Sandy Elstone's Posts (13)

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Oh, by the way, let's talk about the spaceships that are going to come get you. It's time you saw all of that mythology for what it is. Every single culture all through the ages had some kind of rescue plan. And whether the masters were going to come and get you and pull you out of your seats or whether spaceships were going to come and get you, all of it is the same scenario. Look at it for what it is. The mythology that says you're no good, Earth is going to crash, and you've got to be rescued. Do you see the pattern? It's with you today in modern belief systems and was with the ancients as well. It is a totally Human-based attribute and comes from fear. So it's time for you to understand that this is the mythology of an old energy.


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Ok, so here I am with my notepad for the first time in a while. I've just been pottering along on my own, ploughing my own furrow, but I feel the need to talk to you. You see, I need some advice, some reassurance, some explanations about what's been going on with me and the world recently.

Events are moving fast now, particularly in the Middle East. You have noticed this, it is obvious! Every day brings something new. Time dilates, time compresses into no-time. A thousand and one things are happening in no time at all. Things that used to take years to come into reality are happening within minutes and hours.

In the Middle East, a new level of group consciousness has arisen, which is breaking down the old barriers, the old structures as if they are made of ice that is now melting in the desert sun. And indeed they are. In this new age, the crystallized consciousness that is your material reality is more susceptible to change, to alterations in its fundamental structure. Many brave old souls in young bodies are actively pursuing their missions to make this new way of Being a reality. But, this is just the beginning. Expect to see much more soon. There is so much more to come.

But, most people, the majority in fact, seem to me to be oblivious to all this.

That is because they are oblivious up to a point. However, everyone is being given the opportunity to evolve in their own way right now. Everyone is achieving expanded levels of consciousness, higher rates of energetic vibration, but many have not yest crossed that  specific threshold where they become aware of their true identity. That is not to judge them. Each has his/her own path to take in time and space. But there are many of you lightworkers who have crossed that threshold and are already making a huge difference in the world.

But, I know that I for one feel sometimes (if not most of the time...LOL) like I'm going a bit mad (to say the least)..Am I going mad? Am I seeing too much in all of this? And then there are these symptoms in my body...I know I'm experiencing something ....Big!

Rest assured, this is simply the next phase of your evolution on the timeline you currently occupy. Madness is relative. Who really are the madmen? The people of the Middle East have realized the extent of their own power and are wrestling power back from their rulers who are so antiquated and have been so out of touch with their people for so long. It is the new young lions, the new generation of old souls, who are breaking down the illusions of power and separation from All that Is.

Your ever-increasing energy levels, the spiritual changes and the physiological changes that follow are making you extra-sensitive to many things. Trust your intuitions, trust your visions and the words that fall on you from above, seemingly from nowhere. This is your higher self speaking to you. The sum total of all your personalities in all dimensions, in all time lines. Listen and learn - understand. Have faith, believe. 

Everything is changing within you, so the collective consciousness is changing too. The higher energies break down and dissipate the lower energies. This is fundamental. However, there is still much work to be done, both physically and spiritually. But, your lightwork has not gone un-noticed on this side of the veil by all of us angels and archangels and entities comprising the sum of all your personalities.

Believe in yourselves! You are the Masters of your Universe! You are the directors of the movies you watch for you are creating those movies through your thoughts and feelings. It is a continuous feedback loop. Do you see? You are creating and re-creating your reality continuously through the inner work you have been doing. 

This is all you have to do. Focus on your visions for the New Earth, the feelings and thoughts your higher self is giving you glimpses of that you associate with this New Earth. Tantalizing aren't they, those images! 

You lightworkers yearn so much for the cozy blanket of Oneness you left behind long ago. You have tavelled long and difficult pathways in many lives in many dimensions. And now your time has come to totally shine your light, to be uninhibited, to facilitate the changes that you know must come.

"The end is near, but the beginning is beautiful"

You wrote those words! Remember?

But the people of Libya, for example, are fighting for their lives and here am I sitting doing, basically....nothing! Can I do more? Surely, I must do more?

You cannot be there in your physical body, but it is the power of your own consciousness that you continue to under-estimate. Every time you meditate and create peaceful feelings, actually a field of peaceful energy, this energy acts on your surroundings, including other conscious entities, in many dimensions. This has effects you cannot even begin to imagine. Your efforts are enabling, empowering many people to recognize their higher callings - as freedom fighters for examples, warriors of freedom and peace.

Ultimately though it is all about experiences. All experiences are valid experiences. Even the tyrant has his purpose. 

You are altering the flow of events these days through the energy flowing from your hearts. It streams outward from you in all directions and it is beautiful to behold.

Have courage! Have faith! All is well! You will taste the fruits of your labours soon enough!

Creative Commons License
Original work on The Seagull Speaks by Sandford Elstone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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A Soul Discovers Her Still Centre

You have travelled far from the Source my child,
You have journeyed through aeons to the edge,
Along the way, You danced as pure energy,
An eternal light within the shifting sands of space and time.

You agreed to forget Your true nature,
You agreed to forget Your true origin,
You agreed to hide Your Beauty within.

The challenge was to remember….

And now You have moved to the still point.

To Your centre where You can begin Your journey home,
Where silence reigns supreme,
You are gently embraced by a transparent cloak of clarity,
You sit within a motionless sea of serenity
Your vision is alive,
Your vision is true.

You have found Yourself again by journeying inwards,
To where Your true self dwells,
To where Your greatest treasures reside,
They accumulated within You as You travelled,
Every single experience,
- The good and the bad -
Is kept there,
Though no judgement is attached to any of them.

They were simply experiences.
And now that You have discovered these treasures,
You have moved beyond them,
Into the unfathomable expanse of Beauty,
The Beauty within You,
A new You,
And You have found peace,
You have found joy,
You have found gentleness,
You have found love.

You have peeled away all the layers of Your amnesia,
Only the real, pure, glorious, wonderful You remains.

And You are not alone,
Choirs of Angels are now singing in exultation.

They know.

Your inner Angel has been revealed to the Universe.

The Seagull Speaks Creative Commons Copyright

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Public channeling of the Divine Consciousness, ABF-house, Stockholm, November 24th, 2009


This is a public channeling that Maria Bertram did of the Divine Consciousness (God) at the ABF-house inStockholm, November 24th, 2009. There was no entrance fee and around100 persons in the audience. During the channeling, Maria performed atransmission - of the CosmicWhite Fire" - to everyone in the audience. You also recieve theseenergies from reading the channeling, which some of you will feel.After the channeling we performed a healing session for Mother Earthtogether with the audience.

The headings in the text are added subsequently.

Please help us spreading the channeling through e-mails, forums, websites and blogs!


Introduction / The development of human consciousness / The society you have created on Earth / Desires andaddictions / Opening up your inner gate / Intensification of the law ofcause and effect / Your life tasks / A meditation / Mother Earth / TheGreat Purification / The opening of the gates to Earth's interiour /The lifting of Earth's cosmic quarantene / Spiritual transformation



My beloved children.

I want to thank you for your attention and your presence here tonight. The time has come to wake up andfinally discover your true nature. I am here with you. I watch overyou. I am a part of you. I am the flame burning in your hearts. I havenever left you. I am always here with you.


Humanity is about to take a leap in its development of consciousness, just as the Earth is. You've all chosen to incarnatehere and now to participate in the cosmic dance, to participate in theleap. You are all a part of it, and it is up to you how thisdevelopment will happen, since you are creating your own future. Icreated you, but it is you who re-create yourselves, your ownreality and your future. I am waiting here patiently. I am waiting formy beloved children and I know that you one day will return to me - thelong journey home to the cosmic light, the Cosmic Fire. The road islong and filled with challenges. The road is fantastic. The road to thelight goes through the darkness, and by once again finding the balancebetween the regressive and expansive powers of the Cosmos. It is theunion of spirit and matter, the union of male and female in a cosmicorgasm that embraces the whole Cosmos.

The Earth is about to enter a higher dimension with a higher energy frequency, and humanity is coming along. Being able to do that, youmust leave the old behind. You have to go through the greatpurification process, you have to throw your karma off your shoulders,this is predicted. You have your own free will, no one can force youand no one will. You choose for yourselves what your journey will looklike and you choose if you want to make it easy or hard for yourself.You can take the long way, that's perfectly fine because I will waitfor you here in all of eternity. I have all the time in the world sincetime does not exist. I am the eternity and one day you will return tome and we will reunite in the Cosmic Fire. Since humans has its ownfree will, it means you have to make your own decision to take thedecisive step forward. No one will force you. If you choose to remainin your old ways, the old ways of thinking, if you refuse to changeyour way of life and values, if you don't want to raise your head tosee what is happening - then you don't have to, but it might be painful. Change and transformation is painful, but it's part of the development.

Consider your own potential. Remember you are all creators, you are divine creators. I am not the creator of your future, you are. You have a fantastic gift that very few souls in your Cosmos have. Youcan unite spirit and matter within your energy bodies. You can becomeone with the great power of love and become powerful channels of theenergy of love. You can heal, you can create miracles. Throughvisualization, through expanding your consciousnes, through raisingyour frequencies, through grounding yourselves, through uniting spiritand matter and expanding your love energies - you can manifest thereality you want to create. You are your own Gods and Goddesses.


Why do you think there is so much suffering on Earth today? Why are there so many people starving? Why are so many poeple being abused? Whyis there so much war, oppression and painful death? Why are youdestroying your Earth, torturing the animals, and destroying the mostprecious thing that you have - your beautiful natural environment? Whyare you polluting your waters? It is because of humanity's innerconflicts that she is carrying, and that is limiting her. The dualisticway of thinking with values of

good and evil.The conflict thinking that is built on the illusion that reality is astruggle that needs to be fought everyday, where "one mans loss isanother mans gain", where my fortune must be built on others misfortune.The illusion that we are lacking of whatever we need and that a humanmust take and hoard as much as she can to survive, that egoism isnessecary for ones survival.

This way of thinking has created a world of conflict and lack. It has created a world with abundance for a few. An overproduction ofmaterial goods, food and clothes that are thrown away, buildingmountains of trash while the rest of the world is suffering andstarving. There is enough for everyone on Earth. There is no insufficiency. Insufficiency is an illusion. Byhoarding, storing, by saving and creating loans with interest, you'vecreated a society where some are living in abundance on the expense ofthe great mass, with huge differences between rich and poor. You havecreated a world where you have to fight to survive, and those who don'tfight fall through the cracks. You've created a world where there is noroom for fellowhip, cooperation, generosity and empathy. A world filledwith regulations, directions, and orders that are built on control anddomination.

You have created your own prisons, and in the same way you've created your prisons you can tear them down. Tear down the walls ofillusion, of musts, and fighting, because you don't need all of that.It's thought constructions that you can get rid of through healing.Tear down all the walls of fear and insufficiency thinking. Tear downthe walls of fear of eachother. Fear to be excluded, to be put aside.Tear down the walls of your own feelings of not being enough and yourinner lack of love. You are enough. I am telling you you: You are fantastic. I love you unconditionally for everything you are. You are seeking for the unconditional love. It is there within you. It is me, the flame in your hearts. I am always here with you.

Conflict and lack thinking has created an agonizing world. Humanity has been afraid of Hell for ages, but do know that there is no Hellexcept the one you've created for yourselves on Earth. Life doesn'thave to be like that. You can create a different world, a new world, a paradise. You can create a paradise that is built on cooperation, solidarity, empathy, love, trust, creativity, freedom and generosity.


There is enough for everyone. There is enough for everyone's needs on Earth, but not for everyone's desires, as Gandhi once said. I see how you're piling up your materialbelongings, how you shop and shop and shop, how you're filling theblack hole inside yourselves with material things. You desire food,material things, alcohol, drugs, relationships, sex, gambling, TV,Internet. There are a lot of things to be addicted to in the worldtoday. There are many survival strategies to use to ease your innersorrow and inner pain. I see your pain and suffer with you.But do know that no matter how many things you buy, how much securityyou try to create in through your outer material reality - throughrenovated kitchens, through food, through clothes, through drugs,through new sweaters, new shoes, a new car - there's is nothing in thematerial world that in thruth can take the edge of your hunger. Thereis nothing there that in truth can make your pain disappear. They are illusions. Desireswork that way, the more you desire, the greater the desires become.They grow and grow and grow. You renovate your kitchen, then the livingroom, then the bedrooms, then you buy a bigger house, and then a biggercar, a bigger summer house, and on it goes. It's a never ending process.It's the mechanism of desire. There is no stopping, since the painyou're trying to ease by shopping, renovating or eating doesn't goesaway.

I would like to advice you to acknowledge your inner pain. Take a close look in the mirror and ask yourselves

What am I looking for? What am I missing? What is it that I really want? Why am I never satisfied?. I would, in the most humble way, like to contribute with an answer to that question: You long for home. You want to come home to me. That is your inner pain. Somewhere deepinside you know what it's like to be on with All-That-Is, to be onewith the Cosmic Fire, to be complete. You feel discarded, isolated,shut out, and I am telling you: You don't have to be. I've never ever turned my back on you. I've always been here, and I'm waiting for you. I can wait just as long as it takes until you choose to open up to me again.


I have a key here in my hand, that I am giving all of you here today. I give each of you a key. Take it. It's the key to the gate toyour hearts where your inner flame is burning. It's the channel, thecontact with me. Take the key and unlock the gate and activate yourinner flame, and make it expand. Tear down all the walls you'recarrying, liberate yourselves from your inner limitations, liberateyourselves from your fears - from the negative thoughts. Liberateyourselves from all of the

it's not possible, I can't.Expand your souls. Grow, and become the divine beeings you really are.Activate your potentials, your divine potentials. It's time for youhumans to finally learn how to fly again.

This doesn't mean you should turn your back on the material reality. It doesn't mean you have to go and sit in a cave somewhere.It's not like that at all. It's about living your life with your fullpotential exactly where you are right here, and right now in yourphysical reality. But to add all the extra dimensions, to be one withthe creation, to be one with and the infinity - and activate themultidimensional thinking and seeing. To be able to see beyond thephysical reality and to know that there is so much more out there,beyond what you can see and touch in the third dimension. There is somuch more, and you can use the divine knowledge that you all carry deepdown inside to expand and become magnificent divine souls, co-creatorsof the Divine Creation on Earth. You can all crate a paradise on Earthwhere there is enough of everything, you can create abundance for all.

People who expand their heartchakras, people who are in contact with their highest divinity and inner truth - will let go of their desiresnaturally because they then have ceased to fill their function. It willnot be interesting anymore to compete with others, but it it will benatural to love and help each other instead. The divine human beingwith the expanded consciousness chooses cooperation, love and abundanceinstead of conflict-, and lack thinking, and war. This is what thequantum leap is about. This is what hunamity's leap up into the fifthdimension together with Earth this is all about.


There will no longer be room for people on Earth who are living according to the old way of thinking. Gradually the old way of thinkingwill be replaced and there will be space for the New Human. The law of cause and efffectis one of the supporting pillars for all life and death in the Cosmos.The cosmic processes of life and death, taking turns, is based on thislaw. It means that what you send out is what you recieve. If you sendout love you recieve love, and if you send out conflict- and lackthinking, that is what you will receive. Through Earths transition intothe fifth dimension and the raising of frequency, the law of cause andeffect will become even more powerful, and it will manifest itself with even greater power and even more speedily on the Earth.In other words: Everything you do to each other, all the energy yousend out in words, thoughts and choices will return to yourselves. Itwill not be possible to the human beings to survive on Earth unless shechooses love. Love will be the only possible choice for survival.

The entire societal structure present on Earth today will be demolished and be replaced with new structures. This is because of thetransition into the fifth dimension, and the strengthening of the lawof cause and effect, since the ones who send out greed and conflictthinking will get greed and conflict thinking back. All destructiveenergies will be met with destructivity. That implies that the whole system will collapse from the inside. In order for something new to be built, the old must be demolished to make way for the new.


I understand that this might seem worrying and difficult, and it is a challenge for humanity, but it is not an impossible challenge. Itgives you fantastic opportunities to create something new, to create abeginning of a new world. You have the potential and possibilities tocreate the new world.

All you people living on the Earth toady has chosen to incarnate right here and right now, in the transition to the new age because of acertain specific reason. You have chosen to be a part ofbuilding this new world. You all carry special gifts. You all have acertain purpose to fulfill in this process, and it is up to all of youto find out what it is. Listen inwards, to your own inner voice. Let itguide you. Everything that I am telling you right now, you alreadyknow, you carry the divine knowledge within you. You don't need anybodyelse to tell you what is right and what is wrong. You carry all thewisdom within yourselves. You carry all the answers within. Seekinside. It's your inner voice that will will tell you why you are hereand what is right for you to do, and which way is right for youspecifically.

Human beeings have a free will. She chooses exactly what she wants to do, and which road to take. It is a part of your divinity. You allpossess the power and ability to create your reality and your future.You're actors, you're not victims. You are actors with divinepotential. Open up to the divine potential and become active actors inthe cosmic play that is being played out on the Earth, and in theCosmos today. Seek within, seek for your own truth. Seek for your innervoice.




Open up the door for the love flame, and feel how the Cosmic Fire embraces you and surrounds you with its quiet blessing

...its stillness...peace...and love. You are now one with the Cosmic White Fire...the Highest Cosmic White Fire...that is a union of all the darkness and all light in the world. You are ever are are are one with have no limitations to your consciousness. Feel how you are beeing rocked...peacefully...back...and forth. Feel how you are sinking the deepest now...the ultimate of all nows, the essence of being. You are. Here you arecompletely safe. You are embraced by love, unlimited unconditionallove. Everything is just as it's supposed to be...and everything will be just exactly the way it is supposed to be. You are now one with me. Let go...of all pain. Heal your inner are fantastic divine beeings...I love you unconditionally. Let go...releasethe weights from your shoulders. Let the walls fall around you, andexperience your own completeness. You are one with the Cosmic are one with the Divine... you are me...there is no separation between you and I...all separation is an illusion. Remember that. Your innermost being is pure are me, and I am you.


You are all one with the whole Earth and every living creature. You belong together with every human being, every animal and every plant.Honor life, honor love, and honor Earth. Earth is your first mother. Itis she that feeds you. It is she that brings life. Without her you cannot live. But the Earth also depends on mankind. She needs your help. The Earth is suffering tremendous pain. Ifeel the pain of the animals. I feel the suffering of the flowers. AndI hear Mother Earth calling for you, begging for you to finally openyour eyes to her suffering. Mother Earth needs your help. She needs younow more than ever. When the great waves of light is flowing in overthe Earth she needs your help more than ever. The Earth cannot handlethe energy preassure that she is exposed to through these great wavesof light flowing in, without the help of humanity. This is what causesnatural disasters of different kind all around the Earth since thepressure is far to great. The only way for her to relieve the pressureis to abreact in natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and soon, and so on. The huge imbalances in the Earths energy fields andenergy centres creates great suffering. The nature spirits who were puton the Earth for the very purpose of helping to balance Earth'senergies are not able to do their work because humans are not helpingwith the task as was intended. Humanity pollute the Earth withtechnology of different kinds: electricity, Gps, Internet, mobilemasts, satellites

...Allthis is interfering with and blocking Earth's natural network of energythat embraces the whole of Earth, and creates imbalances. It alsocreates imbalances in the energy systems of humans. These greatimbalances in the energy system within humans are causes of the hugespiritual, physical and mental imbalances that exist here on Earthtoday.


Humanity has forgotten how to heal herself, how to balance her inner energies, and how to receive equal admounts of female and male energy,how to heal her blockages, how to heal her inner conflicts and traumasthat is activated. This is exactly what is happening during thetransition into the New Spiritual Age. The waves of male light arerolling in over the Earth and activating everyone's karma', all thetraumas, inner conflicts, energy blockages we are carrying, everythingthat humanity has stored. Every single person has stored memories fromher previous incarnations. Everything is still there, and she carriesit around in her rucksack. This affects her, through blockages beeingactivated in form of fear and limitations. All this is now about to beactivated due to the great frequency raising that is occurring onEarth. This means that she will have to face all the fears andinner conflicts that she is carrying around, over and over again untilshe has resolved them. The incoming energies will seek out and bring forth all hidden fears and inner conflicts. In other words: You attract to yourself exactly what you're trying to avoid.The traumas you carry within you and haven't resolved and reconciledwith, will be reactivated in the physical world and you will face thesame dilemma over and over again until you have healed the conflict andhealed the trauma.

This is growing stronger and stronger in the humans of the Earth. The more sensitive and open you are to spiritual development andenergies, the more powerfully you will experience this. The more theenergies and the frequency raising are coming through, the more peoplewill feel this until every person on the Earth will feel it. This alsois the cause of disease on the Earth today that so many people feelsick and carry diseases and symptoms you can't even name. The primarycause is the same. This process is what is often referred to as "TheGreat Purification", in other words all humanity's inner imbalances andtraumas are activated so they may finally be addressed, healed andreleased.

No money, walls nor weapons in the world that can protect humanity from this process of change. Everyone will have to face thistransformation of human consciousness, the rich, the poor, the

high and the low; nothing can be done to stop this process. For some it will be go fast,for others it will go a bit slower. Either way we will all be sweptalong by the divine flow of energies that are flowing in over theEarth.


In the transition to the New Spiritual Age, the gates to the Earth's interiour on the energy centers around the Earth will be opened up, andthe female red energy will pour up from the inner of the Earth to the surface in very, very large quantities.This will be a powerful healing process where all the of Earth'simbalances will be cleansed and healed, and the remaining karma ofEarth and all of humanity will be cleansed. This is the culmination ofThe Great Purification. All light that is pouring in will be met by thedarkness and the female red fire from within the Earth. Light anddarkness will meet. Spirit and matter will meet and unite and becomethe perfect divine power of love in the transition to the fifthdimension. That is the transition into the New Spiritual Age and thebirth of the Divine Human, the one we are all carrying within. I am onewith you, and you are one with me.

The Earth will need help from mankind to manage the amount of energy that will stream up from the inner Earth, she cannot manage this taskalone. The energy centres in many places on the Earth are blocked andshe cannot activate or open them alone. This puts the Earth underenormous stress and pressure which then gives rise to natural disastersof various kinds. This is where mankind must help, this is yourbiggest task, and your biggest challenge; to help heal our Earth, tohelp her in the healing process.


The whole galaxy is watching with excitement what is happening on Earth today. Your cosmic friends are participating and are trying tohelp you the best way they can. You should know that they are doing alot for you, and they have saved you many times from difficultsituations when humanity has not been able to make use of the energiesof the Earth when imbalances have occurred. You have sent out greatamounts of very destructive and imbalanced energies straight out intoCosmos, through your nuclear power and the testing of your nuclearweapons. This is truly life threatening for the whole of humanity andthe Earth, it's important that you know this. The quarantine thathumanity has been under towards the rest of Cosmos during a very longperiod of time is finally to be lifted. This means that you haven'tbeen in contact with the other civilizations that are present in yourgalaxy and other parts of your Cosmos. You have in many respects beenkept away from them. The reason for that is simply that you haven'tbeen ready for that contact. This quarantine will, in the transition tothe fifth dimension, be lifted. You will be become aquainted with othercivilizations. You will have visits, exchanges will happen andcooperation will be developed

Do know one thing. There is a cosmic wisdom that you will one day take part of. There are unlimited resources of energy. There isknowledge about how to transport yourselves to the other sides ofCosmos, how to travel beyond time and space. There are infinite amountsof knowledge that you one day will take part of here on Earth. But itwill not happen until you are ready for it. Not until you have stoppedfighting each other. Not until you've created peace and equality onEarth. Not until you've stopped polluting yourselves and puttingyourselves and the rest of the Cosmos at risk through nuclear power andthe testing of atomic weapons and similar experiments. You will nottake part of the cosmic knowledge and wisdom until you are ready for it.


In this way, I want to encourage you to see the infinite possibilities that lay ahead for you, and the amazing future that theEarth is facing. You are now ready to take the final step into the NewSpiritual Age, but you have to make that decision yourselves. You haveto consciously start the process and the spiritual transition thatcomes with it yourself; by healing yourself, by channeling energy from Earth's interiour, by channeling the female red fire,in order to balance your male and female energies - you will cleanseyour karma with the male and the female energies. This is the waythrough the darkness towards the light. This is the way to expand your consciousness, the way to enlightenment. You are now ready to in earnest begin this journey.

Some of you can take big steps in this lifetime. Spiritual transformation is available for everybody sitting here today, and allhumans on the Earth. But for some that are living here on Earth todaythere are possibilities to reach spiritual enlightenment in thislifetime, because the energies are so strong and omnipotent you canreach it here and now. That goes for some of you, some of your soulsliving on the Earth today.

There is no reason to be afraid of spiritual growth and spiritual transformation. I would like you to set aside all the prejudice youhave against spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is not about sitting ina cave somewhere for the rest of your life, to give up your normallife. It's absolutely not about that. You don't have to give upyour family or all that comes with human everyday life. When the humanexpands his or her soul and becomes one with All-That-Is, becomesall-embracing, becomes one with love, everything will be done in thename of love. It is about expanding your potential, becomingco-creators of the reality, to be able to visualize and manifest yourown reality and create the paradise we're talking about, in theeveryday life, in the life you are living today. It doesn't mean youcan't have a family, children or a sex life. It doesn't mean you can'thave a life like everyone else. You could be anybody. There are no suchrules or regulations, they are illusions. The enlightened one lives among the people, lives a normal life and is standing with both feet on the ground.

I am still standing here, waiting for you. Patiently and loving. I've always waited for you and I always will. I love you. You are mychildren. If you want anything I'm here for you, always, every day,every second, in every moment I am there behind your eyelids, in yourhearts. If you need my help, you just have to call for me, ask for it.I'm always present with you. When you feel the love in your hearts youknow it is a greeting from me. Then I am expressing myself through you.I love you. My beloved children. Thank you.



The Mother Earth Network is a global spiritual network run by Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg outside of Stockholm. Maria is a spiritualguide, healer and medium, and Manne is responsible for information andcommunication. The network's main purpose is to bring people togetherfrom all over the world to help our beloved Mother Earth throughmonthly global healing sessions.

Maria receives guidance for the network's activities from the Divine Consciousness, nature spirits on Earth, masters and other helpers inthe spirit world, and friends from other civilizations in Cosmos. Mariawork as a channel to bring messages from other civilizations. She'salso a link between the Mother Earth Network and a gigantic cosmicnetwork with all of the friends mentioned above, that we cooperate within the healing of the Earth. They are always present and contributingwith their energies during our global healingsessions.

The ever growing network consists of more than 1700 members worldwide (July 2010). Our most important activity is to send healingto the Earth at every (Swedish) full moon from 8:00 pm-8:30 pm (Swedishtime zone - use

www.timeanddate.comto translate to your local time zone). The healing is sent according tochanneled instructions. Our vision is to bring together all thenetworks and individuals across the world who want to help our MotherEarth, and together send healing to her regularly. During thesesessions we're sending her the red female energies from Earth'sinteriour, that she needs to rebalance her energy system.

We hold free public channelings in Sweden of the Divine Consciousness (God), and we plan to hold public channelings of othercivilizations in Cosmos. We are also spreading instructions on how tochannel Mother Earth-healing for yourself (channeling the red femaleenergies from Earth's interiour that humanity is lacking today). Thischanneled technique is a very powerful tool for your spiritualdevelopment that helps you preparing for the shift into the NewSpiritual Age. We don't have a website yet, but it is in the planningstage. The network is run non-profit and everything we offer is 100%free.

If you are not already a member - send your e-mail adress to to recieve our newsletters with healing instructions, global healing session reminders, new channelings and other updates.


With Light, Strenght and Love
/Manne & Maria, the Mother Earth Network

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Received February 25, 2010

The darkness has been an ever-present aspect of your current and previous realities. The dark cannot exist without the light. Darkness is the absence of light, the absence of energy, the absence of vibration, the absence of resonance.

You cannot see in the dark. Material objects are hidden. Therefore, you fear the dark. You fear the possibility that dark entities, evil entities, dark spirits, evil spirits exist in the dark. And your fears are self fulfilling. You create these dark forms from your own mind and they become part of your own reality, but they do not objectively exist. They are subjective. They are actually aspects of yourself. Your own inner darkness projected outwards into the world around you.

And this is the way that it is. Or at least the way it has been. But, indeed, ‘the times they are a changing’. You are reaching a point in your evolution where the darkness can no longer keep you enslaved within its stultifying shroud. It is impossible for the darkness to maintain itself much longer. Ultimately, it can never overcome the light. It lacks the energy to do so. The light will always prevail.

But, in itself, the fact of the spectrum of darkness to light in your lives has been necessary. Darkness cannot exist without the light. Think of a rainbow. Even though the ‘red’ end of the visible spectrum has a lower rate of vibration than the ‘violet’ end of the spectrum, you cannot say that the electromagnetic waves that represent ‘red’ are any better or worse than those that represent ‘violet’ when you interpret these vibrations in your brains and bring them into your own individual reality. ‘Red’ is no more good or evil than ‘violet’. They are both necessary aspects of the universal reality.

And so it is with light and dark. You can escape the hold of the darker ends of the spectrum when you remove yourself from your pre-conceived judgements about external reality. Of course, you can and should empathize with and grieve for those who are afflicted by darkness, but you can remove yourself to a place where the darkness no longer perceives you as a target worthy of attack. However, your temptation is to fight the darkness - actively, head on. But this is just what the darkness wants - you have lowered your energy levels, reduced your vibration to its levels. And so, your aggressive response, accompanied by negative thought processes and emotions, creates negative energy, which is converted into dense matter - pure blocks of darkness, which, in turn, create blockages within you. And so you enter a downward spiral. You are sucked into a vortex of darkness.

But, the paradox is that in order to ‘fight’ the darkness, fighting is the last thing you should do. You simply need to remove yourself from it. You simply need to find a place outside of the dark-light spectrum where you are grounded and centered in an objective reality that is, in actual fact, outside of time and space - the ‘no time’, ‘the now’ where the real you exists eternally. You then become ‘unreachable’ by the darkness. You become elusive, enigmatic and the darkness no longer has any hold over you. Consequently, even though you have removed yourself from the dark-light spectrum, the light floods in upon you and fills your heart with joy, with love and you then climb the spiral. You are sucked up on a vortex of enlightenment. You are within the light, above the light, and below the light. You become the light! You are then capable of reaching ever higher planes of consciousness. You gain ever increasing abilities to see reality for what it really is, unlimited by your old ways of sensing the universe.

You see that the dark-light duality that existed in your life has now gone. Its time is up. It is done. It is over. Dark-light duality has been transcended. A new reality dawns. A soul that reaches this level of understanding exists permanently in the light, listening always to the ever-present wisdom of the heart. And this wisdom exists outside of time and space, because it is absolute. It is perfect. It is a gift from the great Creator. Therefore, the enlightened you gains the ability to transmute time and space, to alter time and space by feeling, by compassion, by belief. You remember the ability to create your own future from the myriad of possible futures that exist for you. And, in the process, you also transmute the futures of each individual on the planet and throughout the universe. The collective consciousness is raised because everything, everyone is connected. We are all one. The light shines brighter and the darkness skulks away into one of the few remaining hidden corners for shelter. Ultimately, the darkness can no longer obtain any sustenance and so it withers and dies.

Although you should not mourn the passing of the darkness, you should appreciate it and give thanks for the fact that it existed. For only through its existence could you know yourself better during the course of your many lifetimes; to obtain levels of understanding and consciousness that previously never existed in this universe. So that finally, when all the souls merge together, back into the absolute - the All That Is, The All That Has Been and The All That Ever Will Be, Creator, God also exists at this higher level, above and beyond its nature at the beginning of its great journey of discovery.

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The Seagull Speaks by Sandford Elstone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 ....

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This message comes from Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg, who run the global Mother Earth Network together outside of Stockholm. More information about the network follows the channeling. On December 7th, 2009, a spinning spiral of light was seen in the skies of northern Norway. It was reported and speculated about around the world. Soon after this, the leader of an ascended civilization in cosmos contacted Maria Bertram, who is a medium, and left a message to humanity. He said they were responsible for the light projection, that humanity now is in a critical moment, and that we need to focus on our spiritual development to be able to move on. They also invited humanity to an interplanetary energy transmission that occurred on January 7th, 2010, where all of their people sent healing energies to the people of Earth. A large number of people meditated during the energy transmission, and we have received lots of stories detailing people's experiences and visions during the transmission. For those of you who haven't read the first channeling, we recommend that you do that before you read this one. It has spread all over the Internet and has been translated into a number of languages. Here is a link where you can find it:'ufo-spiral'-in-norway/

At the end of February 2010, new light flashes appeared outside our apartment that lit up the inner ceiling for a moment. Dibarak said to Maria that they would like to leave a second message when we were ready to receive it. On March 1st, we carried out the second channeling. In the channeling Dibarak gives us another powerful message in which he deepens their observations of life on Earth and the spiritual guidance from the first channeling. He thanks us for the interplanetary meditation and invites us to yet another on March 20th 2010. He also says that they will create a new light projection during the months to come. We subsequently added headings to make the long text more accessible. For reference, here are the headings: We want to thank you / The law of abundance / Mother Earth / The cosmic dance / We have come to help you / The collapse of the economic system / The road towards spiritual transformation / Make peace with yourselves / Attachments to physical things / True happiness / A continued friendship and cooperation / Spiritual warriors The channeling follows below: -

Dibarak: I would like to start off by sending you our appreciation for the fantastic work you have done. We also want to say how happy we are to see the incredible spreading of the first channeling with our message that has occurred across the world via the Internet. We are incredibly grateful and happy for all the attention, the enthusiasm and the love that the channeling has generated in people, and pleased that there is such a large interest in and engagement with our message among the people on Earth, and with working for the future of Earth. We also want to say that we think you are doing fantastic work with the Mother Earth Network, and we want to thank you for that work. We also want to thank all your members for participating and sending healing to the Earth, which she needs so badly. When you send healing energies to your Earth, you also help to spread harmonic energies in cosmos that help the entire cosmos to create greater balance and harmony. All belong together, all are one. What you do to yourselves, what you do to each other and your Earth - you also do to us. We are all parts of the same whole, the same unit. We are all one. When we help each other, we also help ourselves. There is no difference between you and me. There is no separation of mine and yours. That is an illusion. We are all one and we share everything.

When we take more than our fair share of something and leave less for others - it's we who will experience the lack that we have created for others. Abundance is created through open hearts, through generosity and through never stopping the energy flow or the material flow. To always be attentive to where the need is greatest at the moment, without thinking in limiting terms of ownership, regulations and musts, but rather naturally following the flow of energies that all of cosmos consists of and that all life consists of. To follow the flow and go where you are most needed, and to give where the biggest need is. In that way you create new possibilities, new development and new abundance, since abundance is an ongoing process which never ends. When you are in this process, when you become a part of the divine flow and let the flow take you, like a wave; when you share the abundance and make it bigger so that it includes all - you will always have exactly what you need. You will always have more to give to others, and others will have more to give to you. In this way abundance is created, new abundance, and everyone's needs are met. It's not until the principle of abundance is broken that lack is created. When you stop helping others, when you stop living with an open heart, trusting that whatever you need will come to you right when you need it and that you can always share your abundance with others. When you instead let fear and lack of trust control you, and you begin to hoard, fabricating conditions and demanding compensation, that you strangle the principle of abundance and you strangle the divine flow, and thereby create lack. The present economic system on Earth, where you buy and sell, is a direct violation of the law of abundance. As long as you continue to live by this system, you will have lack on Earth. All giving must happen without the expectation of repayment. When you demand compensation, it's not giving anymore; it's a business agreement, and all business agreements create lack. When you live your life in accordance with the divine flow and live with an open heart, you are in trust and feel safe in the conviction that you will always have what you need and that everything presently missing will come to you. You don't use your energy to worry about how the future will look or exactly how you will get your needs met. Instead you trust that it will happen one way or the other. You know that what humanity today calls "miracles" - are possible.

My dear beloved friends, you are standing on an enormous treasure. It's well hidden beneath your feet in your Earth. It's the Earth itself, Mother Earth, and the energies that flow through her, from her core all the way out to the Earth's surface. You haven't learned to use her energies wisely. You haven't learned to use this fantastic treasure in an ideal way. Instead you have weakened it, blocked it and shut out its potential. If you once again learn to start working with the energies of the Earth and learn how to reactivate all the grid points and sacred vortices around the Earth that are blocked because of Earth's enormous energy imbalances, you can create a paradise on Earth beyond comparison within a generation or two. A paradise with an abundance of vegetation. An abundance of fruits, berries, vegetables, flowers and animals, where all you literally have to do is stretch out your hand for the fruit to fall into your palm. This is not an unrealistic dream that we are presenting to you, rather it's a possible future for the Earth, if you make the decision, if you decide to make it possible. You have for a very long time violated your Earth, drained her, weakened her energy levels and worsened living conditions for all life on Earth, to the degree that Earth can't take the treatment she is being exposed to anymore. It has come to a point where Earth can't handle the pressure she is exposed to, through all the imbalances around the planet. Earth needs your help to dissolve all the energy blocks around the Earth that create this pressure. Just like you need to make peace with each other and yourselves, you also have to make peace with your beloved Mother Earth. It's Earth that feeds you. Earth is a part of yourselves, and you need her to survive. You are one with Earth and your energy balance and well-being can't be separated from Earth's energy balance and well-being. What you do to Earth, you also do to yourselves. It's important that you understand that. When you work with your spiritual development and raising your energy levels, when you give yourself grounding healing from Earth's interior, you also spread energies that affect Earth in a positive direction. In the same way, when you send healing grounding energies to the Earth and help her, you also thereby help yourselves and each other and all the humans living where there are energy imbalances. Earth has an energy body just like humans have, she has an aura, and she carries a karmic past that she needs to heal. This, she shares with you humans, and she has had to carry a lot of your karma and how you have treated her through the centuries and millenia. All this needs to be dissolved, as you are entering the New Spiritual Age and the Great Purification that will take place. Earth needs your help to make it. She needs your help to dissolve all the energy blocks in Earth's interior and on the grid points around the Earth. She doesn't have the ability to dissolve these blocks herself in a peaceful way. She needs help from you humans. Otherwise it will happen through violent processes where the pressure eventually becomes so strong that Mother Earth explodes. This is what causes all the natural disasters that we see all over the Earth - earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, drought and fires, hurricanes... All these are signs of, and consequences of, all the energy imbalances that Earth suffers from today. Humanity was born on Earth to take care of her, and to function as her keepers. In the same way Earth feeds humanity, humanity is responsible for Earth's well-being. You are forever interlinked with each other. You are a unit, just like we are all interlinked with each other in the cosmic infinity. For Earth to make the transition, she needs your help to ease the pressure, so that the transition won't be as violent for Earth and her inhabitants as it otherwise could be. In the same way that humanity needs to release its karma for the transition to the New Spiritual Age and take a step upward in spiritual development, you also need to help Earth go through the same process so that the transition will be as smooth as possible.

All life on Earth consists of energies. All existence is energy. Cosmos is like a huge living organism, and you are all part of that organism. A pumping energy flow, a divine flow streaming back and forth across the cosmic expanses. We are all taking part in the cosmic dance on different planes and in different dimensions. We are all doing our pirouettes and dances. Now it's time for you humans to consciously start taking part in the dance, with joy, with a true spirit of discovery and inspiration, and to become conscious and active co-creators in the cosmic process and the cosmic dance. The spiritual awakening can be seen as a process during which you wake up, open your eyes, and see the full palette of colors that are at your disposal to paint the fantastically beautiful flow of dance and colors and forms, music, song, love and unity that is being spread like giant waves over the cosmic infinity. It's time for humanity to become active participants in the dance. The lifting of the cosmic quarantine is a part of this process, where humanity is welcomed into the cosmic union and at last takes part in the fantastic variety, abundance and love that are out there for you in the cosmos.

We have come to help you, if you allow us, and because we would love to share our experiences and energies that we feel you need. There's a huge lack of strength on Earth today, a serious lack of the grounding balance that humans and Mother Earth herself need. This you can heal partly by channeling the force from Earth's inner core. But we also want to contribute by giving to you our energies and our strength, since we believe these energies will be of great benefit to you. It will help you in your spiritual processes to open up and transform your divine flow. To open up to your own personal, higher divine knowledge. The energy transmission on January 7th this year was a very loving and joyful experience for our people. We are so incredibly grateful for the enormous interest and engagement that you humans showed by taking part in the energy transmission and by your reception of our messages and our energies. We felt a fantastic feeling of unity and love with you during the whole healing session, and we were so incredibly happy to see all these open hearts on Earth today. All the willpower, all the wishes that you carry - to create change in your life, and to create change on Earth. We would like to take part in the work to develop this process, to help you open up to the divine energies and the love, and to inspire you to see new possibilities and new paths to travel. We would like to support you and give you the strength that we feel humanity in many respects is missing today. The strength to get up and create change. Change both on the inner plane and in your own personal life, but also the strength to create change in bigger contexts. We are not talking here about standing on the barricades to take part in some sort of struggle or fight, because that would only be a way to continue in the old tracks and the old way of thinking, where life consists of struggle. Instead we want to inspire you to face upward to a higher consciousness that is based on love and unity. By opening your hearts and sending love, you can raise the energy levels on Earth and create new conditions for new, more loving ways and solutions for the future of Earth. You are all carrying the solutions within you. What you need to do is open up to see these solutions and all the possibilities of new ways of living and new ways of relating to each other as fellow humans. As you humans say, "Rome was not built in a day." No - that is true. But a lot can change and can change fast if the energies are with you. When you take part in the divine flow, when you open up your heart chakra and follow your inner voice, you receive help to transform and heal the resistance that's standing in the way, and very big changes can in that way be created in a short span of time. You know from your own history that major change has happened in a very short time, in critical moments. You are now in one of these critical moments in the history of Mankind, where there is potential for massive, revolutionary changes.

Very large changes are underway on Earth today. Only some are now seen on the surface; others will soon show themselves with full effect and with full force. Your present economic system on Earth - based on lack and conflict thinking - is about to collapse. It will not work as a functional system for much longer. It's not sustainable in the long run because the system only creates new lack, new conflicts and enormous differences between rich and poor. It creates a system where some people live in abundance while the vast majority of Earth's inhabitants live in poverty. A system that gives Earth enormous pain, a system which has created a technology that damages Earth's energy system and also sends out unbalanced waves all over cosmos. This is a system that has created atomic weapons and nuclear power, both of which are extremely dangerous for all of Earth and for humanity's survival. It's also very damaging for everyone living in cosmos, since everyone is affected. When humanity sets off an atom bomb on Earth, it sends destructive, unbalanced, impure energies straight out to cosmos and all life there is affected. It's extremely dangerous, and humans must stop this immediately. Consider that everything you send out, you also get back due to the law of cause and effect. When you set off atomic weapons, you create incredible imbalances in the energy systems around Earth, around the galaxy and around all of cosmos, far beyond time and space. This whole system, this economic system present on Earth today, will collapse. The erosion which has been taking place for a very long time is escalating faster and faster and will soon be in full effect on Earth. When the energy flows are strengthened on Earth, through the transition to the New Spiritual Age and all the light that is flowing in over Earth, the law of cause and effect is strengthened. This means that what you give out is what you receive, with greater speed and stronger force. It will simply not be possible for humans to make money off each other. The only remaining natural way of trading is the way of love, where you give from what you have to those who need it more, and get back what you need from others who have more than they need themselves. Then you share everything you have and there are no rights of ownership, no fences or walls separating you from each other, and no hierarchies creating separation and oppression, because you are all one and have the same value. We are all one. The differences between poor and rich will, through the collapse of the system, slowly but surely disappear and be replaced with something completely different. It won't be possible anymore for people to buy protection for themselves. No weapons and no amount of money will protect the humans of the world against the changes that are coming. All will stand equal before the wave of change that is sweeping across the Earth, and we will all participate on equal terms.

We are here with you in this process, all the way. All your cosmic friends - we are here with you, and we support you, helping you in the transition. It will be those of you who have opened your hearts and understood that love is the only way, that will make the transition most smoothly. The way of love is the only way into the future for Mankind, just like our civilization once had to learn. Our way towards love was difficult and filled with hardship and pain. It was not a simple lesson, it was not an easy process we went through. We had to deal with our limiting ways of thinking and the convictions that we carried inside to free ourselves and become - in truth - loving human beings. It's not an easy process, and it doesn't happen from one day to the next. The humans are carrying, just like we did, a behavior that has been learned, stretching over numerous reincarnations, that is based on the conviction that life is a struggle for survival and that the natural state of being for humans is deficiency, a daily struggle for survival. As long as you keep that conviction and stay in the old attitude towards existence, life will be a continuous struggle, since you create your own reality. To in truth build a genuine paradise, a world of abundance and love, you have to face all the old attitudes, limiting thought prisons, and emotional prisons that you are in, and leave them behind. You have to step out of your bubbles, tear down all the walls of limitation, negative expectations and fears. This is a very big job that every single individual will have to do. It's nothing that can be forced upon anyone against their will, but rather every single person has to make the decision themselves and start this process to make it possible. It takes a hard, persistent, daily work, where you work with your karma, with all your negative thoughts and expectations and inner limitations, where you heal your traumas and negative ideas and tear down all your walls. To do this you have to make use of the Earth's inner healing female energies and cosmos' male energy. As the situation is today on Earth, both you humans and Earth are suffering from an enormous shortage of female energy, and this lack has to be restored. It's the most important thing of all. Due to the transition to the spiritual age, waves of light, male light, are pouring over the Earth, and it increases gradually with time to become more and more powerful, the closer to the transition you get. This light has to be met, and balanced with the female red energy from Earth's interior. Both Earth herself and humans need to be grounded and need additional female energies, since you are all suffering from an enormous lack of it today. This lack has been present for a very long time, since the female energies and the female ways of being have been suppressed on Earth. It's time for humans to rediscover their inner goddesses and once again start to worship Earth as the divine first mother she is. This will help her in the healing process. In the same way that we advice you to channel healing energies daily to purify your karma, we also advice you to work with visualizing the future you wish for yourself and for Earth, through working with mantras and visualization practices. It's important that you understand and see what enormous potential you have as single human beings and as a collective, to create positive changes and to spread the energies of love over the Earth. It's time for humans to heal their egos and finally discover and acknowledge their own greatness. To have a big ego is not the same thing as seeing your own greatness. You are in truth divine beings. You are creators of your own future.

An important aspect of this transformation process that humanity needs to go through to create lasting changes on Earth is that you finally put down your weapons and stop your struggle, stop the fighting. Not just in physical wars - land against land, or people against people, with weapons in your hands - but also to stop creating conflicts between humans, and between humans and other living beings, and Earth herself. It's not until you make peace with yourselves, that you can make peace with your surrounding world. This was a lesson that became very painful for our people, where we had learned to always stand ready for war in all situations and to always fight for our purpose, and for our right. We were very proud and carried very big fears of being defeated, tricked and used by others. We lived in the illusion that there were winners and losers in wars. This is of course not true. There are no winners in wars of any kind, only losers, no matter if it goes on in your inner or outer reality. This ought to be a obvious truth, and it is, but it is easily forgotten in the heat of war. It takes a large portion of trust and love, inner balance and confidence, harmony and humility to stop creating conflicts and stop living in the mindset of conflict, in small as well as in big matters. We would like to ask you to open your eyes and start watching yourself and your surroundings to see how humans' conflict thinking is creating constant opposition in your everyday life, and to see through the outer illusions and the fear and lack of love that all these conflicts are based on. See that they are not really needed. See through the illusion that humans benefit from taking more than you need and thereby create lack for others. See that in an imbalanced world with imbalanced flows, everyone loses.

When you start working with your spiritual development regularly, when you send yourselves healing, you will see quite soon that you no longer feel the same desire for things as before. You will notice that it becomes easier to let go of your attachments to your earthly possessions, and physical pleasure will be less important than before. The goal is not to stop experiencing physical pleasure or to stop using material things. The goal is rather to let go of your desire and dependency on them, and instead use them as you please without attachments. When you lose your attachments to the things, the things don't own you anymore, and you are free to live your lives as you please. Today humans have developed very, very strong attachments to the material things, and they are to a large extent owned by their things. It's as if you are surrounded by mountains of material things that make it impossible for you to see the horizon. You have built yourselves into prisons of physical belongings and physical desires. It's created a hunger in you to satisfy new needs, where you never have enough since the desires always have a tendency to increase once you have satisfied them, and it's not enough anymore to buy a new sweater or a new car, instead there is always something new to long for. There is always a new desire to satisfy once you have satisfied the prior desire. This process never ends and you will never ever be satisfied. It's in its nature, since the ego is insatiable. It's not until you learn to free yourselves from the desires that you in truth can become completely free human beings and can learn to enjoy life and the things without being limited by them.

In reality you don't need much at all to live and be happy. This you will discover along the way, that your actual needs are very, very small when you are living in love and harmony - with yourselves, each other and the Earth. You will discover the happiness and joy of being present in the now. The singing of birds, the whispers of the wind, and a warm hand on your shoulder will be enough to send waves of happiness through your entire being. You will start appreciating fellowship, shared work, singing and dancing, the beauty of nature - all that is around you and that doesn't cost anything. You will discover what a fantastic miracle life is when you are living in complete true joy, where every blade of grass, every flower, every breath of air, every smiling friend is a part of the fantastic flow of joy, abundance and harmony that life is. And where you wake up every morning feeling true love and thankfulness in your heart, true happiness.

Your road is been staked out, and deep within you know where you are going. You are all carrying this divine wisdom within you. Your work now is only about opening up the gate to that wisdom and start using it. The time has come for humanity to become the diving beings you are, and always have been. We would like to invite you to another energy transmission for Earth's people during the spring, and our hope is that as many of you as possible will be able to participate. The energy transmission will take place during the vernal equinox, March 20th, between 8:00 pm and 9:00 pm (Swedish time zone CET - use to translate to your time zone). We are inviting all the people of the Earth to take part in this energy transmission, and just like last time, to open up to what we have to give to you. The energies will help you activate the process to prepare you for the transition to the New Spiritual Age, and the entrance into the 5th dimension. The transmission is a continuation of the healing energy transmission that took place on January 7th. All of our civilization is waiting with excitement and joy to take part in this energy transmission, and all of us will send our healing energies simultaneously. We will send you inspiring images and messages this time too - to those of you who are open to receive them. We will also give signs of our presence in other ways during the coming months. We will send humanity another message, in form and color. Exactly when it will happen will be dependent on how the energies are on Earth, but we plan to do the light and color exhibition some time during the coming months. We would also like to add that it's possible to make personal contact with us if you wish. We are at your service. We are happy to answer your questions and contribute in all ways we can, to give you the support you need during this big challenge. We want to say to you all that we feel so much love and empathy for you, and we are happy to take part in and to help you in the process you are going through. We feel joy that so many of you have opened up yourselves, your hearts, to the messages we bring to you. We are infinitely grateful that you take the time to listen to us and what we have to say.

We would like to finish by saying that a spiritual warrior is a soul who spreads love and helps other souls to raise their consciousness and to open their hearts. It's not about a struggle in the sense that we are fighting against something, or taking part in a conflict or a war. It's rather that we are like door openers for the flow, and we help the divine to flow freely and with full power. We see ourselves as an extension of the flowing energies of the divine, and as inspiration for and help in your spiritual processes, and we are here if you need us. Just ask and we will be there. Do know that we are always thinking of you and of Earth with love in our hearts. Thanks for listening.

[Maria: Dibarak puts his hands together in front of his chest and makes a humble bow, and a strong light shines between his palms. He looks at me with eyes that contain all of eternity. We say thank you to Dibarak].

Maria receives guidance to all the network's activities from the Divine Consciousness, nature spirits on Earth, masters in the spirit world and other civilizations in cosmos. They are all part of a gigantic cosmic network that has been created around the Mother Earth Network, and they are all present during our global healing sessions for the Earth. The ever-growing Mother Earth Network consists today of more than 1200 members globally. We also arrange public channelings of different kinds. We don't have a website yet, but it's under construction. The network is run totally non-profit. All our activities and everything we offer are free. If you are not already a member and would like to receive our newsletters (channelings, healing instructions, global session reminders and more...), send your e-mail adress to

With Light, Force, and Love
Manne & Maria, Mother Earth Network

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The Seagull Speaks: The Master

Created from the first word ever spoken,

Your body is a tool of fantastic function,
From omnipresent vibrational energies,
Like waves on the surface of the sea,
Through which everything connects,
Within which you move gracefully,
Nourished by light from the sun,
A temple in which to worship,
A sculpture of perfect form,
An evolving work of art,
A fragment of eternity.

Be the waves,
Know the waves,
Be with the waves,
Surround the waves,
Be within the waves,
Be above the waves,
Be below the waves,
Be one with the waves.

Breathe like the master,
You are!
Move like the master,
You are!
Walk like the master,
You are!

Be one with the waves,
Be below the waves,
Be above the waves,
Be within the waves,
Surround the waves,
Be with the waves,
Know the waves,
Be the waves.

The Master breathes consciously.

The Master breathes with thanksgiving,
The Master breathes with knowledge,
The Master breathes with reverence,
The Master breathes with elegance,
The Master breathes with purpose,
The Master breathes with serenity,
The Master breathes with wisdom,
The Master breathes with passion,
The Master breathes with dignity,
The Master breathes with insight,
The Master breathes with energy,
The Master breathes with power,
The Master breathes with grace,
The Master breathes with focus,
The Master breathes with truth,
The Master breathes with love.

The Master moves consciously.

The Master moves with thanksgiving,
The Master moves with knowledge,
The Master moves with reverence,
The Master moves with elegance,
The Master moves with purpose,
The Master moves with serenity,
The Master moves with wisdom,
The Master moves with passion,
The Master moves with dignity,
The Master moves with insight,
The Master moves with energy,
The Master moves with power,
The Master moves with grace,
The Master moves with focus,
The Master moves with truth,
The Master moves with love.

The Master walks consciously.

The Master walks with thanksgiving,
The Master walks with knowledge,
The Master walks with reverence,
The Master walks with elegance,
The Master walks with purpose,
The Master walks with serenity,
The Master walks with wisdom,
The Master walks with passion,
The Master walks with dignity,
The Master walks with insight,
The Master walks with energy,
The Master walks with power,
The Master walks with grace,
The Master walks with focus,
The Master walks with truth,
The Master walks with love.

The Master is consciousness.

The Master is thanksgiving,
The Master is knowledge,
The Master is reverence,
The Master is elegance,
The Master is purpose,
The Master is serenity,
The Master is wisdom,
The Master is passion,
The Master is dignity,
The Master is insight,
The Master is energy,
The Master is power,
The Master is grace,
The Master is focus,
The Master is truth,
The Master is love.

You are the waves,
And the waves know,
You are with the waves,
You surround the waves,
You are within the waves,
You are above the waves,
You are below the waves,
You are one with the waves.

Breathe the light,
Move in the light,
Walk in the light,
Know the light,
Be the light.

Breathe with God,
Move with God,
Walk with God,
Know God,
Be God.

The Master is Being,
Being the Master,
The Master is.

Be the Master.

Forever and ever,

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The Seagull Speaks by Sandford Elstone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 ....

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The Seagull Speaks: Just a Thought...

With enthusiasm, determination and focus,

You can overcome all your problems!

What you imagine you can achieve you will achieve!
Because what you think is going to happen will happen!

Your mind creates the future out of nothing!

In the beginning,
Nothing existed but energy!
Pure potential energy!

The universe emerged from a thought!

The Word!

It's all down to Physics!
One of the fundamental natural laws of the universe!


Energy = mass x c x c (speed of light squared).

Thoughts are energy in action!
So, thoughts = matter = future reality!

Your dreams will come true!


Einstein's Theory of Mass–energy equivalence

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The Seagull Speaks by Sandford Elstone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 ....
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The Seagull Speaks - I Give Thanks

I give thanks for the love,

That is present in my life,
For all that is good,
For all that is pure,
For all that is joyful,
For all that nourishes my soul.

I give thanks for my family and friends,
Though many of them live far away,
They are in my thoughts always,
And all of them energise me and sustain me.

I give thanks for the joy I have in my work,
And the blessings of my work mates,
Who share and support me,
In my daily struggles and challenges,
I give thanks for the knowledge that each is unique,
And is doing the best they can in their own way.

I give thanks for each new person I meet,
Along the branching paths and golden threads of my days,
For each soul is a fragment of the absolute perfection of creation,
And each one shines a light upon me and enlivens me.

And when I walk in nature.
I give thanks for the beauty of creation,
I give thanks for the blessings of the earth,
For rugged coastlines and peaceful beaches,
For the high mountains I climb and for the ridges I walk,
And for the secrets revealed by the views I see in the valleys below.
I give thanks for the steadfastness of the rocks on the shore,
And for the waves on the sea that wash my worries away.

I give thanks for the light and warmth of the sun,
For the ever-changing shapes of clouds and mists,
For the curving colourful beauty of rainbows,
And I give thanks for the grains of sand that slip through my fingers,
Revealing that everything is transient and that nothing exists forever,
Teaching me to cherish and enjoy every single moment.

I give thanks for the rain that falls,
For the flowers that bloom and the grass that grows,
For the pure water that quenches my thirst,
And for the wind that rustles the leaves of the bushes and trees.

I give thanks for the soil,
And the food that grows from it,
To sustain the temple that is my body,
I give thanks for the genes and proteins,
Propagating and maintaining my cells and tissues,
I give thanks for DNA and for the codes of life,
That orchestrate this symphony, this dance,
And I give thanks for the eternal process of evolution,
For the magnificent beauty of all life forms throughout the universe.

I give thanks for the insights of science and for the technology,
That makes our lives easier from day to day,
I give thanks for the power of information and computation,
And the fundamental natural laws,
That are essential for evolution of the universe,
And which hold everything in balance,
So that everything relates to everything else in perfection,
I give thanks for the the fundamental particles,
Causing everything to vibrate and to resonate with energy that I can feel.

And when I wander out into the night
I give thanks for the beauty of the moon, the stars and their planets,
For the spinning perfection of galaxies and nebulae,
And supernovae and black holes,
And I give thanks for the perfection of this universe,
For the recognition that it is one of many universes,
And that I am blessed to live within it,
And that although I am but a tiny part of it,
I am essential for its continuing development.

And I give thanks for the moments of insight, bliss and joy,
For the glimpses of truth, knowledge and wisdom,
That fill me throughout the day.

And when I am in solitude,
I give thanks for the silence,
And for the stillness,
That speaks to me,
And cleanses the core of my being,
Showing me that I am never alone.

Thank you for never leaving me,
For guiding me day by day,
For keeping fear away,
For giving me patience, trust and faith
And love in my heart,



The Seagull

Creative Commons License

The Seagull Speaks by Sandford Elstone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 ....

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The Seagull Speaks - The Seagull's Prophecy

Received from "The Seagull" - January, 2010.

People of Earth, behold and listen. Contact has begun. You are at a crucial stage of your evolution. You are entering a new era, which will ultimately enable you to fly to the stars and beyond in the years to come. Generations of Earth humans will be fulfilling their destinies in the cosmos. This is where your future lies.

You are at the ultimate crossroads. A branching of the paths. You are entering a new space-time continuum. Which way do you want to go? Which way will you decide to go? For you have the free will to decide. The next few years will bring great changes to humanity. I, along with my brother and sister seagulls, who have been living amongst you as well as those of us who fly overhead, sometimes seen, but usually wearing cloaks of invisibility, have been working for many years on raising your consciousness. We are the light travelers from afar. Well, our work is finally beginning to pay off and, dare we say it, we are beginning to believe that there may be a time in the not so distant future when our work will be complete. People are already beginning to wake up and have small inklings of the truth and the purpose of their existence.

You, the messengers, who are seeking us out, seeing us and talking to us, are being educated to have various roles in the process of awakening and truth telling. You will also become sculptors of light. You have a lot more to learn and you are only beginning to receive the first clues about this reality, but it is the truth. We seagulls will continue to provide you with the information you require to go about your work as and when you need it.

From the lofty heights above the Earth, where we soar on the winds within, above and beyond the clouds, we can see great changes coming soon. The Earth is evolving and powerful energies are being released across the planet. Along with the earthquakes, tsunamis and extreme weather events, you have an unprecedented opportunity to use these energies positively, for yourself and the good of humanity. Notice how things are changing. This is just the beginning. The mass of humanity will turn away and try to ignore all of this - they simply cannot believe it to be true. Others will look in awe and wonder at what is happening, but will not understand. The dark forces will deceive many, as they have done throughout human history on Earth. But do not listen, open your eyes and your minds and realise the truth! This is why they have kept you enslaved. Because they know that once you understand the power of the truth, the abilities you all possess inside, the darkness they produce will perish in its presence.

But, although the negative forces are still at work here, there are also brave men and women on Earth like you. They value their glorious planet, all of its life and beauty. They value love and truth and the future of their children and their children’s children.

Great and strange events will be seen in the skies above Earth. You will see more of us seagulls, sometimes alone, sometimes in great flocks way above you and sometimes close enough that you think you might be able to touch us. Sometimes, we may even land on your shores and mountains - not always near the sea. Sometimes, you may even see us above your cities. And that is not all. There will be increasing numbers of strange shapes in the skies and patterns on the ground that you have never seen before. Many will try and convince you that these events are not happening and that we are not seagulls, but some other unspecified, unrecognised, undiscovered kind of bird; that we are figments of your imagination. Such people want you to continue sleepwalking into oblivion, so that you don't realise that you can continue to evolve. But everything you see is a message for all of humanity to heed. Whether you do or not is your choice.

Many will turn away and not believe the reality of what they will witness in the heavens and on Earth and the world governments will be aiding in that deception, though not all. There are many good people in positions of power who walk in the light and do their best. This will be the final battle between the best and the worst on Earth and in the heavens that has been in the waiting for such a long time.

But, know this, all that is good - love, truth, wisdom and light - will prevail.

When this is all over, and who knows how long it will take, the Earth will be a very different place, environmentally, politically, economically, scientifically and spiritually. New ways of being, understanding and doing will have begun to be forged within individuals as well as throughout human society as a whole. People will finally begin to see themselves primarily as citizens of the Earth, not as subjects or citizens of individual countries. A global community of the people will emerge and wisdom along with rationality and knowledge will begin to prevail, so that everything is managed with everyone’s best interests in mind, not just those of the wealthy and the powerful. The old dogmas will begin to fade away.

You don’t have to let your leaders dictate to you anymore - mostly, they are behind the times, leftovers of a bygone era. They no longer have power over you. It is you the people who wield the power now and they are beginning to realise this. The internet means that real news can be propagated throughout the world, without censoring by governments. Every civilization in the Universe reaches this stage sooner or later. This is the point at which amazing things begin to happen. Actually, the first step to becoming citizens of the cosmos. We seagulls will continue to be here to help you in your evolution.

And the power lies in you, each one of you, to achieve this. The power of the spirit is infinite. Find your spirit and it will set you free and provide you with all the power and truth and meaning you have been missing in your lives. Spirit is energy, spirit is matter, spirit is creation and renewal, spirit is pure power and spirit is life. True
life. Each one of you holds a small piece of the power of creation within you. A fragment of this Universe. It is this power we seagulls have been telling you about for years now and that you messengers are developing and using. You are all warriors of the light and darkness cannot survive in the light.

The dark forces will not prevail even though they will continue to try to control you. They will be unable to enter the new space-time continuum in which you are beginning to traverse. Rest assured that the light will shine. There is no need to be afraid.

But, all these things must come to pass for the great creator to understand better the essence of itself. So, do not be afraid. Walk in the light of love and truth. For these times have been written in the stars for millennia.

These words have been given to you, so that you will all have the opportunity to understand yourselves and your place in the Universe. Spread them as widely as possible, so that those who are open to the truth can hear these words, listen and understand.


The Seagull

The Seagull Speaks

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The Seagull Speaks - For the Messengers

In the depths of the night,

When silence reigns,
Will the words come to you,
Like the rising wind.

You will use the words you find,
To reclaim the sheep on the hillsides,
Who find themselves lost in the snow.

You will help guide them along a new path,
That they already know how to follow,
And the words you will find will be solid and perfect and wise.

You will always know what to say,
Because the words will come from the inner-most core of your being,
And the people will begin to know that what you have to say is the truth.

“A light in the darkness,
The truth,
Despite their lies”

Previously, you didn’t understand the significance of the words you received,
And wrote down.

But these words existed within you,
From all eternity,
From the beginning,
From a thought that flickered,
And then burst into flames,
And still walks within you,
Flowing through your veins.

And in your inner sanctums,
Reside the words that are written for all time.

They have been placed like the most precious jewels,
In the most ornately decorated caskets that you could ever imagine,
Waiting to be opened.

And you will continue to awake in the middle of the night,
With your spirit swelling with abundance, with joy, with pride, with wonder,
Within you!

And the words will come,
And you will know them instantly,
For they have always existed,
Since the beginning of time and space.

And it is through you all that many people will know the truth,
Of the cleansing power of the spirit and of all creation,
Seemingly from without,
But from deep within.

And the lost ones will call you,
And you will help the shepherds on the hillsides to bring the sheep home,
And all the wayward ones who bleat and shuffle in the dark and in the cold.

The ones who are lost,
The ones who cry.

And the words will come,
Again and again,
Like the inexorable tide,
Like they did for Myrddin in the old days,
When his spirit also guided him.

This is the day of your dreaming,
The beginning of your true calling,
To become a messenger,
One who understands,
One who knows the truth,
And teaches it,
Whether it is accepted or not,
By the fearful ones,
Who turn away from it.

For you are the fighters,
The warriors,
Bringing down the sword of truth.

And know that the work is good,
And that the load you carry is light.

The Seagull

The Seagull Speaks

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