A Goverbment that Protects Life of People !
A Government that realize our DREAM !

Next Prime MInister, Ichiro Ozawa has illegerly accused of a False Charge of Crime,proved to be Innocent !
He establihed New Party " People's Life Firt", and build a New Government Japan !

We, Light Workers Japan stand up and wishly support the New Leaders of our nation.

☆GFLJ ★    Shigeru Furuya

Abba, I have a dream

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From GFL to New Japan

To New Goverment Japan
Blessing from GFL and Gallactic Family Earth

We are your brothers and sisters in Space
We have been with you for eons of times
Preparing for this wonderous moment

This is the New Start of Japan for Golden Age
You will experience temporary chaos for sometime
But it is only the Initiation ceremony to leap to New Japan

This paradigm Shift includes Politiccal Economical system, Medical Care,Education, and all aspects of your Civilization.

You will also experience quantum Spiritual  leap
To transform into Gallatic Human

We are to land on Earth to assist this Assencion
So we wish you to contact Ameican Government
To make Offiscilal Disclosure all over the World

All Llight workers World have been woeking for this Momentous Time
They will help Disclosure accepted smoothly

Also we wish you to prepare for  Official Contact with us
GFLJ will help you to begin this reunion of Space Family

Gallactic Federation of Light Japan
Shigeru Furuya

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Disclosure will occur in five phases to smoothly integrate our contact.

PHASE-1, OUTER ORBIT DOCK. Our fleet and one other are already here and have been, this time around, for a few months! Our fleet is larger than any EARTH city and is docked and cloaked just outside of your orbit!

PHASE-2, THE INTRODUCTION. We will make ourselves and our intentions known to the people of EARTH through our Earth allies first. This will be done through selected channels and by direct contact.

PHASE-3, LOW VISIBILITY FLY-OVERS. You will see our smaller ships all over your skies on July 9, between 11 pm – 1 :am


PHASE-5, One-on-one contact (with higher evolved Earth beings first) and then we will gradually assign a guide to each of you who is ready to teach you the higher ways and prepare you for the next dimension!

Phase 3-5 will occur ONLY after the HOSTILE ARCHONTIC ALIEN CLONE CABAL is removed from your realm!


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GFLJ6/7:Opening First Open Contact


First Contact’ will start when a special series of major announcements are made
by the world’s major governments, which will be almost simultaneous. They will
announce that E.T’s are here and benevolent, and will acknowledge the part the
Galactic Federation has played, in assuring the new reality manifests according
to the divine plan. Once the series of formal announcements and the global
delivery of your abundance are complete, we will begin our own proceedings.
These will include a series of daytime flyovers. We will accompany them with an
announcement of who we are and what we are doing. The next step will be a number
of small landings. At this point, we will permit you to inspect our craft and
choose a few individuals to take a brief ‘joyride’ in or ships. ‘First Contact’
would also take place, to land en masse if requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Special, planet sized command ships from the Scientific and Exploration fleets
will serve as the main command ships for the First Contact mission. Fifty human
star-nations are involved in ‘First Contact’. Our mission is divine and our aim
will be to manifest many important projects, to promote world peace, alter
social, cultural and economic structures, and permit Mother Earth to transform
herself. As a final step, we will introduce you to your local Spiritual
Hierarchy, and re-unite you with your brethren in the Inner Earth. There will be
an ongoing series of announcements by the Ascended Masters that will help
resolve certain cultural power struggles and make possible cross cultural
co-operation. Each one will step forward and explain the origins and histories
of your many cultures and religions, and radical changes will take place in your
religious struggles. Our Earth allies are acutely aware that the moment of
formal ‘First Contact’ will end the many millennia in which the ‘divide and
conquer’ rule ran this reality. It will also proclaim that we will no longer
tolerate the greed and arrogance of your present cabals. The announcement of
‘First Contact’ will encourage full disclosure of the now super-secret UFO
government files. The area of so-called UFO studies requires a spiritual arm.
This segment enables us to look beyond the technology and realise that advanced,
enlightened societies are primarily spiritual in nature.


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Dear Ones,
We come with breaking news! I, Saint Germain and the Arcturians are at liberty to inform you that some of your space brothers have landed on your planet. A few shuttles received permission to land on your soil and more specifically in Roswell (U.S.A.) and Staffordshire (England). Among the first to land were the Pleiadians  and the Arcturians : the Pleiadians for their closeness to your earthly civilization and the Arcturians because of their leadership abilities to handle the procedures involved. The Arcturians are the ones who monitor everything conscientiously as regards to your spiritual evolution on one hand and the disclosure project on the other hand.  We established contacts with President Obama and other authorities to figure out how to be of further assistance to you and how to announce disclosure on your world. Those with whom we have established connections are government representatives and the ground crew, connected with the Disclosure project. Obama will announce Disclosure in our presence through your television network and he will also announce the arrests of the cabal. It is most important that those two issues will be announced simultaneously in order to avoid a panic amongst the population of your planet.

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By now some of you will have seen the announcement on Tolec's site regarding another mission discussion that's about to go up on YouTube, or visited John Kettler's site and seen mention of the Silver Legion in a post regarding a combat mission there. Yes, we did indeed get something done, and I will be posting a longer, written description of the mission here. I'll also be posting the link to the YouTube interview with Tolec and myself - it will be found on his channel TolecfromDakote, as usual.
Tolec and I still plan to release the second part of our 'introductory' piece, but that will likely wait a bit as we will both be very busy with comments and emails from this work that was just completed.
I'd like to remind commenters that my preferred form of communication is email, so while you are free to comment and I'll approve most things, if you want an answer back from me, you'd be better off emailing me. If the widget doesn't work for you, let me know in comments - I've had problems with it using iOS devices myself. There's not much I can do if something doesn't work other than to alert the hosting company to the fact that their widgets are not compatible with my devices, unfortunately, but I'll certainly make them aware that it's a problem if it continues to be one.
The Silver Legion
The Silver Legion
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The critical mass for this visualization to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration and meditation skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass.
But to read about it is one thing and actually do the visualization on 5-20-2012 completely another. I would encourage as many people as possible to actually participate, although it may be in the early morning hours in your part of the world.
We can do it! It still needs to go viral! We need to reach millions of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. If you have contact within Occupy movement or Anonymous, they might be interested in spreading this also.
The exact time for the solar eclipse maximum  in your location may differ from the official time for this meditation, which is synchronized with Mount Shasta maximum eclipse trigger point time for all time zones.
If your place is not listed, you can find world time zones map here:
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Greeting.This is ZeusAshtar. You have four seasons in your world. The earth is a very beautiful star rich in beauty of nature pleasure for everyone. We also share beautiful memory when we sometimes reincarnated in your earth. There was still no car, and castles near beautiful lakes stood as if they were listening to the symphony of nature. We enjoyed relaxed drive in horse-drawn carriage. Children lived in nature, have joyful days in harmony with every creature around the world.

GFLJ5/19:Bathed in the blessings of the early summer bright day

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Greetings.This is ZeusAshtar.

Solar Eclipse this monthis a gold ring, set in among the circle of this freedom to everyone as the best new Heirs to the Terra Nova, the circle of God and the universe leads to the love of God as everyone should be. 

 Together with adjustments in the body, and the resonance of beings of the universe will continue to be vibrated in spirit and body new energy of your body, so as to change to a more crystalline near your body.

It is like a symphony in the music and say, and you will be able to touch the divine melody of the Universe.  These together the universe has to rise to the next stage of awakening to your DNA, we will convey our consciousness to all of you.


Wet Rain in May: GFLJ5/15

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Greetings.This is ZeusAshtar.

In your reality, you hear constantly rumors of the war, and eruption to clean up negativity occurs in Mexico.

Middle East is still the same way. But you don’t have to follow and be confused by such news around you.

Please don’t care about and ignore such terrifying information.

Those wars and conflicts will soon be abolished and Dark ones should be moved to another place.

A large scale mass arrests of Dark ones will soon start.

For that, we have collaborated for eons of times based on sacred plan under the rigid unity of secret consultation.

Art of the Creator: GFLJ5/14

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