"Love the darkness in me: I love the darkness in you"
I had a friend call me the other day while I was reading. I had the time to take her call and give her my full attention. That was a rare moment for the middle of my day, since I was so busy with homework and classes. We had met at a spiritual workshop at Mt. Shasta the previous summer. She and I were roommates for the weekend event. We hit it off because of our positive personalities about life. We have been in touch throughout the year and we have shared parts of our journey together. This call was different. She started by telling me she had just attended another workshop with some strong healers. She mentioned their beautiful Christ light and their ability to remove entities. She stated that she admired their capabilities. She then mentioned to one of the leaders that she was going to attend another workshop next month at Mt. Shasta, the same one I met her at before the year prior. The woman looked at her and said she had a bad feeling about that. The spiritual teacher said that something bad was going to come against them. The teacher said to my friend that she would not go.
Now I am listening to this and I am asking my guidance how to respond. I feel the fear pass through me that this teacher put into her regarding this Mt. Shasta workshop and her friends that teach there. I listened to all my friend's concerns. My friend felt to warn the workshop leaders regarding their event. My friend felt that these people from Mt. Shasta were her family and she loved them. She felt torn. She didn't understand why a spiritual teacher that was serving the "light" was suggesting that she stay away from those that she loved. My friend was most upset.
I gathered my thoughts and then I spoke. I said, "does what this teacher tell you bring fear or love?" She said it caused her confusion and worry. She felt to warn the teacher at Mt. Shasta of danger that had been predicted by this woman. I then said, "is this information causing unity or separation?." It all boils down to that. This is the way spirit has taught me to see conflicts.
I reminded her, If we bring fear to another with separation consciousness, we are not operating in the Christ light we are representing. She said, that is what she did not understand, why someone so good and powerful would say something like that about a fellow lightworker.
The people in Mt. Shasta are my friends also. I know them well enough to see that this fear is not warranted. We discussed how they, at Mt. Shasta, function out of the sincerity of their hearts for all concerned. She agreed. She said she loved them like family. I share her love for them. Importantly, I felt love for the teacher who was feeling it was important to share this information with my friend, even though it caused my friend to have fear and worry. I felt that this teacher was a good person, but she did not fully grasp the affects of her words on my friend and the people at Mt. Shasta. We must be careful when we talk about our brothers and sisters.
I told her there is nothing to be afraid of for this event or anything else. If there would be some darkness come to this event, then love it. Then it could not harm her. When we first honor something, then love it unconditionally, and then release it, it can no longer have a hold over us. We have set it free. As long as we are against or fear something, we empower it.
All I could do was to share my perspective on the matter. I have seen many lightworkers discriminate against each other because they feel the other has an entity around them; or, they feel they are not in a "good" vibration. Let me remind everyone here that the path back into our Oneness in the Light is an exorcism in process. We have all had our entities that need to be removed. And we may still have a few left. We have all had to let go of vibrations that were "bad", because they no longer served us. Especially the so called Teachers at this time. It is not our place to point fingers at our brother or sister. It our place to love. Offer prayers and ask that divine order be restored in their lives. We need to work together as one. We need to love each other unconditionally and unselfishly. Yes, unselfish love is more difficult. There are boundaries with unselfish love. These boundaries are to bless each other so no harm is caused to each other. Even if we don't choose to participate with another's activities, we can bless them with our thoughts and words. They are us. Just on a different path. We are one.
I recommended her to call the people at Mt. Shasta and tell her of her concerns if that will help her feel better. I feel completely confident that they can handle this and still hold perfect love for the other teacher. I asked her how she felt about going and she said the teachers at Mt. Shasta are her family. I recommended she go with joy and love for all in her heart. Her joy and love are her protection. The people at Mt. Shasta will not harm anyone. I know them personally. This concern of my friend's was all caused by another lightworker not seeing our oneness we are.
Let us as lightworkers remember to bless and love the entities of our brothers and sisters on the path. Even the dark entities are a piece of God. They need to be released into the light as well. Lets hold each other in perfect love. As each of us raise our vibrations at this special time, these lower vibrational beings can no longer have access to our energy fields. Oil and vinegar do not mix well. There is no need to shun or stigmatize each other. Who said the phrase?, "let the first one of you without sin cast the first stone." Exactly, our brother Jesus. Love one another. Let's celebrate our brothers and sisters exactly where they are, even if they still have darkness to transform back into light.
Shelly Dolphin