Richard Griffiths's Posts (6)

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SQ Webinar


Evolve Your Brain


Spiritual Intelligence

Develop your spiritual intelligence, using the science of neuro-plasticity, and evolve your SQ brain. This free webinar introduces the scientific foundations of spiritual intelligence, and shows how to develop your spiritual intelligence using contemporary secular principles. The neuro-plasticity of the brain results in the SQ brain, which represents a brain optimised neurologically for spiritual intelligence. Evolve your SQ brain by following the principles outlined in this webinar:

•  The Basic Operating System of Human Awareness

•  The Experience of Spiritual Intelligence

•  Neuro-plasticity and Brain Evolution

•  The New Paradigm of the Third Millennium

•  Evolve your SQ Brain

Three Dimensions of Intelligence


Evolve Your Brain


Spiritual Intelligence

Tues 5 March 2013, 7.30pm - 8.30pm AEDT

Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Melbourne)

Time Zone Converter







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This video is the recording of a recent webinar on the secular principles underlying spiritual intelligence. Also included is an outline of the SQ Practitioner Training Course, which is designed for coaches and trainers and others who want to teach spiritual intelligence.


This Webinar features the following topics:


•  The Basic Operating System of Human Awareness

•  The SQ Portal

•  The Experience of Spiritual Intelligence

•  Developing the SQ Brain

•  The New Paradigm of the Third Millennium

•  SQ Practitioner Training Course


Next Webinar

If you would like the opportunity of asking questions, and getting responses live, you can sign up for the next webinar on spiritual intelligence here.


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Webinar on Spiritual Intelligence

SQ Webinar

This free webinar introduces spiritual intelligence, based on contemporary secular principles. Also included is an outline of the SQ Practitioner Training Course, which is designed for coaches and trainers and others who want to teach spiritual intelligence.

This Webinar features the following topics:

• The Basic Operating System of Human Awareness

• The SQ Portal

• The Experience of Spiritual Intelligence

• Developing the SQ Brain

• The New Paradigm of the Third Millennium

• SQ Practitioner Training Course


Sign up below to book your place at the webinar

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

Free Introductory Webinar

Spiritual Intelligence

Tues 15 January 2013, 11am - 12noon AEDT

Australian Eastern Daylight Time

Time Zone Conversion

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Teach Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual Intelligence Education brings spirituality up to date, by providing access to spiritual intelligence in contemporary secular terms. The empirical methodology of SQ access enables spiritual intelligence to be experienced directly, as an innate capability, without relying on religious faith. SQ thus supersedes the twin opposing beliefs at the foundation of mainstream consciousness, in the form of theism and materialism, and replaces them with the synthesis of theism and materialism, in the form of secular non-theistic spirituality. Consequently, SQ Education ultimately transforms mainstream collective consciousness by means of evolutionary change from within.

Beyond Doubt

The experience of spiritual intelligence verifies beyond doubt that soul qualities, such as peace and joy and love, are inherent at the subject-pole of attention, in association with every possible experience of the world. Therefore peace and joy and love are not arbitrary, subjective sentiments projected onto an indifferent universe, as the officially approved doctrine asserts, based on the materialist view of reality. On the contrary, soul qualities are inherent in every possible universe we could ever experience, representing what is always already the case, before and after anything whatsoever occurs, forevermore. Consequently, with the benefit of SQ, it's self-evident that peace and joy and love are fundamental properties of our very existence.

Beyond Fear

Spiritual intelligence therefore banishes a mountain of fear, replacing a feeling of separateness and alienation with the feeling of being at home in the universe. This transformation creates a cascade of beneficial effects, from reducing anxiety, to improving functioning, clarifying meaning and purpose, boosting personal fulfilment, improving relationships, stimulating compassion and contribution, resulting in tolerance and co-operation between people at the individual level, and between different groups in society, and between different cultures and nations. Consequently, spiritual intelligence is necessary and sufficient for individual and collective transformation.

Twin Poles of Attention

New Millennium

Lack of SQ education is responsible for much personal suffering and aberration. Neglect of spiritual intelligence also undermines organisational productivity, and retards the development of world culture and politics in a progressive direction. SQ Education therefore has these three interwoven dimensions: individual, organisational, and collective. By helping individuals and organisations to thrive, SQ Education contributes to the necessary shift in collective consciousness, equal to the global challenges and opportunities of the new millennium.

Our Mission

Teachers of spiritual intelligence therefore carry a deep responsibility to this and future generations, as instruments of a profound paradigm shift, representing the next stage in the evolution of mainstream collective consciousness. Ultimately, beyond building a business and earning a living, our calling is to be instruments of renewal, for individuals, for organisations, and for the collective. It's a joyful responsibility we share. Together we can make a profound contribution.

SQ Practitioner Training Course

The 16 week online SQ Practitioner Training Course is intended for trainers, coaches, educators, counsellors, psychologists, health professionals, and others who want to teach spiritual intelligence. Learn more

Three Dimensions of Intelligence


This article is based on a synthesis of findings from different fields of research, including cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, transpersonal psychology, and neuroscience. These findings are summarised in the post entitled The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence.

How to Experience Spiritual Intelligence [Video]

Spiritual intelligence is easy to experience. We all experience SQ spontaneously at times. But spontaneous moments of SQ are rare and unpredictable. Therefore it's important to know how to experience SQ intentionally. When you can engage your spiritual intelligence voluntarily, at any time of your own choosing, SQ becomes your most powerful personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally.

Watch the video here


About Spiritual Intelligence

  • Zohar, D., Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
  • Amramt, Y. (2007) The Seven Dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence
  • Draper, B. (2010) Spiritual Intelligence: A New Way of Being
  • Wilber, K. (2000) Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology
  • Griffiths, R. (2012) Wisdom for the New Millennium. Currently in preparation.

SQ Sources

  • Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree (1980) Book of the Secrets
  • Muktananda, S. (1978) Play of Consciousness
  • Thomas a Kempis (1441) The Imitation of Christ
  • Rastogi, T. (1982) Islamic Mysticism
  • Tolle, E. (2004) The Power of Now
  • Yogananda, P. (1945) Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Aurobindo, Sri (1940) Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo’s Teaching and Method

Cognitive Psychology

  • Segal, Z. et al (2002) Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • Fulton, P. et al (2005) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
  • Brown, K.W. (2003) The Benefits of being Present


  • Fairbairn, W.R.D. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality.
  • Greenberg, J & Mitchell, S. (1985) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory.
  • Bion, W. R. (1970) Attention and Interpretation.


  • Zohar, D. & Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Ultimate  Intelligence
  • Seil, F.J. (2008) Neural Plasticity and Regeneration
  • Dehaene, S. (2002) The Neuroscience of Consciousness

Transpersonal Psychology

History and Philosophy of Science

  • Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  • Popper, K. (1959) The Logic of Scientific Discovery
  • Henry, J. (2008) The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science
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The Full Spectrum of Intelligence

Full Spectrum of Intelligence

The full spectrum of intelligence is made up of five dimensions, from PQ to TQ, via IQ, EQ and SQ.


Physical intelligence is a property of all life-forms. PQ controls our breathing and regulates the autonomic nervous system. The coordination required to walk or put on a jacket is a PQ capability.

IQ / EQ / SQ

After PQ comes IQ and EQ, which are about intellect and emotion, followed by SQ, which is about values and meaning. SQ replaces the ego with the soul, as the seat of personal identity, and as the governor of PQ, IQ, and EQ. The qualities of SQ are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. SQ therefore increases personal fulfilment and social responsibility, boosts individual and group performance, and results in cooperation, tolerance and peace between people.

Spiritual Intelligence


Beyond SQ is the ultimate dimension of intelligence, called TQ (transcendental intelligence). Whereas SQ shifts from the ego to the soul by transcending the object-pole of attention, TQ shifts from the individual soul to the universal soul by transcending both poles of attention and the mechanism of attention altogether. TQ is the intelligence of non-individuated feeling-awareness itself, which is the self-existing and self-radiant ground of all being, and the transcendental source of all.

Transcendental Intelligence

Not surprisingly, TQ is extremely uncommon. There are very few reports of stable and permanent TQ on record. Limited and temporary forms of TQ occur more often, as evident from studies in transpersonal psychology, and from art and literature, and from the histories of spiritual traditions. However, even partial TQ experiences, with rare exceptions, result from many years of preparation.

The Separate God Idea

TQ is the intelligence of transcendental consciousness (non-individuated self-existing self-radiant feeling-awareness). But if you merely believe in the existence of a transcendental dimension of reality, as an article of faith, without actually experiencing transcendental consciousness as your own inherent source, then transcendental reality is objectified as something separate from yourself. This gives rise to the idea of a separate God. The objectifying effect of religious belief thus personifies transcendental reality in the form of a separate deity. According to religious belief, human beings are "made in the image of God." But according to transcendental intelligence, it's the other way around. From the non-dual TQ point of view, the religious idea of a separate God is made in the image of the separate ego. The separate God idea of religious faith is therefore a contraction of TQ, reflecting the separate state of the believer's ego.


In addition to rejecting belief in the existence of a God, atheists usually subscribe to materialism, which is the belief that reality is fundamentally physical or material. Many atheists simply assume the truth of materialism, based on their rejection of theism (belief in the existence of a God as a separate being). Materialism and theism are widely regarded as the only possible alternatives. Therefore, it is assumed that if theism is false, then materialism must be true. But this is not so. The SQ paradigm represents an alternative that supersedes both theism and materialism, as explained below.



The philosophy of materialism goes back a long way. As an explicit belief system about the ultimate nature of reality, materialism dates back to ancient Greece, and even earlier. However, in the civilisations of the ancient world, materialism was a minority point of view, on the fringe of the prevailing mainstream religious culture. But after the scientific revolution in 17th century Europe, materialism for the first time gained mainstream cultural support. With the official endorsement of orthodox science, the philosophy of materialism has now become the dominant paradigm of contemporary secular culture. But, ironically, at the height of its influence, the theory of materialism has been discredited. Quantum physics represented the first scientific challenge to materialism. But the final blow to its legitimacy was the emergence of the integral scientific method, upon which the SQ paradigm is based. The findings of integral science confirm that belief in materialism results from using IQ and EQ without engaging SQ [1]. The emergence of the SQ paradigm therefore signifies that the theory of materialism, both as a scientific premise and as a philosophical world-view, has now been superseded.

Beyond Materialism

Spiritual intelligence represents the secular pathway beyond materialism. SQ is experienced by identifying with feeling-awareness itself at the subject-pole of attention, rather than with states of body and mind at the object-pole of attention. SQ thus recognises two separate and distinct domains, located at opposite poles of attention, neither of which can be reduced to the other. The conscious psyche, in the form of feeling-awareness itself, is located at one pole of attention, and everything else, including the physical dimension of existence, is necessarily located at the other pole. Acordingly, from the SQ perspective, it's self-evident that reality is essentially psycho-physical in nature, rather than fundamentally merely physical, as claimed by the philosophy of materialism.

Non-theistic Spirituality

SQ thus refutes the philosophy of materialism, based on the irreducible psycho-physical nature of experiencing the world. On the evidence of direct personal experience, without resort to religious faith, SQ verifies that feeling-awareness itself (or the soul) is inherent in every possible experience of material reality. Moreover, this is true regardless of whether awareness is an epiphenomenon, dependent on the physical brain, as claimed by the philosophy of materialism. Regardless of the origin of human consciousness, the point is that the subject-pole of attention is inherent in every possible moment of our awareness. The experience of spiritual intelligence therefore transcends the materialist view of reality, based on the undeniable reality of non-material consciousness, at the subject-pole of attention. SQ thus negates the belief that everything is material, on the basis of that which is inherently and irreducibly not material, namely, feeling-awareness itself. Belief in materialism is thus transcended in spiritual intelligence, without requiring belief in the existence of a God. The SQ paradigm therefore represents the foundation of non-theistic spirituality.

Nature of Existence

The basic nature of existence is understood according to the dimensions of intelligence available at each stage of development from ego, to soul, to transcendental being.


  • Ego perspective

The ego identifies with the products of IQ and EQ at the object-pole of attention, in the form of states of body and mind. Therefore, from the ego perspective, the basic nature of existence is understood in object-pole terms. Object-pole explanations of existence include both materialism and theism. Both these opposing viewpoints seek to explain existence with reference to phenomena at the object-pole of attention. According to materialism, the basic stuff of existence is made of atoms and molecules. According to theism, the basic stuff of existence is a separate creator God. A separate God is as much an object of attention as an atom or a molecule. Therefore, materialism and theism belong together. Both these opposing viewpoints originate from the perspective of the separate ego, which exercises IQ and EQ, without SQ or TQ.


  • Soul perspective

From the soul perspective, which exercises IQ and EQ with SQ, but without TQ, the basic nature of existence is understood not in object-pole terms, but in subject-pole terms. Subject-pole explanations of existence are made from the position of individuated feeling-awareness itself (or the soul). From the soul perspective, the spiritual qualities of the soul are the basic stuff of existence, not anything located at the object-pole of attention, such as atoms and molecules, or the separate ego, or the religious idea of a separate God. The spiritual qualities of the soul are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace. Spiritual intelligence experiences these soul qualities in association with everything experienced at the object-pole of attention. Therefore SQ uses thought, emotion, and perception, and every other experience at the object-pole of attention, including the discoveries of science, not for the purposes of the ego, but for the purposes of the soul.


  • Transcendental perspective

From the transcendental perspective, which has access to the full spectrum of intelligence, the basic nature of existence is located prior to both poles of attention, in the state of non-individuated feeling-awareness itself. TQ experiences being lived by the whole, with no separate self-identity, either as the ego or as the soul, even while functioning as an apparent individual, animating a separate body-mind. The basic nature of existence is experienced by TQ as transcendental consciousness (non-individuated self-existing self-radiant feeling-awareness). In the ancient wisdom tradition of Vedanta, TQ is described as satchitananda (truth-consciousness-bliss). TQ is a state of non-dual awareness, and therefore recognises energy as the radiance of consciousness, not as something separate from consciousness. Consequently, from the transcendental point of view, the world was not created by something separate from the world, in the person of a separate God. From the vantage point of TQ, the world arises within self-exisiting self-radiant transcendental consciousness, as a stepped-down dualistic modification of non-dual transcendental consciousness itself [2, 3, 4].

Necessary and Sufficient

Transcendental intelligence represents a highly advanced state of consciousness [5, 6, 7]. Even limited forms of TQ can take a lifetime of dedication to develop, after a long process of neural development, based on intensive spiritual practice. Consequently, TQ is extremely uncommon. A collective paradigm shift based on TQ therefore belongs in the distant future, at a later stage of human brain development. But SQ is different. SQ is accessible to everyone right now, at the current stage of human brain development. Moreover, spiritual intelligence is sufficient for profound transformation. The shift from the ego to the soul has enormously beneficial consequences. SQ increases personal fulfilment and social responsibility, boosts individual and group performance, and results in cooperation, tolerance and peace between people. When SQ is exercised on a community-wide scale, new norms are created, and society is thus transformed, as governments are repurposed and corporations are reformed, according to spiritually intelligent principles. Accordingly, at this point in our history, at the dawn of the third millennium, faced with unprecedented global crises of our own creation, coupled with immense potential for improving the quality of life for all, SQ represents the necessary and sufficient means of individual and collective transformation.

Three Dimensions of Intelligence


This article is based on a synthesis of findings from various fields of research, including cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, transpersonal psychology, and neuroscience. These findings are summarised in the post entitled The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence.

How to Experience Spiritual Intelligence [Video]

Spiritual intelligence is easy to experience. We all experience SQ spontaneously at times. But spontaneous moments of SQ are rare and unpredictable. Therefore it's important to know how to experience SQ intentionally. When you can engage your spiritual intelligence voluntarily, at any time of your own choosing, SQ becomes your most powerful personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally.

Watch the video here


About Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)

  • Zohar, D., Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
  • Amramt, Y. (2007) The Seven Dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence
  • Draper, B. (2010) Spiritual Intelligence: A New Way of Being
  • Wilber, K. (2000) Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology
  • Griffiths, R. (2012) Wisdom for the New Millennium. Currently in preparation.

SQ Sources

  • Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree (1980) Book of the Secrets
  • Muktananda, S. (1978) Play of Consciousness
  • Thomas a Kempis (1441) The Imitation of Christ
  • Rastogi, T. (1982) Islamic Mysticism
  • Tolle, E. (2004) The Power of Now
  • Yogananda, P. (1945) Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Aurobindo, Sri (1940) Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method

Cognitive Psychology

  • Segal, Z. et al (2002) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
  • Fulton, P. et al (2005) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
  • Brown, K.W. (2003) The Benefits of being Present


  • Fairbairn, W.R.D. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality.
  • Greenberg, J & Mitchell, S. (1985) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory.
  • Bion, W. R. (1970) Attention and Interpretation.


  • Zohar, D. & Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Ultimate  Intelligence
  • Seil, F.J. (2008) Neural Plasticity and Regeneration
  • Dehaene, S. (2002) The Neuroscience of Consciousness

History and Philosophy of Science

  • Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  • Popper, K. (1959) The Logic of Scientific Discovery
  • Henry, J. (2008) The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science

Transpersonal Psychology

About Transcendental Intelligence (TQ)

  • Wilber, K. (1993) The Spectrum of Consciousness
  • Sharma, A. (2008) The Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta
  • Samraj, Adi Da (2007) Radical Transcendentalism
  • Hawkins, D. (2006) Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

TQ Sources

The Tradition of Advaita Vedanta
  • Astavakra Gita
  • Tripura Rahasya
  • Maharshi, R. (1989). Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
The Traditions of Buddhism
  • The Diamond Sutra
  • Mahayanavimsaka
  • Lankavatara Sutra
The Jain Tradition
  • Chand, B. (1987) Lord Mahavira
The Tradition of Samkya Yoga
  • Feuerstein, G. (1989) The Yoga-Sutra of Patañjali
The Adidam Tradition
  • Samraj, Adi Da (1973) The Method of the Siddhas
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The Spiritual Intelligence Paradigm

Three Dimensions of Intelligence

From the early 17th century onwards, traditional faith-based theological explanations of reality gave way to empirical explanations based on newly discovered laws of physics. This enormous shift in collective consciousness established scientific materialism as the dominant paradigm of western civilisation. According to this philosophy, which still prevails as the orthodox scientific view today, human beings are nothing more than a bunch of atoms in a complex chemical formula.

Postmodern Despair

This dispiriting philosophy about the ultimate nature of human existence has caused enormous confusion and bewilderment. The official endorsement of this reductionist philosophy by the scientific establishment has installed in collective consciousness a dark vision of existence, based on a sense of ultimate meaninglessness and futility. Much suffering, aberration, and despair has resulted. 20th century literature portrays a pervasive existential malaise. The symptoms are described as alienation (Marx), nausea (Sartre), abandonment (Heidegger), aimlessness (Becket), hollowness (Eliot), and the feeling of being a stranger in one's own land (Camus). The mood of meaninglessness and despair associated with the materialist view of reality is featured in a recent popular film (Whatever Works, 2009, Woody Allen), in which the universe is described as a "cruel, dog-eat-dog, pointless, black, chaos"

Good News

But in contrast to the prevailing existential gloom, there's good news. The reign of scientific materialism is rapidly coming to a close. Although this nihilistic paradigm has dominated collective consciousness for hundreds of years, it is no more permanent than the paradigm it replaced. Just as boldly as materialism took over in the 17th century, it is being superseded in the 21st. Spiritual intelligence (SQ) is emerging as the next stage in the evolution of collective consciousness.

Science of the Soul

The SQ paradigm is based on the science of the soul. The soul is simply dismissed as non-existent by materialist science. Religious belief, on the other hand, situates the soul in a remote supernatural location, accessible to faith alone. But the SQ paradigm identifies the soul at a psychological location, accessible to everyone in their own experience, without relying on religious beliefs.

Spiritual Intelligence

Being the soul is experienced as being feeling-awareness itself, which is located at the subject-pole of attention. This is the ever-present alternative to being the ego, which is experienced as being the body and mind, located at the object-pole of attention. Shifting from the object-pole to the subject-pole of attention creates a corresponding shift from the ego to the soul, which activates the spiritual dimension of intelligence. Spiritual intelligence experiences the qualities traditionally ascribed to the soul, by virtue of the native qualities of feeling-awareness itself, which are experienced at the subject-pole of attention in moments of presence, in the form of wisdom, compassion, integrity, joy, love, creativity, and peace.

Twin Poles of Attention

Beyond Materialism

The SQ paradigm extends the application of the scientific method beyond the narrow limits set arbitrarily by scientific materialism. By including feeling-awareness itself (or the soul) as the subject of experience, the SQ paradigm goes beyond the hitherto exclusive scientific focus on objects of experience, as required by the philosophical materialism of orthodox science.

Scientific Method

The key principle of the scientific method is that knowledge qualifies as scientific when the relevant facts are observable, verifiable and repeatable. Based on this criterion, the subject-pole of attention is a scientific fact. This is because the subject-pole of attention is observable; it's existence is verifiable both inter-subjectively and neurologically; and it can be experienced repeatedly. Therefore knowledge of the subject-pole of attention qualifies as scientific knowledge. Consequently, withholding scientific recognition from the subject-pole of attention, by limiting the scope of scientific enquiry to objects of attention, applies the scientific method too narrowly. In the process, human beings are defined too narrowly also.


Scientific materialism defines human beings exclusively in object-pole terms, composed of atoms, chemicals, and biological structures. Subjective experiences, such as perceptions, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc, are defined as electrical discharges in the brain. However, this reduction to the object-pole leaves out the essential element, which is feeling-awareness itself.


Without feeling-awareness itself (or the soul) at the subject-pole of attention, there would be nothing whatsoever at the object-pole of attention, regardless of how many electrical discharges in the brain occurred. There would be no perceptions, thoughts, emotions, or memories, and no observations of atoms or molecules, or any other experiences of body, or mind, or world. Consequently, by reducing human beings to phenomena at the object-pole of attention, scientific materialism leaves out the most important element. Therefore, as a science of human nature, and as a basis for self-understanding, the current scientific understanding of human nature is seriously deficient.

Vital Correction

Nevertheless scientific materialism performed an essential function in its time. In the 17th century it brought an end to unquestioned acceptance of theological explanations of reality. This was an important advance. Religious doctrine had stifled discovery for millennia, by privileging tradition and belief over observation and experience. Establishing the scientific method as the gatekeeper of knowledge was a vital correction.


However it turned out to be an over-correction, because the scientific method was applied too narrowly, in accordance with the premises of philosophical materialism. This philosophy denies the existence of what is not material, and therefore by definition excludes the subject-pole of attention from scientific recognition. Consequently, when applied with the narrow focus of philosophical materialism, the scientific method provides an incomplete and utterly misleading understanding of human nature. 

New Correction

The emergence of the SQ paradigm marks a further correction, bringing to an end the dark age of scientific materialism. As a synthesis of psychology and spirituality, based on the integral science of human nature, the SQ paradigm includes both poles of attention. The experience of spiritual intelligence therefore represents the union of body, mind and soul.

New Paradigm

Spiritual intelligence is the source of personal fulfillment, the means of peak performance, and the key to co-operation, tolerance and peace. In an age of unprecedented global crises of our own creation, coupled with immense potential for improving the quality of life for all, SQ represents an advanced dimension of intelligence whose time has come. SQ is emerging as the new paradigm of the new millennium.   



SQ Education

Spiritual intelligence is easy to experience. In fact we all experience SQ spontaneously at times. But spontaneous moments of SQ are rare, and they usually occur at random. Therefore it's important to know how to experience SQ intentionally. The ability to engage your SQ voluntarily, at any time and in any circumstances, converts your spiritual intelligence from a random fleeting experience, into your most valuable personal resource. This video provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate SQ intentionally.


This article is based on a synthesis of findings from different branches of research, including cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, transpersonal psychology, and neuroscience. These findings are summarised in the post entitled The Psychology of Spiritual Intelligence.

About Spiritual Intelligence

  • Zohar, D., Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
  • Amramt, Y. (2007) The Seven Dimensions of Spiritual Intelligence
  • Draper, B. (2010) Spiritual Intelligence: A New Way of Being
  • Wilber, K. (2000) Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology
  • Griffiths, R. (2012) Wisdom for the New Millennium. Currently in preparation.

SQ Sources

  • Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree (1980) Book of the Secrets
  • Muktananda, S. (1978) Play of Consciousness
  • Thomas a Kempis (1441) The Imitation of Christ
  • Rastogi, T. (1982) Islamic Mysticism
  • Tolle, E. (2004) The Power of Now
  • Yogananda, P. (1945) Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Aurobindo, Sri (1940) Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method

Cognitive Psychology

  • Segal, Z. et al (2002) Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • Fulton, P. et al (2005) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
  • Brown, K.W. (2003) The Benefits of being Present


  • Fairbairn, W.R.D. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality.
  • Greenberg, J & Mitchell, S. (1985) Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory.
  • Bion, W. R. (1970) Attention and Interpretation.


  • Zohar, D. & Marshall, I. (2001) SQ: Ultimate  Intelligence
  • Seil, F.J. (2008) Neural Plasticity and Regeneration
  • Dehaene, S. (2002) The Neuroscience of Consciousness

Transpersonal Psychology

History and Philosophy of Science

  • Kuhn, T. (1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
  • Popper, K. (1959) The Logic of Scientific Discovery
  • Henry, J. (2008) The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science
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