flashstorm's Posts (84)

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The Divine Goddess

We have come to the time when the Goddess of Divine Love is calling us back home, back to herself. We live in a world where the dark dreams of those who seek power have caused much suffering and pain on our planet. Through the conspiracies of those who have masterminded this civilization we here on Earth have been trapped by the negative effects of a world that rejects the harmony and oneness of the divine. As such many have lost hope, many have lost the connection to the joy that is their birthright.It is true that the children of the Goddess incarnated from other worlds and other planes of existence to the planet to bring the remembrance of all that is in the heart of the Goddess. To encourage the people of planet Earth to give up their dark dreams of war, greed, hatred and negativity to embrace the dawn of a new light. To me personally the energy of the Goddess is beyond that of the Christ, while at the same time embracing it and at one with it. It is the dream of the Goddess to bring heaven to Earth, and it is the mission of her children to accomplish this. To create a world where love, peace and happiness reign supreme. Within the eyes of the Goddess are the wonder, beauty, and profound mystery of the universe, upon her head is the crown of Cosmic Love, and around her neck is the jewel of divine wisdom. She is dressed in the robes of peace, happiness and bliss. Adorning her dress are the sparkling diamonds of all the countless planets, realms and civilizations that celebrate her majesty and adore her beauty.She calls now to our world, to give up the horrible nightmares we have created and live out the beautiful dreams in our hearts. For our destiny is reflected in the joy of the stars and the love that is contained in the oceans of our planet. May our race on this planet change the course we are headed to inevitable destruction and embrace the divine destiny for which we were created.
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Mission from the stars

For many beings incarnating here on planet Earth from other worlds, the purpose of life is to celebrate the wonder, beauty, love and oneness of the universe. They seek to express that and communicate it to the peoples of this world from the point of view of the great civilizations of this galaxy.They seek to bring the happiness, peace, joy, serenity, contentment and bliss of the "heaven" worlds which are a commuity of millions of planets that live in harmony and oneness with the universe. They seek to transform this planet into one of these worlds . Yet the question is: are the peoples of Earth ready to live in a positive way. Have they matured enough to resist the riptide of the negative forces that so plague them now. There seem to be many beings on the planet in a position of power and control who have basically given themselves over to the negative forces. They have corrupted their inner being and sold themselves to "the dark side". The problem is that although these beings may be in the minority, the rest of the world is tied to them through collective karma, and unless someway is found of helping them work through their problems of greed, hatred, avarice, violence, manipulation, deceit etc. They will suffer a horrific fate and they seem determined to drag the rest of the world with them into their self destruction.It is clear that these troubled souls were given a place on this planet to work through their negative tendencies, yet they are so stubborn and hell bent on resisting the positive, and walking the ways of darkness that they have caused a pall to be cast over the rest of humanity on this planet. It has to be said that many positive beings incarnated on our world to help these beings and to affect them in a positive way for the hope that they might choose a better way. I don't believe they underestimated the negative humans on this world it's just that they didn't expect to be affected by their dark psyche as they have been. I am of the opinion that much time will be given to allow these negative souls to change, in the hope that they will value and appreciate the love they have been given and will choose to serve that love. Yet eventually that time will come to an end and it would seem that if they do not change their ways they will be shifted off to lower worlds to begin another long cycle of learning and Gaia will ascend and a new civilization will rise on this planet that is more harmonious.Yet it is the compassion for these troubled souls that brought many here from other worlds to help them. To penetrate the darkness of their world, to find the hidden light within them and lead them home. I salute all who see this as their mission. May the supreme light of the divine majesty guide all to the everlasting happiness of Nirvana.
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For the Journey

Life is full of many things that challenge the spirit. It is a journey of indescribable wonders and terrifying horrors. Yet the purpose remains clear: to learn, to grow and discover who we are, who we have been, and who we are meant to be. There are no absolutes except those of death and karma. The trick is to find your path and walk it. Through the confusion, the nightmares, the bliss, the beauty, one must find their truth, their faith and their courage and forge a path to the future. There are no guarantees and the darkness you may encounter might be overwhelming. Yet the light is just as powerful, if not more so, and so never give up, never stop believing and always have hope. For the future is merely the sum of our actions in the present. So no matter what is happening, what we do in the now is the most important thing. To change who we are right now, is to reveal who we are destined to be, and that is the power to change the world. You must discover who you want to be and what you want out of life. Then use the gift of the present to make it happen. Somehow, some way. Find the way.
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