Sirian Starseed's Posts (7)

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This is my experience with Archangel Michael and how I “discovered” that Archangel Michael and “Ashtar Sheran” are one in the same.  I know that there is some conjecture about “Ashtar Sheran”. I have heard different ideas as to who people THINK “Ashtar Sheran” is.  The answer is somewhat complicated and best explained by Michael; that is, if he should feel so inclined to do so. 


This post is not about the being known as “Ashtar Sheran”, but an explaination of the use of the term, “Ashtar Sheran”.  Notice I said, TERM and not name.  The information contained in this post is from my own experience in communicating with Archangel Michael directly, as well as information obtained from Michael via channeled message through Ariel DeAngelis.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ariel, she is a highly respected Galactic Federation of Light member/channeler. 

The following are excerpts from channeled messages via Ariel DeAngelis and via myself.


In March of 2011, I received a message from my spiritual guide, 'Ashtar Sheran', while in the dream state. He said,”You are about to embark on a grand adventure “.

At the time, I didn’t know quite what to make of that, but took the message to be good news, as I am the adventurous type.  At the time, I felt that perhaps his statement had something to do with “Disclosure”.


Then about the end of March, beginning of April 2011, I was connected with a woman on Facebook named, “Ariel De Angelis”.  At the time, I was closely following the channeled messages from The Galactic Federation of Light, but especially any messages supposedly posted by "Commander Ashtar Sheran". I noticed that Ariel was posting notes regarding disclosure. She stated that disclosure would happen soon and gave a time frame. I had expressed my doubts even though I had heard that disclosure would take place soon.

I however, had not been given any dates. I also knew, as a general rule, that The Galactic Federation of Light does NOT give dates. It took a few communications back and forth for me to realize that perhaps she might be right about disclosure. In response she said, It is easy to know for certain when you are in communication with the Commander of the Fleet”.

My response was “Oh!; wait a minute; you mean your source is my source?! All this time we have been communicating with the SAME person! We both had a good laugh about it. Little did I realize that there was more to be revealed….

Ariel then mentioned to me that she has a blog she regularly posts to called, ”The Discerning Angel”, which contains information about her and her experiences with Archangel Michael. She invited me to read her blog, which I did. Although I didn’t get to the “About Me” part, I found her posts to be fantastic! I really resonated with what she was and still is sharing.

However, I still wasn’t making the connection that Archangel Michael and 'Ashtar Sheran' are ONE and the SAME. I thought that Ariel was channeling both 'Ashtar Sheran' AND Archangel Michael. One day 'Ashtar' had shared something with Ariel, but not me. I asked Ariel why he had only shared that info with her and not me. She said, “you didn’t read my ‘about me’ on my blog did you”?


I said, “no; not yet”. So I read her “about me” and I still wasn’t making a connection! Ariel’s blog has many accountings of her relationship with Archangel Michael. At this point you might be wondering, so what does Archangel Michael have to do with ‘Ashtar Sheran’?  


By summer 2011, I was reading posts by The Galactic Federation of Light on Youtube regularly.

I came across a channeled message titled, “Ashtar Sheran/ Archangel Michael”. I thought it was a channeled message from both 'Ashtar Sheran' and Archangel Michael, until I listened to it. The greeting in the beginning says, “Hello I am Ashtar Sheran; I am Archangel Michael”. But then there was only one message and no distinction after the greeting as to who was saying what. I was confused!... Clearly!  So I asked Ariel about it. She informed me that some people call him "Ashtar Sheran"; some people call him Archangel Michael, but they are ONE and the SAME.”

Believe it or not, I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that "Ashtar Sheran" IS Archangel Michael and Archangel Michael IS "Ashtar Sheran". Well, a day or so later it FINALLY hit me! Archangel Michael is INCARNATE as "Commander Ashtar Sheran"!   It was actually so painfully simple!...or so I thought! ....

Ariel confirmed for me that my understanding that AA Michael is 'Ashtar Sheran' is technically correct, just not the way I think. She informed me that actually "Ashtar Sheran" is NOT his incarnated name. He only goes by ONE name ...the name 'Source' gave him, which is "Michael". 'Ashtar Sheran' is NOT a name, but a TITLE!  


Ariel went on to explain that some people call him Archangel Michael and some people call him 'Ashtar Sheran'. The title, "'Ashtar Sheran" means "Most High Commander" or "Commander of the Most High".  So to call Archangel Michael "Commander Ashtar Sheran" you are actually addressing him as, "Commander of The Most High Command". 

She also mentioned that this is Michael’s FIRST incarnation in the lower dimensions. It had actually been planned out for a very long time that Michael would incarnate during this time to assist humanity with ascension.

I asked Michael, “Why didn’t you tell me”?!  His response was, I’m sorry; I thought you knew “.

So there you have it; straight from Archangel Michael, "Commander of The Most High" (Ashtar Sheran).


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Thank you! :)

Wow! Thank you all for the feedback on my posts! I really appreciate you all taking the time to comment. It lets me know that I am putting useful content out there and not just putting out something you all know already. Brightest Blessings to you all ♥ In Lak'ech Ala K'in ♥

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Why We Feel So Tired So Often....

Why We Feel So Tired So Often

by Celia Fenn


Some good information on how to endure the Indigo to Crystal shift, from AA Michael(Ashtar Sheran) channeled via Celia Fenn.


Many people who are going through the Indigo to Crystal shift find that intense fatigue and tiredness are two of the predominant symptoms of their shift. They feel exhausted all the time, and just want to sleep. And when they do sleep, they sleep deeply and do not want to get up.

So, what is happening, and why do we feel this way.

Archangel Michael explains that there are three different processes that cause the fatigue. These are:

  • Emotional Body Clearing
  • De-toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies
  • Full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

Each of these aspects can be handled in a different way.


Emotional Body Clearing

At the beginning of the process, we undergo intense emotional body clearing. This involves clearing the psyche and the subconscious of all old patterns of trauma and self-sabotage.The intensity of this process will depend on how much clearing you have already done in your preparation for ascension. I am a healer, and I helped many people to prepare, but never really found the time to fully complete my own process, so when I hit the transition I experienced intense emotional body processing for several months. The stuff just poured out of my subconscious, and I had weird dreams and anxiety attacks as I battled to process the trauma of my inner child.This kind of trauma release is exhausting! Some people don’t fully realize what is happening, as they do most of their releasing through dream work at night. But those who suffer anxiety attacks are often doing this processing during the day.

At this point you may need help to work with letting go of old patterns being held by the Inner Child. This is where you need to really do your Inner Child work. Find a good therapist, do a workshop, or find a good book, but let go of the patterns of your wounded child!

And then understand that while you are doing this clearing you will be exhausted. You have spent most of your life repressing these energies. Processing them is hard work. But worth it! when you are finished you will have cleared your psyche of subconscious patterns of self-sabotage, and will be able to function from a space of complete clarity and purity of intention.


De-Toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies

This process of deep cleansing is associated with the processes mentioned above. As the emotions are released, so are all the old mental and physical blocks and patterns that are associated with them.These old “toxic” energies are passed through the subtle bodies and cleared through the physical. In addition, any old toxins that the physical body is holding will be cleared at this time.

This process of cleansing and de-toxification puts considerable strain on the organs of elimination, being the kidneys and the liver. Hence many of you may experience having bags under your eyes, evidence of kidney stress, and digestive disturbances such as heartburn and flatulence, evidence of liver stress. In addition you may experience pains in the joints, which is also a characteristic of detoxification, as excess acids are released from their storage in the body.

In addition, these processes of elimination will also make you feel tired, and you may be prone to headaches – all symptoms of detoxification. That is why you will need to drink lots of clear, clean water and try to eat a healthy diet as far as is possible.


Full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

This is the most exciting part, and happens throughout the process. It is responsible for the “spaciness” that so many of you are feeling.Archangel Michael asked me to explain this to you in terms of the frequencies of the brain waves. As you enter multi-dimensional awareness, you expand the range of consciousness that your body can handle and the ways in which it is handled.

The brainwave frequencies are as follows:

  • Beta- “normal” waking consciousness
  • Alpha – light meditation
  • Theta – deep meditation
  • Delta – the sleep state or deep hypnosis
  • Gamma – rapid eye movement or the deepest state of sleep/hypnosis where operations can be performed without pain

A third-dimensional being functions in the Beta range, and moves into Alpha in states of creativity and prayer.A fifth-dimensional being functions between Beta/Alpha/Theta in the normal waking state.


Your multi-dimensional awareness allows your consciousness to shift in this range, while you are awake!!! But this is what causes “fatigue”. Your body has always recognized Theta as a state of deep relaxation prior to sleep, and so when your brain waves shift to Theta it sends you a message to say that you are tired and about to go to sleep! And so because we are conditioned to respond to that cue with tiredness and sleep, we feel that we need to go and sleep.

A sixth-dimensional being in training for full 9D Christ Consciousness will be learning to move through Delta to Gamma in the normal waking state!! Now your body definitely thinks it’s asleep!! The trick is to learn to move with these states, without panicking or getting “lost” in a dream-like state. Those of us who are doing this work often feel like we are living in a slow-mo dream world, and this is in fact true. We are living in the dream state in our waking consciousness.

This will take a while to master, but once mastered it is the key to immense creativity and the manifestation of “miracles”. In this deep state of consciousness we can literally bend and shape time and matter with pure intention. So, understand that your body is learning to adapt to a different range of brain-wave frequencies.


A Note of Caution

Please be careful when in any of the above states that you are aware of the following:

  • Stay Grounded. Work at keeping in your body. Do not take recreational drugs or smoke dope at this time, it will intefere with the natural expansion of consciousness.
  • Distinguish between real tiredness and expanded consciousness. Be kind to yourself. If you feel tired – rest. In fact, you will need significant amounts of rest as you pass through this process. if you try to overdo things you will become hyper and will probably crash into exhaustion anyway.
  • Be careful. If you are driving a car, concentrate and focus. So many people are having accidents because they are unaware of what happens when their brain shifts frequencies. It is just a matter of being grounded and concentrating. Tell your body and your guidance that for the duration of the journey you need to be able to concentrate fully on what you are doing.
  • Relax – it will pass. Soon you will become used to working with these different frequencies. I have begun to have a lot of fun with the dreamy, spacy state, and I am learning to use the creativity that it engenders. I am also learning how to shift frequencies at will. Yes, we are truly becoming Crystal or Christed.


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The Meaning of NAMASTE

The greeting "Namaste" is the divine spark in one person recognizing the divine spark in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "I bow to you." To perform Namaste, we place the hands together at the heart charka, close the eyes, and bow the head. This is an especially deep expression of respect. Often the word "Namaste" is spoken along with the gesture. One can do Namaste to oneself as a quick meditation technique, to remind one of the divine spark within.


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The Term " U.F.O." < ^ >

The term, " U. F. O. " stands for "UNIDENTIFIED Flying object".... That is MISLEADING as NUMEROUS space craft have been IDENTIFIED for some 63 years now! .... So if they are NOT "U.F.O.'s" then what are they?....

They are  recognized or "classified" according to their Star Nation of origin. However when speaking about "space craft" or "space ships", as a broad/general term it is more accurate to use the term, " I. F. O." for   "Identified Flying Object" or simply say you saw a space ship/craft.

For those that wish to broaden their galactic knowledge please see my note on "Intergalactic Space Craft Demystified!" < ^ >


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The following descriptions are just a small list of some intergalactic space craft that have been seen in our skies and orbiting Earth. I have listed them by Star Nation.  This is only a partial list, as their are MANY star Nations here now (50 Star Nations are said to be involved in 1st contact). I will add to this list as I come across more descriptions of space craft, so be sure to check back. :)

My Source: Sheldon Nidle's website:


~*~ Centurus Star Nation ~*~

 " Scout Ship" (All-purpose): Bell~shaped with a large lens-like circular wing attached to its underside. They are approximately 45 ft. in diameter and nearly 30 ft. in height.


"Command Ship": Cigar~shaped with a small bulge in its middle. They are approximately 200 ft. in length.


~*~ Andromeda Star Nation ~*~

" Scout Ships": Traditionally Sombrero~shaped and approximately 50 to 65 ft. across.

" Command Ships (Atmospheric)": Small lens~shaped craft that are approximately 1/2 a mile in length.


~*~ Arcturus Star Nation ~*~

"Scout Ships": Diving Bell ~ shaped. Ranging from 40 to 75 ft. in diameter.

" Planetary Command Mother Ship": Lens~like craft that is over 14 miles in length.


~*~ Pegasus Star Nation ~*~

" Defense Ship": Resembles a rounded equilateral triangle. Each side is approximately 74ft. in length.

" Scout Ship": oblong in shape with an average diameter of approximately 85ft.

" Command Ship":  There are doubled Lens Atmospheric crafts that are approximately 1300 ft. in length.


~*~ Tau Ceti Star Nation ~*~

" Scout Ship": Huge, diamond~shaped, plasma craft that are approximately 200 to 250 ft long.

" Mother Ships": They are usually "command ships" of Galactic Federation exploration fleets. They look like a series of multi-layered blood cells in stacks of 20 to 50 cells and vary from 4 to 40 miles in diameter.


~*~ Bellatrix Star Nation ~*~

"Scout Ships": Look like dew drops and beetles. They vary from 100 to 400 ft. in length.

"Mother Ships": Look like large tadpoles and range from 1 to 400 miles long.


~*~ Mintaka Star Nation ~*~

"Mother Ships" and "Other" Craft: ”. Vary in size from 50 to 150 feet (15.2 to 46 meters) in diameter. Mother ships are very large, almost 100 to 1000 miles (160 to 1600 Kilometers) across. The larger ones are very self-sufficient and are usually kept only in deep space.Almost mushroom-like in appearance: resemble the large spaceship at the end of the movie


~*~ The Procyon Star Nations ~*~

"Scout Ships": Look like either large tear-drops or beetles and range from 45 to 200 ft. across.

" Deep Space Mother Ships": are shaped like either huge snowflakes or enormous jellyfish, and are from 100 to 4,000 miles (161 to 6,440 kilometers) long.


~*~ Fomalhaut Star Nation ~*~

" Scout Ships": Human scout ships are ovoid, like water drop about to fall from tap. They range from 60 to 85 feet (18.3 to 26 meters) in diameter.

" Mother Ships": Mother ships look like huge multi-layered cigars and are from 2 miles to 1200 miles (3.2 to 1,920 kilometers) across.


  Dinoid-Reptoid scout ships are shaped like huge beetles, approximately 100 feet (30.5 meters) in diameter. Mother ships are shaped like amoeba and are some 8 to 900 miles (13 to 14,400 kilometers) across.


* P.S.~  The beings from this star nation are not all human; hence the " Dinoid-Reptoid" ships are listed separately, so as not to be confused with the "human" ships.


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♥ In Lak'ech Ala K'in ♥

which means I am another yourself (A modern day interp...retation). It also means I am you, and you are me (A traditional Mayan interpretation). We have come to understand that this Mayan greeting is an honoring for each other. It is a statement of unity and oneness. In Lak'ech Ala K'in mirrors the same sediment of other beautiful greetings such as Namaste for East India, Wiracocha for the Inca, and Mitakuye Oyasin for the Lakota. It doesn't matter which culture you come from. But when one of these sacred greetings is given, there is always an action of placing the hands over the heart.
The more I walk the Mayan path, the more I understand the depth that In Lak'ech Ala K'in teaches. This greeting has become more than a simple, honorable Maya greeting. It has evolved into a moral code, and a way to create a positive reality for all life. As we near 2012 with all its doom and gloom prophecies, we have a moral obligation to Spirit to live the code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in.
It is common knowledge these days that every action we take in our lives affects all living things. We understand that if we act negatively, our actions impact all life negatively. When we act positively, we affect all life in a positive manner. When we live the Mayan code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we know that every action we take is out of respect for all life, and we are living and giving from our hearts.
We can give our hearts in a positive manner every day by saying In Lak'ech Ala K'in to each other, to the trees, to the sky, to the birds, and to the stars. You can greet each sunrise by saying In Lak'ech Ala K'in. Each and every day we have together is sacred, so acknowledge this day by giving it your heart. Remember when you give in this way, you are also giving to yourself! You are not giving your energy away to something separate from yourself. Y ou are giving to another part of yourself!
I understand the challenges in staying positive in these days where the energy is so compressed that we can hardly breathe, but there is one simple exercise that can turn it all around for us. Each day, simply walk in gratefulness. We can say In Lak'ech Ala K'in to that which gives us life everyday, and that is the heart of the Great Spirit. Instead of solely taking from the Great Spirit by asking for insight and direction, give back your heart, love, and appreciation. You will be amazed at the results. If we open our hearts and send gratitude, it opens all doors that were previously closed to us. Remember you are a part of Great Spirit! When you give to Great Spirit you are giving to yourself.
We can practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in tirelessly, because when and what we give to others is giving energy to ourselves. When we give, we receive. So how do we know if we giving right? It is really simple. When we are energized by our giving, we know we are giving from our hearts and from the code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in. If we feel drained or exhausted, it is possible that we gave out of fear, lack, obligation, ego, or a need to be accepted or liked. The more one practices In Lak'ech Ala K'in, the clearer we will become about our motivations regarding our actions, and the more we will receive. Remember . . . what goes around comes around exactly the way it was sent out. If you don't like what life is sending to you, look at what you are sending out to life.
When we begin to live and practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in, a lot of our old ways of doing things will no longer work for us. For instance, we cannot act like victims anymore, and we cannot live out of fear either. We find ourselves no longer preparing for disaster; instead we anticipate a glorious future. It is time for us to rewrite the prophecies. They have become obsolete. The past will become just a bad dream, and the future will become a beautiful vision of which we will create right now.
When we practice In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we quit being neutral in our world, because we understand that Spirit works with those that take action. We begin to take action by adding to the positive experience of this dimension. So what kind of world do you want? Don't just stand there waiting for the world to appear in front of you. Spirit helps those who help themselves. It is up to us.
When we practice the moral code of In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we are producing and sending positive and vital energy that can literally transform our troubled world into Paradise. When we live from In Lak'ech Ala K'in, we are putting to use our natural ability to create our reality. We are affecting the collective consciousness of humanity in a positive way. The Cosmic Maya, also known as the "Star Elders" or "Invisible Council", understood this natural power to create their reality. Their sacred calendars mapped the natural laws of the universe. Now it is our turn to come to this understanding. It is time for us to walk as the Star Elders did so many years ago. The time has come for us to change the world.
The more humanity begins to live In Lak'ech Ala K'in, the less we will think in terms of our separateness. There can be no competition, jealousy or envy between us, because we are pieces of each other. We can share and help each other with our connections, ideas and resources without fear that there will not be enough to go around. When we live the reality of unity, abundance and wholeness, there will be unity, abundance and wholeness! The more of us that participate in the creation of a better world, the quicker it will arrive. We will have peace, love, harmony and unity, and will finally have arrived home.


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