Spiritdancer's Posts (127)

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Dance your dance,.

Dance your dance,.
The dance of light and dark
Whe are One,
Whe have now the time for change..
for see and feeling other beautyfulll things,
... Bud have no fear for what's coming now..
Just be happy with your self,
Thanks every day the Universe for you are here the moment Now..
Accept how you are,.
Love your self,beqause if you dont love your self you cant not giving love to à other people,nature,animals..
Be one with your self and forgive all the people have hurt you
and give you à bad feeling,.
Beqause this people dont know their own..
this world and your life,it's your Dance,.
Dance your dance and see the beautyfulll collors in the sky..
We are all perfect,We are alll One and the same
Love it's the only keyy ♥♥♥



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I Am à child of the Light

Here is the affirmation that you can also use the light in your aura to manifest ..


8108772472?profile=original I Am à child of the Light

I love the Light I serve the Light

I live in the Light,.

I Am protected,illumined,supplied,sustained by the the Light,.

 And I bless the Light ! ...

Light is the Supreme Perfection and God-control of alll things created in the Universe.. effective use spiriuele mantras for pose tive changes in your spirit, soul, body and your Life circumstances, Learn how the power of consciously targeted the dynamic sound of the Cosmos energue can put in motion ..

 Be aware that everything you think or do to yourself always comes back .. By SpiritDancer

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When you love unconditionally, you let everyone you love free to walk their own path, whatever it is,just stay follow your heart and soul,you will see the beautyfulll signes on your way ♥


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Dear ones, do you think we would have chosen souls who were not going to be able to fulfil this 'oh so important task?' We could not do so ... for there would be no purpose of that. Therefore, KNOW that the ones chosen were chosen for their strength within this vast transformation.

We ask also that you accept the time in which YOU are here. Not all were as blessed as YOU. Sometimes we cannot fully understand for we are not in your human form. We do not ‘get’ the way that you allow your minds to follow through sometimes. For WE KNOW that YOU ARE THE ONES. The ones who came to assist upon the earth. To walk on the ground of your planet and anchor your energy and your Light so that those of us who are not from your earth maybe guided by your very torches that shine from deep within your souls.

mutch love and powerfulll energy of light for you alll my dear Sisters and Brothers

The Federation Of Light

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if you know the mysterious dance..

8108768854?profile=originalif you know the mysterious dance in wich you seems to automatically move with an "inner & outer" energy , thsi means we're on the same thing ...so , dont try to understand or to ask any question , just follow you inner instinct wich will lead you to - what people like to call - "The Truth" mutch Love and Powerfulll energy of light for you alllll ♥♥♥
this dance will remind you the cosmic dance of Shiva ...

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The Great Invocation..

8108762275?profile=originalThe Great Invocation From the point of light within the mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men Let light descend on earth From the point of love within the heart of God ... Let love stream forth into the hearts of men May Christ return to earth From the center where the will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men The purpose which the masters know and serve Fom the center which we call the race of men Let the plan of love and light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells Let light and love and power restore the plan on earth ♥

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The Time is NOW for the Butterfly of our soul to Fly absolutely FREE and Be completely Whole............ See Our NEW Earth NOW that Lives within You....... ((( FEEL ))) ALL as You from another point of view Within your Heart where we all connect into too. Bless All that their Highest Dreams may all come true! Forgive All NOW, for they know not what they do. RELEASE Fear to BE your real you that is so true! You are Loved beyond compare ..Your life is this very special moment, embrace it. Your divine right is to joyfulness of true prosperity in the full spirit of knowing who and what you really and truly are. Claim it with the power of your Heart. Dream your Highest Dreams and Passions and Let them Live within your Heart Now, as if SO. May the Light of all Divine truth and Divine Love expand throughout this planet and beyond in all dimensions to Fill, Bless and Free all Hearts and all Souls of all Life..We are alll one just only love it's the keyyyyyyyyyyyyy...stay follow your heart and look mutch in the sky,you will see so mutch beautyfulll magic things only you have the believe and not be afraid..Our famely from the Galactic Federation from the Light is here for show us the way to back home..8108761877?profile=original

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Remember your Dreams of the Highest Degree. For they are your means to see your true me. Remember your feelings of your greatest highs, as your window to your soul to help you realize, who you really are through subtle disguise. Who we really are is in Who we most wish to truly Be, and who our Heart wishes to express so naturally. What I wish more than anything else in this world right now is tha...t Unconditional Love shine in your Heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky. May our Love and Light ((( shine ))) to all the earth, and all the universe's renewal take birth. May everyone reach a higher state of knowing that We may all Be our true selves a glowing. Our heartfelt tears of joy are falling like rain, upon this universe wherever there's pain, Filling their Hearts with Love and Light, and lifting them up to their dreams delight ♥
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Remember the power of your focus

8108762073?profile=originalAs things are unfolding Remember the power of your focus ~ Remember that the Heart of God Creates ~ Creation is being born endlessly in the present, and where you direct your focus, you bring more life ~ You bring the acknowledgement of the power of Creation, and therefore train yourself to experience your life through the Heart in every moment this sparkling Love. All of it is acknowledged through the Hearts experience

You are this sparkling Love ~ Let these words be your code words ~ Let them be your doorway to the truth, to the experience of your Heart as the Miracle of Creation itself ~ Every pulse of Love shall inform You of who You are and all of Love's potential, Fulfilled in You and as You in this Moment

I Embrace You Into My Heart

~♥ I Love You my dear sisters and brothers ♥~

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You are the one..


I love my Earth Body .
I love my Earth life .
I love my Earth .
As I manifest all that I need through Love,
I allow this manifestation for others.
I am Wisdom,
I am Love,
I Am all that I Am ♥

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as the light moves through the window

as the light moves through the window, reflected out of glass prisms comes a rainbow that highlights the wisdom through all the different layers that combine to make up the total spectrum of awareness..
May love shine in your heart and lift you high, to soar like an eagle and touch the sky! It calls us forth to come out and see, all the wonders of life that it means to be free! There are no limits to how high we can fly, as we release it all to soar into the sky!
believe me it is as beautiful as you are aware of am what is all happening is. I see every evening and night the beautiful light purple color all around me and in the air, even the trees is wonderful for there to be allowed look and see and feel that we are not alone and magical things are happening .. still believe in yourself and follow your heart everything to come to your ..mutch love and powerfulllll energy of light for your alll my dear lovely sisters and brothers8108764483?profile=original

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Your life is this very special moment..

8108756068?profile=originalYour life is this very special moment, embrace it. Your divine right is to joyfulness of true prosperity in the full spirit of knowing who and what you really and truly are. Claim it with the power of your Heart. Dream your Highest Dreams and Passions and Let them Live within your Heart Now, as if SO. May the Light of all Divine truth and Divine Love expand throughout this planet and beyond in all dimensions to Fill, Bless and Free all Hearts and all Souls of all Life.

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8108760473?profile=originalWhen God said let there be Light, we were conceived with Love. Thus we are the eternal ONEness and our true essence, LOVE. A beautiful lineage for us all.. We are all one and only love thats' it's our freedom togheter with our Star famely the Galactic Federation Of The Light Mutch Love and Powerfulll energy of Light for you alll my dear Sisters and Brothers

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just follow your heart..

just stay follow your heart..love it's the only keyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..If 'you believe in yourself and the magic spirits of the powerfullll light you will see the signes on your wayyyyyyyy ♥♥♥ It's so beautyfullll this wayyy,.you see all the collors of the rainbow believe me,I'see every day in the night the collor Roze and purple in the sky,some times i'see other collors it's likle à dream bud it's the truth..and iff your open and one with your self and you believe in the magic things and in the beautyfulll energy of light ,..like me i'see the beautyfulll light it's like à star bud it's mutch more than this lovely star..it's our brothers and sister are here with us ♥♥♥ 8108759901?profile=original

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So, Your Awakening Cost You Some Friends


Have you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately?  Is it sometimes difficult or awkward to talk to others about spiritual topics?  Do you, at times, feel alone in your beliefs?   Have you lost contact with any long time friends recently?  You are not alone!

I'm fortunate to have a lot of Facebook friends who post similar types of links. Too many times, I see a lot of people who talk the talk but are afraid to walk the walk, due to being ridiculed for their thoughts and posts (GROUPTHINK). I've lost some longtime friends because of this but have made many, many new ones. Once the ego is released, you no longer worry about conformity and peer pressure.

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that structures various belief systems within a group of people while discouraging individual creativity and independent thinking.  Even within a group of individuals who are spiritually awakened, you will find groupthink. 

If you look at the recorded history of mankind, you’ll find that this history is merely someone’s interpretation of a landmark event or evolutionary process, backed by eyewitness testimonial, scientific data, video or faith.  The actual truth may be hidden or distorted for many reasons, but mostly for control and power.  Look no further than the origins of mankind and you’ll find a plethora of creation myths from all cultures with varying dates of our existence.  Who’s right? 

When you talk to people about these topics, they tend to remain inside the box with a belief system that supports religion’s story of creation, which dates mankind back to 4000 B.C.  If you raise questions about our true origins, it tends to separate people and relationships between those who think outside the box versus those who think inside the box.  When these topics arise within relationships, they often create dissention.  It’s hard for anyone to admit they’ve been deceived for so long and even more difficult to admit they were possibly wrong in their assumptions. 

This is a prime example of how our educational systems keep us locked inside the box without questioning anything about what we’ve been taught.  Those who remain inside the box are afraid of what others might think if they venture outside the box, so they remain complacent and subservient while conforming to what society dictates rather than relying on their own discernment and judgment.  People could live their entire lives pretending to be what society expects them to be and not even know it!

From an ego perspective, our thoughts are basically cultivated by what we’ve learned from our family, friends, educational systems and religious beliefs, but what have we truly been taught?  What can we say about anything that wasn’t regurgitated to us by someone else?   
As evidenced by past life regressions, our previous lives and soul history remain dormant in our cellular DNA and can be recalled through our subconscious minds through hypnotherapy.   Within your cellular DNA, you actually remember being back with the Source along with all of the things you wanted to accomplish during this incarnation, as well as all of the challenges you wanted to overcome and all of the people who would lead you to where you are.  This includes the people that have come and gone from our lives.

Sometimes, we project to be someone that we expect others to see in us.  In psychology, this is referred to as the shadow self, where we project an identity that conforms to how other people may perceive us versus being true to who we really are. Some people may find out that they never knew who they were because they lived their lives through the expectations of how others will perceive them. 

Those who have begun their spiritual journeys may also be confronting these issues, which initially creates cognitive dissonance.  Cognitive dissonance occurs when you get an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously.  This is the transition period that many of us have gone through, where our beliefs have changed, yet we’re unsure about relating these new ideas to our friends and family, due to fear or rejection.  

As our spiritual journeys continue, we become more comfortable within our own beliefs and less concerned about how our friends and family view this awakening.  This is when the ego becomes separated from the self and fear is dissolved by love.  At this juncture, we begin to talk to acquaintances, as well as friends and family, about spiritual and metaphysical topics, with less regard about what they might think of us or how we may be perceived by others.

In time, spirituality will be the predominant frame of mind and it’s likely that those who have strayed from us will be the first in line to ask for help in adjusting to the new paradigm.

Remember this:  You are not alone!  Those who truly love you will stand by you, no matter what.  Those people who are no longer part of our lives have already played their role in helping us find out who we truly are.  Sometimes, it takes polarity to be able to differentiate who we are and where we're going.  This is where the unawakened help immensely, by providing that contrast which allows us to see the differences.

Envision each awakened person across the planet holding a candle.  While your individual candle may not seem like a lot of light, it greatly contributes to making the world FULL of light and keeps us connected, no matter how far apart we may be.  While it may be painful to lose some dear friends, think about what they have brought to your life and why.
Chances are, you’ll end a few old relationships with people who were, at one time, very close to you, only to create new relationships with like-minded people.  Forgive yourself, as well as your friends, if you feel badly about this.  They came into your life for a reason a season or a lifetime:

Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

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8108756866?profile=originalAntahkarana The path, or bridge, between higher & lower mind, serving as a medium of communication between the two. It is built by the aspirant himself in mental matter." As a preparation for what students need to master, I would like to emphasize certain points by tabulating the information already given. The Science of the Antahkarana is not an easy one to learn because of the following points. These emphasized points must be accepted by students as a working hypothesis prior to all attempted work: 1. The Science of the Antahkarana is connected with the entire problem of energy, but peculiarly with the energy handled by the individual and with the forces by which the individual relates himself to other individuals or to groups. For the sake of clarity, we will give the name of a.ENERGY: to all forces pouring into the individual form from whatever direction and source. To these major energies, the names of "sutratma" or "life thread" or "silver cord" have frequently been given. b.FORCE: to all the energies which - after due manipulation and concentration - are projected by the individual or group in any direction and with many possible motives, some good and many selfish. 2. The Science of the Antahkarana, technically speaking and for group purpose, is especially the science of light manifestation with its results of revelation and consequent changes. It should be remembered that: a.Light is substantial, and from the angle of the spirit is a sublimation or higher form of material matter. b.Light is also the quality or major characteristic of the soul in its own realm, and of the etheric body (a reflection of the soul eventually) in the three worlds of human evolution. c.The object of the science with which we are dealing is to fuse the lower and the upper lights, so that one light shines forth in physical manifestation and a synthesis of light is consequently brought about. d.Technically speaking, two light bodies exist - the vital or etheric body and the soul vehicle. One is the result of aeons of incarnating life and becomes in time a powerful repository of energies gathered out of a wide range of contacts, though conditioned by the ray type in its three aspects. The etheric body exists and is today functioning powerfully. The soul body is in process of being slowly constructed, and is that "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" to which the New Testament refers (II Cor. V, 1). It is interesting to note that the Old Testament refers to the etheric body (Ecc. XII, 6-7.) and its construction, and the New Testament deals with the building of the spiritual body. 3. The Science of the Antahkarana must be studied in three ways: a.Concretely and in relation to the etheric body, which is a substantial, tangible form, and is being so considered (though not as yet universally admitted) by modern science. b.Egoically and in relation to the soul and to the "light body" through which the spiritual man must function in the world of souls, and which - when blended and fused with the etheric body - produces the manifestation of divinity upon earth to a greater or lesser degree, according to the extent of fusion and the conscious recognition by the individual of the attained fusion. c.Abstractly and in relation to knowledge-wisdom, which are two words used in relation to force and energy, and their use by the individual in his environment and contacts. Ponder on these words. You will realize how necessary it is that there should be some capacity for abstract thinking before the true implications of this new science can be understood. 4. The Science of the Antahkarana is concerned with the problem of the continuity of consciousness and with the problem of life and death. Keep these two themes clearly in your mind for they are basic and important. 5. The Science of the Antahkarana deals with the three fold thread which connects: a.The monad, the soul and the personality, linking all three periodical vehicles and unifying all seven principles. b.The triple personality and its environment in the three worlds of human enterprise, and later in the other two worlds (making five) of superhuman expression. c.The consciously creative man and the world of ideas. These he must contact and express through creative work, thus bridging with the light: i.Between the world of souls and the world of phenomena. ii.Between the realm of subjective beauty and reality and the outer tangible world of nature. iii.Between himself and others. iv.Between group and group. v.Later, when the divine Plan has become a reality to him, between the fourth kingdom (the human) and the fifth kingdom (the Kingdom of God). vi.Finally, between humanity and the Hierarchy. 6. The Science of the Antahkarana is the science of the triple thread which exists from the very beginning of time and links individual man with his monadic source. The recognition of this thread and its use, consciously, as the Path and the means of ever expanding contacts, comes relatively late in the evolutionary process. The goal of all aspirants and disciples is to become aware of this stream of energy in its various diversifications and consciously to employ these energies in two ways: interiorly in self-unfoldment, and in the service of the plan for humanity. 7. The Science of the Antahkarana teaches certain fundamental truths about the thread, some of which might be enumerated as follows: a.The life thread comes directly from the monad or the ONE. This thread is anchored in the heart during incarnation. There is the seat of life. b.The consciousness thread comes directly from the soul. It is anchored in the head. There is the seat of consciousness. c.The thread of creative activity is initiated and constructed by the human being. It is anchored, when sufficiently constructed, in the throat. This thread is an extension or synthesis of the two basic threads. The creative thread itself is triple in nature. It is slowly constructed down the ages by the man. As he becomes truly alive, from the standpoint of intelligent awareness and the desire fully to express himself, the process is materially hastened. These three self-created lesser threads which constitute the third thread of the antahkarana extend eventually: a.From the physical body to the etheric body, passing from the heart to the spleen, and thence to the body of prana, the vital or etheric body, unites with force from the egoic will petals. b.From the etheric body to the astral body. This thread passes from the solar plexus to the heart and from thence to the astral body, picking up the energy of the thread mentioned above, unites with force from the love petals. c.From the astral body to the mental vehicle. This thread passes from the ajna center to the head center and from thence to the mind body, picking up the energy of the other two threads mentioned above, unites with the force from the knowledge petals. Though these three energies are woven into one thread finally, yet they remain distinct. It should be borne in mind that the soul body is constructed of pure white light, whilst the light out of which the etheric body is made is golden. 8. The Science of the Antahkarana deals, therefore, with the entire incoming system of energy, with the processes of usage and transformation and fusion. It deals also with the outgoing energies and their relationship to the environment and is the basis of the science of the force centers. The incoming and the outgoing energies constitute finally two great stations of energy, one characterized by power and the other by love, and all directed to the illumination of the individual and of humanity as a whole, through the medium of the Hierarchy composed of individuals. This is basically the Science of the Path. The antahkarana, therefore, is the thread of consciousness, of intelligence, and the responsive agent in all sentient reactions. The interesting point to bear in mind, and where we must now lay the emphasis, is that this thread of consciousness is evolved by the soul and not by the monad. The World Soul pours its gossamer thread of sentient consciousness into all forms, into all body cells and into all atoms. The human soul, the solar angel, repeats the process in relation to its shadow and reflection, the personality. This is part of the creative work of the soul. But, in its turn, the human being has also to become creative in the mental sense of the term and must repeat the process, for in all points the microcosm resembles the macrocosm. Therefore, through the life thread, the soul creates and reproduces a personality through which to function. Then through the building of the antahkarana, the soul first of all develops sentiency down upon the physical plane, and later bridges the gap - through meditation and service - between the three mental aspects. It thus completes the creation of the path of return to the Center, which must parallel the path of outgoing

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You are about to begin a journey..

8108756879?profile=originalYou are about to begin a journey
It is a journey through the layers of your own body
The time and travel through your life
It is a journey through the worlds around you
The journey begins now, wherever you are
... It is your own personal e...xploration
You're the place from which cascades actions and insights arise and to which everything returns
You're the place where the truth get tested
You are the ground on which all things rest
You are the earth from which all things shooting
You're here, you're strong, you live
You are the point from which all things begin
powerfulllll much love and energy of light,. my dear sisters and brothers, we're here to help each other on our path to enlightenment ..♥♥♥

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You are about to begin a journey..

8108756068?profile=originalYou are about to begin a journey
It is a journey through the layers of your own body
The time and travel through your life
It is a journey through the worlds around you
The journey begins now, wherever you are
... It is your own personal e...xploration
You're the place from which cascades actions and insights arise and to which everything returns
You're the place where the truth get tested
You are the ground on which all things rest
You are the earth from which all things shooting
You're here, you're strong, you live
You are the point from which all things begin
powerfulllll much love and energy of light,. my dear sisters and brothers, we're here to help each other on our path to enlightenment ..♥♥♥

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ॐ ԼƠƔЄ is the most powerful, intelligent and all encompassing energy in the multiverse. ԼƠƔЄ is pure golden white energy that penetrates all levels of your being. ԼƠƔЄ your self and your Sisters and Brothers,you will see the signes on your way It's so beautyfullllll believe me ♥ I'see every day signes on my way just follow your heart and ԼƠƔЄ

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