faith's Posts (9)

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How Does Free Speech Apply TO On Line Communities?


{The answer folks, is :  Conduct trumps free speech.  Because this is not a country, it is a Private setting.

A Private setting, Which, we gained access to, by GIVING :our word, that we would abide by the Guidelines and rules of conduct.   This includes No Accusatory, insulting, remarks or Hate Speech.}

"Community Managers will have faced this statement at some point in their careers: “What about my free speech!”

One of the aspects of effective Community Management is user content moderation, ensuring that a clear code of conduct is adhered to to ensure the health of the group developing in your community. Of course, this means removing content which at times is skirting the edges of your guidelines, and this can result in unhappy participants claiming their right to free speech has been impinged upon.

Regardless of laws governing different countries, should we as Community Managers work on the principle that free speech is an absolute right within an online community? Or should we always endeavour to enforce a code of conduct?

The bottom line is this: As a human being, the participant has a basic right to express whatever they wish. However, this right is always framed within laws of acceptable behaviour when exerted in public, and rules imposed by the owner of the space when expresses privately.  An online community space is very rarely public (unless run by a government agency), which means that it cannot be compared to a nation-state and its participants to citizens.

To use an analogy, the communities I look after for a company I represent are an extension of our offices. We put on a little daily party, everyone is invited, but we set the basic rules. If we ask you to take your shoes off on the way in, you would as you wouldn’t get in otherwise. If we ask you to restrain from using certain types of language or discussing some topics, we can expect adherence to this rule as well if you want to stay at our party. The concept of “free speech” is null and void in the context of a private space.
Online or offline, same rules

If one of your participants suggests they have an unalienable right to express themselves online, you can agree with them and point them to free hosting and WordPress. They can express themselves till they are blue in the face online, just not in your “house”. Those accusing you of censorship are a bit like those friends of friends who appear in your house, smoke in the kitchen, turn the music up a little bit too loud and suggest you should chill out when you challenge them. By allowing your boundaries to be tested and not reacting firmly, you run the risk of your community participants losing their respect in your code of conduct.

{I believe this settles the matter  . . . .regarding the question of Whether this Site is Public or Private  Space.

Conduct  (Guidelines) it in turns out, trumps "Freedom of Speech, after all!}

Enjoy the clarification Folks!

Be Love

Be Peace

Does free speech apply to Online Communities?


The First Amendment does not cover burping.All Community Managers will have faced this statement at some point in their careers: “What about my free speech!”

One of the aspects of effective Community Management is user content moderation, ensuring that a clear code of conduct is adhered to to ensure the health of the group developing in your community. Of course, this means removing content which at times is skirting the edges of your guidelines, and this can result in unhappy participants claiming their right to free speech has been impinged upon.

Regardless of laws governing different countries, should we as Community Managers work on the principle that free speech is an absolute right within an online community? Or should we always endeavour to enforce a code of conduct?

The bottom line is this: As a human being, the participant has a basic right to express whatever they wish. However, this right is always framed within laws of acceptable behaviour when exerted in public, and rules imposed by the owner of the space when expresses privately.  An online community space is very rarely public (unless run by a government agency), which means that it cannot be compared to a nation-state and its participants to citizens.

To use an analogy, the communities I look after for a company I represent are an extension of our offices. We put on a little daily party, everyone is invited, but we set the basic rules. If we ask you to take your shoes off on the way in, you would as you wouldn’t get in otherwise. If we ask you to restrain from using certain types of language or discussing some topics, we can expect adherence to this rule as well if you want to stay at our party. The concept of “free speech” is null and void in the context of a private space.

Online or offline, same rules

If one of your participants suggests they have an unalienable right to express themselves online, you can agree with them and point them to free hosting and WordPress. They can  express themselves till they are blue in the face online, just not in your “house”. Those accusing you of censorship are a bit like those friends of friends who appear in your house, smoke in the kitchen, turn the music up a little bit too loud and suggest you should chill out when you challenge them. By allowing your boundaries to be tested and not reacting firmly, you run the risk of your community participants losing their respect in your code of conduct.

The participant is a guest in the host’s community; this invitation is extended subject to the host’s discretion at all times.

Similarly, walking into a cinema or bar automatically results in you giving up some of your freedom of expression. Any behaviour which the owner or manager deems socially unacceptable (beyond  legal obligations) such as talking too loudly, using profanities or aggressive behaviour will result in a warning and/or being ejected from the venue. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to spend time in such an environment, either by accepting to behave in line with the code of behaviour in place, or petitioning for a change in them. Otherwise, you’ll watch a film at home or throw a house party.

Protect your community at all cost

As a Community Manager, your role usually veers between anarchy and tyranny, usually settling on benevolent dictatorship most of the time as it’s virtually unheard of to manage to please everyone. Once you have put your code of conduct in place and publicised it, you can allow your community to get on with it, but must ensure you intervene when necessary to enforce your rules, fairly or course but firmly to maintain the direction you wish your community to take. Your Terms & Conditions will most like have a section like this:

We reserve the right delete any material posted by users in the community, or to restrict or terminate your access to all or any part of the site at any time in our sole discretion and without notice.

If you witness behaviour on the part of one or more participants which you feel is harming the health of your community, you have a duty to protect those who accept and post within your terms. Unless your rules are in fact overly restrictive and need reassessing, you must act swiftly and decisively in dealing with damaging behaviour. Above all, be fair, consistent and impartial in your actions.

It is common to be accused of being a Nazi dictator or likened to African despots when enforcing your community rules. This should not be taken as a sign of failure; in fact, it is a sign that you are ensuring your community maintains a standard of behaviour congruent with the type of user you want to attract.

Have you been accused of trampling all over someone’s right to free speech? How did you handle it? Or do you think the community should have full ownership of the code of conduct?

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Protect your community at all cost

As a Community Manager, your role usually veers between anarchy and tyranny, usually settling on benevolent dictatorship most of the time as it’s virtually unheard of to manage to please everyone. Once you have put your code of conduct in place and publicised it, you can allow your community to get on with it, but must ensure you intervene when necessary to enforce your rules, fairly or course but firmly to maintain the direction you wish your community to take. Your Terms & Conditions will most like have a section like this:

We reserve the right delete any material posted by users in the community, or to restrict or terminate your access to all or any part of the site at any time in our sole discretion and without notice.

If you witness behaviour on the part of one or more participants which you feel is harming the health of your community, you have a duty to protect those who accept and post within your terms. Unless your rules are in fact overly restrictive and need reassessing, you must act swiftly and decisively in dealing with damaging behaviour. Above all, be fair, consistent and impartial in your actions.

It is common to be accused of being a Nazi dictator or likened to African despots when enforcing your community rules. This should not be taken as a sign of failure; in fact, it is a sign that you are ensuring your community maintains a standard of behaviour congruent with the type of user you want to attract.


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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
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 Big  up,  to Bob Marley and His son Ziggy Marley for getting the awareness out and setting the wheels in motion for this   Prophetic Election Event!  Of Course, I also include  . .   Bob Dylan. The Beatles, Donovan, Jackson Browne, Joan  Baez,  Peter Tosh, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. (Name your favorite activist for human rights

changes) . . .

First off, I would like to point out that there is a lot
of assuming going on here, with regard to the alleged  cluelessness, of people, to do with  their awareness of the corrupt US political system.
I, for one,  was aware, and fighting against the US system of oppression  since I was 14yrs old.  I worked my ass off for Mc Govern, to end the Viet Nam war.  Since that time I have not supported the system that is run by the power elite, and their fronts, the corporations.   (Yet, I have been extremely involved with,” being the change we want to see in the world!”)  It has been forty years since I have had any interest in any candidate because the system itself is flawed.  Watch the movie Thrive. . .  I was expressing these views since I was 14 and walking the talk.  When you ass u me why people are for President Obama (clueless ignorance) without actually knowing, you expose your own lack of awareness.  

Those hate - filled photo shopped images of President Obama and the First Lady Michelle Obama, and the approval that they have received, is shameful.  Nothing but dense energy hatefulness.
 How about the Presidents' children?  Why stop being hateful to just the President and the First Lady? Has anyone considered how these hateful images wound these little girls?  What have they done to you ?  See, that is the thing with hate . . .once you unleash it, it is out there waiting for it‘s next victim.
The very same people who are disturbed by those hating the GFL or Shelden Nidle, because it is

disrespectful . . . appear to have no trouble embracing hatred as long as it is against who they hate.  Hate is hate.

The reason I am hopeful that President Obama and his beautiful Light - filled family are going to break US free of the tyranny,  is because, I have been aware and involved!  NOT because I am clueless as you have ASSUMED! And,  just like one of my  Inspirations,  Kelly Lightchalice, I have done the research . . . for forty years!  
I feel the Love of this great man and know that he is genuine.   In addition, Many other light filled Elders also feel his Love, and his calling to lead us into the Golden Age.  Dolores Cannon, who is NOT a channeler, has done over 40 years of regression therapy, regressing people back to pure consciousness.  She, indeed confirms; that President Obama is  in fact a Powerful Light Being here to help us throw of the shackles of this current oppression!
I know, that the Powers that have been in charge, did not just hand over their power to President  Obama, any more than they have done so for any other president.  Eisenhower, warned us of the might and Corruption of the military industrial complex over 50 years ago.  They and their backers, the arms dealers and their ilk have been the power behind all apparent leaders.  The fact that Our President walked into,"a dangerous  den of vipers", and is doing his best to accomplish the impossible, in such a dark, dangerous  environment,  should garner our respect and prayers! 

The difference with President Obama, is that he did not come from the same pool as most of the rest.  
For one thing, most of the past leaders, have come from wealth and power . . They have no idea what it means to go hungry or lose a child to uncaring bureaucracy.   To name just a couple of issues.
Most of the Wealthy and Powerful have no ability to actually problem solve or understand being SOLUTION ORIENTED, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEVER HAD TO BE.  They simply slap down a credit card and away goes the problem.  President Obama was raised by people who allowed him to find his strengths and Solve his problems for himself, there were no family fortunes to smooth over every bump in the road.  Just the fact that he came from such an ordinary back ground( with respect to no silver spoon) and yet he used his God - Given gifts to do the impossible, should alert people to the fact, that here is someone with some mettle, some vision, some fortitude and Insight into difficult Problem Solving!
In conclusion, I would be remiss if I did not point out, THAT THE GOOD OLE BOY, WHITE, MALE,MOSTLY WEALTHY, controllers of elections, finally pushed their agenda to the point that the “minority” voters had had enough.  In the words of Ziggy Marley, son of the great healer and prophet, Robert Nesta Marley, "Small people, one day will get big, the minority is most of the people that you see!”
And that, my friends,  is the great truth to be Honored and Applauded from this Election . . The “minority” kicked the Good Ole Boys ass for the second time, and that is why the white, rich, elite, male base,  who got the Humiliation that they deserved  . . .for serving so diligently to oppress, are cranking up the hate and pessimism. because if we all fall for their pessimism, they win.
That is why, this RE- Election,   should be recognized for the triumph that it is.

"The times they are a changing"  (at long last and long prophesied)

I do not expect President Obama, to save me or this country as has been suggested by the pessimistic meme.   President Obama, himself, after his first election, pointed out, that “it was up to us”.  Up to all of us to not walk away from the election “mission accomplished”, but that we are the wind in his sails and if we want a better way we must stay involved.  Stay involved and stay aligned with the Positive force for change  for the good of the whole.
My Prayers and Goodwill wishes surround and protect you Mr. President!  You and your lovely family.
 Long may You Prosper.   Long May You Love.  Long May You be guided by Your Higher Self and Protected by Your Angels to bring us  Power with Grace and a future for the "Good of The Whole"


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"The Magi's HOPE " or how to manifest . . .

Once,  there was a kindly magician. He loved to perform for the people. He wanted to do" tricks" that helped them get their mind off of their troubles and he hoped that some of his magic would encourage them to have hope.

Without hope the people could only see their difficulties and troubles . . .but when they had their Spirits lifted by magic, even if it was only a Probability,(channeled message or other esoteric wisdom) it helped the people to believe that anything was possible. And by believing . . . THEY COULD FIND THAT PLACE WITHIN THEMSELVES TO CALL IT FORTH!
A Great Teacher once said, “Greater things than this(over coming the illusion of death) shall you do for I send the Seed of All Possibility to reside within you. From this shall you create, according to your faith, THAT ALL IS POSSIBLE.”
Meanwhile . . .
The magician, rented the hall, sent out invitations and put up fliers. He began to be so excited at the prospect of encouraging the people to BELIEVE that the power to create joy in their lives, AND TO CREATE THEIR WORLD, LAY WITHIN THEM.
The Hall became SOLD OUT and the people filled the great hall.
The Magician came on stage and began his “Play”
With each “trick” the audience became more and more convinced that they too had the power within them to rise above appearances and create from within their own "magic".

Suddenly from the back of the great hall came calls of “liar” and “fraud” and to the front of the hall came the voice, Exposing the magicians “tricks”.

The audience became quite disturbed by this unwelcome commotion.

They were well aware that they were being treated to a play. The point for them, was, that it allowed them to disengage from their troubles and belief in gloom and doom long enough for their faith in, "THE GOODNESS OF CREATION", to allow them the opportunity to imagine a new reality. And by imagining how goodness and
joy feel . . .one can then create it.

They were never fooled by the magicians tricks, for they understood that he was just giving them probabilities on which to build their hopes, which led them to dream . . .

Considering most Indigenous Elders consider this reality a dream we are collectively dreaming . . .why not encourage the dreamers?

Those who have mistaken the point of the play . . . to be some sort of con game . . . miss the point.

Ruining the play for others by calling those on the stage names, instead of understanding that it is meant for inspiration . . . not a deed to a piece of property . . . that does not exist.
When was the last time you went to see a magic show and someone jumped up and called the magician a liar?
People (using discernment . .the first rule of higher learning) understand going in. . . that what is being offered is an opportunity to shed their heavy burdens of life and get something that might help them or inspire them to create from joy rather than hopelessness.
So, next time you are tempted to hurl accusations at those on the stage . . .
Thank you

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"If I Forget" . . .

While consulting with my Angelic Helpers I was given the following information . .

"So . . .
  just do whatever I have to, to get my mind, especially my left brain, out of the ego drama:
By Raising My Frequency . . .
and getting back to feeling    Love    Joy   Bliss!"

From My “Helpers”: "Yes,
Return, as quickly as possible, to remembering that in this Plane Of Existence:
All that happens is by agreement,
@ THE SOUL LEVEL, if not at the apparent level."
"Never be tempted, for long, to believe your own press.
There is never a good reason to stay in the drama.
That is where the ego lives.
FORGIVENESS (recognition of the ultimate illusory nature of form)  followed by GRATITUDE   is the exit door to drama."
Next, my Helpers directed me to the following passage, from “A Course In Miracles” -foundation for Inner Peace

“There are two diametrically opposed ways of seeing your Brother”.  
“They must both be in your mind, because you are the perceiver.”  
“They must also be in His mind because you are perceiving Him”
 "See Him through the Holy Spirit ( Divine Intelligence) in His mind and you will recognize him in Yours.”
“What you acknowledge in your Brother you are acknowledging in Yourself and what you share you Strengthen.”“A Course In Miracles” -foundation for Inner Peace

'''I'll remember for you

that you are Love"

"I'll remember for you
until you remember too."

"If I forget to remember,
then we'll both
forget we're Love."

xoxoxo- faith 2012

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The Special Relativity  of turning the other cheek to the “world @ Large.”
vs. being a member of a group.

I am a Member of Ashtar command.  Now, to me, that doesn’t make me better or worse than the “world at Large.  Yet, it does imply certain “truths which Members” share, or hold in common.  Certain ,“core believes held as self evident”.
I don’t expect people in general to have my beliefs.  I have  tolerance for whatever people choose to believe . . . . In the larger world.

Yet, that tolerance  and belief in freedom of speech  have limits and conditions, under certain conditions.  

 For example, Inside someone’s house of worship, it is considered in very bad taste and further; not tolerated if someone shows up during a service where the “Members” meet, and physically or Verbally defaces the sacred temple or the chosen Logos. The members, are not meeting in public, for this reason.  The Members can choose to be tolerant of free speech, in the public domain and in the world at large.  But the purpose behind belonging to a membership, is to be among like philosophy.  The members can be tolerant of taunts like, “your little religion”, in the world at large.  BUT because scorn and ridicule have an energy that is not neutral, why should those who believe and are sensitive to energy, be forced to experience that dense energy in order to enter their group?  Most people come for  the warmth of unity and shared reflection, that’s why they seek out a  group to join.  

When I am making my way to a group I have joined, (not in cyber space,)  for the purpose of feeding and clothing the poor.  I can walk past and ignore, all the hecklers, who have varying  messages of; “ the poor deserve it because they have angered god and are sinners.”  

But when I walk through the doors of “MY Groups” meeting Hall, that’s where the hecklers freedom of speech ends.  
How would  the group accomplish their goals in the face of endless debate?  Their meeting place, is not the world at large that is the distinction, that is why we are referred to as “Members”

Groups meet for a reason, not one, poor person, would get fed, if within the halls of the group, fund raising goals and other organizational discussions are constantly thrown off topic over ideology that is outside the defining feature of the group.

In addition,   A Founding Principle of the awakening principle, expressed most eloquently, by Deepak Chopra, and Wayne Dyer, and Greg Braden to name a few is :  “See the Good.”

If you look around and you Don’t “see the good“, in what  ANY group stands for, for heaven sake, go to a different group, where you see the good.
 Or step out of their meeting place back into the world @ large.  Have a good ol rally against  them.  But in their place of meeting there should be sanctuary against   comments of Scorn like, “Your little religion.”
 If you observed someone taunting an Elder. . . would you just,” not take it personally” and turn the other cheek, or step up and say, “Have some respect”.  I know I would never allow or enable my children to show disrespect in someone’s home or meeting place.  What are we teaching them,  by allowing such behavior?

People who join a group called Ashtar Command Are here because we hold certain truths to be self evident.
“We Love Ashtar and His Command and all the Ascended Masters stand for.
If you don’t agree with a least that; then you are in the wrong place.   Members should not be required to debate their chosen truths ad nauseam.

Go to a public place for that, and enjoy all the freedom of speech and scorn you can muster

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A Divine Messenger comes upon a random band of Divine Water Particles splattered across a Vast Boulder Outcropping.

Says the Divine Messenger to the Divine Water Particles,

“You are the Mighty Ocean Of The Divine!" "Rejoice"


"WE don't want words, give us what we need to become the Mighty Divine Ocean, without delay!"

"I can not give to you that which you already are", says the Divine Messenger of the All Knowing Grace.

"Stop Stalling!" "Give it to us or admit that you are fooling us!" "Shame on you!" "We have suffered enough!"

"Listen to me, when you organize yourselves N2 a Process that Unifies Your Divine Presence,


You will Understand YOU ARE all you are clamoring for.

As The Divine Alchemical Process Emerges

and Transcends the limits of the DIVINE PARTS





I did not come to give to you or take from you . . . anything.


TO ORGANIZE that which you already are

N2 that which you Never can't be . . .

(unless you forget)

follow me


(fade out)

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