Zanando's Posts (81)

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If I have the language down, perfectly and speak like a native, and have
> not God's love for others – I am nothing.

> If I have diplomas and degrees and know all the up-to-date techniques, and
> have not God's touch of understanding love – I am nothing.

> If I am able to argue successfully, quote the Bible, argue against the
> religions of other people to the point that I make fools of them, and have
> not God's love for them – I am nothing.

> If I have all faith, great ideals, and magnificent plans, and have not
> God's love that serves, gives, cares, prays, and praises – I am nothing.

> If I give my clothes and money to the poor, and have not God's real love for
> them – I am nothing.

> If I surrender all opportunities, leave home and friends, make the
> sacrifices of a ministerial career, and turn sour and selfish amid the
> daily annoyances and slights of the ministry, and have not the love that
> yields its rights, its leisure, its pet plans – I am nothing. Virtue has
> ceased to go out of me.

> If I can heal all manner of sickness and disease, but wound hearts and
> hurt feelings for want of God's love that is kind – I am nothing.

> If I can write articles or publish books that win applause from an adoring
> public, but fail to transcribe the Word of God into the language of God's
> love, through voice and action – I am nothing.

> Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.

> Love does not insist on its own way.

> Love is not irritable or resentful.

> Love does not rejoice, while laughing at the wrong decisions of others; it
> seeks to help and rejoices in a celebration of right choices.

> Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures
> all things.

> Love never ends – but everything else will pass away. 

> Consent to giving up the childish, human ways, dealing with daily life
> with anything less than the perfection of God's love.

> So today, faith, hope, love abide in you – but the greatest of these – is love!

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The Price of Nice

1. The nice guy creates an atmosphere such that others avoid giving honest, genuine feedback.  This blocks his or her emotional growth.


2. Nice "behavior" will ultimately be distrusted by others.  It generates uncertainty and lack of safety in others who can't be sure they will be supported by nice guy in a crisis situation.


3. Nice guys stifle the growth of others.  They avoid giving genuine feedback and they deprive others of a real person to assert against.  Often their relationship partners turn their anger against themselves.


4. Because of the chronic "niceness", others can never be sure if the nice guy could endure a confrontation if it occurred spontaneously.  This places great limits on the extent of potential intimacy.


5. "Nice" behavior is not reliable.  Periodically the "nice" person explodes in unexpected rage or withdraws in passive aggressive sulking.


6. By holding anger and desires in, the "nice" person may suffer psychosomatic consequences.


7. Nice behavior is a cover up.  It is emotionally unreal behavior.  It puts severe limits on intimacy.  It creates loneliness.  The victim is the nice person himself.



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Watch your thoughts

Watch your thoughts; they become words.


Watch your words; they become actions.


Watch your actions; they become habits.


Watch your habits; they become character.


Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

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In This Moment

winking past the time in a moment

what you mean to me, when you start to show

all the moments that have passed, like a dream

it’s impossible, baby you just can’t see


In the moment in the sun in the moment

There is a moon in sight, and it shines so bright

Listen to me listen to me listen to me

I know the time will come, that we will both take flight


In this moment in this moment in this moment

I believe in you, you believe in me

I can do it I can do it I can do it

I will find a way, baby I won’t stray

No way


The many times the many times you ran away

Don’t turn away my love, I really understand

You couldn’t handle couldn’t handle couldn’t handle it

Baby it’s not your fault, we had to disobey

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It's Strange (the Change)

Another First Draft for all to enjoy.


Obi Wan Kenobi wanted me to share more, so here it is!  I am working on more professionally cut music, through pro-tools, but that is taking longer.


So in the meantime, another song =) (haphazardly recorded of course hahahaha)


Oh, and try to not get too creeped out by my facial expressions.  I'm a silly person =)




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I don't know (but I know I love you)

I don't know what you see when you look at me
cuz my eyes are closed, my eyes are closed
I don't know what you hear when you listen to me
cuz my eyes are closed, and my ears are closed too
I don't know what you hear when you listen to me
I don't know, I don't know, I'm just singing my song here, I don't know
I don't know, what you'd do if you found your freedom
I don't know, all I know is all I want to do is sing
and sing
and sing
What you want to do with it?
When you find it?
When you see it?
I don't  know, I don't know, I only see me.
Open your eyes
think about you
think about me
what does this mean?
I think about you girl
think about me
think about us and now, us and now, us and now
So I don't know
what you'd do if you're without me
I don't know, I don't know.
but together we're happy
together we're happy 
you and me
my eyes are free and my eyes are clear
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A Poem to Inspire Transmuting Fear into Love

Fear is amongst us,

In guise of protective friend

Though fear is used to avoid danger,

Love that friend instead of dread!


Fear will un-guide us

If allowed to consume our view

Ensure your Heart's Protected,

And change this world anew


Hug your shadow self,

Love the wrongs in you.

Hug your family member shadow,

Accept them through and through.


Big cats will deceive you,

Clawing better paths

Accept these scars and live!

It’s simple.  Do the math.

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17 Memos From Your Child

1. Don't spoil me.  I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for - I'm only testing you.


2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me.  I prefer it.  It makes me feel more secure.


3. Don't let me form bad habits.  I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.


4. Don't make me feel smaller than I am.  It only makes me behave stupidly "big".


5. Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it.  I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.


6.  Don't make me feel that my mistakes are a sin.  It upsets my sense of values.


7.  Don't protect me from consequences.  I need to learn the painful way sometimes.


8. Don't be too upset when I say, "I hate you."  it isn't you I hate, but your power to thwart me.


9.  Don't nag.  If you do, I have to protect myself by appearing deaf.


10.  Don't take too much notice of my small ailments.  Sometimes, they get me the attention I need.


11.  Don't make rash promises.  Remember I feel badly let down when promises are broken.


12.  Don't be inconsistent.  That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you.


13.  Don't put me off when I ask questions.  If you do, you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.


14.  Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible.  It gives me too great a shock when I discover that you are neither.


15.  Don't forget I love experimenting.  I could not get on without it, so please put up with it.


16.  Don't forget how quickly I am growing up.  It must be difficult for you to keep pace with me, but please try.


17.  Don't forget that I can't thrive without lots of understanding love, but I don't need to tell you, do I?


From the Washingtonian, published March 1990.

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No Mistakes

No Mistakes


I have this belief that I hold as true

That we make no mistakes in life

That each path we decide to take

Is the one we were intended to be on


This takes trust

Especially when mired in pain

That the place we sit today

Is exactly where we are supposed to be


You see, with each decision comes growth

With each decision we move ahead

Sitting on your fence in life

Is filled with indecision and strife


Look back and learn all you can

From the path you've selected to follow

But don't stay there for very long

Or you'll miss the day in front of you


For each decision you make

Prepares you for future ones you're about to create

Allowing you to eventually see

This creates all that you are and all you can be

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